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The Social Conscience and the Family

Author(s): Carle C. Zimmerman

Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 52, No. 3 (Nov., 1946), pp. 263-268
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 21-02-2018 20:23 UTC

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Facing crises like those of the present, neither the Greek nor the Roman civilization was able to survive.
The modern Western world, unlike its cultural predecessors, has developed the essentials of a system of
familial values and preserved them despite their detachment from the real situation. If the family is to en-
dure, the literate minority must assume responsibility for inculcating family doctrine in the social conscience
of the masses.

The Western family is rapidly approach- few, an increasingly smaller few, shut them-
ing its third violent crisis. The climax will selves up in the world of the family, hoping
be reached before the end of this century. that this system which has always func-
It will be reflected in extremely high rates tioned in the past will continue to do so.
of all the symptoms of family decay- Often unthanked and even "persecuted" by
divorce, childlessness, disloyalty of family the world at large, these few carry on the
members to each other, and the unwilling- burdens of civilization. These have the
ness of many persons to burden them- hostages to fortune, as Bacon said, and are
selves with families. Even heterosexuality not, like the others, free and mobile persons.
itself will be challenged. This development I have chosen to examine the "con-
of antifamilism will be associated with a science" of the Western world to learn
changed system of social relations in which whether our previous experience with mass
more and more human behavior will be family disruption can tell us anything of the
based on willed contract, compulsion, and probability of a revival of familistic faith.
temporary selfish interest rather than on Has there been an evolution of moral and
family feeling and the voluntary willingness social doctrine sufficient to meet the forces
of persons to carry on their daily social attacking the family?
duties. The term "social conscience" is being
This crisis will be the third such mani- used here in the sense illustrated by J. H.
festation of mass disregard of the family in Breasted in his Dawn of Conscience. When
Western society. The first occurred be- absolute and universal standards of right
tween 450 and 250 B.C. in Greece and the and wrong about the family become ac-
second among our Roman forebears between cepted, and the people come to believe that
A.D. 3oo and 550. Many thoughtful persons,these rules and standards of behavior are
surveying the present development, have immortal and the basic requisite of civiliza-
been led to ask the question whether fami- tion, we have a period of conscience and can
lism can persist. Is familism worth while? speak of the "dawn of conscience."
Does the family system have within itself We can note, first of all, that higher
recuperative forces to help combat the civilization has been associated with the
present widespread antagonism to it? Cer- broad acceptance of systems of family faith.
tain despondent persons today openly ques- The rites of Confucianism, a familial moral
tion the desirability of bringing children into system, marked the advent of the Far
this "brave new world." Others dream of a Eastern peoples into civilization. Since
world such as that depicted by Aldous then, regardless of the minor fluctuations
Huxley in which the necessary children will in Chinese cultures, the cultivation of the
be incubated and brooded like poultry. A family and high civilization have clung to-
gether. The same may also be said of the
I This is a summary of several chapters of a forth-
coming book, The Failure of the Family, to be pub- Hindu peoples since Valmiki's Ramayana.
lished in I947. Little or no documentation is used.They have seemed to achieve and retain a

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position in higher civilization because of What we are examining here is not the
the concurrent emergence of their great family itself but the virility of its moral
civilizations and a clear-cut and, thus far, ideal. We are trying to determine whether
inextinguishable familial doctrine. Some- there will be a resurgence of an effective moral
what similar developments appear to have or social conscience with regard to the
taken place in the Near East among the present decay of the family.
many different mixtures of civilizations
bounded on the west by the Egyptians and
on the east by the Persians. All these groups
have had a highly developed conception of When we speak of historical memory,
universal family mores. Western life begins with the Greeks. Thus,
As a matter of fact, familial conscience it is of critical importance to this -analysis
and that which we call modern civilization to examine Greek society in an effort to
(of the last five thousand years) have been learn whether there developed in it a per-
connected closely in a causal sense. Similar- manent moral conscience regarding family
ly, deviants and retrogressions in civiliza- life. The answer is not difficult to find be-
tion have been associated with the disrup- cause the vital documents necessary in de-
tion of the family. picting family conditions among the Greeks
are available today for the full course of that
civilization-from Homer to the cynical
The problem is to find out if the social satirist Lucian of Samosata.
conscience regarding the family in Western From about 450 to 250 B.C. the Greek
society has evolved or developed and if, al- family system decayed, at first gradually
lowing for temporary fluctuations, this de- and then, as in modern times, with great
velopment or evolution has been progres- rapidity. What attitude was taken toward
sive. This is different from the question of this decay by the more thoughtful among
the evolution of the family itself. It could the Greeks?
also allow for great periods of deviation of The Greeks noted the decay of their fam-
fact from ideal. For instance, from the ily system but apparently did not under-
sixth to the ninth centuries of our era the stand its seriousness. With but 'few excep-
ideal of family life in the social conscience tions, the leaders who observed this decay
was the domestic type picture in the writ- participated in it themselves. The serious
ings of Augustine. According to his codifica- Plato worried about it and tried to plan an
tion of the moral and social ideal, husband ideal society in which it could be prevented.
and wife, parent and child, were one. But Aristophanes, the dramatist, displayed their
over and above the domestic institution all degeneracy in front of the people as much in
men were brothers. In spite of this ideal, we remonstrance as for entertainment. He even
know the peoples were actually ruled by appears in character in one of his plays to
clan or kin organizations larger than the point out that he had not, unlike most, been
domestic family; and the unity of spouses, seducing young boys. Except for a few-
of parents and their children, depended al- Polybius, for example-all the prominent
most entirely, when publicly challenged, Greeks participated in the national riot.
upon whether this unity served the clans. Isaeus, the legalist, made the breakup of the
We also notice the opposite situation to- family an argument to win suit over posses-
day. Despite the present "moral idealiza- sion of property by his clients. Demosthenes
tion" of the family, a few dollars and the used the family situation of his time as a
absence of protest will sever almost any means of defending male prostitution simply
family unit on the grounds of any one of because the accused, whom he was defend-
many real or fictitious allegations. ing, was one of his political colleagues.

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Fundamentally, from the time of Pericles to decay-as it did rapidly in the civil wars
that of Plutarch-a five-hundred-year pe- before the Empire, during the first century
riod from 450 B.C. to A.D. ioo-no note- preceding the birth of Christ-the Roman
worthy defender of the family appeared family conscience, in contrast to the Greek,
among the public figures of Greece. Their had noted the symptoms of this decline,
sole contribution to Western family con- diagnosed its causes and results as well as
science was merely that of observing their its meaning for their great civilization, and
experience and recording its disastrous con- suggested a remedial program. This was the
sequences. so-called Julian legislation, a series of pro-
found modifications of the Roman social
system, seeking to preserve, protect, pro-
The Roman world wondered why it had mote, and extend marriages, parenthood,
become dominant over the Mediterranean childbearing, and family life in general.
in the face of the older, richer, more civi- The measures require a large volume for ex-
lized, and theoretically stronger cultures of planation and elucidation. Fundamentally,
Greece and North Africa. The answer was their aim was to make the Romans keep the
given them by Polybius, born a Greek but family by requiring marriage, parenthood,
adopted as a Roman. Following the histori- and family life as first requisites to social,
cal tradition of Herodotus, Thucydides, and legal, political, and other success in the Em-
Xenophon, and having immersed himself in pire.
the logic of the "causal" analysis of Plato During the first hundred and fifty years
and Aristotle, he wrote a sociological history the Julian reforms were ruthlessly enforced,
which has had a profound influence on often to the discomfort of the leisure class
Western civilization. Polybius described the who wanted to avoid family ties and to let
decay of family life among the Greeks and the common people be the proles, or child-
attributed the supremacy of Rome to its bearers. When these measures, because of
strong familial system leading to a fine the lack of a sound educational and propa-
commonwealth and to unselfish devotion to ganda system as well as for other reasons,
public affairs. It was indeed Polybius who proved unpopular with the masses, they
fixed the belief in Western society that the were found incapable of enforcement. The
preservation of the family is the first pre- Roman family system finally wilted, just as
requisite to the continuation of a civiliza- ours is doing now, with identical symptoms
tion. and the same inevitable social conse-
This idea seems to have found acceptance quences.
in Rome. Thus, family sociology was one of The Christians, who had become the
the earliest of the special social sciences in dominant force in the Empire after A.D. 300,
Western civilization. It was preceded, in felt that the cult of the family should result
fact, only by history and the general com- from religious persuasion. Many of them
bination of the social sciences in the Pla- were also convinced during the next two
tonic and Aristotelian schools. We no longer centuries that the world was too frightful
have the earliest books, although we know and cruel to survive. Judgment day, they
the names of many of the authors, the laws were certain, was soon coming! Penalties
or reforms they proposed, and the actions against celibates and childless persons did
and beliefs concerning the family of some ofnot fit into their scheme because many of
their prominent followers, such as Julius them wanted to turn completely away frdm
Caesar, the dictator, and Augustus, the first a life of the senses and to devote themselves
Roman emperor (Suetonius Augustus lxxxix, entirely to asceticism. Consequently, they
Dio Cassius Roman History lvi). repealed the Julian legislation between A.D.
Thus, when the Roman family began to 325 and 350.

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THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE organization and law much cruder than any
envisioned either by the church or by the
The Christians, however, soon were not
Roman emperors. The society still had the
satisfied to leave the family entirely to ex-
ideal of the Christian family, that of mar-
hortation. Scarcely twenty-five years after
riage with proles, fides, and sacramentum as
penalties against celibacy and childlessness
the normal state for the adult. This was
had been removed from Roman legislation,
launched into the Middle Ages by the last
the early leaders, under the guidance of
of the early Church Fathers, Isadore of
Basil, began an elaborate series of private
Seville. By the time of Gregory of Tours
legislation against neglect of the family.
murder had no penalty if the victim had left
These regulations differed from the Julian
no family to avenge him.
laws in that they were enforced by the
This situation lasted for many centuries,
church, applied only to members, and were
sometimes getting better and sometimes
more extensive than any single system of
worse. In the meantime, the social con-
penalties under Roman law. The family
science of the Middle Ages envisioned the
code of Basil dealt with every action-
domestic family anticipated by Augustine,
abortion, desertion, abandonment of chil-
Isadore, and Thomas Aquinas. Gradually
dren, adultery, sexual irregularities of all
the ideal became more and more the reality
types (sodomy, homosexuality, bestiality),
until, for several centuries, first Western and
mistreatment of marriage partners, dis-
then Eastern Europe became increasingly
respect to parents, neglect of children-
domesticated. The development of social
which the religious leaders considered "un-
conscience regarding the family and its
familistic" or sinful.
fixation in Western tradition was amazing.
Later many of these family regulations
To read modern works on the "mind of the
codified by Basil were taken up by the em-
Middle Ages," one would think that there
perors and made into public law. Generally
were no family problems then. To read the
the emperors were more strict and severe
discussions of problems in canon law, one
than the church and inflicted whipping,
would think there was nothing else but
castration, or the death penalty for flagrant
abuses. (The description of the treatment of
family life in the Middle Ages.4
two alleged adulterers in the first letter of
Jerome makes one cringe.) This was con-
Ever since the Reformation and at an
trary to Christian ideas. Christians wanted
increasing rate, the modern individualistic
lighter punishments which gave the individ-
or atomistic family has replaced the do-
ual a chance to repent, reform, and be par-
mestic family which dominated Western Eu-
doned. One of the influences of the church
rope from the twelfth century on. The ques-
on later Roman law was to lighten its
tion is whether this has been a change in the
actual family, in the ideal of the social con-
However, all these reforms could not
science, or in both. In the leaders of this
seem to hold the family together sufficiently
modern change the reality has moved from
to preserve the civilization.2 After the sack
the ideal, as happened in the Middle Ages,
of Rome in A.D. 4IO and the writing of The
only in an opposite direction. The ideal or
City of God by Augustine in 427, things ap-
social conscience regarding the family is
peared to become worse and worse. By the
still with us, largely unchanged from its
time we get a new and clear picture of
codification by the Christian philosophers in
European society3 the Romans are largely
late Roman days.
under barbarian tribal rule with a family
Space is not available here to give in de-
2See Augustine, City of God; Salvian, On the tail all the different schools of thought from
Government of God.
4See the sponsalia controversy regarding mar-
3 Gregory of Tours, History. riage from the ninth to the sixteenth centuries.

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the leaders of the Reformation through the would have been arranged publicly, merely
eighteenth-century rationalists and the as conveniences, and without the slightest
nineteenth-century evolutionary philoso- pretext that he was thereby "improving the
phers to the modern family sociologists. family." In Rome, the same personmight
However, all of them have paid sincere have followed several courses: He (i) might
tributes to the ethical ideal of the family. have followed the Greek pattern, (2) re-
In this respect the modern change differs mained an avowed celibate with changing
distinctly from the earlier crises in Greece liaisons, or (3) married or remarried within
and Rome. The Greeks recognized the the loose concubinatus form which was pure-
breakup of their family system and seemed ly private and involved no ethical or social
to think that the new "unfamilistic" system sanction. At least, he would have made no
was "better" than the old. This is typically boasts that he was improving himself, mar-
suggested in the case Against Neaera, in riage, or the family by his constantly chang-
which Demosthenes congratulates the for- ing sexual arrangements. This is a simplified
tunate Greeks for having at least two statement of the situation, neglecting sev-
heterosexual alternatives to supplement eral amenities to the public forced by the
child-bearing. The Romans recognized the Julian legislation, but it is a true picture.
breakup of their family system, but they No Roman has left a record in which he
never claimed that the family was getting claimed the next marriage would be the
better. Rather, they seemed to feel that "ideal" and final culmination of conjugal
newcomers in the Empire would furnish the happiness.
manpower, whereas the Roman would enjoy A pat illustration of this is found in the
himself without the difficulties of family rejoicing at the end of a war in modern so-
This is most typically illustrated by state- ciety, as contrasted with the Greek custom.
ments of Plutarch on the ludicrousness of Today we rejoice at the reuniting of families
parenthood among the Romans, by the (although we know intellectually that many
sixth satire of Juvenal, and by the attitudes reunite only as an interlude before breaking
of the wealthy Romans described in detail up again). Compare this with a similar pe-
by Ammianus Marcellinus. riod in Greek society as depicted by Aristoph-
In the modern period the breakup of the anes in his comedy The Acharnians, which
family system has thus far been accom- enabled the young author to win the highest
panied by a psychological reaction entirely prize at the Lenaean festival at Athens in
new for Western society. It is being achieved 425 B.C. The Greeks depicted by him were
by secrecy and fiction, false hypotheses, pleased, not to be reunited husband and
misinterpretation of history, and exagger- wife, parent and child, but rather to worship
ated piety, seemingly on the theory that Phales again:
beyond us, as an external and constraining
Companion of the orgies of Bacchus,
social force, there is a permanent system of
Night reveler,
social values which must not knowingly be God of adultery and pederasty,
violated. [Whom]
Modern man marries, divorces, and re- I have not been able to invoke
marries ad infinitum. He seeks to secure an These past six years [11. 255-65].
ethical sanction (church wedding) for each
new liaison. This is announced as the perfect By that time the family system of the
and ideal achievement to last unto eternity. masses of Greeks was broken and there was
In Greece such a person would have had one no such thing as a family conscience left.5
marriage if it suited his fortune or if, per-
5 Those who do not accept this can find much
chance, he might have had a temporary
shocking reading in The Complete Greek Drama, ed.
wish for children. His other arrangements W. J. Oates and Eug6ne O'Neill, Jr. (2 vols.; New
(with ketaerae, meretrices, or homosexuals) York: Random House, I938).

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There is no space to illustrate this further, itself despite the difficulties of making it
but a comparison of marriage attitudes of generally acceptable to the public.
all social classes today indicates that the The acceptance of these values by the
modern breakup of the family is an actuality public, once it has become used to its tem-
achieved by fictional misrepresentation porary freedom from them, seems to have
which has left the original values largely hinged upon two social phenomena: (i) the
unimpaired. capacity and (2) the ability of a literate
minority by leadership and teaching to re-
inculcate family values among the masses.
The future of the family in our society is These two phenomena can occur in mod-
as yet unclear. On the one hand, we must ern society. But we shall have to erect a
recognize that in reality our system is ap- much more sophisticated and honest family
proaching a crisis. Only twice in all human sociology than has existed since Voltaire's
history, once in Greece and once in Rome, Encyclopedie.
has a large family system approached a de- The future of the family and of many
velopmental extreme as violent as ours. At of the important aspects of modern civiliza-
certain periods Greek and Roman de- tion hinges upon whether these two ideas
moralization was more advanced than our will develop among the literate minority.
own, but in a short space of time we shall On the one hand, considering the tremen-
resemble them at their worst. On the other dous changes they will mean in thinking, I
hand, while their demoralization was a should hesitate to say that these will be car-
simple extrovert thing, ours is hidden and ried out. On the other hand, considering the
introvert. extreme seriousness of the problem, I should
However, modern society has still pre- hesitate to say that they will not be de-
served the essentials of a system of family veloped.
values. Previous history of Western society
has shown that this system has evolved of HARVARD UNIVERSITY

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