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Barack Obama Needs to be Impeached Now!

A Policy Issues Institute Exclusive by Steve Baldwin

When some people hear that there’s a movement to persuade Congress to impeach President
Barack Obama, they often dismiss it as a joke. But it is no longer a laughing matter. With the
economy continuing downward and a foreign policy that is making America less safe, the
impeachment option must now be seriously considered.

Many Americans wrongly assume that to impeach a president, an actual crime needs to be
committed. The reality is, however, that our nation’s founders were concerned that America
would some day have a president who may not commit an actual crime, but would rather pursue
policies so detrimental to America’s interests, that they would cause irreparable damage to the

As a result of this concern, our founders inserted language into the Constitution that gave
Congress the power to impeach the president for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and
misdemeanors.” The term “high crimes and misdemeanors” is an Old English phrase, which, in
those days, meant simply “bad behavior,” but can be translated in modern terms to mean
incompetent leadership that imperils the country. Indeed, some have interpreted this phrase so
broadly that it can mean just about anything. As former president Gerald Ford stated, an
impeachable offense is, “whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be
at a given moment in history.”

We believe it is necessary to impeach a president if his policies and actions have so endangered
and weakened the country, that his removal is essential for the country’s survival. Therefore,
with America on the brink of a depression and a President who seems unable to understand the
worldwide jihadist threat, we believe impeachment is necessary for the future survival of
We also believe impeachment is justified, not just on national security and economic grounds,
but also on Constitutional grounds. In numerous areas, Obama has initiated policies that
disregard the sprit and intent of Constitutional principles, as envisioned by our founding fathers.
Moreover, Obama has appointed to key positions throughout his administration—individuals
who flatly disregard the U.S Constitution. Almost all of them refer to themselves as
“progressives,” or a part of a movement to “progress” America beyond the Constitutional
principles we were founded upon and to move America toward the European notion that
government is the central force in our lives.

Of course, an impeachment campaign will require creating a massive amount of pressure on the
Members of Congress, but the American people are capable of carrying out such an effort. The
longer we wait, the more damage Obama and his administration will do to the country. It’s time
for the American people to start making their voices heard regarding the impeachment of
President Obama.

Let’s review some of Obama’s policies which threaten the security and well being of the United
States as well as those that undermine our sacred Constitutional principles.

The Obama Administration is treating the war on terrorism as a criminal

matter and downplays the war on terrorism.
Such an approach is endangering the lives of Americans. This attitude has manifested itself in a
number of ways:

• Obama has granted Constitutional “rights” to terrorists. The Obama administration

wants to try enemy combatants in civilian courts with court-appointed attorneys and give
them rights normally reserved for American citizens alone. The most glaring example is
Obama’s desire to try the 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in a civilian court.
Already, this administration has lost valuable intelligence when it gave “Miranda” rights
to the Christmas bomber and, consequently, he has refused to talk to US authorities.
• The Obama administration refuses to interrogate terrorists. President Obama lied
when he claimed Bush violated the law by authorizing “torture” such as water boarding
and other techniques. Such techniques were all within the law and helped US forces
obtain information that saved perhaps thousands of American lives. It now appears the
Obama administration has decided to stop altogether the questioning of captured
terrorists, a policy that will clearly endanger America.
• Obama is prosecuting intelligence professionals. Obama’s Attorney General, Eric
Holder, is currently investigating CIA agents involved with successfully obtaining
information by using enhanced interrogation techniques. These agents were operating
under lawful directives. This witch hunt is giving America’s enemies a propaganda
• Obama has released Top Secret CIA documents detailing our interrogation
methods. This act is unprecedented in American history. Top Secret is our highest level
of secrecy classification and such information will only embolden our enemies. Had a
private citizen released these documents, they would have been charged with treason,
which is defined by the Constitution as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
• Obama closes Guatanamo. Guantanamo was the ideal place to keep terrorists. Obama’s
reckless effort to close the area involved the releasing of some terrorists who have
already rejoined terrorist groups. Indeed, a quarter of all released terrorists are now back
in the battle against the United States. The closing of Guatanamo and the ending of
military trials for many terrorists makes no sense whatsoever and has only handed our
enemies a propaganda victory.
• Obama’s Director of Homeland Security downplays terrorism. After Obama
appointed Janet Napolitano as Director of Homeland Security, she sent out a memo
instructing staff to refer to the war on terror as an “overseas contingency operation” and
terrorist incidents as “man-caused disasters.” She refuses to use the word “terrorism.”
• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security calls Veterans (and others who oppose
him) terrorists. Rather than focusing on righting real terrorists, Obama’s DHS issues a
ten-page memo that claims military veterans, pro-life activists and those opposed to
illegal immigration may be attracted to terrorism.
• Obama lifted the travel ban on a terrorist. Obama’s casual approach to terrorism has
led him to lift the travel ban on Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan al Banna and the
founder of the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan himself is a leading European
MB member.
• Obama has filled the Justice Department with attorneys who are sympathetic to
terrorists. Obama’s Justice Department has hired nine radical attorneys who willfully
and happily defended or represented Islamic terrorists in the past. No wonder we are
giving terrorists “rights.” One, for example, was the attorney for Osama Bin Laden’s
driver. Attorney General, Eric Holder himself appears to have a casual attitude toward
terrorism. He even gave the keynote speech to a Michigan group, which included the
local branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR’s top leaders
have been indicted or arrested for pro-terrorist activity. We should not forget that it was
Holder who, during the Clinton years, pushed through pardons for 16 members of the
Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN.
• Obama’s casual attitude toward terrorists will encourage further attacks. Obama
has shown such a casual attitude toward terrorism. This attitude may have encouraged
domestic terrorist attacks, such as the Ft. Hood Shooter and the Christmas Airline
Bomber (Christmas 2009). It took Obama weeks to recognize the Ft. Hood event as a
terror-connected event and when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to blow up
Northwest Airlines Flight 253, Obama remained silent and continued golfing in Hawaii.
Incredibly, Obama later claimed Abdulmatullab was an “isolated extremist,” even though
terror experts had already connected Abdulmatullab to terrorist training camps in Yemen.
• Obama is prosecuting Navy Seals who successfully apprehended terrorists. The
Obama administration has given orders to prosecute our military men for the most
inconsequential “crimes.” In one case, three Navy Seals are being prosecuted because one
of them punched a terrorist in the stomach. Again, this sends a message to our enemies
that the USA is more concerned with the “rights” of terrorists than with fighting them.
• Obama has implemented Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan that imperil our
troops. The Obama Administration has issued rules for our forces that are asinine and
place our men and women in jeopardy. For example, night searches are no longer
allowed; US soldiers may not fire upon insurgents unless fired upon first; and our forces
are not allowed to fire upon insurgents who are walking away from placing an IED. Such
rules are insane and will lead to the killing of more Americans.
• Obama appointed a terrorist apologist to OIC. Obama appointed Rachad Hussain as
America’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, but Hussain publicly
defended Sami al-Arian, a Florida professor who headed U.S. operations for the terrorist
group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
• Obama’s TSA Director equates the War on Terrorism with fighting global
warming. Obama’s appointee to head up the Transportation Security Administration
(TSA), Erroll Southers, has said the war on terrorism, incredibly, should be given “some
parity” with “global warming, with education, with the economy.”
• Obama blames terrorism on “poverty.” In a speech Obama gave in Berlin on July 24,
2008, he refused to blame Islamic jihadists for terrorism and instead blamed “poverty.”
This is an astonishing ignorant and dangerous statement.
• Obama appointed Susan Rice as United Nations Ambassador, who bungled the
capture of Osama bin Ladin. Before 9/11, Osama bin Ladin was based in the Sudan
training terrorists and the Sudanese government offered to capture and deliver him to
American intelligence services but the offer was rejected. The person who rejected the
offer was Susan Rice, who, sources say, didn’t consider bin Ladin a serious threat.
• Obama appointed Samantha Power to the National Security Council. Power is
hostile to America’s leading Middle East ally, Israel, and for years pooh-poohed the
notion that Iran was working to create nuclear weapons, an indisputable fact today. She
refers to our presence in Iraq as an “occupation” while favoring sending troops to Israel
to forcibly impose a Palestinian state which, of course, would be managed by people
sympathetic to terrorists and hostile to America.

Obama’s Foreign Policy in General has Endangered American Security. Aside

from the war on terrorism, Obama’s actions in other foreign policy areas reveal he is
endangering America.

• Obama gave foreign speeches apologizing to the world for America. Such speeches
have signaled to both friends and foe alike how weak America has become. In numerous
speeches Obama has said, "America has been arrogant." Thus, this giving our enemies
and our allies every reason to believe that we are less resolved to defend ourselves and
hence more vulnerable to attack.
• Obama has snubbed long-time allies, thereby isolating America. Obama has shattered
America’s strategic commitment to defend our ally Japan. After North Korea shot a
ballistic missile near Japan, Obama stated that the U.S. would only shoot the missile
down if it targeted the USA. What’s more, Obama slapped England in the face when he
returned a gift bust of Winston Churchill to England. And when Obama announced his
intention to force a new alliance with Russia, it undermined our relationship with the
Czech, Polish, Georgian and Ukrainian governments.
• Obama is forcing our long-time ally Israel to commit national suicide. Obama is
attempting to appease the Islamic world by demanding the immediate establishment of a
Palestinian state with no guarantee that the Palestinians will not attack Israel. Obama also
announced that “an Israeli strike that prevents Iran from becoming a nuclear power is
less acceptable than a nuclear-armed Iran.” In other words, Obama regards Israel’s right
to defend itself as more threatening than Iran’s nuclear program. This is stunning.
Finally, Obama sent Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, $900 million in foreign aid and
channeled it through a UN front group. So essentially, the American taxpayer is paying
for a full scale assault on Israel, a country that used to be America’s top ally in the
Middle East. This should not be surprising, given Obama’s long time relationships with
PLO, Hamas and other anti-Israel groups.
• Obama refuses to support freedom fighters in Iran. Obama remained silent while
hundreds of thousands of Iranians protested in favor of democracy, many slaughtered in
the streets for doing so. Obama did nothing to give this democratic movement support
and his failure to act has strengthened the Jihadists in power who are now close to
completing a nuclear weapon. Obama’s desire to not anger the Muslim world by refusing
to assist the Iranian freedom fighters has now endangered America and the West. But
Obama’s appeasement of Iran goes even further: The Obama administration has asked a
federal judge to throw out a $6.6 billion class-action lawsuit against Iran filed by the 52
Americans who were held hostage by Iran 30 years ago.
• Obama refuses to keep our military up to date. He gave a speech during the campaign
promising to “slow our development of future combat systems.” If a president refuses to
modernize our military, our enemies will soon surpass us militarily. And this has already
begun to occur. Obama has cut funding for missile defense research, the program first
initiated by President Ronald Reagan, which was derided by the media and liberals as
“Star Wars.” But it was also one of the reasons, according to former USSR President
Mikhail Gorbachev, that caused the Soviet Union to fall apart. Despite incredible
advances in research, allowing lasers to shoot down incoming missiles, this program is
now being cut. To do this at a time when Iran, North Korea, and perhaps other rogue
states are acquiring missile technology that can be used against us is astonishingly
• Obama encourages sending missile technology to China. Despite a recent State
Department report, detailing the growing threat from China’s missile systems, the Obama
Administration has shifted authority of approving technology sales to China away from
the White House and to the Commerce Department. Such a shift signals the loosening of
technology controls and emphasizes a “business first, national security last” approach.
Another report by the Justice Department details Chinese espionage – targeting
technology – ongoing at a level not seen since the Cold War. There is little doubt China
seeks military superiority over America, a trend that is encouraged by Obama’s policies.
• Obama has destroyed America’s ability to take out enemy missiles. Obama has cut
funding for the development of bombs that will destroy hardened and deeply buried
targets – such as missiles. Should America, for example, obtain information that North
Korea or Iran are planning a missile attack on America, we will not have the ability to
destroy these missiles in advance. This action limits our options and endangers America.

President Obama has engaged in actions that violate the spirit and intent of
the United States Constitution. A few examples:
• Obama is using Executive Orders to implement policy. Obama’s heavy reliance on
Executive Orders is a way of circumventing the democratic process and implementing
radical policies which would never have been approved by the American people. The use
of Executive Orders in this way was never envisioned by our Founding Fathers.
• Obama uses Czars to initiate and carry out policy. Obama’s Czars were never
confirmed by the U.S. Senate and yet many have the authority to initiate and carry out
policy. This violates the spirit and intent of the Constitutional principle of Separation of
Even Democrat Senator Robert Byrd said: “The accumulation of power by White House
staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances.”
• Obama is illegally using the Census Bureau to create more Democratic districts.
Obama is unconstitutionally pushing his Census Bureau to count illegal aliens and
thereby not only dilute the representation of American citizens but also add more likely
Democrats to the voter data base which, of course, will be used to justify the adding of
additional Democrat Congressional districts.
• Obama is creating a domestic para-military force. Obama’s proposal to create a
“Civilian National Security Force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well
funded” as the United States military, is listed as a $439 billion item in his last budget.
This is a quasi-military force that would report directly to the Executive Branch and
operates within the boundaries of the United States. This is clearly unconstitutional.
• Obama supports international treaties that undermine American sovereignty.
Obama has repeatedly called for international treaties on global warming, which, will not
only devastate our economy but will undermine American sovereignty in numerous ways
that violate our Constitution.
• Obama is not eligible to serve as President. Despite all the controversy surrounding
this issue, Obama has yet to show anyone a legal, long-form birth certificate,
demonstrating he was born in the United States. The only document he has shown is a
semi-legal document called a “Certificate of Live Birth.” A Certificate of Live Birth is
not accepted by most courts as a legal document, because it does not list important
details, such as the attending physician.
Moreover, Hawaiian law at the time of Obama’s birth essentially allowed Hawaiian
citizens to request a “Certificate of Live Birth” without having to prove the baby was
actually born there. Finally, many scholars believe that the constitutional definition of
“Natural Born Citizen” means both parents of the person in question must be US
citizens. Obama’s father was never a US citizen. Indeed, at the time of Obama’s election
to the U.S. Senate, his Kenyan relatives and Kenyan newspapers celebrated the fact that a
fellow Kenyan citizen was elected (the Senate doesn’t require American citizenship).
When Senator McCain ran against George Bush for the presidency in 2000, his eligibility
was questioned due to his Panamanian birth and hearings were held to determine his
eligibility. With Obama, Congress refused to investigate. Given this and the fact that
Obama’s legal team has spent close to $2 million fighting numerous eligibility law suits
rather than simply show his legal birth certificate, it is hard to not conclude that Obama is
unconstitutionally serving as President.

Obama has violated numerous federal campaign and government ethics

laws. Obama has not only undermined the integrity of American elections but has brought
Chicago-style corruption to DC. His promise to “clean up Washington” has proven to be
nothing but campaign propaganda.

• Obama’s FEC disclosures show that Obama’s presidential campaign illegally

received at least $33.8 million in foreign contributions. Many of these contributions
came from Muslim sources and 520 of these contributions came from Iran. This money
was all contributed online so they’re difficult to track, but the Federal Election
Commission has refused to investigate. Indeed, Obama’s campaign website was set up to
accommodate foreign contributions. The interference in this campaign by foreigners is
unprecedented in American history.
• Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder protected Black Nationalist thugs who
intimidated voters on Election Day. Holder refused to prosecute members of the New
Black Panther Party who intimidated voters outside a polling place by wielding weapons.
Not since the 1950’s has the U.S. Department of Justice refused to prosecute those who
were harassing voters.
• Obama has given big donors White House privileges. Holder has refused to investigate
charges that Obama gave big donors access to the White House in exchange for large
• Obama has steered no-bid defense contracts to big donors. Obama has awarded a $25
million no-bid contract for work in Afghanistan to Checchi & Company, a firm owned by
major Obama donor Vincent Checchi.
• Obama has offered jobs in exchange for political favors. It is illegal to offer
government jobs in exchange for political favors, yet Democrat Congressman Joe Sestak
has publicly detailed how the Obama administration offered him a high ranking
government job if he would not run against Senator Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania’s
U.S. Senate Democrat primary. Also, Democrat Andrew Romanoff was offered a job
within the Obama administration if he would agree to abandon his primary challenge to
U.S. Senator Michael Bennet.
• Obama fires an Inspector General for exposing corruption. Gerald Walpin, Inspector
General of the Corporation for National and Community Service, investigated Kevin
Johnson, a close friend of the president, for misuse of funds from an AmeriCorps grant.
Whereupon Obama vindictively fired Walpin to cover for Johnson. A subsequent
investigation vindicated Walpin’s judgment in the matter.
• Obama rewards big donors with government jobs. Over 70 people who raised $50,000
or more for Obama’s campaign have been rewarded with Ambassadorships or high
ranking jobs within his administration. Moreover, according to DNC documents,
those who personally donated $30,400 or “bundled” $300,000 to be used in the 2010
midterm elections, have been promised special access to senior White House officials or
even access to Obama himself. This is blatantly illegal.

Obama’s fiscal policies are causing unprecedented damage to America’s

financial health and to our reputation abroad. Obama has engaged in dozens of
questionable and likely unconstitutional activities in the course of creating a fiscal crises that
may lead America to a depression and damage our fiscal health for decades to come.
• Obama’s takeover of private companies is unconstitutional. Such action smacks of
fascism. Obama has set a new government precedent by taking over banks, America’s
largest insurance company (AIG), the mortgage industry, and the bulk of the automotive
industry, thus depriving bondholders, shareholders, and others of their property. This is
an unprecedented takeover of the private economy by the Federal government.
• Obama lied about the “Stimulus Bill.” The bulk of the stimulus funds went to pork
projects that favored certain congressman or to enlarge local government entities. Many
of the “jobs created” were fictional. Indeed, Obama’s own Stimulus website listed over
400 non-existent Congressional districts in which jobs were supposedly created. Obama
promised that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector but, in reality, 90%
of the jobs are government jobs. This bill was a cruel hoax, as it was all about growing
government. It is clear that Obama lied to Americans about this, but now favors another
“stimulus” bill which he refers to as a “jobs” bill.
• Obama’s inflation will jeopardize the economy. The Obama’s administration has
increased the monetary base by nearly $1 trillion by simply printing new money. The
percentage increase in the monetary base is the largest increase in the past 50 years by a
factor of 10. Such a reckless policy will have devastating consequences. The coming
inflation disaster will destroy the dollar, lead to rapidly rising prices, create higher
interest rates, and have a devastating impact on output and employment. And yes, Obama
and his team seem unaware of this. He should be impeached on incompetence alone.
• Obama’s debt is crippling our economy. Obama is running up debt at an alarming rate.
In the first 9 months of Obama’s term, the national debt went up by over a trillion dollars.
The net debt is expected by some to rise to more than 75% of annual economic output by
2013. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that debt held by the public as a share of
GDP will rise to 67.8% in 2019—and then keep climbing after that. The CBO says this is
"unsustainable." This debt level all but guarantees higher interest rates and massive tax
• Obama’s spending has created massive deficits. Obama’s deficit will hit 10.6% of
GDP in 2010 and he has announced that the U.S. will run a cumulative budget deficit of
$9 trillion over the next 10 years, $2 trillion more than previously projected. The
government will have to borrow nearly 50 cents for every dollar it spends in 2010,
exploding the record federal deficit past $1.8 trillion. Such a deficit sucks all the available
capital out of the economy and starves the private sector.
• Obama’s economic policies have created the highest unemployment rate in decades.
The unemployment rate in the United States now averages around 10% which means the
real unemployment rate (including those who have stopped looking for work, or can't
find full-time work) is over 17%. Moreover, among the 16-24 age categories, the
unemployment rate has surpassed the 50% mark.
• Obama’s spending is out of control and beyond anything every proposed. Obama’s
last budget – a record $3.83 trillion dollar budget – contains federal outlays equaling
25.4% of the GDP, a modern spending record that is simply not sustainable. Obama has
called for a “spending freeze” for three years, but this is just rhetoric, as the freeze only
affects less than 1 percent of the deficit.
• Obama is raising taxes to the point of destroying whatever productivity remains. In
Obama’s 2011budget, he will raise capital gain taxes, income taxes, unemployment taxes,
and many other smaller taxes. Some of this is due to allowing all the Bush tax cuts to
expire. This is the worst possible time to create new taxes and yet, Obama’s health care
plan and his Cap and Trade scheme will also require massive new taxes on employers.
• Obama’s budget included $220 billion in new energy taxes. These are taxes on energy
production and consumption and will not only raise prices at the gas pump but will
destroy what’s left of our energy industry.
• Obama is proposing other taxes as well. Obama is proposing a tax on bank transactions
which would make it more expensive for individuals and companies to borrow money.
Obviously, this tax will depress economic activity. Moreover, Obama’s allies in Congress
have massively increased the federal estate tax to 45%. It is outrageous that Americans
grieving over the passing of a loved one will now be robbed blind by the federal
• Obama has refused to address the fundamental issue that caused the mortgage crisis
and actually played a role in creating the crisis. Mortgage lending standards were
lowered in the 1990’s due to a sustained pressure campaign by Democrats and ACORN
to successfully change federal law to force Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to guarantee
reckless mortgage loans made by banks. Obama was complicit in this in many ways.
First, he served as an attorney for one of the first ACORN lawsuits targeting a bank chain
designed to force them to lower lending standards. Secondly, as a U.S. Senator, he, along
with the Democrat majority, refused repeated requests from Republicans to hold hearings
on Freddie Mae’s and Fanny Mac’s shady lending practices. Lastly, as president, he has
refused to reverse the federal law behind the crisis – the Community Reinvestment Act –
which forces banks to make loans based on factors others than financial considerations.
It should also be pointed out that Obama, as a Senator, received more PAC contributions
from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae than did all other US Senators.

Obama is endangering the country with a host of reckless domestic issues.

Indeed, dozens of such issues are poised to do great harm to America and to our economy.

• Obama’s Cap and Trade bill will cripple the American economy. Obama continues to
push for global warming legislation – the “Cap and Trade” bill,” despite the growing
body of evidence that much of the original global warming research is ripe with fraud and
deception. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Obama’s Cap and Trade bill
will reduce the GDP by between a quarter and three quarters of one percent by 2020 and
will cost every American family on average $6,800 to comply with its dictates. Harvard
researchers have determined that in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to levels
required, gasoline prices will have to rise to $7 a gallon. To do this in the midst of an
economic recession is absolutely reckless. Obama has even ordered his Security and
Exchange Commission to force companies to disclose the impacts of climate change on
their business, a total perversion of SEC’s role.
• Obama is constraining America’s energy needs. Despite his rhetoric, Obama has
refused to allow energy companies to pursue nuclear energy, drill in existing oil reserves
or even engage in oil exploration. Obama’s Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, has
announced the closing off of all federal land for oil and gas drilling. Moreover, Obama’s
Department of Energy has illegally closed the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste facility, an
action making it almost impossible to pursue the development of new nuclear energy
plants. Obama’s suicidal and naive dependence on “alternative energy” to take care of all
of America’s energy needs will severely damage our economy and undermine our
national security.
• Obama despises the 2nd Amendment and has appointed people dedicated to
abolishing it. Obama appointed an Attorney General, Eric Holder, who does not believe
the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, a view completely contrary to what our
founding fathers intended. Holder will use the Justice Department to chip away at
American’s 2nd amendment rights. Moreover, Obama’s “Regulatory Czar,” Cass
Sunstein, favors banning guns, banning hunting and believes “animals should be
permitted to bring suit.”
• Obama supports homosexual “rights” over military effectiveness. Allowing
homosexuals to openly serve in the armed forces will dramatically undermine troop
morale. Homosexuals are already allowed to serve, but Obama’s proposal allows them to
openly flaunt their lifestyle in front of other soldiers. Such a policy weakens morale and
by extension, weakens the effectiveness of our troops. This policy will also create a
situation where for the first time in American history there will be an open conflict
between the virtues taught by military chaplains and the moral message delivered by the
• Obama’s Health care plan will cause fiscal chaos. Obama’s health care plan will
massively raise taxes, raise federal spending, and eventually force out the private health
care insurance market. The plan’s costs will dramatically expand over the years and will
turn America into a stagnant European-style, economic desert.
• Obama’s Health Care “reform” is unconstitutional. Obama’s health care reform is
clearly unconstitutional since Congress lacks the authority to force individuals and
businesses to purchase health care coverage. Moreover, fining Americans thousands of
dollars and jailing those who refuse to participate in Obama’s health care plan is also
• Obama is jeopardizing border security. Obama has proposed dramatically cutting
spending on border security tools such as “virtual fences,” radar, and ground sensors.
Moreover, Obama has stripped federal authority from Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio to use
federal immigration law to arrest the thousands of illegal aliens that overrun Arizona.
Obama has appointed Cecilia Munoz to be the Director of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Munoz is the former Vice-President of the National Council of La Raza, a group that
advocates open borders and “rights” for illegal aliens.
• Obama supports amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens. Three years ago Obama
supported amnesty for America’s 10.8 million illegal aliens and is planning to push this
issue once again. Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, is challenging the right of
states to use citizen verification procedures that have been approved by the courts – such
as requiring an ID before being allowed to vote. If Holder is successful, illegal aliens will
be voting in large numbers, completely contrary to the views of our founding fathers.
• Obama wants to give the power to the unions to force workers to join. Obama
supports “card check” legislation which allows union leaders to observe workers as they
vote on whether or not a company’s workforce should be unionized. Secret voting is a
hallmark of democracy, but this bill does away with it. Obama has also stacked the
National Labor Relations Board with union partisans active at finding every way possible
to force workers to join unions. Forcing workers to join unions as a condition of holding
their job is unconstitutional. Moreover, Obama supports legislation that forces local
governments to recognize only unions for the purpose of bargaining. This action would
force more than half of the states to change their laws. This is an unconstitutional reach
of federal power.
• Obama’s position on abortion is the most extreme of any American president in
history. Despite the constitutional phrase “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,”
Obama opposes a ban on partial birth abortion and, as State Senator, supported the
“right” of hospitals to withhold care from newly born infants who survived an abortion.
He appointed Melody Barnes as director of his Domestic Policy Council; Barnes supports
abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, has glorified abortion as “a concept of
liberty” and told a group of shocked pro-life leaders that “It is not our goal to reduce the
number of abortions.” Obama also appointed Dawn Johnson to be Assistant Attorney
General. Johnson supports abortion for any reason at any time of pregnancy and, as legal
director for the National Abortion Rights Action League, argued that being pregnant is
“disturbingly suggestive of involuntary servitude.” In other words, she compared child
rearing to slavery. Obama’s “Science Czar,” John Holdren, has said that if America ever
has a population crisis, he would support “laws requiring compulsory abortion,”
government confiscation of newborn babies, and “adding a sterilant to drinking
• Obama will not be prosecuting those engaged in peddling child pornography.
Despite rising rape and child molestations statistics, the Obama administration will likely
not pursue cases against pornographers involved with selling illegal materials, thanks to
his appointment of David Ogden as his Deputy Attorney General. Ogden has done more
than anyone in America to defend the “rights” of pornographers. He has argued in court
against the right of public schools to filter their library computers so that children cannot
access pornography. It’s bad enough that Ogden believes children have the right to access
pornography on public computers but worse, Ogden, as an ACLU attorney, also defended
in court the “right” of a defendant to possess child pornography. This is apparently what
Obama means by “family values.”
• Obama is illegally using the Department of Education to promote homosexuality to
children. Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings to be the Assistant Deputy Secretary of
the Department of Education. Jennings is the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight
Education Network (GLSEN) and has dedicated his life to promoting the homosexual
lifestyle in America’s public schools. His new job is to do the same thing he’s always
done but with federal tax dollars. Under Jenning’s leadership, GLSEN promoted dozens
of books that featured adult-child sex and once told a story about how a young boy came
to him as a teacher to confess that he was having sex with an older man. Jenning’s
advice: Buy condoms. Jennings should be arrested for endangering youth, but instead
Obama has placed him in a position where he can promote his perversions on a
nationwide scale.

While Obama is obsessed with granting rights to terrorists, he is also intent on

undermining rights U.S. citizens have been granted by the U.S. Constitution.

• Obama spies on American citizens without warrants. The Obama administration has
claimed the Privacy Act does not apply to the White House and has used this claim to
launch a program to conduct warrantless tracking of citizen cell phones using GPS data.
Incredibly, Obama’s attorneys have argued that Americans enjoy no “reasonable
expectation of privacy.” Obama repeatedly attacked Bush for his phone taping program
but at least Bush’s program targeted the conversations of identified terrorists. Obama’s
program targets American citizens.
• Obama’s appointee wants to close down talk radio. Obama appointed Mark Lloyd
as the “Diversity Officer” for the Federal Communications Commission. Lloyd’s views
on free speech are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution. He believes freedom of
speech “is all too often an exaggeration…The purpose of free speech is warped to protect
global corporations….” Lloyd advocates $250 million fines for radio stations whose
programming does not conform to government standards. He wants enforce “balance” on
talk radio. This is code for shutting down conservative talk shows and giving government
subsidies to failing liberal talk shows.

Obama is undermining America’s Judeo-Christian history, refuses to defend

our constitutionally protected religious freedom, and has appointed people
whose views on religious freedom are contrary to our Constitution. One of the
things that make America great is its Judeo-Christian heritage. This heritage defines our culture
and is the backdrop behind America’s amazing economic success and unparallel civil liberties.
There is no surer way to destroy America than to destroy its heritage. Many historians,
theologians, and others believe that once America abandons its Judeo-Christian culture, America
will cease to be great and in fact may even be destroyed by its enemies. As President Thomas
Jefferson puts it, "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure
when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" But Obama’s
denies America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and seems intent on destroying it.

• Obama sides with Muslims. In his book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama wrote of
Muslims and Arabic immigrants: “… I will stand with them should the political winds
shift in an ugly direction.”
• Obama covered up Jesus. When Obama spoke at Georgetown University, a Catholic
institution, the White House insisted that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’s name be
covered up. Georgetown complied.
• Obama believes we are no longer a Christian nation. In 2006, he said; "Whatever we
once were, we are no longer a Christian nation." When Obama gave a speech in Egypt
he said, "You might say that America is a Muslim nation."
• Obama did not attend the first National Day of Prayer. Obama is the only president to
skip the National Day of Prayer events during his first year in office.
• Obama’s appointee wants to strip churches of tax exempt status for advocating a
pro-life position. Obama’s nominee to the top position at the Justice Department, Dawn
Johnson, believes churches should lose their tax exempt status if they advocate a pro-
life view. This is a full assault on religious liberty.
• Obama believes “gay rights” trump religious liberty. Obama’s nominee to the
Federal Equal Opportunity Commission, Professor Chai Feldblum, had made it clear that
if there’s a clash in the private sector between the homosexual agenda and religious
liberty, our religious freedoms will lose. This is unconstitutional.
• Obama opposes the use of the Bible for congressional swearing in ceremonies.
Obama wrote that “the First Amendment to the Constitution precludes us from requiring
or prohibiting the use of any single religious text in government swearing-in
ceremonies.” This is a stunning misunderstanding of our constitutional principles.
• Obama appointed a Christian-hater as the liaison to religious groups. Obama
appointed Harry Knox, a radical homosexual activist, to the White House Office of Faith
Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Knox has bashed Christians in speeches before
gay rights groups and has publicly attacked the Pope.
• Obama has appointed a legal counsel who believes in applying Sharia Law. Obama
appointed Harald Koh as the State Department counsel. Koh is a radical attorney who
believes that Muslim law, called “Sharia Law” should be applied to some disputes in U.S.
courts, a view clearly in violation of the Constitution. Sharia law is NOT compatible with
constitutional law in that it doesn’t recognize freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc.,
and regards women as second class citizens.

Obama lied to the American people about his political philosophy, his
associates and his background because he knew this information would cause
many Americans to not vote for him. While these issues don’t endanger America’s
security, they do collectively inform us that Obama misled Americans in order to win the
presidency. Such constant lying also defines his character. Can we risk having a Commander-in-
Chief who lied to get elected? What else is he lying about?

• Obama refused to disclose personal records. Unlike every president before him,
Obama has refused to release school records, medical records, legislative records and
other records that all Americans have to right to see.
• Obama claimed he had private sector management experience. However, his only
private sector experience was working for the non-profit Annenberg Challenge
Foundation. This group budgeted Obama $150 million to improve a select group of
Chicago public schools but internal Annenberg records showed zero academic
improvement. He was a complete failure.
• Obama lied about his support for infant euthanasia. Despite his claim to the contrary
during his presidential campaign, legislative records clearly show that as State Senator,
Obama opposed a bill to require medical personnel to try to save aborted babies who
were born alive.
• Obama lied about his support for a Kindergarten sex education bill. Obama claimed
otherwise during the campaign, but the legislative record clearly shows the bill did in fact
called for sex education for kindergartners.
• Obama claimed during the campaign he was opposed to government takeover of
health care. But, of course, this was totally untrue.
• Obama lied about his early Muslim faith, claiming he was never a Muslim. School
registration documents from both his Indonesian public school and catholic school clearly
show Obama was registered as a Muslim. In Indonesia, if a student is registered as a
Muslim they are segregated a few hours each day to memorize passages from the Koran.
Numerous former Indonesian friends also attest that he worshiped at the local mosque.
• Obama lied about his occupation. He claims to have been a constitutional lawyer but
was actually a “senior lecturer on leave” at the University of Chicago.
• Obama lied about his support for homosexual marriage. During the campaign Obama
claimed to oppose homosexual marriage, but correspondence between Obama and
homosexual groups reveal that he promised them he would overturn the DOMA Act, an
act which prohibits states from being forced to recognize homosexual marriages
approved in other states. Such an action would ultimately force all states to recognize
homosexual marriages.
• Obama lied about how his administration would be the “most open and transparent
administration in history.” The reality is that most of Obama’s legislative agenda has
been carried out in secrecy. Moreover, Obama holds the record for the longest stretch of
time without holding a press conference – 215 days.
• Obama lied about banning lobbyists from his administration. Obama has hired at
least 47 former lobbyists so far.
• Obama lied about his relationship with ACORN. Despite new information revealing
ACORN to be a nation-wide criminal conspiracy intent on voter fraud and other crimes,
Obama continues his relationship with them. Indeed, throughout his career he was tied
into ACORN, including performing legal work for ACORN, serving as an ACORN
trainer, and contracting out an ACORN subsidiary to handle voter registration services
for his presidential campaign.
• Obama lied about his relationship to extremists. During the campaign, he repeatedly
misled voters about his relationships to Marxist and socialist extremists—such as former
Marxist-terrorist Bill Ayers, racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Communist Party
operative Frank Marshall Davis, PLO operative Rashid Khalidi and many others. He also
left out of his biography his membership in, and support for, Chicago’s “New Party,” a
socialist party.
• Obama covered up about his former (current?) Marxist philosophy. For much of his
academic life, Obama was a Marxist. Plenty of his fellow students were also Marxists and
some have testified that while at Columbia University, Obama supported revolutionary
Marxism. The media has refused to interview any of them. Obviously, the Marxist belief
system is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution.
• Obama lied about the authorship of his own biography. Obama claims to have written
Dreams from my Father, but former Marxist terrorist Bill Ayers ghostwrote the book,
according to Obama biographer Christopher Anderson.
• Obama lied about how he will do away with “earmarks” and pork barrel spending.
Obama’s 2010 budget contained over 10,000 pork items, totaling at least $10 billion.
• Obama claimed his health care bill would not cover abortions and would not allow
illegal aliens to participate. Veteran legislative analysts have confirmed that every
incarnation of the health care bill would cover illegal aliens and pay for abortions.
• Obama claimed he will not raise taxes on the Middle Class. By allowing the Bush tax
cuts to expire, the Middle Class will be hit hard with new taxes. Moreover, both the
health care reform and Cap and Trade bill will involve massive new taxes that will be
passed on to the Middle Class. Moreover, new energy taxes and higher estate taxes will
also hit the Middle Class hard.

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