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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Name:​ Samantha Bishop

Date of Activity:​ 02/17/18 and 3/15/18

Faculty name:​ Darlene Lacroix

Describe the community service/professional activity you attended or participated in.

The first professional activity I participated in was the Mass Casualty training. The first

half of this training involved learning about natural disasters and shootings that can cause mass

casualties and how to avoid dying in these situations. The second half involved emergency

responders teaching us how to stop the bleeding on a person who has been shot or injured. I also

participated in a basic life support class which was both online education and in person training.

The online education was based on case studies and repeatedly focused on the basics such as

lifting the chin to give breaths, how long to give breaths, how many chest compressions to give,

etc. For the in person training, we demonstrated the BLS skills we learned in front of an educator

who graded and guided us.

Where was this held and what was the program length.

The Mass Casualty training activity was held at the University of Arizona college of

nursing and consisted of two hours for the first half and two hours for the second half. The basic

life support class consisted of an hour of online education and three hours of in person training.

Discuss the value of this experience to you.

I think the Mass Casualty training was extremely helpful because we learned how to

protect ourselves from dangerous situations, but also how to save others in these situations. It
inspired me to buy a tourniquet and put a bag of supplies in my car and house. It really changed

my views on how to prepare for accidents. Although the basic life support class is required for

my profession, I also thought it was beneficial because I had more knowledge coming into this

class after nursing school so I took it more seriously. It was also valuable because three days

after this class, I had to give someone chest compressions so I was very refreshed on what to do.

Would you recommend this specific professional experience in the future? Why or why


I would absolutely recommend the Mass Casualty training because I thought it was very

valuable in both the nursing profession and in everyday life. I think it was a well spent hour

where I was engaged and learned a ton. I would even recommend it to people not in the nursing

school. The BLS class I would also recommend because it’s important to refresh our skills so we

are ready for all situations at the hospital.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? ​Mass Casualty ​__​✓​__ ​BLS ​__​✓​__

Signature on validation of clinical hours form obtained? ​Mass Casualty ​_​✓​___ ​BLS ​__​✓​__

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