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General education teacher survey data

16 people asked, 10 participated

On average, how many gifted students in each class? Select all that
(3) Some classes have none/one while others have over 7 – the range is vast
(2) 3-4
(2) 5-6
(2) Over 7

Would you like more support in navigating the GIEP document? Select
all that apply. *
(6) No, I'm comfortable.
(3) I'd like additional support with interpreting goals and how I should implement them in my
(0) I'd like a face-to-face meeting with the gifted support teacher to navigate the document
(2) I would benefit from a list of common/possible goals across students
(0) I'd like more support with SharePoint
Would you like more support to meet the needs of the gifted learner?
Please check all that apply *
(7)I'd like more resources for differentiation
(6) I'm interested in more pull-outs where the gifted support teacher "takes over" units/lessons/content
(4) I have some units that don't lend to differentiation, and I'd like some support to make them more
challenging for gifted learners
(2)Students with GIEPs in my class do not need differentiated materials
(3) I'd like the gifted teacher to push-in to my class more often
(3)I'd like more opportunities to co-plan lessons/units with the gifted support teacher
(7) I'd like grouped lists to see students with similar strengths in order to differentiate or plan flexible
(1) I'd like support to incorporate pre-tests to determine needs at the start of the year/unit
(1) I'd like support with modifying a unit to have a student-led pace

What would you like to see change to better meet the needs of your
gifted students? Select all that apply. (We cannot control all these, but
I'd love your feedback.) *
(5) Leveled courses
(4) Cluster grouping
(1) Different curriculum
(1) One-to-one technology (computers for each student)
(2) A more recent evaluation (ie. GWR) to accurately and currently identify areas of strength
(4) A gifted support teacher to co-teach on a regular basis
(5) A gifted support teacher to pull-out students to differentiate on a regular basis
(0) More meetings with gifted support teachers
What is the most challenging thing about having gifted students in
your class, in your opinion? Select all that apply. *
(3) They don't (or don't want) to stay on pace with the class
(1) There aren't enough of them in each class to adequately differentiate
(5) It is difficult to get them to perform at their level
(5) The class size is too large
(5) Below level students need more time and support, which makes it challenging to support my high-
(3) Perfectionism getting in the way from taking appropriate, academic risks
(5) Maturity/Responsibility isn't meeting grade level expectations
(4)Dually identified students with vastly different needs
(1 – write in) Many of the identified gifted students are not truly gifted and struggle to show on-
level work
Optional, write-in questions:

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