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Practical - quiz 1 (endocrine)

Human Pathophysiology (University of Technology, Sydney)

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Quiz 1 –HP 2011 (Version 2)

1. Irregular frequent food intake, even the intake of low fat diet, can lead to obesity.

2. Ob/ob mouse can’t produce the hormone leptin, which leads to their obesity.

3. Which of the following makes it harder to maintain lean weight after weight loss?

a. Hyperplasia of the adipocytes (fat cells)

b. Hypertrophy of the adipocytes
c. Death of adipocytes
d. Lipid uptake by organs
e. Glucose intolerance

4. Which of the following will NOT be seen on an untreated patient with diabetes mellitus?
a. Urine frequently
b. Overly excellent appetite
c. No glucose in urine
d. Always thirsty
e. High sugar level in blood

5. A definite diagnosis for type 2 diabetes would include:

a. An abnormal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
b. Positive symptoms of diabetes including polyuria, polydipsa,polyphagia
c. Hyperglycaemia (increase blood sugar level)
d. HbA1c level > 8%
e. All the above contribute to the diagnose

6. Please briefly describe the development of ketoacidosis in Type 1 diabetes.

Lack of insulin glucose uptake reduce cells starve of energy lipid/fat

used for energy fatty acid converted to ketone bodies ketone bodies are
organic acids high ketone bodies equals high pH Ketoacidosis

7. Tertiary hormone disorder is due to abnormality in the

a. Gland
b. Anterior pituitary
c. Hypothalamus
d. Medulla
e. Cerebral cortex

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8. When anterior pituitary is injured, which of the following hormone(s) is (are) less likely to be
directly affected?

a. Growth hormone
b. TSH
d. ADH
e. All of the above hormones can be directly affected

9. The person shown in the photo below is likely to have _______________.

a. A goitre
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Insipidus
d. Gigantism
e. None of the above

10. Weight gain/loss is commonly seen in patients with hyperthyroidism, and weight
Gain/loss is commonly in patients with Cushing’s syndrome.

11. Please list two symptoms when blood ADH is increased inappropriately.

 Water retention, reduced urine output, hypo-osmolarity, hypertension, weight gain,


12. Acromegaly happens when growth hormone increase before/after long bones growth has

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Quiz 1 –HP 2011 (Version 3)

1. How do you recognize an obese patient with Cushing’s disease?
a. Blood sugar level is higher
b. Diurnal pattern of cortisol disappeared
c. The patient has a beer belly
d. The patient has a round face
e. All of the above

2. Leptin inhibits/ increases feeding via CNS mechanisms

3. Which hormone abnormality can cause diabetes mellitus?

a. Glucagon
b. Glycogen
c. Triglyceride
d. Insulin
e. Free fatty acid

4. It is 7am and Simon has not eaten for 10 hours. Which blood glucose level would be
considered above normal at this time?

a. 2mM
b. 4mM
c. 6.8mM
d. 8mM
e. All of the above are normal.

5. When anterior pituitary is injured, which of the following hormone(s) is (are) less likely to be
directly affected?

a. Growth hormone
b. TSH
d. ADH
e. All of the above hormones can be directly affected

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6. Identify the category of endocrine hypofunction in the following cases.

1 = primary, 2 = secondary, 3 = tertiary

(a) Marguerite has thyroid gland of both sides removed due to cancer: 1 Primary
(b) Seth’s low cortisol hormone level is linked to defect in ACTH production: 2 secondary

7. What makes polyuria in diabetes insipdus different from that in diabetes mellitus?

 Diabetes insipus – urine is diluted while in diabetes mellitus urine is saturated.

 No glucose in urine (DI) Marker wrote this!!!!!

 No hyperglycaemia (DI)

8. Considering the normal function of the thyroid hormone and growth hormone, determine
which of the following description better applies to hypothyroidism or insufficient growth

Growth retardation and mental developmental delay in infant

Hypothyroidism. cretinism

Reduced height with body parts in proportion with normal intelligence

Insufficient growth hormone. myxoedema

9. The main target organ for ADH (anti diuretic hormone) is the:

a. Kidney
b. Hypothalamus
c. Post pituitary
d. Adrenal cortex
e. Heart

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10. The person shown in the photo below is likely to have _______________.

a. A goitre
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Insipidus
d. Gigantism
e. None of the above

11. Jane is coming for OGTT tomorrow. You would tell her to:
a. Eat freely
b. Quit breakfast tomorrow morning
c. Stop eating 10pm tonight
d. Quit both dinner and breakfast
e. Avoid sugar drink. No special diet is required

12. Which of the following is NOT included in metabolic syndrome?

a. Abdominal obesity
b. Dyslipidemia
c. Increased blood pressure
d. Insulin resistance
e. None of the above

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