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Name Kenric WeeH4__F___Date_______________

The Physics of Sports

Suggested sports: Basketball, soccer, billiards, baseball, horseback riding,

bowling, racing, skating, martial arts, skateboarding, skiing, motocross, gymnastics,
diving, shotput, sprint, cycling, bungee jump, you could also select other throwing
or jumping sports.
I. Context: JUDO
Summarize the mechanics of the game and explain how it is played.

In judo the main goal is to overcome your opponent’s stability. The skill lies in
the anticipation of his movements and the timing of your response. The idea is
to avoid forcing your opponent into a firm resistance to your throw that would
pit your strength against his. A small but skilled judo player has a distinct
advantage over a larger but unskilled opponent if the contest of strength is

II. Identified physics concepts involved:

Cite and explain at least three (3) underlying physics concepts and ideas

Law of Inertia-A body will preserve its velocity and direction so long as no force in its motion's
direction acts on it. The first law of motion is important if you want to successfully throw your
opponent in a match. For instance, suppose your opponent makes a move to his right in order to
make you move to your left. In the instance that you are moving, you're temporarily off-balanced.

Law of Acceleration- states that when a body is acted on by a force, its resulting change in
momentum takes place in the direction in which the force is applied, is proportional to the force
causing it, and inversely proportional to its mass. If you are in a match, facing an opponent who
weighs less than you and you push him with a quick acceleration of the hand, you will have exerted
a larger force on him then you would have if you had only pushed him with a smaller acceleration
and chances are that he will move or fall easier for you. If, on the other hand,your opponent has
more mass than you, the acceleration that you hit the smaller man with will have less force on the
more massive man because acceleration is inversely proportional to his mass.

Law of Reciprocal Reaction-The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal,
opposite and collinear. This rule works when you're in a mat hold down. The force that you exert on
your opponent's shoulder in order to hold him down is reciprocated by his shoulder. In other words,
his shoulder pushes up at you with a force that is equal to the force you exert on him.

III. Key terms/Ideas:

Define new physics-related terms.
Force – the matter that will make an object accelerate
Stationary- an object on rest

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IV. Insights
What makes this sports interesting to study?
Judo is an interesting sport to study because in here we learn how to protect ourselves
from danger especially against criminals. Another is because Judo itself makes you more
disciplined and makes you be physically fit.

V. Sources/References:
Human Weapon in History Channel
Grolier’s Encyclopaedia

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Name Kenric Wee H4F Date_______________
The Physics of Sports

Suggested sports: Basketball, soccer, billiards, baseball, horseback riding,

bowling, racing, skating, martial arts, skateboarding, skiing, motocross,
gymnastics, diving, shotput, sprint, cycling, bungee jump, you could also select
other throwing or jumping sports.
I. Context:
Summarize the mechanics of the game and explain how it is played.

Krav Maga is an eclectic hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel which involves
wrestling, grappling and striking techniques, mostly known for its extremely efficient and brutal
counter-attacks, as it is also taught to elite special forces around the world

II. Identified physics concepts involved:

Cite and explain at least three (3) underlying physics concepts and ideas

Force- the matter that will make an object accelerate. Mathematically rationalizes the
movements of attacks and defenses, utilizing weight transference and a force of maximum
power; potentializing the action regardless of physical force.
The strike takes to the target the body's weight (approximately 2/3 of the weight), which is
certainly much greater than anyone's muscular strength while trying to hit a target. Simply

Weight – This is the force exerted by gravity on an object. Weight can be seen in the rope
and the person. These will help in determining to how heavy the opponent is for the

Gravity – The force that applies to the person falling is gravity. The person is accelerating
at 9.8m/s square as he falls when one is thrown to the ground.

III. Key terms/Ideas:

Define new physics-related terms.

Drag – is the force that stops or opposes a moving object

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IV. Insights
What makes this sports interesting to study?

It is an art of self-defense. To define self-defense as a way one has to defend himself from
an attack is to not give proper value to its meaning. One learns self-defense, first of all
because any living being needs to know how to defend themselves from a physical
aggression, and secondly, for the consciousness of the benefits that this knowledge

V. Sources/References:
Human Weapon in History Channel
Grolier’s encyclopaedia

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