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Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Unit Diagnostic Test

1. What is the plot?
a. What happens in the story or the sequence of events
b. The perspective that the story is told from
c. The moral of the story
d. None of the above

2. Which type of point of view uses pronouns such as “he” and “she,” or the name of the
individual in telling a story? a. First-person
b. Second-person
c. Third-person

3. Which type of point of view uses “I” and “me” in telling a story?
a. First-person
b. Second-person
c. Third-person

4. Which type of point of view allows the character to reveal thoughts and feelings? a. First-
b. Second-person
c. Third-person

5. Fiction is writing that ______________?

a. Is true and real
b. comes from the author’s imagination
c. Uses descriptive details
d. Both B and C
e. Both A and B

6. True or False. The plot is usually built around some sort of conflict
a. True
b. False
7. True or False. The antagonist is the main character?
a. True
b. False

8. True or False. The falling action is where all the loose ends are tied up and the conflict is
resolved a. True
b. False

9. The climax is…

a. The way the story ends
b. Where the conflict gets resolved
c. The beginning of the story
d. The turning point or the point of greatest interest in the story

10. The resolution…

a. Ends the story
b. Resolves all conflict
c. Shows who the main character really is
d. Both B and C
e. Both A and B
11. The theme is the ________________________
a. end of the story
b. What happens in the story
c. Where and when the story take place
d. The main message or idea of the story

12. True or false. The narrator is who is telling the story.

a. True
b. False
13. A character is
a. A person in a story
b. An animal in a story
c. A ghost in a story
d. Can be any of the above
14. True or False. In the rising action, the plot begins to thicken and the conflict begins to
unfold. a. True
b. False

15. The antagonist is…

a. The main character
b. The best friend of the main character
c. The enemy of the protagonist
d. The protagonist and the antagonist are the same

16. True or False. The protagonist is usually the hero of the story.
a. True
b. False

17. True or False. There are many different types of conflict.

a. True
b. False

18. True or False. Conflict is the problem or struggle in a story around which the plot revolves.
a. True
b. False

19. True or False. The setting is where and when the story takes place.
a. True
b. False

20. True or False. The conflict cannot be internal or external.

a. True
b. False

Short Answer
21. How do readers learn about a character? Give three examples.

22. What is narrative writing?

23. What are the steps of the writing process?

24. Describe the plot and main characters in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

25. Describe the setting and theme of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

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