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Subject: Social Studies Grade: 8 Date: March 8

Critical Inquiry Question: To what extent does physical geography influence
Lesson: The Physical Landscape Time: 70 mins
SLO 8.3.4 assess, critically, how the Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
● What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec civilization prior to
contact with the Spanish? (TCC, I, CC)
● How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence the Aztecs’ choices,
decisions and customs? (TCC, CC, PADM)

Instructional Objectives:
Knowledge: SLO 8.3.4
● What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec civilization prior to
contact with the Spanish? (TCC, I, CC)
Students will
Skill: 8.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking:
• interpret historical maps to broaden understanding of historical events
• use thematic maps to describe cultural and political regions

Key Questions:
Focus Question:
What aspects of physical geography influence the Aztec worldview?
What elements of worldview are influenced by physical geography?

Related Questions:
-What are the physical aspects of the landscape and how did they influence the Aztec
way of life?
-In what ways might the physical landscape influence a worldview?
-What motivated the Aztecs to change their landscape?
-What were the religious beliefs of the Aztecs, and how did they affect their worldviews?

-Powerpoint - Aztecs Ch 7 People of the Sun
-Venn Diagram
-Exit Slip
-Set up powerpoint
-Load videos
Khan Academy -
Rise & Fall of Aztec Empire -
-Load Virtual Tour
-Students may complete a Venn Diagram on a Chromebook if necessary
-Students may receive individual assistance with recording ideas on the Venn Diagram

Lesson Procedure:
What aspects of physical geography influence the Aztec worldview?
1. Review what students remember about the previous worldviews lesson. (5 mins)
a. What are the elements of worldview
b. Are there any elements that may have a connection to physical geography?
2. Review physical geography (5 mins)
a. Play video with map and timeline
i. Khan Academy -
b. Write key dates and cities on the board
What aspects of physical geography influence the Aztec worldview?
3. Discuss physical elements of landscape (20 mins)
a. Refer to Physical Landscape slide
i. Ask students to silently look for 4 physical elements in photos
ii. Discuss the green valley, the lakes, the mountains, the dessert,
volcanoes, vegetation, landscape
-What physical elements make up the landscape?
-How may the aspects of physical geography influence the elements of
b. Lake Texcoco
i. Salt water vs fresh water - why the divide?
ii. Chinampa - Zoom In Pg 154
iii. What are other examples of how humans have changes the
landscape for their own use? - Rice patties, Clearing rainforests
iv. Floating city - What is motivating the Aztecs to change their
c. Mountains
i. Compare the values and beliefs about Mountains in Canada and
ii. How does perspective influence the beliefs one holds about these
physical and geographical elements? How have these perspective
evolved? Are there any beliefs that remain or are similar today?

What elements of worldview are influenced by physical geography?

4. Evolution of an Empire - Map Analysis (10 mins)
a. Identify important cities
i. Tenochtitlan - Formation
-How has the physical landscape evolved overtime? What
influence has this had on worldviews?
ii. Tlacopan & Texcoco - Triple Alliance
iii. Azcapotzalco - Political power of area prior 1426
b. Map Evolution
i. Play video The Rise and Fall of the Aztec Empire (1min)
ii. Discuss how rapidly the map expands
5. Remembering the Aztec Empire (15 mins)
a. As a class students will explore the Aztec empire through a panoramic
virtual tour of the historic site of Teotihuacan
b. Students should look for the aspects of physical geography that we have
discussed reflected in the city and its structures
i. What do the physical aspects of the ancient city reveal about the
Aztec way of life?
ii. How is the Aztec worldview demonstrated within the city?

To what extent does physical geography influence worldviews?
6. Venn Diagram of Worldviews (10 mins)
a. Students will be provided with a Venn Diagram template to begin
completing about the aspects of physical geography that influence
b. In this chapter we will explore the following elements of worldviews
which students may give consideration to:
i. Geography
ii. Time
iii. Beliefs
7. Exit slip (5 mins)
a. Students will complete an exit slip at the end of class answering the
i. What single aspect of the physical landscape do you think was
most influential to the Aztec way of life?
ii. Is there anything you would like to review before the next lesson?
iii. How was the pace or speed of this lesson?
1. Too fast
2. A good pace for me
3. Too slow

● Venn Diagram (formative)
○ Students will record the aspects of physical geography that influence
● Exit Slip (formative)
○ Students will respond to the lesson material, as well as provide feedback
to my delivery

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