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Food Control 16 (2005) 391–394

Duplex polymerase chain reaction for detection of pork meat in

horse meat fresh sausages from Italian retail sources
A. Di Pinto *, V.T. Forte, M.C. Conversano, G.M. Tantillo
Dipartimento di Sanit
a e Benessere degli Animali, Universita degli Studi––Bari, Provinciale per Casamassima, km 3, 70010 Valenzano––Bari, Italy
Received 16 February 2004; received in revised form 5 April 2004; accepted 6 April 2004

Species identification in meat products represents an important subject in the field of modern food control according to the
European Union, which has implemented a set of very strict procedures to label food. Thus, specific, sensitive and easy analytical
methods for the species detection of food are necessary in order to verify the compliance with labelling requirements. A PCR-based
assay for the detection of pork meat in horse fresh sausages was optimised and it was used to evaluate the presence of fraudulently
added pork meat. The developed assay showed the presence of pork meat in 6/30 and the total absence of horse meat in 1/30 of the
analyzed horse sausage samples.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: D-PCR; Species identification; Horse; Pork; Sausages

1. Introduction immunoassay, based on the use of antibodies raised

against a specific protein, often presents cross-reaction
The identification of meat products species is with closely related species (Meyer, Candrian, & L€uthy,
important to detect adulteration or fraudulent substi- 1994).
tution and to preserve the consumers from the presence The molecular methods based on PCR have been
of unknown, less desiderable meat species for economic, proposed as useful tools for the detection of several
religious and health reasons (Meyer, H€ ofelein, L€
uthy, & animal species (Colombo, Marchisio, Pizzini, & Can-
Candrian, 1995). The European Union has implemented toni, 2002; Guoli, Mingguang, Zhijiang, Hongsheng, &
a set of very strict procedures for the labelling of food. Qiang, 1998). They are highly specific, sensitive and
Throughout the whole legislative procedure, the EU characterized by a rapid processing time and low costs.
ensures the European consumers’ right to be fully in- However, the presence of inhibitors in foods, in partic-
formed. Thus analytical methods for the species detec- ular in meat products, can prevent primer binding and
tion of food are necessary in order to verify compliance diminish amplification efficiency, so that the extreme
with labelling requirements. The control and detection sensitivity achievable by PCR is often reduced when
of such foodstuffs may be based on protein detection food is tested (Bottero, Civera, Anastasio, Turi, & Ro-
tests using antibodies such as the enzyme-linked sati, 2002; Calvo, Zaragoza, & Osta, 2001).
immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-test or DNA-based In this paper a Duplex PCR (D-PCR) assay for the
tests, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). detection of pork meat in Italian horse fresh sausages, a
Methods based on protein detection such as electro- meat product which requires cooking, was optimised to
phoresis, isoelectric focusing (IEF) are characterized by evaluate the presence of pork meat added fraudulently
inaccuracy and may fail in species detection of processed and consequently to verify the concordance with labels.
meat products due to denaturation of soluble proteins The approach involves the extraction of DNA with a
during food processing. Moreover, the analysis by procedure in which total DNA is bound on a silica
membrane followed by amplification of a fragment of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-080-5443970; fax: +39-080-
the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA (mt
5443855. DNA), a target used largely in species identification
E-mail address: (A. Di Pinto). (Hsieh et al., 2001; Lau et al., 1998).
0956-7135/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
392 A. Di Pinto et al. / Food Control 16 (2005) 391–394

2. Materials and methods 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 58 °C for 30 s and extension

of 30 s at 72 °C and a final extension at 72 °C for 5 min.
2.1. Controls
2.5. PCR assay
Horse (Equus caballus) and pig (Sus scrofa domesti-
cus) DNA (BIOTOOLS B&M Labs, Madrid, Spain) The PCR assay was carried out to confirm the D-
were used as positive controls. Cow DNA (BIOTOOLS PCR results. The reaction was performed in a final
B&M Labs, Madrid, Spain) was used as negative con- volume of 25 ll using 12.5 ll of HotStarTaq Master Mix
trol. A 100% pork fresh sausage, a 100% horse fresh (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany), 0.5 lM of each pig
sausage and sausages with different percentage of pork primers and 20 ng of DNA. The PCR was processed in a
and horse meat, according to Matsunaga et al. (1999) Mastercycler 5332 (Eppendorf) using D-PCR program.
were used as positive controls to optimise D-PCR. The same reaction was carried out using horse primers.

2.2. DNA extraction 2.6. Amplified product detection

The sausage samples were subjected to DNA extrac- PCR amplified products were analyzed by electro-
tion using Tissue mini kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Ger- phoresis on 2.5% (w=v) agarose NA (Pharmacia, Upp-
many). 500 mg of fresh sausage were incubated with 10 sala, Sweden) gel in 1X TBE buffer containing 0.89 M
ml of lysis buffer ATL (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) Tris, 0.89 M boric acid, 0.02 M EDTA, pH 8.0 (USB,
with 1 ml proteinase K (20 mg/ml) (QIAGEN, Hilden, Cleveland, OH) and visualized by ethidium bromide
Germany) at 56 °C overnight and then for 1 h at 70 °C staining and a UV transilluminator. A Gene Rulere 100
with 10 ml Buffer AL (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). bp DNA Ladder Plus (MBI Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithu-
The mixture was centrifuged at 4000g for 2 min and ania) consisting of DNA fragments ranging in size from
ethanol was added to the transferred supernatant. The 3000 to 100 bp, was used as marker.
resulting mixture was applied to the QIAamp DNA spin
column (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). The DNA 2.7. Testing samples
bound to the column was washed in two centrifugation
steps using two different wash buffers to improve the The procedures were used to test 30 fresh sausage
purity of the eluted DNA. The purified DNA was then declared made of pure horse meat collected from dif-
eluted from the column in 80 ll of Elution Buffer ferent markets in Apulia. The samples, stored at 4 °C,
(QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). The DNA concentration were transported to the laboratory and processed
and the purity of the eluate were measured by absor- immediately. Samples found positive in PCR were sub-
bance at 260 nm and by calculating the ratio of absor- jected to sequence analysis to verify and confirm the
bance at 260 nm to absorbance at 280 nm using a specificity of the PCR products. Sequence analysis of
spectrophotometer DU-600 (Beckman, Fullerton, CA). PCR products was carried out by ABI PRISM 3100
The DNA eluted was used as template in the PCR assay. (Applied Biosystem, Rome, Italy).

2.3. Oligonucleotide primers

3. Results
AAC ATC TCA TCT TGA TGA AA-30 , PIG 50 -GCT 3.1. DNA extraction
HOR 50 -CTC AGA TTC ACT CGA CGA GGG TAG The approach followed for DNA extraction has al-
TA-30 , previously described and used in this study, were lowed to extract DNA suitable for PCR amplification.
targeted a 398 bp fragment in pig and a 439 bp fragment The DNA extraction method, based on the binding of
in horse of mitochondrial cytochrome b genes (Matsu- DNA to a silica matrix in presence of chaotropic agents,
naga et al., 1999). was considered effective and able to remove inhibitors,
which could interfere with PCR reaction.
2.4. Duplex-PCR (D-PCR) assay
3.2. D-PCR
The reaction was performed in a final volume of 25 ll
using 12.5 ll of HotStarTaq Master Mix (QIAGEN, The study confirmed the primer specificity and
Hilden, Germany and 0.5 lM of each primer and 20 ng detection limit according to Matsunaga et al. (1999).
of DNA. The D-PCR was processed in a Mastercycler None of the bovine DNA samples gave positive results.
5332 (Eppendorf) with an initial denaturation step of 95 D-PCR procedure to amplify mitochondrial cytochrome
°C for 15 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at b gene from pig and horse DNA indicates the presence
A. Di Pinto et al. / Food Control 16 (2005) 391–394 393

of 439 and 398 bp specific amplicons only. These results

refer to ten experiments and did not show any significant

3.3. PCR assay

The PCR assay carried out to confirm the specificity

of D-PCR products gave the expected results (Fig. 1).

3.4. Testing samples

The survey showed the presence of pork meat in 6/30

(20%) and the total absence of horse meat in 1/30 (3.3%)
of the analyzed horse sausage samples (Fig. 2). The
samples without horse genome presented the 398 bp
amplicon only. The observed intensity of the 439 bp and
398 bp amplicons presented a low variability in all six
positive samples. The D-PCR results were confirmed by
PCR assay. Then, the sequence analysis, compared to
published sequences, showed the specificity of PCR
Fig. 2. Electrophoretic profile of D-PCR products carried out on
sausage samples. Lane 1: 100 pb DNA Ladder; Lane 2: pig sausage
sample; Lane 3: horse sausage sample; Lane 4: horse and pig sausage
4. Discussion sample; Lane 5: D-PCR positive control; Lane 6: negative (no DNA)
Recently the need of further information about the
composition of food products, in particular of meat animal origin represents an important subject in the field
products, is increased, so identifying the species of origin of modern food control and new analytical methodol-
of meat products represents a considerable target for
ogies are necessary. Actually stringent control measures
food inspection, underlined by the enforcement of
require methods that ensure an efficient species identi-
community laws. The species identification in foods of
fication in meat products. PCR has been successfully
applied for the differentiation of species in meat prod-
ucts, including cooked products, thanks to its high
specificity and sensitivity as well as to its rapid pro-
cessing time, but it is mainly limited by the presence of
inhibitory substances such as collagen (Rajapaksha,
Thilakaratne, Chandrasiri, & Niroshan, 2002; Sun &
Lin, 2002; Verkaar, Nijman, Boutaga, & Lenstra, 2002).
The study highlights the efficiency of the extraction ap-
proach based on the use of a silica matrix for DNA
extraction guarantying the removal of meat compounds
inhibiting PCR assay and consequently the DNA
amplification. The extraction method is less time-con-
suming and technically demanding than the one previ-
ously described (Matsunaga et al., 1999). The specificity
of the PCR products, confirmed by sequence analysis,
indicated a high specificity of the PCR approach in
accordance with the results obtained by Matsunaga
et al. (1999).
Moreover, the absence of variability of the results
highlighted a high method reproducibility. The sensi-
Fig. 1. Electrophoretic profile of PCR products of a horse sausage
tivity, the high specificity and the reproducibility of the
sample carried out using pig and horse primer separately. Lane 1: 100
pb DNA Ladder; Lane 2: sample with pig primer, Lane 3: pig positive approach suggested that it is feasible and ideal for
control, Lane 4: sample with horse primer, Lane 5: horse positive routine analysis on sausages and meat products. The
control, Lane 6: cow DNA control, Lane 7: negative (no DNA) con- results obtained in this study from sausages samples
394 A. Di Pinto et al. / Food Control 16 (2005) 391–394

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