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Naegles rule:

EDD= LMP + 7d 3 mths (or + 9 mths)

Pregnancy wheel may be used

How many weeks pregnant now

(gravida#, para#, +abortions)
delivery of twins or triplets is considered one parity; eg. 2 sets of twins is para2, although she has 4

Any delivery <28weeks is an abortion

Any delivery >28weeks is para

Ectopic pregnancy is mentioned extra

When first fetal movements were felt(quickening, in a primi gravida around 18-20/52, in multipara 16-


Admitted through OPD/ER on the date complaining of eg. Morning sickness, bleeding PV, abdominal


   age average 12-13 years

Cycle days/ interval from first day to first day of next period, regularity
Most perfect is 4-7/28 regular (but only 10% of population)
  tampons or pads staining, important b/c may indicate fibroids or endometrial polyps if
too heavy.
Dysmenorrhea: (primary d/t narrow cervical canal and heavy contraction, or secondary d/t
Any intermenstrual bleeding
LMP: make sure you specifically ask about the first day of the cycle
Any discomfort or pain
Contraception by an IUD, condoms, OCP

FTND (full term normal delivery); vaginal/C-section
Born home/hospital
Male/female baby
Weight (healthy at 2.8-3.6 kg, >4kg is macrosomic usu d/t DM or genetic. Macrosomic babies suffer risk
during delivery b/c more chances of injuring the clavicles. C-section is preferred, but not routine)
PP complications
Breast fed
Baby alive and well
Ex. 1989, FTND, in hospital, male baby, 3.5 kg, no PP complications, breast fed

Complicated birth:
C.S for APH
Post-op normal
Breast fed
Ex. 1986, C.S for APH, female baby alive 3kg, post op normal, breast fed

Gestational age (eg. at 10/52)
Post Op complications
Ex. 1990, abortion at 10/52, evac, no post op complications
Ex.2: 1992, abortion at 22/52, D&E, no post op complications


 ially surgeries on the uterus; myomectomy removal of fibroids

Hx of infertility
Hx of abdominal surgery may cause adhesions




Ho e/ working mother

Smoking; ask about shisha as well
Husbands profession



OCP<"#$Teratogenic drugs; OHA, phenytoin, cytotoxic drugs, tetracycline, chloramphenicol..

 (br />
Abnormal menstrual loss:
pattern, regular/ irregular
Amount of loss
# of pads or tampons used
passage of clots or flooding
any pain with the loss

Pelvic pain:
Site, Nature, Relation to periods, Aggravating and relieving factors, associated SS

Vaginal discharge:
Amount, color, odor, blood, rash, pain


Frequency of micturation increase d/t pressure and irritation. Urine retention is d/t the effect of
progesterone which relaxes the bladder muscles , and the rectum muscles leading to incomplete
emptying of the bladder and constipation. A high fiber diet is suggested and laxatives may be prescribed.
Ask about: incontinence (real or stress), urgency, dysurea, hematurea
Loin to groin pain


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G al:

Appearance: ill/well, obese/thin, anxious/ depressed

Varicose veins, ulcers

Vital signs:

Urine dip stick for protein and sugar




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striae, kicking, bulges
size and shape:
midline fullness indicates ovarian or uterine mass. Fullness of flanks suggests ascites (confirm by fluid
thrill and shifting dullness), iliac fossa masses usually ovarian or bowel.
linea albicans/nigra, rash, pigmentation

? Rigidity or guarding
? Mass: position, size, shape, edges, mobility, consistency, fluid thrill if cystic
Malignant tumors usually fixed. Mobile tumors usually benign, but may be fixed by adhesions.
? The Fundus
? Fundal height:
from S.pubis uptil the fundus. If by calculation 38 and measure 26 it means there is either a
miscalculation of the EDD, or a problem with the fetus as IUGR. Also if the opposite, the
calculation<measured, it may suggest a macrosomic baby, twin pregnancy, polyhydramnios, hydropis

? Fundal grip:
to see whether the head or the buttocks are occupying the fundus.
Cephalic presentation
when the head is down and the buttocks occupy the fundus.
Breech presentation
is when the head occupies the fundus. This is significant esp in a primigravida where C-section is
? Lateral grip:
important to assess how the baby is lying; whether transverse, oblique or longitudinal, the latter being
the only ideal position for delivery. It also tells whether the babys back is on the right or left.75% of
babys backs are on the left probably b/c of the liver on the right. This is necessary to find the site to
auscultate for the babys heart beat.
? First pelvic grip:
The only position with the back to the patient
Insert the fingers intelvis to see what part of the baby occupies the pelvis
? Second pelvic grip:
Move the part left and right , if mobile, then it is not in the pelvic brim, so no engagement has occurred
yet. If immobile it means that the BPD (biparietal diameter) of the baby is in the pelvic brim; i.e
engagement occurred. This palpation is necessary esp in primigravida b/c if 36 weeks passed and no
engagement occurred, it may suggest that the pelvis is too narrow, or the baby has hydrocephalus etc..

Dull masses are in sontact with the abdominal wall, while resonant suggest being behind the bowel

Bowel sounds, absent in ileus
Fetal heart: heard with stethoscope after 24/52, with portable sonicaide at 12/52

)-.-c/- c

Bladder must be empty


Normal tomy
Vulva, Labia majora, labia minora,Clitoris
Look for ulcers, inflammation, growths or swellings
Inspect urethral orifice for discharge ( if present spread on thin film), redness or growth

Speculum to assess vagina: Sims speculum, Cusco

Digital: use lubricant, left hand spreads labia insert right hand: palpate vaginal walls, growth, cyst, FB.
Then examine fornices check for obliteration or swelling. Cervix is examined next noting direction, size
and shape, surface smooth/irregular, size of external os, and growths or ulcerations
Bimanual: right inserted and left pushing on abdomen; to feel uterus ( if retroverted will not be felt
unless put fingers to posterior fornex). Determine size, mobility, and surrounding structure. Only
abnormal fallopian tubes are palpable. Ovaries may be felt as small mobile oval structures that are
sensitive to pressure

- Left lateral
- Sims Semi-prone: good for external genitalia, Cervix and anterior vaginal wall, exposing the vaginal end
of the vesicovagianl fistula
- Dorsal: good for vulva, bimanual, most frequently use
- Lithotomy: best position for under anesthesia examination

Rectal examination:
Done in virgins, when PV is difficult

PAP smear:
R/O CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

Useful but not available every where
- measures the BPD
- measures the femoral length
this is accurate in the first 16 weeks. After 16 weeks it has a +/- 2 weeks accuracy


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