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Lampiran 1 Scope of Work

Lampiran 2 Minutes of Meeting on Scope of Work

Lampiran 3 Minutes of Meeting on Inception Report

Lampiran 4 Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (1)

Lampiran 5 Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (2)

Lampiran 6 Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (3)

Lampiran 7 Minutes of Meeting on Interim Report

Lampiran 8 Minutes of Meeting on Draft Final Report

Lampiran 9 Minutes of Meeting on Draft Final Report

Lampiran 1
Scope of Work
Lampiran 2
Minutes of Meeting on Scope of Work
Lampiran 3
Minutes of Meeting on Inception Report
Minutes o1'Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
Inception Report
the Study on Countermessuresfor Sedimentation
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dum Reservoir
ugreed upon between
Ministry of Settlement snd Regionul Infrastructure
Japan I nternstionsl Cooperstion Agency

,lukarta, SeTttember8, 2001

D r . l r . M o c h .B A S U K I H . M . S c Mr. MinoruOUCHI
DirectorGeneral. Leaderof StudyTeam
DirectorateGeneralof Water Resources. JapanInternational
Ministryof Settlement
and Regional
M i n L r t e so l - M e e t i n q


The Governmentof responseto the ofllcial requestof the Governmentof the Republicof
Indonesia(hereafterref'erredto as "lndonesia"),decidedto conductthe Study on Countermeasures
fbr Sedimentationin the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir(hereafterret-erredto as "the
Study") and the Japan InternationalCooperation Agency (hereafter refbrred to as '"JlCA"')
dispatchedthe PreparatoryStudyTeamto Indonesiafiorn February'
29 to March 9.2004.

The DirectorateGeneral of Water Resources,Ministry of Settlementand Regional Infiastructure

(hereafter refbned to as "DGWR") and the PreparatoryStudy Team signed on and exchanged
agreement on the Scope of Work (hereafter ref'erredto as '"S/W") and Minutes of Meetings
(hereafterreferredto as "M/M") fbr the Study.

JICA has preparedthe Study accordingto the S/W and M/M. and dispatchedthe Study Tearn.
headedby Mr. Minoru OUCHI of Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.. to Indonesiafi'omAugust 29.2004.

At the commencementof the Study.the Study Team explainedthe contentsof the InceptionReport
to Indonesianorganizationsconcerned(hereafterrefbrredto as "lndonesianside") and Indonesian
to as "Both sides") had a seriesof discussionon the
side and the Study Tearn(hereatierref-erred
InceptionReport.The list of attendance
is attachedin Attachrnent.

Result of the Discussion

Indonesianside basically acceptedthe contents of the Inception Report and mentioned some
comments,requests,and agreements
in thosediscussions
as fbllorvs:

l) C o n s i d e ra ti oonf th e S tu d y
2\ Collaborationwith relatedOrganizationsand lJniversitiesin Indonesia
3 ) In fb rma ti o nD i s c l o s u re
4) TechnologyTransf'er
5) CounterpartPersonnel
6) Undertakingof the Governmentof Indonesia

l. Consideration of the Study

- Indonesianside emphasizedthat assetmanagementof the existingdams is an increasing

concern and of great importance.The Study shall be a rnodel case ol'countermeasure
fbrmulationfbr sedimentation
problemsin reservoirsin lndonesia.

- Regarding watershedmanagement.Indonesianside requestedthe Study Team to study

how to improve cultivationpracticesof local peopleespeciallyin relationto activitiesot'
non-structuralmeasuresfor land conservation.

theStudyTeamto consider
of themanagem
e"t "fl

Mi nutcsol ' Mectinc.

dam facilitiesand land usein the dam catchmentarea.

Indonesianside advisedthe Study,Team to collect usefirldata and infbrmationincluding

the study on watershedmanagementproiect by the World Bank.

Indonesianside advisedthat masterplan shouldbe fbrrnulatedbasedon the fleld dataand

information.Many study resultsare also availableat a-eencies

Indonesianside advisedthat learning-by-doing

approachand socializationto local people
would be important for non-structuralmeasuresfbr watershedmanagement.

2. Collaboration with related Organizations and Universities in Indonesia

- Both sidesagreedimpoftanceof collaborationwith relatedorganizationsand universities

in Indonesiafor studvof watershedconservatiorr.

3. Information Disclosure

- Both sidesagreedthat all the data and infbrmationas well as planningprocessunderthe

Studyshall be opento all the stakeholders.

4. Technology Transfer

- Both sides agreedthat technologytransf'ershould be rnadethrough on-the-.iobtraining

in the courseof the Study.

- Both sides agreedthat serninarsand workshopsrvould be essentialto exchangeviews

with stakeholdersand the public. and
opportunity of technologytransf-ertbr
of dam reservoirand watershed.

- JICA infbrmed two counterpartswould be invited fbr training in Japan fbr about one
month aroundin February2005 in orderto facilitatetechnologytransf'er.

- Indonesianside requestedsome more counterpartstbr training in Japanare pref-erablein

view of importanceof countermeasures problems.
fbr reservoirsedirnentation

- JICA prornisedto conveythe requestto the JICA headquarters.

5. Counterpart Personnel
- Both sides agreed that counterpart organizations are DGWR in Jakarta and Proyek
Bengawan Solo (hereafterref-erredto as "PBS") and Perum JasaTirta I Bengawan Solo
Branch (hereafterreferredto as "PJT I Solo") at the site level.

- Both sidesagreedthat appointrnentof counterpartswould be coordinatedby PBS. PBS

would requestthe relatedagenciesto provide appropriatecounterpartsfbr the Study. me/
StudyTeam will soon providethe requiredcounterpartassignmentschedule.
Minutcs ot' Meetinc.

6. Undertaking of the Government of Indonesia

- in Solo and
PBS agreedto provide two rooms as oflce spacein the PBS headquarters
PBS Wonogiri Dam ofl'ice.respectively.

- The Study Team requestedto provide more rooms in Solo (PJT I Solo Ofhce) when the
ofl'ice space becomes not enough tbr accornmodatingexperts of the Stud;, Teatn and I
counterpartsto be assignedfiom agenciesconcerned


,. ,/

Minutcs ot' Meeting

Attachment: List of Attendants

( l) Meetingin Jakartaon August3 l. 2004

DirectorateGeneral of Water Resources.Ministrv of Settlementand Recional
Mr.PrasidanantoNugroho (Directorate of Water
fbr CentralRegion)
Mr. Eko Subekti (Directorate of
Guidance- WaterResource)
Mr. Bistok S. (Directorateof TechnicalGuidance)
Mr. M. MLrrni(D i rectorate
of Techni calGui dance )
Mr. A . A zi s (D i rectorate
of Techni calGui dance)
Mr. TeguhUngsiadi(Dam SafbtyUnit)
BengawanSolo River Basin DeveloprnentPro.iect
Ofllce (PBS):
Mr. Hetorno
N a ti o n a lD e v e l o p me nPt l a nni ngA gency(B A P E N A S ):
Mr. D onnvA zdan
Mi n i s tryo f F o re s try(D E PH U T) Mr. S aefi rlR achrnan
(K LH ) Ms. Goss-v-
S ta teM i n i s tryo f En v i ro n rnent S uzanna
JICA Expert fbr DirectorateGeneral of Water Resources.Ministry of Settlelnentand
Resional I nfiastructure:
Mr. S huni chiMaeda(W aterR esourceP ol i cy' )
Mr. Masato.fogasaki(SaboPlanning)
JICA StudvTeam: Mr. Mi noru Ouchi
Mr. Naoki Yarnashita
Ms. H i karLrS ugi rnoto
JICATokyo: Mr. Hideaki Matsurnoto
JICA Indonesia
Mr. Shiro Nakasone

(2) Meetingin Surakarta

on September

DirectorateGeneral of Water Resources.Ministry of Settlementand Regional
Mr. E ko S ubekti (Techni calGui dance)
Mr. TeguhUngsiadi(Dam Safbty
- Unit)
in Central
, I
-4 .zr7n
Minutes ol' Meeting

PerumJasaTirta I BengawanSolo Branch:

Mr. S. Budi Rahario
RegionalPlanningAgencyin WonogiriDistrict:
Mr. Drs. SutomoS
I't Assistantof RegionalSecretaryin Wonogiri District:
Mr. Sru Huduvo
AgricultureServicein WonogiriDistrict:
Mr. Tri Luwarso
Environment,Forestryand Mining Servicein WoonogiriDistrict:
Mr. GemboneMH
PublicWorksServicein WonogiriDistrict:
Mr. Edi Dj oko D
RegionalOffice of WatershedManagementin BengawanSolo:
Mr. Anton SuPriYanto
WatershedManagementTechnologyCenterin Solo:
Mr. Uero Hari Murtiono
WaterResourceManagementServicein BengawanSolo:
Mr. Sri Pttrwantcr
BengawanSolo River Basin DevelopmentProiect:
Headof Implementation.
Mr. Hetomo
Headof Planning,BengawanSolo River BasinDevelopment
Mr. Tri Rohadi
Water ResourceManagement,BengawanSolo River Basin DevelopmentProiect:
Mr. Darsono
Sub Project,BengawanSolo River Basin DeveloprnentProiect:
Mr. Sutaryono
PerumJasaTirtaI Bengawan
Mr. Mulfana
Mr. SB EkoYanto
PerumJasaTina I Bengawan
Mr. E,rwinS
Mr. SudiroHw
BengawanSolo River Basin DevelopmentProfect:
Mr. Sudi Harsono

JICA StudyTeam: M r . M i n o r uO u c h i
Mr. Naoki Yamashita
Ms. HikaruSugirnoto
JICATokyo: Mr. Hideaki Matsumoto

Lampiran 4
Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (1)
Mi nutes of Mect ins

Minutes of Meeting on

Progress Report (l)

For the Studv


C ou nterm easuresfor S edim entstiort

, n the lYonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir


Ministry of Public lVorks


Japan International Cooperatiort Agency

Jakarta, January 20, 2005

Mr. Ir. DjokoSubarkah, Mr. MinonrOUCFII
Directorof WaterResources 7 Leaderof the StudyTeam
for CentralRegion JapanlnternationalCoopcrationAgcncy
DirectorateGeneralof WaterResources
Ministryof PublicWorks
The Study on C'ountermeasures for Sedimentalion l v { i n u t c so f M e c t i n g
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Minutes of Meeting on the Progress Report (l)

Subject:ProgressReport (1)

Dat e: 19 J a n u a ry2 0 0 5 ,9 :3 0 -1 3 :3 0

Place: Meeting room of PIJ

The JICA Study Team submitted 20 copies of the ProgressReport ( 1) during the flrst ficld works in
Indonesiain accordancewith the Scope of Works of the Study. mccting was chaireclby Ir. Djoko

Subarkah,Dipl.HE, Director of Water Resourcesfor Ccntral Regiorr.Irr the nleeting,the JICA Stucly

Team explained the contents of the ProgressReport ( 1). Thereatter,a scries of disctrssionrvas tnaclc

between both sides. As a result of discussions, the contents of the Progress Report ( I ) werc itt
principle agreedby both sides.The list of participants is attachedhercto.

Main points of discussionare as follows:

l. The study seemsto focus on technicalaspectmore than environntent,social,econotnic,flnattcial,

and institutional aspects.The Stucly explainecl the starting points of the Sttrclywcrc tltc
clarification of current conditions of the Wonogiri reservoir ancl tlte watershcd. thc tirst

field works were focused on the technical aspects. Ilnvironmcntal, social, ccotrot'tticantl

institutionalaspectswill be studied in detail in the ncxt stage,althottghbasic sttrtly rcsttltsarc

describedin the ProgressReport ( I ).

2. SWOT analysisis needed in the next stage to solve the problcm statementsidcrrtifieclin this

study properly.

3. The riverbed movement analysisand the verification test of sedintentremoval systctn will bc

carried out in the next stage.

4. The trash boom (floating net) in front of intake looks light, so it can ttot stop the gartrageto entcr

into the intake. The modified trash boom shall be consideredin view of easy operatiott antl


5 . The farmersare very poor. This study should find out some altcrnativesto solvc it' It is
suggestedthat farmers participationapproachshould be adopted.Ancl possibility of agrtr
forestryby plantingof cropslike Jati Emas,mango,jambu mete,ctc for reforestation
with provisionof creditservicesfrom bank.

implementedbecauseof poor gtriclancc.

programswerenot successfully
6 . Someof reforestation

The Study on Countermeasuresfor Sedimentation M i n u l e s o 1 'M e c t r n g
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

on the StateForcstryEnterprise;linritcdproductiorr,
7. Therearethreekindsof forestclassification
production,and protectionforests.In the regulation,farmersare not allowedto cultivateall thc
forests,but Ministry of Forestrycan not guard all forestsfrom the farnrer'sactivities.So.
promotionofjoint programis expected.

8. Populationpressureis one of the factors of soil erosion in the Wonogiri watershed.A

transmigrationprogramis one of counterrneasures.

considersthat farmer'sparticipationapproachis an eftbctivemethodologyfbr

9. The Crovernment
programs.This approachwas not alwayssustainable
soil conservation of
in the inrplernentation
pastsoil conservation

10. Downstreampeoplebenefitedfrom the Wonogirireservoirshouldfinanciallyassistthe Wonogiri

watershed This principle(raisingof people'salareness)shall bc studicdirr thc
next stage.

The Study on Countermeasuresfor Sedimentation M i n u t e so f M c e t i n g
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Attachment:List of Participants

Institution Name Positiorr
Directorateof WaterResources
for Mr. Dioko Subarkah Director
Directorateof TechnicalGuidance Mr. Prasidananto Chiel'of SubDircctoratc
Mr. Bistok S C hi ef of S ccti on

Mr. Sri Hartono C hi ef of S ecti on

Mr. Gunto Nababan Staff

Directorateof Water Resourcesfor Mr. Kusbandoro Chief of Sub f)irectoratc


Directorateof Water Resources Mr. Imam Anshori Chicf of Strb l)ircctoratc

Directorateof Water Resourcesfor Mr. Panggabean Chief of Scctiorr
Dam SafetyUnit Mr. Teguh Ungsiadi Chief of Sectiort

Ministryof Forestry Mr. SaeftrlRachman Chietof Sub Dircctorate

PJT-1,BengawanSolo Mr. Sutioso Budirahardjo Director

Mr. Erwin lJudoyo Chicf of ]-cchrricall)ivision

PIPWSBS Mr. Rohadi Managerof I)l arrrti ng

Mr. Widihardjo Assistant

Ms. Lilik RetnoC Staff

DirectorateGeneralof WaterResources Mr. ShunichiMAtiDA JICA fJxpert

lnstitution Name Position
JICA StudyTeam Mr. Minoru OuCf II T'eaml-eader
Mr. KenjiroONAKA Co-'feaml-eaclcr
Mr. TamotsuSllINGU Civil l3nginecr/
Dan'r& RelateclFacility
Mr. TadahiroFUKUDA ScdimentHvdratrlic
Ms. t{ikaruSUGIMOTO Coordinator/

Lampiran 5
Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (2)
Minutes of Meetins

Minutes of Meeting on Steering Committee

Progress Report (2)

For the Studv


Co unterm easu res for S edim entatio n

tn the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir


Ministry of Public Works


Japan International Cooperation Agency

Jakarta, August 22, 2005

I l
,1 I

i ;/' 1

Mrs. Ir. Dyah RahayuPangesti,Dipl.HE,APU Mr. Minoru OUCHI

Director of Rivers,Lakesand Reservoirs Leaderof the StudyTeam

DirectorateGeneralof WaterResources JapanInternationalCooperationAgency
Ministrv of Public Works
'fhe Minutes of Meeting
Study on Countermeasuresfor Sedimentatton
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Minutes of Meeting on Steering Committee

Subject:ProgressReport (2)

Dat e: 22 A u g u s t 2 0 0 5 , 1 4 :0 0 -1 8 :0 0

Place: Meeting room of PU

The JICA Study Team submitted 25 copies of the ProgressReport (2) during the second field works

in Indonesia in accordance with the Scope of Works of the Study. The meeting was chaired by Ir.

Dyah Rahayu Pangesti,Dipl.HE, APU Director of Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs.In the meeting, Ir.

Siswoko, Dipl.HE., Director General of Water Resources also attended. The JICA Study Team

explained the main contents of the Progress Report (2) with the focus on the current condition and
issues on both the Wonogiri dam reservoir sedimentation and its watershed. Thereafter, a series of

discussion was made between both sides. As a result of discussions,the contents of the Progress

Report (2) were agreed by both sides. The list of participant is attached hereto.

Main points of discussionare as follows:

1. The Study results seem to focus on structural measures(civil works) in reservoir.The main issue

of Wonogiri reservoir sedimentation is much soil erosion in the watershed. At present, PU

worries about a dilemma between increasing water demand and decreasing reservoir capacity.

To solve the problem, PU considerserosion control involving poor farmers is key factor. In this

respect, only PIJ can not solve this issue. Therefore PLJ considers to invite and involve relating

agencies to solve the watershed management problems together.

2. Sediment bypass from the Keduang River will cause relatively high concentrated sediment flow

to downstream reaches together with the water. The Keduang bypass will cause another

sedimentationproblems to the Colo weir. As a result, it will be only transfer of sedimentation

problems from the Wonogiri watershed to the Colo weir.

3. The idea of heightening the dam elevation to increase water volume is not recommendable as it

will causea very wide impacts such as stability of dam body, acquisition of reservoir area, social

problems, etc.

4. To deal with the accumulated sedimentation in the Wonogiri Dam, routine clearing of garbage

and sediment in front of the intake is recommended.

5. Sedimentationproblemsare happeningin other reservoirsin Indonesia.Thus this Studyis very

important. The approachof the Study shall be applicableto other reservoirssuffering from

Study on Countermeasuresfbr Sedimentation Minutes of Meetins
in the Wonogiri MultipurposeDam Reservoir

6 . Handling of sedimentation problems of the Wonogiri Dam is suggested to integrate structural

and non-structural measureswith involvement of the local communitv and stakeholders.

7 . Farmers upstream of Wonogiri Dam especially in steep areas are very poor. Increasing their
income (poverty alleviation) is very crucial.

8 . Advantage and disadvantageof the sediment managementoptions shall be explained. Although

it is omitted in this meeting, it has already explained in the Progress Report (2). The

sedimentation issues are mainly from social problems. Good pattern (method) to solve social
problems shall be established. Of great importance is to implement the method. The Study

results shall be implemented in a sustainableway from social, economical and environmental


9. Sincethe water is llowing naturalresources

with no administrative
boundary,it is necessary
establishthe role sharingbetweenupstreamand downstreamstakeholdersfrom the aspectsof
both financinsandbenefit.

The Study on Countermeasuresfbr Sedimentation Minutes of Meeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Attachment:List of Participants
Indonesian Side:
Institution Name Position
Directorate General of Water Mr. Siswoko Director General

Directorate of Rivers, Lakes, and Mrs. Dyah Rahayu Director

Reservoirs Pansesti
Mr. Warsito Sub Director of Water Resources
Mr. Slamet Budi Santoso Sub Directorate of Rivers. Lakes.
and Reservoirs Technical Planning
Mr. Mr. Prasidananto Sub Director of Implementation for
Nugroho West Region
Mr. Bambang Hargono Sub Director of Implementation for
East Region
Directorate of Planning and Mrs. Deliana Staffof Sub Directorate of River
Programming Basin Planning
Directorate of Water Resources Mr. Prabowo Staff of Sub Directorate of O&M of
Management Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs
BAPPENAS Mr. Candra R Staff of Directorate of Water
Resourcesand Irrigation
Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. Suharyanto Staff of Directorate of Spatial
Planning and Environment

Mr. Suyanto Staffof Directorate of Spatial

Planning and Environment
Ministry of Forestry Mr. Iyus Sutisna Chief of Section for Watershed
Management and Social Economic
Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Ali Boser Chief of Sub Directorate of
Irrigation Water Usage
Ministry of Environment Mrs. Yossy Suzanna Chief of Sub Directorate of Lakes
Mr. Harjono Chief of Sub Directorate of
PJT-I, Bengawan Solo Mr. Sutioso Director

Mr. Erwin Budoyo Chief of Technical Division

Mr. Hartono Chief of Water ServicesDivision
PIPWS BS Mr. Tri Rohadi Manager of Planning
Mr. Widihardjo Assistant
Ms. Lilik Retno C Staff

The Study on Countermeasuresfor Sedimentatron Minutes of Meeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir


Institution Name Position

JICA StudyTeam Mr. Minoru OUCHI Team Leader

Mr. Kenjiro ONAKA Co-Team Leader

Mr. Tamotsu SHNGU Civil Engineer/

Dam & Related Facility

Mr. Tadahiro FIJKIJDA Sediment Hydraulic Expert

DirectorateGeneralof Water Mr. YasuyukiHIRAI JICA Experton WaterResources

Resources Policy

Lampiran 6
Minutes of Meeting on Progress Report (3)
Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting on Steering Committee

Progress Report (3)

for the Study


Co u nt erm easu res fo r Sedim entatio n

trt the ll/ottogiri Multipttrpose Dam Reservoir


Ministry of Public ll/orks


Japan International Cooperation Agency

Jakurta, M a r c h 2 , 2 0 0 6

L ,
Ir. Widagdo Dipl. HE

Director of Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs Leaderof the Study Team

DirectorateGeneralof WaterResources JapanInternationalCooperationAgency
Ministry of Public Works
Study on Countermeosures for Sedimentatiorr Minutes o.f Meeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Minutes of Meeting on Steering Committee

Subject:ProgressReport (3)

Dat e: M a rc h 2 ,2 0 0 6 ,9 :5 0 -1 3 :0 0

Place: Jatiluhur Meetine room of Directorate of Water Resources

The JICA Study Team submitted 20 copies of the ProgressReport (3) during the second field works

in Indonesia in accordancewith the Scope of Works of the Study. The meeting was chaired by Ir.

Widagdo Dipl. HE, Director of Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs.The JICA Study Team explained the

main contents of the Progress Report (3) on the progress to date, direction, and strategy of master

planning, urgent countermeasuresfor sedimentation at the intake issues and watershed conservation

as a mid / long term measures for Wonogiri reservoir sedimentation problems. Thereafler, a series of

discussion was made between both sides. As a result of discussions,the contents of the Progress

Report (3) were agreedby both sides.The list of participant is attachedhereto.

Main points of discussionare as follows:

1 . The Wonogiri reservoir must be sustained as it is an important facility for storing water.
Combination of structural and non-structural countermeasures would be the best solution tbr

handling for sedimentation problems in the Wonogiri reservoir.

2 . The result of the Study on wonogiri reservoir sedimentation countermeasuresshould be a model

of reservoir sedimentation countermeasures as a suidance for other reservoirs which are

suffering for sedimentation problems.

The main issues are sediment deposits at the intake and the continuing sediment inflow into the

Wonogiri reservoir. The short term solution that must be highlighted is how to overcome the

blockage of the intake by sediment and garbage. Since dredging of sediment is a temporary

measure, the structural measures to be proposed should be based on the application detail and

operation rules. In addition, the alternative structural measure of the sediment bypass tunnel of

the Keduang River needs to be of further consideration from the aspects of impacts that may

affect the Colo weir downstream.

4 . In the future, the sediment entering the Wonogiri reservoir must be reduced significantly. From
the aspect of watershed conservation, changing of lifestyle of local people would be very much

required becausethe problem of erosion / sedimentation comes from human activities.

5 . The current operation method of Wonogiri reservoir is risky because of almost no observance of
the existing operation rule. This might come from strong demand of downstream stakeholders

The Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentotion ,\linutes of Meeting
in the llonogiri Multipurpose Danr Reservoir

for more water supply. Under the Study, re-allocation of the current remaining reservoir capacity

will be recommendedto securethe current water supply. Howeveq this will require some safety

devices from dam safety point of view.

6. The Study should highlight empowerrnent of community such as how to support people's

activities, to increasepeople's income and to improve people's environment (refer activities of

pilot project in Grindulu watershed, Kabupaten Pacitan). In addition, a matrix of role sharing

and action plan covering all agenciesconcernedshould be prepared.

7. In view of how to motivate the local people on watershed management and conservation,

sharing of benefits between the upstream and downstream stakeholders shall be an important

factor. This concept for benefit sharing comes from the Integrated Water ResourcesManagement

8. Conservation of the Wonogiri watershed should involve all the stakeholders concerned. The

GNKPA (Gerakan Nasional Kemitraan PenyelamatanAir: National Movement on Partnership of

Water Conservation) shall be recommended to implement the Wonogiri watershed conservation

master plan to be proposed by the study

214 ,'fu
The Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentation Minutes of Meeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Attachment: List of Participants

Indonesian Side:
Institution Name Position
Directorateof Rivers.Lakes. Mr. Widasdo Director
Mr. BambangWarsiro Chief of SubDirectorateof
Directorateof Planningand Mr. Hariyanto Chief of SubDirectorateof Water
Programming Resources Developmentfor West
Directorateof WaterResources Mr. SuladSriharto Chief of SubDirectorateof O&M
Management of Rivers,Lakesand Reservoirs
Mr. SukoRahardio Chief of Sub Directorateof
Directorateof Irrigation Mr. HastinaZulkarinain SubDirectorateof Irrigationfor
BAPPENAS Mr. Donny Azdan Directorof WaterResources
Mr. Amor Rio S Staffof Directorateof Forestryand
Conservation of WaterResources
Dam SafetyUnit Mr. A. HananAkhmad Chief of Dam SafetyUnit
Mr. TeguhUngsiadi Chief of Sectionfor Programand
Ministryof Agriculture Mr. Iwan Patma Directorateof LandandWater
Ministryof Forestry Mr. SaefulRachman Chief of SubDirectorateof
Watershed Management
Ministryof Environment Mr. Harjono Chief of SubDirectorateof
PJTI BengawanSolo Mr. SutiosoBudirahardjo Director
Mr. Erwin Budoyo Chiefof TechnicalDivision
Mr. Hartono Chief of WaterServicesDivision
PIPWSBengawanSolo Mr. Sugiyanto GeneralManager
Mr. Tri Rohadi Managerfor Planning
Mr. Widihardjo Assistantfor Design
SNVT PPSABengawanSolo Mr. AgusRudyanto Chiefof SubUnit of Planning

The Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentation llinutes ol Meeling
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dom Reservoir


Institution Name Position

JICA Indonesia Mr. KatsuhikoOHARA AssistantResident
Ms. SulistyoWardani ProgramOfficer
DirectorateGeneralof Water Mr. YasuyukiHIRAI JICA Experton WaterResources
Resources Policy
WREFR&CIP Mr. Masaki ITO TeamLeader
JICA StudyTeam Mr. Minoru OUCHI TeamLeader
Mr. Kenjiro ONAKA Co-TeamLeader
Mr. TadahiroFUKUDA SedimentHydraulic Expert
Mr. TamotsuSHINGU Civil Engineer/
Dam & RelatedFacility
Ms. Hikaru SUGIMOTO Coordinator/
WaterQuality Expert
SebelasMaret University Ms. Siti Qomariyah lnterpreter/Translator

Lampiran 7
Minutes of Meeting on Interim Report
Minutes oJ' Meeting

Minutes of Meeting on Steering Committee

Interim Report

for the Study


C o unte rme osures for S edimentatio n

tn the ll/onogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir


Ministry of Public Works


Japan International CooperationAgency

Jakarta, July 19, 2006

\v /t
y', t.
i't';, 'u [\
L . ,
. t /Z

Ir. Widagdo,Dipl.HE Mr. Minoru OUCHI

Director of River, Lake and Reservoir Leaderof the Study Team

DirectorateGeneralof WaterResources JapanInternationalCooperationAgency
Ministry of Public Works
The Study on Countermeosures for Sedimentation ,I,finutes of ,lleeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reseryoir

Minutesof Meetingon SteeringCommittee

Date: July I 9, 2006,I 3:00-l 6:30
Place: JatiluhurMeetingroomof Directorateof WaterResources

The JICA StudyTeamsubmitted20 copiesof the Interim Reportto Directorateof River,Lake and
Reservoirat the SteeringCommitteeon July 4,2006 in accordance
with the Scopeof Worksof the
Study.The meetingwaschairedby Ir. WidagdoDipl. HE, Directorof River,Lakeand Reservoir.
JICA StudyTeamexplainedmain contentof the InterimReportand exchanged
with the
Committeemembers.However,conclusionof the SteeringCommitteewas postponed
until the next
SteeringCommitteetwo weekslater for review of the Interim Reportby the Committeemembers,
the InterimReportpresentsthe MasterPlanof countermeasures
for sedimentation
in the Wonogiri reservoir,and hence it was of great importanceto decide the direction of
of the Wonogiriwatershedas well as the sedimentation
in the

The next SteeringCommitteewas held on July 19,2006chairedby Ir. WidagdoDipl. HE, Director
of River, Lake and Reservoir.The JICA Study Team explainedwith the main focus on selecting
processof the sedimentstoragereservoirwith gateamongalternativestructuralcountermeasures
major activitiesof watershedmanagement
and conservation.
Thereafteqa seriesof discussionwas
madebetweenboth sides.As a resultof discussions,
the contentsof InterimReportwereagreedby
bothsides.The list of participantis attachedhereto.

Main pointsandconclusions
of discussions

t . Participants
with no objectionsthe conceptof MasterPlanby meansof combination
approachof structuraland non-structural
for the sedimentation
problemsin the
Wonogiri reservoir. Structural and non-structural countermeasuresshould be done

2 . The proposedMasterPlanwas approvedand the urgentmeasuresfor copingwith the sediment

and garbageinflows from the KeduangRiver were approvedfor proceedingto the f-easibility
study in the Phase2 of the Study.The urgentmeasuressubjectto feasibility study are the
sedimentstoragereservoir with new gates, periodic maintenancedredging at intake and
in the Keduangcatchment.

3. As for technicalcommentsand suggestionsfrom PJll BengawanSolo on the operational

methodof the proposedsedimentstoragereservoiras well as other commentsfrom PBS and

'fhe ,ll inutes o.f ,lleeting
Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentation
in the Wonogiri lvlultipurpose Dam Reservoir

duringthe stageof feasibility

theyshouldbe studiedfor clearunderstanding
theyareto be examinedandstudiedin detailthroughthe f-easibility

4 . Community-based plan shouldbe fbrmulatedbasedon
and management
the participatoryapproach(bottom-upmethod)with the main focus on how to empowerthe
localfarmersandhow to supportthemto increaseagriculturalproductionandtheir income.

5 . Valuableexperiencesof watershedconservationprojectsalreadyconductedin severalareas

Duringthe feasibilitystudy,closecoordinationwith not only
for reference.
shouldbe considered
DGWR but alsolocalgovernmentas well as concernedagenciesshouldbe madeconcerningthe

proposedmasterplan is high. The

6 . The estimatedconstructioncost of all the countermeasures
costshouldbe reviewedduringthe feasibilitystudystage.

j. It is expectedthat AMDAL should be carriedout for the proposedurgentcountermeasures.

EnvironmentalImpact Analysis (EIA) will be carried out for the proposed urgent
duringthe fbasibilitystudystage.

2t4 4
The Study on Countermeosures for Sedimentation .llinutes of ,\leeting
in lhe Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

Attachment: List of Participants

Indonesian Side:
Institution Name Position
DirectorGeneralof Water Mr. Siswoko DirectorGeneral
Ministryof Public
Directorateof River.Lake.and Mr. Widasdo Director
Mr. BambangWarsito Chief of SubDirectorateof Water
Resources Conservation
Mr. Budisantoso Staffof Sub Directorateof
Mr. Adritra S. Staffof Directorateof River.Lake.
Directorateof WaterResources Mr. ImamAnshori Director
Mr. Arifin Staffof O&M for River.Lakeand
Mr. Adha Fuad Staffof O&M for River.Lakeand
Mr. Agus Praptomo Staffof O&M for River,Lakeand
Directorateof Programming Mr. Abdul Rais Staffof Directorateof
Mr. A. H. Subarda Staffof Directorateof
DirectorateGeneralof Spatial Mr. Andi Renald Staffof DirectorateGeneralof
Planning SpatialPlanning
Directorateof lrrigation Mr. HastinaZulkarnain Staffof Directorateof lrrigation
Dam SafetyUnit Mr. A. HananAkhmad Chief of Dam SafetyUnit
Mr. AchmadZubaidi Dam Engineer
WREFR&CIP Mr. Masakitto TeamLeader

Ministryof Environment Mr. HarminM. Chief of SubDirectorateof

Ministry of Energyand Mineral Mr. SatrioHadipurwo
MinistryofAgriculture Mr. Surawan Chief of SubDirectorateof Land
Ministryof Forestry Mr. SentotSubagyo Chief of SubDirectorateof
Mr. Suwindo Staffof Sub Directorateof


Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentation lvlinutes of lvteeting
in the Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir

PJTI BengawanSolo Mr. SutiosoBudirahardjo Director

Mr. Erwin Budoyo Chiefof TechnicalDivision
Mr. Hartono Chiefof WaterServicesDivision
PIPws BengawanSolo Mr. Sugiyanto GeneralManager
Mr. RochadiM. ProjectManagerfor FloodControl
of BengawanSoloRiver
Mr. Widihardjo TechnicalAssistantof Planning
Mr. Agus R. Chiefof Conservation
Developmentof WaterResources
WonogiriDistrict Drs.Edi Sutopo Chiefof IndustryandTrade
Sudaryanto Chiefof PublicWorksServices

J apanes eS id e :

Institution Name Position

JICA StudyTeam Mr. Minoru ouchi TeamLeader
Mr. KenjiroOnaka Co-TeamLeader
Mr. Haisheng
Jin HydraulicNumericalAnalysist
Mr. TadahiroFukuda SedimentHydraulicExpert
Mr. TamotsuShineu Civil Ensineer/
Dam & ilelatedFacility
Mr. SaksonoHadi Interpreter/Translator


Lampiran 8
Minutes of Meeting on Draft Final Report
Lampiran 9
Minutes of Meeting on Draft Final Report

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