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[The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH)


David Calvert

Of all hypotheses concerning UfOs, the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is

perhaps the most enduring. Briefly stated, it is the belief that UFOs are spacecraft piloted
by alien intelligences from other worlds.

But what substance is there for such a widely held belief? Who are these visitors
and where have they come from?

The dawn of the modern UFO era began in 1947 with the Kenneth Arnold
sighting of nine flying discs over the Cascade Mountains, Washington State, USA. From
this event the term ‘flying saucer’ came into being. But how did the simple sighting of
these objects evolve into spacecraft piloted by beings from other worlds?

Scientists before the commencement of WWII had already mooted the exploration
and possible colonisation of space. It was during the war, however, that rocket technology
truly advanced, and humanity took a closer step to achieving its dream. If the exploration
of space was within our grasp, came the logical argument, then who was to say that a
more advanced civilisation had not already done so?

In 1947 and the intervening years, reports of extraordinary craft and their
occupants began to surface. The aerodynamic design and flight characteristics were far in
advance of anything humanity had achieved at the time. Even with today’s technology we
cannot duplicate them, thus supporting the notion that they were extraterrestrial in origin.

Reason and science are now telling us that the declarations of early contactees
such as George Adamski, and others, who claimed to have made contact with beings from
Venus, Saturn, and Mars, are extremely unlikely and suspect, because unmanned probes
sent to these worlds have thus far been unable to detect even the simplest of micro-
organisms, let alone sentient intelligence (although in the latter case recent developments
show that this might not be true). As our knowledge of our solar neighbours expands we
are increasingly forced to look further afield for the origins of these strange visitors.

In doing so we must first assume that; (1) extraterrestrial intelligences have arisen
elsewhere in the universe, perhaps many times, (2) that some form of technologically
advanced civilisation has reached the point whereby interstellar travel is possible; and (3)
that such civilisations have arrived here on Earth and are pursuing covert missions.

Frank Drake, a scientist and one of the pioneers of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) formulated an equation that attempts to give a number as to how many
intelligences there may be in the universe.


[N = R x S x P x E x L x I x C x V.]

This equation contains cosmic, biological, and technological terms. The first expresses
the conditions necessary for the existence of stars with planets suitable for the appearance
of life.

R is the number of stars formed per year in our galaxy;

S is the fraction of these stars that are of solar type;
P is the fraction of these that have planets;
E is the number of planers situated at distances from the stars that are suitable to the
appearance of life.

Next, we have the biological terms.

L is the fraction of planets on which life appears;

I is the fraction of these on which intelligence develops;

Finally, the technological terms.

C is the fraction of intelligent species that develop communications technology;

V is the lifetime of the communication phase in years.

Interestingly, this equation produces an alarmingly high number of possible


To date, SETI have been unable to detect any alien made radio wave/pulses from
neighbouring star systems, in apparent contradiction of the extraterrestrial hypothesis,
thereby adding fuel to the School of One concept - that we are indeed alone in the
This naturally creates a paradox. If were are indeed the only intelligence, then
who or what is responsible for the global sightings of structured craft and their bizarre
occupants, such as was reported in 1955 by the Sutton family. They endured a three-hour
ordeal at their farmhouse in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, at the hands of several
‘glowing creatures’, following the landing of a UFO.

A depiction of what the Suttons saw is shown above. Compare this entity with the
so-called ‘Chupacabra’ of Brazil. Clearly, they are an entirely different species, as distinct
from one another as the ‘Nordic’ types are from the reported ‘Greys’ and ‘reptoid’
entities. Might this be prima-facie evidence supporting Drake’s equation of many

In the majority of close encounters of the 3rd and 4th kind the entities are
frequently described as humanoid in form i.e. two arms, two legs etc. But many biologists
believe this would be extremely improbable, given that our evolutionary path is the result
of certain influencing factors such as the composition of our atmosphere, gravity, our
distance from the sun, and many others. The suggestion, therefore, that there are
countless other worlds whose characteristics match ours exactly, and whose inhabitants
have followed the same genetic pathways and mutations as ours is, they believe,

By applying such logic we reach the inescapable conclusion that it is the more
outlandish entities that give credence and support to the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Another stumbling (though not insurmountable) block for the ETH is the vast
interstellar distances involved. Spacecraft capable of travelling interstellar distances are
currently way beyond our technological skills. Even if we built a ship capable of
travelling at light speed (300,000 km per second) it would take at least 100,000 years for
it to travel from one edge of our galaxy to the other.

However, advanced alien civilisations may have overcome this problem by using
their advanced knowledge of the fabric of space-time. Theoretically, it is possible to
travel faster than the speed of light. The four dimensional universe consists of length,
breadth, height and time. By manipulating or ‘bending’ space-time, so that the space
behind you expands vastly and the space ahead of you shrinks or collapses, you arrive at
your destination in literally no time at all.


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