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of Tourism Statistics
Data 2012 – 2016
2018 Edition
of Tourism Statistics
Data 2012 – 2016

2018 Edition

World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO )

Calle Capitán Haya 42 · 28020 Madrid · Spain
Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


Decision-making requires reliable information to guide sound policies and development strategies. In
order to support countries in monitoring and better understanding the impact and evolution of tourism
across their economies, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) systematically gathers tourism
statistics from countries and territories around the world into a vast database that is used to produce
two key statistical publications every year: the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook
of Tourism Statistics. Together, these two publications constitute the most comprehensive statistical
information available on the tourism sector.

The UNWTO Compendium of Tourism Statistics provides data and indicators on inbound, outbound and
domestic tourism, as well as on the number and types of tourism industries, the number of employees by
tourism industry, and macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism. This is complemented
by the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics which focuses specifically on data related to inbound tourism (total
arrivals and overnight stays), broken down by country of origin.

The statistics presented in the 2018 editions of the Compendium and the Yearbook give an insight into
tourism’s multiple facets and its ever-growing importance and are an indispensable reference for all
tourism stakeholders. Above all, they provide decision makers with the information needed for more
evidence-based policymaking and, as a result, more sustainable tourism development.

Zurab Pololikashvili
Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


La prise de décision doit pouvoir s’appuyer sur des informations fiables permettant de définir des
politiques et des stratégies de développement adéquates. Pour aider les pays à assurer le suivi de
l’impact et de l’évolution du tourisme dans leurs économies et à en avoir une meilleure compréhension,
l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) procède à une collecte systématique de statistiques du
tourisme auprès de pays et de territoires du monde entier. Ces statistiques sont rassemblées dans une
vaste base de données qui permet, chaque année, de faire paraître deux publications statistiques clés :
le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme. À elles deux, ces
publications offrent les informations statistiques les plus complètes sur le secteur touristique.

Le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme préparé par l’OMT contient des données et des indicateurs
sur le tourisme récepteur, émetteur et interne, sur le nombre et les types d’industries touristiques et
le nombre de salariés par industrie touristique, ainsi que des indicateurs macroéconomiques liés au
tourisme international. Ces données sont complétées par l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme qui se
concentre spécifiquement sur les données liées au tourisme récepteur (nombre total d’arrivées et de
nuitées), avec une ventilation par pays d’origine.

Les statistiques présentées dans les éditions 2018 du Compendium et de l’Annuaire apportent un
éclairage sur les multiples facettes du tourisme et sur son importance croissante. Elles constituent
un guide de référence incontournable pour toutes les parties prenantes du secteur touristique. Et
par-dessus tout, elles fournissent aux décideurs les éléments d’appréciation dont ils ont besoin pour
formuler des politiques en connaissance de cause et, partant, assurer un développement plus durable
du tourisme.

Zurab Pololikashvili
Secrétaire général, Organisation mondial du tourisme (OMT)

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


La adopción de decisiones requiere información fiable que permita orientar adecuadamente las
políticas y las estrategias de desarrollo. Con el fin de ayudar a los países a supervisar y entender mejor
la incidencia y la evolución del turismo en su economía, la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT)
compila sistemáticamente estadísticas de turismo de países y territorios de todo el mundo en una
extensa base de datos que cada año da lugar a dos publicaciones estadísticas clave: el Compendio
de estadísticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo. Juntas, estas dos publicaciones
constituyen la más completa información estadística disponible sobre el sector turístico.

El Compendio de estadísticas de turismo de la OMT proporciona datos e indicadores sobre turismo

receptor, emisor e interno, sobre el número y los tipos de industrias turísticas, sobre el número de
asalariados por industria turística y sobre aspectos macroeconómicos relacionados con el turismo
internacional. Estos datos se complementan con el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo que se
centra específicamente en los datos relacionados con el turismo receptor (totales de llegadas y de
pernoctaciones) desglosados por país de origen.

Las estadísticas presentadas en las ediciones de 2018 del Compendio y del Anuario permiten explorar
las múltiples facetas del turismo y su creciente importancia y son una guía de referencia indispensable
para todos los agentes del turismo. Sobre todo, proporcionan datos fehacientes a los responsables
públicos para que sus políticas tengan mayor fundamento y, como resultado, promuevan el desarrollo
de un turismo más sostenible.

Zurab Pololikashvili
Secretario General, Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT)

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

Table of contents

Foreword / Avant-propos / Prólogo................................. iii Colombia / Colombie....................................................... 174

Comoros / Comores / Comoras....................................... 179
Introduction / Introducción.............................................. xiii Congo.............................................................................. 180
Cook Islands / Îles Cook / Islas Cook.............................. 186
Country tables................................................................. 1 Costa Rica....................................................................... 187
Côte d’Ivoire.................................................................... 192
Notes to tables Croatia / Croatie / Croacia............................................... 193
English ...................................................................... 891 Cuba................................................................................ 199
French....................................................................... 903 Curaçao........................................................................... 203
Spanish ..................................................................... 916 Cyprus / Chypre / Chipre................................................. 206
Czech Republic / République tchèque /
Data sources ................................................................... 929 República Checa....................................................... 212

Denmark / Danemark / Dinamarca................................... 220

Dominica / Dominique..................................................... 224
Country tables by alphabetical order Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine /
República Dominicana............................................... 228
Albania / Albanie.............................................................. 3
Algeria / Algérie / Argelia................................................. 5 Ecuador / Équateur.......................................................... 230
American Samoa / Samoa américaines / Egypt / Égypte / Egipto.................................................... 235
Samoa Americana..................................................... 7 El Salvador....................................................................... 243
Andorra / Andorre............................................................ 9 Estonia / Estonie.............................................................. 255
Angola............................................................................. 10 Ethiopia / Éthiopie / Etiopía............................................. 263
Anguilla / Anguila............................................................. 14
Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua-et-Barbuda / Fiji / Fidji.......................................................................... 265
Antigua y Barbuda..................................................... 16 Finland / Finlande / Finlandia........................................... 267
Argentina / Argentine....................................................... 20 France / Francia............................................................... 282
Armenia / Arménie........................................................... 21 French Guinea / Guinée équatoriale /
Aruba............................................................................... 24 Guinea Ecuatorial...................................................... 290
Australia / Australie.......................................................... 28 French Polynesia / Polynésie française /
Austria / Autriche............................................................. 33 Polinesia Francesa..................................................... 291
Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan / Azerbaiyán............................. 41
Gambia / Gambie............................................................. 299
Bahamas.......................................................................... 48 Georgia / Géorgie............................................................ 300
Bahrain / Bahreïn / Bahrein.............................................. 58 Germany / Allemagne / Alemania..................................... 307
Bangladesh...................................................................... 62 Greece / Grèce / Grecia................................................... 315
Barbados / Barbade........................................................ 63 Grenada / Grenade / Granada......................................... 325
Belarus / Bélarus / Belarús.............................................. 68 Guadeloupe / Guadalupe................................................. 329
Belgium / Belgique / Bélgica............................................ 76 Guam............................................................................... 330
Belize / Belice.................................................................. 96 Guatemala....................................................................... 331
Benin / Bénin................................................................... 98 Guinea / Guinée............................................................... 332
Bermuda / Bermudes....................................................... 101 Guyana / Guyane............................................................. 341
Bhutan / Bhoutan / Bhután.............................................. 102
Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Haiti / Haïti / Haití............................................................. 342
Bolivie (État Plurinational de) / Honduras......................................................................... 343
Boliva (Estado Plurinacional de)................................ 110 Hong Kong (China) / Hong-Kong (Chine) /
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine / Hong Kong (China).................................................... 346
Bosnia y Herzegovina................................................ 113 Hungary / Hongrie / Hungría............................................ 353
Bostwana......................................................................... 117
Brazil / Brésil / Brasil........................................................ 122 Iceland / Islande / Islandia............................................... 359
Brunei Darussalam / Brunéi Darussalam......................... 125 India / Inde....................................................................... 368
Bulgaria / Bulgarie........................................................... 127 Indonesia / Indonésie....................................................... 373
Burkina Faso.................................................................... 136 Iran, Islamic Republic of /
Burundi............................................................................ 138 Iran (République islamique d’) /
Irán (República Islámica del)...................................... 379
Cabo Verde...................................................................... 139 Ireland / Irlande / Irlanda.................................................. 382
Cambodia / Cambodge / Camboya................................. 141 Israel / Israël.................................................................... 384
Cameroon / Cameroun / Camerún................................... 144 Italy / Italie / Italia............................................................. 396
Canada / Canadá............................................................. 146
Cayman Islands / Îles Caïmanes / Islas Caimán.............. 155 Jamaica / Jamaïque......................................................... 410
Central African Republic / République centrafricaine / Japan / Japon / Japón..................................................... 413
República Centroafricana.......................................... 160 Jordan / Jordanie / Jordania............................................ 415
Chad / Tchad................................................................... 162
Chile / Chili...................................................................... 165 Kazakhstan / Kazajstán................................................... 421
China / Chine................................................................... 169 Kenya............................................................................... 426

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


Kiribati............................................................................. 428 Reunion / Réunion / Reunión........................................... 664

Korea, Republic of / Corée (République de) / Romania / Roumanie / Rumania...................................... 665
Corea (República de)................................................. 429 Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie /
Kuwait / Koweït................................................................ 434 Federación de Rusia.................................................. 677
Kyrgyzstan / Kirghizistan / Kirguistán............................... 439 Rwanda............................................................................ 682

Lao People’s Democratic Republic / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis /

République démocratique populaire lao / Saint Kitts y Nevis...................................................... 686
República Democrática Popular Lao......................... 441 Saint Lucia / Sainte-Lucie / Santa Lucía.......................... 687
Latvia / Lettonie / Letonia................................................ 442 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines /
Lebanon / Liban / Líbano................................................. 449 Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines /
Lesotho............................................................................ 453 San Vicente y las Granadinas.................................... 689
Liechtenstein................................................................... 454 Samoa............................................................................. 691
Lithuania / Lituanie / Lituania........................................... 462 San Marino / Saint-Marin................................................. 692
Luxembourg / Luxemburgo.............................................. 470 Saudi Arabia / Arabie saoudite / Arabia Saudita.............. 696
Senegal / Sénégal............................................................ 701
Macao (China) / Macao (Chine) / Macao (China).............. 478 Serbia / Serbie................................................................. 703
Madagascar..................................................................... 489 Seychelles........................................................................ 711
Malawi............................................................................. 493 Sierra Leone / Sierra Leona............................................. 716
Malaysia / Malaisie / Malasia........................................... 494 Singapore / Singapour / Singapur................................... 721
Maldives / Maldivas......................................................... 499 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) /
Mali / Malí........................................................................ 504 Sint Maarten (Partie Néerlandaise) /
Malta / Malte.................................................................... 514 Sint Maarten (Parte de los Países Bajos)................... 726
Marshall Islands / Îles Marshall / Islas Marshall............... 516 Slovakia / Slovaquie / Eslovaquia.................................... 727
Martinique / Martinica...................................................... 517 Slovenia / Slovénie / Eslovenia........................................ 731
Mauritius / Maurice / Mauricio......................................... 522 Solomon Islands / Îles Salomon / Islas Salomón............. 739
Mexico / Mexique / México.............................................. 532 South Africa / Afrique du Sud / Sudáfrica........................ 740
Micronesia, Federated States of / Spain / Espagne / España............................................... 750
Micronésie (États fédérés de) / Sri Lanka.......................................................................... 759
Micronesia (Estados Federados de).......................... 542 State of Palestine / État de Palestine /
Moldova, Republic of / Moldova (République de) / Estado de Palestina................................................... 766
Moldova (República de)............................................. 543 Sudan / Soudan / Sudán................................................. 768
Monaco / Mónaco............................................................ 547 Suriname......................................................................... 769
Mongolia / Mongolie........................................................ 549 Swaziland / Swazilandia.................................................. 774
Montenegro / Monténégro............................................... 551 Sweden / Suède / Suecia................................................ 777
Montserrat....................................................................... 559 Switzerland / Suisse / Suiza............................................. 785
Morocco / Maroc / Marruecos......................................... 561
Mozambique.................................................................... 568 Taiwan Province of China /
Myanmar.......................................................................... 569 Province chinoise de Taiwan /
Provincia china de Taiwán......................................... 793
Namibia / Namibie........................................................... 573 Tajikistan / Tadjikistan / Tayikistán................................... 799
Nepal / Népal................................................................... 575 Tanzania, United Republic of /
Netherlands / Pays-Bas / Países Bajos........................... 577 Tanzanie (République Unie de) /
New Caledonia / Nouvelle-Calédonie / Tanzanía (República Unida de)................................... 801
Nueva Caledonia....................................................... 583 Thailand / Thaïlande / Tailandia....................................... 805
New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande / Nueva Zelandia......... 584 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia /
Nicaragua........................................................................ 589 Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine /
Niger / Níger.................................................................... 594 Ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia..................... 810
Nigeria / Nigéria............................................................... 595 Timor-Leste...................................................................... 818
Niue / Nioué..................................................................... 599 Togo................................................................................. 819
Northern Mariana Islands / Tonga............................................................................... 823
Îles Mariannes septentrionales / Trinidad and Tobago / Trinité-et-Tobago /
Islas Marianas Septentrionales.................................. 600 Trinidad y Tabago...................................................... 824
Norway / Norvège / Noruega........................................... 601 Tunisia / Tunisie / Túnez................................................... 829
Turkey / Turquie / Turquía................................................. 835
Oman / Omán.................................................................. 609 Turks and Caicos Islands / Îles Turques et Caïques /
Islas Turcas y Caicos................................................. 853
Palau / Palaos.................................................................. 611 Tuvalu.............................................................................. 854
Panama / Panamá........................................................... 615
Papua New Guinea / Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée / Uganda / Ouganda.......................................................... 855
Papua Nueva Guinea................................................. 620 Ukraine / Ucrania............................................................. 860
Paraguay.......................................................................... 621 United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni / Reino Unido............... 865
Peru / Pérou / Perú.......................................................... 625 United States of America / États-Unis d’Amérique /
Philippines / Filipinas....................................................... 629 Estados Unidos de América...................................... 871
Poland / Pologne / Polonia.............................................. 633 United States Virgin Islands /
Portugal........................................................................... 655 Îles Vierges américaines /
Puerto Rico / Porto Rico.................................................. 659 Islas Vírgenes Americanas......................................... 876
Uruguay........................................................................... 878
Qatar................................................................................ 663

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


Vanuatu............................................................................ 879 West Africa – Afrique occidentale – África Occidental

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of /
Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) / Benin............................................................................... 98
Venezuela (República Bolivariana de)........................ 880 Burkina Faso.................................................................... 136
Viet Nam.......................................................................... 884 Cabo Verde...................................................................... 139
Côte d’Ivoire.................................................................... 192
Yemen / Yémen............................................................... 885 Gambia............................................................................ 299
Ghana.............................................................................. n.a.
Zambia / Zambie.............................................................. 889 Guinea............................................................................. 332
Zimbabwe........................................................................ 890 Guinea-Bissau................................................................. n.a.
Liberia.............................................................................. n.a.
Mali.................................................................................. 504
Mauritania........................................................................ n.a.
Country tables by geographical order Niger................................................................................ 594
Nigeria............................................................................. 595
AFRICA – AFRIQUE – ÁFRICA Saint Helena.................................................................... n.a.
Senegal............................................................................ 701
East Africa – Afrique orientale – África Oriental Sierra Leone.................................................................... 716
Togo................................................................................. 819
Burundi............................................................................ 138
Comoros.......................................................................... 179
Djibouti............................................................................ n.a.
Eritrea.............................................................................. n.a. AMERICAS – AMÉRIQUES – AMÉRICAS
Ethiopia............................................................................ 263
Kenya............................................................................... 426 Caribbean – Caraïbes – El Caribe
Madagascar..................................................................... 489
Malawi............................................................................. 493 Anguilla............................................................................ 14
Mauritius.......................................................................... 522 Antigua and Barbuda....................................................... 16
Mozambique.................................................................... 568 Aruba............................................................................... 24
Reunion........................................................................... 664 Bahamas.......................................................................... 48
Rwanda............................................................................ 682 Barbados......................................................................... 63
Seychelles........................................................................ 711 Bermuda.......................................................................... 101
Somalia............................................................................ n.a. British Virgin Islands........................................................ n.a.
Tanzania, United Republic of........................................... 801 Cayman Islands............................................................... 155
Uganda............................................................................ 855 Cuba................................................................................ 199
Zambia............................................................................. 889 Curaçao........................................................................... 203
Zimbabwe........................................................................ 890 Dominica.......................................................................... 224
Dominican Republic......................................................... 228
Grenada........................................................................... 325
Central Africa – Afrique centrale – África Central Guadeloupe..................................................................... 329
Haiti................................................................................. 342
Angola............................................................................. 10 Jamaica........................................................................... 410
Cameroon........................................................................ 144 Martinique........................................................................ 517
Central African Republic.................................................. 160 Montserrat....................................................................... 559
Chad................................................................................ 162 Puerto Rico...................................................................... 659
Congo.............................................................................. 180 Saint Kitts and Nevis....................................................... 686
Congo, Democratic Republic of the................................. n.a. Saint Lucia....................................................................... 687
Equatorial Guinea............................................................ n.a. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.................................... 689
Gabon.............................................................................. n.a. Sint Maarten (Dutch part)................................................. 726
Sao Tome and Principe.................................................... n.a. Trinidad and Tobago........................................................ 824
Turks and Caicos Islands................................................. 853
United States Virgin Islands............................................. 876
North Africa – Afrique du Nord – África del Norte

Algeria.............................................................................. 5 Central America – Amérique centrale – América Central

Morocco.......................................................................... 561
South Sudan.................................................................... n.a. Belize............................................................................... 96
Sudan.............................................................................. 768 Costa Rica....................................................................... 187
Tunisia.............................................................................. 829 El Salvador....................................................................... 243
Guatemala....................................................................... 331
Honduras......................................................................... 343
Southern Africa – Afrique australe – África Austral Nicaragua........................................................................ 589
Panama............................................................................ 615
Botswana......................................................................... 117
Lesotho............................................................................ 453
Namibia........................................................................... 573
South Africa..................................................................... 740
Swaziland........................................................................ 774

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


North America – Amérique du nord – América del Norte Melanesia – Mélanésie

Canada............................................................................ 146 Fiji .................................................................................. 265

Greenland........................................................................ n.a. New Caledonia................................................................ 583
Mexico............................................................................. 532 Papua New Guinea.......................................................... 620
Saint Pierre and Miquelon................................................ n.a. Solomon Islands.............................................................. 739
United States of America................................................. 871 Vanuatu............................................................................ 879

South America – Amérique du Sud – América del Sur Micronesia – Micronésie

Argentina......................................................................... 20 Guam............................................................................... 330

Bolivia, Plurinational State of........................................... 110 Kiribati............................................................................. 428
Brazil................................................................................ 122 Marshall Islands............................................................... 516
Chile................................................................................ 165 Micronesia, Federated States of...................................... 542
Colombia......................................................................... 174 Nauru............................................................................... n.a.
Ecuador........................................................................... 230 Northern Mariana Islands................................................. 600
Falkland Islands............................................................... n.a. Palau................................................................................ 611
French Guiana................................................................. 290
Guyana............................................................................ 341
Paraguay.......................................................................... 621 Polynesia – Polynésie – Polinesia
Peru................................................................................. 625
Suriname......................................................................... 769 American Samoa............................................................. 7
Uruguay........................................................................... 878 Cook Islands.................................................................... 186
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of ................................... 880 French Polynesia............................................................. 291
Niue................................................................................. 599
Pitcairn............................................................................ n.a.
Samoa............................................................................. 691
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC – Tokelau............................................................................ n.a.
ASIE DE L’EST ET LE PACIFIQUE – Tonga............................................................................... 823
ASIA ORIENTAL Y EL PACÍFICO Tuvalu.............................................................................. 854
Wallis and Futuna Islands................................................ n.a.
North-East Asia – Asie du Nord-Est – Asia del Nordeste

China............................................................................... 169
Hong Kong (China)........................................................... 346 SOUTH ASIA – ASIE DU SUD – ASIA MERIDIONAL
Japan............................................................................... 413
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of......................... n.a. Afghanistan...................................................................... n.a.
Korea, Republic of........................................................... 429 Bangladesh...................................................................... 62
Macao (China).................................................................. 478 Bhutan............................................................................. 102
Mongolia.......................................................................... 549 India................................................................................. 368
Taiwan Province of China................................................. 793 Iran, Islamic Republic of.................................................. 379
Maldives.......................................................................... 499
Nepal............................................................................... 575
South-East Asia – Asie du Sud-Est – Asia del Sudeste Pakistan........................................................................... n.a.
Sri Lanka.......................................................................... 759
Brunei Darussalam........................................................... 125
Cambodia........................................................................ 141
Indonesia......................................................................... 373
Lao People’s Democratic Republic.................................. 441 EUROPE – EUROPA
Malaysia........................................................................... 494
Myanmar.......................................................................... 569 Central/Eastern Europe – Europe Centrale/orientale –
Philippines....................................................................... 629 Europa Central/Oriental
Singapore........................................................................ 721
Thailand........................................................................... 805 Armenia........................................................................... 21
Timor-Leste...................................................................... 818 Azerbaijan........................................................................ 41
Viet Nam.......................................................................... 884 Belarus............................................................................. 68
Bulgaria........................................................................... 127
Czech Republic................................................................ 212
Australasia – Australasie Estonia............................................................................. 255
Georgia............................................................................ 300
Australia........................................................................... 28 Hungary........................................................................... 353
New Zealand.................................................................... 584 Kazakhstan...................................................................... 421

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


Kyrgyzstan....................................................................... 439 MIDDLE EAST – MOYEN-ORIENT – ORIENTE MEDIO

Latvia............................................................................... 442
Lithuania.......................................................................... 462 Bahrain............................................................................ 58
Moldova, Republic of....................................................... 543 Egypt............................................................................... 235
Poland............................................................................. 633 Iraq ................................................................................. n.a.
Romania.......................................................................... 665 Jordan.............................................................................. 415
Russian Federation ......................................................... 677 Kuwait.............................................................................. 434
Slovakia........................................................................... 727 Lebanon........................................................................... 449
Tajikistan.......................................................................... 799 Libya................................................................................ n.a.
Turkmenistan................................................................... n.a. Oman............................................................................... 609
Ukraine............................................................................ 860 Qatar................................................................................ 663
Uzbekistan....................................................................... n.a. Saudi Arabia.................................................................... 696
State of Palestine............................................................. 766
Syrian Arab Republic....................................................... n.a.
Northern Europe – Europe du Nord – Europa del Norte United Arab Emirates....................................................... n.a.
Yemen.............................................................................. 885
Denmark.......................................................................... 220
Finland............................................................................. 267
Iceland............................................................................. 359 n.a.: not available
Ireland.............................................................................. 382
Norway............................................................................ 601
Sweden............................................................................ 777
United Kingdom............................................................... 865

Southern Europe – Europe du Sud – Europa meridional

Albania............................................................................. 3
Andorra............................................................................ 9
Bosnia and Herzegovina.................................................. 113
Croatia............................................................................. 193
Greece............................................................................. 315
Holy See.......................................................................... n.a.
Italy.................................................................................. 396
Malta................................................................................ 514
Montenegro..................................................................... 551
Portugal........................................................................... 655
San Marino...................................................................... 692
Serbia.............................................................................. 703
Slovenia........................................................................... 731
Spain............................................................................... 750
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia................. 810

Western Europe – Europe occidentale – Europa occidental

Austria............................................................................. 33
Belgium............................................................................ 76
France.............................................................................. 282
Germany.......................................................................... 307
Liechtenstein................................................................... 454
Luxembourg..................................................................... 470
Monaco............................................................................ 547
Netherlands..................................................................... 577
Switzerland...................................................................... 785

East Mediterranean Europe –

Europe méditerranéenne orientale –
Europa Mediterránea Oriental

Cyprus............................................................................. 206
Israel................................................................................ 384
Turkey.............................................................................. 835

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


The United Nations recognizes the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as the appropriate organization
to collect, analyse, publish, standardise and improve the statistics of tourism and to promote the
integration of these statistics within the sphere of the United Nations’ system. Pursuant of this mandate,
the UNWTO Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme collects tourism statistics and disseminates them
through two publications: the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics.

The Yearbook of Tourism Statistics 2018 Edition presents inbound tourism data for 196 countries
and territories, broken down by country of origin. It is the 70th edition in a series initiated in 1949.
It constitutes, together with the Compendium of Tourism Statistics, the World Tourism Organization’s
(UNWTO) main dataset and publications on annual tourism statistics, both under the responsibility of
the Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme.

The Yearbook contains data on total arrivals and overnight stays of international inbound tourism, broken
down by country of origin for both arrivals and overnight stays.

A Border statistics
– Table 1: Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders
– Table 2: Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders

B Statistics on accommodation establishments

– Table 3: Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments
– Table 4: Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments.

When a person visits the same country several times a year, each visit is counted as one arrival. If a person visits
several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is also recorded separately.
Consequently, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling, as one person can generate
several arrivals.

Arrivals data correspond to international visitors to the economic territory of the country of reference and include
both tourists and same-day, non-resident visitors.

Data may be obtained from different sources: border statistics derived from administrative records (police,
immigration, traffic counts, and other types of controls), border surveys and registrations at accommodation

Overnight stays
– Table 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments
– Table 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation

Overnight stays refers to the number of nights spent by non-resident tourists in accommodation establishments
(guests). If one person travels to a country and spends five nights there, that makes five tourist overnight stays
(or person-nights).

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


In the 2017 hardcover edition of the Yearbook, the titles of the tables, names of countries, regions and
sub-regions as well as the classification included in the tables are provided in English only, with notes
in English, French and Spanish. Countries are classified according to the English alphabetical order.
The data included in the Yearbook correspond to official statistics collected by governments or national
tourism administrations and reported regularly to UNWTO through various questionnaires. The UNWTO
Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme disseminates the data after performing various data quality
checks both in terms of data validation and data homogeneity with the historical series and related data
as well as with the data set published in the Compendium of Tourism Statistics.

The 2018 Edition of the Yearbook reflects official data as entered in the UNWTO database as of
31 December 2017. Any corrections or changes in the tables received after this date will be included
in the next edition of the Yearbook. Due to the rounding in the partial figures, the totals shown in the
different tables of the Yearbook may not coincide with the totals shown in the basic indicators of the
Compendium of Tourism Statistics.

UNWTO wishes to express its gratitude to the national tourism administrations and national statistical
offices for their valuable support, recognizing especially the crucial role of all contributing countries and
territories for their continued commitment to the development and improvement of tourism statistics.

Madrid, January 2018

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


L’Organisation des Nations Unies reconnaît en l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) l’organisme
approprié pour recueillir, analyser, publier, unifier et améliorer les statistiques touristiques et promouvoir
l’intégration de ces statistiques à l’échelle du système des Nations Unies. Conformément à cette mission,
le programme de l’OMT Statistiques, tendances et politiques recueille les statistiques du tourisme et les
diffuse au moyen de deux publications : le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et l’Annuaire des
statistiques du tourisme.

L’édition 2018 de l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme présente des données sur le tourisme
récepteur de 196 pays et territoires, ventilées par pays d’origine. C’est la 70ème édition d’une série
lancée en 1949. L’Annuaire et le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme constituent à eux deux les
principales réalisations de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) en termes de bases de données
et de publications sur les statistiques annuelles du tourisme. Tous deux sont préparés sous la direction
du programme Statistiques, tendances et politiques.

L’Annuaire contient des données sur le nombre total d’arrivées et de nuitées du tourisme récepteur
international, ventilées par pays d’origine pour les arrivées comme pour les nuitées.

A Statistiques aux frontières
– Tableau 1 : Arrivées de touristes non résidents aux frontières nationales
– Tableau 2 : Arrivées de visiteurs non résidents aux frontières nationales

B Statistiques sur les établissements d’hébergement

– Tableau 3 : Nuitées de touristes non résidents dans les hôtels et établissements assimilés
– Tableau 4 : Nuitées de touristes non résidents dans tous les types d’établissements

Lorsqu’une personne visite le même pays plusieurs fois dans l’année, chacune de ses visites est comptée
séparément comme une arrivée. Si une personne visite plusieurs pays au cours d’un seul et même voyage, son
arrivée dans chaque pays est elle aussi enregistrée séparément. Par conséquent, le nombre d’arrivées n’est
pas forcément égal au nombre de personnes qui voyagent, étant donné qu’une personne peut donner lieu à
plusieurs arrivées.

Les données des arrivées correspondent aux visiteurs internationaux sur le territoire économique du pays dont
il s’agit, visiteurs qui comprennent à la fois les touristes et les visiteurs de la journée (excursionnistes) non

Ces données peuvent être obtenues de différentes sources : statistiques aux frontières tirées des registres
administratifs (police, immigration, comptages de véhicules et autres types de contrôle), enquêtes aux frontières
et registres des établissements d’hébergement.

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


– Tableau 5. Nuitées de touristes non résidents dans les hôtels et établissements assimilés
– Tableau 6. Nuitées de touristes non résidents dans tous les types d’établissements

Les nuitées correspondent au nombre de nuits que les touristes non résidents ont passées dans les établissements
d’hébergement (en qualité de clients). Si une personne se rend dans un pays et y passe cinq nuits, on enregistre
cinq nuitées de touriste (ou nuits-personne).

Dans l’édition 2017 reliée de l’Annuaire, les titres des tableaux, les noms des pays, des régions et
des sous-régions ainsi que la classification incluse dans les tableaux apparaissent uniquement en
anglais, tandis que les notes sont en anglais, espagnol et français. Les pays sont classés selon l’ordre
alphabétique anglais. Les données incluses dans l’Annuaire correspondent aux statistiques officielles
recueillies par les gouvernements ou par les administrations nationales du tourisme et communiquées à
l’OMT, à intervalles périodiques, à l’aide de divers questionnaires. Le programme de l’OMT Statistiques,
tendances et politiques diffuse les données après les avoir soumises à différents contrôles de qualité
couvrant à la fois la validation des données et l’homogénéité des données avec les séries historiques et
les données connexes ainsi qu’avec l’ensemble de données publié dans le Compendium des statistiques
du tourisme.

L’édition 2018 de l’Annuaire reflète les données officielles telles qu’elles ont été saisies dans la
base de données de l’OMT au 31 décembre 2017. Toutes les corrections ou modifications ayant été
reçues après cette date apparaîtront dans l’édition suivante de l’Annuaire. En raison de l’arrondissement
des données partielles, les totaux figurant dans les différents tableaux de l’Annuaire peuvent ne pas
correspondre aux totaux des indicateurs de base du Compendium des statistiques du tourisme.

L’OMT exprime sa gratitude, pour leur aide précieuse, aux administrations nationales du tourisme et aux
bureaux nationaux de statistique. Elle tient à saluer plus spécialement le rôle crucial joué par tous les
pays et territoires ayant apporté leur contribution, témoignant de leur engagement constant à l’appui du
développement et de l’amélioration des statistiques du tourisme.

Madrid, janvier 2018

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


Las Naciones Unidas reconocen que la Organización Mundial del Turismo es la organización competente
para recoger, analizar, publicar, uniformar y mejorar las estadísticas de turismo y promover la integración
de esas estadísticas en el marco del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Siguiendo este mandato, el
Programa de Estadísticas, Tendencias y Política de la OMT recopila estadísticas de turismo y las difunde
a través de dos publicaciones: el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadísticas de

La edición de 2018 del Anuario de estadísticas de turismo presenta datos sobre turismo receptor para
196 países y territorios, desglosados por país de origen. Constituye la 70ª edición de una serie que
comenzó en 1949. El Anuario y el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo son los conjuntos de datos
y publicaciones más importantes de la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) sobre estadísticas
anuales de turismo, siendo ambos responsabilidad del Programa de Estadísticas, Tendencias y Política.

El Anuario contiene datos sobre totales de llegadas y pernoctaciones del turismo receptor internacional,
desglosados en ambos casos por país de origen.

A Estadísticas de fronteras
– Tabla 1: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a las fronteras nacionales
– Tabla 2: Llegadas de visitantes no residentes a las fronteras nacionales

B Estadísticas en establecimientos de alojamiento

– Tabla 3: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a los hoteles y establecimientos asimilados
– Tabla 4: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento

Cuando una persona visita un mismo país varias veces en un año, cada una de esas visitas se cuenta como
una llegada. Si una persona visita varios países en el transcurso de un mismo viaje, cada llegada a uno de esos
países se registra también por separado. Por lo tanto, el número de llegadas no coincide necesariamente con
el número de personas que viajan, ya que una persona puede generar varias llegadas.

Los datos de llegadas se refieren a los visitantes internacionales que llegan al territorio económico del país de
referencia, sean turistas o visitantes del día no residentes.

Los datos pueden proceder de diversas fuentes: estadísticas de fronteras basadas en registros administrativos
(policía, inmigración, recuentos de circulación y otros tipos de controles), encuestas en las fronteras y registros
en establecimientos de alojamiento.

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


– Tabla 5: Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en hoteles y establecimientos asimilados
– Tabla 6: Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de

Las pernoctaciones se refieren al número de noches que pasan los turistas no residentes en establecimientos
de alojamiento (huéspedes). Si una persona viaja a un país y pasa en él cinco noches, se contarán cinco
pernoctaciones turísticas (o pernoctaciones/persona).

En la edición impresa de 2017 del Anuario, los títulos de las tablas, los nombres de los países, las
regiones y las subregiones, así como la clasificación incluida en las tablas, figuran únicamente en
inglés, mientras que las notas aparecen en español, francés e inglés. Los países aparecen siguiendo el
orden alfabético en inglés. Los datos incluidos en el Anuario corresponden a las estadísticas oficiales
recopiladas por los gobiernos o las administraciones nacionales de turismo, y comunicadas con
regularidad a la OMT a través de diversos cuestionarios. El Programa de Estadísticas, Tendencias y
Política de la OMT difunde los datos, después de aplicar varios controles de calidad en términos de
validación de los datos y homogeneidad en relación con las series históricas y otros datos afines, así
como con el conjunto de datos publicado en el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo.

La edición de 2018 del Anuario muestra los datos oficiales introducidos en la base de datos
estadística de la OMT a 31 de diciembre de 2017. Por lo tanto, cualquier corrección o cambio en las
tablas recibido después de esta fecha aparecerá en la siguiente edición del Anuario. Debido al redondeo
de las cifras parciales, los totales que figuran en las distintas tablas del Anuario pueden no coincidir con
los totales que aparecen en los indicadores básicos del Compendio de estadísticas de turismo.

La Organización Mundial del Turismo desea expresar su agradecimiento por su valioso apoyo a
las administraciones nacionales de turismo y a las oficinas nacionales de estadística, y reconocer
especialmente el papel crucial de todos los países y territorios que contribuyen con sus datos y
mantienen su compromiso de desarrollar y mejorar las estadísticas de turismo.

Madrid, enero de 2018

Country tables
2012 – 2016


A. Border statistics
Table 1 : Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders
Table 2 : Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders

B. Statistics on accommodation establishments

Table 3 : Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments
Table 4 : Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments

Overnight stays

Table 5 : Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments
Table 6 : Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments
Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,513,666 3,255,988 3,672,591 4,131,242 4,735,511 100.00 14.63

AFRICA 1,057 919 859 2,973 1,077 0.02 -63.77
CENTRAL AFRICA 175 162 113 142 47 0.00 -66.90
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 175 162 113 142 47 0.00 -66.90
NORTH AFRICA 535 446 431 2,435 614 0.01 -74.78
Morocco 184 40 256 1,725 61 0.00 -96.46
Sudan 266 246 27 129 367 0.01 184.50
Tunisia 85 160 148 581 186 0.00 -67.99
SOUTHERN AFRICA 347 311 315 396 416 0.01 5.05
South Africa 347 311 315 396 416 0.01 5.05
AMERICAS 73,810 73,291 90,084 96,763 103,839 2.19 7.31
CARIBBEAN 627 142 111 192 97 0.00 -49.48
Dominican Republic 28 117 73 73 70 0.00 -4.11
Saint Lucia 599 25 38 119 27 0.00 -77.31
CENTRAL AMERICA 78 87 193 131 223 0.00 70.23
El Salvador 20 46 168 70 69 0.00 -1.43
Honduras 52 25 16 39 138 0.00 253.85
Nicaragua 6 16 9 22 16 0.00 -27.27
NORTH AMERICA 71,454 70,247 86,620 90,559 98,991 2.09 9.31
Canada 12,761 12,430 15,468 15,199 16,436 0.35 8.14
Mexico 72 207 444 473 655 0.01 38.48
United States of America 58,621 57,610 70,708 74,887 81,900 1.73 9.36
SOUTH AMERICA 1,651 2,815 3,160 5,881 4,528 0.10 -23.01
Argentina 310 462 437 536 994 0.02 85.45
Brazil 1,084 1,956 1,892 4,599 2,553 0.05 -44.49
Colombia 100 173 118 223 435 0.01 95.07
Peru 84 146 549 381 207 0.00 -45.67
Uruguay 23 19 56 77 212 0.00 175.32
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 50 59 108 65 127 0.00 95.38
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,689 23,628 30,874 33,032 35,894 0.76 8.66
NORTH-EAST ASIA 9,126 11,153 15,265 15,642 15,792 0.33 0.96
China 3,129 3,961 3,882 4,307 6,256 0.13 45.25
Japan 2,475 3,126 4,500 4,286 3,385 0.07 -21.02
Korea, Republic of 3,522 4,066 6,883 7,049 6,151 0.13 -12.74
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 923 1,640 2,238 3,722 5,119 0.11 37.53
Malaysia 286 769 1,400 2,330 3,408 0.07 46.27
Philippines 443 576 423 508 707 0.01 39.17
Singapore 126 236 357 451 824 0.02 82.71
Thailand 68 59 58 433 180 0.00 -58.43
AUSTRALASIA 9,640 10,835 13,371 13,668 14,983 0.32 9.62
Australia 8,337 9,416 10,835 11,894 12,928 0.27 8.69
New Zealand 1,303 1,419 2,536 1,774 2,055 0.04 15.84
EUROPE 3,214,111 2,963,583 3,423,665 3,759,423 4,485,405 94.72 19.31
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 90,643 112,333 163,006 151,457 182,581 3.86 20.55
Bulgaria 18,759 20,802 27,201 23,558 35,766 0.76 51.82
Czech Republic 9,350 8,402 13,866 15,801 13,424 0.28 -15.04
Estonia 1,068 1,125 771 1,215 1,547 0.03 27.33
Hungary 6,580 6,661 8,221 7,443 7,286 0.15 -2.11
Lithuania 1,733 3,312 3,107 2,204 2,553 0.05 15.83
Moldova, Republic of 454 635 671 906 1,189 0.03 31.24
Poland 26,528 35,751 58,910 50,278 66,017 1.39 31.30
Romania 10,278 10,707 13,720 14,037 16,325 0.34 16.30
Russian Federation 10,074 16,194 21,368 16,192 15,367 0.32 -5.10
Slovakia 2,928 4,190 8,718 11,805 8,973 0.19 -23.99
Ukraine 2,891 4,554 6,453 8,018 14,134 0.30 76.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 117,434 119,016 137,308 125,513 149,965 3.17 19.48

Denmark 4,893 4,886 6,275 5,161 5,601 0.12 8.53
Finland 4,154 5,087 5,650 5,613 5,570 0.12 -0.77
Iceland 317 239 280 348 376 0.01 8.05
Ireland 2,677 3,231 3,755 3,472 4,189 0.09 20.65
Norway 9,519 10,554 10,497 8,971 10,800 0.23 20.39
Sweden 17,335 14,646 19,914 14,003 20,801 0.44 48.55
United Kingdom 78,539 80,373 90,937 87,945 102,628 2.17 16.70
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,759,374 2,467,195 2,821,920 3,169,174 3,855,617 81.42 21.66
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11,334 14,192 19,286 21,323 27,413 0.58 28.56
Croatia 22,524 23,554 28,975 22,406 27,961 0.59 24.79
Greece 225,175 269,201 369,675 356,613 410,876 8.68 15.22
Holy See 14 16 66 16 8 0.00 -50.00
Italy 147,018 170,370 196,364 235,963 265,970 5.62 12.72
Malta 3,852 1,987 883 7,707 833 0.02 -89.19
Montenegro 186,536 174,519 238,535 240,781 324,968 6.86 34.96
Portugal 2,003 1,344 1,672 2,022 1,823 0.04 -9.84
Serbia 38,156 40,790 54,727 51,218 54,083 1.14 5.59
Slovenia 10,554 9,237 12,373 11,100 10,386 0.22 -6.43
Spain 4,184 4,734 5,665 6,310 7,522 0.16 19.21
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 399,281 432,646 514,459 515,125 566,761 11.97 10.02
Other countries of Southern Europe 1,708,743 1,324,605 1,379,240 1,698,590 2,157,013 45.55 26.99
WESTERN EUROPE 200,462 210,845 237,760 246,811 221,492 4.68 -10.26
Austria 22,562 21,467 25,768 21,644 21,849 0.46 0.95
Belgium 16,189 16,259 20,369 19,595 19,018 0.40 -2.94
France 30,128 36,677 37,455 42,962 38,820 0.82 -9.64
Germany 70,060 79,925 89,500 108,560 82,527 1.74 -23.98
Luxembourg 798 954 709 2,032 807 0.02 -60.29
Netherlands 18,179 19,800 23,312 19,847 21,741 0.46 9.54
Switzerland 42,546 35,763 40,647 32,171 36,730 0.78 14.17
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 46,198 54,194 63,671 66,468 75,750 1.60 13.96
Cyprus 1,082 953 1,286 2,237 1,003 0.02 -55.16
Israel 2,292 3,032 3,073 4,165 5,296 0.11 27.15
Turkey 42,824 50,209 59,312 60,066 69,451 1.47 15.62
MIDDLE EAST 1,524 3,944 2,607 3,604 4,324 0.09 19.98
Egypt 567 79 641 692 702 0.01 1.45
Iraq 31 68 43 72 57 0.00 -20.83
Jordan 154 152 431 224 352 0.01 57.14
Kuwait 195 1,500 474 515 520 0.01 0.97
Libya 62 153 193 203 218 0.00 7.39
Saudi Arabia 318 380 481 873 1,886 0.04 116.04
State of Palestine 55 844 38 97 61 0.00 -37.11
Syrian Arab Republic 142 768 306 928 528 0.01 -43.10
SOUTH ASIA 1,135 961 1,274 1,636 1,699 0.04 3.85
Bangladesh 45 48 62 97 58 0.00 -40.21
India 565 527 685 707 1,059 0.02 49.79
Iran, Islamic Republic of 408 256 315 660 299 0.01 -54.70
Nepal 2 7 13 21 40 0.00 90.48
Pakistan 115 123 199 151 243 0.01 60.93
NOT SPECIFIED 202,340 189,662 123,228 233,811 103,273 2.18 -55.83
Other countries of the World 202,340 189,662 123,228 233,811 103,273 2.18 -55.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,634,056 2,732,731 2,301,373 1,709,994 2,039,444 100.00 19.27

AFRICA 635,237 591,024 541,567 658,946 900,625 44.16 36.68
NORTH AFRICA 552,721 559,982 511,917 628,737 869,133 42.62 38.23
Morocco 21,125 26,760 37,961 53,437 55,409 2.72 3.69
Tunisia 531,596 533,222 473,956 575,300 813,724 39.90 41.44
WEST AFRICA 42,387 17,567 17,060 16,403 20,098 0.99 22.53
Mali 35,752 9,494 9,820 9,794 9,817 0.48 0.23
Mauritania 4,435 5,692 6,001 5,419 8,800 0.43 62.39
Niger 2,200 2,381 1,239 1,190 1,481 0.07 24.45
OTHER AFRICA 40,129 13,475 12,590 13,806 11,394 0.56 -17.47
Other countries of Africa 40,129 13,475 12,590 13,806 11,394 0.56 -17.47
AMERICAS 11,844 9,633 10,332 9,643 12,197 0.60 26.49
NORTH AMERICA 9,383 7,410 7,660 7,084 9,674 0.47 36.56
Canada 3,844 2,925 2,692 2,621 3,933 0.19 50.06
Mexico 525 315 293 181 321 0.02 77.35
United States of America 5,014 4,170 4,675 4,282 5,420 0.27 26.58
SOUTH AMERICA 708 515 749 631 505 0.02 -19.97
Argentina 256 176 303 277 175 0.01 -36.82
Brazil 452 339 446 354 330 0.02 -6.78
OTHER AMERICAS 1,753 1,708 1,923 1,928 2,018 0.10 4.67
Other countries of the Americas 1,753 1,708 1,923 1,928 2,018 0.10 4.67
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 54,978 46,234 49,767 75,190 57,462 2.82 -23.58
NORTH-EAST ASIA 28,951 26,927 29,927 50,006 31,557 1.55 -36.89
China 25,383 24,444 27,620 48,056 29,966 1.47 -37.64
Japan 3,568 2,483 2,307 1,950 1,591 0.08 -18.41
AUSTRALASIA 571 736 734 774 875 0.04 13.05
Australia 474 569 588 613 640 0.03 4.40
New Zealand 97 167 146 161 235 0.01 45.96
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 25,456 18,571 19,106 24,410 25,030 1.23 2.54
Other countries of Asia 25,456 18,571 19,106 24,410 25,030 1.23 2.54
EUROPE 239,578 244,737 257,584 288,684 310,829 15.24 7.67
NORTHERN EUROPE 10,207 10,229 11,359 11,179 10,824 0.53 -3.18
Denmark 462 653 945 774 881 0.04 13.82
Finland 361 462 494 659 489 0.02 -25.80
Norway 687 848 814 707 968 0.05 36.92
Sweden 1,285 1,083 1,349 1,353 1,430 0.07 5.69
United Kingdom 7,412 7,183 7,757 7,686 7,056 0.35 -8.20
SOUTHERN EUROPE 64,336 66,531 67,405 63,430 68,256 3.35 7.61
Greece 960 1,203 1,588 1,482 1,193 0.06 -19.50
Italy 23,070 22,460 20,251 20,695 21,608 1.06 4.41
Portugal 7,257 8,413 8,252 8,872 8,227 0.40 -7.27
Spain 33,049 34,455 37,314 32,381 37,228 1.83 14.97
WESTERN EUROPE 141,767 140,887 144,359 169,753 188,904 9.26 11.28
Austria 1,292 1,231 1,399 1,138 994 0.05 -12.65
Belgium 6,319 6,244 5,948 4,708 4,691 0.23 -0.36
France 119,518 118,726 121,272 149,669 169,036 8.29 12.94
Germany 9,937 10,188 11,192 9,562 9,500 0.47 -0.65
Luxembourg 136 231 127 146 352 0.02 141.10
Netherlands 1,490 1,448 1,509 1,497 1,528 0.07 2.07
Switzerland 3,075 2,819 2,912 3,033 2,803 0.14 -7.58
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,369 14,549 21,307 31,533 30,147 1.48 -4.40
Turkey 10,369 14,549 21,307 31,533 30,147 1.48 -4.40
OTHER EUROPE 12,899 12,541 13,154 12,789 12,698 0.62 -0.71
Other countries of Europe 12,899 12,541 13,154 12,789 12,698 0.62 -0.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 40,318 72,525 80,875 50,658 41,599 2.04 -17.88

Libya 25,850 31,110 21,621 19,764 8,587 0.42 -56.55
Other countries of Middle East 14,468 41,415 59,254 30,894 33,012 1.62 6.86
NOT SPECIFIED 1,652,101 1,768,578 1,361,248 626,873 716,732 35.14 14.33
Nationals Residing Abroad 1,652,101 1,768,578 1,361,248 626,873 716,732 35.14 14.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 22,580 20,846 21,603 20,328 20,050 100.00 -1.37

AFRICA 46 11 9 4 18 0.09 350.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 10 4 5 3 6 0.03 100.00
South Africa 10 4 5 3 6 0.03 100.00
OTHER AFRICA 36 7 4 1 12 0.06 1,100.00
Other countries of Africa 36 7 4 1 12 0.06 1,100.00
AMERICAS 6,874 5,474 4,834 4,732 4,569 22.79 -3.44
CENTRAL AMERICA 17 17 18 17 10 0.05 -41.18
All countries of Central America 17 17 18 17 10 0.05 -41.18
NORTH AMERICA 6,785 5,389 4,757 4,665 4,499 22.44 -3.56
Canada 133 103 107 146 107 0.53 -26.71
Mexico 24 24 28 37 42 0.21 13.51
United States of America 6,628 5,262 4,622 4,482 4,350 21.70 -2.95
SOUTH AMERICA 72 68 59 50 60 0.30 20.00
All countries of South America 72 68 59 50 60 0.30 20.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,176 14,933 16,286 15,085 14,911 74.37 -1.15
NORTH-EAST ASIA 659 697 594 638 617 3.08 -3.29
China 400 425 354 363 370 1.85 1.93
Japan 68 53 56 77 71 0.35 -7.79
Korea, Republic of 122 144 100 119 89 0.44 -25.21
Taiwan Province of China 69 75 84 79 87 0.43 10.13
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 512 513 503 489 678 3.38 38.65
Indonesia 68 84 90 85 144 0.72 69.41
Malaysia 14 9 3 8 6 0.03 -25.00
Philippines 383 375 342 338 416 2.07 23.08
Singapore 27 13 19 13 14 0.07 7.69
Thailand 3 5 6 8
Viet Nam 13 26 41 37 95 0.47 156.76
Other countries of South-East Asia 4 1 2 3 0.01
AUSTRALASIA 3,911 3,618 3,757 3,631 3,825 19.08 5.34
Australia 903 837 863 713 803 4.00 12.62
New Zealand 3,008 2,781 2,894 2,918 3,022 15.07 3.56
MELANESIA 474 427 468 462 372 1.86 -19.48
Fiji 364 373 388 343 324 1.62 -5.54
Papua New Guinea 32 17 31 18 21 0.10 16.67
Solomon Islands 56 25 34 61 20 0.10 -67.21
Vanuatu 22 12 15 40 7 0.03 -82.50
MICRONESIA 31 36 102 36 48 0.24 33.33
Kiribati 11 7 22 10 28 0.14 180.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 13 17 41 21 16 0.08 -23.81
Palau 7 12 39 5 4 0.02 -20.00
POLYNESIA 9,534 9,602 10,808 9,796 9,333 46.55 -4.73
Samoa 9,275 9,379 10,553 9,605 9,074 45.26 -5.53
Tonga 259 223 255 191 259 1.29 35.60
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55 40 54 33 38 0.19 15.15
Other countries of Oceania 55 40 54 33 38 0.19 15.15
EUROPE 391 375 414 451 481 2.40 6.65
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 12 4 6 13 6 0.03 -53.85
Russian Federation 12 4 6 13 6 0.03 -53.85
NORTHERN EUROPE 167 116 162 141 169 0.84 19.86
Denmark 4 13 8 9 6 0.03 -33.33
Finland 1 7 2 4 3 0.01 -25.00
Norway 16 12 2 4 13 0.06 225.00
Sweden 15 6 20 14 17 0.08 21.43
United Kingdom 131 78 130 110 130 0.65 18.18

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTHERN EUROPE 74 88 72 72 107 0.53 48.61

Italy 29 29 16 26 52 0.26 100.00
Portugal 27 38 40 33 41 0.20 24.24
Spain 18 21 16 13 14 0.07 7.69
WESTERN EUROPE 121 130 152 177 167 0.83 -5.65
Austria 5 9 3 3 5 0.02 66.67
Belgium 1 2 8 1 5 0.02 400.00
France 44 32 57 92 48 0.24 -47.83
Germany 45 67 61 60 65 0.32 8.33
Netherlands 20 9 16 16 31 0.15 93.75
Switzerland 6 11 7 5 13 0.06 160.00
OTHER EUROPE 17 37 22 48 32 0.16 -33.33
Other countries of Europe 17 37 22 48 32 0.16 -33.33
MIDDLE EAST 1 6 5 4 0.02 -20.00
All countries of Middle East 1 6 5 4 0.02 -20.00
SOUTH ASIA 71 27 38 46 62 0.31 34.78
Bangladesh 5 1 4 6 0.03
India 51 21 28 31 29 0.14 -6.45
Nepal 7 7 19 0.09 171.43
Pakistan 1 3 6 1 2 0.01 100.00
Sri Lanka 7 2 7 6 0.03 -14.29
NOT SPECIFIED 21 26 16 5 5 0.02
Other countries of the World 21 26 16 5 5 0.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,237,940 2,328,124 2,363,436 2,663,341 2,831,440 100.00 6.31

EUROPE 2,202,111 2,283,340 2,330,108 2,596,820 2,753,592 97.25 6.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,570,604 1,636,841 1,682,709 1,898,119 2,010,419 71.00 5.92
Spain 1,570,604 1,636,841 1,682,709 1,898,119 2,010,419 71.00 5.92
WESTERN EUROPE 345,898 393,646 331,329 439,106 456,097 16.11 3.87
France 345,898 393,646 331,329 439,106 456,097 16.11 3.87
OTHER EUROPE 285,609 252,853 316,070 259,595 287,076 10.14 10.59
Other countries of Europe 285,609 252,853 316,070 259,595 287,076 10.14 10.59
NOT SPECIFIED 35,829 44,784 33,328 66,521 77,848 2.75 17.03
Other countries of the World 35,829 44,784 33,328 66,521 77,848 2.75 17.03

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 528,133 650,033 594,998 592,495 397,485 100.00 -32.91

AFRICA 173,297 222,830 105,505 176,022 52,686 13.25 -70.07
EAST AFRICA 16,847 24,625 8,230 14,239 6,537 1.64 -54.09
Burundi 40 33 56 49 114 0.03 132.65
Djibouti 2 4 94 3 0.00 -96.81
Eritrea 645 644 605 646 955 0.24 47.83
Ethiopia 345 190 186 2,078 411 0.10 -80.22
Kenya 465 274 381 452 503 0.13 11.28
Madagascar 138 10 32 167 127 0.03 -23.95
Malawi 92 52 40 31 45 0.01 45.16
Mauritius 214 20 96 57 119 0.03 108.77
Mozambique 1,720 2,311 4,721 5,644 1,586 0.40 -71.90
Rwanda 71 107 151 127 199 0.05 56.69
Seychelles 17 1 351 8 0.00 -97.72
Somalia 254 67 37 70 24 0.01 -65.71
Tanzania, United Republic of 380 212 199 184 203 0.05 10.33
Uganda 84 160 118 1,039 287 0.07 -72.38
Zambia 10,976 19,575 481 1,413 700 0.18 -50.46
Zimbabwe 1,404 970 1,122 1,837 1,253 0.32 -31.79
CENTRAL AFRICA 11,202 19,727 4,709 30,033 5,986 1.51 -80.07
Cameroon 470 622 334 982 563 0.14 -42.67
Central African Republic 161 13 20 49 75 0.02 53.06
Chad 104 67 57 71 306 0.08 330.99
Congo 660 5,185 613 11,432 1,207 0.30 -89.44
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,958 9,528 692 13,824 1,669 0.42 -87.93
Equatorial Guinea 91 107 82 596 134 0.03 -77.52
Gabon 229 171 148 448 427 0.11 -4.69
Sao Tome and Principe 2,529 4,034 2,763 2,631 1,605 0.40 -39.00
NORTH AFRICA 998 872 827 1,352 1,882 0.47 39.20
Algeria 406 449 320 315 334 0.08 6.03
Morocco 150 177 168 392 601 0.15 53.32
Sudan 46 53 77 85 473 0.12 456.47
Tunisia 396 193 262 560 474 0.12 -15.36
SOUTHERN AFRICA 136,504 167,925 82,033 117,530 28,349 7.13 -75.88
Botswana 179 100 80 1,322 205 0.05 -84.49
Lesotho 27 17 15 4,489 11 0.00 -99.75
Namibia 54,219 73,614 25,079 61,505 4,437 1.12 -92.79
South Africa 82,021 94,177 56,852 49,424 23,633 5.95 -52.18
Swaziland 58 17 7 790 63 0.02 -92.03
WEST AFRICA 7,746 8,166 9,706 10,923 8,219 2.07 -24.76
Benin 58 41 43 264 126 0.03 -52.27
Burkina Faso 49 49 72 132 218 0.05 65.15
Cabo Verde 1,070 1,294 4,279 1,514 977 0.25 -35.47
Côte d'Ivoire 228 242 855 524 0.13 -38.71
Gambia 393 479 219 290 357 0.09 23.10
Ghana 321 266 244 394 436 0.11 10.66
Guinea 128 27 52 118 98 0.02 -16.95
Guinea-Bissau 452 394 381 1,017 495 0.12 -51.33
Liberia 29 138 7 29 30 0.01 3.45
Mali 736 551 399 663 1,217 0.31 83.56
Mauritania 1,425 1,208 1,128 1,027 961 0.24 -6.43
Niger 112 1,763 19 583 39 0.01 -93.31
Nigeria 2,337 1,600 2,351 2,190 1,921 0.48 -12.28
Senegal 254 222 180 1,046 558 0.14 -46.65
Sierra Leone 111 123 74 422 177 0.04 -58.06

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Togo 43 11 16 379 85 0.02 -77.57

OTHER AFRICA 1,515 1,945 1,713 0.43 -11.93
Other countries of Africa 1,515 1,945 1,713 0.43 -11.93
AMERICAS 67,639 74,216 83,605 105,106 61,731 15.53 -41.27
CARIBBEAN 5,309 5,478 20,346 6,489 6,807 1.71 4.90
Anguilla 2
Antigua and Barbuda 20 1 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Aruba 2
Bahamas 2 1 8 0.00
Barbados 5 2 4 0.00 100.00
Cuba 4,563 5,351 7,722 4,505 5,976 1.50 32.65
Dominica 46
Dominican Republic 2 80 115 189 336 0.08 77.78
Haiti 16 8 12 11 29 0.01 163.64
Jamaica 43 39 33 32 94 0.02 193.75
Martinique 103 2 1,257 3 0.00 -99.76
Puerto Rico 12,212 15 4 0.00 -73.33
Trinidad and Tobago 514 210 473 352 0.09 -25.58
Turks and Caicos Islands 29
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,888 194 682 248 570 0.14 129.84
Belize 15
Costa Rica 34 4 377 12 26 0.01 116.67
El Salvador 5 126 10 30 0.01 200.00
Guatemala 167 3 16 42 53 0.01 26.19
Honduras 206 141 145 148 408 0.10 175.68
Nicaragua 13 19 6 12 20 0.01 66.67
Panama 4,448 27 12 24 33 0.01 37.50
NORTH AMERICA 22,492 19,696 10,835 19,389 2,294 0.58 -88.17
Canada 2,434 1,917 1,743 1,788 1,649 0.41 -7.77
Mexico 1,825 355 249 342 314 0.08 -8.19
United States of America 18,233 17,424 8,843 17,259 331 0.08 -98.08
SOUTH AMERICA 34,950 48,845 51,742 78,646 33,419 8.41 -57.51
Argentina 1,870 823 1,229 2,798 536 0.13 -80.84
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 140 137 121 1,187 101 0.03 -91.49
Brazil 29,336 43,615 44,001 70,184 27,842 7.00 -60.33
Chile 184 163 109 707 282 0.07 -60.11
Colombia 621 521 496 1,176 509 0.13 -56.72
Ecuador 144 152 156 384 302 0.08 -21.35
Guyana 1,175 2,128 4,407 957 2,720 0.68 184.22
Paraguay 130 53 44 34 57 0.01 67.65
Peru 437 403 415 406 228 0.06 -43.84
Uruguay 116 125 85 87 173 0.04 98.85
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 797 725 679 726 669 0.17 -7.85
OTHER AMERICAS 3 334 18,641 4.69 5,481.14
Other countries of the Americas 3 334 18,641 4.69 5,481.14
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 94,326 105,747 65,767 98,054 50,725 12.76 -48.27
NORTH-EAST ASIA 71,079 85,696 51,398 78,124 37,015 9.31 -52.62
China 69,334 84,300 49,965 76,016 33,333 8.39 -56.15
Japan 856 633 657 808 924 0.23 14.36
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 175 157 280 970 886 0.22 -8.66
Korea, Republic of 531 371 459 330 1,676 0.42 407.88
Macao (China) 6 3 1 0.00
Mongolia 176 1 6 0.00
Taiwan Province of China 177 56 36 189 0.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH-EAST ASIA 22,021 17,987 12,682 18,625 12,441 3.13 -33.20

Cambodia 2 3 1 7 0.00 600.00
Indonesia 1,155 1,400 1,161 1,082 1,349 0.34 24.68
Malaysia 737 536 499 577 475 0.12 -17.68
Myanmar 44 30 150 61 0.02 -59.33
Philippines 8,553 7,516 5,371 7,164 7,041 1.77 -1.72
Singapore 1,617 225 178 252 425 0.11 68.65
Thailand 157 142 95 209 188 0.05 -10.05
Timor-Leste 17 4 5 353 34 0.01 -90.37
Viet Nam 9,739 8,164 5,340 8,837 2,861 0.72 -67.62
AUSTRALASIA 1,226 2,064 950 978 1,261 0.32 28.94
Australia 913 1,728 766 702 833 0.21 18.66
New Zealand 313 336 184 276 428 0.11 55.07
MELANESIA 737 327 8 0.00 -97.55
Fiji 670 325 4 0.00 -98.77
Solomon Islands 67 2 4 0.00 100.00
EUROPE 176,663 231,266 325,970 198,038 213,051 53.60 7.58
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 12,091 9,227 12,772 18,564 9,908 2.49 -46.63
Armenia 22 26 38 48 201 0.05 318.75
Azerbaijan 217 243 173 189 192 0.05 1.59
Belarus 1,895 191 172 250 405 0.10 62.00
Bulgaria 396 629 321 322 377 0.09 17.08
Czech Republic 110 62 156 82 377 0.09 359.76
Estonia 30 24 19 81 59 0.01 -27.16
Georgia 72 16 6 3,851 8 0.00 -99.79
Hungary 88 95 86 113 0.03 31.40
Kazakhstan 230 78 65 140 247 0.06 76.43
Latvia 75 92 118 120 162 0.04 35.00
Lithuania 295 267 267 731 679 0.17 -7.11
Moldova, Republic of 1,101 1,019 163 50 20 0.01 -60.00
Poland 2,033 1,953 2,066 2,384 1,736 0.44 -27.18
Romania 1,154 1,250 1,593 1,186 1,149 0.29 -3.12
Russian Federation 1,849 1,589 5,972 7,305 2,301 0.58 -68.50
Slovakia 50 37 72 40 93 0.02 132.50
Tajikistan 91 2 3 4 0.00 33.33
Turkmenistan 87 90 2 2 43 0.01 2,050.00
Ukraine 2,264 1,445 1,392 1,589 1,518 0.38 -4.47
Uzbekistan 123 125 80 105 224 0.06 113.33
NORTHERN EUROPE 34,687 35,895 25,055 17,871 18,153 4.57 1.58
Denmark 1,150 1,309 1,832 900 1,009 0.25 12.11
Finland 106 105 126 163 202 0.05 23.93
Iceland 51 407 17 30 34 0.01 13.33
Ireland 911 542 1,288 355 854 0.21 140.56
Norway 1,953 1,593 2,317 1,155 1,622 0.41 40.43
Sweden 480 191 1,112 1,001 1,249 0.31 24.78
United Kingdom 30,036 31,748 18,363 14,267 13,183 3.32 -7.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 102,906 154,872 247,714 102,849 142,030 35.73 38.10
Albania 7 20 137 37 0.01 -72.99
Bosnia and Herzegovina 28 26 42 76 0.02 80.95
Croatia 1,237 1,104 1,739 1,140 933 0.23 -18.16
Greece 122 766 241 1,899 295 0.07 -84.47
Italy 4,137 4,409 17,274 9,150 4,450 1.12 -51.37
Malta 85 77 79 398 96 0.02 -75.88
Portugal 92,204 141,351 219,258 82,629 130,323 32.79 57.72
Serbia 145 739 807 0.20 9.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovenia 429 70 299 69 94 0.02 36.23

Spain 4,657 7,054 8,567 6,646 4,919 1.24 -25.99
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41 66
WESTERN EUROPE 24,257 27,097 37,424 39,886 24,010 6.04 -39.80
Austria 231 282 354 1,030 332 0.08 -67.77
Belgium 1,258 1,281 11,142 5,867 2,191 0.55 -62.66
France 17,297 19,491 18,806 20,097 16,259 4.09 -19.10
Germany 2,486 3,864 3,817 6,514 2,240 0.56 -65.61
Luxembourg 81 18 23 28 0.01 21.74
Monaco 1 9 4 0.00 -55.56
Netherlands 2,219 1,766 2,902 4,029 2,448 0.62 -39.24
Switzerland 685 413 384 2,317 508 0.13 -78.08
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,722 1,787 3,005 5,665 3,070 0.77 -45.81
Cyprus 30 17 29 775 262 0.07 -66.19
Israel 2,190 1,655 2,609 4,212 1,971 0.50 -53.21
Turkey 502 115 367 678 837 0.21 23.45
OTHER EUROPE 2,388 13,203 15,880 4.00 20.28
Other countries of Europe 2,388 13,203 15,880 4.00 20.28
MIDDLE EAST 5,681 7,533 6,632 4,895 9,830 2.47 100.82
Egypt 1,506 1,270 1,004 1,663 1,591 0.40 -4.33
Iraq 235 774 5 11 26 0.01 136.36
Jordan 147 129 80 106 190 0.05 79.25
Kuwait 2 1
Lebanon 2,342 4,273 3,010 2,332 7,455 1.88 219.68
Libya 38 245 760 279 122 0.03 -56.27
Oman 1 2 2 14
Qatar 14
Saudi Arabia 11 9 2 7 24 0.01 242.86
State of Palestine 207 615 15 55 42 0.01 -23.64
Syrian Arab Republic 19 216 105 227 321 0.08 41.41
United Arab Emirates 11 1,603 200 32 0.01 -84.00
Yemen 746 23 27 0.01
Other countries of Middle East 418 7
SOUTH ASIA 10,527 8,441 7,519 10,380 9,462 2.38 -8.84
Afghanistan 4 2 38 13 0.00 -65.79
Bangladesh 271 277 269 223 273 0.07 22.42
India 9,231 6,923 6,464 9,170 7,732 1.95 -15.68
Iran, Islamic Republic of 94 174 42 55 93 0.02 69.09
Maldives 36 253 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Nepal 101 66 39 69 126 0.03 82.61
Pakistan 696 682 589 714 1,078 0.27 50.98
Sri Lanka 94 66 114 107 145 0.04 35.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 64,698 69,068 70,927 73,232 79,239 100.00 8.20

AMERICAS 55,267 59,539 60,600 63,142 67,444 85.11 6.81
CARIBBEAN 10,181 10,454 11,445 12,497 13,435 16.96 7.51
Puerto Rico 484 243 341 270 381 0.48 41.11
Other countries of the Caribbean 9,697 10,211 11,104 12,227 13,054 16.47 6.76
NORTH AMERICA 45,086 49,085 49,155 50,645 54,009 68.16 6.64
Canada 3,291 3,575 3,709 3,397 3,501 4.42 3.06
United States of America 41,795 45,510 45,446 47,248 50,508 63.74 6.90
EUROPE 7,223 7,434 7,969 7,871 8,879 11.21 12.81
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,599 2,796 2,750 2,753 2,968 3.75 7.81
United Kingdom 2,599 2,796 2,750 2,753 2,968 3.75 7.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,065 1,037 1,119 1,323 1,160 1.46 -12.32
Italy 1,065 1,037 1,119 1,323 1,160 1.46 -12.32
WESTERN EUROPE 2,303 2,332 2,620 2,251 2,916 3.68 29.54
Austria 109 97 104 91 124 0.16 36.26
Belgium 139 72 90 133 172 0.22 29.32
France 1,507 1,705 1,528 1,507 1,826 2.30 21.17
Germany 419 354 796 417 626 0.79 50.12
Luxembourg 6 1 1 6 0.01 500.00
Switzerland 123 103 102 102 162 0.20 58.82
OTHER EUROPE 1,256 1,269 1,480 1,544 1,835 2.32 18.85
Other countries of Europe 1,256 1,269 1,480 1,544 1,835 2.32 18.85
NOT SPECIFIED 2,208 2,095 2,358 2,219 2,916 3.68 31.41
Other countries of the World 2,208 2,095 2,358 2,219 2,916 3.68 31.41

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 129,391 151,303 176,780 186,068 175,970 100.00 -5.43

AMERICAS 101,803 119,104 138,033 147,346 141,209 80.25 -4.17
CARIBBEAN 23,619 23,758 25,107 29,984 29,656 16.85 -1.09
Puerto Rico 655 428 548 482 614 0.35 27.39
Other countries of the Caribbean 22,964 23,330 24,559 29,502 29,042 16.50 -1.56
NORTH AMERICA 78,184 95,346 112,926 117,362 111,553 63.39 -4.95
Canada 7,994 9,931 11,835 12,173 10,498 5.97 -13.76
United States of America 70,190 85,415 101,091 105,189 101,055 57.43 -3.93
EUROPE 21,417 24,673 29,256 29,669 26,436 15.02 -10.90
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,251 5,382 6,110 6,272 5,021 2.85 -19.95
United Kingdom 4,251 5,382 6,110 6,272 5,021 2.85 -19.95
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,431 2,049 2,392 2,402 2,656 1.51 10.57
Italy 2,431 2,049 2,392 2,402 2,656 1.51 10.57
WESTERN EUROPE 10,758 12,077 13,942 14,325 12,387 7.04 -13.53
Austria 232 288 477 340 273 0.16 -19.71
Belgium 426 509 477 552 522 0.30 -5.43
France 8,665 9,453 9,853 11,161 9,428 5.36 -15.53
Germany 1,091 1,465 2,582 1,880 1,623 0.92 -13.67
Luxembourg 14 24 29 26 16 0.01 -38.46
Switzerland 330 338 524 366 525 0.30 43.44
OTHER EUROPE 3,977 5,165 6,812 6,670 6,372 3.62 -4.47
Other countries of Europe 3,977 5,165 6,812 6,670 6,372 3.62 -4.47
NOT SPECIFIED 6,171 7,526 9,491 9,053 8,325 4.73 -8.04
Other countries of the World 6,171 7,526 9,491 9,053 8,325 4.73 -8.04

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 246,926 243,219 249,316 250,450 265,187 100.00 5.88

AFRICA 457 474 0.18 3.72
EAST AFRICA 59 60 0.02 1.69
Ethiopia 1 3 0.00 200.00
Kenya 7 28 0.01 300.00
Madagascar 1
Malawi 9 1 0.00 -88.89
Mauritius 1 0.00
Mozambique 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Rwanda 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 4 0.00
Zambia 13 4 0.00 -69.23
Zimbabwe 24 17 0.01 -29.17
CENTRAL AFRICA 4 6 0.00 50.00
Angola 1 1 0.00
Cameroon 1 2 0.00 100.00
Congo 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 0.00
Equatorial Guinea 1 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 31 32 0.01 3.23
Algeria 6 18 0.01 200.00
Morocco 21 12 0.00 -42.86
Sudan 2
Tunisia 2 2 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 270 252 0.10 -6.67
Botswana 3 0.00
Lesotho 2 0.00
Namibia 3 1 0.00 -66.67
South Africa 266 245 0.09 -7.89
Swaziland 1 1 0.00
WEST AFRICA 93 124 0.05 33.33
Ghana 7 13 0.00 85.71
Guinea-Bissau 1 2 0.00 100.00
Liberia 1 0.00
Mali 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Nigeria 81 104 0.04 28.40
Senegal 3 0.00
Togo 1
AMERICAS 154,297 152,045 154,854 150,892 165,881 62.55 9.93
CARIBBEAN 32,657 29,695 28,376 28,666 31,944 12.05 11.44
Anguilla 589 647 581 602 612 0.23 1.66
Aruba 22 54 35 57 0.02 62.86
Bahamas 194 167 192 267 250 0.09 -6.37
Barbados 3,255 2,920 2,934 2,916 2,878 1.09 -1.30
Bermuda 205 107 134 150 177 0.07 18.00
Bonaire 1 10 4 3 0.00 -25.00
British Virgin Islands 1,297 1,364 1,152 1,262 1,583 0.60 25.44
Cayman Islands 124 88 106 102 74 0.03 -27.45
Cuba 202 277 298 137 221 0.08 61.31
Curaçao 159 99 103 122 94 0.04 -22.95
Dominica 3,277 2,954 2,913 3,728 3,988 1.50 6.97
Dominican Republic 687 738 915 558 593 0.22 6.27
Grenada 645 718 578 838 620 0.23 -26.01
Guadeloupe 879 709 480 547 539 0.20 -1.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Haiti 107 171 291 144 55 0.02 -61.81

Jamaica 4,355 3,273 3,543 3,857 3,932 1.48 1.94
Martinique 908 332 196 253 183 0.07 -27.67
Montserrat 1,859 1,567 1,070 966 2,085 0.79 115.84
Puerto Rico 803 705 764 959 1,140 0.43 18.87
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,746 2,741 2,490 2,175 2,651 1.00 21.89
Saint Lucia 1,899 1,971 1,969 2,093 2,129 0.80 1.72
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 866 883 1,002 870 1,121 0.42 28.85
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 822 904 825 820 928 0.35 13.17
Trinidad and Tobago 4,125 3,746 3,546 3,331 3,768 1.42 13.12
Turks and Caicos Islands 54 37 40 199 214 0.08 7.54
United States Virgin Islands 2,428 2,436 2,061 1,591 1,844 0.70 15.90
Other countries of the Caribbean 172 118 129 140 205 0.08 46.43
CENTRAL AMERICA 402 279 327 355 307 0.12 -13.52
Belize 100 67 89 73 76 0.03 4.11
Costa Rica 75 49 62 75 53 0.02 -29.33
El Salvador 22 18 9 12 16 0.01 33.33
Guatemala 55 21 24 64 27 0.01 -57.81
Honduras 9 2 10 19 10 0.00 -47.37
Nicaragua 18 7 8 10 13 0.00 30.00
Panama 123 115 125 102 112 0.04 9.80
NORTH AMERICA 117,569 118,987 123,178 118,066 130,092 49.06 10.19
Canada 24,185 30,235 27,701 23,270 21,196 7.99 -8.91
Mexico 170 133 145 179 244 0.09 36.31
United States of America 93,214 88,619 95,332 94,617 108,652 40.97 14.83
SOUTH AMERICA 3,669 3,084 2,973 3,805 3,538 1.33 -7.02
Argentina 205 311 259 320 357 0.13 11.56
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 8 1 3 4 4 0.00
Brazil 270 289 344 425 280 0.11 -34.12
Chile 80 92 69 98 79 0.03 -19.39
Colombia 57 95 84 107 77 0.03 -28.04
Ecuador 26 19 21 21 33 0.01 57.14
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 5 3 1
French Guiana 3 3 4 5 0.00 25.00
Guyana 2,367 1,795 1,699 1,633 1,789 0.67 9.55
Paraguay 7 10 11 2 9 0.00 350.00
Peru 67 64 53 61 41 0.02 -32.79
Suriname 125 88 118 88 89 0.03 1.14
Uruguay 25 19 13 48 24 0.01 -50.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 427 295 295 994 751 0.28 -24.45
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,440 1,545 1,736 2,160 2,061 0.78 -4.58
NORTH-EAST ASIA 576 656 797 1,061 878 0.33 -17.25
China 450 540 652 712 604 0.23 -15.17
Hong Kong (China) 54 71 0.03 31.48
Japan 126 116 145 202 169 0.06 -16.34
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Korea, Republic of 19 17 0.01 -10.53
Macao (China) 2 0.00
Taiwan Province of China 65 7 0.00 -89.23
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 208 220 0.08 5.77
Brunei Darussalam 1
Cambodia 1 1 0.00
Indonesia 11 10 0.00 -9.09
Malaysia 5 17 0.01 240.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Myanmar 1 1 0.00
Philippines 128 112 0.04 -12.50
Singapore 49 62 0.02 26.53
Thailand 9 15 0.01 66.67
Viet Nam 3 2 0.00 -33.33
AUSTRALASIA 864 889 939 887 948 0.36 6.88
Australia 609 717 711 703 708 0.27 0.71
New Zealand 255 172 228 184 240 0.09 30.43
MELANESIA 4 9 0.00 125.00
Fiji 2 4 0.00 100.00
New Caledonia 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Solomon Islands 4 0.00
Nauru 6 0.00
EUROPE 89,909 88,337 91,277 96,338 96,060 36.22 -0.29
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 913 761 462 817 1,031 0.39 26.19
Bulgaria 66 35 0.01 -46.97
Czech Republic 135 267 0.10 97.78
Hungary 56 81 0.03 44.64
Poland 165 181 0.07 9.70
Romania 50 74 0.03 48.00
Russian Federation 913 761 462 345 393 0.15 13.91
NORTHERN EUROPE 71,009 71,082 73,394 80,105 78,593 29.64 -1.89
Denmark 232 243 215 192 245 0.09 27.60
Finland 131 126 0.05 -3.82
Iceland 4 10 0.00 150.00
Ireland 920 853 868 799 781 0.29 -2.25
Norway 451 431 367 362 232 0.09 -35.91
Sweden 729 701 751 727 687 0.26 -5.50
United Kingdom 68,677 68,854 71,193 77,890 76,512 28.85 -1.77
SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,735 8,655 8,831 8,008 9,531 3.59 19.02
Albania 2 4 0.00 100.00
Andorra 31 13 0.00 -58.06
Gibraltar 22 28 0.01 27.27
Greece 65 58 89 73 74 0.03 1.37
Holy See 39 12 0.00 -69.23
Italy 9,041 7,942 7,976 7,032 8,600 3.24 22.30
Malta 53 30 0.01 -43.40
Portugal 79 113 128 127 122 0.05 -3.94
San Marino 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Spain 550 542 638 623 646 0.24 3.69
WESTERN EUROPE 6,793 6,272 6,947 6,509 6,071 2.29 -6.73
Austria 459 362 351 371 367 0.14 -1.08
Belgium 266 223 268 259 285 0.11 10.04
France 1,783 1,732 2,166 1,829 1,632 0.62 -10.77
Germany 2,768 2,443 2,665 2,505 2,165 0.82 -13.57
Liechtenstein 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Luxembourg 72 66 64 68 102 0.04 50.00
Monaco 55 78 0.03 41.82
Netherlands 331 291 299 300 282 0.11 -6.00
Switzerland 1,114 1,155 1,134 1,115 1,156 0.44 3.68
Cyprus 15 26 0.01 73.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Israel 88 104 0.04 18.18

Turkey 62 76 0.03 22.58
OTHER EUROPE 1,459 1,567 1,643 734 628 0.24 -14.44
Other countries of Europe 1,459 1,567 1,643 734 628 0.24 -14.44
MIDDLE EAST 163 130 0.05 -20.25
Bahrain 2 5 0.00 150.00
Egypt 21 27 0.01 28.57
Iraq 1 2 0.00 100.00
Jordan 12 2 0.00 -83.33
Kuwait 8 14 0.01 75.00
Lebanon 36 25 0.01 -30.56
Libya 3
Saudi Arabia 32 26 0.01 -18.75
State of Palestine 1 0.00
Syrian Arab Republic 37 20 0.01 -45.95
United Arab Emirates 11 8 0.00 -27.27
SOUTH ASIA 395 532 0.20 34.68
Afghanistan 97 127 0.05 30.93
Bangladesh 2 6 0.00 200.00
Bhutan 1
India 280 368 0.14 31.43
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 4 0.00
Nepal 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Pakistan 2 14 0.01 600.00
Sri Lanka 6 11 0.00 83.33
NOT SPECIFIED 1,280 1,292 1,449 45 49 0.02 8.89
Other countries of the World 1,280 1,292 1,449 45 49 0.02 8.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 5,586,903 5,246,023 5,930,643 5,736,385 5,559,199 100.00 -3.09

AMERICAS 4,670,990 4,353,093 5,029,174 4,828,822 4,596,249 82.68 -4.82
NORTH AMERICA 355,839 327,453 321,518 334,379 379,085 6.82 13.37
Canada, United States 355,839 327,453 321,518 334,379 379,085 6.82 13.37
SOUTH AMERICA 3,812,889 3,493,635 4,179,199 3,998,168 3,742,227 67.32 -6.40
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 251,535 310,469 405,933 433,465 465,677 8.38 7.43
Brazil 1,217,374 972,594 1,081,838 962,610 887,860 15.97 -7.77
Chile 1,133,846 1,021,041 1,116,342 1,142,317 1,048,479 18.86 -8.21
Paraguay 602,667 490,652 665,404 716,526 729,883 13.13 1.86
Uruguay 607,467 698,879 909,682 743,250 610,328 10.98 -17.88
OTHER AMERICAS 502,262 532,005 528,457 496,275 474,937 8.54 -4.30
Other countries of the Americas 502,262 532,005 528,457 496,275 474,937 8.54 -4.30
EUROPE 707,666 686,120 699,910 699,663 731,102 13.15 4.49
OTHER EUROPE 707,666 686,120 699,910 699,663 731,102 13.15 4.49
All countries of Europe 707,666 686,120 699,910 699,663 731,102 13.15 4.49
NOT SPECIFIED 208,247 206,810 201,559 207,900 231,848 4.17 11.52
Other countries of the World 208,247 206,810 201,559 207,900 231,848 4.17 11.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 963,035 1,084,188 1,203,746 1,192,106 1,259,657 100.00 5.67

AFRICA 686 666 869 962 358 0.03 -62.79
EAST AFRICA 31 27 27 45 49 0.00 8.89
Ethiopia 21 22 19 29 23 0.00 -20.69
Zambia 6 3 4 4 12 0.00 200.00
Zimbabwe 4 2 4 12 14 0.00 16.67
CENTRAL AFRICA 13 9 11 13 15 0.00 15.38
Cameroon 13 9 11 13 15 0.00 15.38
NORTH AFRICA 384 382 489 508 28 0.00 -94.49
Algeria 215 209 307 321 17 0.00 -94.70
Morocco 169 173 182 187 11 0.00 -94.12
SOUTHERN AFRICA 223 247 341 395 263 0.02 -33.42
All countries of Southern Africa 223 247 341 395 263 0.02 -33.42
WEST AFRICA 35 1 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
Liberia 35 1 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
AMERICAS 128,871 147,189 156,866 89,432 90,380 7.17 1.06
CARIBBEAN 43 39 71 69 148 0.01 114.49
Cuba 43 39 71 69 148 0.01 114.49
CENTRAL AMERICA 22 33 20 20 41 0.00 105.00
El Salvador 3 4 12 9 15 0.00 66.67
Guatemala 12 9 2 3 12 0.00 300.00
Honduras 2 3 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
Nicaragua 5 17 5 7 11 0.00 57.14
NORTH AMERICA 88,530 105,253 114,502 86,570 87,964 6.98 1.61
Canada 16,034 29,625 34,527 2,915 3,798 0.30 30.29
Mexico 90 107 142 152 225 0.02 48.03
United States of America 72,406 75,521 79,833 83,503 83,941 6.66 0.52
SOUTH AMERICA 40,276 41,864 42,273 2,773 2,227 0.18 -19.69
Argentina 25,673 26,035 26,921 1,300 1,087 0.09 -16.38
Brazil 11,394 12,967 12,544 760 774 0.06 1.84
Chile 139 47 49 68 62 0.00 -8.82
Colombia 25 48 52 65 108 0.01 66.15
Ecuador 20 11 21 36 41 0.00 13.89
Guyana 1 1 1
Peru 219 22 28 39 22 0.00 -43.59
Uruguay 2,460 2,397 2,361 183 84 0.01 -54.10
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 345 337 296 321 49 0.00 -84.74
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 29,814 30,716 27,931 10,175 19,282 1.53 89.50
NORTH-EAST ASIA 23,680 24,015 21,428 6,188 7,609 0.60 22.96
China 9,867 9,924 8,635 2,259 3,270 0.26 44.75
Japan 12,968 13,011 11,619 2,594 2,558 0.20 -1.39
Korea, Republic of 706 905 1,026 1,232 1,210 0.10 -1.79
Mongolia 37 22 18 23 37 0.00 60.87
Taiwan Province of China 102 153 130 80 534 0.04 567.50
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 538 791 1,362 1,581 9,446 0.75 497.47
Cambodia 6 2 65 4 0.00 -93.85
Indonesia 126 137 155 100 253 0.02 153.00
Malaysia 77 111 265 135 316 0.03 134.07
Philippines 227 371 679 995 8,484 0.67 752.66
Thailand 94 149 244 253 375 0.03 48.22
Viet Nam 8 23 17 33 14 0.00 -57.58
AUSTRALASIA 5,596 5,910 5,141 2,406 2,227 0.18 -7.44
Australia 5,414 5,737 4,992 2,150 1,986 0.16 -7.63
New Zealand 182 173 149 256 241 0.02 -5.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 605,731 702,183 811,890 922,390 937,731 74.44 1.66

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 478,914 574,922 672,525 820,340 834,887 66.28 1.77
Bulgaria 4,506 5,127 5,009 2,174 2,098 0.17 -3.50
Czech Republic 3,015 3,119 2,419 2,369 2,450 0.19 3.42
Estonia 585 1,152 797 924 944 0.07 2.16
Hungary 515 531 773 1,037 1,182 0.09 13.98
Latvia 985 1,216 1,279 1,378 1,345 0.11 -2.39
Lithuania 1,506 1,178 1,375 1,350 1,193 0.09 -11.63
Poland 3,758 7,295 10,974 9,275 9,544 0.76 2.90
Romania 815 922 995 1,025 1,097 0.09 7.02
Slovakia 588 668 810 808 860 0.07 6.44
Commonwealth Independent States 462,641 553,714 648,094 800,000 814,174 64.63 1.77
NORTHERN EUROPE 15,012 15,690 15,879 14,881 14,862 1.18 -0.13
Denmark 1,417 1,562 1,320 1,782 1,806 0.14 1.35
Finland 1,108 835 925 1,091 1,123 0.09 2.93
Iceland 39 57 22 31 42 0.00 35.48
Ireland 473 467 499 455 593 0.05 30.33
Norway 712 846 879 1,245 1,070 0.08 -14.06
Sweden 1,919 2,177 2,697 3,191 3,301 0.26 3.45
United Kingdom 9,344 9,746 9,537 7,086 6,927 0.55 -2.24
SOUTHERN EUROPE 26,683 27,916 32,086 18,065 16,909 1.34 -6.40
Albania 80 71 75 189 81 0.01 -57.14
Bosnia and Herzegovina 160 157 231 222 187 0.01 -15.77
Croatia 211 350 425 424 527 0.04 24.29
Greece 12,092 13,115 14,983 3,623 3,183 0.25 -12.14
Italy 9,604 9,084 9,396 7,373 6,879 0.55 -6.70
Malta 30 129 505 140 81 0.01 -42.14
Portugal 395 393 513 733 866 0.07 18.14
Serbia 355 449 637 590 600 0.05 1.69
Serbia and Montenegro 411 76 681 645 181 0.01 -71.94
Slovenia 315 419 505 521 516 0.04 -0.96
Spain 3,030 3,673 4,135 3,605 3,808 0.30 5.63
WESTERN EUROPE 69,573 69,056 74,990 53,394 53,463 4.24 0.13
Austria 6,336 6,412 5,642 3,046 2,772 0.22 -9.00
Belgium 5,974 6,086 5,282 4,563 5,031 0.40 10.26
France 26,312 26,537 29,700 19,092 18,791 1.49 -1.58
Germany 23,785 22,310 25,431 15,811 16,541 1.31 4.62
Netherlands 5,260 5,557 6,519 7,012 7,423 0.59 5.86
Switzerland 1,906 2,154 2,416 3,870 2,905 0.23 -24.94
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,549 14,599 16,410 15,710 17,610 1.40 12.09
Cyprus 283 282 396 530 516 0.04 -2.64
Israel 5,637 4,345 4,807 5,730 5,124 0.41 -10.58
Turkey 9,629 9,972 11,207 9,450 11,970 0.95 26.67
MIDDLE EAST 49,700 52,134 55,786 20,921 18,780 1.49 -10.23
Egypt 500 400 331 490 283 0.02 -42.24
Iraq 1,062 1,490 1,373 6,400 5,013 0.40 -21.67
Jordan 329 332 661 850 1,424 0.11 67.53
Kuwait 174 352 284 320 317 0.03 -0.94
Lebanon 24,119 24,793 25,063 5,450 5,420 0.43 -0.55
Libya 3 8 1 1 0.00
Qatar 16 26 11 38 113 0.01 197.37
Saudi Arabia 22 16 20 56 30 0.00 -46.43
Syrian Arab Republic 23,198 24,314 26,787 4,328 2,958 0.23 -31.65
United Arab Emirates 277 403 1,256 2,988 3,221 0.26 7.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 148,233 151,300 150,404 148,226 193,126 15.33 30.29

Afghanistan 33 10 16 16 13 0.00 -18.75
Bangladesh 14 6 24 12 17 0.00 41.67
India 4,881 5,013 4,440 3,949 4,114 0.33 4.18
Iran, Islamic Republic of 143,208 146,184 145,824 144,160 188,851 14.99 31.00
Nepal 24 18 20 23 26 0.00 13.04
Pakistan 34 27 31 34 48 0.00 41.18
Sri Lanka 39 42 49 32 57 0.00 78.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 903,934 979,254 1,072,082 1,224,935 1,101,954 100.00 -10.04

AMERICAS 820,484 898,419 987,594 1,132,997 1,001,703 90.90 -11.59
CARIBBEAN 32,126 30,865 28,643 30,191 28,870 2.62 -4.38
Dominican Republic 1,497 1,685 1,431 1,488 1,502 0.14 0.94
Netherlands Antilles 27,361 26,682 24,663 26,069 24,220 2.20 -7.09
Puerto Rico 74 32 10 27 59 0.01 118.52
Trinidad and Tobago 1,817 1,193 1,159 1,386 1,719 0.16 24.03
Other countries of the Caribbean 1,377 1,273 1,380 1,221 1,370 0.12 12.20
NORTH AMERICA 578,090 602,340 622,587 667,513 672,622 61.04 0.77
Canada 45,887 44,338 43,767 44,166 42,059 3.82 -4.77
Mexico 1,328 1,744 2,037 1,961 1,798 0.16 -8.31
United States of America 530,875 556,258 576,783 621,386 628,765 57.06 1.19
SOUTH AMERICA 210,268 265,214 336,364 435,293 300,211 27.24 -31.03
Argentina 12,865 15,574 12,465 15,395 18,684 1.70 21.36
Brazil 21,070 23,293 24,733 20,080 12,858 1.17 -35.97
Chile 3,163 5,505 8,605 9,796 10,758 0.98 9.82
Colombia 18,127 19,485 23,836 20,716 28,945 2.63 39.72
Ecuador 1,659 1,272 1,432 1,476 2,460 0.22 66.67
Peru 1,007 1,213 1,250 1,634 3,133 0.28 91.74
Suriname 5,117 6,253 7,224 7,100 6,659 0.60 -6.21
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 143,201 188,020 249,593 350,918 209,128 18.98 -40.41
Other countries of South America 4,059 4,599 7,226 8,178 7,586 0.69 -7.24
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 176 186 257 151 150 0.01 -0.66
NORTH-EAST ASIA 176 186 257 151 150 0.01 -0.66
Japan 176 186 257 151 150 0.01 -0.66
EUROPE 79,570 77,006 80,154 80,590 86,743 7.87 7.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 441 568 630 968 506 0.05 -47.73
Russian Federation 441 568 630 968 506 0.05 -47.73
NORTHERN EUROPE 22,168 20,216 20,962 20,700 26,752 2.43 29.24
Denmark 293 532 765 415 380 0.03 -8.43
Finland 648 810 909 828 564 0.05 -31.88
Norway 1,230 2,449 2,099 1,219 1,113 0.10 -8.70
Sweden 6,285 7,110 6,742 5,935 6,267 0.57 5.59
United Kingdom 13,712 9,315 10,447 12,303 18,428 1.67 49.78
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,333 6,822 9,081 9,803 9,773 0.89 -0.31
Italy 3,963 5,008 7,099 7,638 7,626 0.69 -0.16
Portugal 181 256 248 311 339 0.03 9.00
Spain 1,189 1,558 1,734 1,854 1,808 0.16 -2.48
WESTERN EUROPE 48,376 45,839 45,733 45,001 45,766 4.15 1.70
Austria 351 268 294 442 557 0.05 26.02
Belgium 2,803 2,533 2,412 2,232 2,242 0.20 0.45
Germany 4,054 3,841 4,362 4,919 4,674 0.42 -4.98
Netherlands 39,973 37,788 36,995 35,632 36,342 3.30 1.99
Switzerland 1,195 1,409 1,670 1,776 1,951 0.18 9.85
OTHER EUROPE 3,252 3,561 3,748 4,118 3,946 0.36 -4.18
Other countries of Europe 3,252 3,561 3,748 4,118 3,946 0.36 -4.18
NOT SPECIFIED 3,704 3,643 4,077 11,197 13,358 1.21 19.30
Other countries of the World 3,704 3,643 4,077 11,197 13,358 1.21 19.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 764,104 797,398 815,317 815,674 814,983 100.00 -0.08

AMERICAS 709,269 747,255 763,258 762,577 758,279 93.04 -0.56
CARIBBEAN 14,320 14,820 13,098 13,721 13,341 1.64 -2.77
Dominican Republic 402 387 412 547 563 0.07 2.93
Netherlands Antilles 11,840 12,910 10,908 11,563 10,799 1.33 -6.61
Puerto Rico 5 18 37 0.00 105.56
Trinidad and Tobago 1,476 991 953 1,035 1,270 0.16 22.71
Other countries of the Caribbean 602 532 820 558 672 0.08 20.43
NORTH AMERICA 534,708 557,626 569,431 610,031 609,390 74.77 -0.11
Canada 40,678 38,503 36,998 37,158 33,883 4.16 -8.81
Mexico 1,001 1,251 1,389 1,317 1,244 0.15 -5.54
United States of America 493,029 517,872 531,044 571,556 574,263 70.46 0.47
SOUTH AMERICA 160,241 174,809 180,729 138,825 135,548 16.63 -2.36
Argentina 12,209 14,856 11,503 13,874 16,469 2.02 18.70
Brazil 19,513 21,277 22,323 17,279 10,801 1.33 -37.49
Chile 3,039 5,271 7,708 8,944 9,708 1.19 8.54
Colombia 13,748 14,337 17,436 13,742 16,510 2.03 20.14
Ecuador 1,279 905 1,015 946 1,664 0.20 75.90
Peru 795 976 982 1,312 2,507 0.31 91.08
Suriname 1,902 2,528 2,873 2,562 2,461 0.30 -3.94
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 103,437 110,902 111,316 74,026 69,748 8.56 -5.78
Other countries of South America 4,319 3,757 5,573 6,140 5,680 0.70 -7.49
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 93 140 163 116 101 0.01 -12.93
NORTH-EAST ASIA 93 140 163 116 101 0.01 -12.93
Japan 93 140 163 116 101 0.01 -12.93
EUROPE 53,757 48,150 49,754 48,032 51,619 6.33 7.47
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 299 251 331 417 208 0.03 -50.12
Russian Federation 299 251 331 417 208 0.03 -50.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 20,378 16,878 18,432 17,880 23,332 2.86 30.49
Denmark 202 397 605 214 223 0.03 4.21
Finland 543 594 676 593 378 0.05 -36.26
Norway 997 2,054 1,720 815 779 0.10 -4.42
Sweden 5,773 5,531 6,066 5,294 5,368 0.66 1.40
United Kingdom 12,863 8,302 9,365 10,964 16,584 2.03 51.26
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,168 5,190 7,123 7,195 7,154 0.88 -0.57
Italy 3,238 4,030 5,875 6,002 5,994 0.74 -0.13
Portugal 146 183 195 221 212 0.03 -4.07
Spain 784 977 1,053 972 948 0.12 -2.47
WESTERN EUROPE 26,783 22,853 21,603 20,170 18,745 2.30 -7.06
Austria 298 179 209 314 331 0.04 5.41
Belgium 2,123 1,737 1,709 1,474 1,393 0.17 -5.50
Germany 3,059 2,648 2,810 3,047 2,645 0.32 -13.19
Netherlands 20,374 17,327 15,742 14,149 13,128 1.61 -7.22
Switzerland 929 962 1,133 1,186 1,248 0.15 5.23
OTHER EUROPE 2,129 2,978 2,265 2,370 2,180 0.27 -8.02
Other countries of Europe 2,129 2,978 2,265 2,370 2,180 0.27 -8.02
NOT SPECIFIED 985 1,853 2,142 4,949 4,984 0.61 0.71
Other countries of the World 985 1,853 2,142 4,949 4,984 0.61 0.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 5,433,271 5,504,058 5,614,365 5,669,660 5,687,728 100.00 0.32

AMERICAS 4,880,490 5,022,162 5,130,161 5,174,133 5,146,400 90.48 -0.54
CARIBBEAN 53,664 52,955 49,072 49,935 50,677 0.89 1.49
Dominican Republic 2,109 1,910 1,911 2,477 2,445 0.04 -1.29
Netherlands Antilles 41,514 44,259 38,231 39,589 38,603 0.68 -2.49
Puerto Rico 16 80 166 0.00 107.50
Trinidad and Tobago 7,026 4,361 4,275 4,948 6,083 0.11 22.94
Other countries of the Caribbean 3,015 2,425 4,639 2,841 3,380 0.06 18.97
NORTH AMERICA 3,900,405 3,973,229 4,058,335 4,313,501 4,276,039 75.18 -0.87
Canada 327,457 308,775 302,269 300,375 277,529 4.88 -7.61
Mexico 8,040 6,729 6,630 0.12 -1.47
United States of America 3,572,948 3,664,454 3,748,026 4,006,397 3,991,880 70.18 -0.36
SOUTH AMERICA 926,421 995,978 1,022,754 810,697 819,684 14.41 1.11
Argentina 104,302 123,807 98,846 119,931 142,143 2.50 18.52
Brazil 122,155 140,154 147,545 112,335 70,378 1.24 -37.35
Chile 21,734 39,057 56,735 66,181 73,110 1.29 10.47
Colombia 78,147 80,685 96,056 75,861 92,117 1.62 21.43
Ecuador 7,435 4,256 4,670 4,202 7,445 0.13 77.18
Peru 5,577 6,630 6,760 8,021 14,634 0.26 82.45
Suriname 9,437 11,382 13,210 12,143 11,716 0.21 -3.52
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 553,592 563,121 569,480 378,998 378,046 6.65 -0.25
Other countries of South America 24,042 26,886 29,452 33,025 30,095 0.53 -8.87
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 396 665 783 510 392 0.01 -23.14
NORTH-EAST ASIA 396 665 783 510 392 0.01 -23.14
Japan 396 665 783 510 392 0.01 -23.14
EUROPE 539,457 469,660 472,127 457,409 508,622 8.94 11.20
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,940 2,499 3,121 2,164 1,513 0.03 -30.08
Russian Federation 2,940 2,499 3,121 2,164 1,513 0.03 -30.08
NORTHERN EUROPE 239,047 206,052 208,005 204,845 274,332 4.82 33.92
Denmark 1,473 3,855 6,246 1,570 1,684 0.03 7.26
Finland 5,299 5,205 5,810 5,388 3,324 0.06 -38.31
Norway 11,169 23,932 19,209 8,312 7,821 0.14 -5.91
Sweden 70,568 76,483 71,430 62,636 66,073 1.16 5.49
United Kingdom 150,538 96,577 105,310 126,939 195,430 3.44 53.96
SOUTHERN EUROPE 33,291 37,249 51,957 52,491 47,967 0.84 -8.62
Italy 25,895 29,449 42,822 42,754 41,208 0.72 -3.62
Portugal 917 1,440 1,471 1,645 132 0.00 -91.98
Spain 6,479 6,360 7,664 8,092 6,627 0.12 -18.10
WESTERN EUROPE 245,373 205,580 191,359 178,880 165,841 2.92 -7.29
Austria 3,084 1,698 1,726 2,700 3,149 0.06 16.63
Belgium 18,730 14,787 13,922 11,904 11,993 0.21 0.75
Germany 30,733 24,084 26,369 27,746 24,060 0.42 -13.28
Netherlands 184,378 156,236 139,223 125,558 115,578 2.03 -7.95
Switzerland 8,448 8,775 10,119 10,972 11,061 0.19 0.81
OTHER EUROPE 18,806 18,280 17,685 19,029 18,969 0.33 -0.32
Other countries of Europe 18,806 18,280 17,685 19,029 18,969 0.33 -0.32
NOT SPECIFIED 12,928 11,571 11,294 37,608 32,314 0.57 -14.08
Other countries of the World 12,928 11,571 11,294 37,608 32,314 0.57 -14.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 6,907,143 7,126,771 7,692,903 8,329,592 7,975,560 100.00 -4.25

AMERICAS 5,954,445 6,219,899 6,759,894 7,334,445 6,842,125 85.79 -6.71
CARIBBEAN 203,436 176,847 164,404 167,903 160,639 2.01 -4.33
Dominican Republic 31,938 27,764 20,491 18,631 14,617 0.18 -21.54
Netherlands Antilles 139,658 125,838 123,666 128,940 122,174 1.53 -5.25
Puerto Rico 345 150 81 136 280 0.00 105.88
Trinidad and Tobago 11,379 6,670 6,424 8,076 9,444 0.12 16.94
Other countries of the Caribbean 20,116 16,425 13,742 12,120 14,124 0.18 16.53
NORTH AMERICA 4,314,691 4,394,447 4,532,454 4,798,039 4,805,934 60.26 0.16
Canada 390,284 376,897 381,710 378,042 370,256 4.64 -2.06
Mexico 9,415 11,915 14,296 11,782 10,646 0.13 -9.64
United States of America 3,914,992 4,005,635 4,136,448 4,408,215 4,425,032 55.48 0.38
SOUTH AMERICA 1,436,318 1,648,605 2,063,036 2,368,503 1,875,552 23.52 -20.81
Argentina 111,984 131,884 109,994 136,139 164,575 2.06 20.89
Brazil 133,560 154,011 166,082 132,597 85,243 1.07 -35.71
Chile 22,911 41,194 64,260 73,431 82,270 1.03 12.04
Colombia 172,653 171,911 188,310 178,159 272,485 3.42 52.94
Ecuador 14,902 9,479 10,211 10,462 14,844 0.19 41.88
Peru 10,807 11,011 11,454 12,502 23,567 0.30 88.51
Suriname 39,558 43,031 49,716 48,600 46,204 0.58 -4.93
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 903,545 1,056,837 1,419,401 1,726,591 1,141,833 14.32 -33.87
Other countries of South America 26,398 29,247 43,608 50,022 44,531 0.56 -10.98
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 640 1,075 1,721 850 828 0.01 -2.59
NORTH-EAST ASIA 640 1,075 1,721 850 828 0.01 -2.59
Japan 640 1,075 1,721 850 828 0.01 -2.59
EUROPE 914,934 877,462 901,799 907,074 981,675 12.31 8.22
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,172 4,945 5,336 6,004 3,843 0.05 -35.99
Russian Federation 4,172 4,945 5,336 6,004 3,843 0.05 -35.99
NORTHERN EUROPE 261,432 235,270 237,013 237,649 314,194 3.94 32.21
Denmark 1,998 5,058 7,682 3,117 3,316 0.04 6.38
Finland 6,375 6,896 8,135 7,819 5,387 0.07 -31.10
Norway 14,497 29,377 24,042 13,173 11,879 0.15 -9.82
Sweden 76,991 85,246 78,308 70,183 76,573 0.96 9.10
United Kingdom 161,571 108,693 118,846 143,357 217,039 2.72 51.40
SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,238 56,434 74,745 82,199 77,342 0.97 -5.91
Italy 34,580 39,819 56,230 59,460 57,193 0.72 -3.81
Portugal 1,242 2,223 1,875 2,617 3,243 0.04 23.92
Spain 13,416 14,392 16,640 20,122 16,906 0.21 -15.98
WESTERN EUROPE 567,249 547,440 551,375 544,667 549,935 6.90 0.97
Austria 3,480 3,080 2,642 4,053 6,016 0.08 48.43
Belgium 27,649 24,765 23,392 22,379 23,694 0.30 5.88
Germany 41,489 37,160 42,872 47,053 45,978 0.58 -2.28
Netherlands 482,881 468,814 466,068 453,836 455,529 5.71 0.37
Switzerland 11,750 13,621 16,401 17,346 18,718 0.23 7.91
OTHER EUROPE 32,843 33,373 33,330 36,555 36,361 0.46 -0.53
Other countries of Europe 32,843 33,373 33,330 36,555 36,361 0.46 -0.53
NOT SPECIFIED 37,124 28,335 29,489 87,223 150,932 1.89 73.04
Other countries of the World 37,124 28,335 29,489 87,223 150,932 1.89 73.04

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 6,032,270 6,382,410 6,884,040 7,444,350 8,263,060 100.00 11.00

AFRICA 82,440 80,160 82,540 85,310 86,310 1.04 1.17
EAST AFRICA 19,820 19,280 21,470 22,030 22,440 0.27 1.86
Burundi 40 70 80 40 20 0.00 -50.00
Comoros 10 10 10 10 30 0.00 200.00
Djibouti 20 20 10
Eritrea 20 60 60 40 50 0.00 25.00
Ethiopia 270 460 520 540 730 0.01 35.19
Kenya 2930 3250 3580 3980 4270 0.05 7.29
Madagascar 200 210 240 140 190 0.00 35.71
Malawi 280 280 370 370 260 0.00 -29.73
Mauritius 6470 6250 6210 6710 7560 0.09 12.67
Mozambique 300 540 490 480 440 0.01 -8.33
Reunion 3300 1770 2130 2270 2630 0.03 15.86
Rwanda 170 90 110 140 110 0.00 -21.43
Seychelles 310 320 480 440 310 0.00 -29.55
Somalia 110 100 90 20 70 0.00 250.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 820 1160 1080 1000 1060 0.01 6.00
Uganda 590 790 1110 670 580 0.01 -13.43
Zambia 1230 1210 1200 1420 1090 0.01 -23.24
Zimbabwe 2750 2690 3710 3750 3040 0.04 -18.93
CENTRAL AFRICA 900 760 940 600 510 0.01 -15.00
Angola 280 220 330 150 180 0.00 20.00
Cameroon 80 190 210 150 80 0.00 -46.67
Central African Republic 10 20
Chad 160 90 100 70 140 0.00 100.00
Congo 110 150 170 90 50 0.00 -44.44
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 40 40 40 20 20 0.00
Equatorial Guinea 60 10 10
Gabon 160 40 80 110 40 0.00 -63.64
Sao Tome and Principe 10
NORTH AFRICA 940 1,260 1,370 1,210 1,540 0.02 27.27
Algeria 260 340 330 330 390 0.00 18.18
Morocco 290 390 370 450 430 0.01 -4.44
South Sudan 10 60 20 50 0.00 150.00
Sudan 230 190 370 160 330 0.00 106.25
Tunisia 160 330 240 250 340 0.00 36.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 57,490 55,820 55,280 58,670 58,970 0.71 0.51
Botswana 850 960 880 760 1010 0.01 32.89
Lesotho 70 70 130 50 60 0.00 20.00
Namibia 710 630 580 770 800 0.01 3.90
South Africa 55710 53920 53440 56880 56990 0.69 0.19
Swaziland 150 240 250 210 110 0.00 -47.62
WEST AFRICA 3,170 3,000 3,450 2,790 2,810 0.03 0.72
Benin 30 10 50 20
Burkina Faso 50 30 40 10 0.00
Cabo Verde 10 20 10 10
Côte d'Ivoire 50 30 40 10 80 0.00 700.00
Gambia 30 50 20 30 10 0.00 -66.67
Ghana 780 710 790 720 750 0.01 4.17
Guinea 160 180 50 110 60 0.00 -45.45
Liberia 140 190 160 100 80 0.00 -20.00
Mali 60 120 30 60 40 0.00 -33.33
Mauritania 100 80 40 50 30 0.00 -40.00
Niger 30 90 90 60 70 0.00 16.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 1560 1160 1960 1400 1380 0.02 -1.43

Saint Helena 50 10 0.00 -80.00
Senegal 80 90 110 150 220 0.00 46.67
Sierra Leone 70 190 20 10 40 0.00 300.00
Togo 20 50 40 10 30 0.00 200.00
OTHER AFRICA 120 40 30 10 40 0.00 300.00
Other countries of Africa 120 40 30 10 40 0.00 300.00
AMERICAS 682,850 726,060 795,730 863,390 990,530 11.99 14.73
CARIBBEAN 2,950 2,930 3,300 3,230 2,680 0.03 -17.03
Anguilla 30 30
Antigua and Barbuda 10 50 40 40 10 0.00 -75.00
Aruba 40 10 20 80 0.00
Bahamas 220 350 270 200 160 0.00 -20.00
Barbados 170 130 270 310 260 0.00 -16.13
Bermuda 300 420 380 430 370 0.00 -13.95
British Virgin Islands 150 100 20 10 0.00 -50.00
Cayman Islands 440 390 430 300 270 0.00 -10.00
Cuba 110 230 110 180 170 0.00 -5.56
Curaçao 20 30 10 10 0.00
Dominica 240 90 240 150 80 0.00 -46.67
Dominican Republic 130 60 80 120 50 0.00 -58.33
Grenada 160 70 90 150 120 0.00 -20.00
Guadeloupe 10 20 10 10 20 0.00 100.00
Haiti 10 10 30 10 20 0.00 100.00
Jamaica 230 380 430 480 330 0.00 -31.25
Martinique 10 40 10 0.00 -75.00
Montserrat 30 20 50 0.00 150.00
Puerto Rico 220 70 170 100 250 0.00 150.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 20 40 20
Saint Lucia 30 70 50 40 30 0.00 -25.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30 20 50 40 30 0.00 -25.00
Trinidad and Tobago 420 470 460 500 350 0.00 -30.00
United States Virgin Islands 30
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,330 1,480 1,850 1,910 2,370 0.03 24.08
Belize 50 50 50 10 50 0.00 400.00
Costa Rica 320 390 560 600 730 0.01 21.67
El Salvador 250 260 240 250 290 0.00 16.00
Guatemala 170 220 390 370 430 0.01 16.22
Honduras 70 110 220 190 140 0.00 -26.32
Nicaragua 140 90 110 90 100 0.00 11.11
Panama 330 360 280 400 630 0.01 57.50
NORTH AMERICA 603,790 637,010 698,950 762,100 872,380 10.56 14.47
Canada 126650 128670 137630 142280 152120 1.84 6.92
Greenland 30 20 20 20 100 0.00 400.00
Mexico 6250 7270 8080 8560 8760 0.11 2.34
United States of America 470860 501050 553220 611240 711400 8.61 16.39
SOUTH AMERICA 74,780 84,640 91,630 96,150 113,100 1.37 17.63
Argentina 13190 14930 11480 11290 19480 0.24 72.54
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 330 370 250 360 330 0.00 -8.33
Brazil 31640 35670 44440 45150 47210 0.57 4.56
Chile 13290 15450 16730 17960 22930 0.28 27.67
Colombia 8280 9920 10410 11780 13450 0.16 14.18
Ecuador 810 1150 1500 2190 1650 0.02 -24.66
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 20 40 20
French Guiana 10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Guyana 40 70 100 90 40 0.00 -55.56

Paraguay 230 240 220 230 300 0.00 30.43
Peru 2730 2780 3020 3500 3840 0.05 9.71
Suriname 70 30 70 90 40 0.00 -55.56
Uruguay 2070 1400 1360 1790 2190 0.03 22.35
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2080 2620 2010 1700 1640 0.02 -3.53
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,649,470 3,847,700 4,188,750 4,582,030 5,153,670 62.37 12.48
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,436,560 1,529,770 1,705,190 1,952,980 2,323,010 28.11 18.95
China 618820 708770 840660 1025490 1198920 14.51 16.91
Hong Kong (China) 162460 183460 202670 219150 249130 3.01 13.68
Japan 348050 324320 328880 337210 413800 5.01 22.71
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 10 20 20 100 30 0.00 -70.00
Korea, Republic of 203360 197520 204510 229940 284500 3.44 23.73
Macao (China) 4660 5510 7000 8220 9030 0.11 9.85
Mongolia 2300 2490 2330 2790 2950 0.04 5.73
Taiwan Province of China 96900 107680 119120 130080 164650 1.99 26.58
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 865,490 962,320 1,067,920 1,140,030 1,299,970 15.73 14.03
Brunei Darussalam 6240 6360 6470 7330 7970 0.10 8.73
Cambodia 5010 4920 5220 7160 9690 0.12 35.34
Indonesia 137530 141610 150050 153210 174420 2.11 13.84
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1750 1900 1970 2240 2620 0.03 16.96
Malaysia 245540 278140 324900 339410 387700 4.69 14.23
Myanmar 2060 3540 4630 5040 5540 0.07 9.92
Philippines 59220 66760 75610 90210 107150 1.30 18.78
Singapore 297700 339760 372840 396800 439810 5.32 10.84
Thailand 70670 75300 75490 77730 91540 1.11 17.77
Timor-Leste 4660 4180 3870 4150 4170 0.05 0.48
Viet Nam 35110 39850 46870 56750 69360 0.84 22.22
AUSTRALASIA 1,184,660 1,192,810 1,244,110 1,312,130 1,347,590 16.31 2.70
New Zealand 1184660 1192810 1244110 1312130 1347590 16.31 2.70
MELANESIA 139,840 140,350 144,840 152,690 157,160 1.90 2.93
Fiji 27990 29840 30930 31600 36140 0.44 14.37
New Caledonia 38620 38230 42760 49100 49730 0.60 1.28
Norfolk Island 1700 1840 2610 2700 1190 0.01 -55.93
Papua New Guinea 55450 56020 54220 53710 52170 0.63 -2.87
Solomon Islands 7080 5080 5600 6480 7590 0.09 17.13
Vanuatu 9000 9340 8720 9100 10340 0.13 13.63
MICRONESIA 5,390 5,740 8,330 6,500 6,470 0.08 -0.46
Guam 860 1220 1000 1120 820 0.01 -26.79
Kiribati 1280 1030 840 810 780 0.01 -3.70
Marshall Islands 310 230 230 250 80 0.00 -68.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 410 310 200 200 90 0.00 -55.00
Nauru 2290 2860 5930 3920 4520 0.05 15.31
Northern Mariana Islands 50
Palau 240 90 130 150 180 0.00 20.00
POLYNESIA 17,360 16,710 18,350 17,700 19,470 0.24 10.00
American Samoa 40 10 70 110 60 0.00 -45.45
Cook Islands 1890 2560 2580 2330 2420 0.03 3.86
French Polynesia 3020 2600 2820 2570 2640 0.03 2.72
Niue 300 170 300 130 140 0.00 7.69
Pitcairn 10
Samoa 5220 5590 5660 5510 6320 0.08 14.70
Tokelau 180 40 40 0.00
Tonga 6350 5400 6570 6770 7350 0.09 8.57
Tuvalu 70 40 80 60 80 0.00 33.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Wallis and Futuna Islands 290 330 270 180 420 0.01 133.33
Other countries of Oceania 170 10
EUROPE 1,345,910 1,434,430 1,480,270 1,523,050 1,597,530 19.33 4.89
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 56,220 60,330 65,280 61,410 66,120 0.80 7.67
Armenia 190 170 250 150 250 0.00 66.67
Azerbaijan 150 290 610 270 460 0.01 70.37
Belarus 430 570 540 550 560 0.01 1.82
Bulgaria 1300 1490 1600 1770 1750 0.02 -1.13
Czech Republic 7350 6980 8040 7770 7910 0.10 1.80
Estonia 3020 3500 3470 4060 4110 0.05 1.23
Georgia 100 120 130 170 230 0.00 35.29
Hungary 4400 4470 5070 5000 5800 0.07 16.00
Kazakhstan 1020 1220 1180 1170 1040 0.01 -11.11
Kyrgyzstan 130 100 150 110 90 0.00 -18.18
Latvia 1070 1050 1120 1320 1470 0.02 11.36
Lithuania 1550 1520 1790 1850 2180 0.03 17.84
Moldova, Republic of 150 260 160 130 120 0.00 -7.69
Poland 9720 11370 13400 15170 17130 0.21 12.92
Romania 1600 1510 1540 1930 2110 0.03 9.33
Russian Federation 17570 18920 18740 13240 13320 0.16 0.60
Slovakia 2870 3020 3780 3260 3760 0.05 15.34
Tajikistan 30 20 50 10 60 0.00 500.00
Turkmenistan 10 10 10 30 10 0.00 -66.67
Ukraine 3260 3450 3370 2990 3410 0.04 14.05
Uzbekistan 300 290 280 460 350 0.00 -23.91
NORTHERN EUROPE 766,670 819,230 818,830 854,830 885,110 10.71 3.54
Channel Islands 1370 1290 1330 1360 1550 0.02 13.97
Denmark 23720 23950 24490 25360 28850 0.35 13.76
Faeroe Islands 20 20 30 20 70 0.00 250.00
Finland 13610 13360 13940 14320 15000 0.18 4.75
Iceland 480 500 670 1150 830 0.01 -27.83
Ireland 62170 63280 61940 58530 57540 0.70 -1.69
Isle of Man 650 490 620 770 800 0.01 3.90
Norway 20000 20220 21380 20860 21650 0.26 3.79
Sweden 38360 40310 42310 43350 44260 0.54 2.10
United Kingdom 606290 655810 652120 689110 714560 8.65 3.69
SOUTHERN EUROPE 114,190 123,310 130,910 135,800 147,700 1.79 8.76
Albania 220 250 330 300 410 0.00 36.67
Andorra 170 60 150 340 270 0.00 -20.59
Bosnia and Herzegovina 670 760 790 670 810 0.01 20.90
Croatia 2300 2970 2870 2800 3180 0.04 13.57
Gibraltar 110 210 90 220 210 0.00 -4.55
Greece 8910 8890 7580 7570 9380 0.11 23.91
Holy See 10 20 10
Italy 63910 70830 73930 72820 75520 0.91 3.71
Malta 2310 2400 2480 2680 2770 0.03 3.36
Montenegro 240 250 270 350 190 0.00 -45.71
Portugal 4360 4560 5440 5400 6460 0.08 19.63
San Marino 10 50 70 40 50 0.00 25.00
Serbia 2540 2760 3270 3120 3350 0.04 7.37
Slovenia 2270 2390 2940 3040 3320 0.04 9.21
Spain 24550 25030 28490 34600 39910 0.48 15.35
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1540 1810 2130 1770 1800 0.02 1.69
Other countries of Southern Europe 80 80 60 70 70 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 390,070 410,910 444,190 449,200 474,920 5.75 5.73

Austria 14820 15790 16620 16520 18550 0.22 12.29
Belgium 16700 17810 20050 19660 20260 0.25 3.05
France 103680 110330 118350 119490 123380 1.49 3.26
Germany 159860 170250 186870 190110 203350 2.46 6.96
Liechtenstein 60 100 100 80 100 0.00 25.00
Luxembourg 910 1350 1560 1420 1560 0.02 9.86
Monaco 740 500 470 620 530 0.01 -14.52
Netherlands 46720 45580 47600 46940 52410 0.63 11.65
Switzerland 46580 49200 52570 54360 54780 0.66 0.77
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 18,760 20,650 21,060 21,810 23,680 0.29 8.57
Cyprus 2090 2180 2450 2380 2870 0.03 20.59
Israel 10660 11490 11360 12220 12560 0.15 2.78
Turkey 6010 6980 7250 7210 8250 0.10 14.42
MIDDLE EAST 63,040 70,750 77,380 81,510 84,880 1.03 4.13
Bahrain 1460 1280 1840 1430 1580 0.02 10.49
Egypt 2690 3170 2900 3120 3010 0.04 -3.53
Iraq 1010 970 990 860 1120 0.01 30.23
Jordan 1310 1530 1720 1640 1850 0.02 12.80
Kuwait 3470 3990 4240 4490 4470 0.05 -0.45
Lebanon 5160 4910 5150 5660 5900 0.07 4.24
Libya 190 180 170 110 30 0.00 -72.73
Oman 2230 2960 3290 3390 3420 0.04 0.88
Qatar 3650 5410 5930 6570 7990 0.10 21.61
Saudi Arabia 13440 13210 14790 14910 13650 0.17 -8.45
State of Palestine 70 40 10
Syrian Arab Republic 170 180 120 200 170 0.00 -15.00
United Arab Emirates 28170 32900 36160 39120 41650 0.50 6.47
Yemen 20 20 70 10 40 0.00 300.00
SOUTH ASIA 208,550 223,210 259,370 309,050 350,140 4.24 13.30
Afghanistan 580 290 450 290 390 0.00 34.48
Bangladesh 7210 8520 10760 12200 12550 0.15 2.87
Bhutan 730 560 760 970 1070 0.01 10.31
India 154740 168800 197040 233570 259970 3.15 11.30
Iran, Islamic Republic of 9000 7260 7780 9280 11880 0.14 28.02
Maldives 470 550 680 790 1010 0.01 27.85
Nepal 6030 6580 8920 11700 16480 0.20 40.85
Pakistan 9870 9930 10690 11670 14890 0.18 27.59
Sri Lanka 19920 20720 22290 28580 31900 0.39 11.62
Other countries of the World 10 100 10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 17,727,876 18,163,665 18,588,441 19,632,948 20,433,963 100.00 4.08

AFRICA 51,561 53,533 56,109 64,735 68,031 0.33 5.09
SOUTHERN AFRICA 18,528 16,948 17,290 17,991 17,971 0.09 -0.11
South Africa 18,528 16,948 17,290 17,991 17,971 0.09 -0.11
OTHER AFRICA 33,033 36,585 38,819 46,744 50,060 0.24 7.09
Other countries of Africa 33,033 36,585 38,819 46,744 50,060 0.24 7.09
AMERICAS 717,953 768,093 810,442 904,700 887,740 4.34 -1.87
NORTH AMERICA 566,318 610,569 654,815 726,856 711,384 3.48 -2.13
Canada 84,154 81,890 85,575 90,196 86,051 0.42 -4.60
United States of America 482,164 528,679 569,240 636,660 625,333 3.06 -1.78
SOUTH AMERICA 57,897 61,781 63,235 69,792 67,010 0.33 -3.99
Brazil 57,897 61,781 63,235 69,792 67,010 0.33 -3.99
OTHER AMERICAS 93,738 95,743 92,392 108,052 109,346 0.54 1.20
Other countries of the Americas 93,738 95,743 92,392 108,052 109,346 0.54 1.20
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,004,065 1,120,789 1,254,460 1,612,294 1,600,854 7.83 -0.71
NORTH-EAST ASIA 756,265 853,783 986,684 1,284,756 1,260,372 6.17 -1.90
China 338,064 391,509 476,693 689,415 702,683 3.44 1.92
Japan 253,019 251,108 237,551 230,148 200,499 0.98 -12.88
Korea, Republic of 108,458 150,733 190,494 237,825 239,104 1.17 0.54
Taiwan Province of China 56,724 60,433 81,946 127,368 118,086 0.58 -7.29
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 83,706 95,787 95,474 125,547 147,205 0.72 17.25
All countries of South-East Asia 83,706 95,787 95,474 125,547 147,205 0.72 17.25
AUSTRALASIA 117,214 123,914 123,006 138,621 130,601 0.64 -5.79
Australia 104,646 110,134 110,609 123,225 115,961 0.57 -5.89
New Zealand 12,568 13,780 12,397 15,396 14,640 0.07 -4.91
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 46,880 47,305 49,296 63,370 62,676 0.31 -1.10
Other countries of Asia 46,880 47,305 49,296 63,370 62,676 0.31 -1.10
EUROPE 15,446,474 15,691,772 15,888,065 16,364,043 17,165,453 84.00 4.90
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,918,559 1,980,630 1,998,187 1,921,846 1,991,113 9.74 3.60
Bulgaria 59,797 61,722 66,533 68,587 67,398 0.33 -1.73
Czech Republic 366,885 372,684 388,058 411,595 467,329 2.29 13.54
Estonia 15,291 15,531 15,756 17,687 18,509 0.09 4.65
Hungary 319,381 323,211 334,645 332,254 355,592 1.74 7.02
Latvia 14,890 14,462 16,340 16,353 15,322 0.07 -6.30
Lithuania 16,675 16,581 17,938 19,019 19,864 0.10 4.44
Poland 239,135 254,702 285,332 303,301 308,923 1.51 1.85
Romania 224,779 214,835 220,184 228,243 242,926 1.19 6.43
Russian Federation 422,243 449,568 398,687 264,889 225,645 1.10 -14.82
Slovakia 108,670 114,228 124,501 135,888 145,147 0.71 6.81
Ukraine 90,152 97,331 87,818 79,920 85,499 0.42 6.98
Other countries Central/East Europe 40,661 45,775 42,395 44,110 38,959 0.19 -11.68
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,184,028 1,223,206 1,250,151 1,346,314 1,416,684 6.93 5.23
Denmark 201,446 205,236 203,163 210,884 226,493 1.11 7.40
Finland 74,046 73,515 74,620 79,188 85,330 0.42 7.76
Iceland 6,927 7,503 8,933 9,603 9,884 0.05 2.93
Ireland 43,115 43,971 50,649 55,320 61,754 0.30 11.63
Norway 75,079 77,047 79,382 81,481 82,133 0.40 0.80
Sweden 165,285 167,807 165,843 180,665 195,710 0.96 8.33
United Kingdom 618,130 648,127 667,561 729,173 755,380 3.70 3.59
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,500,368 1,456,920 1,512,804 1,621,645 1,636,388 8.01 0.91
Croatia 81,092 81,701 87,224 93,414 97,484 0.48 4.36
Greece 49,980 47,104 51,382 52,669 55,380 0.27 5.15
Italy 880,136 839,291 869,750 919,592 899,216 4.40 -2.22
Malta 5,391 6,157 6,901 8,110 9,147 0.04 12.79
Portugal 25,580 26,147 28,527 31,447 38,270 0.19 21.70

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia and Montenegro 93,490 103,159 101,022 111,546 121,332 0.59 8.77
Slovenia 82,522 85,837 91,193 92,983 98,080 0.48 5.48
Spain 282,177 267,524 276,805 311,884 317,479 1.55 1.79
WESTERN EUROPE 10,672,792 10,849,614 10,941,417 11,258,330 11,890,395 58.19 5.61
Belgium 372,756 374,924 380,948 378,699 399,028 1.95 5.37
France 431,308 423,782 426,329 425,027 434,949 2.13 2.33
Germany 7,826,949 8,041,954 8,099,430 8,308,247 8,809,113 43.11 6.03
Luxembourg 50,143 53,987 54,633 55,354 58,713 0.29 6.07
Netherlands 886,240 852,632 856,977 895,184 964,830 4.72 7.78
Switzerland 1,105,396 1,102,335 1,123,100 1,195,819 1,223,762 5.99 2.34
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 170,727 181,402 185,506 215,908 230,873 1.13 6.93
Cyprus 7,635 7,093 8,018 8,403 9,294 0.05 10.60
Israel 84,939 93,716 97,781 111,890 125,404 0.61 12.08
Turkey 78,153 80,593 79,707 95,615 96,175 0.47 0.59
MIDDLE EAST 189,193 224,150 244,839 331,896 292,025 1.43 -12.01
Saudi Arabia 64,667 80,313 71,539 0.35 -10.92
United Arab Emirates 69,340 90,919 90,864 0.44 -0.06
Other countries of Middle East 110,832 160,664 129,622 0.63 -19.32
All countries of Middle East 189,193 224,150
SOUTH ASIA 84,574 84,101 79,592 110,931 136,275 0.67 22.85
All countries of South Asia 84,574 84,101 79,592 110,931 136,275 0.67 22.85
NOT SPECIFIED 234,056 221,227 254,934 244,349 283,585 1.39 16.06
Other countries of the World 234,056 221,227 254,934 244,349 283,585 1.39 16.06

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 24,150,776 24,813,128 25,291,371 26,727,634 28,120,644 100.00 5.21

AFRICA 58,087 60,827 63,163 72,409 77,756 0.28 7.38
SOUTHERN AFRICA 21,737 20,282 20,378 21,320 21,420 0.08 0.47
South Africa 21,737 20,282 20,378 21,320 21,420 0.08 0.47
OTHER AFRICA 36,350 40,545 42,785 51,089 56,336 0.20 10.27
Other countries of Africa 36,350 40,545 42,785 51,089 56,336 0.20 10.27
AMERICAS 805,619 860,311 918,868 1,020,080 1,012,796 3.60 -0.71
NORTH AMERICA 629,280 676,055 733,545 815,326 806,500 2.87 -1.08
Canada 97,807 96,042 101,033 107,081 103,622 0.37 -3.23
United States of America 531,473 580,013 632,512 708,245 702,878 2.50 -0.76
SOUTH AMERICA 68,257 72,504 77,928 81,641 78,786 0.28 -3.50
Brazil 68,257 72,504 77,928 81,641 78,786 0.28 -3.50
OTHER AMERICAS 108,082 111,752 107,395 123,113 127,510 0.45 3.57
Other countries of the Americas 108,082 111,752 107,395 123,113 127,510 0.45 3.57
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,105,297 1,227,438 1,380,578 1,739,670 1,733,010 6.16 -0.38
NORTH-EAST ASIA 812,653 915,601 1,066,369 1,362,726 1,339,499 4.76 -1.70
China 354,657 408,509 497,925 715,119 731,529 2.60 2.29
Japan 261,261 259,184 245,306 236,621 208,710 0.74 -11.80
Korea, Republic of 134,856 182,442 234,557 277,032 273,477 0.97 -1.28
Taiwan Province of China 61,879 65,466 88,581 133,954 125,783 0.45 -6.10
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 90,866 103,467 104,510 136,235 161,919 0.58 18.85
All countries of South-East Asia 90,866 103,467 104,510 136,235 161,919 0.58 18.85
AUSTRALASIA 151,922 157,318 156,286 172,873 162,974 0.58 -5.73
Australia 134,800 138,742 139,363 152,406 143,076 0.51 -6.12
New Zealand 17,122 18,576 16,923 20,467 19,898 0.07 -2.78
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,856 51,052 53,413 67,836 68,618 0.24 1.15
Other countries of Asia 49,856 51,052 53,413 67,836 68,618 0.24 1.15
EUROPE 21,599,410 22,043,146 22,241,887 23,050,955 24,426,999 86.87 5.97
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,633,952 2,727,708 2,788,908 2,755,747 2,900,270 10.31 5.24
Bulgaria 68,238 71,326 77,337 80,554 80,639 0.29 0.11
Czech Republic 619,287 630,398 660,086 711,774 807,437 2.87 13.44
Estonia 21,179 20,797 21,011 23,690 24,488 0.09 3.37
Hungary 472,793 479,083 493,055 501,628 533,882 1.90 6.43
Latvia 21,058 20,771 22,656 22,864 23,099 0.08 1.03
Lithuania 26,757 27,410 29,266 30,812 33,226 0.12 7.83
Poland 362,870 381,875 425,730 456,921 472,264 1.68 3.36
Romania 265,774 257,211 264,704 275,852 294,852 1.05 6.89
Russian Federation 476,397 513,460 467,565 313,524 272,368 0.97 -13.13
Slovakia 152,960 161,691 176,760 194,229 211,127 0.75 8.70
Ukraine 102,720 113,829 103,938 95,022 102,700 0.37 8.08
Other countries Central/East Europe 43,919 49,857 46,800 48,877 44,188 0.16 -9.59
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,500,402 1,551,914 1,584,208 1,702,572 1,806,538 6.42 6.11
Denmark 316,890 323,037 318,336 331,521 353,281 1.26 6.56
Finland 91,363 93,451 92,546 96,939 104,307 0.37 7.60
Iceland 8,440 9,197 11,048 12,076 12,159 0.04 0.69
Ireland 53,210 54,558 61,112 66,977 75,106 0.27 12.14
Norway 87,230 90,720 93,113 94,945 96,551 0.34 1.69
Sweden 202,297 206,834 205,501 224,338 245,511 0.87 9.44
United Kingdom 740,972 774,117 802,552 875,776 919,623 3.27 5.01
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,794,186 1,759,077 1,823,307 1,962,937 1,996,426 7.10 1.71
Croatia 106,129 104,470 112,569 118,845 125,055 0.44 5.23
Greece 53,689 51,447 55,830 57,227 61,145 0.22 6.85
Italy 1,060,105 1,023,530 1,051,490 1,122,970 1,102,399 3.92 -1.83
Malta 5,884 6,758 7,656 8,920 10,187 0.04 14.20
Portugal 29,617 30,519 33,232 36,579 44,542 0.16 21.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia and Montenegro 104,145 115,491 116,061 128,065 140,145 0.50 9.43
Slovenia 122,677 129,662 136,675 141,562 151,677 0.54 7.15
Spain 311,940 297,200 309,794 348,769 361,276 1.28 3.59
WESTERN EUROPE 15,473,410 15,792,292 15,826,913 16,374,017 17,447,057 62.04 6.55
Belgium 494,014 501,365 514,264 514,637 550,934 1.96 7.05
France 519,519 514,524 516,770 517,786 530,305 1.89 2.42
Germany 11,411,557 11,758,193 11,750,027 12,140,737 12,986,055 46.18 6.96
Luxembourg 58,229 62,999 64,611 65,226 70,431 0.25 7.98
Netherlands 1,714,513 1,673,536 1,671,581 1,735,184 1,862,885 6.62 7.36
Switzerland 1,275,578 1,281,675 1,309,660 1,400,447 1,446,447 5.14 3.28
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 197,460 212,155 218,551 255,682 276,708 0.98 8.22
Cyprus 8,244 7,684 8,510 8,959 9,936 0.04 10.91
Israel 105,317 117,053 122,802 141,101 160,121 0.57 13.48
Turkey 83,899 87,418 87,239 105,622 106,651 0.38 0.97
MIDDLE EAST 218,070 268,476 302,530 419,242 382,215 1.36 -8.83
Saudi Arabia 90,267 118,000 105,559 0.38 -10.54
United Arab Emirates 85,556 115,311 117,976 0.42 2.31
Other countries of Middle East 126,707 185,931 158,680 0.56 -14.66
All countries of Middle East 218,070 268,476
SOUTH ASIA 88,864 87,916 84,492 118,327 147,415 0.52 24.58
All countries of South Asia 88,864 87,916 84,492 118,327 147,415 0.52 24.58
NOT SPECIFIED 275,429 265,014 299,853 306,951 340,453 1.21 10.91
Other countries of the World 275,429 265,014 299,853 306,951 340,453 1.21 10.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 61,359,896 62,137,088 61,829,801 63,354,592 65,243,779 100.00 2.98

AFRICA 160,143 169,937 173,739 182,482 190,114 0.29 4.18
SOUTHERN AFRICA 64,044 61,388 58,720 58,815 57,635 0.09 -2.01
South Africa 64,044 61,388 58,720 58,815 57,635 0.09 -2.01
OTHER AFRICA 96,099 108,549 115,019 123,667 132,479 0.20 7.13
Other countries of Africa 96,099 108,549 115,019 123,667 132,479 0.20 7.13
AMERICAS 1,680,026 1,755,364 1,865,939 2,083,366 2,017,725 3.09 -3.15
NORTH AMERICA 1,334,351 1,406,106 1,506,340 1,677,697 1,618,199 2.48 -3.55
Canada 202,047 199,062 210,094 219,873 211,567 0.32 -3.78
United States of America 1,132,304 1,207,044 1,296,246 1,457,824 1,406,632 2.16 -3.51
SOUTH AMERICA 131,874 136,645 147,788 163,616 153,698 0.24 -6.06
Brazil 131,874 136,645 147,788 163,616 153,698 0.24 -6.06
OTHER AMERICAS 213,801 212,613 211,811 242,053 245,828 0.38 1.56
Other countries of the Americas 213,801 212,613 211,811 242,053 245,828 0.38 1.56
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,718,206 1,882,107 2,056,980 2,550,625 2,558,360 3.92 0.30
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,193,440 1,314,504 1,475,089 1,873,200 1,864,409 2.86 -0.47
China 471,430 543,537 638,435 908,085 945,200 1.45 4.09
Japan 484,679 480,129 462,213 443,837 403,152 0.62 -9.17
Korea, Republic of 154,567 204,293 261,488 341,417 350,655 0.54 2.71
Taiwan Province of China 82,764 86,545 112,953 179,861 165,402 0.25 -8.04
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 145,245 166,905 177,145 217,898 251,854 0.39 15.58
All countries of South-East Asia 145,245 166,905 177,145 217,898 251,854 0.39 15.58
AUSTRALASIA 282,412 297,669 298,372 330,198 310,410 0.48 -5.99
Australia 252,215 266,398 269,139 295,286 276,581 0.42 -6.33
New Zealand 30,197 31,271 29,233 34,912 33,829 0.05 -3.10
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 97,109 103,029 106,374 129,329 131,687 0.20 1.82
Other countries of Asia 97,109 103,029 106,374 129,329 131,687 0.20 1.82
EUROPE 56,512,270 56,964,184 56,287,234 56,873,457 58,778,834 90.09 3.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,811,896 5,926,990 5,857,817 5,458,483 5,541,034 8.49 1.51
Bulgaria 147,078 153,845 160,682 161,949 159,023 0.24 -1.81
Czech Republic 1,085,607 1,086,811 1,109,506 1,175,111 1,313,099 2.01 11.74
Estonia 45,658 44,070 47,716 50,425 53,766 0.08 6.63
Hungary 941,573 918,603 926,098 916,505 974,153 1.49 6.29
Latvia 42,946 45,210 51,947 48,485 43,885 0.07 -9.49
Lithuania 52,933 53,545 53,465 56,565 56,144 0.09 -0.74
Poland 774,235 779,703 845,932 875,055 880,525 1.35 0.63
Romania 615,389 582,792 582,918 583,485 612,071 0.94 4.90
Russian Federation 1,420,315 1,537,380 1,366,259 886,649 721,301 1.11 -18.65
Slovakia 322,289 330,877 345,342 372,505 401,563 0.62 7.80
Ukraine 253,422 271,944 252,131 214,262 225,848 0.35 5.41
Other countries Central/East Europe 110,451 122,210 115,821 117,487 99,656 0.15 -15.18
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,688,301 4,814,500 4,829,039 5,050,967 5,235,235 8.02 3.65
Denmark 832,941 823,336 826,513 841,127 881,000 1.35 4.74
Finland 246,732 242,042 240,736 253,739 265,458 0.41 4.62
Iceland 25,179 26,718 30,327 38,845 36,000 0.06 -7.32
Ireland 183,218 181,893 192,174 205,582 223,155 0.34 8.55
Norway 254,205 254,960 261,456 264,553 256,708 0.39 -2.97
Sweden 606,415 613,637 609,875 639,871 695,513 1.07 8.70
United Kingdom 2,539,611 2,671,914 2,667,958 2,807,250 2,877,401 4.41 2.50
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,681,034 3,513,923 3,604,681 3,821,836 3,836,646 5.88 0.39
Croatia 210,857 203,786 217,288 226,098 227,297 0.35 0.53
Greece 134,926 126,923 136,732 134,064 139,738 0.21 4.23
Italy 2,224,264 2,084,154 2,104,666 2,209,041 2,157,031 3.31 -2.35
Malta 20,265 21,702 23,511 28,213 33,225 0.05 17.76
Portugal 69,508 69,559 74,333 84,650 95,418 0.15 12.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia and Montenegro 201,663 216,314 220,015 238,587 261,833 0.40 9.74
Slovenia 206,430 213,462 220,175 223,987 226,163 0.35 0.97
Spain 613,121 578,023 607,961 677,196 695,941 1.07 2.77
WESTERN EUROPE 41,853,848 42,193,761 41,462,070 41,935,414 43,508,252 66.69 3.75
Belgium 1,847,697 1,845,325 1,855,849 1,806,972 1,871,851 2.87 3.59
France 1,470,441 1,456,302 1,430,928 1,400,005 1,404,865 2.15 0.35
Germany 30,460,997 31,010,037 30,355,511 30,588,290 31,876,948 48.86 4.21
Luxembourg 246,205 264,356 264,810 263,728 272,228 0.42 3.22
Netherlands 4,088,591 3,892,512 3,795,623 3,909,370 4,025,867 6.17 2.98
Switzerland 3,739,917 3,725,229 3,759,349 3,967,049 4,056,493 6.22 2.25
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 477,191 515,010 533,627 606,757 657,667 1.01 8.39
Cyprus 21,135 19,892 22,145 23,249 27,870 0.04 19.88
Israel 268,538 297,199 312,271 346,757 397,286 0.61 14.57
Turkey 187,518 197,919 199,211 236,751 232,511 0.36 -1.79
MIDDLE EAST 538,580 622,829 679,542 882,992 773,892 1.19 -12.36
Saudi Arabia 183,432 224,283 190,101 0.29 -15.24
United Arab Emirates 175,415 232,514 222,282 0.34 -4.40
Other countries of Middle East 320,695 426,195 361,509 0.55 -15.18
All countries of Middle East 538,580 622,829
SOUTH ASIA 148,667 148,117 148,022 197,363 243,382 0.37 23.32
All countries of South Asia 148,667 148,117 148,022 197,363 243,382 0.37 23.32
NOT SPECIFIED 602,004 594,550 618,345 584,307 681,472 1.04 16.63
Other countries of the World 602,004 594,550 618,345 584,307 681,472 1.04 16.63

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 95,051,917 96,874,372 96,233,027 98,824,173 102,863,435 100.00 4.09

AFRICA 194,232 211,484 208,730 218,296 232,172 0.23 6.36
SOUTHERN AFRICA 81,604 80,332 76,285 76,762 75,174 0.07 -2.07
South Africa 81,604 80,332 76,285 76,762 75,174 0.07 -2.07
OTHER AFRICA 112,628 131,152 132,445 141,534 156,998 0.15 10.93
Other countries of Africa 112,628 131,152 132,445 141,534 156,998 0.15 10.93
AMERICAS 1,940,897 2,021,425 2,180,608 2,419,471 2,381,632 2.32 -1.56
NORTH AMERICA 1,530,172 1,608,066 1,748,323 1,945,568 1,905,224 1.85 -2.07
Canada 244,467 240,823 257,256 270,776 263,459 0.26 -2.70
United States of America 1,285,705 1,367,243 1,491,067 1,674,792 1,641,765 1.60 -1.97
SOUTH AMERICA 156,943 162,359 182,696 193,041 182,871 0.18 -5.27
Brazil 156,943 162,359 182,696 193,041 182,871 0.18 -5.27
OTHER AMERICAS 253,782 251,000 249,589 280,862 293,537 0.29 4.51
Other countries of the Americas 253,782 251,000 249,589 280,862 293,537 0.29 4.51
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,961,328 2,137,417 2,353,614 2,854,560 2,876,768 2.80 0.78
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,314,322 1,444,617 1,640,498 2,036,335 2,035,473 1.98 -0.04
China 506,618 579,155 682,890 963,611 1,009,762 0.98 4.79
Japan 508,292 502,063 484,785 462,671 427,464 0.42 -7.61
Korea, Republic of 205,918 266,239 345,961 416,136 416,900 0.41 0.18
Taiwan Province of China 93,494 97,160 126,862 193,917 181,347 0.18 -6.48
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 161,903 183,886 198,522 243,013 284,878 0.28 17.23
All countries of South-East Asia 161,903 183,886 198,522 243,013 284,878 0.28 17.23
AUSTRALASIA 379,139 394,377 395,318 431,779 407,048 0.40 -5.73
Australia 335,554 349,751 353,732 382,615 358,687 0.35 -6.25
New Zealand 43,585 44,626 41,586 49,164 48,361 0.05 -1.63
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 105,964 114,537 119,276 143,433 149,369 0.15 4.14
Other countries of Asia 105,964 114,537 119,276 143,433 149,369 0.15 4.14
EUROPE 89,290,120 90,710,573 89,571,220 91,025,820 94,985,190 92.34 4.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 9,265,872 9,543,773 9,639,390 9,330,868 9,682,427 9.41 3.77
Bulgaria 185,793 199,175 209,662 219,300 220,722 0.21 0.65
Czech Republic 2,123,891 2,150,183 2,217,239 2,379,188 2,678,250 2.60 12.57
Estonia 70,231 67,545 72,782 75,543 80,963 0.08 7.17
Hungary 1,624,206 1,622,437 1,651,131 1,664,783 1,771,160 1.72 6.39
Latvia 73,406 74,943 84,500 80,838 80,202 0.08 -0.79
Lithuania 110,189 114,266 114,513 115,257 121,867 0.12 5.74
Poland 1,478,694 1,495,559 1,600,172 1,708,463 1,747,899 1.70 2.31
Romania 831,278 802,875 811,673 827,824 873,121 0.85 5.47
Russian Federation 1,785,754 1,954,599 1,800,424 1,188,735 977,348 0.95 -17.78
Slovakia 525,192 556,815 591,102 635,321 701,210 0.68 10.37
Ukraine 326,274 360,952 343,231 292,796 304,389 0.30 3.96
Other countries Central/East Europe 130,964 144,424 142,961 142,820 125,296 0.12 -12.27
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,325,512 6,531,747 6,535,498 6,837,872 7,180,107 6.98 5.00
Denmark 1,447,258 1,448,608 1,437,614 1,478,532 1,543,733 1.50 4.41
Finland 336,601 351,996 330,207 336,377 354,337 0.34 5.34
Iceland 32,657 35,277 42,048 52,874 48,047 0.05 -9.13
Ireland 234,778 234,112 242,505 258,816 287,149 0.28 10.95
Norway 307,116 310,552 317,222 317,999 313,363 0.30 -1.46
Sweden 786,586 806,569 800,879 843,439 929,929 0.90 10.25
United Kingdom 3,180,516 3,344,633 3,365,023 3,549,835 3,703,549 3.60 4.33
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,853,145 4,713,370 4,801,912 5,112,330 5,167,688 5.02 1.08
Croatia 334,594 314,681 333,933 356,285 344,020 0.33 -3.44
Greece 151,809 148,099 157,568 156,337 165,133 0.16 5.63
Italy 2,917,854 2,777,844 2,777,489 2,926,904 2,875,134 2.80 -1.77
Malta 22,418 24,588 27,038 31,698 37,270 0.04 17.58
Portugal 86,515 91,435 96,135 109,919 123,194 0.12 12.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia and Montenegro 257,491 282,035 287,241 319,003 347,743 0.34 9.01
Slovenia 374,446 403,136 410,682 423,212 445,095 0.43 5.17
Spain 708,018 671,552 711,826 788,972 830,099 0.81 5.21
WESTERN EUROPE 68,250,456 69,271,558 67,913,947 68,967,046 72,090,128 70.08 4.53
Belgium 2,583,143 2,605,997 2,649,559 2,604,564 2,741,857 2.67 5.27
France 1,818,852 1,808,491 1,775,658 1,752,672 1,766,933 1.72 0.81
Germany 49,606,383 50,822,726 49,512,028 50,199,468 52,652,671 51.19 4.89
Luxembourg 295,170 317,477 322,445 322,970 338,426 0.33 4.79
Netherlands 9,389,082 9,139,675 9,012,781 9,175,817 9,510,445 9.25 3.65
Switzerland 4,557,826 4,577,192 4,641,476 4,911,555 5,079,796 4.94 3.43
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 595,135 650,125 680,473 777,704 864,840 0.84 11.20
Cyprus 24,458 22,085 24,289 25,766 30,969 0.03 20.19
Israel 364,306 409,095 433,510 485,403 567,887 0.55 16.99
Turkey 206,371 218,945 222,674 266,535 265,984 0.26 -0.21
MIDDLE EAST 712,514 872,571 992,727 1,328,367 1,236,414 1.20 -6.92
Saudi Arabia 306,999 393,109 342,656 0.33 -12.83
United Arab Emirates 273,772 372,888 363,059 0.35 -2.64
Other countries of Middle East 411,956 562,370 530,699 0.52 -5.63
All countries of Middle East 712,514 872,571
SOUTH ASIA 164,226 160,295 163,350 218,661 271,410 0.26 24.12
All countries of South Asia 164,226 160,295 163,350 218,661 271,410 0.26 24.12
NOT SPECIFIED 788,600 760,607 762,778 758,998 879,849 0.86 15.92
Other countries of the World 788,600 760,607 762,778 758,998 879,849 0.86 15.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,484,048 2,508,904 2,297,804 2,006,176 2,248,773 100.00 12.09

AFRICA 2,361 2,723 2,535 2,297 4,229 0.19 84.11
EAST AFRICA 241 270 270 236 1,371 0.06 480.93
Burundi 2 16 4 2 0.00
Comoros 8 16 714 0.03
Djibouti 15 3 1 22 0.00 2,100.00
Eritrea 4 9 5 3 12 0.00 300.00
Ethiopia 30 29 28 23 197 0.01 756.52
Kenya 52 54 75 69 150 0.01 117.39
Madagascar 7 2 7 2 15 0.00 650.00
Malawi 2 6 5 2 16 0.00 700.00
Mauritius 20 20 20 27
Mozambique 11 8 9 6 25 0.00 316.67
Reunion 1 4 6
Rwanda 1 8 3 6 6 0.00
Seychelles 4 12 4 10 0.00 150.00
Somalia 3 5 10 6 21 0.00 250.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 16 22 16 34 50 0.00 47.06
Uganda 21 24 19 20 56 0.00 180.00
Zambia 31 20 11 10 38 0.00 280.00
Zimbabwe 29 15 39 17 37 0.00 117.65
CENTRAL AFRICA 101 205 127 157 206 0.01 31.21
Angola 20 12 20 22 42 0.00 90.91
Cameroon 40 119 52 73 85 0.00 16.44
Central African Republic 1 2
Chad 4 8 9 21 11 0.00 -47.62
Congo 5 25 6 8 18 0.00 125.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 13 18 12 15 0.00
Equatorial Guinea 4 3
Gabon 12 14 21 31 26 0.00 -16.13
Sao Tome and Principe 2 6 5 2 9 0.00 350.00
NORTH AFRICA 458 682 613 708 1,065 0.05 50.42
Algeria 135 197 121 210 189 0.01 -10.00
Morocco 158 250 264 255 338 0.02 32.55
Sudan 62 104 129 123 311 0.01 152.85
Tunisia 103 130 99 120 227 0.01 89.17
Western Sahara 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 905 927 1,063 720 977 0.04 35.69
Botswana 5 5 3 26 0.00
Lesotho 1 5 3 15 0.00 400.00
Namibia 19 5 7 18 0.00 157.14
South Africa 878 916 1,048 709 902 0.04 27.22
Swaziland 2 1 7 1 16 0.00 1,500.00
WEST AFRICA 656 639 462 476 610 0.03 28.15
Benin 7 10 5 3 5 0.00 66.67
Burkina Faso 1 18 4 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Côte d'Ivoire 28 75 25 17 28 0.00 64.71
Gambia 94 11 23 18 19 0.00 5.56
Ghana 119 44 50 43 72 0.00 67.44
Guinea 7 42 6 11 8 0.00 -27.27
Guinea-Bissau 3 2 0.00
Liberia 4 19 2 2 12 0.00 500.00
Mali 19 60 22 15 15 0.00
Mauritania 5 17 5 6 10 0.00 66.67
Niger 15 13 5 5 11 0.00 120.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 263 249 250 283 354 0.02 25.09

Senegal 52 50 45 30 40 0.00 33.33
Sierra Leone 36 23 17 29 16 0.00 -44.83
Togo 6 5 3 6 14 0.00 133.33
AMERICAS 18,825 20,825 19,932 18,367 18,499 0.82 0.72
CARIBBEAN 416 512 540 395 533 0.02 34.94
Aruba 6 2 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Bahamas 4 3 20 0.00 566.67
Barbados 9 4 7 7 24 0.00 242.86
Cuba 74 98 133 73 169 0.01 131.51
Dominica 3 14 0.00
Dominican Republic 24 39 23 16 32 0.00 100.00
Grenada 1 3
Haiti 2 2 10 0.00 400.00
Jamaica 7 4 22 7 36 0.00 414.29
Netherlands Antilles 18 9 10
Puerto Rico 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 12
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3
Trinidad and Tobago 276 340 329 282 226 0.01 -19.86
Turks and Caicos Islands 1 2 1 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 131 85 80 57 199 0.01 249.12
Belize 1 2 2 2 8 0.00 300.00
Costa Rica 47 13 17 24 58 0.00 141.67
El Salvador 13 12 12 8 30 0.00 275.00
Guatemala 22 25 9 32 0.00
Honduras 23 19 24 16 31 0.00 93.75
Nicaragua 11 10 12 5 23 0.00 360.00
Panama 14 4 4 2 17 0.00 750.00
NORTH AMERICA 16,474 18,191 17,360 15,848 15,065 0.67 -4.94
Canada 2,566 2,411 2,501 2,372 2,320 0.10 -2.19
Mexico 221 168 316 268 454 0.02 69.40
United States of America 13,687 15,612 14,543 13,208 12,291 0.55 -6.94
SOUTH AMERICA 1,804 2,037 1,952 2,067 2,702 0.12 30.72
Argentina 484 258 254 266 240 0.01 -9.77
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 34 55 42 27 53 0.00 96.30
Brazil 516 817 729 788 1,028 0.05 30.46
Chile 66 96 90 67 77 0.00 14.93
Colombia 427 437 432 464 592 0.03 27.59
Ecuador 30 52 70 84 109 0.00 29.76
Guyana 1 2 21 0.00
Paraguay 27 27 22 15 29 0.00 93.33
Peru 28 40 49 45 64 0.00 42.22
Suriname 1 7 2 17 0.00 750.00
Uruguay 65 50 9 21 36 0.00 71.43
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 125 203 248 288 436 0.02 51.39
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,757 19,607 20,142 19,522 22,574 1.00 15.63
NORTH-EAST ASIA 10,239 12,178 12,068 11,643 14,069 0.63 20.84
China 5,060 6,465 5,930 5,097 7,363 0.33 44.46
Japan 2,230 2,471 2,607 3,277 3,383 0.15 3.23
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 42 3 1 15 13 0.00 -13.33
Korea, Republic of 2,829 3,134 3,368 3,061 3,132 0.14 2.32
Mongolia 64 93 124 123 136 0.01 10.57
Taiwan Province of China 14 12 38 70 42 0.00 -40.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,759 5,410 5,456 5,103 6,152 0.27 20.56

Brunei Darussalam 3 19 17 24 26 0.00 8.33
Cambodia 19 11 67 26
Indonesia 577 706 686 828 1,285 0.06 55.19
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7 7 8 20 5 0.00 -75.00
Malaysia 805 2,058 2,161 1,077 1,337 0.06 24.14
Myanmar 16 51 20 52 54 0.00 3.85
Philippines 1,322 1,445 1,488 1,613 1,889 0.08 17.11
Singapore 315 429 501 630 860 0.04 36.51
Thailand 386 481 324 374 550 0.02 47.06
Viet Nam 309 203 184 459 146 0.01 -68.19
AUSTRALASIA 1,745 2,010 2,611 2,753 2,333 0.10 -15.26
Australia 1,296 1,518 2,161 2,233 1,853 0.08 -17.02
New Zealand 449 492 450 520 480 0.02 -7.69
MELANESIA 6 6 7 9 18 0.00 100.00
Fiji 4 4 7 7 18 0.00 157.14
Papua New Guinea 2 2
Vanuatu 2
MICRONESIA 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Palau 4 2 0.00 -50.00
American Samoa 2
French Polynesia 1
Samoa 1 6
Tuvalu 5 1 4
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1
EUROPE 2,147,613 2,306,463 2,108,519 1,795,262 1,799,367 80.02 0.23
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,760,165 1,849,954 1,692,710 1,398,043 1,392,105 61.91 -0.42
Armenia 16 61 4 0.00 -93.44
Belarus 7,038 8,251 9,256 10,729 12,320 0.55 14.83
Bulgaria 2,231 2,028 2,324 2,253 1,531 0.07 -32.05
Czech Republic 1,279 1,497 1,709 1,845 1,785 0.08 -3.25
Estonia 791 787 878 1,017 844 0.04 -17.01
Georgia 763,251 810,390 699,532 571,648 506,110 22.51 -11.46
Hungary 950 1,825 2,536 1,650 1,747 0.08 5.88
Kazakhstan 25,295 28,226 29,468 27,145 31,183 1.39 14.88
Kyrgyzstan 2,905 2,594 2,556 2,490 2,705 0.12 8.63
Latvia 1,875 1,731 1,750 1,967 1,566 0.07 -20.39
Lithuania 1,698 1,797 1,743 1,621 1,344 0.06 -17.09
Moldova, Republic of 4,375 4,448 5,843 5,183 3,710 0.16 -28.42
Poland 3,168 3,716 4,209 3,473 3,014 0.13 -13.22
Romania 1,678 2,053 2,052 1,967 1,427 0.06 -27.45
Russian Federation 876,013 903,242 843,851 685,555 742,132 33.00 8.25
Slovakia 622 659 783 1,111 797 0.04 -28.26
Tajikistan 1,264 1,515 1,285 1,224 1,521 0.07 24.26
Turkmenistan 4,906 4,766 5,398 6,800 7,637 0.34 12.31
Ukraine 42,393 51,802 58,201 55,119 54,635 2.43 -0.88
Uzbekistan 18,417 18,627 19,336 15,185 16,093 0.72 5.98
NORTHERN EUROPE 36,739 40,512 41,587 43,407 37,088 1.65 -14.56
Denmark 1,099 1,087 1,027 1,178 1,060 0.05 -10.02
Finland 902 935 913 1,234 1,016 0.05 -17.67
Iceland 651 700 828 773 368 0.02 -52.39
Ireland 969 1,068 1,326 1,443 1,190 0.05 -17.53
Norway 1,981 2,024 2,056 1,932 1,937 0.09 0.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sweden 2,012 1,857 1,874 1,955 2,003 0.09 2.46

United Kingdom 29,125 32,841 33,563 34,892 29,514 1.31 -15.41
SOUTHERN EUROPE 14,352 17,216 19,818 22,510 17,216 0.77 -23.52
Albania 164 208 215 262 233 0.01 -11.07
Andorra 26 32 59 69 26 0.00 -62.32
Bosnia and Herzegovina 278 254 275 335 257 0.01 -23.28
Croatia 1,092 1,126 1,326 1,635 1,185 0.05 -27.52
Greece 1,213 1,320 1,712 2,112 1,276 0.06 -39.58
Holy See 10 7 6 4 33 0.00 725.00
Italy 6,767 8,566 9,605 10,379 8,654 0.38 -16.62
Malta 84 114 153 270 120 0.01 -55.56
Montenegro 124 112 203 311 165 0.01 -46.95
Portugal 512 773 735 983 872 0.04 -11.29
San Marino 13 3 27 41 13 0.00 -68.29
Serbia 1,589 1,407 1,573 1,784 1,037 0.05 -41.87
Slovenia 491 675 646 701 611 0.03 -12.84
Spain 1,685 2,321 3,000 3,355 2,445 0.11 -27.12
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 301 298 283 269 278 0.01 3.35
Other countries of Southern Europe 3 11 0.00
WESTERN EUROPE 34,218 30,281 32,136 34,088 28,624 1.27 -16.03
Austria 3,499 2,567 2,884 2,770 2,417 0.11 -12.74
Belgium 2,255 1,725 1,908 2,098 1,603 0.07 -23.59
France 5,870 5,919 6,858 6,637 5,785 0.26 -12.84
Germany 16,445 13,920 13,838 15,210 13,042 0.58 -14.25
Liechtenstein 8 3 12 19 6 0.00 -68.42
Luxembourg 460 498 413 490 322 0.01 -34.29
Monaco 4 13 24 21 13 0.00 -38.10
Netherlands 3,970 4,036 4,425 4,714 3,764 0.17 -20.15
Switzerland 1,707 1,600 1,774 2,129 1,672 0.07 -21.47
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 302,139 368,500 322,268 297,214 324,334 14.42 9.12
Cyprus 221 98 208 269 177 0.01 -34.20
Israel 6,369 6,989 7,584 8,325 10,814 0.48 29.90
Turkey 295,549 361,413 314,476 288,620 313,343 13.93 8.57
MIDDLE EAST 4,985 5,611 5,385 9,303 137,564 6.12 1,378.71
Bahrain 107 188 131 237 1,562 0.07 559.07
Egypt 955 963 786 928 1,409 0.06 51.83
Iraq 917 991 738 2,147 62,983 2.80 2,833.54
Jordan 387 442 510 464 939 0.04 102.37
Kuwait 233 392 419 528 1,697 0.08 221.40
Lebanon 363 382 438 446 492 0.02 10.31
Libya 54 163 160 102 125 0.01 22.55
Oman 33 150 120 288 3,062 0.14 963.19
Qatar 470 309 292 599 3,322 0.15 454.59
Saudi Arabia 380 479 507 727 7,290 0.32 902.75
State of Palestine 53 69 64 53 236 0.01 345.28
Syrian Arab Republic 414 375 313 328 654 0.03 99.39
United Arab Emirates 551 638 821 2,379 53,180 2.36 2,135.39
Yemen 68 70 86 77 613 0.03 696.10
SOUTH ASIA 292,519 151,731 139,490 159,820 258,479 11.49 61.73
Afghanistan 393 636 674 545 534 0.02 -2.02
Bangladesh 1,151 581 518 1,409 877 0.04 -37.76
Bhutan 1 1 6 7 4 0.00 -42.86
India 5,048 4,791 4,853 5,584 6,012 0.27 7.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Iran, Islamic Republic of 283,739 143,579 131,179 149,600 246,578 10.97 64.82
Maldives 6 7 15 22 35 0.00 59.09
Nepal 282 120 161 156 119 0.01 -23.72
Pakistan 1,675 1,767 1,817 2,193 3,998 0.18 82.31
Sri Lanka 224 249 267 304 322 0.01 5.92
NOT SPECIFIED 1,988 1,944 1,801 1,605 8,061 0.36 402.24
Other countries of the World 1,988 1,944 1,801 1,605 8,061 0.36 402.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 372,117 395,461 392,790 495,648 776,784 100.00 56.72

AMERICAS 22,807 31,109 23,485 28,933 24,708 3.18 -14.60
NORTH AMERICA 22,807 31,109 23,485 28,933 24,708 3.18 -14.60
Canada 3,229 3,711 2,194 4,138 3,026 0.39 -26.87
United States of America 19,578 27,398 21,291 24,795 21,682 2.79 -12.55
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,648 6,540 8,800 6,142 8,506 1.10 38.49
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,648 6,540 8,800 6,142 8,506 1.10 38.49
China 4,329 5,240 6,541 3,905 6,210 0.80 59.03
Japan 1,319 1,300 2,259 2,237 2,296 0.30 2.64
EUROPE 243,784 247,772 245,497 302,590 369,972 47.63 22.27
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 71,400 86,951 77,025 120,558 160,880 20.71 33.45
Belarus 3,382
Georgia 6,516 11,370 6,586 8,139 12,487 1.61 53.42
Kazakhstan 5,464 6,929 5,722 7,445 11,020 1.42 48.02
Latvia 792 896 727 1,430 1,215 0.16 -15.03
Poland 1,220 1,699 2,265 2,713 3,421 0.44 26.10
Romania 700 1,051 1,260 1,488 2,009 0.26 35.01
Russian Federation 45,404 52,845 47,553 82,097 111,342 14.33 35.62
Ukraine 11,304 12,161 9,530 17,246 19,386 2.50 12.41
NORTHERN EUROPE 68,793 58,741 49,449 52,648 68,289 8.79 29.71
Finland 591 561 1,234 1,497 2,090 0.27 39.61
Norway 4,304 4,480 3,497 4,571 6,083 0.78 33.08
Sweden 2,270 2,856 2,112 1,905 2,820 0.36 48.03
United Kingdom 61,628 50,844 42,606 44,675 57,296 7.38 28.25
SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,075 10,029 11,463 18,790 19,591 2.52 4.26
Italy 7,390 8,183 8,793 14,270 14,358 1.85 0.62
Spain 1,685 1,846 2,670 4,520 5,233 0.67 15.77
WESTERN EUROPE 37,494 34,904 35,335 34,320 41,861 5.39 21.97
Belgium 1,613 1,608 2,455 2,129 3,890 0.50 82.71
France 7,320 8,980 7,604 10,300 10,672 1.37 3.61
Germany 20,358 16,058 17,904 17,000 18,116 2.33 6.56
Netherlands 8,203 8,258 7,372 4,891 9,183 1.18 87.75
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 57,022 57,147 72,225 76,274 79,351 10.22 4.03
Israel 7,438 7,429 4,663 8,105 9,724 1.25 19.98
Turkey 49,584 49,718 67,562 68,169 69,627 8.96 2.14
SOUTH ASIA 25,250 28,667 32,017 29,768 19,227 2.48 -35.41
India 4,713 7,007 5,533 4,614 4,352 0.56 -5.68
Iran, Islamic Republic of 20,009 20,616 25,947 22,979 8,142 1.05 -64.57
Pakistan 528 1,044 537 2,175 6,733 0.87 209.56
NOT SPECIFIED 74,628 81,373 82,991 128,215 354,371 45.62 176.39
Other countries of the World 74,628 81,373 82,991 128,215 354,371 45.62 176.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 803,089 821,552 802,549 958,939 1,406,264 100.00 46.65

AMERICAS 51,978 66,784 48,241 53,664 42,595 3.03 -20.63
NORTH AMERICA 51,978 66,784 48,241 53,664 42,595 3.03 -20.63
Canada 4,165 5,409 3,134 11,558 6,467 0.46 -44.05
United States of America 47,813 61,375 45,107 42,106 36,128 2.57 -14.20
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,420 20,684 15,158 10,759 24,241 1.72 125.31
NORTH-EAST ASIA 11,420 20,684 15,158 10,759 24,241 1.72 125.31
China 9,300 17,793 12,155 8,125 13,143 0.93 61.76
Japan 2,120 2,891 3,003 2,634 11,098 0.79 321.34
EUROPE 555,199 493,692 497,427 610,342 658,759 46.84 7.93
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 157,586 182,120 178,290 264,679 288,292 20.50 8.92
Georgia 9,875 19,886 12,407 15,190 19,474 1.38 28.20
Kazakhstan 12,381 15,128 23,633 15,652 21,956 1.56 40.28
Latvia 1,405 1,614 1,608 1,893 1,577 0.11 -16.69
Poland 1,775 3,922 4,144 4,695 6,335 0.45 34.93
Romania 891 1,568 1,536 2,274 8,263 0.59 263.37
Russian Federation 102,399 113,205 114,528 185,527 197,319 14.03 6.36
Ukraine 28,860 26,797 20,434 39,448 33,368 2.37 -15.41
NORTHERN EUROPE 148,264 119,250 117,067 104,199 137,131 9.75 31.60
Finland 691 825 1,517 3,167 7,183 0.51 126.81
Norway 4,857 5,032 4,567 5,526 7,210 0.51 30.47
Sweden 2,737 8,022 5,687 3,091 4,067 0.29 31.58
United Kingdom 139,979 105,371 105,296 92,415 118,671 8.44 28.41
SOUTHERN EUROPE 11,417 13,207 21,171 32,102 30,469 2.17 -5.09
Italy 9,115 10,453 17,506 24,860 21,488 1.53 -13.56
Spain 2,302 2,754 3,665 7,242 8,981 0.64 24.01
WESTERN EUROPE 62,592 62,782 57,550 60,674 65,205 4.64 7.47
Belgium 2,697 2,068 2,870 3,182 4,669 0.33 46.73
France 9,968 17,294 15,126 16,768 18,703 1.33 11.54
Germany 41,054 34,070 31,513 30,356 30,528 2.17 0.57
Netherlands 8,873 9,350 8,041 10,368 11,305 0.80 9.04
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 175,340 116,333 123,349 148,688 137,662 9.79 -7.42
Israel 8,209 8,593 5,558 12,017 20,367 1.45 69.48
Turkey 167,131 107,740 117,791 136,671 117,295 8.34 -14.18
SOUTH ASIA 40,176 49,814 67,232 46,609 104,683 7.44 124.60
India 6,169 8,177 8,815 5,805 12,193 0.87 110.04
Iran, Islamic Republic of 33,384 39,942 57,758 36,990 79,712 5.67 115.50
Pakistan 623 1,695 659 3,814 12,778 0.91 235.03
NOT SPECIFIED 144,316 190,578 174,491 237,565 575,986 40.96 142.45
Other countries of the World 144,316 190,578 174,491 237,565 575,986 40.96 142.45

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,421,761 1,365,586 1,427,066 1,484,063 1,481,832 100.00 -0.15

AFRICA 2,246 2,182 2,380 2,735 2,298 0.16 -15.98
EAST AFRICA 187 175 188 316 234 0.02 -25.95
Burundi 1 1 0.00
Comoros 1 1 0.00
Djibouti 1 1 1
Eritrea 1 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Ethiopia 9 9 14 12 27 0.00 125.00
Kenya 40 47 63 132 54 0.00 -59.09
Madagascar 5 3 11 9 0.00 -18.18
Malawi 10 4 4 20 8 0.00 -60.00
Mauritius 25 22 8 17 22 0.00 29.41
Mozambique 14 9 6 13 6 0.00 -53.85
Rwanda 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Seychelles 1 1 6 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Tanzania, United Republic of 6 12 6 17 11 0.00 -35.29
Uganda 21 11 26 29 17 0.00 -41.38
Zambia 20 15 10 17 19 0.00 11.76
Zimbabwe 34 45 37 34 49 0.00 44.12
CENTRAL AFRICA 104 89 134 77 70 0.00 -9.09
Angola 27 19 31 14 18 0.00 28.57
Cameroon 7 1 17 10 12 0.00 20.00
Chad 21 43 32 18 26 0.00 44.44
Congo 23 14 25 16 9 0.00 -43.75
Equatorial Guinea 4 1 11 14
Gabon 22 11 18 5 5 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 101 81 78 116 117 0.01 0.86
Algeria 5 13 8 4 25 0.00 525.00
Morocco 80 61 57 100 82 0.01 -18.00
Sudan 1 2 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Tunisia 15 5 13 7 8 0.00 14.29
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,630 1,616 1,777 2,049 1,656 0.11 -19.18
Botswana 27 15 4 33 21 0.00 -36.36
Lesotho 3
Namibia 19 7 19 32 21 0.00 -34.38
South Africa 1,562 1,510 1,702 1,939 1,591 0.11 -17.95
Swaziland 22 84 52 42 23 0.00 -45.24
WEST AFRICA 224 221 203 177 221 0.01 24.86
Benin 1 1 4 0.00 300.00
Burkina Faso 1 1 1 1 0.00
Cabo Verde 1 1 3 3 6 0.00 100.00
Côte d'Ivoire 10 19 10 9 19 0.00 111.11
Gambia 2 2 3 3 4 0.00 33.33
Ghana 37 38 16 29 36 0.00 24.14
Guinea 1 2 10 6 9 0.00 50.00
Guinea-Bissau 2 0.00
Liberia 2 2 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Mali 7 0.00
Mauritania 1 3 1 5 0.00
Niger 4 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Nigeria 133 132 132 89 112 0.01 25.84
Saint Helena 1 0.00
Senegal 20 6 12 28 6 0.00 -78.57
Sierra Leone 9 10 13 2 5 0.00 150.00
Togo 7 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 1,302,873 1,242,069 1,299,511 1,345,214 1,338,352 90.32 -0.51

CARIBBEAN 16,769 18,091 16,102 16,425 17,523 1.18 6.68
Anguilla 28 34 37 63 35 0.00 -44.44
Antigua and Barbuda 158 164 141 151 184 0.01 21.85
Aruba 142 98 104 94 97 0.01 3.19
Barbados 977 1,004 962 953 932 0.06 -2.20
Bermuda 987 927 761 925 920 0.06 -0.54
British Virgin Islands 125 149 125 228 182 0.01 -20.18
Cayman Islands 1,393 1,417 1,515 1,528 1,646 0.11 7.72
Cuba 412 451 435 490 498 0.03 1.63
Curaçao 209 189 194 218 139 0.01 -36.24
Dominica 117 102 119 106 119 0.01 12.26
Dominican Republic 548 521 459 459 628 0.04 36.82
Grenada 80 97 82 91 115 0.01 26.37
Haiti 343 1,545 939 815 1,301 0.09 59.63
Jamaica 6,441 6,291 5,502 5,196 4,972 0.34 -4.31
Martinique 70 47 43 37 35 0.00 -5.41
Montserrat 8 7 9 9 12 0.00 33.33
Netherlands Antilles 5 495 369 229 188 0.01 -17.90
Puerto Rico 283 209 140 166 188 0.01 13.25
Saint Kitts and Nevis 73 76 76 116 99 0.01 -14.66
Saint Lucia 209 196 194 180 210 0.01 16.67
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 71 81 73 95 66 0.00 -30.53
Sint Eustatius 3 7 5 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 112 142 128 158 155 0.01 -1.90
Trinidad and Tobago 1,725 1,755 1,883 1,896 2,265 0.15 19.46
Turks and Caicos Islands 2,179 2,029 1,774 2,164 2,480 0.17 14.60
United States Virgin Islands 26 18 13 19 12 0.00 -36.84
Other countries of the Caribbean 45 40 20 33 41 0.00 24.24
CENTRAL AMERICA 3,599 3,403 3,279 3,155 4,126 0.28 30.78
Belize 122 125 120 86 89 0.01 3.49
Costa Rica 579 558 581 521 941 0.06 80.61
El Salvador 127 271 157 248 223 0.02 -10.08
Guatemala 603 469 406 468 569 0.04 21.58
Honduras 188 207 143 135 315 0.02 133.33
Nicaragua 133 78 66 109 264 0.02 142.20
Panama 1,847 1,695 1,806 1,588 1,725 0.12 8.63
NORTH AMERICA 1,256,546 1,195,490 1,256,058 1,302,903 1,292,967 87.25 -0.76
Canada 131,064 123,744 144,141 151,739 127,593 8.61 -15.91
Greenland 4 1
Mexico 3,873 4,391 4,589 4,755 6,115 0.41 28.60
United States of America 1,121,605 1,067,355 1,107,328 1,146,408 1,159,259 78.23 1.12
SOUTH AMERICA 25,959 25,085 24,072 22,731 23,736 1.60 4.42
Argentina 5,339 5,047 4,805 5,090 6,303 0.43 23.83
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 228 149 189 152 226 0.02 48.68
Brazil 7,476 8,880 9,350 8,388 6,711 0.45 -19.99
Chile 1,113 1,118 1,250 1,523 1,811 0.12 18.91
Colombia 4,822 3,707 2,859 2,618 2,977 0.20 13.71
Ecuador 1,163 990 804 812 761 0.05 -6.28
Guyana 378 397 278 300 350 0.02 16.67
Paraguay 922 903 752 578 629 0.04 8.82
Peru 1,189 1,057 1,266 1,079 1,730 0.12 60.33
Suriname 81 120 143 129 95 0.01 -26.36
Uruguay 509 596 691 700 716 0.05 2.29
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,739 2,121 1,685 1,362 1,427 0.10 4.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,127 7,873 8,566 10,191 10,446 0.70 2.50
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,877 2,389 3,127 4,484 4,832 0.33 7.76
China 890 782 1,695 2,586 3,086 0.21 19.33
Hong Kong (China) 369 365 305 379 409 0.03 7.92
Japan 1,012 841 771 1,063 939 0.06 -11.67
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 5 4 4 6
Korea, Republic of 426 321 229 343 329 0.02 -4.08
Mongolia 4 3 2 3
Taiwan Province of China 171 73 121 104 69 0.00 -33.65
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 892 810 791 957 1,042 0.07 8.88
Brunei Darussalam 3 3 11 6 1 0.00 -83.33
Cambodia 5 7 2 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Indonesia 103 89 45 69 88 0.01 27.54
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 1 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Malaysia 106 125 105 111 115 0.01 3.60
Myanmar 10 15 4 11 6 0.00 -45.45
Philippines 235 253 281 365 353 0.02 -3.29
Singapore 292 209 248 278 263 0.02 -5.40
Thailand 122 86 72 89 139 0.01 56.18
Viet Nam 14 22 23 16 69 0.00 331.25
AUSTRALASIA 4,308 4,621 4,609 4,704 4,531 0.31 -3.68
Australia 3,609 3,862 3,875 3,870 3,770 0.25 -2.58
New Zealand 699 759 734 834 761 0.05 -8.75
MELANESIA 29 20 19 31 25 0.00 -19.35
Fiji 12 12 4 14 16 0.00 14.29
Papua New Guinea 13 5 8 10 1 0.00 -90.00
Solomon Islands 2 2 6 5 6 0.00 20.00
Vanuatu 2 1 1 2 2 0.00
MICRONESIA 6 10 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Kiribati 1
Marshall Islands 2
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 8 5 1 1 0.00
Palau 2 1 2
POLYNESIA 15 23 14 11 15 0.00 36.36
French Polynesia 8 18 8 4 7 0.00 75.00
Samoa 5 5 6 7 8 0.00 14.29
Tonga 2
EUROPE 79,541 81,309 83,548 88,689 94,005 6.34 5.99
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,734 4,728 5,452 5,566 6,180 0.42 11.03
Armenia 5 18 13 26 38 0.00 46.15
Azerbaijan 23 20 24 51 27 0.00 -47.06
Belarus 28 39 35 34 30 0.00 -11.76
Bulgaria 131 129 189 252 220 0.01 -12.70
Czech Republic 354 308 360 391 438 0.03 12.02
Estonia 145 185 281 249 360 0.02 44.58
Georgia 39 27 42 45 30 0.00 -33.33
Hungary 325 338 414 377 392 0.03 3.98
Kazakhstan 92 18 22 26 40 0.00 53.85
Kyrgyzstan 1 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Latvia 70 68 95 105 117 0.01 11.43
Lithuania 105 80 95 118 192 0.01 62.71
Moldova, Republic of 21 18 17 19 29 0.00 52.63
Poland 863 861 961 1,292 1,548 0.10 19.81
Romania 297 269 549 549 707 0.05 28.78
Russian Federation 1,893 1,958 1,824 1,498 1,269 0.09 -15.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovakia 191 216 338 238 394 0.03 65.55

Tajikistan 5 4 1 1
Turkmenistan 5 3 1 1 0.00
Ukraine 139 165 180 289 340 0.02 17.65
Uzbekistan 3 3 9 4 7 0.00 75.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 30,029 29,513 29,979 34,194 37,684 2.54 10.21
Denmark 938 866 1,002 1,127 1,050 0.07 -6.83
Faeroe Islands 9 19 16 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Finland 650 661 792 712 826 0.06 16.01
Iceland 61 75 77 71 74 0.00 4.23
Ireland 685 721 858 775 841 0.06 8.52
Norway 1,182 1,304 1,359 1,502 1,140 0.08 -24.10
Sweden 1,789 1,861 2,044 1,974 2,130 0.14 7.90
United Kingdom 24,715 24,006 23,831 28,026 31,617 2.13 12.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,180 13,372 13,267 13,423 14,876 1.00 10.82
Albania 11 17 18 25 10 0.00 -60.00
Andorra 40 30 44 30 26 0.00 -13.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina 23 13 17 18 32 0.00 77.78
Croatia 113 97 146 157 247 0.02 57.32
Greece 368 331 410 425 355 0.02 -16.47
Holy See 2 1 1 1 0.00
Italy 8,710 8,362 9,102 8,815 9,846 0.66 11.70
Malta 57 59 88 82 129 0.01 57.32
Montenegro 3 17 3 10 9 0.00 -10.00
Portugal 468 541 609 592 674 0.05 13.85
San Marino 1 1 12 11 13 0.00 18.18
Serbia 88 127 98 164 120 0.01 -26.83
Slovenia 96 82 81 80 125 0.01 56.25
Spain 2,175 3,673 2,605 3,001 3,257 0.22 8.53
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 27 20 33 12 32 0.00 166.67
WESTERN EUROPE 31,252 32,531 33,641 33,956 33,625 2.27 -0.97
Austria 1,555 1,616 1,705 1,818 1,792 0.12 -1.43
Belgium 1,216 1,406 1,457 1,110 1,129 0.08 1.71
France 12,857 14,004 13,288 13,357 13,265 0.90 -0.69
Germany 8,556 8,934 10,059 9,908 9,509 0.64 -4.03
Liechtenstein 41 43 41 28 43 0.00 53.57
Luxembourg 206 210 243 217 291 0.02 34.10
Monaco 132 167 184 225 235 0.02 4.44
Netherlands 1,677 1,106 1,177 1,542 1,667 0.11 8.11
Switzerland 5,012 5,045 5,487 5,751 5,694 0.38 -0.99
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,346 1,156 1,206 1,545 1,640 0.11 6.15
Cyprus 97 70 63 76 81 0.01 6.58
Israel 771 640 703 934 896 0.06 -4.07
Turkey 478 446 440 535 663 0.04 23.93
Other countries of Europe 9 3 5
MIDDLE EAST 833 770 769 992 1,002 0.07 1.01
Bahrain 31 30 40 34 27 0.00 -20.59
Egypt 71 45 47 51 41 0.00 -19.61
Iraq 2 3 1 3
Jordan 16 16 18 20 15 0.00 -25.00
Kuwait 122 131 112 157 162 0.01 3.18
Lebanon 32 33 39 42 55 0.00 30.95
Oman 14 14 9 29 17 0.00 -41.38
Qatar 30 67 65 114 79 0.01 -30.70

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saudi Arabia 226 192 172 173 180 0.01 4.05

State of Palestine 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Syrian Arab Republic 2 2 3 2 0.00 -33.33
United Arab Emirates 287 237 266 363 421 0.03 15.98
Yemen 1 2 0.00 100.00
SOUTH ASIA 715 541 557 750 576 0.04 -23.20
Afghanistan 3 3 5 4 6 0.00 50.00
Bangladesh 13 12 25 31 28 0.00 -9.68
Bhutan 2 2 3 10 0.00 233.33
India 596 421 422 614 435 0.03 -29.15
Iran, Islamic Republic of 15 21 22 15 11 0.00 -26.67
Maldives 4 1 5 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Nepal 11 15 19 8 15 0.00 87.50
Pakistan 25 25 14 37 20 0.00 -45.95
Sri Lanka 48 41 43 35 50 0.00 42.86
NOT SPECIFIED 27,426 30,842 31,735 35,492 35,153 2.37 -0.96
Other countries of the World 27,426 30,842 31,735 35,492 35,153 2.37 -0.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,628,832 9,357,869 9,567,039 9,943,549 10,001,459 100.00 0.58

AFRICA 36,216 37,131 38,693 47,879 42,807 0.43 -10.59
EAST AFRICA 2,716 2,959 2,320 4,884 3,261 0.03 -33.23
Burundi 3 6 0.00
Comoros 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Djibouti 2 1 14
Eritrea 6 11 10 13 0.00 30.00
Ethiopia 95 122 65 326 402 0.00 23.31
Kenya 397 690 564 1,853 645 0.01 -65.19
Madagascar 20 6 824 466 0.00 -43.45
Malawi 59 14 77 184 84 0.00 -54.35
Mauritius 525 504 184 154 179 0.00 16.23
Mozambique 58 53 28 65 32 0.00 -50.77
Rwanda 5 4 7 0.00 75.00
Seychelles 7 42 311 312 124 0.00 -60.26
Tanzania, United Republic of 57 189 155 112 89 0.00 -20.54
Uganda 168 138 260 134 127 0.00 -5.22
Zambia 202 143 47 338 117 0.00 -65.38
Zimbabwe 1,120 1,064 603 549 969 0.01 76.50
CENTRAL AFRICA 612 736 1,160 578 619 0.01 7.09
Angola 156 137 290 76 85 0.00 11.84
Cameroon 58 7 284 33 176 0.00 433.33
Chad 147 347 267 99 249 0.00 151.52
Congo 127 105 214 243 96 0.00 -60.49
Equatorial Guinea 15 3 32 98
Gabon 109 137 73 29 13 0.00 -55.17
NORTH AFRICA 543 543 812 785 867 0.01 10.45
Algeria 37 56 33 22 139 0.00 531.82
Morocco 442 342 407 675 663 0.01 -1.78
Sudan 10 7 48 16 0.00 -66.67
Tunisia 54 138 372 40 49 0.00 22.50
SOUTHERN AFRICA 30,374 30,931 32,584 40,285 35,803 0.36 -11.13
Botswana 205 160 21 175 206 0.00 17.71
Lesotho 17
Namibia 245 18 120 266 170 0.00 -36.09
South Africa 29,769 30,065 31,877 39,425 35,113 0.35 -10.94
Swaziland 155 688 566 402 314 0.00 -21.89
WEST AFRICA 1,971 1,962 1,817 1,347 2,257 0.02 67.56
Benin 7 2 25 0.00 1,150.00
Burkina Faso 22 3 5 7 0.00 40.00
Cabo Verde 1 9 18 18 85 0.00 372.22
Côte d'Ivoire 59 164 70 23 117 0.00 408.70
Gambia 29 35 17 75 21 0.00 -72.00
Ghana 463 525 145 358 331 0.00 -7.54
Guinea 5 9 64 22 68 0.00 209.09
Guinea-Bissau 14 0.00
Liberia 7 120 21 16 0.00 -23.81
Mali 25 0.00
Mauritania 5 104 2 27 0.00
Niger 21 7 18 14 0.00 -22.22
Nigeria 975 902 1,255 665 1,407 0.01 111.58
Saint Helena 3 10 0.00
Senegal 175 40 46 122 64 0.00 -47.54
Sierra Leone 145 104 73 18 26 0.00 44.44
Togo 82 39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 8,480,983 8,165,019 8,362,555 8,653,910 8,642,080 86.41 -0.14

CARIBBEAN 153,858 180,579 152,282 149,769 166,350 1.66 11.07
Anguilla 145 167 177 298 179 0.00 -39.93
Antigua and Barbuda 1,341 1,668 1,441 1,065 1,569 0.02 47.32
Aruba 798 687 631 489 570 0.01 16.56
Barbados 5,938 5,688 5,186 5,567 5,203 0.05 -6.54
Bermuda 7,227 6,900 6,350 7,376 6,317 0.06 -14.36
British Virgin Islands 1,093 887 798 1,510 1,602 0.02 6.09
Cayman Islands 6,920 6,204 6,585 6,823 7,407 0.07 8.56
Cuba 8,674 8,186 7,277 8,016 11,654 0.12 45.38
Curaçao 1,017 1,132 1,257 1,151 946 0.01 -17.81
Dominica 842 668 837 765 1,079 0.01 41.05
Dominican Republic 3,725 4,094 4,300 3,208 4,882 0.05 52.18
Grenada 410 968 619 1,184 996 0.01 -15.88
Haiti 4,599 29,091 17,400 17,452 28,792 0.29 64.98
Jamaica 80,296 80,344 67,305 63,777 61,392 0.61 -3.74
Martinique 412 230 336 191 165 0.00 -13.61
Montserrat 36 37 43 50 198 0.00 296.00
Netherlands Antilles 28 4,589 3,739 2,380 1,650 0.02 -30.67
Puerto Rico 1,316 973 608 856 905 0.01 5.72
Saint Kitts and Nevis 434 501 485 641 677 0.01 5.62
Saint Lucia 2,637 1,452 2,664 1,301 1,688 0.02 29.75
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 548 517 701 1,001 625 0.01 -37.56
Sint Eustatius 68 40 17 32 16 0.00 -50.00
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 778 2,615 1,788 1,047 979 0.01 -6.49
Trinidad and Tobago 11,808 10,997 11,899 12,472 14,539 0.15 16.57
Turks and Caicos Islands 12,313 11,538 9,620 10,718 12,059 0.12 12.51
United States Virgin Islands 183 143 80 159 73 0.00 -54.09
Other countries of the Caribbean 272 263 139 240 188 0.00 -21.67
CENTRAL AMERICA 24,260 23,010 20,688 21,313 26,500 0.26 24.34
Belize 889 936 815 713 687 0.01 -3.65
Costa Rica 3,975 3,901 4,264 4,164 5,575 0.06 33.89
El Salvador 1,234 1,576 752 1,412 987 0.01 -30.10
Guatemala 4,854 4,062 3,060 3,196 3,287 0.03 2.85
Honduras 1,812 1,996 1,491 1,432 2,363 0.02 65.01
Nicaragua 798 676 506 958 2,900 0.03 202.71
Panama 10,698 9,863 9,800 9,438 10,701 0.11 13.38
NORTH AMERICA 8,140,284 7,807,693 8,042,344 8,339,972 8,297,730 82.97 -0.51
Canada 1,031,408 996,857 1,145,140 1,227,599 1,076,421 10.76 -12.31
Greenland 44 6
Mexico 32,425 33,413 36,164 32,420 39,306 0.39 21.24
United States of America 7,076,407 6,777,423 6,861,040 7,079,947 7,182,003 71.81 1.44
SOUTH AMERICA 162,581 153,737 147,241 142,856 151,500 1.51 6.05
Argentina 34,381 31,519 29,478 30,040 36,272 0.36 20.75
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,167 738 1,185 928 1,188 0.01 28.02
Brazil 44,743 52,159 54,862 50,915 42,060 0.42 -17.39
Chile 7,478 7,219 7,774 10,373 11,953 0.12 15.23
Colombia 29,240 23,077 18,090 17,086 19,426 0.19 13.70
Ecuador 6,195 6,036 4,340 5,256 5,218 0.05 -0.72
Guyana 6,255 4,490 3,546 4,203 4,901 0.05 16.61
Paraguay 3,009 3,258 2,863 2,220 3,038 0.03 36.85
Peru 9,247 7,797 9,571 7,315 11,007 0.11 50.47
Suriname 494 772 853 571 665 0.01 16.46
Uruguay 4,129 4,831 5,010 5,383 5,237 0.05 -2.71
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 16,243 11,841 9,669 8,566 10,535 0.11 22.99

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 77,328 82,055 79,558 90,340 93,104 0.93 3.06
NORTH-EAST ASIA 16,165 15,090 19,967 24,390 27,113 0.27 11.16
China 5,506 5,586 12,629 14,774 17,291 0.17 17.04
Hong Kong (China) 2,296 2,436 1,632 2,281 3,189 0.03 39.81
Japan 5,730 5,166 3,843 4,975 4,867 0.05 -2.17
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 22 32 24 67
Korea, Republic of 2,017 1,436 1,265 1,780 1,368 0.01 -23.15
Mongolia 32 12 86 20
Taiwan Province of China 562 422 488 493 398 0.00 -19.27
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,738 10,668 8,571 11,432 9,940 0.10 -13.05
Brunei Darussalam 15 15 42 45 6 0.00 -86.67
Cambodia 13 42 9 51 19 0.00 -62.75
Indonesia 533 1,156 712 531 931 0.01 75.33
Lao People's Democratic Republic 13 45 51
Malaysia 548 738 997 784 756 0.01 -3.57
Myanmar 125 367 93 122 83 0.00 -31.97
Philippines 4,652 5,733 4,380 6,825 4,866 0.05 -28.70
Singapore 1,685 1,306 1,441 1,439 1,526 0.02 6.05
Thailand 1,000 1,130 757 1,457 1,525 0.02 4.67
Viet Nam 154 136 140 127 228 0.00 79.53
AUSTRALASIA 51,979 55,798 50,508 54,208 55,452 0.55 2.29
Australia 37,259 40,564 36,860 39,707 41,409 0.41 4.29
New Zealand 14,720 15,234 13,648 14,501 14,043 0.14 -3.16
MELANESIA 223 149 153 169 446 0.00 163.91
Fiji 116 85 40 75 353 0.00 370.67
Papua New Guinea 90 46 41 53 6 0.00 -88.68
Solomon Islands 13 14 70 29 79 0.00 172.41
Vanuatu 4 4 2 12 8 0.00 -33.33
MICRONESIA 55 70 175 25 7 0.00 -72.00
Kiribati 3
Marshall Islands 8
Micronesia, Federated States of 49 62 55 8 7 0.00 -12.50
Palau 6 120 14
POLYNESIA 168 280 184 116 146 0.00 25.86
French Polynesia 124 210 65 53 88 0.00 66.04
Samoa 27 70 119 63 58 0.00 -7.94
Tonga 17
EUROPE 784,190 786,379 801,736 835,559 887,205 8.87 6.18
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 42,317 43,928 56,270 52,078 65,767 0.66 26.29
Armenia 46 226 115 237 263 0.00 10.97
Azerbaijan 132 131 158 295 167 0.00 -43.39
Belarus 355 326 365 231 236 0.00 2.16
Bulgaria 1,727 1,163 2,017 2,658 2,631 0.03 -1.02
Czech Republic 3,173 3,534 3,937 4,756 4,201 0.04 -11.67
Estonia 2,180 2,856 6,313 2,716 4,762 0.05 75.33
Georgia 239 416 345 355 171 0.00 -51.83
Hungary 2,838 2,947 3,108 2,766 2,755 0.03 -0.40
Kazakhstan 683 120 135 170 253 0.00 48.82
Kyrgyzstan 10 12 9 1 0.00 -88.89
Latvia 618 497 892 1,257 1,262 0.01 0.40
Lithuania 978 909 1,085 1,143 2,185 0.02 91.16
Moldova, Republic of 165 262 220 280 421 0.00 50.36
Poland 7,421 9,231 11,118 13,700 19,394 0.19 41.56
Romania 4,794 2,737 6,695 5,104 8,243 0.08 61.50
Russian Federation 14,645 14,974 14,872 11,281 10,458 0.10 -7.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovakia 1,196 1,791 3,101 1,921 3,292 0.03 71.37

Tajikistan 22 23 7 6
Turkmenistan 15 7 5 2 0.00
Ukraine 1,080 1,763 1,696 3,181 5,033 0.05 58.22
Uzbekistan 10 5 74 12 37 0.00 208.33
NORTHERN EUROPE 345,889 341,629 336,771 361,389 393,511 3.93 8.89
Denmark 9,352 8,116 9,405 9,847 9,988 0.10 1.43
Faeroe Islands 115 231 163 64 74 0.00 15.63
Finland 5,303 5,596 8,125 6,839 8,490 0.08 24.14
Iceland 838 610 1,045 1,264 779 0.01 -38.37
Ireland 6,863 7,384 8,090 8,194 9,045 0.09 10.39
Norway 11,049 11,724 11,825 14,637 9,707 0.10 -33.68
Sweden 16,758 16,468 18,975 17,941 19,510 0.20 8.75
United Kingdom 295,611 291,500 279,143 302,603 335,918 3.36 11.01
SOUTHERN EUROPE 96,225 99,312 108,176 106,584 117,580 1.18 10.32
Albania 78 135 82 101 60 0.00 -40.59
Andorra 731 511 520 415 156 0.00 -62.41
Bosnia and Herzegovina 250 179 213 244 383 0.00 56.97
Croatia 1,144 1,129 1,750 1,637 3,037 0.03 85.52
Greece 3,089 3,087 4,155 3,956 3,265 0.03 -17.47
Holy See 14 31 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Italy 67,198 63,770 69,503 66,371 76,914 0.77 15.88
Malta 673 793 1,592 1,088 1,314 0.01 20.77
Montenegro 43 310 16 232 146 0.00 -37.07
Portugal 4,202 4,801 6,259 5,621 6,062 0.06 7.85
San Marino 6 5 92 76 78 0.00 2.63
Serbia 2,042 3,036 2,093 3,886 2,642 0.03 -32.01
Slovenia 761 915 1,001 552 1,051 0.01 90.40
Spain 15,775 20,386 20,554 22,356 22,271 0.22 -0.38
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 233 241 315 45 199 0.00 342.22
WESTERN EUROPE 289,454 293,857 293,190 306,152 299,172 2.99 -2.28
Austria 14,554 15,690 16,187 17,179 17,641 0.18 2.69
Belgium 10,680 14,618 12,486 10,188 9,053 0.09 -11.14
France 110,220 118,406 107,241 113,312 113,263 1.13 -0.04
Germany 89,793 87,178 92,730 94,185 88,613 0.89 -5.92
Liechtenstein 227 291 304 318 336 0.00 5.66
Luxembourg 2,062 2,018 2,445 1,916 2,122 0.02 10.75
Monaco 1,431 1,551 1,581 1,650 2,083 0.02 26.24
Netherlands 15,064 9,817 11,436 16,439 16,571 0.17 0.80
Switzerland 45,423 44,288 48,780 50,965 49,490 0.49 -2.89
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,305 7,653 7,329 9,356 11,175 0.11 19.44
Cyprus 970 533 320 468 504 0.01 7.69
Israel 7,021 4,875 4,433 6,022 6,708 0.07 11.39
Turkey 2,314 2,245 2,576 2,866 3,963 0.04 38.28
MIDDLE EAST 5,107 4,544 4,497 5,424 6,720 0.07 23.89
Bahrain 164 192 200 215 111 0.00 -48.37
Egypt 538 296 270 261 263 0.00 0.77
Iraq 16 9 14 24
Jordan 92 65 118 69 73 0.00 5.80
Kuwait 643 536 466 611 658 0.01 7.69
Lebanon 169 244 193 253 318 0.00 25.69
Oman 58 66 28 130 99 0.00 -23.85
Qatar 156 310 538 607 793 0.01 30.64
Saudi Arabia 1,374 1,560 921 963 1,354 0.01 40.60
State of Palestine 4 3 0.00 -25.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 15 5 15 6 0.00 -60.00

United Arab Emirates 1,882 1,261 1,749 2,265 3,032 0.03 33.86
Yemen 7 10 0.00 42.86
SOUTH ASIA 5,907 6,760 5,377 6,643 6,845 0.07 3.04
Afghanistan 21 24 58 20 162 0.00 710.00
Bangladesh 43 86 93 156 125 0.00 -19.87
Bhutan 42 120 243 48 0.00 -80.25
India 4,277 4,629 3,092 5,015 4,338 0.04 -13.50
Iran, Islamic Republic of 102 150 159 103 124 0.00 20.39
Maldives 26 30 102 6 40 0.00 566.67
Nepal 55 171 177 47 309 0.00 557.45
Pakistan 117 123 105 233 185 0.00 -20.60
Sri Lanka 1,266 1,505 1,471 820 1,514 0.02 84.63
NOT SPECIFIED 239,101 275,981 274,623 303,794 322,698 3.23 6.22
Other countries of the World 239,101 275,981 274,623 303,794 322,698 3.23 6.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 8,062,359 9,162,738 10,451,976 9,669,636 10,158,264 100.00 5.05

AFRICA 113,960 124,128 132,532
EAST AFRICA 18,214 22,033 21,745
Burundi 3 12 6
Comoros 29 79
Djibouti 154 154 131
Eritrea 1,963 1,928 2,256
Ethiopia 8,779 13,666 11,163
Kenya 3,552 3,130 3,361
Madagascar 35 63 151
Malawi 53 64 93
Mauritius 209
Mozambique 55 92 184
Seychelles 530 483 491
Somalia 1,777 1,918 2,763
Tanzania, United Republic of 326 454
Uganda 199 133 268
Zambia 27 25 38
Zimbabwe 523 286 386
CENTRAL AFRICA 665 761 879
Angola 5 18 19
Cameroon 261 221 215
Chad 257 342 456
Congo 124 98 70
Equatorial Guinea 77 89
Gabon 18 4 30
Sao Tome and Principe 1
NORTH AFRICA 66,962 71,207 77,504
Algeria 5,376 5,792 5,920
Morocco 13,974 16,259 18,041
Sudan 41,088 42,531 46,087
Tunisia 6,524 6,625 7,456
SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,723 24,289 25,815
Botswana 9 22
Namibia 18 19 44
South Africa 22,681 24,248 25,771
Swaziland 15
WEST AFRICA 5,396 5,838 6,589
Benin 107 275 67
Burkina Faso 86 49 162
Cabo Verde 1 1
Côte d'Ivoire 143 128
Gambia 21 32 23
Ghana 973 1,051 1,074
Guinea 110 77 89
Guinea-Bissau 13 10 61
Liberia 9 3 7
Mali 336 779 939
Mauritania 147 199 311
Niger 148 181 274
Nigeria 3,081 2,900 3,351
Senegal 182 119 195
Sierra Leone 32 24 26
Togo 7 10 10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 326,111 334,803 345,268 61,850 55,344 0.54 -10.52

CARIBBEAN 2,264 2,782 3,012
Bahamas 49 25
Barbados 19 6 13
Cuba 26 106 45
Dominica 14 41 55
Dominican Republic 33 42
Grenada 5 5 6
Jamaica 102 113 160
Saint Lucia 12 11 14
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7 9 12
Trinidad and Tobago 1,997 2,466 2,665
Belize 52
Costa Rica 116 92 131
El Salvador 17 22 37
Guatemala 84 87
Honduras 46 69 135
Nicaragua 49 37 29
Panama 356 275 262
NORTH AMERICA 307,142 315,634 323,519
Canada 66,321 69,137 74,512
Mexico 1,598 1,896 2,326
United States of America 238,844 244,575 246,681
Other countries of North America 379 26
SOUTH AMERICA 15,985 15,892 18,056
Argentina 1,525 1,592 1,760
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 189 151 109
Brazil 2,366 2,947 3,465
Chile 184 163 200
Colombia 3,541 3,191 3,582
Ecuador 263 189 328
Guyana 24
Paraguay 5 4 10
Peru 447 343 560
Uruguay 109 58 116
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7,332 7,254 7,926
OTHER AMERICAS 61,850 55,344 0.54 -10.52
All countries of the Americas 61,850 55,344 0.54 -10.52
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 366,700 334,705 378,444 142,660 111,592 1.10 -21.78
NORTH-EAST ASIA 78,706 60,052 85,730
China 22,805 1,211 28,616
Hong Kong (China) 562 719 752
Japan 21,543 22,050 21,784
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 43 27 50
Korea, Republic of 33,686 36,004 33,157
Macao (China) 2 1,330
Mongolia 65 41 41
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 251,683 238,646 255,007
Brunei Darussalam 95 131 153
Cambodia 6 33 62
Indonesia 27,730 24,424 25,313
Lao People's Democratic Republic 17
Malaysia 12,832 10,902 10,539
Myanmar 722 376

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Philippines 196,797 186,084 198,859

Singapore 3,638 3,031 3,545
Thailand 9,406 13,111 15,458
Viet Nam 440 930 702
AUSTRALASIA 36,240 35,972 37,675
Australia 28,429 28,716 30,729
New Zealand 7,811 7,256 6,946
MELANESIA 52 32 32
Fiji 48 31 32
Papua New Guinea 4 1
Marshall Islands 1 3
Nauru 8
Palau 1
Tonga 9
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 142,660 111,592 1.10 -21.78
All countries of Asia 142,660 111,592 1.10 -21.78
EUROPE 541,071 552,338 579,794 146,159 162,081 1.60 10.89
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 29,475 33,380 37,845
Armenia 104 109 154
Azerbaijan 883 1,059 1,334
Belarus 880 1,018 1,322
Bulgaria 1,068 1,317 1,183
Czech Republic 1,625 1,552
Czech Republic/Slovakia 7
Estonia 197 294 248
Georgia 162 103 176
Hungary 1,294 1,343 1,658
Kazakhstan 576 666 1,392
Kyrgyzstan 135 430 505
Latvia 257 230 278
Lithuania 157 179 244
Moldova, Republic of 58 208 168
Poland 2,987 3,726 3,831
Romania 5,278 5,060 5,206
Russian Federation 11,170 12,850 14,706
Slovakia 660 588 857
Tajikistan 18 99 257
Turkmenistan 215 229
Ukraine 1,223 2,015 3,308
Uzbekistan 521 534 789
NORTHERN EUROPE 296,541 293,571 315,655
Denmark 5,417 3,723 3,698
Finland 2,278 1,893 2,016
Iceland 223 248 335
Ireland 19,675 21,024 24,392
Norway 2,477 2,428 2,462
Sweden 3,880 3,717 4,161
United Kingdom 262,591 260,538 278,591
SOUTHERN EUROPE 46,616 50,633 58,275
Albania 53 50 69
Bosnia and Herzegovina 330 425 431
Croatia 1,328 1,880 1,949
Greece 5,880 6,259 7,882

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Italy 24,177 25,014 27,328

Malta 274 350 541
Montenegro 17
Portugal 2,711 4,086 4,746
San Marino 3 2 4
Serbia 723 909 1,183
Slovenia 184
Spain 10,878 11,530 14,137
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 58 128 5
WESTERN EUROPE 145,856 152,635 141,730
Austria 6,125 6,610 5,974
Belgium 7,930 7,825 8,592
France 36,812 35,069 34,568
Germany 70,895 80,141 68,392
Liechtenstein 9 15 9
Luxembourg 227 353 258
Monaco 7
Netherlands 19,746 18,678 20,025
Switzerland 4,105 3,944 3,912
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 22,583 22,119 26,289
Cyprus 2,327 2,411 2,699
Turkey 20,256 19,708 23,590
OTHER EUROPE 146,159 162,081 1.60 10.89
All countries of Europe 146,159 162,081 1.60 10.89
MIDDLE EAST 5,333,158 6,422,870 7,494,677 9,312,405 9,823,328 96.70 5.49
Egypt 159,770 186,454 219,721
Iraq 7,868 10,870 12,296
Jordan 159,581 178,308 202,619
Kuwait 282,396 356,284 353,003
Lebanon 78,482 90,796 98,566
Libya 1,487 1,846 1,799
Oman 47,292 58,879 60,428
Qatar 115,823 122,351 126,702
Saudi Arabia 4,213,412 5,062,463 6,040,989 8,511,763 8,942,321 88.03 5.06
State of Palestine 44,937 51,052 59,167
Syrian Arab Republic 95,514 116,432 139,109
United Arab Emirates 46,978 89,564 61,557
Yemen 79,618 97,571 118,721
Other countries of Middle East 800,642 881,007 8.67 10.04
SOUTH ASIA 1,381,359 1,393,894 1,521,261
Afghanistan 1,859 1,651 1,961
Bangladesh 80,261 88,946 103,086
Bhutan 5 15
India 963,194 966,306 1,046,996
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,792 2,884 2,932
Maldives 67 79 129
Nepal 49,199 37,322 34,825
Pakistan 250,523 263,217 298,196
Sri Lanka 33,459 33,474 33,136
NOT SPECIFIED 6,562 5,919 0.06 -9.80
Other countries of the World 6,562 5,919 0.06 -9.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 124,943 148,327 125,034

AMERICAS 1,203 4,815 5,873
NORTH AMERICA 1,203 4,815 5,873
Canada 1,203 933 1,076
United States of America 3,882 4,797
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,623 6,452 8,505
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,773 4,456 5,457
Japan 5,773 4,456 5,457
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,455 974 1,602
Singapore 811 469 887
Thailand 644 505 715
AUSTRALASIA 1,395 1,022 1,446
Australia 1,395 862 1,249
New Zealand 160 197
EUROPE 8,480 6,947 7,886
USSR (former) 195 235
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,145 3,226 3,895
Norway 227 284 209
Sweden 686 517 604
United Kingdom 3,232 2,425 3,082
SOUTHERN EUROPE 975 908 1,063
Greece 54 49 74
Italy 921 859 989
WESTERN EUROPE 3,165 2,578 2,928
France 911 698 806
Germany 1,158 935 1,090
Netherlands 752 671 746
Switzerland 344 274 286
SOUTH ASIA 78,119 78,975 77,177
India 78,119 78,975 77,177
NOT SPECIFIED 28,518 51,138 25,593
Other countries of the World 28,518 51,138 25,593

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 536,303 508,520 520,894 592,302 632,133 100.00 6.72

AFRICA 1,011 1,334 1,509 1,991 1,659 0.26 -16.68
EAST AFRICA 171 229 223 273 234 0.04 -14.29
Burundi 2 0.00
Eritrea 1 1 0.00
Ethiopia 5 5 12 6 23 0.00 283.33
Kenya 63 57 56 60 51 0.01 -15.00
Madagascar 1 4 0.00 300.00
Malawi 8 4 5 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Mauritius 12 25 27 33 24 0.00 -27.27
Mozambique 2 2 0.00
Rwanda 2 2 4 4 4 0.00
Seychelles 5 9 3 12 4 0.00 -66.67
Somalia 3 0.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 15 12 17 14 7 0.00 -50.00
Uganda 19 22 21 24 18 0.00 -25.00
Zambia 16 31 25 26 16 0.00 -38.46
Zimbabwe 26 62 53 83 69 0.01 -16.87
CENTRAL AFRICA 20 25 21 53 38 0.01 -28.30
Angola 4 4 6 8
Cameroon 7 20 10 26 24 0.00 -7.69
Central African Republic 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Chad 1
Congo 9 1 5 6 12 0.00 100.00
Equatorial Guinea 1 0.00
Gabon 8
NORTH AFRICA 46 76 37 82 84 0.01 2.44
Algeria 2 2 0.00
Morocco 13 26 16 15 5 0.00 -66.67
Sudan 5 8 13 10 5 0.00 -50.00
Tunisia 28 42 8 55 72 0.01 30.91
SOUTHERN AFRICA 416 482 462 574 529 0.08 -7.84
Botswana 9 10 8 14 11 0.00 -21.43
Lesotho 4 2 6 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Namibia 6 13 2 11 12 0.00 9.09
South Africa 393 452 436 540 503 0.08 -6.85
Swaziland 4 5 10 7 2 0.00 -71.43
WEST AFRICA 358 522 766 1,009 774 0.12 -23.29
Benin 2
Cabo Verde 2 0.00
Côte d'Ivoire 3 3 0.00
Gambia 6 3 3 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Ghana 26 42 53 87 74 0.01 -14.94
Guinea 1 1 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Liberia 1 2 2 3 0.00 50.00
Mali 3 2 4
Mauritania 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Niger 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Nigeria 324 455 680 876 670 0.11 -23.52
Senegal 8
Sierra Leone 16 25 13 12 0.00 -7.69
Togo 1 2 0.00 100.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 318,381 291,615 280,751 327,474 364,772 57.70 11.39

CARIBBEAN 90,562 81,975 74,997 82,861 93,325 14.76 12.63
Anguilla 456 401 297 246 307 0.05 24.80
Antigua and Barbuda 4,004 3,918 3,943 4,687 5,822 0.92 24.22
Aruba 84 31 52 66 46 0.01 -30.30
Bahamas 807 1,053 963 1,222 1,364 0.22 11.62
Bermuda 990 777 932 984 1,056 0.17 7.32
British Virgin Islands 1,410 1,242 1,112 1,109 1,360 0.22 22.63
Cayman Islands 514 435 457 452 381 0.06 -15.71
Cuba 123 143 179 146 245 0.04 67.81
Curaçao 178 127 76 103 76 0.01 -26.21
Dominica 4,472 4,529 4,071 4,931 5,822 0.92 18.07
Dominican Republic 412 296 408 542 653 0.10 20.48
Grenada 4,413 4,442 4,108 4,984 5,468 0.87 9.71
Guadeloupe 982 754 607 683 677 0.11 -0.88
Haiti 213 166 222 196 215 0.03 9.69
Jamaica 8,423 7,951 7,403 7,855 9,344 1.48 18.96
Martinique 2,462 1,900 1,501 1,396 1,292 0.20 -7.45
Montserrat 181 226 192 190 210 0.03 10.53
Netherlands Antilles 856 514 527 458 275 0.04 -39.96
Puerto Rico 587 446 512 548 456 0.07 -16.79
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,714 2,624 2,778 3,071 3,234 0.51 5.31
Saint Lucia 7,479 7,535 7,184 8,697 9,399 1.49 8.07
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10,344 10,402 9,003 10,029 11,127 1.76 10.95
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1 55 41 58 67 0.01 15.52
Trinidad and Tobago 38,005 31,614 28,039 29,661 34,004 5.38 14.64
Turks and Caicos Islands 130 116 117 171 170 0.03 -0.58
United States Virgin Islands 322 278 273 376 255 0.04 -32.18
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,562 1,272 1,395 1,591 1,736 0.27 9.11
Belize 540 515 470 546 507 0.08 -7.14
Costa Rica 272 175 182 241 182 0.03 -24.48
El Salvador 62 48 84 33 64 0.01 93.94
Guatemala 141 102 109 131 106 0.02 -19.08
Honduras 68 56 87 89 97 0.02 8.99
Nicaragua 48 29 46 36 42 0.01 16.67
Panama 431 347 417 515 738 0.12 43.30
NORTH AMERICA 203,442 188,489 185,302 223,133 248,809 39.36 11.51
Canada 72,020 67,295 65,942 74,512 78,945 12.49 5.95
Greenland 1
Mexico 660 609 669 457 645 0.10 41.14
United States of America 130,762 120,584 118,691 148,164 169,219 26.77 14.21
SOUTH AMERICA 22,815 19,879 19,057 19,889 20,902 3.31 5.09
Argentina 522 412 520 442 688 0.11 55.66
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 85 25 39 28 38 0.01 35.71
Brazil 4,633 4,700 5,573 4,080 3,081 0.49 -24.49
Chile 116 171 201 171 204 0.03 19.30
Colombia 509 474 462 776 2,350 0.37 202.84
Ecuador 65 41 55 73 72 0.01 -1.37
French Guiana 126 50 112 75 41 0.01 -45.33
Guyana 14,167 11,626 9,911 11,151 11,796 1.87 5.78
Paraguay 41 10 21 16 13 0.00 -18.75
Peru 263 141 178 128 227 0.04 77.34
Suriname 557 543 475 529 741 0.12 40.08
Uruguay 47 39 41 73 76 0.01 4.11
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,684 1,647 1,469 2,347 1,575 0.25 -32.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,498 3,616 3,996 4,966 4,652 0.74 -6.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 923 836 904 1,151 1,164 0.18 1.13
China 499 485 557 643 646 0.10 0.47
Hong Kong (China) 92 40 48 54 49 0.01 -9.26
Japan 315 287 288 337 373 0.06 10.68
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1 0.00
Korea, Republic of 7 5 3 84 80 0.01 -4.76
Macao (China) 3
Mongolia 1
Taiwan Province of China 10 19 8 29 15 0.00 -48.28
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 671 603 679 890 691 0.11 -22.36
Brunei Darussalam 2 1 5
Cambodia 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Indonesia 36 51 71 69 72 0.01 4.35
Malaysia 89 37 58 64 53 0.01 -17.19
Myanmar 1 2 0.00 100.00
Philippines 403 404 440 612 415 0.07 -32.19
Singapore 99 70 72 95 93 0.01 -2.11
Thailand 39 33 35 32 39 0.01 21.88
Viet Nam 3 8 2 6 15 0.00 150.00
AUSTRALASIA 2,874 2,139 2,400 2,842 2,758 0.44 -2.96
Australia 2,512 1,757 1,958 2,362 2,301 0.36 -2.58
New Zealand 362 382 442 480 457 0.07 -4.79
MELANESIA 14 25 8 40 18 0.00 -55.00
Fiji 14 20 6 20 12 0.00 -40.00
New Caledonia 2 0.00
Papua New Guinea 4 2 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Solomon Islands 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Vanuatu 1 9 2 0.00 -77.78
MICRONESIA 18 5 0.00 -72.22
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2
Guam 3
Kiribati 8 2 0.00 -75.00
Marshall Islands 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Micronesia, Federated States of 1 2 0.00 100.00
Palau 1
POLYNESIA 16 13 5 25 16 0.00 -36.00
American Samoa 1 0.00
Cook Islands 2
French Polynesia 1 0.00
Pitcairn 2
Samoa 8 11 3 11 3 0.00 -72.73
Tonga 6 2 2 8 10 0.00 25.00
Other countries of Polynesia 4 1 0.00 -75.00
EUROPE 209,604 208,503 230,474 255,260 258,434 40.88 1.24
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,768 4,430 4,654 4,144 3,745 0.59 -9.63
Armenia 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Azerbaijan 15 3 10 12 3 0.00 -75.00
Belarus 41 37 69 46 60 0.01 30.43
Bulgaria 59 151 150 173 154 0.02 -10.98
Czech Republic 318 375 451 341 374 0.06 9.68
Estonia 70 153 157 95 106 0.02 11.58
Georgia 12 5 6 9 15 0.00 66.67
Hungary 187 212 289 302 294 0.05 -2.65
Kazakhstan 59 71 30 62 33 0.01 -46.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Kyrgyzstan 3 1 0.00 -66.67

Latvia 66 90 59 114 77 0.01 -32.46
Lithuania 87 82 131 134 153 0.02 14.18
Moldova, Republic of 16 6 0.00 -62.50
Poland 405 587 882 962 819 0.13 -14.86
Romania 140 184 232 228 227 0.04 -0.44
Russian Federation 1,844 1,884 1,581 1,102 909 0.14 -17.51
Slovakia 179 262 260 206 208 0.03 0.97
Tajikistan 2 0.00
Turkmenistan 21 24 0.00 14.29
Ukraine 286 334 347 297 262 0.04 -11.78
Uzbekistan 11 10 0.00 -9.09
NORTHERN EUROPE 183,767 180,810 199,268 222,327 226,451 35.82 1.85
Denmark 844 692 1,226 904 849 0.13 -6.08
Finland 1,353 2,650 1,684 654 547 0.09 -16.36
Iceland 33 33 37 49 17 0.00 -65.31
Ireland 3,519 3,638 3,892 3,751 3,826 0.61 2.00
Norway 1,218 1,175 1,049 1,112 971 0.15 -12.68
Sweden 3,281 3,889 4,093 2,090 2,193 0.35 4.93
United Kingdom 173,519 168,733 187,287 213,767 218,048 34.49 2.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,204 4,981 5,719 5,603 5,482 0.87 -2.16
Albania 14 7 10 10 22 0.00 120.00
Andorra 1 11 4 0.00 -63.64
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 4 3 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Croatia 149 85 112 120 158 0.02 31.67
Gibraltar 38 40 25 27 29 0.00 7.41
Greece 136 157 162 172 203 0.03 18.02
Holy See 1
Italy 3,710 3,418 3,890 3,578 3,263 0.52 -8.80
Malta 46 57 31 61 61 0.01
Montenegro 2 3 4 3 11 0.00 266.67
Portugal 187 178 226 295 356 0.06 20.68
San Marino 4 15 10 13 4 0.00 -69.23
Serbia 37 27 48 30 47 0.01 56.67
Slovenia 61 81 183 148 90 0.01 -39.19
Spain 813 909 1,015 1,121 1,216 0.19 8.47
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 9 15 0.00 66.67
WESTERN EUROPE 16,566 18,026 20,523 22,821 22,416 3.55 -1.77
Austria 994 961 1,081 967 1,059 0.17 9.51
Belgium 593 553 592 584 530 0.08 -9.25
France 3,252 3,953 4,273 4,342 4,805 0.76 10.66
Germany 9,182 10,300 12,026 12,406 11,523 1.82 -7.12
Liechtenstein 10 13 19 21 17 0.00 -19.05
Luxembourg 137 113 140 106 104 0.02 -1.89
Monaco 138 120 82 138 102 0.02 -26.09
Netherlands 281 123 186 2,130 2,206 0.35 3.57
Switzerland 1,979 1,890 2,124 2,127 2,070 0.33 -2.68
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 299 256 310 365 340 0.05 -6.85
Cyprus 35 40 46 60 66 0.01 10.00
Israel 209 162 202 222 203 0.03 -8.56
Turkey 55 54 62 83 71 0.01 -14.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 233 290 289 309 229 0.04 -25.89

Bahrain 7 16 5 12 6 0.00 -50.00
Egypt 14 14 16 14 9 0.00 -35.71
Jordan 16 13 30 81 15 0.00 -81.48
Kuwait 2 24 24 5 13 0.00 160.00
Lebanon 10 15 24 16 10 0.00 -37.50
Oman 5 8 9 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Qatar 13 19 0.00 46.15
Saudi Arabia 20 33 64 43 24 0.00 -44.19
State of Palestine 2 10 0.00 400.00
Syrian Arab Republic 2 3 0.00 50.00
United Arab Emirates 158 167 117 114 117 0.02 2.63
Yemen 1 1
SOUTH ASIA 886 1,093 1,119 1,163 1,047 0.17 -9.97
Afghanistan 2 1 1
Bangladesh 3 12 60 36 27 0.00 -25.00
Bhutan 2
India 758 965 947 944 900 0.14 -4.66
Iran, Islamic Republic of 5 5 6 9 12 0.00 33.33
Maldives 2 3 2 1 1 0.00
Nepal 13 14 13 20 8 0.00 -60.00
Pakistan 62 72 57 118 64 0.01 -45.76
Sri Lanka 43 20 33 32 35 0.01 9.38
NOT SPECIFIED 1,690 2,069 2,756 1,139 1,340 0.21 17.65
Other countries of the World 1,690 2,069 2,756 1,139 1,340 0.21 17.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 118,749 136,810 137,048 276,235 217,228 100.00 -21.36

AFRICA 16 127 87 64 118 0.05 84.38
Angola 15
Cameroon 2 2
NORTH AFRICA 1 11 3 58 0.03 1,833.33
Algeria 1 7 2 58 0.03 2,800.00
Sudan 4 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8 110 56 47 53 0.02 12.77
South Africa 8 110 56 47 53 0.02 12.77
WEST AFRICA 7 2 18 12 7 0.00 -41.67
Côte d'Ivoire 1 1 0.00
Ghana 3 1 11 2 2 0.00
Nigeria 4 1 6 10 4 0.00 -60.00
AMERICAS 1,179 1,442 1,120 1,062 1,258 0.58 18.46
Cuba 10 3 14
Costa Rica 1
Guatemala 1
Nicaragua 1
NORTH AMERICA 1,114 1,390 1,052 990 1,197 0.55 20.91
Canada 74 245 304 150 231 0.11 54.00
Mexico 23 75 16 27 19 0.01 -29.63
United States of America 1,017 1,070 732 813 947 0.44 16.48
SOUTH AMERICA 64 42 63 58 61 0.03 5.17
Argentina 5 4 26 8 2 0.00 -75.00
Brazil 31 19 16 32 14 0.01 -56.25
Chile 4 3 4 5 5 0.00
Colombia 4 12 7 1 1 0.00
Ecuador 1 2 3 5 0.00 66.67
Paraguay 1
Peru 4 2 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Uruguay 1 1 1
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 16 5 6 33 0.02 450.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,015 2,488 1,652 2,251 3,382 1.56 50.24
NORTH-EAST ASIA 870 1,461 553 1,337 2,205 1.02 64.92
China 314 682 266 992 1,579 0.73 59.17
Hong Kong (China) 105 175 83 43 59 0.03 37.21
Japan 385 571 191 256 496 0.23 93.75
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 3 9
Korea, Republic of 43 2 11 37 69 0.03 86.49
Mongolia 1 28
Taiwan Province of China 22 2 2 0.00
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11 92 168 196 269 0.12 37.24
Indonesia 2 18 15 36 0.02 140.00
Malaysia 4 11 43 35 114 0.05 225.71
Philippines 1 22 62 29 58 0.03 100.00
Singapore 1 25 21 40 28 0.01 -30.00
Thailand 3 11 33 22 0.01 -33.33
Viet Nam 2 32 13 44 11 0.01 -75.00
AUSTRALASIA 134 935 931 718 908 0.42 26.46
Australia 124 858 843 642 815 0.38 26.95
New Zealand 10 77 88 76 93 0.04 22.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 116,001 132,217 133,254 271,465 211,014 97.14 -22.27

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 102,307 121,782 123,590 264,003 198,324 91.30 -24.88
Armenia 23 69 31 51 135 0.06 164.71
Azerbaijan 64 176 159 217 245 0.11 12.90
Bulgaria 24 71 38 97 206 0.09 112.37
Czech Republic 198 402 530 200 281 0.13 40.50
Estonia 738 670 566 803 1,399 0.64 74.22
Georgia 149 106 62 79 116 0.05 46.84
Hungary 62 50 163 403 174 0.08 -56.82
Kazakhstan 180 464 207 651 845 0.39 29.80
Kyrgyzstan 8 42 9 20 38 0.02 90.00
Latvia 1,107 1,031 2,348 2,337 2,967 1.37 26.96
Lithuania 1,688 2,093 2,023 1,722 5,846 2.69 239.49
Moldova, Republic of 87 79 33 48 245 0.11 410.42
Poland 2,027 3,126 1,702 5,927 7,992 3.68 34.84
Romania 160 25 46 57 29 0.01 -49.12
Russian Federation 94,187 111,286 113,180 243,908 171,100 78.77 -29.85
Slovakia 108 25 468 82 147 0.07 79.27
Tajikistan 5 20 80 2 80 0.04 3,900.00
Turkmenistan 31 49 113 231 1,190 0.55 415.15
Ukraine 1,441 1,979 1,776 7,046 5,224 2.40 -25.86
Uzbekistan 20 19 56 122 65 0.03 -46.72
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,832 2,414 2,401 1,657 2,816 1.30 69.95
Denmark 100 76 123 119 226 0.10 89.92
Finland 358 341 715 318 435 0.20 36.79
Iceland 20 10 57 12
Ireland 50 43 95 173 147 0.07 -15.03
Norway 51 83 136 68 184 0.08 170.59
Sweden 220 204 368 194 555 0.26 186.08
United Kingdom 3,033 1,657 907 773 1,269 0.58 64.17
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,421 1,613 1,641 1,470 2,099 0.97 42.79
Albania 68 21 0.01
Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 2 1
Croatia 97 112 83 176 117 0.05 -33.52
Greece 46 76 88 58 98 0.05 68.97
Italy 1,535 952 889 850 1,072 0.49 26.12
Malta 2 37 1 1 7 0.00 600.00
Montenegro 55 35 28 1 0.00 -96.43
Portugal 78 10 232 17 43 0.02 152.94
Serbia 162 115 37 69 193 0.09 179.71
Slovenia 23 58 38 41 58 0.03 41.46
Spain 366 160 142 229 489 0.23 113.54
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 100 36 28
WESTERN EUROPE 3,948 3,895 3,844 3,375 4,737 2.18 40.36
Austria 220 182 252 241 406 0.19 68.46
Belgium 247 358 207 104 236 0.11 126.92
France 749 729 568 732 779 0.36 6.42
Germany 2,071 1,931 1,704 1,635 2,506 1.15 53.27
Liechtenstein 23
Luxembourg 2 6 30 5 41 0.02 720.00
Netherlands 229 402 397 272 348 0.16 27.94
Switzerland 430 287 663 386 421 0.19 9.07

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,493 2,513 1,778 960 3,038 1.40 216.46
Cyprus 141 60 38 128 55 0.03 -57.03
Israel 584 465 778 235 1,908 0.88 711.91
Turkey 2,768 1,988 962 597 1,075 0.49 80.07
MIDDLE EAST 270 486 703 1,056 1,182 0.54 11.93
Bahrain 8 58 17 34 48 0.02 41.18
Egypt 47 17 60 40 21 0.01 -47.50
Iraq 25 68 104 379 511 0.24 34.83
Jordan 1 22 17 60 61 0.03 1.67
Kuwait 2 20 2 42 40 0.02 -4.76
Lebanon 117 70 301 100 258 0.12 158.00
Libya 22 114 100 248 1 0.00 -99.60
Oman 13 31 3 26 58 0.03 123.08
Qatar 2 11 0.01 450.00
Saudi Arabia 7 52 12 69 105 0.05 52.17
State of Palestine 13 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Syrian Arab Republic 11 4 10 5 4 0.00 -20.00
United Arab Emirates 2 22 75 44 58 0.03 31.82
Yemen 2 8 5 5 0.00
SOUTH ASIA 268 50 232 337 274 0.13 -18.69
Afghanistan 1 2 0.00
Bangladesh 3 22 4 4 18 0.01 350.00
India 18 18 73 88 84 0.04 -4.55
Iran, Islamic Republic of 235 8 151 224 105 0.05 -53.13
Nepal 5
Pakistan 1 1 4 17 35 0.02 105.88
Sri Lanka 6 4 30 0.01 650.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 6,129,863 6,241,727 5,374,970 4,385,596 9,423,527 100.00 114.87

AFRICA 1,695 1,871 3,208 2,329 2,521 0.03 8.24
EAST AFRICA 138 177 226 259 286 0.00 10.42
British Indian Ocean Territory 1
Burundi 4 1 3 5 0.00 66.67
Comoros 2 1 3 3 0.00
Djibouti 2 3 15 0.00
Eritrea 2 5 5 6 11 0.00 83.33
Ethiopia 20 53 32 47 46 0.00 -2.13
Kenya 19 40 51 66 52 0.00 -21.21
Madagascar 5 3 4 4 9 0.00 125.00
Malawi 6 1 1 2 2 0.00
Mauritius 18 13 23 14 20 0.00 42.86
Mozambique 13 9 42 14 24 0.00 71.43
Reunion 1
Rwanda 12 15 18 20 31 0.00 55.00
Seychelles 1 1 2 4 0.00 100.00
Somalia 8 10 14 3 6 0.00 100.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 15 3 16 15 23 0.00 53.33
Uganda 4 11 7 4 7 0.00 75.00
Zambia 3 2 1 6 6 0.00
Zimbabwe 4 3 9 49 22 0.00 -55.10
Other countries of East Africa 5
CENTRAL AFRICA 125 170 151 112 195 0.00 74.11
Angola 3 8 53 15 39 0.00 160.00
Cameroon 67 45 58 50 96 0.00 92.00
Central African Republic 13 1 1
Chad 1 1 2 0.00
Congo 29 58 8 5 21 0.00 320.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 48 7 33 31 0.00 -6.06
Equatorial Guinea 7 21 7
Gabon 12 3 2 1 4 0.00 300.00
Sao Tome and Principe 1 2 0.00 100.00
NORTH AFRICA 445 532 851 874 934 0.01 6.86
Algeria 97 108 156 175 82 0.00 -53.14
Morocco 125 167 300 247 336 0.00 36.03
Sudan 98 87 200 110 133 0.00 20.91
Tunisia 125 170 195 342 383 0.00 11.99
SOUTHERN AFRICA 220 207 348 383 334 0.00 -12.79
Botswana 1 1
Namibia 26 16 16 13 27 0.00 107.69
South Africa 194 189 327 369 305 0.00 -17.34
Swaziland 1 5 2 0.00
WEST AFRICA 767 785 1,632 701 772 0.01 10.13
Benin 5 1 2 2 3 0.00 50.00
Burkina Faso 5 4 11
Cabo Verde 13 3 1 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Côte d'Ivoire 13 16 17 21 26 0.00 23.81
Gambia 4 2 15 1 2 0.00 100.00
Ghana 50 53 85 48 138 0.00 187.50
Guinea 11 11 10 23 9 0.00 -60.87
Guinea-Bissau 1 2 7 0.00 250.00
Liberia 16 19 43 21 8 0.00 -61.90
Mali 3 4 12 3 4 0.00 33.33
Mauritania 1 3 3 1 0.00 -66.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 3 2 3
Nigeria 626 651 1,398 531 538 0.01 1.32
Senegal 16 9 17 11 17 0.00 54.55
Sierra Leone 1 6 16 16 10 0.00 -37.50
Togo 1 3 9 2 5 0.00 150.00
AMERICAS 11,413 11,410 11,432 12,015 13,892 0.15 15.62
CARIBBEAN 250 202 225 228 282 0.00 23.68
Anguilla 2
Antigua and Barbuda 1
Bahamas 2 2 1 2 0.00
Barbados 2 2 11 1
Bermuda 8 2 0.00
Cuba 175 154 121 163 241 0.00 47.85
Dominica 1 4 2 1 7 0.00 600.00
Dominican Republic 7 3 8 12 6 0.00 -50.00
Grenada 1
Guadeloupe 16 12 54 15
Haiti 1 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Jamaica 9 15 16 6 8 0.00 33.33
Puerto Rico 1 7 3 3 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 7 5 2 12 10 0.00 -16.67
Saint Lucia 1 1 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1
Trinidad and Tobago 16 2 2 11
Other countries of the Caribbean 3
CENTRAL AMERICA 70 75 71 44 91 0.00 106.82
Belize 4 5 10 2 0.00
Costa Rica 23 24 20 15 42 0.00 180.00
El Salvador 8 11 12 10 7 0.00 -30.00
Guatemala 17 13 4 10 16 0.00 60.00
Honduras 3 3 4 1 2 0.00 100.00
Nicaragua 9 8 18 6 8 0.00 33.33
Panama 6 11 3 2 14 0.00 600.00
NORTH AMERICA 9,246 9,536 9,603 9,946 11,633 0.12 16.96
Canada 1,521 1,677 1,793 1,659 2,053 0.02 23.75
Mexico 171 165 258 200 162 0.00 -19.00
United States of America 7,554 7,694 7,552 8,087 9,418 0.10 16.46
SOUTH AMERICA 1,847 1,597 1,533 1,797 1,886 0.02 4.95
Argentina 94 162 159 174 315 0.00 81.03
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 21 34 9 6 10 0.00 66.67
Brazil 433 410 349 400 556 0.01 39.00
Chile 61 65 64 71 115 0.00 61.97
Colombia 58 57 295 347 77 0.00 -77.81
Ecuador 37 180 90 188 270 0.00 43.62
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 418
Guyana 6 6 0.00
Paraguay 3 12 12 13 5 0.00 -61.54
Peru 56 64 90 109 168 0.00 54.13
Suriname 3 1 1 0.00
Uruguay 15 37 22 49 19 0.00 -61.22
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 651 573 442 434 344 0.00 -20.74
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,868 17,565 16,614 22,336 24,097 0.26 7.88
NORTH-EAST ASIA 11,646 14,855 14,033 20,062 21,648 0.23 7.91
China 8,566 11,374 11,750 17,359 18,014 0.19 3.77
Hong Kong (China) 2 1 7 4 5 0.00 25.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Japan 1,107 1,321 939 1,257 1,784 0.02 41.93

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 45 43 76 174 66 0.00 -62.07
Korea, Republic of 1,056 1,101 695 746 1,118 0.01 49.87
Macao (China) 1
Mongolia 689 862 364 368 320 0.00 -13.04
Taiwan Province of China 181 152 202 154 341 0.00 121.43
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,455 1,791 1,683 1,359 1,261 0.01 -7.21
Brunei Darussalam 5 3 2 1
Cambodia 6 60 8 11 0.00 37.50
Indonesia 65 134 97 203 193 0.00 -4.93
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 16 28 10 5 0.00 -50.00
Malaysia 113 143 132 101 154 0.00 52.48
Myanmar 36 4 29 25 22 0.00 -12.00
Philippines 773 1,105 714 405 231 0.00 -42.96
Singapore 34 59 69 59 58 0.00 -1.69
Thailand 38 46 91 83 132 0.00 59.04
Viet Nam 390 275 461 464 455 0.00 -1.94
AUSTRALASIA 763 908 895 910 1,185 0.01 30.22
Australia 664 813 792 798 982 0.01 23.06
New Zealand 99 95 103 112 203 0.00 81.25
MELANESIA 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Fiji 1 2
Papua New Guinea 1 1 0.00
Solomon Islands 1 1
MICRONESIA 4 6 1 0.00
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1
Guam 1
Kiribati 1 3
Marshall Islands 1
Palau 1 2 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 3 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Pitcairn 1 1 0.00
Tokelau 1
Tonga 1
Tuvalu 1 1 2
EUROPE 5,983,877 6,100,018 5,246,096 4,265,261 9,305,395 98.75 118.17
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,827,009 5,943,250 5,073,093 4,104,296 9,128,466 96.87 122.41
Armenia 10,768 12,574 10,893 11,032 9,841 0.10 -10.80
Azerbaijan 12,560 15,038 16,171 17,588 16,623 0.18 -5.49
Bulgaria 9,305 7,301 7,509 6,071 5,618 0.06 -7.46
Czech Republic 16,546 16,391 15,313 10,804 10,334 0.11 -4.35
Estonia 15,504 14,832 11,906 12,391 14,865 0.16 19.97
Georgia 36,747 38,156 30,324 22,075 15,277 0.16 -30.80
Hungary 9,557 8,155 8,561 6,312 6,054 0.06 -4.09
Kazakhstan 30,049 34,415 35,126 35,820 31,604 0.34 -11.77
Kyrgyzstan 9,063 10,930 11,080 4,334 4,386 0.05 1.20
Latvia 166,131 171,847 161,133 120,532 116,327 1.23 -3.49
Lithuania 1,136,395 983,273 882,754 583,743 486,984 5.17 -16.58
Moldova, Republic of 192,754 252,283 319,727 330,261 236,954 2.51 -28.25
Poland 541,187 588,553 567,562 466,552 387,286 4.11 -16.99
Romania 1,180 1,385 1,209 1,367 1,285 0.01 -6.00
Russian Federation 1,778,735 1,794,860 1,190,549 980,186 6,644,252 70.51 577.86
Slovakia 12,371 13,046 14,477 7,735 6,307 0.07 -18.46
Tajikistan 3,940 4,058 5,843 5,278 7,648 0.08 44.90
Turkmenistan 11,927 12,405 13,227 12,972 11,485 0.12 -11.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 1,815,074 1,950,020 1,736,433 1,460,342 1,102,936 11.70 -24.47

Uzbekistan 17,216 13,728 33,296 8,901 12,400 0.13 39.31
NORTHERN EUROPE 16,025 15,742 18,859 15,226 18,140 0.19 19.14
Denmark 1,633 1,404 1,835 1,550 1,884 0.02 21.55
Faeroe Islands 1
Finland 2,409 2,546 4,442 2,333 2,773 0.03 18.86
Iceland 81 100 100 80 113 0.00 41.25
Ireland 1,278 1,118 1,062 938 1,186 0.01 26.44
Norway 1,076 1,008 1,238 1,058 1,504 0.02 42.16
Sweden 2,750 2,147 2,787 2,246 2,639 0.03 17.50
United Kingdom 6,798 7,417 7,395 7,021 8,041 0.09 14.53
Other countries of Northern Europe 1
SOUTHERN EUROPE 42,589 43,508 49,933 41,397 39,144 0.42 -5.44
Albania 61 53 98 74 73 0.00 -1.35
Andorra 8 7 18 7 0.00 -61.11
Bosnia and Herzegovina 476 752 1,081 644 540 0.01 -16.15
Croatia 2,072 2,085 2,348 2,054 1,864 0.02 -9.25
Greece 1,370 1,393 1,908 1,256 1,301 0.01 3.58
Italy 14,950 14,425 13,997 12,955 12,856 0.14 -0.76
Malta 56 119 70 66 72 0.00 9.09
Montenegro 215 302 308 240 233 0.00 -2.92
Portugal 702 862 1,396 2,553 2,347 0.02 -8.07
San Marino 39 10 5 11 6 0.00 -45.45
Serbia 14,790 15,389 19,316 14,134 12,548 0.13 -11.22
Slovenia 1,141 1,420 1,642 1,201 1,415 0.02 17.82
Spain 2,330 2,507 3,047 3,042 2,938 0.03 -3.42
Other countries of Southern Europe 4,387 4,183 4,710 3,149 2,944 0.03 -6.51
WESTERN EUROPE 68,971 69,076 72,225 70,480 71,829 0.76 1.91
Austria 6,530 6,497 6,265 6,344 6,123 0.06 -3.48
Belgium 2,496 2,594 2,439 2,125 2,160 0.02 1.65
France 9,468 11,612 13,374 14,318 12,888 0.14 -9.99
Germany 42,782 40,615 41,161 40,123 41,729 0.44 4.00
Liechtenstein 11 5 30 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Luxembourg 103 123 101 168 172 0.00 2.38
Monaco 2 4 1 5 0.00 400.00
Netherlands 5,323 5,548 5,437 4,912 6,205 0.07 26.32
Switzerland 2,256 2,082 3,414 2,480 2,539 0.03 2.38
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 29,283 28,442 31,986 33,862 47,816 0.51 41.21
Cyprus 604 411 351 442 447 0.00 1.13
Israel 11,610 11,238 10,204 11,893 20,480 0.22 72.20
Turkey 17,069 16,793 21,431 21,527 26,889 0.29 24.91
MIDDLE EAST 7,010 7,886 8,125 8,286 8,051 0.09 -2.84
Bahrain 154 185 177 155 141 0.00 -9.03
Egypt 307 387 359 520 527 0.01 1.35
Iraq 1,003 1,087 1,366 1,883 2,033 0.02 7.97
Jordan 368 431 468 555 569 0.01 2.52
Kuwait 69 80 89 103 91 0.00 -11.65
Lebanon 1,951 2,257 2,215 2,192 2,160 0.02 -1.46
Libya 886 1,088 1,111 781 251 0.00 -67.86
Oman 148 143 157 202 220 0.00 8.91
Qatar 431 510 408 102 169 0.00 65.69
Saudi Arabia 240 289 202 305 330 0.00 8.20
State of Palestine 128 112 88 150 282 0.00 88.00
Syrian Arab Republic 828 674 680 668 506 0.01 -24.25
United Arab Emirates 386 533 710 612 708 0.01 15.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Yemen 111 110 95 58 64 0.00 10.34

SOUTH ASIA 6,951 7,583 7,016 7,977 8,541 0.09 7.07
Afghanistan 232 263 272 319 275 0.00 -13.79
Bangladesh 60 427 325 105 164 0.00 56.19
Bhutan 1 1 1 5 0.00 400.00
India 1,192 1,512 1,643 1,899 2,309 0.02 21.59
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,707 4,488 4,031 4,652 4,394 0.05 -5.55
Maldives 2 9 13 7 39 0.00 457.14
Nepal 101 60 62 82 87 0.00 6.10
Pakistan 347 347 250 452 640 0.01 41.59
Sri Lanka 310 476 419 460 628 0.01 36.52
NOT SPECIFIED 105,049 95,394 82,479 67,392 61,030 0.65 -9.44
Other countries of the World 105,049 95,394 82,479 67,392 61,030 0.65 -9.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 6,145,699 6,227,649 6,388,967 6,439,780 5,556,519 100.00 -13.72

AFRICA 56,915 59,981 62,381 60,668 58,478 1.05 -3.61
EAST AFRICA 6,479 6,926 9,169 10,270 10,150 0.18 -1.17
British Indian Ocean Territory 47 46 34 0.00 -26.09
Burundi 718 640 606 654 634 0.01 -3.06
Comoros 32 45 45 16 45 0.00 181.25
Djibouti 118 140 187 127 175 0.00 37.80
Eritrea 100 86 83 59 37 0.00 -37.29
Ethiopia 1,077 1,616 3,570 4,594 4,911 0.09 6.90
Kenya 1,050 1,036 1,062 986 996 0.02 1.01
Madagascar 334 288 314 265 237 0.00 -10.57
Malawi 87 88 85 102 87 0.00 -14.71
Mauritius 364 427 348 461 409 0.01 -11.28
Mozambique 169 140 167 178 131 0.00 -26.40
Reunion 382 413 465 0.01 12.59
Rwanda 830 833 724 1,086 806 0.01 -25.78
Seychelles 242 97 107 152 168 0.00 10.53
Somalia 87 148 155 54 43 0.00 -20.37
Tanzania, United Republic of 285 374 391 244 233 0.00 -4.51
Uganda 314 404 444 399 333 0.01 -16.54
Zambia 136 169 151 157 152 0.00 -3.18
Zimbabwe 536 395 301 277 254 0.00 -8.30
CENTRAL AFRICA 11,005 11,477 11,614 11,334 11,611 0.21 2.44
Angola 1,240 1,335 1,258 1,061 851 0.02 -19.79
Cameroon 2,020 2,336 2,526 2,590 2,462 0.04 -4.94
Central African Republic 438 581 310 254 324 0.01 27.56
Chad 83 217 190 197 129 0.00 -34.52
Congo 3,055 2,817 3,477 2,799 2,637 0.05 -5.79
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 3,340 3,473 3,077 3,672 4,711 0.08 28.30
Equatorial Guinea 91 70 154 86 81 0.00 -5.81
Gabon 683 619 588 652 396 0.01 -39.26
Sao Tome and Principe 55 29 34 23 20 0.00 -13.04
NORTH AFRICA 17,644 19,126 19,382 17,982 17,850 0.32 -0.73
Algeria 2,891 3,780 3,745 3,006 2,949 0.05 -1.90
Morocco 11,401 11,640 11,874 11,206 11,361 0.20 1.38
South Sudan 30 10 18 23 20 0.00 -13.04
Sudan 270 281 203 239 159 0.00 -33.47
Tunisia 3,052 3,415 3,542 3,508 3,361 0.06 -4.19
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,784 8,739 9,612 9,827 8,105 0.15 -17.52
Botswana 421 169 139 116 165 0.00 42.24
Lesotho 75 111 60 44 41 0.00 -6.82
Namibia 292 241 325 286 218 0.00 -23.78
South Africa 7,159 7,546 7,903 8,046 6,966 0.13 -13.42
Swaziland 837 672 1,185 1,335 715 0.01 -46.44
WEST AFRICA 13,003 13,713 12,604 11,255 10,762 0.19 -4.38
Benin 439 634 447 372 499 0.01 34.14
Burkina Faso 653 667 799 651 746 0.01 14.59
Cabo Verde 152 125 135 159 179 0.00 12.58
Côte d'Ivoire 1,465 1,275 1,151 1,391 1,384 0.02 -0.50
Gambia 167 217 195 171 157 0.00 -8.19
Ghana 664 568 644 646 659 0.01 2.01
Guinea 1,205 1,352 892 778 828 0.01 6.43
Guinea-Bissau 74 94 67 124 51 0.00 -58.87
Liberia 153 238 200 200 244 0.00 22.00
Mali 912 897 853 633 643 0.01 1.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 412 466 474 289 329 0.01 13.84

Niger 1,438 1,650 1,619 1,072 962 0.02 -10.26
Nigeria 2,182 2,263 2,093 1,718 1,301 0.02 -24.27
Senegal 1,603 1,535 1,232 1,140 1,264 0.02 10.88
Sierra Leone 1,197 1,376 1,493 1,589 1,168 0.02 -26.49
Togo 287 356 310 322 348 0.01 8.07
AMERICAS 457,836 463,071 513,034 543,987 434,991 7.83 -20.04
CARIBBEAN 2,422 2,073 3,542 4,977 4,699 0.08 -5.59
Anguilla 55 56 44 0.00 -21.43
Antigua and Barbuda 173 131 222 396 294 0.01 -25.76
Aruba 81 91 85 0.00 -6.59
Bahamas 101 102 184 149 203 0.00 36.24
Barbados 133 183 134 140 141 0.00 0.71
Bermuda 122 106 131 0.00 23.58
Cayman Islands 100 985 490 0.01 -50.25
Cuba 399 290 235 295 228 0.00 -22.71
Curaçao 29 44 66 0.00 50.00
Dominica 91 70 103 123 127 0.00 3.25
Dominican Republic 560 464 631 729 936 0.02 28.40
Grenada 48 61 49 61 50 0.00 -18.03
Guadeloupe 164 107 136 0.00 27.10
Haiti 268 204 142 154 165 0.00 7.14
Jamaica 411 325 223 272 355 0.01 30.51
Martinique 142 138 101 0.00 -26.81
Montserrat 14 6 8 0.00 33.33
Netherlands Antilles 282 291 441 0.01 51.55
Puerto Rico 275 346 297 0.01 -14.16
Saint Kitts and Nevis 71 45 67 49 78 0.00 59.18
Saint Lucia 21 24 42 16 13 0.00 -18.75
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 23 10 12 16 14 0.00 -12.50
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 3 5
Trinidad and Tobago 123 164 114 193 180 0.00 -6.74
Turks and Caicos Islands 69 122 78 0.00 -36.07
United States Virgin Islands 48 87 38 0.00 -56.32
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,176 4,355 4,282 4,638 5,098 0.09 9.92
Belize 522 575 482 531 530 0.01 -0.19
Costa Rica 1,349 1,482 1,526 1,675 1,732 0.03 3.40
El Salvador 743 445 399 444 556 0.01 25.23
Guatemala 419 526 631 677 797 0.01 17.73
Honduras 300 302 368 318 308 0.01 -3.14
Nicaragua 268 381 303 255 273 0.00 7.06
Panama 575 644 573 738 902 0.02 22.22
NORTH AMERICA 375,958 375,781 415,612 437,289 344,041 6.19 -21.32
Canada 48,853 47,675 50,914 52,675 43,266 0.78 -17.86
Greenland 84 80 75 0.00 -6.25
Mexico 18,586 21,611 22,000 22,574 25,800 0.46 14.29
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 5 12 5 0.00 -58.33
United States of America 308,519 306,495 342,609 361,948 274,895 4.95 -24.05
SOUTH AMERICA 75,280 80,862 89,598 97,083 81,153 1.46 -16.41
Argentina 15,163 17,244 16,035 19,392 21,558 0.39 11.17
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 351 449 461 491 537 0.01 9.37
Brazil 42,915 43,453 53,203 55,915 36,529 0.66 -34.67
Chile 4,436 4,769 5,419 5,929 6,156 0.11 3.83
Colombia 4,263 5,335 5,796 5,964 7,914 0.14 32.70
Ecuador 1,189 1,456 1,456 1,845 1,580 0.03 -14.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 18 17 21 0.00 23.53

French Guiana 115 96 251 0.00 161.46
Guyana 67 68 25 83 40 0.00 -51.81
Paraguay 319 327 339 439 449 0.01 2.28
Peru 1,710 1,949 2,202 2,418 2,795 0.05 15.59
Suriname 430 537 409 335 280 0.01 -16.42
Uruguay 1,253 1,332 1,580 2,047 1,655 0.03 -19.15
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,184 3,943 2,540 2,112 1,388 0.02 -34.28
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 334,893 364,057 403,681 459,779 310,690 5.59 -32.43
NORTH-EAST ASIA 254,902 279,499 308,954 352,765 230,039 4.14 -34.79
China 115,909 142,770 162,404 201,276 140,961 2.54 -29.97
Hong Kong (China) 3,494 4,711 3,031 0.05 -35.66
Japan 107,252 107,027 107,045 92,350 47,503 0.85 -48.56
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 2,114 2,119 3,965 2,568 1,606 0.03 -37.46
Korea, Republic of 13,196 12,944 15,940 31,343 24,926 0.45 -20.47
Macao (China) 279 377 296 0.01 -21.49
Mongolia 338 266 189 287 194 0.00 -32.40
Taiwan Province of China 16,093 14,373 15,638 19,853 11,522 0.21 -41.96
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 37,783 40,429 44,316 51,846 41,344 0.74 -20.26
Brunei Darussalam 208 121 185 133 137 0.00 3.01
Cambodia 176 120 204 191 292 0.01 52.88
Indonesia 5,096 5,840 5,633 7,312 6,634 0.12 -9.27
Lao People's Democratic Republic 254 142 109 205 114 0.00 -44.39
Malaysia 5,079 7,357 8,340 9,325 6,705 0.12 -28.10
Myanmar 104 222 208 265 227 0.00 -14.34
Philippines 5,006 5,072 5,619 5,911 5,961 0.11 0.85
Singapore 6,142 6,803 7,606 7,998 6,581 0.12 -17.72
Thailand 13,301 12,019 13,016 15,455 10,961 0.20 -29.08
Timor-Leste 18 13 37 21 26 0.00 23.81
Viet Nam 2,399 2,720 3,359 5,030 3,706 0.07 -26.32
AUSTRALASIA 41,398 43,275 49,498 53,578 38,169 0.69 -28.76
Australia 36,179 37,916 43,818 47,328 33,433 0.60 -29.36
New Zealand 5,219 5,359 5,680 6,250 4,736 0.09 -24.22
MELANESIA 374 368 450 794 513 0.01 -35.39
Fiji 117 92 90 350 254 0.00 -27.43
New Caledonia 42 87 58 0.00 -33.33
Norfolk Island 13 22 14 0.00 -36.36
Papua New Guinea 75 57 57 159 72 0.00 -54.72
Solomon Islands 94 80 170 84 54 0.00 -35.71
Vanuatu 88 139 78 92 61 0.00 -33.70
MICRONESIA 336 335 215 278 243 0.00 -12.59
Christmas Island, Australia 9 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 12 18 19 0.00 5.56
Guam 20 33 40 0.00 21.21
Kiribati 26 50 9 35 21 0.00 -40.00
Marshall Islands 9 13 17 8 21 0.00 162.50
Micronesia, Federated States of 151 76 63 49 35 0.00 -28.57
Nauru 111 148 38 78 71 0.00 -8.97
Northern Mariana Islands 4 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Palau 39 48 43 43 31 0.00 -27.91
POLYNESIA 100 151 248 518 382 0.01 -26.25
American Samoa 59 118 187 0.00 58.47
Cook Islands 33 21 14 0.00 -33.33
French Polynesia 73 169 59 0.00 -65.09
Niue 5 9 3 0.00 -66.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Pitcairn 6 80 17 0.00 -78.75

Samoa 48 60 20 40 20 0.00 -50.00
Tonga 34 65 31 44 49 0.00 11.36
Tuvalu 18 26 11 8 19 0.00 137.50
Wallis and Futuna Islands 10 29 14 0.00 -51.72
EUROPE 5,180,659 5,204,144 5,257,356 5,215,697 4,582,565 82.47 -12.14
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 358,892 367,882 349,365 335,016 299,983 5.40 -10.46
Armenia 970 1,155 1,439 1,486 1,346 0.02 -9.42
Azerbaijan 1,167 1,297 1,466 1,416 1,020 0.02 -27.97
Belarus 3,098 4,022 3,670 3,196 3,155 0.06 -1.28
Bulgaria 16,112 15,781 16,136 16,876 15,527 0.28 -7.99
Czech Republic 29,771 29,418 27,792 29,535 27,146 0.49 -8.09
Estonia 7,343 7,525 8,074 8,205 8,636 0.16 5.25
Georgia 2,251 2,264 2,862 2,550 2,467 0.04 -3.25
Hungary 30,356 29,849 27,440 28,720 22,712 0.41 -20.92
Kazakhstan 1,406 1,289 1,953 1,215 1,049 0.02 -13.66
Kyrgyzstan 166 193 116 215 157 0.00 -26.98
Latvia 9,930 9,436 8,933 11,038 8,407 0.15 -23.84
Lithuania 14,875 16,856 14,058 13,897 12,463 0.22 -10.32
Moldova, Republic of 752 757 866 781 1,083 0.02 38.67
Poland 78,259 79,492 78,740 82,564 74,199 1.34 -10.13
Romania 37,863 40,412 39,185 43,029 39,288 0.71 -8.69
Russian Federation 99,449 100,664 91,102 65,703 52,861 0.95 -19.55
Slovakia 12,036 11,975 11,430 10,638 13,720 0.25 28.97
Tajikistan 150 211 117 143 184 0.00 28.67
Turkmenistan 85 119 144 127 132 0.00 3.94
Ukraine 12,624 14,933 13,559 13,360 14,149 0.25 5.91
Uzbekistan 229 234 283 322 282 0.01 -12.42
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,062,209 1,093,605 1,120,969 1,116,217 937,960 16.88 -15.97
Denmark 55,504 54,627 52,883 54,281 55,391 1.00 2.04
Faeroe Islands 24 59 51 0.00 -13.56
Finland 35,599 33,054 32,275 31,602 29,812 0.54 -5.66
Iceland 5,474 4,879 4,261 3,901 4,383 0.08 12.36
Ireland 44,956 49,477 47,134 53,101 51,754 0.93 -2.54
Isle of Man 38 102 62 0.00 -39.22
Norway 37,676 38,259 38,722 37,662 34,763 0.63 -7.70
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 6 6 8 0.00 33.33
Sweden 69,615 65,539 65,398 62,927 59,404 1.07 -5.60
United Kingdom 813,385 847,770 880,228 872,576 702,332 12.64 -19.51
SOUTHERN EUROPE 672,990 683,921 742,632 725,006 597,663 10.76 -17.56
Albania 4,588 6,511 7,553 6,529 7,607 0.14 16.51
Andorra 545 1,673 1,360 1,584 2,242 0.04 41.54
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,489 1,801 1,474 2,383 1,902 0.03 -20.18
Croatia 7,710 9,252 10,520 10,499 9,836 0.18 -6.31
Gibraltar 252 183 119 0.00 -34.97
Greece 26,110 27,244 33,026 33,093 31,184 0.56 -5.77
Holy See 118 85
Italy 256,170 259,112 276,201 267,713 202,679 3.65 -24.29
Malta 6,019 5,797 6,461 6,560 7,437 0.13 13.37
Montenegro 1,400 1,580 1,382 1,232 1,320 0.02 7.14
Portugal 38,575 39,972 47,377 50,261 45,875 0.83 -8.73
San Marino 703 1,110 1,126 985 316 0.01 -67.92
Serbia 5,265 6,240 5,291 4,834 4,050 0.07 -16.22
Slovenia 7,630 8,334 8,504 8,317 8,351 0.15 0.41
Spain 315,222 313,681 340,432 329,234 272,885 4.91 -17.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,446 1,529 1,673 1,599 1,860 0.03 16.32
WESTERN EUROPE 3,007,800 2,974,313 2,953,332 2,941,146 2,667,422 48.01 -9.31
Austria 39,659 38,715 40,557 38,743 34,301 0.62 -11.47
France 984,966 1,008,373 1,007,170 956,663 883,366 15.90 -7.66
Germany 636,728 657,785 667,288 698,056 613,521 11.04 -12.11
Liechtenstein 777 594 687 680 616 0.01 -9.41
Luxembourg 80,864 83,252 85,769 94,485 87,218 1.57 -7.69
Monaco 1,325 1,449 1,367 1,446 1,270 0.02 -12.17
Netherlands 1,174,775 1,093,336 1,053,476 1,044,476 965,561 17.38 -7.56
Switzerland 88,706 90,809 97,018 106,597 81,569 1.47 -23.48
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 78,768 84,423 91,058 98,312 79,537 1.43 -19.10
Cyprus 8,557 5,712 6,273 5,897 6,730 0.12 14.13
Israel 34,263 36,393 37,778 34,974 22,881 0.41 -34.58
Turkey 35,948 42,318 47,007 57,441 49,926 0.90 -13.08
MIDDLE EAST 35,635 39,165 46,463 56,661 42,743 0.77 -24.56
Bahrain 548 703 883 1,178 1,064 0.02 -9.68
Egypt 6,157 6,051 6,404 6,543 5,811 0.10 -11.19
Iraq 501 709 812 1,149 900 0.02 -21.67
Jordan 1,165 1,175 1,511 1,292 1,480 0.03 14.55
Kuwait 2,257 3,546 4,187 4,836 4,045 0.07 -16.36
Lebanon 3,491 3,715 4,129 4,681 4,301 0.08 -8.12
Libya 1,169 1,485 1,115 694 964 0.02 38.90
Oman 727 743 879 1,147 988 0.02 -13.86
Qatar 1,742 2,012 2,254 7,350 4,394 0.08 -40.22
Saudi Arabia 5,471 6,667 8,470 9,193 7,661 0.14 -16.66
State of Palestine 95 123 156 133 208 0.00 56.39
Syrian Arab Republic 523 468 1,042 1,066 574 0.01 -46.15
United Arab Emirates 11,624 11,599 14,375 17,235 10,245 0.18 -40.56
Yemen 165 169 246 164 108 0.00 -34.15
SOUTH ASIA 50,235 52,765 63,631 74,067 56,672 1.02 -23.49
Afghanistan 1,335 912 970 2,911 5,994 0.11 105.91
Bangladesh 538 391 528 572 766 0.01 33.92
Bhutan 159 49 496 1,097 1,154 0.02 5.20
India 41,316 44,843 54,751 61,894 40,880 0.74 -33.95
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,762 4,252 4,443 4,795 4,876 0.09 1.69
Maldives 33 81 86 73 85 0.00 16.44
Nepal 249 347 293 248 304 0.01 22.58
Pakistan 1,471 1,449 1,591 1,959 1,856 0.03 -5.26
Sri Lanka 372 441 473 518 757 0.01 46.14
NOT SPECIFIED 29,526 44,466 42,421 28,921 70,380 1.27 143.35
Other countries of the World 29,526 44,466 42,421 28,921 70,380 1.27 143.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 7,559,995 7,684,275 7,887,426 8,354,753 7,481,422 100.00 -10.45

AFRICA 60,608 64,246 66,438 65,345 64,197 0.86 -1.76
EAST AFRICA 6,915 7,350 9,718 11,123 11,193 0.15 0.63
British Indian Ocean Territory 65 51 47 0.00 -7.84
Burundi 735 661 614 758 749 0.01 -1.19
Comoros 32 45 46 17 45 0.00 164.71
Djibouti 118 152 206 138 183 0.00 32.61
Eritrea 109 96 87 63 39 0.00 -38.10
Ethiopia 1,101 1,663 3,607 4,639 4,938 0.07 6.45
Kenya 1,108 1,062 1,092 1,148 1,063 0.01 -7.40
Madagascar 356 329 353 305 255 0.00 -16.39
Malawi 96 91 96 104 92 0.00 -11.54
Mauritius 385 435 368 480 443 0.01 -7.71
Mozambique 176 144 180 181 145 0.00 -19.89
Reunion 397 452 678 0.01 50.00
Rwanda 939 863 853 1,307 1,102 0.01 -15.68
Seychelles 262 107 124 178 191 0.00 7.30
Somalia 100 156 158 95 64 0.00 -32.63
Tanzania, United Republic of 311 396 456 273 261 0.00 -4.40
Uganda 333 441 459 433 364 0.00 -15.94
Zambia 141 170 222 164 158 0.00 -3.66
Zimbabwe 613 539 335 337 376 0.01 11.57
CENTRAL AFRICA 11,397 11,923 11,986 11,739 12,179 0.16 3.75
Angola 1,266 1,369 1,326 1,102 878 0.01 -20.33
Cameroon 2,088 2,419 2,601 2,683 2,554 0.03 -4.81
Central African Republic 441 582 316 270 341 0.00 26.30
Chad 85 220 199 204 137 0.00 -32.84
Congo 3,079 2,864 3,539 2,887 2,815 0.04 -2.49
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 3,589 3,662 3,213 3,813 4,932 0.07 29.35
Equatorial Guinea 93 82 156 92 86 0.00 -6.52
Gabon 693 693 602 661 415 0.01 -37.22
Sao Tome and Principe 63 32 34 27 21 0.00 -22.22
NORTH AFRICA 18,661 20,371 20,595 19,209 19,385 0.26 0.92
Algeria 3,142 4,066 4,059 3,370 3,316 0.04 -1.60
Morocco 12,034 12,451 12,556 11,813 12,157 0.16 2.91
South Sudan 20 23 21 0.00 -8.70
Sudan 275 288 218 252 170 0.00 -32.54
Tunisia 3,210 3,566 3,742 3,751 3,708 0.05 -1.15
Western Sahara 13 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,584 9,830 10,784 11,256 9,584 0.13 -14.85
Botswana 423 177 154 121 173 0.00 42.98
Lesotho 76 111 60 46 46 0.00
Namibia 312 253 333 353 249 0.00 -29.46
South Africa 7,932 8,599 8,967 9,278 8,319 0.11 -10.34
Swaziland 841 690 1,270 1,458 797 0.01 -45.34
WEST AFRICA 14,051 14,772 13,355 12,018 11,856 0.16 -1.35
Benin 480 659 514 396 580 0.01 46.46
Burkina Faso 697 710 849 700 792 0.01 13.14
Cabo Verde 157 141 153 173 202 0.00 16.76
Côte d'Ivoire 1,497 1,307 1,207 1,463 1,459 0.02 -0.27
Gambia 170 230 212 180 238 0.00 32.22
Ghana 709 635 681 699 831 0.01 18.88
Guinea 1,222 1,366 904 798 842 0.01 5.51
Guinea-Bissau 76 98 73 127 80 0.00 -37.01
Liberia 162 238 216 205 256 0.00 24.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mali 1,055 980 943 754 716 0.01 -5.04

Mauritania 418 491 488 300 335 0.00 11.67
Niger 1,795 1,911 1,678 1,191 1,049 0.01 -11.92
Nigeria 2,258 2,432 2,194 1,785 1,440 0.02 -19.33
Saint Helena 62 0.00
Senegal 1,701 1,597 1,306 1,197 1,337 0.02 11.70
Sierra Leone 1,352 1,598 1,613 1,705 1,271 0.02 -25.45
Togo 302 379 324 345 366 0.00 6.09
AMERICAS 505,109 517,322 566,419 602,473 493,441 6.60 -18.10
CARIBBEAN 2,598 2,312 4,459 5,610 6,352 0.08 13.23
Anguilla 60 69 89 0.00 28.99
Antigua and Barbuda 188 152 393 412 326 0.00 -20.87
Aruba 83 104 134 0.00 28.85
Bahamas 104 110 203 174 209 0.00 20.11
Barbados 140 222 143 164 178 0.00 8.54
Bermuda 131 112 140 0.00 25.00
British Virgin Islands 50 0.00
Cayman Islands 113 986 492 0.01 -50.10
Cuba 426 319 368 468 373 0.00 -20.30
Curaçao 38 49 878 0.01 1,691.84
Dominica 109 89 113 135 138 0.00 2.22
Dominican Republic 615 519 746 830 1,043 0.01 25.66
Grenada 60 77 55 81 59 0.00 -27.16
Guadeloupe 172 137 195 0.00 42.34
Haiti 283 226 203 169 184 0.00 8.88
Jamaica 422 352 232 282 384 0.01 36.17
Martinique 148 180 128 0.00 -28.89
Montserrat 14 6 10 0.00 66.67
Netherlands Antilles 578 376 553 0.01 47.07
Puerto Rico 283 359 325 0.00 -9.47
Saint Kitts and Nevis 80 45 71 49 78 0.00 59.18
Saint Lucia 21 24 42 18 13 0.00 -27.78
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 23 10 13 17 14 0.00 -17.65
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 11 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Trinidad and Tobago 127 167 115 201 199 0.00 -1.00
Turks and Caicos Islands 82 135 115 0.00 -14.81
United States Virgin Islands 49 91 41 0.00 -54.95
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,683 4,792 4,690 5,137 5,884 0.08 14.54
Belize 573 593 553 561 565 0.01 0.71
Costa Rica 1,562 1,679 1,708 1,948 2,002 0.03 2.77
El Salvador 803 484 438 481 617 0.01 28.27
Guatemala 493 584 676 741 956 0.01 29.01
Honduras 342 346 389 353 361 0.00 2.27
Nicaragua 296 425 324 262 371 0.00 41.60
Panama 614 681 602 791 1,012 0.01 27.94
NORTH AMERICA 408,017 412,627 451,948 477,329 382,702 5.12 -19.82
Canada 56,833 56,237 59,289 61,357 50,521 0.68 -17.66
Greenland 87 95 80 0.00 -15.79
Mexico 23,197 26,480 26,505 27,442 32,189 0.43 17.30
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 6 12 5 0.00 -58.33
United States of America 327,987 329,910 366,061 388,423 299,907 4.01 -22.79
SOUTH AMERICA 89,811 97,591 105,322 114,397 98,503 1.32 -13.89
Argentina 18,882 21,027 19,355 24,091 27,611 0.37 14.61
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 429 509 555 576 617 0.01 7.12
Brazil 49,726 52,033 61,909 64,353 42,141 0.56 -34.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Chile 5,514 6,050 6,582 7,419 7,920 0.11 6.75

Colombia 5,608 6,611 6,793 7,023 9,848 0.13 40.22
Ecuador 1,459 1,713 1,713 2,151 1,932 0.03 -10.18
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 33 23 21 0.00 -8.70
French Guiana 150 120 259 0.00 115.83
Guyana 70 73 26 83 42 0.00 -49.40
Paraguay 372 405 368 482 536 0.01 11.20
Peru 2,035 2,295 2,552 2,844 3,380 0.05 18.85
Suriname 513 647 439 361 323 0.00 -10.53
Uruguay 1,724 1,816 2,062 2,601 2,233 0.03 -14.15
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,479 4,412 2,785 2,270 1,640 0.02 -27.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 366,859 397,651 437,082 498,266 342,981 4.58 -31.17
NORTH-EAST ASIA 272,394 298,777 328,129 373,768 246,938 3.30 -33.93
China 122,054 149,399 169,075 209,045 147,654 1.97 -29.37
Hong Kong (China) 3,702 5,085 3,491 0.05 -31.35
Japan 111,962 112,278 111,939 96,444 50,253 0.67 -47.89
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 4,006 4,204 6,856 7,147 5,065 0.07 -29.13
Korea, Republic of 16,572 16,813 18,964 34,069 26,862 0.36 -21.15
Macao (China) 300 402 322 0.00 -19.90
Mongolia 349 297 221 379 235 0.00 -37.99
Taiwan Province of China 17,451 15,786 17,072 21,197 13,056 0.17 -38.41
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 40,371 43,338 46,859 55,592 44,818 0.60 -19.38
Brunei Darussalam 238 146 198 240 143 0.00 -40.42
Cambodia 197 133 233 203 320 0.00 57.64
Indonesia 5,360 6,059 5,920 7,800 7,061 0.09 -9.47
Lao People's Democratic Republic 268 143 111 217 116 0.00 -46.54
Malaysia 5,597 7,921 8,903 10,136 7,428 0.10 -26.72
Myanmar 105 228 212 271 249 0.00 -8.12
Philippines 5,156 5,219 5,844 6,144 6,199 0.08 0.90
Singapore 6,801 7,533 8,271 8,777 7,411 0.10 -15.56
Thailand 13,922 12,963 13,564 16,315 11,844 0.16 -27.40
Timor-Leste 18 13 37 21 26 0.00 23.81
Viet Nam 2,709 2,980 3,566 5,468 4,021 0.05 -26.46
AUSTRALASIA 53,164 54,624 61,069 67,127 49,723 0.66 -25.93
Australia 46,223 47,714 53,590 58,849 43,276 0.58 -26.46
New Zealand 6,941 6,910 7,479 8,278 6,447 0.09 -22.12
MELANESIA 408 392 489 821 544 0.01 -33.74
Fiji 122 99 90 367 256 0.00 -30.25
New Caledonia 44 95 70 0.00 -26.32
Norfolk Island 16 22 18 0.00 -18.18
Papua New Guinea 75 57 59 159 84 0.00 -47.17
Solomon Islands 123 96 201 86 55 0.00 -36.05
Vanuatu 88 140 79 92 61 0.00 -33.70
MICRONESIA 374 360 233 284 290 0.00 2.11
Christmas Island, Australia 9 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 17 19 19 0.00
Guam 21 33 44 0.00 33.33
Kiribati 27 54 10 37 28 0.00 -24.32
Marshall Islands 12 13 18 8 21 0.00 162.50
Micronesia, Federated States of 151 76 68 51 38 0.00 -25.49
Nauru 145 169 41 79 98 0.00 24.05
Northern Mariana Islands 5 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Palau 39 48 44 43 37 0.00 -13.95
POLYNESIA 148 160 303 674 668 0.01 -0.89
American Samoa 83 202 248 0.00 22.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Cook Islands 51 21 16 0.00 -23.81

French Polynesia 73 223 99 0.00 -55.61
Niue 5 17 3 0.00 -82.35
Pitcairn 9 82 23 0.00 -71.95
Samoa 94 67 20 46 20 0.00 -56.52
Tokelau 169 0.00
Tonga 34 65 32 46 52 0.00 13.04
Tuvalu 20 28 11 8 19 0.00 137.50
Wallis and Futuna Islands 19 29 19 0.00 -34.48
EUROPE 6,507,995 6,560,457 6,657,462 7,017,643 6,399,517 85.54 -8.81
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 386,425 395,416 378,144 373,992 350,615 4.69 -6.25
Armenia 1,023 1,229 1,483 1,605 1,502 0.02 -6.42
Azerbaijan 1,203 1,351 1,647 1,510 1,144 0.02 -24.24
Belarus 3,277 4,185 4,052 3,607 5,441 0.07 50.85
Bulgaria 16,804 16,727 17,099 18,102 18,130 0.24 0.15
Czech Republic 33,430 32,570 31,815 34,861 32,352 0.43 -7.20
Estonia 7,755 7,994 8,333 8,623 9,029 0.12 4.71
Georgia 2,350 2,382 3,037 2,840 2,742 0.04 -3.45
Hungary 32,465 31,959 29,153 31,386 25,657 0.34 -18.25
Kazakhstan 1,441 1,362 2,168 1,426 1,151 0.02 -19.28
Kyrgyzstan 176 203 128 240 163 0.00 -32.08
Latvia 10,533 9,895 9,383 12,021 9,166 0.12 -23.75
Lithuania 15,567 17,754 14,818 14,938 13,892 0.19 -7.00
Moldova, Republic of 789 825 922 836 1,188 0.02 42.11
Poland 88,632 89,268 87,698 94,937 90,914 1.22 -4.24
Romania 40,448 42,990 41,630 46,964 45,077 0.60 -4.02
Russian Federation 103,606 105,462 97,183 72,630 60,386 0.81 -16.86
Slovakia 13,246 13,041 12,750 12,468 16,217 0.22 30.07
Tajikistan 185 235 133 161 207 0.00 28.57
Turkmenistan 89 122 160 132 136 0.00 3.03
Ukraine 13,167 15,614 14,256 14,377 15,820 0.21 10.04
Uzbekistan 239 248 296 328 301 0.00 -8.23
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,197,512 1,235,801 1,287,421 1,310,361 1,128,217 15.08 -13.90
Denmark 63,059 62,513 60,330 61,927 63,415 0.85 2.40
Faeroe Islands 38 59 52 0.00 -11.86
Finland 38,320 35,480 34,049 33,767 31,870 0.43 -5.62
Iceland 5,884 5,287 4,659 4,322 4,756 0.06 10.04
Ireland 48,824 53,043 51,106 58,408 57,266 0.77 -1.96
Isle of Man 48 106 77 0.00 -27.36
Norway 39,624 40,686 41,188 40,128 37,483 0.50 -6.59
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 6 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Sweden 73,988 70,345 69,994 68,021 65,117 0.87 -4.27
United Kingdom 927,813 968,447 1,026,003 1,043,613 868,173 11.60 -16.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 724,604 739,887 802,048 795,446 667,108 8.92 -16.13
Albania 4,911 6,955 7,901 7,135 8,122 0.11 13.83
Andorra 634 1,711 1,573 1,799 2,427 0.03 34.91
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,597 1,881 1,658 2,512 2,042 0.03 -18.71
Croatia 8,469 9,878 11,016 11,141 10,512 0.14 -5.65
Gibraltar 262 187 136 0.00 -27.27
Greece 27,188 28,375 34,568 35,016 33,258 0.44 -5.02
Holy See 118 106 52 0.00
Italy 274,874 280,252 299,864 294,945 224,762 3.00 -23.80
Malta 6,120 5,953 6,623 6,765 7,760 0.10 14.71
Montenegro 1,428 1,636 1,403 1,349 1,414 0.02 4.82
Portugal 41,068 44,218 52,427 56,027 54,221 0.72 -3.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

San Marino 709 1,112 1,134 999 318 0.00 -68.17

Serbia 5,481 6,518 5,463 5,128 4,414 0.06 -13.92
Slovenia 9,174 9,559 9,915 10,574 11,079 0.15 4.78
Spain 341,267 340,154 366,474 360,220 304,598 4.07 -15.44
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,566 1,579 1,767 1,649 1,993 0.03 20.86
WESTERN EUROPE 4,116,880 4,100,151 4,094,161 4,432,261 4,165,131 55.67 -6.03
Austria 44,253 42,891 45,884 45,345 39,326 0.53 -13.27
France 1,211,080 1,258,878 1,264,291 1,285,610 1,202,041 16.07 -6.50
Germany 814,775 838,320 868,250 945,974 865,031 11.56 -8.56
Liechtenstein 847 638 748 717 664 0.01 -7.39
Luxembourg 94,551 96,268 100,002 114,899 110,953 1.48 -3.43
Monaco 1,375 1,479 1,418 1,507 1,322 0.02 -12.28
Netherlands 1,852,656 1,760,620 1,705,537 1,919,413 1,854,486 24.79 -3.38
Switzerland 97,343 101,057 108,031 118,796 91,308 1.22 -23.14
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 82,574 89,202 95,688 105,583 88,446 1.18 -16.23
Cyprus 8,712 5,870 6,540 6,213 7,367 0.10 18.57
Israel 35,940 38,413 39,673 37,832 25,669 0.34 -32.15
Turkey 37,922 44,919 49,475 61,538 55,410 0.74 -9.96
MIDDLE EAST 36,399 40,305 48,127 59,093 45,312 0.61 -23.32
Bahrain 548 715 897 1,212 1,129 0.02 -6.85
Egypt 6,342 6,224 6,604 6,859 6,194 0.08 -9.70
Iraq 565 820 985 1,248 988 0.01 -20.83
Jordan 1,200 1,233 1,568 1,317 1,543 0.02 17.16
Kuwait 2,304 3,621 4,317 5,048 4,343 0.06 -13.97
Lebanon 3,538 3,830 4,255 4,829 4,460 0.06 -7.64
Libya 1,187 1,512 1,140 721 985 0.01 36.62
Oman 728 745 895 1,184 1,037 0.01 -12.42
Qatar 1,795 2,161 2,501 7,392 4,520 0.06 -38.85
Saudi Arabia 5,618 6,886 8,723 9,763 8,099 0.11 -17.04
State of Palestine 149 151 199 147 272 0.00 85.03
Syrian Arab Republic 531 498 1,107 1,142 632 0.01 -44.66
United Arab Emirates 11,729 11,737 14,683 18,062 11,000 0.15 -39.10
Yemen 165 172 253 169 110 0.00 -34.91
SOUTH ASIA 52,508 55,515 66,497 78,121 61,568 0.82 -21.19
Afghanistan 1,437 940 1,173 3,049 6,188 0.08 102.95
Bangladesh 573 489 572 622 828 0.01 33.12
Bhutan 167 51 504 1,097 1,160 0.02 5.74
India 42,825 46,783 56,707 65,149 44,898 0.60 -31.08
Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,204 4,716 4,924 5,170 5,274 0.07 2.01
Maldives 52 87 89 78 88 0.00 12.82
Nepal 282 397 315 289 339 0.00 17.30
Pakistan 1,584 1,585 1,721 2,100 2,002 0.03 -4.67
Sri Lanka 384 467 492 567 791 0.01 39.51
NOT SPECIFIED 30,517 48,779 45,401 33,812 74,406 0.99 120.06
Other countries of the World 30,517 48,779 45,401 33,812 74,406 0.99 120.06

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,546,367 11,624,465 12,081,835 12,034,552 10,215,070 100.00 -15.12

AFRICA 138,665 146,899 155,250 141,856 139,910 1.37 -1.37
EAST AFRICA 18,262 19,111 21,404 22,575 22,660 0.22 0.38
British Indian Ocean Territory 90 69 61 0.00 -11.59
Burundi 1,919 2,166 1,913 1,839 2,133 0.02 15.99
Comoros 70 97 135 22 74 0.00 236.36
Djibouti 304 284 471 244 612 0.01 150.82
Eritrea 172 162 138 129 75 0.00 -41.86
Ethiopia 2,357 3,246 5,794 7,227 7,539 0.07 4.32
Kenya 3,145 3,329 3,129 3,077 2,899 0.03 -5.78
Madagascar 745 740 658 612 581 0.01 -5.07
Malawi 308 314 381 237 307 0.00 29.54
Mauritius 2,027 1,771 1,058 1,233 1,400 0.01 13.54
Mozambique 470 399 500 571 418 0.00 -26.80
Reunion 736 893 961 0.01 7.61
Rwanda 2,472 2,169 2,040 2,953 2,387 0.02 -19.17
Seychelles 522 313 277 321 395 0.00 23.05
Somalia 153 299 279 126 108 0.00 -14.29
Tanzania, United Republic of 910 1,183 1,195 710 793 0.01 11.69
Uganda 893 1,146 1,210 1,061 821 0.01 -22.62
Zambia 595 566 435 435 434 0.00 -0.23
Zimbabwe 1,200 927 965 816 662 0.01 -18.87
CENTRAL AFRICA 26,104 27,272 30,524 27,515 29,626 0.29 7.67
Angola 3,358 3,659 3,930 2,350 1,969 0.02 -16.21
Cameroon 4,312 4,692 6,361 4,737 5,600 0.05 18.22
Central African Republic 976 1,228 750 672 842 0.01 25.30
Chad 224 666 565 608 344 0.00 -43.42
Congo 7,040 6,635 8,309 7,030 7,041 0.07 0.16
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8,150 8,632 8,604 10,389 12,563 0.12 20.93
Equatorial Guinea 209 161 499 171 171 0.00
Gabon 1,706 1,539 1,436 1,489 1,058 0.01 -28.95
Sao Tome and Principe 129 60 70 69 38 0.00 -44.93
NORTH AFRICA 40,343 43,863 46,836 40,187 41,043 0.40 2.13
Algeria 7,194 11,277 12,334 6,545 7,265 0.07 11.00
Morocco 25,096 23,245 24,682 23,844 25,041 0.25 5.02
South Sudan 73 33 37 0.00 12.12
Sudan 740 785 695 645 480 0.00 -25.58
Tunisia 7,313 8,556 9,052 9,120 8,220 0.08 -9.87
SOUTHERN AFRICA 23,707 22,786 24,541 23,626 20,199 0.20 -14.51
Botswana 708 560 516 441 453 0.00 2.72
Lesotho 219 270 147 150 105 0.00 -30.00
Namibia 1,121 582 827 731 554 0.01 -24.21
South Africa 19,934 20,075 20,624 20,099 17,717 0.17 -11.85
Swaziland 1,725 1,299 2,427 2,205 1,370 0.01 -37.87
WEST AFRICA 30,249 33,867 31,945 27,953 26,382 0.26 -5.62
Benin 1,436 1,654 1,488 883 1,245 0.01 41.00
Burkina Faso 2,033 1,971 2,247 2,144 2,411 0.02 12.45
Cabo Verde 252 319 303 315 318 0.00 0.95
Côte d'Ivoire 3,252 2,680 3,179 3,149 3,121 0.03 -0.89
Gambia 335 526 389 467 634 0.01 35.76
Ghana 1,708 1,591 1,933 1,658 1,627 0.02 -1.87
Guinea 2,270 2,917 2,145 1,775 1,949 0.02 9.80
Guinea-Bissau 328 205 132 370 145 0.00 -60.81
Liberia 302 699 734 589 561 0.01 -4.75
Mali 1,768 2,235 2,662 1,647 1,473 0.01 -10.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 1,038 1,132 1,046 802 905 0.01 12.84

Niger 3,754 3,627 3,253 2,298 1,980 0.02 -13.84
Nigeria 4,835 6,443 5,573 4,488 3,440 0.03 -23.35
Senegal 3,729 4,167 3,377 2,934 3,638 0.04 23.99
Sierra Leone 2,457 2,847 2,677 3,535 2,075 0.02 -41.30
Togo 752 854 807 899 860 0.01 -4.34
AMERICAS 975,924 992,840 1,113,910 1,156,816 906,650 8.88 -21.63
CARIBBEAN 5,395 4,628 8,129 12,172 10,117 0.10 -16.88
Anguilla 120 94 83 0.00 -11.70
Antigua and Barbuda 454 228 458 811 616 0.01 -24.04
Aruba 183 209 181 0.00 -13.40
Bahamas 175 284 555 329 551 0.01 67.48
Barbados 304 324 251 306 220 0.00 -28.10
Bermuda 236 221 231 0.00 4.52
Cayman Islands 240 3,408 1,630 0.02 -52.17
Cuba 869 660 640 973 510 0.00 -47.58
Curaçao 123 91 169 0.00 85.71
Dominica 164 216 173 256 268 0.00 4.69
Dominican Republic 1,150 888 1,308 1,503 1,690 0.02 12.44
Grenada 108 96 94 121 90 0.00 -25.62
Guadeloupe 389 217 296 0.00 36.41
Haiti 655 600 415 487 473 0.00 -2.87
Jamaica 929 736 495 569 687 0.01 20.74
Martinique 296 319 168 0.00 -47.34
Montserrat 18 9 16 0.00 77.78
Netherlands Antilles 554 544 711 0.01 30.70
Puerto Rico 563 648 613 0.01 -5.40
Saint Kitts and Nevis 197 111 175 143 177 0.00 23.78
Saint Lucia 41 72 82 52 30 0.00 -42.31
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 39 17 66 39 36 0.00 -7.69
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 12 7
Trinidad and Tobago 310 396 405 452 446 0.00 -1.33
Turks and Caicos Islands 159 221 154 0.00 -30.32
United States Virgin Islands 119 143 71 0.00 -50.35
CENTRAL AMERICA 8,913 9,242 8,837 10,283 10,366 0.10 0.81
Belize 1,018 1,085 1,242 1,311 1,257 0.01 -4.12
Costa Rica 2,662 3,213 2,814 3,355 3,479 0.03 3.70
El Salvador 1,533 977 771 1,004 1,086 0.01 8.17
Guatemala 1,028 1,098 1,284 1,538 1,521 0.01 -1.11
Honduras 649 609 849 715 640 0.01 -10.49
Nicaragua 655 778 633 631 517 0.01 -18.07
Panama 1,368 1,482 1,244 1,729 1,866 0.02 7.92
NORTH AMERICA 813,080 812,904 907,816 932,234 720,902 7.06 -22.67
Canada 113,600 110,987 117,300 117,068 94,222 0.92 -19.52
Greenland 164 196 148 0.00 -24.49
Mexico 32,357 37,554 40,763 40,564 44,388 0.43 9.43
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 13 37 5 0.00 -86.49
United States of America 667,123 664,363 749,576 774,369 582,139 5.70 -24.82
SOUTH AMERICA 148,536 166,066 189,128 202,127 165,265 1.62 -18.24
Argentina 28,357 32,517 31,609 36,866 40,609 0.40 10.15
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 682 981 1,160 1,022 1,062 0.01 3.91
Brazil 85,677 90,943 113,956 120,336 79,128 0.77 -34.24
Chile 9,455 10,032 11,383 12,203 12,518 0.12 2.58
Colombia 7,565 11,272 11,435 11,885 14,517 0.14 22.15
Ecuador 2,482 3,202 3,827 3,819 3,428 0.03 -10.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 26 25 30 0.00 20.00

French Guiana 219 228 457 0.00 100.44
Guyana 173 250 67 244 100 0.00 -59.02
Paraguay 618 691 708 855 958 0.01 12.05
Peru 3,593 3,687 4,620 5,076 5,839 0.06 15.03
Suriname 1,042 1,108 941 690 688 0.01 -0.29
Uruguay 2,553 2,660 3,118 3,926 3,003 0.03 -23.51
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6,339 8,723 6,059 4,952 2,928 0.03 -40.87
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 589,596 630,113 687,530 755,171 519,418 5.08 -31.22
NORTH-EAST ASIA 426,681 452,808 490,567 539,311 358,402 3.51 -33.54
China 167,240 198,589 221,664 263,099 192,702 1.89 -26.76
Hong Kong (China) 6,300 8,783 5,532 0.05 -37.01
Japan 210,001 207,426 204,409 180,958 99,173 0.97 -45.20
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 4,212 3,887 6,681 4,584 2,794 0.03 -39.05
Korea, Republic of 22,817 23,054 27,550 53,091 41,135 0.40 -22.52
Macao (China) 671 739 612 0.01 -17.19
Mongolia 511 557 489 596 411 0.00 -31.04
Taiwan Province of China 21,900 19,295 22,803 27,461 16,043 0.16 -41.58
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 71,082 76,711 86,285 94,697 76,956 0.75 -18.73
Brunei Darussalam 524 231 396 286 322 0.00 12.59
Cambodia 422 397 673 524 679 0.01 29.58
Indonesia 8,731 10,346 10,182 11,718 11,384 0.11 -2.85
Lao People's Democratic Republic 430 309 233 359 287 0.00 -20.06
Malaysia 10,211 12,835 14,344 16,785 12,019 0.12 -28.39
Myanmar 239 393 572 472 475 0.00 0.64
Philippines 8,195 8,942 11,083 11,209 12,465 0.12 11.21
Singapore 13,846 15,618 17,610 18,565 14,551 0.14 -21.62
Thailand 23,746 22,557 24,310 27,107 18,877 0.18 -30.36
Timor-Leste 62 46 58 37 68 0.00 83.78
Viet Nam 4,676 5,037 6,824 7,635 5,829 0.06 -23.65
AUSTRALASIA 89,858 98,190 108,809 118,019 81,691 0.80 -30.78
Australia 78,260 85,334 96,477 104,474 72,093 0.71 -30.99
New Zealand 11,598 12,856 12,332 13,545 9,598 0.09 -29.14
MELANESIA 1,058 1,266 1,016 1,595 1,270 0.01 -20.38
Fiji 397 509 204 663 685 0.01 3.32
New Caledonia 68 164 120 0.00 -26.83
Norfolk Island 31 52 16 0.00 -69.23
Papua New Guinea 209 231 221 384 187 0.00 -51.30
Solomon Islands 274 231 367 180 117 0.00 -35.00
Vanuatu 178 295 125 152 145 0.00 -4.61
MICRONESIA 641 727 377 549 391 0.00 -28.78
Christmas Island, Australia 13 13 6 0.00 -53.85
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 16 29 47 0.00 62.07
Guam 51 92 59 0.00 -35.87
Kiribati 69 132 17 65 44 0.00 -32.31
Marshall Islands 20 58 21 10 25 0.00 150.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 223 115 91 87 47 0.00 -45.98
Nauru 190 259 65 130 115 0.00 -11.54
Northern Mariana Islands 4 16 1 0.00 -93.75
Palau 139 163 99 107 47 0.00 -56.07
POLYNESIA 276 411 476 1,000 708 0.01 -29.20
American Samoa 144 282 344 0.00 21.99
Cook Islands 66 51 24 0.00 -52.94
French Polynesia 128 280 137 0.00 -51.07
Niue 5 19 3 0.00 -84.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Pitcairn 9 115 33 0.00 -71.30

Samoa 127 132 43 125 31 0.00 -75.20
Tonga 105 226 56 78 91 0.00 16.67
Tuvalu 44 53 14 12 26 0.00 116.67
Wallis and Futuna Islands 11 38 19 0.00 -50.00
EUROPE 9,572,664 9,546,164 9,775,323 9,644,691 8,283,199 81.09 -14.12
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 755,776 768,669 757,143 730,386 659,859 6.46 -9.66
Armenia 2,339 2,940 3,313 3,386 3,200 0.03 -5.49
Azerbaijan 3,115 3,100 3,795 3,830 2,465 0.02 -35.64
Belarus 5,246 7,445 7,121 6,067 5,875 0.06 -3.16
Bulgaria 33,062 32,542 33,244 37,408 34,309 0.34 -8.28
Czech Republic 61,455 57,103 58,315 59,434 53,188 0.52 -10.51
Estonia 13,196 12,520 13,762 14,369 15,443 0.15 7.47
Georgia 5,004 5,474 7,001 5,993 5,715 0.06 -4.64
Hungary 69,434 64,780 58,378 58,811 47,178 0.46 -19.78
Kazakhstan 3,724 3,266 4,226 2,992 2,941 0.03 -1.70
Kyrgyzstan 381 410 255 679 407 0.00 -40.06
Latvia 16,364 15,857 16,513 20,079 14,332 0.14 -28.62
Lithuania 28,104 32,456 26,211 26,838 24,797 0.24 -7.60
Moldova, Republic of 2,207 2,277 2,645 1,964 2,634 0.03 34.11
Poland 173,310 180,045 190,364 198,959 181,357 1.78 -8.85
Romania 85,598 85,419 86,790 100,432 91,404 0.89 -8.99
Russian Federation 198,386 207,468 189,296 136,502 109,606 1.07 -19.70
Slovakia 27,667 25,159 26,505 24,240 34,436 0.34 42.06
Tajikistan 441 790 416 460 555 0.01 20.65
Turkmenistan 193 378 333 280 259 0.00 -7.50
Ukraine 25,912 28,682 27,775 26,851 29,000 0.28 8.00
Uzbekistan 638 558 885 812 758 0.01 -6.65
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,053,502 2,122,913 2,201,435 2,180,693 1,782,474 17.45 -18.26
Denmark 102,534 101,334 99,189 103,137 107,522 1.05 4.25
Faeroe Islands 46 101 87 0.00 -13.86
Finland 67,909 62,641 60,280 59,533 55,945 0.55 -6.03
Iceland 13,055 11,626 10,481 9,407 10,353 0.10 10.06
Ireland 88,437 96,459 94,629 104,950 102,187 1.00 -2.63
Isle of Man 70 207 118 0.00 -43.00
Norway 75,377 78,475 80,639 74,928 68,419 0.67 -8.69
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 6 8 18 0.00 125.00
Sweden 130,559 121,308 119,578 117,440 108,439 1.06 -7.66
United Kingdom 1,575,631 1,651,070 1,736,517 1,710,982 1,329,386 13.01 -22.30
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,414,174 1,403,011 1,560,625 1,513,871 1,219,497 11.94 -19.45
Albania 8,449 11,888 14,293 14,746 17,672 0.17 19.84
Andorra 1,000 2,948 2,701 2,760 4,104 0.04 48.70
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,056 3,602 3,429 5,111 4,411 0.04 -13.70
Croatia 15,311 18,895 21,146 22,584 22,276 0.22 -1.36
Gibraltar 445 426 286 0.00 -32.86
Greece 55,717 57,636 73,185 72,675 66,907 0.65 -7.94
Holy See 280 163
Italy 519,079 518,263 578,701 560,956 412,088 4.03 -26.54
Malta 13,214 12,418 14,700 13,174 15,101 0.15 14.63
Montenegro 3,667 3,971 2,778 2,797 2,916 0.03 4.25
Portugal 122,789 96,297 101,875 107,517 95,523 0.94 -11.16
San Marino 1,578 2,097 2,532 2,373 747 0.01 -68.52
Serbia 13,090 14,164 11,956 11,190 9,523 0.09 -14.90
Slovenia 16,673 17,981 21,153 17,974 19,255 0.19 7.13
Spain 636,882 638,733 708,112 676,159 544,478 5.33 -19.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3,389 3,955 3,619 3,429 4,210 0.04 22.78
WESTERN EUROPE 5,186,593 5,080,496 5,075,726 5,030,618 4,465,827 43.72 -11.23
Austria 87,330 81,049 85,566 80,606 68,143 0.67 -15.46
France 1,622,311 1,639,514 1,670,330 1,567,516 1,423,550 13.94 -9.18
Germany 1,262,318 1,282,371 1,290,403 1,349,788 1,150,947 11.27 -14.73
Liechtenstein 1,531 1,109 1,230 1,273 1,243 0.01 -2.36
Luxembourg 145,733 147,255 150,836 164,582 151,693 1.48 -7.83
Monaco 2,509 2,819 2,562 2,734 2,253 0.02 -17.59
Netherlands 1,894,585 1,749,216 1,681,132 1,663,366 1,513,332 14.81 -9.02
Switzerland 170,276 177,163 193,667 200,753 154,666 1.51 -22.96
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 162,619 171,075 180,394 189,123 155,542 1.52 -17.76
Cyprus 19,918 13,707 14,283 13,356 14,784 0.14 10.69
Israel 66,123 70,829 72,617 67,622 47,382 0.46 -29.93
Turkey 76,578 86,539 93,494 108,145 93,376 0.91 -13.66
MIDDLE EAST 109,221 120,621 143,060 136,061 107,874 1.06 -20.72
Bahrain 1,470 2,013 2,829 3,246 3,280 0.03 1.05
Egypt 13,967 14,124 15,162 16,759 14,806 0.14 -11.65
Iraq 1,427 2,380 1,830 2,274 1,970 0.02 -13.37
Jordan 3,205 3,311 4,437 3,362 3,952 0.04 17.55
Kuwait 7,479 12,339 14,489 12,573 11,160 0.11 -11.24
Lebanon 8,434 8,805 10,269 11,877 10,385 0.10 -12.56
Libya 5,776 4,563 5,057 1,695 1,942 0.02 14.57
Oman 2,443 2,539 2,783 3,161 2,285 0.02 -27.71
Qatar 6,429 8,025 7,652 13,438 10,201 0.10 -24.09
Saudi Arabia 17,603 18,325 24,495 24,985 20,047 0.20 -19.76
State of Palestine 273 335 412 357 521 0.01 45.94
Syrian Arab Republic 1,343 1,027 1,559 1,723 1,167 0.01 -32.27
United Arab Emirates 38,658 42,408 51,357 40,236 25,880 0.25 -35.68
Yemen 714 427 729 375 278 0.00 -25.87
SOUTH ASIA 108,168 109,100 132,745 151,369 135,882 1.33 -10.23
Afghanistan 3,373 1,963 2,064 6,474 13,762 0.13 112.57
Bangladesh 1,253 850 1,073 1,193 1,529 0.01 28.16
Bhutan 226 73 746 1,953 2,185 0.02 11.88
India 88,663 92,462 114,158 125,324 101,400 0.99 -19.09
Iran, Islamic Republic of 10,024 8,525 8,958 10,118 10,187 0.10 0.68
Maldives 68 215 207 143 241 0.00 68.53
Nepal 604 705 590 517 661 0.01 27.85
Pakistan 3,095 3,129 3,630 4,516 4,281 0.04 -5.20
Sri Lanka 862 1,178 1,319 1,131 1,636 0.02 44.65
NOT SPECIFIED 52,129 78,728 74,017 48,588 122,137 1.20 151.37
Other countries of the World 52,129 78,728 74,017 48,588 122,137 1.20 151.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 16,432,600 16,511,689 17,068,872 18,852,087 17,063,194 100.00 -9.49

AFRICA 150,402 159,648 167,045 155,562 157,629 0.92 1.33
EAST AFRICA 19,337 20,551 22,732 24,991 25,592 0.15 2.40
British Indian Ocean Territory 126 74 85 0.00 14.86
Burundi 2,002 2,253 1,933 2,259 2,486 0.01 10.05
Comoros 70 97 137 29 74 0.00 155.17
Djibouti 304 305 518 260 625 0.00 140.38
Eritrea 183 218 144 135 99 0.00 -26.67
Ethiopia 2,423 3,345 5,895 7,302 7,591 0.04 3.96
Kenya 3,285 3,393 3,207 3,405 3,093 0.02 -9.16
Madagascar 834 901 823 665 612 0.00 -7.97
Malawi 321 324 408 241 312 0.00 29.46
Mauritius 2,125 1,782 1,129 1,264 1,491 0.01 17.96
Mozambique 500 408 527 576 534 0.00 -7.29
Reunion 757 1,098 1,379 0.01 25.59
Rwanda 2,606 2,246 2,221 3,355 2,911 0.02 -13.23
Seychelles 554 329 305 410 475 0.00 15.85
Somalia 186 311 283 186 183 0.00 -1.61
Tanzania, United Republic of 958 1,239 1,450 986 887 0.01 -10.04
Uganda 926 1,235 1,250 1,137 918 0.01 -19.26
Zambia 604 570 584 448 449 0.00 0.22
Zimbabwe 1,456 1,595 1,035 1,161 1,388 0.01 19.55
CENTRAL AFRICA 27,605 28,771 31,662 28,872 32,439 0.19 12.35
Angola 3,406 3,886 4,077 2,441 2,010 0.01 -17.66
Cameroon 4,497 4,968 6,568 4,922 5,834 0.03 18.53
Central African Republic 986 1,230 759 714 885 0.01 23.95
Chad 226 674 584 627 366 0.00 -41.63
Congo 7,178 6,739 8,550 7,344 8,009 0.05 9.06
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 9,219 9,315 9,070 11,021 14,025 0.08 27.26
Equatorial Guinea 213 181 507 182 184 0.00 1.10
Gabon 1,737 1,713 1,477 1,522 1,087 0.01 -28.58
Sao Tome and Principe 143 65 70 99 39 0.00 -60.61
NORTH AFRICA 43,089 47,423 50,384 43,251 45,342 0.27 4.83
Algeria 7,909 12,232 13,376 7,360 8,402 0.05 14.16
Morocco 26,648 25,168 26,544 25,384 27,175 0.16 7.06
South Sudan 81 33 39 0.00 18.18
Sudan 748 800 739 660 494 0.00 -25.15
Tunisia 7,784 9,223 9,644 9,814 9,219 0.05 -6.06
Western Sahara 13 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 26,014 26,069 28,002 27,950 23,768 0.14 -14.96
Botswana 713 612 621 448 472 0.00 5.36
Lesotho 221 270 147 154 132 0.00 -14.29
Namibia 1,234 644 843 880 612 0.00 -30.45
South Africa 22,115 23,206 23,804 23,863 21,043 0.12 -11.82
Swaziland 1,731 1,337 2,587 2,605 1,509 0.01 -42.07
WEST AFRICA 34,357 36,834 34,265 30,498 30,488 0.18 -0.03
Benin 1,665 1,755 1,853 1,035 1,524 0.01 47.25
Burkina Faso 2,162 2,314 2,439 2,308 2,650 0.02 14.82
Cabo Verde 257 360 346 337 444 0.00 31.75
Côte d'Ivoire 3,427 2,777 3,561 3,295 3,369 0.02 2.25
Gambia 339 548 414 482 1,397 0.01 189.83
Ghana 1,872 1,754 2,019 1,788 1,976 0.01 10.51
Guinea 2,301 2,977 2,181 1,815 1,977 0.01 8.93
Guinea-Bissau 330 234 145 373 205 0.00 -45.04
Liberia 313 699 778 599 576 0.00 -3.84

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mali 1,985 2,342 2,845 1,858 1,600 0.01 -13.89

Mauritania 1,053 1,175 1,081 847 918 0.01 8.38
Niger 5,708 4,207 3,370 2,516 2,143 0.01 -14.83
Nigeria 5,077 6,802 5,796 4,699 3,762 0.02 -19.94
Saint Helena 138 0.00
Senegal 4,058 4,385 3,607 3,246 4,308 0.03 32.72
Sierra Leone 3,023 3,573 2,992 4,355 2,616 0.02 -39.93
Togo 787 932 838 945 885 0.01 -6.35
AMERICAS 1,062,818 1,093,890 1,212,457 1,276,610 1,029,021 6.03 -19.39
CARIBBEAN 5,706 5,293 9,949 14,555 16,563 0.10 13.80
Anguilla 127 123 250 0.00 103.25
Antigua and Barbuda 471 276 743 869 698 0.00 -19.68
Aruba 185 245 255 0.00 4.08
Bahamas 179 302 611 363 558 0.00 53.72
Barbados 326 446 273 342 306 0.00 -10.53
Bermuda 248 235 250 0.00 6.38
British Virgin Islands 70 0.00
Cayman Islands 301 3,411 1,644 0.01 -51.80
Cuba 921 808 812 1,387 690 0.00 -50.25
Curaçao 158 98 4,261 0.02 4,247.96
Dominica 184 268 183 272 285 0.00 4.78
Dominican Republic 1,236 1,011 1,521 1,893 1,968 0.01 3.96
Grenada 122 114 101 178 108 0.00 -39.33
Guadeloupe 401 434 517 0.00 19.12
Haiti 700 649 733 931 596 0.00 -35.98
Jamaica 945 820 508 589 741 0.00 25.81
Martinique 306 532 385 0.00 -27.63
Montserrat 18 9 18 0.00 100.00
Netherlands Antilles 1,087 867 1,081 0.01 24.68
Puerto Rico 574 669 866 0.01 29.45
Saint Kitts and Nevis 210 111 181 143 177 0.00 23.78
Saint Lucia 41 72 82 54 30 0.00 -44.44
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 39 17 67 44 36 0.00 -18.18
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 28 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Trinidad and Tobago 332 399 408 467 485 0.00 3.85
Turks and Caicos Islands 172 242 204 0.00 -15.70
United States Virgin Islands 121 149 76 0.00 -48.99
CENTRAL AMERICA 9,693 10,102 9,657 11,327 11,900 0.07 5.06
Belize 1,118 1,130 1,380 1,353 1,339 0.01 -1.03
Costa Rica 2,972 3,581 3,148 4,026 3,984 0.02 -1.04
El Salvador 1,624 1,045 846 1,063 1,198 0.01 12.70
Guatemala 1,140 1,218 1,374 1,638 1,743 0.01 6.41
Honduras 714 697 894 783 717 0.00 -8.43
Nicaragua 700 885 660 642 865 0.01 34.74
Panama 1,425 1,546 1,355 1,822 2,054 0.01 12.73
NORTH AMERICA 874,491 883,531 976,786 1,018,659 803,227 4.71 -21.15
Canada 129,336 128,463 134,174 138,112 110,189 0.65 -20.22
Greenland 167 223 162 0.00 -27.35
Mexico 39,031 45,028 47,131 47,489 53,582 0.31 12.83
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 14 37 5 0.00 -86.49
United States of America 706,124 710,040 795,300 832,798 639,289 3.75 -23.24
SOUTH AMERICA 172,928 194,964 216,065 232,069 197,331 1.16 -14.97
Argentina 33,766 38,471 36,967 44,711 50,361 0.30 12.64
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 843 1,105 1,359 1,268 1,224 0.01 -3.47
Brazil 97,939 105,873 128,817 135,166 90,704 0.53 -32.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Chile 11,141 12,197 13,275 14,710 15,577 0.09 5.89

Colombia 9,843 13,723 13,506 13,554 17,633 0.10 30.09
Ecuador 2,937 3,636 4,410 4,477 3,964 0.02 -11.46
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 50 47 30 0.00 -36.17
French Guiana 288 296 468 0.00 58.11
Guyana 176 261 68 244 104 0.00 -57.38
Paraguay 757 816 758 927 1,104 0.01 19.09
Peru 4,195 4,647 5,167 5,745 7,358 0.04 28.08
Suriname 1,196 1,263 998 738 857 0.01 16.12
Uruguay 3,280 3,438 3,917 4,948 4,051 0.02 -18.13
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6,855 9,534 6,485 5,238 3,896 0.02 -25.62
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 647,145 692,918 750,120 832,929 591,376 3.47 -29.00
NORTH-EAST ASIA 454,799 485,942 523,798 576,734 391,111 2.29 -32.19
China 177,158 211,047 233,085 277,605 206,394 1.21 -25.65
Hong Kong (China) 6,669 9,624 6,408 0.04 -33.42
Japan 218,278 216,835 214,546 188,827 104,835 0.61 -44.48
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 7,146 7,003 10,973 12,080 8,930 0.05 -26.08
Korea, Republic of 27,603 28,753 32,107 57,301 44,824 0.26 -21.77
Macao (China) 710 784 669 0.00 -14.67
Mongolia 531 601 538 782 501 0.00 -35.93
Taiwan Province of China 24,083 21,703 25,170 29,731 18,550 0.11 -37.61
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 76,042 83,446 91,129 102,962 86,453 0.51 -16.03
Brunei Darussalam 575 275 413 525 331 0.00 -36.95
Cambodia 460 419 723 551 795 0.00 44.28
Indonesia 9,134 10,754 10,798 13,472 12,078 0.07 -10.35
Lao People's Democratic Republic 453 312 236 377 289 0.00 -23.34
Malaysia 10,961 13,731 15,291 18,257 13,287 0.08 -27.22
Myanmar 240 419 578 478 515 0.00 7.74
Philippines 8,812 9,414 11,732 11,662 13,230 0.08 13.45
Singapore 15,161 16,919 18,852 20,245 17,332 0.10 -14.39
Thailand 24,968 25,708 25,257 29,032 22,093 0.13 -23.90
Timor-Leste 62 46 58 37 68 0.00 83.78
Viet Nam 5,216 5,449 7,191 8,326 6,435 0.04 -22.71
AUSTRALASIA 114,122 121,018 133,152 149,624 110,740 0.65 -25.99
Australia 98,798 104,765 116,418 130,904 97,393 0.57 -25.60
New Zealand 15,324 16,253 16,734 18,720 13,347 0.08 -28.70
MELANESIA 1,144 1,325 1,079 1,648 1,325 0.01 -19.60
Fiji 411 516 204 680 693 0.00 1.91
New Caledonia 70 196 144 0.00 -26.53
Norfolk Island 37 52 26 0.00 -50.00
Papua New Guinea 209 231 225 384 199 0.00 -48.18
Solomon Islands 346 281 416 184 118 0.00 -35.87
Vanuatu 178 297 127 152 145 0.00 -4.61
MICRONESIA 719 757 398 555 490 0.00 -11.71
Christmas Island, Australia 13 13 6 0.00 -53.85
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 21 30 47 0.00 56.67
Guam 52 92 66 0.00 -28.26
Kiribati 70 136 18 67 51 0.00 -23.88
Marshall Islands 26 58 22 10 25 0.00 150.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 223 115 96 89 52 0.00 -41.57
Nauru 261 285 70 131 169 0.00 29.01
Northern Mariana Islands 6 16 1 0.00 -93.75
Palau 139 163 100 107 73 0.00 -31.78
POLYNESIA 319 430 564 1,406 1,257 0.01 -10.60
American Samoa 188 473 462 0.00 -2.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Cook Islands 86 51 26 0.00 -49.02

French Polynesia 128 445 211 0.00 -52.58
Niue 5 31 3 0.00 -90.32
Pitcairn 14 139 44 0.00 -68.35
Samoa 166 148 43 135 31 0.00 -77.04
Tokelau 330 0.00
Tonga 105 226 57 82 95 0.00 15.85
Tuvalu 48 56 14 12 26 0.00 116.67
Wallis and Futuna Islands 29 38 29 0.00 -23.68
EUROPE 14,289,844 14,228,390 14,569,238 16,208,023 14,883,286 87.22 -8.17
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 913,182 884,413 880,417 912,541 960,623 5.63 5.27
Armenia 2,435 3,278 3,381 3,797 3,541 0.02 -6.74
Azerbaijan 3,230 3,207 4,319 3,976 2,752 0.02 -30.78
Belarus 5,533 7,803 8,118 6,826 10,191 0.06 49.30
Bulgaria 35,917 35,152 37,279 43,777 52,957 0.31 20.97
Czech Republic 75,065 68,620 73,903 83,975 82,018 0.48 -2.33
Estonia 14,288 13,518 14,625 15,567 16,867 0.10 8.35
Georgia 5,177 5,697 7,365 6,519 6,360 0.04 -2.44
Hungary 77,652 73,724 63,449 70,005 62,367 0.37 -10.91
Kazakhstan 3,811 3,395 5,794 3,468 3,551 0.02 2.39
Kyrgyzstan 403 421 297 737 416 0.00 -43.55
Latvia 19,105 17,169 17,894 23,293 17,479 0.10 -24.96
Lithuania 30,069 34,670 28,600 31,199 34,113 0.20 9.34
Moldova, Republic of 2,299 2,411 2,840 2,075 2,851 0.02 37.40
Poland 260,711 240,332 243,111 273,381 319,251 1.87 16.78
Romania 103,862 95,761 100,194 119,535 126,382 0.74 5.73
Russian Federation 206,803 217,880 201,729 151,344 126,042 0.74 -16.72
Slovakia 38,303 29,518 36,594 42,109 59,183 0.35 40.55
Tajikistan 538 838 507 497 612 0.00 23.14
Turkmenistan 197 381 351 287 263 0.00 -8.36
Ukraine 27,123 30,056 29,142 29,350 32,635 0.19 11.19
Uzbekistan 661 582 925 824 792 0.00 -3.88
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,420,794 2,493,893 2,634,879 2,720,786 2,292,979 13.44 -15.72
Denmark 122,780 124,233 121,901 128,291 132,852 0.78 3.56
Faeroe Islands 76 101 88 0.00 -12.87
Finland 75,233 69,476 64,306 65,113 60,727 0.36 -6.74
Iceland 14,398 12,917 12,250 11,132 11,859 0.07 6.53
Ireland 109,081 108,866 106,821 119,964 119,778 0.70 -0.16
Isle of Man 93 213 147 0.00 -30.99
Norway 82,220 85,609 88,086 82,000 76,491 0.45 -6.72
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 6 16 18 0.00 12.50
Sweden 142,900 134,266 132,969 130,993 123,669 0.72 -5.59
United Kingdom 1,874,182 1,958,526 2,108,371 2,182,963 1,767,350 10.36 -19.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,535,375 1,562,500 1,733,451 1,738,906 1,483,493 8.69 -14.69
Albania 9,261 12,870 15,041 16,048 19,432 0.11 21.09
Andorra 1,142 3,025 3,205 4,333 4,738 0.03 9.35
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,509 4,082 3,923 5,499 5,116 0.03 -6.96
Croatia 16,850 20,947 22,754 25,422 26,003 0.15 2.29
Gibraltar 488 430 327 0.00 -23.95
Greece 61,145 60,226 77,159 77,521 74,364 0.44 -4.07
Holy See 280 219 90 0.00
Italy 559,955 564,864 626,618 629,341 477,063 2.80 -24.20
Malta 13,470 12,787 15,144 13,771 16,370 0.10 18.87
Montenegro 3,722 4,065 2,812 3,002 3,070 0.02 2.27
Portugal 131,121 140,903 156,976 152,268 144,722 0.85 -4.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

San Marino 1,590 2,100 2,545 2,408 750 0.00 -68.85

Serbia 13,655 14,992 12,283 11,853 11,031 0.06 -6.93
Slovenia 23,421 21,866 27,772 44,631 70,392 0.41 57.72
Spain 692,654 695,494 762,894 748,865 625,506 3.67 -16.47
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3,600 4,060 3,837 3,514 4,519 0.03 28.60
WESTERN EUROPE 9,248,118 9,104,256 9,125,669 10,625,036 9,963,366 58.39 -6.23
Austria 99,785 92,062 102,278 120,442 87,777 0.51 -27.12
France 2,306,015 2,404,823 2,449,842 2,680,211 2,461,707 14.43 -8.15
Germany 1,933,828 1,913,843 1,995,660 2,352,075 2,140,634 12.55 -8.99
Liechtenstein 1,639 1,194 1,331 1,437 1,422 0.01 -1.04
Luxembourg 200,362 197,238 204,223 258,600 259,588 1.52 0.38
Monaco 2,604 2,887 2,743 3,004 2,471 0.01 -17.74
Netherlands 4,509,683 4,285,281 4,144,256 4,965,702 4,824,040 28.27 -2.85
Switzerland 194,202 206,928 225,336 243,565 185,727 1.09 -23.75
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 172,375 183,328 194,822 210,754 182,825 1.07 -13.25
Cyprus 20,712 15,279 17,230 16,574 20,524 0.12 23.83
Israel 70,981 77,115 78,420 78,406 59,235 0.35 -24.45
Turkey 80,682 90,934 99,172 115,774 103,066 0.60 -10.98
MIDDLE EAST 113,116 124,167 148,262 144,673 116,780 0.68 -19.28
Bahrain 1,470 2,041 2,851 3,411 3,771 0.02 10.55
Egypt 15,530 14,465 15,692 17,464 15,811 0.09 -9.47
Iraq 1,753 2,887 2,307 2,534 2,376 0.01 -6.24
Jordan 3,341 3,440 4,662 3,437 4,070 0.02 18.42
Kuwait 7,711 12,682 15,068 13,469 12,470 0.07 -7.42
Lebanon 8,558 9,034 10,532 12,458 10,783 0.06 -13.45
Libya 5,881 4,632 5,109 1,776 1,996 0.01 12.39
Oman 2,446 2,543 2,819 3,313 2,428 0.01 -26.71
Qatar 6,679 8,845 8,918 13,667 10,554 0.06 -22.78
Saudi Arabia 17,969 18,932 25,170 26,791 21,246 0.12 -20.70
State of Palestine 388 379 466 382 803 0.00 110.21
Syrian Arab Republic 1,360 1,101 1,699 1,903 1,336 0.01 -29.80
United Arab Emirates 39,316 42,755 52,230 43,675 28,856 0.17 -33.93
Yemen 714 431 739 393 280 0.00 -28.75
SOUTH ASIA 113,476 116,186 139,204 163,202 148,417 0.87 -9.06
Afghanistan 3,493 2,025 2,380 6,839 14,227 0.08 108.03
Bangladesh 1,299 1,121 1,180 1,327 1,632 0.01 22.98
Bhutan 234 75 754 1,953 2,195 0.01 12.39
India 91,683 97,606 118,816 135,368 112,084 0.66 -17.20
Iran, Islamic Republic of 11,755 9,781 9,993 10,891 11,101 0.07 1.93
Maldives 114 233 213 151 247 0.00 63.58
Nepal 649 782 646 623 715 0.00 14.77
Pakistan 3,362 3,335 3,874 4,776 4,530 0.03 -5.15
Sri Lanka 887 1,228 1,348 1,274 1,686 0.01 32.34
NOT SPECIFIED 55,799 96,490 82,546 71,088 136,685 0.80 92.28
Other countries of the World 55,799 96,490 82,546 71,088 136,685 0.80 92.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 277,135 294,177 321,221 341,127 385,583 100.00 13.03

AFRICA 453 403 454 602 605 0.16 0.50
OTHER AFRICA 453 403 454 602 605 0.16 0.50
All countries of Africa 453 403 454 602 605 0.16 0.50
AMERICAS 226,961 240,347 257,446 272,354 314,432 81.55 15.45
CARIBBEAN 2,288 2,180 2,269 2,641 2,820 0.73 6.78
Jamaica 644 591 709 816 860 0.22 5.39
Other countries of the Caribbean 1,644 1,589 1,560 1,825 1,960 0.51 7.40
CENTRAL AMERICA 16,112 19,064 19,370 19,091 24,024 6.23 25.84
Guatemala 7,048 8,860 9,630 9,271 11,313 2.93 22.03
Honduras 3,892 4,553 4,002 3,907 4,435 1.15 13.51
Other countries of Central America 5,172 5,651 5,738 5,913 8,276 2.15 39.96
NORTH AMERICA 206,029 216,068 232,655 245,883 282,393 73.24 14.85
Canada 24,223 26,713 26,397 24,026 21,867 5.67 -8.99
Mexico 5,164 5,842 6,938 6,674 5,982 1.55 -10.37
United States of America 176,642 183,513 199,320 215,183 254,544 66.02 18.29
SOUTH AMERICA 2,532 3,035 3,152 4,739 5,195 1.35 9.62
All countries of South America 2,532 3,035 3,152 4,739 5,195 1.35 9.62
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,933 7,862 8,061 9,700 10,890 2.82 12.27
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,933 7,862 8,061 9,700 10,890 2.82 12.27
All countries of Asia 3,443 3,430 2,911 4,091 4,670 1.21 14.15
All countries of Oceania 3,490 4,432 5,150 5,609 6,220 1.61 10.89
EUROPE 29,362 32,191 38,907 40,944 42,635 11.06 4.13
NORTHERN EUROPE 8,999 10,163 12,846 13,974 14,555 3.77 4.16
Sweden 1,018 1,093 1,489 1,324 1,213 0.31 -8.38
United Kingdom 7,981 9,070 11,357 12,650 13,342 3.46 5.47
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,018 3,085 4,151 4,251 4,772 1.24 12.26
Italy 1,774 1,694 2,552 2,543 2,775 0.72 9.12
Spain 1,244 1,391 1,599 1,708 1,997 0.52 16.92
WESTERN EUROPE 10,122 10,592 13,075 13,905 14,906 3.87 7.20
France 3,308 3,070 4,132 4,262 4,568 1.18 7.18
Germany 3,525 3,961 5,065 5,445 5,988 1.55 9.97
Netherlands 2,384 2,520 2,582 2,802 2,849 0.74 1.68
Switzerland 905 1,041 1,296 1,396 1,501 0.39 7.52
OTHER EUROPE 7,223 8,351 8,835 8,814 8,402 2.18 -4.67
Other countries of Europe 7,223 8,351 8,835 8,814 8,402 2.18 -4.67
MIDDLE EAST 1,324 1,885 2,495 2,357 2,160 0.56 -8.36
All countries of Middle East 1,324 1,885 2,495 2,357 2,160 0.56 -8.36
NOT SPECIFIED 12,102 11,489 13,858 15,170 14,861 3.85 -2.04
Nationals Residing Abroad 12,102 11,489 13,858 15,170 14,861 3.85 -2.04

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,051,907 1,112,908 1,365,295 1,362,519 1,725,143 100.00 26.61

AMERICAS 958,330 1,017,177 1,221,480 1,237,105 1,563,462 90.63 26.38
CARIBBEAN 7,617 6,076 8,877 8,746 11,042 0.64 26.25
Cuba 1,081 735 1,372 1,247 1,564 0.09 25.42
Jamaica 1,266 1,071 1,401 1,425 1,820 0.11 27.72
Other countries of the Caribbean 5,270 4,270 6,104 6,074 7,658 0.44 26.08
CENTRAL AMERICA 171,256 129,032 64,519 154,223 183,010 10.61 18.67
Costa Rica 1,350 1,470 1,556 1,572 2,097 0.12 33.40
El Salvador 5,961 6,091 5,297 6,488 8,405 0.49 29.55
Guatemala 155,745 113,771 50,898 137,586 161,491 9.36 17.37
Honduras 6,068 6,183 5,171 6,510 8,438 0.49 29.62
Other countries of Central America 2,132 1,517 1,597 2,067 2,579 0.15 24.77
NORTH AMERICA 769,176 870,512 1,132,403 1,060,569 1,351,397 78.34 27.42
Canada 68,331 71,214 84,761 84,387 108,845 6.31 28.98
Mexico 36,652 32,593 40,466 41,555 53,336 3.09 28.35
United States of America 664,193 766,705 1,007,176 934,627 1,189,216 68.93 27.24
SOUTH AMERICA 10,281 11,557 15,681 13,567 18,013 1.04 32.77
All countries of South America 10,281 11,557 15,681 13,567 18,013 1.04 32.77
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,361 8,902 12,973 11,606 15,459 0.90 33.20
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,361 8,902 12,973 11,606 15,459 0.90 33.20
All countries of Asia 10,361 8,902 12,973 11,606 15,459 0.90 33.20
EUROPE 73,446 76,335 103,393 97,600 123,683 7.17 26.72
NORTHERN EUROPE 16,263 16,387 23,969 22,313 27,831 1.61 24.73
United Kingdom 16,263 16,387 23,969 22,313 27,831 1.61 24.73
OTHER EUROPE 57,183 59,948 79,424 75,287 95,852 5.56 27.32
Other countries of Europe 57,183 59,948 79,424 75,287 95,852 5.56 27.32
NOT SPECIFIED 9,770 10,494 27,449 16,208 22,539 1.31 39.06
Other countries of the World 9,770 10,494 27,449 16,208 22,539 1.31 39.06

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 219,949 230,946 242,494 254,618 267,350 100.00 5.00

AFRICA 135,347 133,987 136,674 154,323 151,626 56.71 -1.75
EAST AFRICA 5,397 3,592 4,025 4,150 3,624 1.36 -12.67
Burundi 512 345 220 219 230 0.09 5.02
Comoros 566 214 298 310 270 0.10 -12.90
Djibouti 105 92 112 125 141 0.05 12.80
Eritrea 11 15 25 75 50 0.02 -33.33
Ethiopia 88 88 71 69 77 0.03 11.59
Kenya 315 120 105 148 156 0.06 5.41
Madagascar 714 458 818 756 518 0.19 -31.48
Malawi 669 492 520 610 420 0.16 -31.15
Mauritius 15 21 33 19 25 0.01 31.58
Mozambique 380 441 477 512 323 0.12 -36.91
Rwanda 810 580 687 692 527 0.20 -23.84
Seychelles 21 17 33 12 19 0.01 58.33
Somalia 481 249 117 121 155 0.06 28.10
Tanzania, United Republic of 33 38 44 54 66 0.02 22.22
Uganda 200 118 133 147 210 0.08 42.86
Zambia 300 225 249 180 250 0.09 38.89
Zimbabwe 177 79 83 101 187 0.07 85.15
CENTRAL AFRICA 33,762 28,398 29,618 30,105 27,681 10.35 -8.05
Angola 473 625 546 497 525 0.20 5.63
Cameroon 13,879 8,690 9,254 9,877 9,215 3.45 -6.70
Central African Republic 600 855 830 880 910 0.34 3.41
Chad 2,200 1,687 1,944 1,970 1,855 0.69 -5.84
Congo 9,633 9,233 8,745 9,028 10,089 3.77 11.75
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 456 540 680 910 856 0.32 -5.93
Equatorial Guinea 820 625 912 844 916 0.34 8.53
Gabon 5,699 6,138 6,707 6,093 3,300 1.23 -45.84
Sao Tome and Principe 2 5 6 15 0.01 150.00
NORTH AFRICA 6,534 5,613 5,688 5,480 5,449 2.04 -0.57
Algeria 1,600 1,153 993 917 910 0.34 -0.76
Morocco 1,053 910 1,044 886 640 0.24 -27.77
Sudan 600 653 556 620 587 0.22 -5.32
Tunisia 3,281 2,897 3,095 3,057 3,312 1.24 8.34
SOUTHERN AFRICA 983 1,016 1,286 1,210 1,349 0.50 11.49
Botswana 80 55 102 91 88 0.03 -3.30
Lesotho 60 75 86 104 99 0.04 -4.81
Namibia 55 35 21 45 51 0.02 13.33
South Africa 780 844 1,077 966 1,100 0.41 13.87
Swaziland 8 7 4 11 0.00 175.00
WEST AFRICA 88,671 95,368 96,057 113,378 113,523 42.46 0.13
Burkina Faso 9,891 12,077 14,733 15,171 14,490 5.42 -4.49
Cabo Verde 610 480 201 110 240 0.09 118.18
Côte d'Ivoire 19,500 11,692 12,973 13,020 10,787 4.03 -17.15
Gambia 858 587 625 597 625 0.23 4.69
Ghana 6,008 6,899 7,136 7,644 8,860 3.31 15.91
Guinea 1,799 1,560 2,250 1,693 1,583 0.59 -6.50
Guinea-Bissau 500 620 1,589 1,810 2,077 0.78 14.75
Liberia 660 654 761 1,079 940 0.35 -12.88
Mali 3,012 2,347 5,526 6,035 5,996 2.24 -0.65
Mauritania 366 299 450 314 375 0.14 19.43
Niger 8,100 13,997 15,630 16,080 16,521 6.18 2.74
Nigeria 20,200 24,652 27,562 28,730 28,933 10.82 0.71
Senegal 5,877 4,328 6,166 7,116 7,780 2.91 9.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sierra Leone 300 285 455 367 350 0.13 -4.63

Togo 10,990 14,891 13,612 13,966 5.22 2.60
AMERICAS 4,558 8,041 9,028 10,390 9,645 3.61 -7.17
CARIBBEAN 92 244 331 291 325 0.12 11.68
Cuba 12 44 47 51 66 0.02 29.41
Dominican Republic 15 21 33 29 31 0.01 6.90
Guadeloupe 4 9 11 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Haiti 33 89 141 97 88 0.03 -9.28
Jamaica 21 55 80 72 90 0.03 25.00
Netherlands Antilles 7 26 19 36 45 0.02 25.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 25 31 39 42 50 0.02 19.05
Honduras 7 11 9 15 10 0.00 -33.33
Nicaragua 18 20 30 27 40 0.01 48.15
NORTH AMERICA 3,439 6,992 7,707 8,891 8,149 3.05 -8.35
Canada 1,093 3,430 3,220 3,673 3,528 1.32 -3.95
Mexico 350 546 497 725 610 0.23 -15.86
United States of America 1,996 3,016 3,990 4,493 4,011 1.50 -10.73
SOUTH AMERICA 1,002 774 951 1,166 1,121 0.42 -3.86
Argentina 577 457 520 587 510 0.19 -13.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 20 18 9 15 0.01 66.67
Brazil 360 220 255 325 350 0.13 7.69
Chile 7 5 15 12 0.00 -20.00
Colombia 11 29 72 106 99 0.04 -6.60
Uruguay 4 13 21 47 45 0.02 -4.26
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 23 55 60 77 90 0.03 16.88
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,726 6,187 11,706 10,068 10,035 3.75 -0.33
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,533 5,843 11,313 9,335 9,503 3.55 1.80
China 1,877 3,870 8,687 7,915 8,213 3.07 3.77
Japan 557 1,756 2,290 1,254 1,140 0.43 -9.09
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 99 217 336 166 150 0.06 -9.64
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 157 288 333 646 435 0.16 -32.66
Indonesia 99 155 200 345
Malaysia 12 9 11 16 275 0.10 1,618.75
Philippines 7 3 9 13 5 0.00 -61.54
Singapore 9 54 66 108 11 0.00 -89.81
Thailand 19 20 12 33 45 0.02 36.36
Viet Nam 11 47 35 131 99 0.04 -24.43
AUSTRALASIA 36 47 49 80 85 0.03 6.25
Australia 21 40 35 51 66 0.02 29.41
New Zealand 15 7 14 29 19 0.01 -34.48
MELANESIA 9 11 7 12 0.00 71.43
Fiji 9 11 7 12 0.00 71.43
EUROPE 54,339 50,360 49,584 50,195 48,917 18.30 -2.55
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,482 2,147 1,970 2,250 1,633 0.61 -27.42
Denmark 445 91 123 150 166 0.06 10.67
Finland 13 66 60 77 80 0.03 3.90
Ireland 87 100 99 130 112 0.04 -13.85
Norway 360 210 344 564 465 0.17 -17.55
Sweden 577 1,680 1,344 1,329 810 0.30 -39.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,646 3,784 4,896 5,231 4,622 1.73 -11.64
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 16 22 35 0.01 59.09
Greece 100 157 223 250 300 0.11 20.00
Italy 2,996 1,840 2,066 2,563 2,228 0.83 -13.07
Montenegro 2 5 11 22 0.01 100.00
Portugal 500 547 610 520 676 0.25 30.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia and Montenegro 4 6 2 0.00 -66.67

Slovenia 20 24 47 69 0.03 46.81
Spain 1,050 1,211 1,948 1,812 1,290 0.48 -28.81
WESTERN EUROPE 41,011 34,203 34,030 35,748 35,491 13.28 -0.72
Austria 180 149 117 128 210 0.08 64.06
Belgium 4,000 3,788 3,960 4,510 4,835 1.81 7.21
France 19,783 12,116 11,658 11,483 11,123 4.16 -3.14
Germany 2,210 2,020 2,410 2,636 2,871 1.07 8.92
Luxembourg 144 300 256 317 303 0.11 -4.42
Netherlands 7,056 9,600 8,490 8,796 8,633 3.23 -1.85
Switzerland 7,638 6,230 7,139 7,878 7,516 2.81 -4.60
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 120 236 233 186 227 0.08 22.04
Israel 99 203 188 123 150 0.06 21.95
Turkey 21 33 45 63 77 0.03 22.22
OTHER EUROPE 7,080 9,990 8,455 6,780 6,944 2.60 2.42
Other countries of Europe 7,080 9,990 8,455 6,780 6,944 2.60 2.42
MIDDLE EAST 2,916 3,661 6,374 4,762 5,307 1.99 11.44
Egypt 33 130 200 114 99 0.04 -13.16
Iraq 7 21 19 25 50 0.02 100.00
Jordan 40 25 41 24 0.01 -41.46
Kuwait 19 51 45 19 41 0.02 115.79
Lebanon 1,897 2,050 3,586 3,232 3,547 1.33 9.75
Libya 797 1,210 2,266 1,121 1,340 0.50 19.54
Qatar 144 99 141 150 166 0.06 10.67
Saudi Arabia 33 49 17 22 0.01 29.41
State of Palestine 10 15 26 29 11 0.00 -62.07
Syrian Arab Republic 9 12 17 14 7 0.00 -50.00
SOUTH ASIA 1,063 1,710 2,628 2,879 1,454 0.54 -49.50
Afghanistan 100 89 92 104 87 0.03 -16.35
Bangladesh 3 12 19 24 0.01 26.32
India 900 1,540 2,467 2,620 1,219 0.46 -53.47
Iran, Islamic Republic of 45 48 31 45 33 0.01 -26.67
Nepal 6 3 14 17 19 0.01 11.76
Pakistan 12 21 9 31 25 0.01 -19.35
Sri Lanka 6 3 43 47 0.02 9.30
NOT SPECIFIED 19,000 27,000 26,500 22,001 40,366 15.10 83.47
Other countries of the World 19,000 27,000 26,500 22,001 40,366 15.10 83.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 232,063 236,343 224,377 219,814 244,491 100.00 11.23

AMERICAS 198,743 198,828 188,550 182,144 206,640 84.52 13.45
NORTH AMERICA 198,743 198,828 188,550 182,144 206,640 84.52 13.45
Canada 30,565 27,613 29,165 24,986 23,744 9.71 -4.97
United States of America 168,178 171,215 159,385 157,158 182,896 74.81 16.38
NORTH-EAST ASIA 331 403 285
Japan 331 403 285
AUSTRALASIA 537 538 642
Australia 537 538 642
EUROPE 25,766 28,760 28,342 29,455 28,984 11.85 -1.60
NORTHERN EUROPE 21,226 23,904 22,470 22,509 21,738 8.89 -3.43
Sweden 197 294 286
United Kingdom 21,029 23,610 22,184 22,509 21,738 8.89 -3.43
Italy 906 888 964
WESTERN EUROPE 2,532 2,779 2,741
Austria 122 144 140
France 572 637 611
Germany 990 1,172 1,101
Switzerland 848 826 889
OTHER EUROPE 1,102 1,189 2,167 6,946 7,246 2.96 4.32
Other countries of Europe 1,102 1,189 2,167 6,946 7,246 2.96 4.32
NOT SPECIFIED 6,686 7,814 6,558 8,215 8,867 3.63 7.94
Other countries of the World 6,686 7,814 6,558 8,215 8,867 3.63 7.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 43,931 44,252 57,931 48,800 54,600 100.00 11.89

AFRICA 93 92 160 112 99 0.18 -11.61
EAST AFRICA 4 15 17 16 34 0.06 112.50
Comoros 1 0.00
Djibouti 1
Ethiopia 1 3 0.01
Kenya 2 5 7 10 12 0.02 20.00
Madagascar 1
Malawi 2 0.00
Mauritius 4 9 3 10 0.02 233.33
Mozambique 1
Seychelles 1 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 1 2 0.00 100.00
Uganda 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Zambia 1
Zimbabwe 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Angola 1
Chad 2 2 1
NORTH AFRICA 1 6 12 4 4 0.01
Algeria 1 2 2
Morocco 1 1 2 2 4 0.01 100.00
Tunisia 4 8
SOUTHERN AFRICA 82 65 115 81 58 0.11 -28.40
Botswana 4
Namibia 5 6 6 6 5 0.01 -16.67
South Africa 77 59 109 70 53 0.10 -24.29
Swaziland 1
WEST AFRICA 4 6 14 9 3 0.01 -66.67
Benin 1
Côte d'Ivoire 2 1 1 0.00
Ghana 1 1 1 0.00
Liberia 1
Mauritania 1 1
Niger 5
Nigeria 4 2 5 7 1 0.00 -85.71
Senegal 1
AMERICAS 7,879 9,085 9,840 9,392 9,432 17.27 0.43
CARIBBEAN 3 11 17 13 8 0.01 -38.46
Bahamas 1 2 1 0.00
Dominican Republic 2 5 4 2 0.00
Jamaica 4 2 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 3 5 3 0.01 -40.00
Trinidad and Tobago 1 6 7 2 0.00 -71.43
CENTRAL AMERICA 13 18 25 21 46 0.08 119.05
Belize 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Costa Rica 5 2 5 5 35 0.06 600.00
El Salvador 1 3 2 0.00
Guatemala 10 12 7 7 0.01
Honduras 1 1
Nicaragua 1 3 1
Panama 8 3 1 5 1 0.00 -80.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTH AMERICA 7,199 8,219 8,829 8,558 8,707 15.95 1.74

Canada 999 1,055 1,297 1,177 1,109 2.03 -5.78
Mexico 193 237 241 244 308 0.56 26.23
United States of America 6,007 6,927 7,291 7,137 7,290 13.35 2.14
SOUTH AMERICA 664 837 969 800 671 1.23 -16.13
Argentina 88 113 119 84 162 0.30 92.86
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Brazil 462 556 583 538 321 0.59 -40.33
Chile 40 89 157 78 73 0.13 -6.41
Colombia 40 41 64 57 56 0.10 -1.75
Ecuador 4 5 1 6 4 0.01 -33.33
Guyana 2
Paraguay 3 1
Peru 6 6 22 14 31 0.06 121.43
Suriname 1
Uruguay 7 1 6 14 7 0.01 -50.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 15 21 12 6 16 0.03 166.67
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,329 21,238 32,104 24,668 30,288 55.47 22.78
NORTH-EAST ASIA 12,178 10,479 12,957 13,710 16,893 30.94 23.22
China 3,766 4,764 8,111 9,399 9,210 16.87 -2.01
Japan 6,967 4,015 2,707 2,437 4,832 8.85 98.28
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 11 2 3
Korea, Republic of 630 596 858 640 1,035 1.90 61.72
Mongolia 3 10 7 4 0.01 -42.86
Taiwan Province of China 801 1,102 1,268 1,227 1,812 3.32 47.68
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,033 8,499 16,917 8,906 11,376 20.84 27.73
Brunei Darussalam 1 8 7 3 17 0.03 466.67
Cambodia 3 3 1 6 10 0.02 66.67
Indonesia 202 579 619 333 536 0.98 60.96
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 11 6 12 0.02 100.00
Malaysia 1,307 2,029 2,067 1,546 1,959 3.59 26.71
Myanmar 12 5 11 18 20 0.04 11.11
Philippines 243 238 206 234 383 0.70 63.68
Singapore 1,605 2,037 1,720 2,587 3,011 5.51 16.39
Thailand 3,573 3,494 12,105 3,778 4,175 7.65 10.51
Viet Nam 85 95 181 395 1,253 2.29 217.22
AUSTRALASIA 2,118 2,254 2,230 2,051 2,017 3.69 -1.66
Australia 1,926 2,043 2,037 1,833 1,818 3.33 -0.82
New Zealand 192 211 193 218 199 0.36 -8.72
MELANESIA 6 1 2 0.00 100.00
Fiji 6 1 2 0.00 100.00
EUROPE 14,412 13,621 15,552 14,356 14,361 26.30 0.03
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,007 1,151 1,379 1,080 1,188 2.18 10.00
Armenia 1 4 5 9 10 0.02 11.11
Azerbaijan 2 8 0.01 300.00
Belarus 11 12 2 8 4 0.01 -50.00
Bulgaria 14 24 68 26 34 0.06 30.77
Czech Republic 148 160 195 157 195 0.36 24.20
Estonia 12 16 23 32 9 0.02 -71.88
Georgia 5 1 2 2 5 0.01 150.00
Hungary 69 108 127 115 69 0.13 -40.00
Kazakhstan 3 5 4 7 1 0.00 -85.71
Kyrgyzstan 1 1 7
Latvia 32 17 10 16 44 0.08 175.00
Lithuania 3 18 37 43 14 0.03 -67.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Moldova, Republic of 2 1
Poland 240 289 289 284 313 0.57 10.21
Romania 19 34 55 23 64 0.12 178.26
Russian Federation 365 392 450 269 242 0.44 -10.04
Slovakia 36 37 72 42 86 0.16 104.76
Turkmenistan 2 0.00
Ukraine 44 33 32 44 88 0.16 100.00
Uzbekistan 2 1
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,370 3,188 3,634 4,037 4,114 7.53 1.91
Denmark 332 202 188 210 208 0.38 -0.95
Finland 112 144 120 195 124 0.23 -36.41
Iceland 5 1 5 5 30 0.05 500.00
Ireland 72 64 112 98 139 0.25 41.84
Norway 142 219 245 185 234 0.43 26.49
Sweden 241 267 284 386 253 0.46 -34.46
United Kingdom 2,466 2,291 2,680 2,958 3,125 5.72 5.65
Other countries of Northern Europe 1 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,831 1,555 2,032 1,549 2,147 3.93 38.61
Albania 1 0.00
Andorra 6 2 1 3 7 0.01 133.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Croatia 15 14 8 10 13 0.02 30.00
Greece 60 48 57 24 55 0.10 129.17
Italy 786 750 837 781 1,022 1.87 30.86
Malta 9 23 3 5 0.01 66.67
Montenegro 1
Portugal 118 223 145 135 224 0.41 65.93
San Marino 2
Serbia 5 2 8 5 21 0.04 320.00
Slovenia 41 28 8 6 12 0.02 100.00
Spain 789 488 944 579 787 1.44 35.92
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 1
WESTERN EUROPE 7,817 7,389 7,993 7,402 6,539 11.98 -11.66
Austria 611 653 578 513 504 0.92 -1.75
Belgium 505 514 574 716 460 0.84 -35.75
France 1,847 1,561 1,636 1,563 1,501 2.75 -3.97
Germany 2,880 2,753 2,971 2,498 2,301 4.21 -7.89
Liechtenstein 5 3 2 12 1 0.00 -91.67
Luxembourg 38 54 71 97 22 0.04 -77.32
Monaco 6 1 3 4 0.01 33.33
Netherlands 993 785 863 709 641 1.17 -9.59
Switzerland 932 1,065 1,298 1,291 1,105 2.02 -14.41
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 387 338 514 288 371 0.68 28.82
Cyprus 7 3 4 1 7 0.01 600.00
Israel 172 168 251 132 167 0.31 26.52
Turkey 208 167 259 155 197 0.36 27.10
Other countries of Europe 2 0.00
MIDDLE EAST 36 23 29 43 79 0.14 83.72
Bahrain 3 1 3 0.01
Egypt 2 5 4 0.01 -20.00
Jordan 3 4 4 4 0.01
Kuwait 8 8 6 8 0.01 33.33
Lebanon 5 6 10 9 16 0.03 77.78
Oman 5 1 1 7 0.01

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Qatar 2 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67

Saudi Arabia 12 6 2 4 9 0.02 125.00
State of Palestine 1 0.00
Syrian Arab Republic 1
United Arab Emirates 3 1 2 11 25 0.05 127.27
Yemen 1 1 0.00
SOUTH ASIA 182 193 246 229 341 0.62 48.91
Afghanistan 2 1 0.00
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 4 5 10 13 0.02 30.00
Maldives 1
Nepal 150 168 203 192 285 0.52 48.44
Pakistan 12 6 10 9 14 0.03 55.56
Sri Lanka 17 15 27 18 28 0.05 55.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 303,319 302,965 370,573 341,475 363,396 100.00 6.42

AFRICA 687 777 1,180 943 835 0.23 -11.45
EAST AFRICA 25 102 92 163 227 0.06 39.26
Comoros 5 0.00
Djibouti 9
Ethiopia 6 9 0.00
Kenya 12 35 48 102 128 0.04 25.49
Madagascar 4
Malawi 10 0.00
Mauritius 15 35 42 55 0.02 30.95
Mozambique 14
Seychelles 10 16
Tanzania, United Republic of 4
Uganda 5 11 7 0.00 -36.36
Zambia 3
Zimbabwe 7 4 13 0.00 225.00
Angola 9
Chad 8 10 13
NORTH AFRICA 8 24 105 37 28 0.01 -24.32
Algeria 5 9 25
Morocco 8 2 16 12 28 0.01 133.33
Tunisia 17 80
SOUTHERN AFRICA 610 539 869 660 557 0.15 -15.61
Botswana 31
Namibia 30 27 22 42 25 0.01 -40.48
South Africa 580 512 847 564 532 0.15 -5.67
Swaziland 23
WEST AFRICA 36 112 104 61 23 0.01 -62.30
Benin 2
Côte d'Ivoire 14 10 14 0.00
Ghana 17 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Liberia 9
Mauritania 6 2
Nigeria 36 75 46 45 3 0.00 -93.33
Senegal 6
Other countries of West Africa 38
AMERICAS 60,999 66,886 73,296 71,509 70,476 19.39 -1.44
CARIBBEAN 12 57 111 53 50 0.01 -5.66
Bahamas 10 18 8 0.00
Dominican Republic 6 20 17 15 0.00
Jamaica 23 14 6
Saint Kitts and Nevis 4 15 17 21 0.01 23.53
Trinidad and Tobago 6 47 30 6 0.00 -80.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 72 113 181 163 249 0.07 52.76
Belize 5 15 7 0.00 -53.33
Costa Rica 20 21 54 42 181 0.05 330.95
El Salvador 6 30 11 0.00
Guatemala 64 77 37 43 0.01 16.22
Honduras 3 25
Nicaragua 7 10 4
Panama 52 12 5 40 7 0.00 -82.50

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTH AMERICA 57,268 62,381 67,886 66,813 66,538 18.31 -0.41

Canada 8,118 8,743 10,482 9,996 8,912 2.45 -10.84
Mexico 1,113 1,198 1,344 1,364 1,657 0.46 21.48
United States of America 48,037 52,440 56,060 55,453 55,969 15.40 0.93
SOUTH AMERICA 3,647 4,335 5,118 4,480 3,639 1.00 -18.77
Argentina 476 485 627 463 728 0.20 57.24
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 8 13 8 11 6 0.00 -45.45
Brazil 2,487 2,814 3,220 3,047 1,888 0.52 -38.04
Chile 327 613 766 386 414 0.11 7.25
Colombia 195 202 299 338 279 0.08 -17.46
Ecuador 27 22 3 25 15 0.00 -40.00
Guyana 10
Paraguay 6 7
Peru 27 26 91 61 157 0.04 157.38
Suriname 5
Uruguay 27 9 42 78 36 0.01 -53.85
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 73 136 56 64 116 0.03 81.25
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 116,845 116,871 162,677 141,833 168,375 46.33 18.71
NORTH-EAST ASIA 60,587 51,811 66,610 75,418 91,387 25.15 21.17
China 18,666 23,425 42,218 52,239 53,485 14.72 2.39
Japan 34,013 19,133 12,912 11,727 20,073 5.52 71.17
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 44 9 12
Korea, Republic of 2,880 2,888 3,742 3,249 4,762 1.31 46.57
Mongolia 13 32 29 27 0.01 -6.90
Taiwan Province of China 4,971 6,356 7,694 8,174 13,040 3.59 59.53
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 36,727 44,731 76,280 47,599 59,928 16.49 25.90
Brunei Darussalam 3 53 43 17 106 0.03 523.53
Cambodia 9 31 24 23 50 0.01 117.39
Indonesia 1,237 2,775 3,480 2,016 3,240 0.89 60.71
Lao People's Democratic Republic 13 45 39 45 0.01 15.38
Malaysia 7,215 10,508 10,503 9,047 11,498 3.16 27.09
Myanmar 50 34 60 92 91 0.03 -1.09
Philippines 1,500 1,171 1,030 1,267 2,200 0.61 73.64
Singapore 11,101 14,739 11,396 15,520 18,748 5.16 20.80
Thailand 15,059 14,810 48,759 17,130 17,533 4.82 2.35
Viet Nam 540 565 985 2,448 6,417 1.77 162.13
AUSTRALASIA 19,531 20,286 19,787 18,812 17,050 4.69 -9.37
Australia 17,666 18,418 18,078 16,714 15,251 4.20 -8.75
New Zealand 1,865 1,868 1,709 2,098 1,799 0.50 -14.25
MELANESIA 43 4 10 0.00 150.00
Fiji 43 4 10 0.00 150.00
EUROPE 123,585 117,341 132,032 125,816 121,301 33.38 -3.59
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,236 7,518 8,726 6,952 8,211 2.26 18.11
Armenia 4 21 30 83 64 0.02 -22.89
Azerbaijan 16 19 0.01 18.75
Belarus 71 78 15 94 9 0.00 -90.43
Bulgaria 66 92 369 149 216 0.06 44.97
Czech Republic 1,208 1,554 1,480 1,444 1,644 0.45 13.85
Estonia 76 73 196 244 56 0.02 -77.05
Georgia 29 3 12 2 19 0.01 850.00
Hungary 328 504 602 489 429 0.12 -12.27
Kazakhstan 16 46 39 49 21 0.01 -57.14
Kyrgyzstan 7 5 70
Latvia 266 155 115 117 311 0.09 165.81
Lithuania 28 157 190 226 82 0.02 -63.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Moldova, Republic of 12 4
Poland 1,243 1,757 1,868 1,568 2,282 0.63 45.54
Romania 103 189 258 159 347 0.10 118.24
Russian Federation 2,217 2,370 2,862 1,650 1,516 0.42 -8.12
Slovakia 280 345 466 373 680 0.19 82.31
Ukraine 268 169 150 282 516 0.14 82.98
Uzbekistan 14 7
NORTHERN EUROPE 27,886 26,919 29,404 33,352 32,506 8.95 -2.54
Denmark 3,015 1,890 1,633 2,107 1,699 0.47 -19.36
Finland 797 1,106 861 1,406 900 0.25 -35.99
Iceland 42 7 28 43 281 0.08 553.49
Ireland 511 459 870 771 1,087 0.30 40.99
Norway 985 1,568 1,626 1,453 1,708 0.47 17.55
Sweden 1,607 1,725 1,884 2,772 1,829 0.50 -34.02
United Kingdom 20,929 20,164 22,502 24,800 25,002 6.88 0.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,996 10,994 13,938 11,814 15,285 4.21 29.38
Albania 5 0.00
Andorra 48 18 1 17 44 0.01 158.82
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8
Croatia 97 97 97 67 83 0.02 23.88
Greece 367 327 367 135 346 0.10 156.30
Italy 6,162 5,900 6,142 6,365 7,890 2.17 23.96
Malta 100 140 21 23 0.01 9.52
Montenegro 4
Portugal 702 1,148 898 835 1,277 0.35 52.93
San Marino 4
Serbia 29 10 60 35 99 0.03 182.86
Slovenia 287 149 80 29 130 0.04 348.28
Spain 5,192 3,345 6,153 4,303 5,378 1.48 24.98
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3 10 0.00 233.33
WESTERN EUROPE 74,069 69,813 76,804 71,920 62,970 17.33 -12.44
Austria 5,378 5,586 4,795 4,416 4,562 1.26 3.31
Belgium 4,656 4,477 5,037 6,409 4,349 1.20 -32.14
France 16,946 14,872 15,325 15,250 14,237 3.92 -6.64
Germany 26,350 25,539 28,270 23,507 21,253 5.85 -9.59
Liechtenstein 54 24 21 129 13 0.00 -89.92
Luxembourg 313 459 722 967 205 0.06 -78.80
Monaco 54 16 19 28 0.01 47.37
Netherlands 10,154 7,386 8,269 6,577 6,030 1.66 -8.32
Switzerland 10,164 11,454 14,359 14,646 12,293 3.38 -16.07
Other countries of Western Europe 6
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,398 2,097 3,160 1,778 2,329 0.64 30.99
Cyprus 41 19 19 5 39 0.01 680.00
Israel 1,229 1,350 1,859 946 1,338 0.37 41.44
Turkey 1,128 728 1,282 827 952 0.26 15.11
MIDDLE EAST 227 118 150 247 562 0.15 127.53
Bahrain 15 6 14 0.00
Egypt 9 31 14 0.00 -54.84
Jordan 32 22 22 35 0.01 59.09
Kuwait 43 37 30 53 0.01 76.67
Lebanon 30 39 65 45 95 0.03 111.11
Oman 15 4 5 48 0.01

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Qatar 7 8 14 4 0.00 -71.43

Saudi Arabia 97 27 10 26 76 0.02 192.31
Syrian Arab Republic 6
United Arab Emirates 10 4 4 73 194 0.05 165.75
Yemen 6 29 0.01
SOUTH ASIA 976 972 1,238 1,127 1,847 0.51 63.89
Afghanistan 14 9 0.00
Iran, Islamic Republic of 10 23 22 43 64 0.02 48.84
Maldives 7
Nepal 859 825 1,012 966 1,540 0.42 59.42
Pakistan 33 52 57 43 64 0.02 48.84
Sri Lanka 60 72 140 75 170 0.05 126.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 797,911 798,273 870,540 881,571 958,877 100.00 8.77

AFRICA 3,180 1,251 1,927 1,128 1,059 0.11 -6.12
OTHER AFRICA 3,180 1,251 1,927 1,128 1,059 0.11 -6.12
All countries of Africa 3,180 1,251 1,927 1,128 1,059 0.11 -6.12
AMERICAS 579,986 584,135 633,222 641,943 713,139 74.37 11.09
NORTH AMERICA 60,647 62,952 78,779 84,749 83,102 8.67 -1.94
Canada 12,948 14,642 12,773 12,147 11,567 1.21 -4.77
Mexico 11,200 12,027 12,985 13,466 13,132 1.37 -2.48
United States of America 36,499 36,283 53,021 59,136 58,403 6.09 -1.24
SOUTH AMERICA 497,625 498,337 543,314 545,829 615,836 64.22 12.83
Argentina 155,397 154,582 170,645 179,720 202,442 21.11 12.64
Brazil 60,419 73,062 84,085 87,035 73,174 7.63 -15.93
Chile 78,547 76,554 89,053 84,492 85,023 8.87 0.63
Colombia 23,247 25,711 25,559 24,321 29,575 3.08 21.60
Ecuador 9,936 9,652 10,061 9,896 14,672 1.53 48.26
Paraguay 18,449 17,544 16,343 16,950 19,063 1.99 12.47
Peru 134,838 122,964 133,632 129,895 176,917 18.45 36.20
Uruguay 8,665 7,652 6,476 6,455 6,627 0.69 2.66
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 8,127 10,616 7,460 7,065 8,343 0.87 18.09
OTHER AMERICAS 21,714 22,846 11,129 11,365 14,201 1.48 24.95
Other countries of the Americas 21,714 22,846 11,129 11,365 14,201 1.48 24.95
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 48,975 55,845 57,360 58,028 62,849 6.55 8.31
NORTH-EAST ASIA 11,909 15,486 16,766 17,278 16,212 1.69 -6.17
Japan 11,909 15,486 16,766 17,278 16,212 1.69 -6.17
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 37,066 40,359 40,594 40,750 46,637 4.86 14.45
Other countries of Asia 19,177 19,248 25,182 27,989 32,816 3.42 17.25
All countries of Oceania 17,889 21,111 15,412 12,761 13,821 1.44 8.31
EUROPE 165,770 157,042 178,031 180,472 181,830 18.96 0.75
NORTHERN EUROPE 22,670 22,366 24,361 22,566 21,451 2.24 -4.94
Sweden 4,652 5,373 4,593 4,320 3,923 0.41 -9.19
United Kingdom 18,018 16,993 19,768 18,246 17,528 1.83 -3.94
SOUTHERN EUROPE 39,027 33,707 42,652 45,993 50,537 5.27 9.88
Italy 11,933 12,117 12,556 11,918 12,911 1.35 8.33
Spain 27,094 21,590 30,096 34,075 37,626 3.92 10.42
WESTERN EUROPE 74,141 70,490 80,456 83,096 80,935 8.44 -2.60
France 30,003 28,766 33,400 32,630 33,990 3.54 4.17
Germany 28,463 27,746 30,182 34,168 30,238 3.15 -11.50
Netherlands 6,775 5,240 7,892 7,354 7,996 0.83 8.73
Switzerland 8,900 8,738 8,982 8,944 8,711 0.91 -2.61
OTHER EUROPE 29,932 30,479 30,562 28,817 28,907 3.01 0.31
Other countries of Europe 29,932 30,479 30,562 28,817 28,907 3.01 0.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 564,188 572,114 587,665 582,250 576,064 100.00 -1.06

AFRICA 1,644 1,678 1,594 1,569 1,440 0.25 -8.22
OTHER AFRICA 1,644 1,678 1,594 1,569 1,440 0.25 -8.22
All countries of Africa 1,644 1,678 1,594 1,569 1,440 0.25 -8.22
AMERICAS 352,746 368,270 380,932 377,287 372,482 64.66 -1.27
NORTH AMERICA 70,645 71,178 72,651 72,030 71,085 12.34 -1.31
Canada 13,024 13,125 13,583 13,437 13,134 2.28 -2.25
Mexico 7,376 7,401 7,574 7,499 7,316 1.27 -2.44
United States of America 50,245 50,652 51,494 51,094 50,635 8.79 -0.90
SOUTH AMERICA 272,495 287,298 298,253 295,332 291,777 50.65 -1.20
Argentina 63,472 69,232 72,481 71,944 71,144 12.35 -1.11
Brazil 41,139 42,046 42,852 42,592 42,139 7.31 -1.06
Chile 31,224 33,289 35,594 35,249 34,794 6.04 -1.29
Colombia 12,885 13,045 13,356 13,013 12,875 2.23 -1.06
Ecuador 7,061 7,158 7,382 7,307 7,086 1.23 -3.02
Paraguay 6,667 6,912 7,013 6,948 6,625 1.15 -4.65
Peru 98,719 104,013 107,811 106,601 105,996 18.40 -0.57
Uruguay 4,202 4,358 4,412 4,375 4,090 0.71 -6.51
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7,126 7,245 7,352 7,303 7,028 1.22 -3.77
OTHER AMERICAS 9,606 9,794 10,028 9,925 9,620 1.67 -3.07
Other countries of the Americas 9,606 9,794 10,028 9,925 9,620 1.67 -3.07
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,241 28,461 29,370 29,109 29,034 5.04 -0.26
NORTH-EAST ASIA 7,579 7,625 8,037 7,983 7,777 1.35 -2.58
Japan 7,579 7,625 8,037 7,983 7,777 1.35 -2.58
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,662 20,836 21,333 21,126 21,257 3.69 0.62
Other countries of Asia 7,107 7,324 7,402 7,325 7,489 1.30 2.24
All countries of Oceania 13,555 13,512 13,931 13,801 13,768 2.39 -0.24
EUROPE 181,557 173,705 175,769 174,285 173,108 30.05 -0.68
NORTHERN EUROPE 28,241 28,649 28,837 28,566 28,228 4.90 -1.18
Sweden 3,678 3,701 3,795 3,765 3,572 0.62 -5.13
United Kingdom 24,563 24,948 25,042 24,801 24,656 4.28 -0.58
SOUTHERN EUROPE 30,105 30,691 31,380 30,998 31,223 5.42 0.73
Italy 10,997 11,104 11,206 11,101 11,176 1.94 0.68
Spain 19,108 19,587 20,174 19,897 20,047 3.48 0.75
WESTERN EUROPE 78,599 77,097 78,419 77,822 77,192 13.40 -0.81
France 30,870 31,425 31,983 31,718 31,511 5.47 -0.65
Germany 26,555 27,024 27,618 27,464 27,593 4.79 0.47
Netherlands 10,891 9,001 9,102 9,001 8,756 1.52 -2.72
Switzerland 10,283 9,647 9,716 9,639 9,332 1.62 -3.18
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 12,419 10,526 10,609 10,514 10,542 1.83 0.27
Israel 12,419 10,526 10,609 10,514 10,542 1.83 0.27
OTHER EUROPE 32,193 26,742 26,524 26,385 25,923 4.50 -1.75
Other countries of Europe 32,193 26,742 26,524 26,385 25,923 4.50 -1.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 855,739 886,120 896,150 898,662 859,699 100.00 -4.34

AFRICA 3,971 4,029 4,078 4,051 3,783 0.44 -6.62
OTHER AFRICA 3,971 4,029 4,078 4,051 3,783 0.44 -6.62
All countries of Africa 3,971 4,029 4,078 4,051 3,783 0.44 -6.62
AMERICAS 540,017 563,465 567,265 569,000 543,933 63.27 -4.41
NORTH AMERICA 106,998 110,237 110,322 110,768 105,227 12.24 -5.00
Canada 18,470 19,018 19,257 19,264 18,054 2.10 -6.28
Mexico 13,197 13,564 13,682 13,712 12,981 1.51 -5.33
United States of America 75,331 77,655 77,383 77,792 74,192 8.63 -4.63
SOUTH AMERICA 398,578 417,864 422,263 423,463 405,694 47.19 -4.20
Argentina 94,269 99,865 100,374 100,675 96,716 11.25 -3.93
Brazil 71,071 74,293 75,151 75,492 72,473 8.43 -4.00
Chile 37,842 40,785 41,376 41,593 39,976 4.65 -3.89
Colombia 26,964 27,341 27,468 27,521 26,307 3.06 -4.41
Ecuador 14,062 14,364 14,574 14,592 13,841 1.61 -5.15
Paraguay 15,685 16,872 16,985 16,977 16,506 1.92 -2.77
Peru 114,689 119,957 121,672 121,888 116,148 13.51 -4.71
Uruguay 7,316 7,415 7,499 7,523 7,307 0.85 -2.87
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 16,680 16,972 17,164 17,202 16,420 1.91 -4.55
OTHER AMERICAS 34,441 35,364 34,680 34,769 33,012 3.84 -5.05
Other countries of the Americas 34,441 35,364 34,680 34,769 33,012 3.84 -5.05
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 46,165 48,162 48,701 48,905 47,025 5.47 -3.84
NORTH-EAST ASIA 16,369 17,282 17,645 17,748 17,022 1.98 -4.09
Japan 16,369 17,282 17,645 17,748 17,022 1.98 -4.09
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 29,796 30,880 31,056 31,157 30,003 3.49 -3.70
Other countries of Asia 13,031 13,696 13,967 14,051 13,669 1.59 -2.72
All countries of Oceania 16,765 17,184 17,089 17,106 16,334 1.90 -4.51
EUROPE 265,586 270,464 276,106 276,706 264,958 30.82 -4.25
NORTHERN EUROPE 39,519 41,339 41,997 42,113 40,320 4.69 -4.26
Sweden 7,576 7,965 8,045 8,052 7,565 0.88 -6.05
United Kingdom 31,943 33,374 33,952 34,061 32,755 3.81 -3.83
SOUTHERN EUROPE 50,417 51,023 52,540 52,724 50,292 5.85 -4.61
Italy 16,452 16,852 17,569 17,645 16,678 1.94 -5.48
Spain 33,965 34,171 34,971 35,079 33,614 3.91 -4.18
WESTERN EUROPE 99,743 102,900 103,964 104,163 99,896 11.62 -4.10
France 36,146 37,269 37,651 37,720 36,107 4.20 -4.28
Germany 32,884 33,951 34,357 34,495 33,270 3.87 -3.55
Netherlands 15,086 15,228 15,315 15,272 14,443 1.68 -5.43
Switzerland 15,627 16,452 16,641 16,676 16,076 1.87 -3.60
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 29,035 28,166 30,307 30,362 29,230 3.40 -3.73
Israel 29,035 28,166 30,307 30,362 29,230 3.40 -3.73
OTHER EUROPE 46,872 47,036 47,298 47,344 45,220 5.26 -4.49
Other countries of Europe 46,872 47,036 47,298 47,344 45,220 5.26 -4.49

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 438,585 528,579 536,354 678,271 776,889 100.00 14.54

AFRICA 997 886 1,577 1,481 0.19 -6.09
SOUTHERN AFRICA 147 186 281 247 0.03 -12.10
South Africa 147 186 281 247 0.03 -12.10
OTHER AFRICA 850 700 1,296 1,234 0.16 -4.78
Other countries of Africa 850 700 1,296 1,234 0.16 -4.78
AMERICAS 11,947 18,548 21,984 29,229 32,512 4.18 11.23
NORTH AMERICA 11,947 13,862 17,354 22,933 25,816 3.32 12.57
Canada 2,204 3,019 3,350 3,911 4,429 0.57 13.24
United States of America 9,743 10,336 13,678 18,361 20,985 2.70 14.29
Other countries of North America 507 326 661 402 0.05 -39.18
SOUTH AMERICA 2,703 2,786 3,156 2,506 0.32 -20.60
Brazil 2,703 2,786 3,156 2,506 0.32 -20.60
OTHER AMERICAS 1,983 1,844 3,140 4,190 0.54 33.44
Other countries of the Americas 1,983 1,844 3,140 4,190 0.54 33.44
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,549 35,088 58,153 89,347 142,363 18.32 59.34
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,795 20,630 36,947 46,680 61,292 7.89 31.30
China 3,369 5,642 6,549 9,948 13,266 1.71 33.35
Japan 3,426 3,396 4,744 6,759 6,123 0.79 -9.41
Korea, Republic of 11,592 25,654 29,973 41,903 5.39 39.80
AUSTRALASIA 4,754 5,515 6,971 7,437 8,189 1.05 10.11
Australia 4,165 4,866 6,349 6,736 7,418 0.95 10.12
New Zealand 589 649 622 701 771 0.10 9.99
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,943 14,235 35,230 72,882 9.38 106.87
Other countries of Asia 8,623 13,917 34,879 72,221 9.30 107.06
Other countries of Oceania 320 318 351 661 0.09 88.32
EUROPE 384,067 461,845 441,382 535,672 564,356 72.64 5.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 48,113 62,243 49,148 64,066 66,722 8.59 4.15
Bulgaria 2,573 4,377 4,799 6,314 6,561 0.84 3.91
Czech Republic 3,913 4,549 3,822 5,074 5,048 0.65 -0.51
Estonia 356 377 341 406 0.05 19.06
Hungary 5,920 6,498 6,154 8,187 9,665 1.24 18.05
Latvia 448 275 792 624 0.08 -21.21
Lithuania 1,208 1,363 1,383 1,021 0.13 -26.17
Poland 27,017 33,754 23,585 31,681 31,530 4.06 -0.48
Romania 3,641 3,346 2,295 3,197 4,337 0.56 35.66
Russian Federation 3,061 4,242 3,658 3,395 3,961 0.51 16.67
Slovakia 1,988 2,457 2,111 2,620 2,336 0.30 -10.84
Ukraine 1,008 709 1,082 1,233 0.16 13.96
NORTHERN EUROPE 18,056 24,154 26,713 31,007 32,529 4.19 4.91
Denmark 1,611 2,402 2,225 3,027 3,282 0.42 8.42
Finland 981 1,342 1,505 1,821 1,630 0.21 -10.49
Iceland 188 176 412 223 249 0.03 11.66
Ireland 1,428 1,604 1,650 3,677 3,398 0.44 -7.59
Norway 2,259 3,917 3,903 4,133 3,851 0.50 -6.82
Sweden 4,940 6,434 8,033 8,363 9,896 1.27 18.33
United Kingdom 6,649 8,279 8,985 9,763 10,223 1.32 4.71
SOUTHERN EUROPE 220,001 248,448 245,457 283,310 288,238 37.10 1.74
Albania 2,064 2,970 2,895 2,927 3,646 0.47 24.56
Croatia 72,587 82,176 73,441 84,058 86,054 11.08 2.37
Greece 3,190 4,952 7,215 5,633 6,212 0.80 10.28
Italy 26,137 29,319 40,169 50,346 41,923 5.40 -16.73
Malta 737 595 687 575 0.07 -16.30
Montenegro 7,474 9,513 9,210 10,442 12,271 1.58 17.52
Portugal 795 927 1,220 1,111 2,038 0.26 83.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 57,380 62,731 57,264 66,473 69,255 8.91 4.19

Slovenia 39,949 42,019 39,523 45,635 50,488 6.50 10.63
Spain 5,656 7,199 8,514 9,369 8,369 1.08 -10.67
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 4,769 5,905 5,411 6,629 7,407 0.95 11.74
WESTERN EUROPE 57,473 65,814 68,576 80,172 86,447 11.13 7.83
Austria 15,990 17,270 18,207 18,911 20,684 2.66 9.38
Belgium 2,138 3,077 3,410 3,867 3,688 0.47 -4.63
France 10,141 11,434 11,055 15,698 14,056 1.81 -10.46
Germany 19,581 21,226 22,492 25,516 28,979 3.73 13.57
Luxembourg 224 300 353 302 458 0.06 51.66
Netherlands 5,141 6,990 7,300 8,617 9,991 1.29 15.95
Switzerland 4,258 5,517 5,759 7,261 8,591 1.11 18.32
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 35,397 58,885 49,756 73,900 86,705 11.16 17.33
Cyprus 317 631 399 800 0.10 100.50
Israel 2,895 2,872 1,852 2,846 2,747 0.35 -3.48
Turkey 32,502 55,696 47,273 70,655 83,158 10.70 17.70
OTHER EUROPE 5,027 2,301 1,732 3,217 3,715 0.48 15.48
Other countries of Europe 5,027 2,301 1,732 3,217 3,715 0.48 15.48
MIDDLE EAST 1,754 11,479 13,456 21,074 33,874 4.36 60.74
Egypt 324 424 478 665 932 0.12 40.15
Kuwait 8,051 8,171 11,107 14,569 1.88 31.17
Saudi Arabia 1,430 3,004 4,807 9,302 18,373 2.36 97.52
SOUTH ASIA 163 622 493 1,372 2,303 0.30 67.86
India 304 351 940 2,000 0.26 112.77
Iran, Islamic Republic of 163 318 142 432 303 0.04 -29.86
Other countries of the World 29,105

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 931,081 1,108,905 1,088,472 1,425,761 1,641,421 100.00 15.13

AFRICA 4,728 2,649 4,979 4,029 0.25 -19.08
SOUTHERN AFRICA 357 422 1,173 953 0.06 -18.76
South Africa 357 422 1,173 953 0.06 -18.76
OTHER AFRICA 4,371 2,227 3,806 3,076 0.19 -19.18
Other countries of Africa 4,371 2,227 3,806 3,076 0.19 -19.18
AMERICAS 25,425 38,931 46,569 58,829 68,418 4.17 16.30
NORTH AMERICA 25,425 29,958 38,225 47,043 55,434 3.38 17.84
Canada 4,538 5,882 6,549 7,402 8,758 0.53 18.32
United States of America 20,887 22,895 31,001 38,364 45,806 2.79 19.40
Other countries of North America 1,181 675 1,277 870 0.05 -31.87
SOUTH AMERICA 4,945 4,891 6,051 4,418 0.27 -26.99
Brazil 4,945 4,891 6,051 4,418 0.27 -26.99
OTHER AMERICAS 4,028 3,453 5,735 8,566 0.52 49.36
Other countries of the Americas 4,028 3,453 5,735 8,566 0.52 49.36
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 17,755 56,636 95,154 160,961 278,553 16.97 73.06
NORTH-EAST ASIA 10,000 25,153 45,219 56,906 71,676 4.37 25.96
China 4,880 7,221 9,573 12,799 16,592 1.01 29.64
Japan 5,120 5,181 7,025 10,015 8,150 0.50 -18.62
Korea, Republic of 12,751 28,621 34,092 46,934 2.86 37.67
AUSTRALASIA 7,755 9,560 12,278 13,183 15,953 0.97 21.01
Australia 6,918 8,604 11,162 11,935 14,588 0.89 22.23
New Zealand 837 956 1,116 1,248 1,365 0.08 9.38
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,923 37,657 90,872 190,924 11.63 110.10
Other countries of Asia 21,454 36,923 90,224 189,802 11.56 110.37
Other countries of Oceania 469 734 648 1,122 0.07 73.15
EUROPE 807,045 962,661 900,859 1,137,157 1,188,608 72.41 4.52
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 127,820 146,630 98,484 139,591 139,850 8.52 0.19
Bulgaria 5,146 8,289 8,051 11,167 11,541 0.70 3.35
Czech Republic 9,757 11,488 7,321 10,655 9,917 0.60 -6.93
Estonia 1,273 866 727 810 0.05 11.42
Hungary 11,310 12,670 10,913 18,007 19,142 1.17 6.30
Latvia 698 539 2,376 1,627 0.10 -31.52
Lithuania 2,284 2,299 2,545 3,508 0.21 37.84
Poland 75,009 80,796 45,816 71,706 67,793 4.13 -5.46
Romania 9,709 7,315 5,676 6,830 9,796 0.60 43.43
Russian Federation 12,549 14,662 11,594 7,712 8,296 0.51 7.57
Slovakia 4,340 4,712 3,670 5,327 4,714 0.29 -11.51
Ukraine 2,443 1,739 2,539 2,706 0.16 6.58
NORTHERN EUROPE 41,632 56,146 59,494 71,789 77,648 4.73 8.16
Denmark 3,692 6,649 5,775 6,891 8,112 0.49 17.72
Finland 1,872 2,762 2,935 3,660 3,241 0.20 -11.45
Iceland 544 411 982 544 695 0.04 27.76
Ireland 5,152 5,032 5,026 10,074 11,813 0.72 17.26
Norway 5,238 8,404 8,006 9,441 8,640 0.53 -8.48
Sweden 12,221 15,369 18,080 19,589 22,336 1.36 14.02
United Kingdom 12,913 17,519 18,690 21,590 22,811 1.39 5.66
SOUTHERN EUROPE 447,594 506,660 506,331 610,603 626,075 38.14 2.53
Albania 3,926 5,133 5,360 5,694 6,694 0.41 17.56
Croatia 150,814 169,940 163,824 187,786 195,267 11.90 3.98
Greece 6,094 8,886 12,238 11,420 12,354 0.75 8.18
Italy 56,001 62,659 88,114 122,319 106,166 6.47 -13.21
Malta 5,049 3,744 3,946 3,158 0.19 -19.97
Montenegro 18,384 22,286 20,749 23,952 29,521 1.80 23.25
Portugal 1,885 2,062 2,741 1,918 3,236 0.20 68.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 121,639 131,579 117,484 138,009 137,822 8.40 -0.14

Slovenia 69,183 75,595 66,980 85,821 97,769 5.96 13.92
Spain 9,497 12,248 14,147 17,406 18,219 1.11 4.67
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 10,171 11,223 10,950 12,332 15,869 0.97 28.68
WESTERN EUROPE 115,325 137,342 145,019 179,243 196,885 11.99 9.84
Austria 28,620 30,940 32,969 35,015 39,002 2.38 11.39
Belgium 4,377 7,481 7,723 8,603 9,045 0.55 5.14
France 22,399 26,904 26,168 49,119 39,598 2.41 -19.38
Germany 38,968 44,710 47,659 53,113 65,536 3.99 23.39
Luxembourg 610 731 837 598 1,021 0.06 70.74
Netherlands 11,190 15,309 17,350 18,223 24,849 1.51 36.36
Switzerland 9,161 11,267 12,313 14,572 17,834 1.09 22.39
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 63,791 110,589 86,720 127,757 138,824 8.46 8.66
Cyprus 586 1,578 937 1,229 0.07 31.16
Israel 4,823 4,651 2,924 5,256 5,424 0.33 3.20
Turkey 58,968 105,352 82,218 121,564 132,171 8.05 8.73
OTHER EUROPE 10,883 5,294 4,811 8,174 9,326 0.57 14.09
Other countries of Europe 10,883 5,294 4,811 8,174 9,326 0.57 14.09
MIDDLE EAST 5,081 44,333 41,878 60,754 97,064 5.91 59.77
Egypt 986 1,517 1,324 1,769 2,311 0.14 30.64
Kuwait 34,120 29,060 37,039 49,959 3.04 34.88
Saudi Arabia 4,095 8,696 11,494 21,946 44,794 2.73 104.11
SOUTH ASIA 514 1,616 1,363 3,081 4,749 0.29 54.14
India 770 1,064 2,011 4,044 0.25 101.09
Iran, Islamic Republic of 514 846 299 1,070 705 0.04 -34.11
Other countries of the World 75,261

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,614,270 1,544,104 1,965,523 1,527,614

AFRICA 1,363,833 1,182,131 1,722,952 1,355,787
EAST AFRICA 794,008 655,067 918,795 731,520
British Indian Ocean Territory 5
Burundi 123 28
Comoros 23
Djibouti 17
Eritrea 4 10
Ethiopia 164 241 579 258
Kenya 1,906 2,676 4,262 2,491
Madagascar 76 23 139 115
Malawi 3,604 7,912 10,901 6,409
Mauritius 542 364 1,232 928
Mozambique 2,548 3,099 3,393 2,586
Reunion 3
Rwanda 167 56
Seychelles 72 211 148
Somalia 434 276
Tanzania, United Republic of 1,805 3,553 5,178 3,604
Uganda 882 1,474 1,413 1,004
Zambia 90,203 190,319 183,082 82,499
Zimbabwe 692,206 445,402 707,681 631,060
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,114 1,732 3,896 1,733
Angola 557 1,265 2,430 1,185
Cameroon 57 187 283 163
Central African Republic 6
Chad 8
Congo 103 33
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 500 280 1,080 291
Equatorial Guinea 3
Gabon 42
Sao Tome and Principe 2
NORTH AFRICA 104 117 597 100
Algeria 8 115 13
Morocco 103 16
Sudan 85 150 45
Tunisia 104 24 229 25
Western Sahara 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 567,412 524,082 797,210 621,460
Lesotho 3,891 6,773 10,966 13,290
Namibia 68,104 96,511 164,338 81,536
South Africa 492,289 414,976 614,540 519,389
Swaziland 3,128 5,822 7,366 7,245
WEST AFRICA 768 759 1,812 974
Benin 34
Burkina Faso 67
Cabo Verde 5
Côte d'Ivoire 109 62
Gambia 10
Ghana 207 167 513 270
Guinea 3
Guinea-Bissau 3
Liberia 4
Mali 48
Mauritania 13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 11
Nigeria 412 450 940 326
Senegal 73 58 134 48
Sierra Leone 76 84 116 43
Togo 27
OTHER AFRICA 427 374 642
Other countries of Africa 427 374 642
AMERICAS 40,416 149,868 59,594 45,548
CARIBBEAN 143 217 404 249
Antigua and Barbuda 3
Aruba 9
Bahamas 130 35
Barbados 6
Bermuda 9
British Virgin Islands 1
Cayman Islands 5
Cuba 137 105 30
Dominica 9
Dominican Republic 11
Grenada 1
Guadeloupe 1
Haiti 4
Jamaica 143 80 94 75
Montserrat 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 5
Saint Lucia 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3
Trinidad and Tobago 75 39
Turks and Caicos Islands 1
Belize 47 11
Costa Rica 14
El Salvador 1
Guatemala 2
Honduras 1
Nicaragua 3
Panama 5
NORTH AMERICA 38,650 144,498 56,743 44,040
Canada 6,356 23,270 8,818 6,211
Greenland 222
Mexico 820 1,413 496 514
United States of America 31,474 119,815 47,429 37,093
SOUTH AMERICA 1,245 4,601 2,154 1,220
Argentina 487 949 368 155
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 312 3
Brazil 504 3,045 1,109 724
Chile 138 491 180 132
Colombia 116 116 75 33
Ecuador 5
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3
Guyana 8
Paraguay 5
Peru 110 64
Suriname 1
Uruguay 48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 39

OTHER AMERICAS 331 552 293 2
Other countries of the Americas 331 552 293 2
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 45,918 52,486 37,264 23,184
NORTH-EAST ASIA 28,148 20,055 15,247 7,925
China 9,189 1,271 2,442 1,058
Hong Kong (China) 417 208 418 262
Japan 13,123 14,639 9,587 4,605
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 39
Korea, Republic of 5,037 3,579 2,599 1,730
Macao (China) 134
Mongolia 2
Taiwan Province of China 382 358 201 95
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,766 1,295 1,268 1,301
Brunei Darussalam 2
Cambodia 15
Indonesia 87 63 54
Lao People's Democratic Republic 3
Malaysia 782 104 313
Myanmar 114 154
Philippines 212 157 208 115
Singapore 1,351 855 796 535
Thailand 266 92 87 62
Timor-Leste 36
Viet Nam 155 12
AUSTRALASIA 14,031 31,040 19,741 13,635
Australia 12,035 26,759 17,069 11,611
New Zealand 1,996 4,281 2,672 2,024
Fiji 186
New Caledonia 11
Norfolk Island 2
Solomon Islands 170 107
Vanuatu 467 1
Nauru 2
American Samoa 3
Cook Islands 3
Pitcairn 2
Samoa 4
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2
Other countries of Asia 973 70 359
Other countries of Oceania 26 12
EUROPE 139,741 150,876 130,678 98,555
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,395 7,989 5,620 3,535
Azerbaijan 4
Belarus 15
Bulgaria 188 412 167 126
Czech Republic 709 1,246 898 748
Estonia 68
Georgia 35
Hungary 311 312 288 228
Kazakhstan 8

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Kyrgyzstan 2
Latvia 21
Lithuania 54
Moldova, Republic of 2
Poland 1,290 2,000 1,691 1,120
Romania 171 235 137
Russian Federation 1,957 3,248 1,874 667
Slovakia 559 413 349 237
Tajikistan 2
Turkmenistan 1
Ukraine 381 187 118 55
Uzbekistan 5
NORTHERN EUROPE 51,040 50,270 39,300 29,278
Denmark 3,174 2,825 2,016 1,364
Faeroe Islands 1
Finland 989 1,185 964 580
Iceland 166 160
Ireland 1,721 2,703 1,715 1,141
Norway 2,290 3,195 2,261 1,441
Sweden 3,308 4,244 2,648 1,704
United Kingdom 39,558 36,118 29,530 22,887
SOUTHERN EUROPE 13,499 14,734 14,547 11,609
Albania 3
Andorra 1,796
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,897 10
Croatia 104 58
Gibraltar 1
Greece 479 401 349
Holy See 1
Italy 5,928 7,217 5,436 4,313
Malta 47
Montenegro 4
Portugal 1,174 1,962 1,367 823
Serbia 246 48
Slovenia 128 111
Spain 5,918 5,050 5,124 4,392
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2
WESTERN EUROPE 66,880 75,949 68,240 53,708
Austria 2,984 3,193 2,868 2,062
Belgium 4,224 4,858 4,687 3,743
France 10,628 10,684 10,016 8,089
Germany 28,501 37,239 32,843 24,637
Liechtenstein 7
Luxembourg 137 146 185 197
Monaco 6
Netherlands 13,232 11,921 10,600 8,417
Switzerland 7,174 7,908 7,041 6,550
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,732 1,500 2,058 416
Cyprus 390 57
Israel 2,137 1,269 1,785
Turkey 205 231 273 359
OTHER EUROPE 195 434 913 9
Other countries of Europe 195 434 913 9

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 226 90 1,425 899

Bahrain 7
Egypt 145 46 344 44
Iraq 8
Jordan 295
Kuwait 5
Lebanon 30 133 101
Libya 81 14 128 17
Oman 13
Qatar 29
Saudi Arabia 21
State of Palestine 3
Syrian Arab Republic 1
United Arab Emirates 307 268
Yemen 513 87
SOUTH ASIA 8,645 2,835 9,257 2,654
Afghanistan 68 46
Bangladesh 685 90 480 33
India 7,055 2,400 7,327 2,331
Iran, Islamic Republic of 11
Maldives 4
Nepal 22
Pakistan 450 200 802 87
Sri Lanka 455 145 580 120
NOT SPECIFIED 15,491 5,818 4,353 987
Other countries of the World 15,491 5,818 4,353 987

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 5,676,843 5,813,342 6,429,852 6,305,838 6,578,074 100.00 4.32

AFRICA 92,349 94,832 128,252 107,919 77,956 1.19 -27.76
EAST AFRICA 4,972 3,835 0.06 -22.87
Kenya 1,214 1,491 0.02 22.82
Mozambique 3,758 2,344 0.04 -37.63
CENTRAL AFRICA 37,779 38,587 48,666 48,297 26,784 0.41 -44.54
Angola 37,779 38,587 48,666 48,297 26,784 0.41 -44.54
NORTH AFRICA 6,563 6,934 0.11 5.65
Morocco 4,838 4,902 0.07 1.32
Tunisia 1,725 2,032 0.03 17.80
SOUTHERN AFRICA 23,047 21,212 26,287 27,260 24,065 0.37 -11.72
South Africa 23,047 21,212 26,287 27,260 24,065 0.37 -11.72
WEST AFRICA 6,898 7,076 11,168 7,783 5,134 0.08 -34.04
Cabo Verde 3,235 3,158 2,906 2,584 2,022 0.03 -21.75
Ghana 1,715 794 0.01 -53.70
Nigeria 3,663 3,918 8,262 3,484 2,318 0.04 -33.47
OTHER AFRICA 24,625 27,957 42,131 13,044 11,204 0.17 -14.11
Other countries of Africa 24,625 27,957 42,131 13,044 11,204 0.17 -14.11
AMERICAS 3,582,256 3,726,448 4,040,566 4,208,508 4,519,196 68.70 7.38
CARIBBEAN 4,292 4,940 4,659 14,998 13,598 0.21 -9.33
Cuba 4,292 4,940 4,659 6,003 6,236 0.09 3.88
Dominican Republic 5,296 4,421 0.07 -16.52
Haiti 1,506 1,174 0.02 -22.05
Trinidad and Tobago 2,193 1,767 0.03 -19.43
CENTRAL AMERICA 38,862 47,580 57,309 38,711 37,814 0.57 -2.32
Costa Rica 10,284 11,771 15,911 11,450 12,087 0.18 5.56
El Salvador 3,695 3,556 0.05 -3.76
Guatemala 5,294 6,497 8,408 6,112 6,439 0.10 5.35
Honduras 3,185 2,826 0.04 -11.27
Nicaragua 1,604 1,325 0.02 -17.39
Panama 7,496 8,512 9,805 10,081 8,261 0.13 -18.05
Other countries of Central America 15,788 20,800 23,185 2,584 3,320 0.05 28.48
NORTH AMERICA 716,583 737,175 844,969 734,450 735,062 11.17 0.08
Canada 68,462 67,610 78,531 68,293 70,103 1.07 2.65
Mexico 61,658 76,738 109,637 90,361 94,609 1.44 4.70
United States of America 586,463 592,827 656,801 575,796 570,350 8.67 -0.95
SOUTH AMERICA 2,822,519 2,936,753 3,133,629 3,420,349 3,732,722 56.74 9.13
Argentina 1,671,604 1,711,491 1,743,930 2,079,823 2,294,900 34.89 10.34
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 112,639 95,028 95,300 108,149 138,106 2.10 27.70
Chile 250,586 268,203 336,950 306,331 311,813 4.74 1.79
Colombia 100,324 116,461 158,886 118,866 135,192 2.06 13.73
Ecuador 26,462 29,324 42,349 34,899 30,604 0.47 -12.31
French Guiana 9,278 10,175 5,113 13 8 0.00 -38.46
Guyana 3,400 4,286 4,973 4,551 5,289 0.08 16.22
Paraguay 246,401 268,932 293,841 301,831 316,714 4.81 4.93
Peru 91,996 98,602 117,230 113,078 114,276 1.74 1.06
Suriname 4,859 3,430 3,379 4,999 9,169 0.14 83.42
Uruguay 253,864 262,512 223,508 267,321 284,113 4.32 6.28
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 51,106 68,309 108,170 80,488 92,538 1.41 14.97
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 294,228 299,432 344,017 279,016 299,133 4.55 7.21
NORTH-EAST ASIA 189,036 191,704 187,660 187,846 199,000 3.03 5.94
China 65,945 60,140 57,502 53,064 57,860 0.88 9.04
Hong Kong (China) 3,347 4,092 0.06 22.26
Japan 73,102 87,225 84,636 70,102 79,754 1.21 13.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Korea, Republic of 49,989 44,339 45,522 50,725 50,312 0.76 -0.81

Taiwan Province of China 10,608 6,982 0.11 -34.18
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 26,002 22,958 0.35 -11.71
Indonesia 2,315 2,152 0.03 -7.04
Malaysia 5,183 4,233 0.06 -18.33
Philippines 7,993 7,574 0.12 -5.24
Singapore 6,252 4,944 0.08 -20.92
Thailand 4,259 4,055 0.06 -4.79
AUSTRALASIA 52,503 53,952 80,149 55,197 65,431 0.99 18.54
Australia 43,161 45,079 67,389 44,896 49,809 0.76 10.94
New Zealand 9,342 8,873 12,760 10,301 15,622 0.24 51.66
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 52,689 53,776 76,208 9,971 11,744 0.18 17.78
Other countries of Asia 52,377 53,447 75,910 9,747 11,059 0.17 13.46
Other countries of Oceania 312 329 298 224 685 0.01 205.80
EUROPE 1,685,728 1,669,697 1,891,174 1,667,405 1,641,457 24.95 -1.56
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 56,170 62,044 76,016 91,915 92,029 1.40 0.12
Bulgaria 3,991 4,264 0.06 6.84
Czech Republic 7,657 8,066 8,529 8,537 8,346 0.13 -2.24
Estonia 1,863 1,998 0.03 7.25
Hungary 5,240 5,713 6,450 7,058 7,249 0.11 2.71
Latvia 1,582 1,884 0.03 19.09
Lithuania 2,411 3,213 0.05 33.26
Poland 18,132 22,727 24,068 24,363 23,041 0.35 -5.43
Romania 7,394 6,985 0.11 -5.53
Russian Federation 25,141 25,538 36,969 25,644 23,894 0.36 -6.82
Slovakia 3,188 4,029 0.06 26.38
Ukraine 5,884 7,126 0.11 21.11
NORTHERN EUROPE 274,391 284,133 348,589 301,794 307,476 4.67 1.88
Denmark 22,780 21,261 22,743 23,136 24,182 0.37 4.52
Finland 11,994 12,258 13,413 11,943 11,152 0.17 -6.62
Ireland 18,457 19,352 19,467 17,651 16,428 0.25 -6.93
Norway 30,319 28,069 33,749 25,699 20,611 0.31 -19.80
Sweden 35,293 33,461 42,214 34,096 32,432 0.49 -4.88
United Kingdom 155,548 169,732 217,003 189,269 202,671 3.08 7.08
SOUTHERN EUROPE 585,512 577,548 573,408 531,122 496,846 7.55 -6.45
Croatia 2,525 3,415 0.05 35.25
Greece 6,343 6,304 7,849 7,146 7,569 0.12 5.92
Italy 230,114 233,243 228,734 202,015 181,493 2.76 -10.16
Portugal 168,649 168,250 170,066 162,305 149,968 2.28 -7.60
Serbia 2,988 3,286 0.05 9.97
Slovenia 3,114 3,269 0.05 4.98
Spain 180,406 169,751 166,759 151,029 147,846 2.25 -2.11
WESTERN EUROPE 681,971 657,445 781,301 685,539 687,357 10.45 0.27
Austria 28,035 25,929 28,532 26,575 23,531 0.36 -11.45
Belgium 34,169 33,356 42,964 34,423 35,577 0.54 3.35
France 218,626 224,078 282,375 261,075 263,774 4.01 1.03
Germany 258,437 236,505 265,498 224,549 221,513 3.37 -1.35
Luxembourg 1,728 1,620 0.02 -6.25
Netherlands 73,133 69,187 81,655 66,870 72,268 1.10 8.07
Switzerland 69,571 68,390 80,277 70,319 69,074 1.05 -1.77
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 33,523 33,128 43,340 51,665 50,787 0.77 -1.70
Israel 33,523 33,128 43,340 35,891 34,962 0.53 -2.59
Turkey 15,774 15,825 0.24 0.32
OTHER EUROPE 54,161 55,399 68,520 5,370 6,962 0.11 29.65
Other countries of Europe 54,161 55,399 68,520 5,370 6,962 0.11 29.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 11,907 9,851 0.15 -17.27

Egypt 3,064 3,435 0.05 12.11
Lebanon 3,076 3,067 0.05 -0.29
Saudi Arabia 1,533 1,225 0.02 -20.09
Syrian Arab Republic 4,234 2,124 0.03 -49.83
SOUTH ASIA 22,096 22,719 25,675 30,941 30,391 0.46 -1.78
Bangladesh 1,531 670 0.01 -56.24
India 22,096 22,719 25,675 23,259 23,246 0.35 -0.06
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,916 4,179 0.06 6.72
Pakistan 2,235 2,296 0.03 2.73
NOT SPECIFIED 186 214 168 142 90 0.00 -36.62
Other countries of the World 186 214 168 142 90 0.00 -36.62

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 209,108 224,904 200,989 218,213 218,809 100.00 0.27

AMERICAS 6,304 7,605 6,058 5,949 5,421 2.48 -8.88
NORTH AMERICA 6,304 7,605 6,058 5,949 5,421 2.48 -8.88
Canada 2,237 2,443 2,260 2,245 2,013 0.92 -10.33
United States of America 4,067 5,162 3,798 3,704 3,408 1.56 -7.99
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 169,641 180,547 161,039 177,786 179,341 81.96 0.87
NORTH-EAST ASIA 40,227 42,331 35,939 47,454 52,373 23.94 10.37
China 27,490 30,481 26,473 36,886 40,838 18.66 10.71
Hong Kong (China) 1,601 1,869 1,374 1,617 1,931 0.88 19.42
Japan 4,310 5,747 4,671 4,336 4,474 2.04 3.18
Korea, Republic of 4,277 2,344 2,026 2,871 3,551 1.62 23.69
Taiwan Province of China 2,549 1,890 1,395 1,744 1,579 0.72 -9.46
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 115,902 122,722 113,541 118,719 117,525 53.71 -1.01
Cambodia 216 774 331 251 318 0.15 26.69
Indonesia 18,245 18,109 15,381 17,152 20,844 9.53 21.53
Lao People's Democratic Republic 165 664 196 125 192 0.09 53.60
Malaysia 56,214 57,476 54,969 57,986 54,374 24.85 -6.23
Myanmar 570 1,050 544 618 596 0.27 -3.56
Philippines 19,189 18,868 18,572 17,922 17,064 7.80 -4.79
Singapore 15,933 17,819 16,476 16,230 14,473 6.61 -10.83
Thailand 3,997 6,063 5,533 5,831 6,303 2.88 8.09
Viet Nam 1,373 1,899 1,539 2,604 3,361 1.54 29.07
AUSTRALASIA 13,512 15,494 11,559 11,613 9,443 4.32 -18.69
Australia 11,877 13,823 9,966 9,972 7,989 3.65 -19.89
New Zealand 1,635 1,671 1,593 1,641 1,454 0.66 -11.40
EUROPE 20,837 22,899 19,903 20,246 18,059 8.25 -10.80
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 934 1,409 893 794 785 0.36 -1.13
Czech Republic 104 167 162 126 167 0.08 32.54
Poland 351 462 408 319 376 0.17 17.87
Russian Federation 479 780 323 349 242 0.11 -30.66
NORTHERN EUROPE 12,960 14,121 12,076 12,506 11,672 5.33 -6.67
Denmark 256 268 258 250 272 0.12 8.80
Finland 234 190 177 184 248 0.11 34.78
Ireland 376 352 370 303 301 0.14 -0.66
Norway 339 810 459 348 229 0.10 -34.20
Sweden 354 339 316 292 262 0.12 -10.27
United Kingdom 11,401 12,162 10,496 11,129 10,360 4.73 -6.91
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,080 1,100 1,045 1,023 1,033 0.47 0.98
Greece 91 50 77 44 54 0.02 22.73
Italy 561 603 537 543 512 0.23 -5.71
Portugal 128 122 108 153 167 0.08 9.15
Spain 300 325 323 283 300 0.14 6.01
WESTERN EUROPE 5,863 6,269 5,889 5,923 4,569 2.09 -22.86
Austria 128 120 129 122 128 0.06 4.92
Belgium 197 170 179 160 137 0.06 -14.38
France 1,780 2,172 1,729 1,700 1,340 0.61 -21.18
Germany 1,706 1,890 1,958 1,923 1,657 0.76 -13.83
Netherlands 1,437 1,599 1,653 1,348 1,020 0.47 -24.33
Switzerland 615 318 241 670 287 0.13 -57.16
MIDDLE EAST 819 670 936 822 819 0.37 -0.36
Bahrain 36 21 28 27 19 0.01 -29.63
Kuwait 67 66 63 33 92 0.04 178.79
Oman 242 243 435 366 267 0.12 -27.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Qatar 94 15 18 24 21 0.01 -12.50

Saudi Arabia 180 177 243 264 244 0.11 -7.58
United Arab Emirates 200 148 149 108 176 0.08 62.96
SOUTH ASIA 7,782 9,558 9,165 9,975 11,896 5.44 19.26
Bangladesh 996 1,365 1,281 1,531 2,627 1.20 71.59
India 5,104 6,281 6,046 6,379 7,193 3.29 12.76
Nepal 677 878 787 1,092 1,129 0.52 3.39
Pakistan 509 537 662 621 656 0.30 5.64
Sri Lanka 496 497 389 352 291 0.13 -17.33
NOT SPECIFIED 3,725 3,625 3,888 3,435 3,273 1.50 -4.72
Other countries of the World 3,725 3,625 3,888 3,435 3,273 1.50 -4.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 8,866,552 9,191,782 9,408,821 9,316,625 10,604,396 100.00 13.82

AFRICA 2,608 5,922 6,410 7,281 8,541 0.08 17.31
EAST AFRICA 80 376 453 601 839 0.01 39.60
Ethiopia 80 57 121 110 259 0.00 135.45
Kenya 159 153 267 338 0.00 26.59
Mozambique 32 50 37 34 0.00 -8.11
Tanzania, United Republic of 35 31 50 57 0.00 14.00
Uganda 24 30 51 64 0.00 25.49
Zimbabwe 69 68 86 87 0.00 1.16
CENTRAL AFRICA 275 310 285 767 0.01 169.12
Angola 50 48 48 377 0.00 685.42
Cameroon 128 125 138 220 0.00 59.42
Congo 17 42 30 36 0.00 20.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 51 55 69 83 0.00 20.29
Equatorial Guinea 29 40 51 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 1,931 2,663 3,011 3,343 3,319 0.03 -0.72
Algeria 506 742 874 905 907 0.01 0.22
Morocco 841 1,064 1,224 1,387 1,252 0.01 -9.73
Sudan 147 124 163 161 193 0.00 19.88
Tunisia 437 733 750 890 967 0.01 8.65
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,592 1,758 1,868 1,865 0.02 -0.16
South Africa 1,592 1,758 1,868 1,865 0.02 -0.16
WEST AFRICA 597 1,016 878 1,184 1,751 0.02 47.89
Benin 23 42 42 36 0.00 -14.29
Ghana 83 101 111 151 203 0.00 34.44
Mali 11 23 27 73 0.00 170.37
Nigeria 514 881 702 964 1,439 0.01 49.27
AMERICAS 93,603 101,895 112,584 113,675 115,195 1.09 1.34
CARIBBEAN 357 338 355 356 314 0.00 -11.80
Cuba 357 338 355 356 314 0.00 -11.80
CENTRAL AMERICA 549 634 530 905 0.01 70.75
Belize 4 9 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Costa Rica 219 230 254 475 0.00 87.01
Honduras 165 228 78 191 0.00 144.87
Nicaragua 58 57 60 73 0.00 21.67
Panama 103 110 135 164 0.00 21.48
NORTH AMERICA 87,596 92,083 102,019 103,338 102,671 0.97 -0.65
Canada 16,061 17,082 19,339 18,402 17,395 0.16 -5.47
Mexico 2,212 2,392 2,892 2,957 2,811 0.03 -4.94
United States of America 69,323 72,609 79,788 81,979 82,465 0.78 0.59
SOUTH AMERICA 5,650 8,925 9,576 9,451 11,305 0.11 19.62
Argentina 1,216 1,467 1,613 1,744 1,938 0.02 11.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 87 87 90 80 0.00 -11.11
Brazil 3,849 3,948 4,475 4,274 4,854 0.05 13.57
Chile 829 943 973 1,038 0.01 6.68
Colombia 1,018 896 883 1,447 0.01 63.87
Ecuador 198 217 192 262 0.00 36.46
Paraguay 51 89 82 80 0.00 -2.44
Peru 342 564 415 595 0.01 43.37
Uruguay 174 231 233 417 0.00 78.97
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 585 811 461 565 594 0.01 5.13
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 56,053 77,631 92,221 93,329 95,073 0.90 1.87
NORTH-EAST ASIA 33,858 41,781 47,975 50,110 54,829 0.52 9.42
China 8,685 11,570 15,242 16,935 20,829 0.20 22.99
Hong Kong (China) 1,033 968 989 1,189 0.01 20.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Japan 11,148 11,268 12,066 12,362 15,012 0.14 21.44

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 184 161 220 1,119 0.01 408.64
Korea, Republic of 13,508 15,129 16,765 15,632 12,746 0.12 -18.46
Macao (China) 25 25 35 22 0.00 -37.14
Mongolia 517 442 428 492 676 0.01 37.40
Taiwan Province of China 2,130 2,320 3,445 3,236 0.03 -6.07
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,207 18,491 26,099 25,500 24,075 0.23 -5.59
Indonesia 2,438 2,221 4,095 2,673 3,243 0.03 21.32
Malaysia 1,514 1,943 3,561 3,651 0.03 2.53
Philippines 10,564 15,043 13,506 11,877 0.11 -12.06
Singapore 885 1,074 1,085 1,167 0.01 7.56
Thailand 740 1,364 2,050 2,179 0.02 6.29
Viet Nam 2,769 2,567 2,580 2,625 1,958 0.02 -25.41
AUSTRALASIA 16,988 17,359 18,147 17,719 16,169 0.15 -8.75
Australia 14,207 14,516 15,190 14,600 13,308 0.13 -8.85
New Zealand 2,781 2,843 2,957 3,119 2,861 0.03 -8.27
EUROPE 8,525,443 8,888,765 9,077,553 8,977,485 10,251,216 96.67 14.19
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,273,290 3,505,818 3,484,543 3,323,414 3,925,844 37.02 18.13
Azerbaijan 8,050 7,168 5,594 6,725 0.06 20.22
Belarus 84,684 131,465 142,142 106,302 94,922 0.90 -10.71
Czech Republic 173,739 171,315 182,948 160,978 219,349 2.07 36.26
Estonia 6,386 5,033 3,840 19,806 0.19 415.78
Georgia 29,621 26,282 23,424 24,387 0.23 4.11
Hungary 120,883 115,205 103,068 102,189 118,805 1.12 16.26
Kazakhstan 9,128 9,917 11,082 9,854 0.09 -11.08
Latvia 5,183 7,483 7,401 16,506 0.16 123.02
Lithuania 11,756 14,036 11,332 28,073 0.26 147.73
Moldova, Republic of 113,888 111,826 174,563 226,427 244,662 2.31 8.05
Poland 286,267 283,498 282,105 285,455 388,833 3.67 36.22
Romania 1,468,179 1,465,600 1,439,853 1,499,854 1,743,697 16.44 16.26
Russian Federation 609,630 695,853 666,538 493,989 589,844 5.56 19.40
Slovakia 90,076 81,488 81,883 74,770 78,167 0.74 4.54
Ukraine 325,944 379,444 341,524 310,777 342,214 3.23 10.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 494,720 471,031 431,657 411,039 508,667 4.80 23.75
Denmark 72,216 70,915 55,924 58,290 74,125 0.70 27.17
Finland 38,926 37,812 32,696 24,914 30,332 0.29 21.75
Iceland 1,845 1,228 57 31 2,080 0.02 6,609.68
Ireland 26,722 18,405 12,739 13,849 25,388 0.24 83.32
Norway 28,993 30,768 33,050 24,629 46,899 0.44 90.42
Sweden 43,942 42,247 40,259 39,288 48,066 0.45 22.34
United Kingdom 282,076 269,656 256,932 250,038 281,777 2.66 12.69
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,237,346 2,290,626 2,351,451 2,395,609 2,585,279 24.38 7.92
Albania 27,966 29,768 29,904 34,329 40,050 0.38 16.67
Bosnia and Herzegovina 41,882 40,383 45,678 53,521 43,726 0.41 -18.30
Croatia 23,781 23,137 25,744 23,968 23,464 0.22 -2.10
Greece 1,087,260 1,105,437 1,100,789 1,024,526 1,157,062 10.91 12.94
Italy 128,851 129,115 143,561 143,446 152,078 1.43 6.02
Malta 4,369 2,988 1,808 2,228 4,868 0.05 118.49
Montenegro 13,501 13,261 13,507 13,023 13,024 0.12 0.01
Portugal 7,325 6,944 9,825 11,693 11,817 0.11 1.06
San Marino 29 52 21 69 0.00 228.57
Serbia 396,448 428,582 453,891 501,091 490,668 4.63 -2.08
Slovenia 22,459 22,002 20,178 22,859 22,591 0.21 -1.17
Spain 59,322 59,972 65,407 58,852 63,497 0.60 7.89
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 424,182 429,008 441,107 506,052 562,365 5.30 11.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 1,421,600 1,449,237 1,567,725 1,435,021 1,712,504 16.15 19.34

Austria 185,242 192,298 208,344 175,024 204,489 1.93 16.83
Belgium 95,678 94,735 103,754 100,777 119,429 1.13 18.51
France 180,060 180,114 169,581 171,305 195,571 1.84 14.17
Germany 784,678 812,189 898,791 826,142 1,003,030 9.46 21.41
Liechtenstein 5 17 14 151 0.00 978.57
Luxembourg 4,232 4,332 7,380 7,339 7,910 0.07 7.78
Netherlands 144,382 134,683 143,793 123,578 147,882 1.39 19.67
Switzerland 27,328 30,881 36,065 30,842 34,042 0.32 10.38
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,098,487 1,172,053 1,242,177 1,412,402 1,518,922 14.32 7.54
Cyprus 18,689 17,785 17,231 19,285 22,181 0.21 15.02
Israel 95,586 101,222 129,961 155,276 183,846 1.73 18.40
Turkey 984,212 1,053,046 1,094,985 1,237,841 1,312,895 12.38 6.06
MIDDLE EAST 29,646 43,966 36,240 34,312 30,340 0.29 -11.58
Bahrain 90 148 191 193 0.00 1.05
Egypt 2,545 2,810 3,597 3,624 3,478 0.03 -4.03
Iraq 4,300 5,229 5,001 5,200 2,914 0.03 -43.96
Jordan 1,376 1,237 1,569 1,864 1,886 0.02 1.18
Kuwait 3,412 4,040 3,462 2,869 3,576 0.03 24.64
Lebanon 5,776 6,093 6,891 7,408 7,222 0.07 -2.51
Libya 372 727 828 706 817 0.01 15.72
Qatar 232 283 335 444 0.00 32.54
Saudi Arabia 233 362 462 700 1,288 0.01 84.00
Syrian Arab Republic 11,375 22,760 13,571 10,423 5,547 0.05 -46.78
United Arab Emirates 257 255 326 822 2,772 0.03 237.23
Yemen 131 102 170 203 0.00 19.41
SOUTH ASIA 25,911 23,533 32,824 36,053 50,180 0.47 39.18
Afghanistan 620 666 780 764 868 0.01 13.61
Bangladesh 162 200 331 386 519 0.00 34.46
India 4,722 5,402 8,573 8,018 10,160 0.10 26.71
Iran, Islamic Republic of 19,459 16,248 21,815 25,445 37,032 0.35 45.54
Pakistan 948 1,017 1,325 1,440 1,601 0.02 11.18
NOT SPECIFIED 133,288 50,070 50,989 54,490 53,851 0.51 -1.17
Other countries of the World 133,288 50,070 50,989 54,490 53,851 0.51 -1.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,579,134 2,754,493 2,733,000 2,805,760 3,319,403 100.00 18.31

AFRICA 3,841 2,668 1,331 1,581 10,837 0.33 585.45
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,445 1,191 1,331 1,581 1,828 0.06 15.62
South Africa 1,445 1,191 1,331 1,581 1,828 0.06 15.62
OTHER AFRICA 2,396 1,477 9,009 0.27
Other countries of Africa 2,396 1,477 9,009 0.27
AMERICAS 51,018 53,553 56,028 63,891 75,052 2.26 17.47
NORTH AMERICA 46,541 48,587 52,645 61,088 66,314 2.00 8.55
Canada 6,754 7,407 8,280 7,997 9,158 0.28 14.52
United States of America 38,595 39,726 44,365 53,091 53,873 1.62 1.47
Other countries of North America 1,192 1,454 3,283 0.10
SOUTH AMERICA 3,079 3,443 3,383 2,803 3,438 0.10 22.65
Brazil 3,079 3,443 3,383 2,803 3,438 0.10 22.65
OTHER AMERICAS 1,398 1,523 5,300 0.16
Other countries of the Americas 1,398 1,523 5,300 0.16
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 38,021 45,276 48,551 50,986 49,452 1.49 -3.01
NORTH-EAST ASIA 29,352 36,906 39,303 41,753 41,003 1.24 -1.80
China 9,095 10,641 13,306 15,942 19,687 0.59 23.49
Japan 13,501 17,136 16,477 17,021 14,401 0.43 -15.39
Korea, Republic of 6,756 9,129 9,520 8,790 6,915 0.21 -21.33
AUSTRALASIA 8,669 8,370 9,248 9,233 8,449 0.25 -8.49
Australia 8,669 8,370 9,248 9,233 8,449 0.25 -8.49
EUROPE 2,321,070 2,442,868 2,277,884 2,324,369 3,066,023 92.37 31.91
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,022,723 1,110,344 986,233 954,403 1,174,064 35.37 23.02
Czech Republic 58,249 54,481 58,472 62,081 82,131 2.47 32.30
Estonia 7,684 12,819 12,668 13,803 19,000 0.57 37.65
Hungary 31,239 35,594 31,756 35,056 39,206 1.18 11.84
Latvia 7,080 9,754 11,454 10,865 11,801 0.36 8.61
Lithuania 11,180 14,980 17,203 16,880 23,648 0.71 40.09
Poland 127,214 132,401 136,509 156,402 216,682 6.53 38.54
Romania 332,022 349,895 302,616 369,799 421,985 12.71 14.11
Russian Federation 323,731 354,571 285,200 176,506 244,751 7.37 38.66
Slovakia 31,203 33,196 33,771 33,531 36,543 1.10 8.98
Ukraine 93,121 112,653 96,584 79,480 78,317 2.36 -1.46
NORTHERN EUROPE 288,708 316,445 304,431 328,412 382,898 11.54 16.59
Denmark 27,601 28,790 26,403 29,211 32,891 0.99 12.60
Finland 20,280 22,452 17,566 17,606 20,349 0.61 15.58
Iceland 1,014 921 1,301 1,381 2,027 0.06 46.78
Ireland 9,922 11,502 10,965 12,948 16,710 0.50 29.05
Norway 40,859 47,409 47,307 43,677 47,369 1.43 8.45
Sweden 24,644 25,835 25,602 27,391 29,034 0.87 6.00
United Kingdom 164,388 179,536 175,287 196,198 234,518 7.07 19.53
SOUTHERN EUROPE 206,895 205,088 219,732 225,010 253,669 7.64 12.74
Greece 108,371 112,861 110,225 109,605 123,477 3.72 12.66
Italy 55,524 51,349 63,279 67,023 74,649 2.25 11.38
Malta 2,893 1,613 2,444 2,321 3,475 0.10 49.72
Portugal 5,587 5,022 6,180 7,155 6,728 0.20 -5.97
Slovenia 10,767 11,546 10,923 13,505 11,761 0.35 -12.91
Spain 23,753 22,697 26,681 25,401 33,579 1.01 32.20
WESTERN EUROPE 569,262 542,349 561,514 562,526 731,037 22.02 29.96
Austria 39,078 42,059 47,152 37,296 43,811 1.32 17.47
Belgium 34,728 35,632 37,472 40,782 57,295 1.73 40.49
France 72,855 71,729 70,652 71,736 80,561 2.43 12.30
Germany 370,588 344,876 356,393 363,443 490,388 14.77 34.93
Luxembourg 2,389 2,135 2,226 2,509 2,977 0.09 18.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Netherlands 33,925 30,189 32,022 30,677 38,990 1.17 27.10

Switzerland 15,699 15,729 15,597 16,083 17,015 0.51 5.79
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 149,514 174,499 205,974 254,018 289,209 8.71 13.85
Cyprus 5,553 4,311 6,547 6,192 6,972 0.21 12.60
Israel 77,094 80,785 103,200 128,780 154,272 4.65 19.79
Turkey 66,867 89,403 96,227 119,046 127,965 3.86 7.49
OTHER EUROPE 83,968 94,143 235,146 7.08
Other countries of Europe 83,968 94,143 235,146 7.08
NOT SPECIFIED 165,184 210,128 349,206 364,933 118,039 3.56 -67.65
Other countries of the World 165,184 210,128 349,206 364,933 118,039 3.56 -67.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,632,062 2,820,673 2,791,578 2,864,371 3,386,932 100.00 18.24

AMERICAS 39,581 41,034 45,709 54,690 55,820 1.65 2.07
NORTH AMERICA 39,581 41,034 45,709 54,690 55,820 1.65 2.07
United States of America 39,581 41,034 45,709 54,690 55,820 1.65 2.07
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,969 17,641 16,928 17,444 14,827 0.44 -15.00
NORTH-EAST ASIA 13,969 17,641 16,928 17,444 14,827 0.44 -15.00
Japan 13,969 17,641 16,928 17,444 14,827 0.44 -15.00
EUROPE 2,355,534 2,503,636 2,436,213 2,492,391 3,020,764 89.19 21.20
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,048,139 1,142,639 1,013,583 977,375 1,202,289 35.50 23.01
Czech Republic 59,772 55,440 59,223 63,367 84,123 2.48 32.76
Estonia 7,758 12,937 12,788 13,936 19,137 0.57 37.32
Hungary 31,950 36,158 32,325 35,676 40,068 1.18 12.31
Latvia 7,234 9,981 11,656 11,005 12,026 0.36 9.28
Lithuania 11,355 15,125 17,419 17,054 23,885 0.71 40.06
Poland 129,411 134,675 138,534 158,727 221,133 6.53 39.32
Romania 336,135 354,508 306,890 375,221 428,433 12.65 14.18
Russian Federation 336,326 372,637 299,220 184,593 254,041 7.50 37.62
Slovakia 31,421 33,565 34,197 33,971 37,355 1.10 9.96
Ukraine 96,777 117,613 101,331 83,825 82,088 2.42 -2.07
NORTHERN EUROPE 291,209 319,843 307,722 332,283 386,849 11.42 16.42
Denmark 27,861 29,064 26,746 29,555 33,299 0.98 12.67
Finland 20,418 22,766 17,773 17,854 20,582 0.61 15.28
Ireland 10,051 11,742 11,280 13,232 17,019 0.50 28.62
Norway 41,196 47,722 47,822 43,894 47,698 1.41 8.67
Sweden 24,839 26,090 25,880 27,605 29,384 0.87 6.44
United Kingdom 166,844 182,459 178,221 200,143 238,867 7.05 19.35
SOUTHERN EUROPE 287,170 313,164 335,371 352,454 395,967 11.69 12.35
Croatia 8,372 9,458 8,737 8,502 0.25 -2.69
Greece 109,539 114,167 111,790 111,624 125,606 3.71 12.53
Italy 56,329 52,347 64,451 68,301 76,028 2.24 11.31
Malta 2,905 1,636 2,473 2,372 3,529 0.10 48.78
Portugal 5,729 5,113 6,321 7,286 6,936 0.20 -4.80
Serbia 27,360 31,448 31,005 37,016 40,579 1.20 9.63
Slovenia 10,937 11,860 11,190 13,802 12,202 0.36 -11.59
Spain 24,663 23,730 27,648 26,461 34,956 1.03 32.10
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 49,708 64,491 71,035 76,855 87,629 2.59 14.02
WESTERN EUROPE 577,555 551,330 570,727 572,791 741,952 21.91 29.53
Austria 39,521 42,463 47,676 37,884 44,390 1.31 17.17
Belgium 35,327 36,371 38,143 41,475 58,019 1.71 39.89
France 75,492 74,673 73,358 74,742 83,529 2.47 11.76
Germany 373,133 347,667 359,531 367,464 494,796 14.61 34.65
Luxembourg 2,442 2,145 2,234 2,538 2,999 0.09 18.16
Netherlands 35,692 31,903 33,741 32,198 40,778 1.20 26.65
Switzerland 15,948 16,108 16,044 16,490 17,441 0.51 5.77
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 151,461 176,660 208,810 257,488 293,707 8.67 14.07
Cyprus 5,617 4,357 6,592 6,294 7,057 0.21 12.12
Israel 77,934 81,357 104,246 130,031 156,154 4.61 20.09
Turkey 67,910 90,946 97,972 121,163 130,496 3.85 7.70
NOT SPECIFIED 222,978 258,362 292,728 299,846 295,521 8.73 -1.44
Other countries of the World 222,978 258,362 292,728 299,846 295,521 8.73 -1.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 13,151,707 13,987,515 13,764,000 13,095,720 15,864,772 100.00 21.14

AFRICA 13,688 7,894 4,765 4,860 34,335 0.22 606.48
SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,176 3,862 4,765 4,860 7,096 0.04 46.01
South Africa 7,176 3,862 4,765 4,860 7,096 0.04 46.01
OTHER AFRICA 6,512 4,032 27,239 0.17
Other countries of Africa 6,512 4,032 27,239 0.17
AMERICAS 136,357 126,258 131,644 160,023 196,997 1.24 23.11
NORTH AMERICA 121,021 113,444 120,572 152,847 175,007 1.10 14.50
Canada 15,738 17,047 19,946 19,436 20,190 0.13 3.88
United States of America 101,816 93,386 100,626 133,411 145,968 0.92 9.41
Other countries of North America 3,467 3,011 8,849 0.06
SOUTH AMERICA 11,029 8,958 11,072 7,176 7,960 0.05 10.93
Brazil 11,029 8,958 11,072 7,176 7,960 0.05 10.93
OTHER AMERICAS 4,307 3,856 14,030 0.09
Other countries of the Americas 4,307 3,856 14,030 0.09
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 77,039 86,349 98,690 92,909 92,079 0.58 -0.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 55,459 67,366 73,280 71,054 71,578 0.45 0.74
China 20,562 22,378 27,221 28,083 35,066 0.22 24.87
Japan 23,538 30,188 31,446 27,090 24,560 0.15 -9.34
Korea, Republic of 11,359 14,800 14,613 15,881 11,952 0.08 -24.74
AUSTRALASIA 21,580 18,983 25,410 21,855 20,501 0.13 -6.20
Australia 21,580 18,983 25,410 21,855 20,501 0.13 -6.20
EUROPE 12,101,170 12,687,343 11,941,231 11,278,819 15,103,237 95.20 33.91
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,968,116 6,514,380 5,897,404 5,087,862 6,310,578 39.78 24.03
Czech Republic 338,316 307,602 336,029 355,360 492,802 3.11 38.68
Estonia 42,794 72,028 75,144 82,317 119,860 0.76 45.61
Hungary 139,896 165,873 137,571 155,967 180,586 1.14 15.78
Latvia 37,627 52,442 65,546 61,049 67,211 0.42 10.09
Lithuania 61,315 94,313 103,687 96,332 133,754 0.84 38.85
Poland 785,551 824,809 923,604 978,261 1,344,567 8.48 37.44
Romania 1,336,926 1,440,755 1,191,755 1,446,851 1,568,547 9.89 8.41
Russian Federation 2,430,560 2,643,324 2,257,848 1,285,083 1,786,788 11.26 39.04
Slovakia 208,857 219,554 217,685 202,664 218,926 1.38 8.02
Ukraine 586,274 693,680 588,535 423,978 397,537 2.51 -6.24
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,666,401 1,852,019 1,759,593 1,870,216 2,178,501 13.73 16.48
Denmark 167,529 164,515 148,918 169,459 184,901 1.17 9.11
Finland 112,015 122,208 95,295 95,985 109,201 0.69 13.77
Iceland 2,892 2,718 3,711 4,705 7,598 0.05 61.49
Ireland 44,600 56,269 52,021 63,480 84,236 0.53 32.70
Norway 282,728 333,970 325,151 291,621 320,232 2.02 9.81
Sweden 133,213 140,392 134,139 137,839 147,545 0.93 7.04
United Kingdom 923,424 1,031,947 1,000,358 1,107,127 1,324,788 8.35 19.66
SOUTHERN EUROPE 476,058 459,296 504,669 503,502 550,749 3.47 9.38
Greece 210,235 222,896 222,728 220,110 241,496 1.52 9.72
Italy 141,744 127,583 161,437 158,815 173,769 1.10 9.42
Malta 8,409 4,203 7,035 6,336 10,230 0.06 61.46
Portugal 18,093 13,504 17,386 20,987 18,684 0.12 -10.97
Slovenia 47,214 43,631 41,105 44,592 40,632 0.26 -8.88
Spain 50,363 47,479 54,978 52,662 65,938 0.42 25.21
WESTERN EUROPE 3,292,096 3,075,592 3,173,080 3,112,634 4,246,872 26.77 36.44
Austria 133,636 167,064 190,193 135,203 177,546 1.12 31.32
Belgium 165,979 175,829 184,052 208,753 313,471 1.98 50.16
France 237,470 251,762 267,522 253,749 297,535 1.88 17.26
Germany 2,507,244 2,276,695 2,330,885 2,323,187 3,216,186 20.27 38.44
Luxembourg 13,349 12,026 11,613 15,315 16,708 0.11 9.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Netherlands 179,958 141,022 135,729 123,980 169,878 1.07 37.02

Switzerland 54,460 51,194 53,086 52,447 55,548 0.35 5.91
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 443,511 498,581 606,485 704,605 804,685 5.07 14.20
Cyprus 14,677 12,124 15,759 16,728 17,135 0.11 2.43
Israel 301,176 316,836 398,097 464,706 542,268 3.42 16.69
Turkey 127,658 169,621 192,629 223,171 245,282 1.55 9.91
OTHER EUROPE 254,988 287,475 1,011,852 6.38
Other countries of Europe 254,988 287,475 1,011,852 6.38
NOT SPECIFIED 823,453 1,079,671 1,587,670 1,559,109 438,124 2.76 -71.90
Other countries of the World 823,453 1,079,671 1,587,670 1,559,109 438,124 2.76 -71.90

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 13,451,440 14,370,426 14,077,798 13,352,281 16,150,666 100.00 20.96

AMERICAS 104,127 96,279 103,527 136,987 150,377 0.93 9.77
NORTH AMERICA 104,127 96,279 103,527 136,987 150,377 0.93 9.77
United States of America 104,127 96,279 103,527 136,987 150,377 0.93 9.77
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,493 31,269 32,304 27,942 25,354 0.16 -9.26
NORTH-EAST ASIA 24,493 31,269 32,304 27,942 25,354 0.16 -9.26
Japan 24,493 31,269 32,304 27,942 25,354 0.16 -9.26
EUROPE 12,333,431 13,016,362 12,530,088 11,851,440 14,722,037 91.15 24.22
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,160,384 6,760,361 6,098,734 5,222,775 6,473,435 40.08 23.95
Czech Republic 343,170 312,840 339,099 360,762 502,461 3.11 39.28
Estonia 43,249 72,667 75,846 82,967 120,417 0.75 45.14
Hungary 142,886 168,056 139,739 158,569 184,279 1.14 16.21
Latvia 38,302 53,484 66,371 61,551 68,225 0.42 10.84
Lithuania 62,027 94,953 104,880 96,938 134,531 0.83 38.78
Poland 796,880 837,196 933,527 989,481 1,368,215 8.47 38.28
Romania 1,349,832 1,454,411 1,203,802 1,462,940 1,587,836 9.83 8.54
Russian Federation 2,564,743 2,823,295 2,396,020 1,355,826 1,865,558 11.55 37.60
Slovakia 210,004 222,026 220,884 205,760 224,202 1.39 8.96
Ukraine 609,291 721,433 618,566 447,981 417,711 2.59 -6.76
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,676,837 1,865,108 1,772,760 1,888,177 2,192,685 13.58 16.13
Denmark 168,452 165,581 150,038 170,985 186,533 1.15 9.09
Finland 112,451 123,609 95,928 96,869 109,810 0.68 13.36
Ireland 44,971 56,899 53,058 64,418 85,127 0.53 32.15
Norway 284,142 335,719 328,516 292,558 321,416 1.99 9.86
Sweden 133,664 141,273 134,829 138,417 148,713 0.92 7.44
United Kingdom 933,157 1,042,027 1,010,391 1,124,930 1,341,086 8.30 19.22
SOUTHERN EUROPE 726,597 780,713 840,898 878,854 958,087 5.93 9.02
Croatia 18,008 23,423 19,618 21,468 0.13 9.43
Greece 212,745 225,925 226,457 225,201 246,235 1.52 9.34
Italy 144,100 130,237 164,211 162,101 176,888 1.10 9.12
Malta 8,425 4,258 7,115 6,477 10,363 0.06 60.00
Portugal 18,870 13,663 17,775 21,295 19,216 0.12 -9.76
Serbia 99,352 108,705 101,558 118,777 128,319 0.79 8.03
Slovenia 47,862 45,296 42,320 45,412 41,884 0.26 -7.77
Spain 52,058 49,924 56,811 54,767 68,543 0.42 25.15
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 143,185 184,697 201,228 225,206 245,171 1.52 8.87
WESTERN EUROPE 3,321,979 3,106,590 3,204,120 3,147,388 4,281,793 26.51 36.04
Austria 134,874 167,999 191,520 136,696 179,123 1.11 31.04
Belgium 167,228 177,567 185,751 210,164 315,099 1.95 49.93
France 244,828 259,255 274,332 261,327 303,767 1.88 16.24
Germany 2,516,335 2,286,613 2,342,577 2,339,836 3,232,877 20.02 38.17
Luxembourg 13,463 12,040 11,632 15,380 16,836 0.10 9.47
Netherlands 190,147 151,084 144,099 130,473 177,476 1.10 36.03
Switzerland 55,104 52,032 54,209 53,512 56,615 0.35 5.80
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 447,634 503,590 613,576 714,246 816,037 5.05 14.25
Cyprus 14,808 12,202 15,849 16,965 17,401 0.11 2.57
Israel 302,855 318,596 401,104 467,981 546,817 3.39 16.85
Turkey 129,971 172,792 196,623 229,300 251,819 1.56 9.82
NOT SPECIFIED 989,389 1,226,516 1,411,879 1,335,912 1,252,898 7.76 -6.21
Other countries of the World 989,389 1,226,516 1,411,879 1,335,912 1,252,898 7.76 -6.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 237,457 217,988 191,102 163,492 151,783 100.00 -7.16

AFRICA 117,992 107,708 84,443 85,100 82,707 54.49 -2.81
WEST AFRICA 95,886 89,268 71,993 69,979 70,056 46.16 0.11
Benin 9,211 8,622 8,113 6,103 6,915 4.56 13.30
Côte d'Ivoire 19,004 18,852 16,509 16,665 14,914 9.83 -10.51
Ghana 8,787 7,090 6,074 5,199 5,122 3.37 -1.48
Guinea 4,904 3,849 2,165 3,158 3,736 2.46 18.30
Mali 16,949 16,065 12,469 12,687 11,956 7.88 -5.76
Mauritania 1,860 1,909 1,570 959 1,077 0.71 12.30
Niger 11,917 11,265 7,766 9,452 8,884 5.85 -6.01
Nigeria 3,494 3,446 4,005 3,405 2,397 1.58 -29.60
Senegal 10,174 9,566 6,824 6,527 7,617 5.02 16.70
Togo 9,586 8,604 6,498 5,824 7,438 4.90 27.71
OTHER AFRICA 22,106 18,440 12,450 15,121 12,651 8.33 -16.33
Other countries of Africa 22,106 18,440 12,450 15,121 12,651 8.33 -16.33
AMERICAS 19,151 20,208 12,183 13,134 9,655 6.36 -26.49
NORTH AMERICA 16,683 17,225 10,196 10,786 8,254 5.44 -23.47
Canada 8,136 9,477 4,212 4,863 2,643 1.74 -45.65
United States of America 8,547 7,748 5,984 5,923 5,611 3.70 -5.27
OTHER AMERICAS 2,468 2,983 1,987 2,348 1,401 0.92 -40.33
Other countries of the Americas 2,468 2,983 1,987 2,348 1,401 0.92 -40.33
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,313 9,335 24,716 8,980 7,612 5.02 -15.23
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,262 2,492 19,453 5,167 4,058 2.67 -21.46
China 2,262 2,492 17,651 3,128 2,568 1.69 -17.90
Japan 1,802 2,039 1,490 0.98 -26.92
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,051 6,843 5,263 3,813 3,554 2.34 -6.79
Other countries of Asia 7,051 6,843 5,263 3,813 3,554 2.34 -6.79
EUROPE 78,670 67,926 59,087 47,472 43,847 28.89 -7.64
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,893 2,367 2,192 1,977 1,343 0.88 -32.07
United Kingdom 3,893 2,367 2,192 1,977 1,343 0.88 -32.07
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,015 4,590 4,656 5,429 3,775 2.49 -30.47
Italy 5,015 4,590 2,901 2,855 2,847 1.88 -0.28
Spain 1,755 2,574 928 0.61 -63.95
WESTERN EUROPE 59,329 52,542 46,122 34,459 33,669 22.18 -2.29
Belgium 6,507 5,982 4,073 3,505 3,783 2.49 7.93
France 40,570 35,715 29,311 23,840 23,993 15.81 0.64
Germany 6,000 5,088 3,390 3,386 3,062 2.02 -9.57
Netherlands 3,061 3,009 7,580 1,972 1,379 0.91 -30.07
Switzerland 3,191 2,748 1,768 1,756 1,452 0.96 -17.31
OTHER EUROPE 10,433 8,427 6,117 5,607 5,060 3.33 -9.76
Other countries of Europe 10,433 8,427 6,117 5,607 5,060 3.33 -9.76
MIDDLE EAST 1,535 1,777 981 1,350 737 0.49 -45.41
Lebanon 1,535 1,777 981 1,350 737 0.49 -45.41
NOT SPECIFIED 10,796 11,034 9,692 7,456 7,225 4.76 -3.10
Nationals Residing Abroad 10,796 11,034 9,692 7,456 7,225 4.76 -3.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 710,017 697,183 543,724 480,558 476,845 100.00 -0.77

AFRICA 336,097 338,122 239,704 239,871 243,929 51.15 1.69
WEST AFRICA 266,949 273,287 193,714 188,546 195,005 40.89 3.43
Benin 29,727 29,302 23,037 17,751 19,761 4.14 11.32
Côte d'Ivoire 55,779 56,355 46,117 45,970 42,727 8.96 -7.05
Ghana 18,743 18,000 13,395 11,738 11,623 2.44 -0.98
Guinea 11,895 11,882 6,797 7,616 9,317 1.95 22.33
Mali 45,600 50,313 32,169 29,172 31,631 6.63 8.43
Mauritania 4,755 5,472 3,744 3,134 3,482 0.73 11.10
Niger 33,585 33,962 20,126 22,070 21,386 4.48 -3.10
Nigeria 8,905 9,486 9,236 8,222 7,755 1.63 -5.68
Senegal 33,200 31,868 20,617 25,296 24,603 5.16 -2.74
Togo 24,760 26,647 18,476 17,577 22,720 4.76 29.26
OTHER AFRICA 69,148 64,835 45,990 51,325 48,924 10.26 -4.68
Other countries of Africa 69,148 64,835 45,990 51,325 48,924 10.26 -4.68
AMERICAS 66,092 64,169 41,498 38,710 37,838 7.94 -2.25
NORTH AMERICA 57,519 54,870 36,563 32,343 30,766 6.45 -4.88
Canada 26,339 27,092 14,408 14,347 11,561 2.42 -19.42
United States of America 31,180 27,778 22,155 17,996 19,205 4.03 6.72
OTHER AMERICAS 8,573 9,299 4,935 6,367 7,072 1.48 11.07
Other countries of the Americas 8,573 9,299 4,935 6,367 7,072 1.48 11.07
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,020 39,696 57,752 28,084 31,502 6.61 12.17
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,560 9,725 39,498 15,426 20,380 4.27 32.11
China 6,560 9,725 37,005 9,313 8,581 1.80 -7.86
Japan 2,493 6,113 11,799 2.47 93.01
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 25,460 29,971 18,254 12,658 11,122 2.33 -12.13
Other countries of Asia 25,460 29,971 18,254 12,658 11,122 2.33 -12.13
EUROPE 249,618 224,939 182,486 155,216 145,541 30.52 -6.23
NORTHERN EUROPE 9,670 7,270 6,350 5,704 4,418 0.93 -22.55
United Kingdom 9,670 7,270 6,350 5,704 4,418 0.93 -22.55
SOUTHERN EUROPE 14,653 16,452 14,809 16,281 11,556 2.42 -29.02
Italy 14,653 16,452 8,772 8,915 8,606 1.80 -3.47
Spain 6,037 7,366 2,950 0.62 -59.95
WESTERN EUROPE 183,575 173,280 142,501 114,781 111,487 23.38 -2.87
Belgium 18,718 18,912 13,053 13,874 13,865 2.91 -0.06
France 126,032 121,978 95,430 77,697 77,515 16.26 -0.23
Germany 19,223 15,087 11,128 12,162 10,516 2.21 -13.53
Netherlands 10,101 8,476 17,767 5,735 4,486 0.94 -21.78
Switzerland 9,501 8,827 5,123 5,313 5,105 1.07 -3.91
OTHER EUROPE 41,720 27,937 18,826 18,450 18,080 3.79 -2.01
Other countries of Europe 41,720 27,937 18,826 18,450 18,080 3.79 -2.01
MIDDLE EAST 4,955 5,277 3,220 5,129 2,505 0.53 -51.16
Lebanon 4,955 5,277 3,220 5,129 2,505 0.53 -51.16
NOT SPECIFIED 21,235 24,980 19,064 13,548 15,530 3.26 14.63
Nationals Residing Abroad 21,235 24,980 19,064 13,548 15,530 3.26 14.63

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 147,000 234,000 235,000 131,000 187,000 100.00 42.75

AFRICA 125,000 148,000 152,000 58,000 85,000 45.45 46.55
OTHER AFRICA 125,000 148,000 152,000 58,000 85,000 45.45 46.55
All countries of Africa 125,000 148,000 152,000 58,000 85,000 45.45 46.55
AMERICAS 3,000 10,000 5,000 26,000 28,000 14.97 7.69
OTHER AMERICAS 3,000 10,000 5,000 26,000 28,000 14.97 7.69
All countries of the Americas 3,000 10,000 5,000 26,000 28,000 14.97 7.69
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,000 11,000 12,000 7,000 21,000 11.23 200.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,000 11,000 12,000 7,000 21,000 11.23 200.00
All countries of Asia 4,000 11,000 12,000 7,000 21,000 11.23 200.00
EUROPE 9,000 38,000 37,000 1,000 2,000 1.07 100.00
OTHER EUROPE 9,000 38,000 37,000 1,000 2,000 1.07 100.00
All countries of Europe 9,000 38,000 37,000 1,000 2,000 1.07 100.00
MIDDLE EAST 1,000 14,000 13,000 22,000 25,000 13.37 13.64
All countries of Middle East 1,000 14,000 13,000 22,000 25,000 13.37 13.64
SOUTH ASIA 3,000 7,000 8,000 11,000 17,000 9.09 54.55
All countries of South Asia 3,000 7,000 8,000 11,000 17,000 9.09 54.55
NOT SPECIFIED 2,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 9,000 4.81 50.00
Other countries of the World 2,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 9,000 4.81 50.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 482,267 502,874 493,732 519,722 598,032 100.00 15.07

AFRICA 278 1,321 351 232 611 0.10 163.36
SOUTHERN AFRICA 278 1,321 351 232 611 0.10 163.36
South Africa 278 1,321 351 232 611 0.10 163.36
AMERICAS 4,906 4,209 3,401 4,282 4,874 0.82 13.83
NORTH AMERICA 4,906 4,209 3,401 4,282 4,874 0.82 13.83
United States of America 4,906 4,209 3,401 4,282 4,874 0.82 13.83
EUROPE 402,932 394,436 382,464 426,345 463,277 77.47 8.66
NORTHERN EUROPE 115,238 94,709 96,865 126,685 131,793 22.04 4.03
United Kingdom 115,238 94,709 96,865 126,685 131,793 22.04 4.03
SOUTHERN EUROPE 110,849 98,580 96,355 98,477 124,455 20.81 26.38
Italy 30,345 30,769 28,029 27,086 48,824 8.16 80.26
Portugal 67,790 58,070 60,161 61,979 64,899 10.85 4.71
Spain 12,714 9,741 8,165 9,412 10,732 1.79 14.02
WESTERN EUROPE 176,845 201,147 189,244 201,183 207,029 34.62 2.91
Austria 1,571 1,980 2,215 2,351 1,562 0.26 -33.56
Belgium (*) 34,608 46,556 50,943 60,473 62,391 10.43 3.17
France 69,593 74,239 61,992 56,458 64,861 10.85 14.88
Germany 67,306 74,238 68,834 76,451 71,448 11.95 -6.54
Switzerland 3,767 4,134 5,260 5,450 6,767 1.13 24.17
NOT SPECIFIED 74,151 102,908 107,516 88,863 129,270 21.62 45.47
Other countries of the World 74,151 102,908 107,516 88,863 129,270 21.62 45.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,184,524 3,279,928 3,284,271 3,572,878 3,964,293 100.00 10.96

AFRICA 851 3,796 1,653 658 1,082 0.03 64.44
SOUTHERN AFRICA 851 3,796 1,653 658 1,082 0.03 64.44
South Africa 851 3,796 1,653 658 1,082 0.03 64.44
AMERICAS 12,286 12,837 9,605 11,380 14,174 0.36 24.55
NORTH AMERICA 12,286 12,837 9,605 11,380 14,174 0.36 24.55
United States of America 12,286 12,837 9,605 11,380 14,174 0.36 24.55
EUROPE 2,723,056 2,637,656 2,616,926 3,058,454 3,224,391 81.34 5.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,057,852 836,425 839,485 1,148,335 1,225,913 30.92 6.76
United Kingdom 1,057,852 836,425 839,485 1,148,335 1,225,913 30.92 6.76
SOUTHERN EUROPE 596,085 587,740 553,744 555,218 621,257 15.67 11.89
Italy 215,113 218,026 199,474 189,959 259,806 6.55 36.77
Portugal 318,099 323,956 316,365 322,948 318,095 8.02 -1.50
Spain 62,873 45,758 37,905 42,311 43,356 1.09 2.47
WESTERN EUROPE 1,069,119 1,213,491 1,223,697 1,354,901 1,377,221 34.74 1.65
Austria 9,282 10,877 13,172 13,227 7,489 0.19 -43.38
Belgium (*) 245,814 326,580 385,717 458,957 478,660 12.07 4.29
France 300,622 317,955 285,160 279,617 325,497 8.21 16.41
Germany 495,341 528,136 511,329 575,541 529,586 13.36 -7.98
Switzerland 18,060 29,943 28,319 27,559 35,989 0.91 30.59
NOT SPECIFIED 448,331 625,639 656,087 502,386 724,646 18.28 44.24
Other countries of the World 448,331 625,639 656,087 502,386 724,646 18.28 44.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,584,307 4,210,165 4,502,775 4,775,231 5,011,712 100.00 4.95

AFRICA 5,626 5,902 6,212 9,238 11,133 0.22 20.51
EAST AFRICA 346 364 328 680 1,165 0.02 71.32
Kenya 266 298 250 344 417 0.01 21.22
Tanzania, United Republic of 93 423 0.01 354.84
Uganda 80 66 78 121 135 0.00 11.57
Zimbabwe 122 190 0.00 55.74
CENTRAL AFRICA 291 205 191 309 230 0.00 -25.57
Cameroon 225 147 132 202 120 0.00 -40.59
Congo 66 58 59 107 110 0.00 2.80
NORTH AFRICA 52 60 84 843 1,024 0.02 21.47
Morocco 505 509 0.01 0.79
Sudan 52 60 84 131 123 0.00 -6.11
Tunisia 207 392 0.01 89.37
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,530 4,043 4,374 5,336 5,743 0.11 7.63
South Africa 3,530 4,043 4,374 5,336 5,743 0.11 7.63
WEST AFRICA 813 791 788 1,217 1,743 0.03 43.22
Ghana 149 134 95 93 190 0.00 104.30
Liberia 94 52 49 55 46 0.00 -16.36
Nigeria 570 605 644 1,069 1,507 0.03 40.97
OTHER AFRICA 594 439 447 853 1,228 0.02 43.96
Other countries of Africa 594 439 447 853 1,228 0.02 43.96
AMERICAS 244,291 263,175 276,669 315,526 353,042 7.04 11.89
CARIBBEAN 143 108 0.00 -24.48
Jamaica 143 108 0.00 -24.48
CENTRAL AMERICA 245 305 420 577 772 0.02 33.80
Costa Rica 245 305 420 465 581 0.01 24.95
Honduras 112 191 0.00 70.54
NORTH AMERICA 225,069 240,797 249,217 281,472 307,674 6.14 9.31
Canada 47,829 50,867 52,264 56,834 60,715 1.21 6.83
Mexico 4,164 4,966 5,587 7,128 8,301 0.17 16.46
United States of America 173,076 184,964 191,366 217,510 238,658 4.76 9.72
SOUTH AMERICA 15,351 19,973 25,167 29,706 39,667 0.79 33.53
Argentina 4,500 5,763 5,737 7,870 13,497 0.27 71.50
Brazil 5,110 6,860 9,916 10,618 12,526 0.25 17.97
Chile 2,973 3,969 5,270 4,968 6,208 0.12 24.96
Colombia 1,497 1,803 2,231 2,903 3,510 0.07 20.91
Ecuador 191 283 372 560 612 0.01 9.29
Peru 576 677 902 1,060 1,679 0.03 58.40
Uruguay 504 618 739 1,004 1,166 0.02 16.14
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 723 469 0.01 -35.13
OTHER AMERICAS 3,626 2,100 1,865 3,628 4,821 0.10 32.88
Other countries of the Americas 3,626 2,100 1,865 3,628 4,821 0.10 32.88
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,685,192 3,198,857 3,459,751 3,671,798 3,806,595 75.95 3.67
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,026,152 1,211,004 1,308,281 1,408,665 1,500,401 29.94 6.51
China 333,894 463,123 560,335 694,712 830,003 16.56 19.47
Hong Kong (China) 8,282 8,576 9,847 14,787 15,980 0.32 8.07
Japan 179,327 206,932 215,788 193,330 191,577 3.82 -0.91
Korea, Republic of 411,491 435,009 424,424 395,259 357,194 7.13 -9.63
Macao (China) 392 404 0.01 3.06
Mongolia 347 372 359 458 478 0.01 4.37
Taiwan Province of China 92,811 96,992 97,528 109,727 104,765 2.09 -4.52
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,514,267 1,831,507 1,991,897 2,097,758 2,121,220 42.33 1.12
Brunei Darussalam 964 814 990 852 1,120 0.02 31.46
Indonesia 22,544 28,199 35,655 43,147 48,771 0.97 13.03

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Lao People's Democratic Republic 254,022 414,531 460,191 405,359 369,335 7.37 -8.89
Malaysia 116,764 130,704 144,437 149,389 152,843 3.05 2.31
Myanmar 4,744 5,089 6,036 8,965 12,819 0.26 42.99
Philippines 97,487 118,999 93,475 84,677 108,032 2.16 27.58
Singapore 53,184 57,808 65,855 67,669 70,556 1.41 4.27
Thailand 201,422 221,259 279,457 349,908 398,081 7.94 13.77
Viet Nam 763,136 854,104 905,801 987,792 959,663 19.15 -2.85
AUSTRALASIA 136,773 152,605 155,426 157,769 171,603 3.42 8.77
Australia 117,729 132,028 134,167 134,748 146,806 2.93 8.95
New Zealand 19,044 20,577 21,259 23,021 24,797 0.49 7.71
MELANESIA 106 107 152 191 230 0.00 20.42
Fiji 106 107 152 191 230 0.00 20.42
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,894 3,634 3,995 7,415 13,141 0.26 77.22
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 7,894 3,634 3,995 7,415 13,141 0.26 77.22
EUROPE 621,700 708,966 721,326 728,691 779,675 15.56 7.00
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 129,591 168,577 148,428 99,099 99,691 1.99 0.60
Bulgaria 696 961 1,151 1,771 1,837 0.04 3.73
Czech Republic 4,064 4,845 5,402 5,603 5,761 0.11 2.82
Estonia 1,022 1,366 1,855 1,952 1,889 0.04 -3.23
Hungary 2,537 2,947 3,476 4,190 4,682 0.09 11.74
Kazakhstan 1,842 2,511 2,702 2,235 1,772 0.04 -20.72
Kyrgyzstan 161 175 0.00 8.70
Latvia 1,081 1,023 0.02 -5.37
Lithuania 1,089 1,608 1,629 1,861 2,211 0.04 18.81
Poland 9,994 12,507 12,876 14,008 15,912 0.32 13.59
Romania 1,327 1,526 1,994 2,414 2,620 0.05 8.53
Russian Federation 99,750 131,675 108,601 55,500 53,164 1.06 -4.21
Slovakia 1,693 2,098 2,387 2,266 2,740 0.05 20.92
Ukraine 4,999 5,919 5,753 5,322 5,414 0.11 1.73
Uzbekistan 578 614 602 735 491 0.01 -33.20
NORTHERN EUROPE 160,447 178,063 189,626 211,657 217,692 4.34 2.85
Denmark 10,013 10,485 11,766 11,553 11,462 0.23 -0.79
Finland 6,343 6,731 7,232 7,246 6,639 0.13 -8.38
Iceland 578 788 832 727 815 0.02 12.10
Ireland 8,865 10,245 9,542 11,200 11,943 0.24 6.63
Norway 8,251 9,482 9,813 9,521 9,666 0.19 1.52
Sweden 16,215 16,413 17,135 17,145 17,678 0.35 3.11
United Kingdom 110,182 123,919 133,306 154,265 159,489 3.18 3.39
SOUTHERN EUROPE 54,163 59,422 68,697 78,452 89,438 1.78 14.00
Croatia 705 798 837 1,304 1,213 0.02 -6.98
Greece 1,073 1,135 1,272 1,595 1,652 0.03 3.57
Italy 22,625 25,196 29,548 32,177 35,794 0.71 11.24
Malta 462 512 0.01 10.82
Portugal 3,061 4,087 4,638 5,947 7,526 0.15 26.55
Serbia 411 613 707 863 1,052 0.02 21.90
Slovenia 939 1,221 1,017 1,257 1,218 0.02 -3.10
Spain 25,349 26,372 30,678 34,847 40,471 0.81 16.14
WESTERN EUROPE 259,499 287,434 297,319 319,069 346,732 6.92 8.67
Austria 8,148 9,091 8,842 10,080 11,203 0.22 11.14
Belgium 14,762 16,171 15,891 17,452 18,047 0.36 3.41
France 121,175 131,486 141,052 145,724 150,294 3.00 3.14
Germany 72,537 81,565 84,143 94,040 108,784 2.17 15.68
Luxembourg 474 571 521 690 859 0.02 24.49
Monaco 55 103 110 89 78 0.00 -12.36
Netherlands 24,559 28,076 26,553 29,015 30,885 0.62 6.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Switzerland 17,789 20,371 20,207 21,979 26,582 0.53 20.94

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,329 12,355 14,118 15,359 17,803 0.36 15.91
Israel 7,921 7,684 9,317 9,557 11,180 0.22 16.98
Turkey 3,408 4,671 4,801 5,802 6,623 0.13 14.15
OTHER EUROPE 6,671 3,115 3,138 5,055 8,319 0.17 64.57
Other countries of Europe 6,671 3,115 3,138 5,055 8,319 0.17 64.57
MIDDLE EAST 2,148 2,700 2,357 4,563 5,757 0.11 26.17
Egypt 219 329 341 587 696 0.01 18.57
Iraq 83 134 106 169 203 0.00 20.12
Jordan 340 1,030 0.02 202.94
Kuwait 712 1,121 876 916 728 0.01 -20.52
Oman 150 199 160 214 212 0.00 -0.93
Qatar 70 95 67 117 87 0.00 -25.64
Saudi Arabia 87 150 164 307 349 0.01 13.68
State of Palestine 51 94 73 84 103 0.00 22.62
Syrian Arab Republic 260 629 0.01 141.92
United Arab Emirates 243 146 104 367 333 0.01 -9.26
Yemen 156 144 150 452 312 0.01 -30.97
Other countries of Middle East 377 288 316 750 1,075 0.02 43.33
SOUTH ASIA 25,350 30,565 36,460 45,415 55,510 1.11 22.23
Afghanistan 154 273 214 121 158 0.00 30.58
Bangladesh 1,367 1,611 1,997 2,057 1,851 0.04 -10.01
Bhutan 134 101 110 229 226 0.00 -1.31
India 18,999 23,610 28,529 36,671 46,131 0.92 25.80
Iran, Islamic Republic of 646 655 730 525 600 0.01 14.29
Nepal 1,478 1,475 1,742 2,358 2,505 0.05 6.23
Pakistan 1,168 1,180 1,325 1,521 1,627 0.03 6.97
Sri Lanka 1,404 1,660 1,813 1,933 2,412 0.05 24.78

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 461,853 433,783 451,770

AFRICA 215,317 211,335 192,282
OTHER AFRICA 215,317 211,335 192,282
All countries of Africa 215,317 211,335 192,282
AMERICAS 23,141 20,509 26,600
NORTH AMERICA 23,141 20,509 26,600
Canada 7,954 7,229 6,131
United States of America 15,187 13,280 20,469
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,654 21,075 21,631
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,654 21,075 21,631
All countries of Asia 23,654 21,075 21,631
EUROPE 181,549 150,835 167,027
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,208 7,151 8,032
Russian Federation 7,208 7,151 8,032
NORTHERN EUROPE 24,050 21,550 25,486
Sweden 5,294 5,542 6,496
United Kingdom 18,756 16,008 18,990
SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,046 8,996 10,279
Italy 9,046 8,996 10,279
WESTERN EUROPE 110,637 90,704 101,477
Belgium 13,620 13,600 18,781
France 55,024 44,916 48,800
Germany 26,812 16,918 17,753
Netherlands 7,333 7,033 6,893
Switzerland 7,848 8,237 9,250
OTHER EUROPE 30,608 22,434 21,753
Other countries of Europe 30,608 22,434 21,753
MIDDLE EAST 9,406 7,851 14,960
All countries of Middle East 9,406 7,851 14,960
NOT SPECIFIED 8,786 22,178 29,270
Other countries of the World 8,786 22,178 29,270

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 839,067 833,047 1,045,070

AFRICA 372,632 347,569 451,200
OTHER AFRICA 372,632 347,569 451,200
All countries of Africa 372,632 347,569 451,200
AMERICAS 56,932 70,734 61,951
NORTH AMERICA 56,932 70,734 61,951
Canada 20,623 23,493 13,352
United States of America 36,309 47,241 48,599
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,877 48,212 65,677
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,877 48,212 65,677
All countries of Asia 49,877 48,212 65,677
EUROPE 323,619 326,537 405,559
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 12,520 11,121 14,734
Russian Federation 12,520 11,121 14,734
NORTHERN EUROPE 42,511 40,271 50,986
Sweden 9,223 11,367 11,161
United Kingdom 33,288 28,904 39,825
SOUTHERN EUROPE 17,435 20,790 21,631
Italy 17,435 20,790 21,631
WESTERN EUROPE 199,217 210,003 251,147
Belgium 24,246 29,001 32,593
France 115,273 117,157 141,134
Germany 32,998 32,019 41,199
Netherlands 12,285 13,863 14,845
Switzerland 14,415 17,963 21,376
OTHER EUROPE 51,936 44,352 67,061
Other countries of Europe 51,936 44,352 67,061
MIDDLE EAST 18,820 15,278 26,344
All countries of Middle East 18,820 15,278 26,344
NOT SPECIFIED 17,187 24,717 34,339
Other countries of the World 17,187 24,717 34,339

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 16,344,011 16,059,342 16,536,947 17,970,890 19,974,387 100.00 11.15

AFRICA 91,858 97,971 104,171 110,925 124,080 0.62 11.86
EAST AFRICA 17,530 17,792 18,487 21,222 23,983 0.12 13.01
Burundi 441 357 422 470 497 0.00 5.74
Comoros 74 66 54 70 95 0.00 35.71
Djibouti 151 180 124 153 167 0.00 9.15
Eritrea 248 230 166 180 278 0.00 54.44
Ethiopia 2,019 2,123 2,569 3,250 3,628 0.02 11.63
Kenya 3,788 4,060 4,207 4,717 5,503 0.03 16.66
Madagascar 657 594 649 703 773 0.00 9.96
Malawi 255 246 282 390 258 0.00 -33.85
Mauritius 2,066 2,241 2,502 2,559 2,826 0.01 10.43
Mozambique 327 303 329 326 323 0.00 -0.92
Reunion 1,753 1,694 1,740 2,040 2,317 0.01 13.58
Rwanda 560 748 423 599 794 0.00 32.55
Seychelles 62 90 56 97 59 0.00 -39.18
Somalia 210 267 124 111 135 0.00 21.62
Tanzania, United Republic of 1,799 1,537 1,852 2,154 2,510 0.01 16.53
Uganda 1,620 1,671 1,363 1,571 1,722 0.01 9.61
Zambia 660 592 586 682 568 0.00 -16.72
Zimbabwe 840 793 1,039 1,150 1,530 0.01 33.04
CENTRAL AFRICA 4,508 5,126 5,795 6,094 6,448 0.03 5.81
Angola 355 423 494 429 431 0.00 0.47
Cameroon 2,178 2,372 2,618 2,929 2,888 0.01 -1.40
Central African Republic 30 16 71 112 31 0.00 -72.32
Chad 193 154 197 222 144 0.00 -35.14
Congo 155 180 231 328 250 0.00 -23.78
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,175 1,407 1,631 1,646 2,217 0.01 34.69
Equatorial Guinea 7 14 73 17 10 0.00 -41.18
Gabon 413 560 476 411 471 0.00 14.60
Sao Tome and Principe 2 4 6 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 27,330 29,134 30,377 32,077 39,016 0.20 21.63
Algeria 9,707 10,295 10,544 12,172 15,666 0.08 28.71
Morocco 12,676 13,470 13,488 14,441 16,076 0.08 11.32
Sudan 489 494 568 639 604 0.00 -5.48
Tunisia 4,458 4,870 5,777 4,821 6,668 0.03 38.31
Western Sahara 5 4 2 0.00 -50.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,032 20,912 20,921 21,238 22,635 0.11 6.58
Botswana 619 393 469 460 467 0.00 1.52
Lesotho 71 90 99 72 136 0.00 88.89
Namibia 415 404 356 473 374 0.00 -20.93
South Africa 20,706 19,881 19,824 20,140 21,512 0.11 6.81
Swaziland 221 144 173 93 146 0.00 56.99
WEST AFRICA 20,454 24,997 28,589 30,274 31,983 0.16 5.65
Benin 601 647 652 715 650 0.00 -9.09
Burkina Faso 1,048 1,007 1,124 1,041 1,151 0.01 10.57
Cabo Verde 16 21 30 22 29 0.00 31.82
Côte d'Ivoire 1,286 1,382 1,714 2,108 2,326 0.01 10.34
Gambia 128 124 84 149 161 0.00 8.05
Ghana 2,581 2,744 2,943 2,932 2,842 0.01 -3.07
Guinea 757 724 697 295 715 0.00 142.37
Guinea-Bissau 14 6 13 0.00 116.67
Liberia 143 126 112 65 115 0.00 76.92
Mali 847 751 849 830 1,054 0.01 26.99
Mauritania 244 240 193 167 216 0.00 29.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 237 209 215 227 195 0.00 -14.10

Nigeria 10,239 14,719 17,486 19,143 19,644 0.10 2.62
Saint Helena 4 4 5 0.00 25.00
Senegal 1,861 1,821 1,938 2,018 2,203 0.01 9.17
Sierra Leone 140 101 129 50 170 0.00 240.00
Togo 326 363 423 502 494 0.00 -1.59
OTHER AFRICA 4 10 2 20 15 0.00 -25.00
Other countries of Africa 4 10 2 20 15 0.00 -25.00
AMERICAS 12,395,137 12,002,342 12,082,044 13,283,100 14,590,794 73.05 9.84
CARIBBEAN 133,385 136,821 143,006 151,974 164,691 0.82 8.37
Anguilla 216 280 216 212 381 0.00 79.72
Antigua and Barbuda 1,771 1,722 2,096 2,425 2,603 0.01 7.34
Bahamas 9,040 9,194 9,708 11,010 13,761 0.07 24.99
Barbados 11,448 11,301 12,347 12,216 13,180 0.07 7.89
Bermuda 19,077 17,288 18,612 18,888 18,441 0.09 -2.37
British Virgin Islands 477 465 455 549 546 0.00 -0.55
Cayman Islands 5,883 6,220 6,389 6,749 8,341 0.04 23.59
Cuba 5,512 8,773 10,036 11,329 10,625 0.05 -6.21
Dominica 518 669 588 706 595 0.00 -15.72
Dominican Republic 5,478 5,852 5,936 6,944 9,706 0.05 39.78
Grenada 1,053 1,006 1,210 1,009 909 0.00 -9.91
Guadeloupe 3,696 4,028 4,499 6,171 6,805 0.03 10.27
Haiti 7,377 6,808 6,930 6,767 7,048 0.04 4.15
Jamaica 25,197 27,583 29,336 30,174 32,743 0.16 8.51
Martinique 3,215 3,121 3,356 3,965 4,378 0.02 10.42
Montserrat 26 47 63 56 62 0.00 10.71
Netherlands Antilles 1,832 1,880 2,077 2,374 2,827 0.01 19.08
Puerto Rico 939 1,242 1,202 1,555 881 0.00 -43.34
Saint Kitts and Nevis 811 960 1,067 764 776 0.00 1.57
Saint Lucia 3,130 1,307 1,489 1,858 1,869 0.01 0.59
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2,398 917 1,111 972 1,361 0.01 40.02
Trinidad and Tobago 22,815 24,713 22,801 23,602 25,074 0.13 6.24
Turks and Caicos Islands 1,418 1,384 1,406 1,635 1,753 0.01 7.22
United States Virgin Islands 58 61 76 44 26 0.00 -40.91
CENTRAL AMERICA 21,439 22,302 24,710 27,568 34,009 0.17 23.36
Belize 1,246 1,195 1,333 1,399 1,646 0.01 17.66
Costa Rica 4,868 5,220 5,751 6,856 9,896 0.05 44.34
El Salvador 2,019 2,021 2,193 2,748 3,654 0.02 32.97
Guatemala 7,266 7,574 8,000 8,144 8,899 0.04 9.27
Honduras 1,463 1,546 1,614 1,840 2,187 0.01 18.86
Nicaragua 960 932 980 950 1,171 0.01 23.26
Panama 3,617 3,810 4,839 5,631 6,556 0.03 16.43
Other countries of Central America 4
NORTH AMERICA 12,046,445 11,645,321 11,712,474 12,875,393 14,155,395 70.87 9.94
Greenland 247 278 369 282 329 0.00 16.67
Mexico 141,921 150,896 172,604 196,408 243,460 1.22 23.96
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 17,327 16,523 16,320 16,258 16,739 0.08 2.96
United States of America 11,886,950 11,477,624 11,523,181 12,662,445 13,894,867 69.56 9.73
SOUTH AMERICA 193,868 197,898 201,854 228,165 236,699 1.19 3.74
Argentina 16,619 17,435 17,898 19,986 20,718 0.10 3.66
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,078 1,080 1,305 1,455 1,423 0.01 -2.20
Brazil 93,570 93,757 99,901 112,268 114,261 0.57 1.78
Chile 20,399 20,296 20,146 26,913 26,925 0.13 0.04
Colombia 20,074 21,424 23,074 24,732 28,856 0.14 16.67
Ecuador 3,558 4,006 4,643 5,670 6,052 0.03 6.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 23 16 10 9 20 0.00 122.22

French Guiana 259 257 381 584 816 0.00 39.73
Guyana 4,484 4,793 5,214 5,097 5,925 0.03 16.24
Paraguay 1,207 1,492 1,515 1,314 1,419 0.01 7.99
Peru 10,577 11,010 11,546 12,942 14,059 0.07 8.63
Suriname 357 349 315 427 245 0.00 -42.62
Uruguay 1,930 2,359 2,248 2,703 2,929 0.01 8.36
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 19,733 19,624 13,658 14,065 13,051 0.07 -7.21
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,285,606 1,389,437 1,590,050 1,690,482 1,993,945 9.98 17.95
NORTH-EAST ASIA 828,960 914,458 1,084,646 1,181,040 1,415,988 7.09 19.89
China 288,279 352,597 454,030 493,827 610,139 3.05 23.55
Hong Kong (China) 120,022 129,068 137,852 148,747 155,012 0.78 4.21
Japan 226,215 224,858 258,457 275,027 303,726 1.52 10.43
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 2 7 10
Korea, Republic of 139,999 144,583 163,089 188,585 244,442 1.22 29.62
Macao (China) 301 318 325 262 762 0.00 190.84
Mongolia 969 994 1,009 877 942 0.00 7.41
Taiwan Province of China 53,175 62,038 69,877 73,705 100,965 0.51 36.99
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 149,227 157,835 169,610 163,855 180,306 0.90 10.04
Brunei Darussalam 509 533 658 489 530 0.00 8.38
Cambodia 837 816 806 801 1,113 0.01 38.95
Indonesia 16,864 18,487 20,224 24,391 21,646 0.11 -11.25
Lao People's Democratic Republic 268 204 177 188 154 0.00 -18.09
Malaysia 12,077 11,937 12,502 12,668 13,651 0.07 7.76
Myanmar 179 289 353 563 480 0.00 -14.74
Philippines 63,141 65,373 73,891 63,900 69,251 0.35 8.37
Singapore 30,492 33,494 33,732 33,362 36,275 0.18 8.73
Thailand 16,952 17,663 16,799 16,579 17,992 0.09 8.52
Viet Nam 7,908 9,039 10,468 10,914 19,214 0.10 76.05
AUSTRALASIA 303,818 313,300 332,187 341,825 393,868 1.97 15.23
Australia 258,115 264,207 280,808 286,906 333,437 1.67 16.22
New Zealand 45,703 49,093 51,379 54,919 60,431 0.30 10.04
MELANESIA 2,295 2,457 2,193 2,272 2,386 0.01 5.02
Fiji 879 1,123 1,031 1,021 1,167 0.01 14.30
New Caledonia 1,072 1,074 891 1,003 920 0.00 -8.28
Papua New Guinea 269 199 172 141 203 0.00 43.97
Solomon Islands 18 18 45 60 68 0.00 13.33
Vanuatu 57 43 54 47 28 0.00 -40.43
MICRONESIA 90 106 80 119 119 0.00
Guam 13 30 21 20 30 0.00 50.00
Kiribati 14 19 16 5 5 0.00
Marshall Islands 12 12 19 52 29 0.00 -44.23
Micronesia, Federated States of 47 39 20 32 47 0.00 46.88
Nauru 4 4 4 8 3 0.00 -62.50
Northern Mariana Islands 2 2 5 0.00 150.00
POLYNESIA 1,210 1,265 1,330 1,352 1,271 0.01 -5.99
American Samoa 18 21 20 15 23 0.00 53.33
Cook Islands 20 37 31 20 39 0.00 95.00
French Polynesia 1,139 1,141 1,225 1,228 1,135 0.01 -7.57
Samoa 18 20 35 59 56 0.00 -5.08
Tonga 15 32 19 20 18 0.00 -10.00
Wallis and Futuna Islands 14 10
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6 16 4 19 7 0.00 -63.16
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 2 2 15
Other countries of Oceania 4 16 2 4 7 0.00 75.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 2,298,886 2,286,167 2,436,898 2,540,888 2,875,828 14.40 13.18

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 129,873 131,361 140,311 134,595 164,296 0.82 22.07
Armenia 477 429 564 549 648 0.00 18.03
Azerbaijan 627 470 643 554 740 0.00 33.57
Belarus 1,312 1,335 1,419 1,492 1,937 0.01 29.83
Bulgaria 2,999 3,070 3,004 3,297 3,568 0.02 8.22
Czech Republic 11,492 12,005 15,715 14,380 18,995 0.10 32.09
Estonia 1,723 1,742 1,874 1,924 2,260 0.01 17.46
Georgia 282 194 280 361 503 0.00 39.34
Hungary 11,228 10,718 11,354 12,047 14,216 0.07 18.00
Kazakhstan 2,382 2,398 2,536 2,568 2,970 0.01 15.65
Kyrgyzstan 304 266 299 262 363 0.00 38.55
Latvia 2,281 2,204 2,454 1,918 2,515 0.01 31.13
Lithuania 2,154 2,058 1,931 2,116 2,629 0.01 24.24
Moldova, Republic of 2,130 2,035 1,981 2,046 2,571 0.01 25.66
Poland 31,677 33,182 36,318 36,294 46,106 0.23 27.03
Romania 13,832 13,660 12,766 12,495 13,535 0.07 8.32
Russian Federation 25,220 25,083 24,472 20,562 23,270 0.12 13.17
Slovakia 7,107 7,157 8,057 6,661 8,684 0.04 30.37
Tajikistan 50 94 72 80 85 0.00 6.25
Turkmenistan 70 54 55 91 32 0.00 -64.84
Ukraine 12,214 12,937 14,266 14,584 18,326 0.09 25.66
Uzbekistan 312 270 251 314 343 0.00 9.24
NORTHERN EUROPE 818,070 809,120 858,264 907,189 1,045,197 5.23 15.21
Denmark 37,656 35,941 39,379 40,415 46,251 0.23 14.44
Faeroe Islands 108 106 112 109 121 0.00 11.01
Finland 14,215 14,490 15,760 15,843 17,764 0.09 12.13
Iceland 3,449 3,986 6,188 6,908 10,757 0.05 55.72
Ireland 43,382 44,202 52,078 58,347 58,879 0.29 0.91
Norway 25,657 24,449 25,303 26,948 27,586 0.14 2.37
Sweden 39,682 40,249 43,116 43,071 50,510 0.25 17.27
United Kingdom 653,921 645,697 676,328 715,548 833,329 4.17 16.46
SOUTHERN EUROPE 200,227 200,819 231,722 241,473 270,010 1.35 11.82
Albania 1,174 1,210 1,345 1,482 1,818 0.01 22.67
Andorra 224 200 372 240 340 0.00 41.67
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,127 1,263 1,287 1,196 1,244 0.01 4.01
Croatia 5,851 6,016 6,657 5,913 6,458 0.03 9.22
Gibraltar 211 305 310 331 289 0.00 -12.69
Greece 12,795 12,380 12,228 13,390 13,620 0.07 1.72
Holy See 19 6 12 2 13 0.00 550.00
Italy 93,127 92,691 112,048 115,224 125,847 0.63 9.22
Malta 1,742 1,881 1,766 1,828 2,084 0.01 14.00
Portugal 21,019 23,376 24,267 23,272 23,838 0.12 2.43
San Marino 24 43 46 75 49 0.00 -34.67
Serbia and Montenegro 4,863 4,711 5,072 5,312 5,629 0.03 5.97
Slovenia 2,881 3,027 3,442 3,997 4,471 0.02 11.86
Spain 54,413 52,953 62,029 68,285 83,407 0.42 22.15
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 757 757 841 926 903 0.00 -2.48
WESTERN EUROPE 1,073,600 1,070,035 1,125,264 1,167,628 1,296,706 6.49 11.05
Austria 35,646 34,854 36,980 36,498 39,440 0.20 8.06
Belgium 54,174 52,039 54,921 59,675 69,912 0.35 17.15
France 455,300 459,475 482,362 500,502 545,786 2.73 9.05
Germany 311,692 311,379 326,808 328,870 369,216 1.85 12.27
Liechtenstein 395 423 507 401 422 0.00 5.24
Luxembourg 4,599 4,207 5,148 5,349 5,705 0.03 6.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Monaco 1,199 1,399 1,287 1,457 1,376 0.01 -5.56

Netherlands 100,644 97,689 103,121 118,395 134,907 0.68 13.95
Switzerland 109,951 108,570 114,130 116,481 129,942 0.65 11.56
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 77,116 74,832 81,337 90,003 99,619 0.50 10.68
Cyprus 1,845 1,525 1,582 1,728 1,912 0.01 10.65
Israel 62,935 60,464 63,390 68,756 73,659 0.37 7.13
Turkey 12,336 12,843 16,365 19,519 24,048 0.12 23.20
MIDDLE EAST 85,464 91,327 103,164 106,585 115,536 0.58 8.40
Bahrain 1,397 1,426 1,434 1,632 1,826 0.01 11.89
Egypt 9,852 10,901 12,377 13,453 15,576 0.08 15.78
Iraq 1,343 1,247 1,110 834 1,310 0.01 57.07
Jordan 3,662 3,748 5,188 4,703 5,677 0.03 20.71
Kuwait 3,872 3,793 4,637 4,870 4,266 0.02 -12.40
Lebanon 9,245 9,987 11,332 12,794 14,828 0.07 15.90
Libya 1,091 2,088 2,428 411 193 0.00 -53.04
Oman 1,423 1,659 1,673 1,891 1,846 0.01 -2.38
Qatar 4,896 5,602 5,870 6,493 6,778 0.03 4.39
Saudi Arabia 19,603 21,143 25,482 26,385 27,788 0.14 5.32
Syrian Arab Republic 1,830 1,183 1,074 781 1,544 0.01 97.70
United Arab Emirates 27,026 28,284 30,216 32,141 33,775 0.17 5.08
Yemen 224 266 343 197 129 0.00 -34.52
SOUTH ASIA 187,060 192,098 220,620 238,910 274,204 1.37 14.77
Afghanistan 1,077 742 488 385 388 0.00 0.78
Bangladesh 4,886 5,578 5,721 6,403 7,293 0.04 13.90
Bhutan 392 171 142 70 74 0.00 5.71
India 146,652 147,099 175,536 190,565 215,664 1.08 13.17
Iran, Islamic Republic of 11,962 13,822 14,935 16,278 23,230 0.12 42.71
Maldives 63 75 49 23 67 0.00 191.30
Nepal 1,485 1,422 1,799 2,304 2,266 0.01 -1.65
Pakistan 16,298 19,466 17,848 18,741 20,048 0.10 6.97
Sri Lanka 4,245 3,723 4,102 4,141 5,174 0.03 24.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 25,300,800 25,144,200 25,557,200 27,554,600 30,142,100 100.00 9.39

AFRICA 76,600 111,600 119,800 125,600 140,500 0.47 11.86
NORTH AFRICA 30,700 32,300 31,900 38,600 0.13 21.00
All countries of North Africa 30,700 32,300 31,900 38,600 0.13 21.00
South Africa 21,200
OTHER AFRICA 55,400 80,900 87,500 93,700 101,900 0.34 8.75
Other countries of Africa 55,400 80,900 87,500 93,700 101,900 0.34 8.75
AMERICAS 21,236,600 20,948,500 20,915,200 22,690,100 24,603,000 81.62 8.43
CARIBBEAN 134,400 137,800 143,600 152,800 165,500 0.55 8.31
Bermuda 19,100
Jamaica 25,600
Trinidad and Tobago 22,900
Other countries of the Caribbean 66,800
All countries of the Caribbean 137,800 143,600 152,800 165,500 0.55 8.31
NORTH AMERICA 20,884,400 20,592,800 20,542,200 22,278,900 24,164,600 80.17 8.46
Greenland 300
Mexico 147,700 156,600 180,100 204,800 252,200 0.84 23.14
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 17,300
United States of America 20,719,100 20,419,300 20,345,400 22,057,600 23,895,300 79.28 8.33
Other countries of North America 16,900 16,700 16,500 17,100 0.06 3.64
SOUTH AMERICA 196,000 90,100 100,900 113,200 115,000 0.38 1.59
Argentina 16,800
Brazil 94,600 90,100 100,900 113,200 115,000 0.38 1.59
Colombia 20,400
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 19,900
Other countries of South America 44,300
OTHER AMERICAS 21,800 127,800 128,500 145,200 157,900 0.52 8.75
Other countries of the Americas 21,800 127,800 128,500 145,200 157,900 0.52 8.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,346,800 1,586,500 1,821,100 1,923,700 2,230,200 7.40 15.93
NORTH-EAST ASIA 867,500 894,800 1,074,800 1,163,400 1,360,400 4.51 16.93
China (*) 299,000 364,300 471,800 511,200 624,900 2.07 22.24
Hong Kong (China) 123,900 133,500 141,900 152,600 158,500 0.53 3.87
Japan 240,000 238,500 277,300 294,900 322,200 1.07 9.26
Korea, Republic of 150,600 158,500 183,800 204,700 254,800 0.85 24.47
Taiwan Province of China 54,000
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 145,900 109,000 116,200 108,400 122,700 0.41 13.19
Indonesia 17,800
Malaysia 12,700
Philippines 64,700 68,300 75,700 65,400 70,600 0.23 7.95
Singapore 32,800
Thailand 17,900
Other countries of South-East Asia 40,700 40,500 43,000 52,100 0.17 21.16
AUSTRALASIA 319,700 330,700 354,000 363,700 414,400 1.37 13.94
Australia 272,200 279,900 300,800 307,100 352,300 1.17 14.72
New Zealand 47,500 50,800 53,200 56,600 62,100 0.21 9.72
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,700 252,000 276,100 288,200 332,700 1.10 15.44
Other countries of Asia 10,100
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 252,000 276,100 288,200 332,700 1.10 15.44
Other countries of Oceania 3,600
EUROPE 2,359,400 2,342,900 2,515,200 2,615,100 2,943,300 9.76 12.55
Czech Republic/Slovakia 18,800
Estonia (*) 6,300
Hungary (*) 31,300

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Poland 32,200
Commonwealth Independent States 45,700
NORTHERN EUROPE 839,100 784,200 828,000 869,200 1,006,000 3.34 15.74
Denmark (*) 38,600
Finland 14,500
Iceland 3,500
Ireland 44,600
Norway 26,000
Sweden 40,200
United Kingdom (*) 671,700 663,200 695,800 733,300 850,800 2.82 16.02
Scandinavia 121,000 132,200 135,900 155,200 0.51 14.20
SOUTHERN EUROPE 211,800 100,800 125,900 128,400 138,100 0.46 7.55
Greece 13,300
Italy (*) 103,800 100,800 125,900 128,400 138,100 0.46 7.55
Portugal 21,500
Spain 59,100

Yugoslavia, SFR (former) (*) 14,100

WESTERN EUROPE 1,096,700 1,051,200 1,110,800 1,150,900 1,273,700 4.23 10.67

Austria 36,200
Belgium 52,500 55,700 60,500 70,700 0.23 16.86
France (*) 463,300 465,600 490,200 507,600 552,100 1.83 8.77
Germany 322,400 322,200 341,400 343,700 381,800 1.27 11.09
Netherlands 102,900 100,200 106,600 120,500 136,800 0.45 13.53
Switzerland (*) 112,200 110,700 116,900 118,600 132,300 0.44 11.55
Belgium / Luxembourg 59,700
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 77,500 62,800 66,500 71,400 75,600 0.25 5.88
Israel 65,000 62,800 66,500 71,400 75,600 0.25 5.88
Turkey 12,500
OTHER EUROPE 343,900 384,000 395,200 449,900 1.49 13.84
Other countries of Europe 343,900 384,000 395,200 449,900 1.49 13.84
All countries of Middle East 99,800
SOUTH ASIA 181,600 154,700 185,900 200,100 225,100 0.75 12.49
India 154,700 185,900 200,100 225,100 0.75 12.49
All countries of South Asia 181,600

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 129,164,700 151,078,000 144,880,900 147,348,700 166,969,200 100.00 13.32

AFRICA 2,295,000 3,142,000 2,591,300 2,506,700 3,290,100 1.97 31.25
NORTH AFRICA 1,010,200 903,800 931,200 1,137,100 0.68 22.11
All countries of North Africa 1,010,200 903,800 931,200 1,137,100 0.68 22.11
South Africa 300,000
OTHER AFRICA 1,995,000 2,131,800 1,687,500 1,575,500 2,153,000 1.29 36.66
Other countries of Africa 1,995,000 2,131,800 1,687,500 1,575,500 2,153,000 1.29 36.66
AMERICAS 60,472,400 62,347,400 60,676,500 64,272,100 72,056,300 43.16 12.11
CARIBBEAN 2,786,900 2,891,600 2,585,900 2,109,600 2,770,300 1.66 31.32
Bermuda 276,900
Jamaica 763,400
Trinidad and Tobago 657,100
Other countries of the Caribbean 1,089,500
All countries of the Caribbean 2,891,600 2,585,900 2,109,600 2,770,300 1.66 31.32
NORTH AMERICA 54,167,200 53,506,700 53,947,500 57,038,000 64,621,500 38.70 13.30
Greenland 2,300
Mexico 3,195,600 2,854,600 2,460,600 2,774,200 3,205,800 1.92 15.56
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 120,400
United States of America 50,848,900 50,587,300 51,443,400 54,204,900 61,379,100 36.76 13.24
Other countries of North America 64,800 43,500 58,900 36,600 0.02 -37.86
SOUTH AMERICA 3,240,200 3,006,900 2,168,800 2,544,400 2,439,100 1.46 -4.14
Argentina 210,100
Brazil 1,530,700 3,006,900 2,168,800 2,544,400 2,439,100 1.46 -4.14
Colombia 526,000
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 296,400
Other countries of South America 677,000
OTHER AMERICAS 278,100 2,942,200 1,974,300 2,580,100 2,225,400 1.33 -13.75
Other countries of the Americas 278,100 2,942,200 1,974,300 2,580,100 2,225,400 1.33 -13.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,469,100 39,783,000 38,859,200 37,302,200 43,788,400 26.23 17.39
NORTH-EAST ASIA 18,127,100 23,090,100 25,112,200 23,846,100 28,618,300 17.14 20.01
China (*) 8,136,200 13,240,000 15,365,200 15,078,500 17,862,700 10.70 18.46
Hong Kong (China) 2,237,400 2,430,700 1,986,600 2,164,000 2,355,000 1.41 8.83
Japan 2,800,000 3,496,500 3,516,600 3,426,900 4,109,000 2.46 19.90
Korea, Republic of 4,012,100 3,922,900 4,243,800 3,176,700 4,291,600 2.57 35.10
Taiwan Province of China 941,400
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,936,700 4,146,100 3,154,800 2,483,700 3,004,400 1.80 20.96
Indonesia 214,400
Malaysia 123,700
Philippines 3,018,700 2,481,300 2,089,500 1,577,000 1,543,900 0.92 -2.10
Singapore 336,600
Thailand 243,300
Other countries of South-East Asia 1,664,800 1,065,300 906,700 1,460,500 0.87 61.08
AUSTRALASIA 4,168,700 6,443,700 5,788,500 5,839,600 6,777,300 4.06 16.06
Australia 3,424,500 5,531,300 5,144,100 5,138,600 5,991,300 3.59 16.59
New Zealand 744,200 912,400 644,400 701,000 786,000 0.47 12.13
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 236,600 6,103,100 4,803,700 5,132,800 5,388,400 3.23 4.98
Other countries of Asia 172,700
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 6,103,100 4,803,700 5,132,800 5,388,400 3.23 4.98
Other countries of Oceania 63,900
EUROPE 33,552,600 39,303,900 35,281,800 36,177,100 38,756,600 23.21 7.13
Czech Republic/Slovakia 374,800
Estonia (*) 61,700
Hungary (*) 747,600

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Poland 728,000
Commonwealth Independent States 1,136,300
NORTHERN EUROPE 10,611,200 11,181,100 9,691,500 9,938,100 13,028,800 7.80 31.10
Denmark (*) 484,000
Finland 152,100
Iceland 45,800
Ireland 780,500
Norway 336,900
Sweden 488,400
United Kingdom (*) 8,323,500 9,536,800 8,444,100 8,309,800 10,649,700 6.38 28.16
Scandinavia 1,644,300 1,247,400 1,628,300 2,379,100 1.42 46.11
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,643,700 1,672,700 1,301,100 1,415,100 1,350,700 0.81 -4.55
Greece 226,500
Italy (*) 1,264,200 1,672,700 1,301,100 1,415,100 1,350,700 0.81 -4.55
Portugal 312,700
Spain 529,300

Yugoslavia, SFR (former) (*) 311,000

WESTERN EUROPE 16,203,900 18,151,400 17,349,700 18,220,900 17,855,900 10.69 -2.00

Austria 376,300
Belgium 674,200 591,700 570,900 789,500 0.47 38.29
France (*) 7,026,200 8,454,700 8,216,400 7,726,100 7,553,600 4.52 -2.23
Germany 4,804,600 5,600,400 5,524,800 6,536,200 5,922,700 3.55 -9.39
Netherlands 1,499,500 1,282,900 1,253,400 1,681,900 1,774,600 1.06 5.51
Switzerland (*) 1,826,200 2,139,200 1,763,400 1,705,800 1,815,500 1.09 6.43
Belgium / Luxembourg 671,100
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,045,400 905,100 1,050,500 955,600 1,021,200 0.61 6.86
Israel 818,000 905,100 1,050,500 955,600 1,021,200 0.61 6.86
Turkey 227,400
OTHER EUROPE 7,393,600 5,889,000 5,647,400 5,500,000 3.29 -2.61
Other countries of Europe 7,393,600 5,889,000 5,647,400 5,500,000 3.29 -2.61
MIDDLE EAST 2,383,800
All countries of Middle East 2,383,800
SOUTH ASIA 3,991,800 6,501,700 7,472,100 7,090,600 9,077,800 5.44 28.03
India 6,501,700 7,472,100 7,090,600 9,077,800 5.44 28.03
All countries of South Asia 3,991,800

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 321,650 345,385 382,816 385,378 385,451 100.00 0.02

AFRICA 665 680 639 787 818 0.21 3.94
EAST AFRICA 41 66 73 75 61 0.02 -18.67
Comoros 1 1 2 0.00
Djibouti 2
Eritrea 3 0.00
Ethiopia 3 2 27 0.01
Kenya 12 20 31 34
Madagascar 4
Malawi 4 5 3 3 6 0.00 100.00
Mauritius 3 5 10 11 7 0.00 -36.36
Mozambique 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Reunion 1 0.00
Rwanda 2 4 0.00 100.00
Seychelles 2 2 1 0.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 1 2 2 1 9 0.00 800.00
Uganda 2 2
Zambia 2 6 2 1
Zimbabwe 13 20 16 21
CENTRAL AFRICA 29 7 22 9 14 0.00 55.56
Angola 4 2 6 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Cameroon 1 2 4 2 0.00
Chad 1 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Congo 3
Gabon 1 1 0.00
Sao Tome and Principe 23 3 8 4 0.00
Other countries of Central Africa 4 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 10 8 10 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Algeria 4 1 1 0.00
Morocco 9 3 8 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Sudan 1 1 3 0.00
Tunisia 2 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 549 551 491 679 698 0.18 2.80
Botswana 5 4 8 8 3 0.00 -62.50
Lesotho 1 3 1 1
Namibia 2 2 2 2 12 0.00 500.00
South Africa 478 516 455 616 673 0.17 9.25
Swaziland 63 26 25 52 10 0.00 -80.77
WEST AFRICA 36 48 43 15 37 0.01 146.67
Côte d'Ivoire 1 1 1 5 0.00 400.00
Gambia 1
Ghana 3 10 8 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Guinea 1
Guinea-Bissau 1
Liberia 1 2
Mali 1 4 0.00 300.00
Mauritania 1 3 1 1 0.00
Niger 14 0.00
Nigeria 28 29 13 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Saint Helena 6 0.00
Senegal 2 3 2 1 0.00
Sierra Leone 2 2
Togo 1 2 12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 296,355 313,032 341,829 345,842 350,888 91.03 1.46

CARIBBEAN 14,071 18,163 23,383 24,257 20,590 5.34 -15.12
Anguilla 12 9 18 19 31 0.01 63.16
Antigua and Barbuda 66 76 49 77 126 0.03 63.64
Bahamas 772 926 871 793 1,070 0.28 34.93
Barbados 636 493 512 500 673 0.17 34.60
Bermuda 553 646 464 542 629 0.16 16.05
British Virgin Islands 97 82 77 80 114 0.03 42.50
Cuba 2,451 6,911 12,200 12,684 7,230 1.88 -43.00
Dominica 28 17 19 15 30 0.01 100.00
Dominican Republic 254 214 189 156 184 0.05 17.95
Grenada 30 50 30 18 53 0.01 194.44
Guadeloupe 1 16 1 3 0.00 200.00
Haiti 16 41 147 73 157 0.04 115.07
Jamaica 8,070 7,667 7,845 8,484 9,167 2.38 8.05
Martinique 14 4 0.00
Montserrat 9 9 5 11 5 0.00 -54.55
Netherlands Antilles 3 2 3 2
Puerto Rico 72 50 43 31 47 0.01 51.61
Saint Kitts and Nevis 45 53 31 60 47 0.01 -21.67
Saint Lucia 71 88 65 56 94 0.02 67.86
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 48 52 41 51 69 0.02 35.29
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 5 42 7 5 24 0.01 380.00
Trinidad and Tobago 700 594 694 506 712 0.18 40.71
Turks and Caicos Islands 62 51 34 66 98 0.03 48.48
United States Virgin Islands 70 60 39 27 23 0.01 -14.81
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,354 2,511 2,361 2,501 3,444 0.89 37.70
Belize 108 131 124 150 125 0.03 -16.67
Costa Rica 90 79 202 203 198 0.05 -2.46
El Salvador 19 65 25 20 59 0.02 195.00
Guatemala 73 78 77 38 54 0.01 42.11
Honduras 1,621 1,760 1,517 1,682 2,666 0.69 58.50
Nicaragua 133 136 179 161 160 0.04 -0.62
Panama 310 262 237 247 182 0.05 -26.32
NORTH AMERICA 277,759 289,602 313,421 316,564 324,404 84.16 2.48
Canada 24,092 23,640 24,908 24,299 23,274 6.04 -4.22
Greenland 1
Mexico 458 526 544 505 559 0.15 10.69
United States of America 253,209 265,436 287,969 291,759 300,571 77.98 3.02
SOUTH AMERICA 2,171 2,756 2,664 2,520 2,450 0.64 -2.78
Argentina 515 806 794 675 711 0.18 5.33
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 3 14 42 0.01 200.00
Brazil 662 852 842 941 743 0.19 -21.04
Chile 116 191 132 153 171 0.04 11.76
Colombia 307 287 258 146 169 0.04 15.75
Ecuador 69 50 62 44 49 0.01 11.36
Guyana 170 165 167 190 241 0.06 26.84
Paraguay 1 1 7 2 4 0.00 100.00
Peru 125 159 168 156 125 0.03 -19.87
Suriname 40 31 20 13 20 0.01 53.85
Uruguay 14 37 17 33 29 0.01 -12.12
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 149 177 197 153 146 0.04 -4.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,288 2,834 2,731 3,228 3,211 0.83 -0.53
NORTH-EAST ASIA 540 684 699 756 751 0.19 -0.66
China 193 163 175 222 225 0.06 1.35
Hong Kong (China) 70 66 74 128 134 0.03 4.69
Japan 225 362 348 334 326 0.08 -2.40
Korea, Republic of 34 63 61 49 26 0.01 -46.94
Mongolia 2 3 10 0.00 233.33
Taiwan Province of China 16 30 41 20 30 0.01 50.00
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 119 320 267 295 287 0.07 -2.71
Brunei Darussalam 6
Cambodia 4 1 1 5 0.00
Indonesia 10 20 12 11 13 0.00 18.18
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 0.00
Malaysia 26 31 48 39 26 0.01 -33.33
Myanmar 1 0.00
Philippines 112 106 120 101 0.03 -15.83
Singapore 66 133 80 100 103 0.03 3.00
Thailand 12 17 6 19 20 0.01 5.26
Timor-Leste 12 0.00
Viet Nam 1 4 11
Other countries of South-East Asia 2 3 5 0.00
AUSTRALASIA 1,620 1,811 1,753 2,163 2,152 0.56 -0.51
Australia 1,267 1,485 1,420 1,772 1,653 0.43 -6.72
New Zealand 353 326 333 391 499 0.13 27.62
MELANESIA 1 4 4 6 15 0.00 150.00
Fiji 2 1 4 12 0.00 200.00
New Caledonia 1 1 0.00
Norfolk Island 1
Papua New Guinea 1 3
Solomon Islands 2 2 0.00
MICRONESIA 6 7 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Christmas Island, Australia 1
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 1 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Guam 3 2 1
Kiribati 1 1 2
Midway Islands 1
Nauru 3 1 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 2 8 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00
American Samoa 1 1 0.00
Niue 2 1
Samoa 4 1 2 2 0.00
Tokelau 1
Tonga 3 1 1
Tuvalu 1
EUROPE 21,585 28,104 36,751 34,598 29,535 7.66 -14.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 641 868 819 912 828 0.21 -9.21
Armenia 1 1 1 0.00
Azerbaijan 1 2 1 2 0.00 100.00
Belarus 3 1 3 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Bulgaria 23 52 40 40 40 0.01
Czech Republic 98 141 160 169 177 0.05 4.73
Estonia 8 10 16 26 19 0.00 -26.92
Georgia 1 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Hungary 100 109 127 144 128 0.03 -11.11
Kazakhstan 3 1 8 6 1 0.00 -83.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Latvia 12 15 13 14 16 0.00 14.29

Lithuania 6 17 23 14 31 0.01 121.43
Moldova, Republic of 1 1
Poland 121 185 173 250 181 0.05 -27.60
Romania 89 73 74 62 56 0.01 -9.68
Russian Federation 92 146 89 81 58 0.02 -28.40
Slovakia 50 81 66 76 75 0.02 -1.32
Ukraine 34 24 22 21 41 0.01 95.24
Uzbekistan 1 9 1
NORTHERN EUROPE 14,321 15,399 16,232 17,287 17,531 4.55 1.41
Denmark 172 191 210 246 273 0.07 10.98
Finland 106 135 141 147 176 0.05 19.73
Iceland 10 8 16 35 30 0.01 -14.29
Ireland 956 978 1,159 1,320 1,221 0.32 -7.50
Isle of Man 7 2
Norway 255 347 357 335 327 0.08 -2.39
Sweden 381 467 598 484 585 0.15 20.87
United Kingdom 12,434 13,273 13,751 14,718 14,919 3.87 1.37
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,098 7,337 14,809 11,108 5,944 1.54 -46.49
Albania 1 1 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Andorra 31 57 89 54 52 0.01 -3.70
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1
Croatia 6 5 6 10 9 0.00 -10.00
Gibraltar 8 6 4 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Greece 58 46 70 87 116 0.03 33.33
Italy 1,143 1,501 2,152 1,935 1,924 0.50 -0.57
Malta 2 8 29 19 7 0.00 -63.16
Portugal 160 147 183 127 132 0.03 3.94
San Marino 3 1 1 0.00
Serbia 7 25 13 9 10 0.00 11.11
Slovenia 48 48 36 23 13 0.00 -43.48
Spain 1,631 5,492 12,224 8,825 3,668 0.95 -58.44
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 1 2 2 0.00
WESTERN EUROPE 3,397 4,330 4,638 4,955 4,869 1.26 -1.74
Austria 237 251 263 301 337 0.09 11.96
Belgium 138 200 185 228 175 0.05 -23.25
France 739 824 1,045 1,050 1,141 0.30 8.67
Germany 1,219 1,672 1,601 1,745 1,641 0.43 -5.96
Liechtenstein 6 2 2 0.00
Luxembourg 9 10 23 38 29 0.01 -23.68
Monaco 8 17 15 23 29 0.01 26.09
Netherlands 441 616 624 573 684 0.18 19.37
Switzerland 600 738 882 997 831 0.22 -16.65
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 128 170 253 336 363 0.09 8.04
Cyprus 9 13 15 16 20 0.01 25.00
Israel 100 113 194 278 298 0.08 7.19
Turkey 19 44 44 42 45 0.01 7.14
MIDDLE EAST 136 141 196 241 266 0.07 10.37
Bahrain 6 5 4 14 6 0.00 -57.14
Egypt 13 8 6 6 11 0.00 83.33
Jordan 1 6 1 5 7 0.00 40.00
Kuwait 6 14 19 20 17 0.00 -15.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Lebanon 6 14 9 4 20 0.01 400.00

Libya 1
Oman 3 4 14 10 11 0.00 10.00
Qatar 35 21 35 43 32 0.01 -25.58
Saudi Arabia 39 55 80 122 119 0.03 -2.46
Syrian Arab Republic 1 4
United Arab Emirates 26 13 24 17 43 0.01 152.94
SOUTH ASIA 198 331 330 223 302 0.08 35.43
Afghanistan 2 1 0.00
Bangladesh 1 4
Bhutan 1
India 161 303 279 195 256 0.07 31.28
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3 2 4 3 3 0.00
Maldives 3
Nepal 14 7 15 9 17 0.00 88.89
Pakistan 2 7 16 13 5 0.00 -61.54
Sri Lanka 17 7 12 2 20 0.01 900.00
NOT SPECIFIED 423 263 340 459 431 0.11 -6.10
Other countries of the World 423 263 340 459 431 0.11 -6.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 70,816 83,457 95,683 120,500

AFRICA 35,915 44,241 50,746 63,376
EAST AFRICA 2,641 2,820 3,045 3,700
Rwanda 815 975 1,118 1,500
Other countries of East Africa 1,826 1,845 1,927 2,200
CENTRAL AFRICA 15,292 17,789 20,865 23,207
Cameroon 4,265 5,682 4,702 6,249
Chad 1,998 4,105 3,046 1,010
Congo 886 2,817 4,732 5,267
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,369 1,742 2,897 4,046
Gabon 3,954 2,118 2,946 4,029
Other countries of Central Africa 1,820 1,325 2,542 2,606
NORTH AFRICA 3,373 3,840 1,689 2,508
Sudan 798 715 412 497
Other countries of North Africa 2,575 3,125 1,277 2,011
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,195 2,584 2,498 5,475
South Africa 998 842 979 1,112
Other countries of Southern Africa 1,197 1,742 1,519 4,363
WEST AFRICA 11,435 14,866 18,973 22,068
Benin 2,124 1,044 1,487 2,014
Côte d'Ivoire 1,834 1,023 1,442 2,127
Mali 1,126 1,217 920 1,895
Nigeria 1,678 2,997 3,507 4,092
Senegal 1,578 3,142 5,033 6,371
Togo 820 1,947 2,536 3,476
Other countries of West Africa 2,275 3,496 4,048 2,093
OTHER AFRICA 979 2,342 3,676 6,418
Other countries of Africa 979 2,342 3,676 6,418
AMERICAS 5,188 5,982 6,718 7,512
NORTH AMERICA 3,000 4,670 5,321 6,816
Canada 1,306 1,220 1,344 2,018
United States of America 1,694 3,450 3,977 4,798
OTHER AMERICAS 2,188 1,312 1,397 696
Other countries of the Americas 2,188 1,312 1,397 696
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,877 6,328 7,299 9,915
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,454 2,719 3,467 4,112
China 2,125 1,875 2,495 2,997
Japan 1,329 844 972 1,115
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,423 3,609 3,832 5,803
Other countries of Asia 2,423 3,609 3,832 5,803
EUROPE 17,573 20,175 23,308 27,918
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,176 1,824 2,199 2,945
United Kingdom 1,176 1,824 2,199 2,945
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,512 2,012 2,536 3,020
Italy 1,512 2,012 2,536 3,020
WESTERN EUROPE 11,908 13,324 14,829 17,722
Belgium 924 980 1,162 1,995
France 9,200 10,397 11,275 12,208
Germany 986 1,050 1,420 2,144
Switzerland 798 897 972 1,375
OTHER EUROPE 2,977 3,015 3,744 4,231
Other countries of Europe 2,977 3,015 3,744 4,231

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 4,645 5,042 5,912 8,142

Lebanon 2,430 2,629 3,918 4,022
Other countries of Middle East 2,215 2,413 1,994 4,120
NOT SPECIFIED 1,618 1,689 1,700 3,637
Other countries of the World 1,618 1,689 1,700 3,637

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 85,521 99,702 122,084 119,813

AFRICA 60,084 67,568 70,322 84,169
OTHER AFRICA 60,084 67,568 70,322 84,169
All countries of Africa 60,084 67,568 70,322 84,169
AMERICAS 3,256 4,433 5,614 4,667
OTHER AMERICAS 3,256 4,433 5,614 4,667
All countries of the Americas 3,256 4,433 5,614 4,667
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,070 9,762 10,200 9,684
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,070 9,762 10,200 9,684
All countries East Asia/Pacific 9,070 9,762 10,200 9,684
EUROPE 12,501 14,344 33,255 20,310
OTHER EUROPE 12,501 14,344 33,255 20,310
All countries of Europe 12,501 14,344 33,255 20,310
MIDDLE EAST 610 2,594 2,693 983
All countries of Middle East 610 2,594 2,693 983
All countries of South Asia 1,001

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 30,054 32,126 42,833

AFRICA 13,239 10,865 14,908
EAST AFRICA 1,031 579 994
All countries of East Africa 1,031 579 994
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,853 2,615 4,473
All countries of Central Africa 2,853 2,615 4,473
NORTH AFRICA 940 728 1,520
All countries of North Africa 940 728 1,520
WEST AFRICA 2,393 2,848 3,964
All countries of West Africa 2,393 2,848 3,964
OTHER AFRICA 6,022 4,095 3,957
Other countries of Africa 6,022 4,095 3,957
AMERICAS 3,919 3,108 7,191
NORTH AMERICA 3,473 2,789 6,011
Canada 537 1,115 2,658
United States of America 2,936 1,674 3,353
OTHER AMERICAS 446 319 1,180
Other countries of the Americas 446 319 1,180
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,620 1,424 2,999
NORTH-EAST ASIA 654 604 1,684
China 535 393 1,492
Japan 90 139 106
Korea, Republic of 29 72 86
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 966 820 1,315
EUROPE 11,067 11,033 16,573
United Kingdom 355 668 592
Scandinavia 3 9 51
SOUTHERN EUROPE 563 516 1,182
Italy 563 516 1,182
WESTERN EUROPE 8,282 8,182 11,870
Belgium 496 593 900
France 6,865 7,066 9,750
Germany 625 302 617
Netherlands 151 135 223
Switzerland 145 86 380
OTHER EUROPE 1,864 1,658 2,878
Other countries of Europe 1,864 1,658 2,878
MIDDLE EAST 209 475 1,162
Lebanon 12 12 24
Saudi Arabia 3 61 391
Syrian Arab Republic 16 49
Other countries of Middle East 194 386 698
Other countries of the World 5,221

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 70,170 85,962 83,896

AFRICA 28,989 27,691 31,039
EAST AFRICA 2,920 2,108 2,701
All countries of East Africa 2,920 2,108 2,701
CENTRAL AFRICA 7,083 8,388 10,242
All countries of Central Africa 7,083 8,388 10,242
NORTH AFRICA 2,146 2,961 2,943
All countries of North Africa 2,146 2,961 2,943
WEST AFRICA 7,748 6,433 5,932
All countries of West Africa 7,748 6,433 5,932
OTHER AFRICA 9,092 7,801 9,221
Other countries of Africa 9,092 7,801 9,221
AMERICAS 8,218 14,035 16,363
NORTH AMERICA 7,350 12,938 14,554
Canada 1,571 7,704 9,331
United States of America 5,779 5,234 5,223
OTHER AMERICAS 868 1,097 1,809
Other countries of the Americas 868 1,097 1,809
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,129 3,686 5,973
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,981 1,962 2,727
China 1,833 1,587 1,780
Japan 117 269 698
Korea, Republic of 31 106 249
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 2,148 1,724 3,246
EUROPE 27,846 26,153 28,922
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,013 1,366 782
United Kingdom 1,010 1,360 780
Scandinavia 3 6 2
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,489 1,561 1,945
Italy 1,489 1,561 1,945
WESTERN EUROPE 20,329 19,091 21,147
Belgium 896 1,141 1,746
France 15,604 16,156 16,628
Germany 1,961 915 1,164
Netherlands 1,559 622 591
Switzerland 309 257 1,018
OTHER EUROPE 5,015 4,135 5,048
Other countries of Europe 5,015 4,135 5,048
MIDDLE EAST 988 2,154 1,599
Egypt 28
Lebanon 99 280 165
Libya 4
Saudi Arabia 9 112 121
Syrian Arab Republic 466 409
Other countries of Middle East 848 1,296 904
Other countries of the World 12,243

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,554,279 3,576,204 3,674,391 4,478,336 5,640,700 100.00 25.96

AFRICA 4,293 4,047 3,664 4,139 3,805 0.07 -8.07
EAST AFRICA 80 119 101 340 187 0.00 -45.00
Kenya 54 64 63 53 79 0.00 49.06
Somalia 1
Zimbabwe 26 55 37 287 108 0.00 -62.37
CENTRAL AFRICA 44 96 37 50 48 0.00 -4.00
Angola 44 96 37 50 48 0.00 -4.00
NORTH AFRICA 483 220 349 323 367 0.01 13.62
Algeria 262 53 122 48 53 0.00 10.42
Morocco 149 118 180 158 199 0.00 25.95
Tunisia 72 49 47 117 115 0.00 -1.71
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,192 3,005 2,563 2,779 2,537 0.04 -8.71
South Africa 3,192 3,005 2,563 2,779 2,537 0.04 -8.71
WEST AFRICA 143 85 120 115 108 0.00 -6.09
Cabo Verde 12 7 15 13 15 0.00 15.38
Ghana 39 41 48 14 42 0.00 200.00
Nigeria 92 37 57 88 51 0.00 -42.05
OTHER AFRICA 351 522 494 532 558 0.01 4.89
Other countries of Africa 351 522 494 532 558 0.01 4.89
AMERICAS 2,899,056 2,900,564 2,951,570 3,734,954 4,845,357 85.90 29.73
CARIBBEAN 8,232 6,963 8,554 19,165 54,053 0.96 182.04
Bahamas 44 66 65 54 73 0.00 35.19
Barbados 84 67 65 106 85 0.00 -19.81
Cuba 1,074 1,590 1,520 1,994 2,341 0.04 17.40
Dominica 67 30 29 31 58 0.00 87.10
Dominican Republic 4,878 2,449 2,132 3,105 3,419 0.06 10.11
Grenada 59 17 20 20 41 0.00 105.00
Haiti 1,215 2,025 4,087 13,112 46,962 0.83 258.16
Jamaica 184 164 201 288 281 0.00 -2.43
Puerto Rico 192 102 54 53 28 0.00 -47.17
Saint Lucia 28 38 24 22 44 0.00 100.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30 32 33 29 51 0.00 75.86
Trinidad and Tobago 222 251 225 219 279 0.00 27.40
Other countries of the Caribbean 155 132 99 132 391 0.01 196.21
CENTRAL AMERICA 15,530 16,140 16,392 19,058 19,733 0.35 3.54
Belize 79 54 106 107 191 0.00 78.50
Costa Rica 5,635 5,912 6,278 6,870 7,536 0.13 9.69
El Salvador 1,809 1,959 1,802 2,255 2,514 0.04 11.49
Guatemala 2,420 2,484 2,427 2,916 3,011 0.05 3.26
Honduras 1,272 1,339 1,272 1,482 1,371 0.02 -7.49
Nicaragua 731 727 693 800 783 0.01 -2.13
Panama 3,584 3,665 3,814 4,628 4,327 0.08 -6.50
NORTH AMERICA 229,948 223,439 233,985 265,844 291,557 5.17 9.67
Canada 35,250 30,734 30,691 33,915 38,388 0.68 13.19
Mexico 36,196 38,501 40,928 45,316 44,536 0.79 -1.72
United States of America 158,493 154,204 162,366 186,613 208,623 3.70 11.79
Other countries of North America 9 10 0.00
SOUTH AMERICA 2,645,346 2,654,022 2,692,639 3,430,887 4,480,014 79.42 30.58
Argentina 1,377,645 1,362,752 1,325,503 1,946,876 2,900,709 51.42 48.99
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 355,758 383,765 395,335 419,822 437,154 7.75 4.13
Brazil 373,840 362,162 407,740 455,965 438,915 7.78 -3.74
Colombia 81,884 85,614 89,092 105,317 119,324 2.12 13.30
Ecuador 28,596 28,230 28,521 31,993 38,370 0.68 19.93
Guyana 36 27 63 33 79 0.00 139.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Paraguay 28,979 29,418 29,980 25,284 24,051 0.43 -4.88

Peru 338,026 331,274 343,768 359,857 403,605 7.16 12.16
Suriname 62 46 86 51 72 0.00 41.18
Uruguay 35,624 36,291 39,369 39,771 46,698 0.83 17.42
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 24,790 34,443 33,182 45,918 71,034 1.26 54.70
Other countries of South America 106 3 0.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 97,820 99,527 103,736 111,362 124,153 2.20 11.49
NORTH-EAST ASIA 40,272 39,023 40,707 49,231 56,397 1.00 14.56
China 12,088 11,289 11,018 15,404 22,992 0.41 49.26
Japan 15,059 14,704 15,053 15,103 15,863 0.28 5.03
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 450 319 227 95 72 0.00 -24.21
Korea, Republic of 11,030 10,796 12,631 16,379 16,323 0.29 -0.34
Mongolia 19 19 19 22 32 0.00 45.45
Taiwan Province of China 1,626 1,896 1,759 2,228 1,115 0.02 -49.96
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 4,422 4,452 4,514 5,159 4,955 0.09 -3.95
Brunei Darussalam 6 11 8 1 8 0.00 700.00
Cambodia 5 9 11 13 44 0.00 238.46
Indonesia 635 723 671 726 814 0.01 12.12
Lao People's Democratic Republic 4 9 14 30 7 0.00 -76.67
Malaysia 861 980 1,241 1,388 1,060 0.02 -23.63
Myanmar 18 17 8 6 8 0.00 33.33
Philippines 1,280 838 451 584 483 0.01 -17.29
Singapore 915 1,011 1,080 1,278 1,189 0.02 -6.96
Thailand 573 649 815 949 1,140 0.02 20.13
Viet Nam 125 205 215 184 202 0.00 9.78
AUSTRALASIA 52,003 54,793 57,213 55,626 60,959 1.08 9.59
Australia 43,341 44,943 46,711 46,010 50,968 0.90 10.78
New Zealand 8,662 9,850 10,502 9,616 9,991 0.18 3.90
POLYNESIA 5 2 1 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Samoa 5 2 1 5 4 0.00 -20.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,118 1,257 1,301 1,341 1,838 0.03 37.06
Other countries of Asia 1,033 1,175 1,264 1,312 1,719 0.03 31.02
Other countries of Oceania 85 82 37 29 119 0.00 310.34
EUROPE 388,474 396,575 426,361 432,009 469,876 8.33 8.77
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 15,596 16,808 19,325 18,063 19,949 0.35 10.44
Armenia 22 21 47 56 52 0.00 -7.14
Azerbaijan 12 14 19 9 15 0.00 66.67
Belarus 156 170 100 41 0.00 -59.00
Bulgaria 752 639 758 822 801 0.01 -2.55
Estonia 411 303 297 281 335 0.01 19.22
Georgia 22 142 18 40 80 0.00 100.00
Hungary 1,005 1,071 1,233 1,234 1,175 0.02 -4.78
Kazakhstan 43 52 60 68 117 0.00 72.06
Kyrgyzstan 4 6 19 6 12 0.00 100.00
Latvia 309 234 371 287 372 0.01 29.62
Lithuania 327 450 437 450 564 0.01 25.33
Moldova, Republic of 19 17 24 42 45 0.00 7.14
Poland 4,030 4,346 6,521 5,987 6,251 0.11 4.41
Romania 1,088 1,270 1,201 1,487 1,723 0.03 15.87
Russian Federation 5,792 6,298 6,581 5,327 5,786 0.10 8.62
Slovakia 901 1,129 938 1,074 1,149 0.02 6.98
Tajikistan 2
Turkmenistan 3 7 1 0.00 -85.71
Ukraine 848 643 612 767 1,402 0.02 82.79
Uzbekistan 9 14 19 19 28 0.00 47.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 73,427 72,638 75,799 77,682 83,641 1.48 7.67

Denmark 4,976 4,896 4,832 4,869 4,696 0.08 -3.55
Finland 3,071 3,292 3,206 3,072 3,106 0.06 1.11
Iceland 354 283 211 298 275 0.00 -7.72
Ireland 3,556 4,257 4,528 4,944 5,008 0.09 1.29
Norway 6,176 5,717 5,583 5,279 5,529 0.10 4.74
Sweden 12,873 13,003 12,536 12,694 13,416 0.24 5.69
United Kingdom 42,421 41,190 44,903 46,526 51,611 0.91 10.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 99,126 109,645 115,569 116,950 131,015 2.32 12.03
Albania 57 51 77 80 68 0.00 -15.00
Andorra 129 111 119 151 127 0.00 -15.89
Bosnia and Herzegovina 60 44 79 65 46 0.00 -29.23
Croatia 610 557 492 638 672 0.01 5.33
Greece 961 960 1,105 1,161 1,528 0.03 31.61
Holy See 6 4 4 4 4 0.00
Italy 28,540 30,134 31,340 33,512 41,523 0.74 23.90
Malta 162 166 142 138 160 0.00 15.94
Portugal 4,913 5,535 5,856 6,779 7,471 0.13 10.21
San Marino 16 12 20 23 34 0.00 47.83
Serbia 359 320 364 397 457 0.01 15.11
Slovenia 639 545 724 587 895 0.02 52.47
Spain 62,646 71,143 75,177 73,362 77,987 1.38 6.30
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 28 63 70 53 43 0.00 -18.87
WESTERN EUROPE 174,409 174,635 190,324 195,361 209,481 3.71 7.23
Austria 7,180 7,178 7,680 7,508 7,741 0.14 3.10
Belgium 9,659 9,379 9,988 10,113 10,901 0.19 7.79
France 60,220 60,873 66,616 69,995 77,129 1.37 10.19
Germany 62,891 63,674 70,648 71,055 73,854 1.31 3.94
Liechtenstein 33 40 61 55 79 0.00 43.64
Luxembourg 333 292 355 376 498 0.01 32.45
Monaco 20 23 32 44 10 0.00 -77.27
Netherlands 16,402 15,433 16,513 16,593 19,410 0.34 16.98
Switzerland 17,671 17,743 18,431 19,622 19,859 0.35 1.21
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 22,283 20,019 22,349 20,973 22,716 0.40 8.31
Cyprus 66 84 104 78 121 0.00 55.13
Israel 20,435 18,408 20,511 18,906 20,041 0.36 6.00
Turkey 1,782 1,527 1,734 1,989 2,554 0.05 28.41
OTHER EUROPE 3,633 2,830 2,995 2,980 3,074 0.05 3.15
Other countries of Europe 3,633 2,830 2,995 2,980 3,074 0.05 3.15
MIDDLE EAST 651 682 813 834 911 0.02 9.23
Bahrain 11 8 13 27 24 0.00 -11.11
Egypt 132 127 163 190 157 0.00 -17.37
Iraq 17 16 16 11 26 0.00 136.36
Jordan 76 82 91 90 104 0.00 15.56
Kuwait 16 37 34 21 71 0.00 238.10
Lebanon 119 92 95 145 144 0.00 -0.69
Libya 12 1 13 4 10 0.00 150.00
Oman 24 29 17 8 5 0.00 -37.50
Qatar 2 22 44 29 11 0.00 -62.07
Saudi Arabia 62 75 46 63 51 0.00 -19.05
Syrian Arab Republic 49 49 64 137 146 0.00 6.57
United Arab Emirates 62 75 111 64 71 0.00 10.94
Yemen 3 11 54 2 5 0.00 150.00
Other countries of Middle East 66 58 52 43 86 0.00 100.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 3,379 3,359 3,260 4,238 4,864 0.09 14.77

Afghanistan 102 103 166 280 253 0.00 -9.64
Bangladesh 14 28 17 43 46 0.00 6.98
Bhutan 4 3 1 1 13 0.00 1,200.00
India 2,871 2,900 2,683 3,346 3,774 0.07 12.79
Iran, Islamic Republic of 88 88 109 148 298 0.01 101.35
Maldives 2 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Nepal 49 24 38 49 57 0.00 16.33
Pakistan 212 164 202 298 360 0.01 20.81
Sri Lanka 39 49 42 69 62 0.00 -10.14
NOT SPECIFIED 160,606 171,450 184,987 190,800 191,734 3.40 0.49
Other countries of the World 200 56 48 10 9 0.00 -10.00
Nationals Residing Abroad 160,406 171,394 184,939 190,790 191,725 3.40 0.49

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 132,405,325 129,077,758 128,498,318 133,820,400 141,773,661 100.00 5.94

AFRICA 439,619 461,450 497,003 487,455 502,324 0.35 3.05
EAST AFRICA 120,435 131,299 150,577 158,893 172,879 0.12 8.80
Burundi 1,241 1,290 1,589 1,472 1,631 0.00 10.80
Comoros 870 882 1,026 1,229 1,355 0.00 10.25
Djibouti 716 753 1,219 1,362 0.00 11.73
Eritrea 857 840 836 716 0.00 -14.35
Ethiopia 23,086 24,534 29,923 31,648 37,751 0.03 19.28
Kenya 15,696 18,429 23,277 25,707 27,397 0.02 6.57
Madagascar 9,931 9,804 10,102 9,517 9,867 0.01 3.68
Malawi 1,760 1,851 2,256 2,096 0.00 -7.09
Mauritius 17,454 17,745 18,865 20,571 24,142 0.02 17.36
Mozambique 3,751 3,915 4,886 5,251 4,457 0.00 -15.12
Rwanda 2,078 2,362 2,753 3,598 0.00 30.69
Seychelles 1,467 1,682 1,559 1,658 2,652 0.00 59.95
Somalia 1,300 1,173 1,095 1,150 1,196 0.00 4.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 18,572 19,678 23,517 23,040 21,858 0.02 -5.13
Uganda 14,878 14,064 15,198 15,127 16,514 0.01 9.17
Zambia 5,659 6,620 7,095 7,388 7,480 0.01 1.25
Zimbabwe 6,530 6,071 6,639 8,071 8,807 0.01 9.12
Other countries of East Africa 1
CENTRAL AFRICA 30,203 56,463 56,699 45,743 40,089 0.03 -12.36
Angola 24,998 27,331 17,368 10,893 0.01 -37.28
Cameroon 7,873 7,191 8,453 8,608 8,631 0.01 0.27
Central African Republic 572 216 318 318 355 0.00 11.64
Chad 945 964 1,128 1,422 1,484 0.00 4.36
Congo 5,584 5,602 12,018 10,583 11,286 0.01 6.64
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 14,001 14,960 5,009 4,787 4,838 0.00 1.07
Equatorial Guinea 1,072 1,038 1,251 1,076 0.00 -13.99
Gabon 1,228 1,365 1,292 1,320 1,444 0.00 9.39
Sao Tome and Principe 95 112 86 82 0.00 -4.65
NORTH AFRICA 63,499 68,266 68,810 68,935 71,013 0.05 3.01
Algeria 27,627 29,565 27,331 26,568 25,735 0.02 -3.14
Morocco 13,973 14,407 15,090 14,643 17,521 0.01 19.65
South Sudan 838 1,040 1,134 1,326 0.00 16.93
Sudan 11,766 12,719 14,585 15,940 18,429 0.01 15.61
Tunisia 10,133 10,737 10,764 10,650 8,002 0.01 -24.86
SOUTHERN AFRICA 76,506 73,104 73,322 71,179 72,543 0.05 1.92
Botswana 2,436 1,913 1,864 2,271 1,982 0.00 -12.73
Lesotho 595 463 536 770 759 0.00 -1.43
Namibia 1,722 1,891 2,302 2,249 2,653 0.00 17.96
South Africa 71,529 68,613 68,230 65,451 66,703 0.05 1.91
Swaziland 224 224 390 438 446 0.00 1.83
WEST AFRICA 111,797 132,318 147,595 142,705 145,800 0.10 2.17
Benin 4,819 5,260 6,308 6,082 5,456 0.00 -10.29
Burkina Faso 3,270 3,725 4,346 5,016 0.00 15.42
Cabo Verde 565 639 679 676 0.00 -0.44
Côte d'Ivoire 3,697 3,924 4,402 4,917 6,376 0.00 29.67
Gambia 2,169 2,030 2,656 1,794 1,740 0.00 -3.01
Ghana 16,918 16,564 16,794 18,980 20,533 0.01 8.18
Guinea 9,987 9,481 8,136 5,035 6,379 0.00 26.69
Guinea-Bissau 983 905 683 520 0.00 -23.87
Liberia 1,576 1,195 1,256 2,199 0.00 75.08
Mali 13,806 16,037 18,650 17,713 13,003 0.01 -26.59
Mauritania 1,895 2,038 1,850 1,948 0.00 5.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 7,945 10,619 12,023 10,108 10,044 0.01 -0.63

Nigeria 38,852 45,582 54,458 54,149 52,444 0.04 -3.15
Senegal 8,492 8,987 9,976 10,131 13,005 0.01 28.37
Sierra Leone 1,871 2,092 2,239 1,350 2,624 0.00 94.37
Togo 3,241 3,453 3,451 3,632 3,837 0.00 5.64
Other countries of Africa 37,179
AMERICAS 3,179,516 3,123,834 3,106,607 3,115,422 3,378,754 2.38 8.45
CARIBBEAN 15,798 19,954 18,922 22,060 24,490 0.02 11.02
Anguilla 2 14 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Antigua and Barbuda 277 253 299 434 447 0.00 3.00
Aruba 3 1 1 0.00
Bahamas 669 636 788 1,042 930 0.00 -10.75
Barbados 440 481 505 484 0.00 -4.16
Bermuda 37 59 32 43 0.00 34.38
British Virgin Islands 5 41 11 6 0.00 -45.45
Cayman Islands 12 24 34 21 0.00 -38.24
Cuba 2,644 3,566 3,486 4,772 4,870 0.00 2.05
Dominica 701 747 790 864 990 0.00 14.58
Dominican Republic 3,301 3,381 3,373 3,248 3,847 0.00 18.44
Grenada 187 215 576 994 0.00 72.57
Haiti 378 574 444 512 548 0.00 7.03
Jamaica 5,330 6,028 5,229 6,072 6,802 0.00 12.02
Netherlands Antilles 3 8 2 2 3 0.00 50.00
Puerto Rico 7 11 5 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 738 900 960 913 0.00 -4.90
Saint Lucia 171 260 146 274 0.00 87.67
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 734 419 414 763 0.00 84.30
Trinidad and Tobago 2,488 2,418 2,092 2,416 2,538 0.00 5.05
Turks and Caicos Islands 3 6 5 0.00 -16.67
CENTRAL AMERICA 23,339 24,055 24,080 26,744 32,925 0.02 23.11
Belize 3,053 3,291 3,203 2,995 2,850 0.00 -4.84
Costa Rica 5,748 5,627 5,682 5,790 7,218 0.01 24.66
El Salvador 1,218 1,233 1,160 1,414 1,612 0.00 14.00
Guatemala 2,538 2,561 2,826 2,768 3,558 0.00 28.54
Honduras 2,943 3,151 2,856 4,351 5,839 0.00 34.20
Nicaragua 660 625 815 1,158 0.00 42.09
Panama 7,839 7,532 7,728 8,611 10,690 0.01 24.14
NORTH AMERICA 2,884,069 2,829,614 2,826,100 2,833,900 3,061,866 2.16 8.04
Canada 708,294 684,216 667,100 679,800 740,788 0.52 8.97
Greenland 1
Mexico 57,716 60,144 65,800 68,300 73,326 0.05 7.36
United States of America 2,118,059 2,085,253 2,093,200 2,085,800 2,247,752 1.59 7.76
SOUTH AMERICA 253,872 250,211 237,505 232,718 259,473 0.18 11.50
Argentina 24,883 26,488 24,427 28,407 32,422 0.02 14.13
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 6,454 6,198 6,477 6,451 7,553 0.01 17.08
Brazil 99,445 95,754 94,559 85,487 93,316 0.07 9.16
Chile 19,661 20,310 19,096 19,196 22,945 0.02 19.53
Colombia 34,315 34,636 37,299 35,955 37,810 0.03 5.16
Ecuador 7,965 8,257 8,702 8,698 9,145 0.01 5.14
Guyana 1,072 943 996 1,150 1,347 0.00 17.13
Paraguay 1,444 1,352 1,382 1,187 1,406 0.00 18.45
Peru 15,043 15,646 14,869 16,465 20,022 0.01 21.60
Suriname 3,056 3,236 2,946 3,030 3,288 0.00 8.51
Uruguay 3,886 4,291 4,074 3,979 4,434 0.00 11.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 36,648 33,100 22,678 22,713 25,785 0.02 13.53
Other countries of the Americas 2,438
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 120,801,853 117,744,092 117,275,842 123,308,231 130,356,910 91.95 5.72
NORTH-EAST ASIA 113,992,778 110,890,609 110,303,900 115,979,385 119,193,993 84.07 2.77
Hong Kong (China) 78,712,983 76,884,622 76,131,700 79,448,100 81,059,391 57.18 2.03
Japan 3,518,153 2,877,533 2,717,600 2,497,657 2,587,440 1.83 3.59
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 180,573 206,617 184,400 188,337 209,521 0.15 11.25
Korea, Republic of 4,069,868 3,968,998 4,181,700 4,444,389 4,762,163 3.36 7.15
Macao (China) 21,160,557 20,740,333 20,639,900 22,888,200 23,503,215 16.58 2.69
Mongolia 1,010,450 1,049,997 1,082,700 1,014,102 1,342,308 0.95 32.36
Taiwan Province of China 5,340,194 5,162,509 5,365,900 5,498,600 5,729,955 4.04 4.21
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,893,827 5,990,088 6,161,838 6,552,522 10,339,408 7.29 57.79
Brunei Darussalam 9,409 8,809 9,163 7,024 7,332 0.01 4.38
Cambodia 29,803 34,578 39,285 42,455 49,894 0.04 17.52
Indonesia 621,970 605,321 566,900 544,762 632,913 0.45 16.18
Lao People's Democratic Republic 16,764 19,399 21,697 26,136 83,603 0.06 219.88
Malaysia 1,235,463 1,206,535 1,129,600 1,075,451 1,163,869 0.82 8.22
Myanmar 205,936 134,671 132,787 144,373 2,428,074 1.71 1,581.81
Philippines 961,975 996,672 967,900 1,004,008 1,134,739 0.80 13.02
Singapore 1,027,745 966,605 971,400 905,269 921,887 0.65 1.84
Thailand 647,597 651,654 613,100 641,483 749,020 0.53 16.76
Timor-Leste 442 569 805 804 0.00 -0.12
Viet Nam 1,137,165 1,365,402 1,709,437 2,160,756 3,167,273 2.23 46.58
AUSTRALASIA 902,579 851,660 798,700 762,700 809,279 0.57 6.11
Australia 774,328 723,088 672,100 637,300 673,248 0.47 5.64
New Zealand 128,251 128,572 126,600 125,400 136,031 0.10 8.48
MELANESIA 3,988 6,193 6,365 6,853 7,300 0.01 6.52
Fiji 3,462 3,766 3,620 4,269 4,602 0.00 7.80
Papua New Guinea 1,366 1,588 1,431 1,482 0.00 3.56
Solomon Islands 642 664 627 678 0.00 8.13
Vanuatu 526 419 493 526 538 0.00 2.28
MICRONESIA 2,590 2,838 2,748 3,980 3,566 0.00 -10.40
Christmas Island, Australia 1 1
Kiribati 2,590 1,935 1,719 2,828 2,507 0.00 -11.35
Marshall Islands 349 398 430 397 0.00 -7.67
Micronesia, Federated States of 104 149 199 201 0.00 1.01
Nauru 415 387 391 322 0.00 -17.65
Palau 33 94 132 139 0.00 5.30
Wake Island 1
POLYNESIA 1,355 2,703 2,291 2,791 3,364 0.00 20.53
Pitcairn 1
Samoa 1,019 867 1,307 1,834 0.00 40.32
Tonga 1,355 1,306 1,135 1,012 1,076 0.00 6.32
Tuvalu 377 289 472 454 0.00 -3.81
Other countries of Asia 350
Other countries of Oceania 4,386 1
EUROPE 6,769,946 6,422,382 6,209,289 5,475,437 5,987,591 4.22 9.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,415,649 3,102,664 2,934,813 2,363,830 2,787,167 1.97 17.91
Armenia 5,492 5,797 5,437 4,612 5,325 0.00 15.46
Azerbaijan 17,757 18,089 18,894 15,126 13,876 0.01 -8.26
Belarus 14,121 14,347 15,575 13,904 17,255 0.01 24.10
Bulgaria 16,847 17,582 19,037 19,235 21,147 0.01 9.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Czech Republic 21,229 20,640 23,123 24,720 32,684 0.02 32.22

Estonia 5,739 5,056 5,202 5,769 0.00 10.90
Georgia 6,458 7,232 8,933 8,496 9,905 0.01 16.58
Hungary 16,905 18,674 20,789 19,201 21,465 0.02 11.79
Kazakhstan 491,381 393,530 343,600 241,478 225,406 0.16 -6.66
Kyrgyzstan 48,105 49,936 50,400 43,733 44,278 0.03 1.25
Latvia 7,341 7,061 6,761 7,087 7,996 0.01 12.83
Lithuania 8,730 8,774 8,655 8,614 9,541 0.01 10.76
Moldova, Republic of 2,886 3,100 2,970 3,472 0.00 16.90
Poland 68,605 71,598 76,135 74,823 83,942 0.06 12.19
Romania 35,262 37,950 41,020 43,589 47,789 0.03 9.64
Russian Federation 2,426,161 2,186,281 2,045,800 1,582,279 1,975,910 1.39 24.88
Slovakia 10,508 10,415 10,732 11,778 13,600 0.01 15.47
Tajikistan 28,739 31,916 33,610 24,961 20,930 0.01 -16.15
Turkmenistan 15,629 14,562 17,030 14,918 13,806 0.01 -7.45
Ukraine 120,214 121,938 118,082 141,706 160,439 0.11 13.22
Uzbekistan 56,165 57,717 63,044 55,398 52,632 0.04 -4.99
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,041,094 1,027,029 978,040 910,410 922,418 0.65 1.32
Denmark 84,330 81,385 77,556 70,873 71,588 0.05 1.01
Faeroe Islands 1 3 0.00
Finland 67,811 65,662 60,283 55,110 57,891 0.04 5.05
Iceland 3,370 3,407 3,555 3,715 2,836 0.00 -23.66
Ireland 42,166 41,229 42,046 41,600 42,353 0.03 1.81
Norway 53,478 51,439 47,900 41,113 38,244 0.03 -6.98
Sweden 171,588 158,951 142,000 118,362 115,216 0.08 -2.66
United Kingdom 618,351 624,955 604,700 579,637 594,287 0.42 2.53
SOUTHERN EUROPE 508,936 516,030 533,739 528,579 578,342 0.41 9.41
Albania 2,478 2,461 2,631 2,527 3,198 0.00 26.55
Andorra 130 167 150 190 0.00 26.67
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,490 1,902 2,101 2,929 0.00 39.41
Croatia 16,918 16,807 17,270 18,971 21,620 0.02 13.96
Gibraltar 1
Greece 32,490 34,460 35,719 36,694 38,580 0.03 5.14
Italy 251,991 251,162 253,100 246,145 266,793 0.19 8.39
Malta 2,015 1,717 2,013 1,879 1,985 0.00 5.64
Montenegro 6,959 6,905 6,376 7,405 9,614 0.01 29.83
Portugal 48,577 49,395 52,300 53,387 54,985 0.04 2.99
San Marino 179 164 134 186 0.00 38.81
Serbia 10,593 11,441 12,560 14,038 19,155 0.01 36.45
Serbia and Montenegro 4
Slovenia 5,583 6,121 6,034 6,242 0.00 3.45
Spain 136,915 132,378 141,000 136,333 149,626 0.11 9.75
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,917 2,416 2,781 3,239 0.00 16.47
WESTERN EUROPE 1,603,610 1,590,082 1,574,974 1,493,982 1,534,198 1.08 2.69
Austria 66,079 65,711 64,800 60,758 65,932 0.05 8.52
Belgium 71,103 68,404 67,400 65,183 66,650 0.05 2.25
France 524,837 533,538 517,000 486,935 503,480 0.36 3.40
Germany 659,627 649,298 662,600 623,374 622,668 0.44 -0.11
Liechtenstein 310 344 354 309 359 0.00 16.18
Luxembourg 3,276 3,558 2,773 2,830 2,950 0.00 4.24
Monaco 118 110 147 129 139 0.00 7.75
Netherlands 195,474 188,562 180,400 181,789 199,464 0.14 9.72
Switzerland 82,786 80,557 79,500 72,675 72,556 0.05 -0.16
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 181,749 186,577 187,723 178,636 165,466 0.12 -7.37
Cyprus 3,148 2,931 3,040 2,933 3,429 0.00 16.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Israel 82,548 79,699 78,520 76,165 82,945 0.06 8.90

Turkey 96,053 103,947 106,163 99,538 79,092 0.06 -20.54
Other countries of Europe 18,908
MIDDLE EAST 264,171 269,131 277,695 267,142 252,471 0.18 -5.49
Bahrain 3,085 3,374 3,534 3,611 3,285 0.00 -9.03
Egypt 72,662 74,443 83,925 86,509 82,850 0.06 -4.23
Iraq 20,746 23,497 23,795 23,723 22,021 0.02 -7.17
Jordan 27,553 28,151 27,668 26,540 30,885 0.02 16.37
Kuwait 9,042 8,952 7,895 6,436 6,036 0.00 -6.22
Lebanon 22,607 21,298 20,923 19,728 19,348 0.01 -1.93
Libya 12,605 16,778 10,712 6,223 3,444 0.00 -44.66
Oman 5,006 4,773 5,001 5,081 6,156 0.00 21.16
Qatar 2,499 2,507 2,655 2,313 2,568 0.00 11.02
Saudi Arabia 35,424 36,531 36,148 35,300 37,377 0.03 5.88
State of Palestine 6,874 6,283 5,829 5,967 6,426 0.00 7.69
Syrian Arab Republic 15,773 12,802 17,027 16,835 10,298 0.01 -38.83
United Arab Emirates 8,274 7,904 7,982 7,788 7,670 0.01 -1.52
Yemen 22,021 21,838 24,601 21,088 14,107 0.01 -33.10
SOUTH ASIA 948,300 1,054,714 1,124,638 1,164,190 1,295,611 0.91 11.29
Afghanistan 11,651 10,674 12,569 11,642 12,289 0.01 5.56
Bangladesh 50,855 58,872 69,776 80,196 85,016 0.06 6.01
Bhutan 619 623 672 750 722 0.00 -3.73
India 610,194 676,682 709,900 730,490 799,134 0.56 9.40
Iran, Islamic Republic of 90,991 88,895 113,687 113,164 128,036 0.09 13.14
Maldives 3,589 4,115 5,534 6,848 7,712 0.01 12.62
Nepal 40,949 58,817 53,600 49,954 83,317 0.06 66.79
Pakistan 96,707 106,548 108,900 113,087 119,057 0.08 5.28
Sri Lanka 42,745 49,488 50,000 58,059 60,328 0.04 3.91
NOT SPECIFIED 1,920 2,155 7,244 2,523
Other countries of the World 1,920 2,155 7,244 2,523

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,174,729 2,288,091 2,551,781 2,977,622 3,317,359 100.00 11.41

AFRICA 3,363 3,002 3,520 3,555 3,757 0.11 5.68
EAST AFRICA 419 505 733 725 677 0.02 -6.62
British Indian Ocean Territory 1 1
Burundi 5 12 23 10 12 0.00 20.00
Comoros 3 1 19 13 0.00 -31.58
Djibouti 1 3 2 2 0.00
Eritrea 19 7 8 14 9 0.00 -35.71
Ethiopia 43 52 73 75 65 0.00 -13.33
Kenya 181 162 291 285 230 0.01 -19.30
Madagascar 13 14 15 19 17 0.00 -10.53
Malawi 6 13 10 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Mauritius 9 13 15 31 43 0.00 38.71
Mozambique 5 7 20 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Reunion 26 31 27 30 60 0.00 100.00
Rwanda 2 1
Seychelles 9 9 18 13 36 0.00 176.92
Somalia 1 6 1 0.00 -83.33
Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1 2 2 3 0.00 50.00
Uganda 16 26 62 35 41 0.00 17.14
Zambia 35 79 71 67 39 0.00 -41.79
Zimbabwe 12 24 28 39 27 0.00 -30.77
Other countries of East Africa 37 46 65 65 68 0.00 4.62
CENTRAL AFRICA 954 232 244 187 248 0.01 32.62
Angola 27 71 67 32 67 0.00 109.38
Cameroon 57 40 64 53 47 0.00 -11.32
Central African Republic 11 6 13 13 14 0.00 7.69
Chad 2 4 6 21 0.00 250.00
Congo 82 76 57 42 55 0.00 30.95
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 11 20 3 3 9 0.00 200.00
Equatorial Guinea 5 10 18 15 20 0.00 33.33
Gabon 760 6 18 22 14 0.00 -36.36
Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 1 1 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 578 376 338 455 534 0.02 17.36
Algeria 413 159 73 104 85 0.00 -18.27
Morocco 16 10 15 3 6 0.00 100.00
South Sudan 70 118 168 227 338 0.01 48.90
Sudan 2 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Tunisia 17 27 25 23 11 0.00 -52.17
Western Sahara 62 62 55 93 91 0.00 -2.15
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,113 1,486 1,502 1,746 1,727 0.05 -1.09
Botswana 5 16 31 20 19 0.00 -5.00
Lesotho 4 9 10 6 9 0.00 50.00
Namibia 17 20 25 13 13 0.00
South Africa 1,087 1,435 1,428 1,701 1,682 0.05 -1.12
Swaziland 6 8 6 4 0.00 -33.33
WEST AFRICA 268 364 703 442 571 0.02 29.19
Benin 17 15 21 28 17 0.00 -39.29
Burkina Faso 3 18 15 8 20 0.00 150.00
Cabo Verde 23 12 16 7 17 0.00 142.86
Côte d'Ivoire 20 38 37 44 44 0.00
Gambia 3 3 14 2 2 0.00
Ghana 55 37 169 119 131 0.00 10.08
Guinea 5 10 11 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Guinea-Bissau 3 6 7 4 5 0.00 25.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Liberia 8 7 5 3 9 0.00 200.00

Mali 1 8 20 10 20 0.00 100.00
Mauritania 5 10 16 4 5 0.00 25.00
Niger 5 7 8 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Nigeria 83 141 272 139 207 0.01 48.92
Saint Helena 8 6 1
Senegal 20 32 62 44 58 0.00 31.82
Sierra Leone 6 6 5 8 17 0.00 112.50
Togo 3 8 25 11 14 0.00 27.27
Other countries of Africa 31 39
AMERICAS 1,278,145 1,388,674 1,561,701 1,818,470 2,084,894 62.85 14.65
CARIBBEAN 35,961 34,325 25,706 33,353 36,475 1.10 9.36
Anguilla 2 2 8 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Antigua and Barbuda 47 65 55 163 144 0.00 -11.66
Aruba 5,454 4,244 1,016 1,110 1,351 0.04 21.71
Bahamas 228 241 186 290 297 0.01 2.41
Barbados 126 210 171 264 447 0.01 69.32
Bermuda 178 138 44 75 73 0.00 -2.67
British Virgin Islands 3 5 6 8 17 0.00 112.50
Cayman Islands 145 170 101 106 180 0.01 69.81
Cuba 2,410 2,976 4,777 8,821 6,842 0.21 -22.44
Curaçao 7,442 6,458 1,207 156
Dominica 198 115 59 69 79 0.00 14.49
Dominican Republic 9,318 10,082 12,032 14,548 17,759 0.54 22.07
Grenada 65 38 50 63 67 0.00 6.35
Guadeloupe 44 6 13 8 16 0.00 100.00
Haiti 360 329 404 324 411 0.01 26.85
Jamaica 501 614 770 882 918 0.03 4.08
Martinique 25 10 3 3 8 0.00 166.67
Montserrat 2 2
Netherlands Antilles 780 553 179 1,014 1,558 0.05 53.65
Puerto Rico 6,885 6,555 2,863 3,664 4,791 0.14 30.76
Saint Kitts and Nevis 36 48 55 64 47 0.00 -26.56
Saint Lucia 103 82 81 109 88 0.00 -19.27
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 27 32 45 54 55 0.00 1.85
Trinidad and Tobago 1,581 1,345 1,576 1,538 1,312 0.04 -14.69
Turks and Caicos Islands 7 4 8 4 0.00 -50.00
United States Virgin Islands 1 1 3 6 0.00 100.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 88,276 102,894 110,897 150,545 201,803 6.08 34.05
Belize 146 227 180 256 279 0.01 8.98
Costa Rica 24,062 27,560 25,838 30,817 36,266 1.09 17.68
El Salvador 11,961 16,357 16,714 21,787 26,738 0.81 22.72
Guatemala 9,417 11,693 13,668 18,556 22,373 0.67 20.57
Honduras 4,533 5,235 6,147 7,888 10,257 0.31 30.03
Nicaragua 1,573 1,778 2,175 2,321 2,876 0.09 23.91
Panama 36,584 40,044 46,175 68,920 103,014 3.11 49.47
NORTH AMERICA 451,615 477,194 529,316 635,957 703,623 21.21 10.64
Canada 41,866 39,249 42,514 43,328 45,688 1.38 5.45
Greenland 5 2
Mexico 80,858 94,259 110,178 147,196 158,975 4.79 8.00
United States of America 328,886 343,684 376,624 445,433 498,960 15.04 12.02
SOUTH AMERICA 702,293 774,261 895,782 998,615 1,142,993 34.45 14.46
Argentina 103,348 120,742 118,368 125,528 135,151 4.07 7.67
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 9,008 11,587 12,709 14,601 18,740 0.56 28.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Brazil 83,101 89,753 124,779 137,953 181,852 5.48 31.82

Chile 73,860 88,486 102,694 110,442 127,271 3.84 15.24
Ecuador 107,438 114,126 126,744 151,685 167,121 5.04 10.18
French Guiana 26 16 2 12 10 0.00 -16.67
Guyana 210 258 236 271 296 0.01 9.23
Paraguay 2,948 3,699 4,542 7,309 7,872 0.24 7.70
Peru 82,783 96,498 122,342 134,286 140,055 4.22 4.30
Suriname 404 558 641 579 814 0.02 40.59
Uruguay 9,003 9,270 9,911 10,573 11,419 0.34 8.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 230,164 239,268 272,814 305,376 352,392 10.62 15.40
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 33,454 35,566 43,835 50,991 54,432 1.64 6.75
NORTH-EAST ASIA 17,754 19,053 24,164 29,193 30,349 0.91 3.96
China 5,603 6,125 8,075 11,637 13,280 0.40 14.12
Hong Kong (China) 294 298 155 260 374 0.01 43.85
Japan 5,573 5,803 7,434 7,238 7,397 0.22 2.20
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 34 20 7 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Korea, Republic of 5,228 5,381 6,942 8,156 7,578 0.23 -7.09
Macao (China) 4 2 1 1 0.00
Mongolia 7 53 16 42 11 0.00 -73.81
Taiwan Province of China 1,011 1,371 1,534 1,853 1,703 0.05 -8.09
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,651 4,269 4,767 5,768 6,225 0.19 7.92
Brunei Darussalam 12 9 8 7 9 0.00 28.57
Cambodia 16 14 11 15 16 0.00 6.67
Indonesia 515 483 542 610 557 0.02 -8.69
Lao People's Democratic Republic 6 6 10 2 3 0.00 50.00
Malaysia 437 476 492 548 571 0.02 4.20
Myanmar 8 74 65 48 53 0.00 10.42
Philippines 2,059 2,311 2,725 3,336 3,733 0.11 11.90
Singapore 363 570 549 643 652 0.02 1.40
Thailand 144 208 253 433 401 0.01 -7.39
Timor-Leste 1 3
Viet Nam 91 117 112 123 230 0.01 86.99
AUSTRALASIA 11,937 12,130 14,824 15,971 17,777 0.54 11.31
Australia 10,365 10,440 12,697 13,597 14,915 0.45 9.69
New Zealand 1,572 1,690 2,127 2,374 2,862 0.09 20.56
MELANESIA 90 83 52 30 58 0.00 93.33
Fiji 2 13 37 7 11 0.00 57.14
New Caledonia 70 45 2 1
Norfolk Island 1 1
Papua New Guinea 11 11 8 7 8 0.00 14.29
Solomon Islands 1 2 1 28 0.00 2,700.00
Vanuatu 6 12 3 13 11 0.00 -15.38
Other countries of Melanesia 1
MICRONESIA 5 7 15 20 10 0.00 -50.00
Christmas Island, Australia 1 1 1 0.00
Guam 1 1
Johnston Island 1
Kiribati 1 2 15 4 0.00 -73.33
Marshall Islands 1 2
Micronesia, Federated States of 2 1 5 3 3 0.00
Nauru 1
Northern Mariana Islands 1
Palau 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Wake Island 2 1
Other countries of Micronesia 1

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

POLYNESIA 17 24 13 9 13 0.00 44.44

French Polynesia 16 12 1 2 0.00 100.00
Pitcairn 1
Samoa 2 10 8 2 0.00 -75.00
Tonga 5 1 0.00
Tuvalu 4 2
Wallis and Futuna Islands 4 0.00
Other countries of Polynesia 1 1 4 0.00
EUROPE 270,834 293,644 351,517 405,749 439,775 13.26 8.39
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,969 12,082 14,623 17,174 18,437 0.56 7.35
Armenia 22 25 20 35 41 0.00 17.14
Azerbaijan 44 47 36 68 81 0.00 19.12
Belarus 94 205 84 130 206 0.01 58.46
Bulgaria 160 219 483 560 718 0.02 28.21
Czech Republic 346 1,133 1,258 1,587 1,749 0.05 10.21
Estonia 202 214 233 346 366 0.01 5.78
Georgia 46 38 85 101 129 0.00 27.72
Hungary 504 738 786 880 1,008 0.03 14.55
Kazakhstan 42 52 83 139 155 0.00 11.51
Kyrgyzstan 5 18 17 30 16 0.00 -46.67
Latvia 191 260 307 296 376 0.01 27.03
Lithuania 200 313 377 530 694 0.02 30.94
Moldova, Republic of 32 33 33 33 21 0.00 -36.36
Poland 2,197 2,247 3,615 4,226 4,640 0.14 9.80
Romania 896 990 1,116 1,558 1,627 0.05 4.43
Russian Federation 3,151 4,391 4,977 5,196 5,041 0.15 -2.98
Slovakia 401 445 451 581 747 0.02 28.57
Tajikistan 1 3 2 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Turkmenistan 33 39 2 2 0.00
Ukraine 399 667 642 827 772 0.02 -6.65
Uzbekistan 3 5 18 39 40 0.00 2.56
NORTHERN EUROPE 37,232 40,144 49,280 60,617 68,242 2.06 12.58
Channel Islands 1 9
Denmark 2,113 2,273 2,836 3,686 4,435 0.13 20.32
Finland 2,120 1,314 1,686 1,823 1,763 0.05 -3.29
Iceland 226 193 213 223 254 0.01 13.90
Ireland 2,148 2,510 3,388 4,028 4,647 0.14 15.37
Isle of Man 1,029 634 1 2 0.00
Norway 2,711 2,869 3,041 3,758 4,013 0.12 6.79
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 2
Sweden 4,774 5,161 5,882 6,915 7,292 0.22 5.45
United Kingdom 3,999 15,679 32,229 40,180 45,834 1.38 14.07
United Kingdom/Ireland 82 117
Other countries of Northern Europe 18,027 9,385 4 4 2 0.00 -50.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 114,498 119,399 133,516 148,362 149,600 4.51 0.83
Albania 26 21 48 55 56 0.00 1.82
Andorra 51 62 60 85 109 0.00 28.24
Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 32 23 29 45 0.00 55.17
Croatia 433 430 691 705 708 0.02 0.43
Gibraltar 7 7 2 1
Greece 762 879 1,103 1,222 1,415 0.04 15.79
Holy See 7 5 8 10 31 0.00 210.00
Italy 22,088 22,743 28,154 34,015 33,577 1.01 -1.29
Malta 40 63 112 132 195 0.01 47.73
Montenegro 4 23 19 36 24 0.00 -33.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Portugal 3,144 4,768 7,326 9,367 7,920 0.24 -15.45

San Marino 13 10 2 25 15 0.00 -40.00
Serbia 73 175 190 238 284 0.01 19.33
Slovenia 432 472 456 541 598 0.02 10.54
Spain 87,399 89,709 95,322 101,901 104,623 3.15 2.67
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 3
WESTERN EUROPE 102,299 113,704 143,504 166,559 186,101 5.61 11.73
Austria 3,295 3,549 4,623 5,178 5,587 0.17 7.90
Belgium 4,708 5,445 6,630 7,501 8,711 0.26 16.13
France 32,930 34,373 42,153 48,557 55,010 1.66 13.29
Germany 36,559 39,512 46,167 52,797 55,711 1.68 5.52
Liechtenstein 47 30 52 50 45 0.00 -10.00
Luxembourg 202 205 229 284 298 0.01 4.93
Monaco 32 45 28 20 28 0.00 40.00
Netherlands 13,528 18,354 30,606 36,889 43,916 1.32 19.05
Switzerland 10,998 12,191 13,016 15,283 16,795 0.51 9.89
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,816 8,286 10,568 13,003 17,363 0.52 33.53
Cyprus 61 68 103 103 110 0.00 6.80
Israel 6,626 6,807 8,806 10,719 12,139 0.37 13.25
Turkey 1,129 1,411 1,659 2,181 5,114 0.15 134.48
OTHER EUROPE 20 29 26 34 32 0.00 -5.88
Other countries of Europe 20 29 26 34 32 0.00 -5.88
MIDDLE EAST 1,196 1,467 1,552 1,832 1,897 0.06 3.55
Bahrain 20 22 24 54 22 0.00 -59.26
Egypt 227 242 316 387 439 0.01 13.44
Iraq 26 66 24 42 20 0.00 -52.38
Jordan 32 54 74 109 110 0.00 0.92
Kuwait 31 53 48 69 51 0.00 -26.09
Lebanon 334 346 437 479 432 0.01 -9.81
Oman 20 19 26 34 23 0.00 -32.35
Qatar 30 180 60 62 130 0.00 109.68
Saudi Arabia 134 173 171 201 159 0.00 -20.90
State of Palestine 100 52 51 33 48 0.00 45.45
Syrian Arab Republic 9 19 40 37 35 0.00 -5.41
United Arab Emirates 229 235 267 311 417 0.01 34.08
Yemen 4 6 14 14 11 0.00 -21.43
SOUTH ASIA 3,295 3,540 4,349 6,116 6,539 0.20 6.92
Afghanistan 32 25 23 28 6 0.00 -78.57
Bangladesh 18 55 82 63 43 0.00 -31.75
Bhutan 5 6 9 4 5 0.00 25.00
India 2,898 3,063 3,806 5,533 5,927 0.18 7.12
Iran, Islamic Republic of 152 199 197 189 243 0.01 28.57
Maldives 1 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Nepal 30 35 57 63 50 0.00 -20.63
Pakistan 138 113 114 171 172 0.01 0.58
Sri Lanka 22 43 59 62 92 0.00 48.39
NOT SPECIFIED 584,442 562,198 585,307 690,909 726,065 21.89 5.09
Other countries of the World 833 407 1,340 1,629 1,763 0.05 8.23
Nationals Residing Abroad 583,609 561,791 583,967 689,280 724,302 21.83 5.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 22,771 21,907 22,760 23,614 26,842 100.00 13.67

AFRICA 6,714 5,604 7,129 9,238 8,204 30.56 -11.19
EAST AFRICA 4,949 3,439 6,418 8,636 7,493 27.92 -13.24
Madagascar 2,054 1,586 1,331 774 1,231 4.59 59.04
Mauritius 128 0.48
Reunion 566 628 2,022 2,893 3,258 12.14 12.62
Tanzania, United Republic of 542 142 515 1,335 505 1.88 -62.17
Other countries of East Africa 1,787 1,083 2,550 3,634 2,371 8.83 -34.76
OTHER AFRICA 1,765 2,165 711 602 711 2.65 18.11
Other countries of Africa 1,765 2,165 711 602 711 2.65 18.11
AMERICAS 274 235 739 849 929 3.46 9.42
OTHER AMERICAS 274 235 739 849 929 3.46 9.42
All countries of the Americas 274 235 739 849 929 3.46 9.42
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 485 396 1,112 1,218 1,572 5.86 29.06
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 485 396 1,112 1,218 1,572 5.86 29.06
All countries of Asia 465 271 583 870 833 3.10 -4.25
All countries of Oceania 20 125 529 348 739 2.75 112.36
EUROPE 14,475 14,229 12,964 11,700 15,321 57.08 30.95
United Kingdom 1,074 4.00
WESTERN EUROPE 14,158 12,989 11,422 10,129 12,775 47.59 26.12
France 14,158 12,989 11,422 10,129 12,775 47.59 26.12
OTHER EUROPE 317 1,240 1,542 1,571 1,472 5.48 -6.30
Other countries of Europe 317 1,240 1,542 1,571 1,472 5.48 -6.30
MIDDLE EAST 755 790 816 609 816 3.04 33.99
Other countries of Middle East 755 790 816 609 816 3.04 33.99
Other countries of the World 68 653

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 259,026 345,475 228,813 224,334 212,840 100.00 -5.12

AFRICA 148,625 261,759 142,621 137,740 145,086 68.17 5.33
EAST AFRICA 3,599 8,559 5,816 4,736 3,548 1.67 -25.08
Burundi 332 1,524 466 371 54 0.03 -85.44
Ethiopia 444 2,730 2,123 458 359 0.17 -21.62
Kenya 857 571 1,108 1,415 981 0.46 -30.67
Madagascar 378 52 95 245 268 0.13 9.39
Rwanda 698 936 1,061 828 781 0.37 -5.68
Tanzania, United Republic of 127 617 368 314 62 0.03 -80.25
Uganda 162 1,156 125 139 132 0.06 -5.04
Zimbabwe 181 512 187 523 529 0.25 1.15
Other countries of East Africa 420 461 283 443 382 0.18 -13.77
CENTRAL AFRICA 108,116 191,707 89,348 102,156 112,330 52.78 9.96
Angola 7,896 14,750 7,242 4,000 2,824 1.33 -29.40
Cameroon 12,531 10,839 11,355 14,859 9,893 4.65 -33.42
Central African Republic 3,786 11,268 10,167 4,482 13,181 6.19 194.09
Chad 847 1,981 1,508 1,327 868 0.41 -34.59
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 78,331 145,988 53,988 71,672 81,106 38.11 13.16
Equatorial Guinea 320 2,505 912 350 260 0.12 -25.71
Gabon 4,336 4,304 4,100 5,410 4,089 1.92 -24.42
Sao Tome and Principe 69 72 76 56 109 0.05 94.64
NORTH AFRICA 7,985 5,062 4,927 2,529 3,792 1.78 49.94
Algeria 2,895 176 183 163 169 0.08 3.68
Morocco 2,681 1,809 2,118 1,386 2,153 1.01 55.34
Tunisia 1,537 2,419 1,992 903 996 0.47 10.30
Other countries of North Africa 872 658 634 77 474 0.22 515.58
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,628 7,525 4,821 4,226 3,070 1.44 -27.35
Namibia 127 306 172 213 157 0.07 -26.29
South Africa 2,477 6,808 4,263 3,729 2,591 1.22 -30.52
Other countries of Southern Africa 24 411 386 284 322 0.15 13.38
WEST AFRICA 26,297 48,906 37,709 24,093 22,346 10.50 -7.25
Benin 4,134 7,896 6,524 4,737 5,132 2.41 8.34
Burkina Faso 1,404 3,262 1,665 1,326 604 0.28 -54.45
Côte d'Ivoire 4,290 5,991 4,342 2,925 2,498 1.17 -14.60
Ghana 1,383 1,063 1,127 864 313 0.15 -63.77
Guinea 320 3,981 2,041 781 750 0.35 -3.97
Mali 5,615 11,903 9,687 4,903 6,618 3.11 34.98
Mauritania 1,819 1,102 1,020 408 384 0.18 -5.88
Niger 316 1,058 960 487 439 0.21 -9.86
Nigeria 2,142 3,202 2,203 1,729 896 0.42 -48.18
Senegal 3,067 4,863 4,061 3,481 2,661 1.25 -23.56
Togo 983 1,830 1,632 1,859 1,600 0.75 -13.93
Other countries of West Africa 824 2,755 2,447 593 451 0.21 -23.95
AMERICAS 9,743 9,967 7,595 5,827 4,004 1.88 -31.29
NORTH AMERICA 6,719 7,747 5,483 4,412 3,433 1.61 -22.19
Canada 1,367 1,088 1,467 1,338 963 0.45 -28.03
United States of America 5,352 6,659 4,016 3,074 2,470 1.16 -19.65
SOUTH AMERICA 662 1,659 1,934 1,219 431 0.20 -64.64
Brazil 662 1,659 1,934 1,219 431 0.20 -64.64
OTHER AMERICAS 2,362 561 178 196 140 0.07 -28.57
Other countries of the Americas 2,362 561 178 196 140 0.07 -28.57
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,002 24,671 22,125 13,376 11,163 5.24 -16.54
NORTH-EAST ASIA 9,641 18,384 17,295 11,798 9,531 4.48 -19.22
China 9,641 18,384 17,295 11,798 9,531 4.48 -19.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,165 4,058 945 424 684 0.32 61.32

Philippines 3,165 4,058 945 424 684 0.32 61.32
AUSTRALASIA 69 204 438 113 210 0.10 85.84
Australia 69 204 438 113 210 0.10 85.84
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,127 2,025 3,447 1,041 738 0.35 -29.11
Other countries of Asia 6,973 1,950 3,389 949 647 0.30 -31.82
Other countries of Oceania 154 75 58 92 91 0.04 -1.09
EUROPE 75,725 45,961 51,620 62,976 49,652 23.33 -21.16
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,023 294 595 663 573 0.27 -13.57
Russian Federation 4,023 294 595 663 573 0.27 -13.57
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,115 753 2,023 1,393 1,044 0.49 -25.05
United Kingdom 6,115 753 2,023 1,393 1,044 0.49 -25.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 11,091 5,141 5,311 4,837 3,508 1.65 -27.48
Italy 5,984 2,986 1,992 2,718 1,504 0.71 -44.67
Portugal 748 1,200 1,994 1,301 1,160 0.55 -10.84
Spain 4,359 955 1,325 818 844 0.40 3.18
WESTERN EUROPE 49,092 36,651 40,859 53,770 37,405 17.57 -30.44
Belgium 4,958 2,886 2,161 2,101 2,666 1.25 26.89
France 40,744 30,371 35,780 49,676 33,365 15.68 -32.83
Germany 2,177 1,606 1,365 1,109 1,132 0.53 2.07
Switzerland 1,213 1,788 1,553 884 242 0.11 -72.62
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 308 939 666 1,139 5,216 2.45 357.95
Israel 285 327 444 530 851 0.40 60.57
Turkey 23 612 222 609 4,365 2.05 616.75
OTHER EUROPE 5,096 2,183 2,166 1,174 1,906 0.90 62.35
Other countries of Europe 5,096 2,183 2,166 1,174 1,906 0.90 62.35
MIDDLE EAST 2,558 1,059 2,890 2,936 1,559 0.73 -46.90
Lebanon 2,007 674 1,222 2,253 1,182 0.56 -47.54
Other countries of Middle East 551 385 1,668 683 377 0.18 -44.80
SOUTH ASIA 2,373 2,058 1,962 1,479 1,376 0.65 -6.96
India 2,373 2,058 1,962 1,479 1,376 0.65 -6.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 203,977 230,730 273,066 362,842 224,149 100.00 -38.22

AFRICA 94,697 142,015 112,305 195,791 93,453 41.69 -52.27
CENTRAL AFRICA 50,609 90,047 52,429 77,293 40,116 17.90 -48.10
Angola 7,577 8,870 8,601 54,839 13,504 6.02 -75.38
Cameroon 14,288 22,333 16,334 9,690 6,885 3.07 -28.95
Central African Republic 2,037 3,136 2,139 1,701 3,019 1.35 77.48
Chad 1,044 962 917 329 1,398 0.62 324.92
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 10,495 33,343 17,595 7,602 9,732 4.34 28.02
Gabon 14,714 21,075 6,251 2,729 4,415 1.97 61.78
Other countries of Central Africa 454 328 592 403 1,163 0.52 188.59
NORTH AFRICA 10,422 6,445 10,556 9,637 7,594 3.39 -21.20
All countries of North Africa 10,422 6,445 10,556 9,637 7,594 3.39 -21.20
WEST AFRICA 25,968 36,126 34,598 52,124 21,857 9.75 -58.07
Benin 4,634 3,753 31,931 3,420 1.53 -89.29
Côte d'Ivoire 5,253 7,888 8,200 1,999 3,905 1.74 95.35
Mali 2,362 2,838 1,992 3,442 2,269 1.01 -34.08
Mauritania 22 97 159 554 0.25 248.43
Nigeria 5,865 1,188 1,654 0.74 39.23
Senegal 2,837 4,292 6,459 1,762 2,967 1.32 68.39
Togo 1,293 723 3,574 625 1,148 0.51 83.68
Other countries of West Africa 14,223 15,729 4,658 11,018 5,940 2.65 -46.09
OTHER AFRICA 7,698 9,397 14,722 56,737 23,886 10.66 -57.90
Other countries of Africa 7,698 9,397 14,722 56,737 23,886 10.66 -57.90
AMERICAS 11,250 9,331 17,498 9,901 12,660 5.65 27.87
NORTH AMERICA 6,312 4,829 13,994 4,802 9,978 4.45 107.79
Canada 2,417 1,766 4,283 1,016 2,185 0.97 115.06
United States of America 3,895 3,063 9,711 3,786 7,793 3.48 105.84
OTHER AMERICAS 4,938 4,502 3,504 5,099 2,682 1.20 -47.40
Other countries of the Americas 4,938 4,502 3,504 5,099 2,682 1.20 -47.40
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,318 10,920 12,877 14,242 11,061 4.93 -22.34
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,846 4,525 5,421 5,711 3,997 1.78 -30.01
China 3,452 4,153 4,999 5,436 3,513 1.57 -35.38
Japan 394 372 422 275 484 0.22 76.00
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 4,709 5,730 5,227 2.33 -8.78
Indonesia 2,260 289 337 0.15 16.61
Malaysia 1,335 1,792 0.80 34.23
Philippines 2,449 4,106 3,098 1.38 -24.55
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,472 6,395 2,747 2,801 1,837 0.82 -34.42
Other countries of Asia 7,472 6,395 2,747 2,801 1,837 0.82 -34.42
EUROPE 82,427 66,046 120,745 133,326 100,582 44.87 -24.56
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,937 419 718 807 1,050 0.47 30.11
Russian Federation 1,937 419 718 807 1,050 0.47 30.11
NORTHERN EUROPE 12,375 14,419 15,366 4,052 5,350 2.39 32.03
United Kingdom 12,375 14,419 15,366 4,052 5,350 2.39 32.03
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,674 4,467 8,734 11,171 5,745 2.56 -48.57
Italy 3,674 4,467 8,734 11,171 5,745 2.56 -48.57
WESTERN EUROPE 52,117 38,130 76,107 93,813 69,307 30.92 -26.12
Belgium 2,572 1,076 6,371 6,180 2,738 1.22 -55.70
France 46,915 35,701 63,862 84,451 64,328 28.70 -23.83
Germany 1,258 347 3,539 1,194 1,239 0.55 3.77
Switzerland 1,372 1,006 2,335 1,988 1,002 0.45 -49.60
OTHER EUROPE 12,324 8,611 19,820 23,483 19,130 8.53 -18.54
Other countries of Europe 12,324 8,611 19,820 23,483 19,130 8.53 -18.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 2,217 703 1,879 2,908 2,977 1.33 2.37

Lebanon 2,217 576 1,241 2,589 2,105 0.94 -18.69
Other countries of Middle East 127 638 319 872 0.39 173.35
SOUTH ASIA 186 1,328 6,956 4,303 2,623 1.17 -39.04
India 186 1,328 6,956 4,303 2,623 1.17 -39.04
NOT SPECIFIED 1,882 387 806 2,371 793 0.35 -66.55
Other countries of the World 1,882 387 806 2,371 793 0.35 -66.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 552,929 594,458 799,179 1,288,907 724,397 100.00 -43.80

AFRICA 258,342 311,536 348,550 698,752 309,716 42.76 -55.68
CENTRAL AFRICA 137,775 198,284 159,016 242,993 123,349 17.03 -49.24
Angola 24,605 15,644 19,050 162,958 43,350 5.98 -73.40
Cameroon 42,395 46,456 50,251 33,307 23,248 3.21 -30.20
Central African Republic 4,780 7,908 10,384 3,489 8,156 1.13 133.76
Chad 2,029 1,932 3,087 1,750 4,264 0.59 143.66
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 25,564 86,771 54,364 30,685 27,653 3.82 -9.88
Gabon 36,890 38,613 20,443 8,552 13,497 1.86 57.82
Other countries of Central Africa 1,512 960 1,437 2,252 3,181 0.44 41.25
NORTH AFRICA 20,208 12,197 40,472 59,188 26,779 3.70 -54.76
All countries of North Africa 20,208 12,197 40,472 59,188 26,779 3.70 -54.76
WEST AFRICA 78,350 80,542 99,351 172,864 73,963 10.21 -57.21
Benin 12,864 15,888 103,311 12,320 1.70 -88.07
Côte d'Ivoire 11,919 17,905 23,456 6,400 11,042 1.52 72.53
Mali 5,242 7,128 7,031 12,317 8,717 1.20 -29.23
Mauritania 39 218 548 1,588 0.22 189.78
Nigeria 10,107 3,832 4,452 0.61 16.18
Senegal 4,474 10,830 18,521 5,951 7,650 1.06 28.55
Togo 2,209 1,986 7,944 1,455 3,669 0.51 152.16
Other countries of West Africa 54,506 29,790 16,186 39,050 24,525 3.39 -37.20
OTHER AFRICA 22,009 20,513 49,711 223,707 85,625 11.82 -61.72
Other countries of Africa 22,009 20,513 49,711 223,707 85,625 11.82 -61.72
AMERICAS 43,632 74,916 35,205 35,100 49,494 6.83 41.01
NORTH AMERICA 17,618 63,926 28,856 19,242 37,113 5.12 92.87
Canada 7,005 58,265 9,686 4,939 8,929 1.23 80.79
United States of America 10,613 5,661 19,170 14,303 28,184 3.89 97.05
OTHER AMERICAS 26,014 10,990 6,349 15,858 12,381 1.71 -21.93
Other countries of the Americas 26,014 10,990 6,349 15,858 12,381 1.71 -21.93
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,188 30,335 32,394 38,776 27,774 3.83 -28.37
NORTH-EAST ASIA 12,272 12,325 13,377 19,918 11,262 1.55 -43.46
China 10,067 8,707 12,818 19,296 9,879 1.36 -48.80
Japan 2,205 3,618 559 622 1,383 0.19 122.35
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,945 10,452 12,978 1.79 24.17
Indonesia 3,834 435 805 0.11 85.06
Malaysia 2,138 4,949 0.68 131.48
Philippines 5,111 7,879 7,224 1.00 -8.31
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,916 18,010 10,072 8,406 3,534 0.49 -57.96
Other countries of Asia 22,916 18,010 10,072 8,406 3,534 0.49 -57.96
EUROPE 207,160 167,502 358,249 482,007 317,557 43.84 -34.12
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,691 952 1,381 3,131 4,221 0.58 34.81
Russian Federation 5,691 952 1,381 3,131 4,221 0.58 34.81
NORTHERN EUROPE 45,608 26,413 41,217 11,460 14,882 2.05 29.86
United Kingdom 45,608 26,413 41,217 11,460 14,882 2.05 29.86
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,703 11,469 27,046 32,226 24,380 3.37 -24.35
Italy 12,703 11,469 27,046 32,226 24,380 3.37 -24.35
WESTERN EUROPE 115,327 102,101 240,858 349,277 215,800 29.79 -38.22
Belgium 6,882 2,530 15,368 23,268 10,154 1.40 -56.36
France 102,998 96,350 213,184 315,253 197,200 27.22 -37.45
Germany 3,372 925 6,773 3,849 5,446 0.75 41.49
Switzerland 2,075 2,296 5,533 6,907 3,000 0.41 -56.57
OTHER EUROPE 27,831 26,567 47,747 85,913 58,274 8.04 -32.17
Other countries of Europe 27,831 26,567 47,747 85,913 58,274 8.04 -32.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 3,642 1,404 3,953 10,360 9,803 1.35 -5.38

Lebanon 3,642 1,114 2,191 9,333 7,311 1.01 -21.67
Other countries of Middle East 290 1,762 1,027 2,492 0.34 142.65
SOUTH ASIA 1,870 4,312 19,160 15,918 8,100 1.12 -49.11
India 1,870 4,312 19,160 15,918 8,100 1.12 -49.11
NOT SPECIFIED 3,095 4,453 1,668 7,994 1,953 0.27 -75.57
Other countries of the World 3,095 4,453 1,668 7,994 1,953 0.27 -75.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 122,384 121,158 121,458 125,132 146,473 100.00 17.05

AMERICAS 6,672 6,849 6,828 7,250 8,404 5.74 15.92
NORTH AMERICA 6,672 6,849 6,828 7,250 8,404 5.74 15.92
Canada 2,082 2,160 1,873 1,883 2,212 1.51 17.47
United States of America 4,590 4,689 4,955 5,367 6,192 4.23 15.37
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 104,696 103,411 103,659 107,331 125,489 85.67 16.92
NORTH-EAST ASIA 449 602 850 896 1,354 0.92 51.12
China 167 171 390 551 786 0.54 42.65
Hong Kong (China) 43 57 47 59 66 0.05 11.86
Japan 239 374 413 286 502 0.34 75.52
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 156 216 242 250 274 0.19 9.60
Indonesia 45 54 61 62 63 0.04 1.61
Philippines 68 100 88 106 128 0.09 20.75
Singapore 43 62 93 82 83 0.06 1.22
AUSTRALASIA 103,283 101,927 101,992 105,535 123,286 84.17 16.82
Australia 20,921 22,802 22,033 21,558 23,796 16.25 10.38
New Zealand 82,362 79,125 79,959 83,977 99,490 67.92 18.47
POLYNESIA 622 513 439 545 375 0.26 -31.19
French Polynesia 622 513 439 545 375 0.26 -31.19
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 186 153 136 105 200 0.14 90.48
Other countries of Asia 186 153 136 105 200 0.14 90.48
EUROPE 9,466 9,401 9,411 9,101 10,786 7.36 18.51
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 23 51 59 54 60 0.04 11.11
Poland 23 51 59 54 60 0.04 11.11
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,962 4,044 3,743 3,433 3,793 2.59 10.49
Denmark 128 101 126 127 244 0.17 92.13
Finland 263 125 177 132 129 0.09 -2.27
Ireland 33 57 51 60 72 0.05 20.00
Norway 205 277 237 132 179 0.12 35.61
Sweden 528 525 404 414 489 0.33 18.12
United Kingdom 2,805 2,959 2,748 2,568 2,680 1.83 4.36
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,055 1,014 1,219 1,290 1,506 1.03 16.74
Italy 612 773 926 970 1,069 0.73 10.21
Slovenia 156 39 27 38 61 0.04 60.53
Spain 287 202 266 282 376 0.26 33.33
WESTERN EUROPE 4,021 3,895 4,066 4,003 5,018 3.43 25.36
Austria 305 211 287 260 370 0.25 42.31
Belgium 91 63 60 46 61 0.04 32.61
France 257 322 303 340 576 0.39 69.41
Germany 2,444 2,226 2,224 2,318 2,751 1.88 18.68
Netherlands 211 354 378 323 358 0.24 10.84
Switzerland 713 719 814 716 902 0.62 25.98
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10 22 9 24 26 0.02 8.33
Israel 10 22 9 24 26 0.02 8.33
OTHER EUROPE 395 375 315 297 383 0.26 28.96
Other countries of Europe 395 375 315 297 383 0.26 28.96
SOUTH ASIA 32 24 30 20 25 0.02 25.00
India 32 24 30 20 25 0.02 25.00
NOT SPECIFIED 1,518 1,473 1,530 1,430 1,769 1.21 23.71
Other countries of the World 1,518 1,473 1,530 1,430 1,769 1.21 23.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,343,213 2,427,941 2,526,817 2,660,257 2,925,128 100.00 9.96

AFRICA 2,021 2,222 2,639 2,671 2,838 0.10 6.25
EAST AFRICA 410 390 494 476 536 0.02 12.61
Burundi 5 4 4 3 7 0.00 133.33
Comoros 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Djibouti 1
Eritrea 11 6 6 6 6 0.00
Ethiopia 46 43 51 41 35 0.00 -14.63
Kenya 138 136 126 161 154 0.01 -4.35
Madagascar 3 5 5 8 18 0.00 125.00
Malawi 12 7 7 14 15 0.00 7.14
Mauritius 24 17 32 43 53 0.00 23.26
Mozambique 9 18 25 15 13 0.00 -13.33
Reunion 1 0.00
Rwanda 6 15 7 27 26 0.00 -3.70
Seychelles 3 4 7 1 3 0.00 200.00
Somalia 24 27 10 7 19 0.00 171.43
Tanzania, United Republic of 53 24 44 25 30 0.00 20.00
Uganda 34 49 42 62 85 0.00 37.10
Zambia 13 15 96 26 19 0.00 -26.92
Zimbabwe 27 20 31 35 51 0.00 45.71
CENTRAL AFRICA 67 93 121 98 98 0.00
Angola 9 37 34 32 7 0.00 -78.13
Cameroon 37 39 60 40 44 0.00 10.00
Central African Republic 3 1 3
Chad 1
Congo 2 7 4
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8 1 6 9 34 0.00 277.78
Equatorial Guinea 2 2 3 8 5 0.00 -37.50
Gabon 5 11 6 3 8 0.00 166.67
Sao Tome and Principe 1 2 2 1
NORTH AFRICA 214 231 289 346 380 0.01 9.83
Algeria 26 26 41 39 45 0.00 15.38
Morocco 114 140 164 215 221 0.01 2.79
Sudan 10 9 11 5 8 0.00 60.00
Tunisia 64 56 73 86 105 0.00 22.09
Western Sahara 1 1 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 956 1,124 1,277 1,263 1,297 0.04 2.69
Botswana 3 20 10 6 9 0.00 50.00
Lesotho 2 1 3 1 1 0.00
Namibia 7 8 19 13 4 0.00 -69.23
South Africa 943 1,093 1,240 1,241 1,277 0.04 2.90
Swaziland 1 2 5 2 6 0.00 200.00
WEST AFRICA 374 384 458 488 527 0.02 7.99
Benin 10 4 7 4 4 0.00
Burkina Faso 6 6 7 8 14 0.00 75.00
Cabo Verde 11 7 11 21 24 0.00 14.29
Côte d'Ivoire 14 9 18 15 33 0.00 120.00
Gambia 6 2 6 7 8 0.00 14.29
Ghana 44 43 106 56 93 0.00 66.07
Guinea 5 2 18 6 7 0.00 16.67
Guinea-Bissau 4 1 3 4 5 0.00 25.00
Liberia 9 24 18 21 22 0.00 4.76
Mali 4 11 8 3 4 0.00 33.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 2 3 2 2 7 0.00 250.00

Niger 5 4 5 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Nigeria 203 237 208 295 251 0.01 -14.92
Senegal 35 18 20 27 24 0.00 -11.11
Sierra Leone 6 7 11 8 7 0.00 -12.50
Togo 10 6 10 7 21 0.00 200.00
AMERICAS 2,009,211 2,075,146 2,111,454 2,217,961 2,434,247 83.22 9.75
CARIBBEAN 11,728 12,121 11,633 12,650 12,550 0.43 -0.79
Anguilla 1 2
Antigua and Barbuda 28 26 33 45 62 0.00 37.78
Aruba 1 1 1 0.00
Bahamas 350 362 330 422 323 0.01 -23.46
Barbados 188 236 151 267 198 0.01 -25.84
Bermuda 300 292 478 481 443 0.02 -7.90
British Virgin Islands 1 1 2 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Cayman Islands 122 125 111 68 76 0.00 11.76
Cuba 3,583 3,372 2,826 2,919 3,161 0.11 8.29
Dominica 47 34 40 61 38 0.00 -37.70
Dominican Republic 4,893 5,155 5,106 5,312 5,541 0.19 4.31
Grenada 43 36 39 44 31 0.00 -29.55
Haiti 307 364 363 355 415 0.01 16.90
Jamaica 698 891 840 1,004 971 0.03 -3.29
Montserrat 1 1
Netherlands Antilles 1 2 1 1 0.00
Puerto Rico 35 12 8 16 19 0.00 18.75
Saint Kitts and Nevis 46 34 45 70 74 0.00 5.71
Saint Lucia 50 53 44 78 45 0.00 -42.31
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 47 52 51 57 35 0.00 -38.60
Trinidad and Tobago 985 1,071 1,160 1,440 1,105 0.04 -23.26
Turks and Caicos Islands 3 2 3 3 10 0.00 233.33
United States Virgin Islands 1
CENTRAL AMERICA 721,049 736,161 716,645 711,404 724,638 24.77 1.86
Belize 846 1,060 818 812 869 0.03 7.02
El Salvador 64,924 64,553 63,214 69,427 78,273 2.68 12.74
Guatemala 55,333 56,755 55,677 57,600 65,063 2.22 12.96
Honduras 35,036 38,840 36,957 39,560 40,478 1.38 2.32
Nicaragua 474,011 476,678 463,959 446,870 440,038 15.04 -1.53
Panama 90,899 98,275 96,020 97,135 99,917 3.42 2.86
NORTH AMERICA 1,139,624 1,162,368 1,245,037 1,337,755 1,515,880 51.82 13.32
Canada 151,568 160,398 172,730 175,771 188,104 6.43 7.02
Mexico 66,959 72,568 75,045 84,940 94,499 3.23 11.25
United States of America 921,097 929,402 997,262 1,077,044 1,233,277 42.16 14.51
SOUTH AMERICA 136,810 164,496 138,139 156,152 181,179 6.19 16.03
Argentina 24,545 23,856 21,248 24,204 29,869 1.02 23.41
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,826 2,072 1,919 2,205 2,184 0.07 -0.95
Brazil 15,071 15,934 17,705 19,272 20,005 0.68 3.80
Chile 10,000 11,406 10,022 11,887 13,091 0.45 10.13
Colombia 33,712 36,202 37,879 41,185 43,706 1.49 6.12
Ecuador 5,674 5,734 5,846 6,171 6,243 0.21 1.17
French Guiana 1
Guyana 247 199 223 220 215 0.01 -2.27
Paraguay 912 872 964 1,054 1,095 0.04 3.89
Peru 10,164 9,390 8,984 11,268 13,328 0.46 18.28
Suriname 77 73 98 106 94 0.00 -11.32

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Uruguay 3,150 3,354 3,233 3,835 3,838 0.13 0.08

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 31,432 55,404 30,017 34,745 47,511 1.62 36.74
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,606 32,765 35,387 38,325 44,316 1.52 15.63
NORTH-EAST ASIA 17,206 18,029 18,422 20,994 24,218 0.83 15.36
China 6,573 7,791 7,395 9,552 12,799 0.44 33.99
Hong Kong (China) 7 4 3 4 10 0.00 150.00
Japan 5,117 4,932 5,276 5,461 5,401 0.18 -1.10
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 2 8 30
Korea, Republic of 3,435 3,478 3,922 4,167 4,342 0.15 4.20
Macao (China) 1
Mongolia 20 13 16 13 31 0.00 138.46
Taiwan Province of China 2,051 1,803 1,780 1,797 1,635 0.06 -9.02
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,075 2,881 3,144 3,114 3,643 0.12 16.99
Brunei Darussalam 1 4 22 7 0.00 -68.18
Cambodia 6 12 7 20 20 0.00
Indonesia 291 228 213 171 220 0.01 28.65
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 3 12 11 2 0.00 -81.82
Malaysia 363 341 417 319 315 0.01 -1.25
Myanmar 18 10 17 17 42 0.00 147.06
Philippines 1,695 1,687 1,730 1,841 2,210 0.08 20.04
Singapore 318 294 385 342 395 0.01 15.50
Thailand 231 185 242 216 267 0.01 23.61
Timor-Leste 1 2 1 1 1 0.00
Viet Nam 151 118 116 154 164 0.01 6.49
AUSTRALASIA 10,277 11,817 13,782 14,164 16,406 0.56 15.83
Australia 8,547 9,756 11,283 11,642 13,555 0.46 16.43
New Zealand 1,730 2,061 2,499 2,522 2,851 0.10 13.05
MELANESIA 23 16 16 25 22 0.00 -12.00
Fiji 10 10 9 10 17 0.00 70.00
Papua New Guinea 8 5 1 15 2 0.00 -86.67
Solomon Islands 5 1 5
Vanuatu 1 3 0.00
MICRONESIA 9 6 5 20 15 0.00 -25.00
Kiribati 2 1
Marshall Islands 1 8 6 0.00 -25.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 2 2 3 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Nauru 1 1 1 0.00
Palau 3 3 2 4 3 0.00 -25.00
POLYNESIA 3 6 9 8 12 0.00 50.00
Cook Islands 1
Niue 1 1 0.00
Samoa 1 1 3 5 0.00 66.67
Tonga 2 1 3 4 5 0.00 25.00
Tuvalu 4 4 1 1 0.00
Other countries of Asia 3 6 8
Other countries of Oceania 10 4 1
EUROPE 296,108 311,729 370,482 393,135 434,886 14.87 10.62
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 12,329 14,466 18,617 16,840 18,420 0.63 9.38
Armenia 24 20 35 28 36 0.00 28.57
Azerbaijan 14 13 22 27 30 0.00 11.11
Belarus 132 87 145 161 197 0.01 22.36
Bulgaria 442 502 721 665 724 0.02 8.87
Czech Republic 1,618 2,028 2,924 2,186 2,262 0.08 3.48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Estonia 196 286 436 393 367 0.01 -6.62

Georgia 20 27 25 27 37 0.00 37.04
Hungary 803 907 1,056 1,125 1,105 0.04 -1.78
Kazakhstan 68 78 100 84 64 0.00 -23.81
Kyrgyzstan 10 27 15 10 19 0.00 90.00
Latvia 249 275 517 417 467 0.02 11.99
Lithuania 440 451 663 623 778 0.03 24.88
Moldova, Republic of 30 43 53 51 82 0.00 60.78
Poland 2,405 2,700 3,471 3,514 3,917 0.13 11.47
Romania 906 1,199 1,388 1,499 2,026 0.07 35.16
Russian Federation 3,544 4,146 4,978 4,018 4,086 0.14 1.69
Slovakia 674 786 1,101 950 1,097 0.04 15.47
Tajikistan 15 3 0.00 -80.00
Turkmenistan 2 4 2 6
Ukraine 729 859 936 981 1,087 0.04 10.81
Uzbekistan 23 28 29 60 36 0.00 -40.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 51,861 55,007 63,023 73,016 98,302 3.36 34.63
Denmark 4,002 3,961 4,539 5,371 6,221 0.21 15.83
Finland 1,667 1,885 1,896 2,119 2,161 0.07 1.98
Iceland 242 159 282 280 289 0.01 3.21
Ireland 2,554 2,794 2,904 3,324 3,977 0.14 19.65
Norway 3,635 3,501 3,969 3,835 3,616 0.12 -5.71
Sweden 7,831 7,509 9,888 10,588 10,646 0.36 0.55
United Kingdom 31,930 35,198 39,545 47,499 71,392 2.44 50.30
SOUTHERN EUROPE 71,735 79,716 96,874 99,226 103,616 3.54 4.42
Albania 44 59 53 40 49 0.00 22.50
Andorra 45 61 68 84 115 0.00 36.90
Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 30 43 23 42 0.00 82.61
Croatia 372 281 341 324 487 0.02 50.31
Greece 586 604 727 837 869 0.03 3.82
Holy See 7 11 17 15 9 0.00 -40.00
Italy 20,335 22,802 27,222 28,406 29,975 1.02 5.52
Malta 55 92 90 94 110 0.00 17.02
Montenegro 25 40 35 21 36 0.00 71.43
Portugal 2,016 2,126 3,098 3,400 3,570 0.12 5.00
San Marino 19 8 18 14 22 0.00 57.14
Serbia 210 195 169 227 251 0.01 10.57
Slovenia 473 437 664 517 579 0.02 11.99
Spain 47,505 52,950 64,303 65,188 67,453 2.31 3.47
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 9 20 26 36 49 0.00 36.11
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2
WESTERN EUROPE 148,442 151,108 177,809 187,453 196,283 6.71 4.71
Austria 6,150 6,858 7,408 7,679 7,560 0.26 -1.55
Belgium 10,235 9,177 10,715 10,597 10,367 0.35 -2.17
France 38,139 39,728 49,681 54,773 61,503 2.10 12.29
Germany 50,938 54,754 63,916 66,450 67,939 2.32 2.24
Liechtenstein 62 76 67 85 118 0.00 38.82
Luxembourg 263 294 324 376 401 0.01 6.65
Monaco 28 36 34 27 24 0.00 -11.11
Netherlands 25,758 23,121 26,671 27,083 27,129 0.93 0.17
Switzerland 16,869 17,064 18,993 20,383 21,242 0.73 4.21
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,738 11,421 14,149 16,586 18,245 0.62 10.00
Cyprus 49 70 52 70 118 0.00 68.57
Israel 11,095 10,764 13,442 15,806 17,186 0.59 8.73
Turkey 594 587 655 710 941 0.03 32.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER EUROPE 3 11 10 14 20 0.00 42.86

Other countries of Europe 3 11 10 14 20 0.00 42.86
MIDDLE EAST 569 747 836 924 1,030 0.04 11.47
Bahrain 7 21 19 12 24 0.00 100.00
Egypt 150 126 118 198 180 0.01 -9.09
Iraq 10 18 21 15 15 0.00
Jordan 80 116 126 116 161 0.01 38.79
Kuwait 26 33 36 59 43 0.00 -27.12
Lebanon 143 157 175 190 192 0.01 1.05
Libya 2 3 5 2 7 0.00 250.00
Oman 11 15 16 24 40 0.00 66.67
Qatar 27 46 49 22 22 0.00
Saudi Arabia 58 117 173 172 181 0.01 5.23
State of Palestine 17 41 34 43 38 0.00 -11.63
Syrian Arab Republic 19 25 30 29 42 0.00 44.83
United Arab Emirates 15 24 29 37 82 0.00 121.62
Yemen 4 5 5 5 3 0.00 -40.00
SOUTH ASIA 4,696 5,332 6,017 7,233 7,811 0.27 7.99
Afghanistan 12 5 6 10 6 0.00 -40.00
Bangladesh 53 45 51 58 77 0.00 32.76
Bhutan 4 4 10 9 3 0.00 -66.67
India 4,205 4,746 5,423 6,565 7,085 0.24 7.92
Iran, Islamic Republic of 135 194 186 180 214 0.01 18.89
Maldives 7 3 7 3 3 0.00
Nepal 67 73 99 107 106 0.00 -0.93
Pakistan 171 171 162 223 228 0.01 2.24
Sri Lanka 42 91 73 78 89 0.00 14.10
Other countries of the World 2 2 8

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 289,100 380,000 471,000 1,441,200 1,583,249 100.00 9.86

AFRICA 199,400 258,400 315,600 965,604 1,060,778 67.00 9.86
OTHER AFRICA 199,400 258,400 315,600 965,604 1,060,778 67.00 9.86
All countries of Africa 199,400 258,400 315,600 965,604 1,060,778 67.00 9.86
AMERICAS 11,600 13,300 14,100 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
OTHER AMERICAS 11,600 13,300 14,100 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
All countries of the Americas 11,600 13,300 14,100 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,600 17,100 28,300 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,600 17,100 28,300 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
All countries East Asia/Pacific 11,600 17,100 28,300 72,060 79,162 5.00 9.86
EUROPE 66,500 91,200 113,000 331,476 364,147 23.00 9.86
OTHER EUROPE 66,500 91,200 113,000 331,476 364,147 23.00 9.86
All countries of Europe 66,500 91,200 113,000 331,476 364,147 23.00 9.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
TOTAL 4,521,803 4,666,142 4,911,252 5,250,645 5,468,333 100.00 4.15
AMERICAS 165,720 191,500 211,725 248,373 249,276 4.56 0.36
NORTH AMERICA 165,720 191,500 211,725 248,373 249,276 4.56 0.36
Canada 35,821 38,200 42,759 48,597 51,377 0.94 5.72
United States of America 129,899 153,300 168,966 199,776 197,899 3.62 -0.94
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 211,491 216,075 230,559 218,294 178,214 3.26 -18.36
NORTH-EAST ASIA 148,515 146,867 161,826 145,213 106,373 1.95 -26.75
Japan 148,515 146,867 161,826 145,213 106,373 1.95 -26.75
AUSTRALASIA 62,976 69,208 68,733 73,081 71,841 1.31 -1.70
Australia 53,843 60,116 59,946 63,598 62,847 1.15 -1.18
New Zealand 9,133 9,092 8,787 9,483 8,994 0.16 -5.16
EUROPE 3,898,870 3,959,046 3,972,173 4,151,526 4,365,294 79.83 5.15
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 781,957 753,332 744,559 749,210 794,724 14.53 6.07
Belarus 2,720 3,690 7,584 6,513 4,208 0.08 -35.39
Bulgaria 30,412 35,619 38,880 39,181 43,827 0.80 11.86
Czech Republic 149,281 142,649 152,083 156,557 161,708 2.96 3.29
Estonia 4,525 5,577 5,518 5,908 7,348 0.13 24.37
Hungary 105,071 114,164 120,843 139,161 145,923 2.67 4.86
Latvia 5,798 8,424 7,882 7,068 6,613 0.12 -6.44
Lithuania 8,751 8,607 8,553 8,921 8,334 0.15 -6.58
Poland 155,353 168,553 168,170 170,800 183,373 3.35 7.36
Romania 33,199 33,523 31,018 34,756 39,417 0.72 13.41
Russian Federation 141,939 103,150 77,456 52,570 55,361 1.01 5.31
Slovakia 96,161 97,241 102,411 105,114 111,560 2.04 6.13
Ukraine 48,747 32,135 24,161 22,661 27,052 0.49 19.38
NORTHERN EUROPE 395,081 463,229 482,252 509,045 588,996 10.77 15.71
Denmark 24,558 26,465 25,100 23,991 29,157 0.53 21.53
Finland 24,480 29,581 30,149 35,040 42,054 0.77 20.02
Iceland 1,337 2,100 1,705 1,680 2,372 0.04 41.19
Ireland 17,326 19,530 21,979 23,267 26,214 0.48 12.67
Norway 56,480 68,339 64,623 56,766 58,032 1.06 2.23
Sweden 73,668 88,919 96,361 99,981 117,141 2.14 17.16
United Kingdom 197,232 228,295 242,335 268,320 314,026 5.74 17.03
SOUTHERN EUROPE 934,417 936,271 964,676 1,021,428 1,053,981 19.27 3.19
Bosnia and Herzegovina 91,502 94,870 94,724 107,025 121,820 2.23 13.82
Greece 19,103 27,961 27,987 20,355 27,029 0.49 32.79
Italy 376,391 361,660 371,740 389,636 381,966 6.99 -1.97
Portugal 18,404 17,450 18,426 21,585 19,873 0.36 -7.93
Slovenia 295,493 311,503 320,347 342,794 372,160 6.81 8.57
Spain 120,767 107,685 117,799 124,610 114,526 2.09 -8.09
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 12,757 15,142 13,653 15,423 16,607 0.30 7.68
WESTERN EUROPE 1,637,402 1,666,196 1,645,124 1,732,453 1,767,469 32.32 2.02
Austria 522,960 529,734 543,951 595,858 637,990 11.67 7.07
Belgium 63,094 73,304 66,118 69,406 73,019 1.34 5.21
France 239,209 237,962 222,878 219,580 213,406 3.90 -2.81
Germany 638,838 646,213 634,031 658,982 652,004 11.92 -1.06
Luxembourg 2,392 2,608 2,971 3,454 3,980 0.07 15.23
Netherlands 90,391 91,550 91,426 92,482 92,301 1.69 -0.20
Switzerland 80,518 84,825 83,749 92,691 94,769 1.73 2.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 67,711 52,023 42,669 44,866 51,885 0.95 15.64
Israel 26,392 26,366 23,448 26,251 31,585 0.58 20.32
Turkey 41,319 25,657 19,221 18,615 20,300 0.37 9.05
OTHER EUROPE 82,302 87,995 92,893 94,524 108,239 1.98 14.51
Other countries of Europe 82,302 87,995 92,893 94,524 108,239 1.98 14.51
NOT SPECIFIED 245,722 299,521 496,795 632,452 675,549 12.35 6.81
Other countries of the World 245,722 299,521 496,795 632,452 675,549 12.35 6.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 10,369,226 10,948,366 11,622,961 12,683,179 13,808,532 100.00 8.87

AFRICA 16,935 19,762 22,777 25,248 32,323 0.23 28.02
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,460 9,681 9,289 11,553 13,191 0.10 14.18
South Africa 8,460 9,681 9,289 11,553 13,191 0.10 14.18
OTHER AFRICA 8,475 10,081 13,488 13,695 19,132 0.14 39.70
Other countries of Africa 8,475 10,081 13,488 13,695 19,132 0.14 39.70
AMERICAS 291,988 381,358 435,046 530,508 574,408 4.16 8.28
NORTH AMERICA 230,052 287,279 336,282 413,732 450,567 3.26 8.90
Canada 55,090 65,660 78,901 94,707 110,997 0.80 17.20
United States of America 173,501 219,912 255,592 317,414 337,464 2.44 6.32
Other countries of North America 1,461 1,707 1,789 1,611 2,106 0.02 30.73
SOUTH AMERICA 30,913 56,459 56,911 60,735 47,714 0.35 -21.44
Brazil 30,913 56,459 56,911 60,735 47,714 0.35 -21.44
OTHER AMERICAS 31,023 37,620 41,853 56,041 76,127 0.55 35.84
Other countries of the Americas 31,023 37,620 41,853 56,041 76,127 0.55 35.84
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 468,856 544,510 823,265 978,831 1,041,532 7.54 6.41
NORTH-EAST ASIA 245,097 275,091 502,171 591,665 600,794 4.35 1.54
China 43,249 41,973 61,215 87,884 102,044 0.74 16.11
Japan 155,088 159,117 176,846 159,807 120,971 0.88 -24.30
Korea, Republic of 46,760 74,001 264,110 343,974 377,779 2.74 9.83
AUSTRALASIA 104,258 124,989 136,914 156,479 175,580 1.27 12.21
Australia 87,735 106,337 116,686 132,590 149,829 1.09 13.00
New Zealand 16,523 18,652 20,228 23,889 25,751 0.19 7.79
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119,501 144,430 184,180 230,687 265,158 1.92 14.94
Other countries of Asia 116,732 140,449 178,917 226,963 261,336 1.89 15.14
Other countries of Oceania 2,769 3,981 5,263 3,724 3,822 0.03 2.63
EUROPE 9,591,447 10,002,736 10,341,873 11,148,592 12,160,269 88.06 9.07
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,249,141 2,324,376 2,377,722 2,551,886 2,742,752 19.86 7.48
Belarus 4,819 7,431 12,775 14,300 12,881 0.09 -9.92
Bulgaria 36,538 44,918 51,023 55,920 63,432 0.46 13.43
Czech Republic 647,211 652,154 661,486 696,151 688,953 4.99 -1.03
Estonia 8,610 12,486 14,677 17,552 21,611 0.16 23.13
Hungary 307,912 326,354 366,262 435,990 486,448 3.52 11.57
Latvia 10,640 15,403 14,671 17,253 19,311 0.14 11.93
Lithuania 23,684 25,711 26,846 31,433 36,345 0.26 15.63
Poland 544,134 635,558 630,360 674,779 757,523 5.49 12.26
Romania 61,272 64,654 62,845 75,561 93,466 0.68 23.70
Russian Federation 196,308 151,087 133,391 101,444 108,273 0.78 6.73
Slovakia 337,429 337,035 355,000 380,942 389,806 2.82 2.33
Ukraine 70,584 51,585 48,386 50,561 64,703 0.47 27.97
NORTHERN EUROPE 699,148 886,765 948,470 1,021,772 1,246,619 9.03 22.01
Denmark 85,854 89,550 86,610 81,851 104,265 0.76 27.38
Finland 38,806 54,261 57,216 68,179 85,027 0.62 24.71
Iceland 1,913 2,839 2,733 2,751 3,640 0.03 32.32
Ireland 28,166 38,252 45,661 51,459 57,984 0.42 12.68
Norway 102,090 134,450 135,101 123,362 142,647 1.03 15.63
Sweden 135,363 178,340 192,113 203,660 256,612 1.86 26.00
United Kingdom 306,956 389,073 429,036 490,510 596,444 4.32 21.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,655,965 2,639,980 2,772,733 3,004,123 3,208,799 23.24 6.81
Bosnia and Herzegovina 220,375 211,677 228,711 279,806 333,039 2.41 19.02
Greece 21,283 31,572 32,246 25,036 33,526 0.24 33.91
Italy 1,050,514 1,016,953 1,060,912 1,111,428 1,119,932 8.11 0.77
Malta 1,474 1,931 2,598 2,457 2,630 0.02 7.04
Montenegro 12,353 13,472 14,619 16,519 19,831 0.14 20.05
Portugal 23,470 25,882 29,659 36,522 37,043 0.27 1.43

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 85,768 89,768 94,085 101,397 112,202 0.81 10.66

Slovenia 1,053,553 1,066,610 1,101,552 1,191,998 1,298,501 9.40 8.93
Spain 166,176 158,190 185,985 212,798 222,523 1.61 4.57
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 20,999 23,925 22,366 26,162 29,572 0.21 13.03
WESTERN EUROPE 3,869,890 4,041,316 4,136,921 4,456,626 4,825,384 34.94 8.27
Austria 945,578 968,233 1,018,521 1,119,709 1,237,969 8.97 10.56
Belgium 137,261 159,927 154,394 164,047 182,556 1.32 11.28
France 418,412 448,776 441,494 466,045 494,698 3.58 6.15
Germany 1,852,731 1,931,890 1,988,993 2,124,149 2,277,378 16.49 7.21
Luxembourg 4,579 5,374 6,062 6,635 8,236 0.06 24.13
Netherlands 335,266 336,106 333,500 356,876 389,510 2.82 9.14
Switzerland 176,063 191,010 193,957 219,165 235,037 1.70 7.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 85,537 70,599 64,747 73,005 87,983 0.64 20.52
Cyprus 1,299 1,577 1,760 1,715 2,758 0.02 60.82
Israel 35,541 36,857 36,767 44,305 53,385 0.39 20.49
Turkey 48,697 32,165 26,220 26,985 31,840 0.23 17.99
OTHER EUROPE 31,766 39,700 41,280 41,180 48,732 0.35 18.34
Other countries of Europe 31,766 39,700 41,280 41,180 48,732 0.35 18.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
TOTAL 18,879,352 18,892,045 18,891,924 19,851,214 20,871,999 100.00 5.14
AMERICAS 376,508 428,430 466,326 563,484 562,526 2.70 -0.17
NORTH AMERICA 376,508 428,430 466,326 563,484 562,526 2.70 -0.17
Canada 85,968 89,629 94,869 107,774 115,682 0.55 7.34
United States of America 290,540 338,801 371,457 455,710 446,844 2.14 -1.95
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 342,636 340,473 360,921 354,595 308,153 1.48 -13.10
NORTH-EAST ASIA 206,548 196,039 216,228 196,604 150,376 0.72 -23.51
Japan 206,548 196,039 216,228 196,604 150,376 0.72 -23.51
AUSTRALASIA 136,088 144,434 144,693 157,991 157,777 0.76 -0.14
Australia 117,084 125,943 127,221 138,295 139,044 0.67 0.54
New Zealand 19,004 18,491 17,472 19,696 18,733 0.09 -4.89
EUROPE 17,733,233 17,636,456 17,355,295 18,055,235 19,047,154 91.26 5.49
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,360,817 4,022,703 3,808,928 3,724,931 3,936,982 18.86 5.69
Belarus 15,380 19,169 21,983 18,171 16,273 0.08 -10.45
Bulgaria 50,553 60,302 60,897 61,014 70,383 0.34 15.36
Czech Republic 949,286 897,527 937,745 967,826 977,782 4.68 1.03
Estonia 17,019 21,691 21,107 22,889 30,047 0.14 31.27
Hungary 464,386 513,042 542,188 615,751 643,182 3.08 4.45
Latvia 15,808 21,537 20,566 23,033 21,246 0.10 -7.76
Lithuania 25,172 27,849 26,044 26,037 26,659 0.13 2.39
Poland 681,650 742,979 729,653 736,324 824,668 3.95 12.00
Romania 115,103 112,818 103,988 118,481 137,441 0.66 16.00
Russian Federation 1,098,621 785,529 570,716 363,339 349,366 1.67 -3.85
Slovakia 599,534 594,661 615,954 633,921 675,131 3.23 6.50
Ukraine 328,305 225,599 158,087 138,145 164,804 0.79 19.30
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,986,602 2,340,225 2,463,694 2,616,256 3,146,436 15.07 20.26
Denmark 132,082 129,275 115,028 104,869 140,978 0.68 34.43
Finland 106,418 123,987 131,654 164,479 217,840 1.04 32.44
Iceland 4,354 5,809 5,618 5,381 7,995 0.04 48.58
Ireland 79,628 87,310 102,204 110,979 124,323 0.60 12.02
Norway 312,163 371,832 353,431 306,914 327,802 1.57 6.81
Sweden 363,085 450,163 494,320 500,713 616,137 2.95 23.05
United Kingdom 988,872 1,171,849 1,261,439 1,422,921 1,711,361 8.20 20.27
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,152,708 3,061,032 3,074,726 3,289,890 3,342,451 16.01 1.60
Bosnia and Herzegovina 312,777 323,888 324,101 362,432 398,567 1.91 9.97
Greece 34,864 46,747 45,996 39,254 48,055 0.23 22.42
Italy 1,263,444 1,172,293 1,196,738 1,290,865 1,246,528 5.97 -3.43
Portugal 37,597 37,022 41,332 47,399 46,816 0.22 -1.23
Slovenia 1,244,806 1,248,521 1,218,577 1,279,652 1,341,536 6.43 4.84
Spain 227,553 197,112 216,278 233,548 222,758 1.07 -4.62
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 31,667 35,449 31,704 36,740 38,191 0.18 3.95
WESTERN EUROPE 7,858,864 7,868,540 7,681,656 8,081,222 8,236,279 39.46 1.92
Austria 2,301,769 2,302,830 2,340,462 2,545,331 2,716,523 13.02 6.73
Belgium 268,480 301,936 281,879 283,830 298,507 1.43 5.17
France 894,038 897,162 875,152 832,992 845,605 4.05 1.51
Germany 3,640,139 3,634,564 3,464,937 3,662,950 3,607,423 17.28 -1.52
Luxembourg 9,507 11,457 12,309 13,559 18,934 0.09 39.64
Netherlands 448,030 416,404 409,641 404,008 401,316 1.92 -0.67
Switzerland 296,901 304,187 297,276 338,552 347,971 1.67 2.78
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 153,627 114,051 93,222 100,718 114,860 0.55 14.04
Israel 56,847 62,783 53,772 62,248 70,396 0.34 13.09
Turkey 96,780 51,268 39,450 38,470 44,464 0.21 15.58
OTHER EUROPE 220,615 229,905 233,069 242,218 270,146 1.29 11.53
Other countries of Europe 220,615 229,905 233,069 242,218 270,146 1.29 11.53
NOT SPECIFIED 426,975 486,686 709,382 877,900 954,166 4.57 8.69
Other countries of the World 426,975 486,686 709,382 877,900 954,166 4.57 8.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 57,522,137 59,679,630 61,323,572 65,862,680 72,193,352 100.00 9.61

AFRICA 57,723 70,661 76,795 80,968 113,447 0.16 40.11
SOUTHERN AFRICA 20,298 23,202 22,346 29,650 37,078 0.05 25.05
South Africa 20,298 23,202 22,346 29,650 37,078 0.05 25.05
OTHER AFRICA 37,425 47,459 54,449 51,318 76,369 0.11 48.82
Other countries of Africa 37,425 47,459 54,449 51,318 76,369 0.11 48.82
AMERICAS 735,252 938,698 1,060,583 1,321,241 1,482,382 2.05 12.20
NORTH AMERICA 588,014 729,275 841,558 1,055,583 1,183,573 1.64 12.13
Canada 149,828 175,958 205,982 243,966 294,524 0.41 20.72
United States of America 433,227 548,545 630,369 806,411 880,755 1.22 9.22
Other countries of North America 4,959 4,772 5,207 5,206 8,294 0.01 59.32
SOUTH AMERICA 70,386 117,546 118,410 130,559 109,139 0.15 -16.41
Brazil 70,386 117,546 118,410 130,559 109,139 0.15 -16.41
OTHER AMERICAS 76,852 91,877 100,615 135,099 189,670 0.26 40.39
Other countries of the Americas 76,852 91,877 100,615 135,099 189,670 0.26 40.39
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 834,331 938,722 1,316,613 1,558,666 1,729,618 2.40 10.97
NORTH-EAST ASIA 347,038 382,096 664,065 763,768 786,959 1.09 3.04
China 64,092 63,066 89,462 129,700 154,391 0.21 19.04
Japan 220,499 220,617 246,769 227,398 182,577 0.25 -19.71
Korea, Republic of 62,447 98,413 327,834 406,670 449,991 0.62 10.65
AUSTRALASIA 257,600 304,529 336,269 389,197 462,316 0.64 18.79
Australia 218,164 259,540 288,459 331,900 398,989 0.55 20.21
New Zealand 39,436 44,989 47,810 57,297 63,327 0.09 10.52
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 229,693 252,097 316,279 405,701 480,343 0.67 18.40
Other countries of Asia 223,212 242,792 304,351 395,349 470,876 0.65 19.10
Other countries of Oceania 6,481 9,305 11,928 10,352 9,467 0.01 -8.55
EUROPE 55,894,831 57,731,549 58,869,581 62,901,805 68,867,905 95.39 9.48
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 14,427,977 14,773,289 14,976,500 15,764,030 16,920,300 23.44 7.33
Belarus 29,988 42,103 53,565 67,243 77,221 0.11 14.84
Bulgaria 68,210 85,393 89,751 102,417 119,132 0.17 16.32
Czech Republic 4,519,489 4,539,066 4,600,001 4,811,990 4,770,429 6.61 -0.86
Estonia 34,847 49,376 62,645 71,752 93,083 0.13 29.73
Hungary 1,629,552 1,727,787 1,931,181 2,266,301 2,527,831 3.50 11.54
Latvia 34,379 48,487 46,611 80,075 77,055 0.11 -3.77
Lithuania 90,907 98,529 105,055 122,354 151,121 0.21 23.51
Poland 3,407,685 4,079,123 4,077,639 4,323,421 4,963,896 6.88 14.81
Romania 251,242 254,810 251,355 300,832 380,384 0.53 26.44
Russian Federation 1,577,872 1,221,603 1,044,878 739,731 738,823 1.02 -0.12
Slovakia 2,294,100 2,258,279 2,382,996 2,550,018 2,605,627 3.61 2.18
Ukraine 489,706 368,733 330,823 327,896 415,698 0.58 26.78
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,774,899 4,783,867 5,005,570 5,333,533 6,721,654 9.31 26.03
Denmark 625,723 688,373 590,386 539,351 700,040 0.97 29.79
Finland 172,298 237,718 255,981 319,475 427,485 0.59 33.81
Iceland 6,971 8,841 9,754 10,313 13,636 0.02 32.22
Ireland 127,510 165,263 197,498 229,592 258,709 0.36 12.68
Norway 606,801 804,825 818,302 745,428 889,642 1.23 19.35
Sweden 730,219 971,808 1,031,539 1,070,137 1,405,480 1.95 31.34
United Kingdom 1,505,377 1,907,039 2,102,110 2,419,237 3,026,662 4.19 25.11
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,807,391 12,542,987 12,838,914 13,952,465 14,861,944 20.59 6.52
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,066,036 1,001,544 1,091,103 1,299,666 1,480,893 2.05 13.94
Greece 43,232 58,274 59,756 55,295 67,522 0.09 22.11
Italy 4,534,564 4,396,008 4,466,221 4,800,153 4,960,583 6.87 3.34
Malta 6,369 7,411 10,677 8,913 9,201 0.01 3.23
Montenegro 31,662 33,302 34,380 42,274 43,986 0.06 4.05
Portugal 54,408 60,871 72,954 86,226 95,662 0.13 10.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 415,313 425,701 417,718 452,062 477,282 0.66 5.58

Slovenia 6,239,493 6,159,032 6,236,114 6,677,930 7,139,500 9.89 6.91
Spain 333,766 315,304 371,527 437,382 482,764 0.67 10.38
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 82,548 85,540 78,464 92,564 104,551 0.14 12.95
WESTERN EUROPE 24,593,589 25,349,824 25,785,102 27,565,644 30,033,676 41.60 8.95
Austria 5,103,762 5,207,632 5,403,515 5,902,474 6,511,388 9.02 10.32
Belgium 687,426 763,211 746,995 787,077 860,092 1.19 9.28
France 1,538,457 1,643,722 1,658,151 1,709,254 1,886,364 2.61 10.36
Germany 13,946,703 14,435,155 14,748,546 15,769,657 17,082,011 23.66 8.32
Luxembourg 21,156 24,929 26,242 28,771 41,254 0.06 43.39
Netherlands 2,565,712 2,491,448 2,414,807 2,477,278 2,660,967 3.69 7.41
Switzerland 730,373 783,727 786,846 891,133 991,600 1.37 11.27
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 201,135 163,536 153,301 175,110 210,298 0.29 20.09
Cyprus 3,734 3,865 5,313 5,268 8,010 0.01 52.05
Israel 76,327 85,298 82,854 100,951 117,844 0.16 16.73
Turkey 121,074 74,373 65,134 68,891 84,444 0.12 22.58
OTHER EUROPE 89,840 118,046 110,194 111,023 120,033 0.17 8.12
Other countries of Europe 89,840 118,046 110,194 111,023 120,033 0.17 8.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,838,607 2,852,572 3,002,745 3,524,779 4,002,317 100.00 13.55

AFRICA 10,975 12,573 14,714 14,163 18,671 0.47 31.83
EAST AFRICA 675 691 785 1,366
All countries of East Africa 675 691 785 1,366
CENTRAL AFRICA 4,196 6,413 7,232 5,527
Angola 3,793 5,380 5,905 5,062
Other countries of Central Africa 403 1,033 1,327 465
NORTH AFRICA 1,994 2,412 2,800 3,084
All countries of North Africa 1,994 2,412 2,800 3,084
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,300 1,555 2,279 2,136
All countries of Southern Africa 2,300 1,555 2,279 2,136
WEST AFRICA 1,810 1,502 1,618 2,050
All countries of West Africa 1,810 1,502 1,618 2,050
OTHER AFRICA 18,671 0.47
All countries of Africa 18,671 0.47
AMERICAS 1,542,413 1,590,686 1,680,782 1,959,970 1,990,634 49.74 1.56
CARIBBEAN 15,568 16,915 19,126 25,681
Antigua and Barbuda 89 90 113 86
Bahamas 3,007 2,644 2,953 3,450
Barbados 172 149 183 241
Bermuda 114 123 139 173
Cayman Islands 637 723 1,033 1,232
Dominica 91 103 103 123
Dominican Republic 4,807 4,652 5,376 6,797
Grenada 84 80 190 208
Haiti 3,836 5,351 5,315 8,670
Jamaica 1,309 1,636 1,875 2,411
Martinique 1
Netherlands Antilles 37
Puerto Rico 4 10 11 5
Saint Lucia 104 108 133 176
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 120 88 123 242
Trinidad and Tobago 1,097 955 1,226 1,573
Other countries of the Caribbean 60 203 353 293
CENTRAL AMERICA 33,425 28,922 28,172 35,871
Belize 300 299 345 368
Costa Rica 8,119 5,783 5,751 9,144
El Salvador 3,817 3,659 2,913 3,764
Guatemala 3,712 3,144 2,847 3,453
Honduras 2,806 1,106 1,104 2,091
Nicaragua 2,373 2,166 1,935 2,204
Panama 12,298 12,765 13,277 14,847
NORTH AMERICA 1,248,035 1,282,781 1,349,151 1,566,731 1,616,026 40.38 3.15
Canada 1,071,696 1,105,729 1,175,077 1,300,092 1,203,439 30.07 -7.43
Mexico 78,289 84,704 82,820 105,406 130,881 3.27 24.17
United States of America 98,050 92,348 91,254 161,233 281,706 7.04 74.72
SOUTH AMERICA 245,385 262,068 284,333 331,687 276,154 6.90 -16.74
Argentina 94,691 90,084 68,849 85,172 94,727 2.37 11.22
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,204 2,440 2,752 3,410
Brazil 16,174 17,573 19,513 22,001 22,862 0.57 3.91
Chile 27,551 35,952 38,500 49,194 51,860 1.30 5.42
Colombia 33,343 34,828 37,403 30,746 34,390 0.86 11.85
Ecuador 6,281 7,369 6,647 7,229
French Guiana 1 1 9 2
Guyana 294 282 205 320

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Paraguay 677 661 1,385 1,997

Peru 19,737 18,528 19,536 24,861 28,602 0.71 15.05
Suriname 149 100 435 150
Uruguay 7,910 8,294 10,258 11,482
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 36,373 45,943 78,839 95,123 43,713 1.09 -54.05
Other countries of South America 13 2
OTHER AMERICAS 98,454 2.46
Other countries of the Americas 98,454 2.46
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 53,158 56,229 67,683 89,592 104,120 2.60 16.22
NORTH-EAST ASIA 31,790 33,991 42,804 54,393 62,722 1.57 15.31
China 18,836 22,218 28,239 31,733 40,572 1.01 27.85
Hong Kong (China) 15 2 7 9
Japan 7,348 5,896 7,589 13,792 22,150 0.55 60.60
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 234 149 224 44
Korea, Republic of 4,568 4,996 5,730 7,567
Mongolia 98 87 83 77
Taiwan Province of China 688 640 917 1,169
Other countries of North-East Asia 3 3 15 2
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,061 10,676 12,453 16,050 18,277 0.46 13.88
Brunei Darussalam 4
Cambodia 25 25 25 16
Indonesia 854 621 1,350 2,355
Lao People's Democratic Republic 8 9 17 6
Malaysia 404 346 413 550
Philippines 8,289 8,461 9,204 11,073 18,277 0.46 65.06
Singapore 261 285 313 480
Thailand 241 229 232 279
Viet Nam 960 672 891 1,251
Other countries of South-East Asia 19 28 8 36
AUSTRALASIA 10,253 11,518 12,355 19,058 23,121 0.58 21.32
Australia 8,719 9,792 10,340 15,591 23,121 0.58 48.30
New Zealand 1,534 1,726 2,015 3,467
MELANESIA 40 33 43 49
Fiji 25 22 24 29
New Caledonia 1 2
Papua New Guinea 4 2 5 2
Solomon Islands 12
Vanuatu 10 9 14 4
MICRONESIA 8 7 17 11
All countries of Micronesia 8 7 17 11
POLYNESIA 6 4 11 31
All countries of Polynesia 6 4 11 31
EUROPE 839,258 810,381 867,013 1,058,202 1,261,504 31.52 19.21
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 136,926 123,144 129,094 113,463 102,727 2.57 -9.46
Bulgaria 1,885 2,041 2,589 2,672
Czech Republic 8,723 9,145 8,937 10,382
Estonia 592 651 1,154 855
Hungary 3,064 3,361 4,006 4,696
Latvia 954 900 976 1,014
Lithuania 1,185 1,366 1,579 1,647
Poland 13,035 13,395 16,569 26,246 37,341 0.93 42.27
Romania 3,336 3,252 4,010 4,415
Russian Federation 86,944 70,401 69,237 43,387 65,386 1.63 50.70
Slovakia 4,679 4,749 5,629 5,918
Ukraine 7,519 8,250 7,536 7,126

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Uzbekistan 117 225 271 116

Other countries Central/East Europe 4,893 5,408 6,601 4,989
NORTHERN EUROPE 193,677 191,363 172,904 213,703 216,825 5.42 1.46
Denmark 8,031 8,419 9,640 12,485
Finland 6,381 7,932 8,156 7,810
Iceland 242 209 502 759
Ireland 4,972 5,231 5,419 8,260
Norway 10,743 9,697 10,573 11,269
Sweden 9,571 10,357 14,698 17,315 22,207 0.55 28.25
United Kingdom 153,737 149,515 123,910 155,802 194,618 4.86 24.91
Other countries of Northern Europe 3 6 3
SOUTHERN EUROPE 203,233 187,755 214,958 277,500 370,262 9.25 33.43
Albania 378 408 617 538
Andorra 81 84 109 131
Bosnia and Herzegovina 304 340 363 413
Croatia 1,578 1,581 1,784 2,209
Greece 2,551 2,676 3,408 4,057
Italy 103,290 95,542 112,076 137,727 191,378 4.78 38.95
Malta 117 104 145 257
Montenegro 165 161 154 250
Portugal 9,148 9,440 14,626 19,110 25,544 0.64 33.67
San Marino 94 249 120 106
Serbia 2,022 2,317 2,374 2,696
Slovenia 1,853 1,491 1,692 2,216
Spain 81,354 73,056 77,099 107,368 153,340 3.83 42.82
Other countries of Southern Europe 298 306 391 422
WESTERN EUROPE 294,292 295,895 333,856 430,846 571,690 14.28 32.69
Austria 13,250 15,201 16,923 20,081 24,847 0.62 23.73
Belgium 14,414 14,098 15,895 20,436 26,909 0.67 31.67
France 101,522 96,640 103,475 138,474 187,022 4.67 35.06
Germany 108,712 115,984 139,138 175,264 242,003 6.05 38.08
Liechtenstein 87 92 71 125
Luxembourg 724 677 928 1,384
Monaco 45 46 55 55
Netherlands 35,284 32,165 33,491 42,465 52,613 1.31 23.90
Switzerland 20,254 20,992 23,880 32,562 38,296 0.96 17.61
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,130 12,224 16,201 22,690
Cyprus 240 217 318 453
Israel 4,857 5,549 8,952 13,428
Turkey 6,033 6,458 6,931 8,809
MIDDLE EAST 2,191 2,321 2,789 3,319 4,993 0.12 50.44
Bahrain 22 22 31 56
Egypt 23 458 653 832
Iraq 103 156 160 140
Jordan 173 218 146 184
Kuwait 47 38 95 127
Lebanon 616 593 607 941
Libya 12 16 30 28
Oman 50 24 17 37
Qatar 36 15 25 39
Saudi Arabia 300 387 452 399
State of Palestine 60 67 50 50
Syrian Arab Republic 388 263 420 368
Yemen 36 45 64 49
Other countries of Middle East 325 19 39 69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

All countries of Middle East 4,993 0.12

SOUTH ASIA 5,901 6,728 8,474 8,883 15,475 0.39 74.21
Afghanistan 61 76 106 153
Bangladesh 108 107 114 171
Bhutan 2
India 3,480 3,870 5,116 5,733
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,048 1,239 1,299 1,387
Maldives 3 3 6 7
Nepal 181
Pakistan 212 233 306 378
Sri Lanka 466 570 839 512
Other countries of South Asia 523 630 688 359
All countries of South Asia 15,475 0.39
NOT SPECIFIED 384,711 373,654 361,290 390,650 606,920 15.16 55.36
Other countries of the World 523 227 62 24 179,692 4.49 748,616.67
Nationals Residing Abroad 384,188 373,427 361,228 390,626 427,228 10.67 9.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 420,868 440,714 452,042 467,538 441,328 100.00 -5.61

AMERICAS 234,479 244,673 241,584 256,753 219,897 49.83 -14.35
CARIBBEAN 40,079 38,969 33,494 34,781 34,631 7.85 -0.43
Aruba 21,670 20,048 17,985 16,310 15,756 3.57 -3.40
Barbados 709 588 550 393 378 0.09 -3.82
Dominican Republic 4,132 4,875 3,562 3,394 4,260 0.97 25.52
Haiti 2,331 2,515 1,988 1,692 1,909 0.43 12.83
Jamaica 3,898 3,615 2,620 2,727 2,415 0.55 -11.44
Puerto Rico 362 206 290 467 379 0.09 -18.84
Trinidad and Tobago 5,404 5,653 5,379 8,605 7,823 1.77 -9.09
Other countries of the Caribbean 1,573 1,469 1,120 1,193 1,711 0.39 43.42
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,137 1,519 1,201 1,302 1,741 0.39 33.72
Panama 1,137 1,519 1,201 1,302 1,741 0.39 33.72
NORTH AMERICA 71,933 71,317 65,949 81,689 77,632 17.59 -4.97
Canada 9,822 9,608 12,532 18,501 18,001 4.08 -2.70
United States of America 62,111 61,709 53,417 63,188 59,631 13.51 -5.63
SOUTH AMERICA 121,330 132,868 140,940 138,981 105,893 23.99 -23.81
Argentina 1,848 2,294 1,750 1,456 1,871 0.42 28.50
Brazil 9,270 10,840 12,049 9,984 10,912 2.47 9.29
Chile 597 784 806 716 574 0.13 -19.83
Colombia 10,444 9,989 11,559 13,738 14,559 3.30 5.98
Ecuador 2,888 2,079 1,194 1,669 2,690 0.61 61.17
Guyana 1,022 1,442 1,562 1,957 2,222 0.50 13.54
Peru 214 257 421 340 1,741 0.39 412.06
Suriname 10,799 12,395 10,635 11,895 9,875 2.24 -16.98
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 83,324 92,395 98,331 94,726 60,388 13.68 -36.25
Other countries of South America 924 393 2,633 2,500 1,061 0.24 -57.56
EUROPE 175,161 175,843 187,142 200,195 207,500 47.02 3.65
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,023 7,058 7,980 7,495 7,419 1.68 -1.01
Denmark 305 526 578 594 688 0.16 15.82
Finland 585 1,255 1,663 913 733 0.17 -19.72
Norway 743 945 831 946 904 0.20 -4.44
Sweden 1,253 1,925 2,401 2,358 2,232 0.51 -5.34
United Kingdom 2,137 2,407 2,507 2,684 2,862 0.65 6.63
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,745 2,919 2,477 2,927 2,866 0.65 -2.08
Italy 1,297 1,299 1,134 1,512 1,498 0.34 -0.93
Portugal 296 269 234 331 307 0.07 -7.25
Spain 1,152 1,351 1,109 1,084 1,061 0.24 -2.12
WESTERN EUROPE 164,333 161,925 173,209 185,822 193,499 43.84 4.13
Austria 1,163 1,281 1,535 1,374 1,563 0.35 13.76
Belgium 5,081 6,017 6,447 6,231 6,982 1.58 12.05
France 1,958 2,646 2,318 1,969 2,084 0.47 5.84
Germany 15,677 17,627 19,118 21,344 22,208 5.03 4.05
Netherlands 138,555 132,176 141,606 152,373 157,639 35.72 3.46
Switzerland 1,899 2,178 2,185 2,531 3,023 0.68 19.44
OTHER EUROPE 3,060 3,941 3,476 3,951 3,716 0.84 -5.95
Other countries of Europe 3,060 3,941 3,476 3,951 3,716 0.84 -5.95
NOT SPECIFIED 11,228 20,198 23,316 10,590 13,931 3.16 31.55
Other countries of the World 11,228 20,198 23,316 10,590 13,931 3.16 31.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 230,499 291,117 307,694 302,403 276,362 100.00 -8.61

AMERICAS 139,416 169,198 172,247 161,935 136,721 49.47 -15.57
CARIBBEAN 19,086 20,889 20,157 20,384 21,418 7.75 5.07
Aruba 10,535 11,341 10,857 9,104 8,786 3.18 -3.49
Barbados 453 455 441 301 328 0.12 8.97
Dominican Republic 926 1,151 883 1,368 2,399 0.87 75.37
Haiti 889 1,015 672 247 641 0.23 159.51
Jamaica 1,353 1,128 1,581 875 1,386 0.50 58.40
Puerto Rico 238 154 244 362 265 0.10 -26.80
Trinidad and Tobago 3,866 4,517 4,561 7,435 6,729 2.43 -9.50
Other countries of the Caribbean 826 1,128 918 692 884 0.32 27.75
NORTH AMERICA 48,155 57,380 55,344 66,981 61,494 22.25 -8.19
Canada 6,731 7,812 10,951 16,022 14,997 5.43 -6.40
United States of America 41,424 49,568 44,393 50,959 46,497 16.82 -8.76
SOUTH AMERICA 72,175 90,929 96,746 74,570 53,809 19.47 -27.84
Argentina 1,232 1,917 1,485 1,250 1,530 0.55 22.40
Brazil 6,271 9,487 11,126 8,733 9,087 3.29 4.05
Colombia 5,595 6,545 8,710 8,922 8,722 3.16 -2.24
Ecuador 1,841 1,813 946 1,412 2,249 0.81 59.28
Guyana 557 884 1,060 1,274 1,342 0.49 5.34
Peru 79 129 322 208 362 0.13 74.04
Suriname 4,095 6,115 5,650 6,415 4,764 1.72 -25.74
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 50,557 62,452 63,724 42,752 23,956 8.67 -43.97
Other countries of South America 1,948 1,587 3,723 3,604 1,797 0.65 -50.14
EUROPE 89,158 119,474 133,470 138,248 136,916 49.54 -0.96
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,021 5,319 6,297 5,901 5,390 1.95 -8.66
Denmark 130 366 418 493 502 0.18 1.83
Finland 467 1,045 1,398 783 622 0.23 -20.56
Norway 467 736 669 786 711 0.26 -9.54
Sweden 784 1,640 2,129 2,041 1,770 0.64 -13.28
United Kingdom 1,173 1,532 1,683 1,798 1,785 0.65 -0.72
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,303 1,690 1,475 1,747 1,829 0.66 4.69
Italy 656 796 755 971 961 0.35 -1.03
Portugal 98 150 141 196 185 0.07 -5.61
Spain 549 744 579 580 683 0.25 17.76
WESTERN EUROPE 83,163 109,305 122,918 127,012 127,346 46.08 0.26
Austria 737 989 1,280 1,132 1,170 0.42 3.36
Belgium 2,978 4,471 5,127 4,848 5,057 1.83 4.31
Germany 9,194 13,733 15,645 16,464 16,243 5.88 -1.34
Netherlands 69,097 88,381 99,047 102,560 102,548 37.11 -0.01
Switzerland 1,157 1,731 1,819 2,008 2,328 0.84 15.94
OTHER EUROPE 1,671 3,160 2,780 3,588 2,351 0.85 -34.48
Other countries of Europe 1,671 3,160 2,780 3,588 2,351 0.85 -34.48
NOT SPECIFIED 1,925 2,445 1,977 2,220 2,725 0.99 22.75
Other countries of the World 1,925 2,445 1,977 2,220 2,725 0.99 22.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,687,240 3,754,345 4,008,790 3,838,912 3,608,492 100.00 -6.00

AMERICAS 1,634,898 1,680,549 1,800,343 1,652,586 1,373,465 38.06 -16.89
CARIBBEAN 264,790 255,998 212,664 194,943 186,618 5.17 -4.27
Aruba 114,270 104,492 88,251 75,803 69,577 1.93 -8.21
Barbados 3,497 2,664 2,813 1,882 1,563 0.04 -16.95
Dominican Republic 59,615 67,351 53,323 37,008 39,912 1.11 7.85
Haiti 22,566 21,478 17,112 14,540 13,048 0.36 -10.26
Jamaica 28,620 26,175 18,914 19,065 18,315 0.51 -3.93
Puerto Rico 2,060 1,282 1,581 4,154 2,082 0.06 -49.88
Trinidad and Tobago 23,444 23,716 22,230 34,748 31,631 0.88 -8.97
Other countries of the Caribbean 10,718 8,840 8,440 7,743 10,490 0.29 35.48
CENTRAL AMERICA 6,171 8,211 6,387 6,704 7,960 0.22 18.74
Panama 6,171 8,211 6,387 6,704 7,960 0.22 18.74
NORTH AMERICA 506,983 487,313 468,352 548,708 508,070 14.08 -7.41
Canada 84,359 83,617 104,620 142,466 137,250 3.80 -3.66
United States of America 422,624 403,696 363,732 406,242 370,820 10.28 -8.72
SOUTH AMERICA 856,954 929,027 1,112,940 902,231 670,817 18.59 -25.65
Argentina 12,381 16,421 12,975 9,603 12,605 0.35 31.26
Brazil 57,032 66,047 80,074 62,150 68,409 1.90 10.07
Chile 4,261 6,173 5,717 4,888 4,012 0.11 -17.92
Colombia 102,654 109,497 105,256 122,653 134,288 3.72 9.49
Ecuador 16,136 14,240 7,457 8,852 13,496 0.37 52.46
Guyana 7,028 8,237 10,220 11,967 12,299 0.34 2.77
Peru 1,935 2,817 4,212 2,226 3,162 0.09 42.05
Suriname 72,667 78,022 69,330 74,835 67,787 1.88 -9.42
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 569,067 611,677 800,384 581,402 339,891 9.42 -41.54
Other countries of South America 13,793 15,896 17,315 23,655 14,868 0.41 -37.15
EUROPE 1,980,735 1,948,308 2,071,578 2,153,730 2,194,226 60.81 1.88
NORTHERN EUROPE 50,047 68,620 76,303 71,433 67,102 1.86 -6.06
Denmark 3,127 5,848 5,930 5,920 5,984 0.17 1.08
Finland 4,956 10,758 15,387 8,606 6,690 0.19 -22.26
Norway 6,972 8,455 7,480 8,538 8,074 0.22 -5.43
Sweden 11,988 17,837 21,548 22,442 20,273 0.56 -9.66
United Kingdom 23,004 25,722 25,958 25,927 26,081 0.72 0.59
SOUTHERN EUROPE 27,175 27,014 24,637 27,393 25,304 0.70 -7.63
Italy 10,724 11,664 10,419 14,095 13,253 0.37 -5.97
Portugal 4,030 2,640 2,210 3,601 3,045 0.08 -15.44
Spain 12,421 12,710 12,008 9,697 9,006 0.25 -7.13
WESTERN EUROPE 1,876,092 1,820,000 1,941,718 2,023,430 2,073,040 57.45 2.45
Austria 11,589 13,512 15,996 14,145 14,653 0.41 3.59
Belgium 52,640 61,726 66,235 62,300 65,789 1.82 5.60
France 16,407 18,653 17,574 15,092 17,068 0.47 13.09
Germany 168,872 195,411 216,226 224,188 232,144 6.43 3.55
Netherlands 1,608,899 1,508,712 1,603,915 1,683,385 1,715,830 47.55 1.93
Switzerland 17,685 21,986 21,772 24,320 27,556 0.76 13.31
OTHER EUROPE 27,421 32,674 28,920 31,474 28,780 0.80 -8.56
Other countries of Europe 27,421 32,674 28,920 31,474 28,780 0.80 -8.56
NOT SPECIFIED 71,607 125,488 136,869 32,596 40,801 1.13 25.17
Other countries of the World 71,607 125,488 136,869 32,596 40,801 1.13 25.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,464,908 2,405,387 2,441,209 2,659,400 3,186,531 100.00 19.82

AFRICA 5,617 6,177 5,312 3,525 4,409 0.14 25.08
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,708 4,947 4,238 3,525 4,409 0.14 25.08
South Africa 4,708 4,947 4,238 3,525 4,409 0.14 25.08
OTHER AFRICA 909 1,230 1,074
Other countries of Africa 909 1,230 1,074
AMERICAS 25,084 27,731 19,854 22,979 22,549 0.71 -1.87
NORTH AMERICA 24,292 26,769 19,126 22,979 20,568 0.65 -10.49
Canada 3,830 4,841 3,279 4,253 3,619 0.11 -14.91
United States of America 20,462 21,928 15,847 18,726 16,949 0.53 -9.49
OTHER AMERICAS 792 962 728 1,981 0.06
Other countries of the Americas 792 962 728 1,981 0.06
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,746 16,163 17,163 16,633 14,935 0.47 -10.21
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,475 2,203 2,475 3,147 3,616 0.11 14.90
China 735 1,171 1,837 2,498 2,665 0.08 6.69
Japan 1,249 689 561 611 784 0.02 28.31
Korea, Republic of 81 77 38 167 0.01 339.47
Other countries of North-East Asia 410 343
AUSTRALASIA 12,218 12,997 10,190 13,486 11,319 0.36 -16.07
Australia 11,681 12,497 9,770 12,991 10,930 0.34 -15.86
New Zealand 537 500 420 495 389 0.01 -21.41
Other countries of Asia 1,025 939 4,462
Other countries of Oceania 28 24 36
EUROPE 2,356,234 2,291,471 2,320,686 2,511,077 3,027,113 95.00 20.55
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 604,337 732,104 790,137 712,189 997,040 31.29 40.00
Belarus 5,221 6,342 14,136 11,684 13,292 0.42 13.76
Bulgaria 10,443 6,632 7,980 11,308 11,338 0.36 0.27
Czech Republic 14,741 11,487 10,427 9,774 9,744 0.31 -0.31
Estonia 1,591 2,200 1,662 3,292 3,024 0.09 -8.14
Georgia 194 244 326 328 713 0.02 117.38
Hungary 12,376 11,129 10,210 11,210 14,335 0.45 27.88
Latvia 2,088 2,184 4,958 5,390 3,617 0.11 -32.89
Lithuania 6,766 4,210 11,427 14,791 16,657 0.52 12.62
Poland 30,981 24,875 29,063 43,375 42,683 1.34 -1.60
Romania 20,557 14,805 18,161 21,058 28,741 0.90 36.48
Russian Federation 474,426 608,576 636,766 524,848 781,634 24.53 48.93
Slovakia 3,608 3,853 3,928 4,491 8,970 0.28 99.73
Ukraine 19,482 34,022 41,093 50,640 62,292 1.95 23.01
Other countries Central/East Europe 1,863 1,545
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,215,250 1,139,350 1,092,304 1,244,458 1,372,445 43.07 10.28
Denmark 31,763 30,011 30,554 25,334 29,593 0.93 16.81
Finland 29,216 28,381 23,921 19,392 18,463 0.58 -4.79
Iceland 280 23 306 289 0.01 -5.56
Ireland 7,832 6,035 2,871 2,979 4,066 0.13 36.49
Norway 69,410 65,736 56,746 46,644 47,037 1.48 0.84
Sweden 117,286 117,958 106,666 108,600 115,019 3.61 5.91
United Kingdom 959,463 891,229 871,523 1,041,203 1,157,978 36.34 11.22
SOUTHERN EUROPE 183,784 140,747 129,539 175,514 199,843 6.27 13.86
Croatia 604 418 721 902 0.03 25.10
Greece 132,990 104,949 100,955 139,534 160,254 5.03 14.85
Italy 34,415 23,481 14,457 16,295 17,905 0.56 9.88
Malta 4,866 3,333 4,087 4,730 3,561 0.11 -24.71
Portugal 925 741 698 1,028 1,090 0.03 6.03
Serbia 3,960 2,432 5,212 8,739 11,296 0.35 29.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovenia 1,124 824 655 737 830 0.03 12.62

Spain 5,504 4,383 3,057 3,730 4,005 0.13 7.37
WESTERN EUROPE 311,926 233,626 237,424 280,096 308,762 9.69 10.23
Austria 23,166 16,800 23,665 32,010 30,419 0.95 -4.97
Belgium 25,930 28,810 26,131 22,662 28,238 0.89 24.61
France 35,955 27,154 29,166 36,464 42,576 1.34 16.76
Germany 144,407 98,930 86,397 112,214 124,030 3.89 10.53
Luxembourg 2,591 524 900 822 730 0.02 -11.19
Netherlands 33,024 20,241 22,218 29,328 29,450 0.92 0.42
Switzerland 46,853 41,167 48,947 46,596 53,319 1.67 14.43
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 39,473 43,808 68,971 98,820 149,023 4.68 50.80
Israel 39,420 43,653 68,822 98,593 148,739 4.67 50.86
Turkey 53 155 149 227 284 0.01 25.11
OTHER EUROPE 1,464 1,836 2,311
Other countries of Europe 1,464 1,836 2,311
MIDDLE EAST 56,402 58,634 71,903 81,186 93,116 2.92 14.69
Bahrain 1,862 1,588 1,815 2,736 2,590 0.08 -5.34
Egypt 5,338 6,214 5,651 6,944 8,733 0.27 25.76
Iraq 2,757 372 1,692 2,528 523 0.02 -79.31
Jordan 3,490 3,924 5,433 7,176 8,453 0.27 17.80
Kuwait 1,698 1,287 1,455 1,960 2,123 0.07 8.32
Lebanon 25,658 25,833 32,687 36,976 50,361 1.58 36.20
Libya 169 574
Saudi Arabia 1,537 1,483 2,474 3,268 2,960 0.09 -9.42
Syrian Arab Republic 1,272 371 382 289 357 0.01 23.53
United Arab Emirates 10,664 14,603 16,722 19,309 17,016 0.53 -11.88
Other countries of Middle East 1,957 2,385 3,592
SOUTH ASIA 5,666 4,813 6,091 6,580 6,502 0.20 -1.19
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,402 3,407 6,091 6,580 6,502 0.20 -1.19
Other countries of South Asia 1,264 1,406
NOT SPECIFIED 159 398 200 17,420 17,907 0.56 2.80
Other countries of the World 159 398 200 17,420 17,907 0.56 2.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,019,848 1,946,893 1,934,727 1,873,549 2,268,054 100.00 21.06

AFRICA 1,900 1,842 1,997 2,415 2,238 0.10 -7.33
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,900 1,842 1,997 2,415 2,238 0.10 -7.33
South Africa 1,900 1,842 1,997 2,415 2,238 0.10 -7.33
AMERICAS 19,197 17,441 17,414 18,660 21,130 0.93 13.24
NORTH AMERICA 19,197 17,441 17,414 18,660 21,130 0.93 13.24
Canada 5,975 5,554 4,116 4,387 4,385 0.19 -0.05
United States of America 13,222 11,887 13,298 14,273 16,745 0.74 17.32
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,954 12,704 15,218 17,299 16,720 0.74 -3.35
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,624 8,058 9,941 11,106 10,357 0.46 -6.74
China 3,599 4,864 7,007 7,160 7,147 0.32 -0.18
Japan 3,025 3,194 2,934 3,946 3,210 0.14 -18.65
AUSTRALASIA 4,330 4,646 5,277 6,193 6,363 0.28 2.75
Australia 4,330 4,646 5,277 6,193 6,363 0.28 2.75
EUROPE 1,863,437 1,793,892 1,749,202 1,660,436 2,008,140 88.54 20.94
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 488,653 593,370 615,622 481,490 674,462 29.74 40.08
Bulgaria 3,410 3,320 3,804 4,797 4,945 0.22 3.09
Czech Republic 14,416 12,501 10,330 9,992 8,460 0.37 -15.33
Estonia 1,831 1,914 2,064 4,184 2,749 0.12 -34.30
Hungary 7,625 7,622 8,229 8,749 8,478 0.37 -3.10
Latvia 1,612 1,731 2,775 3,509 2,877 0.13 -18.01
Lithuania 3,654 2,343 5,464 6,271 6,075 0.27 -3.13
Poland 23,834 18,404 21,845 25,177 29,574 1.30 17.46
Romania 10,070 8,659 10,495 11,803 12,997 0.57 10.12
Russian Federation 417,802 532,588 544,861 402,222 591,789 26.09 47.13
Slovakia 4,399 4,288 5,755 4,786 6,518 0.29 36.19
NORTHERN EUROPE 949,665 876,267 803,001 836,241 962,064 42.42 15.05
Denmark 26,589 25,869 24,970 20,643 22,509 0.99 9.04
Finland 26,144 31,425 20,287 16,334 15,592 0.69 -4.54
Iceland 4,220 4,635 3,214 6,454 3,661 0.16 -43.28
Ireland 10,206 6,807 5,741 6,523 5,998 0.26 -8.05
Norway 66,060 61,671 46,364 36,431 36,874 1.63 1.22
Sweden 112,098 122,338 101,797 92,277 102,293 4.51 10.85
United Kingdom 704,348 623,522 600,628 657,579 775,137 34.18 17.88
SOUTHERN EUROPE 111,349 83,002 83,180 95,613 99,272 4.38 3.83
Greece 61,422 47,531 51,996 62,738 70,003 3.09 11.58
Italy 33,407 23,875 17,697 18,302 15,756 0.69 -13.91
Malta 4,115 3,173 3,653 3,892 2,884 0.13 -25.90
Portugal 3,355 1,716 2,287 2,684 2,644 0.12 -1.49
Slovenia 2,039 1,571 2,211 2,712 2,246 0.10 -17.18
Spain 7,011 5,136 5,336 5,285 5,739 0.25 8.59
WESTERN EUROPE 313,770 241,253 247,399 247,092 272,342 12.01 10.22
Austria 18,938 16,903 23,289 25,653 23,827 1.05 -7.12
Belgium 24,828 19,805 18,955 18,123 23,789 1.05 31.26
France 49,485 38,393 35,589 35,547 33,855 1.49 -4.76
Germany 145,395 102,822 98,150 101,731 121,166 5.34 19.10
Luxembourg 3,050 1,296 2,543 1,821 1,553 0.07 -14.72
Netherlands 32,383 19,519 22,264 25,164 24,338 1.07 -3.28
Switzerland 39,691 42,515 46,609 39,053 43,814 1.93 12.19
NOT SPECIFIED 124,360 121,014 150,896 174,739 219,826 9.69 25.80
Other countries of the World 124,360 121,014 150,896 174,739 219,826 9.69 25.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,021,180 1,947,836 1,935,641 1,874,322 2,268,176 100.00 21.01

AFRICA 1,901 1,842 2,000 2,420 2,238 0.10 -7.52
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,901 1,842 2,000 2,420 2,238 0.10 -7.52
South Africa 1,901 1,842 2,000 2,420 2,238 0.10 -7.52
AMERICAS 19,202 17,444 17,422 18,681 21,131 0.93 13.11
NORTH AMERICA 19,202 17,444 17,422 18,681 21,131 0.93 13.11
Canada 5,976 5,555 4,120 4,394 4,386 0.19 -0.18
United States of America 13,226 11,889 13,302 14,287 16,745 0.74 17.20
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,960 12,704 15,221 17,321 16,720 0.74 -3.47
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,628 8,058 9,943 11,121 10,357 0.46 -6.87
China 3,601 4,864 7,008 7,169 7,147 0.32 -0.31
Japan 3,027 3,194 2,935 3,952 3,210 0.14 -18.78
AUSTRALASIA 4,332 4,646 5,278 6,200 6,363 0.28 2.63
Australia 4,332 4,646 5,278 6,200 6,363 0.28 2.63
EUROPE 1,864,734 1,794,832 1,750,084 1,661,059 2,008,242 88.54 20.90
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 488,791 593,440 615,684 481,685 674,492 29.74 40.03
Bulgaria 3,463 3,340 3,808 4,805 4,952 0.22 3.06
Czech Republic 14,421 12,515 10,331 10,004 8,461 0.37 -15.42
Estonia 1,832 1,914 2,064 4,190 2,749 0.12 -34.39
Hungary 7,627 7,622 8,230 8,757 8,478 0.37 -3.19
Latvia 1,613 1,731 2,776 3,516 2,877 0.13 -18.17
Lithuania 3,658 2,343 5,465 6,280 6,075 0.27 -3.26
Poland 23,855 18,423 21,856 25,200 29,581 1.30 17.38
Romania 10,094 8,670 10,502 11,833 13,001 0.57 9.87
Russian Federation 417,827 532,594 544,896 402,308 591,800 26.09 47.10
Slovakia 4,401 4,288 5,756 4,792 6,518 0.29 36.02
NORTHERN EUROPE 950,389 876,926 803,634 836,430 962,091 42.42 15.02
Denmark 26,594 25,872 24,971 20,656 22,509 0.99 8.97
Finland 26,148 31,425 20,289 16,345 15,592 0.69 -4.61
Iceland 4,221 4,635 3,215 6,464 3,661 0.16 -43.36
Ireland 10,208 6,807 5,742 6,531 5,998 0.26 -8.16
Norway 66,069 61,671 46,366 36,445 36,874 1.63 1.18
Sweden 112,104 122,338 101,800 92,296 102,293 4.51 10.83
United Kingdom 705,045 624,178 601,251 657,693 775,164 34.18 17.86
SOUTHERN EUROPE 111,491 83,032 83,220 95,682 99,289 4.38 3.77
Greece 61,466 47,538 52,014 62,760 70,004 3.09 11.54
Italy 33,486 23,898 17,704 18,322 15,759 0.69 -13.99
Malta 4,117 3,173 3,654 3,898 2,897 0.13 -25.68
Portugal 3,356 1,716 2,288 2,691 2,644 0.12 -1.75
Slovenia 2,047 1,571 2,219 2,717 2,246 0.10 -17.34
Spain 7,019 5,136 5,341 5,294 5,739 0.25 8.41
WESTERN EUROPE 314,063 241,434 247,546 247,262 272,370 12.01 10.15
Austria 18,941 16,903 23,294 25,669 23,831 1.05 -7.16
Belgium 24,846 19,838 18,960 18,148 23,798 1.05 31.13
France 49,644 38,473 35,666 35,586 33,864 1.49 -4.84
Germany 145,490 102,864 98,192 101,776 121,172 5.34 19.06
Luxembourg 3,051 1,300 2,549 1,829 1,553 0.07 -15.09
Netherlands 32,395 19,535 22,274 25,184 24,338 1.07 -3.36
Switzerland 39,696 42,521 46,611 39,070 43,814 1.93 12.14
NOT SPECIFIED 124,383 121,014 150,914 174,841 219,845 9.69 25.74
Other countries of the World 124,383 121,014 150,914 174,841 219,845 9.69 25.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 13,476,337 13,141,237 12,872,854 12,548,277 14,504,442 100.00 15.59

AFRICA 6,691 7,122 8,224 9,615 9,183 0.06 -4.49
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,691 7,122 8,224 9,615 9,183 0.06 -4.49
South Africa 6,691 7,122 8,224 9,615 9,183 0.06 -4.49
AMERICAS 78,776 68,733 63,768 63,476 68,630 0.47 8.12
NORTH AMERICA 78,776 68,733 63,768 63,476 68,630 0.47 8.12
Canada 30,351 23,379 14,636 15,585 14,397 0.10 -7.62
United States of America 48,425 45,354 49,132 47,891 54,233 0.37 13.24
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,974 41,224 51,652 56,178 52,666 0.36 -6.25
NORTH-EAST ASIA 18,912 23,234 31,031 32,375 28,134 0.19 -13.10
China 11,653 16,175 24,160 21,540 20,035 0.14 -6.99
Japan 7,259 7,059 6,871 10,835 8,099 0.06 -25.25
AUSTRALASIA 17,062 17,990 20,621 23,803 24,532 0.17 3.06
Australia 17,062 17,990 20,621 23,803 24,532 0.17 3.06
EUROPE 12,835,074 12,534,382 12,133,185 11,683,948 13,507,206 93.12 15.60
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,670,183 4,389,478 4,436,913 3,472,268 4,723,946 32.57 36.05
Bulgaria 13,550 15,531 15,979 19,420 21,057 0.15 8.43
Czech Republic 100,727 83,518 69,305 65,339 54,008 0.37 -17.34
Estonia 8,846 9,573 9,953 23,015 12,978 0.09 -43.61
Hungary 38,203 38,524 44,106 45,224 44,155 0.30 -2.36
Latvia 6,355 6,565 11,979 16,056 12,308 0.08 -23.34
Lithuania 18,482 11,299 28,631 32,527 31,314 0.22 -3.73
Poland 144,325 118,421 143,906 151,817 162,470 1.12 7.02
Romania 48,454 40,543 49,097 52,475 54,638 0.38 4.12
Russian Federation 3,264,402 4,036,716 4,028,186 3,038,766 4,289,426 29.57 41.16
Slovakia 26,839 28,788 35,771 27,629 41,592 0.29 50.54
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,674,527 6,211,889 5,776,500 6,190,273 6,740,554 46.47 8.89
Denmark 190,013 171,237 168,958 141,192 157,144 1.08 11.30
Finland 167,738 183,259 137,850 111,115 100,289 0.69 -9.74
Iceland 19,176 29,297 21,759 39,986 17,691 0.12 -55.76
Ireland 49,863 36,362 30,800 34,772 28,159 0.19 -19.02
Norway 531,695 491,138 398,512 315,274 318,152 2.19 0.91
Sweden 818,310 877,414 753,687 717,730 748,657 5.16 4.31
United Kingdom 4,897,732 4,423,182 4,264,934 4,830,204 5,370,462 37.03 11.18
SOUTHERN EUROPE 368,299 283,040 276,311 303,234 299,282 2.06 -1.30
Greece 167,458 138,883 149,778 173,399 186,752 1.29 7.70
Italy 135,513 97,251 73,487 73,858 59,722 0.41 -19.14
Malta 17,183 14,545 15,604 17,015 12,604 0.09 -25.92
Portugal 14,640 6,793 9,351 11,079 9,992 0.07 -9.81
Slovenia 9,591 7,194 9,583 10,324 11,384 0.08 10.27
Spain 23,914 18,374 18,508 17,559 18,828 0.13 7.23
WESTERN EUROPE 2,122,065 1,649,975 1,643,461 1,718,173 1,743,424 12.02 1.47
Austria 124,442 113,408 156,673 178,817 165,116 1.14 -7.66
Belgium 144,379 124,448 110,130 105,418 105,741 0.73 0.31
France 222,589 162,764 163,764 182,892 152,476 1.05 -16.63
Germany 1,100,200 791,604 717,736 787,961 841,787 5.80 6.83
Luxembourg 18,781 5,088 14,749 8,249 5,518 0.04 -33.11
Netherlands 214,261 130,537 136,730 164,592 153,314 1.06 -6.85
Switzerland 297,413 322,126 343,679 290,244 319,472 2.20 10.07
NOT SPECIFIED 519,822 489,776 616,025 735,060 866,757 5.98 17.92
Other countries of the World 519,822 489,776 616,025 735,060 866,757 5.98 17.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 13,488,127 13,152,589 12,884,399 12,550,320 14,504,702 100.00 15.57

AFRICA 6,693 7,122 8,229 9,625 9,183 0.06 -4.59
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,693 7,122 8,229 9,625 9,183 0.06 -4.59
South Africa 6,693 7,122 8,229 9,625 9,183 0.06 -4.59
AMERICAS 78,785 68,746 63,788 63,517 68,632 0.47 8.05
NORTH AMERICA 78,785 68,746 63,788 63,517 68,632 0.47 8.05
Canada 30,354 23,389 14,644 15,599 14,399 0.10 -7.69
United States of America 48,431 45,357 49,144 47,918 54,233 0.37 13.18
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,982 41,224 51,661 56,221 52,666 0.36 -6.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 18,917 23,234 31,037 32,402 28,134 0.19 -13.17
China 11,656 16,175 24,164 21,557 20,035 0.14 -7.06
Japan 7,261 7,059 6,873 10,845 8,099 0.06 -25.32
AUSTRALASIA 17,065 17,990 20,624 23,819 24,532 0.17 2.99
Australia 17,065 17,990 20,624 23,819 24,532 0.17 2.99
EUROPE 12,847,344 12,545,743 12,144,646 11,685,659 13,507,439 93.12 15.59
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,670,439 4,389,584 4,437,082 3,472,804 4,724,007 32.57 36.03
Bulgaria 13,620 15,566 15,994 19,435 21,073 0.15 8.43
Czech Republic 100,735 83,536 69,303 65,373 54,011 0.37 -17.38
Estonia 8,849 9,573 9,955 23,030 12,978 0.09 -43.65
Hungary 38,207 38,524 44,110 45,244 44,155 0.30 -2.41
Latvia 6,357 6,565 11,982 16,071 12,308 0.08 -23.41
Lithuania 18,487 11,299 28,635 32,549 31,314 0.22 -3.79
Poland 144,369 118,453 143,928 151,881 162,481 1.12 6.98
Romania 48,508 40,558 49,112 52,520 54,646 0.38 4.05
Russian Federation 3,264,465 4,036,722 4,028,289 3,039,056 4,289,449 29.57 41.14
Slovakia 26,842 28,788 35,774 27,645 41,592 0.29 50.45
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,685,854 6,222,641 5,787,274 6,190,856 6,740,656 46.47 8.88
Denmark 190,022 171,243 168,964 141,221 157,144 1.08 11.28
Finland 167,746 183,259 137,857 111,148 100,289 0.69 -9.77
Iceland 19,718 29,297 21,763 40,008 17,691 0.12 -55.78
Ireland 49,867 36,362 30,803 34,790 28,159 0.19 -19.06
Norway 531,709 491,138 398,522 315,319 318,152 2.19 0.90
Sweden 818,324 877,414 753,699 717,783 748,657 5.16 4.30
United Kingdom 4,908,468 4,433,928 4,275,666 4,830,587 5,370,564 37.03 11.18
SOUTHERN EUROPE 368,505 283,087 276,393 303,427 299,301 2.06 -1.36
Greece 167,520 138,894 149,821 173,439 186,754 1.29 7.68
Italy 135,624 97,287 73,500 73,903 59,726 0.41 -19.18
Malta 17,187 14,545 15,607 17,029 12,617 0.09 -25.91
Portugal 14,642 6,793 9,353 11,091 9,992 0.07 -9.91
Slovenia 9,606 7,194 9,596 10,335 11,384 0.08 10.15
Spain 23,926 18,374 18,516 17,630 18,828 0.13 6.80
WESTERN EUROPE 2,122,546 1,650,431 1,643,897 1,718,572 1,743,475 12.02 1.45
Austria 124,448 113,408 156,683 178,871 165,120 1.14 -7.69
Belgium 144,399 124,518 110,142 105,469 105,754 0.73 0.27
France 222,853 162,999 164,055 182,956 152,502 1.05 -16.65
Germany 1,100,343 791,691 717,814 788,080 841,795 5.80 6.82
Luxembourg 18,784 5,092 14,761 8,263 5,518 0.04 -33.22
Netherlands 214,291 130,586 136,753 164,637 153,314 1.06 -6.88
Switzerland 297,428 322,137 343,689 290,296 319,472 2.20 10.05
NOT SPECIFIED 519,323 489,754 616,075 735,298 866,782 5.98 17.88
Other countries of the World 519,323 489,754 616,075 735,298 866,782 5.98 17.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,166,917 7,326,692 7,513,226 8,023,523 8,578,636 100.00 6.92

AFRICA 34,774 36,008 41,021 40,582 41,069 0.48 1.20
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,362 8,220 8,941 9,697 8,632 0.10 -10.98
South Africa 9,362 8,220 8,941 9,697 8,632 0.10 -10.98
OTHER AFRICA 25,412 27,788 32,080 30,885 32,437 0.38 5.03
Other countries of Africa 25,412 27,788 32,080 30,885 32,437 0.38 5.03
AMERICAS 582,764 609,278 629,805 691,407 711,188 8.29 2.86
NORTH AMERICA 461,641 482,837 508,397 573,325 583,563 6.80 1.79
Canada 63,846 65,642 70,751 76,975 77,919 0.91 1.23
Mexico 26,202 27,803 30,386 33,439 35,201 0.41 5.27
United States of America 371,593 389,392 407,260 462,911 470,443 5.48 1.63
SOUTH AMERICA 57,175 59,012 59,280 53,444 48,603 0.57 -9.06
Brazil 57,175 59,012 59,280 53,444 48,603 0.57 -9.06
OTHER AMERICAS 63,948 67,429 62,128 64,638 79,022 0.92 22.25
Other countries of the Americas 63,948 67,429 62,128 64,638 79,022 0.92 22.25
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 754,358 796,323 885,326 1,089,054 1,243,679 14.50 14.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 419,064 450,325 512,634 650,973 758,881 8.85 16.58
China 147,690 166,476 203,295 278,196 344,350 4.01 23.78
Japan 138,347 133,096 122,059 120,485 101,824 1.19 -15.49
Korea, Republic of 133,027 150,753 187,280 252,292 312,707 3.65 23.95
AUSTRALASIA 81,189 84,965 92,706 88,268 84,713 0.99 -4.03
Australia 72,211 75,254 82,369 77,804 74,843 0.87 -3.81
New Zealand 8,978 9,711 10,337 10,464 9,870 0.12 -5.68
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 254,105 261,033 279,986 349,813 400,085 4.66 14.37
Other countries of Asia 248,360 255,733 272,930 343,848 394,465 4.60 14.72
Other countries of Oceania 5,745 5,300 7,056 5,965 5,620 0.07 -5.78
EUROPE 5,770,522 5,857,965 5,922,233 6,153,313 6,522,547 76.03 6.00
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,837,222 1,956,962 1,877,744 1,744,326 1,887,191 22.00 8.19
Bulgaria 25,084 25,800 28,383 31,443 35,963 0.42 14.38
Estonia 17,119 19,490 16,334 16,489 18,041 0.21 9.41
Hungary 112,997 107,105 117,627 126,598 147,312 1.72 16.36
Latvia 13,336 15,451 20,210 21,765 19,442 0.23 -10.67
Lithuania 43,139 46,868 44,214 54,463 55,048 0.64 1.07
Poland 359,631 381,577 400,834 422,624 477,303 5.56 12.94
Romania 60,464 62,480 61,418 66,441 77,983 0.91 17.37
Russian Federation 701,260 767,103 647,360 402,594 378,000 4.41 -6.11
Slovakia 376,825 392,201 433,509 508,338 571,820 6.67 12.49
Ukraine 127,367 138,887 107,855 93,571 106,279 1.24 13.58
NORTHERN EUROPE 684,210 717,398 727,556 795,861 839,605 9.79 5.50
Denmark 102,270 97,788 85,610 86,211 91,503 1.07 6.14
Finland 48,109 56,425 62,167 67,745 74,207 0.87 9.54
Iceland 3,697 3,717 4,190 4,568 4,026 0.05 -11.87
Ireland 26,717 30,651 35,985 47,583 45,898 0.54 -3.54
Norway 61,528 67,566 67,264 67,082 65,898 0.77 -1.77
Sweden 89,285 101,134 99,713 113,465 117,844 1.37 3.86
United Kingdom 352,604 360,117 372,627 409,207 440,229 5.13 7.58
SOUTHERN EUROPE 727,675 679,587 711,966 751,816 771,624 8.99 2.63
Croatia 43,524 35,323 39,350 48,096 47,817 0.56 -0.58
Greece 35,018 33,221 35,872 41,907 43,086 0.50 2.81
Italy 360,238 344,434 356,884 356,015 351,485 4.10 -1.27
Malta 3,008 3,164 3,108 3,363 3,576 0.04 6.33
Portugal 26,778 25,859 26,286 31,558 33,638 0.39 6.59
Serbia and Montenegro 27,754 29,846 33,136 42,136 38,587 0.45 -8.42
Slovenia 27,721 28,227 32,054 32,745 33,662 0.39 2.80
Spain 203,634 179,513 185,276 195,996 219,773 2.56 12.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 2,237,133 2,204,693 2,272,047 2,499,529 2,646,499 30.85 5.88

Austria 209,581 218,074 231,234 254,283 266,025 3.10 4.62
Belgium 82,917 84,914 86,692 93,593 96,699 1.13 3.32
France 276,622 274,569 256,706 249,736 257,030 3.00 2.92
Germany 1,415,454 1,382,292 1,444,365 1,640,033 1,740,002 20.28 6.10
Liechtenstein 1,033 937 817 856 1,164 0.01 35.98
Luxembourg 3,944 3,312 3,576 4,199 5,593 0.07 33.20
Netherlands 164,229 152,624 160,031 161,966 177,832 2.07 9.80
Switzerland 83,353 87,971 88,626 94,863 102,154 1.19 7.69
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 151,994 167,302 179,998 229,468 258,287 3.01 12.56
Cyprus 4,280 2,927 3,571 4,721 5,248 0.06 11.16
Israel 90,895 101,525 113,256 136,584 164,316 1.92 20.30
Turkey 56,819 62,850 63,171 88,163 88,723 1.03 0.64
OTHER EUROPE 132,288 132,023 152,922 132,313 119,341 1.39 -9.80
Other countries of Europe 132,288 132,023 152,922 132,313 119,341 1.39 -9.80
SOUTH ASIA 24,499 27,118 34,841 49,167 60,153 0.70 22.34
India 24,499 27,118 34,841 49,167 60,153 0.70 22.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,647,044 7,851,865 8,095,885 8,706,913 9,321,440 100.00 7.06

AFRICA 37,179 38,915 44,346 43,793 45,467 0.49 3.82
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,906 8,858 9,465 10,449 9,478 0.10 -9.29
South Africa 9,906 8,858 9,465 10,449 9,478 0.10 -9.29
OTHER AFRICA 27,273 30,057 34,881 33,344 35,989 0.39 7.93
Other countries of Africa 27,273 30,057 34,881 33,344 35,989 0.39 7.93
AMERICAS 613,183 650,323 689,660 770,066 790,107 8.48 2.60
NORTH AMERICA 486,724 515,046 553,505 635,294 645,007 6.92 1.53
Canada 68,129 71,053 77,650 86,843 87,426 0.94 0.67
Mexico 27,960 30,908 34,398 39,500 42,427 0.46 7.41
United States of America 390,635 413,085 441,457 508,951 515,154 5.53 1.22
SOUTH AMERICA 59,782 63,916 68,273 63,312 56,485 0.61 -10.78
Brazil 59,782 63,916 68,273 63,312 56,485 0.61 -10.78
OTHER AMERICAS 66,677 71,361 67,882 71,460 88,615 0.95 24.01
Other countries of the Americas 66,677 71,361 67,882 71,460 88,615 0.95 24.01
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 781,472 836,762 933,750 1,118,426 1,267,078 13.59 13.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 431,882 467,960 531,069 797,759 929,918 9.98 16.57
China 152,866 174,263 211,014 288,630 355,847 3.82 23.29
Japan 141,596 137,844 124,969 123,800 105,771 1.13 -14.56
Korea, Republic of 137,420 155,853 195,086 265,330 325,612 3.49 22.72
Taiwan Province of China 119,999 142,688 1.53 18.91
AUSTRALASIA 86,948 94,336 104,788 102,618 100,134 1.07 -2.42
Australia 76,837 82,841 92,769 89,793 87,477 0.94 -2.58
New Zealand 10,111 11,495 12,019 12,825 12,657 0.14 -1.31
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 262,642 274,466 297,893 218,049 237,026 2.54 8.70
Other countries of Asia 256,728 268,947 290,615 211,685 230,922 2.48 9.09
Other countries of Oceania 5,914 5,519 7,278 6,364 6,104 0.07 -4.09
EUROPE 6,190,138 6,297,069 6,390,575 6,686,674 7,109,220 76.27 6.32
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,991,898 2,120,017 2,058,828 1,942,746 2,091,935 22.44 7.68
Bulgaria 26,569 27,450 30,710 33,937 39,312 0.42 15.84
Estonia 18,216 20,431 17,590 17,823 19,295 0.21 8.26
Hungary 120,957 114,858 125,943 135,216 158,394 1.70 17.14
Latvia 14,133 16,076 21,024 22,878 20,901 0.22 -8.64
Lithuania 46,909 50,571 49,331 58,974 58,768 0.63 -0.35
Poland 401,997 424,402 448,736 484,573 541,332 5.81 11.71
Romania 62,321 66,216 65,935 72,164 83,758 0.90 16.07
Russian Federation 731,835 803,152 691,198 434,852 407,529 4.37 -6.28
Slovakia 435,595 452,421 492,550 578,216 642,145 6.89 11.06
Ukraine 133,366 144,440 115,811 104,113 120,501 1.29 15.74
NORTHERN EUROPE 715,510 759,649 773,905 857,370 902,258 9.68 5.24
Denmark 109,750 105,325 92,975 93,948 100,190 1.07 6.64
Finland 50,116 59,400 65,056 71,537 78,470 0.84 9.69
Iceland 3,794 3,795 4,342 4,789 4,347 0.05 -9.23
Ireland 28,291 33,254 40,397 54,504 52,479 0.56 -3.72
Norway 62,936 72,794 69,432 70,175 69,114 0.74 -1.51
Sweden 92,618 105,708 104,272 119,699 123,672 1.33 3.32
United Kingdom 368,005 379,373 397,431 442,718 473,986 5.08 7.06
SOUTHERN EUROPE 758,728 711,012 744,574 794,524 827,216 8.87 4.11
Croatia 45,586 37,373 41,362 50,235 53,016 0.57 5.54
Greece 36,044 34,018 37,201 43,504 45,193 0.48 3.88
Italy 374,651 357,099 369,268 372,832 370,511 3.97 -0.62
Malta 3,180 5,196 3,282 3,501 3,864 0.04 10.37
Portugal 28,291 27,804 28,852 34,734 38,443 0.41 10.68
Serbia and Montenegro 28,944 31,263 35,018 44,896 42,325 0.45 -5.73
Slovenia 30,262 30,835 35,096 36,517 37,683 0.40 3.19

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 211,770 187,424 194,495 208,305 236,181 2.53 13.38

WESTERN EUROPE 2,430,600 2,397,646 2,468,734 2,716,771 2,890,138 31.01 6.38
Austria 220,404 229,729 244,971 269,323 283,521 3.04 5.27
Belgium 88,953 93,560 95,617 101,938 106,238 1.14 4.22
France 296,298 292,623 272,650 268,877 280,996 3.01 4.51
Germany 1,521,246 1,484,169 1,553,370 1,766,539 1,881,095 20.18 6.48
Liechtenstein 1,084 1,013 853 928 1,292 0.01 39.22
Luxembourg 4,057 3,405 3,869 4,528 6,040 0.06 33.39
Netherlands 210,742 198,728 204,425 204,145 222,212 2.38 8.85
Switzerland 87,816 94,419 92,979 100,493 108,744 1.17 8.21
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 156,589 172,754 186,564 238,555 273,258 2.93 14.55
Cyprus 4,554 3,030 3,774 4,973 5,625 0.06 13.11
Israel 93,510 104,542 116,390 140,643 168,638 1.81 19.91
Turkey 58,525 65,182 66,400 92,939 98,995 1.06 6.52
OTHER EUROPE 136,813 135,991 157,970 136,708 124,415 1.33 -8.99
Other countries of Europe 136,813 135,991 157,970 136,708 124,415 1.33 -8.99
MIDDLE EAST 31,945 42,068 0.45 31.69
Saudi Arabia 15,495 18,238 0.20 17.70
United Arab Emirates 16,450 23,830 0.26 44.86
SOUTH ASIA 25,072 28,796 37,554 56,009 67,500 0.72 20.52
India 25,072 28,796 37,554 56,009 67,500 0.72 20.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 19,936,405 20,071,692 19,970,831 20,970,266 21,869,094 100.00 4.29

AFRICA 90,169 95,297 107,997 107,309 107,914 0.49 0.56
SOUTHERN AFRICA 21,964 20,120 21,148 24,010 21,388 0.10 -10.92
South Africa 21,964 20,120 21,148 24,010 21,388 0.10 -10.92
OTHER AFRICA 68,205 75,177 86,849 83,299 86,526 0.40 3.87
Other countries of Africa 68,205 75,177 86,849 83,299 86,526 0.40 3.87
AMERICAS 1,463,430 1,497,730 1,536,386 1,708,128 1,712,551 7.83 0.26
NORTH AMERICA 1,155,674 1,180,077 1,237,936 1,411,646 1,401,306 6.41 -0.73
Canada 172,436 169,178 181,995 201,962 202,719 0.93 0.37
Mexico 63,189 64,797 70,875 78,656 79,659 0.36 1.28
United States of America 920,049 946,102 985,066 1,131,028 1,118,928 5.12 -1.07
SOUTH AMERICA 149,163 154,143 150,304 139,718 124,065 0.57 -11.20
Brazil 149,163 154,143 150,304 139,718 124,065 0.57 -11.20
OTHER AMERICAS 158,593 163,510 148,146 156,764 187,180 0.86 19.40
Other countries of the Americas 158,593 163,510 148,146 156,764 187,180 0.86 19.40
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,500,607 1,566,804 1,735,774 2,120,861 2,356,129 10.77 11.09
NORTH-EAST ASIA 698,030 748,084 865,936 1,079,993 1,238,491 5.66 14.68
China 238,696 262,201 328,681 452,954 542,560 2.48 19.78
Japan 255,621 254,490 244,933 239,169 206,659 0.94 -13.59
Korea, Republic of 203,713 231,393 292,322 387,870 489,272 2.24 26.14
AUSTRALASIA 193,795 202,900 218,821 212,139 202,256 0.92 -4.66
Australia 173,042 180,131 195,491 187,022 179,175 0.82 -4.20
New Zealand 20,753 22,769 23,330 25,117 23,081 0.11 -8.11
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 608,782 615,820 651,017 828,729 915,382 4.19 10.46
Other countries of Asia 596,761 603,708 637,082 816,233 903,250 4.13 10.66
Other countries of Oceania 12,021 12,112 13,935 12,496 12,132 0.06 -2.91
EUROPE 16,819,876 16,840,991 16,508,053 16,911,469 17,547,990 80.24 3.76
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,767,170 6,127,561 5,604,101 4,765,227 4,871,279 22.27 2.23
Bulgaria 58,331 60,345 65,285 77,442 87,329 0.40 12.77
Estonia 32,988 35,204 32,080 35,929 39,188 0.18 9.07
Hungary 233,407 214,423 237,690 263,180 306,206 1.40 16.35
Latvia 26,923 31,658 38,968 46,659 41,383 0.19 -11.31
Lithuania 72,390 77,826 74,830 91,251 92,357 0.42 1.21
Poland 741,367 772,830 783,331 863,089 983,972 4.50 14.01
Romania 142,616 149,510 154,126 168,439 187,563 0.86 11.35
Russian Federation 3,351,637 3,633,739 3,062,918 1,910,368 1,711,437 7.83 -10.41
Slovakia 723,265 741,943 848,537 1,028,470 1,127,776 5.16 9.66
Ukraine 384,246 410,083 306,336 280,400 294,068 1.34 4.87
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,783,606 1,859,632 1,855,533 2,116,761 2,219,802 10.15 4.87
Denmark 322,108 300,520 248,789 256,530 271,487 1.24 5.83
Finland 134,697 159,826 171,771 196,784 212,401 0.97 7.94
Iceland 9,895 9,386 9,970 11,596 10,694 0.05 -7.78
Ireland 68,748 76,975 90,264 125,106 121,462 0.56 -2.91
Norway 165,447 182,612 180,777 184,183 177,010 0.81 -3.89
Sweden 232,573 267,637 254,037 302,495 306,758 1.40 1.41
United Kingdom 850,138 862,676 899,925 1,040,067 1,119,990 5.12 7.68
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,004,893 1,804,490 1,897,345 2,051,099 2,067,604 9.45 0.80
Croatia 119,832 92,220 107,490 125,928 128,243 0.59 1.84
Greece 102,938 91,999 100,112 124,719 122,605 0.56 -1.70
Italy 998,683 926,189 964,773 978,092 946,960 4.33 -3.18
Malta 11,206 10,175 10,483 12,453 13,430 0.06 7.85
Portugal 71,818 67,436 69,396 85,983 91,884 0.42 6.86
Serbia and Montenegro 74,511 76,884 91,937 119,163 106,321 0.49 -10.78
Slovenia 55,287 54,101 61,138 65,821 65,994 0.30 0.26
Spain 570,618 485,486 492,016 538,940 592,167 2.71 9.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 6,405,987 6,176,659 6,178,573 6,863,724 7,223,005 33.03 5.23

Austria 415,434 419,620 442,294 497,314 522,107 2.39 4.99
Belgium 214,997 223,032 220,766 240,795 245,271 1.12 1.86
France 712,007 694,198 635,429 629,958 647,360 2.96 2.76
Germany 4,377,626 4,193,446 4,220,478 4,795,099 5,064,447 23.16 5.62
Liechtenstein 2,004 2,033 1,963 1,886 2,523 0.01 33.78
Luxembourg 10,552 8,898 8,719 9,960 13,965 0.06 40.21
Netherlands 469,233 424,512 433,127 446,788 481,879 2.20 7.85
Switzerland 204,134 210,920 215,797 241,924 245,453 1.12 1.46
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 485,786 518,986 578,699 767,541 848,584 3.88 10.56
Cyprus 13,549 8,942 10,441 13,876 15,350 0.07 10.62
Israel 324,265 355,045 407,481 512,621 600,370 2.75 17.12
Turkey 147,972 154,999 160,777 241,044 232,864 1.06 -3.39
OTHER EUROPE 372,434 353,663 393,802 347,117 317,716 1.45 -8.47
Other countries of Europe 372,434 353,663 393,802 347,117 317,716 1.45 -8.47
SOUTH ASIA 62,323 70,870 82,621 122,499 144,510 0.66 17.97
India 62,323 70,870 82,621 122,499 144,510 0.66 17.97

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 21,793,985 22,144,896 22,110,112 23,286,515 24,268,149 100.00 4.22

AFRICA 101,290 114,515 132,406 123,658 126,649 0.52 2.42
SOUTHERN AFRICA 23,712 22,109 22,893 26,520 23,600 0.10 -11.01
South Africa 23,712 22,109 22,893 26,520 23,600 0.10 -11.01
OTHER AFRICA 77,578 92,406 109,513 97,138 103,049 0.42 6.09
Other countries of Africa 77,578 92,406 109,513 97,138 103,049 0.42 6.09
AMERICAS 1,550,861 1,609,942 1,691,565 1,927,857 1,935,176 7.97 0.38
NORTH AMERICA 1,230,956 1,271,403 1,357,041 1,589,169 1,582,766 6.52 -0.40
Canada 184,631 183,982 200,898 229,449 228,807 0.94 -0.28
Mexico 67,764 71,701 80,937 98,457 103,333 0.43 4.95
United States of America 978,561 1,015,720 1,075,206 1,261,263 1,250,626 5.15 -0.84
SOUTH AMERICA 155,019 165,953 173,124 165,777 143,518 0.59 -13.43
Brazil 155,019 165,953 173,124 165,777 143,518 0.59 -13.43
OTHER AMERICAS 164,886 172,586 161,400 172,911 208,892 0.86 20.81
Other countries of the Americas 164,886 172,586 161,400 172,911 208,892 0.86 20.81
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,612,225 1,734,221 1,922,508 2,201,069 2,410,621 9.93 9.52
NORTH-EAST ASIA 726,225 785,349 905,191 1,329,305 1,524,410 6.28 14.68
China 248,911 278,117 344,238 478,489 569,111 2.35 18.94
Japan 264,336 264,747 251,602 247,379 216,125 0.89 -12.63
Korea, Republic of 212,978 242,485 309,351 418,981 521,894 2.15 24.56
Taiwan Province of China 184,456 217,280 0.90 17.80
AUSTRALASIA 206,551 227,928 250,443 249,446 240,698 0.99 -3.51
Australia 182,988 200,857 223,009 218,564 210,826 0.87 -3.54
New Zealand 23,563 27,071 27,434 30,882 29,872 0.12 -3.27
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 679,449 720,944 766,874 622,318 645,513 2.66 3.73
Other countries of Asia 666,934 708,223 752,436 608,992 632,405 2.61 3.84
Other countries of Oceania 12,515 12,721 14,438 13,326 13,108 0.05 -1.64
EUROPE 18,465,497 18,611,194 18,274,672 18,737,813 19,459,236 80.18 3.85
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,360,305 6,805,570 6,286,061 5,404,794 5,492,783 22.63 1.63
Bulgaria 62,565 65,277 70,603 84,262 96,033 0.40 13.97
Estonia 36,351 37,608 35,029 39,918 42,707 0.18 6.99
Hungary 254,029 235,702 258,478 284,670 333,337 1.37 17.10
Latvia 28,593 33,545 85,854 50,274 45,076 0.19 -10.34
Lithuania 80,764 86,090 41,427 100,297 100,527 0.41 0.23
Poland 845,605 877,767 890,170 1,016,109 1,130,176 4.66 11.23
Romania 147,957 158,737 166,136 181,977 200,506 0.83 10.18
Russian Federation 3,618,450 3,979,347 3,406,946 2,120,193 1,894,401 7.81 -10.65
Slovakia 874,133 894,311 996,490 1,208,913 1,310,222 5.40 8.38
Ukraine 411,858 437,186 334,928 318,181 339,798 1.40 6.79
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,869,070 1,976,876 1,979,855 2,286,158 2,390,724 9.85 4.57
Denmark 346,255 327,419 273,960 283,281 299,177 1.23 5.61
Finland 140,870 167,693 179,703 206,654 223,041 0.92 7.93
Iceland 10,116 9,651 10,386 12,272 11,730 0.05 -4.42
Ireland 72,492 82,915 101,831 143,151 138,845 0.57 -3.01
Norway 169,037 195,432 186,163 192,398 185,422 0.76 -3.63
Sweden 240,918 280,072 265,043 318,485 321,345 1.32 0.90
United Kingdom 889,382 913,694 962,769 1,129,917 1,211,164 4.99 7.19
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,085,140 1,888,605 1,979,692 2,160,158 2,209,872 9.11 2.30
Croatia 124,923 96,897 112,913 131,818 142,998 0.59 8.48
Greece 106,134 95,011 103,887 129,040 129,235 0.53 0.15
Italy 1,033,501 956,712 996,450 1,021,545 996,277 4.11 -2.47
Malta 11,748 15,748 10,968 12,807 14,662 0.06 14.48
Portugal 76,176 73,310 76,176 94,431 104,349 0.43 10.50
Serbia and Montenegro 78,371 80,595 96,969 126,156 116,185 0.48 -7.90
Slovenia 61,190 60,109 68,012 74,566 74,990 0.31 0.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 593,097 510,223 514,317 569,795 631,176 2.60 10.77

WESTERN EUROPE 7,245,079 7,022,911 7,005,485 7,713,252 8,129,030 33.50 5.39
Austria 440,442 448,446 473,821 531,667 560,891 2.31 5.50
Belgium 234,717 259,812 258,736 266,075 274,906 1.13 3.32
France 758,086 742,815 674,101 679,842 704,270 2.90 3.59
Germany 4,873,331 4,663,406 4,709,460 5,320,339 5,623,891 23.17 5.71
Liechtenstein 2,134 2,305 2,069 2,060 2,782 0.01 35.05
Luxembourg 10,964 9,302 9,826 10,834 15,442 0.06 42.53
Netherlands 708,410 669,508 649,389 645,164 683,949 2.82 6.01
Switzerland 216,995 227,317 228,083 257,271 262,899 1.08 2.19
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 518,257 551,189 613,788 807,640 902,285 3.72 11.72
Cyprus 14,511 9,207 11,134 15,019 17,021 0.07 13.33
Israel 349,303 378,989 432,876 540,644 628,886 2.59 16.32
Turkey 154,443 162,993 169,778 251,977 256,378 1.06 1.75
OTHER EUROPE 387,646 366,043 409,791 365,811 334,542 1.38 -8.55
Other countries of Europe 387,646 366,043 409,791 365,811 334,542 1.38 -8.55
MIDDLE EAST 157,224 174,349 0.72 10.89
Saudi Arabia 103,469 102,288 0.42 -1.14
United Arab Emirates 53,755 72,061 0.30 34.05
SOUTH ASIA 64,112 75,024 88,961 138,894 162,118 0.67 16.72
India 64,112 75,024 88,961 138,894 162,118 0.67 16.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,587,821 1,653,234 2,627,451 2,645,722 2,666,112 100.00 0.77

AMERICAS 128,575 137,551 183,808 200,126 210,557 7.90 5.21
NORTH AMERICA 109,456 117,234 156,627 172,702 182,032 6.83 5.40
Canada 11,779 13,261 19,163 18,733 17,839 0.67 -4.77
United States of America 97,677 103,973 137,464 153,969 164,193 6.16 6.64
SOUTH AMERICA 7,515 7,931 9,938 9,642 8,206 0.31 -14.89
Brazil 7,515 7,931 9,938 9,642 8,206 0.31 -14.89
OTHER AMERICAS 11,604 12,386 17,243 17,782 20,319 0.76 14.27
Other countries of the Americas 11,604 12,386 17,243 17,782 20,319 0.76 14.27
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 100,112 118,341 138,504 146,889 161,464 6.06 9.92
NORTH-EAST ASIA 51,713 60,549 64,544 69,323 74,482 2.79 7.44
China 28,023 37,157 38,381 46,140 50,094 1.88 8.57
Japan 19,959 19,206 19,932 17,031 17,980 0.67 5.57
Korea, Republic of 3,731 4,186 6,231 6,152 6,408 0.24 4.16
AUSTRALASIA 15,330 16,276 19,788 17,824 18,056 0.68 1.30
Australia 15,330 16,276 19,788 17,824 18,056 0.68 1.30
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 33,069 41,516 54,172 59,742 68,926 2.59 15.37
Other countries of Asia 33,069 41,516 54,172 59,742 68,926 2.59 15.37
EUROPE 1,343,210 1,378,861 2,272,873 2,267,742 2,261,326 84.82 -0.28
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 37,379 43,647 60,155 54,794 57,165 2.14 4.33
Poland 16,751 19,665 31,749 36,701 40,754 1.53 11.04
Russian Federation 20,628 23,982 28,406 18,093 16,411 0.62 -9.30
NORTHERN EUROPE 795,087 812,813 1,336,097 1,317,179 1,283,885 48.16 -2.53
Finland 60,624 55,932 65,492 61,863 61,560 2.31 -0.49
Ireland 6,869 7,760 15,386 14,358 15,575 0.58 8.48
Norway 260,536 257,344 445,149 439,903 410,135 15.38 -6.77
Sweden 341,340 355,754 553,441 519,142 501,497 18.81 -3.40
United Kingdom 125,718 136,023 256,629 281,913 295,118 11.07 4.68
SOUTHERN EUROPE 83,737 88,099 166,415 163,394 184,841 6.93 13.13
Greece 4,368 4,316 9,799 10,107 10,497 0.39 3.86
Italy 50,863 56,211 91,972 82,083 99,772 3.74 21.55
Portugal 4,926 4,762 11,757 16,532 11,585 0.43 -29.92
Spain 23,580 22,810 52,887 54,672 62,987 2.36 15.21
WESTERN EUROPE 318,240 316,179 536,588 520,656 568,581 21.33 9.20
Austria 10,777 12,135 23,523 18,608 17,954 0.67 -3.51
France 45,545 45,884 63,811 57,117 62,653 2.35 9.69
Germany 151,690 147,643 278,794 266,714 302,682 11.35 13.49
Netherlands 55,201 55,371 77,726 81,649 85,266 3.20 4.43
Switzerland 33,899 32,941 55,295 57,807 54,858 2.06 -5.10
Belgium / Luxembourg 21,128 22,205 37,439 38,761 45,168 1.69 16.53
OTHER EUROPE 108,767 118,123 173,618 211,719 166,854 6.26 -21.19
Other countries of Europe 108,767 118,123 173,618 211,719 166,854 6.26 -21.19
NOT SPECIFIED 15,924 18,481 32,266 30,965 32,765 1.23 5.81
Other countries of the World 15,924 18,481 32,266 30,965 32,765 1.23 5.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 8,443,454 8,557,093 10,266,728 10,423,502 10,781,249 100.00 3.43

AMERICAS 589,196 598,701 671,964 688,488 693,413 6.43 0.72
NORTH AMERICA 522,213 530,196 600,580 600,359 605,454 5.62 0.85
Canada 77,232 78,600 93,166 86,639 82,413 0.76 -4.88
United States of America 444,981 451,596 507,414 513,720 523,041 4.85 1.81
SOUTH AMERICA 12,152 12,646 10,406 13,371 12,325 0.11 -7.82
Brazil 12,152 12,646 10,406 13,371 12,325 0.11 -7.82
OTHER AMERICAS 54,831 55,859 60,978 74,758 75,634 0.70 1.17
Other countries of the Americas 54,831 55,859 60,978 74,758 75,634 0.70 1.17
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 231,046 249,161 277,545 291,689 319,444 2.96 9.52
NORTH-EAST ASIA 57,512 66,264 66,598 76,434 85,842 0.80 12.31
China 30,228 39,638 39,570 49,870 55,535 0.52 11.36
Japan 22,670 21,667 20,403 19,696 21,624 0.20 9.79
Korea, Republic of 4,614 4,959 6,625 6,868 8,683 0.08 26.43
AUSTRALASIA 26,322 27,461 41,313 34,373 38,043 0.35 10.68
Australia 26,322 27,461 41,313 34,373 38,043 0.35 10.68
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 147,212 155,436 169,634 180,882 195,559 1.81 8.11
Other countries of Asia 147,212 155,436 169,634 180,882 195,559 1.81 8.11
EUROPE 7,249,758 7,291,659 8,834,256 9,023,111 9,359,715 86.81 3.73
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 115,382 124,007 150,635 139,280 148,532 1.38 6.64
Poland 87,089 92,100 111,661 118,578 127,323 1.18 7.37
Russian Federation 28,293 31,907 38,974 20,702 21,209 0.20 2.45
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,310,754 3,385,647 4,071,651 4,122,858 4,124,964 38.26 0.05
Finland 72,949 68,816 82,438 80,155 81,434 0.76 1.60
Ireland 9,347 10,075 16,297 17,341 21,706 0.20 25.17
Norway 1,481,173 1,486,052 1,786,062 1,800,809 1,767,217 16.39 -1.87
Sweden 1,145,888 1,207,795 1,443,306 1,437,570 1,432,245 13.28 -0.37
United Kingdom 601,397 612,909 743,548 786,983 822,362 7.63 4.50
SOUTHERN EUROPE 385,743 390,797 469,092 423,715 487,706 4.52 15.10
Greece 4,982 5,012 10,054 10,927 12,968 0.12 18.68
Italy 210,577 216,640 265,435 223,684 260,342 2.41 16.39
Portugal 8,561 8,255 18,611 27,406 20,539 0.19 -25.06
Spain 161,623 160,890 174,992 161,698 193,857 1.80 19.89
WESTERN EUROPE 3,027,743 3,011,312 3,660,036 3,794,211 4,082,454 37.87 7.60
Austria 54,193 55,760 67,755 59,541 61,838 0.57 3.86
France 255,232 255,781 282,331 260,085 273,554 2.54 5.18
Germany 2,232,870 2,209,981 2,686,544 2,820,715 3,047,770 28.27 8.05
Netherlands 265,976 268,392 349,243 370,979 398,898 3.70 7.53
Switzerland 107,591 107,819 143,687 146,954 150,999 1.40 2.75
Belgium / Luxembourg 111,881 113,579 130,476 135,937 149,395 1.39 9.90
OTHER EUROPE 410,136 379,896 482,842 543,047 516,059 4.79 -4.97
Other countries of Europe 410,136 379,896 482,842 543,047 516,059 4.79 -4.97
NOT SPECIFIED 373,454 417,572 482,963 420,214 408,677 3.79 -2.75
Other countries of the World 373,454 417,572 482,963 420,214 408,677 3.79 -2.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 5,945,550 6,241,182 6,676,589 6,803,850 6,855,827 100.00 0.76

AMERICAS 552,550 591,808 629,661 692,885 722,304 10.54 4.25
NORTH AMERICA 468,890 502,842 530,735 592,204 618,704 9.02 4.47
Canada 54,820 61,623 59,778 58,029 55,591 0.81 -4.20
United States of America 414,070 441,219 470,957 534,175 563,113 8.21 5.42
SOUTH AMERICA 32,750 34,613 35,822 34,854 29,488 0.43 -15.40
Brazil 32,750 34,613 35,822 34,854 29,488 0.43 -15.40
OTHER AMERICAS 50,910 54,353 63,104 65,827 74,112 1.08 12.59
Other countries of the Americas 50,910 54,353 63,104 65,827 74,112 1.08 12.59
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 429,300 505,277 545,045 583,308 634,646 9.26 8.80
NORTH-EAST ASIA 218,560 253,605 264,386 286,177 305,672 4.46 6.81
China 111,820 148,809 159,445 192,945 207,788 3.03 7.69
Japan 90,460 86,584 82,591 71,031 74,566 1.09 4.98
Korea, Republic of 16,280 18,212 22,350 22,201 23,318 0.34 5.03
AUSTRALASIA 61,940 65,877 76,074 70,574 69,354 1.01 -1.73
Australia 61,940 65,877 76,074 70,574 69,354 1.01 -1.73
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 148,800 185,795 204,585 226,557 259,620 3.79 14.59
Other countries of Asia 148,800 185,795 204,585 226,557 259,620 3.79 14.59
EUROPE 4,891,700 5,060,662 5,398,287 5,428,393 5,395,033 78.69 -0.61
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 155,170 180,446 179,130 156,508 161,242 2.35 3.02
Poland 62,690 73,397 81,777 94,765 105,154 1.53 10.96
Russian Federation 92,480 107,049 97,353 61,743 56,088 0.82 -9.16
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,761,550 2,848,143 2,895,232 2,867,557 2,810,345 40.99 -2.00
Finland 184,330 170,018 162,493 152,479 151,913 2.22 -0.37
Ireland 23,670 26,760 40,144 37,369 40,409 0.59 8.14
Norway 988,630 978,226 979,246 968,764 902,307 13.16 -6.86
Sweden 1,022,950 1,066,987 1,060,225 994,422 960,717 14.01 -3.39
United Kingdom 541,970 606,152 653,124 714,523 754,999 11.01 5.66
SOUTHERN EUROPE 354,070 372,090 444,208 433,713 494,624 7.21 14.04
Greece 17,460 17,244 23,225 23,916 24,860 0.36 3.95
Italy 192,440 213,726 246,999 220,517 267,913 3.91 21.49
Portugal 19,680 19,025 27,755 38,727 27,372 0.40 -29.32
Spain 124,490 122,095 146,229 150,553 174,479 2.54 15.89
WESTERN EUROPE 1,162,820 1,158,165 1,272,433 1,232,440 1,342,546 19.58 8.93
Austria 47,270 53,530 55,721 43,985 42,526 0.62 -3.32
France 156,290 157,535 175,702 156,602 172,184 2.51 9.95
Germany 553,820 541,082 591,605 564,992 641,921 9.36 13.62
Netherlands 197,830 198,986 212,776 221,644 233,184 3.40 5.21
Switzerland 132,870 128,214 150,368 156,187 148,694 2.17 -4.80
Belgium / Luxembourg 74,740 78,818 86,261 89,030 104,037 1.52 16.86
OTHER EUROPE 458,090 501,818 607,284 738,175 586,276 8.55 -20.58
Other countries of Europe 458,090 501,818 607,284 738,175 586,276 8.55 -20.58
NOT SPECIFIED 72,000 83,435 103,596 99,264 103,844 1.51 4.61
Other countries of the World 72,000 83,435 103,596 99,264 103,844 1.51 4.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 46,038,510 45,746,268 48,734,100 50,187,446 51,728,804 100.00 3.07

AMERICAS 2,761,420 2,802,958 2,863,792 2,959,281 3,013,222 5.83 1.82
NORTH AMERICA 2,283,650 2,317,299 2,373,950 2,448,341 2,494,003 4.82 1.87
Canada 396,240 402,264 408,537 405,309 403,724 0.78 -0.39
United States of America 1,887,410 1,915,035 1,965,413 2,043,032 2,090,279 4.04 2.31
SOUTH AMERICA 39,790 42,642 37,943 42,577 40,261 0.08 -5.44
Brazil 39,790 42,642 37,943 42,577 40,261 0.08 -5.44
OTHER AMERICAS 437,980 443,017 451,899 468,363 478,958 0.93 2.26
Other countries of the Americas 437,980 443,017 451,899 468,363 478,958 0.93 2.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 978,530 1,054,590 1,101,481 1,164,630 1,258,613 2.43 8.07
NORTH-EAST ASIA 233,650 268,554 273,739 307,180 343,340 0.66 11.77
China 117,880 156,690 164,880 205,695 227,843 0.44 10.77
Japan 97,010 91,624 84,741 75,957 83,073 0.16 9.37
Korea, Republic of 18,760 20,240 24,118 25,528 32,424 0.06 27.01
AUSTRALASIA 79,900 85,323 102,845 98,162 105,349 0.20 7.32
Australia 79,900 85,323 102,845 98,162 105,349 0.20 7.32
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 664,980 700,713 724,897 759,288 809,924 1.57 6.67
Other countries of Asia 664,980 700,713 724,897 759,288 809,924 1.57 6.67
EUROPE 40,138,250 39,340,611 41,963,147 43,258,734 44,656,625 86.33 3.23
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,115,770 1,145,750 1,157,363 1,126,260 1,148,205 2.22 1.95
Poland 1,010,480 1,024,194 1,041,781 1,056,274 1,081,025 2.09 2.34
Russian Federation 105,290 121,556 115,582 69,986 67,180 0.13 -4.01
NORTHERN EUROPE 13,478,070 13,627,199 14,064,263 14,140,496 14,106,748 27.27 -0.24
Finland 261,240 247,560 239,566 231,343 233,588 0.45 0.97
Ireland 30,070 31,956 43,022 45,714 54,679 0.11 19.61
Norway 6,507,540 6,524,531 6,834,957 6,877,583 6,763,107 13.07 -1.66
Sweden 4,144,730 4,227,443 4,295,161 4,235,371 4,213,691 8.15 -0.51
United Kingdom 2,534,490 2,595,709 2,651,557 2,750,485 2,841,683 5.49 3.32
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,695,960 1,718,811 1,796,021 1,783,800 1,895,955 3.67 6.29
Greece 19,350 19,404 24,030 26,353 31,058 0.06 17.85
Italy 959,710 985,261 1,023,931 984,221 1,055,313 2.04 7.22
Portugal 29,550 28,020 54,877 80,297 54,325 0.11 -32.34
Spain 687,350 686,126 693,183 692,929 755,259 1.46 9.00
WESTERN EUROPE 20,764,570 20,093,025 22,062,132 23,131,867 24,542,646 47.44 6.10
Austria 239,390 245,493 247,191 234,419 236,086 0.46 0.71
France 1,383,040 1,384,015 1,400,693 1,373,027 1,406,255 2.72 2.42
Germany 16,816,300 16,142,746 17,952,210 18,907,798 20,089,171 38.84 6.25
Netherlands 1,491,820 1,484,129 1,589,806 1,721,868 1,880,114 3.63 9.19
Switzerland 416,200 416,478 439,257 451,888 458,434 0.89 1.45
Belgium / Luxembourg 417,820 420,164 432,975 442,867 472,586 0.91 6.71
OTHER EUROPE 3,083,880 2,755,826 2,883,368 3,076,311 2,963,071 5.73 -3.68
Other countries of Europe 3,083,880 2,755,826 2,883,368 3,076,311 2,963,071 5.73 -3.68
NOT SPECIFIED 2,160,310 2,548,109 2,805,680 2,804,801 2,800,344 5.41 -0.16
Other countries of the World 2,160,310 2,548,109 2,805,680 2,804,801 2,800,344 5.41 -0.16

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 78,965 78,277 81,511 74,481 78,369 100.00 5.22

AFRICA 251 355 460 561 530 0.68 -5.53
EAST AFRICA 23 55 34 17 18 0.02 5.88
Comoros 1
Ethiopia 2 3 1 0.00
Kenya 5 6 18 3 3 0.00
Madagascar 2 2
Malawi 1 3
Mauritius 2 2 0.00
Reunion 9 7 6 3 6 0.01 100.00
Seychelles 1 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 2 4 1 4
Uganda 1 1 3 3
Zambia 2 2 2 0.00
Zimbabwe 2 25 3 0.00
CENTRAL AFRICA 7 5 5 9 14 0.02 55.56
Cameroon 7 3 5 9 13 0.02 44.44
Congo 2 1 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 37 46 13 18 26 0.03 44.44
Algeria 2 2 2 0.00
Morocco 36 45 8 15 19 0.02 26.67
Tunisia 1 1 1 5 0.01 400.00
Western Sahara 1 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 41 51 42 62 56 0.07 -9.68
Botswana 3 1 1 0.00
Lesotho 1
Namibia 2 5 4 1 4 0.01 300.00
South Africa 35 46 36 58 48 0.06 -17.24
Swaziland 1 1 2 3 0.00 50.00
WEST AFRICA 143 198 366 455 416 0.53 -8.57
Benin 1 1
Burkina Faso 1
Cabo Verde 1
Gambia 1
Ghana 6 2 2 9
Guinea 1 1 1
Liberia 2 1 0.00
Mauritania 1
Niger 3 1 1 0.00
Nigeria 128 190 358 443 413 0.53 -6.77
Senegal 3 2 2 1 0.00
Sierra Leone 2
AMERICAS 64,762 63,426 65,437 58,821 62,287 79.48 5.89
CARIBBEAN 41,623 41,254 41,693 37,144 38,605 49.26 3.93
Anguilla 309 294 428 275 282 0.36 2.55
Antigua and Barbuda 3,454 2,793 2,910 2,723 2,991 3.82 9.84
Aruba 44 35 49 32 36 0.05 12.50
Bahamas 107 132 113 93 116 0.15 24.73
Barbados 2,208 2,244 1,877 1,736 1,938 2.47 11.64
Bermuda 45 44 33 58 37 0.05 -36.21
Bonaire 7 12 15 21 15 0.02 -28.57
British Virgin Islands 968 1,075 946 841 921 1.18 9.51
Cayman Islands 19 21 26 22 12 0.02 -45.45
Cuba 77 171 92 88 171 0.22 94.32
Curaçao 60 69 89 55 99 0.13 80.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Dominican Republic 273 277 263 190 170 0.22 -10.53

Grenada 289 317 332 413 330 0.42 -20.10
Guadeloupe 16,009 15,676 14,860 14,230 14,730 18.80 3.51
Haiti 880 1,408 2,326 1,155 329 0.42 -71.52
Jamaica 428 431 464 393 349 0.45 -11.20
Martinique 7,002 6,687 6,482 5,821 6,069 7.74 4.26
Montserrat 95 120 90 93 108 0.14 16.13
Puerto Rico 267 301 349 266 347 0.44 30.45
Saint Kitts and Nevis 463 426 525 414 444 0.57 7.25
Saint Lucia 1,980 1,918 1,962 1,713 2,241 2.86 30.82
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 492 413 491 494 381 0.49 -22.87
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1,869 2,099 2,412 1,700 2,285 2.92 34.41
Trinidad and Tobago 1,323 1,424 1,284 1,151 1,192 1.52 3.56
Turks and Caicos Islands 14 7 23 17 11 0.01 -35.29
United States Virgin Islands 2,913 2,821 3,205 3,104 2,855 3.64 -8.02
Other countries of the Caribbean 28 39 47 46 146 0.19 217.39
CENTRAL AMERICA 97 116 157 123 85 0.11 -30.89
Belize 31 49 49 47 17 0.02 -63.83
Costa Rica 12 16 10 21 18 0.02 -14.29
El Salvador 5 9 22 10 1 0.00 -90.00
Guatemala 6 6 26 8 11 0.01 37.50
Honduras 3 9 3 6 8 0.01 33.33
Nicaragua 6 9 2 3 7 0.01 133.33
Panama 34 18 45 28 23 0.03 -17.86
NORTH AMERICA 22,097 21,089 22,644 20,504 22,572 28.80 10.09
Canada 3,063 3,018 3,002 2,967 3,096 3.95 4.35
Mexico 32 22 47 52 42 0.05 -19.23
United States of America 19,002 18,049 19,595 17,485 19,434 24.80 11.15
SOUTH AMERICA 945 967 943 1,050 1,025 1.31 -2.38
Argentina 24 32 42 42 32 0.04 -23.81
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 3 1 7 1 3 0.00 200.00
Brazil 45 65 62 78 50 0.06 -35.90
Chile 18 25 10 12 13 0.02 8.33
Colombia 54 59 45 45 184 0.23 308.89
Ecuador 4 15 22 44 12 0.02 -72.73
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3 1 0.00
French Guiana 126 149 116 164 99 0.13 -39.63
Guyana 276 210 232 174 216 0.28 24.14
Paraguay 6 4 4 4
Peru 15 13 15 15 10 0.01 -33.33
Suriname 28 27 53 14 52 0.07 271.43
Uruguay 1 5 5 5 4 0.01 -20.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 345 359 330 452 349 0.45 -22.79
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 909 717 699 1,092 654 0.83 -40.11
NORTH-EAST ASIA 622 464 478 586 457 0.58 -22.01
China 360 286 299 355 329 0.42 -7.32
Hong Kong (China) 7 10 5 8 8 0.01
Japan 107 114 128 165 95 0.12 -42.42
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 36 3 8 7 2 0.00 -71.43
Korea, Republic of 4 3 7 5 0.01 -28.57
Mongolia 1
Taiwan Province of China 107 48 38 44 18 0.02 -59.09
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 33 51 44 46 43 0.05 -6.52
Brunei Darussalam 1
Cambodia 2 1

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Indonesia 2 6 4 5 2 0.00 -60.00

Malaysia 7 10 8 2 6 0.01 200.00
Philippines 15 15 14 16 16 0.02
Singapore 4 11 11 10 10 0.01
Thailand 1 7 4 7 6 0.01 -14.29
Viet Nam 2 1 3 5 3 0.00 -40.00
AUSTRALASIA 252 199 176 458 154 0.20 -66.38
Australia 231 170 115 437 136 0.17 -68.88
New Zealand 21 29 61 21 18 0.02 -14.29
New Caledonia 1 1
Solomon Islands 1
Vanuatu 1 1
Kiribati 1
Micronesia, Federated States of 1
Tonga 1
EUROPE 12,833 13,578 14,683 13,785 14,603 18.63 5.93
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 302 500 515 483 555 0.71 14.91
Azerbaijan 1
Belarus 2 9 1 4 0.01 300.00
Bulgaria 4 13 14 14 8 0.01 -42.86
Czech Republic/Slovakia 107 155 156 174 210 0.27 20.69
Estonia 15 25 8 29 0.04 262.50
Hungary 42 46 47 39 40 0.05 2.56
Kazakhstan 1 2 0.00
Latvia 6 4
Lithuania 9 4 7 7 0.01
Poland 71 121 154 138 153 0.20 10.87
Romania 9 13 7 28 31 0.04 10.71
Russian Federation 69 111 62 42 71 0.09 69.05
Ukraine 14 31 27
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,431 5,450 5,779 5,764 5,882 7.51 2.05
Denmark 100 108 93 111 119 0.15 7.21
Finland 99 110 133 95 109 0.14 14.74
Iceland 88 84 57 13 6 0.01 -53.85
Ireland 73 68 120 95 64 0.08 -32.63
Norway 78 109 78 92 128 0.16 39.13
Sweden 327 343 425 367 413 0.53 12.53
United Kingdom 4,666 4,628 4,873 4,991 5,043 6.43 1.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 293 347 394 357 422 0.54 18.21
Albania 1
Andorra 2 1 1 4 5 0.01 25.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 2 1
Croatia 6 10
Greece 23 26 16 7 14 0.02 100.00
Holy See 2
Italy 139 149 176 141 151 0.19 7.09
Malta 8 5 7 2 5 0.01 150.00
Montenegro 1 1
Portugal 15 21 11 28 34 0.04 21.43
Serbia 1 6 4 4 0.01
Slovenia 28 54 30 36 0.05 20.00
Spain 106 114 113 127 173 0.22 36.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1
WESTERN EUROPE 6,728 7,205 7,966 7,131 7,703 9.83 8.02
Austria 176 178 175 177 116 0.15 -34.46
Belgium 193 206 208 164 255 0.33 55.49
France 4,188 4,584 5,018 4,152 4,960 6.33 19.46
Germany 1,397 1,499 1,648 1,584 1,390 1.77 -12.25
Liechtenstein 2 1
Luxembourg 16 13 20 9 26 0.03 188.89
Monaco 1 2 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Netherlands 162 191 337 451 386 0.49 -14.41
Switzerland 595 534 556 588 567 0.72 -3.57
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 17 38 23 42 41 0.05 -2.38
Cyprus 1 1 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Israel 17 26 17 27 23 0.03 -14.81
Turkey 11 5 10 15 0.02 50.00
OTHER EUROPE 62 38 6 8
Other countries of Europe 62 38 6 8
MIDDLE EAST 43 73 63 69 69 0.09
Egypt 7 2 7 1 3 0.00 200.00
Iraq 2 6 1 6 1 0.00 -83.33
Jordan 4 2 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Kuwait 1 2 2 1 0.00
Lebanon 4 2 7 3 6 0.01 100.00
Libya 4 5
Oman 1 2 2
Qatar 3 3 5 2 0.00
Saudi Arabia 9 10 7 3 7 0.01 133.33
State of Palestine 1 2 0.00
Syrian Arab Republic 4 11 11 22 10 0.01 -54.55
United Arab Emirates 12 32 15 20 32 0.04 60.00
Yemen 1 3 0.00 200.00
SOUTH ASIA 157 127 145 146 210 0.27 43.84
Afghanistan 5 5 10 10 20 0.03 100.00
Bangladesh 2 3 4 1 9 0.01 800.00
India 122 85 101 100 147 0.19 47.00
Iran, Islamic Republic of 14 23 11 9 7 0.01 -22.22
Nepal 6 1 1 2 6 0.01 200.00
Pakistan 4 5 16 16 17 0.02 6.25
Sri Lanka 4 5 2 8 4 0.01 -50.00
NOT SPECIFIED 10 1 24 7 16 0.02 128.57
Other countries of the World 10 1 24 7 16 0.02 128.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,562,606 4,689,770 5,140,928 5,599,859 5,959,347 100.00 6.42

AMERICAS 2,818,384 2,972,635 3,316,088 3,721,751 3,902,461 65.48 4.86
CARIBBEAN 151,566 145,278 164,054 176,022 192,665 3.23 9.46
Aruba 1,505 2,284 1,303 1,676 2,326 0.04 38.78
Cuba 3,996 7,121 9,833 15,736 22,640 0.38 43.87
Curaçao 5,311 4,494 4,336 5,188 6,438 0.11 24.09
Guadeloupe 6,077 7,306 5,606 6,760 4,478 0.08 -33.76
Haiti 9,431 7,261 7,240 10,578 8,746 0.15 -17.32
Jamaica 1,046 913 1,240 1,208 1,207 0.02 -0.08
Martinique 4,618 4,264 2,792 1,768 1,960 0.03 10.86
Puerto Rico 112,593 103,822 124,057 124,645 132,725 2.23 6.48
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 3,411 3,571 3,093 3,910 4,707 0.08 20.38
Trinidad and Tobago 1,272 1,991 2,591 2,217 5,146 0.09 132.12
Turks and Caicos Islands 1,241 1,347 1,341 1,633 1,690 0.03 3.49
United States Virgin Islands 1,065 904 622 703 602 0.01 -14.37
CENTRAL AMERICA 36,363 36,131 37,852 42,494 61,947 1.04 45.78
Costa Rica 9,879 10,948 11,430 12,881 13,608 0.23 5.64
El Salvador 3,922 2,984 3,619 3,390 3,172 0.05 -6.43
Guatemala 6,259 5,757 7,078 6,760 6,679 0.11 -1.20
Honduras 1,997 2,780 2,492 2,125 2,665 0.04 25.41
Panama 14,306 13,662 13,233 17,338 35,823 0.60 106.62
NORTH AMERICA 2,195,068 2,334,437 2,573,196 2,829,877 2,940,005 49.33 3.89
Canada 689,543 687,891 712,290 750,898 771,839 12.95 2.79
Mexico 26,610 23,708 31,711 30,217 34,008 0.57 12.55
United States of America 1,478,915 1,622,838 1,829,195 2,048,762 2,134,158 35.81 4.17
SOUTH AMERICA 429,778 451,398 535,857 671,022 702,096 11.78 4.63
Argentina 101,321 105,701 110,944 130,802 136,211 2.29 4.14
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 7,401 8,959 9,842 11,093 10,747 0.18 -3.12
Brazil 79,937 91,314 112,683 139,194 124,688 2.09 -10.42
Chile 60,804 73,924 82,212 86,545 84,310 1.41 -2.58
Colombia 44,955 43,596 58,046 73,971 95,661 1.61 29.32
Ecuador 13,889 10,974 10,132 10,260 9,381 0.16 -8.57
Peru 38,953 35,150 32,933 42,320 48,297 0.81 14.12
Uruguay 5,870 5,734 5,336 9,021 19,760 0.33 119.04
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 72,680 70,404 108,380 163,870 166,413 2.79 1.55
Other countries of South America 3,968 5,642 5,349 3,946 6,628 0.11 67.97
OTHER AMERICAS 5,609 5,391 5,129 2,336 5,748 0.10 146.06
Other countries of the Americas 5,609 5,391 5,129 2,336 5,748 0.10 146.06
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,557 8,642 8,298 8,940 8,887 0.15 -0.59
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,702 5,173 4,652 5,037 5,336 0.09 5.94
China 963 1,205 1,412 1,680 1,694 0.03 0.83
Japan 2,036 1,643 1,560 1,277 1,510 0.03 18.25
Korea, Republic of 1,216 1,455 949 1,176 1,567 0.03 33.25
Taiwan Province of China 487 870 731 904 565 0.01 -37.50
AUSTRALASIA 1,658 1,585 1,874 2,211 1,692 0.03 -23.47
Australia 1,658 1,585 1,874 2,211 1,692 0.03 -23.47
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,197 1,884 1,772 1,692 1,859 0.03 9.87
Other countries of Asia 2,197 1,884 1,772 1,692 1,859 0.03 9.87
EUROPE 1,094,841 1,081,667 1,138,328 1,100,872 1,221,093 20.49 10.92
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 180,134 202,198 199,741 90,237 167,005 2.80 85.07
Bulgaria 613 511 600 646 745 0.01 15.33
Czech Republic 5,522 5,979 4,981 5,745 5,276 0.09 -8.16
Hungary 546 771 1,082 1,181 1,491 0.03 26.25
Poland 6,587 5,870 9,745 11,427 23,728 0.40 107.65
Romania 567 654 458 483 418 0.01 -13.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Russian Federation 163,157 183,965 175,572 67,121 132,163 2.22 96.90

Ukraine 3,142 4,448 7,303 3,634 3,184 0.05 -12.38
NORTHERN EUROPE 106,755 126,292 148,525 162,505 189,604 3.18 16.68
Denmark 2,299 3,147 3,429 2,399 2,399 0.04
Finland 2,785 3,411 3,784 4,178 4,934 0.08 18.09
Ireland 840 678 675 814 690 0.01 -15.23
Norway 1,617 2,506 2,433 1,239 1,125 0.02 -9.20
Sweden 3,603 10,610 13,668 13,293 16,560 0.28 24.58
United Kingdom 95,611 105,940 124,536 140,582 163,896 2.75 16.58
SOUTHERN EUROPE 271,826 231,073 240,239 275,248 265,692 4.46 -3.47
Greece 342 337 377 276 366 0.01 32.61
Italy 89,767 74,176 76,410 81,818 76,647 1.29 -6.32
Portugal 25,525 16,574 16,763 23,587 23,856 0.40 1.14
Spain 156,192 139,986 146,689 169,567 164,823 2.77 -2.80
WESTERN EUROPE 533,201 519,523 547,021 570,259 595,681 10.00 4.46
Austria 7,914 7,449 9,395 8,355 7,819 0.13 -6.42
Belgium 34,111 28,065 36,728 37,537 41,937 0.70 11.72
France 245,033 218,399 218,824 221,312 222,778 3.74 0.66
Germany 183,533 213,233 230,038 248,248 259,297 4.35 4.45
Luxembourg 570 466 549 525 636 0.01 21.14
Netherlands 34,225 25,416 25,787 29,817 34,041 0.57 14.17
Switzerland 27,815 26,495 25,700 24,465 29,173 0.49 19.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,077 1,223 928 1,163 1,226 0.02 5.42
Israel 1,077 1,223 928 1,163 1,226 0.02 5.42
OTHER EUROPE 1,848 1,358 1,874 1,460 1,885 0.03 29.11
Other countries of Europe 1,848 1,358 1,874 1,460 1,885 0.03 29.11
SOUTH ASIA 941 889 668 701 852 0.01 21.54
India 941 889 668 701 852 0.01 21.54
NOT SPECIFIED 639,883 625,937 677,546 767,595 826,054 13.86 7.62
Other countries of the World 970 921 817 692 817 0.01 18.06
Nationals Residing Abroad 638,913 625,016 676,729 766,903 825,237 13.85 7.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,271,901 1,364,057 1,556,991 1,544,463 1,418,159 100.00 -8.18

AFRICA 2,557 4,531 4,364 6,102 3,962 0.28 -35.07
EAST AFRICA 272 309 236 257 772 0.05 200.39
British Indian Ocean Territory 1 0.00
Burundi 3 5 6 2 24 0.00 1,100.00
Comoros 12 3 3 2 8 0.00 300.00
Djibouti 4 5 5 2 5 0.00 150.00
Eritrea 4 2 11 2 119 0.01 5,850.00
Ethiopia 21 20 26 67 112 0.01 67.16
Kenya 66 41 56 53 230 0.02 333.96
Madagascar 23 16 14 12 22 0.00 83.33
Malawi 3 6 10 0.00
Mauritius 13 12 7 15 14 0.00 -6.67
Mozambique 23 76 22 9 21 0.00 133.33
Reunion 12 7 5 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Rwanda 2 8 3 9 11 0.00 22.22
Seychelles 2 2 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Somalia 1 4 3 4 6 0.00 50.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 41 7 13 7 34 0.00 385.71
Uganda 27 42 24 18 63 0.00 250.00
Zambia 6 17 6 8 35 0.00 337.50
Zimbabwe 12 39 24 35 49 0.00 40.00
Other countries of East Africa 2
CENTRAL AFRICA 162 436 165 186 562 0.04 202.15
Angola 26 258 24 7 133 0.01 1,800.00
Cameroon 65 76 65 120 291 0.02 142.50
Central African Republic 13 7 5 4 4 0.00
Chad 18 20 28 11 21 0.00 90.91
Congo 35 44 37 36 22 0.00 -38.89
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 56 0.00
Equatorial Guinea 4 6 1 6 23 0.00 283.33
Gabon 1 18 4 1 1 0.00
Sao Tome and Principe 7 1 1 11 0.00 1,000.00
NORTH AFRICA 395 445 410 418 514 0.04 22.97
Algeria 183 198 215 225 202 0.01 -10.22
Morocco 96 151 135 128 167 0.01 30.47
Sudan 11 12 2 8 35 0.00 337.50
Tunisia 44 50 54 53 74 0.01 39.62
Western Sahara 61 34 4 4 16 0.00 300.00
Other countries of North Africa 20 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 967 998 958 1,010 1,054 0.07 4.36
Botswana 12 9 7 6 27 0.00 350.00
Lesotho 7 7 4 8 11 0.00 37.50
Namibia 17 254 6 6 13 0.00 116.67
South Africa 931 728 941 989 982 0.07 -0.71
Swaziland 1 21 0.00 2,000.00
WEST AFRICA 609 1,821 2,361 4,089 1,060 0.07 -74.08
Benin 24 24 28 12 28 0.00 133.33
Burkina Faso 10 14 13 3 21 0.00 600.00
Cabo Verde 40 44 28 33 45 0.00 36.36
Côte d'Ivoire 40 22 23 16 65 0.00 306.25
Gambia 10 6 6 34 296 0.02 770.59
Ghana 57 74 243 330 243 0.02 -26.36
Guinea 26 35 29 28 46 0.00 64.29
Guinea-Bissau 2 2 2 7 0.00 250.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Liberia 6 5 6 2 14 0.00 600.00

Mali 14 10 10 19 37 0.00 94.74
Mauritania 13 5 12 10 10 0.00
Niger 5 0.00
Nigeria 77 145 104 105 127 0.01 20.95
Saint Helena 1
Senegal 247 1,383 1,828 3,473 61 0.00 -98.24
Sierra Leone 38 45 26 14 24 0.00 71.43
Togo 4 7 5 8 31 0.00 287.50
OTHER AFRICA 152 522 234 142
Other countries of Africa 152 522 234 142
AMERICAS 996,023 1,085,737 1,215,413 1,201,235 1,081,174 76.24 -9.99
CARIBBEAN 28,049 42,749 64,216 99,547 33,549 2.37 -66.30
Anguilla 1 3 0.00
Antigua and Barbuda 6 12 7 35 10 0.00 -71.43
Aruba 2 6 9 2 96 0.01 4,700.00
Bahamas 68 96 58 90 102 0.01 13.33
Barbados 44 30 51 86 67 0.00 -22.09
Bermuda 16 30 37 26
Bonaire 10 0.00
British Virgin Islands 9 7 19 0.00
Cayman Islands 1 4 3 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Cuba 21,480 24,380 41,545 79,236 26,078 1.84 -67.09
Curaçao 6 24 11 11 41 0.00 272.73
Dominica 42 31 20 19 22 0.00 15.79
Dominican Republic 2,811 3,425 4,532 4,654 5,007 0.35 7.58
Grenada 19 14 18 19 14 0.00 -26.32
Guadeloupe 26 12 10 17 64 0.00 276.47
Haiti 3,023 14,099 17,278 14,658 467 0.03 -96.81
Jamaica 170 176 156 160 190 0.01 18.75
Netherlands Antilles 1
Puerto Rico 57 124 128 111 941 0.07 747.75
Saint Kitts and Nevis 7 7 9 15 13 0.00 -13.33
Saint Lucia 13 12 14 37 19 0.00 -48.65
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5 9 23 9 9 0.00
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 252 249 299 356 313 0.02 -12.08
United States Virgin Islands 1 0.00
Other countries of the Caribbean 57 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 24,836 28,914 30,237 31,362 37,342 2.63 19.07
Belize 51 54 75 80 63 0.00 -21.25
Costa Rica 5,060 7,550 8,046 5,671 5,277 0.37 -6.95
El Salvador 3,700 3,625 4,182 6,079 6,753 0.48 11.09
Guatemala 3,101 3,176 3,216 3,425 3,422 0.24 -0.09
Honduras 1,581 1,593 1,785 2,052 2,174 0.15 5.95
Nicaragua 1,253 1,189 1,277 1,319 1,371 0.10 3.94
Panama 10,090 11,727 11,656 12,736 18,282 1.29 43.55
NORTH AMERICA 294,685 297,872 320,610 322,726 323,803 22.83 0.33
Canada 26,979 27,922 33,230 32,541 29,886 2.11 -8.16
Greenland 3 0.00
Mexico 19,642 21,098 27,974 27,104 26,925 1.90 -0.66
United States of America 248,064 248,852 259,406 263,081 266,989 18.83 1.49
SOUTH AMERICA 648,452 716,201 800,350 747,600 686,480 48.41 -8.18
Argentina 46,199 49,231 58,591 54,513 44,534 3.14 -18.31
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5,360 6,249 6,514 6,370 6,187 0.44 -2.87

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Brazil 18,174 19,230 21,772 20,629 19,119 1.35 -7.32

Chile 41,645 40,649 43,871 40,656 40,927 2.89 0.67
Colombia 349,455 343,004 368,079 348,151 318,868 22.48 -8.41
French Guiana 5 14 6 5 20 0.00 300.00
Guyana 60 71 89 72 86 0.01 19.44
Paraguay 1,219 1,333 1,766 1,711 1,920 0.14 12.22
Peru 137,084 150,427 175,405 165,223 147,601 10.41 -10.67
Suriname 57 87 110 57 73 0.01 28.07
Uruguay 3,493 4,263 4,384 4,680 4,526 0.32 -3.29
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 45,701 101,643 119,763 105,533 102,619 7.24 -2.76
Other countries of the Americas 1 1
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,254 44,383 71,116 75,719 76,382 5.39 0.88
NORTH-EAST ASIA 23,416 26,025 29,644 31,146 34,705 2.45 11.43
China 12,245 14,613 17,433 18,224 22,598 1.59 24.00
Hong Kong (China) 259 256 453 450 553 0.04 22.89
Japan 5,342 5,576 5,424 5,323 4,790 0.34 -10.01
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,914 1,688 1,440 835 420 0.03 -49.70
Korea, Republic of 2,818 3,064 3,834 5,042 5,053 0.36 0.22
Macao (China) 3 3 5 4 19 0.00 375.00
Mongolia 6 15 10 8 18 0.00 125.00
Taiwan Province of China 829 810 1,045 1,260 1,254 0.09 -0.48
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,940 4,617 25,196 27,367 25,010 1.76 -8.61
Brunei Darussalam 8 4 3 4 5 0.00 25.00
Cambodia 10 13 1 17 29 0.00 70.59
Indonesia 761 446 1,106 768 817 0.06 6.38
Lao People's Democratic Republic 4 0.00
Malaysia 314 240 501 460 423 0.03 -8.04
Myanmar 300 81 1,066 856 816 0.06 -4.67
Philippines 9,704 2,809 21,388 24,117 21,788 1.54 -9.66
Singapore 401 526 457 519 523 0.04 0.77
Thailand 335 224 499 534 410 0.03 -23.22
Timor-Leste 12 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
Viet Nam 107 262 174 91 192 0.01 110.99
AUSTRALASIA 13,664 13,613 15,990 16,758 16,243 1.15 -3.07
Australia 11,782 11,875 13,686 14,359 13,489 0.95 -6.06
New Zealand 1,882 1,738 2,304 2,399 2,754 0.19 14.80
MELANESIA 77 28 31 17 52 0.00 205.88
Fiji 26 5 14 11 16 0.00 45.45
New Caledonia 38 18 10 3 10 0.00 233.33
Norfolk Island 4 2 2 2 4 0.00 100.00
Papua New Guinea 2 2 1 1 8 0.00 700.00
Solomon Islands 5 0.00
Vanuatu 7 1 4 9 0.00
MICRONESIA 128 88 236 404 255 0.02 -36.88
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7 0.00
Guam 1 0.00
Johnston Island 1 1 5 0.00 400.00
Kiribati 121 82 235 401 239 0.02 -40.40
Marshall Islands 1 1 1 0.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 4 2 2 0.00
Nauru 1 1
Palau 2
POLYNESIA 29 12 19 27 117 0.01 333.33
Cook Islands 12 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

French Polynesia 10 4 12 11 13 0.00 18.18

Samoa 11 6 6 13 22 0.00 69.23
Tonga 5 1 2 0.00 100.00
Tuvalu 3 2 1 2 68 0.00 3,300.00
EUROPE 218,375 217,550 247,865 249,252 242,939 17.13 -2.53
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 14,918 13,185 22,067 22,962 21,621 1.52 -5.84
Armenia 15 20 28 32 30 0.00 -6.25
Azerbaijan 52 73 53 43 56 0.00 30.23
Belarus 242 260 472 378 433 0.03 14.55
Bulgaria 435 377 541 588 545 0.04 -7.31
Czech Republic 1,040 1,138 1,041 1,059 1,077 0.08 1.70
Estonia 151 145 216 234 223 0.02 -4.70
Georgia 70 54 148 293 216 0.02 -26.28
Hungary 387 347 394 530 537 0.04 1.32
Kazakhstan 109 148 184 97 96 0.01 -1.03
Kyrgyzstan 5 8 13 15 10 0.00 -33.33
Latvia 451 237 703 693 458 0.03 -33.91
Lithuania 436 439 570 396 438 0.03 10.61
Moldova, Republic of 33 43 49 57 58 0.00 1.75
Poland 2,479 2,036 3,593 3,214 3,130 0.22 -2.61
Romania 1,062 808 1,370 1,721 1,673 0.12 -2.79
Russian Federation 4,985 5,105 7,313 7,210 6,767 0.48 -6.14
Slovakia 320 325 449 383 471 0.03 22.98
Tajikistan 10 8 12 7 10 0.00 42.86
Turkmenistan 2 6 1 2 0.00
Ukraine 2,623 1,594 4,848 5,803 5,349 0.38 -7.82
Uzbekistan 11 14 15 22 42 0.00 90.91
Other countries Central/East Europe 54 187
NORTHERN EUROPE 33,965 35,653 40,380 39,747 40,933 2.89 2.98
Denmark 2,525 2,652 2,774 2,737 2,914 0.21 6.47
Faeroe Islands 1
Finland 1,163 1,151 1,283 1,259 1,006 0.07 -20.10
Iceland 192 120 143 164 121 0.01 -26.22
Ireland 2,919 2,756 2,751 2,657 2,448 0.17 -7.87
Norway 1,988 1,876 2,160 2,110 624 0.04 -70.43
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1,194 0.08
Sweden 4,036 3,734 4,143 4,038 3,717 0.26 -7.95
United Kingdom 21,142 23,363 27,126 26,782 28,908 2.04 7.94
All countries of Northern Europe 1 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 84,003 82,746 88,212 87,958 83,654 5.90 -4.89
Albania 142 147 154 122 194 0.01 59.02
Andorra 33 30 30 12 32 0.00 166.67
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 26 44 29 45 0.00 55.17
Croatia 548 394 751 657 628 0.04 -4.41
Gibraltar 1 1 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Greece 596 532 1,127 1,112 1,088 0.08 -2.16
Holy See 2 5 19 3 0.00 -84.21
Italy 14,774 14,626 15,682 15,606 15,261 1.08 -2.21
Malta 49 36 62 61 62 0.00 1.64
Montenegro 9 158 222 0.02 40.51
Portugal 1,626 1,902 2,078 2,339 2,421 0.17 3.51
San Marino 12 9 8 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Serbia 268 0.02
Slovenia 248 144 258 205 357 0.03 74.15
Spain 65,764 64,726 67,623 67,545 62,984 4.44 -6.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 19 11 43 19 80 0.01 321.05
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 178 160 338
Other countries of Southern Europe 65 6 0.00 -90.77
WESTERN EUROPE 80,055 81,287 91,096 92,480 90,678 6.39 -1.95
Austria 3,095 3,025 3,343 3,310 3,032 0.21 -8.40
Belgium 5,341 5,404 5,762 5,484 5,591 0.39 1.95
France 19,547 20,222 22,160 23,860 23,084 1.63 -3.25
Germany 29,582 28,292 33,303 33,209 30,881 2.18 -7.01
Liechtenstein 23 21 28 41 27 0.00 -34.15
Luxembourg 168 185 254 205 189 0.01 -7.80
Monaco 4 8 8 23 7 0.00 -69.57
Netherlands 12,392 13,769 15,444 15,481 16,992 1.20 9.76
Switzerland 9,903 10,361 10,794 10,867 10,874 0.77 0.06
All countries of Western Europe 1 0.00
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,431 4,679 6,110 6,105 6,053 0.43 -0.85
Cyprus 38 37 56 58 57 0.00 -1.72
Israel 4,599 4,046 4,878 4,734 4,417 0.31 -6.70
Turkey 794 596 1,176 1,313 1,579 0.11 20.26
Other countries of Europe 3
MIDDLE EAST 916 1,217 1,131 1,071 1,864 0.13 74.04
Bahrain 10 9 30 4 112 0.01 2,700.00
Egypt 175 266 272 226 321 0.02 42.04
Iraq 17 28 32 50 55 0.00 10.00
Jordan 68 81 101 69 138 0.01 100.00
Kuwait 19 74 54 22 39 0.00 77.27
Lebanon 453 299 275 294 337 0.02 14.63
Libya 15 5 12 11 45 0.00 309.09
Oman 11 14 10 8 27 0.00 237.50
Qatar 5 114 83 31 38 0.00 22.58
Saudi Arabia 39 116 72 89 279 0.02 213.48
State of Palestine 13 65 0.00 400.00
Syrian Arab Republic 66 147 126 186 195 0.01 4.84
United Arab Emirates 15 31 28 11 78 0.01 609.09
Yemen 23 33 36 57 135 0.01 136.84
SOUTH ASIA 4,672 3,964 8,681 10,935 11,754 0.83 7.49
Afghanistan 11 25 19 25 123 0.01 392.00
Bangladesh 36 36 48 49 124 0.01 153.06
Bhutan 1 2 1 5 0.00 400.00
India 3,770 3,364 7,827 9,911 10,267 0.72 3.59
Iran, Islamic Republic of 342 212 222 272 591 0.04 117.28
Maldives 5 12 45 16 3 0.00 -81.25
Nepal 35 20 22 26 145 0.01 457.69
Pakistan 144 138 188 304 244 0.02 -19.74
Sri Lanka 329 156 308 331 252 0.02 -23.87
NOT SPECIFIED 104 6,675 8,421 149 84 0.01 -43.62
Other countries of the World 104 6,675 8,421 149 84 0.01 -43.62

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,531,858 9,464,349 9,877,762 9,327,804 5,398,934 100.00 -42.12

AFRICA 428,168 398,910 398,703 418,404 498,302 9.23 19.10
EAST AFRICA 38,872 40,384 35,238 35,036 37,948 0.70 8.31
Burundi 312 243 317 342 384 0.01 12.28
Comoros 234 240 192 744 1610 0.03 116.40
Djibouti 2,000 1,758 1,707 2,280 1,772 0.03 -22.28
Eritrea 5,881 9,107 6,701 4,290 5,251 0.10 22.40
Ethiopia 6,880 6,434 7,099 7,180 8,256 0.15 14.99
Kenya 8,123 7,711 7,495 7,708 8,451 0.16 9.64
Malawi 267 218 226 468 418 0.01 -10.68
Mauritius 525 486 514 639 451 0.01 -29.42
Mozambique 255 212 204 223 197 0.00 -11.66
Rwanda 411 341 398 580 454 0.01 -21.72
Seychelles 82 106 97 168 100 0.00 -40.48
Somalia 4,332 3,298 2,553 2,786 2,648 0.05 -4.95
Tanzania, United Republic of 5,193 5,135 2,821 2,628 2,230 0.04 -15.14
Uganda 3,208 3,455 3,571 3,731 4,023 0.07 7.83
Zambia 528 562 559 633 657 0.01 3.79
Zimbabwe 641 1,078 784 636 1,046 0.02 64.47
CENTRAL AFRICA 5,179 4,894 6,157 9,029 11,788 0.22 30.56
Angola 354 209 410 301 345 0.01 14.62
Cameroon 934 893 1,076 1,396 1,487 0.03 6.52
Central African Republic 113 68 85 96 131 0.00 36.46
Chad 2,314 2,017 3,140 5,607 7,763 0.14 38.45
Congo 341 447 358 394 310 0.01 -21.32
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 633 719 584 587 731 0.01 24.53
Equatorial Guinea 338 360 334 281 538 0.01 91.46
Gabon 152 181 167 365 483 0.01 32.33
Sao Tome and Principe 3 2
NORTH AFRICA 296,964 260,668 275,525 303,982 374,148 6.93 23.08
Algeria 26,955 25,127 31,330 28,868 37,499 0.69 29.90
Morocco 39,417 31,287 31,368 31,656 34,935 0.65 10.36
Sudan 198,018 178,971 186,472 212,127 265,107 4.91 24.98
Tunisia 32,574 25,283 26,355 31,331 36,607 0.68 16.84
SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,829 21,561 16,553 15,344 12,613 0.23 -17.80
Botswana 191 180 177 222 200 0.00 -9.91
Lesotho 71 46 69 61 108 0.00 77.05
Namibia 233 278 219 293 263 0.00 -10.24
South Africa 22,205 20,885 16,006 14,551 11,946 0.22 -17.90
Swaziland 129 172 82 217 96 0.00 -55.76
WEST AFRICA 64,322 71,402 65,229 54,997 61,788 1.14 12.35
Benin 376 332 370 421 495 0.01 17.58
Burkina Faso 472 363 464 558 687 0.01 23.12
Côte d'Ivoire 842 1,166 1,883 1,923 1,607 0.03 -16.43
Gambia 181 185 198 358 319 0.01 -10.89
Ghana 8,502 10,021 7,639 6,027 7,247 0.13 20.24
Guinea 1,267 925 1,113 1,100 1,545 0.03 40.45
Guinea-Bissau 16 62 28 61 75 0.00 22.95
Liberia 259 203 170 133 215 0.00 61.65
Mali 643 615 822 961 1,099 0.02 14.36
Mauritania 1,263 1,225 1,285 1,353 1,378 0.03 1.85
Niger 2,915 4,986 4,314 1,989 1,248 0.02 -37.25
Nigeria 46,182 49,822 45,295 38,008 43,868 0.81 15.42
Senegal 895 891 1,032 1,335 1,088 0.02 -18.50
Sierra Leone 222 179 176 201 222 0.00 10.45

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Togo 287 427 440 569 695 0.01 22.14

OTHER AFRICA 2 1 1 16 17 0.00 6.25
Other countries of Africa 2 1 1 16 17 0.00 6.25
AMERICAS 285,280 239,885 244,252 294,034 278,870 5.17 -5.16
CARIBBEAN 1,682 1,289 1,090 1,290 839 0.02 -34.96
Bahamas 39 25 19 12 21 0.00 75.00
Barbados 71 36 24 42 27 0.00 -35.71
Cuba 493 363 353 340 175 0.00 -48.53
Dominica 413 387 278 446 339 0.01 -23.99
Haiti 86 64 52 96 68 0.00 -29.17
Jamaica 219 158 145 159 66 0.00 -58.49
Trinidad and Tobago 361 256 219 195 143 0.00 -26.67
CENTRAL AMERICA 3,189 1,649 1,794 1,699 1,506 0.03 -11.36
Costa Rica 1,176 536 570 759 600 0.01 -20.95
El Salvador 507 298 365 205 197 0.00 -3.90
Guatemala 615 359 333 349 286 0.01 -18.05
Honduras 438 190 185 110 159 0.00 44.55
Nicaragua 296 118 157 68 72 0.00 5.88
Panama 157 148 184 208 192 0.00 -7.69
NORTH AMERICA 238,143 204,099 214,477 257,996 250,491 4.64 -2.91
Canada 51,623 51,020 54,405 62,520 61,419 1.14 -1.76
Mexico 6,886 5,455 5,453 6,764 4,731 0.09 -30.06
United States of America 179,634 147,624 154,619 188,712 184,341 3.41 -2.32
SOUTH AMERICA 41,916 32,717 26,492 32,691 25,674 0.48 -21.46
Argentina 7,019 6,617 3,925 6,805 5,987 0.11 -12.02
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 385 343 374 389 508 0.01 30.59
Brazil 15,554 12,117 10,991 12,615 9,253 0.17 -26.65
Chile 2,764 2,421 1,824 2,503 2,049 0.04 -18.14
Colombia 8,529 5,171 4,374 4,280 3,115 0.06 -27.22
Ecuador 2,477 1,423 1,434 1,655 1,287 0.02 -22.24
Guyana 20 5 8 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Paraguay 197 494 191 235 212 0.00 -9.79
Peru 2,312 1,780 1,472 1,747 1,465 0.03 -16.14
Suriname 167 48 27 20 13 0.00 -35.00
Uruguay 823 785 780 1,328 847 0.02 -36.22
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,669 1,513 1,092 1,109 935 0.02 -15.69
OTHER AMERICAS 350 131 399 358 360 0.01 0.56
Other countries of the Americas 350 131 399 358 360 0.01 0.56
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 304,891 248,475 213,371 280,304 341,702 6.33 21.90
NORTH-EAST ASIA 136,747 117,951 93,743 149,891 217,167 4.02 44.88
China 61,155 55,453 61,697 115,158 179,459 3.32 55.84
Hong Kong (China) 1,691 523 241 289 92 0.00 -68.17
Japan 39,008 31,181 12,352 16,196 18,643 0.35 15.11
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 204 141 159 148 71 0.00 -52.03
Korea, Republic of 27,210 22,558 14,299 11,261 11,475 0.21 1.90
Mongolia 237 175 165 188 150 0.00 -20.21
Taiwan Province of China 7242 7920 4830 6651 7277 0.13 9.41
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 128,155 98,801 93,395 101,491 97,249 1.80 -4.18
Cambodia 88 77 87 87 115 0.00 32.18
Indonesia 32,651 25,885 25,003 27,204 25,434 0.47 -6.51
Lao People's Democratic Republic 14 5 6 7 3 0.00 -57.14
Malaysia 30,409 32,809 24,653 26,381 26,469 0.49 0.33
Myanmar 1,015 704 1,291 1,217 991 0.02 -18.57
Philippines 45,668 25,297 30,096 34,586 31,762 0.59 -8.17
Singapore 4,180 2,527 2,358 2,225 2,885 0.05 29.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Thailand 13,171 10,528 9,128 8,871 8,580 0.16 -3.28

Viet Nam 959 969 773 913 1,010 0.02 10.62
AUSTRALASIA 39,984 31,720 26,226 28,919 27,281 0.51 -5.66
Australia 33,280 26,809 22,335 24,702 23,576 0.44 -4.56
New Zealand 6,704 4,911 3,891 4,217 3,705 0.07 -12.14
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5 3 7 3 5 0.00 66.67
Other countries of Asia 5 3 7 3 5 0.00 66.67
EUROPE 8,415,612 6,976,333 7,577,780 6,793,786 2,586,249 47.90 -61.93
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,760,933 3,387,001 4,411,319 3,485,969 808,091 14.97 -76.82
Armenia 4,618 4,801 16,182 15,581 5,760 0.11 -63.03
Azerbaijan 1,539 1,463 3,211 2,886 1,118 0.02 -61.26
Belarus 96,704 104,035 166,550 149,641 53,972 1.00 -63.93
Bulgaria 5,143 4,320 5,333 7,329 3,505 0.06 -52.18
Czech Republic 134,940 106,207 125,565 134,055 90,420 1.67 -32.55
Estonia 24,095 21,764 19,672 20,167 11,725 0.22 -41.86
Georgia 7,023 7,670 17,709 15,244 4,997 0.09 -67.22
Hungary 43,001 27,063 34,273 33,228 15,688 0.29 -52.79
Kazakhstan 9,266 9,229 15,106 22,998 6,571 0.12 -71.43
Kyrgyzstan 1,099 1,065 1,364 1,569 1,025 0.02 -34.67
Latvia 15,706 14,622 16,340 16,671 6,614 0.12 -60.33
Lithuania 27,143 23,115 30,856 31,780 17,216 0.32 -45.83
Moldova, Republic of 3,544 3,475 4,891 3,446 2,781 0.05 -19.30
Poland 462,721 271,429 302,815 207,253 67,231 1.25 -67.56
Romania 27,276 16,229 22,397 23,979 12,518 0.23 -47.80
Russian Federation 2,518,275 2,393,908 3,138,958 2,389,882 53,864 1.00 -97.75
Slovakia 45,433 33,001 38,217 42,527 25,165 0.47 -40.83
Tajikistan 1,265 1,342 1,159 1,010 1,119 0.02 10.79
Turkmenistan 161 143 141 131 74 0.00 -43.51
Ukraine 329,208 339,695 446,450 363,586 425,000 7.87 16.89
USSR (former) 1,609 1,295 2,746 1,543 836 0.02 -45.82
Uzbekistan 1,164 1,130 1,384 1,463 892 0.02 -39.03
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,407,458 1,219,244 1,048,584 1,041,776 319,476 5.92 -69.33
Denmark 126,062 95,946 52,933 69,080 32,935 0.61 -52.32
Finland 41,133 25,347 8,232 13,345 4,784 0.09 -64.15
Iceland 1,360 512 376 528 271 0.01 -48.67
Ireland 18,375 17,865 12,948 16,073 6,263 0.12 -61.03
Norway 74,483 38,344 14,049 13,675 8,601 0.16 -37.10
Sweden 134,270 85,886 54,333 59,594 35,323 0.65 -40.73
United Kingdom 1,011,775 955,344 905,713 869,481 231,299 4.28 -73.40
SOUTHERN EUROPE 839,418 584,119 499,536 425,766 192,040 3.56 -54.90
Albania 2,467 1,478 2,574 1,313 768 0.01 -41.51
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,183 1,902 1,996 1,932 1,248 0.02 -35.40
Croatia 6,068 4,110 4,711 4,717 2,664 0.05 -43.52
Greece 19,464 14,935 17,949 18,528 16,394 0.30 -11.52
Italy 718,703 504,110 400,356 332,932 131,458 2.43 -60.52
Malta 1,739 1,409 949 921 760 0.01 -17.48
Portugal 8,688 6,230 5,308 8,014 4,318 0.08 -46.12
San Marino 627 416 348 288 80 0.00 -72.22
Serbia 24,970 12,363 25,234 14,981 7,586 0.14 -49.36
Slovenia 18,317 13,586 14,527 12,428 3,304 0.06 -73.41
Spain 34,192 23,580 25,584 29,712 23,460 0.43 -21.04
WESTERN EUROPE 2,213,371 1,597,635 1,437,618 1,638,715 1,003,110 18.58 -38.79
Austria 179,279 135,142 130,522 144,772 67,541 1.25 -53.35
Belgium 150,401 109,657 74,246 92,010 50,591 0.94 -45.02
France 318,449 191,689 144,766 136,623 101,075 1.87 -26.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 1,164,556 885,479 877,228 1,020,879 653,915 12.11 -35.95

Liechtenstein 614 411 356 360 184 0.00 -48.89
Luxembourg 4,917 3,614 3,249 3,137 881 0.02 -71.92
Monaco 73 24 45 29 11 0.00 -62.07
Netherlands 239,237 170,017 126,817 150,422 82,823 1.53 -44.94
Switzerland 155,845 101,602 80,389 90,483 46,089 0.85 -49.06
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 194,405 188,319 180,708 201,545 263,516 4.88 30.75
Cyprus 3,980 3,037 3,712 3,563 2,917 0.05 -18.13
Israel 132,217 133,620 140,425 161,035 234,676 4.35 45.73
Turkey 58,208 51,662 36,571 36,947 25,923 0.48 -29.84
OTHER EUROPE 27 15 15 15 16 0.00 6.67
Other countries of Europe 27 15 15 15 16 0.00 6.67
MIDDLE EAST 1,965,492 1,493,954 1,343,286 1,422,438 1,580,749 29.28 11.13
Bahrain 14,831 12,777 18,057 23,972 24,195 0.45 0.93
Iraq 38,950 36,959 49,986 47,533 76,578 1.42 61.10
Jordan 179,344 155,352 170,783 177,131 179,827 3.33 1.52
Kuwait 95,696 81,655 120,882 139,666 150,352 2.78 7.65
Lebanon 56,958 49,275 64,701 79,933 85,707 1.59 7.22
Libya 583,044 307,056 210,957 268,541 282,845 5.24 5.33
Oman 13,554 10,666 11,835 15,342 14,554 0.27 -5.14
Qatar 24,765 20,083 19,356 22,892 23,222 0.43 1.44
Saudi Arabia 241,635 207,620 350,109 433,067 507,325 9.40 17.15
State of Palestine 326,815 246,683 114,057 62,240 68,344 1.27 9.81
Syrian Arab Republic 259,639 255,820 63,081 52,281 53,662 0.99 2.64
United Arab Emirates 27,034 20,707 36,071 45,594 51,653 0.96 13.29
Yemen 103,227 89,301 113,411 54,246 62,485 1.16 15.19
SOUTH ASIA 107,637 84,240 75,764 93,647 97,683 1.81 4.31
Afghanistan 1,420 2,004 1,252 872 1,176 0.02 34.86
Bangladesh 9,073 3,195 3,120 4,505 5,306 0.10 17.78
Bhutan 35 25 17 14 14 0.00
India 82,698 67,401 60,459 76,887 79,754 1.48 3.73
Iran, Islamic Republic of 754 749 640 570 576 0.01 1.05
Maldives 153 171 95 164 181 0.00 10.37
Nepal 1,008 692 984 965 1,098 0.02 13.78
Pakistan 9,090 7,525 6,338 6,788 7,142 0.13 5.22
Sri Lanka 3,406 2,478 2,859 2,882 2,436 0.05 -15.48
NOT SPECIFIED 24,778 22,552 24,606 25,191 15,379 0.28 -38.95
Other countries of the World 24,778 22,552 24,606 25,191 15,379 0.28 -38.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 137,818,546 94,410,172 97,256,039 84,127,586 32,712,186 100.00 -61.12

AFRICA 5,898,603 3,528,306 3,391,950 3,111,500 2,597,099 7.94 -16.53
EAST AFRICA 398,295 220,469 156,393 131,543 70,206 0.21 -46.63
Burundi 4,715 870 1,166 831 401 0.00 -51.74
Comoros 2,820 917 1,162 1,058 1,732 0.01 63.71
Djibouti 21,856 8,338 10,298 5,868 2,764 0.01 -52.90
Eritrea 38,497 24,707 19,933 9,814 7,013 0.02 -28.54
Ethiopia 126,755 57,970 48,842 32,761 18,038 0.06 -44.94
Kenya 88,825 47,233 31,725 35,591 16,107 0.05 -54.74
Malawi 3,335 2,024 1,271 1,495 598 0.00 -60.00
Mauritius 6,124 3,390 2,427 2,531 464 0.00 -81.67
Mozambique 1,863 797 444 606 193 0.00 -68.15
Rwanda 4,413 1,092 1,744 1,377 509 0.00 -63.04
Seychelles 589 854 287 458 106 0.00 -76.86
Somalia 37,949 34,382 6,847 8,435 7,344 0.02 -12.93
Tanzania, United Republic of 17,641 10,500 8,935 7,139 3,819 0.01 -46.51
Uganda 30,876 19,695 12,797 15,855 6,571 0.02 -58.56
Zambia 5,949 4,395 5,127 4,373 2,658 0.01 -39.22
Zimbabwe 6,088 3,305 3,388 3,351 1,889 0.01 -43.63
CENTRAL AFRICA 129,339 52,044 38,469 39,486 26,099 0.08 -33.90
Angola 3,442 2,655 1,896 1,414 445 0.00 -68.53
Cameroon 21,799 5,178 6,924 7,759 4,419 0.01 -43.05
Central African Republic 2,298 10,318 173 94 120 0.00 27.66
Chad 55,620 25,537 26,168 25,828 17,865 0.05 -30.83
Congo 4,463 2,681 1,213 1,163 616 0.00 -47.03
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8,374 1,235 758 1,082 1,556 0.00 43.81
Equatorial Guinea 29,488 3,296 530 1,088 590 0.00 -45.77
Gabon 3,853 1,138 800 1,056 488 0.00 -53.79
Sao Tome and Principe 2 6 7 2
NORTH AFRICA 4,856,867 2,946,613 2,949,038 2,722,955 2,374,961 7.26 -12.78
Algeria 220,149 187,833 166,086 122,090 131,339 0.40 7.58
Morocco 322,276 192,359 174,634 130,096 142,731 0.44 9.71
Sudan 3,923,017 2,381,584 2,430,665 2,342,345 1,991,936 6.09 -14.96
Tunisia 391,425 184,837 177,653 128,424 108,955 0.33 -15.16
SOUTHERN AFRICA 151,358 98,139 73,280 78,077 31,116 0.10 -60.15
Botswana 419 609 420 1,097 151 0.00 -86.24
Lesotho 121 34 79 100 62 0.00 -38.00
Namibia 2,875 1,432 809 797 275 0.00 -65.50
South Africa 147,498 95,923 71,913 75,775 30,555 0.09 -59.68
Swaziland 445 141 59 308 73 0.00 -76.30
WEST AFRICA 362,739 210,979 174,757 139,400 94,707 0.29 -32.06
Benin 1,534 708 928 504 393 0.00 -22.02
Burkina Faso 4,704 2,186 2,434 1,338 1,254 0.00 -6.28
Côte d'Ivoire 15,545 7,169 6,805 3,289 1,542 0.00 -53.12
Gambia 927 1,239 423 341 602 0.00 76.54
Ghana 22,787 16,564 14,024 7,563 10,121 0.03 33.82
Guinea 8,478 6,322 4,438 2,398 1,519 0.00 -36.66
Guinea-Bissau 53 32 18 49 62 0.00 26.53
Liberia 2,097 970 273 157 214 0.00 36.31
Mali 13,867 7,739 3,294 3,335 1,202 0.00 -63.96
Mauritania 11,389 8,163 7,320 6,969 2,197 0.01 -68.47
Niger 11,717 4,156 3,670 2,093 920 0.00 -56.04
Nigeria 257,036 146,462 125,076 105,319 72,346 0.22 -31.31
Senegal 10,937 7,027 4,671 4,734 1,465 0.00 -69.05
Sierra Leone 338 713 414 323 216 0.00 -33.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Togo 1,330 1,529 969 988 654 0.00 -33.81

OTHER AFRICA 5 62 13 39 10 0.00 -74.36
Other countries of Africa 5 62 13 39 10 0.00 -74.36
AMERICAS 4,109,006 2,429,528 2,339,773 2,271,326 1,744,927 5.33 -23.18
CARIBBEAN 18,863 9,621 5,016 6,171 1,393 0.00 -77.43
Bahamas 114 12 20 13 31 0.00 138.46
Barbados 340 37 39 73 38 0.00 -47.95
Cuba 4,080 1,811 1,040 1,753 262 0.00 -85.05
Dominica 3,813 3,758 1,317 2,355 656 0.00 -72.14
Haiti 133 60 31 60 50 0.00 -16.67
Jamaica 1,185 1,427 667 280 104 0.00 -62.86
Trinidad and Tobago 9,198 2,516 1,902 1,637 252 0.00 -84.61
CENTRAL AMERICA 55,229 7,249 5,099 4,567 2,179 0.01 -52.29
Costa Rica 31,645 2,772 1,721 2,110 846 0.00 -59.91
El Salvador 13,009 906 886 610 234 0.00 -61.64
Guatemala 7,790 1,930 1,320 1,040 625 0.00 -39.90
Honduras 1,129 361 617 172 180 0.00 4.65
Nicaragua 590 271 180 297 85 0.00 -71.38
Panama 1,066 1,009 375 338 209 0.00 -38.17
NORTH AMERICA 3,503,882 2,190,051 2,190,090 2,136,708 1,677,171 5.13 -21.51
Canada 809,422 530,210 493,731 561,161 403,617 1.23 -28.07
Mexico 89,460 34,917 33,462 26,881 14,491 0.04 -46.09
United States of America 2,605,000 1,624,924 1,662,897 1,548,666 1,259,063 3.85 -18.70
SOUTH AMERICA 530,420 222,431 138,988 123,236 63,696 0.19 -48.31
Argentina 77,403 51,874 32,412 28,836 17,176 0.05 -40.44
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 3,963 2,615 2,280 1,500 714 0.00 -52.40
Brazil 189,994 83,824 48,769 41,656 22,310 0.07 -46.44
Chile 34,778 18,075 10,493 7,939 4,133 0.01 -47.94
Colombia 109,460 30,908 23,434 19,388 7,573 0.02 -60.94
Ecuador 42,221 8,379 4,988 4,430 2,371 0.01 -46.48
Guyana 68 12 38 5
Paraguay 1,933 1,238 786 839 3,101 0.01 269.61
Peru 26,415 9,389 6,278 8,083 2,225 0.01 -72.47
Suriname 191 58 15 51 23 0.00 -54.90
Uruguay 13,915 3,353 2,271 4,746 1,566 0.00 -67.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 30,079 12,706 7,224 5,763 2,504 0.01 -56.55
OTHER AMERICAS 612 176 580 644 488 0.00 -24.22
Other countries of the Americas 612 176 580 644 488 0.00 -24.22
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,950,868 1,866,166 1,399,178 1,669,101 1,675,680 5.12 0.39
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,373,685 937,589 649,413 905,468 1,148,156 3.51 26.80
China 643,130 431,866 392,531 687,239 957,692 2.93 39.35
Hong Kong (China) 25,166 3,802 920 1,060 96 0.00 -90.94
Japan 308,791 249,109 109,321 89,142 108,659 0.33 21.89
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 222 133 214 107 146 0.00 36.45
Korea, Republic of 313,777 193,328 117,127 85,178 49,843 0.15 -41.48
Mongolia 2,224 840 523 627 158 0.00 -74.80
Taiwan Province of China 80,375 58,511 28,777 42,115 31,562 0.10 -25.06
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 955,763 549,144 466,461 482,545 369,809 1.13 -23.36
Cambodia 279 71 179 173 94 0.00 -45.66
Indonesia 408,271 151,621 128,265 116,429 95,572 0.29 -17.91
Lao People's Democratic Republic 25 12 66 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Malaysia 199,038 216,332 156,078 164,217 127,050 0.39 -22.63
Myanmar 3,979 1,334 2,685 4,374 1,962 0.01 -55.14
Philippines 231,009 125,985 147,897 168,122 116,982 0.36 -30.42
Singapore 54,169 18,927 11,305 9,629 6,853 0.02 -28.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Thailand 51,488 29,593 17,125 16,753 19,203 0.06 14.62

Viet Nam 7,505 5,269 2,861 2,845 2,091 0.01 -26.50
AUSTRALASIA 621,416 379,428 283,300 281,078 157,705 0.48 -43.89
Australia 527,127 327,457 248,492 229,236 136,560 0.42 -40.43
New Zealand 94,289 51,971 34,808 51,842 21,145 0.06 -59.21
Other countries of Asia 4 5 4 10 10 0.00
EUROPE 92,091,887 66,178,474 73,587,248 62,424,708 15,098,484 46.16 -75.81
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 35,701,926 30,575,138 42,084,862 32,544,686 3,303,553 10.10 -89.85
Armenia 45,880 43,909 58,599 62,144 8,743 0.03 -85.93
Azerbaijan 19,471 15,814 20,455 14,608 2,292 0.01 -84.31
Belarus 775,595 906,406 1,496,743 1,249,322 192,630 0.59 -84.58
Bulgaria 56,546 32,895 31,517 46,118 16,489 0.05 -64.25
Czech Republic 1,270,117 748,647 857,429 878,461 445,446 1.36 -49.29
Estonia 377,449 200,873 128,415 128,805 23,074 0.07 -82.09
Georgia 78,229 45,818 68,094 38,096 6,007 0.02 -84.23
Hungary 494,559 226,441 218,577 204,886 48,614 0.15 -76.27
Kazakhstan 94,170 83,042 61,661 80,746 12,400 0.04 -84.64
Kyrgyzstan 11,504 10,403 5,716 4,651 1,020 0.00 -78.07
Latvia 138,146 97,925 74,019 61,610 7,037 0.02 -88.58
Lithuania 309,923 179,230 149,184 144,942 44,174 0.14 -69.52
Moldova, Republic of 23,063 20,147 26,515 10,125 2,839 0.01 -71.96
Poland 4,415,632 1,751,208 1,700,953 997,050 347,111 1.06 -65.19
Romania 380,451 164,525 147,227 171,437 39,018 0.12 -77.24
Russian Federation 24,031,593 23,727,874 34,936,956 26,678,210 207,203 0.63 -99.22
Slovakia 519,669 204,177 203,893 274,003 74,747 0.23 -72.72
Tajikistan 16,357 15,699 5,799 5,852 1,351 0.00 -76.91
Turkmenistan 740 543 312 217 109 0.00 -49.77
Ukraine 2,612,174 2,074,595 1,865,689 1,477,540 1,821,272 5.57 23.26
USSR (former) 20,298 16,415 18,344 9,228 908 0.00 -90.16
Uzbekistan 10,360 8,552 8,765 6,635 1,069 0.00 -83.89
NORTHERN EUROPE 17,645,754 12,727,270 10,997,868 10,226,011 2,243,901 6.86 -78.06
Denmark 1,586,174 1,083,005 555,994 459,085 141,020 0.43 -69.28
Finland 525,726 336,596 69,745 81,387 20,980 0.06 -74.22
Iceland 5,257 4,265 2,568 1,746 420 0.00 -75.95
Ireland 232,368 158,314 127,135 142,689 34,104 0.10 -76.10
Norway 1,015,542 484,111 141,951 123,008 32,896 0.10 -73.26
Sweden 1,733,804 1,182,476 544,799 429,329 146,447 0.45 -65.89
United Kingdom 12,546,883 9,478,503 9,555,676 8,988,767 1,868,034 5.71 -79.22
SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,192,286 5,409,961 4,678,797 3,953,244 1,062,102 3.25 -73.13
Albania 27,301 9,826 11,047 6,783 783 0.00 -88.46
Bosnia and Herzegovina 24,118 9,100 12,392 8,949 2,118 0.01 -76.33
Croatia 103,152 50,416 49,999 53,651 9,260 0.03 -82.74
Greece 238,808 138,966 141,038 117,849 96,068 0.29 -18.48
Italy 7,757,406 4,708,426 3,978,033 3,287,306 799,341 2.44 -75.68
Malta 21,325 9,942 6,589 5,127 2,134 0.01 -58.38
Portugal 114,527 47,480 37,106 55,064 16,968 0.05 -69.18
San Marino 2,017 1,061 639 603 70 0.00 -88.39
Serbia 235,324 86,116 162,708 118,917 15,746 0.05 -86.76
Slovenia 228,279 137,733 75,401 56,075 5,071 0.02 -90.96
Spain 440,029 210,895 203,845 242,920 114,543 0.35 -52.85
WESTERN EUROPE 27,831,141 16,099,079 14,881,131 14,794,414 7,491,407 22.90 -49.36
Austria 2,163,113 1,401,678 1,603,181 1,353,932 477,769 1.46 -64.71
Belgium 1,788,216 938,226 756,342 790,040 337,880 1.03 -57.23
France 3,110,938 1,571,799 1,112,487 895,008 604,867 1.85 -32.42

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 15,443,700 9,200,052 9,580,930 9,841,736 5,319,433 16.26 -45.95

Liechtenstein 8,274 1,145 1,188 1,418 189 0.00 -86.67
Luxembourg 64,211 28,240 20,875 13,242 3,060 0.01 -76.89
Monaco 61 35 59 33 15 0.00 -54.55
Netherlands 3,422,938 1,864,277 1,153,505 1,277,689 540,854 1.65 -57.67
Switzerland 1,829,690 1,093,627 652,564 621,316 207,340 0.63 -66.63
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,720,688 1,367,004 944,499 906,337 997,501 3.05 10.06
Cyprus 47,350 24,671 19,394 23,351 7,263 0.02 -68.90
Israel 1,178,908 870,087 640,048 614,945 880,105 2.69 43.12
Turkey 494,430 472,246 285,057 268,041 110,133 0.34 -58.91
OTHER EUROPE 92 22 91 16 20 0.00 25.00
Other countries of Europe 92 22 91 16 20 0.00 25.00
MIDDLE EAST 31,293,260 19,801,469 16,036,027 14,072,808 11,171,523 34.15 -20.62
Bahrain 245,897 175,867 235,044 202,800 150,732 0.46 -25.67
Iraq 594,621 430,015 430,164 326,116 286,972 0.88 -12.00
Jordan 2,693,269 1,831,201 1,758,378 1,438,097 1,093,843 3.34 -23.94
Kuwait 1,926,926 1,177,409 1,557,794 1,695,854 1,326,394 4.05 -21.79
Lebanon 1,051,545 560,878 791,362 553,288 426,262 1.30 -22.96
Libya 8,259,890 4,362,609 3,075,922 3,258,315 2,146,953 6.56 -34.11
Oman 244,457 170,335 170,076 151,335 80,032 0.24 -47.12
Qatar 592,592 444,548 297,037 236,343 132,238 0.40 -44.05
Saudi Arabia 5,404,566 3,068,322 3,976,377 4,109,418 4,251,421 13.00 3.46
State of Palestine 3,794,361 2,626,519 857,789 526,411 311,957 0.95 -40.74
Syrian Arab Republic 3,468,166 3,087,310 1,028,471 503,764 298,515 0.91 -40.74
United Arab Emirates 377,160 244,541 426,857 296,785 377,828 1.16 27.31
Yemen 2,639,810 1,621,915 1,430,756 774,282 288,376 0.88 -62.76
SOUTH ASIA 1,177,515 500,017 416,500 501,202 393,128 1.20 -21.56
Afghanistan 24,358 10,784 5,762 1,562 1,002 0.00 -35.85
Bangladesh 58,214 17,243 13,691 14,993 7,123 0.02 -52.49
Bhutan 25 44 10 8 11 0.00 37.50
India 892,304 375,221 309,176 419,483 342,414 1.05 -18.37
Iran, Islamic Republic of 22,646 6,637 2,858 1,758 927 0.00 -47.27
Maldives 173 392 232 176 176 0.00
Nepal 9,953 5,911 8,503 3,015 1,118 0.00 -62.92
Pakistan 126,841 65,475 60,867 44,061 29,995 0.09 -31.92
Sri Lanka 43,001 18,310 15,401 16,146 10,362 0.03 -35.82
NOT SPECIFIED 297,407 106,212 85,363 76,941 31,345 0.10 -59.26
Other countries of the World 297,407 106,212 85,363 76,941 31,345 0.10 -59.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,254,724 1,282,793 1,345,163 1,401,598 1,433,613 100.00 2.28

AFRICA 883 731 540 433 443 0.03 2.31
EAST AFRICA 60 98 101 0.01 3.06
Ethiopia 43 56 62 0.00 10.71
Kenya 16 33 29 0.00 -12.12
Malawi 2 0.00
Mozambique 1 5 8 0.00 60.00
Zambia 4
CENTRAL AFRICA 8 8 6 0.00 -25.00
Cameroon 3 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Congo 5 5 5 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 59 41 47 0.00 14.63
Morocco 51 31 43 0.00 38.71
Tunisia 8 10 4 0.00 -60.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 46 55 44 63 54 0.00 -14.29
South Africa 46 55 44 63 54 0.00 -14.29
WEST AFRICA 199 101 81 0.01 -19.80
Benin 10 4 0.00
Cabo Verde 29 10
Côte d'Ivoire 70 77 36 0.00 -53.25
Guinea 68 2 3 0.00 50.00
Liberia 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Nigeria 22 8 36 0.00 350.00
OTHER AFRICA 837 676 170 122 154 0.01 26.23
Other countries of Africa 837 676 170 122 154 0.01 26.23
AMERICAS 1,219,748 1,241,681 1,304,904 1,360,580 1,386,860 96.74 1.93
CARIBBEAN 3,078 4,590 4,399 4,877 5,817 0.41 19.27
Antigua and Barbuda 14 38 24 0.00 -36.84
Bahamas 62 72 107 0.01 48.61
Barbados 56 59 92 0.01 55.93
Cuba 594 1,101 924 1,279 2,011 0.14 57.23
Curaçao 34 0.00
Dominica 13 20 11 0.00 -45.00
Dominican Republic 1,475 2,689 2,589 2,712 2,571 0.18 -5.20
Grenada 10 8 44 0.00 450.00
Haiti 87 133 113 145 170 0.01 17.24
Jamaica 162 236 298 245 381 0.03 55.51
Saint Lucia 24 13 19 0.00 46.15
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10 13 37 0.00 184.62
Trinidad and Tobago 239 146 158 130 167 0.01 28.46
Other countries of the Caribbean 521 285 128 143 149 0.01 4.20
CENTRAL AMERICA 740,698 708,542 768,258 805,634 827,866 57.75 2.76
Belize 2,284 1,374 1,932 1,543 1,557 0.11 0.91
Costa Rica 20,306 25,150 27,981 28,737 33,424 2.33 16.31
Guatemala 537,612 465,055 511,829 530,531 524,758 36.60 -1.09
Honduras 136,451 171,763 177,777 202,339 220,582 15.39 9.02
Nicaragua 32,566 32,937 33,931 28,262 29,027 2.02 2.71
Panama 11,479 12,263 14,808 14,222 18,518 1.29 30.21
NORTH AMERICA 443,075 482,211 488,547 505,078 507,299 35.39 0.44
Canada 30,216 31,911 29,188 24,796 23,587 1.65 -4.88
Mexico 15,950 27,489 27,567 32,654 31,383 2.19 -3.89
United States of America 396,909 422,811 431,792 447,628 452,329 31.55 1.05
SOUTH AMERICA 32,897 46,338 43,700 44,991 45,878 3.20 1.97
Argentina 2,524 2,950 3,552 3,271 3,548 0.25 8.47
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 473 986 853 914 986 0.07 7.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Brazil 4,099 4,974 5,049 5,221 4,973 0.35 -4.75

Chile 1,717 1,816 1,680 2,214 2,080 0.15 -6.05
Colombia 14,913 17,428 17,104 16,540 17,123 1.19 3.52
Ecuador 2,056 4,135 3,175 3,765 2,999 0.21 -20.35
Guyana 45 47 71 0.00 51.06
Paraguay 278 326 335 271 363 0.03 33.95
Peru 4,149 8,758 8,012 8,811 8,763 0.61 -0.54
Suriname 30 22 44 0.00 100.00
Uruguay 588 589 599 633 690 0.05 9.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,085 4,324 3,266 3,282 4,238 0.30 29.13
Other countries of South America 15 52
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,001 7,988 8,704 8,836 12,058 0.84 36.46
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,380 4,036 5,826 6,378 9,480 0.66 48.64
China 1,452 2,226 1,982 1,835 3,944 0.28 114.93
Japan 2,354 1,183 3,262 3,795 4,813 0.34 26.82
Korea, Republic of 574 627 582 748 723 0.05 -3.34
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 448 442 514 0.04 16.29
Indonesia 24 31 45 0.00 45.16
Malaysia 40 30 43 0.00 43.33
Philippines 264 267 211 0.01 -20.97
Singapore 43 29 24 0.00 -17.24
Thailand 63 67 119 0.01 77.61
Viet Nam 14 18 72 0.01 300.00
AUSTRALASIA 2,337 2,180 2,049 1,938 1,988 0.14 2.58
Australia 1,989 1,885 1,916 1,830 1,871 0.13 2.24
New Zealand 348 295 133 108 117 0.01 8.33
Papua New Guinea 8
POLYNESIA 40 19 26 0.00 36.84
Samoa 40 19 26 0.00 36.84
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,284 1,772 341 51 50 0.00 -1.96
Other countries of Asia 1,144 1,662 300
Other countries of Oceania 140 110 41 51 50 0.00 -1.96
EUROPE 26,068 32,345 30,402 30,753 33,273 2.32 8.19
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 133 623 2,795 3,370 1,604 0.11 -52.40
Armenia 4 5 0.00 25.00
Belarus 20 22 14 0.00 -36.36
Bulgaria 27 39 29 0.00 -25.64
Czech Republic 101 135 107 0.01 -20.74
Czech Republic/Slovakia 72 491
Estonia 60 37 35 0.00 -5.41
Hungary 48 54 78 0.01 44.44
Latvia 10 12 7 0.00 -41.67
Lithuania 22 28 14 0.00 -50.00
Poland 61 132 146 155 173 0.01 11.61
Romania 90 86 93 0.01 8.14
Russian Federation 1,751 2,358 673 0.05 -71.46
Slovakia 393 339 296 0.02 -12.68
Ukraine 125 95 75 0.01 -21.05
Uzbekistan 2 6 5 0.00 -16.67
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,498 3,959 4,127 4,386 4,481 0.31 2.17
Denmark 267 287 234 262 311 0.02 18.70
Finland 139 154 190 166 164 0.01 -1.20
Iceland 18 21 29 18 35 0.00 94.44
Ireland 274 232 221 192 227 0.02 18.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Norway 257 321 221 227 188 0.01 -17.18

Sweden 904 974 1,081 990 889 0.06 -10.20
United Kingdom 1,639 1,970 2,151 2,531 2,667 0.19 5.37
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,525 11,891 12,035 12,908 14,561 1.02 12.81
Albania 8 2 7 0.00 250.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 1
Croatia 56 78 101 0.01 29.49
Greece 52 83 73 124 80 0.01 -35.48
Holy See 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Italy 3,611 3,582 3,380 3,600 4,514 0.31 25.39
Malta 3 9 10 0.00 11.11
Portugal 238 438 257 282 321 0.02 13.83
Slovenia 398 243 237 0.02 -2.47
Spain 8,624 7,788 7,850 8,565 9,288 0.65 8.44
WESTERN EUROPE 7,961 11,585 10,940 9,501 11,997 0.84 26.27
Austria 207 206 265 250 244 0.02 -2.40
Belgium 392 456 342 313 408 0.03 30.35
France 2,239 3,456 3,125 2,873 6,132 0.43 113.44
Germany 3,265 5,440 4,123 3,532 3,398 0.24 -3.79
Liechtenstein 2
Luxembourg 43 39 51 0.00 30.77
Netherlands 1,051 827 1,810 1,637 952 0.07 -41.84
Switzerland 807 1,200 1,232 855 812 0.06 -5.03
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 324 429 418 519 541 0.04 4.24
Israel 324 429 356 437 440 0.03 0.69
Turkey 62 82 101 0.01 23.17
OTHER EUROPE 1,627 3,858 87 69 89 0.01 28.99
Other countries of Europe 1,627 3,858 87 69 89 0.01 28.99
MIDDLE EAST 24 48 147 107 115 0.01 7.48
Egypt 24 48 93 54 65 0.00 20.37
Iraq 1 4 0.00
Jordan 28 22 14 0.00 -36.36
Lebanon 12 17 7 0.00 -58.82
Saudi Arabia 13 14 25 0.00 78.57
SOUTH ASIA 466 889 864 0.06 -2.81
Bangladesh 16 24 13 0.00 -45.83
India 426 583 579 0.04 -0.69
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 3 4 0.00 33.33
Maldives 2 2
Pakistan 6 14 16 0.00 14.29
Sri Lanka 15 6 6 0.00
Other countries of South Asia 257 246 0.02 -4.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 599,559 615,754 686,750 712,495 756,506 100.00 6.18

AFRICA 371 540 287 215 225 0.03 4.65
EAST AFRICA 33 48 51 0.01 6.25
Ethiopia 23 28 31 0.00 10.71
Kenya 9 16 15 0.00 -6.25
Malawi 1 0.00
Mozambique 1 2 4 0.00 100.00
Zambia 2
CENTRAL AFRICA 5 3 4 0.00 33.33
Cameroon 2 1 1 0.00
Congo 3 2 3 0.00 50.00
NORTH AFRICA 31 20 24 0.00 20.00
Morocco 27 15 22 0.00 46.67
Tunisia 4 5 2 0.00 -60.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 20 41 23 31 27 0.00 -12.90
South Africa 20 41 23 31 27 0.00 -12.90
WEST AFRICA 105 50 41 0.01 -18.00
Benin 5 2 0.00
Cabo Verde 15 5
Côte d'Ivoire 37 38 18 0.00 -52.63
Guinea 36 1 2 0.00 100.00
Liberia 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Nigeria 12 4 18 0.00 350.00
OTHER AFRICA 351 499 90 63 78 0.01 23.81
Other countries of Africa 351 499 90 63 78 0.01 23.81
AMERICAS 585,268 585,441 665,333 692,122 732,955 96.89 5.90
CARIBBEAN 1,188 1,248 1,404 940 2,175 0.29 131.38
Antigua and Barbuda 4 7 9 0.00 28.57
Bahamas 20 14 40 0.01 185.71
Barbados 18 11 34 0.00 209.09
Cuba 229 299 295 246 751 0.10 205.28
Curaçao 17 0.00
Dominica 4 4 4 0.00
Dominican Republic 569 731 827 522 960 0.13 83.91
Grenada 3 2 16 0.00 700.00
Haiti 36 28 63 0.01 125.00
Jamaica 63 64 95 47 142 0.02 202.13
Saint Lucia 8 3 7 0.00 133.33
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 3 14 0.00 366.67
Trinidad and Tobago 92 40 50 25 62 0.01 148.00
Other countries of the Caribbean 235 114 41 28 56 0.01 100.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 492,983 428,922 485,821 529,852 524,475 69.33 -1.01
Belize 881 374 617 297 581 0.08 95.62
Costa Rica 7,835 6,838 8,935 5,529 12,476 1.65 125.65
Guatemala 414,588 351,162 395,165 417,491 398,860 52.72 -4.46
Honduras 44,752 47,242 54,646 87,790 90,271 11.93 2.83
Nicaragua 20,498 19,972 21,729 16,009 15,375 2.03 -3.96
Panama 4,429 3,334 4,729 2,736 6,912 0.91 152.63
NORTH AMERICA 70,153 129,277 158,198 132,976 177,129 23.41 33.20
Canada 12,285 4,180 15,526 12,318 11,878 1.57 -3.57
Mexico 4,609 12,512 11,055 14,273 17,169 2.27 20.29
United States of America 53,259 112,585 131,617 106,385 148,082 19.57 39.19
SOUTH AMERICA 15,072 18,770 19,910 28,354 29,176 3.86 2.90
Argentina 1,608 1,655 1,618 2,061 2,257 0.30 9.51
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 389 576 627 0.08 8.85

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Brazil 2,300 3,290 3,162 0.42 -3.89

Chile 765 1,395 1,323 0.17 -5.16
Colombia 9,494 9,776 7,792 10,424 10,889 1.44 4.46
Ecuador 1,447 2,373 1,907 0.25 -19.64
Guyana 21 30 45 0.01 50.00
Paraguay 153 171 231 0.03 35.09
Peru 2,642 4,913 3,650 5,553 5,573 0.74 0.36
Suriname 14 14 28 0.00 100.00
Uruguay 273 399 439 0.06 10.03
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,328 2,426 1,488 2,068 2,695 0.36 30.32
OTHER AMERICAS 5,872 7,224
Other countries of the Americas 5,872 7,224
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,276 5,574 4,630 4,389 6,072 0.80 38.35
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,549 2,514 3,099 3,169 4,774 0.63 50.65
China 591 1,642 1,054 912 1,986 0.26 117.76
Japan 958 872 1,735 1,885 2,424 0.32 28.59
Korea, Republic of 310 372 364 0.05 -2.15
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 238 219 259 0.03 18.26
Indonesia 13 15 23 0.00 53.33
Malaysia 21 15 22 0.00 46.67
Philippines 140 133 106 0.01 -20.30
Singapore 23 14 12 0.00 -14.29
Thailand 34 33 60 0.01 81.82
Viet Nam 7 9 36 0.00 300.00
AUSTRALASIA 951 1,607 1,090 963 1,001 0.13 3.95
Australia 809 1,390 1,019 909 942 0.12 3.63
New Zealand 142 217 71 54 59 0.01 9.26
Papua New Guinea 4
POLYNESIA 21 9 13 0.00 44.44
Samoa 21 9 13 0.00 44.44
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 776 1,453 182 25 25 0.00
Other countries of Asia 716 1,372 160
Other countries of Oceania 60 81 22 25 25 0.00
EUROPE 10,633 24,164 16,173 15,274 16,759 2.22 9.72
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,488 1,673 810 0.11 -51.58
Armenia 2 3 0.00 50.00
Belarus 11 11 7 0.00 -36.36
Bulgaria 14 19 15 0.00 -21.05
Czech Republic 54 67 54 0.01 -19.40
Estonia 32 18 18 0.00
Hungary 26 27 39 0.01 44.44
Latvia 5 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Lithuania 12 14 7 0.00 -50.00
Poland 78 77 87 0.01 12.99
Romania 48 43 47 0.01 9.30
Russian Federation 932 1,171 339 0.04 -71.05
Slovakia 209 168 149 0.02 -11.31
Ukraine 66 47 38 0.01 -19.15
Uzbekistan 1 3 3 0.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 779 1,623 2,195 2,178 2,257 0.30 3.63
Denmark 124 130 157 0.02 20.77
Finland 101 82 82 0.01
Iceland 15 9 18 0.00 100.00
Ireland 112 171 118 95 114 0.02 20.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Norway 118 113 95 0.01 -15.93

Sweden 575 492 448 0.06 -8.94
United Kingdom 667 1,452 1,144 1,257 1,343 0.18 6.84
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,977 8,384 6,403 6,412 7,333 0.97 14.36
Albania 4 1 4 0.00 300.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
Croatia 30 39 51 0.01 30.77
Greece 39 62 40 0.01 -35.48
Holy See 2 2 2 0.00
Italy 1,469 2,641 1,798 1,788 2,273 0.30 27.13
Malta 2 4 5 0.00 25.00
Portugal 137 140 162 0.02 15.71
Slovenia 212 121 119 0.02 -1.65
Spain 3,508 5,743 4,176 4,255 4,677 0.62 9.92
WESTERN EUROPE 2,667 7,169 5,819 4,719 6,041 0.80 28.01
Austria 141 124 123 0.02 -0.81
Belgium 182 155 205 0.03 32.26
France 911 2,548 1,662 1,427 3,088 0.41 116.40
Germany 1,328 4,011 2,193 1,755 1,711 0.23 -2.51
Liechtenstein 1
Luxembourg 23 19 26 0.00 36.84
Netherlands 428 610 963 813 479 0.06 -41.08
Switzerland 655 425 409 0.05 -3.76
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 133 316 222 258 273 0.04 5.81
Israel 133 316 189 217 222 0.03 2.30
Turkey 33 41 51 0.01 24.39
OTHER EUROPE 2,077 6,672 46 34 45 0.01 32.35
Other countries of Europe 2,077 6,672 46 34 45 0.01 32.35
MIDDLE EAST 11 35 78 53 59 0.01 11.32
Egypt 11 35 49 27 33 0.00 22.22
Iraq 1 2 0.00
Jordan 15 11 7 0.00 -36.36
Lebanon 6 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Saudi Arabia 7 7 13 0.00 85.71
SOUTH ASIA 249 442 436 0.06 -1.36
Bangladesh 9 12 7 0.00 -41.67
India 227 290 292 0.04 0.69
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Maldives 1 1
Pakistan 3 7 8 0.00 14.29
Sri Lanka 8 3 3 0.00
Other countries of South Asia 128 124 0.02 -3.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,367,753 2,864,233 3,843,679 3,586,449 4,212,067 100.00 17.44

AFRICA 3,650 5,573 3,244 2,692 2,677 0.06 -0.56
EAST AFRICA 360 609 610 0.01 0.16
Ethiopia 258 348 375 0.01 7.76
Kenya 96 205 175 0.00 -14.63
Malawi 12 0.00
Mozambique 6 31 48 0.00 54.84
Zambia 25
CENTRAL AFRICA 48 50 36 0.00 -28.00
Cameroon 18 19 6 0.00 -68.42
Congo 30 31 30 0.00 -3.23
NORTH AFRICA 355 255 284 0.01 11.37
Morocco 307 193 260 0.01 34.72
Tunisia 48 62 24 0.00 -61.29
SOUTHERN AFRICA 264 392 326 0.01 -16.84
South Africa 264 392 326 0.01 -16.84
WEST AFRICA 1,195 628 490 0.01 -21.97
Benin 60 24 0.00
Cabo Verde 174 62
Côte d'Ivoire 421 479 218 0.01 -54.49
Guinea 408 12 18 0.00 50.00
Liberia 25 12 0.00 -52.00
Nigeria 132 50 218 0.01 336.00
OTHER AFRICA 3,650 5,573 1,022 758 931 0.02 22.82
Other countries of Africa 1,022 758 931 0.02 22.82
All countries of Africa 3,650 5,573
AMERICAS 2,231,342 2,570,182 3,601,685 3,331,551 3,929,539 93.29 17.95
CARIBBEAN 12,377 12,854 17,560 13,748 26,106 0.62 89.89
Antigua and Barbuda 56 107 107 0.00
Bahamas 247 203 479 0.01 135.96
Barbados 224 166 412 0.01 148.19
Cuba 3,688 3,605 9,007 0.21 149.85
Curaçao 205 0.00
Dominica 52 56 49 0.00 -12.50
Dominican Republic 10,334 7,645 11,516 0.27 50.63
Grenada 40 23 197 0.00 756.52
Haiti 451 409 761 0.02 86.06
Jamaica 1,190 691 1,707 0.04 147.03
Saint Lucia 96 37 85 0.00 129.73
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 40 37 166 0.00 348.65
Trinidad and Tobago 631 366 748 0.02 104.37
Other countries of the Caribbean 511 403 667 0.02 65.51
All countries of the Caribbean 12,377 12,854
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,276,372 1,071,128 1,401,729 1,464,620 1,546,514 36.72 5.59
Belize 9,183 3,847 7,714 4,348 6,740 0.16 55.01
Costa Rica 81,637 70,429 111,691 80,994 144,716 3.44 78.67
Guatemala 892,586 737,440 948,395 1,003,860 997,151 23.67 -0.67
Honduras 139,962 151,175 174,868 263,285 234,706 5.57 -10.85
Nicaragua 106,853 73,897 99,952 72,047 83,023 1.97 15.23
Panama 46,151 34,340 59,109 40,086 80,178 1.90 100.01
NORTH AMERICA 734,811 1,231,463 1,923,572 1,513,808 2,012,651 47.78 32.95
Canada 117,258 40,546 175,447 154,090 142,534 3.38 -7.50
Mexico 43,859 87,587 116,075 134,129 181,987 4.32 35.68
United States of America 573,694 1,103,330 1,632,050 1,225,589 1,688,130 40.08 37.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH AMERICA 207,782 254,737 258,824 339,375 344,268 8.17 1.44

Argentina 21,037 24,673 26,627 0.63 7.92
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5,052 6,894 7,399 0.18 7.33
Brazil 29,906 39,383 37,317 0.89 -5.25
Chile 9,950 16,701 15,608 0.37 -6.54
Colombia 101,301 124,763 128,492 3.05 2.99
Ecuador 18,807 28,400 22,504 0.53 -20.76
Guyana 267 355 533 0.01 50.14
Paraguay 1,984 2,044 2,724 0.06 33.27
Peru 47,452 66,463 65,757 1.56 -1.06
Suriname 178 166 330 0.01 98.80
Uruguay 3,548 4,775 5,178 0.12 8.44
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 19,342 24,758 31,799 0.75 28.44
All countries of South America 207,782 254,737
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,540 57,141 52,316 54,913 72,864 1.73 32.69
NORTH-EAST ASIA 35,022 39,637 57,286 1.36 44.53
China 11,915 11,404 23,832 0.57 108.98
Japan 19,609 23,585 29,085 0.69 23.32
Korea, Republic of 3,498 4,648 4,369 0.10 -6.00
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,692 2,746 3,106 0.07 13.11
Indonesia 144 193 272 0.01 40.93
Malaysia 240 186 260 0.01 39.78
Philippines 1,587 1,659 1,275 0.03 -23.15
Singapore 258 180 145 0.00 -19.44
Thailand 379 416 719 0.02 72.84
Viet Nam 84 112 435 0.01 288.39
AUSTRALASIA 12,313 12,045 12,013 0.29 -0.27
Australia 11,514 11,374 11,306 0.27 -0.60
New Zealand 799 671 707 0.02 5.37
Papua New Guinea 50
POLYNESIA 240 118 157 0.00 33.05
Samoa 240 118 157 0.00 33.05
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,540 57,141 2,049 317 302 0.01 -4.73
Other countries of Asia 1,803
All countries East Asia/Pacific 32,540 57,141
Other countries of Oceania 246 317 302 0.01 -4.73
EUROPE 100,221 231,337 182,750 191,102 201,070 4.77 5.22
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 16,801 20,943 9,692 0.23 -53.72
Armenia 25 30 0.00 20.00
Belarus 120 137 85 0.00 -37.96
Bulgaria 162 242 175 0.00 -27.69
Czech Republic 607 839 647 0.02 -22.88
Estonia 361 230 212 0.01 -7.83
Hungary 289 336 471 0.01 40.18
Latvia 60 75 42 0.00 -44.00
Lithuania 132 174 85 0.00 -51.15
Poland 878 963 1,045 0.02 8.52
Romania 541 534 562 0.01 5.24
Russian Federation 10,527 14,654 4,066 0.10 -72.25
Slovakia 2,362 2,107 1,789 0.04 -15.09
Ukraine 750 590 453 0.01 -23.22
Uzbekistan 12 37 30 0.00 -18.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 24,808 27,246 27,078 0.64 -0.62

Denmark 1,407 1,628 1,879 0.04 15.42
Finland 1,141 1,030 988 0.02 -4.08
Iceland 174 112 212 0.01 89.29
Ireland 1,331 1,191 1,372 0.03 15.20
Norway 1,328 1,411 1,136 0.03 -19.49
Sweden 6,496 6,149 5,372 0.13 -12.64
United Kingdom 12,931 15,725 16,119 0.38 2.51
SOUTHERN EUROPE 33,482 55,703 72,342 80,214 87,992 2.09 9.70
Albania 48 12 42 0.00 250.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 36 6
Croatia 334 484 609 0.01 25.83
Greece 439 771 483 0.01 -37.35
Holy See 24 25 18 0.00 -28.00
Italy 20,317 22,371 27,281 0.65 21.95
Malta 18 56 60 0.00 7.14
Portugal 1,545 1,752 1,940 0.05 10.73
Slovenia 2,394 1,510 1,431 0.03 -5.23
Spain 33,482 55,703 47,187 53,227 56,128 1.33 5.45
WESTERN EUROPE 12,679 38,910 65,763 59,044 72,501 1.72 22.79
Austria 1,593 1,554 1,474 0.03 -5.15
Belgium 2,056 1,945 2,466 0.06 26.79
France 18,786 17,854 37,058 0.88 107.56
Germany 12,679 38,910 24,785 21,952 20,535 0.49 -6.45
Liechtenstein 12
Luxembourg 258 242 308 0.01 27.27
Netherlands 10,881 10,172 5,753 0.14 -43.44
Switzerland 7,404 5,313 4,907 0.12 -7.64
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,513 3,226 3,269 0.08 1.33
Israel 2,140 2,716 2,659 0.06 -2.10
Turkey 373 510 610 0.01 19.61
OTHER EUROPE 54,060 136,724 523 429 538 0.01 25.41
Other countries of Europe 54,060 136,724 523 429 538 0.01 25.41
MIDDLE EAST 883 666 695 0.02 4.35
Egypt 559 336 393 0.01 16.96
Iraq 6 24 0.00
Jordan 168 137 85 0.00 -37.96
Lebanon 72 106 42 0.00 -60.38
Saudi Arabia 78 87 151 0.00 73.56
SOUTH ASIA 2,801 5,525 5,222 0.12 -5.48
Bangladesh 96 149 79 0.00 -46.98
India 2,561 3,623 3,499 0.08 -3.42
Iran, Islamic Republic of 6 19 24 0.00 26.32
Maldives 12 12
Pakistan 36 87 97 0.00 11.49
Sri Lanka 90 37 36 0.00 -2.70
Other countries of South Asia 1,598 1,487 0.04 -6.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,516,856 7,593,299 9,563,909 9,558,576 9,607,200 100.00 0.51

AFRICA 8,651 7,558 6,102 5,418 5,316 0.06 -1.88
EAST AFRICA 678 1,227 1,212 0.01 -1.22
Ethiopia 486 701 744 0.01 6.13
Kenya 181 413 348 0.00 -15.74
Malawi 24 0.00
Mozambique 11 63 96 0.00 52.38
Zambia 50
CENTRAL AFRICA 91 101 72 0.00 -28.71
Cameroon 34 38 12 0.00 -68.42
Congo 57 63 60 0.00 -4.76
NORTH AFRICA 666 513 564 0.01 9.94
Morocco 576 388 516 0.01 32.99
Tunisia 90 125 48 0.00 -61.60
SOUTHERN AFRICA 497 788 648 0.01 -17.77
South Africa 497 788 648 0.01 -17.77
WEST AFRICA 2,249 1,263 972 0.01 -23.04
Benin 113 48 0.00
Cabo Verde 328 125
Côte d'Ivoire 791 963 432 0.00 -55.14
Guinea 768 25 36 0.00 44.00
Liberia 50 24 0.00 -52.00
Nigeria 249 100 432 0.00 332.00
OTHER AFRICA 8,651 7,558 1,921 1,526 1,848 0.02 21.10
Other countries of Africa 1,921 1,526 1,848 0.02 21.10
All countries of Africa 8,651 7,558
AMERICAS 7,183,025 7,194,511 9,108,974 9,045,458 9,046,157 94.16 0.01
CARIBBEAN 32,078 47,278 54,987 71,455 69,804 0.73 -2.31
Antigua and Barbuda 175 557 288 0.00 -48.29
Bahamas 775 1,055 1,284 0.01 21.71
Barbados 700 864 1,104 0.01 27.78
Cuba 11,550 18,738 24,132 0.25 28.79
Curaçao 408 0.00
Dominica 163 293 132 0.00 -54.95
Dominican Republic 32,361 39,738 30,852 0.32 -22.36
Grenada 125 117 528 0.01 351.28
Haiti 1,413 2,124 2,040 0.02 -3.95
Jamaica 3,725 3,589 4,572 0.05 27.39
Saint Lucia 300 190 228 0.00 20.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 125 190 444 0.00 133.68
Trinidad and Tobago 1,975 1,905 2,004 0.02 5.20
Other countries of the Caribbean 1,600 2,095 1,788 0.02 -14.65
All countries of the Caribbean 32,078 47,278
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,108,974 2,047,620 2,512,375 2,661,640 2,662,730 27.72 0.04
Belize 23,801 14,151 24,155 22,602 18,057 0.19 -20.11
Costa Rica 211,588 259,041 349,760 421,000 387,713 4.04 -7.91
Guatemala 1,157,452 976,616 1,228,389 1,275,667 1,311,895 13.66 2.84
Honduras 426,756 549,641 568,887 606,821 573,514 5.97 -5.49
Nicaragua 169,763 121,866 156,083 127,190 156,744 1.63 23.24
Panama 119,614 126,305 185,101 208,360 214,807 2.24 3.09
NORTH AMERICA 4,715,615 4,645,508 5,973,504 5,773,846 5,772,257 60.08 -0.03
Canada 288,407 309,539 329,822 310,186 283,043 2.95 -8.75
Mexico 151,775 192,423 289,459 306,867 332,664 3.46 8.41
United States of America 4,275,433 4,143,546 5,354,223 5,156,793 5,156,550 53.67 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH AMERICA 326,358 454,105 568,108 538,517 541,366 5.64 0.53

Argentina 46,175 39,150 41,872 0.44 6.95
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 11,089 10,940 11,635 0.12 6.35
Brazil 65,643 62,493 58,681 0.61 -6.10
Chile 21,840 26,500 24,544 0.26 -7.38
Colombia 222,353 197,973 202,056 2.10 2.06
Ecuador 41,280 45,065 35,388 0.37 -21.47
Guyana 585 563 838 0.01 48.85
Paraguay 4,355 3,244 4,283 0.04 32.03
Peru 104,157 105,464 103,403 1.08 -1.95
Suriname 390 263 519 0.01 97.34
Uruguay 7,787 7,577 8,142 0.08 7.46
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 42,454 39,285 50,005 0.52 27.29
All countries of South America 326,358 454,105
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 79,461 77,493 98,354 110,543 144,695 1.51 30.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 65,839 79,791 113,759 1.18 42.57
China 22,399 22,957 47,326 0.49 106.15
Japan 36,863 47,477 57,757 0.60 21.65
Korea, Republic of 6,577 9,357 8,676 0.09 -7.28
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,062 5,529 6,168 0.06 11.56
Indonesia 271 388 540 0.01 39.18
Malaysia 452 375 516 0.01 37.60
Philippines 2,983 3,340 2,532 0.03 -24.19
Singapore 486 363 288 0.00 -20.66
Thailand 712 838 1,428 0.01 70.41
Viet Nam 158 225 864 0.01 284.00
AUSTRALASIA 23,148 24,247 23,856 0.25 -1.61
Australia 21,645 22,896 22,452 0.23 -1.94
New Zealand 1,503 1,351 1,404 0.01 3.92
Papua New Guinea 100
POLYNESIA 452 238 312 0.00 31.09
Samoa 452 238 312 0.00 31.09
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 79,461 77,493 3,853 638 600 0.01 -5.96
Other countries of Asia 3,390
All countries East Asia/Pacific 79,461 77,493
Other countries of Oceania 463 638 600 0.01 -5.96
EUROPE 245,719 313,737 343,551 384,695 399,284 4.16 3.79
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 31,584 42,158 19,247 0.20 -54.35
Armenia 50 60 0.00 20.00
Belarus 226 275 168 0.00 -38.91
Bulgaria 305 488 348 0.00 -28.69
Czech Republic 1,141 1,689 1,284 0.01 -23.98
Estonia 678 463 420 0.00 -9.29
Hungary 542 676 936 0.01 38.46
Latvia 113 150 84 0.00 -44.00
Lithuania 249 350 168 0.00 -52.00
Poland 1,650 1,939 2,076 0.02 7.07
Romania 1,017 1,076 1,116 0.01 3.72
Russian Federation 19,790 29,498 8,075 0.08 -72.63
Slovakia 4,441 4,241 3,552 0.04 -16.25
Ukraine 1,409 1,188 900 0.01 -24.24
Uzbekistan 23 75 60 0.00 -20.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 46,635 54,848 53,770 0.56 -1.97

Denmark 2,644 3,278 3,732 0.04 13.85
Finland 2,144 2,073 1,962 0.02 -5.35
Iceland 328 225 420 0.00 86.67
Ireland 2,503 2,397 2,724 0.03 13.64
Norway 2,497 2,840 2,256 0.02 -20.56
Sweden 12,211 12,379 10,668 0.11 -13.82
United Kingdom 24,308 31,656 32,008 0.33 1.11
SOUTHERN EUROPE 82,319 75,544 135,995 161,475 174,736 1.82 8.21
Albania 90 25 84 0.00 236.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 68 13
Croatia 628 974 1,210 0.01 24.23
Greece 825 1,551 960 0.01 -38.10
Holy See 45 50 36 0.00 -28.00
Italy 38,194 45,034 54,174 0.56 20.30
Malta 34 113 120 0.00 6.19
Portugal 2,904 3,528 3,852 0.04 9.18
Slovenia 4,500 3,041 2,841 0.03 -6.58
Spain 82,319 75,544 88,707 107,146 111,459 1.16 4.03
WESTERN EUROPE 31,167 52,769 123,630 118,858 143,971 1.50 21.13
Austria 2,995 3,127 2,928 0.03 -6.36
Belgium 3,865 3,915 4,896 0.05 25.06
France 35,315 35,940 73,590 0.77 104.76
Germany 31,167 52,769 46,593 44,190 40,777 0.42 -7.72
Liechtenstein 25
Luxembourg 486 488 612 0.01 25.41
Netherlands 20,456 20,477 11,424 0.12 -44.21
Switzerland 13,920 10,696 9,744 0.10 -8.90
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,724 6,493 6,492 0.07 -0.02
Israel 4,023 5,467 5,280 0.05 -3.42
Turkey 701 1,026 1,212 0.01 18.13
OTHER EUROPE 132,233 185,424 983 863 1,068 0.01 23.75
Other countries of Europe 132,233 185,424 983 863 1,068 0.01 23.75
MIDDLE EAST 1,661 1,339 1,380 0.01 3.06
Egypt 1,051 676 780 0.01 15.38
Iraq 11 48 0.00
Jordan 316 275 168 0.00 -38.91
Lebanon 136 213 84 0.00 -60.56
Saudi Arabia 147 175 300 0.00 71.43
SOUTH ASIA 5,267 11,123 10,368 0.11 -6.79
Bangladesh 181 300 156 0.00 -48.00
India 4,814 7,293 6,948 0.07 -4.73
Iran, Islamic Republic of 11 38 48 0.00 26.32
Maldives 23 25
Pakistan 68 175 192 0.00 9.71
Sri Lanka 170 75 72 0.00 -4.00
Other countries of South Asia 3,217 2,952 0.03 -8.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,746,733 1,798,392 1,816,317 1,765,561 1,870,292 100.00 5.93

AFRICA 1,881 1,462 1,673 1,894 1,842 0.10 -2.75
SOUTHERN AFRICA 411 351 379 513 304 0.02 -40.74
South Africa 411 351 379 513 304 0.02 -40.74
OTHER AFRICA 1,470 1,111 1,294 1,381 1,538 0.08 11.37
Other countries of Africa 1,470 1,111 1,294 1,381 1,538 0.08 11.37
AMERICAS 35,682 33,117 38,272 50,432 44,668 2.39 -11.43
NORTH AMERICA 31,101 28,277 33,210 44,983 38,322 2.05 -14.81
Canada 3,801 3,178 4,291 3,780 3,868 0.21 2.33
United States of America 27,300 25,099 28,919 41,203 34,454 1.84 -16.38
SOUTH AMERICA 2,640 2,545 1,916 2,509 2,420 0.13 -3.55
Brazil 2,640 2,545 1,916 2,509 2,420 0.13 -3.55
OTHER AMERICAS 1,941 2,295 3,146 2,940 3,926 0.21 33.54
Other countries of the Americas 1,941 2,295 3,146 2,940 3,926 0.21 33.54
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,121 39,173 52,277 63,143 73,171 3.91 15.88
NORTH-EAST ASIA 17,552 23,221 34,046 43,041 47,951 2.56 11.41
China 5,426 6,893 10,229 10,559 12,125 0.65 14.83
Japan 8,138 9,843 16,228 21,629 22,759 1.22 5.22
Korea, Republic of 3,988 6,485 7,589 10,853 13,067 0.70 20.40
AUSTRALASIA 3,917 4,376 5,657 4,017 5,056 0.27 25.87
Australia 3,917 4,376 5,657 4,017 5,056 0.27 25.87
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,652 11,576 12,574 16,085 20,164 1.08 25.36
Other countries of Asia 9,837 10,694 11,599 15,050 19,303 1.03 28.26
Other countries of Oceania 815 882 975 1,035 861 0.05 -16.81
EUROPE 1,663,515 1,717,231 1,718,759 1,629,980 1,730,139 92.51 6.14
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 422,271 460,940 429,870 359,815 394,249 21.08 9.57
Bulgaria 1,522 1,346 1,448 1,655 1,720 0.09 3.93
Czech Republic 5,385 4,927 5,025 4,509 5,522 0.30 22.47
Hungary 3,073 3,331 2,870 3,271 4,027 0.22 23.11
Latvia 86,502 89,651 95,722 108,029 120,588 6.45 11.63
Lithuania 41,699 44,726 45,064 46,699 51,151 2.73 9.53
Poland 22,921 23,055 22,142 19,504 23,405 1.25 20.00
Romania 2,140 2,325 2,402 2,792 2,702 0.14 -3.22
Russian Federation 247,975 280,297 243,794 161,301 172,926 9.25 7.21
Slovakia 2,441 1,774 1,778 1,906 1,991 0.11 4.46
Ukraine 8,613 9,508 9,625 10,149 10,217 0.55 0.67
NORTHERN EUROPE 986,663 1,019,201 1,032,187 1,027,748 1,070,624 57.24 4.17
Denmark 13,395 11,187 10,809 13,356 14,302 0.76 7.08
Finland 796,851 858,802 874,424 865,231 902,334 48.25 4.29
Iceland 825 1,166 795 957 993 0.05 3.76
Ireland 4,585 2,734 2,425 2,706 3,393 0.18 25.39
Norway 47,128 35,735 34,661 35,261 35,893 1.92 1.79
Sweden 75,454 71,112 68,754 67,970 71,058 3.80 4.54
United Kingdom 48,425 38,465 40,319 42,267 42,651 2.28 0.91
SOUTHERN EUROPE 56,480 49,846 54,059 57,924 65,080 3.48 12.35
Greece 2,425 1,931 2,324 2,699 2,552 0.14 -5.45
Italy 27,140 23,415 23,376 25,873 28,974 1.55 11.99
Malta 345 373 348 426 656 0.04 53.99
Portugal 2,612 2,521 3,347 2,758 2,550 0.14 -7.54
Slovenia 1,475 1,384 1,733 1,690 1,736 0.09 2.72
Spain 22,483 20,222 22,931 24,478 28,612 1.53 16.89
WESTERN EUROPE 160,393 143,870 156,498 164,528 181,503 9.70 10.32
Austria 7,472 5,408 7,412 6,888 8,367 0.45 21.47
Belgium 7,424 6,797 7,226 7,225 8,893 0.48 23.09
France 20,406 19,097 20,076 20,619 24,071 1.29 16.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 99,395 90,521 99,382 103,903 110,799 5.92 6.64

Luxembourg 1,369 950 912 830 1,035 0.06 24.70
Netherlands 15,111 13,155 13,134 14,154 17,077 0.91 20.65
Switzerland 9,216 7,942 8,356 10,909 11,261 0.60 3.23
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,420 5,605 6,051 6,059 6,617 0.35 9.21
Cyprus 637 341 514 388 565 0.03 45.62
Turkey 4,783 5,264 5,537 5,671 6,052 0.32 6.72
OTHER EUROPE 32,288 37,769 40,094 13,906 12,066 0.65 -13.23
Other countries of Europe 32,288 37,769 40,094 13,906 12,066 0.65 -13.23
NOT SPECIFIED 13,534 7,409 5,336 20,112 20,472 1.09 1.79
Other countries of the World 13,534 7,409 5,336 20,112 20,472 1.09 1.79

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,873,519 1,940,130 1,983,315 1,929,164 2,056,526 100.00 6.60

AFRICA 2,039 1,636 1,896 2,141 2,117 0.10 -1.12
SOUTHERN AFRICA 460 410 449 594 374 0.02 -37.04
South Africa 460 410 449 594 374 0.02 -37.04
OTHER AFRICA 1,579 1,226 1,447 1,547 1,743 0.08 12.67
Other countries of Africa 1,579 1,226 1,447 1,547 1,743 0.08 12.67
AMERICAS 39,608 36,980 44,036 56,073 50,435 2.45 -10.05
NORTH AMERICA 34,114 31,265 37,662 48,887 42,583 2.07 -12.90
Canada 4,513 3,823 5,401 4,685 4,718 0.23 0.70
United States of America 29,601 27,442 32,261 44,202 37,865 1.84 -14.34
SOUTH AMERICA 3,167 2,975 2,522 3,431 3,017 0.15 -12.07
Brazil 3,167 2,975 2,522 3,431 3,017 0.15 -12.07
OTHER AMERICAS 2,327 2,740 3,852 3,755 4,835 0.24 28.76
Other countries of the Americas 2,327 2,740 3,852 3,755 4,835 0.24 28.76
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 36,364 44,166 59,157 70,158 81,469 3.96 16.12
NORTH-EAST ASIA 19,030 25,499 37,289 46,262 52,144 2.54 12.71
China 5,934 7,806 11,689 12,027 14,167 0.69 17.79
Japan 8,778 10,768 17,303 22,865 23,953 1.16 4.76
Korea, Republic of 4,318 6,925 8,297 11,370 14,024 0.68 23.34
AUSTRALASIA 5,516 5,981 7,710 5,846 6,888 0.33 17.82
Australia 5,516 5,981 7,710 5,846 6,888 0.33 17.82
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,818 12,686 14,158 18,050 22,437 1.09 24.30
Other countries of Asia 10,619 11,462 12,809 16,560 20,949 1.02 26.50
Other countries of Oceania 1,199 1,224 1,349 1,490 1,488 0.07 -0.13
EUROPE 1,781,861 1,849,635 1,872,262 1,779,612 1,901,269 92.45 6.84
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 465,921 515,926 494,641 421,020 463,193 22.52 10.02
Bulgaria 1,640 1,499 1,709 1,870 1,896 0.09 1.39
Czech Republic 6,474 6,184 6,210 5,580 6,943 0.34 24.43
Hungary 3,540 3,871 3,470 3,921 4,621 0.22 17.85
Latvia 100,638 105,480 112,703 127,864 142,043 6.91 11.09
Lithuania 47,397 52,201 52,522 54,743 61,111 2.97 11.63
Poland 25,513 26,001 25,652 22,728 27,237 1.32 19.84
Romania 2,326 2,717 2,861 3,441 3,114 0.15 -9.50
Russian Federation 266,192 304,644 275,405 186,061 200,972 9.77 8.01
Slovakia 2,812 2,148 2,178 2,420 2,540 0.12 4.96
Ukraine 9,389 11,181 11,931 12,392 12,716 0.62 2.61
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,030,761 1,065,284 1,085,547 1,081,854 1,132,206 55.05 4.65
Denmark 14,091 11,900 11,729 14,202 15,236 0.74 7.28
Finland 829,225 894,504 915,540 907,052 951,025 46.24 4.85
Iceland 890 1,222 871 1,063 1,070 0.05 0.66
Ireland 5,359 3,318 2,983 3,325 4,002 0.19 20.36
Norway 48,479 36,918 36,272 37,064 37,725 1.83 1.78
Sweden 78,412 74,313 71,963 71,087 74,415 3.62 4.68
United Kingdom 54,305 43,109 46,189 48,061 48,733 2.37 1.40
SOUTHERN EUROPE 64,727 57,422 62,669 67,346 75,964 3.69 12.80
Albania 303 162 180 184 224 0.01 21.74
Croatia 1,124 727 761 1,068 1,284 0.06 20.22
Greece 2,586 2,082 2,541 2,910 2,855 0.14 -1.89
Italy 30,574 26,506 26,968 29,521 33,508 1.63 13.51
Malta 403 417 505 587 729 0.04 24.19
Portugal 3,010 2,990 3,800 3,447 3,152 0.15 -8.56
Slovenia 1,724 1,612 1,985 1,964 2,018 0.10 2.75
Spain 25,003 22,926 25,929 27,665 32,194 1.57 16.37
WESTERN EUROPE 182,058 165,141 181,258 187,811 209,805 10.20 11.71
Austria 8,293 6,297 8,634 8,023 9,661 0.47 20.42

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 8,312 7,855 8,247 8,390 10,195 0.50 21.51

France 24,089 22,780 24,058 24,718 28,605 1.39 15.73
Germany 111,251 101,596 112,877 116,088 125,942 6.12 8.49
Luxembourg 1,469 1,042 1,039 976 1,246 0.06 27.66
Netherlands 18,279 16,358 16,543 17,315 21,005 1.02 21.31
Switzerland 10,365 9,213 9,860 12,301 13,151 0.64 6.91
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,820 6,174 6,819 6,936 7,545 0.37 8.78
Cyprus 661 363 548 415 620 0.03 49.40
Turkey 5,159 5,811 6,271 6,521 6,925 0.34 6.20
OTHER EUROPE 32,574 39,688 41,328 14,645 12,556 0.61 -14.26
Other countries of Europe 32,574 39,688 41,328 14,645 12,556 0.61 -14.26
NOT SPECIFIED 13,647 7,713 5,964 21,180 21,236 1.03 0.26
Other countries of the World 13,647 7,713 5,964 21,180 21,236 1.03 0.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,498,683 3,536,875 3,515,676 3,367,951 3,559,353 100.00 5.68

AFRICA 3,732 3,515 4,157 4,039 4,561 0.13 12.92
SOUTHERN AFRICA 762 701 797 1,102 691 0.02 -37.30
South Africa 762 701 797 1,102 691 0.02 -37.30
OTHER AFRICA 2,970 2,814 3,360 2,937 3,870 0.11 31.77
Other countries of Africa 2,970 2,814 3,360 2,937 3,870 0.11 31.77
AMERICAS 77,584 73,313 85,690 119,855 103,570 2.91 -13.59
NORTH AMERICA 68,670 63,570 75,738 109,368 89,750 2.52 -17.94
Canada 8,616 7,328 9,904 8,316 8,604 0.24 3.46
United States of America 60,054 56,242 65,834 101,052 81,146 2.28 -19.70
SOUTH AMERICA 4,977 5,214 3,662 4,183 5,870 0.16 40.33
Brazil 4,977 5,214 3,662 4,183 5,870 0.16 40.33
OTHER AMERICAS 3,937 4,529 6,290 6,304 7,950 0.22 26.11
Other countries of the Americas 3,937 4,529 6,290 6,304 7,950 0.22 26.11
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55,430 65,822 85,399 96,642 111,705 3.14 15.59
NORTH-EAST ASIA 27,823 36,152 51,606 61,049 70,011 1.97 14.68
China 8,694 11,354 14,822 15,244 18,863 0.53 23.74
Japan 14,169 17,045 27,410 33,596 36,493 1.03 8.62
Korea, Republic of 4,960 7,753 9,374 12,209 14,655 0.41 20.03
AUSTRALASIA 8,282 9,425 11,537 8,357 9,745 0.27 16.61
Australia 8,282 9,425 11,537 8,357 9,745 0.27 16.61
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,325 20,245 22,256 27,236 31,949 0.90 17.30
Other countries of Asia 17,708 18,280 20,280 25,441 30,220 0.85 18.78
Other countries of Oceania 1,617 1,965 1,976 1,795 1,729 0.05 -3.68
EUROPE 3,335,327 3,380,843 3,330,466 3,111,035 3,301,122 92.75 6.11
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 832,558 921,812 849,284 663,773 715,837 20.11 7.84
Bulgaria 3,810 3,593 4,120 4,195 3,975 0.11 -5.24
Czech Republic 10,545 8,886 10,704 11,939 11,911 0.33 -0.23
Hungary 6,182 7,280 6,251 7,552 8,015 0.23 6.13
Latvia 126,751 130,555 139,911 157,686 179,719 5.05 13.97
Lithuania 66,625 72,873 75,200 72,778 81,113 2.28 11.45
Poland 42,329 48,862 44,762 37,700 45,297 1.27 20.15
Romania 5,065 6,189 7,009 8,917 8,722 0.25 -2.19
Russian Federation 547,408 620,577 537,513 337,115 350,830 9.86 4.07
Slovakia 5,394 3,927 3,643 3,924 4,087 0.11 4.15
Ukraine 18,449 19,070 20,171 21,967 22,168 0.62 0.92
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,997,289 1,974,404 1,949,880 1,936,970 2,024,708 56.88 4.53
Denmark 25,620 22,098 22,410 25,594 27,303 0.77 6.68
Finland 1,584,126 1,615,893 1,607,612 1,591,117 1,666,455 46.82 4.73
Iceland 1,942 2,957 1,978 2,473 2,201 0.06 -11.00
Ireland 11,220 6,688 5,486 6,007 7,739 0.22 28.83
Norway 107,236 88,276 82,572 82,021 85,679 2.41 4.46
Sweden 153,484 151,069 141,900 137,055 143,987 4.05 5.06
United Kingdom 113,661 87,423 87,922 92,703 91,344 2.57 -1.47
SOUTHERN EUROPE 119,365 114,389 121,624 140,980 141,384 3.97 0.29
Greece 5,197 4,748 5,626 5,713 5,636 0.16 -1.35
Italy 58,965 52,989 52,767 55,923 60,804 1.71 8.73
Malta 734 885 1,009 1,034 1,222 0.03 18.18
Portugal 5,568 4,965 7,289 5,577 5,362 0.15 -3.86
Slovenia 3,136 3,599 3,734 4,207 4,740 0.13 12.67
Spain 45,765 47,203 51,199 68,526 63,620 1.79 -7.16
WESTERN EUROPE 315,767 283,000 320,329 328,592 376,884 10.59 14.70
Austria 14,947 11,389 14,279 15,241 18,057 0.51 18.48
Belgium 15,908 14,286 15,219 14,691 24,376 0.68 65.92
France 39,885 39,189 41,836 40,824 47,306 1.33 15.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 193,904 174,702 203,165 206,471 229,811 6.46 11.30

Luxembourg 2,631 1,723 1,845 1,543 2,150 0.06 39.34
Netherlands 31,359 26,552 27,196 28,488 33,829 0.95 18.75
Switzerland 17,133 15,159 16,789 21,334 21,355 0.60 0.10
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,079 12,777 12,889 12,149 12,946 0.36 6.56
Cyprus 1,384 873 1,150 953 1,272 0.04 33.47
Turkey 9,695 11,904 11,739 11,196 11,674 0.33 4.27
OTHER EUROPE 59,269 74,461 76,460 28,571 29,363 0.82 2.77
Other countries of Europe 59,269 74,461 76,460 28,571 29,363 0.82 2.77
NOT SPECIFIED 26,610 13,382 9,964 36,380 38,395 1.08 5.54
Other countries of the World 26,610 13,382 9,964 36,380 38,395 1.08 5.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,823,039 3,909,326 3,919,299 3,770,207 4,014,581 100.00 6.48

AFRICA 4,622 4,361 4,900 5,041 5,367 0.13 6.47
SOUTHERN AFRICA 946 942 1,053 1,470 991 0.02 -32.59
South Africa 946 942 1,053 1,470 991 0.02 -32.59
OTHER AFRICA 3,676 3,419 3,847 3,571 4,376 0.11 22.54
Other countries of Africa 3,676 3,419 3,847 3,571 4,376 0.11 22.54
AMERICAS 87,711 84,256 100,708 134,743 120,994 3.01 -10.20
NORTH AMERICA 77,177 72,625 87,082 120,618 103,353 2.57 -14.31
Canada 10,452 8,935 12,833 10,555 10,449 0.26 -1.00
United States of America 66,725 63,690 74,249 110,063 92,904 2.31 -15.59
SOUTH AMERICA 5,924 6,267 5,018 6,105 7,181 0.18 17.62
Brazil 5,924 6,267 5,018 6,105 7,181 0.18 17.62
OTHER AMERICAS 4,610 5,364 8,608 8,020 10,460 0.26 30.42
Other countries of the Americas 4,610 5,364 8,608 8,020 10,460 0.26 30.42
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 66,701 80,126 104,317 116,630 132,833 3.31 13.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 31,870 43,437 59,761 69,649 80,363 2.00 15.38
China 10,337 15,339 18,842 19,817 24,609 0.61 24.18
Japan 15,723 19,272 29,477 35,837 38,831 0.97 8.35
Korea, Republic of 5,810 8,826 11,442 13,995 16,923 0.42 20.92
AUSTRALASIA 12,100 13,133 16,933 12,765 14,107 0.35 10.51
Australia 12,100 13,133 16,933 12,765 14,107 0.35 10.51
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,731 23,556 27,623 34,216 38,363 0.96 12.12
Other countries of Asia 20,343 20,882 24,782 31,478 35,438 0.88 12.58
Other countries of Oceania 2,388 2,674 2,841 2,738 2,925 0.07 6.83
EUROPE 3,637,093 3,726,680 3,697,451 3,474,955 3,714,862 92.53 6.90
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 942,192 1,066,510 1,003,777 805,874 882,174 21.97 9.47
Bulgaria 4,552 3,981 4,913 4,696 4,531 0.11 -3.51
Czech Republic 20,886 16,890 14,783 15,855 16,807 0.42 6.00
Hungary 8,429 10,280 9,463 10,474 10,390 0.26 -0.80
Latvia 152,491 158,031 170,279 195,649 218,764 5.45 11.81
Lithuania 77,585 93,784 93,359 89,860 110,728 2.76 23.22
Poland 50,351 60,788 54,292 45,743 58,159 1.45 27.14
Romania 5,633 10,841 11,526 13,830 11,681 0.29 -15.54
Russian Federation 593,783 679,343 613,868 393,805 413,292 10.29 4.95
Slovakia 6,985 6,150 5,979 7,705 8,159 0.20 5.89
Ukraine 21,497 26,422 25,315 28,257 29,663 0.74 4.98
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,095,755 2,077,693 2,060,869 2,051,922 2,157,521 53.74 5.15
Denmark 27,887 24,174 24,646 27,588 29,309 0.73 6.24
Finland 1,651,965 1,691,035 1,689,115 1,676,762 1,766,623 44.01 5.36
Iceland 2,166 3,178 2,221 2,746 2,415 0.06 -12.05
Ireland 13,177 8,300 6,773 7,464 9,196 0.23 23.20
Norway 111,131 91,451 86,999 86,494 90,418 2.25 4.54
Sweden 161,460 159,813 149,721 144,504 152,080 3.79 5.24
United Kingdom 127,969 99,742 101,394 106,364 107,480 2.68 1.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 144,082 138,416 146,874 173,717 177,227 4.41 2.02
Albania 578 447 440 387 456 0.01 17.83
Croatia 2,140 2,509 1,838 2,978 5,028 0.13 68.84
Greece 6,081 5,928 6,488 6,279 7,055 0.18 12.36
Italy 70,070 62,700 63,563 68,745 76,073 1.89 10.66
Malta 853 962 1,307 1,364 1,523 0.04 11.66
Portugal 7,254 6,965 8,344 8,606 7,616 0.19 -11.50
Slovenia 3,962 4,272 4,477 5,439 5,457 0.14 0.33
Spain 53,144 54,633 60,417 79,919 74,019 1.84 -7.38
WESTERN EUROPE 379,876 348,788 388,792 395,356 450,387 11.22 13.92
Austria 17,672 15,306 18,279 19,061 21,958 0.55 15.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 18,162 16,539 17,477 17,807 27,310 0.68 53.37

France 54,790 52,368 53,531 54,744 60,225 1.50 10.01
Germany 227,959 210,955 242,102 241,400 269,673 6.72 11.71
Luxembourg 2,897 1,844 2,089 1,777 2,469 0.06 38.94
Netherlands 38,906 34,117 35,343 36,281 43,250 1.08 19.21
Switzerland 19,490 17,659 19,971 24,286 25,502 0.64 5.01
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 13,144 14,879 15,548 16,445 17,595 0.44 6.99
Cyprus 1,648 931 1,221 1,205 1,403 0.03 16.43
Turkey 11,496 13,948 14,327 15,240 16,192 0.40 6.25
OTHER EUROPE 62,044 80,394 81,591 31,641 29,958 0.75 -5.32
Other countries of Europe 62,044 80,394 81,591 31,641 29,958 0.75 -5.32
NOT SPECIFIED 26,912 13,903 11,923 38,838 40,525 1.01 4.34
Other countries of the World 26,912 13,903 11,923 38,838 40,525 1.01 4.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 596,641 681,249 770,428 863,742 870,597 100.00 0.79

AFRICA 168,909 216,787 232,416 260,568 262,486 30.15 0.74
EAST AFRICA 57,540 74,021 80,587 90,347 90,761 10.43 0.46
Djibouti 8,944 10,358 11,357 12,733 13,059 1.50 2.56
Eritrea 601 775 820 920 871 0.10 -5.33
Kenya 20,279 23,520 26,822 30,071 30,253 3.47 0.61
Malawi 4,175 4,668 5,596 6,274 6,094 0.70 -2.87
Rwanda 3,581 4,970 5,192 5,821 5,877 0.68 0.96
Somalia 2,388 6,219 5,076 5,690 5,877 0.68 3.29
Tanzania, United Republic of 5,965 8,118 8,599 9,640 9,577 1.10 -0.65
Uganda 7,154 9,461 10,556 11,834 11,753 1.35 -0.68
Zimbabwe 4,453 5,932 6,569 7,364 7,400 0.85 0.49
CENTRAL AFRICA 3,587 7,073 6,750 7,569 7,400 0.85 -2.23
Chad 3,587 7,073 6,750 7,569 7,400 0.85 -2.23
NORTH AFRICA 16,814 20,312 23,103 25,902 25,683 2.95 -0.85
Sudan 16,814 20,312 23,103 25,902 25,683 2.95 -0.85
SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,470 14,511 17,084 19,153 18,283 2.10 -4.54
South Africa 11,470 14,511 17,084 19,153 18,283 2.10 -4.54
WEST AFRICA 23,859 29,691 31,949 35,819 36,129 4.15 0.87
Ghana 5,129 6,270 6,993 7,841 7,835 0.90 -0.08
Mali 2,029 4,476 3,869 4,337 4,353 0.50 0.37
Nigeria 16,701 18,945 21,087 23,641 23,941 2.75 1.27
OTHER AFRICA 55,639 71,179 72,943 81,778 84,230 9.67 3.00
Other countries of Africa 55,639 71,179 72,943 81,778 84,230 9.67 3.00
AMERICAS 121,210 129,695 150,367 168,580 171,737 19.73 1.87
NORTH AMERICA 114,648 124,890 143,324 160,684 163,902 18.83 2.00
Canada 15,007 16,801 19,219 21,547 21,965 2.52 1.94
United States of America 99,641 108,089 124,105 139,137 141,937 16.30 2.01
OTHER AMERICAS 6,562 4,805 7,043 7,896 7,835 0.90 -0.77
Other countries of the Americas 6,562 4,805 7,043 7,896 7,835 0.90 -0.77
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 52,392 51,907 60,653 68,000 69,213 7.95 1.78
NORTH-EAST ASIA 40,219 38,589 45,086 50,549 52,236 6.00 3.34
China 35,383 31,688 37,157 41,659 43,965 5.05 5.54
Japan 2,986 4,233 4,757 5,334 5,006 0.58 -6.15
Korea, Republic of 1,850 2,668 3,172 3,556 3,265 0.38 -8.18
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,553 2,047 2,437 2,733 2,612 0.30 -4.43
Philippines 1,553 2,047 2,437 2,733 2,612 0.30 -4.43
AUSTRALASIA 5,252 7,143 8,025 8,996 8,489 0.98 -5.64
Australia 4,479 6,167 6,912 7,749 7,618 0.88 -1.69
New Zealand 773 976 1,113 1,247 871 0.10 -30.15
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,368 4,128 5,105 5,722 5,876 0.67 2.69
Other countries of Asia 4,174 3,574 4,169 4,672 4,788 0.55 2.48
Other countries of Oceania 1,194 554 936 1,050 1,088 0.12 3.62
EUROPE 181,309 200,745 231,407 259,432 261,168 30.00 0.67
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,849 2,047 2,338 2,621 2,612 0.30 -0.34
Russian Federation 1,849 2,047 2,338 2,621 2,612 0.30 -0.34
NORTHERN EUROPE 52,841 61,576 70,399 78,924 79,389 9.12 0.59
Denmark 2,805 3,280 3,749 4,203 4,353 0.50 3.57
Finland 2,567 2,620 3,217 3,607 3,482 0.40 -3.47
Norway 5,248 6,053 7,130 7,994 7,835 0.90 -1.99
Sweden 10,616 12,643 14,674 16,450 16,924 1.94 2.88
United Kingdom 31,605 36,980 41,629 46,670 46,795 5.38 0.27
SOUTHERN EUROPE 23,696 25,737 29,589 33,172 33,795 3.88 1.88
Greece 1,075 1,524 1,590 1,783 1,741 0.20 -2.36
Italy 22,621 24,213 27,999 31,389 32,054 3.68 2.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 78,376 80,291 94,704 106,173 107,283 12.32 1.05

Austria 2,859 3,573 4,216 4,725 4,353 0.50 -7.87
Belgium 5,366 6,813 8,087 9,067 8,488 0.97 -6.39
France 20,970 20,289 23,780 26,660 27,641 3.17 3.68
Germany 29,917 29,286 34,778 38,991 40,030 4.60 2.66
Netherlands 10,613 12,497 13,935 15,623 15,671 1.80 0.31
Switzerland 8,651 7,833 9,908 11,107 11,100 1.27 -0.06
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,732 14,322 15,182 17,022 16,759 1.93 -1.55
Israel 7,754 10,705 10,951 12,278 12,406 1.42 1.04
Turkey 2,978 3,617 4,231 4,744 4,353 0.50 -8.24
OTHER EUROPE 13,815 16,772 19,195 21,520 21,330 2.45 -0.88
Other countries of Europe 13,815 16,772 19,195 21,520 21,330 2.45 -0.88
MIDDLE EAST 51,282 58,750 68,075 76,317 75,523 8.67 -1.04
Egypt 2,983 4,834 4,927 5,524 5,224 0.60 -5.43
Kuwait 1,977 2,406 2,605 2,919 2,829 0.32 -3.08
Saudi Arabia 18,435 19,494 24,181 27,109 26,553 3.05 -2.05
United Arab Emirates 9,368 13,211 14,353 16,091 15,888 1.82 -1.26
Yemen 6,172 9,326 9,411 10,550 10,447 1.20 -0.98
Other countries of Middle East 12,347 9,479 12,598 14,124 14,582 1.67 3.24
SOUTH ASIA 21,539 23,365 27,510 30,845 30,470 3.50 -1.22
India 19,211 21,789 25,606 28,708 28,294 3.25 -1.44
Pakistan 2,328 1,576 1,904 2,137 2,176 0.25 1.82

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 660,590 658,866 692,630 754,835 792,320 100.00 4.97

AMERICAS 69,904 67,568 74,381 79,540 81,408 10.27 2.35
NORTH AMERICA 69,904 67,568 74,381 79,540 81,408 10.27 2.35
Canada 13,426 12,870 12,457 11,709 11,780 1.49 0.61
United States of America 56,478 54,698 61,924 67,831 69,628 8.79 2.65
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 535,252 533,817 561,739 618,375 653,946 82.54 5.75
NORTH-EAST ASIA 39,377 36,402 40,206 53,624 63,886 8.06 19.14
China 26,395 23,775 28,333 40,174 49,083 6.19 22.18
Hong Kong (China) 1,509 978 309 658 458 0.06 -30.40
Japan 7,069 7,330 5,888 6,092 6,274 0.79 2.99
Korea, Republic of 4,404 4,319 5,676 6,700 8,071 1.02 20.46
AUSTRALASIA 443,413 447,941 473,185 505,810 524,206 66.16 3.64
Australia 337,291 339,563 349,217 367,273 360,370 45.48 -1.88
New Zealand 106,122 108,378 123,968 138,537 163,836 20.68 18.26
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 52,462 49,474 48,348 58,941 65,854 8.31 11.73
Other countries of Asia 13,576 9,849 9,050 10,371 16,113 2.03 55.37
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 38,886 39,625 39,298 48,570 49,741 6.28 2.41
EUROPE 46,403 46,360 47,367 47,911 48,628 6.14 1.50
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,332 1,256 1,267 728 556 0.07 -23.63
Russian Federation 1,332 1,256 1,267 728 556 0.07 -23.63
NORTHERN EUROPE 21,585 20,689 21,153 21,297 21,018 2.65 -1.31
Denmark 1,065 1,175 1,111 1,395 1,377 0.17 -1.29
Finland 579 571 612 528 574 0.07 8.71
Norway 1,442 1,350 1,226 1,168 1,005 0.13 -13.96
Sweden 1,423 1,406 1,422 1,490 1,350 0.17 -9.40
United Kingdom 17,076 16,187 16,782 16,716 16,712 2.11 -0.02
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,315 3,920 4,243 4,167 4,772 0.60 14.52
Italy 2,994 2,701 2,960 2,991 3,299 0.42 10.30
Spain 1,321 1,219 1,283 1,176 1,473 0.19 25.26
WESTERN EUROPE 16,715 17,045 17,948 18,515 18,590 2.35 0.41
Austria 1,031 878 910 924 838 0.11 -9.31
France 4,375 4,838 5,207 5,122 5,245 0.66 2.40
Germany 7,841 8,106 8,188 8,627 8,636 1.09 0.10
Netherlands 1,590 1,517 1,462 1,487 1,541 0.19 3.63
Switzerland 1,878 1,706 2,181 2,355 2,330 0.29 -1.06
OTHER EUROPE 2,456 3,450 2,756 3,204 3,692 0.47 15.23
Other countries of Europe 2,456 3,450 2,756 3,204 3,692 0.47 15.23
SOUTH ASIA 2,507 2,882 3,057 3,352 3,987 0.50 18.94
India 2,507 2,882 3,057 3,352 3,987 0.50 18.94
NOT SPECIFIED 6,524 8,239 6,086 5,657 4,351 0.55 -23.09
Other countries of the World 6,524 8,239 6,086 5,657 4,351 0.55 -23.09

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,120,849 3,172,156 3,301,246 3,488,988 3,076,476 100.00 -11.82

AMERICAS 278,266 268,826 286,424 283,924 296,389 9.63 4.39
NORTH AMERICA 278,266 268,826 286,424 283,924 296,389 9.63 4.39
Canada 37,937 35,992 40,637 36,531 34,690 1.13 -5.04
United States of America 240,329 232,834 245,787 247,393 261,699 8.51 5.78
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,329,811 2,344,623 2,382,243 2,573,092 2,240,540 72.83 -12.92
NORTH-EAST ASIA 32,424 31,433 28,557 34,589 30,749 1.00 -11.10
Japan 32,424 31,433 28,557 34,589 30,749 1.00 -11.10
AUSTRALASIA 2,192,304 2,221,879 2,255,954 2,413,038 2,089,800 67.93 -13.40
Australia 1,816,899 1,809,905 1,781,753 1,879,790 1,580,992 51.39 -15.90
New Zealand 375,405 411,974 474,201 533,248 508,808 16.54 -4.58
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 105,083 91,311 97,732 125,465 119,991 3.90 -4.36
Other countries of Oceania 105,083 91,311 97,732 125,465 119,991 3.90 -4.36
EUROPE 225,941 220,966 233,025 226,653 207,168 6.73 -8.60
NORTHERN EUROPE 104,433 97,977 98,810 99,577 88,618 2.88 -11.01
United Kingdom 104,433 97,977 98,810 99,577 88,618 2.88 -11.01
OTHER EUROPE 121,508 122,989 134,215 127,076 118,550 3.85 -6.71
Other countries of Europe 121,508 122,989 134,215 127,076 118,550 3.85 -6.71
NOT SPECIFIED 286,831 337,741 399,554 405,319 332,379 10.80 -18.00
Other countries of the World 286,831 337,741 399,554 405,319 332,379 10.80 -18.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,778,464 2,796,839 2,731,325 2,622,039 2,788,903 100.00 6.36

AFRICA 7,884 7,385 7,851 8,830 8,609 0.31 -2.50
EAST AFRICA 1,657 1,595 1,814 2,139 1,837 0.07 -14.12
British Indian Ocean Territory 30 18 6 2 17 0.00 750.00
Burundi 5 14 10 7 22 0.00 214.29
Comoros 4 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Djibouti 11 6 28 4 10 0.00 150.00
Eritrea 11 13 17 29 22 0.00 -24.14
Ethiopia 215 178 252 313 501 0.02 60.06
Kenya 425 484 450 679 354 0.01 -47.86
Madagascar 7 8 17 13 10 0.00 -23.08
Malawi 58 37 51 18 24 0.00 33.33
Mauritius 72 49 22 47 100 0.00 112.77
Mozambique 73 36 79 68 78 0.00 14.71
Reunion 39 13 36 10 6 0.00 -40.00
Rwanda 63 36 22 35 21 0.00 -40.00
Seychelles 48 16 23 35 70 0.00 100.00
Somalia 37 64 98 125 75 0.00 -40.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 259 340 389 469 304 0.01 -35.18
Uganda 112 86 86 99 116 0.00 17.17
Zambia 147 142 189 117 64 0.00 -45.30
Zimbabwe 45 51 39 64 41 0.00 -35.94
CENTRAL AFRICA 523 429 497 289 231 0.01 -20.07
Angola 277 196 195 43 20 0.00 -53.49
Cameroon 63 83 68 86 65 0.00 -24.42
Central African Republic 24 8 31 13 16 0.00 23.08
Chad 6 8 2 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Congo 103 85 60 91 68 0.00 -25.27
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24 9 112 9 17 0.00 88.89
Equatorial Guinea 1 9 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Gabon 24 28 9 37 32 0.00 -13.51
Sao Tome and Principe 2 11 11 1 7 0.00 600.00
NORTH AFRICA 965 958 980 1,155 1,326 0.05 14.81
Algeria 266 250 306 349 322 0.01 -7.74
Morocco 381 373 382 460 499 0.02 8.48
Sudan 62 79 71 66 107 0.00 62.12
Tunisia 255 255 221 280 398 0.01 42.14
Western Sahara 1 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,898 2,927 2,973 3,237 2,758 0.10 -14.80
Botswana 36 25 53 45 42 0.00 -6.67
Lesotho 2 7 2 50
Namibia 198 217 362 187 282 0.01 50.80
South Africa 2,532 2,530 2,406 2,698 2,257 0.08 -16.35
Swaziland 130 148 150 257 177 0.01 -31.13
WEST AFRICA 1,841 1,476 1,587 2,010 2,457 0.09 22.24
Benin 17 18 14 10 9 0.00 -10.00
Burkina Faso 11 14 18 11 12 0.00 9.09
Cabo Verde 10 21 6 4 5 0.00 25.00
Côte d'Ivoire 56 64 56 62 48 0.00 -22.58
Gambia 76 35 51 50 69 0.00 38.00
Ghana 246 197 103 215 231 0.01 7.44
Guinea 12 15 28 14 19 0.00 35.71
Guinea-Bissau 5 5 0.00
Liberia 9 14 21 7 14 0.00 100.00
Mali 101 50 70 161 798 0.03 395.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 20 28 44 34 16 0.00 -52.94

Niger 196 157 121 181 182 0.01 0.55
Nigeria 621 516 632 702 520 0.02 -25.93
Saint Helena 7 13 41 5 14 0.00 180.00
Senegal 101 71 107 115 143 0.01 24.35
Sierra Leone 347 262 266 426 358 0.01 -15.96
Togo 11 1 9 8 14 0.00 75.00
AMERICAS 123,211 121,014 127,893 135,021 149,106 5.35 10.43
CARIBBEAN 851 790 660 535 1,397 0.05 161.12
Anguilla 12 11 7 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Antigua and Barbuda 5 40 23 12 13 0.00 8.33
Aruba 11 3 14 5
Bahamas 44 36 37 24 25 0.00 4.17
Barbados 13 14 34 4 18 0.00 350.00
Bermuda 19 17 11 7 26 0.00 271.43
British Virgin Islands 16 7 5 9 0.00
Cayman Islands 10 2 4 2 12 0.00 500.00
Cuba 289 281 85 148 103 0.00 -30.41
Dominica 23 4 8 9 49 0.00 444.44
Dominican Republic 70 61 45 95 68 0.00 -28.42
Grenada 18 7 3 5 0.00 66.67
Guadeloupe 1 15 13 6
Haiti 35 20 62 13 10 0.00 -23.08
Jamaica 112 57 80 30 70 0.00 133.33
Martinique 5 10 19
Montserrat 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Netherlands Antilles 40 50 58 19
Puerto Rico 29 39 74 71 888 0.03 1,150.70
Saint Kitts and Nevis 4 4 15 16 15 0.00 -6.25
Saint Lucia 38 11 7 4 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1 1 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 28 46 33 45 55 0.00 22.22
Turks and Caicos Islands 19 9 13 10 3 0.00 -70.00
United States Virgin Islands 6 46 10 9 18 0.00 100.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 555 852 879 1,261 1,207 0.04 -4.28
Belize 7 27 22 58 77 0.00 32.76
Costa Rica 179 233 194 195 297 0.01 52.31
El Salvador 205 378 425 676 512 0.02 -24.26
Guatemala 65 34 47 81 62 0.00 -23.46
Honduras 28 93 59 113 61 0.00 -46.02
Nicaragua 47 45 58 72 46 0.00 -36.11
Panama 24 42 74 66 152 0.01 130.30
NORTH AMERICA 108,679 106,396 111,523 116,866 129,879 4.66 11.13
Canada 15,075 14,724 15,410 18,693 18,207 0.65 -2.60
Greenland 66 43 67 95 118 0.00 24.21
Mexico 2,356 2,564 2,576 2,759 3,731 0.13 35.23
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1
United States of America 91,181 89,065 93,469 95,319 107,823 3.87 13.12
SOUTH AMERICA 13,126 12,976 14,831 16,359 16,623 0.60 1.61
Argentina 1,444 2,033 1,783 2,807 3,385 0.12 20.59
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 50 47 54 41 76 0.00 85.37
Brazil 8,123 7,397 9,543 8,956 8,946 0.32 -0.11
Chile 1,218 1,175 1,337 1,450 1,451 0.05 0.07
Colombia 798 908 669 1,308 886 0.03 -32.26
Ecuador 228 190 163 170 175 0.01 2.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 8 10 8 9 13 0.00 44.44

French Guiana 11 5 8 6
Guyana 2 7 5 9 12 0.00 33.33
Paraguay 6 19 27 19 55 0.00 189.47
Peru 307 348 332 443 482 0.02 8.80
Suriname 31 31 41 44 34 0.00 -22.73
Uruguay 509 530 484 786 631 0.02 -19.72
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 391 276 377 311 477 0.02 53.38
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 228,510 272,582 286,619 348,979 429,252 15.39 23.00
NORTH-EAST ASIA 182,810 221,970 227,876 281,980 339,602 12.18 20.43
China 59,491 79,379 85,389 121,208 158,239 5.67 30.55
Hong Kong (China) 8,202 10,291 12,426 17,649 26,620 0.95 50.83
Japan 91,783 106,769 102,154 108,106 114,463 4.10 5.88
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,927 1,271 1,471 777 840 0.03 8.11
Korea, Republic of 13,609 15,855 15,769 18,835 22,948 0.82 21.84
Macao (China) 92 117 120 255 514 0.02 101.57
Mongolia 128 106 148 104 98 0.00 -5.77
Taiwan Province of China 7,578 8,182 10,399 15,046 15,880 0.57 5.54
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 21,942 25,098 29,423 37,271 59,406 2.13 59.39
Brunei Darussalam 17 13 27 16 21 0.00 31.25
Cambodia 7 23 11 83 17 0.00 -79.52
Indonesia 2,721 3,450 3,674 3,408 6,684 0.24 96.13
Lao People's Democratic Republic 45 72 36 41 56 0.00 36.59
Malaysia 2,054 2,018 2,892 4,315 6,125 0.22 41.95
Myanmar 72 136 119 255 138 0.00 -45.88
Philippines 1,202 1,151 1,238 1,726 3,245 0.12 88.01
Singapore 6,729 8,631 10,695 13,931 26,139 0.94 87.63
Thailand 8,387 8,926 9,762 12,457 15,172 0.54 21.79
Timor-Leste 3 4 5 13 0.00 160.00
Viet Nam 708 675 965 1,034 1,796 0.06 73.69
AUSTRALASIA 23,417 25,123 29,084 29,490 29,942 1.07 1.53
Australia 21,553 23,153 26,959 27,242 27,604 0.99 1.33
New Zealand 1,864 1,970 2,125 2,248 2,338 0.08 4.00
MELANESIA 100 138 132 107 132 0.00 23.36
Fiji 32 30 35 34 40 0.00 17.65
New Caledonia 44 84 61 33 48 0.00 45.45
Papua New Guinea 10 12 24 20 13 0.00 -35.00
Solomon Islands 11 11 12 20 23 0.00 15.00
Vanuatu 3 1 8 0.00
MICRONESIA 20 43 21 23 31 0.00 34.78
Christmas Island, Australia 1 5
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 3
Guam 2 1 6 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Kiribati 11 12 6 3 6 0.00 100.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 2 14 4 0.00
Nauru 1 11 5 9 14 0.00 55.56
Northern Mariana Islands 2 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
Palau 3 3 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 221 210 83 108 139 0.00 28.70
American Samoa 145 115 37 27 13 0.00 -51.85
Cook Islands 2 7 6 1 4 0.00 300.00
French Polynesia 16 9 8 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Niue 2 3 2 1 5 0.00 400.00
Pitcairn 2 4 1 2 3 0.00 50.00
Samoa 4 7 4 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Tokelau 35 53 20 61 36 0.00 -40.98

Tonga 5 1 8 75 0.00 837.50
Tuvalu 10 7 1
Wallis and Futuna Islands 5 3
EUROPE 2,238,356 2,218,427 2,111,875 1,933,993 1,946,912 69.81 0.67
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 937,617 965,899 817,295 552,424 516,513 18.52 -6.50
Armenia 256 247 315 242 232 0.01 -4.13
Azerbaijan 399 342 433 514 490 0.02 -4.67
Belarus 2,359 2,324 2,656 2,666 2,533 0.09 -4.99
Bulgaria 1,979 1,858 2,355 2,781 2,928 0.10 5.29
Czech Republic 14,262 13,105 14,154 15,030 16,267 0.58 8.23
Estonia 94,800 80,409 83,278 81,010 84,121 3.02 3.84
Georgia 1,385 1,246 1,489 1,389 1,249 0.04 -10.08
Hungary 8,224 7,904 7,746 8,039 7,711 0.28 -4.08
Kazakhstan 1,416 2,176 2,536 1,884 1,877 0.07 -0.37
Kyrgyzstan 207 49 58 130 133 0.00 2.31
Latvia 20,256 20,542 22,081 19,800 21,123 0.76 6.68
Lithuania 13,697 11,986 14,100 14,177 15,659 0.56 10.45
Moldova, Republic of 263 176 253 179 346 0.01 93.30
Poland 28,451 26,293 32,686 33,385 34,856 1.25 4.41
Romania 6,396 6,249 6,081 6,529 7,169 0.26 9.80
Russian Federation 731,261 778,574 615,154 351,721 306,794 11.00 -12.77
Slovakia 4,570 3,973 3,987 4,902 4,616 0.17 -5.83
Tajikistan 75 41 34 122 63 0.00 -48.36
Turkmenistan 32 27 35 41 27 0.00 -34.15
Ukraine 7,246 8,251 7,713 7,710 8,211 0.29 6.50
Uzbekistan 83 127 151 173 108 0.00 -37.57
NORTHERN EUROPE 617,828 618,984 636,169 668,985 683,349 24.50 2.15
Denmark 50,618 48,071 51,844 54,166 56,454 2.02 4.22
Faeroe Islands 275 162 132 318 402 0.01 26.42
Iceland 4,197 3,339 3,822 4,713 5,172 0.19 9.74
Ireland 7,610 7,795 7,799 9,775 11,099 0.40 13.54
Isle of Man 2 1 6 19 0.00 216.67
Norway 92,478 90,627 92,416 94,512 96,599 3.46 2.21
Sweden 301,651 291,405 299,589 315,567 313,866 11.25 -0.54
United Kingdom 160,999 177,583 180,566 189,928 199,738 7.16 5.17
SOUTHERN EUROPE 124,883 113,372 125,542 133,931 148,496 5.32 10.88
Albania 332 184 278 408 348 0.01 -14.71
Andorra 141 145 130 113 134 0.00 18.58
Bosnia and Herzegovina 237 170 363 306 244 0.01 -20.26
Croatia 1,503 1,858 2,123 4,625 3,251 0.12 -29.71
Gibraltar 48 61 51 50 80 0.00 60.00
Greece 5,828 5,022 5,868 5,736 6,028 0.22 5.09
Holy See 6 139 186 192 136 0.00 -29.17
Italy 60,000 54,455 58,322 61,289 66,057 2.37 7.78
Malta 390 274 493 645 742 0.03 15.04
Montenegro 22 37 30 160 152 0.01 -5.00
Portugal 7,027 5,493 6,211 7,130 9,147 0.33 28.29
San Marino 103 26 65 24 41 0.00 70.83
Serbia 828 703 1,030 1,051 1,192 0.04 13.42
Slovenia 2,995 3,241 3,215 3,347 3,522 0.13 5.23
Spain 45,206 41,379 46,950 48,635 57,149 2.05 17.51
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 217 185 227 220 273 0.01 24.09
WESTERN EUROPE 542,197 500,114 510,525 551,143 566,335 20.31 2.76
Austria 30,705 23,116 23,153 24,728 26,525 0.95 7.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 24,927 23,376 24,909 26,379 28,213 1.01 6.95

France 83,217 79,595 81,881 87,806 93,513 3.35 6.50
Germany 268,810 245,350 248,311 266,397 268,081 9.61 0.63
Liechtenstein 240 223 234 290 236 0.01 -18.62
Luxembourg 2,136 2,390 2,542 3,321 3,389 0.12 2.05
Monaco 293 260 243 176 281 0.01 59.66
Netherlands 72,961 69,163 71,567 72,413 76,859 2.76 6.14
Switzerland 58,908 56,641 57,685 69,633 69,238 2.48 -0.57
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,831 20,058 22,344 27,510 32,219 1.16 17.12
Cyprus 666 476 736 666 874 0.03 31.23
Israel 6,830 10,402 12,128 14,197 16,786 0.60 18.24
Turkey 8,335 9,180 9,480 12,647 14,559 0.52 15.12
MIDDLE EAST 4,706 5,371 6,271 7,790 9,202 0.33 18.13
Bahrain 97 80 126 138 177 0.01 28.26
Egypt 839 998 1,118 1,312 1,300 0.05 -0.91
Iraq 158 232 319 563 566 0.02 0.53
Jordan 155 214 202 247 381 0.01 54.25
Kuwait 196 341 281 400 521 0.02 30.25
Lebanon 275 279 385 375 543 0.02 44.80
Libya 66 75 143 26 79 0.00 203.85
Oman 146 173 174 173 260 0.01 50.29
Qatar 170 291 235 475 650 0.02 36.84
Saudi Arabia 983 1,035 1,021 1,374 1,213 0.04 -11.72
State of Palestine 19 14 16 8 19 0.00 137.50
Syrian Arab Republic 102 97 82 95 87 0.00 -8.42
United Arab Emirates 1,476 1,524 2,142 2,602 3,392 0.12 30.36
Yemen 24 18 27 2 14 0.00 600.00
SOUTH ASIA 17,152 18,534 19,395 24,472 28,598 1.03 16.86
Afghanistan 323 350 439 279 378 0.01 35.48
Bangladesh 180 141 250 243 343 0.01 41.15
Bhutan 4 20 13 31 22 0.00 -29.03
India 14,432 16,083 16,406 21,023 23,857 0.86 13.48
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,260 1,037 1,350 1,937 2,668 0.10 37.74
Maldives 2 8 26 12 0.00 -53.85
Nepal 271 302 238 275 390 0.01 41.82
Pakistan 528 512 542 543 693 0.02 27.62
Sri Lanka 152 89 149 115 235 0.01 104.35
NOT SPECIFIED 158,645 153,526 171,421 162,954 217,224 7.79 33.30
Other countries of the World 158,645 153,526 171,421 162,954 217,224 7.79 33.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,948,446 4,906,135 4,795,213 4,676,645 4,973,182 100.00 6.34

AFRICA 21,406 18,876 19,641 21,053 20,332 0.41 -3.42
EAST AFRICA 4,741 4,450 4,853 5,847 4,952 0.10 -15.31
British Indian Ocean Territory 36 22 9 6 50 0.00 733.33
Burundi 27 34 43 13 47 0.00 261.54
Comoros 1 10 12 0.00 20.00
Djibouti 15 37 134 4 15 0.00 275.00
Eritrea 13 18 31 67 52 0.00 -22.39
Ethiopia 522 542 499 640 847 0.02 32.34
Kenya 1,366 1,175 1,339 1,934 981 0.02 -49.28
Madagascar 19 44 37 11 20 0.00 81.82
Malawi 144 122 97 56 60 0.00 7.14
Mauritius 248 157 27 138 248 0.00 79.71
Mozambique 273 156 188 247 213 0.00 -13.77
Reunion 62 32 61 26 7 0.00 -73.08
Rwanda 121 166 76 50 34 0.00 -32.00
Seychelles 98 46 83 53 302 0.01 469.81
Somalia 54 64 147 248 164 0.00 -33.87
Tanzania, United Republic of 700 826 1,189 1,703 736 0.01 -56.78
Uganda 271 310 237 249 294 0.01 18.07
Zambia 604 507 563 262 736 0.01 180.92
Zimbabwe 168 191 93 130 134 0.00 3.08
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,272 761 852 515 529 0.01 2.72
Angola 747 342 306 172 59 0.00 -65.70
Cameroon 178 178 151 142 214 0.00 50.70
Central African Republic 39 19 48 20 31 0.00 55.00
Chad 25 16 9 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Congo 200 127 76 109 104 0.00 -4.59
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 29 17 198 8 20 0.00 150.00
Equatorial Guinea 6 16 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Gabon 49 36 23 50 71 0.00 42.00
Sao Tome and Principe 5 20 25 2 20 0.00 900.00
NORTH AFRICA 2,141 2,111 2,266 2,787 3,535 0.07 26.84
Algeria 776 672 892 1,003 1,278 0.03 27.42
Morocco 743 663 631 983 1,031 0.02 4.88
Sudan 118 214 140 134 251 0.01 87.31
Tunisia 503 560 603 667 975 0.02 46.18
Western Sahara 1 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,947 7,924 7,347 7,542 6,340 0.13 -15.94
Botswana 205 128 198 134 95 0.00 -29.10
Lesotho 32 92 32 62
Namibia 681 598 921 620 479 0.01 -22.74
South Africa 7,616 6,866 5,890 6,268 5,384 0.11 -14.10
Swaziland 413 240 306 458 382 0.01 -16.59
WEST AFRICA 4,305 3,630 4,323 4,362 4,976 0.10 14.08
Benin 39 36 32 20 13 0.00 -35.00
Burkina Faso 59 81 86 21 34 0.00 61.90
Cabo Verde 21 25 11 14 10 0.00 -28.57
Côte d'Ivoire 144 80 94 104 92 0.00 -11.54
Gambia 92 50 96 73 133 0.00 82.19
Ghana 674 511 220 537 691 0.01 28.68
Guinea 25 36 50 26 38 0.00 46.15
Guinea-Bissau 17 11 0.00 -35.29
Liberia 87 23 34 20 25 0.00 25.00
Mali 267 107 155 455 1,040 0.02 128.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 51 50 460 52 28 0.00 -46.15

Niger 388 360 325 475 385 0.01 -18.95
Nigeria 1,140 1,011 1,562 1,618 1,181 0.02 -27.01
Saint Helena 18 46 71 6 21 0.00 250.00
Senegal 339 276 511 210 658 0.01 213.33
Sierra Leone 907 937 583 690 596 0.01 -13.62
Togo 54 1 33 24 20 0.00 -16.67
AMERICAS 265,509 248,491 269,643 281,547 320,376 6.44 13.79
CARIBBEAN 2,182 1,920 1,393 1,152 2,507 0.05 117.62
Anguilla 12 18 14 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Antigua and Barbuda 10 83 74 20 25 0.00 25.00
Aruba 23 4 26 10
Bahamas 269 138 68 51 56 0.00 9.80
Barbados 62 23 61 10 27 0.00 170.00
Bermuda 32 51 41 16 73 0.00 356.25
British Virgin Islands 51 12 6 27 0.00
Cayman Islands 23 10 9 5 23 0.00 360.00
Cuba 714 510 129 251 272 0.01 8.37
Dominica 47 14 12 14 88 0.00 528.57
Dominican Republic 181 117 126 236 128 0.00 -45.76
Grenada 30 9 5 12 0.00 140.00
Guadeloupe 1 30 31 19
Haiti 56 39 96 36 14 0.00 -61.11
Jamaica 291 124 103 61 127 0.00 108.20
Martinique 5 44 38
Montserrat 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Netherlands Antilles 24 48 40 30
Puerto Rico 74 64 274 111 1,362 0.03 1,127.03
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 27 49 27 29 0.00 7.41
Saint Lucia 69 45 46 14 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1 4 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 108 390 86 193 146 0.00 -24.35
Turks and Caicos Islands 71 27 34 25 3 0.00 -88.00
United States Virgin Islands 15 93 27 23 72 0.00 213.04
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,275 1,533 1,605 2,305 2,281 0.05 -1.04
Belize 7 50 59 121 151 0.00 24.79
Costa Rica 395 494 421 423 690 0.01 63.12
El Salvador 457 622 654 1,084 823 0.02 -24.08
Guatemala 159 77 67 174 137 0.00 -21.26
Honduras 55 129 105 225 107 0.00 -52.44
Nicaragua 120 93 134 132 64 0.00 -51.52
Panama 82 68 165 146 309 0.01 111.64
NORTH AMERICA 232,653 218,495 236,569 244,776 280,600 5.64 14.64
Canada 34,318 31,768 33,977 43,377 47,202 0.95 8.82
Greenland 111 146 153 364 345 0.01 -5.22
Mexico 4,857 5,233 5,021 5,504 7,765 0.16 41.08
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1
United States of America 193,366 181,348 197,417 195,531 225,288 4.53 15.22
SOUTH AMERICA 29,399 26,543 30,076 33,314 34,988 0.70 5.02
Argentina 2,860 3,677 3,679 5,563 7,108 0.14 27.77
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 129 123 90 113 191 0.00 69.03
Brazil 19,411 15,949 19,649 19,236 19,189 0.39 -0.24
Chile 2,446 2,344 2,450 2,979 2,704 0.05 -9.23
Colombia 1,590 1,907 1,259 2,588 1,967 0.04 -24.00
Ecuador 474 522 484 351 329 0.01 -6.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 10 17 10 26 25 0.00 -3.85

French Guiana 24 5 14 6
Guyana 8 29 20 45 39 0.00 -13.33
Paraguay 43 47 54 45 175 0.00 288.89
Peru 583 722 727 867 1,235 0.02 42.45
Suriname 147 82 126 77 108 0.00 40.26
Uruguay 729 453 734 838 1,045 0.02 24.70
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 945 666 780 580 873 0.02 50.52
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 407,026 473,516 482,155 576,979 692,920 13.93 20.09
NORTH-EAST ASIA 320,477 379,294 374,883 458,139 539,172 10.84 17.69
China 96,781 122,855 124,025 177,543 226,115 4.55 27.36
Hong Kong (China) 11,932 15,660 20,969 27,921 38,944 0.78 39.48
Japan 171,590 199,786 185,475 197,853 210,407 4.23 6.35
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 4,722 2,239 2,539 1,565 1,442 0.03 -7.86
Korea, Republic of 24,115 26,688 26,243 32,029 39,698 0.80 23.94
Macao (China) 174 218 249 450 772 0.02 71.56
Mongolia 342 346 331 330 304 0.01 -7.88
Taiwan Province of China 10,821 11,502 15,052 20,448 21,490 0.43 5.10
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 37,178 42,155 50,151 60,166 94,587 1.90 57.21
Brunei Darussalam 24 22 35 25 30 0.00 20.00
Cambodia 101 73 38 111 52 0.00 -53.15
Indonesia 4,462 5,085 5,944 5,354 10,232 0.21 91.11
Lao People's Democratic Republic 98 223 70 90 100 0.00 11.11
Malaysia 3,984 3,990 4,965 7,352 9,798 0.20 33.27
Myanmar 80 321 274 499 292 0.01 -41.48
Philippines 2,527 2,293 2,477 2,873 5,628 0.11 95.89
Singapore 12,543 15,771 20,038 24,541 43,381 0.87 76.77
Thailand 11,865 13,133 14,195 17,218 21,686 0.44 25.95
Timor-Leste 2 16 15 21 0.00 40.00
Viet Nam 1,494 1,242 2,099 2,088 3,367 0.07 61.25
AUSTRALASIA 48,777 51,343 56,642 58,232 58,573 1.18 0.59
Australia 44,904 47,747 52,311 54,007 53,964 1.09 -0.08
New Zealand 3,873 3,596 4,331 4,225 4,609 0.09 9.09
MELANESIA 171 284 316 217 236 0.00 8.76
Fiji 47 54 71 45 54 0.00 20.00
New Caledonia 88 154 154 79 84 0.00 6.33
Papua New Guinea 17 42 56 28 34 0.00 21.43
Solomon Islands 16 29 35 65 45 0.00 -30.77
Vanuatu 3 5 19 0.00
MICRONESIA 46 56 32 45 58 0.00 28.89
Christmas Island, Australia 3 5
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 4
Guam 3 1 6 13 3 0.00 -76.92
Kiribati 21 18 12 6 9 0.00 50.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 11 19 4 0.00
Nauru 1 11 7 18 33 0.00 83.33
Northern Mariana Islands 3 1 3 8 0.00 166.67
Palau 7 6 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 377 384 131 180 294 0.01 63.33
American Samoa 185 160 41 33 17 0.00 -48.48
Cook Islands 3 14 16 1 7 0.00 600.00
French Polynesia 17 17 11 40 4 0.00 -90.00
Niue 2 3 2 2 11 0.00 450.00
Pitcairn 20 5 2 2 10 0.00 400.00
Samoa 10 29 6 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Tokelau 68 119 42 83 73 0.00 -12.05

Tonga 11 1 17 172 0.00 911.76
Tuvalu 58 26 2
Wallis and Futuna Islands 14 8
EUROPE 3,957,343 3,870,248 3,698,951 3,467,161 3,518,934 70.76 1.49
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,671,194 1,638,510 1,408,053 981,376 922,238 18.54 -6.03
Armenia 702 650 732 546 488 0.01 -10.62
Azerbaijan 993 811 1,141 1,349 1,040 0.02 -22.91
Belarus 6,613 6,155 7,910 7,930 6,391 0.13 -19.41
Bulgaria 4,806 3,959 4,794 5,943 7,401 0.15 24.53
Czech Republic 29,421 25,112 29,078 29,537 30,795 0.62 4.26
Estonia 179,349 142,688 147,685 142,333 145,842 2.93 2.47
Georgia 2,960 2,396 3,221 2,708 3,017 0.06 11.41
Hungary 18,021 16,981 15,470 17,103 16,808 0.34 -1.72
Kazakhstan 5,659 8,686 8,731 7,240 6,272 0.13 -13.37
Kyrgyzstan 385 122 108 232 271 0.01 16.81
Latvia 31,974 30,354 35,554 29,611 36,046 0.72 21.73
Lithuania 24,048 20,151 21,707 21,530 23,279 0.47 8.12
Moldova, Republic of 762 477 554 384 730 0.01 90.10
Poland 65,585 55,951 68,284 84,950 74,202 1.49 -12.65
Romania 14,703 12,438 11,821 15,635 18,931 0.38 21.08
Russian Federation 1,251,335 1,277,117 1,018,832 581,647 518,561 10.43 -10.85
Slovakia 11,336 9,636 9,363 13,080 9,281 0.19 -29.04
Tajikistan 234 88 44 262 122 0.00 -53.44
Turkmenistan 104 85 84 97 129 0.00 32.99
Ukraine 21,925 24,344 22,667 18,973 22,393 0.45 18.03
Uzbekistan 279 309 273 286 239 0.00 -16.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,031,452 1,050,454 1,076,297 1,142,250 1,173,299 23.59 2.72
Denmark 80,257 77,174 86,967 91,437 97,244 1.96 6.35
Faeroe Islands 542 407 205 788 1,049 0.02 33.12
Iceland 8,952 7,275 8,031 10,550 12,322 0.25 16.80
Ireland 14,885 16,483 14,934 21,598 22,607 0.45 4.67
Isle of Man 2 1 12 45 0.00 275.00
Norway 143,211 135,735 142,698 144,716 143,113 2.88 -1.11
Sweden 419,890 408,863 427,077 451,531 442,602 8.90 -1.98
United Kingdom 363,715 404,515 396,384 421,618 454,317 9.14 7.76
SOUTHERN EUROPE 248,670 225,760 248,243 264,921 301,654 6.07 13.87
Albania 688 310 691 823 756 0.02 -8.14
Andorra 491 277 217 154 216 0.00 40.26
Bosnia and Herzegovina 528 517 976 795 474 0.01 -40.38
Croatia 4,728 3,997 4,836 10,018 6,684 0.13 -33.28
Gibraltar 87 92 91 84 146 0.00 73.81
Greece 13,201 10,997 13,777 12,546 13,288 0.27 5.91
Holy See 8 306 694 531 352 0.01 -33.71
Italy 116,293 101,751 108,670 114,980 126,981 2.55 10.44
Malta 912 792 1,056 1,544 1,690 0.03 9.46
Montenegro 81 114 77 385 534 0.01 38.70
Portugal 16,423 13,513 13,600 17,269 23,887 0.48 38.32
San Marino 354 46 153 32 69 0.00 115.63
Serbia 1,772 1,606 3,045 2,688 2,804 0.06 4.32
Slovenia 6,670 6,997 6,520 6,624 7,158 0.14 8.06
Spain 85,865 83,853 93,257 95,923 114,482 2.30 19.35
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 569 592 583 525 2,133 0.04 306.29
WESTERN EUROPE 970,587 914,235 916,667 1,015,884 1,043,004 20.97 2.67
Austria 49,864 43,005 45,086 53,077 51,987 1.05 -2.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 47,901 44,657 47,023 49,472 54,229 1.09 9.62

France 190,892 187,040 188,650 204,085 223,767 4.50 9.64
Germany 444,459 411,672 406,759 452,219 449,687 9.04 -0.56
Liechtenstein 434 443 467 599 508 0.01 -15.19
Luxembourg 4,034 4,352 4,686 6,766 7,023 0.14 3.80
Monaco 568 525 458 307 480 0.01 56.35
Netherlands 130,037 125,466 124,894 129,025 140,083 2.82 8.57
Switzerland 102,398 97,075 98,644 120,334 115,240 2.32 -4.23
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 35,440 41,289 49,691 62,730 78,739 1.58 25.52
Cyprus 1,704 1,105 1,575 1,606 2,266 0.05 41.10
Israel 16,430 22,815 27,494 37,107 46,613 0.94 25.62
Turkey 17,306 17,369 20,622 24,017 29,860 0.60 24.33
MIDDLE EAST 12,492 14,698 16,221 19,922 22,383 0.45 12.35
Bahrain 266 204 332 337 622 0.01 84.57
Egypt 2,051 2,323 2,901 3,280 3,192 0.06 -2.68
Iraq 416 524 746 882 1,029 0.02 16.67
Jordan 340 1,114 880 530 947 0.02 78.68
Kuwait 559 783 781 1,042 1,438 0.03 38.00
Lebanon 610 798 933 1,147 1,388 0.03 21.01
Libya 195 249 264 80 189 0.00 136.25
Oman 854 1,522 524 628 981 0.02 56.21
Qatar 541 652 639 1,326 1,393 0.03 5.05
Saudi Arabia 2,950 2,785 2,797 4,337 3,453 0.07 -20.38
State of Palestine 45 28 42 4 18 0.00 350.00
Syrian Arab Republic 450 225 206 380 275 0.01 -27.63
United Arab Emirates 3,111 3,472 5,123 5,947 7,420 0.15 24.77
Yemen 104 19 53 2 38 0.00 1,800.00
SOUTH ASIA 48,230 47,819 56,593 60,512 63,249 1.27 4.52
Afghanistan 545 652 622 521 785 0.02 50.67
Bangladesh 601 287 599 419 646 0.01 54.18
Bhutan 13 103 34 166 51 0.00 -69.28
India 42,128 42,645 50,851 53,758 53,463 1.08 -0.55
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,739 2,059 2,550 3,504 5,905 0.12 68.52
Maldives 2 21 69 37 0.00 -46.38
Nepal 586 582 478 724 502 0.01 -30.66
Pakistan 1,086 1,262 1,030 1,081 1,336 0.03 23.59
Sri Lanka 530 229 408 270 524 0.01 94.07
NOT SPECIFIED 236,440 232,487 252,009 249,471 334,988 6.74 34.28
Other countries of the World 236,440 232,487 252,009 249,471 334,988 6.74 34.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 5,802,959 5,860,447 5,710,700 5,510,350 5,771,275 100.00 4.74

AFRICA 22,631 20,512 20,621 21,818 20,666 0.36 -5.28
EAST AFRICA 4,937 4,990 5,068 6,064 4,545 0.08 -25.05
British Indian Ocean Territory 36 22 9 6 50 0.00 733.33
Burundi 29 65 45 13 47 0.00 261.54
Comoros 4 10 12 0.00 20.00
Djibouti 15 38 134 4 15 0.00 275.00
Eritrea 18 18 31 67 52 0.00 -22.39
Ethiopia 564 601 521 649 855 0.01 31.74
Kenya 1,405 1,464 1,418 1,951 988 0.02 -49.36
Madagascar 19 45 39 19 20 0.00 5.26
Malawi 144 122 97 56 60 0.00 7.14
Mauritius 256 158 31 143 248 0.00 73.43
Mozambique 273 156 188 247 219 0.00 -11.34
Reunion 63 32 65 26 7 0.00 -73.08
Rwanda 121 175 76 54 34 0.00 -37.04
Seychelles 98 47 83 53 302 0.01 469.81
Somalia 57 93 150 316 250 0.00 -20.89
Tanzania, United Republic of 741 895 1,260 1,726 746 0.01 -56.78
Uganda 293 322 242 272 298 0.01 9.56
Zambia 619 540 575 313 207 0.00 -33.87
Zimbabwe 186 193 104 139 135 0.00 -2.88
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,353 903 871 542 558 0.01 2.95
Angola 765 357 306 180 59 0.00 -67.22
Cameroon 191 240 156 151 217 0.00 43.71
Central African Republic 41 19 48 22 31 0.00 40.91
Chad 27 21 9 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Congo 211 162 87 110 129 0.00 17.27
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 59 28 201 13 21 0.00 61.54
Equatorial Guinea 6 16 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Gabon 54 36 23 52 71 0.00 36.54
Sao Tome and Principe 5 34 25 2 20 0.00 900.00
NORTH AFRICA 2,310 2,301 2,481 3,192 3,707 0.06 16.13
Algeria 794 701 962 1,034 1,321 0.02 27.76
Morocco 857 800 759 1,079 1,100 0.02 1.95
Sudan 121 222 145 147 268 0.00 82.31
Tunisia 537 576 615 932 1,018 0.02 9.23
Western Sahara 1 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,117 8,208 7,649 7,521 6,738 0.12 -10.41
Botswana 205 136 198 136 95 0.00 -30.15
Lesotho 32 92 32 62
Namibia 709 623 957 420 479 0.01 14.05
South Africa 7,743 7,106 6,142 6,443 5,781 0.10 -10.27
Swaziland 428 251 320 460 383 0.01 -16.74
WEST AFRICA 4,914 4,110 4,552 4,499 5,118 0.09 13.76
Benin 50 55 32 20 17 0.00 -15.00
Burkina Faso 59 81 86 25 34 0.00 36.00
Cabo Verde 21 82 11 14 10 0.00 -28.57
Côte d'Ivoire 144 82 98 108 92 0.00 -14.81
Gambia 165 65 106 90 146 0.00 62.22
Ghana 738 530 231 575 697 0.01 21.22
Guinea 27 42 51 26 39 0.00 50.00
Guinea-Bissau 17 11 0.00 -35.29
Liberia 87 24 36 20 25 0.00 25.00
Mali 267 108 159 455 1,040 0.02 128.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 51 50 462 52 28 0.00 -46.15

Niger 400 363 326 475 385 0.01 -18.95
Nigeria 1,558 1,343 1,731 1,690 1,288 0.02 -23.79
Saint Helena 18 46 79 6 21 0.00 250.00
Senegal 361 301 518 212 669 0.01 215.57
Sierra Leone 911 937 591 690 596 0.01 -13.62
Togo 57 1 35 24 20 0.00 -16.67
AMERICAS 275,908 259,675 281,175 294,503 330,920 5.73 12.37
CARIBBEAN 2,248 2,025 1,480 1,170 2,553 0.04 118.21
Anguilla 12 18 14 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Antigua and Barbuda 10 83 74 20 25 0.00 25.00
Aruba 23 4 26 10
Bahamas 269 139 68 51 56 0.00 9.80
Barbados 63 23 61 10 33 0.00 230.00
Bermuda 32 51 41 16 73 0.00 356.25
British Virgin Islands 51 12 6 27 0.00
Cayman Islands 23 10 9 5 23 0.00 360.00
Cuba 725 520 141 256 275 0.00 7.42
Dominica 49 14 12 22 88 0.00 300.00
Dominican Republic 183 130 131 236 144 0.00 -38.98
Grenada 30 9 5 12 0.00 140.00
Guadeloupe 1 30 31 19
Haiti 59 41 96 36 14 0.00 -61.11
Jamaica 291 135 107 63 143 0.00 126.98
Martinique 5 44 40
Montserrat 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Netherlands Antilles 69 100 104 30
Puerto Rico 74 80 274 111 1,366 0.02 1,130.63
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 27 49 27 29 0.00 7.41
Saint Lucia 69 45 46 14 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1 4 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 108 390 86 196 147 0.00 -25.00
Turks and Caicos Islands 73 27 34 25 3 0.00 -88.00
United States Virgin Islands 15 93 27 23 72 0.00 213.04
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,335 1,661 1,683 2,389 2,308 0.04 -3.39
Belize 7 50 87 121 151 0.00 24.79
Costa Rica 424 537 441 462 705 0.01 52.60
El Salvador 470 666 659 1,089 823 0.01 -24.43
Guatemala 163 83 76 181 139 0.00 -23.20
Honduras 61 138 110 238 114 0.00 -52.10
Nicaragua 126 101 141 145 67 0.00 -53.79
Panama 84 86 169 153 309 0.01 101.96
NORTH AMERICA 241,118 226,867 245,617 254,969 289,277 5.01 13.46
Canada 36,792 33,604 35,873 46,031 49,061 0.85 6.58
Greenland 111 146 153 366 345 0.01 -5.74
Mexico 5,489 5,872 5,554 6,026 8,163 0.14 35.46
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1
United States of America 198,725 187,245 204,036 202,546 231,708 4.01 14.40
SOUTH AMERICA 31,207 29,122 32,395 35,975 36,782 0.64 2.24
Argentina 3,121 3,917 3,909 5,918 7,309 0.13 23.50
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 136 130 110 117 217 0.00 85.47
Brazil 20,207 17,266 21,052 20,505 20,032 0.35 -2.31
Chile 2,564 2,516 2,630 3,098 2,842 0.05 -8.26
Colombia 1,763 2,136 1,346 2,707 2,042 0.04 -24.57
Ecuador 538 555 543 385 352 0.01 -8.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 10 17 10 26 25 0.00 -3.85

French Guiana 24 5 14 6
Guyana 8 29 20 45 39 0.00 -13.33
Paraguay 44 48 54 48 175 0.00 264.58
Peru 638 778 769 978 1,336 0.02 36.61
Suriname 147 82 126 77 108 0.00 40.26
Uruguay 1,054 942 965 1,445 1,388 0.02 -3.94
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 953 701 847 620 917 0.02 47.90
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 447,156 519,505 512,506 630,796 740,044 12.82 17.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 332,109 393,123 390,627 472,603 552,723 9.58 16.95
China 100,057 126,495 128,689 181,862 231,573 4.01 27.33
Hong Kong (China) 12,534 16,307 21,586 28,673 39,832 0.69 38.92
Japan 176,919 205,988 192,007 203,411 214,495 3.72 5.45
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 4,786 2,263 2,549 1,591 1,451 0.03 -8.80
Korea, Republic of 26,013 29,296 29,223 35,047 41,840 0.72 19.38
Macao (China) 177 240 270 467 808 0.01 73.02
Mongolia 342 361 341 355 343 0.01 -3.38
Taiwan Province of China 11,281 12,173 15,962 21,197 22,381 0.39 5.59
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 62,129 70,030 60,147 95,497 124,235 2.15 30.09
Brunei Darussalam 41 38 35 25 33 0.00 32.00
Cambodia 108 79 39 115 55 0.00 -52.17
Indonesia 4,900 5,213 6,074 5,436 10,357 0.18 90.53
Lao People's Democratic Republic 98 317 72 90 101 0.00 12.22
Malaysia 4,130 4,146 5,116 8,005 10,097 0.17 26.13
Myanmar 96 325 275 501 292 0.01 -41.72
Philippines 2,562 2,716 2,547 2,962 5,764 0.10 94.60
Singapore 13,047 16,502 21,068 25,293 44,281 0.77 75.07
Thailand 35,575 39,318 22,723 50,726 49,649 0.86 -2.12
Timor-Leste 3 20 15 21 0.00 40.00
Viet Nam 1,572 1,373 2,178 2,329 3,585 0.06 53.93
AUSTRALASIA 52,317 55,617 61,240 62,226 62,496 1.08 0.43
Australia 48,035 51,652 56,529 57,623 57,480 1.00 -0.25
New Zealand 4,282 3,965 4,711 4,603 5,016 0.09 8.97
MELANESIA 178 292 319 245 238 0.00 -2.86
Fiji 48 54 74 45 54 0.00 20.00
New Caledonia 94 162 154 79 86 0.00 8.86
Papua New Guinea 17 42 56 56 34 0.00 -39.29
Solomon Islands 16 29 35 65 45 0.00 -30.77
Vanuatu 3 5 19 0.00
MICRONESIA 46 59 32 45 58 0.00 28.89
Christmas Island, Australia 3 5
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 4
Guam 3 1 6 13 3 0.00 -76.92
Kiribati 21 18 12 6 9 0.00 50.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 11 19 4 0.00
Nauru 1 14 7 18 33 0.00 83.33
Northern Mariana Islands 3 1 3 8 0.00 166.67
Palau 7 6 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 377 384 141 180 294 0.01 63.33
American Samoa 185 160 47 33 17 0.00 -48.48
Cook Islands 3 14 16 1 7 0.00 600.00
French Polynesia 17 17 15 40 4 0.00 -90.00
Niue 2 3 2 2 11 0.00 450.00
Pitcairn 20 5 2 2 10 0.00 400.00
Samoa 10 29 6 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Tokelau 68 119 42 83 73 0.00 -12.05

Tonga 11 1 17 172 0.00 911.76
Tuvalu 58 26 2
Wallis and Futuna Islands 14 8
EUROPE 4,753,805 4,757,941 4,554,142 4,206,701 4,246,081 73.57 0.94
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,032,730 2,071,870 1,826,160 1,290,672 1,215,156 21.06 -5.85
Armenia 716 670 885 556 495 0.01 -10.97
Azerbaijan 1,053 839 1,170 1,353 1,077 0.02 -20.40
Belarus 10,688 7,021 8,647 9,068 7,343 0.13 -19.02
Bulgaria 5,166 4,417 5,341 7,155 7,913 0.14 10.59
Czech Republic 35,273 31,215 33,817 34,777 34,984 0.61 0.60
Estonia 235,482 187,295 196,277 188,899 193,376 3.35 2.37
Georgia 3,046 2,530 3,288 2,769 3,053 0.05 10.26
Hungary 20,157 19,307 17,973 18,832 18,733 0.32 -0.53
Kazakhstan 5,980 9,090 9,087 7,552 6,425 0.11 -14.92
Kyrgyzstan 385 140 118 260 274 0.00 5.38
Latvia 42,368 42,858 47,223 43,256 55,197 0.96 27.61
Lithuania 31,998 26,012 29,038 29,016 33,746 0.58 16.30
Moldova, Republic of 785 481 606 408 789 0.01 93.38
Poland 76,385 66,158 79,078 100,259 88,766 1.54 -11.46
Romania 17,391 14,561 14,515 21,026 19,810 0.34 -5.78
Russian Federation 1,506,900 1,620,419 1,339,611 782,848 697,596 12.09 -10.89
Slovakia 12,391 10,949 10,714 15,141 11,526 0.20 -23.88
Tajikistan 238 103 44 262 132 0.00 -49.62
Turkmenistan 104 85 85 97 129 0.00 32.99
Ukraine 25,920 27,405 28,361 26,799 33,542 0.58 25.16
Uzbekistan 304 315 282 339 250 0.00 -26.25
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,238,948 1,270,217 1,278,979 1,340,096 1,373,164 23.79 2.47
Denmark 86,676 83,141 92,197 97,959 103,880 1.80 6.04
Faeroe Islands 666 488 246 809 1,067 0.02 31.89
Iceland 9,485 7,784 8,307 10,989 12,570 0.22 14.39
Ireland 16,939 18,676 18,099 22,593 24,717 0.43 9.40
Isle of Man 2 1 12 49 0.00 308.33
Norway 182,639 174,147 178,966 185,995 180,851 3.13 -2.77
Sweden 537,002 531,375 534,358 549,870 549,292 9.52 -0.11
United Kingdom 405,541 454,604 446,805 471,869 500,738 8.68 6.12
SOUTHERN EUROPE 277,532 257,387 278,440 293,861 329,007 5.70 11.96
Albania 751 434 709 1,461 799 0.01 -45.31
Andorra 495 277 240 198 224 0.00 13.13
Bosnia and Herzegovina 535 564 1,205 873 491 0.01 -43.76
Croatia 4,858 4,862 5,977 10,253 6,981 0.12 -31.91
Gibraltar 87 92 91 84 146 0.00 73.81
Greece 13,879 12,004 14,235 13,123 13,935 0.24 6.19
Holy See 26 339 694 536 352 0.01 -34.33
Italy 130,847 115,681 123,145 127,757 139,197 2.41 8.95
Malta 962 815 1,075 1,569 1,827 0.03 16.44
Montenegro 81 114 83 397 538 0.01 35.52
Portugal 17,411 14,674 14,659 18,478 24,754 0.43 33.96
San Marino 391 61 164 39 78 0.00 100.00
Serbia 1,894 1,766 3,356 2,784 3,829 0.07 37.54
Slovenia 7,923 8,213 7,745 9,288 7,872 0.14 -15.25
Spain 96,820 96,876 104,451 106,477 125,828 2.18 18.17
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 572 615 611 544 2,156 0.04 296.32
WESTERN EUROPE 1,166,539 1,113,266 1,117,160 1,215,662 1,246,275 21.59 2.52
Austria 57,494 52,725 53,174 60,659 59,122 1.02 -2.53

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 53,449 49,334 52,600 55,231 60,534 1.05 9.60

France 217,886 214,248 215,423 230,090 249,997 4.33 8.65
Germany 534,239 501,650 500,060 543,294 540,342 9.36 -0.54
Liechtenstein 470 503 527 650 571 0.01 -12.15
Luxembourg 4,575 6,814 5,004 7,054 7,252 0.13 2.81
Monaco 608 553 495 311 502 0.01 61.41
Netherlands 164,918 158,668 158,801 159,568 174,743 3.03 9.51
Switzerland 132,900 128,771 131,076 158,805 153,212 2.65 -3.52
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 38,056 45,201 53,403 66,410 82,479 1.43 24.20
Cyprus 1,747 1,154 1,667 1,643 2,299 0.04 39.93
Israel 18,317 25,712 30,560 40,197 49,458 0.86 23.04
Turkey 17,992 18,335 21,176 24,570 30,722 0.53 25.04
MIDDLE EAST 12,710 14,925 16,557 22,194 22,837 0.40 2.90
Bahrain 266 206 338 337 622 0.01 84.57
Egypt 2,094 2,361 2,923 3,350 3,278 0.06 -2.15
Iraq 446 551 803 2,549 1,103 0.02 -56.73
Jordan 364 1,118 886 535 954 0.02 78.32
Kuwait 560 783 784 1,045 1,443 0.03 38.09
Lebanon 620 814 942 1,152 1,388 0.02 20.49
Libya 196 260 299 80 190 0.00 137.50
Oman 854 1,522 524 819 1,003 0.02 22.47
Qatar 543 661 643 1,380 1,442 0.02 4.49
Saudi Arabia 2,954 2,818 2,847 4,501 3,490 0.06 -22.46
State of Palestine 52 47 54 26 29 0.00 11.54
Syrian Arab Republic 450 231 257 383 279 0.00 -27.15
United Arab Emirates 3,207 3,527 5,202 6,035 7,578 0.13 25.57
Yemen 104 26 55 2 38 0.00 1,800.00
SOUTH ASIA 49,788 50,238 59,085 62,344 65,529 1.14 5.11
Afghanistan 576 680 663 564 990 0.02 75.53
Bangladesh 631 563 776 480 706 0.01 47.08
Bhutan 13 103 34 170 51 0.00 -70.00
India 42,756 44,330 52,593 54,606 54,656 0.95 0.09
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,862 2,238 2,883 4,159 6,312 0.11 51.77
Maldives 2 21 69 37 0.00 -46.38
Nepal 651 670 558 794 767 0.01 -3.40
Pakistan 1,722 1,409 1,100 1,219 1,486 0.03 21.90
Sri Lanka 575 245 457 283 524 0.01 85.16
NOT SPECIFIED 240,961 237,651 266,614 271,994 345,198 5.98 26.91
Other countries of the World 240,961 237,651 266,614 271,994 345,198 5.98 26.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 81,979,701 83,633,674 83,700,717 84,451,621 82,569,983 100.00 -2.23

AFRICA 2,275,714 2,349,571 2,483,445 2,773,581 3,074,276 3.72 10.84
NORTH AFRICA 1,631,403 1,693,649 1,714,231 1,926,889 2,234,191 2.71 15.95
All countries of North Africa (*) 1,631,403 1,693,649 1,714,231 1,926,889 2,234,191 2.71 15.95
OTHER AFRICA 644,311 655,922 769,214 846,692 840,085 1.02 -0.78
Other countries of Africa 644,311 655,922 769,214 846,692 840,085 1.02 -0.78
AMERICAS 6,132,521 6,224,807 6,619,812 7,090,757 8,108,402 9.82 14.35
NORTH AMERICA 4,095,816 4,261,690 4,502,000 5,027,493 5,769,462 6.99 14.76
Canada 861,258 997,691 1,023,072 1,013,490 1,125,359 1.36 11.04
Mexico 346,527 296,366 325,871 391,641 477,570 0.58 21.94
United States of America 2,888,031 2,967,633 3,153,057 3,622,362 4,166,533 5.05 15.02
OTHER AMERICAS 2,036,705 1,963,117 2,117,812 2,063,264 2,338,940 2.83 13.36
Other countries of the Americas 2,036,705 1,963,117 2,117,812 2,063,264 2,338,940 2.83 13.36
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,159,157 4,660,556 5,175,016 6,198,153 5,649,104 6.84 -8.86
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,999,520 2,256,145 2,431,431 2,879,116 2,415,873 2.93 -16.09
China (*) 1,291,656 1,595,304 1,654,561 2,196,995 2,004,830 2.43 -8.75
Japan 707,864 660,841 776,870 682,121 411,043 0.50 -39.74
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,159,637 2,404,411 2,743,585 3,319,037 3,233,231 3.92 -2.59
Other countries of Asia 963,893 1,039,865 1,345,380 1,510,475 2,076,535 2.51 37.48
All countries of Oceania 1,195,744 1,364,546 1,398,205 1,808,562 1,156,696 1.40 -36.04
EUROPE 68,553,605 69,388,173 68,323,195 67,037,226 64,485,908 78.10 -3.81
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,179,759 1,238,349 1,238,171 1,342,814 1,765,688 2.14 31.49
Poland 363,342 429,009 478,514 515,810 557,295 0.67 8.04
Other countries Central/East Europe 816,417 809,340 759,657 827,004 1,208,393 1.46 46.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 13,999,966 14,662,831 14,177,619 14,611,029 14,157,022 17.15 -3.11
Denmark 510,615 648,438 613,047 626,478 534,766 0.65 -14.64
Finland 227,309 205,076 219,712 311,204 302,922 0.37 -2.66
Sweden 608,958 676,155 817,015 881,673 794,530 0.96 -9.88
United Kingdom/Ireland 12,653,084 13,133,162 12,527,845 12,791,674 12,524,804 15.17 -2.09
SOUTHERN EUROPE 14,668,861 14,054,662 14,765,635 15,275,866 13,934,449 16.88 -8.78
Greece 176,882 212,075 125,952 125,838 160,796 0.19 27.78
Italy 7,388,458 7,170,531 7,358,179 7,594,272 6,731,328 8.15 -11.36
Portugal 972,545 1,273,571 1,373,113 1,464,292 1,249,281 1.51 -14.68
Spain 6,130,976 5,398,485 5,908,391 6,091,464 5,793,044 7.02 -4.90
WESTERN EUROPE 37,033,843 37,527,830 36,279,200 33,948,327 32,945,998 39.90 -2.95
Austria 1,041,631 764,305 806,111 588,770 672,823 0.81 14.28
Germany 12,563,526 13,392,500 12,908,576 11,477,642 11,388,760 13.79 -0.77
Netherlands 6,296,484 6,496,052 5,424,003 5,063,458 4,125,189 5.00 -18.53
Switzerland (*) 6,091,708 6,498,758 6,480,475 6,010,089 6,035,082 7.31 0.42
Belgium / Luxembourg 11,040,494 10,376,215 10,660,035 10,808,368 10,724,144 12.99 -0.78
OTHER EUROPE 1,671,176 1,904,501 1,862,570 1,859,190 1,682,751 2.04 -9.49
Other countries of Europe 1,671,176 1,904,501 1,862,570 1,859,190 1,682,751 2.04 -9.49
MIDDLE EAST 858,704 1,010,567 1,099,249 1,351,904 1,252,293 1.52 -7.37
All countries of Middle East 858,704 1,010,567 1,099,249 1,351,904 1,252,293 1.52 -7.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 30,966,072 33,347,665 34,240,950 34,935,999 33,493,290 100.00 -4.13

AFRICA 500,957 571,780 615,832 659,798 680,262 2.03 3.10
NORTH AFRICA 216,755 234,957 270,220 294,065 311,930 0.93 6.08
All countries of North Africa 216,755 234,957 270,220 294,065 311,930 0.93 6.08
OTHER AFRICA 284,202 336,823 345,612 365,733 368,332 1.10 0.71
Other countries of Africa 284,202 336,823 345,612 365,733 368,332 1.10 0.71
AMERICAS 4,165,952 4,751,065 4,833,291 4,995,323 4,693,577 14.01 -6.04
NORTH AMERICA 3,178,749 3,665,907 3,767,225 3,963,145 3,732,539 11.14 -5.82
Canada 454,791 475,215 463,292 472,512 417,114 1.25 -11.72
United States of America 2,723,958 3,190,692 3,303,933 3,490,633 3,315,425 9.90 -5.02
OTHER AMERICAS 987,203 1,085,158 1,066,066 1,032,178 961,038 2.87 -6.89
Other countries of the Americas 987,203 1,085,158 1,066,066 1,032,178 961,038 2.87 -6.89
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,470,545 4,127,916 4,090,792 4,695,074 3,945,124 11.78 -15.97
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,001,191 2,394,287 2,393,783 2,784,554 2,021,511 6.04 -27.40
China 836,392 1,230,616 1,292,479 1,936,951 1,524,125 4.55 -21.31
Japan 1,164,799 1,163,671 1,101,304 847,603 497,386 1.49 -41.32
AUSTRALASIA 427,802 486,544 445,360 461,910 394,868 1.18 -14.51
Australia 427,802 486,544 445,360 461,910 394,868 1.18 -14.51
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,041,552 1,247,085 1,251,649 1,448,610 1,528,745 4.56 5.53
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 1,041,552 1,247,085 1,251,649 1,448,610 1,528,745 4.56 5.53
EUROPE 22,217,261 23,160,284 23,845,684 23,648,185 23,165,389 69.16 -2.04
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,470,933 1,611,615 1,613,664 1,441,416 1,304,552 3.89 -9.50
Bulgaria 28,760 33,370 43,188 50,578 43,520 0.13 -13.95
Czech Republic 116,874 126,758 150,001 143,049 131,539 0.39 -8.05
Estonia 13,498 13,646 17,995 20,564 19,201 0.06 -6.63
Hungary 70,671 67,170 72,135 76,595 85,086 0.25 11.09
Latvia 10,752 12,192 16,974 16,994 15,722 0.05 -7.48
Lithuania 31,763 29,678 32,121 35,752 37,447 0.11 4.74
Poland 243,819 277,034 289,182 324,702 317,648 0.95 -2.17
Romania 130,786 149,397 155,473 185,721 187,830 0.56 1.14
Russian Federation 789,738 864,765 786,395 540,096 422,821 1.26 -21.71
Slovakia 34,272 37,605 50,200 47,365 43,738 0.13 -7.66
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,183,987 6,479,408 6,718,196 6,715,162 6,529,882 19.50 -2.76
Denmark 222,010 214,673 214,981 229,387 241,876 0.72 5.44
Finland 107,173 117,250 109,641 119,541 120,937 0.36 1.17
Iceland 18,036 16,643 19,424 19,396 36,584 0.11 88.62
Ireland 200,566 197,839 224,329 236,479 272,119 0.81 15.07
Norway 189,644 207,632 191,926 182,674 167,369 0.50 -8.38
Sweden 263,971 307,836 281,734 298,541 312,397 0.93 4.64
United Kingdom 5,182,587 5,417,535 5,676,161 5,629,144 5,378,600 16.06 -4.45
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,609,954 4,672,904 4,990,992 5,010,782 4,593,980 13.72 -8.32
Croatia 19,585 21,448 22,523 25,141 31,531 0.09 25.42
Greece 96,492 93,532 93,472 94,678 99,267 0.30 4.85
Italy 2,326,038 2,346,025 2,480,443 2,327,693 1,941,934 5.80 -16.57
Malta 15,279 14,352 16,643 20,385 21,290 0.06 4.44
Portugal 268,488 303,496 356,274 335,431 352,275 1.05 5.02
Slovenia 16,343 18,391 20,906 25,042 23,297 0.07 -6.97
Spain 1,867,729 1,875,660 2,000,731 2,182,412 2,124,386 6.34 -2.66
WESTERN EUROPE 9,304,323 9,637,840 9,852,507 9,854,291 10,046,242 29.99 1.95
Austria 190,822 208,257 215,292 207,560 242,083 0.72 16.63
Belgium 2,757,343 2,855,428 2,949,058 2,931,008 3,060,595 9.14 4.42
Germany 3,063,432 3,203,378 3,241,673 3,208,094 3,161,195 9.44 -1.46
Luxembourg 146,977 165,420 172,501 185,615 202,832 0.61 9.28
Netherlands 1,719,490 1,677,361 1,722,876 1,724,461 1,737,625 5.19 0.76
Switzerland 1,426,259 1,527,996 1,551,107 1,597,553 1,641,912 4.90 2.78

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 130,900 156,563 171,673 204,534 240,145 0.72 17.41
Cyprus 13,183 10,672 13,319 11,894 11,451 0.03 -3.72
Turkey 117,717 145,891 158,354 192,640 228,694 0.68 18.72
OTHER EUROPE 517,164 601,954 498,652 422,000 450,588 1.35 6.77
Other countries of Europe 517,164 601,954 498,652 422,000 450,588 1.35 6.77
MIDDLE EAST 611,357 736,620 855,351 937,619 1,008,938 3.01 7.61
All countries of Middle East 611,357 736,620 855,351 937,619 1,008,938 3.01 7.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 42,377,564 46,001,494 46,073,934 46,639,324 44,809,536 100.00 -3.92

AFRICA 596,832 682,915 740,559 722,435 750,362 1.67 3.87
SOUTHERN AFRICA 35,327 49,459 0.11 40.00
South Africa 35,327 49,459 0.11 40.00
OTHER AFRICA 596,832 682,915 740,559 687,108 700,903 1.56 2.01
Other countries of Africa 687,108 700,903 1.56 2.01
All countries of Africa 596,832 682,915 740,559
AMERICAS 4,532,650 5,089,895 5,163,007 5,287,961 4,928,934 11.00 -6.79
NORTH AMERICA 3,468,478 3,902,013 4,019,892 4,181,286 3,914,774 8.74 -6.37
Canada 510,263 531,345 515,579 510,680 451,326 1.01 -11.62
United States of America 2,957,438 3,369,724 3,503,559 3,670,606 3,463,448 7.73 -5.64
Other countries of North America 777 944 754
SOUTH AMERICA 257,720 363,985 0.81 41.23
Brazil 257,720 363,985 0.81 41.23
OTHER AMERICAS 1,064,172 1,187,882 1,143,115 848,955 650,175 1.45 -23.41
Other countries of the Americas 1,064,172 1,187,882 1,143,115 848,955 650,175 1.45 -23.41
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,415,507 5,441,185 5,483,587 6,153,132 5,741,046 12.81 -6.70
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,044,830 2,537,499 2,547,784 2,919,282 2,165,331 4.83 -25.83
China 852,779 1,316,990 1,389,364 2,023,070 1,637,922 3.66 -19.04
Japan 1,192,051 1,220,509 1,158,420 896,212 527,409 1.18 -41.15
AUSTRALASIA 465,082 538,353 478,732 488,951 424,191 0.95 -13.24
Australia 465,082 538,353 478,732 488,951 424,191 0.95 -13.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,905,595 2,365,333 2,457,071 2,744,899 3,151,524 7.03 14.81
Other countries of Asia 1,902,753 2,365,333 2,457,071 2,744,899 3,151,524 7.03 14.81
Other countries of Oceania 2,842
EUROPE 32,736,324 34,779,657 34,654,243 34,475,796 33,389,194 74.51 -3.15
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,837,344 2,012,624 1,937,997 1,717,199 1,586,637 3.54 -7.60
Bulgaria 33,915 45,363 47,543 59,034 48,648 0.11 -17.59
Czech Republic 170,544 182,392 195,730 186,823 183,876 0.41 -1.58
Estonia 21,130 16,016 21,167 23,091 21,664 0.05 -6.18
Hungary 90,070 81,666 86,039 101,120 110,576 0.25 9.35
Latvia 13,477 14,028 19,059 19,966 17,602 0.04 -11.84
Lithuania 37,969 34,747 36,855 40,979 44,333 0.10 8.18
Poland 349,235 351,515 369,752 380,575 383,538 0.86 0.78
Romania 164,304 195,654 186,118 214,023 217,177 0.48 1.47
Russian Federation 911,853 1,043,629 913,071 633,683 492,233 1.10 -22.32
Slovakia 44,847 47,614 62,663 57,905 66,990 0.15 15.69
NORTHERN EUROPE 8,312,206 9,021,864 8,977,185 9,042,114 8,717,567 19.45 -3.59
Denmark 382,789 374,181 356,030 367,665 371,538 0.83 1.05
Finland 121,942 135,919 122,447 133,028 134,385 0.30 1.02
Iceland 19,653 18,974 21,824 22,411 38,800 0.09 73.13
Ireland 292,336 292,968 308,129 320,754 381,561 0.85 18.96
Norway 221,714 246,365 220,366 211,150 193,129 0.43 -8.53
Sweden 317,819 378,630 336,844 355,746 370,054 0.83 4.02
United Kingdom 6,955,953 7,574,827 7,611,545 7,631,360 7,228,100 16.13 -5.28
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,734,400 5,942,652 6,157,457 6,170,072 5,721,723 12.77 -7.27
Croatia 27,538 27,157 29,621 41,987 0.09 41.75
Greece 103,719 101,846 101,172 101,239 105,422 0.24 4.13
Italy 2,884,952 2,984,153 3,053,873 2,868,937 2,411,010 5.38 -15.96
Malta 15,592 16,678 17,133 20,920 21,733 0.05 3.89
Portugal 340,836 384,271 414,909 389,980 423,664 0.95 8.64
Slovenia 27,140 27,184 32,741 33,939 32,797 0.07 -3.36
Spain 2,362,161 2,400,982 2,510,472 2,725,436 2,685,110 5.99 -1.48
WESTERN EUROPE 16,027,895 16,825,008 16,663,364 16,695,357 16,754,701 37.39 0.36
Austria 252,938 283,990 286,299 277,728 309,344 0.69 11.38

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 4,016,773 4,263,662 4,242,521 4,307,503 4,416,017 9.86 2.52

Germany 4,973,379 5,385,387 5,372,137 5,312,969 5,279,521 11.78 -0.63
Luxembourg 174,124 203,488 205,271 223,112 241,266 0.54 8.14
Netherlands 4,709,461 4,588,448 4,421,360 4,389,167 4,281,848 9.56 -2.45
Switzerland 1,901,220 2,100,033 2,135,776 2,184,878 2,226,705 4.97 1.91
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 139,573 172,068 187,277 216,682 256,202 0.57 18.24
Cyprus 13,429 11,596 15,402 12,557 11,765 0.03 -6.31
Turkey 126,144 160,472 171,875 204,125 244,437 0.55 19.75
OTHER EUROPE 684,906 805,441 730,963 634,372 352,364 0.79 -44.45
Other countries of Europe 684,906 805,441 730,963 634,372 352,364 0.79 -44.45
NOT SPECIFIED 96,251 7,842 32,538
Other countries of the World 96,251 7,842 32,538

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 68,426,020 71,991,583 72,941,001 73,781,752 69,543,473 100.00 -5.74

AFRICA 1,241,054 1,382,093 1,476,411 1,567,670 1,649,317 2.37 5.21
NORTH AFRICA 523,290 550,859 639,002 677,634 743,243 1.07 9.68
All countries of North Africa 523,290 550,859 639,002 677,634 743,243 1.07 9.68
OTHER AFRICA 717,764 831,234 837,409 890,036 906,074 1.30 1.80
Other countries of Africa 717,764 831,234 837,409 890,036 906,074 1.30 1.80
AMERICAS 10,534,506 11,738,542 11,557,761 11,799,190 10,822,936 15.56 -8.27
NORTH AMERICA 7,787,743 8,845,107 8,800,621 9,131,349 8,385,971 12.06 -8.16
Canada 1,091,373 1,127,694 1,064,315 1,066,547 925,269 1.33 -13.25
United States of America 6,696,370 7,717,413 7,736,306 8,064,802 7,460,702 10.73 -7.49
OTHER AMERICAS 2,746,763 2,893,435 2,757,140 2,667,841 2,436,965 3.50 -8.65
Other countries of the Americas 2,746,763 2,893,435 2,757,140 2,667,841 2,436,965 3.50 -8.65
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,473,708 8,614,501 8,325,189 9,416,671 7,946,609 11.43 -15.61
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,196,217 4,830,842 4,733,018 5,349,932 3,940,733 5.67 -26.34
China 1,631,236 2,349,236 2,424,899 3,551,943 2,839,408 4.08 -20.06
Japan 2,564,981 2,481,606 2,308,119 1,797,989 1,101,325 1.58 -38.75
AUSTRALASIA 1,063,416 1,202,509 1,057,295 1,083,919 903,540 1.30 -16.64
Australia 1,063,416 1,202,509 1,057,295 1,083,919 903,540 1.30 -16.64
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,214,075 2,581,150 2,534,876 2,982,820 3,102,336 4.46 4.01
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 2,214,075 2,581,150 2,534,876 2,982,820 3,102,336 4.46 4.01
EUROPE 47,518,789 48,312,729 49,318,817 48,575,287 46,590,980 67.00 -4.09
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,682,417 3,870,719 3,756,256 3,249,935 2,841,200 4.09 -12.58
Bulgaria 68,404 74,005 93,130 107,967 92,016 0.13 -14.77
Czech Republic 246,760 256,994 302,857 288,315 257,648 0.37 -10.64
Estonia 33,271 31,813 40,632 45,763 43,947 0.06 -3.97
Hungary 155,812 140,750 151,506 160,593 176,472 0.25 9.89
Latvia 26,026 29,335 38,842 38,279 32,284 0.05 -15.66
Lithuania 63,357 58,753 63,413 70,099 71,274 0.10 1.68
Poland 521,552 560,543 586,594 669,978 627,892 0.90 -6.28
Romania 303,974 326,228 340,175 392,306 385,784 0.55 -1.66
Russian Federation 2,184,501 2,308,554 2,035,545 1,373,383 1,064,587 1.53 -22.48
Slovakia 78,760 83,744 103,562 103,252 89,296 0.13 -13.52
NORTHERN EUROPE 13,340,030 13,858,564 14,182,182 14,336,414 13,839,722 19.90 -3.46
Denmark 520,761 486,648 490,243 521,903 542,490 0.78 3.94
Finland 265,324 284,584 253,704 274,885 264,757 0.38 -3.68
Iceland 40,611 38,365 44,312 43,168 78,914 0.11 82.81
Ireland 532,256 500,976 575,680 619,121 675,283 0.97 9.07
Norway 474,622 512,674 466,131 439,199 382,681 0.55 -12.87
Sweden 639,588 744,446 659,679 688,140 715,339 1.03 3.95
United Kingdom 10,866,868 11,290,871 11,692,433 11,749,998 11,180,258 16.08 -4.85
SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,565,332 10,299,894 10,946,580 10,917,390 9,736,776 14.00 -10.81
Croatia 44,918 49,105 52,452 56,409 65,581 0.09 16.26
Greece 251,017 232,776 230,395 237,458 241,146 0.35 1.55
Italy 5,361,065 5,176,438 5,402,239 5,039,679 4,088,931 5.88 -18.87
Malta 46,178 38,066 44,237 54,917 54,851 0.08 -0.12
Portugal 576,419 634,049 745,451 704,795 706,736 1.02 0.28
Slovenia 35,582 38,459 43,553 51,570 46,724 0.07 -9.40
Spain 4,250,153 4,131,001 4,428,253 4,772,562 4,532,807 6.52 -5.02
WESTERN EUROPE 18,467,221 18,609,067 18,925,053 18,688,940 18,720,213 26.92 0.17
Austria 439,561 469,113 484,850 460,648 536,887 0.77 16.55
Belgium 5,275,606 5,300,251 5,440,503 5,326,084 5,560,640 8.00 4.40
Germany 6,275,501 6,379,712 6,419,938 6,296,804 6,076,274 8.74 -3.50
Luxembourg 289,812 321,534 331,718 352,747 377,691 0.54 7.07
Netherlands 3,244,884 3,064,653 3,151,217 3,100,799 3,056,475 4.40 -1.43
Switzerland 2,941,857 3,073,804 3,096,827 3,151,858 3,112,246 4.48 -1.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 336,585 386,707 413,251 489,747 538,913 0.77 10.04
Cyprus 35,723 27,283 35,758 32,024 28,770 0.04 -10.16
Turkey 300,862 359,424 377,493 457,723 510,143 0.73 11.45
OTHER EUROPE 1,127,204 1,287,778 1,095,495 892,861 914,156 1.31 2.39
Other countries of Europe 1,127,204 1,287,778 1,095,495 892,861 914,156 1.31 2.39
MIDDLE EAST 1,657,963 1,943,718 2,262,823 2,422,934 2,533,631 3.64 4.57
All countries of Middle East 1,657,963 1,943,718 2,262,823 2,422,934 2,533,631 3.64 4.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 560,816,820 586,682,161 571,650,956 577,210,859 561,886,246 100.00 -2.65

AFRICA 33,245,764 33,917,683 33,837,889 36,774,429 40,867,719 7.27 11.13
NORTH AFRICA 23,424,183 24,123,616 22,934,517 24,997,271 28,979,164 5.16 15.93
All countries of North Africa (*) 23,424,183 24,123,616 22,934,517 24,997,271 28,979,164 5.16 15.93
OTHER AFRICA 9,821,581 9,794,067 10,903,372 11,777,158 11,888,555 2.12 0.95
Other countries of Africa 9,821,581 9,794,067 10,903,372 11,777,158 11,888,555 2.12 0.95
AMERICAS 53,383,067 53,356,614 56,106,338 59,628,100 66,832,835 11.89 12.08
NORTH AMERICA 37,353,516 37,903,672 40,033,213 44,031,086 49,219,361 8.76 11.78
Canada 9,096,671 10,406,493 10,903,250 10,746,649 11,476,634 2.04 6.79
Mexico 2,745,405 2,164,912 2,280,276 2,804,703 3,421,445 0.61 21.99
United States of America 25,511,440 25,332,267 26,849,687 30,479,734 34,321,282 6.11 12.60
OTHER AMERICAS 16,029,551 15,452,942 16,073,125 15,597,014 17,613,474 3.13 12.93
Other countries of the Americas 16,029,551 15,452,942 16,073,125 15,597,014 17,613,474 3.13 12.93
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,399,402 34,954,838 38,172,330 44,412,904 38,904,164 6.92 -12.40
NORTH-EAST ASIA 14,292,571 14,629,944 15,159,942 17,538,016 13,978,477 2.49 -20.30
China (*) 9,918,166 10,394,586 10,325,907 13,184,313 11,350,426 2.02 -13.91
Japan 4,374,405 4,235,358 4,834,035 4,353,703 2,628,051 0.47 -39.64
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,106,831 20,324,894 23,012,388 26,874,888 24,925,687 4.44 -7.25
Other countries of Asia 8,296,391 8,623,272 9,763,499 14,110,961 15,230,604 2.71 7.93
All countries of Oceania 9,810,440 11,701,622 13,248,889 12,763,927 9,695,083 1.73 -24.04
EUROPE 433,684,794 454,139,468 432,042,662 422,262,391 403,523,939 71.82 -4.44
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,281,210 11,497,389 10,613,661 11,132,892 14,251,817 2.54 28.02
Poland 2,676,770 3,590,274 3,813,354 3,931,527 4,064,084 0.72 3.37
Other countries Central/East Europe 7,604,440 7,907,115 6,800,307 7,201,365 10,187,733 1.81 41.47
NORTHERN EUROPE 95,097,340 103,105,817 94,248,714 97,084,667 94,698,497 16.85 -2.46
Denmark 3,679,201 5,036,688 4,763,508 5,089,351 4,142,465 0.74 -18.61
Finland 1,294,188 1,209,229 1,266,271 1,851,014 1,801,254 0.32 -2.69
Sweden 4,030,107 4,760,139 5,574,764 6,233,711 5,639,267 1.00 -9.54
United Kingdom/Ireland 86,093,844 92,099,761 82,644,171 83,910,591 83,115,511 14.79 -0.95
SOUTHERN EUROPE 80,080,871 82,607,597 82,777,383 87,251,291 79,594,710 14.17 -8.78
Greece 1,279,814 2,031,256 947,022 1,032,894 1,309,463 0.23 26.78
Italy 40,740,496 39,420,623 40,512,622 42,540,915 38,449,086 6.84 -9.62
Portugal 7,573,510 11,348,514 10,890,334 11,689,328 10,274,834 1.83 -12.10
Spain 30,487,051 29,807,204 30,427,405 31,988,154 29,561,327 5.26 -7.59
WESTERN EUROPE 234,975,536 241,738,361 229,139,210 212,747,634 203,163,441 36.16 -4.50
Austria 9,206,572 6,481,270 6,784,808 4,729,995 5,182,655 0.92 9.57
Germany 84,083,691 90,266,340 86,415,003 76,048,836 74,674,824 13.29 -1.81
Netherlands 48,214,156 50,104,068 40,474,839 37,050,152 29,909,235 5.32 -19.27
Switzerland (*) 32,003,005 34,241,125 33,660,740 32,036,915 31,522,796 5.61 -1.60
Belgium / Luxembourg 61,468,112 60,645,558 61,803,820 62,881,736 61,873,931 11.01 -1.60
OTHER EUROPE 13,249,837 15,190,304 15,263,694 14,045,907 11,815,474 2.10 -15.88
Other countries of Europe 13,249,837 15,190,304 15,263,694 14,045,907 11,815,474 2.10 -15.88
MIDDLE EAST 8,103,793 10,313,558 11,491,737 14,133,035 11,757,589 2.09 -16.81
All countries of Middle East 8,103,793 10,313,558 11,491,737 14,133,035 11,757,589 2.09 -16.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 186,985 179,718 185,203 198,870

AMERICAS 62,677 55,266 55,050 67,745
CARIBBEAN 58,353 49,882 49,151 57,892
Dominican Republic 736
Guadeloupe 25,410 21,902 22,179 25,324
Haiti 286 317
Martinique 31,921 27,980 26,972 32,251
SOUTH AMERICA 4,324 5,384 5,899 9,570
Brazil 4,131 4,007 4,121 6,874
Suriname 193 1,377 1,778 2,696
Other countries of the Americas 283
EUROPE 124,308 124,452 130,153 131,125
WESTERN EUROPE 124,308 124,452 130,153 131,125
France 124,308 124,452 130,153 131,125

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 168,978 177,393 180,602 183,831 192,493 100.00 4.71

AFRICA 288 309 286 255 302 0.16 18.43
OTHER AFRICA 288 309 286 255 302 0.16 18.43
All countries of Africa 288 309 286 255 302 0.16 18.43
AMERICAS 67,212 81,331 78,155 79,042 82,116 42.66 3.89
CENTRAL AMERICA 175 94 50 46 178 0.09 286.96
All countries of Central America 175 94 50 46 178 0.09 286.96
NORTH AMERICA 60,959 74,746 72,558 73,368 75,106 39.02 2.37
Canada 7,034 7,206 9,270 8,402 6,326 3.29 -24.71
Mexico 1,067 884 1,010 1,061 874 0.45 -17.62
United States of America 51,021 51,773 60,091 61,831 65,857 34.21 6.51
Hawaii, USA 1,837 14,883 2,187 2,074 2,049 1.06 -1.21
SOUTH AMERICA 6,078 6,491 5,547 5,628 6,832 3.55 21.39
Argentina 1,264 1,087 840 974 2,556 1.33 162.42
Brazil 2,787 3,064 2,767 2,357 1,516 0.79 -35.68
Chile 1,328 1,624 1,421 1,731 2,027 1.05 17.10
Other countries of South America 699 716 519 566 733 0.38 29.51
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 38,089 36,911 38,943 41,135 43,231 22.46 5.10
NORTH-EAST ASIA 15,394 16,119 17,138 18,937 20,200 10.49 6.67
China 1,183 1,876 3,268 5,555 5,987 3.11 7.78
Hong Kong (China) 301 240 453 469 359 0.19 -23.45
Japan 12,989 13,175 12,527 11,447 12,174 6.32 6.35
Korea, Republic of 682 568 746 1,020 1,170 0.61 14.71
Taiwan Province of China 239 260 144 446 510 0.26 14.35
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 614 687 701 977 1,030 0.54 5.42
Indonesia 65 98 84 127 214 0.11 68.50
Malaysia 134 120 108 166 139 0.07 -16.27
Philippines 91 131 148 220 163 0.08 -25.91
Singapore 244 257 318 310 287 0.15 -7.42
Thailand 80 81 43 154 227 0.12 47.40
AUSTRALASIA 17,390 15,644 16,451 16,482 16,978 8.82 3.01
Australia 10,224 9,167 9,315 9,167 9,757 5.07 6.44
New Zealand 7,166 6,477 7,136 7,315 7,221 3.75 -1.29
MELANESIA 4,114 3,914 4,235 4,287 4,300 2.23 0.30
Fiji 92 88 124 102 94 0.05 -7.84
New Caledonia 4,022 3,826 4,111 4,185 4,206 2.19 0.50
POLYNESIA 251 272 313 388 417 0.22 7.47
Cook Islands 215 212 191 299 328 0.17 9.70
Samoa (*) 24 39 104 85 58 0.03 -31.76
Tonga 12 21 18 4 31 0.02 675.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 326 275 105 64 306 0.16 378.13
Other countries of Asia 37 57 27 27 82 0.04 203.70
Other countries of Oceania 289 218 78 37 224 0.12 505.41
EUROPE 62,661 58,045 62,425 62,535 65,604 34.08 4.91
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 587 847 640 448 392 0.20 -12.50
Russian Federation 587 847 640 448 392 0.20 -12.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,538 4,069 5,787 5,661 5,036 2.62 -11.04
Denmark 197 156 216 227 282 0.15 24.23
Finland 194 89 73 38 149 0.08 292.11
Norway 244 296 218 242 230 0.12 -4.96
Sweden 286 273 446 443 395 0.21 -10.84
United Kingdom 2,617 3,255 4,834 4,711 3,980 2.07 -15.52
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,664 10,753 10,878 10,850 10,556 5.48 -2.71
Italy 9,409 8,103 7,887 7,993 7,888 4.10 -1.31
Portugal 251 224 209 249 254 0.13 2.01

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 3,004 2,426 2,782 2,608 2,414 1.25 -7.44

WESTERN EUROPE 44,077 41,035 44,067 44,290 48,107 24.99 8.62
Austria 619 577 740 599 622 0.32 3.84
Belgium 882 858 997 923 991 0.51 7.37
France 35,898 32,946 34,887 35,765 39,086 20.31 9.29
Germany 3,552 3,477 4,028 3,538 3,951 2.05 11.67
Luxembourg 135 60 137 153 171 0.09 11.76
Netherlands 432 454 367 467 455 0.24 -2.57
Switzerland 2,559 2,663 2,911 2,845 2,831 1.47 -0.49
OTHER EUROPE 1,795 1,341 1,053 1,286 1,513 0.79 17.65
Other countries of Europe 1,795 1,341 1,053 1,286 1,513 0.79 17.65
MIDDLE EAST 268 276 371 323 603 0.31 86.69
All countries of Middle East 268 276 371 323 603 0.31 86.69
SOUTH ASIA 460 521 422 541 637 0.33 17.74
India 460 521 422 541 637 0.33 17.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 148,443 146,304 162,461 165,934 174,446 100.00 5.13

AFRICA 237 260 247 210 250 0.14 19.05
OTHER AFRICA 237 260 247 210 250 0.14 19.05
All countries of Africa 237 260 247 210 250 0.14 19.05
AMERICAS 64,156 65,517 75,315 76,508 79,744 45.71 4.23
CENTRAL AMERICA 171 89 43 45 159 0.09 253.33
All countries of Central America 171 89 43 45 159 0.09 253.33
NORTH AMERICA 58,359 59,254 70,019 71,189 73,083 41.89 2.66
Canada 6,771 6,992 8,982 8,147 6,070 3.48 -25.49
Mexico 1,014 863 967 1,023 825 0.47 -19.35
United States of America 49,337 50,090 58,395 60,371 64,552 37.00 6.93
Hawaii, USA 1,237 1,309 1,675 1,648 1,636 0.94 -0.73
SOUTH AMERICA 5,626 6,174 5,253 5,274 6,502 3.73 23.28
Argentina 1,206 1,079 815 960 2,528 1.45 163.33
Brazil 2,678 3,007 2,716 2,321 1,466 0.84 -36.84
Chile 1,077 1,397 1,218 1,442 1,798 1.03 24.69
Other countries of South America 665 691 504 551 710 0.41 28.86
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 34,019 33,048 35,168 37,244 39,441 22.61 5.90
NORTH-EAST ASIA 15,207 15,897 16,876 18,644 19,962 11.44 7.07
China 1,159 1,812 3,176 5,469 5,941 3.41 8.63
Hong Kong (China) 274 226 420 419 325 0.19 -22.43
Japan 12,892 13,078 12,406 11,319 12,058 6.91 6.53
Korea, Republic of 669 552 734 1,012 1,150 0.66 13.64
Taiwan Province of China 213 229 140 425 488 0.28 14.82
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 524 598 642 894 939 0.54 5.03
Indonesia 47 81 72 121 200 0.11 65.29
Malaysia 122 101 100 150 120 0.07 -20.00
Philippines 78 122 135 207 151 0.09 -27.05
Singapore 223 235 297 288 260 0.15 -9.72
Thailand 54 59 38 128 208 0.12 62.50
AUSTRALASIA 16,034 14,395 15,204 15,279 15,867 9.10 3.85
Australia 9,699 8,694 8,770 8,624 9,324 5.34 8.12
New Zealand 6,335 5,701 6,434 6,655 6,543 3.75 -1.68
MELANESIA 1,991 1,877 2,174 2,135 2,223 1.27 4.12
Fiji 66 74 106 81 72 0.04 -11.11
New Caledonia 1,925 1,803 2,068 2,054 2,151 1.23 4.72
POLYNESIA 109 109 198 242 253 0.15 4.55
Cook Islands 81 78 93 170 178 0.10 4.71
Samoa 18 17 87 68 49 0.03 -27.94
Tonga 10 14 18 4 26 0.01 550.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 154 172 74 50 197 0.11 294.00
Other countries of Asia 24 45 22 24 66 0.04 175.00
Other countries of Oceania 130 127 52 26 131 0.08 403.85
EUROPE 49,335 46,719 50,979 51,147 53,799 30.84 5.19
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 581 825 630 438 383 0.22 -12.56
Russian Federation 581 825 630 438 383 0.22 -12.56
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,395 3,950 5,613 5,520 4,873 2.79 -11.72
Denmark 188 153 211 211 277 0.16 31.28
Finland 192 86 73 38 144 0.08 278.95
Norway 232 291 210 238 218 0.12 -8.40
Sweden 277 259 432 426 373 0.21 -12.44
United Kingdom 2,506 3,161 4,687 4,607 3,861 2.21 -16.19
SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,469 10,567 10,734 10,690 10,365 5.94 -3.04
Italy 9,322 8,011 7,795 7,910 7,805 4.47 -1.33
Portugal 241 210 204 229 242 0.14 5.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 2,906 2,346 2,735 2,551 2,318 1.33 -9.13

WESTERN EUROPE 31,180 30,091 32,982 33,261 36,718 21.05 10.39
Austria 598 565 724 593 605 0.35 2.02
Belgium 756 774 882 829 887 0.51 7.00
France 23,489 22,415 24,282 25,201 28,168 16.15 11.77
Germany 3,420 3,380 3,926 3,421 3,833 2.20 12.04
Luxembourg 130 55 130 145 160 0.09 10.34
Netherlands 420 425 360 450 428 0.25 -4.89
Switzerland 2,367 2,477 2,678 2,622 2,637 1.51 0.57
OTHER EUROPE 1,710 1,286 1,020 1,238 1,460 0.84 17.93
Other countries of Europe 1,710 1,286 1,020 1,238 1,460 0.84 17.93
MIDDLE EAST 242 249 341 289 581 0.33 101.04
All countries of Middle East 242 249 341 289 581 0.33 101.04
SOUTH ASIA 454 511 411 536 631 0.36 17.72
India 454 511 411 536 631 0.36 17.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,733,039 1,453,608 2,067,987 2,047,089 2,081,332 100.00 1.67

AFRICA 3,430 3,464 4,559 4,027 3,988 0.19 -0.97
OTHER AFRICA 3,430 3,464 4,559 4,027 3,988 0.19 -0.97
All countries of Africa 3,430 3,464 4,559 4,027 3,988 0.19 -0.97
AMERICAS 630,817 359,744 800,214 774,115 776,348 37.30 0.29
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,875 805 487 465 1,732 0.08 272.47
All countries of Central America 1,875 805 487 465 1,732 0.08 272.47
NORTH AMERICA 567,611 290,493 737,386 713,452 700,133 33.64 -1.87
Canada 77,126 84,356 111,894 95,798 73,292 3.52 -23.49
Mexico 9,185 8,432 10,511 9,495 7,409 0.36 -21.97
United States of America 467,035 183,148 596,538 590,925 603,110 28.98 2.06
Hawaii, USA 14,265 14,557 18,443 17,234 16,322 0.78 -5.29
SOUTH AMERICA 61,331 68,446 62,341 60,198 74,483 3.58 23.73
Argentina 15,518 14,342 11,108 12,783 32,533 1.56 154.50
Brazil 27,820 31,394 32,019 25,761 14,923 0.72 -42.07
Chile 10,931 15,158 13,601 15,460 19,115 0.92 23.64
Other countries of South America 7,062 7,552 5,613 6,194 7,912 0.38 27.74
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 291,060 288,827 319,145 349,216 360,398 17.32 3.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 104,957 108,546 122,991 147,254 151,536 7.28 2.91
China 10,461 16,401 27,400 47,964 48,329 2.32 0.76
Hong Kong (China) 2,740 2,408 4,778 4,141 3,033 0.15 -26.76
Japan 84,871 84,140 83,810 82,875 85,852 4.12 3.59
Korea, Republic of 4,932 3,698 5,714 8,251 9,446 0.45 14.48
Taiwan Province of China 1,953 1,899 1,289 4,023 4,876 0.23 21.20
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,654 7,247 6,795 9,763 9,933 0.48 1.74
Indonesia 1,505 868 923 1,657 2,256 0.11 36.15
Malaysia 1,629 1,516 825 1,419 1,464 0.07 3.17
Philippines 795 1,285 1,304 1,927 1,520 0.07 -21.12
Singapore 2,123 2,880 3,363 3,103 2,511 0.12 -19.08
Thailand 602 698 380 1,657 2,182 0.10 31.68
AUSTRALASIA 152,149 144,798 156,796 160,366 163,103 7.84 1.71
Australia 97,926 92,019 93,691 94,319 100,177 4.81 6.21
New Zealand 54,223 52,779 63,105 66,047 62,926 3.02 -4.73
MELANESIA 24,036 24,626 29,713 28,600 31,359 1.51 9.65
Fiji 522 704 1,352 575 727 0.03 26.43
New Caledonia 23,514 23,922 28,361 28,025 30,632 1.47 9.30
POLYNESIA 1,172 1,062 1,685 2,386 2,134 0.10 -10.56
Cook Islands 906 764 797 1,809 1,576 0.08 -12.88
Samoa 156 209 678 556 320 0.02 -42.45
Tonga 110 89 210 21 238 0.01 1,033.33
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,092 2,548 1,165 847 2,333 0.11 175.44
Other countries of Asia 515 994 303 459 916 0.04 99.56
Other countries of Oceania 1,577 1,554 862 388 1,417 0.07 265.21
EUROPE 801,656 793,742 936,325 912,057 930,478 44.71 2.02
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,329 11,253 8,054 5,280 4,138 0.20 -21.63
Russian Federation 7,329 11,253 8,054 5,280 4,138 0.20 -21.63
NORTHERN EUROPE 38,613 47,226 66,676 67,800 58,548 2.81 -13.65
Denmark 3,238 2,274 4,287 3,223 4,566 0.22 41.67
Finland 1,839 1,417 851 290 1,808 0.09 523.45
Norway 3,880 3,551 2,406 3,565 2,708 0.13 -24.04
Sweden 3,371 4,141 5,388 5,970 5,000 0.24 -16.25
United Kingdom 26,285 35,843 53,744 54,752 44,466 2.14 -18.79
SOUTHERN EUROPE 130,506 118,514 131,273 122,702 108,827 5.23 -11.31
Italy 101,171 91,854 101,490 94,296 83,493 4.01 -11.46
Portugal 2,937 3,078 2,867 3,311 2,637 0.13 -20.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 26,398 23,582 26,916 25,095 22,697 1.09 -9.56

WESTERN EUROPE 605,400 601,158 716,490 698,869 741,000 35.60 6.03
Austria 8,849 8,285 10,535 9,544 9,604 0.46 0.63
Belgium 13,315 13,078 16,929 14,713 16,598 0.80 12.81
France 484,981 483,426 573,519 564,552 605,821 29.11 7.31
Germany 49,156 48,227 60,127 53,269 54,989 2.64 3.23
Luxembourg 1,985 794 1,994 2,334 2,389 0.11 2.36
Netherlands 5,812 5,312 4,887 6,236 5,910 0.28 -5.23
Switzerland 41,302 42,036 48,499 48,221 45,689 2.20 -5.25
OTHER EUROPE 19,808 15,591 13,832 17,406 17,965 0.86 3.21
Other countries of Europe 19,808 15,591 13,832 17,406 17,965 0.86 3.21
MIDDLE EAST 2,636 2,711 4,210 3,598 5,847 0.28 62.51
All countries of Middle East 2,636 2,711 4,210 3,598 5,847 0.28 62.51
SOUTH ASIA 3,440 5,120 3,534 4,076 4,273 0.21 4.83
India 3,440 5,120 3,534 4,076 4,273 0.21 4.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,379,851 2,311,123 2,632,780 2,618,220 2,657,355 100.00 1.49

AFRICA 5,238 4,715 5,747 5,697 5,513 0.21 -3.23
OTHER AFRICA 5,238 4,715 5,747 5,697 5,513 0.21 -3.23
All countries of Africa 5,238 4,715 5,747 5,697 5,513 0.21 -3.23
AMERICAS 692,322 713,663 857,791 825,078 825,466 31.06 0.05
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,920 983 603 475 2,188 0.08 360.63
All countries of Central America 1,920 983 603 475 2,188 0.08 360.63
NORTH AMERICA 620,961 637,048 788,650 757,042 741,719 27.91 -2.02
Canada 86,936 89,888 119,213 103,910 80,224 3.02 -22.79
Mexico 10,642 9,202 12,266 10,580 9,268 0.35 -12.40
United States of America 499,427 514,950 629,402 618,649 629,294 23.68 1.72
Hawaii, USA 23,956 23,008 27,769 23,903 22,933 0.86 -4.06
SOUTH AMERICA 69,441 75,632 68,538 67,561 81,559 3.07 20.72
Argentina 16,649 14,930 11,996 13,215 33,299 1.25 151.98
Brazil 30,054 32,673 33,293 26,972 16,553 0.62 -38.63
Chile 14,937 19,288 17,147 20,621 23,046 0.87 11.76
Other countries of South America 7,801 8,741 6,102 6,753 8,661 0.33 28.25
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 370,639 366,124 394,664 429,845 435,145 16.38 1.23
NORTH-EAST ASIA 109,219 112,701 128,677 152,773 156,226 5.88 2.26
China 10,978 17,737 29,488 49,458 49,281 1.85 -0.36
Hong Kong (China) 3,478 2,646 5,505 5,171 3,593 0.14 -30.52
Japan 86,552 85,883 86,121 84,604 88,094 3.32 4.13
Korea, Republic of 5,696 4,101 6,228 8,760 9,842 0.37 12.35
Taiwan Province of China 2,515 2,334 1,335 4,780 5,416 0.20 13.31
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,712 10,550 8,162 13,488 13,314 0.50 -1.29
Indonesia 2,171 1,418 1,215 1,891 3,198 0.12 69.12
Malaysia 2,030 1,888 977 1,720 2,268 0.09 31.86
Philippines 1,293 1,450 1,682 2,213 1,723 0.06 -22.14
Singapore 2,468 4,369 3,773 3,735 3,108 0.12 -16.79
Thailand 1,750 1,425 515 3,929 3,017 0.11 -23.21
AUSTRALASIA 176,519 167,472 178,205 182,787 181,962 6.85 -0.45
Australia 108,364 100,828 103,586 106,092 108,506 4.08 2.28
New Zealand 68,155 66,644 74,619 76,695 73,456 2.76 -4.22
MELANESIA 65,400 65,711 74,274 73,753 74,765 2.81 1.37
Fiji 1,005 1,015 1,663 903 1,239 0.05 37.21
New Caledonia 64,395 64,696 72,611 72,850 73,526 2.77 0.93
POLYNESIA 3,181 4,774 3,568 5,951 4,137 0.16 -30.48
Cook Islands 2,715 2,783 2,469 5,097 3,443 0.13 -32.45
Samoa 326 1,853 889 833 394 0.01 -52.70
Tonga 140 138 210 21 300 0.01 1,328.57
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,608 4,916 1,778 1,093 4,741 0.18 333.76
Other countries of Asia 971 1,641 470 501 1,516 0.06 202.59
Other countries of Oceania 5,637 3,275 1,308 592 3,225 0.12 444.76
EUROPE 1,304,206 1,217,519 1,365,847 1,348,600 1,380,355 51.94 2.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,499 12,268 8,684 5,746 4,752 0.18 -17.30
Russian Federation 7,499 12,268 8,684 5,746 4,752 0.18 -17.30
NORTHERN EUROPE 43,315 51,146 71,568 71,877 62,868 2.37 -12.53
Denmark 3,449 2,323 4,379 3,528 4,705 0.18 33.36
Finland 1,850 1,690 851 290 2,069 0.08 613.45
Norway 4,155 3,819 2,677 3,817 3,031 0.11 -20.59
Sweden 3,573 4,529 5,915 6,196 5,560 0.21 -10.26
United Kingdom 30,288 38,785 57,746 58,046 47,503 1.79 -18.16
SOUTHERN EUROPE 136,455 125,075 136,734 128,708 115,795 4.36 -10.03
Italy 103,466 94,934 104,907 98,216 87,237 3.28 -11.18
Portugal 3,120 3,599 3,192 3,757 3,101 0.12 -17.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 29,869 26,542 28,635 26,735 25,457 0.96 -4.78

WESTERN EUROPE 1,094,502 1,011,785 1,134,137 1,123,576 1,177,853 44.32 4.83
Austria 9,294 8,588 10,857 9,664 10,040 0.38 3.89
Belgium 17,845 16,405 21,029 18,043 20,528 0.77 13.77
France 959,467 880,944 977,605 975,433 1,026,652 38.63 5.25
Germany 52,577 51,078 62,292 56,357 58,346 2.20 3.53
Luxembourg 2,060 924 2,218 2,576 2,799 0.11 8.66
Netherlands 6,159 5,849 5,009 6,800 6,678 0.25 -1.79
Switzerland 47,100 47,997 55,127 54,703 52,810 1.99 -3.46
OTHER EUROPE 22,435 17,245 14,724 18,693 19,087 0.72 2.11
Other countries of Europe 22,435 17,245 14,724 18,693 19,087 0.72 2.11
MIDDLE EAST 3,477 3,654 4,879 4,811 6,202 0.23 28.91
All countries of Middle East 3,477 3,654 4,879 4,811 6,202 0.23 28.91
SOUTH ASIA 3,969 5,448 3,852 4,189 4,674 0.18 11.58
India 3,969 5,448 3,852 4,189 4,674 0.18 11.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 157,323 171,200 155,719 134,562 161,126 100.00 19.74

AFRICA 16,191 22,808 14,715 14,821 13,435 8.34 -9.35
WEST AFRICA 5,851 7,124 4,427 4,676 3,102 1.93 -33.66
Nigeria 5,851 7,124 4,427 4,676 3,102 1.93 -33.66
OTHER AFRICA 10,340 15,684 10,288 10,145 10,333 6.41 1.85
All countries of Africa 10,340 15,684 10,288 10,145 10,333 6.41 1.85
AMERICAS 3,149 3,104 3,746 3,850 3,997 2.48 3.82
NORTH AMERICA 3,149 3,104 3,746 3,850 3,997 2.48 3.82
United States of America 3,149 3,104 3,746 3,850 3,997 2.48 3.82
EUROPE 108,633 108,956 101,853 81,031 105,984 65.78 30.79
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 465 2,093 4,722 7,841 7,562 4.69 -3.56
Czech Republic 193 113 2,195 5,941 4,997 3.10 -15.89
Poland 272 1,980 2,527 1,900 2,565 1.59 35.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 73,266 61,308 60,768 43,583 56,414 35.01 29.44
Denmark 1,660 1,448 1,765 942 1,216 0.75 29.09
Finland 1,896 2,624 2,696 1,607 4,264 2.65 165.34
Ireland 2,084 1,539 667 149 356 0.22 138.93
Norway 1,540 1,878 2,631 1,727 1,623 1.01 -6.02
Sweden 8,057 7,953 6,209 5,886 7,423 4.61 26.11
United Kingdom 58,029 45,866 46,800 33,272 41,532 25.78 24.83
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,982 6,242 6,047 6,180 6,154 3.82 -0.42
Italy 412 562 487 371 666 0.41 79.51
Spain 3,570 5,680 5,560 5,809 5,488 3.41 -5.53
WESTERN EUROPE 30,920 39,313 30,316 23,427 35,854 22.25 53.05
Austria 402 910 305 242 759 0.47 213.64
Belgium 5,322 5,068 4,296 3,590 5,063 3.14 41.03
France 1,147 1,568 1,377 1,274 1,571 0.98 23.31
Germany 5,350 6,250 4,842 3,830 4,201 2.61 9.69
Netherlands 18,699 25,517 19,496 14,491 24,260 15.06 67.41
NOT SPECIFIED 29,350 36,332 35,405 34,860 37,710 23.40 8.18
Other countries of the World 6,098 7,157 5,201 5,584 7,166 4.45 28.33
Nationals Residing Abroad 23,252 29,175 30,204 29,276 30,544 18.96 4.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,428,221 5,392,303 5,515,559 5,901,094 6,360,503 100.00 7.79

AFRICA 7,110 5,024 4,109 4,411 6,633 0.10 50.37
EAST AFRICA 3,789 2,591 1,857 1,212 2,337 0.04 92.82
Burundi 5 7 1 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Comoros 8 34 66 612 1,403 0.02 129.25
Djibouti 7 4 4 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Eritrea 9 9 15 14 97 0.00 592.86
Ethiopia 36 33 19 41 134 0.00 226.83
Kenya 53 72 80 153 220 0.00 43.79
Madagascar 36 39 33 7 12 0.00 71.43
Malawi 7 8 3 2 7 0.00 250.00
Mauritius 28 35 51 59 43 0.00 -27.12
Mozambique 8 8 6 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Reunion 15 23 22 7 4 0.00 -42.86
Rwanda 17 13 14 9 5 0.00 -44.44
Seychelles 546 244 110 7 13 0.00 85.71
Somalia 48 79 58 163 180 0.00 10.43
Tanzania, United Republic of 13 11 8 19 56 0.00 194.74
Uganda 31 18 26 41 63 0.00 53.66
Zambia 274 176 116 5 16 0.00 220.00
Zimbabwe 2,647 1,778 1,224 56 72 0.00 28.57
Other countries of East Africa 1 1
CENTRAL AFRICA 89 61 82 97 144 0.00 48.45
Angola 4 7 8 3 0.00
Cameroon 60 34 35 58 70 0.00 20.69
Central African Republic 3 5 1 0.00
Chad 2 4 3 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Congo 14 7 19 26 63 0.00 142.31
Gabon 6 4 1 2 5 0.00 150.00
Sao Tome and Principe 16 6
NORTH AFRICA 582 655 510 792 1,878 0.03 137.12
Algeria 58 61 51 95 137 0.00 44.21
Morocco 342 387 244 267 594 0.01 122.47
Sudan 49 47 55 154 680 0.01 341.56
Tunisia 133 160 160 276 467 0.01 69.20
SOUTHERN AFRICA 990 1,044 1,132 1,332 1,374 0.02 3.15
Botswana 2 23 14 7 3 0.00 -57.14
Lesotho 3 5
Namibia 15 4 13 13 11 0.00 -15.38
South Africa 973 1,015 1,102 1,305 1,354 0.02 3.75
Swaziland 2 2 6 0.00 200.00
WEST AFRICA 1,660 673 528 978 900 0.01 -7.98
Benin 15 5 3 4 7 0.00 75.00
Burkina Faso 3 3 4 8 12 0.00 50.00
Cabo Verde 10 7 2 4 7 0.00 75.00
Côte d'Ivoire 68 39 33 74 35 0.00 -52.70
Gambia 13 11 4 24 5 0.00 -79.17
Ghana 84 25 14 74 66 0.00 -10.81
Guinea 11 8 9 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Guinea-Bissau 5 3 1 8 0.00 700.00
Liberia 389 32 48 21 7 0.00 -66.67
Mali 11 14 23 2 18 0.00 800.00
Mauritania 6 1 2 6 9 0.00 50.00
Niger 11 9 6 10 3 0.00 -70.00
Nigeria 958 468 361 706 681 0.01 -3.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Senegal 63 36 16 14 11 0.00 -21.43

Sierra Leone 10 9 3 14 16 0.00 14.29
Togo 3 3 4 4 0.00
AMERICAS 33,898 32,583 34,634 38,698 42,924 0.67 10.92
CARIBBEAN 497 558 685 1,216 1,209 0.02 -0.58
Anguilla 1 1
Antigua and Barbuda 173 159 15 5 13 0.00 160.00
Bahamas 24 40 4 4 0.00
Barbados 4 3 4 4 0.00
British Virgin Islands 26 20 8 1 3 0.00 200.00
Cuba 57 51 69 38 52 0.00 36.84
Dominica 6 12 7 5 37 0.00 640.00
Dominican Republic 15 26 43 54 52 0.00 -3.70
Grenada 2 2 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Haiti 6 1 11 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Jamaica 30 16 37 159 117 0.00 -26.42
Netherlands Antilles 1 1 6 1
Puerto Rico 1 2 2 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 52 103 47 58 110 0.00 89.66
Saint Lucia 9 1 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 11 63 8 13 1 0.00 -92.31
Trinidad and Tobago 44 43 52 40 43 0.00 7.50
Turks and Caicos Islands 21 20 359 827 766 0.01 -7.38
United States Virgin Islands 14 2 12 1
CENTRAL AMERICA 314 193 310 189 244 0.00 29.10
Belize 4 1 9 3 23 0.00 666.67
Costa Rica 58 42 64 79 75 0.00 -5.06
El Salvador 36 46 28 34 44 0.00 29.41
Guatemala 30 11 9 13 9 0.00 -30.77
Honduras 37 21 30 21 25 0.00 19.05
Nicaragua 5 3 2 3 5 0.00 66.67
Panama 144 69 168 36 63 0.00 75.00
NORTH AMERICA 31,697 30,214 32,037 35,099 38,836 0.61 10.65
Canada 2,951 3,290 3,419 3,600 4,136 0.07 14.89
Mexico 233 211 346 352 450 0.01 27.84
United States of America 28,513 26,713 28,272 31,147 34,250 0.54 9.96
SOUTH AMERICA 1,390 1,618 1,602 2,194 2,635 0.04 20.10
Argentina 203 278 343 456 448 0.01 -1.75
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 35 36 32 35 19 0.00 -45.71
Brazil 428 604 642 1,036 1,265 0.02 22.10
Chile 70 71 82 77 92 0.00 19.48
Colombia 103 163 210 308 425 0.01 37.99
Ecuador 62 78 82 102 137 0.00 34.31
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3
French Guiana 305 182 47 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Guyana 2 5 2 2 5 0.00 150.00
Paraguay 14 10 6 10 14 0.00 40.00
Peru 71 66 87 83 119 0.00 43.37
Suriname 13 12 4 5 10 0.00 100.00
Uruguay 18 46 30 36 37 0.00 2.78
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 66 67 32 41 62 0.00 51.22
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,062 28,606 27,606 32,998 48,432 0.76 46.77
NORTH-EAST ASIA 15,929 16,632 16,455 19,026 24,033 0.38 26.32
China 9,995 8,830 8,632 9,555 14,075 0.22 47.31
Hong Kong (China) 34 19 19 71 120 0.00 69.01

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Japan 3,447 4,513 4,216 5,545 5,565 0.09 0.36

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 3 9 15 8 20 0.00 150.00
Korea, Republic of 1,763 2,433 2,959 3,340 3,782 0.06 13.23
Mongolia 167 154 79 108 147 0.00 36.11
Taiwan Province of China 520 674 535 399 324 0.01 -18.80
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,904 9,136 7,777 10,713 20,914 0.33 95.22
Brunei Darussalam 1 6
Cambodia 8 4 17 7 21 0.00 200.00
Indonesia 389 539 351 372 883 0.01 137.37
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7 7 8 20 2 0.00 -90.00
Malaysia 281 263 633 422 921 0.01 118.25
Myanmar 74 99 76 103 376 0.01 265.05
Philippines 6,310 7,255 5,659 8,410 16,882 0.27 100.74
Singapore 237 190 226 367 472 0.01 28.61
Thailand 252 723 778 941 1,172 0.02 24.55
Viet Nam 346 56 28 65 185 0.00 184.62
AUSTRALASIA 2,094 2,722 3,271 3,225 3,439 0.05 6.64
Australia 1,658 2,176 2,736 2,619 2,732 0.04 4.31
New Zealand 436 546 535 606 707 0.01 16.67
MELANESIA 54 31 28 23 16 0.00 -30.43
Fiji 41 11 7 14 5 0.00 -64.29
Papua New Guinea 1 1 4 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Solomon Islands 5 12 5 5 9 0.00 80.00
Vanuatu 7 7 12 2 1 0.00 -50.00
MICRONESIA 50 52 29 1 3 0.00 200.00
Marshall Islands 48 52 29 3 0.00
Palau 2 1
POLYNESIA 31 33 46 10 27 0.00 170.00
American Samoa 9 7 3 1 5 0.00 400.00
French Polynesia 2 1 3 3
Samoa 5 16 6 11 0.00
Tonga 1 1 26 1 10 0.00 900.00
Tuvalu 3 2 7 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Wallis and Futuna Islands 11 6 1
EUROPE 4,225,635 5,168,046 5,354,633 5,723,434 5,976,284 93.96 4.42
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,541,032 3,390,455 3,722,359 4,115,224 4,460,651 70.13 8.39
Armenia 921,929 1,291,838 1,325,635 1,468,888 1,496,437 23.53 1.88
Azerbaijan 931,933 1,075,857 1,283,214 1,393,257 1,523,703 23.96 9.36
Belarus 7,972 12,915 19,148 28,959 37,110 0.58 28.15
Bulgaria 10,668 10,878 11,027 10,639 12,815 0.20 20.45
Czech Republic 4,984 6,562 6,259 7,425 8,578 0.13 15.53
Estonia 4,366 3,721 3,450 3,859 4,474 0.07 15.94
Hungary 1,337 1,880 2,667 4,705 5,721 0.09 21.59
Kazakhstan 15,115 21,148 28,394 36,777 48,849 0.77 32.82
Kyrgyzstan 2,626 2,672 2,489 3,107 4,627 0.07 48.92
Latvia 5,693 6,336 7,908 8,901 11,055 0.17 24.20
Lithuania 5,319 5,647 10,917 12,360 14,413 0.23 16.61
Moldova, Republic of 4,001 5,442 6,236 8,185 9,272 0.15 13.28
Poland 20,563 36,946 46,314 41,425 44,436 0.70 7.27
Romania 3,597 3,524 4,135 4,261 4,403 0.07 3.33
Russian Federation 513,930 767,396 811,621 926,144 1,038,750 16.33 12.16
Slovakia 1,300 1,836 2,002 2,959 3,545 0.06 19.80
Tajikistan 687 816 859 1,182 2,001 0.03 69.29
Turkmenistan 2,550 2,506 2,916 3,399 5,767 0.09 69.67
Ukraine 76,610 126,797 143,521 141,734 174,858 2.75 23.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Uzbekistan 5,852 5,738 3,647 7,058 9,837 0.15 39.37

NORTHERN EUROPE 26,211 30,167 31,113 33,872 35,694 0.56 5.38
Denmark 2,130 2,501 2,358 2,772 3,228 0.05 16.45
Finland 2,236 3,331 1,887 2,437 2,826 0.04 15.96
Iceland 102 92 150 180 228 0.00 26.67
Ireland 1,330 1,381 1,804 1,743 1,905 0.03 9.29
Norway 1,894 2,008 1,915 2,765 3,019 0.05 9.19
Sweden 3,714 4,182 4,413 4,742 5,290 0.08 11.56
United Kingdom 14,805 16,672 18,586 19,233 19,198 0.30 -0.18
SOUTHERN EUROPE 37,286 42,853 44,206 46,784 48,541 0.76 3.76
Albania 403 315 371 422 483 0.01 14.45
Andorra 13 6 34 23 35 0.00 52.17
Bosnia and Herzegovina 503 473 637 712 645 0.01 -9.41
Croatia 839 1,329 1,082 1,244 1,121 0.02 -9.89
Greece 19,777 22,024 21,464 19,221 20,340 0.32 5.82
Holy See 38 23 17 15 50 0.00 233.33
Italy 8,438 9,677 10,421 11,955 12,748 0.20 6.63
Malta 102 88 145 228 224 0.00 -1.75
Montenegro 136 124 192 183 231 0.00 26.23
Portugal 863 1,098 1,436 1,910 2,105 0.03 10.21
San Marino 41 77 33 41 59 0.00 43.90
Serbia 1,223 1,485 1,578 2,325 2,072 0.03 -10.88
Slovenia 777 937 1,018 1,493 1,590 0.02 6.50
Spain 3,758 4,723 5,419 6,740 6,495 0.10 -3.64
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 375 474 359 272 343 0.01 26.10
WESTERN EUROPE 56,617 66,661 71,092 75,540 81,813 1.29 8.30
Austria 4,737 5,758 6,109 5,523 5,750 0.09 4.11
Belgium 2,795 3,763 4,358 4,874 5,061 0.08 3.84
France 12,004 14,239 14,090 14,087 15,044 0.24 6.79
Germany 26,448 30,815 33,446 36,826 40,915 0.64 11.10
Liechtenstein 21 31 61 33 21 0.00 -36.36
Luxembourg 165 175 217 169 233 0.00 37.87
Monaco 1 4 6 10 6 0.00 -40.00
Netherlands 7,437 8,181 8,843 9,635 10,081 0.16 4.63
Switzerland 3,009 3,695 3,962 4,383 4,702 0.07 7.28
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,564,489 1,637,910 1,485,863 1,452,014 1,349,585 21.22 -7.05
Cyprus 402 550 783 806 809 0.01 0.37
Israel 30,851 39,922 42,385 59,487 92,215 1.45 55.02
Turkey 1,533,236 1,597,438 1,442,695 1,391,721 1,256,561 19.76 -9.71
MIDDLE EAST 17,141 63,063 38,764 56,682 88,326 1.39 55.83
Bahrain 110 497 919 1,832 2,457 0.04 34.12
Egypt 2,596 9,103 2,017 2,425 6,333 0.10 161.15
Iraq 6,947 41,239 21,752 9,793 4,486 0.07 -54.19
Jordan 318 566 391 979 3,535 0.06 261.08
Kuwait 374 1,511 2,435 3,032 5,208 0.08 71.77
Lebanon 742 956 947 1,533 2,745 0.04 79.06
Libya 70 88 45 42 39 0.00 -7.14
Oman 154 398 585 6,773 11,885 0.19 75.48
Qatar 72 152 212 389 1,412 0.02 262.98
Saudi Arabia 1,169 3,780 5,485 9,850 21,257 0.33 115.81
State of Palestine 18 44 30 322 2,323 0.04 621.43
Syrian Arab Republic 4,020 3,291 1,669 2,070 5,943 0.09 187.10
United Arab Emirates 498 1,339 2,216 17,230 18,706 0.29 8.57
Yemen 53 99 61 412 1,997 0.03 384.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 97,925 93,043 53,696 40,550 191,538 3.01 372.35

Afghanistan 111 97 103 229 337 0.01 47.16
Bangladesh 135 124 121 522 400 0.01 -23.37
Bhutan 1 1 8 2 7 0.00 250.00
India 6,833 6,195 4,679 12,114 36,410 0.57 200.56
Iran, Islamic Republic of 89,697 85,598 47,929 25,273 147,937 2.33 485.36
Maldives 12 16 16 16 25 0.00 56.25
Nepal 178 152 95 187 398 0.01 112.83
Pakistan 401 382 317 1,479 4,511 0.07 205.00
Sri Lanka 557 478 428 728 1,513 0.02 107.83
NOT SPECIFIED 20,450 1,938 2,117 4,321 6,366 0.10 47.33
Other countries of the World 20,450 1,938 2,117 4,321 6,366 0.10 47.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 625,558 773,816 866,200 1,169,961 1,670,158 100.00 42.75

AFRICA 4,433 2,425 1,829 1,109 649 0.04 -41.48
OTHER AFRICA 4,433 2,425 1,829 1,109 649 0.04 -41.48
All countries of Africa 4,433 2,425 1,829 1,109 649 0.04 -41.48
AMERICAS 39,297 15,773 31,187 30,445 36,656 2.19 20.40
NORTH AMERICA 38,097 14,743 28,735 29,224 35,384 2.12 21.08
Canada 1,746 1,491 1,597 1,244 2,100 0.13 68.81
Mexico 51 35 95 213 134 0.01 -37.09
United States of America 36,300 13,217 27,043 27,767 33,150 1.98 19.39
SOUTH AMERICA 991 348 722 824 943 0.06 14.44
Argentina 564 256 456 258 364 0.02 41.09
Brazil 410 69 232 511 552 0.03 8.02
Chile 13 22 22 6 19 0.00 216.67
Uruguay 4 1 12 49 8 0.00 -83.67
OTHER AMERICAS 209 682 1,730 397 329 0.02 -17.13
Other countries of the Americas 209 682 1,730 397 329 0.02 -17.13
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,475 25,722 34,890 40,559 25,612 1.53 -36.85
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,245 7,321 8,703 12,351 15,295 0.92 23.84
China 4,439 5,040 5,135 10,275 9,811 0.59 -4.52
Japan 1,806 2,281 3,568 2,076 5,484 0.33 164.16
AUSTRALASIA 933 1,580 1,411 1,428 1,090 0.07 -23.67
Australia 933 1,580 1,411 1,428 1,090 0.07 -23.67
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,297 16,821 24,776 26,780 9,227 0.55 -65.55
Other countries of Asia 8,297 16,821 24,776 26,780 9,227 0.55 -65.55
EUROPE 498,471 582,530 666,223 810,510 1,088,902 65.20 34.35
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 253,041 322,034 383,811 471,505 646,346 38.70 37.08
Armenia 42,630 48,316 49,947 56,937 63,691 3.81 11.86
Azerbaijan 67,064 60,631 91,466 89,311 88,421 5.29 -1.00
Belarus 4,674 5,087 6,936 5,541 7,494 0.45 35.25
Bulgaria 2,489 2,348 1,951 1,682 11,276 0.68 570.39
Czech Republic 4,519 2,775 2,866 2,636 7,635 0.46 189.64
Hungary 1,372 1,083 1,169 1,504 3,147 0.19 109.24
Kazakhstan 7,155 10,628 9,847 22,221 28,702 1.72 29.17
Kyrgyzstan 839 700 485 1,283 1,800 0.11 40.30
Moldova, Republic of 1,480 978 2,502 2,443 1,337 0.08 -45.27
Poland 17,075 29,692 37,303 39,137 47,602 2.85 21.63
Romania 1,993 2,243 1,626 2,814 2,664 0.16 -5.33
Russian Federation 40,683 51,960 93,180 134,222 229,837 13.76 71.24
Slovakia 576 1,670 1,384 608 1,577 0.09 159.38
Tajikistan 631 117 581 535 293 0.02 -45.23
Turkmenistan 975 1,641 1,157 2,200 1,488 0.09 -32.36
Ukraine 45,288 62,830 62,545 87,579 123,838 7.41 41.40
Uzbekistan 1,564 1,463 1,906 2,209 2,091 0.13 -5.34
Other countries Central/East Europe 12,034 37,872 16,960 18,643 23,453 1.40 25.80
NORTHERN EUROPE 27,217 14,627 23,946 22,081 27,429 1.64 24.22
Denmark 2,034 1,891 1,316 1,596 1,871 0.11 17.23
Finland 1,436 826 1,086 1,024 855 0.05 -16.50
Iceland 262 144 443 246 228 0.01 -7.32
Ireland 1,367 1,171 952 2,117 1,887 0.11 -10.86
Norway 1,355 1,102 840 1,450 2,682 0.16 84.97
Sweden 3,305 2,623 2,798 2,685 5,282 0.32 96.72
United Kingdom 17,458 6,870 16,511 12,963 14,624 0.88 12.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 17,749 18,124 14,082 31,550 33,404 2.00 5.88
Greece 5,339 5,809 2,831 9,716 14,187 0.85 46.02
Italy 7,052 7,306 7,196 14,853 12,734 0.76 -14.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Portugal 765 277 297 632 1,395 0.08 120.73

Serbia and Montenegro 131 45 220 165 0.01 -25.00
Spain 4,462 4,687 3,758 6,129 4,923 0.29 -19.68
WESTERN EUROPE 46,076 46,184 45,690 57,915 74,521 4.46 28.67
Austria 3,777 1,602 2,820 7,349 5,485 0.33 -25.36
Belgium 2,372 1,559 2,002 2,672 2,658 0.16 -0.52
France 10,763 11,874 9,425 9,762 14,592 0.87 49.48
Germany 20,893 24,034 24,292 31,922 40,826 2.44 27.89
Luxembourg 223 130 234 310 231 0.01 -25.48
Netherlands 6,110 4,687 4,769 3,881 6,231 0.37 60.55
Switzerland 1,938 2,298 2,148 2,019 4,498 0.27 122.78
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 151,528 168,389 196,216 222,947 305,976 18.32 37.24
Israel 32,765 51,772 75,114 96,301 90,715 5.43 -5.80
Turkey 118,763 116,617 121,102 126,646 215,261 12.89 69.97
OTHER EUROPE 2,860 13,172 2,478 4,512 1,226 0.07 -72.83
Other countries of Europe 2,860 13,172 2,478 4,512 1,226 0.07 -72.83
SOUTH ASIA 41,678 39,565 15,312 22,214 120,857 7.24 444.06
India 2,681 2,300 3,004 6,081 14,905 0.89 145.11
Iran, Islamic Republic of 38,997 37,265 12,308 16,133 105,952 6.34 556.74
NOT SPECIFIED 26,204 107,801 116,759 265,124 397,482 23.80 49.92
Other countries of the World 26,204 107,801 116,759 265,124 397,482 23.80 49.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 27,076,452 28,122,653 29,432,525 31,226,737 31,760,086 100.00 1.71

AFRICA 212,239 222,146 231,629 252,689 240,140 0.76 -4.97
SOUTHERN AFRICA 70,126 67,360 75,030 82,862 72,985 0.23 -11.92
South Africa 70,126 67,360 75,030 82,862 72,985 0.23 -11.92
OTHER AFRICA 142,113 154,786 156,599 169,827 167,155 0.53 -1.57
Other countries of Africa 142,113 154,786 156,599 169,827 167,155 0.53 -1.57
AMERICAS 2,972,331 3,003,543 3,058,547 3,261,442 3,280,564 10.33 0.59
NORTH AMERICA 2,555,439 2,557,010 2,587,557 2,759,580 2,777,683 8.75 0.66
Canada 271,944 269,988 257,128 262,224 250,336 0.79 -4.53
Mexico 71,881 81,282 80,205 88,968 95,842 0.30 7.73
United States of America 2,211,614 2,205,740 2,250,224 2,408,388 2,431,505 7.66 0.96
SOUTH AMERICA 255,679 267,329 274,002 279,687 243,170 0.77 -13.06
Brazil 255,679 267,329 274,002 279,687 243,170 0.77 -13.06
OTHER AMERICAS 161,213 179,204 196,988 222,175 259,711 0.82 16.89
Other countries of the Americas 161,213 179,204 196,988 222,175 259,711 0.82 16.89
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,663,265 2,817,675 3,029,262 3,562,925 3,525,380 11.10 -1.05
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,744,687 1,842,361 2,015,015 2,437,687 2,340,050 7.37 -4.01
China (*) 729,438 837,489 994,224 1,346,375 1,324,091 4.17 -1.66
Japan 714,938 692,730 651,794 630,119 530,334 1.67 -15.84
Korea, Republic of 194,582 203,903 230,588 267,215 293,597 0.92 9.87
Taiwan Province of China 105,729 108,239 138,409 193,978 192,028 0.60 -1.01
AUSTRALASIA 289,316 297,910 300,935 309,747 309,428 0.97 -0.10
Australia, New Zealand 289,316 297,910 300,935 309,747 309,428 0.97 -0.10
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 629,262 677,404 713,312 815,491 875,902 2.76 7.41
Other countries East Asia/Pacific (*) 629,262 677,404 713,312 815,491 875,902 2.76 7.41
EUROPE 20,215,986 20,938,310 21,851,502 22,721,759 23,291,883 73.34 2.51
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,249,185 2,465,157 2,499,738 2,313,555 2,299,915 7.24 -0.59
Czech Republic 345,274 365,242 394,440 425,268 444,543 1.40 4.53
Hungary 215,338 223,744 234,517 244,957 243,446 0.77 -0.62
Poland 650,150 714,769 785,647 817,290 854,588 2.69 4.56
Russian Federation 873,020 987,433 903,963 641,679 575,315 1.81 -10.34
Baltic countries 165,403 173,969 181,171 184,361 182,023 0.57 -1.27
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,690,113 4,873,223 5,092,052 5,337,912 5,376,024 16.93 0.71
Denmark 1,147,029 1,196,904 1,264,167 1,340,521 1,376,972 4.34 2.72
Finland 263,784 262,901 272,133 265,030 260,406 0.82 -1.74
Iceland 30,055 29,115 29,912 32,238 37,504 0.12 16.33
Ireland 117,375 117,502 141,871 157,968 170,702 0.54 8.06
Norway 374,112 380,758 383,264 376,735 371,296 1.17 -1.44
Sweden 815,093 838,368 836,491 873,113 876,199 2.76 0.35
United Kingdom 1,942,665 2,047,675 2,164,214 2,292,307 2,282,945 7.19 -0.41
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,497,597 2,476,943 2,590,572 2,881,750 2,907,895 9.16 0.91
Greece 119,296 118,692 126,733 128,396 139,525 0.44 8.67
Italy 1,447,877 1,444,241 1,495,487 1,553,374 1,507,970 4.75 -2.92
Portugal 108,543 109,273 121,577 133,661 148,024 0.47 10.75
Spain 821,881 804,737 846,775 1,066,319 1,112,376 3.50 4.32
WESTERN EUROPE 9,482,412 9,685,347 10,127,983 10,524,168 10,919,418 34.38 3.76
Austria 1,454,911 1,518,429 1,603,290 1,648,724 1,691,071 5.32 2.57
Belgium 1,094,003 1,123,592 1,155,339 1,192,900 1,253,695 3.95 5.10
France 1,356,161 1,391,921 1,438,188 1,456,182 1,532,114 4.82 5.21
Luxembourg 213,252 221,925 235,104 245,168 250,305 0.79 2.10
Netherlands 3,140,309 3,113,984 3,223,914 3,296,070 3,436,586 10.82 4.26
Switzerland 2,223,776 2,315,496 2,472,148 2,685,124 2,755,647 8.68 2.63

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 454,145 483,770 521,305 580,932 625,494 1.97 7.67
Israel 219,360 235,325 258,396 288,448 301,522 0.95 4.53
Turkey 234,785 248,445 262,909 292,484 323,972 1.02 10.77
OTHER EUROPE 842,534 953,870 1,019,852 1,083,442 1,163,137 3.66 7.36
Other countries of Europe 842,534 953,870 1,019,852 1,083,442 1,163,137 3.66 7.36
MIDDLE EAST 439,607 506,878 574,430 679,401 652,525 2.05 -3.96
All countries of Middle East 439,607 506,878 574,430 679,401 652,525 2.05 -3.96
NOT SPECIFIED 573,024 634,101 687,155 748,521 769,594 2.42 2.82
Other countries of the World 573,024 634,101 687,155 748,521 769,594 2.42 2.82

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 30,410,491 31,545,132 32,999,298 34,970,030 35,555,391 100.00 1.67

AFRICA 226,767 245,620 253,620 274,236 262,631 0.74 -4.23
SOUTHERN AFRICA 74,459 71,323 78,654 86,902 76,646 0.22 -11.80
South Africa 74,459 71,323 78,654 86,902 76,646 0.22 -11.80
OTHER AFRICA 152,308 174,297 174,966 187,334 185,985 0.52 -0.72
Other countries of Africa 152,308 174,297 174,966 187,334 185,985 0.52 -0.72
AMERICAS 3,155,152 3,191,546 3,271,836 3,487,492 3,508,540 9.87 0.60
NORTH AMERICA 2,689,183 2,693,276 2,743,091 2,923,295 2,942,243 8.28 0.65
Canada 295,234 292,642 281,236 289,449 276,933 0.78 -4.32
Mexico 79,996 90,749 90,769 100,311 106,815 0.30 6.48
United States of America 2,313,953 2,309,885 2,371,086 2,533,535 2,558,495 7.20 0.99
SOUTH AMERICA 279,092 292,152 303,179 309,670 266,850 0.75 -13.83
Brazil 279,092 292,152 303,179 309,670 266,850 0.75 -13.83
OTHER AMERICAS 186,877 206,118 225,566 254,527 299,447 0.84 17.65
Other countries of the Americas 186,877 206,118 225,566 254,527 299,447 0.84 17.65
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,665,861 2,805,217 3,024,237 3,556,056 3,488,917 9.81 -1.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,815,214 1,920,923 2,103,845 2,539,499 2,429,673 6.83 -4.32
China (*) 757,290 870,748 1,033,470 1,393,254 1,363,979 3.84 -2.10
Japan 734,475 711,529 670,804 647,243 545,013 1.53 -15.79
Korea, Republic of 210,983 223,782 254,249 296,564 320,360 0.90 8.02
Taiwan Province of China 112,466 114,864 145,322 202,438 200,321 0.56 -1.05
AUSTRALASIA 313,123 306,001 312,319 317,350 314,014 0.88 -1.05
Australia 313,123 306,001 312,319 317,350 314,014 0.88 -1.05
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 537,524 578,293 608,073 699,207 745,230 2.10 6.58
Other countries of Asia 489,743 527,798 557,143 643,630 689,247 1.94 7.09
Other countries of Oceania 47,781 50,495 50,930 55,577 55,983 0.16 0.73
EUROPE 23,121,212 23,899,697 24,915,250 25,950,993 26,568,375 74.72 2.38
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,936,102 3,225,530 3,304,474 3,157,687 3,194,256 8.98 1.16
Bulgaria 71,995 79,353 87,946 93,647 95,542 0.27 2.02
Czech Republic 391,964 414,439 447,510 488,407 506,571 1.42 3.72
Estonia 46,142 48,461 51,417 50,323 50,957 0.14 1.26
Hungary 235,645 243,649 255,633 267,189 264,422 0.74 -1.04
Latvia 55,318 58,168 61,734 67,041 65,350 0.18 -2.52
Lithuania 82,775 84,006 86,634 90,586 88,495 0.25 -2.31
Poland 737,327 814,467 895,305 930,133 961,099 2.70 3.33
Romania 188,517 210,595 234,672 252,197 271,239 0.76 7.55
Russian Federation 918,226 1,038,826 951,050 676,586 607,422 1.71 -10.22
Slovakia 95,712 104,191 111,011 123,220 147,461 0.41 19.67
Ukraine 112,481 129,375 121,562 118,358 135,698 0.38 14.65
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,294,118 5,496,484 5,733,680 6,021,635 6,065,291 17.06 0.72
Denmark 1,356,666 1,400,534 1,466,561 1,553,171 1,592,500 4.48 2.53
Finland 291,788 290,496 299,012 292,983 285,732 0.80 -2.47
Iceland 34,261 32,230 32,575 35,767 40,352 0.11 12.82
Ireland 135,039 135,553 170,338 190,133 205,504 0.58 8.08
Norway 416,842 423,246 427,943 424,239 418,803 1.18 -1.28
Sweden 897,033 920,308 921,774 965,664 971,339 2.73 0.59
United Kingdom 2,162,489 2,294,117 2,415,477 2,559,678 2,551,061 7.17 -0.34
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,809,878 2,848,341 3,005,669 3,346,893 3,392,559 9.54 1.36
Croatia 54,423 71,275 90,381 100,402 0.28 11.09
Greece 126,920 126,240 134,598 136,813 149,541 0.42 9.30
Italy 1,581,041 1,580,753 1,642,443 1,714,833 1,651,933 4.65 -3.67
Malta 13,650 14,513 17,977 19,862 24,955 0.07 25.64
Portugal 118,063 118,405 130,841 144,875 160,015 0.45 10.45
Slovenia 80,549 79,633 86,741 91,117 96,370 0.27 5.77
Spain 889,655 874,374 921,794 1,149,012 1,209,343 3.40 5.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 11,231,799 11,436,568 11,925,911 12,394,191 12,833,999 36.10 3.55

Austria 1,567,483 1,631,436 1,725,259 1,781,579 1,818,872 5.12 2.09
Belgium 1,238,094 1,272,710 1,310,693 1,354,616 1,424,482 4.01 5.16
France 1,535,077 1,572,518 1,617,901 1,639,539 1,725,854 4.85 5.26
Luxembourg 232,117 241,582 255,738 266,099 272,235 0.77 2.31
Netherlands 4,169,435 4,124,308 4,237,865 4,325,584 4,477,100 12.59 3.50
Switzerland 2,489,593 2,594,014 2,778,455 3,026,774 3,115,456 8.76 2.93
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 500,423 533,209 578,398 641,033 683,085 1.92 6.56
Cyprus 17,837 17,824 22,752 22,045 18,984 0.05 -13.89
Israel 237,822 254,975 280,555 311,416 323,071 0.91 3.74
Turkey 244,764 260,410 275,091 307,572 341,030 0.96 10.88
OTHER EUROPE 348,892 359,565 367,118 389,554 399,185 1.12 2.47
Other countries of Europe 348,892 359,565 367,118 389,554 399,185 1.12 2.47
MIDDLE EAST 449,249 517,104 587,357 697,613 673,132 1.89 -3.51
All countries of Middle East 449,249 517,104 587,357 697,613 673,132 1.89 -3.51
SOUTH ASIA 171,738 189,534 194,221 212,506 231,244 0.65 8.82
India 171,738 189,534 194,221 212,506 231,244 0.65 8.82
NOT SPECIFIED 620,512 696,414 752,777 791,134 822,552 2.31 3.97
Other countries of the World 620,512 696,414 752,777 791,134 822,552 2.31 3.97

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 58,095,898 60,803,581 63,843,191 67,433,137 68,369,535 100.00 1.39

AFRICA 543,734 612,642 643,398 665,939 625,262 0.91 -6.11
SOUTHERN AFRICA 160,232 165,109 167,434 175,295 164,871 0.24 -5.95
South Africa 160,232 165,109 167,434 175,295 164,871 0.24 -5.95
OTHER AFRICA 383,502 447,533 475,964 490,644 460,391 0.67 -6.17
Other countries of Africa 383,502 447,533 475,964 490,644 460,391 0.67 -6.17
AMERICAS 6,271,629 6,443,318 6,726,248 7,260,427 7,338,132 10.73 1.07
NORTH AMERICA 5,261,067 5,359,403 5,560,490 6,025,297 6,122,161 8.95 1.61
Canada 550,539 566,151 558,074 567,138 542,160 0.79 -4.40
Mexico 170,805 188,812 194,833 228,273 228,900 0.33 0.27
United States of America 4,539,723 4,604,440 4,807,583 5,229,886 5,351,101 7.83 2.32
SOUTH AMERICA 623,076 656,365 688,997 698,431 598,742 0.88 -14.27
Brazil 623,076 656,365 688,997 698,431 598,742 0.88 -14.27
OTHER AMERICAS 387,486 427,550 476,761 536,699 617,229 0.90 15.00
Other countries of the Americas 387,486 427,550 476,761 536,699 617,229 0.90 15.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,610,292 5,916,160 6,355,721 7,133,421 7,190,184 10.52 0.80
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,337,189 3,484,459 3,812,939 4,398,595 4,354,338 6.37 -1.01
China (*) 1,475,819 1,629,784 1,912,325 2,401,030 2,453,515 3.59 2.19
Japan 1,270,967 1,249,473 1,198,817 1,159,120 1,020,808 1.49 -11.93
Korea, Republic of 385,548 404,870 448,617 516,079 554,817 0.81 7.51
Taiwan Province of China 204,855 200,332 253,180 322,366 325,198 0.48 0.88
AUSTRALASIA 631,090 672,728 680,676 715,253 717,257 1.05 0.28
Australia, New Zealand 631,090 672,728 680,676 715,253 717,257 1.05 0.28
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,642,013 1,758,973 1,862,106 2,019,573 2,118,589 3.10 4.90
Other countries East Asia/Pacific (*) 1,642,013 1,758,973 1,862,106 2,019,573 2,118,589 3.10 4.90
EUROPE 43,373,658 45,173,667 47,106,491 48,957,982 49,953,691 73.06 2.03
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,322,121 5,815,235 5,854,835 5,357,490 5,304,490 7.76 -0.99
Czech Republic 718,082 760,563 814,564 885,370 928,003 1.36 4.82
Hungary 598,861 606,320 585,430 605,945 607,739 0.89 0.30
Poland 1,618,221 1,727,807 1,902,321 1,951,009 2,055,957 3.01 5.38
Russian Federation 2,069,849 2,388,262 2,209,555 1,552,699 1,357,764 1.99 -12.55
Baltic countries 317,108 332,283 342,965 362,467 355,027 0.52 -2.05
NORTHERN EUROPE 9,330,906 9,844,459 10,343,151 10,884,115 10,951,754 16.02 0.62
Denmark 2,306,836 2,416,117 2,581,768 2,704,595 2,730,750 3.99 0.97
Finland 546,510 562,254 581,735 576,066 555,305 0.81 -3.60
Iceland 69,975 75,896 73,940 82,262 93,423 0.14 13.57
Ireland 255,655 259,391 307,033 347,661 376,503 0.55 8.30
Norway 733,928 759,589 779,527 765,827 743,163 1.09 -2.96
Sweden 1,477,351 1,537,015 1,545,729 1,599,002 1,593,754 2.33 -0.33
United Kingdom 3,940,651 4,234,197 4,473,419 4,808,702 4,858,856 7.11 1.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,471,023 5,463,067 5,793,148 6,433,715 6,508,545 9.52 1.16
Greece 297,418 305,852 336,415 335,716 371,967 0.54 10.80
Italy 3,107,427 3,111,521 3,255,932 3,365,770 3,276,559 4.79 -2.65
Portugal 252,969 259,174 296,784 335,811 355,531 0.52 5.87
Spain 1,813,209 1,786,520 1,904,017 2,396,418 2,504,488 3.66 4.51
WESTERN EUROPE 20,062,636 20,448,020 21,146,318 21,904,291 22,559,167 33.00 2.99
Austria 2,896,779 3,042,341 3,208,512 3,300,829 3,379,225 4.94 2.38
Belgium 2,435,610 2,454,543 2,495,041 2,559,238 2,664,665 3.90 4.12
France 2,560,627 2,640,189 2,718,332 2,754,902 2,917,859 4.27 5.92
Luxembourg 453,163 475,270 497,303 508,924 513,574 0.75 0.91
Netherlands 7,305,258 7,181,674 7,269,366 7,411,799 7,576,632 11.08 2.22
Switzerland 4,411,199 4,654,003 4,957,764 5,368,599 5,507,212 8.06 2.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,115,737 1,243,669 1,363,635 1,556,446 1,634,314 2.39 5.00
Israel 578,518 672,468 769,860 885,473 901,779 1.32 1.84
Turkey 537,219 571,201 593,775 670,973 732,535 1.07 9.18
OTHER EUROPE 2,071,235 2,359,217 2,605,404 2,821,925 2,995,421 4.38 6.15
Other countries of Europe 2,071,235 2,359,217 2,605,404 2,821,925 2,995,421 4.38 6.15
MIDDLE EAST 1,218,746 1,462,731 1,717,541 1,984,467 1,809,363 2.65 -8.82
All countries of Middle East 1,218,746 1,462,731 1,717,541 1,984,467 1,809,363 2.65 -8.82
NOT SPECIFIED 1,077,839 1,195,063 1,293,792 1,430,901 1,452,903 2.13 1.54
Other countries of the World 1,077,839 1,195,063 1,293,792 1,430,901 1,452,903 2.13 1.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 68,827,658 71,919,385 75,577,076 79,672,412 80,787,512 100.00 1.40

AFRICA 621,727 706,295 738,417 771,473 721,569 0.89 -6.47
SOUTHERN AFRICA 174,892 178,748 181,417 189,678 178,727 0.22 -5.77
South Africa 174,892 178,748 181,417 189,678 178,727 0.22 -5.77
OTHER AFRICA 446,835 527,547 557,000 581,795 542,842 0.67 -6.70
Other countries of Africa 446,835 527,547 557,000 581,795 542,842 0.67 -6.70
AMERICAS 6,842,839 7,013,938 7,363,095 7,944,175 8,037,164 9.95 1.17
NORTH AMERICA 5,676,268 5,736,809 6,019,519 6,512,633 6,626,462 8.20 1.75
Canada 623,867 634,559 633,034 651,770 623,789 0.77 -4.29
Mexico 197,625 185,750 225,608 260,439 259,322 0.32 -0.43
United States of America 4,854,776 4,916,500 5,160,877 5,600,424 5,743,351 7.11 2.55
SOUTH AMERICA 694,440 732,888 779,122 794,048 670,403 0.83 -15.57
Brazil 694,440 732,888 779,122 794,048 670,403 0.83 -15.57
OTHER AMERICAS 472,131 544,241 564,454 637,494 740,299 0.92 16.13
Other countries of the Americas 472,131 544,241 564,454 637,494 740,299 0.92 16.13
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,519,403 5,821,176 6,268,446 7,075,996 7,055,715 8.73 -0.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,532,984 3,707,910 4,060,469 4,680,607 4,616,486 5.71 -1.37
China (*) 1,563,298 1,734,693 2,032,946 2,538,789 2,582,027 3.20 1.70
Japan 1,325,544 1,307,950 1,255,181 1,212,288 1,069,613 1.32 -11.77
Korea, Republic of 423,530 449,235 500,943 584,789 618,386 0.77 5.75
Taiwan Province of China 220,612 216,032 271,399 344,741 346,460 0.43 0.50
AUSTRALASIA 701,601 714,634 730,171 757,897 756,709 0.94 -0.16
Australia 701,601 714,634 730,171 757,897 756,709 0.94 -0.16
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,284,818 1,398,632 1,477,806 1,637,492 1,682,520 2.08 2.75
Other countries of Asia 1,179,009 1,284,715 1,362,924 1,512,160 1,555,291 1.93 2.85
Other countries of Oceania 105,809 113,917 114,882 125,332 127,229 0.16 1.51
EUROPE 52,746,984 54,831,024 57,217,916 59,437,926 60,582,562 74.99 1.93
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,520,207 8,279,842 8,558,373 8,152,750 8,288,653 10.26 1.67
Bulgaria 196,009 226,535 275,863 279,139 292,097 0.36 4.64
Czech Republic 858,798 906,064 978,090 1,079,771 1,119,116 1.39 3.64
Estonia 89,411 93,934 98,219 98,422 100,858 0.12 2.48
Hungary 714,635 712,173 696,080 706,936 707,208 0.88 0.04
Latvia 116,914 121,218 128,169 141,471 135,794 0.17 -4.01
Lithuania 164,942 168,089 171,131 182,834 184,514 0.23 0.92
Poland 2,013,267 2,201,369 2,448,115 2,503,335 2,638,639 3.27 5.40
Romania 557,124 637,882 728,731 801,705 882,696 1.09 10.10
Russian Federation 2,247,281 2,595,270 2,398,010 1,691,709 1,487,246 1.84 -12.09
Slovakia 301,061 318,085 336,543 380,749 420,488 0.52 10.44
Ukraine 260,765 299,223 299,422 286,679 319,997 0.40 11.62
NORTHERN EUROPE 10,892,993 11,469,270 12,022,161 12,668,382 12,757,073 15.79 0.70
Denmark 2,855,677 2,962,136 3,137,551 3,290,463 3,320,328 4.11 0.91
Finland 612,339 627,638 645,303 640,292 615,948 0.76 -3.80
Iceland 82,401 83,985 81,641 92,624 102,717 0.13 10.90
Ireland 302,591 315,206 385,423 435,494 476,115 0.59 9.33
Norway 843,686 864,081 886,874 877,223 852,463 1.06 -2.82
Sweden 1,659,463 1,712,503 1,726,746 1,790,542 1,790,628 2.22 0.00
United Kingdom 4,536,836 4,903,721 5,158,623 5,541,744 5,598,874 6.93 1.03
SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,371,819 6,532,490 7,001,126 7,812,025 7,957,362 9.85 1.86
Croatia 149,480 195,324 287,348 329,514 0.41 14.67
Greece 329,824 336,721 370,646 371,381 417,491 0.52 12.42
Italy 3,468,347 3,485,300 3,658,614 3,786,041 3,663,189 4.53 -3.24
Malta 35,038 39,281 49,117 55,880 66,416 0.08 18.85
Portugal 289,827 296,721 337,487 380,046 396,830 0.49 4.42
Slovenia 220,981 208,439 255,611 279,492 285,447 0.35 2.13
Spain 2,027,802 2,016,548 2,134,327 2,651,837 2,798,475 3.46 5.53

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 25,847,274 26,275,212 27,178,090 28,084,855 28,786,010 35.63 2.50

Austria 3,221,467 3,368,594 3,561,687 3,663,281 3,739,240 4.63 2.07
Belgium 2,870,823 2,897,300 2,965,314 3,037,098 3,173,059 3.93 4.48
France 3,064,548 3,142,370 3,217,086 3,259,161 3,445,866 4.27 5.73
Luxembourg 539,748 558,703 582,342 598,421 609,966 0.76 1.93
Netherlands 10,939,882 10,824,588 10,987,835 11,172,708 11,254,851 13.93 0.74
Switzerland 5,210,806 5,483,657 5,863,826 6,354,186 6,563,028 8.12 3.29
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,282,607 1,421,745 1,563,065 1,775,751 1,848,890 2.29 4.12
Cyprus 45,690 45,222 55,427 58,492 51,663 0.06 -11.68
Israel 660,936 762,707 869,343 993,024 1,001,837 1.24 0.89
Turkey 575,981 613,816 638,295 724,235 795,390 0.98 9.82
OTHER EUROPE 832,084 852,465 895,101 944,163 944,574 1.17 0.04
Other countries of Europe 832,084 852,465 895,101 944,163 944,574 1.17 0.04
MIDDLE EAST 1,284,583 1,543,717 1,862,103 2,191,733 2,039,837 2.52 -6.93
All countries of Middle East 1,284,583 1,543,717 1,862,103 2,191,733 2,039,837 2.52 -6.93
SOUTH ASIA 584,508 615,617 650,103 692,612 748,737 0.93 8.10
India 584,508 615,617 650,103 692,612 748,737 0.93 8.10
NOT SPECIFIED 1,227,614 1,387,618 1,476,996 1,558,497 1,601,928 1.98 2.79
Other countries of the World 1,227,614 1,387,618 1,476,996 1,558,497 1,601,928 1.98 2.79

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 15,517,625 17,919,578 22,033,466 23,599,455 24,799,350 100.00 5.08

AFRICA 32,688 26,867 39,980 35,608
SOUTHERN AFRICA 19,686 17,644 24,680 26,055
South Africa 19,686 17,644 24,680 26,055
OTHER AFRICA 13,002 9,223 15,300 9,553
Other countries of Africa 13,002 9,223 15,300 9,553
AMERICAS 558,729 754,487 890,318 1,094,749 931,443 3.76 -14.92
NORTH AMERICA 484,592 673,084 758,052 948,449 931,443 3.76 -1.79
Canada 102,694 186,701 145,720 182,299 152,815 0.62 -16.17
Mexico 8,067 19,863 20,479 15,900
United States of America 373,831 466,520 591,853 750,250 778,628 3.14 3.78
SOUTH AMERICA 51,332 52,843 84,823 100,250
Argentina 20,207 25,488 32,606 34,662
Brazil 31,125 27,355 52,217 65,588
OTHER AMERICAS 22,805 28,560 47,443 46,050
Other countries of the Americas 22,805 28,560 47,443 46,050
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 215,864 238,157 365,583 362,267 169,168 0.68 -53.30
NORTH-EAST ASIA 27,145 48,776 79,568 85,160
China 12,203 28,328 47,482 55,097
Japan 8,841 13,141 18,698 9,983
Korea, Republic of 6,101 7,307 13,388 20,080
AUSTRALASIA 117,852 129,112 183,080 183,165 169,168 0.68 -7.64
Australia 117,852 129,112 183,080 183,165 169,168 0.68 -7.64
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 70,867 60,269 102,935 93,942
Other countries of Asia 55,351 46,739 80,628 65,136
Other countries of Oceania 15,516 13,530 22,307 28,806
EUROPE 14,661,081 16,821,975 20,650,820 21,984,580 19,146,764 77.21 -12.91
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,404,238 3,183,230 4,534,851 4,483,567 4,424,723 17.84 -1.31
Bulgaria 599,110 691,874 1,534,565 1,900,642 2,522,800 10.17 32.73
Czech Republic 289,034 286,974 347,624 436,703 280,331 1.13 -35.81
Estonia 4,757 8,094 30,551 23,323
Hungary 69,789 80,623 89,064 146,380
Latvia 15,300 20,283 31,085 33,709
Lithuania 21,601 31,874 57,890 60,143
Poland 254,682 385,474 588,712 754,402
Romania 230,396 278,873 543,360 540,289 1,026,110 4.14 89.92
Russian Federation 874,787 1,352,901 1,250,174 512,789 595,482 2.40 16.13
Slovakia 44,782 46,260 61,826 75,187
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,928,408 2,865,954 3,153,166 3,455,509 3,549,464 14.31 2.72
Denmark 205,194 202,477 240,419 237,655 241,697 0.97 1.70
Finland 154,134 139,341 166,251 149,894
Iceland 2,059 1,578 3,528 1,705
Ireland 32,357 42,575 69,532 72,654
Norway 294,114 264,816 246,136 244,859
Sweden 319,756 368,834 337,771 351,573 413,112 1.67 17.50
United Kingdom 1,920,794 1,846,333 2,089,529 2,397,169 2,894,655 11.67 20.75
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,151,868 2,373,363 5,140,778 5,763,423 4,033,639 16.27 -30.01
Albania 469,213 504,809 488,099 491,381 722,347 2.91 47.00
Croatia 21,889 20,136
Italy 848,073 964,314 1,117,712 1,355,327 1,386,902 5.59 2.33
Malta 2,206 1,494 3,701 9,867
Portugal 20,483 13,304 14,206 17,821
Serbia 620,450 778,765 985,661 727,831
Slovenia 35,721 18,689 26,698 24,377
Spain 155,722 91,988 136,232 93,624 203,290 0.82 117.13
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2,346,580 3,023,059 1,721,100 6.94 -43.07
WESTERN EUROPE 4,442,810 4,948,676 5,669,580 6,194,491 6,486,958 26.16 4.72
Austria 236,416 236,476 285,132 327,123 359,110 1.45 9.78
Belgium 326,937 344,554 409,198 482,524 467,106 1.88 -3.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
France 977,376 1,152,217 1,463,157 1,522,100 1,313,536 5.30 -13.70
Germany 2,108,787 2,267,546 2,459,228 2,810,350 3,138,735 12.66 11.68
Luxembourg 15,192 20,498 18,449 22,037
Netherlands 478,483 580,867 657,339 639,108 770,690 3.11 20.59
Switzerland 299,619 346,518 377,077 391,249 437,781 1.77 11.89
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,234,844 1,442,587 1,622,109 1,739,005 651,980 2.63 -62.51
Cyprus 424,827 399,008 448,342 470,091 651,980 2.63 38.69
Israel 207,711 212,466 197,009 115,868
Turkey 602,306 831,113 976,758 1,153,046
OTHER EUROPE 1,498,913 2,008,165 530,336 348,585
Other countries of Europe 1,498,913 2,008,165 530,336 348,585
MIDDLE EAST 35,632 72,849 86,013 111,653
Egypt (*) 4,724 4,038 9,063 26,076
Lebanon (*) 12,846 36,591 31,794 30,258
Other countries of Middle East 18,062 32,220 45,156 55,319
SOUTH ASIA 13,631 5,243 752 10,598
Iran, Islamic Republic of 13,631 5,243 752 10,598
NOT SPECIFIED 4,551,975 18.36
Other countries of the World 4,551,975 18.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 9,243,951 10,490,113 11,882,134 12,734,567 12,999,947 100.00 2.08

AFRICA 90,691 66,229 63,911 63,871 67,185 0.52 5.19
South Africa 1,784
OTHER AFRICA 88,907 66,229 63,911 63,871 67,185 0.52 5.19
Other countries of Africa 88,907
All countries of Africa 66,229 63,911 63,871 67,185 0.52 5.19
AMERICAS 639,022 728,899 893,595 1,064,305 949,505 7.30 -10.79
NORTH AMERICA 536,429 600,679 748,494 905,643 817,050 6.29 -9.78
Canada 85,464 105,984 121,785 143,019 128,109 0.99 -10.43
United States of America 450,965 494,695 626,709 762,624 688,941 5.30 -9.66
Brazil 43,878
OTHER AMERICAS 58,715 128,220 145,101 158,662 132,455 1.02 -16.52
Other countries of the Americas 58,715 128,220 145,101 158,662 132,455 1.02 -16.52
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 661,398 827,899 1,089,382 1,297,445 1,182,615 9.10 -8.85
NORTH-EAST ASIA 137,077 195,708 327,877 349,957 265,893 2.05 -24.02
China 88,450 134,901 241,636 283,808 220,843 1.70 -22.19
Japan 45,711 60,807 86,241 66,149 45,050 0.35 -31.90
Korea, Republic of 2,916
AUSTRALASIA 152,210 177,772 206,313 221,986 208,026 1.60 -6.29
Australia 152,210 177,772 206,313 221,986 208,026 1.60 -6.29
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 372,111 454,419 555,192 725,502 708,696 5.45 -2.32
Other countries of Asia 362,471 443,980 541,217 709,113 694,925 5.35 -2.00
Other countries of Oceania 9,640 10,439 13,975 16,389 13,771 0.11 -15.97
EUROPE 7,847,644 8,861,044 9,828,805 10,299,316 10,784,758 82.96 4.71
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,744,185 2,136,903 2,209,696 2,053,318 2,127,720 16.37 3.62
Bulgaria 145,347 172,068 196,410 222,943 228,088 1.75 2.31
Czech Republic 155,605 170,799 178,840 194,740 187,009 1.44 -3.97
Estonia 13,644 11,689 15,382 17,459 22,960 0.18 31.51
Hungary 41,161 45,298 54,919 62,606 57,641 0.44 -7.93
Latvia 10,094 11,268 14,015 17,106 19,525 0.15 14.14
Lithuania 17,341 20,609 23,562 30,026 36,160 0.28 20.43
Poland 245,554 290,301 368,884 452,094 457,252 3.52 1.14
Romania 185,920 239,646 275,163 297,059 307,942 2.37 3.66
Russian Federation 820,618 1,141,086 1,039,711 705,724 746,720 5.74 5.81
Slovakia 32,551 34,139 42,810 53,561 64,423 0.50 20.28
Ukraine 76,350
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,102,141 2,258,605 2,516,867 2,744,473 3,012,176 23.17 9.75
Denmark 171,736 177,776 194,390 209,245 231,414 1.78 10.59
Finland 144,970 151,384 160,781 151,851 162,076 1.25 6.73
Iceland 4,668 5,911 6,121 5,737 6,896 0.05 20.20
Ireland 30,984 31,893 37,930 42,839 47,422 0.36 10.70
Norway 245,972 264,436 281,211 251,404 263,107 2.02 4.66
Sweden 316,719 345,611 409,374 427,383 464,331 3.57 8.65
United Kingdom 1,187,092 1,281,594 1,427,060 1,656,014 1,836,930 14.13 10.92
SOUTHERN EUROPE 733,694 759,267 881,749 903,986 901,965 6.94 -0.22
Croatia 11,454 15,351 16,865 13,526 0.10 -19.80
Italy 564,754 576,038 642,476 649,225 649,442 5.00 0.03
Malta 3,729 4,286 7,092 7,900 7,779 0.06 -1.53
Portugal 13,853 17,388 22,967 23,971 28,342 0.22 18.23
Slovenia 25,361 28,575 30,820 31,707 27,555 0.21 -13.09
Spain 125,997 121,526 163,043 174,318 175,321 1.35 0.58
WESTERN EUROPE 2,670,366 2,901,874 3,351,079 3,685,332 3,855,112 29.65 4.61
Austria 149,786 162,972 179,697 197,241 183,688 1.41 -6.87

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 229,144 245,012 263,194 291,913 301,813 2.32 3.39

France 714,749 779,927 896,598 1,039,674 1,026,453 7.90 -1.27
Germany 1,082,024 1,156,193 1,373,910 1,488,417 1,689,031 12.99 13.48
Luxembourg 12,066 13,845 16,880 16,762 17,252 0.13 2.92
Netherlands 333,474 377,445 429,539 433,288 420,513 3.23 -2.95
Switzerland 149,123 166,480 191,261 218,037 216,362 1.66 -0.77
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 293,118 349,366 414,199 454,115 484,671 3.73 6.73
Cyprus 164,877 151,674 191,408 203,146 226,306 1.74 11.40
Turkey 128,241 197,692 222,791 250,969 258,365 1.99 2.95
OTHER EUROPE 304,140 455,029 455,215 458,092 403,114 3.10 -12.00
Other countries of Europe 304,140 455,029 455,215 458,092 403,114 3.10 -12.00
NOT SPECIFIED 5,196 6,042 6,441 9,630 15,884 0.12 64.94
Other countries of the World 5,196 6,042 6,441 9,630 15,884 0.12 64.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,396,050 10,666,748 12,081,762 12,948,606 13,199,674 100.00 1.94

AFRICA 90,888 66,430 64,134 64,163 67,477 0.51 5.16
South Africa 1,840
OTHER AFRICA 89,048 66,430 64,134 64,163 67,477 0.51 5.16
Other countries of Africa 89,048
All countries of Africa 66,430 64,134 64,163 67,477 0.51 5.16
AMERICAS 641,478 732,012 897,623 1,072,099 957,695 7.26 -10.67
NORTH AMERICA 538,290 602,917 751,287 909,931 821,069 6.22 -9.77
Canada 86,431 107,126 123,126 145,232 130,183 0.99 -10.36
United States of America 451,859 495,791 628,161 764,699 690,886 5.23 -9.65
Brazil 44,041
OTHER AMERICAS 59,147 129,095 146,336 162,168 136,626 1.04 -15.75
Other countries of the Americas 59,147 129,095 146,336 162,168 136,626 1.04 -15.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 667,916 834,811 1,097,317 1,308,506 1,195,150 9.05 -8.66
NORTH-EAST ASIA 137,232 195,913 328,281 350,506 266,344 2.02 -24.01
China 88,541 135,028 241,888 284,251 221,143 1.68 -22.20
Japan 45,769 60,885 86,393 66,255 45,201 0.34 -31.78
Korea, Republic of 2,922
AUSTRALASIA 157,092 182,987 212,080 230,516 217,906 1.65 -5.47
Australia 157,092 182,987 212,080 230,516 217,906 1.65 -5.47
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 373,592 455,911 556,956 727,484 710,900 5.39 -2.28
Other countries of Asia 362,954 444,466 542,083 710,057 696,075 5.27 -1.97
Other countries of Oceania 10,638 11,445 14,873 17,427 14,825 0.11 -14.93
EUROPE 7,990,560 9,027,432 10,016,227 10,494,184 10,963,433 83.06 4.47
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,763,699 2,161,830 2,241,612 2,089,583 2,165,344 16.40 3.63
Bulgaria 154,836 184,233 211,213 243,741 252,230 1.91 3.48
Czech Republic 157,108 172,959 181,686 197,410 188,855 1.43 -4.33
Estonia 13,769 11,843 15,480 17,620 23,113 0.18 31.17
Hungary 42,565 47,243 57,052 64,555 59,137 0.45 -8.39
Latvia 10,153 11,321 14,103 17,192 19,574 0.15 13.86
Lithuania 17,475 20,762 23,772 30,222 36,271 0.27 20.02
Poland 249,491 294,983 375,565 457,465 461,777 3.50 0.94
Romania 187,799 242,066 278,343 300,324 311,625 2.36 3.76
Russian Federation 821,159 1,141,933 1,041,115 706,999 747,960 5.67 5.79
Slovakia 32,844 34,487 43,283 54,055 64,802 0.49 19.88
Ukraine 76,500
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,108,634 2,266,110 2,525,156 2,753,040 3,020,698 22.88 9.72
Denmark 172,904 179,522 196,463 210,718 232,910 1.76 10.53
Finland 145,094 151,559 161,007 152,132 162,242 1.23 6.65
Iceland 4,685 5,930 6,136 5,768 6,915 0.05 19.89
Ireland 31,348 32,293 38,306 43,398 48,195 0.37 11.05
Norway 246,173 264,642 281,479 251,674 263,387 2.00 4.65
Sweden 317,114 346,065 409,914 428,104 465,103 3.52 8.64
United Kingdom 1,191,316 1,286,099 1,431,851 1,661,246 1,841,946 13.95 10.88
SOUTHERN EUROPE 757,838 786,532 910,454 932,337 929,512 7.04 -0.30
Croatia 11,612 15,511 17,033 13,755 0.10 -19.24
Italy 585,384 598,998 666,357 671,795 671,518 5.09 -0.04
Malta 3,742 4,309 7,114 7,941 7,804 0.06 -1.73
Portugal 14,028 17,582 23,260 24,216 28,607 0.22 18.13
Slovenia 26,860 30,742 33,129 33,744 29,306 0.22 -13.15
Spain 127,824 123,289 165,083 177,608 178,522 1.35 0.51
WESTERN EUROPE 2,757,597 3,001,761 3,462,524 3,797,828 3,950,299 29.93 4.01
Austria 156,808 171,756 189,517 206,484 191,089 1.45 -7.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 231,770 247,789 266,360 295,645 305,162 2.31 3.22

France 741,803 811,078 929,772 1,077,032 1,057,568 8.01 -1.81
Germany 1,113,695 1,193,291 1,416,021 1,527,719 1,723,460 13.06 12.81
Luxembourg 12,100 13,890 16,923 16,797 17,317 0.13 3.10
Netherlands 348,238 392,240 446,616 450,163 434,121 3.29 -3.56
Switzerland 153,183 171,717 197,315 223,988 221,582 1.68 -1.07
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 293,832 350,302 415,364 455,864 487,624 3.69 6.97
Cyprus 165,145 151,939 191,673 203,579 226,751 1.72 11.38
Turkey 128,687 198,363 223,691 252,285 260,873 1.98 3.40
OTHER EUROPE 308,960 460,897 461,117 465,532 409,956 3.11 -11.94
Other countries of Europe 308,960 460,897 461,117 465,532 409,956 3.11 -11.94
NOT SPECIFIED 5,208 6,063 6,461 9,654 15,919 0.12 64.90
Other countries of the World 5,208 6,063 6,461 9,654 15,919 0.12 64.90

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 50,539,507 57,058,282 60,901,973 63,570,840 65,941,418 100.00 3.73

AFRICA 474,658 228,770 230,480 205,312 215,925 0.33 5.17
South Africa 6,172
OTHER AFRICA 468,486 228,770 230,480 205,312 215,925 0.33 5.17
Other countries of Africa 468,486
All countries of Africa 228,770 230,480 205,312 215,925 0.33 5.17
AMERICAS 1,442,993 1,674,077 2,055,717 2,360,902 2,204,144 3.34 -6.64
NORTH AMERICA 1,207,869 1,375,214 1,728,903 2,000,222 1,890,428 2.87 -5.49
Canada 203,704 256,078 292,427 335,978 304,914 0.46 -9.25
United States of America 1,004,165 1,119,136 1,436,476 1,664,244 1,585,514 2.40 -4.73
Brazil 101,161
OTHER AMERICAS 133,963 298,863 326,814 360,680 313,716 0.48 -13.02
Other countries of the Americas 133,963 298,863 326,814 360,680 313,716 0.48 -13.02
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,736,058 2,156,438 2,700,627 3,133,798 3,235,661 4.91 3.25
NORTH-EAST ASIA 243,473 339,471 539,208 561,068 455,479 0.69 -18.82
China 153,842 225,640 383,081 437,964 364,075 0.55 -16.87
Japan 85,575 113,831 156,127 123,104 91,404 0.14 -25.75
Korea, Republic of 4,056
AUSTRALASIA 348,541 412,731 487,103 526,465 499,962 0.76 -5.03
Australia 348,541 412,731 487,103 526,465 499,962 0.76 -5.03
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,144,044 1,404,236 1,674,316 2,046,265 2,280,220 3.46 11.43
Other countries of Asia 1,119,859 1,378,665 1,641,235 2,007,129 2,247,513 3.41 11.98
Other countries of Oceania 24,185 25,571 33,081 39,136 32,707 0.05 -16.43
EUROPE 46,869,216 52,980,104 55,894,394 57,831,968 60,221,094 91.33 4.13
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,225,713 13,644,056 13,596,603 12,053,088 12,355,730 18.74 2.51
Bulgaria 490,415 557,864 636,457 721,937 751,197 1.14 4.05
Czech Republic 1,187,063 1,311,746 1,303,359 1,377,860 1,292,266 1.96 -6.21
Estonia 78,018 64,455 83,589 97,906 137,541 0.21 40.48
Hungary 249,198 270,469 309,832 340,532 312,326 0.47 -8.28
Latvia 60,664 61,887 75,706 93,261 112,717 0.17 20.86
Lithuania 102,825 123,678 134,320 163,309 201,777 0.31 23.56
Poland 1,572,684 1,821,079 2,181,495 2,662,748 2,718,941 4.12 2.11
Romania 866,293 1,050,414 1,168,364 1,292,731 1,301,120 1.97 0.65
Russian Federation 5,924,494 8,130,478 7,403,107 4,946,302 5,127,264 7.78 3.66
Slovakia 242,788 251,986 300,374 356,502 400,581 0.61 12.36
Ukraine 451,271
NORTHERN EUROPE 13,718,669 14,732,176 15,396,049 17,254,317 18,734,289 28.41 8.58
Denmark 1,129,231 1,166,745 1,211,321 1,316,497 1,443,571 2.19 9.65
Finland 942,607 995,784 1,009,101 973,878 1,038,079 1.57 6.59
Iceland 18,802 25,425 27,026 26,895 32,026 0.05 19.08
Ireland 147,334 145,363 162,675 195,062 201,393 0.31 3.25
Norway 1,681,017 1,808,964 1,780,947 1,731,955 1,803,905 2.74 4.15
Sweden 2,023,370 2,261,003 2,415,632 2,687,091 2,855,660 4.33 6.27
United Kingdom 7,776,308 8,328,892 8,789,347 10,322,939 11,359,655 17.23 10.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,977,536 3,091,731 3,361,164 3,509,784 3,491,660 5.30 -0.52
Croatia 37,391 46,958 50,056 42,641 0.06 -14.81
Italy 2,473,306 2,535,968 2,667,741 2,781,082 2,753,261 4.18 -1.00
Malta 16,214 17,410 24,128 25,664 28,955 0.04 12.82
Portugal 44,209 56,434 75,007 73,258 101,373 0.15 38.38
Slovenia 145,917 157,766 163,266 169,323 142,616 0.22 -15.77
Spain 297,890 286,762 384,064 410,401 422,814 0.64 3.02
WESTERN EUROPE 16,699,675 18,317,386 20,291,505 21,716,982 22,651,439 34.35 4.30
Austria 986,998 1,071,323 1,148,674 1,240,276 1,130,145 1.71 -8.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 1,371,449 1,524,353 1,503,927 1,690,818 1,683,331 2.55 -0.44

France 3,334,773 3,613,715 3,954,749 4,466,957 4,591,717 6.96 2.79
Germany 7,793,880 8,469,670 9,744,541 10,296,936 11,366,922 17.24 10.39
Luxembourg 70,660 85,799 93,525 93,086 94,839 0.14 1.88
Netherlands 2,256,129 2,577,136 2,760,501 2,714,727 2,627,322 3.98 -3.22
Switzerland 885,786 975,390 1,085,588 1,214,182 1,157,163 1.75 -4.70
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 728,451 794,118 959,050 1,033,814 1,138,166 1.73 10.09
Cyprus 482,861 429,325 542,844 569,494 633,855 0.96 11.30
Turkey 245,590 364,793 416,206 464,320 504,311 0.76 8.61
OTHER EUROPE 1,519,172 2,400,637 2,290,023 2,263,983 1,849,810 2.81 -18.29
Other countries of Europe 1,519,172 2,400,637 2,290,023 2,263,983 1,849,810 2.81 -18.29
NOT SPECIFIED 16,582 18,893 20,755 38,860 64,594 0.10 66.22
Other countries of the World 16,582 18,893 20,755 38,860 64,594 0.10 66.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 51,094,912 57,745,731 61,658,663 64,365,096 66,727,447 100.00 3.67

AFRICA 475,116 229,298 231,123 206,429 217,072 0.33 5.16
South Africa 6,315
OTHER AFRICA 468,801 229,298 231,123 206,429 217,072 0.33 5.16
Other countries of Africa 468,801
All countries of Africa 229,298 231,123 206,429 217,072 0.33 5.16
AMERICAS 1,449,437 1,682,626 2,067,257 2,384,440 2,228,357 3.34 -6.55
NORTH AMERICA 1,212,905 1,381,069 1,737,213 2,012,906 1,902,331 2.85 -5.49
Canada 206,282 259,052 296,312 342,404 311,272 0.47 -9.09
United States of America 1,006,623 1,122,017 1,440,901 1,670,502 1,591,059 2.38 -4.76
Brazil 101,556
OTHER AMERICAS 134,976 301,557 330,044 371,534 326,026 0.49 -12.25
Other countries of the Americas 134,976 301,557 330,044 371,534 326,026 0.49 -12.25
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,752,426 2,175,110 2,725,063 3,165,658 3,272,235 4.90 3.37
NORTH-EAST ASIA 243,700 339,861 539,973 562,196 456,425 0.68 -18.81
China 153,976 225,891 383,551 438,880 364,688 0.55 -16.90
Japan 85,660 113,970 156,422 123,316 91,737 0.14 -25.61
Korea, Republic of 4,064
AUSTRALASIA 360,919 426,915 505,974 551,876 528,502 0.79 -4.24
Australia 360,919 426,915 505,974 551,876 528,502 0.79 -4.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,147,807 1,408,334 1,679,116 2,051,586 2,287,308 3.43 11.49
Other countries of Asia 1,120,961 1,379,865 1,643,302 2,009,431 2,251,465 3.37 12.04
Other countries of Oceania 26,846 28,469 35,814 42,155 35,843 0.05 -14.97
EUROPE 47,401,312 53,639,729 56,614,396 58,569,628 60,945,066 91.33 4.06
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,304,573 13,757,252 13,738,238 12,223,364 12,539,822 18.79 2.59
Bulgaria 532,055 623,376 718,431 831,425 880,185 1.32 5.86
Czech Republic 1,192,853 1,319,271 1,312,333 1,386,671 1,299,835 1.95 -6.26
Estonia 78,379 64,947 83,813 98,355 137,923 0.21 40.23
Hungary 255,011 277,685 317,717 348,074 318,815 0.48 -8.41
Latvia 60,754 62,023 75,867 93,386 112,819 0.17 20.81
Lithuania 103,212 124,128 134,873 163,761 202,102 0.30 23.41
Poland 1,586,156 1,838,892 2,201,505 2,682,978 2,735,492 4.10 1.96
Romania 873,509 1,060,208 1,180,707 1,306,592 1,316,608 1.97 0.77
Russian Federation 5,926,291 8,132,797 7,410,676 4,953,527 5,133,567 7.69 3.63
Slovakia 244,563 253,925 302,316 358,595 402,476 0.60 12.24
Ukraine 451,790
NORTHERN EUROPE 13,743,930 14,764,025 15,429,422 17,285,977 18,768,791 28.13 8.58
Denmark 1,136,131 1,178,289 1,223,490 1,323,585 1,451,371 2.18 9.65
Finland 942,947 996,399 1,009,924 974,942 1,038,698 1.56 6.54
Iceland 18,855 25,467 27,047 26,996 32,063 0.05 18.77
Ireland 148,394 146,625 163,932 196,866 204,462 0.31 3.86
Norway 1,681,747 1,809,715 1,781,907 1,732,883 1,804,757 2.70 4.15
Sweden 2,025,199 2,263,006 2,417,700 2,689,759 2,858,051 4.28 6.26
United Kingdom 7,790,657 8,344,524 8,805,422 10,340,946 11,379,389 17.05 10.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,063,284 3,189,339 3,462,774 3,612,837 3,595,704 5.39 -0.47
Croatia 37,651 47,377 50,411 43,228 0.06 -14.25
Italy 2,549,977 2,621,061 2,754,704 2,867,053 2,840,371 4.26 -0.93
Malta 16,256 17,475 24,196 25,762 29,035 0.04 12.70
Portugal 44,602 56,891 75,793 74,036 102,059 0.15 37.85
Slovenia 150,566 165,041 171,273 176,428 149,343 0.22 -15.35
Spain 301,883 291,220 389,431 419,147 431,668 0.65 2.99
WESTERN EUROPE 16,996,499 18,682,139 20,683,701 22,086,504 22,993,490 34.46 4.11
Austria 1,021,473 1,116,846 1,193,511 1,281,534 1,168,599 1.75 -8.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 1,380,285 1,533,783 1,513,913 1,702,647 1,694,086 2.54 -0.50

France 3,400,597 3,692,529 4,041,797 4,560,201 4,676,071 7.01 2.54
Germany 7,923,166 8,634,318 9,919,814 10,449,916 11,509,843 17.25 10.14
Luxembourg 70,795 85,960 93,695 93,234 95,178 0.14 2.09
Netherlands 2,302,199 2,626,376 2,817,153 2,767,142 2,675,653 4.01 -3.31
Switzerland 897,984 992,327 1,103,818 1,231,830 1,174,060 1.76 -4.69
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 730,233 796,433 961,742 1,037,904 1,145,828 1.72 10.40
Cyprus 483,739 430,231 543,766 571,051 635,483 0.95 11.28
Turkey 246,494 366,202 417,976 466,853 510,345 0.76 9.32
OTHER EUROPE 1,562,793 2,450,541 2,338,519 2,323,042 1,901,431 2.85 -18.15
Other countries of Europe 1,562,793 2,450,541 2,338,519 2,323,042 1,901,431 2.85 -18.15
NOT SPECIFIED 16,621 18,968 20,824 38,941 64,717 0.10 66.19
Other countries of the World 16,621 18,968 20,824 38,941 64,717 0.10 66.19

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 105,270 105,984 125,224 132,547 135,359 100.00 2.12

AFRICA 254 481 516 471 457 0.34 -2.97
EAST AFRICA 33 47 68 59 56 0.04 -5.08
Ethiopia 2 7 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Kenya 12 6 19 29 25 0.02 -13.79
Mauritius 4 1 8 2 0.00
Uganda 6 11 9 9 0.01
Zambia 6 13 15 8 12 0.01 50.00
Zimbabwe 3 20 9 9 7 0.01 -22.22
CENTRAL AFRICA 1 2 2 8 7 0.01 -12.50
Cameroon 1 1 1 1 7 0.01 600.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 1 7
NORTH AFRICA 10 36 80 58 52 0.04 -10.34
Algeria 1 1 3 2
Morocco 2 16 1 2
Sudan 7 19 76 54 52 0.04 -3.70
SOUTHERN AFRICA 16 62 128 139 106 0.08 -23.74
Botswana 3 2 10 9 5 0.00 -44.44
South Africa 13 60 118 130 101 0.07 -22.31
WEST AFRICA 179 317 211 189 151 0.11 -20.11
Ghana 12 8 24 11 15 0.01 36.36
Liberia 1 1 1 1
Nigeria 166 308 186 177 136 0.10 -23.16
OTHER AFRICA 15 17 27 18 85 0.06 372.22
Other countries of Africa 15 17 27 18 85 0.06 372.22
AMERICAS 57,783 63,961 75,211 78,924 80,102 59.18 1.49
CARIBBEAN 22,663 22,736 20,807 21,791 22,029 16.27 1.09
Anguilla 58 23 22 52 62 0.05 19.23
Antigua and Barbuda 368 239 467 396 446 0.33 12.63
Aruba 30 12 37 32 43 0.03 34.38
Bahamas 54 64 127 135 347 0.26 157.04
Barbados 3,083 2,687 2,778 2,692 2,783 2.06 3.38
Bermuda 35 21 59 68 133 0.10 95.59
Bonaire 2 6 6 8
British Virgin Islands 94 41 123 136 183 0.14 34.56
Cayman Islands 28 19 35 65 60 0.04 -7.69
Cuba 79 61 156 137 142 0.10 3.65
Curaçao 42 16 37 47 107 0.08 127.66
Dominica 567 704 401 343 486 0.36 41.69
Dominican Republic 43 20 43 42 56 0.04 33.33
Guadeloupe 26 31 40 40 97 0.07 142.50
Haiti 39 27 40 34 57 0.04 67.65
Jamaica 943 1,336 1,207 980 1,065 0.79 8.67
Martinique 106 55 113 110 146 0.11 32.73
Montserrat 39 19 26 34 47 0.03 38.24
Puerto Rico 93 38 80 127 104 0.08 -18.11
Saint Kitts and Nevis 223 283 246 213 258 0.19 21.13
Saint Lucia 1,289 1,434 1,527 1,381 1,360 1.00 -1.52
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,244 1,350 1,132 1,264 1,247 0.92 -1.34
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 104 36 56 42 46 0.03 9.52
Trinidad and Tobago 13,970 14,147 11,931 13,247 12,516 9.25 -5.52
Turks and Caicos Islands 8 2 29 73 51 0.04 -30.14
United States Virgin Islands 82 61 76 76 121 0.09 59.21
Other countries of the Caribbean 14 4 13 17 66 0.05 288.24
CENTRAL AMERICA 107 86 152 213 289 0.21 35.68
Belize 43 25 50 89 104 0.08 16.85

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Costa Rica 11 13 20 21 53 0.04 152.38

El Salvador 2 4 2 5 8 0.01 60.00
Guatemala 8 13 21 18 55 0.04 205.56
Honduras 4 1 5 9 14 0.01 55.56
Nicaragua 8 8 9 4 13 0.01 225.00
Panama 31 22 45 67 42 0.03 -37.31
NORTH AMERICA 32,371 38,371 48,425 51,992 55,700 41.15 7.13
Canada 7,103 9,039 13,229 11,039 10,660 7.88 -3.43
Mexico 43 44 51 110 194 0.14 76.36
United States of America 25,225 29,288 35,145 40,843 44,846 33.13 9.80
SOUTH AMERICA 2,642 2,768 5,827 4,928 2,084 1.54 -57.71
Argentina 82 57 144 111 92 0.07 -17.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 36 41 35 29 20 0.01 -31.03
Brazil 369 462 402 327 172 0.13 -47.40
Chile 48 41 56 45 44 0.03 -2.22
Colombia 71 25 50 64 61 0.05 -4.69
Ecuador 14 17 14 30 24 0.02 -20.00
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
French Guiana 6 14 8 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Guyana 1,128 988 851 709 732 0.54 3.24
Paraguay 31 14 25 19 17 0.01 -10.53
Peru 17 10 18 12 9 0.01 -25.00
Suriname 77 45 82 67 95 0.07 41.79
Uruguay 14 10 23 17 14 0.01 -17.65
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 749 1,043 4,119 3,491 801 0.59 -77.06
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 744 515 1,176 1,136 983 0.73 -13.47
NORTH-EAST ASIA 422 141 697 634 522 0.39 -17.67
China 208 84 466 427 307 0.23 -28.10
Hong Kong (China) 9 4 16 22 18 0.01 -18.18
Japan 79 42 140 113 159 0.12 40.71
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 40 5 23 19 10 0.01 -47.37
Korea, Republic of 3 2 2 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Mongolia 1 1 4 0.00 300.00
Taiwan Province of China 83 3 50 46 21 0.02 -54.35
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 45 52 121 123 98 0.07 -20.33
Indonesia 4 6 23 15 6 0.00 -60.00
Malaysia 9 5 9 12 4 0.00 -66.67
Philippines 20 32 65 64 56 0.04 -12.50
Singapore 7 7 15 15 14 0.01 -6.67
Thailand 4 2 5 11 14 0.01 27.27
Viet Nam 1 4 6 4 0.00 -33.33
AUSTRALASIA 276 319 355 376 354 0.26 -5.85
Australia 216 291 294 309 297 0.22 -3.88
New Zealand 60 28 61 67 57 0.04 -14.93
MELANESIA 1 3 3 3 4 0.00 33.33
Fiji 1 3 3 3 4 0.00 33.33
Other countries of Asia 5 0.00
EUROPE 31,236 25,750 31,208 32,637 30,876 22.81 -5.40
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 335 196 700 542 529 0.39 -2.40
Azerbaijan 1 1 1 0.00
Bulgaria 6 5 23 16 13 0.01 -18.75
Czech Republic 70 18 78 79 71 0.05 -10.13
Czech Republic/Slovakia 2 1
Estonia 1 11 12 8 0.01 -33.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hungary 19 8 30 29 30 0.02 3.45

Kazakhstan 2 2 2 0.00
Latvia 11 11 15 0.01 36.36
Lithuania 1 8 6 10 0.01 66.67
Moldova, Republic of 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Poland 80 45 107 118 99 0.07 -16.10
Romania 11 12 51 19 14 0.01 -26.32
Russian Federation 137 56 272 157 198 0.15 26.11
Slovakia 12 12 27 31 21 0.02 -32.26
Ukraine 30 78 58 39 0.03 -32.76
USSR (former) 1
Uzbekistan 6
Other countries Central/East Europe 6 0.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 25,478 20,989 24,805 26,101 24,947 18.43 -4.42
Denmark 133 66 249 294 273 0.20 -7.14
Finland 86 27 115 93 72 0.05 -22.58
Iceland 1 8 6 7 0.01 16.67
Ireland 202 96 255 225 210 0.16 -6.67
Norway 247 99 314 185 137 0.10 -25.95
Sweden 443 222 579 462 442 0.33 -4.33
United Kingdom 24,367 20,478 23,285 24,836 23,806 17.59 -4.15
SOUTHERN EUROPE 589 337 835 898 846 0.63 -5.79
Greece 32 8 34 50 63 0.05 26.00
Italy 426 252 556 581 535 0.40 -7.92
Malta 3 2 19 13 8 0.01 -38.46
Portugal 24 9 48 54 39 0.03 -27.78
San Marino 1 1 1
Spain 103 65 177 197 201 0.15 2.03
Other countries of Southern Europe 3
WESTERN EUROPE 3,219 2,629 4,259 4,974 4,472 3.30 -10.09
Austria 214 117 317 297 298 0.22 0.34
Belgium 99 53 149 166 100 0.07 -39.76
France 967 1,501 1,094 1,158 993 0.73 -14.25
Germany 1,307 717 1,911 2,411 2,020 1.49 -16.22
Liechtenstein 1 2 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Luxembourg 4 7 25 35 22 0.02 -37.14
Monaco 13 2 18 2 15 0.01 650.00
Netherlands 151 23 117 215 300 0.22 39.53
Switzerland 463 207 626 687 723 0.53 5.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20 24 113 82 52 0.04 -36.59
Cyprus 2 1 8 9 7 0.01 -22.22
Israel 11 18 82 52 35 0.03 -32.69
Turkey 7 5 23 21 10 0.01 -52.38
OTHER EUROPE 1,595 1,575 496 40 30 0.02 -25.00
Other countries of Europe 1,595 1,575 496 40 30 0.02 -25.00
MIDDLE EAST 379 284 663 554 424 0.31 -23.47
Egypt 3 5 18 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Jordan 2 3 7 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Lebanon 1 6 21 16 10 0.01 -37.50
Saudi Arabia 4 3 6 0.00 100.00
Syrian Arab Republic 7 8 32 33 8 0.01 -75.76
Other countries of Middle East 366 262 581 488 391 0.29 -19.88
NOT SPECIFIED 14,874 14,993 16,450 18,825 22,517 16.64 19.61
Other countries of the World 130 2 8 363 1,470 1.09 304.96
Nationals Residing Abroad 14,744 14,991 16,442 18,462 21,047 15.55 14.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 61,580 70,730 77,237 82,248 112,970 100.00 37.35

AMERICAS 35,856 47,665 51,648 53,274 70,428 62.34 32.20
CARIBBEAN 14,692 17,376 12,969 13,392 19,769 17.50 47.62
All countries of the Caribbean 14,692 17,376 12,969 13,392 19,769 17.50 47.62
NORTH AMERICA 20,652 29,417 35,618 36,898 49,943 44.21 35.35
Canada 4,358 6,810 10,277 7,835 9,509 8.42 21.37
United States of America 16,294 22,607 25,341 29,063 40,434 35.79 39.13
SOUTH AMERICA 512 872 3,061 2,984 716 0.63 -76.01
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 512 872 3,061 2,984 716 0.63 -76.01
EUROPE 23,789 20,958 22,904 23,602 27,355 24.21 15.90
NORTHERN EUROPE 19,127 17,312 17,320 18,025 21,520 19.05 19.39
Sweden 351 196 475 356 418 0.37 17.42
United Kingdom 18,776 17,116 16,845 17,669 21,102 18.68 19.43
SOUTHERN EUROPE 320 186 410 444 487 0.43 9.68
Italy 320 186 410 444 487 0.43 9.68
WESTERN EUROPE 2,129 2,002 2,779 3,175 3,479 3.08 9.57
France 739 1,268 766 786 894 0.79 13.74
Germany 1,041 583 1,523 1,886 1,906 1.69 1.06
Switzerland 349 151 490 503 679 0.60 34.99
OTHER EUROPE 2,213 1,458 2,395 1,958 1,869 1.65 -4.55
Other countries of Europe 2,213 1,458 2,395 1,958 1,869 1.65 -4.55
NOT SPECIFIED 1,935 2,107 2,685 5,372 15,187 13.44 182.71
Other countries of the World 1,661 1,560 2,117 2,440 2,897 2.56 18.73
Nationals Residing Abroad 274 547 568 2,932 12,290 10.88 319.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 487,416 512,000

AFRICA 208 250
Morocco 208 250
AMERICAS 57,160 24,360
CARIBBEAN 19,069 4,000
Dominica 6,389
Haiti 12,680 4,000
NORTH AMERICA 14,128 15,240
Canada 5,000
United States of America 14,128 10,240
SOUTH AMERICA 23,963 5,120
Guyana 23,963 5,120
EUROPE 374,191 452,570
Denmark 401 1,000
Norway 98 100
Sweden 947 2,500
United Kingdom 617 4,000
Italy 2,787 3,000
Spain 1,451 1,500
WESTERN EUROPE 367,890 440,470
Austria 243 200
Belgium 21 5,120
France 360,000 424,960
Germany 2,744 5,120
Luxembourg 65 70
Switzerland 4,817 5,000
NOT SPECIFIED 55,857 34,820
Other countries of the World 55,857 34,820

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,308,035 1,334,497 1,343,092 1,409,050 1,535,410 100.00 8.97

AMERICAS 63,432 59,678 69,635 71,174 78,683 5.12 10.55
NORTH AMERICA 63,432 59,678 69,635 71,174 78,683 5.12 10.55
Canada 814 1,096 872 928 982 0.06 5.82
United States of America 62,618 58,582 68,763 70,246 77,701 5.06 10.61
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,224,851 1,252,074 1,236,865 1,320,059 1,428,451 93.03 8.21
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,178,750 1,207,508 1,192,489 1,275,228 1,369,263 89.18 7.37
China 8,939 11,225 16,280 23,698 27,013 1.76 13.99
Hong Kong (China) 8,609 8,857 8,180 8,406 9,376 0.61 11.54
Japan 929,229 893,118 810,856 773,019 745,691 48.57 -3.54
Korea, Republic of 182,829 245,655 308,037 427,900 544,954 35.49 27.36
Taiwan Province of China 49,144 48,653 49,136 42,205 42,229 2.75 0.06
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 10,981 11,417 12,569 13,110 22,278 1.45 69.93
Philippines 10,483 10,920 12,079 12,427 21,657 1.41 74.27
Thailand 383 396 384 505 451 0.03 -10.69
Viet Nam 115 101 106 178 170 0.01 -4.49
AUSTRALASIA 3,763 3,339 3,864 2,675 2,197 0.14 -17.87
Australia 3,763 3,339 3,864 2,675 2,197 0.14 -17.87
MICRONESIA 31,357 29,810 27,943 29,046 34,713 2.26 19.51
Marshall Islands 1,152 879 823 902 1,219 0.08 35.14
Micronesia, Federated States of 10,069 9,842 9,216 9,893 11,120 0.72 12.40
Northern Mariana Islands 16,717 16,154 14,761 14,334 17,582 1.15 22.66
Palau 3,419 2,935 3,143 3,917 4,792 0.31 22.34
EUROPE 5,723 10,215 18,155 4,824 4,597 0.30 -4.71
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,040 8,084 16,293 3,081 2,588 0.17 -16.00
Russian Federation 4,040 8,084 16,293 3,081 2,588 0.17 -16.00
OTHER EUROPE 1,683 2,131 1,862 1,743 2,009 0.13 15.26
Other countries of Europe 1,683 2,131 1,862 1,743 2,009 0.13 15.26
NOT SPECIFIED 14,029 12,530 18,437 12,993 23,679 1.54 82.24
Other countries of the World 14,029 12,530 18,437 12,993 23,679 1.54 82.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,491,251 1,515,654 1,738,898 1,865,138 1,906,195 100.00 2.20

AMERICAS 1,332,271 1,348,615 1,548,314 1,670,715 1,713,269 89.88 2.55
CENTRAL AMERICA 759,814 754,049 920,887 1,002,737 1,051,455 55.16 4.86
Belize 53,176 52,633 62,818 60,188 17,314 0.91 -71.23
El Salvador 524,231 527,646 668,884 731,121 848,065 44.49 16.00
Honduras 100,156 96,489 102,822 110,928 85,952 4.51 -22.52
Other countries of Central America 82,251 77,281 86,363 100,500 100,124 5.25 -0.37
NORTH AMERICA 518,818 533,200 557,565 588,203 579,616 30.41 -1.46
Mexico 114,570 115,482 119,077 128,907 96,678 5.07 -25.00
Canada, United States 404,248 417,718 438,488 459,296 482,938 25.34 5.15
SOUTH AMERICA 53,639 61,366 69,862 79,775 82,198 4.31 3.04
All countries of South America 53,639 61,366 69,862 79,775 82,198 4.31 3.04
EUROPE 114,759 119,441 136,501 138,219 135,844 7.13 -1.72
OTHER EUROPE 114,759 119,441 136,501 138,219 135,844 7.13 -1.72
All countries of Europe 114,759 119,441 136,501 138,219 135,844 7.13 -1.72
NOT SPECIFIED 44,221 47,598 54,083 56,204 57,082 2.99 1.56
Other countries of the World 44,221 47,598 54,083 56,204 57,082 2.99 1.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 96,064 56,146 32,772 35,320

AFRICA 37,312 19,422 10,254 11,467
EAST AFRICA 696 639 217 240
Burundi 100 57 24 50
Comoros 30 18 2 12
Djibouti 48 12 11 8
Ethiopia 184 47 25 18
Kenya 36 160 35 37
Madagascar 52 95 20 13
Malawi 2 3 2
Mauritius 6 29 15 5
Mozambique 42 17 7 13
Rwanda 30 73 41 52
Somalia 14 8 2
Tanzania, United Republic of 36 1 6
Uganda 6 29 8 6
Zambia 68 10 6 4
Zimbabwe 44 90 11 12
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,631 1,410 708 1,082
Angola 219 168 88 115
Cameroon 760 618 316 334
Central African Republic 30 24 20 49
Chad 78 140 57 100
Congo 378 345 196 432
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16 1 2
Equatorial Guinea 6 6 1 2
Gabon 144 109 29 48
NORTH AFRICA 1,309 1,743 1,454 1,047
Algeria 360 127 65 41
Morocco 557 1,146 1,093 716
Sudan 6 55 23 14
Tunisia 386 415 273 276
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,058 615 299 388
Namibia 6 4 7
South Africa 1,052 611 299 381
WEST AFRICA 32,618 15,015 7,576 8,710
Benin 1,028 737 352 440
Burkina Faso 1,295 741 384 378
Cabo Verde 36 14 5 7
Côte d'Ivoire 3,648 3,268 1,799 1,832
Gambia 248 226 89 141
Ghana 692 480 248 241
Guinea-Bissau 1,158 57 68 72
Liberia 548 273 137 138
Mali 3,838 1,931 898 877
Mauritania 980 325 212 295
Niger 119 293 160 178
Nigeria 6,943 887 306 366
Senegal 8,644 4,012 2,060 2,636
Sierra Leone 2,379 1,214 557 859
Togo 1,062 557 301 250
AMERICAS 7,935 5,715 3,046 3,359
CARIBBEAN 54 51 43 65
Cuba 42 44 38 39
Guadeloupe 6 1

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Haiti 6 3 2 20
Trinidad and Tobago 4 3 5
NORTH AMERICA 5,763 5,173 2,598 2,959
Canada 1,984 1,229 640 695
Mexico 28 7 8 13
United States of America 3,751 3,937 1,950 2,251
SOUTH AMERICA 2,118 491 405 335
Argentina 22 5 23 5
Brazil 1,846 359 90 92
Chile 18 7 9 12
Colombia 42 29 9 11
Peru 64 2 3
Uruguay 6
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6 4
Other countries of South America 114 89 274 208
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,204 5,888 3,729 3,184
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,665 4,989 3,222 2,775
China 2,739 4,447 2,908 2,551
Japan 242 228 166 99
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 666 276 139 116
Korea, Republic of 12 30 6 4
Taiwan Province of China 6 8 3 5
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 420 339 205 155
Cambodia 18
Indonesia 40 36 39 63
Lao People's Democratic Republic 9 2
Malaysia 118 49 56 17
Philippines 186 121 68 40
Singapore 6 3 5
Thailand 16 38 11 8
Viet Nam 42 80 28 20
AUSTRALASIA 1,060 553 301 252
Australia 1,000 484 269 232
New Zealand 60 69 32 20
MELANESIA 59 7 1 2
Fiji 6 5 2
New Caledonia 53 2 1
EUROPE 33,949 20,069 11,333 12,385
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,914 1,531 904 665
Armenia 12 7 2
Azerbaijan 16 1 1 2
Belarus 130 30 7 8
Bulgaria 36 17 3 7
Czech Republic 18 19 18 6
Georgia 6 2
Hungary 30 16 8 1
Kazakhstan 12 7 1 1
Lithuania 6 27 1 5
Moldova, Republic of 6 4 50
Poland 60 89 29 29
Romania 76 120 40 42
Russian Federation 986 886 421 403
Slovakia 6 20 32 3
Tajikistan 6 1
Turkmenistan 20 7 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 488 294 279 150

Uzbekistan 2
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,910 1,365 640 662
Denmark 98 39 12 15
Finland 52 34 16 7
Iceland 22 31 3 3
Ireland 152 106 29 24
Norway 44 63 27 42
Sweden 166 136 102 70
United Kingdom 1,376 956 451 501
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,528 2,363 1,322 1,450
Albania 24 7 5 7
Andorra 6 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Croatia 18 24 9 14
Greece 12 39 17 10
Italy 920 726 375 326
Malta 6 4
Portugal 866 668 365 542
Serbia 6 4 12 16
Spain 2,670 891 539 532
WESTERN EUROPE 24,935 14,047 8,005 9,220
Austria 18 32 32 11
Belgium 1,721 1,511 939 1,285
France 19,714 10,141 5,828 6,452
Germany 1,116 1,012 559 626
Luxembourg 18 13 7 14
Netherlands 1,888 901 460 572
Switzerland 460 437 180 260
Israel 310 163 63 40
Turkey 352 600 399 348
MIDDLE EAST 1,749 1,143 684 695
Egypt 145 204 116 74
Iraq 18 7 1 3
Jordan 38 10 10 2
Lebanon 1,412 681 423 557
Libya 6 18 24 9
Saudi Arabia 90 86 33 16
State of Palestine 5 10 4
Syrian Arab Republic 40 20 10 17
Other countries of Middle East 112 57 13
SOUTH ASIA 3,034 1,550 1,195 1,007
Afghanistan 36 6 2
Bangladesh 12 14 1 10
India 2,914 1,444 1,093 935
Iran, Islamic Republic of 16 27 59 31
Nepal 22 4 9 1
Pakistan 28 36 15 21
Sri Lanka 6 19 18 7
NOT SPECIFIED 6,881 2,359 2,531 3,223
Nationals Residing Abroad 6,881 2,359 2,531 3,223

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 96,064 56,146 32,772 35,320

AFRICA 40,014 20,189 11,150 12,219
EAST AFRICA 674 617 190 242
Burundi 94 46 21 41
Comoros 30 32 10
Djibouti 48 10 4 8
Ethiopia 190 50 18 27
Kenya 54 160 43 38
Madagascar 36 93 19 12
Malawi 2 2
Mauritius 6 16 8 2
Mozambique 42 23 16 16
Reunion 1
Rwanda 18 52 33 51
Somalia 14 3 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 36 6 1 7
Uganda 30 28 8 12
Zambia 68 10 5 4
Zimbabwe 8 89 10 11
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,889 2,043 801 1,118
Angola 451 200 170 165
Cameroon 616 590 291 326
Central African Republic 24 18 10 35
Chad 84 138 47 96
Congo 336 297 194 397
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16 5 5
Equatorial Guinea 32 669 4 5
Gabon 330 124 73 79
Other countries of Central Africa 7 7 10
NORTH AFRICA 1,410 1,765 1,847 1,220
Algeria 290 112 55 36
Morocco 626 1,201 1,508 912
Sudan 12 53 20 13
Tunisia 482 399 264 259
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,172 616 301 379
Namibia 6 2 1 2
South Africa 1,166 614 300 377
WEST AFRICA 34,869 15,148 8,011 9,260
Benin 928 680 315 421
Burkina Faso 1,353 722 350 385
Cabo Verde 36 14 4 11
Côte d'Ivoire 3,552 3,483 2,180 2,083
Gambia 296 217 86 136
Ghana 994 557 279 267
Guinea-Bissau 210 59 60 93
Liberia 482 228 106 112
Mali 3,562 1,867 835 873
Mauritania 679 273 183 279
Niger 729 284 144 186
Nigeria 9,039 818 284 341
Senegal 10,015 4,350 2,360 3,016
Sierra Leone 1,668 984 415 763
Togo 1,326 612 410 294
AMERICAS 8,816 6,119 3,320 3,671
CARIBBEAN 92 61 39 64

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Cuba 42 44 34 38
Haiti 18 1 1 20
Puerto Rico 16 1 1
Saba 16 12
Trinidad and Tobago 4 3 5
NORTH AMERICA 6,622 5,629 2,890 3,333
Canada 2,072 1,262 672 794
Mexico 22 6 8 10
United States of America 4,528 4,361 2,210 2,529
SOUTH AMERICA 2,102 429 391 274
Argentina 22 3 17 7
Brazil 1,790 336 86 94
Chile 12 10 12 9
Colombia 36 27 7 8
Peru 64 1 3
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 22 2 2
Other countries of South America 156 52 267 151
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,046 5,715 3,562 3,170
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,585 4,893 3,092 2,775
China 2,667 4,396 2,785 2,561
Japan 216 208 170 96
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 684 253 128 109
Korea, Republic of 12 29 6 4
Taiwan Province of China 6 7 3 5
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 386 334 201 163
Cambodia 6 2 5 1
Indonesia 40 42 36 63
Lao People's Democratic Republic 8 3
Malaysia 98 45 48 23
Philippines 164 117 66 35
Singapore 24 7 7 7
Thailand 18 27 13 12
Viet Nam 36 86 26 19
AUSTRALASIA 967 478 265 232
Australia 924 413 239 217
New Zealand 43 65 26 15
MELANESIA 108 10 4
Fiji 68 8 3
New Caledonia 40 2 1
EUROPE 37,403 21,475 12,867 14,575
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,972 1,578 906 726
Armenia 12 7 2
Azerbaijan 16 1 1 2
Belarus 112 28 6 7
Bulgaria 36 17 3 7
Czech Republic 24 16 15 5
Czech Republic/Slovakia 16 9 5
Georgia 18 2
Hungary 30 16 8 2
Kazakhstan 12 7 1 1
Lithuania 6 27 47 1
Moldova, Republic of 6 4
Poland 32 87 27 29
Romania 70 109 30 36
Russian Federation 962 875 410 410

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovakia 6 35 23 5
Tajikistan 6 1 1
Turkmenistan 4 5 45
Ukraine 620 339 314 164
Uzbekistan 2
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,775 1,350 638 690
Denmark 86 31 14 14
Finland 52 32 15 5
Iceland 22 29 5 4
Ireland 130 102 25 21
Norway 48 68 22 42
Sweden 118 142 107 82
United Kingdom 1,319 946 450 522
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,906 2,387 1,349 1,520
Albania 24 8 3 6
Andorra 12 3
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
Croatia 18 23 7 13
Greece 12 33 17 8
Italy 994 740 395 368
Malta 6 10 2
Portugal 900 658 325 489
Serbia 6 4 6 11
Spain 2,934 911 591 622
WESTERN EUROPE 28,118 15,431 9,541 11,247
Austria 18 28 21 12
Belgium 1,897 1,712 1,122 1,557
France 21,207 11,092 7,188 7,973
Germany 1,576 1,122 549 722
Luxembourg 24 16 8 19
Netherlands 2,196 934 473 560
Switzerland 1,200 527 180 404
Israel 280 160 43 41
Turkey 352 569 390 351
MIDDLE EAST 1,815 1,169 740 702
Egypt 151 198 110 80
Iraq 12 6 1 3
Jordan 32 8 8 2
Kuwait 12 4 12 1
Lebanon 1,412 662 382 548
Libya 6 18 19 9
Qatar 2 12 21 1
Saudi Arabia 126 152 41 22
State of Palestine 5 8 4
Syrian Arab Republic 40 18 18 15
United Arab Emirates 22 86 120 17
SOUTH ASIA 2,970 1,479 1,133 983
Afghanistan 24 4
India 2,874 1,396 1,045 935
Iran, Islamic Republic of 16 23 56 24
Nepal 22 12 8 1
Pakistan 28 25 16 17
Sri Lanka 6 19 8 6

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 34,841 16,053 14,646 19,468

AFRICA 17,188 6,343 5,233 7,349
EAST AFRICA 257 216 72 144
Burundi 32 11 11 23
Comoros 14 7
Djibouti 16 4 2
Ethiopia 33 18 2 16
Kenya 6 41 19 23
Madagascar 46 30 10 6
Mauritius 15 6 2
Mozambique 30 4 4 8
Rwanda 18 6 15 35
Somalia 10 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 6 4 1 4
Uganda 6 9 1 9
Zambia 32 8 4
Zimbabwe 8 66 3 4
CENTRAL AFRICA 713 556 290 703
Angola 120 28 30 53
Cameroon 321 181 119 199
Central African Republic 18 3 24
Chad 48 50 22 46
Congo 161 92 94 269
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16 2 80
Equatorial Guinea 6 179 2
Gabon 23 26 20 30
NORTH AFRICA 369 481 1,011 756
Algeria 130 30 20 24
Morocco 131 309 810 529
Sudan 13 14 10
Tunisia 108 129 167 193
SOUTHERN AFRICA 452 213 196 265
Namibia 2 4 1
South Africa 452 211 192 264
WEST AFRICA 15,397 4,877 3,664 5,481
Benin 402 254 158 259
Burkina Faso 696 342 154 268
Cabo Verde 22 4 1 8
Côte d'Ivoire 1,509 1,034 947 1,131
Gambia 98 54 41 55
Ghana 185 179 165 183
Guinea-Bissau 409 10 22 47
Liberia 77 61 31 57
Mali 871 540 346 522
Mauritania 495 83 94 186
Niger 82 98 65 136
Nigeria 2,473 188 159 220
Senegal 5,033 1,626 1,166 1,848
Sierra Leone 720 175 102 395
Togo 590 229 213 166
Other countries of West Africa 1,735
AMERICAS 3,164 1,319 1,340 1,759
CARIBBEAN 17 21 50
Cuba 17 16 31
Haiti 1 17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Puerto Rico 1
Trinidad and Tobago 3 2
NORTH AMERICA 2,502 1,147 1,127 1,621
Canada 1,025 342 269 416
Mexico 12 4 6 7
United States of America 1,465 801 852 1,198
SOUTH AMERICA 662 153 134 86
Argentina 6 3 11 2
Brazil 600 125 45 59
Chile 1 8 8
Colombia 6 12 6 4
Peru 14 1 3
Uruguay 6 1 1
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6 1
Other countries of South America 24 11 63 8
Other countries of the Americas 2 58 2
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,851 1,772 1,866 2,087
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,242 1,530 1,612 1,854
China 910 1,347 1,425 1,694
Japan 96 93 125 74
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 234 72 60 77
Korea, Republic of 2 18 4
Taiwan Province of China 2 5
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 114 69 88 84
Cambodia 12 4 1
Indonesia 9 4 36
Malaysia 63 9 22 10
Philippines 39 29 31 19
Singapore 1 5 6
Thailand 3 5 4
Viet Nam 18 17 8
AUSTRALASIA 453 171 163 149
Australia 433 146 142 139
New Zealand 20 25 21 10
Fiji 6 2 3
New Caledonia 36
EUROPE 11,296 6,009 5,375 7,303
Azerbaijan 16 1 1
Belarus 57 8 1 5
Bulgaria 5 3 6
Czech Republic 6 10 7 5
Hungary 13 4 7 2
Kazakhstan 1
Lithuania 6 13 47 1
Moldova, Republic of 2
Poland 26 16 22 13
Romania 58 13 18 22
Russian Federation 445 241 221 258
Slovakia 4 4 2
Tajikistan 1
Turkmenistan 18 1 34
Ukraine 101 101 184 112

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 808 392 278 384

Denmark 18 6 5 10
Finland 10 12 12 1
Iceland 4 1 3
Ireland 42 21 15 12
Norway 40 32 10 18
Sweden 57 40 34 43
United Kingdom 641 277 201 297
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,289 791 662 846
Andorra 6 1
Croatia 7 6 9
Greece 6 12 11 5
Italy 291 304 221 207
Portugal 243 150 122 237
Serbia 6 3 10
Spain 737 318 299 377
WESTERN EUROPE 8,266 4,272 3,691 5,387
Austria 12 7 3 3
Belgium 625 324 340 644
France 6,345 3,372 2,880 3,946
Germany 428 243 199 341
Luxembourg 6 7 3 14
Netherlands 615 180 134 224
Switzerland 235 139 132 215
Israel 72 50 26 29
Turkey 115 89 200 194
MIDDLE EAST 303 257 222 310
Egypt 33 41 46 44
Iraq 1 1
Jordan 2 2
Kuwait 1 2 1
Lebanon 252 125 131 230
Libya 7 11 1
Qatar 6
Saudi Arabia 12 35 17 10
State of Palestine 5 2
Syrian Arab Republic 6 1 7 8
United Arab Emirates 38 1 13
SOUTH ASIA 1,039 353 610 660
Afghanistan 12
Bangladesh 12 5 1 4
India 961 331 584 637
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 4 16 12
Nepal 22 1 3 1
Pakistan 22 4 3 2
Sri Lanka 6 8 3 4

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 176,642 205,824 206,819 235,295 100.00 13.77

AMERICAS 124,602 110,784 109,296 114,586 48.70 4.84
NORTH AMERICA 124,602 110,784 109,296 114,586 48.70 4.84
Canada 25,977 26,681 24,178 24,019 10.21 -0.66
United States of America 98,625 84,103 85,118 90,567 38.49 6.40
EUROPE 8,877 11,107 11,245 12,462 5.30 10.82
OTHER EUROPE 8,877 11,107 11,245 12,462 5.30 10.82
All countries of Europe 8,877 11,107 11,245 12,462 5.30 10.82
NOT SPECIFIED 43,163 83,933 86,278 108,247 46.00 25.46
Other countries of the World 43,163 83,933 86,278 108,247 46.00 25.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 349,236 419,737 465,174 515,768

AMERICAS 296,897 358,539 420,124 431,835
CARIBBEAN 15,600 22,904 21,262
Dominican Republic 5,864 6,495 7,061
Jamaica 2,623 1,042 887
Other countries of the Caribbean 7,113 15,367 13,314
NORTH AMERICA 272,206 326,694 391,646 431,835
Canada 25,870 33,128 37,502 37,155
Mexico 1,058 1,641 1,393
United States of America 245,278 291,925 352,751 394,680
OTHER AMERICAS 9,091 8,941 7,216
Other countries of the Americas 9,091 8,941 7,216
EUROPE 28,048 47,651 40,206 36,129
WESTERN EUROPE 15,678 35,547 29,498
France 15,678 35,547 29,498
OTHER EUROPE 12,370 12,104 10,708 36,129
Other countries of Europe 12,370 12,104 10,708
All countries of Europe 36,129
NOT SPECIFIED 24,291 13,547 4,844 47,804
Other countries of the World 24,291 13,547 4,844 47,804

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 894,677 863,012 868,124 880,269

AFRICA 730 669 233 343
EAST AFRICA 80 73 22 88
Ethiopia 20 19 22
Kenya 42 38 43
Mozambique 24
Zimbabwe 18 16 21
CENTRAL AFRICA 25 23 24 59
Angola 24
Cameroon 15 14
Central African Republic 59
Congo 4 3
Gabon 6 6
Algeria 2 3
Morocco 24 19
Tunisia 4 4
SOUTHERN AFRICA 482 443 139 135
South Africa 482 443 139 135
WEST AFRICA 73 61 48 61
Côte d'Ivoire 10
Ghana 8 8
Guinea 48
Nigeria 55 53
Senegal 61
Other countries of Africa 40 43
AMERICAS 734,399 713,928 789,686 782,446
CARIBBEAN 9,935 10,428 4,025 5,743
Antigua and Barbuda 15 16
Bahamas 90 95 273 122
Barbados 34 34 26
Bermuda 2 2 44
Cayman Islands 2,867 2,989 167 529
Cuba 2,653 2,799 591 1,526
Dominica 33 33 241
Dominican Republic 2,622 2,744 1,208 1,802
Haiti 441 477 213 72
Jamaica 477 499 219 102
Puerto Rico 219 225 975 1,448
Saint Lucia 22
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 19 19
Trinidad and Tobago 134 141 94 94
Other countries of the Caribbean 329 355
CENTRAL AMERICA 389,570 362,977 436,786 429,886
Belize 1,969 1,805 1,661 1,985
Costa Rica 21,629 20,199 23,160 22,893
El Salvador 142,961 133,256 174,506 160,480
Guatemala 110,230 103,115 112,065 112,442
Nicaragua 104,904 97,233 114,610 120,277
Panama 7,877 7,369 10,784 11,809
NORTH AMERICA 292,022 296,042 325,482 322,291
Canada 17,086 17,339 13,808 28,498
Mexico 21,045 21,423 22,885 17,795
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 4 4

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

United States of America 253,887 257,276 288,789 275,998

SOUTH AMERICA 42,872 44,481 23,393 24,526
Argentina 8,404 8,703 2,775 3,196
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,567 1,627 709 539
Brazil 4,418 4,589 3,303 2,766
Chile 5,346 5,554 1,863 2,210
Colombia 10,239 10,629 7,782 7,251
Ecuador 2,981 3,087 1,819 3,888
French Guiana 34 36
Guyana 101 104
Paraguay 506 532 545 238
Peru 3,653 3,795 2,308 2,587
Suriname 22 23
Uruguay 1,358 1,411 642 414
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,243 4,391 1,647 1,437
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 29,860 26,543 9,520 15,871
NORTH-EAST ASIA 21,828 19,382 2,440 6,079
China 5,280 4,695 732 867
Hong Kong (China) 35 33 88
Japan 8,158 7,217 638 3,625
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 4,762 4,289 1,256
Korea, Republic of 3,390 2,945 728 227
Taiwan Province of China 203 203 254 104
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,588 1,437 863 371
Indonesia 178 158
Malaysia 219 201 80 91
Philippines 1,146 1,035 683
Singapore 131
Thailand 45 43 69 149
Viet Nam 31
AUSTRALASIA 5,815 5,160 6,217 9,421
Australia 4,683 4,148 5,904 8,762
New Zealand 1,132 1,012 313 659
Other countries of Asia 629 564
EUROPE 126,379 119,208 67,781 80,643
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,952 2,815 3,800 5,218
Bulgaria 747 717
Czech Republic 800 454
Czech Republic/Slovakia 501 475 234
Estonia 147
Hungary 121 117 379 37
Latvia 48
Lithuania 48 86
Poland 651 613 1,574 1,015
Romania 159 153 27 1,694
Russian Federation 584 563 261 170
Slovakia 82
Ukraine 189 177 629 1,333
NORTHERN EUROPE 27,395 25,748 7,197 11,734
Denmark 2,860 2,700 458 1,210
Finland 1,013 961 202 67
Iceland 168 157 1,303
Ireland 1,392 1,312 676 204
Norway 2,064 1,928 162 1,504

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sweden 4,009 3,767 257 410

United Kingdom 15,889 14,923 4,139 8,339
SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,546 46,894 26,204 24,911
Andorra 16 16 48
Croatia 69 66 44 33
Greece 383 364 95 50
Italy 27,739 26,358 5,432 5,758
Malta 18 18
Portugal 500 473 237 383
Slovenia 42
Spain 20,821 19,599 20,348 18,645
WESTERN EUROPE 43,970 41,363 29,574 38,230
Austria 1,310 1,231 529 398
Belgium 3,193 2,994 3,308 2,743
France 9,282 8,695 14,710 21,445
Germany 16,583 15,626 3,159 8,423
Luxembourg 37 34 24
Netherlands 8,538 8,059 7,035 3,886
Switzerland 5,027 4,724 833 1,311
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,458 2,330 1,006 550
Cyprus 11 10
Israel 2,344 2,223 1,006 517
Turkey 103 97 33
Other countries of Europe 58 58
MIDDLE EAST 450 313 350 170
Egypt 119 70 48
Jordan 77 69 53
Kuwait 22 20
Lebanon 47 30
Libya 4 2
Qatar 69
State of Palestine 166 111
Syrian Arab Republic 15 11
United Arab Emirates 297 53
SOUTH ASIA 1,071 715 329 768
Bangladesh 24 21
India 852 544 302 711
Iran, Islamic Republic of 45 46
Nepal 31
Pakistan 97 67 27 26
Sri Lanka 53 37
NOT SPECIFIED 1,788 1,636 225 28
Other countries of the World 1,788 1,636 225 28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 23,770,195 25,661,072 27,770,459 26,686,026 26,552,681 100.00 -0.50

AFRICA 89,548 89,343 85,884 79,364 73,615 0.28 -7.24
SOUTHERN AFRICA 34,485 34,446 36,079 36,036 34,202 0.13 -5.09
South Africa 34,485 34,446 36,079 36,036 34,202 0.13 -5.09
OTHER AFRICA 55,063 54,897 49,805 43,328 39,413 0.15 -9.04
Other countries of Africa 55,063 54,897 49,805 43,328 39,413 0.15 -9.04
AMERICAS 1,247,581 1,163,788 1,174,596 1,209,984 1,249,325 4.71 3.25
CENTRAL AMERICA 13,049 12,789 13,385 13,351 14,000 0.05 4.86
Honduras 819 755 809 881 879 0.00 -0.23
Other countries of Central America 12,230 12,034 12,576 12,470 13,121 0.05 5.22
NORTH AMERICA 1,142,545 1,058,181 1,073,202 1,113,289 1,149,172 4.33 3.22
Canada 278,028 246,679 245,205 245,676 252,837 0.95 2.91
Mexico 22,887 25,143 26,563 28,454 27,367 0.10 -3.82
United States of America 841,630 786,359 801,434 839,159 868,968 3.27 3.55
SOUTH AMERICA 91,987 92,818 88,009 83,344 86,153 0.32 3.37
Argentina 10,278 10,772 9,677 10,829 12,918 0.05 19.29
Brazil 33,174 33,990 32,993 29,022 28,405 0.11 -2.13
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 12,754 11,360 8,350 7,119 7,404 0.03 4.00
Other countries of South America 35,781 36,696 36,989 36,374 37,426 0.14 2.89
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,671,911 22,613,497 24,700,816 23,611,430 23,401,304 88.13 -0.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 17,655,990 19,537,142 21,743,990 20,733,263 20,333,049 76.58 -1.93
China 15,110,372 17,089,509 19,077,014 17,996,827 17,364,946 65.40 -3.51
Japan 774,426 607,877 636,432 632,959 692,529 2.61 9.41
Korea, Republic of 725,783 745,367 894,532 933,447 1,072,029 4.04 14.85
Macao (China) 291,219 308,711 328,844 338,386 330,546 1.24 -2.32
Taiwan Province of China 754,190 785,678 807,168 831,644 872,999 3.29 4.97
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,397,188 2,477,975 2,365,253 2,320,377 2,515,853 9.47 8.42
Indonesia 370,161 379,744 365,237 312,962 362,735 1.37 15.90
Malaysia 434,212 466,578 437,346 406,249 403,942 1.52 -0.57
Philippines 585,760 584,727 521,192 584,481 675,914 2.55 15.64
Singapore 530,561 521,620 567,325 518,897 525,576 1.98 1.29
Thailand 388,681 426,797 394,884 411,416 455,390 1.72 10.69
Viet Nam 63,596 72,736 50,545 54,668 56,521 0.21 3.39
Other countries of South-East Asia 24,217 25,773 28,724 31,704 35,775 0.13 12.84
AUSTRALASIA 567,838 545,996 539,216 506,560 503,786 1.90 -0.55
Australia 495,441 476,324 468,333 439,769 435,990 1.64 -0.86
New Zealand 72,397 69,672 70,883 66,791 67,796 0.26 1.50
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 50,895 52,384 52,357 51,230 48,616 0.18 -5.10
Other countries of Asia 44,906 46,182 46,460 44,754 42,306 0.16 -5.47
Other countries of Oceania 5,989 6,202 5,897 6,476 6,310 0.02 -2.56
EUROPE 1,440,964 1,451,840 1,428,248 1,390,678 1,441,567 5.43 3.66
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 125,919 146,221 131,605 91,958 86,658 0.33 -5.76
Russian Federation 125,919 146,221 131,605 91,958 86,658 0.33 -5.76
NORTHERN EUROPE 534,913 517,696 511,393 521,167 549,511 2.07 5.44
Denmark 20,770 20,297 18,553 18,697 20,418 0.08 9.20
Finland 19,861 18,899 17,181 17,251 18,817 0.07 9.08
Norway 15,404 14,886 13,459 14,659 17,177 0.06 17.18
Sweden 42,486 41,089 39,077 42,002 51,094 0.19 21.65
United Kingdom 436,392 422,525 423,123 428,558 442,005 1.66 3.14
SOUTHERN EUROPE 128,324 127,847 128,011 128,569 130,402 0.49 1.43
Italy 74,431 73,770 73,408 71,349 70,015 0.26 -1.87
Portugal 12,530 13,550 13,940 14,984 16,079 0.06 7.31
Spain 41,363 40,527 40,663 42,236 44,308 0.17 4.91
WESTERN EUROPE 483,982 477,050 474,213 465,013 482,242 1.82 3.71
Austria 19,057 18,886 18,914 17,888 19,962 0.08 11.59

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 23,554 24,687 24,364 23,679 23,903 0.09 0.95

France 163,210 163,596 158,657 156,215 157,158 0.59 0.60
Germany 161,970 158,702 159,520 153,988 162,441 0.61 5.49
Netherlands 73,616 67,729 69,744 67,965 71,200 0.27 4.76
Switzerland 42,575 43,450 43,014 45,278 47,578 0.18 5.08
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 57,285 58,892 58,659 57,856 59,006 0.22 1.99
Israel 38,187 38,892 40,231 39,967 42,017 0.16 5.13
Turkey 19,098 20,000 18,428 17,889 16,989 0.06 -5.03
OTHER EUROPE 110,541 124,134 124,367 126,115 133,748 0.50 6.05
Other countries of Europe 110,541 124,134 124,367 126,115 133,748 0.50 6.05
MIDDLE EAST 51,152 57,997 58,730 58,069 61,464 0.23 5.85
Bahrain 1,487 1,577 1,797 1,713 1,544 0.01 -9.87
Egypt 5,275 6,123 7,242 8,561 9,120 0.03 6.53
Jordan 3,433 3,641 3,625 3,711 4,258 0.02 14.74
Kuwait 4,839 5,034 4,772 4,113 3,670 0.01 -10.77
Saudi Arabia 14,731 15,863 14,669 15,191 15,614 0.06 2.78
United Arab Emirates 12,616 15,986 15,789 16,693 18,179 0.07 8.90
Other countries of Middle East 8,771 9,773 10,836 8,087 9,079 0.03 12.27
SOUTH ASIA 269,039 284,607 322,185 336,501 325,406 1.23 -3.30
India 269,039 284,607 322,185 336,501 325,406 1.23 -3.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 48,615,113 54,298,804 60,838,836 59,307,596 56,654,902 100.00 -4.47

AFRICA 173,355 167,879 165,454 156,021 143,784 0.25 -7.84
EAST AFRICA 48,267 49,043 45,452 43,599 42,124 0.07 -3.38
Burundi 15 10 27 7 2 0.00 -71.43
Comoros 56 81 130 145 170 0.00 17.24
Djibouti 43 60 96 146 198 0.00 35.62
Eritrea 20 28 14 17 7 0.00 -58.82
Ethiopia 1,007 710 752 787 723 0.00 -8.13
Kenya 4,180 5,661 5,778 7,035 6,868 0.01 -2.37
Madagascar 3,322 3,129 4,143 3,335 5,205 0.01 56.07
Malawi 1,128 914 730 1,148 711 0.00 -38.07
Mauritius 18,382 16,994 14,686 15,312 13,914 0.02 -9.13
Mozambique 1,962 1,903 2,151 1,892 1,417 0.00 -25.11
Rwanda 383 362 306 403 178 0.00 -55.83
Seychelles 522 1,812 1,128 861 651 0.00 -24.39
Somalia 1 9 32 20 15 0.00 -25.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 8,842 8,735 7,592 4,426 3,264 0.01 -26.25
Uganda 3,004 2,932 2,834 2,768 2,919 0.01 5.46
Zambia 3,396 3,523 2,875 2,798 3,132 0.01 11.94
Zimbabwe 2,004 2,180 2,178 2,499 2,750 0.00 10.04
CENTRAL AFRICA 3,168 2,414 2,005 1,590 1,405 0.00 -11.64
Angola 660 591 520 453 422 0.00 -6.84
Cameroon 426 360 320 225 141 0.00 -37.33
Central African Republic 57 68 73 15 14 0.00 -6.67
Chad 136 128 210 212 181 0.00 -14.62
Congo 235 173 105 95 113 0.00 18.95
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,198 643 321 237 182 0.00 -23.21
Equatorial Guinea 128 154 149 124 112 0.00 -9.68
Gabon 312 281 293 211 202 0.00 -4.27
Sao Tome and Principe 16 16 14 18 38 0.00 111.11
NORTH AFRICA 17,491 17,127 17,376 15,456 14,254 0.03 -7.78
Algeria 8,770 7,846 7,953 5,796 4,806 0.01 -17.08
Morocco 4,828 5,664 5,861 6,415 6,378 0.01 -0.58
South Sudan 3 10 18 9 4 0.00 -55.56
Sudan 81 132 74 60 67 0.00 11.67
Tunisia 3,809 3,475 3,470 3,176 2,999 0.01 -5.57
SOUTHERN AFRICA 74,045 71,126 74,369 74,943 69,379 0.12 -7.42
Botswana 1,774 1,134 1,040 1,233 907 0.00 -26.44
Lesotho 275 235 304 271 350 0.00 29.15
Namibia 1,102 1,223 1,727 1,754 1,497 0.00 -14.65
South Africa 70,660 68,355 71,000 71,432 66,456 0.12 -6.97
Swaziland 234 179 298 253 169 0.00 -33.20
WEST AFRICA 30,384 28,169 26,252 20,433 16,622 0.03 -18.65
Benin 1,777 1,697 1,844 1,905 1,447 0.00 -24.04
Burkina Faso 2,832 2,573 1,404 1,213 929 0.00 -23.41
Cabo Verde 243 214 227 232 278 0.00 19.83
Côte d'Ivoire 365 403 210 158 211 0.00 33.54
Gambia 2,354 1,862 2,208 246 118 0.00 -52.03
Ghana 532 386 275 260 318 0.00 22.31
Guinea 4,315 3,450 3,479 2,361 2,015 0.00 -14.65
Guinea-Bissau 327 67 39 29 27 0.00 -6.90
Liberia 150 38 33 19 90 0.00 373.68
Mali 6,455 6,677 6,079 5,566 4,346 0.01 -21.92
Mauritania 393 391 401 321 299 0.00 -6.85
Niger 2,577 2,998 3,375 3,280 2,973 0.01 -9.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 6,509 5,690 5,564 3,963 2,617 0.00 -33.96

Senegal 831 923 855 632 652 0.00 3.16
Sierra Leone 166 204 117 117 142 0.00 21.37
Togo 558 596 142 131 160 0.00 22.14
AMERICAS 1,777,842 1,665,562 1,679,083 1,728,094 1,773,338 3.13 2.62
CARIBBEAN 8,492 8,274 8,538 8,805 9,432 0.02 7.12
Antigua and Barbuda 151 111 169 318 371 0.00 16.67
Bahamas 393 365 381 488 485 0.00 -0.61
Barbados 191 260 278 300 228 0.00 -24.00
Cuba 507 448 298 231 265 0.00 14.72
Dominica 325 290 324 322 461 0.00 43.17
Dominican Republic 1,872 1,775 1,745 1,716 1,823 0.00 6.24
Grenada 52 55 152 181 308 0.00 70.17
Haiti 133 158 160 154 175 0.00 13.64
Jamaica 2,959 2,801 2,700 2,870 2,927 0.01 1.99
Saint Kitts and Nevis 528 717 924 829 1,007 0.00 21.47
Saint Lucia 69 53 71 93 67 0.00 -27.96
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 38 22 47 32 65 0.00 103.13
Trinidad and Tobago 1,274 1,219 1,289 1,270 1,250 0.00 -1.57
Windward Islands 1
CENTRAL AMERICA 12,034 11,561 11,208 10,972 11,274 0.02 2.75
Belize 2,287 2,527 2,222 2,014 1,710 0.00 -15.09
Costa Rica 2,841 2,619 2,517 2,625 2,830 0.00 7.81
El Salvador 535 498 560 561 664 0.00 18.36
Guatemala 1,623 1,561 1,637 1,675 1,909 0.00 13.97
Honduras 1,271 1,183 1,240 1,257 1,318 0.00 4.85
Nicaragua 99 125 119 91 138 0.00 51.65
Panama 3,378 3,048 2,913 2,749 2,705 0.00 -1.60
NORTH AMERICA 1,608,263 1,496,941 1,519,829 1,577,310 1,618,660 2.86 2.62
Canada 392,519 353,954 354,408 358,448 369,363 0.65 3.05
Mexico 30,987 33,146 34,855 37,838 37,758 0.07 -0.21
United States of America (*) 1,184,757 1,109,841 1,130,566 1,181,024 1,211,539 2.14 2.58
SOUTH AMERICA 149,053 148,786 139,508 131,007 133,972 0.24 2.26
Argentina 13,642 14,453 12,800 14,061 16,615 0.03 18.16
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,794 2,401 2,336 1,833 2,184 0.00 19.15
Brazil 58,799 58,845 56,510 49,496 48,657 0.09 -1.70
Chile 12,657 13,047 12,304 12,835 14,699 0.03 14.52
Colombia 22,419 22,953 24,443 22,454 21,969 0.04 -2.16
Ecuador 4,020 4,474 4,358 3,994 3,919 0.01 -1.88
French Guiana 1 1 0.00
Guyana 399 379 398 345 348 0.00 0.87
Paraguay 784 800 790 701 810 0.00 15.55
Peru 7,315 7,146 7,236 8,431 8,216 0.01 -2.55
Suriname 3,188 3,032 2,691 2,716 2,842 0.01 4.64
Uruguay 2,249 2,630 2,446 2,429 2,475 0.00 1.89
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 20,786 18,626 13,196 11,712 11,237 0.02 -4.06
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 44,166,015 49,914,821 56,393,083 54,846,936 52,145,545 92.04 -4.93
NORTH-EAST ASIA 40,245,889 45,977,243 52,645,539 51,200,020 48,297,563 85.25 -5.67
China 34,911,395 40,745,277 47,247,675 45,842,360 42,778,145 75.51 -6.68
Japan 1,254,602 1,057,033 1,078,766 1,049,272 1,092,329 1.93 4.10
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 103 109 80 100 161 0.00 61.00
Korea, Republic of 1,078,458 1,083,543 1,251,047 1,243,293 1,392,367 2.46 11.99
Macao (China) 883,479 958,215 1,001,502 1,021,283 994,999 1.76 -2.57
Mongolia 29,107 32,968 34,586 27,915 28,134 0.05 0.78
Taiwan Province of China 2,088,745 2,100,098 2,031,883 2,015,797 2,011,428 3.55 -0.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,179,331 3,220,159 3,032,065 2,965,754 3,163,936 5.58 6.68

Brunei Darussalam 10,789 9,765 9,399 8,326 8,004 0.01 -3.87
Cambodia 11,914 12,312 14,724 17,945 19,943 0.04 11.13
Indonesia 511,893 517,487 492,004 413,568 464,406 0.82 12.29
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,456 2,085 2,040 2,072 2,589 0.00 24.95
Malaysia 624,859 649,124 589,886 544,688 535,542 0.95 -1.68
Myanmar 8,558 10,176 11,050 11,054 13,917 0.02 25.90
Philippines 709,753 705,319 634,744 704,082 791,171 1.40 12.37
Singapore 728,224 700,065 737,911 675,411 674,006 1.19 -0.21
Thailand 501,759 534,676 485,121 529,410 594,615 1.05 12.32
Timor-Leste 129 196 173 229 300 0.00 31.00
Viet Nam 68,997 78,954 55,013 58,969 59,443 0.10 0.80
AUSTRALASIA 730,832 707,408 704,677 669,897 672,631 1.19 0.41
Australia 632,462 609,714 603,841 574,270 575,812 1.02 0.27
New Zealand (*) 98,370 97,694 100,836 95,627 96,819 0.17 1.25
MELANESIA 7,584 7,804 8,571 8,969 9,154 0.02 2.06
Fiji 5,359 5,647 6,058 6,300 6,255 0.01 -0.71
Papua New Guinea 1,641 1,656 1,884 1,953 2,014 0.00 3.12
Solomon Islands 251 188 235 210 174 0.00 -17.14
Vanuatu 333 313 394 506 711 0.00 40.51
MICRONESIA 1,331 1,174 1,110 1,158 1,090 0.00 -5.87
Kiribati 611 548 406 376 432 0.00 14.89
Marshall Islands 464 384 416 442 416 0.00 -5.88
Micronesia, Federated States of 32 61 57 129 105 0.00 -18.60
Nauru 224 181 231 211 137 0.00 -35.07
POLYNESIA 993 993 1,005 936 902 0.00 -3.63
Samoa 268 323 338 403 358 0.00 -11.17
Tonga 590 585 588 472 479 0.00 1.48
Tuvalu 135 85 79 61 65 0.00 6.56
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55 40 116 202 269 0.00 33.17
Other countries of Oceania 55 40 116 202 269 0.00 33.17
EUROPE 1,973,211 1,998,798 1,965,102 1,926,928 1,997,981 3.53 3.69
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 294,979 354,003 337,899 299,594 298,488 0.53 -0.37
Armenia 290 388 406 352 368 0.00 4.55
Azerbaijan 851 833 742 585 517 0.00 -11.62
Belarus 1,518 1,696 1,549 1,453 1,439 0.00 -0.96
Bulgaria 5,304 5,619 5,457 5,556 5,701 0.01 2.61
Czech Republic 10,683 11,049 10,800 11,568 11,921 0.02 3.05
Estonia 4,325 4,341 3,821 4,032 4,946 0.01 22.67
Georgia 351 309 421 363 473 0.00 30.30
Hungary 8,968 9,177 10,314 9,801 10,432 0.02 6.44
Kazakhstan 8,580 17,292 16,548 13,738 11,968 0.02 -12.88
Kyrgyzstan 478 590 509 331 252 0.00 -23.87
Latvia 2,783 2,752 2,542 2,904 3,130 0.01 7.78
Lithuania 3,702 3,736 3,717 3,840 4,273 0.01 11.28
Moldova, Republic of 220 263 215 200 202 0.00 1.00
Poland 23,896 27,709 27,130 28,738 29,223 0.05 1.69
Romania 10,175 11,221 11,177 11,558 13,165 0.02 13.90
Russian Federation 186,461 223,664 202,141 151,469 142,664 0.25 -5.81
Slovakia 4,907 4,954 4,665 5,021 4,990 0.01 -0.62
Tajikistan 90 85 120 102 81 0.00 -20.59
Turkmenistan 42 20 57 33 38 0.00 15.15
Ukraine 20,718 27,666 34,963 47,432 52,228 0.09 10.11
Uzbekistan 614 631 605 507 470 0.00 -7.30
Other countries Central/East Europe 23 8 11 7 0.00 -36.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 694,849 668,752 667,308 681,783 723,468 1.28 6.11

Denmark 26,941 26,187 24,013 24,277 26,637 0.05 9.72
Finland 30,079 28,241 25,877 26,475 27,932 0.05 5.50
Iceland 1,426 1,417 1,282 1,455 1,312 0.00 -9.83
Ireland 27,108 26,517 26,849 26,855 28,438 0.05 5.89
Norway 20,326 19,173 17,325 19,059 22,095 0.04 15.93
Sweden 55,731 53,787 51,107 54,157 65,124 0.11 20.25
United Kingdom 533,238 513,430 520,855 529,505 551,930 0.97 4.24
SOUTHERN EUROPE 215,778 215,517 216,300 216,530 222,953 0.39 2.97
Albania 377 491 562 591 755 0.00 27.75
Andorra 93 134 87 102 121 0.00 18.63
Bosnia and Herzegovina 442 469 642 608 772 0.00 26.97
Croatia 3,262 3,434 3,424 3,572 3,928 0.01 9.97
Greece 8,189 8,537 8,900 8,422 8,987 0.02 6.71
Holy See 5 6 3 11 0.00
Italy 115,610 112,927 111,836 108,066 105,317 0.19 -2.54
Malta 861 769 893 862 886 0.00 2.78
Montenegro 497 515 513 559 622 0.00 11.27
Portugal 21,708 24,074 24,702 25,396 28,171 0.05 10.93
San Marino 92 91 95 73 118 0.00 61.64
Serbia 2,963 3,418 3,964 4,803 5,730 0.01 19.30
Slovenia 2,751 2,251 2,293 2,517 2,623 0.00 4.21
Spain 58,301 57,751 57,556 60,091 63,964 0.11 6.45
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 627 650 830 868 948 0.00 9.22
WESTERN EUROPE 660,833 654,051 640,343 629,965 658,202 1.16 4.48
Austria 25,819 25,903 25,701 24,446 26,784 0.05 9.56
Belgium 31,937 33,144 32,109 31,379 31,586 0.06 0.66
France (*) 226,118 227,760 217,065 209,825 213,641 0.38 1.82
Germany 222,820 220,604 218,530 213,802 226,594 0.40 5.98
Liechtenstein 335 311 331 270 320 0.00 18.52
Luxembourg 1,432 1,728 1,612 1,599 1,690 0.00 5.69
Monaco 163 166 115 92 132 0.00 43.48
Netherlands 100,068 91,820 92,795 91,596 95,762 0.17 4.55
Switzerland 52,141 52,615 52,085 56,956 61,693 0.11 8.32
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 106,772 106,475 103,252 99,056 94,870 0.17 -4.23
Cyprus 1,276 1,403 1,421 1,493 1,764 0.00 18.15
Israel 66,807 66,630 65,794 63,951 64,403 0.11 0.71
Turkey 38,689 38,442 36,037 33,612 28,703 0.05 -14.60
MIDDLE EAST 78,023 83,789 83,374 79,806 79,918 0.14 0.14
Bahrain 1,860 2,051 2,301 2,178 1,918 0.00 -11.94
Egypt 10,839 12,187 15,091 16,697 17,380 0.03 4.09
Iraq 192 207 220 133 145 0.00 9.02
Jordan 14,362 13,171 12,027 11,734 10,703 0.02 -8.79
Kuwait 5,912 6,033 5,566 4,717 4,262 0.01 -9.65
Lebanon 1,303 1,203 1,226 1,043 884 0.00 -15.24
Libya 25 54 46 27 28 0.00 3.70
Oman 1,227 1,291 1,536 1,349 1,565 0.00 16.01
Qatar 2,264 3,722 3,034 3,072 3,668 0.01 19.40
Saudi Arabia 19,107 19,872 18,850 18,685 18,491 0.03 -1.04
Syrian Arab Republic 618 536 423 407 334 0.00 -17.94
United Arab Emirates 14,410 17,818 17,865 19,022 20,050 0.04 5.40
Yemen 5,857 5,601 5,136 701 453 0.00 -35.38
Other countries of Middle East 47 43 53 41 37 0.00 -9.76

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 446,667 467,955 552,510 569,653 514,336 0.91 -9.71

Afghanistan 147 118 136 152 155 0.00 1.97
Bangladesh 4,917 5,512 5,747 6,397 6,113 0.01 -4.44
Bhutan 945 1,057 1,361 1,318 1,340 0.00 1.67
India 414,158 434,648 516,084 531,770 480,906 0.85 -9.57
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,858 2,492 3,389 3,062 3,265 0.01 6.63
Maldives 547 723 1,063 1,302 1,506 0.00 15.67
Nepal 6,906 7,723 8,707 9,336 6,659 0.01 -28.67
Pakistan 9,592 9,031 8,753 8,218 6,823 0.01 -16.97
Sri Lanka 6,597 6,651 7,270 8,098 7,569 0.01 -6.53
Other countries of the World 230 158

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 10,353,000 10,624,000 12,139,000 14,316,000 15,255,464 100.00 6.56

AFRICA 26,000 27,000 28,000 32,000 34,804 0.23 8.76
OTHER AFRICA 26,000 27,000 28,000 32,000 34,804 0.23 8.76
All countries of Africa 26,000 27,000 28,000 32,000 34,804 0.23 8.76
AMERICAS 567,000 614,000 678,000 810,000 861,121 5.64 6.31
NORTH AMERICA 402,000 441,000 497,000 603,000 628,115 4.12 4.17
United States of America 402,000 441,000 497,000 603,000 628,115 4.12 4.17
OTHER AMERICAS 165,000 173,000 181,000 207,000 233,006 1.53 12.56
Other countries of the Americas 165,000 173,000 181,000 207,000 233,006 1.53 12.56
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 404,000 563,000 614,000 699,000 847,889 5.56 21.30
AUSTRALASIA 69,000 76,000 79,000 86,000 99,251 0.65 15.41
Australia 69,000 76,000 79,000 86,000 99,251 0.65 15.41
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 335,000 487,000 535,000 613,000 748,638 4.91 22.13
All countries of Asia 335,000 487,000 535,000 613,000 748,638 4.91 22.13
EUROPE 9,356,000 9,420,000 10,819,000 12,775,000 13,511,650 88.57 5.77
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,145,000 3,662,000 4,414,000 5,784,000 6,462,713 42.36 11.73
Bulgaria 125,000 124,000 129,000 384,000 391,406 2.57 1.93
Czech Republic 334,000 630,000 764,000 818,000 854,301 5.60 4.44
Poland 694,000 713,000 636,000 465,000 547,913 3.59 17.83
Romania 1,092,000 953,000 1,215,000 2,106,000 2,774,478 18.19 31.74
Slovakia 679,000 942,000 1,383,000 1,781,000 1,714,053 11.24 -3.76
Ukraine 221,000 300,000 287,000 230,000 180,562 1.18 -21.49
NORTHERN EUROPE 304,000 373,000 404,000 500,000 564,378 3.70 12.88
United Kingdom 304,000 373,000 404,000 500,000 564,378 3.70 12.88
SOUTHERN EUROPE 822,000 733,000 847,000 1,027,000 1,038,225 6.81 1.09
Croatia 48,000 28,000 39,000 66,000 35,448 0.23 -46.29
Italy 387,000 425,000 438,000 398,000 406,887 2.67 2.23
Serbia and Montenegro 381,000 271,000 364,000 541,000 573,407 3.76 5.99
Slovenia 6,000 9,000 6,000 22,000 22,483 0.15 2.20
WESTERN EUROPE 4,037,000 3,603,000 3,830,000 3,901,000 3,756,161 24.62 -3.71
Austria 1,005,000 832,000 1,051,000 1,129,000 1,049,943 6.88 -7.00
France 257,000 230,000 206,000 221,000 256,940 1.68 16.26
Germany 2,399,000 2,057,000 2,125,000 2,102,000 1,991,456 13.05 -5.26
Netherlands 196,000 295,000 266,000 267,000 263,293 1.73 -1.39
Switzerland 180,000 189,000 182,000 182,000 194,529 1.28 6.88
OTHER EUROPE 1,048,000 1,049,000 1,324,000 1,563,000 1,690,173 11.08 8.14
Other countries of Europe 1,048,000 1,049,000 1,324,000 1,563,000 1,690,173 11.08 8.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 43,565,000 43,611,000 45,984,000 48,345,000 52,890,067 100.00 9.40

AFRICA 26,000 28,000 29,000 32,000 34,972 0.07 9.29
OTHER AFRICA 26,000 28,000 29,000 32,000 34,972 0.07 9.29
All countries of Africa 26,000 28,000 29,000 32,000 34,972 0.07 9.29
AMERICAS 577,000 635,000 723,000 811,000 863,539 1.63 6.48
NORTH AMERICA 412,000 461,000 540,000 603,000 628,761 1.19 4.27
United States of America 412,000 461,000 540,000 603,000 628,761 1.19 4.27
OTHER AMERICAS 165,000 174,000 183,000 208,000 234,778 0.44 12.87
Other countries of the Americas 165,000 174,000 183,000 208,000 234,778 0.44 12.87
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 459,000 591,000 650,000 730,000 854,511 1.62 17.06
AUSTRALASIA 69,000 76,000 79,000 90,000 99,251 0.19 10.28
Australia 69,000 76,000 79,000 90,000 99,251 0.19 10.28
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 390,000 515,000 571,000 640,000 755,260 1.43 18.01
All countries of Asia 390,000 515,000 571,000 640,000 755,260 1.43 18.01
EUROPE 42,503,000 42,357,000 44,582,000 46,772,000 51,137,045 96.69 9.33
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 23,822,000 23,372,000 24,656,000 25,907,000 28,896,010 54.63 11.54
Bulgaria 1,443,000 1,174,000 1,284,000 1,451,000 1,817,428 3.44 25.25
Czech Republic 1,041,000 1,188,000 1,356,000 1,437,000 1,546,036 2.92 7.59
Poland 1,603,000 1,812,000 1,700,000 1,934,000 2,083,599 3.94 7.74
Romania 7,901,000 7,282,000 8,248,000 9,038,000 11,070,463 20.93 22.49
Slovakia 9,971,000 10,015,000 10,324,000 10,236,000 10,498,038 19.85 2.56
Ukraine 1,863,000 1,901,000 1,744,000 1,811,000 1,880,446 3.56 3.83
NORTHERN EUROPE 357,000 422,000 475,000 588,000 652,059 1.23 10.89
United Kingdom 357,000 422,000 475,000 588,000 652,059 1.23 10.89
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,301,000 5,152,000 5,354,000 5,525,000 5,872,880 11.10 6.30
Croatia 756,000 824,000 903,000 941,000 966,497 1.83 2.71
Italy 577,000 634,000 667,000 688,000 768,359 1.45 11.68
Serbia and Montenegro 2,658,000 3,344,000 3,364,000 3,417,000 3,726,828 7.05 9.07
Slovenia 310,000 350,000 420,000 479,000 411,196 0.78 -14.16
WESTERN EUROPE 11,255,000 10,929,000 11,209,000 11,770,000 12,421,650 23.49 5.54
Austria 7,233,000 7,117,000 7,297,000 7,812,000 8,232,892 15.57 5.39
France 346,000 337,000 355,000 368,000 397,961 0.75 8.14
Germany 3,188,000 2,848,000 2,935,000 2,963,000 3,131,548 5.92 5.69
Netherlands 274,000 379,000 354,000 361,000 367,897 0.70 1.91
Switzerland 214,000 248,000 268,000 266,000 291,352 0.55 9.53
OTHER EUROPE 2,768,000 2,482,000 2,888,000 2,982,000 3,294,446 6.23 10.48
Other countries of Europe 2,768,000 2,482,000 2,888,000 2,982,000 3,294,446 6.23 10.48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,825,319 4,006,962 4,186,556 4,437,504 4,759,214 100.00 7.25

AFRICA 14,011 16,449 19,063 25,651 25,340 0.53 -1.21
OTHER AFRICA 14,011 16,449 19,063 25,651 25,340 0.53 -1.21
All countries of Africa 14,011 16,449 19,063 25,651 25,340 0.53 -1.21
AMERICAS 246,436 283,322 314,192 349,726 353,941 7.44 1.21
NORTH AMERICA 196,353 226,501 252,887 284,352 289,931 6.09 1.96
Canada 23,878 28,586 30,305 33,755 35,619 0.75 5.52
United States of America 172,475 197,915 222,582 250,597 254,312 5.34 1.48
OTHER AMERICAS 50,083 56,821 61,305 65,374 64,010 1.34 -2.09
Other countries of the Americas 50,083 56,821 61,305 65,374 64,010 1.34 -2.09
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 103,996 109,673 100,481 100,857 92,978 1.95 -7.81
NORTH-EAST ASIA 76,180 76,586 67,770 63,612 53,513 1.12 -15.88
Japan 76,180 76,586 67,770 63,612 53,513 1.12 -15.88
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 27,816 33,087 32,711 37,245 39,465 0.83 5.96
All countries of Oceania 27,816 33,087 32,711 37,245 39,465 0.83 5.96
EUROPE 3,195,555 3,360,271 3,463,265 3,504,768 3,850,506 80.91 9.86
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 931,518 1,005,600 1,037,414 1,042,815 1,142,066 24.00 9.52
Bulgaria 33,238 33,627 36,216 39,031 44,101 0.93 12.99
Czech Republic 161,940 175,083 187,287 204,817 234,357 4.92 14.42
Poland 145,919 160,480 173,670 181,641 191,491 4.02 5.42
Romania 202,283 199,860 216,387 232,907 260,625 5.48 11.90
Russian Federation 156,083 194,390 184,345 143,772 134,339 2.82 -6.56
Slovakia 97,083 107,503 129,405 141,767 167,361 3.52 18.05
Ukraine 134,972 134,657 110,104 98,880 109,792 2.31 11.04
NORTHERN EUROPE 431,987 476,567 486,885 552,728 586,122 12.32 6.04
Denmark 32,139 36,175 35,846 41,401 52,917 1.11 27.82
Finland 41,423 49,783 49,540 48,477 48,719 1.02 0.50
Norway 43,929 49,303 47,645 51,834 52,844 1.11 1.95
Sweden 81,495 85,781 76,233 87,307 87,719 1.84 0.47
United Kingdom 233,001 255,525 277,621 323,709 343,923 7.23 6.24
SOUTHERN EUROPE 509,075 501,991 529,821 542,438 585,437 12.30 7.93
Croatia 33,959 35,022 40,351 36,618 40,020 0.84 9.29
Greece 33,931 34,888 41,129 43,384 51,411 1.08 18.50
Italy 218,026 221,127 226,536 237,994 242,130 5.09 1.74
Serbia 59,743 62,556 63,502 61,732 71,740 1.51 16.21
Slovenia 24,025 23,688 24,668 22,575 26,934 0.57 19.31
Spain 139,391 124,710 133,635 140,135 153,202 3.22 9.32
WESTERN EUROPE 1,126,580 1,106,098 1,111,885 1,107,965 1,153,078 24.23 4.07
Austria 270,337 260,618 265,094 265,664 284,546 5.98 7.11
Belgium 63,012 64,302 69,847 66,238 67,829 1.43 2.40
France 134,176 136,435 138,296 148,015 150,612 3.16 1.75
Germany 505,284 489,359 489,006 479,564 482,651 10.14 0.64
Netherlands 99,002 94,463 88,909 86,115 100,607 2.11 16.83
Switzerland 54,769 60,921 60,733 62,369 66,833 1.40 7.16
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 100,054 118,809 131,393 158,607 181,487 3.81 14.43
Israel 50,638 64,176 76,674 89,057 106,114 2.23 19.15
Turkey 49,416 54,633 54,719 69,550 75,373 1.58 8.37
OTHER EUROPE 96,341 151,206 165,867 100,215 202,316 4.25 101.88
Other countries of Europe 96,341 151,206 165,867 100,215 202,316 4.25 101.88
NOT SPECIFIED 265,321 237,247 289,555 456,502 436,449 9.17 -4.39
Other countries of the World 265,321 237,247 289,555 456,502 436,449 9.17 -4.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,163,641 4,387,692 4,617,751 4,928,511 5,301,843 100.00 7.57

AFRICA 14,512 17,415 19,993 27,172 26,928 0.51 -0.90
OTHER AFRICA 14,512 17,415 19,993 27,172 26,928 0.51 -0.90
All countries of Africa 14,512 17,415 19,993 27,172 26,928 0.51 -0.90
AMERICAS 254,759 304,912 340,612 386,805 398,062 7.51 2.91
NORTH AMERICA 200,746 237,233 267,688 308,225 320,682 6.05 4.04
Canada 25,001 31,365 34,060 39,459 42,545 0.80 7.82
United States of America 175,745 205,868 233,628 268,766 278,137 5.25 3.49
OTHER AMERICAS 54,013 67,679 72,924 78,580 77,380 1.46 -1.53
Other countries of the Americas 54,013 67,679 72,924 78,580 77,380 1.46 -1.53
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 107,739 116,994 111,893 115,140 112,800 2.13 -2.03
NORTH-EAST ASIA 77,093 77,516 68,742 64,705 55,100 1.04 -14.84
Japan 77,093 77,516 68,742 64,705 55,100 1.04 -14.84
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,646 39,478 43,151 50,435 57,700 1.09 14.40
All countries of Oceania 30,646 39,478 43,151 50,435 57,700 1.09 14.40
EUROPE 3,516,155 3,700,396 3,840,760 3,922,351 4,307,904 81.25 9.83
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,050,912 1,126,815 1,178,065 1,196,047 1,316,671 24.83 10.09
Bulgaria 34,196 35,299 37,342 40,403 45,558 0.86 12.76
Czech Republic 187,513 197,692 218,079 238,455 270,992 5.11 13.64
Poland 194,035 214,216 234,686 245,928 265,246 5.00 7.86
Romania 217,631 213,876 231,666 250,750 282,598 5.33 12.70
Russian Federation 159,014 196,889 188,061 147,803 138,268 2.61 -6.45
Slovakia 119,872 130,390 154,253 169,982 197,159 3.72 15.99
Ukraine 138,651 138,453 113,978 102,726 116,850 2.20 13.75
NORTHERN EUROPE 454,118 502,472 521,443 596,598 639,110 12.05 7.13
Denmark 40,121 43,340 43,702 49,446 61,363 1.16 24.10
Finland 43,569 52,089 52,255 51,687 52,266 0.99 1.12
Norway 44,916 50,181 48,872 53,104 54,624 1.03 2.86
Sweden 83,993 88,419 79,479 91,196 91,383 1.72 0.21
United Kingdom 241,519 268,443 297,135 351,165 379,474 7.16 8.06
SOUTHERN EUROPE 532,569 526,757 557,541 575,213 622,769 11.75 8.27
Croatia 36,028 36,829 42,343 38,902 42,737 0.81 9.86
Greece 34,478 35,486 41,754 44,204 52,452 0.99 18.66
Italy 229,022 232,596 238,688 251,210 256,530 4.84 2.12
Serbia 62,266 65,889 66,505 65,162 75,995 1.43 16.62
Slovenia 27,171 26,906 28,530 26,314 32,005 0.60 21.63
Spain 143,604 129,051 139,721 149,421 163,050 3.08 9.12
WESTERN EUROPE 1,275,531 1,263,325 1,271,337 1,276,768 1,323,355 24.96 3.65
Austria 297,053 286,292 294,760 297,103 318,653 6.01 7.25
Belgium 71,257 76,789 84,201 80,712 81,958 1.55 1.54
France 144,723 148,996 151,695 163,638 167,426 3.16 2.31
Germany 570,147 552,043 555,420 548,173 549,487 10.36 0.24
Netherlands 133,537 133,385 119,421 119,349 133,433 2.52 11.80
Switzerland 58,814 65,820 65,840 67,793 72,398 1.37 6.79
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 101,527 121,338 135,222 163,581 187,787 3.54 14.80
Israel 50,972 64,876 77,977 90,434 108,018 2.04 19.44
Turkey 50,555 56,462 57,245 73,147 79,769 1.50 9.05
OTHER EUROPE 101,498 159,689 177,152 114,144 218,212 4.12 91.17
Other countries of Europe 101,498 159,689 177,152 114,144 218,212 4.12 91.17
NOT SPECIFIED 270,476 247,975 304,493 477,043 456,149 8.60 -4.38
Other countries of the World 270,476 247,975 304,493 477,043 456,149 8.60 -4.38

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 9,938,268 10,367,322 10,653,116 11,092,521 11,801,752 100.00 6.39

AFRICA 38,352 46,908 56,311 68,724 68,650 0.58 -0.11
OTHER AFRICA 38,352 46,908 56,311 68,724 68,650 0.58 -0.11
All countries of Africa 38,352 46,908 56,311 68,724 68,650 0.58 -0.11
AMERICAS 636,912 706,885 774,407 860,797 858,488 7.27 -0.27
NORTH AMERICA 506,926 564,118 627,225 702,340 705,340 5.98 0.43
Canada 65,583 77,040 83,341 90,287 89,037 0.75 -1.38
United States of America 441,343 487,078 543,884 612,053 616,303 5.22 0.69
OTHER AMERICAS 129,986 142,767 147,182 158,457 153,148 1.30 -3.35
Other countries of the Americas 129,986 142,767 147,182 158,457 153,148 1.30 -3.35
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 220,355 244,209 224,846 231,799 206,104 1.75 -11.09
NORTH-EAST ASIA 151,366 159,859 143,334 136,383 114,032 0.97 -16.39
Japan 151,366 159,859 143,334 136,383 114,032 0.97 -16.39
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 68,989 84,350 81,512 95,416 92,072 0.78 -3.50
All countries of Oceania 68,989 84,350 81,512 95,416 92,072 0.78 -3.50
EUROPE 8,469,994 8,931,097 9,089,731 8,982,891 9,894,777 83.84 10.15
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,260,108 2,530,403 2,636,568 2,539,354 2,833,837 24.01 11.60
Bulgaria 56,899 53,968 58,391 64,767 72,336 0.61 11.69
Czech Republic 455,921 491,359 537,182 582,509 694,153 5.88 19.17
Poland 330,566 370,686 394,945 417,334 450,859 3.82 8.03
Romania 373,292 369,224 393,124 420,954 482,343 4.09 14.58
Russian Federation 600,829 757,871 750,055 554,839 525,184 4.45 -5.34
Slovakia 213,295 235,327 281,645 307,065 373,047 3.16 21.49
Ukraine 229,306 251,968 221,226 191,886 235,915 2.00 22.95
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,189,080 1,302,786 1,316,390 1,477,511 1,560,467 13.22 5.61
Denmark 103,323 111,966 108,117 122,183 155,496 1.32 27.26
Finland 128,643 149,903 147,168 144,175 144,775 1.23 0.42
Norway 139,836 153,647 148,704 160,067 158,594 1.34 -0.92
Sweden 235,276 247,769 214,607 239,724 236,463 2.00 -1.36
United Kingdom 582,002 639,501 697,794 811,362 865,139 7.33 6.63
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,280,332 1,230,316 1,266,268 1,323,196 1,390,497 11.78 5.09
Croatia 67,575 67,113 72,787 67,851 72,574 0.61 6.96
Greece 91,646 93,354 107,511 115,954 135,042 1.14 16.46
Italy 594,475 593,362 604,071 641,722 636,308 5.39 -0.84
Serbia 116,684 122,197 125,034 120,720 136,752 1.16 13.28
Slovenia 54,652 46,066 45,653 42,526 48,875 0.41 14.93
Spain 355,300 308,224 311,212 334,423 360,946 3.06 7.93
WESTERN EUROPE 3,309,743 3,199,158 3,139,832 3,080,989 3,166,389 26.83 2.77
Austria 682,035 650,808 645,586 652,973 693,669 5.88 6.23
Belgium 173,812 181,111 182,576 169,572 170,042 1.44 0.28
France 347,765 353,008 351,117 365,356 368,142 3.12 0.76
Germany 1,690,581 1,600,419 1,565,843 1,500,342 1,497,616 12.69 -0.18
Netherlands 256,165 241,404 222,735 215,662 253,907 2.15 17.73
Switzerland 159,385 172,408 171,975 177,084 183,013 1.55 3.35
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 279,846 336,771 368,305 434,897 495,421 4.20 13.92
Israel 176,147 223,476 252,457 287,459 342,072 2.90 19.00
Turkey 103,699 113,295 115,848 147,438 153,349 1.30 4.01
OTHER EUROPE 150,885 331,663 362,368 126,944 448,166 3.80 253.04
Other countries of Europe 150,885 331,663 362,368 126,944 448,166 3.80 253.04
NOT SPECIFIED 572,655 438,223 507,821 948,310 773,733 6.56 -18.41
Other countries of the World 572,655 438,223 507,821 948,310 773,733 6.56 -18.41

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,392,183 11,982,883 12,351,330 12,962,395 13,802,045 100.00 6.48

AFRICA 40,085 50,684 59,394 74,742 74,345 0.54 -0.53
OTHER AFRICA 40,085 50,684 59,394 74,742 74,345 0.54 -0.53
All countries of Africa 40,085 50,684 59,394 74,742 74,345 0.54 -0.53
AMERICAS 658,983 763,245 842,680 952,390 972,405 7.05 2.10
NORTH AMERICA 519,585 592,020 665,753 761,442 785,803 5.69 3.20
Canada 69,012 84,406 93,526 105,302 107,981 0.78 2.54
United States of America 450,573 507,614 572,227 656,140 677,822 4.91 3.30
OTHER AMERICAS 139,398 171,225 176,927 190,948 186,602 1.35 -2.28
Other countries of the Americas 139,398 171,225 176,927 190,948 186,602 1.35 -2.28
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 229,573 264,473 257,627 271,136 261,070 1.89 -3.71
NORTH-EAST ASIA 153,447 162,860 146,433 139,098 118,930 0.86 -14.50
Japan 153,447 162,860 146,433 139,098 118,930 0.86 -14.50
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 76,126 101,613 111,194 132,038 142,140 1.03 7.65
All countries of Oceania 76,126 101,613 111,194 132,038 142,140 1.03 7.65
EUROPE 9,878,386 10,429,312 10,645,655 10,667,445 11,669,517 84.55 9.39
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,623,178 2,753,616 3,058,402 2,992,411 3,372,541 24.44 12.70
Bulgaria 59,165 59,105 60,494 67,929 76,385 0.55 12.45
Czech Republic 538,591 565,490 635,396 690,915 813,982 5.90 17.81
Poland 485,062 538,910 594,866 626,407 696,624 5.05 11.21
Romania 419,030 411,065 433,271 467,284 543,939 3.94 16.40
Russian Federation 614,077 627,337 762,616 566,164 536,182 3.88 -5.30
Slovakia 266,985 289,311 341,035 373,081 446,817 3.24 19.76
Ukraine 240,268 262,398 230,724 200,631 258,612 1.87 28.90
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,290,491 1,415,497 1,450,891 1,637,225 1,751,726 12.69 6.99
Denmark 159,645 166,783 164,757 176,773 212,406 1.54 20.16
Finland 135,265 156,864 154,536 153,263 155,428 1.13 1.41
Norway 143,481 156,887 152,426 163,777 164,136 1.19 0.22
Sweden 243,988 256,537 224,767 252,054 247,959 1.80 -1.62
United Kingdom 608,112 678,426 754,405 891,358 971,797 7.04 9.02
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,340,741 1,297,740 1,341,755 1,411,109 1,497,336 10.85 6.11
Croatia 73,346 71,433 78,088 72,943 79,741 0.58 9.32
Greece 93,202 94,977 109,270 118,152 138,556 1.00 17.27
Italy 624,459 627,337 641,615 682,007 679,109 4.92 -0.42
Serbia 122,810 130,457 131,372 128,189 149,981 1.09 17.00
Slovenia 61,453 53,587 54,383 51,503 62,607 0.45 21.56
Spain 365,471 319,949 327,027 358,315 387,342 2.81 8.10
WESTERN EUROPE 4,177,086 4,120,590 4,021,506 4,012,013 4,039,155 29.26 0.68
Austria 804,268 804,786 772,213 791,675 829,277 6.01 4.75
Belgium 210,014 235,059 246,071 231,391 229,504 1.66 -0.82
France 380,943 390,985 394,608 414,406 423,183 3.07 2.12
Germany 2,146,491 2,030,649 2,010,043 1,963,119 1,919,635 13.91 -2.22
Netherlands 459,543 469,182 407,876 414,806 433,485 3.14 4.50
Switzerland 175,827 189,929 190,695 196,616 204,071 1.48 3.79
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 283,906 345,828 381,937 451,691 517,426 3.75 14.55
Israel 176,939 225,549 256,364 291,868 349,021 2.53 19.58
Turkey 106,967 120,279 125,573 159,823 168,405 1.22 5.37
OTHER EUROPE 162,984 496,041 391,164 162,996 491,333 3.56 201.44
Other countries of Europe 162,984 496,041 391,164 162,996 491,333 3.56 201.44
NOT SPECIFIED 585,156 475,169 545,974 996,682 824,708 5.98 -17.25
Other countries of the World 585,156 475,169 545,974 996,682 824,708 5.98 -17.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 646,921 781,016 969,181 1,261,938 1,767,726 100.00 40.08

AMERICAS 113,786 143,682 190,894 289,459 498,431 28.20 72.19
NORTH AMERICA 113,786 143,682 190,894 289,459 498,431 28.20 72.19
Canada 18,760 23,970 38,790 46,654 83,144 4.70 78.21
United States of America 95,026 119,712 152,104 242,805 415,287 23.49 71.04
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,379 29,960 39,377 64,190 89,152 5.04 38.89
NORTH-EAST ASIA 24,379 29,960 39,377 64,190 89,152 5.04 38.89
China 14,036 17,597 26,037 47,643 66,781 3.78 40.17
Japan 10,343 12,363 13,340 16,547 22,371 1.27 35.20
EUROPE 425,995 499,531 597,264 708,394 894,247 50.59 26.24
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 19,660 22,823 27,923 31,956 45,933 2.60 43.74
Poland 14,936 15,835 19,959 27,079 39,613 2.24 46.29
Russian Federation 4,724 6,988 7,964 4,877 6,320 0.36 29.59
NORTHERN EUROPE 236,324 282,224 338,794 400,768 491,768 27.82 22.71
Denmark 40,906 43,119 48,237 49,225 49,951 2.83 1.47
Finland 13,684 13,799 15,415 16,021 19,895 1.13 24.18
Norway 51,534 52,707 53,647 51,402 51,012 2.89 -0.76
Sweden 35,601 35,491 40,992 43,096 54,515 3.08 26.50
United Kingdom 94,599 137,108 180,503 241,024 316,395 17.90 31.27
SOUTHERN EUROPE 29,119 33,230 40,802 50,983 70,756 4.00 38.78
Italy 13,841 16,213 19,870 23,817 31,573 1.79 32.56
Spain 15,278 17,017 20,932 27,166 39,183 2.22 44.24
WESTERN EUROPE 140,892 161,254 189,745 224,687 285,790 16.17 27.19
France 41,570 48,313 58,293 65,822 85,221 4.82 29.47
Germany 65,179 75,814 85,915 103,384 132,789 7.51 28.44
Netherlands 21,305 22,820 26,222 29,546 39,098 2.21 32.33
Switzerland 12,838 14,307 19,315 25,935 28,682 1.62 10.59
NOT SPECIFIED 82,761 107,843 141,646 199,895 285,896 16.17 43.02
Other countries of the World 82,761 107,843 141,646 199,895 285,896 16.17 43.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,117,295 1,320,954 1,573,491 2,083,262 2,631,562 100.00 26.32

AFRICA 3,525 1,812 2,716 3,961 3,597 0.14 -9.19
SOUTHERN AFRICA 790 838 1,157 1,077 0.04 -6.91
South Africa 790 838 1,157 1,077 0.04 -6.91
OTHER AFRICA 3,525 1,022 1,878 2,804 2,520 0.10 -10.13
Other countries of Africa 1,022 1,878 2,804 2,520 0.10 -10.13
All countries of Africa 3,525
AMERICAS 152,371 215,575 311,752 453,356 696,750 26.48 53.69
NORTH AMERICA 149,201 212,462 307,574 445,842 687,065 26.11 54.11
Canada 20,935 28,873 43,056 51,948 74,056 2.81 42.56
Greenland 1,260 1,663 1,603 1,157 0.04 -27.82
United States of America 128,266 182,329 262,855 392,291 611,852 23.25 55.97
SOUTH AMERICA 1,080 1,768 3,365 3,234 0.12 -3.89
Brazil 1,080 1,768 3,365 3,234 0.12 -3.89
OTHER AMERICAS 3,170 2,033 2,410 4,149 6,451 0.25 55.48
Other countries of the Americas 3,170 2,033 2,410 4,149 6,451 0.25 55.48
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 72,756 75,645 98,062 183,543 297,964 11.32 62.34
NORTH-EAST ASIA 29,810 48,876 64,083 120,361 190,796 7.25 58.52
China 10,365 21,018 31,161 75,944 129,127 4.91 70.03
Japan 19,445 26,679 30,542 38,543 49,144 1.87 27.50
Korea, Republic of 1,179 2,380 5,874 12,525 0.48 113.23
AUSTRALASIA 8,357 9,811 12,222 17,721 26,261 1.00 48.19
Australia 8,357 9,147 11,349 16,427 24,748 0.94 50.65
New Zealand 664 873 1,294 1,513 0.06 16.92
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 34,589 16,958 21,757 45,461 80,907 3.07 77.97
Other countries of Asia 27,376 16,839 21,518 45,220 80,433 3.06 77.87
Other countries of Oceania 7,213 119 239 241 474 0.02 96.68
EUROPE 860,590 1,026,163 1,158,460 1,437,977 1,624,322 61.72 12.96
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 29,209 35,149 33,400 45,275 1.72 35.55
Bulgaria 767 341 585 944 0.04 61.37
Czech Republic 4,574 4,237 5,490 8,096 0.31 47.47
Estonia 826 1,403 1,164 1,342 0.05 15.29
Hungary 1,901 3,717 3,439 6,805 0.26 97.88
Latvia 493 897 1,056 1,426 0.05 35.04
Lithuania 993 838 942 1,815 0.07 92.68
Poland 5,123 6,770 8,196 10,481 0.40 27.88
Romania 677 984 1,085 1,654 0.06 52.44
Russian Federation 12,495 14,126 9,023 8,873 0.34 -1.66
Slovakia 804 949 1,630 2,629 0.10 61.29
Ukraine 556 887 790 1,210 0.05 53.16
NORTHERN EUROPE 294,233 360,673 471,855 595,798 655,209 24.90 9.97
Denmark 48,587 47,341 58,283 66,178 68,511 2.60 3.53
Faeroe Islands 3,531 2,494 2,236 2,224 0.08 -0.54
Finland 13,763 14,562 15,497 18,253 17,834 0.68 -2.30
Ireland 3,772 4,748 4,370 7,805 11,477 0.44 47.05
Norway 49,784 53,795 52,706 54,421 46,757 1.78 -14.08
Sweden 36,654 38,886 53,234 62,859 59,825 2.27 -4.83
United Kingdom 141,673 197,810 285,271 384,046 448,581 17.05 16.80
SOUTHERN EUROPE 87,155 107,612 111,812 133,042 159,259 6.05 19.71
Croatia 293 282 227 359 0.01 58.15
Greece 629 2,144 1,957 2,541 0.10 29.84
Italy 43,556 52,824 50,570 57,919 66,132 2.51 14.18
Malta 127 314 383 801 0.03 109.14
Portugal 1,435 2,736 3,227 4,570 0.17 41.62
Slovenia 1,679 1,358 2,086 2,447 0.09 17.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 43,599 50,625 54,408 67,243 82,409 3.13 22.55

WESTERN EUROPE 426,165 508,012 518,398 650,898 738,826 28.08 13.51
Austria 14,091 18,068 14,830 18,243 21,296 0.81 16.74
Belgium 15,711 21,427 18,743 21,450 27,905 1.06 30.09
France 107,171 124,304 117,509 139,300 165,917 6.30 19.11
Germany 200,562 239,009 259,198 336,909 369,318 14.03 9.62
Luxembourg 645 869 1,402 1,391 0.05 -0.78
Netherlands 49,484 54,939 55,699 66,849 77,921 2.96 16.56
Switzerland 39,146 49,620 51,550 66,745 75,078 2.85 12.48
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,130 20,629 23,401 24,423 0.93 4.37
Cyprus 74 52 230 169 0.01 -26.52
Israel 19,469 19,595 21,974 22,623 0.86 2.95
Turkey 587 982 1,197 1,631 0.06 36.26
OTHER EUROPE 53,037 527 617 1,438 1,330 0.05 -7.51
Other countries of Europe 53,037 527 617 1,438 1,330 0.05 -7.51
SOUTH ASIA 1,759 2,501 4,425 8,929 0.34 101.79
India 1,759 2,501 4,425 8,929 0.34 101.79
Other countries of the World 28,053

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,641,557 2,019,120 2,596,772 3,346,782 3,977,547 100.00 18.85

AFRICA 4,159 2,158 3,116 4,833 4,924 0.12 1.88
SOUTHERN AFRICA 957 1,067 1,458 1,613 0.04 10.63
South Africa 957 1,067 1,458 1,613 0.04 10.63
OTHER AFRICA 4,159 1,201 2,049 3,375 3,311 0.08 -1.90
Other countries of Africa 1,201 2,049 3,375 3,311 0.08 -1.90
All countries of Africa 4,159
AMERICAS 204,024 296,664 473,787 691,131 1,010,987 25.42 46.28
NORTH AMERICA 199,413 292,196 467,747 679,996 995,983 25.04 46.47
Canada 34,611 48,299 75,363 94,416 146,724 3.69 55.40
Greenland 1,404 1,875 1,892 1,496 0.04 -20.93
United States of America 164,802 242,493 390,509 583,688 847,763 21.31 45.24
SOUTH AMERICA 1,693 2,739 5,243 4,834 0.12 -7.80
Brazil 1,693 2,739 5,243 4,834 0.12 -7.80
OTHER AMERICAS 4,611 2,775 3,301 5,892 10,170 0.26 72.61
Other countries of the Americas 4,611 2,775 3,301 5,892 10,170 0.26 72.61
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 78,297 97,220 133,822 250,017 388,128 9.76 55.24
NORTH-EAST ASIA 35,430 61,458 89,689 162,728 231,785 5.83 42.44
China 13,643 28,473 44,899 106,125 159,608 4.01 50.40
Japan 21,787 31,111 41,195 47,384 53,355 1.34 12.60
Korea, Republic of 1,874 3,595 9,219 18,822 0.47 104.17
AUSTRALASIA 14,698 18,363 31,452 44,431 1.12 41.27
Australia 13,484 16,778 28,923 41,061 1.03 41.97
New Zealand 1,214 1,585 2,529 3,370 0.08 33.25
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 42,867 21,064 25,770 55,837 111,912 2.81 100.43
Other countries of Asia 31,312 20,926 25,503 55,584 110,854 2.79 99.44
Other countries of Oceania 138 267 253 1,058 0.03 318.18
All countries of Oceania 11,555
EUROPE 1,288,592 1,620,971 1,983,067 2,395,284 2,562,006 64.41 6.96
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 48,519 75,836 74,151 94,790 2.38 27.83
Bulgaria 949 391 801 1,373 0.03 71.41
Czech Republic 12,146 19,352 22,395 24,693 0.62 10.26
Estonia 1,281 2,059 1,734 2,382 0.06 37.37
Hungary 3,034 4,997 4,930 9,676 0.24 96.27
Latvia 655 1,227 1,498 2,143 0.05 43.06
Lithuania 1,664 1,596 2,071 3,100 0.08 49.69
Poland 9,221 18,278 21,205 26,248 0.66 23.78
Romania 890 1,410 1,540 2,753 0.07 78.77
Russian Federation 16,321 22,956 12,930 14,201 0.36 9.83
Slovakia 1,631 2,169 3,570 5,100 0.13 42.86
Ukraine 727 1,401 1,477 3,121 0.08 111.31
NORTHERN EUROPE 379,088 492,059 709,871 904,188 858,446 21.58 -5.06
Denmark 64,708 67,962 93,269 99,532 91,366 2.30 -8.20
Faeroe Islands 4,298 3,198 3,033 3,186 0.08 5.04
Finland 18,324 20,816 24,148 28,555 22,514 0.57 -21.16
Ireland 6,957 8,673 5,907 11,432 16,223 0.41 41.91
Norway 60,540 70,373 77,723 82,522 60,273 1.52 -26.96
Sweden 48,085 54,608 79,561 92,815 82,901 2.08 -10.68
United Kingdom 180,474 265,329 426,065 586,299 581,983 14.63 -0.74
SOUTHERN EUROPE 138,972 176,549 185,307 223,930 270,308 6.80 20.71
Croatia 385 371 417 711 0.02 70.50
Greece 1,557 2,549 2,371 3,112 0.08 31.25
Italy 66,132 82,250 81,246 96,172 110,216 2.77 14.60
Malta 151 354 471 1,043 0.03 121.44
Portugal 2,160 3,724 4,631 6,361 0.16 37.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovenia 2,687 2,595 3,546 4,043 0.10 14.02

Spain 72,840 87,359 94,468 116,322 144,822 3.64 24.50
WESTERN EUROPE 682,251 879,932 987,797 1,163,682 1,306,182 32.84 12.25
Austria 25,548 33,505 27,964 31,595 39,164 0.98 23.96
Belgium 31,064 43,098 39,559 42,549 55,087 1.38 29.47
France 184,677 241,165 252,356 287,921 326,494 8.21 13.40
Germany 296,749 380,276 462,967 557,893 607,273 15.27 8.85
Luxembourg 916 1,247 1,790 2,202 0.06 23.02
Netherlands 82,102 98,406 108,191 121,674 146,675 3.69 20.55
Switzerland 62,111 82,566 95,513 120,260 129,287 3.25 7.51
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 23,089 23,329 27,501 29,128 0.73 5.92
Cyprus 88 62 307 251 0.01 -18.24
Israel 22,358 22,038 25,722 26,627 0.67 3.52
Turkey 643 1,229 1,472 2,250 0.06 52.85
OTHER EUROPE 88,281 823 927 1,832 3,152 0.08 72.05
Other countries of Europe 88,281 823 927 1,832 3,152 0.08 72.05
SOUTH ASIA 2,107 2,980 5,517 11,502 0.29 108.48
India 2,107 2,980 5,517 11,502 0.29 108.48
Other countries of the World 66,485

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,036,512 2,374,231 2,787,254 3,613,046 4,571,486 100.00 26.53

AFRICA 6,444 3,515 5,087 6,694 6,245 0.14 -6.71
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,529 1,541 1,921 1,786 0.04 -7.03
South Africa 1,529 1,541 1,921 1,786 0.04 -7.03
OTHER AFRICA 6,444 1,986 3,546 4,773 4,459 0.10 -6.58
Other countries of Africa 1,986 3,546 4,773 4,459 0.10 -6.58
All countries of Africa 6,444
AMERICAS 317,523 420,019 590,376 820,563 1,266,143 27.70 54.30
NORTH AMERICA 311,489 413,685 582,409 807,524 1,250,368 27.35 54.84
Canada 37,810 51,306 80,390 90,513 126,908 2.78 40.21
Greenland 2,850 3,014 3,394 2,031 0.04 -40.16
United States of America 273,679 359,529 499,005 713,617 1,121,429 24.53 57.15
SOUTH AMERICA 2,167 3,158 6,143 5,401 0.12 -12.08
Brazil 2,167 3,158 6,143 5,401 0.12 -12.08
OTHER AMERICAS 6,034 4,167 4,809 6,896 10,374 0.23 50.44
Other countries of the Americas 6,034 4,167 4,809 6,896 10,374 0.23 50.44
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 104,203 127,170 154,474 277,759 431,528 9.44 55.36
NORTH-EAST ASIA 52,677 83,269 100,899 180,796 279,043 6.10 54.34
China 18,323 33,503 45,914 107,270 178,782 3.91 66.67
Japan 34,354 48,028 51,573 65,931 84,592 1.85 28.30
Korea, Republic of 1,738 3,412 7,595 15,669 0.34 106.31
AUSTRALASIA 16,853 20,236 29,023 40,749 0.89 40.40
Australia 15,538 18,788 26,830 38,134 0.83 42.13
New Zealand 1,315 1,448 2,193 2,615 0.06 19.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 51,526 27,048 33,339 67,940 111,736 2.44 64.46
Other countries of Asia 38,570 26,803 32,981 67,399 110,967 2.43 64.64
Other countries of Oceania 245 358 541 769 0.02 42.14
All countries of Oceania 12,956
EUROPE 1,552,461 1,820,094 2,032,639 2,500,233 2,853,353 62.42 14.12
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 60,969 62,530 60,250 74,016 1.62 22.85
Bulgaria 5,526 913 1,500 1,570 0.03 4.67
Czech Republic 6,728 6,214 9,494 13,101 0.29 37.99
Estonia 1,672 2,566 2,491 2,404 0.05 -3.49
Hungary 4,302 7,236 7,005 11,271 0.25 60.90
Latvia 1,019 1,669 2,423 2,245 0.05 -7.35
Lithuania 2,063 1,753 1,863 2,981 0.07 60.01
Poland 10,273 10,912 12,995 16,705 0.37 28.55
Romania 1,337 2,352 2,614 2,837 0.06 8.53
Russian Federation 25,289 25,034 14,844 14,391 0.31 -3.05
Slovakia 1,733 2,603 3,543 4,556 0.10 28.59
Ukraine 1,027 1,278 1,478 1,955 0.04 32.27
NORTHERN EUROPE 666,822 799,228 980,554 1,194,739 1,363,597 29.83 14.13
Denmark 98,750 91,299 109,646 116,956 121,818 2.66 4.16
Faeroe Islands 8,746 5,229 4,772 5,913 0.13 23.91
Finland 34,171 33,997 33,516 38,855 40,014 0.88 2.98
Ireland 7,677 11,578 10,505 18,065 26,221 0.57 45.15
Norway 115,172 120,659 112,301 109,904 101,334 2.22 -7.80
Sweden 93,879 92,326 119,858 134,966 134,984 2.95 0.01
United Kingdom 317,173 440,623 589,499 771,221 933,313 20.42 21.02
SOUTHERN EUROPE 117,367 148,726 158,942 186,704 224,788 4.92 20.40
Croatia 860 769 433 612 0.01 41.34
Greece 1,229 4,785 4,675 5,603 0.12 19.85
Italy 56,107 69,611 66,347 76,799 89,813 1.96 16.95
Malta 271 635 621 1,122 0.02 80.68
Portugal 2,580 5,078 5,038 7,125 0.16 41.43

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovenia 2,845 2,458 4,944 4,291 0.09 -13.21

Spain 61,260 71,330 78,870 94,194 116,222 2.54 23.39
WESTERN EUROPE 664,087 784,934 802,940 1,023,598 1,157,737 25.33 13.10
Austria 20,330 26,886 21,521 25,713 32,142 0.70 25.00
Belgium 24,464 33,179 27,161 30,489 39,700 0.87 30.21
France 152,263 175,043 170,635 200,657 232,616 5.09 15.93
Germany 327,690 388,197 419,969 558,676 618,351 13.53 10.68
Luxembourg 1,136 1,552 3,671 2,244 0.05 -38.87
Netherlands 82,577 88,676 88,060 108,354 124,235 2.72 14.66
Switzerland 56,763 71,817 74,042 96,038 108,449 2.37 12.92
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 25,315 26,500 29,698 30,777 0.67 3.63
Cyprus 182 142 1,053 360 0.01 -65.81
Israel 24,005 24,584 26,597 27,616 0.60 3.83
Turkey 1,128 1,774 2,048 2,801 0.06 36.77
OTHER EUROPE 104,185 922 1,173 5,244 2,438 0.05 -53.51
Other countries of Europe 104,185 922 1,173 5,244 2,438 0.05 -53.51
SOUTH ASIA 3,433 4,678 7,797 14,217 0.31 82.34
India 3,433 4,678 7,797 14,217 0.31 82.34
Other countries of the World 55,881

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,898,011 3,521,824 4,404,937 5,561,297 6,764,038 100.00 21.63

AFRICA 7,526 4,335 5,763 8,313 8,960 0.13 7.78
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,921 1,887 2,308 2,749 0.04 19.11
South Africa 1,921 1,887 2,308 2,749 0.04 19.11
OTHER AFRICA 7,526 2,414 3,876 6,005 6,211 0.09 3.43
Other countries of Africa 2,414 3,876 6,005 6,211 0.09 3.43
All countries of Africa 7,526
AMERICAS 417,060 578,756 854,275 1,187,810 1,791,509 26.49 50.82
NORTH AMERICA 408,588 569,517 842,734 1,169,368 1,767,872 26.14 51.18
Canada 61,827 85,137 133,458 155,248 238,745 3.53 53.78
Greenland 3,074 3,418 4,135 3,195 0.05 -22.73
United States of America 346,761 481,306 705,858 1,009,985 1,525,932 22.56 51.08
SOUTH AMERICA 3,553 5,096 8,722 7,729 0.11 -11.39
Brazil 3,553 5,096 8,722 7,729 0.11 -11.39
OTHER AMERICAS 8,472 5,686 6,445 9,720 15,908 0.24 63.66
Other countries of the Americas 8,472 5,686 6,445 9,720 15,908 0.24 63.66
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 130,005 166,957 215,275 377,580 569,193 8.41 50.75
NORTH-EAST ASIA 62,367 105,124 142,602 244,351 340,996 5.04 39.55
China 23,617 46,007 68,570 152,374 225,671 3.34 48.10
Japan 38,750 56,100 68,758 80,051 91,386 1.35 14.16
Korea, Republic of 3,017 5,274 11,926 23,939 0.35 100.73
AUSTRALASIA 26,935 32,506 50,703 70,398 1.04 38.84
Australia 24,458 29,511 46,732 65,048 0.96 39.19
New Zealand 2,477 2,995 3,971 5,350 0.08 34.73
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 67,638 34,898 40,167 82,526 157,799 2.33 91.21
Other countries of Asia 45,641 34,628 39,777 81,973 155,263 2.30 89.41
Other countries of Oceania 270 390 553 2,536 0.04 358.59
All countries of Oceania 21,997
EUROPE 2,233,051 2,767,644 3,324,028 3,977,936 4,375,459 64.69 9.99
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 89,489 121,637 116,368 145,538 2.15 25.07
Bulgaria 5,838 1,033 1,899 2,204 0.03 16.06
Czech Republic 17,847 27,409 32,968 36,236 0.54 9.91
Estonia 2,463 3,928 3,329 4,264 0.06 28.09
Hungary 5,872 8,931 8,967 15,275 0.23 70.35
Latvia 1,297 2,192 2,972 3,279 0.05 10.33
Lithuania 2,896 2,899 3,302 4,665 0.07 41.28
Poland 16,592 27,179 30,868 41,525 0.61 34.52
Romania 1,655 3,100 3,303 4,502 0.07 36.30
Russian Federation 30,970 38,590 20,249 21,437 0.32 5.87
Slovakia 2,794 4,385 6,103 7,616 0.11 24.79
Ukraine 1,265 1,991 2,408 4,535 0.07 88.33
NORTHERN EUROPE 833,547 1,054,435 1,389,589 1,708,863 1,744,035 25.78 2.06
Denmark 129,485 130,183 169,812 174,157 163,198 2.41 -6.29
Faeroe Islands 10,655 7,747 7,323 8,439 0.12 15.24
Finland 42,607 45,506 48,146 56,213 48,756 0.72 -13.27
Ireland 12,625 17,931 13,589 23,872 35,249 0.52 47.66
Norway 137,794 155,230 157,367 158,693 128,383 1.90 -19.10
Sweden 116,155 122,556 164,059 183,720 178,184 2.63 -3.01
United Kingdom 394,881 572,374 828,869 1,104,885 1,181,826 17.47 6.96
SOUTHERN EUROPE 185,024 240,484 262,546 312,042 382,088 5.65 22.45
Croatia 1,023 973 700 1,103 0.02 57.57
Greece 2,291 5,962 5,562 6,356 0.09 14.28
Italy 85,334 108,356 109,227 129,721 153,392 2.27 18.25
Malta 310 701 739 1,521 0.02 105.82
Portugal 3,779 6,685 6,870 9,589 0.14 39.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovenia 4,317 4,278 6,793 6,333 0.09 -6.77

Spain 99,690 120,408 134,720 161,657 203,794 3.01 26.07
WESTERN EUROPE 1,058,335 1,352,580 1,518,273 1,799,898 2,060,125 30.46 14.46
Austria 36,069 49,502 40,873 45,103 59,397 0.88 31.69
Belgium 46,547 64,551 57,174 61,428 80,947 1.20 31.78
France 257,401 335,947 363,192 412,152 467,228 6.91 13.36
Germany 489,926 615,425 737,671 901,941 1,013,598 14.99 12.38
Luxembourg 1,536 2,129 4,235 3,401 0.05 -19.69
Netherlands 139,643 165,682 176,912 199,475 243,842 3.60 22.24
Switzerland 88,749 119,937 140,322 175,564 191,712 2.83 9.20
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 29,269 30,288 34,939 36,900 0.55 5.61
Cyprus 227 164 1,141 457 0.01 -59.95
Israel 27,803 27,821 31,313 32,585 0.48 4.06
Turkey 1,239 2,303 2,485 3,858 0.06 55.25
OTHER EUROPE 156,145 1,387 1,695 5,826 6,773 0.10 16.25
Other countries of Europe 156,145 1,387 1,695 5,826 6,773 0.10 16.25
SOUTH ASIA 4,132 5,596 9,658 18,917 0.28 95.87
India 4,132 5,596 9,658 18,917 0.28 95.87
Other countries of the World 110,369

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 6,577,745 6,967,601 13,107,065 13,284,181 14,569,890 100.00 9.68

AFRICA 251,187 262,148 267,679 281,883 276,676 1.90 -1.85
EAST AFRICA 125,772 131,933 142,269 152,251 157,779 1.08 3.63
Burundi 704 577 481 439 393 0.00 -10.48
Comoros 419 1,225 1,390 1,321 1,469 0.01 11.20
Djibouti 835 907 815 968 1,148 0.01 18.60
Eritrea 639 653 746 672 678 0.00 0.89
Ethiopia 11,795 14,899 13,133 14,547 20,555 0.14 41.30
Kenya 34,037 40,484 46,158 46,139 44,783 0.31 -2.94
Madagascar 1,497 1,570 2,170 2,047 1,959 0.01 -4.30
Malawi 10,406 1,393 1,273 1,575 1,609 0.01 2.16
Mauritius 25,013 27,418 27,945 32,533 34,280 0.24 5.37
Mozambique 3,766 4,469 5,288 6,644 4,985 0.03 -24.97
Reunion 21 61 9 4 4 0.00
Rwanda 1,907 1,780 1,748 1,684 1,454 0.01 -13.66
Seychelles 2,220 2,029 2,308 2,655 3,078 0.02 15.93
Somalia 701 970 2,202 4,984 6,627 0.05 32.97
Tanzania, United Republic of 21,862 23,345 26,284 25,488 23,026 0.16 -9.66
Uganda 3,841 3,857 3,705 4,237 4,905 0.03 15.77
Zambia 3,428 3,853 3,834 3,512 3,696 0.03 5.24
Zimbabwe 2,681 2,443 2,780 2,802 3,130 0.02 11.71
CENTRAL AFRICA 8,811 4,371 4,234 3,938 3,102 0.02 -21.23
Angola 2,263 2,300 2,214 1,819 1,135 0.01 -37.60
Cameroon 1,014 999 1,005 1,108 1,153 0.01 4.06
Central African Republic 62 34 22 19 20 0.00 5.26
Chad 194 268 218 252 184 0.00 -26.98
Congo 5,093 551 516 403 409 0.00 1.49
Equatorial Guinea 7 16 18 94 46 0.00 -51.06
Gabon 170 188 196 227 144 0.00 -36.56
Sao Tome and Principe 8 15 45 16 11 0.00 -31.25
NORTH AFRICA 17,174 20,664 23,336 26,917 32,048 0.22 19.06
Algeria 1,750 2,270 2,247 2,023 2,093 0.01 3.46
Morocco 3,203 5,943 5,997 7,351 8,159 0.06 10.99
Sudan 9,626 8,778 11,896 13,704 17,093 0.12 24.73
Tunisia 2,595 3,673 3,196 3,839 4,703 0.03 22.51
SOUTHERN AFRICA 53,830 60,534 58,791 64,358 55,518 0.38 -13.74
Botswana 919 795 828 10,690 1,058 0.01 -90.10
Lesotho 365 392 565 504 563 0.00 11.71
Namibia 757 664 733 742 797 0.01 7.41
South Africa 50,161 58,023 56,246 51,922 52,636 0.36 1.38
Swaziland 1,628 660 419 500 464 0.00 -7.20
WEST AFRICA 45,565 44,077 37,972 33,846 28,229 0.19 -16.60
Benin 189 268 289 367 303 0.00 -17.44
Burkina Faso 300 275 272 209 213 0.00 1.91
Cabo Verde 30 39 61 28 32 0.00 14.29
Côte d'Ivoire 873 1,168 1,275 1,358 1,534 0.01 12.96
Gambia 297 303 322 311 335 0.00 7.72
Ghana 2,390 2,601 2,781 2,707 3,017 0.02 11.45
Guinea 317 491 379 391 448 0.00 14.58
Guinea-Bissau 68 103 73 46 33 0.00 -28.26
Liberia 245 371 283 313 462 0.00 47.60
Mali 845 723 844 899 779 0.01 -13.35
Mauritania 869 202 222 282 373 0.00 32.27
Niger 497 1,152 1,277 1,052 868 0.01 -17.49
Nigeria 36,762 34,522 28,314 24,292 17,964 0.12 -26.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saint Helena 41 50 32 21 16 0.00 -23.81

Senegal 1,202 1,134 1,049 1,110 1,268 0.01 14.23
Sierra Leone 357 438 252 259 351 0.00 35.52
Togo 283 237 247 201 233 0.00 15.92
OTHER AFRICA 35 569 1,077 573
Other countries of Africa 35 569 1,077 573
AMERICAS 1,360,373 1,410,677 1,459,258 1,567,175 1,693,402 11.62 8.05
CARIBBEAN 4,489 5,745 5,116 4,768 5,024 0.03 5.37
Anguilla 1 3 1 1
Antigua and Barbuda 54 39 30 35 92 0.00 162.86
Bahamas 281 216 177 118 155 0.00 31.36
Barbados 488 437 461 375 466 0.00 24.27
Bermuda 6 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00
British Virgin Islands 808 383 20
Cayman Islands 1 4 5 0.00 25.00
Cuba 231 356 248 316 319 0.00 0.95
Dominica 26 127 84 111 151 0.00 36.04
Dominican Republic 337 306 378 343 397 0.00 15.74
Grenada 93 116 146 119 160 0.00 34.45
Guadeloupe 2 4
Haiti 72 74 101 97 94 0.00 -3.09
Jamaica 795 952 1,009 977 936 0.01 -4.20
Martinique 31 7 2
Montserrat 81 1 2 1 0.00
Netherlands Antilles 64 46 23 13 9 0.00 -30.77
Puerto Rico 4 4 2 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 76 145 216 265 300 0.00 13.21
Saint Lucia 118 120 70 72 84 0.00 16.67
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 18 30 24 24 32 0.00 33.33
Trinidad and Tobago 1,708 1,864 1,755 1,845 1,816 0.01 -1.57
Turks and Caicos Islands 4 2 2 3 3 0.00
United States Virgin Islands 87 20
CENTRAL AMERICA 3,152 3,766 3,895 4,178 4,561 0.03 9.17
Belize 362 439 394 401 416 0.00 3.74
Costa Rica 763 817 956 1,108 1,297 0.01 17.06
El Salvador 255 320 420 380 357 0.00 -6.05
Guatemala 527 553 480 502 563 0.00 12.15
Honduras 256 295 247 277 351 0.00 26.71
Nicaragua 81 124 107 111 142 0.00 27.93
Panama 908 1,218 1,291 1,399 1,435 0.01 2.57
NORTH AMERICA 1,307,222 1,353,605 1,401,446 1,508,979 1,629,867 11.19 8.01
Canada 256,021 255,222 268,485 281,306 317,239 2.18 12.77
Mexico 11,254 13,074 13,978 14,049 15,689 0.11 11.67
United States of America 1,039,947 1,085,309 1,118,983 1,213,624 1,296,939 8.90 6.86
SOUTH AMERICA 45,021 47,061 47,651 48,286 53,454 0.37 10.70
Argentina 9,831 10,325 9,731 9,351 12,308 0.08 31.62
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 334 376 496 438 524 0.00 19.63
Brazil 18,440 18,551 19,563 20,610 21,289 0.15 3.29
Chile 4,640 4,715 4,914 4,982 5,201 0.04 4.40
Colombia 4,381 5,036 5,245 5,253 5,749 0.04 9.44
Ecuador 911 993 1,053 1,230 1,230 0.01
Guyana 359 434 404 342 380 0.00 11.11
Paraguay 266 223 280 259 353 0.00 36.29
Peru 1,932 1,945 2,119 2,246 2,560 0.02 13.98
Suriname 539 551 541 492 446 0.00 -9.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Uruguay 1,249 1,563 1,481 1,482 1,818 0.01 22.67

Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,139 2,349 1,824 1,601 1,596 0.01 -0.31
OTHER AMERICAS 489 500 1,150 964 496 0.00 -48.55
Other countries of the Americas 489 500 1,150 964 496 0.00 -48.55
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,321,643 1,441,034 1,518,657 1,568,035 1,711,251 11.75 9.13
NORTH-EAST ASIA 535,622 547,305 546,792 555,770 616,476 4.23 10.92
China 168,952 174,712 181,020 206,322 251,313 1.72 21.81
Hong Kong (China) 1,743 166 86 105 141 0.00 34.29
Japan 220,015 220,283 219,516 207,415 208,847 1.43 0.69
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 181 332 292 349 224 0.00 -35.82
Korea, Republic of 109,469 112,619 106,870 102,993 111,076 0.76 7.85
Macao (China) 205 269 121 26 26 0.00
Mongolia 3,418 3,433 3,030 2,211 2,522 0.02 14.07
Taiwan Province of China 31,639 35,491 35,857 36,349 42,327 0.29 16.45
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 540,914 630,054 685,805 700,298 745,868 5.12 6.51
Brunei Darussalam 665 706 560 619 560 0.00 -9.53
Cambodia 2,028 2,238 4,518 3,892 2,593 0.02 -33.38
Indonesia 29,559 33,747 32,215 34,933 35,084 0.24 0.43
Lao People's Democratic Republic 973 1,101 1,390 1,221 1,523 0.01 24.73
Malaysia 195,853 242,649 262,026 272,941 301,961 2.07 10.63
Myanmar 30,588 34,916 54,631 55,341 51,376 0.35 -7.16
Philippines 33,323 42,224 43,240 47,912 52,692 0.36 9.98
Singapore 131,452 143,025 150,731 152,238 163,688 1.12 7.52
Thailand 105,141 117,136 121,362 115,860 119,663 0.82 3.28
Viet Nam 11,332 12,312 15,132 15,341 16,728 0.11 9.04
AUSTRALASIA 241,022 259,768 282,446 308,272 344,542 2.36 11.77
Australia 202,105 218,967 239,762 263,101 293,625 2.02 11.60
New Zealand 38,917 40,801 42,684 45,171 50,917 0.35 12.72
MELANESIA 3,105 3,141 3,090 3,447 4,051 0.03 17.52
Fiji 2,793 2,865 2,784 3,058 3,731 0.03 22.01
New Caledonia 5 8 3 1 0.00
Norfolk Island 3 2 2 1 2 0.00 100.00
Papua New Guinea 265 245 274 352 296 0.00 -15.91
Vanuatu 39 21 27 36 21 0.00 -41.67
MICRONESIA 311 349 258 89 132 0.00 48.31
Christmas Island, Australia 1 1 0.00
Guam 1 3
Kiribati 74 90 76 52 90 0.00 73.08
Nauru 236 256 182 36 41 0.00 13.89
POLYNESIA 669 417 266 159 182 0.00 14.47
American Samoa 278 244 100 25 16 0.00 -36.00
French Polynesia 15 10 2
Niue 1 2
Samoa 43
Tonga 283 92 77 60 45 0.00 -25.00
Tuvalu 50 70 85 74 121 0.00 63.51
EUROPE 2,236,970 2,335,353 2,361,922 2,292,091 2,519,103 17.29 9.90
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 311,380 401,430 421,701 329,919 401,957 2.76 21.84
Armenia 595 693 782 907 971 0.01 7.06
Azerbaijan 1,263 1,308 1,290 1,294 1,190 0.01 -8.04
Belarus 6,239 8,239 9,920 8,358 9,082 0.06 8.66
Bulgaria 3,621 3,501 3,883 4,801 6,271 0.04 30.62
Czech Republic 11,129 10,121 9,878 11,441 12,932 0.09 13.03
Estonia 3,005 3,469 2,992 3,109 3,048 0.02 -1.96
Georgia 1,029 1,107 939 1,511 1,438 0.01 -4.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hungary 6,507 6,614 6,867 7,036 7,961 0.05 13.15

Kazakhstan 11,653 14,680 16,736 14,506 12,979 0.09 -10.53
Kyrgyzstan 1,348 2,103 2,479 2,729 3,429 0.02 25.65
Latvia 3,029 2,853 2,741 3,444 3,255 0.02 -5.49
Lithuania 3,408 3,492 3,041 3,426 4,043 0.03 18.01
Moldova, Republic of 541 625 584 599 746 0.01 24.54
Poland 25,030 23,785 25,205 26,499 25,706 0.18 -2.99
Romania 6,338 7,024 7,910 8,048 9,936 0.07 23.46
Russian Federation 177,526 259,120 269,832 172,419 227,749 1.56 32.09
Slovakia 3,850 4,087 4,056 4,340 5,092 0.03 17.33
Tajikistan 1,564 1,685 2,414 2,464 3,469 0.02 40.79
Turkmenistan 2,364 3,029 5,547 9,805 14,302 0.10 45.86
Ukraine 29,033 31,826 29,281 23,098 26,753 0.18 15.82
Uzbekistan 9,808 12,069 12,869 18,038 21,605 0.15 19.77
Other countries Central/East Europe 2,500 2,455 2,047
NORTHERN EUROPE 946,520 963,039 982,033 1,008,125 1,088,775 7.47 8.00
Denmark 33,084 30,842 26,775 24,073 24,717 0.17 2.68
Faeroe Islands 5 5 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Finland 22,416 21,212 18,765 18,129 18,371 0.13 1.33
Iceland 1,673 1,382 1,013 1,013 1,018 0.01 0.49
Ireland 24,546 27,174 28,978 32,973 36,440 0.25 10.51
Norway 23,569 21,462 19,690 19,757 20,148 0.14 1.98
Sweden 51,058 48,826 44,948 42,626 43,689 0.30 2.49
United Kingdom 788,170 809,444 838,860 867,601 941,883 6.46 8.56
Other countries of Northern Europe 1,999 2,692 2,997 1,950 2,508 0.02 28.62
SOUTHERN EUROPE 205,663 198,699 207,531 211,819 240,946 1.65 13.75
Albania 234 323 316 368 503 0.00 36.68
Andorra 134 195 217 158 186 0.00 17.72
Bosnia and Herzegovina 293 477 494 589 713 0.00 21.05
Croatia 3,158 3,150 3,113 3,188 3,314 0.02 3.95
Gibraltar 1 2 6 2 2 0.00
Greece 7,493 7,983 8,300 8,087 9,048 0.06 11.88
Italy 98,743 93,951 91,589 88,091 95,417 0.65 8.32
Malta 614 728 757 946 937 0.01 -0.95
Portugal 24,670 29,612 36,156 44,616 54,439 0.37 22.02
San Marino 130 88 51 39 36 0.00 -7.69
Slovenia 2,794 85 60 40 9 0.00 -77.50
Spain 67,044 62,079 66,463 65,694 76,342 0.52 16.21
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 355 26 9 1
WESTERN EUROPE 701,386 694,796 673,218 663,253 697,028 4.78 5.09
Austria 38,585 36,465 34,360 33,670 33,089 0.23 -1.73
Belgium 42,604 38,091 37,441 36,684 37,960 0.26 3.48
France 240,674 248,379 246,101 230,854 238,707 1.64 3.40
Germany 254,783 252,003 239,106 248,314 265,928 1.83 7.09
Liechtenstein 136 117 118 141 145 0.00 2.84
Luxembourg 1,334 1,266 2,496 1,180 1,171 0.01 -0.76
Monaco 82 107 76 78 65 0.00 -16.67
Netherlands 74,800 69,547 67,747 66,181 71,840 0.49 8.55
Switzerland 48,388 48,821 45,773 46,151 48,123 0.33 4.27
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 71,520 74,832 74,674 77,025 90,397 0.62 17.36
Cyprus 885 1,073 1,068 1,221 1,621 0.01 32.76
Israel 47,649 48,737 49,312 50,134 59,231 0.41 18.15
Turkey 22,986 25,022 24,294 25,670 29,545 0.20 15.10
OTHER EUROPE 501 2,557 2,765 1,950
Other countries of Europe 501 2,557 2,765 1,950

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 231,062 284,558 357,384 361,215 382,944 2.63 6.02

Bahrain 10,045 10,531 13,136 14,013 17,382 0.12 24.04
Egypt 10,571 15,062 16,715 19,168 20,864 0.14 8.85
Iraq 38,826 41,218 48,321 42,660 48,227 0.33 13.05
Jordan 7,356 7,788 7,971 6,123 6,599 0.05 7.77
Kuwait 5,256 8,461 10,743 11,758 12,566 0.09 6.87
Lebanon 4,842 5,788 6,441 6,504 7,072 0.05 8.73
Libya 1,620 1,462 1,280 779 635 0.00 -18.49
Oman 49,759 62,252 88,512 103,740 105,705 0.73 1.89
Qatar 4,132 4,966 6,291 6,313 7,486 0.05 18.58
Saudi Arabia 32,127 42,892 55,487 63,835 61,605 0.42 -3.49
State of Palestine 1,224 1,378 1,550 1,637 1,988 0.01 21.44
Syrian Arab Republic 3,971 5,013 5,733 6,510 6,267 0.04 -3.73
United Arab Emirates 41,664 51,513 59,332 55,818 67,165 0.46 20.33
Yemen 18,654 25,019 34,207 20,901 19,383 0.13 -7.26
Other countries of Middle East 1,015 1,215 1,665 1,456
SOUTH ASIA 1,171,499 1,215,035 1,694,857 1,946,207 2,194,555 15.06 12.76
Afghanistan 95,231 111,370 115,569 114,406 123,330 0.85 7.80
Bangladesh 487,397 524,923 942,562 1,133,879 1,380,409 9.47 21.74
Bhutan 15,266 15,016 16,001 19,084 20,940 0.14 9.73
Iran, Islamic Republic of 40,973 30,527 31,222 30,774 39,184 0.27 27.33
Maldives 50,428 45,270 65,052 68,907 67,457 0.46 -2.10
Nepal 125,375 113,790 126,416 154,720 161,097 1.11 4.12
Pakistan 59,846 111,794 96,434 124,924 104,720 0.72 -16.17
Sri Lanka 296,983 262,345 301,601 299,513 297,418 2.04 -0.70
NOT SPECIFIED 5,011 18,796 5,447,308 5,267,575 5,791,959 39.75 9.95
Other countries of the World 5,011 18,796 19,342 10,527 26,480 0.18 151.54
Nationals Residing Abroad 5,427,966 5,257,048 5,765,479 39.57 9.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 8,044,462 8,802,129 9,435,411 10,406,759 11,519,275 100.00 10.69

AFRICA 37,306 42,607 45,276 56,802 75,189 0.65 32.37
SOUTHERN AFRICA 17,433 16,928 17,375 23,052 29,229 0.25 26.80
South Africa 17,433 16,928 17,375 23,052 29,229 0.25 26.80
OTHER AFRICA 19,873 25,679 27,901 33,750 45,960 0.40 36.18
Other countries of Africa 19,873 25,679 27,901 33,750 45,960 0.40 36.18
AMERICAS 312,526 343,573 361,220 411,648 475,982 4.13 15.63
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,800 1,533 1,835 3,089 2,536 0.02 -17.90
All countries of Central America 1,800 1,533 1,835 3,089 2,536 0.02 -17.90
NORTH AMERICA 275,844 301,760 314,829 351,843 403,586 3.50 14.71
Canada 58,245 65,385 68,432 75,816 86,804 0.75 14.49
United States of America 217,599 236,375 246,397 276,027 316,782 2.75 14.76
SOUTH AMERICA 28,155 32,752 36,547 44,547 55,263 0.48 24.06
All countries of South America 28,155 32,752 36,547 44,547 55,263 0.48 24.06
OTHER AMERICAS 6,727 7,528 8,009 12,169 14,597 0.13 19.95
Other countries of the Americas 6,727 7,528 8,009 12,169 14,597 0.13 19.95
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,159,068 6,689,446 7,178,260 7,882,327 8,413,136 73.04 6.73
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,818,053 2,049,097 2,224,772 2,519,899 2,843,170 24.68 12.83
China 726,088 858,140 1,052,705 1,260,700 1,556,771 13.51 23.48
Hong Kong (China) 81,782 95,258 94,560 94,109 101,369 0.88 7.71
Japan 463,486 497,399 505,175 549,705 545,392 4.73 -0.78
Korea, Republic of 328,989 351,154 352,004 387,473 386,789 3.36 -0.18
Taiwan Province of China 217,708 247,146 220,328 227,912 252,849 2.20 10.94
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,246,001 3,490,162 3,635,610 3,860,652 3,825,876 33.21 -0.90
Brunei Darussalam 16,423 16,932 19,078 18,304 23,693 0.21 29.44
Cambodia 5,058 31,001 5,438 5,969 5,747 0.05 -3.72
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,000 6,251 2,221 2,208 2,627 0.02 18.98
Malaysia 1,269,089 1,380,686 1,418,256 1,458,593 1,541,197 13.38 5.66
Myanmar 29,718 2,361 33,559 40,635 44,721 0.39 10.06
Philippines 236,866 247,573 248,182 273,630 298,910 2.59 9.24
Singapore 1,324,706 1,432,060 1,559,044 1,624,058 1,515,701 13.16 -6.67
Thailand 114,867 125,059 114,272 120,879 124,569 1.08 3.05
Viet Nam 33,598 43,249 48,018 50,165 60,984 0.53 21.57
Other countries of South-East Asia 213,676 204,990 187,542 266,211 207,727 1.80 -21.97
AUSTRALASIA 1,012,323 1,051,763 1,224,956 1,186,981 1,407,683 12.22 18.59
Australia 952,717 983,911 1,145,576 1,099,058 1,302,292 11.31 18.49
New Zealand 59,606 67,852 79,380 87,923 105,391 0.91 19.87
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 82,691 98,424 92,922 314,795 336,407 2.92 6.87
Other countries of Asia 77,529 93,490 87,911 124,381 172,169 1.49 38.42
Other countries of Oceania 5,162 4,934 5,011 190,414 164,238 1.43 -13.75
EUROPE 1,174,079 1,285,097 1,337,552 1,462,434 1,767,145 15.34 20.84
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 175,827 188,456 191,044 186,421 253,836 2.20 36.16
USSR (former) 99,448 99,872 94,345 72,707 88,520 0.77 21.75
Other countries Central/East Europe 76,379 88,584 96,699 113,714 165,316 1.44 45.38
NORTHERN EUROPE 299,144 322,213 332,064 396,624 474,840 4.12 19.72
Denmark 21,168 22,890 22,577 28,020 36,380 0.32 29.84
Finland 15,035 15,074 15,332 19,029 21,031 0.18 10.52
Norway 17,118 18,174 17,253 18,842 19,478 0.17 3.38
Sweden 26,097 29,281 32,308 37,988 45,934 0.40 20.92
United Kingdom 219,726 236,794 244,594 292,745 352,017 3.06 20.25
SOUTHERN EUROPE 97,048 114,282 127,316 145,524 177,550 1.54 22.01
Italy 46,651 56,705 62,265 69,427 79,424 0.69 14.40
Portugal 15,406 18,194 17,675 22,206 29,286 0.25 31.88
Spain 34,991 39,383 47,376 53,891 68,840 0.60 27.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 580,353 636,754 661,261 705,445 825,595 7.17 17.03

Austria 19,120 21,645 20,599 22,791 24,375 0.21 6.95
Belgium 28,243 34,414 33,601 38,842 43,607 0.38 12.27
France 184,273 201,917 208,537 212,575 256,229 2.22 20.54
Germany 158,212 173,470 184,463 203,611 243,873 2.12 19.77
Netherlands 152,749 161,402 168,494 175,317 200,811 1.74 14.54
Switzerland 37,756 43,906 45,567 52,309 56,700 0.49 8.39
OTHER EUROPE 21,707 23,392 25,867 28,420 35,324 0.31 24.29
Other countries of Europe 21,707 23,392 25,867 28,420 35,324 0.31 24.29
MIDDLE EAST 144,386 187,439 216,313 238,306 292,398 2.54 22.70
Bahrain 981 1,176 1,608 1,687 2,243 0.02 32.96
Egypt 6,115 8,091 10,695 13,102 19,948 0.17 52.25
Kuwait 4,738 7,919 9,281 8,320 6,368 0.06 -23.46
Qatar 1,265 1,332 1,648 1,608 1,856 0.02 15.42
Saudi Arabia 92,667 121,890 151,454 164,778 197,681 1.72 19.97
United Arab Emirates 6,154 9,891 12,054 10,325 9,016 0.08 -12.68
Yemen 5,025 6,851 7,863 8,838 9,478 0.08 7.24
Other countries of Middle East 27,441 30,289 21,710 29,648 45,808 0.40 54.51
SOUTH ASIA 217,097 253,967 296,790 355,242 495,425 4.30 39.46
Bangladesh 5,998 8,132 13,891 16,162 39,026 0.34 141.47
India 196,983 231,266 267,082 319,608 422,045 3.66 32.05
Pakistan 5,330 6,281 7,057 7,976 10,098 0.09 26.60
Sri Lanka 8,786 8,288 8,760 11,496 24,256 0.21 111.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 8,044,462 8,802,129 9,435,411

AFRICA 41,583 51,298 56,019
SOUTHERN AFRICA 17,228 21,757 25,052
South Africa 17,228 21,757 25,052
OTHER AFRICA 24,355 29,541 30,967
Other countries of Africa 24,355 29,541 30,967
AMERICAS 312,209 333,150 358,763
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,951 2,781 2,887
All countries of Central America 2,951 2,781 2,887
NORTH AMERICA 269,352 290,932 312,815
Canada 56,501 56,798 61,396
United States of America 212,851 234,134 251,419
SOUTH AMERICA 27,165 30,168 32,975
All countries of South America 27,165 30,168 32,975
OTHER AMERICAS 12,741 9,269 10,086
Other countries of the Americas 12,741 9,269 10,086
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,236,626 6,756,802 7,227,152
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,756,179 2,000,703 2,147,568
China 686,779 807,429 868,539
Hong Kong (China) 90,560 112,785 118,278
Japan 450,687 491,574 525,499
Korea, Republic of 311,618 343,627 370,197
Taiwan Province of China 216,535 245,288 265,055
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,375,291 3,581,420 3,759,022
Brunei Darussalam 27,734 23,309 23,667
Malaysia 1,335,531 1,430,989 1,485,716
Philippines 229,806 246,497 253,248
Singapore 1,565,478 1,634,149 1,739,895
Thailand 149,760 141,349 147,771
Viet Nam 40,084 39,770 41,475
Other countries of South-East Asia 26,898 65,357 67,250
AUSTRALASIA 1,017,452 1,064,468 1,202,803
Australia 961,595 997,984 1,127,582
New Zealand 55,857 66,484 75,221
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 87,704 110,211 117,759
Other countries of Asia 80,490 102,917 110,054
Other countries of Oceania 7,214 7,294 7,705
EUROPE 1,108,521 1,243,005 1,357,673
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 165,786 174,581 191,223
Russian Federation 95,731 96,543 108,668
Other countries Central/East Europe 70,055 78,038 82,555
NORTHERN EUROPE 289,594 311,247 340,793
Denmark 22,814 20,096 22,506
Finland 14,828 15,949 17,398
Norway 17,562 18,903 21,117
Sweden 22,303 27,620 30,509
United Kingdom 212,087 228,679 249,263
SOUTHERN EUROPE 94,562 128,267 139,409
Italy 48,382 63,043 68,028
Portugal 16,785 24,853 27,598
Spain 29,395 40,371 43,783
WESTERN EUROPE 541,484 608,697 664,185
Austria 17,226 20,497 22,481
Belgium 24,129 28,329 30,323
France 170,046 190,853 210,137

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 148,146 168,110 184,848

Netherlands 146,591 158,181 169,330
Switzerland 35,346 42,727 47,066
OTHER EUROPE 17,095 20,213 22,063
Other countries of Europe 17,095 20,213 22,063
MIDDLE EAST 148,788 188,676 193,533
Bahrain 1,910 1,766 1,811
Egypt 5,160 6,194 6,534
Kuwait 5,959 8,122 8,514
Saudi Arabia 95,213 123,702 126,341
Other countries of Middle East 40,546 48,892 50,333
SOUTH ASIA 196,735 229,198 242,271
Bangladesh 12,050 10,567 11,014
India 168,187 201,009 212,907
Pakistan 6,028 6,213 6,388
Sri Lanka 10,470 11,409 11,962

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 6,350,697 6,924,167 7,473,490

AFRICA 33,288 37,903 41,634
South Africa 19,064
OTHER AFRICA 33,288 37,903 22,570
Other countries of Africa 22,570
All countries of Africa 33,288 37,903
AMERICAS 238,521 253,170 274,784
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,258 2,175 2,275
All countries of Central America 2,258 2,175 2,275
NORTH AMERICA 203,774 219,343 237,758
Canada 43,424 43,592 47,596
United States of America 160,350 175,751 190,162
SOUTH AMERICA 23,047 24,735 27,222
All countries of South America 23,047 24,735 27,222
OTHER AMERICAS 9,442 6,917 7,529
Other countries of the Americas 9,442 6,917 7,529
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,899,415 5,309,223 5,721,946
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,407,692 1,586,828 1,725,316
China 565,707 653,200 711,040
Hong Kong (China) 74,318 94,547 100,243
Japan 316,617 342,497 374,080
Korea, Republic of 262,952 288,790 313,309
Taiwan Province of China 188,098 207,794 226,644
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,609,396 2,775,291 2,921,576
Brunei Darussalam 20,761 18,119 18,417
Malaysia 1,094,949 1,172,606 1,222,428
Philippines 144,836 155,023 159,624
Singapore 1,179,670 1,234,510 1,318,894
Thailand 124,632 121,796 127,718
Viet Nam 29,217
Other countries of South-East Asia 44,548 73,237 45,278
AUSTRALASIA 814,709 864,504 985,422
Australia 773,598 815,143 929,006
New Zealand 41,111 49,361 56,416
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 67,618 82,600 89,632
Other countries of Asia 62,687 77,450 84,210
Other countries of Oceania 4,931 5,150 5,422
EUROPE 917,623 1,012,408 1,109,635
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 136,386 147,200 161,944
USSR (former) 78,362 84,205 95,066
Other countries Central/East Europe 58,024 62,995 66,878
NORTHERN EUROPE 239,932 242,752 267,314
Denmark 19,673 16,796 18,879
Finland 12,551 13,582 14,843
Norway 14,440 14,903 16,742
Sweden 19,489 24,242 26,907
United Kingdom 173,779 173,229 189,943
SOUTHERN EUROPE 77,372 106,859 116,398
Italy 38,857 52,562 56,781
Portugal 13,789 20,894 23,312
Spain 24,726 33,403 36,305
WESTERN EUROPE 450,877 499,468 546,234
Austria 14,699 17,164 18,828
Belgium 19,969 24,525 26,437

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 143,067 156,368 172,435

Germany 124,138 137,790 152,299
Netherlands 119,160 127,518 136,320
Switzerland 29,844 36,103 39,915
OTHER EUROPE 13,056 16,129 17,745
Other countries of Europe 13,056 16,129 17,745
MIDDLE EAST 131,488 161,826 165,815
Bahrain 1,548 1,133 1,175
Egypt 3,701 4,658 4,959
Kuwait 4,461 6,327 6,638
Saudi Arabia 89,466 111,326 113,230
Other countries of Middle East 32,312 38,382 39,813
SOUTH ASIA 130,362 149,637 159,676
Bangladesh 9,471 7,629 7,995
India 109,464 130,186 139,344
Pakistan 4,245 3,828 3,945
Sri Lanka 7,182 7,994 8,392

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,833,577 4,768,836 4,967,703 5,236,909 4,942,014 100.00 -5.63

AFRICA 11,938 17,000 19,174 22,189 14,137 0.29 -36.29
EAST AFRICA 2,991 4,482 5,376 7,085 4,396 0.09 -37.95
Ethiopia 1,117 1,390 2,064 2,696 1,301 0.03 -51.74
Kenya 426 625 871 987 797 0.02 -19.25
Somalia 156 448 305 749 307 0.01 -59.01
Tanzania, United Republic of 867 1,668 1,698 1,993 1,654 0.03 -17.01
Uganda 249 233 300 459 224 0.00 -51.20
Zimbabwe 176 118 138 201 113 0.00 -43.78
NORTH AFRICA 4,281 5,323 6,058 5,760 3,371 0.07 -41.48
Algeria 662 735 836 1,000 1,173 0.02 17.30
Morocco 1,249 2,259 2,587 2,480 829 0.02 -66.57
Sudan 1,358 1,248 1,265 1,284 328 0.01 -74.45
Tunisia 1,012 1,081 1,370 996 1,041 0.02 4.52
WEST AFRICA 2,065 2,641 2,777 3,357 1,854 0.04 -44.77
Gambia 27 15 42 60 56 0.00 -6.67
Ghana 367 545 496 596 576 0.01 -3.36
Guinea 40 34 3 1 1 0.00
Mali 124 92 134 146 102 0.00 -30.14
Mauritania 89 84 96 112 42 0.00 -62.50
Nigeria 1,298 1,729 1,865 2,198 886 0.02 -59.69
Senegal 120 142 141 244 191 0.00 -21.72
OTHER AFRICA 2,601 4,554 4,963 5,987 4,516 0.09 -24.57
Other countries of Africa 2,601 4,554 4,963 5,987 4,516 0.09 -24.57
AMERICAS 5,913 6,866 9,083 11,111 12,599 0.25 13.39
CARIBBEAN 133 112 143 168 105 0.00 -37.50
Bahamas 3 1 2 1 0.00
Cuba 83 73 92 123 68 0.00 -44.72
Dominican Republic 47 38 49 45 36 0.00 -20.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 32 46 88 53 42 0.00 -20.75
Guatemala 10 17 24 22 8 0.00 -63.64
Panama 22 29 64 31 34 0.00 9.68
NORTH AMERICA 2,529 3,415 5,547 6,990 8,397 0.17 20.13
Canada 2,150 1,392 1,831 2,023 2,591 0.05 28.08
Mexico 176 280 440 408 498 0.01 22.06
United States of America 203 1,743 3,276 4,559 5,308 0.11 16.43
SOUTH AMERICA 1,979 1,994 2,357 2,791 2,943 0.06 5.45
Argentina 344 305 356 369 421 0.01 14.09
Brazil 727 809 1,043 1,169 1,274 0.03 8.98
Chile 98 79 111 156 181 0.00 16.03
Colombia 162 167 188 226 262 0.01 15.93
Ecuador 186 143 201 116 119 0.00 2.59
Peru 56 54 64 87 90 0.00 3.45
Uruguay 27 30 45 56 60 0.00 7.14
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 379 407 349 612 536 0.01 -12.42
OTHER AMERICAS 1,240 1,299 948 1,109 1,112 0.02 0.27
Other countries of the Americas 1,240 1,299 948 1,109 1,112 0.02 0.27
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 92,218 124,699 146,922 193,656 140,894 2.85 -27.25
NORTH-EAST ASIA 40,817 51,440 66,824 79,397 97,998 1.98 23.43
China 26,160 34,795 46,697 58,049 66,509 1.35 14.57
Japan 5,143 5,809 7,649 8,393 10,395 0.21 23.85
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 328 470 605 570 325 0.01 -42.98
Korea, Republic of 8,117 8,867 9,573 10,309 17,795 0.36 72.62
Mongolia 67 82 63 65 108 0.00 66.15
Taiwan Province of China 1,002 1,417 2,237 2,011 2,866 0.06 42.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH-EAST ASIA 46,609 67,217 71,155 101,225 32,299 0.65 -68.09

Indonesia 3,738 3,660 3,551 4,099 4,443 0.09 8.39
Malaysia 3,779 3,628 2,675 2,800 4,548 0.09 62.43
Philippines 36,420 56,550 61,119 88,830 14,867 0.30 -83.26
Singapore 612 698 1,068 1,162 1,735 0.04 49.31
Thailand 1,647 2,243 2,320 3,050 5,785 0.12 89.67
Viet Nam 413 438 422 1,284 921 0.02 -28.27
AUSTRALASIA 4,222 5,238 7,559 8,053 9,811 0.20 21.83
Australia 4,218 5,144 6,637 6,999 8,481 0.17 21.17
New Zealand 4 94 922 1,054 1,330 0.03 26.19
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 570 804 1,384 4,981 786 0.02 -84.22
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 570 804 1,384 4,981 786 0.02 -84.22
EUROPE 1,327,724 1,779,638 1,918,229 1,963,868 1,909,866 38.65 -2.75
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 871,163 1,303,687 1,377,643 1,341,537 1,270,764 25.71 -5.28
Armenia 7,089 7,280 6,753 7,617 8,861 0.18 16.33
Azerbaijan 677,457 1,077,713 1,097,686 1,025,737 1,054,162 21.33 2.77
Bulgaria 1,020 1,019 1,355 1,233 1,515 0.03 22.87
Czech Republic 724 931 1,289 1,492 2,295 0.05 53.82
Georgia 3,359 7,103 10,101 15,536 23,135 0.47 48.91
Hungary 818 681 1,016 1,293 1,120 0.02 -13.38
Kazakhstan 1,904 2,261 2,539 2,495 3,507 0.07 40.56
Kyrgyzstan 821 1,010 1,180 1,375 849 0.02 -38.25
Lithuania 171 280 519 699 635 0.01 -9.16
Poland 7,718 1,864 3,325 4,096 5,477 0.11 33.72
Romania 1,088 1,111 1,621 1,645 1,693 0.03 2.92
Russian Federation 14,146 19,159 20,075 21,461 23,782 0.48 10.81
Tajikistan 4,953 5,849 6,764 7,130 6,669 0.13 -6.47
Turkmenistan 141,533 169,618 215,674 239,553 127,531 2.58 -46.76
Ukraine 5,393 5,210 5,321 7,395 7,915 0.16 7.03
Uzbekistan 2,969 2,598 2,425 2,780 1,618 0.03 -41.80
NORTHERN EUROPE 16,897 18,958 24,993 31,324 36,942 0.75 17.94
Denmark 2,184 2,538 3,720 4,066 5,828 0.12 43.33
Finland 679 776 1,168 1,638 2,025 0.04 23.63
Iceland 49 40 142 68 112 0.00 64.71
Ireland 689 738 1,146 1,193 1,652 0.03 38.47
Norway 1,836 2,610 2,694 3,399 3,769 0.08 10.89
Sweden 7,618 6,807 8,850 11,537 10,046 0.20 -12.92
United Kingdom 3,842 5,449 7,273 9,423 13,510 0.27 43.37
SOUTHERN EUROPE 15,012 20,732 37,414 34,737 45,718 0.93 31.61
Albania 101 98 107 164 172 0.00 4.88
Bosnia and Herzegovina 233 369 332 299 341 0.01 14.05
Greece 1,163 1,572 1,796 1,903 2,563 0.05 34.68
Italy 9,576 13,019 25,103 22,538 29,966 0.61 32.96
Montenegro 24 29 36 35 48 0.00 37.14
Portugal 623 713 1,586 1,645 1,826 0.04 11.00
Serbia 431 482 494 667 924 0.02 38.53
Slovenia 588 842 1,250 743 948 0.02 27.59
Spain 2,273 3,608 6,710 6,743 8,930 0.18 32.43
WESTERN EUROPE 31,117 42,818 67,597 92,994 126,219 2.55 35.73
Austria 2,692 3,319 6,235 7,735 9,355 0.19 20.94
Belgium 1,284 1,613 3,572 4,545 6,140 0.12 35.09
France 5,863 7,271 13,065 17,931 34,922 0.71 94.76
Germany 17,981 21,242 32,067 47,057 53,596 1.08 13.90
Luxembourg 42 48 109 154 237 0.00 53.90
Netherlands 1,268 6,953 8,433 10,672 15,156 0.31 42.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Switzerland 1,987 2,372 4,116 4,900 6,813 0.14 39.04

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 392,757 391,400 407,516 459,646 425,388 8.61 -7.45
Cyprus 142 117 159 443 382 0.01 -13.77
Turkey 392,615 391,283 407,357 459,203 425,006 8.60 -7.45
OTHER EUROPE 778 2,043 3,066 3,630 4,835 0.10 33.20
Other countries of Europe 778 2,043 3,066 3,630 4,835 0.10 33.20
MIDDLE EAST 1,332,984 1,976,623 1,983,152 2,072,712 1,703,166 34.46 -17.83
Bahrain 44,249 60,569 86,565 101,258 91,235 1.85 -9.90
Egypt 3,199 3,687 4,112 4,711 2,918 0.06 -38.06
Iraq 1,055,447 1,603,920 1,543,585 1,559,561 1,405,687 28.44 -9.87
Jordan 1,091 1,252 1,287 1,534 1,412 0.03 -7.95
Kuwait 68,454 81,646 89,742 88,182 71,515 1.45 -18.90
Lebanon 18,586 36,353 40,420 41,390 48,489 0.98 17.15
Libya 478 148 121 103 94 0.00 -8.74
Oman 12,120 16,671 24,207 36,702 42,360 0.86 15.42
Qatar 2,921 2,522 3,734 7,040 2,796 0.06 -60.28
Saudi Arabia 111,049 155,196 172,091 196,109 18,026 0.36 -90.81
State of Palestine 419 432 293 324 354 0.01 9.26
Syrian Arab Republic 8,886 7,457 8,364 10,745 12,785 0.26 18.99
United Arab Emirates 5,506 6,152 7,705 24,067 4,822 0.10 -79.96
Yemen 579 618 926 986 673 0.01 -31.74
SOUTH ASIA 537,825 621,224 707,502 837,261 994,343 20.12 18.76
Afghanistan 308,183 392,559 423,771 498,080 667,727 13.51 34.06
Bangladesh 1,891 2,651 2,723 2,758 2,664 0.05 -3.41
India 54,263 70,705 75,818 92,554 78,589 1.59 -15.09
Maldives 28 43 26 18 21 0.00 16.67
Nepal 829 1,156 1,718 4,642 1,119 0.02 -75.89
Pakistan 170,754 151,470 200,155 239,209 242,285 4.90 1.29
Sri Lanka 1,877 2,640 3,291 1,938 0.04
NOT SPECIFIED 524,975 242,786 183,641 136,112 167,009 3.38 22.70
Other countries of the World 378,137 76,344 62 77 124 0.00 61.04
Nationals Residing Abroad 146,838 166,442 183,579 136,035 166,885 3.38 22.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,549,000 8,261,000 8,813,000 9,530,000 10,102,000 100.00 6.00

AFRICA 40,000 38,000 42,000 40,000 47,000 0.47 17.50
OTHER AFRICA 40,000 38,000 42,000 40,000 47,000 0.47 17.50
All countries of Africa 40,000 38,000 42,000 40,000 47,000 0.47 17.50
AMERICAS 988,000 1,092,000 1,208,000 1,357,000 1,539,000 15.23 13.41
NORTH AMERICA 940,000 1,039,000 1,145,000 1,294,000 1,477,000 14.62 14.14
Canada 107,000 115,000 140,000 165,000 183,000 1.81 10.91
United States of America 833,000 924,000 1,005,000 1,129,000 1,294,000 12.81 14.61
OTHER AMERICAS 48,000 53,000 63,000 63,000 62,000 0.61 -1.59
Other countries of the Americas 48,000 53,000 63,000 63,000 62,000 0.61 -1.59
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 289,000 341,000 358,000 414,000 423,000 4.19 2.17
AUSTRALASIA 158,000 192,000 191,000 205,000 206,000 2.04 0.49
Australia, New Zealand 158,000 192,000 191,000 205,000 206,000 2.04 0.49
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 131,000 149,000 167,000 209,000 217,000 2.15 3.83
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 131,000 149,000 167,000 209,000 217,000 2.15 3.83
EUROPE 6,232,000 6,790,000 7,205,000 7,719,000 8,093,000 80.11 4.85
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 159,000 152,000 140,000 161,000 176,000 1.74 9.32
Poland 159,000 152,000 140,000 161,000 176,000 1.74 9.32
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,098,000 4,567,000 4,830,000 4,968,000 5,112,000 50.60 2.90
Denmark 42,000 51,000 55,000 66,000 63,000 0.62 -4.55
Sweden 70,000 72,000 60,000 64,000 59,000 0.58 -7.81
United Kingdom (*) 3,986,000 4,444,000 4,715,000 4,838,000 4,990,000 49.40 3.14
SOUTHERN EUROPE 479,000 475,000 520,000 626,000 696,000 6.89 11.18
Italy 240,000 226,000 246,000 304,000 326,000 3.23 7.24
Spain 239,000 249,000 274,000 322,000 370,000 3.66 14.91
WESTERN EUROPE 1,164,000 1,242,000 1,346,000 1,533,000 1,632,000 16.16 6.46
Austria 46,000 51,000 57,000 53,000 58,000 0.57 9.43
Belgium 82,000 95,000 99,000 121,000 127,000 1.26 4.96
France 384,000 409,000 420,000 471,000 494,000 4.89 4.88
Germany 437,000 466,000 535,000 609,000 624,000 6.18 2.46
Netherlands 137,000 148,000 151,000 174,000 222,000 2.20 27.59
Switzerland 78,000 73,000 84,000 105,000 107,000 1.06 1.90
OTHER EUROPE 332,000 354,000 369,000 431,000 477,000 4.72 10.67
Other countries of Europe 332,000 354,000 369,000 431,000 477,000 4.72 10.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 52,075,000 55,934,000 60,654,000 66,493,000 71,260,000 100.00 7.17

AMERICAS 8,775,000 9,563,000 9,971,000 11,781,000 13,181,000 18.50 11.88
NORTH AMERICA 8,775,000 9,563,000 9,971,000 11,781,000 13,181,000 18.50 11.88
All countries of North America 8,775,000 9,563,000 9,971,000 11,781,000 13,181,000 18.50 11.88
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,835,000 2,284,000 2,431,000 2,614,000 2,649,000 3.72 1.34
AUSTRALASIA 1,835,000 2,284,000 2,431,000 2,614,000 2,649,000 3.72 1.34
Australia 1,835,000 2,284,000 2,431,000 2,614,000 2,649,000 3.72 1.34
EUROPE 38,409,000 40,573,000 44,005,000 47,071,000 49,991,000 70.15 6.20
NORTHERN EUROPE 17,102,000 18,689,000 19,953,000 20,331,000 21,048,000 29.54 3.53
United Kingdom (*) 17,102,000 18,689,000 19,953,000 20,331,000 21,048,000 29.54 3.53
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,353,000 2,091,000 2,441,000 2,746,000 2,703,000 3.79 -1.57
Italy 2,353,000 2,091,000 2,441,000 2,746,000 2,703,000 3.79 -1.57
WESTERN EUROPE 7,553,000 8,357,000 9,213,000 10,228,000 10,411,000 14.61 1.79
France 3,615,000 3,879,000 4,013,000 4,323,000 4,959,000 6.96 14.71
Germany 3,938,000 4,478,000 5,200,000 5,905,000 5,452,000 7.65 -7.67
OTHER EUROPE 11,401,000 11,436,000 12,398,000 13,766,000 15,829,000 22.21 14.99
Other countries of Europe 11,401,000 11,436,000 12,398,000 13,766,000 15,829,000 22.21 14.99
NOT SPECIFIED 3,056,000 3,514,000 4,247,000 5,027,000 5,439,000 7.63 8.20
Other countries of the World 3,056,000 3,514,000 4,247,000 5,027,000 5,439,000 7.63 8.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,885,828 2,961,701 2,926,676 2,799,346 2,900,020 100.00 3.60

AFRICA 71,106 68,597 63,138 61,902 55,571 1.92 -10.23
EAST AFRICA 8,924 9,732 11,365 13,690 14,916 0.51 8.96
Burundi 76 93 68 96 78 0.00 -18.75
Comoros 1 2 1
Eritrea 369 358 364 622 584 0.02 -6.11
Ethiopia 2,780 2,909 3,072 4,724 4,819 0.17 2.01
Kenya 2,297 2,489 3,544 3,440 4,082 0.14 18.66
Madagascar 79 75 116 130 113 0.00 -13.08
Malawi 106 108 130 194 249 0.01 28.35
Mauritius 376 483 678 539 647 0.02 20.04
Mozambique 170 80 106 89 351 0.01 294.38
Rwanda 187 314 408 498 473 0.02 -5.02
Seychelles 29 47 30 61 121 0.00 98.36
Somalia 1 4 5
Tanzania, United Republic of 683 653 680 787 807 0.03 2.54
Uganda 882 935 1,123 1,288 1,355 0.05 5.20
Zambia 174 205 277 347 284 0.01 -18.16
Zimbabwe 714 977 768 870 953 0.03 9.54
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,223 2,579 3,084 2,566 2,124 0.07 -17.23
Angola 734 1,015 1,315 627 449 0.02 -28.39
Cameroon 491 413 530 747 509 0.02 -31.86
Central African Republic 99 56 49 49 72 0.00 46.94
Chad 32 37 32 57 41 0.00 -28.07
Congo 170 198 238 228 187 0.01 -17.98
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 446 594 692 555 659 0.02 18.74
Equatorial Guinea 32 67 29 69 30 0.00 -56.52
Gabon 219 199 199 234 177 0.01 -24.36
NORTH AFRICA 3,235 3,411 4,270 4,405 4,124 0.14 -6.38
Algeria 18 4 10 4
Morocco 2,289 2,492 3,128 3,192 2,890 0.10 -9.46
Sudan 14 8 24 8 48 0.00 500.00
Tunisia 914 907 1,108 1,201 1,186 0.04 -1.25
SOUTHERN AFRICA 24,341 23,758 20,306 20,217 21,099 0.73 4.36
Lesotho 32 34 39 30 65 0.00 116.67
Namibia 233 181 184 232 142 0.00 -38.79
South Africa 23,975 23,501 19,981 19,873 20,779 0.72 4.56
Swaziland 101 42 102 82 113 0.00 37.80
WEST AFRICA 32,265 28,856 23,793 20,693 12,965 0.45 -37.35
Benin 183 155 191 149 180 0.01 20.81
Burkina Faso 206 197 244 338 289 0.01 -14.50
Cabo Verde 35 11 28 10 0.00 -64.29
Côte d'Ivoire 611 1,230 1,089 1,469 1,583 0.05 7.76
Gambia 59 13 82 76 80 0.00 5.26
Ghana 1,186 1,633 1,022 1,394 1,530 0.05 9.76
Guinea 52 137 38 132 20 0.00 -84.85
Guinea-Bissau 8 34 2 2
Liberia 40 42 39 47 85 0.00 80.85
Mali 41 53 31 29 33 0.00 13.79
Mauritania 1 1 3 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Niger 44 37 18 56 20 0.00 -64.29
Nigeria 29,437 24,557 20,465 16,314 8,381 0.29 -48.63
Senegal 126 547 365 441 477 0.02 8.16
Sierra Leone 44 54 26 34 37 0.00 8.82
Togo 192 155 178 172 229 0.01 33.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER AFRICA 118 261 320 331 343 0.01 3.63

Other countries of Africa 118 261 320 331 343 0.01 3.63
AMERICAS 790,983 803,480 793,792 808,929 832,177 28.70 2.87
CARIBBEAN 2,095 2,520 1,884 2,259 2,827 0.10 25.14
Antigua and Barbuda 23 18 14 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Bahamas 60 92 102 67 117 0.00 74.63
Barbados 108 110 64 32 48 0.00 50.00
Bermuda 6 8 25 10
Cayman Islands 34 7 35 11 11 0.00
Cuba 159 225 192 199 277 0.01 39.20
Dominica 17 23 22 24 27 0.00 12.50
Dominican Republic 659 993 601 1,231 1,406 0.05 14.22
Grenada 11 23 25 3 10 0.00 233.33
Haiti 154 128 153 118 142 0.00 20.34
Jamaica 291 206 180 216 249 0.01 15.28
Puerto Rico 3 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 19 33 37 88 0.00
Saint Lucia 17 16 11 10 34 0.00 240.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10 21 7 11 12 0.00 9.09
Trinidad and Tobago 526 613 412 308 395 0.01 28.25
Turks and Caicos Islands 1 4 1 6
CENTRAL AMERICA 8,047 7,691 7,727 8,429 9,793 0.34 16.18
Belize 38 39 37 0.00
Costa Rica 2,503 2,126 2,051 2,114 2,607 0.09 23.32
El Salvador 879 858 733 1,010 1,041 0.04 3.07
Guatemala 1,369 1,301 1,215 1,590 2,114 0.07 32.96
Honduras 699 793 721 860 1,170 0.04 36.05
Nicaragua 292 301 343 391 331 0.01 -15.35
Panama 2,267 2,273 2,664 2,464 2,493 0.09 1.18
NORTH AMERICA 670,101 683,874 685,848 706,294 733,567 25.30 3.86
Canada 64,964 65,308 62,553 63,530 64,537 2.23 1.59
Mexico 21,532 21,371 20,686 22,430 20,720 0.71 -7.62
United States of America 583,605 597,195 602,609 620,334 648,310 22.36 4.51
SOUTH AMERICA 110,740 109,395 98,333 91,947 85,990 2.97 -6.48
Argentina 23,249 24,461 22,532 24,322 25,374 0.87 4.33
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 804 784 667 465 769 0.03 65.38
Brazil 56,637 53,987 50,070 42,304 34,118 1.18 -19.35
Chile 5,470 5,955 5,644 5,562 5,429 0.19 -2.39
Colombia 10,984 10,555 8,566 7,957 8,529 0.29 7.19
Ecuador 3,084 2,756 2,223 2,594 2,522 0.09 -2.78
Guyana 32 32 37 51 43 0.00 -15.69
Paraguay 459 697 669 559 928 0.03 66.01
Peru 3,622 3,868 3,289 3,779 3,939 0.14 4.23
Suriname 49 86 69 93 46 0.00 -50.54
Uruguay 2,465 2,644 2,692 2,842 2,997 0.10 5.45
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,885 3,569 1,875 1,319 1,296 0.04 -1.74
Other countries of South America 1 100
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 171,826 182,065 176,382 177,057 227,257 7.84 28.35
NORTH-EAST ASIA 73,429 76,859 78,530 89,407 130,886 4.51 46.39
China 19,276 24,942 32,201 46,889 79,152 2.73 68.81
Hong Kong (China) 4,223 4,796 5,262 4,309 5,307 0.18 23.16
Japan 16,011 13,516 13,042 9,985 11,891 0.41 19.09
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 24
Korea, Republic of 28,606 28,067 21,649 22,334 27,790 0.96 24.43
Macao (China) 140 100 187 97 130 0.00 34.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mongolia 178 179 145 189 265 0.01 40.21

Taiwan Province of China 4,971 5,259 6,044 5,604 6,351 0.22 13.33
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 63,874 67,929 62,500 54,090 62,355 2.15 15.28
Brunei Darussalam 2 4 3 12 33 0.00 175.00
Cambodia 113 211 76 245 397 0.01 62.04
Indonesia 27,752 29,463 26,601 22,010 22,751 0.78 3.37
Lao People's Democratic Republic 319 394 409 274 309 0.01 12.77
Malaysia 6,502 9,168 8,633 5,508 7,444 0.26 35.15
Myanmar 595 647 668 883 979 0.03 10.87
Philippines 12,187 11,255 10,149 11,134 14,195 0.49 27.49
Singapore 10,246 10,620 10,367 9,738 11,250 0.39 15.53
Thailand 4,273 3,819 3,079 2,270 2,400 0.08 5.73
Timor-Leste 47 32 50 77 64 0.00 -16.88
Viet Nam 1,838 2,316 2,465 1,939 2,533 0.09 30.63
AUSTRALASIA 33,677 36,179 33,920 32,189 32,948 1.14 2.36
Australia 30,082 32,486 30,253 28,703 29,438 1.02 2.56
New Zealand 3,595 3,693 3,667 3,486 3,510 0.12 0.69
MELANESIA 787 991 1,365 1,304 1,009 0.03 -22.62
Fiji 439 540 1,070 918 829 0.03 -9.69
Papua New Guinea 311 428 285 359 164 0.01 -54.32
Solomon Islands 16 15 3 7
Vanuatu 21 8 7 20 16 0.00 -20.00
MICRONESIA 7 27 20 12
Kiribati 3 11 6
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 7 15 5
Palau 9 5 1
POLYNESIA 22 38 17 52 32 0.00 -38.46
American Samoa 5 2 9 37
Samoa 17 15 8 13 0.00
Tonga 21 15 19 0.00 26.67
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30 42 30 3 27 0.00 800.00
Other countries of Asia 6 17 11 1 0.00
Other countries of Oceania 24 25 19 3 26 0.00 766.67
EUROPE 1,761,124 1,826,015 1,820,533 1,670,569 1,698,355 58.56 1.66
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 686,727 715,909 744,763 626,327 632,482 21.81 0.98
Armenia 1,867 1,871 2,244 2,465 2,135 0.07 -13.39
Azerbaijan 3,139 3,007 2,848 2,997 2,903 0.10 -3.14
Belarus 14,229 15,112 16,130 15,906 22,397 0.77 40.81
Bulgaria 7,135 6,741 8,506 8,726 8,356 0.29 -4.24
Czech Republic 13,807 14,976 16,782 14,220 15,877 0.55 11.65
Estonia 3,254 2,467 3,442 2,833 2,875 0.10 1.48
Georgia 4,349 4,080 8,821 10,063 14,229 0.49 41.40
Hungary 9,316 14,570 16,377 16,423 16,539 0.57 0.71
Kazakhstan 10,914 9,362 8,088 7,725 5,740 0.20 -25.70
Kyrgyzstan 698 702 560 641 535 0.02 -16.54
Latvia 5,573 5,368 5,612 5,774 8,133 0.28 40.86
Lithuania 5,580 6,467 10,069 10,595 12,876 0.44 21.53
Moldova, Republic of 3,968 3,580 3,739 7,599 8,711 0.30 14.63
Poland 58,860 67,280 61,995 57,811 51,569 1.78 -10.80
Romania 39,631 34,597 43,068 43,150 48,839 1.68 13.18
Russian Federation 380,737 404,989 411,413 293,951 266,005 9.17 -9.51
Slovakia 10,119 8,437 10,405 8,682 8,707 0.30 0.29
Tajikistan 367 630 525 258 165 0.01 -36.05
Turkmenistan 232 245 234 243 174 0.01 -28.40
Ukraine 109,156 108,019 110,673 112,691 131,907 4.55 17.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

USSR (former) 3 2 2 2
Uzbekistan 3,793 3,407 3,230 3,572 3,810 0.13 6.66
NORTHERN EUROPE 246,755 260,471 251,348 253,343 257,521 8.88 1.65
Denmark 18,604 19,190 22,600 19,575 18,385 0.63 -6.08
Finland 17,476 18,716 15,660 12,743 13,915 0.48 9.20
Iceland 315 299 347 424 520 0.02 22.64
Ireland 7,564 8,074 8,057 8,117 10,289 0.35 26.76
Norway 15,485 16,380 15,006 13,956 11,768 0.41 -15.68
Sweden 22,211 24,495 25,064 23,935 21,298 0.73 -11.02
United Kingdom 165,100 173,317 164,614 174,593 181,346 6.25 3.87
SOUTHERN EUROPE 220,733 217,294 196,086 164,091 167,569 5.78 2.12
Albania 497 746 732 797 895 0.03 12.30
Andorra 57 74 118 68 54 0.00 -20.59
Bosnia and Herzegovina 396 406 556 377 390 0.01 3.45
Croatia 5,317 4,648 4,795 3,446 4,350 0.15 26.23
Greece 20,419 17,991 16,339 15,748 17,736 0.61 12.62
Holy See 263 306 322 316 351 0.01 11.08
Italy 126,245 127,739 111,199 84,413 82,200 2.83 -2.62
Malta 1,960 1,343 945 695 835 0.03 20.14
Montenegro 469 330 330 332 339 0.01 2.11
Portugal 8,352 8,789 7,588 8,262 8,616 0.30 4.28
San Marino 99 90 41 39 58 0.00 48.72
Serbia 3,725 4,000 4,999 4,697 4,615 0.16 -1.75
Slovenia 2,228 2,180 2,141 1,992 1,794 0.06 -9.94
Spain 50,106 47,885 45,291 42,176 44,526 1.54 5.57
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 598 767 688 733 810 0.03 10.50
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2 2
WESTERN EUROPE 581,388 602,927 599,950 595,597 601,135 20.73 0.93
Austria 27,936 26,912 27,921 22,944 24,037 0.83 4.76
Belgium 31,310 32,509 32,323 32,606 33,114 1.14 1.56
France 263,629 292,305 288,898 293,663 287,450 9.91 -2.12
Germany 158,463 159,797 162,275 159,759 164,076 5.66 2.70
Liechtenstein 105 124 142 130 173 0.01 33.08
Luxembourg 777 761 632 683 736 0.03 7.76
Monaco 49 57 64 28 36 0.00 28.57
Netherlands 61,981 52,037 50,215 47,653 50,197 1.73 5.34
Switzerland 37,138 38,425 37,480 38,131 41,316 1.42 8.35
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 25,415 29,289 28,224 31,033 39,473 1.36 27.20
Cyprus 9,165 6,812 5,871 5,332 5,520 0.19 3.53
Turkey 16,250 22,477 22,353 25,701 33,953 1.17 32.11
OTHER EUROPE 106 125 162 178 175 0.01 -1.69
Other countries of Europe 106 125 162 178 175 0.01 -1.69
MIDDLE EAST 27,693 22,517 23,114 28,002 28,152 0.97 0.54
Bahrain 4 4
Egypt 3,797 4,062 5,246 6,103 8,741 0.30 43.22
Iraq 167 139 122 151 170 0.01 12.58
Jordan 23,369 17,936 17,401 21,432 18,924 0.65 -11.70
Kuwait 4 5 5 3 23 0.00 666.67
Lebanon 252 239 228 180 205 0.01 13.89
Libya 1 2
Oman 3 4 4 7
Qatar 2 5 4 8
Saudi Arabia 1 1 5
Syrian Arab Republic 61 73 72 74 61 0.00 -17.57
United Arab Emirates 3

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Yemen 37 44 27 39 28 0.00 -28.21

SOUTH ASIA 46,795 43,397 38,949 43,726 49,403 1.70 12.98
Afghanistan 2 3 3
Bangladesh 16 41 7 13 31 0.00 138.46
Bhutan 30 60 36 43 60 0.00 39.53
India 42,992 39,025 34,642 39,317 44,564 1.54 13.35
Iran, Islamic Republic of 304 310 276 205 331 0.01 61.46
Maldives 103 92 90 144 115 0.00 -20.14
Nepal 433 612 1,152 1,092 1,234 0.04 13.00
Pakistan 6 11 7 10 26 0.00 160.00
Sri Lanka 2,909 3,246 2,736 2,899 3,042 0.10 4.93
NOT SPECIFIED 16,301 15,630 10,768 9,161 9,105 0.31 -0.61
Other countries of the World 16,301 15,630 10,768 9,161 9,105 0.31 -0.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,520,347 3,539,666 3,250,814 3,108,600 3,069,819 100.00 -1.25

AFRICA 74,859 70,914 65,001 63,874 57,141 1.86 -10.54
EAST AFRICA 11,469 11,242 12,423 14,394 15,492 0.50 7.63
Burundi 76 93 70 96 78 0.00 -18.75
Comoros 1 2 1
Eritrea 369 359 364 625 585 0.02 -6.40
Ethiopia 5,201 4,217 3,986 5,266 5,191 0.17 -1.42
Kenya 2,308 2,517 3,563 3,456 4,084 0.13 18.17
Madagascar 83 78 118 133 114 0.00 -14.29
Malawi 107 109 131 194 251 0.01 29.38
Mauritius 461 639 792 667 823 0.03 23.39
Mozambique 170 82 106 90 358 0.01 297.78
Rwanda 187 316 408 498 473 0.02 -5.02
Seychelles 32 47 32 65 121 0.00 86.15
Somalia 1 4 5
Tanzania, United Republic of 684 653 681 789 820 0.03 3.93
Uganda 883 939 1,123 1,291 1,355 0.04 4.96
Zambia 176 205 277 349 284 0.01 -18.62
Zimbabwe 730 982 771 870 955 0.03 9.77
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,331 2,628 3,146 2,629 2,145 0.07 -18.41
Angola 796 1,017 1,318 628 450 0.01 -28.34
Cameroon 501 416 535 747 509 0.02 -31.86
Central African Republic 103 72 58 60 86 0.00 43.33
Chad 40 39 32 57 41 0.00 -28.07
Congo 174 200 240 229 188 0.01 -17.90
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 456 613 721 604 664 0.02 9.93
Equatorial Guinea 34 67 29 69 30 0.00 -56.52
Gabon 227 204 213 235 177 0.01 -24.68
NORTH AFRICA 3,295 3,476 4,454 4,438 4,149 0.14 -6.51
Algeria 18 4 12 4
Morocco 2,332 2,551 3,300 3,209 2,907 0.09 -9.41
Sudan 20 8 25 8 48 0.00 500.00
Tunisia 925 913 1,117 1,217 1,194 0.04 -1.89
SOUTHERN AFRICA 25,091 24,405 20,779 21,315 21,973 0.72 3.09
Lesotho 32 34 39 44 69 0.00 56.82
Namibia 241 156 185 232 145 0.00 -37.50
South Africa 24,713 24,170 20,452 20,956 21,646 0.71 3.29
Swaziland 105 45 103 83 113 0.00 36.14
WEST AFRICA 32,546 28,932 23,710 20,786 13,039 0.42 -37.27
Benin 226 155 151 180 0.01 19.21
Burkina Faso 208 197 245 339 289 0.01 -14.75
Cabo Verde 36 11 8 31 12 0.00 -61.29
Côte d'Ivoire 640 1,255 1,109 1,472 1,596 0.05 8.42
Gambia 59 15 82 102 80 0.00 -21.57
Ghana 1,227 1,661 1,027 1,406 1,556 0.05 10.67
Guinea 52 138 39 132 20 0.00 -84.85
Liberia 40 42 39 48 85 0.00 77.08
Mali 41 53 31 29 33 0.00 13.79
Mauritania 1 1 3 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Niger 44 37 18 56 20 0.00 -64.29
Nigeria 29,602 24,608 20,534 16,358 8,412 0.27 -48.58
Senegal 132 549 366 443 479 0.02 8.13
Sierra Leone 46 55 27 35 37 0.00 5.71
Togo 192 155 182 172 229 0.01 33.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER AFRICA 127 231 489 312 343 0.01 9.94

Other countries of Africa 127 231 489 312 343 0.01 9.94
AMERICAS 844,992 843,208 823,062 834,650 866,614 28.23 3.83
CARIBBEAN 2,414 2,693 1,963 2,418 2,910 0.09 20.35
Antigua and Barbuda 27 18 14 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Bahamas 67 122 116 72 124 0.00 72.22
Barbados 141 120 65 35 54 0.00 54.29
Bermuda 10 8 32 10
Cayman Islands 34 7 35 11 12 0.00 9.09
Cuba 164 230 195 202 279 0.01 38.12
Dominica 18 26 23 27 30 0.00 11.11
Dominican Republic 743 1,058 626 1,360 1,418 0.05 4.26
Grenada 11 24 26 6 11 0.00 83.33
Haiti 214 134 159 121 146 0.00 20.66
Jamaica 311 212 189 217 260 0.01 19.82
Puerto Rico 1 3 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 19 34 37 90 0.00
Saint Lucia 18 20 16 10 57 0.00 470.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10 21 7 11 12 0.00 9.09
Trinidad and Tobago 626 654 419 317 406 0.01 28.08
Turks and Caicos Islands 1 4 1 6
CENTRAL AMERICA 8,764 8,109 8,101 8,764 10,098 0.33 15.22
Belize 38 39 38 0.00
Costa Rica 2,902 2,424 2,260 2,339 2,787 0.09 19.15
El Salvador 926 885 751 1,031 1,053 0.03 2.13
Guatemala 1,431 1,334 1,266 1,634 2,146 0.07 31.33
Honduras 727 807 768 873 1,189 0.04 36.20
Nicaragua 302 306 350 393 337 0.01 -14.25
Panama 2,438 2,314 2,706 2,494 2,548 0.08 2.17
NORTH AMERICA 714,214 716,410 710,002 727,363 763,795 24.88 5.01
Canada 72,105 70,714 66,180 66,687 69,892 2.28 4.81
Mexico 24,176 22,929 21,722 23,400 21,778 0.71 -6.93
United States of America 617,933 622,767 622,100 637,276 672,125 21.89 5.47
SOUTH AMERICA 119,595 115,995 102,995 96,046 89,801 2.93 -6.50
Argentina 24,728 25,713 23,349 25,224 26,395 0.86 4.64
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 847 818 732 488 801 0.03 64.14
Brazil 59,403 56,434 51,886 43,927 35,484 1.16 -19.22
Chile 6,032 6,594 6,084 5,772 5,758 0.19 -0.24
Colombia 13,232 11,705 9,340 8,488 8,813 0.29 3.83
Ecuador 3,822 3,296 2,444 2,943 2,781 0.09 -5.50
Guyana 33 36 39 55 44 0.00 -20.00
Paraguay 491 704 677 572 937 0.03 63.81
Peru 3,876 4,088 3,421 3,916 4,079 0.13 4.16
Suriname 54 87 69 94 46 0.00 -51.06
Uruguay 2,718 2,876 3,015 3,198 3,341 0.11 4.47
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,359 3,644 1,939 1,369 1,322 0.04 -3.43
OTHER AMERICAS 5 1 1 59 10 0.00 -83.05
Other countries of the Americas 5 1 1 59 10 0.00 -83.05
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 184,839 194,634 183,460 182,363 233,858 7.62 28.24
NORTH-EAST ASIA 79,344 81,572 81,151 90,773 133,755 4.36 47.35
China 19,633 25,410 32,820 47,247 79,980 2.61 69.28
Hong Kong (China) 4,830 5,160 5,641 4,451 5,788 0.19 30.04
Japan 16,481 14,167 13,344 10,152 12,186 0.40 20.04
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 29
Korea, Republic of 32,724 30,935 22,688 22,630 28,287 0.92 25.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Macao (China) 156 110 196 100 135 0.00 35.00

Mongolia 185 195 151 193 282 0.01 46.11
Taiwan Province of China 5,306 5,595 6,311 6,000 7,097 0.23 18.28
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 66,126 68,974 63,798 54,427 63,094 2.06 15.92
Brunei Darussalam 2 4 3 12 37 0.00 208.33
Cambodia 114 211 76 245 397 0.01 62.04
Indonesia 27,869 29,568 26,682 22,024 22,797 0.74 3.51
Lao People's Democratic Republic 319 394 409 274 311 0.01 13.50
Malaysia 6,881 9,275 8,656 5,536 7,502 0.24 35.51
Myanmar 599 648 668 883 980 0.03 10.99
Philippines 13,560 11,877 11,154 11,314 14,642 0.48 29.41
Singapore 10,476 10,765 10,473 9,820 11,376 0.37 15.85
Thailand 4,398 3,870 3,134 2,301 2,453 0.08 6.61
Timor-Leste 47 32 50 77 64 0.00 -16.88
Viet Nam 1,861 2,330 2,493 1,941 2,535 0.08 30.60
AUSTRALASIA 38,492 42,876 37,075 35,777 35,934 1.17 0.44
Australia 34,071 38,292 33,073 31,911 32,016 1.04 0.33
New Zealand 4,421 4,584 4,002 3,866 3,918 0.13 1.35
MELANESIA 818 1,002 1,388 1,320 1,014 0.03 -23.18
Fiji 441 551 1,092 934 834 0.03 -10.71
Papua New Guinea 340 428 285 359 164 0.01 -54.32
Solomon Islands 16 15 3 7
Vanuatu 21 8 8 20 16 0.00 -20.00
MICRONESIA 7 27 20 14
Kiribati 3 11 6
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 7 15 7
Palau 9 5 1
POLYNESIA 46 42 17 52 32 0.00 -38.46
American Samoa 5 6 9 37
Samoa 17 15 13 0.00
Tonga 24 21 8 15 19 0.00 26.67
Other countries of Asia 6 116 6
Other countries of Oceania 25 5 29 0.00
EUROPE 2,323,587 2,348,386 2,105,782 1,945,811 1,824,518 59.43 -6.23
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 997,758 989,707 946,796 811,545 702,168 22.87 -13.48
Armenia 2,587 2,425 2,872 3,417 2,272 0.07 -33.51
Azerbaijan 3,335 3,253 3,102 3,694 3,328 0.11 -9.91
Belarus 20,342 21,540 22,242 24,377 25,570 0.83 4.89
Bulgaria 8,080 7,759 9,344 9,664 9,312 0.30 -3.64
Czech Republic 17,324 16,915 17,794 15,341 17,337 0.56 13.01
Estonia 3,755 2,905 3,614 3,157 3,018 0.10 -4.40
Georgia 4,443 4,165 9,325 11,126 16,043 0.52 44.19
Hungary 11,852 16,337 17,199 17,391 17,335 0.56 -0.32
Kazakhstan 19,394 17,904 13,601 17,978 7,984 0.26 -55.59
Kyrgyzstan 954 1,030 857 1,045 648 0.02 -37.99
Latvia 6,411 6,185 6,154 6,565 8,608 0.28 31.12
Lithuania 7,579 8,147 11,186 12,140 13,723 0.45 13.04
Moldova, Republic of 4,136 3,757 3,901 8,148 9,255 0.30 13.59
Poland 101,912 89,164 77,158 66,246 54,298 1.77 -18.04
Romania 42,898 36,659 44,693 45,079 50,895 1.66 12.90
Russian Federation 587,743 603,125 555,868 414,599 284,636 9.27 -31.35
Slovakia 11,523 9,035 10,647 9,015 9,122 0.30 1.19
Tajikistan 514 727 643 467 213 0.01 -54.39
Turkmenistan 321 320 330 451 217 0.01 -51.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 138,313 134,470 132,412 138,009 164,531 5.36 19.22

USSR (former) 3 2 2 2
Uzbekistan 4,339 3,883 3,852 3,634 3,823 0.12 5.20
NORTHERN EUROPE 296,384 311,775 269,530 278,804 275,425 8.97 -1.21
Denmark 20,978 21,497 23,196 19,945 18,921 0.62 -5.13
Finland 18,320 19,463 16,129 12,993 14,139 0.46 8.82
Iceland 361 362 381 444 586 0.02 31.98
Ireland 8,972 9,200 8,635 8,884 10,826 0.35 21.86
Norway 17,676 18,327 15,362 14,245 12,054 0.39 -15.38
Sweden 23,665 25,789 25,718 24,435 21,751 0.71 -10.98
United Kingdom 206,412 217,137 180,109 197,858 197,148 6.42 -0.36
SOUTHERN EUROPE 277,204 272,237 209,159 174,427 176,914 5.76 1.43
Albania 551 821 758 874 939 0.03 7.44
Andorra 62 75 118 69 54 0.00 -21.74
Bosnia and Herzegovina 485 446 589 483 395 0.01 -18.22
Croatia 6,587 4,993 5,196 3,576 4,567 0.15 27.71
Greece 22,050 19,334 16,816 16,370 18,467 0.60 12.81
Holy See 271 310 335 319 357 0.01 11.91
Italy 170,033 173,150 120,113 91,172 87,984 2.87 -3.50
Malta 2,354 1,542 989 722 870 0.03 20.50
Montenegro 557 385 346 359 349 0.01 -2.79
Portugal 9,522 9,618 7,926 8,696 9,180 0.30 5.57
San Marino 123 101 42 42 59 0.00 40.48
Serbia 4,773 4,908 5,466 5,236 4,750 0.15 -9.28
Slovenia 3,142 3,146 2,472 2,208 1,918 0.06 -13.13
Spain 56,040 52,609 47,259 43,533 46,183 1.50 6.09
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 652 799 732 768 842 0.03 9.64
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2 2
WESTERN EUROPE 723,552 740,521 650,002 648,217 628,556 20.48 -3.03
Austria 34,764 33,525 30,797 25,747 26,119 0.85 1.44
Belgium 36,337 36,203 33,873 33,810 34,002 1.11 0.57
France 300,573 315,457 298,598 300,090 293,022 9.55 -2.36
Germany 239,758 254,021 194,141 197,716 180,081 5.87 -8.92
Liechtenstein 124 137 150 135 181 0.01 34.07
Luxembourg 1,025 1,135 737 767 802 0.03 4.56
Monaco 66 78 72 33 36 0.00 9.09
Netherlands 67,850 57,096 51,781 49,321 51,370 1.67 4.15
Switzerland 43,055 42,869 39,853 40,598 42,943 1.40 5.78
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 28,583 34,020 30,129 32,599 41,280 1.34 26.63
Cyprus 11,422 9,635 6,990 5,878 6,368 0.21 8.34
Turkey 17,161 24,385 23,139 26,721 34,912 1.14 30.65
OTHER EUROPE 106 126 166 219 175 0.01 -20.09
Other countries of Europe 106 126 166 219 175 0.01 -20.09
MIDDLE EAST 28,292 23,040 23,513 28,503 28,755 0.94 0.88
Bahrain 4 4
Egypt 3,928 4,151 5,303 6,188 8,844 0.29 42.92
Iraq 168 142 122 153 173 0.01 13.07
Jordan 23,834 18,367 17,742 21,846 19,421 0.63 -11.10
Kuwait 4 5 7 3 23 0.00 666.67
Lebanon 253 239 228 180 205 0.01 13.89
Libya 1 2
Oman 3 4 4 7
Qatar 2 5 4 8
Saudi Arabia 1 5
Syrian Arab Republic 62 73 72 74 61 0.00 -17.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

United Arab Emirates 3

Yemen 37 44 27 39 28 0.00 -28.21
SOUTH ASIA 47,196 43,611 39,236 43,950 49,620 1.62 12.90
Afghanistan 2 3
Bangladesh 16 41 7 13 31 0.00 138.46
Bhutan 30 60 36 43 60 0.00 39.53
India 43,360 39,232 34,893 39,518 44,755 1.46 13.25
Iran, Islamic Republic of 304 311 276 205 335 0.01 63.41
Maldives 103 92 90 144 115 0.00 -20.14
Nepal 437 614 1,174 1,101 1,239 0.04 12.53
Pakistan 6 11 7 10 26 0.00 160.00
Sri Lanka 2,938 3,250 2,753 2,913 3,059 0.10 5.01
NOT SPECIFIED 16,582 15,873 10,760 9,449 9,313 0.30 -1.44
Other countries of the World 16,582 15,873 10,760 9,449 9,313 0.30 -1.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,170,500 3,135,400 3,019,600 2,692,800 2,816,500 100.00 4.59

AMERICAS 1,099,100 1,102,200 1,127,900 1,078,500 1,113,000 39.52 3.20
NORTH AMERICA 954,700 945,900 966,500 933,300 985,000 34.97 5.54
All countries of North America 954,700 945,900 966,500 933,300 985,000 34.97 5.54
SOUTH AMERICA 144,400 156,300 161,400 145,200 128,000 4.54 -11.85
All countries of South America (*) 144,400 156,300 161,400 145,200 128,000 4.54 -11.85
EUROPE 1,425,800 1,385,800 1,264,700 977,400 996,400 35.38 1.94
OTHER EUROPE 1,425,800 1,385,800 1,264,700 977,400 996,400 35.38 1.94
All countries of Europe 1,425,800 1,385,800 1,264,700 977,400 996,400 35.38 1.94
NOT SPECIFIED 645,600 647,400 627,000 636,900 707,100 25.11 11.02
Other countries of the World 645,600 647,400 627,000 636,900 707,100 25.11 11.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,750,400 9,745,500 9,190,400 8,223,400 8,548,000 100.00 3.95

AMERICAS 3,179,100 3,193,400 3,245,400 3,155,800 3,250,700 38.03 3.01
NORTH AMERICA 2,785,700 2,744,200 2,791,700 2,740,100 2,880,100 33.69 5.11
All countries of North America 2,785,700 2,744,200 2,791,700 2,740,100 2,880,100 33.69 5.11
SOUTH AMERICA 393,400 449,200 453,700 415,700 370,600 4.34 -10.85
All countries of South America (*) 393,400 449,200 453,700 415,700 370,600 4.34 -10.85
EUROPE 4,848,700 4,819,400 4,370,600 3,453,000 3,528,100 41.27 2.17
OTHER EUROPE 4,848,700 4,819,400 4,370,600 3,453,000 3,528,100 41.27 2.17
All countries of Europe 4,848,700 4,819,400 4,370,600 3,453,000 3,528,100 41.27 2.17
NOT SPECIFIED 1,722,600 1,732,700 1,574,400 1,614,600 1,769,200 20.70 9.58
Other countries of the World 1,722,600 1,732,700 1,574,400 1,614,600 1,769,200 20.70 9.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 46,359,908 47,703,911 48,575,941 50,731,763 52,372,322 100.00 3.23

AFRICA 225,208 185,020 206,114 228,780 233,691 0.45 2.15
EAST AFRICA 29,643 13,325 16,664 21,771 15,008 0.03 -31.06
All countries of East Africa 29,643 13,325 16,664 21,771 15,008 0.03 -31.06
CENTRAL AFRICA 10,561 8,839 16,525 18,487 11,877 0.02 -35.75
Sao Tome and Principe 682
Other countries of Central Africa 15,843
All countries of Central Africa 10,561 8,839 18,487 11,877 0.02 -35.75
NORTH AFRICA 84,161 60,997 84,013 95,742 107,168 0.20 11.93
Algeria 10,548 17,671 11,825 12,543 17,977 0.03 43.32
Morocco 40,884 15,913 41,587 31,640 34,476 0.07 8.96
Tunisia 30,398 24,851 27,423 47,408 53,563 0.10 12.98
Other countries of North Africa 2,331 2,562 3,178 4,151 1,152 0.00 -72.25
SOUTHERN AFRICA 54,903 61,706 48,845 48,941 58,014 0.11 18.54
South Africa 53,574 57,543 48,071 48,410 54,351 0.10 12.27
Other countries of Southern Africa 1,329 4,163 774 531 3,663 0.01 589.83
WEST AFRICA 45,940 40,153 40,067 43,839 41,624 0.08 -5.05
All countries of West Africa 45,940 40,153 40,067 43,839 41,624 0.08 -5.05
AMERICAS 3,910,295 4,476,932 4,831,085 5,203,023 4,925,572 9.40 -5.33
CARIBBEAN 24,454 15,290 24,290 33,162 24,821 0.05 -25.15
All countries of the Caribbean 24,454 15,290 24,290 33,162 24,821 0.05 -25.15
CENTRAL AMERICA 31,114 34,612 35,324 45,312 42,082 0.08 -7.13
Costa Rica 14,851 17,184 15,010 17,071 14,288 0.03 -16.30
Panama 3,238 4,809 4,759 5,402 9,032 0.02 67.20
Other countries of Central America 13,025 12,619 15,555 22,839 18,762 0.04 -17.85
NORTH AMERICA 3,204,846 3,585,912 3,808,581 4,096,717 3,798,000 7.25 -7.29
Canada 513,885 573,655 718,631 781,105 734,237 1.40 -6.00
Mexico 100,218 128,249 129,203 156,227 136,199 0.26 -12.82
United States of America 2,590,359 2,884,008 2,960,747 3,159,385 2,927,564 5.59 -7.34
Other countries of North America 384
SOUTH AMERICA 649,881 841,118 962,890 1,027,832 1,060,669 2.03 3.19
Argentina 159,624 217,174 263,427 308,302 310,239 0.59 0.63
Brazil 310,575 394,696 440,753 461,416 494,283 0.94 7.12
Chile 50,736 61,860 81,172 70,098 66,430 0.13 -5.23
Colombia 28,728 45,007 69,550 62,451 54,241 0.10 -13.15
Peru 19,159 26,152 26,857 24,092 43,730 0.08 81.51
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 43,113 61,687 47,714 46,651 45,600 0.09 -2.25
Other countries of South America 37,946 34,542 33,417 54,822 46,146 0.09 -15.83
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,528,003 1,795,338 1,761,738 1,805,534 1,679,542 3.21 -6.98
NORTH-EAST ASIA 681,887 861,395 852,967 811,783 788,987 1.51 -2.81
China 231,022 289,682 294,580 248,155 254,785 0.49 2.67
Hong Kong (China) 31,200 31,944 24,779 40,982 25,459 0.05 -37.88
Japan 353,547 454,465 423,202 421,917 403,879 0.77 -4.28
Korea, Republic of 48,351 68,403 97,968 77,627 74,046 0.14 -4.61
Taiwan Province of China 15,445 15,175 10,854 21,243 26,439 0.05 24.46
Other countries of North-East Asia 2,322 1,726 1,584 1,859 4,379 0.01 135.56
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 133,296 126,234 108,592 110,878 133,563 0.26 20.46
Indonesia 22,823 17,919 14,834 19,789 27,981 0.05 41.40
Malaysia 23,358 19,742 21,508 22,575 19,230 0.04 -14.82
Philippines 25,627 27,922 18,088 17,867 18,570 0.04 3.93
Singapore 34,124 31,280 28,441 28,045 33,350 0.06 18.92
Thailand 25,561 22,843 16,197 19,429 22,759 0.04 17.14
Other countries of South-East Asia 1,803 6,528 9,524 3,173 11,673 0.02 267.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AUSTRALASIA 709,743 806,100 798,089 882,694 752,842 1.44 -14.71

Australia 644,285 707,344 721,264 810,866 686,353 1.31 -15.36
New Zealand 65,458 98,756 76,825 71,828 66,489 0.13 -7.43
MELANESIA 1,316 1,609 451 20 3,609 0.01 17,945.00
Norfolk Island 20
All countries of Melanesia 1,316 1,609 451 3,609 0.01
MICRONESIA 882 971 541 0.00
Guam 749
Other countries of Micronesia 222
All countries of Micronesia 882 541 0.00
POLYNESIA 879 668 159
Samoa 159
All countries of Polynesia 879 668
EUROPE 40,062,889 40,643,734 41,147,657 42,722,580 44,803,282 85.55 4.87
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,867,085 6,109,951 6,386,959 5,959,692 6,438,503 12.29 8.03
Czech Republic 857,473 903,578 867,994 946,834 1,148,173 2.19 21.26
Hungary 498,110 496,236 551,879 534,883 594,245 1.13 11.10
Poland 1,327,821 1,318,877 1,378,099 1,440,790 1,469,899 2.81 2.02
Romania 681,349 689,334 718,318 805,192 848,632 1.62 5.39
Russian Federation 950,061 1,005,099 1,096,666 758,025 798,256 1.52 5.31
Slovakia 494,401 490,420 537,302 439,137 490,974 0.94 11.80
Other countries Central/East Europe 1,057,870 1,206,407 1,236,701 1,034,831 1,088,324 2.08 5.17
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,262,553 5,284,682 5,541,490 6,027,989 6,322,430 12.07 4.88
Denmark 534,175 475,535 515,041 607,276 731,274 1.40 20.42
Finland 251,079 238,967 226,077 212,825 173,460 0.33 -18.50
Ireland 306,675 326,401 288,126 329,414 377,267 0.72 14.53
Norway 312,886 309,576 271,657 288,648 207,889 0.40 -27.98
Sweden 474,650 478,825 462,669 424,990 462,985 0.88 8.94
United Kingdom 3,377,115 3,443,285 3,767,868 4,153,132 4,355,870 8.32 4.88
Other countries of Northern Europe 5,973 12,093 10,052 11,704 13,685 0.03 16.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,167,115 4,365,236 4,266,494 4,082,243 4,129,715 7.89 1.16
Albania 113,873 116,859 175,178 151,233 152,619 0.29 0.92
Bosnia and Herzegovina 381,674 632,767 429,981 338,887 392,303 0.75 15.76
Croatia 273,025 204,273 272,570 185,319 164,738 0.31 -11.11
Greece 307,458 379,412 338,065 353,137 367,873 0.70 4.17
Malta 59,666 75,383 59,549 74,071 98,817 0.19 33.41
Portugal 166,428 213,069 242,015 364,900 374,853 0.72 2.73
Serbia 354,271 587,786 583,430 349,649 324,084 0.62 -7.31
Slovenia 191,132 119,230 127,727 134,348 99,610 0.19 -25.86
Spain 2,268,144 1,892,114 1,923,955 1,974,043 1,974,675 3.77 0.03
Other countries of Southern Europe 51,444 144,343 114,024 156,656 180,143 0.34 14.99
WESTERN EUROPE 24,478,179 24,508,556 24,617,968 26,224,777 27,458,948 52.43 4.71
Austria 3,083,283 3,332,861 3,244,034 3,416,980 3,512,870 6.71 2.81
Belgium 1,253,301 1,318,368 1,211,263 1,054,349 1,063,686 2.03 0.89
France 4,977,292 5,251,927 5,358,698 6,483,089 6,394,403 12.21 -1.37
Germany 10,169,734 9,544,536 9,451,363 10,016,011 11,160,739 21.31 11.43
Luxembourg 101,379 146,733 183,276 128,355 125,838 0.24 -1.96
Netherlands 1,710,635 1,810,122 1,855,711 1,804,320 1,826,595 3.49 1.23
Switzerland 3,135,368 3,026,303 3,261,349 3,264,913 3,336,453 6.37 2.19
Other countries of Western Europe 47,187 77,706 52,274 56,760 38,364 0.07 -32.41
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 252,056 350,286 306,278 402,273 438,933 0.84 9.11
Israel 71,834 122,739 101,531 144,017 125,915 0.24 -12.57
Turkey 180,222 227,547 204,747 258,256 313,018 0.60 21.20
OTHER EUROPE 35,901 25,023 28,468 25,606 14,753 0.03 -42.38
Other countries of Europe 35,901 25,023 28,468 25,606 14,753 0.03 -42.38

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 275,989 304,127 345,397 391,322 400,219 0.76 2.27

Egypt 37,676 41,990 46,905 42,764 26,482 0.05 -38.07
Jordan 19,245 15,238 18,960 14,844 17,332 0.03 16.76
Lebanon 21,114 43,770 44,297 63,039 28,540 0.05 -54.73
Libya 11,920 22,078 8,199 2,085 3,305 0.01 58.51
Saudi Arabia 50,654 56,418 66,330 85,299 123,295 0.24 44.54
United Arab Emirates 73,776 65,190 104,413 119,773 136,815 0.26 14.23
Other countries of Middle East 61,604 59,443 56,293 63,518 64,450 0.12 1.47
SOUTH ASIA 357,196 297,814 283,474 380,078 329,469 0.63 -13.32
India 251,361 199,253 194,829 212,258 194,001 0.37 -8.60
Iran, Islamic Republic of 31,843 19,608 18,321 57,580 70,909 0.14 23.15
Pakistan 28,973 24,848 22,576 47,500 30,774 0.06 -35.21
Other countries of South Asia 45,019 54,105 47,748 62,740 33,785 0.06 -46.15
NOT SPECIFIED 328 946 476 446 547 0.00 22.65
Other countries of the World 328 946 476 446 547 0.00 22.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 76,292,846 76,762,341 77,694,032 81,067,636 84,924,548 100.00 4.76

AFRICA 275,380 253,294 261,105 280,457 313,371 0.37 11.74
EAST AFRICA 32,521 16,699 21,702 23,311 21,356 0.03 -8.39
All countries of East Africa 32,521 16,699 21,702 23,311 21,356 0.03 -8.39
CENTRAL AFRICA 11,523 11,149 18,270 22,069 14,909 0.02 -32.44
Sao Tome and Principe 341 682
Other countries of Central Africa 11,182 17,588
All countries of Central Africa 11,149 22,069 14,909 0.02 -32.44
NORTH AFRICA 109,294 117,071 123,259 132,154 166,137 0.20 25.71
Algeria 18,091 46,780 33,599 28,818 31,773 0.04 10.25
Morocco 42,734 20,926 49,050 37,587 56,347 0.07 49.91
Tunisia 44,214 42,294 33,189 61,598 76,865 0.09 24.78
Other countries of North Africa 4,255 7,071 7,421 4,151 1,152 0.00 -72.25
SOUTHERN AFRICA 57,567 62,261 51,834 53,166 62,288 0.07 17.16
South Africa 56,238 58,098 51,060 52,635 58,625 0.07 11.38
Other countries of Southern Africa 1,329 4,163 774 531 3,663 0.00 589.83
WEST AFRICA 64,475 46,114 46,040 49,757 48,681 0.06 -2.16
All countries of West Africa 64,475 46,114 46,040 49,757 48,681 0.06 -2.16
AMERICAS 4,757,349 5,404,282 5,617,308 6,098,624 6,051,356 7.13 -0.78
CARIBBEAN 27,358 15,486 30,053 33,644 28,242 0.03 -16.06
All countries of the Caribbean 27,358 15,486 30,053 33,644 28,242 0.03 -16.06
CENTRAL AMERICA 37,392 45,048 39,236 52,518 51,502 0.06 -1.93
Costa Rica 14,851 17,198 15,219 17,071 14,529 0.02 -14.89
Panama 3,238 9,686 4,759 5,782 13,975 0.02 141.70
Other countries of Central America 19,303 18,164 19,258 29,665 22,998 0.03 -22.47
NORTH AMERICA 3,789,802 4,224,902 4,343,099 4,750,050 4,631,301 5.45 -2.50
Canada 612,174 646,276 782,255 867,988 922,708 1.09 6.30
Mexico 105,897 130,621 134,287 158,536 148,410 0.17 -6.39
United States of America 3,071,347 3,448,005 3,426,557 3,723,526 3,560,183 4.19 -4.39
Other countries of North America 384
SOUTH AMERICA 902,797 1,118,846 1,204,920 1,262,412 1,340,311 1.58 6.17
Argentina 205,764 259,317 304,018 348,788 388,400 0.46 11.36
Brazil 424,831 515,639 540,172 604,515 632,686 0.74 4.66
Chile 56,281 73,875 83,617 72,090 89,216 0.11 23.76
Colombia 29,125 47,581 70,444 65,498 59,060 0.07 -9.83
Peru 23,280 26,152 27,349 25,781 44,942 0.05 74.32
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 83,285 145,750 122,645 58,826 53,730 0.06 -8.66
Other countries of South America 80,231 50,532 56,675 86,914 72,277 0.09 -16.84
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,656,647 1,938,994 1,882,353 2,040,176 2,035,618 2.40 -0.22
NORTH-EAST ASIA 722,802 881,249 889,300 873,357 852,939 1.00 -2.34
China 251,699 297,513 310,064 271,951 280,123 0.33 3.00
Hong Kong (China) 36,787 34,984 32,517 48,171 29,766 0.04 -38.21
Japan 365,304 459,700 432,834 449,752 426,667 0.50 -5.13
Korea, Republic of 50,873 70,257 100,417 80,381 83,541 0.10 3.93
Taiwan Province of China 15,583 16,008 11,884 21,243 28,463 0.03 33.99
Other countries of North-East Asia 2,556 2,787 1,584 1,859 4,379 0.01 135.56
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 149,125 143,857 126,418 137,919 216,971 0.26 57.32
Indonesia 23,290 19,084 15,302 23,952 49,557 0.06 106.90
Malaysia 23,915 23,163 24,212 24,099 40,508 0.05 68.09
Philippines 34,958 33,227 24,711 28,116 48,694 0.06 73.19
Singapore 35,471 32,652 34,317 34,444 35,534 0.04 3.16
Thailand 29,112 24,406 17,764 23,849 29,258 0.03 22.68
Other countries of South-East Asia 2,379 11,325 10,112 3,459 13,420 0.02 287.97

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AUSTRALASIA 781,643 912,037 864,545 1,028,560 960,665 1.13 -6.60

Australia 710,073 811,900 784,224 945,073 884,313 1.04 -6.43
New Zealand 71,570 100,137 80,321 83,487 76,352 0.09 -8.55
MELANESIA 1,316 1,851 451 181 4,502 0.01 2,387.29
Norfolk Island 20
Other countries of Melanesia 161 4,502 0.01 2,696.27
All countries of Melanesia 1,316 1,851 451
MICRONESIA 882 971 541 0.00
Guam 749
Other countries of Micronesia 222
All countries of Micronesia 882 541 0.00
POLYNESIA 879 668 159
Samoa 159
All countries of Polynesia 879 668
EUROPE 68,800,401 68,417,636 69,146,997 71,682,202 75,585,886 89.00 5.45
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,153,591 7,444,314 7,301,713 7,033,195 7,653,378 9.01 8.82
Czech Republic 1,051,130 1,060,395 940,725 1,027,235 1,330,855 1.57 29.56
Hungary 604,932 698,634 632,430 664,639 742,580 0.87 11.73
Poland 1,524,685 1,485,405 1,516,054 1,606,847 1,746,642 2.06 8.70
Romania 1,059,922 1,124,890 1,122,412 1,132,259 1,144,956 1.35 1.12
Russian Federation 1,045,379 1,085,032 1,135,890 830,461 861,187 1.01 3.70
Slovakia 606,097 574,613 565,852 518,280 537,993 0.63 3.80
Other countries Central/East Europe 1,261,446 1,415,345 1,388,350 1,253,474 1,289,165 1.52 2.85
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,694,281 5,660,690 5,890,053 6,520,759 7,017,061 8.26 7.61
Denmark 591,348 544,090 590,222 649,743 770,386 0.91 18.57
Finland 281,792 264,201 243,247 248,434 192,534 0.23 -22.50
Ireland 318,109 341,118 295,759 352,475 387,468 0.46 9.93
Norway 328,391 326,363 291,223 300,151 231,337 0.27 -22.93
Sweden 518,951 533,414 487,366 505,316 506,241 0.60 0.18
United Kingdom 3,646,810 3,639,411 3,972,184 4,452,045 4,915,265 5.79 10.40
Other countries of Northern Europe 8,880 12,093 10,052 12,595 13,830 0.02 9.81
SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,743,174 9,751,993 9,524,247 10,161,264 10,259,604 12.08 0.97
Albania 147,474 134,645 193,286 181,673 180,034 0.21 -0.90
Bosnia and Herzegovina 410,179 634,652 485,656 352,991 428,183 0.50 21.30
Croatia 1,274,320 1,099,408 1,135,975 1,347,137 1,260,494 1.48 -6.43
Greece 399,267 452,698 483,947 433,091 460,831 0.54 6.41
Malta 77,356 91,718 69,844 86,133 126,903 0.15 47.33
Portugal 247,763 312,484 301,385 440,687 435,289 0.51 -1.22
Serbia 404,160 639,733 626,371 381,386 358,014 0.42 -6.13
Slovenia 4,070,720 3,937,703 3,900,944 4,447,062 4,403,855 5.19 -0.97
Spain 2,631,346 2,277,657 2,202,978 2,291,143 2,401,844 2.83 4.83
Other countries of Southern Europe 80,589 171,295 123,861 199,961 204,157 0.24 2.10
WESTERN EUROPE 45,828,924 45,123,507 46,008,499 47,462,801 50,088,014 58.98 5.53
Austria 6,929,749 6,606,530 6,583,584 7,006,913 7,733,194 9.11 10.37
Belgium 1,441,271 1,479,533 1,382,507 1,205,212 1,282,435 1.51 6.41
France 10,245,551 10,361,116 11,260,160 11,646,095 11,641,962 13.71 -0.04
Germany 11,679,304 10,971,379 10,674,627 11,432,513 13,306,443 15.67 16.39
Luxembourg 114,109 154,348 205,560 149,972 147,081 0.17 -1.93
Netherlands 1,923,531 1,959,972 2,127,011 2,014,751 2,007,006 2.36 -0.38
Switzerland 13,145,021 12,985,489 13,412,015 13,810,839 13,776,524 16.22 -0.25
Other countries of Western Europe 350,388 605,140 363,035 196,506 193,369 0.23 -1.60
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 341,851 408,066 388,804 477,955 552,743 0.65 15.65
Israel 145,055 167,548 166,432 202,525 191,805 0.23 -5.29
Turkey 196,796 240,518 222,372 275,430 360,938 0.43 31.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER EUROPE 38,580 29,066 33,681 26,228 15,086 0.02 -42.48

Other countries of Europe 38,580 29,066 33,681 26,228 15,086 0.02 -42.48
MIDDLE EAST 380,597 415,518 468,581 512,532 520,040 0.61 1.46
Egypt 55,029 67,829 60,936 58,296 38,937 0.05 -33.21
Jordan 23,595 16,913 26,934 19,616 26,184 0.03 33.48
Lebanon 45,976 65,433 79,445 94,451 72,007 0.08 -23.76
Libya 33,377 30,458 17,138 5,605 7,192 0.01 28.31
Saudi Arabia 58,149 79,746 91,011 104,440 140,072 0.16 34.12
United Arab Emirates 87,354 80,286 124,791 146,390 158,188 0.19 8.06
Other countries of Middle East 77,117 74,853 68,326 83,734 77,460 0.09 -7.49
SOUTH ASIA 422,144 331,671 317,212 453,168 417,730 0.49 -7.82
India 280,902 210,262 211,588 252,861 223,626 0.26 -11.56
Iran, Islamic Republic of 45,311 27,822 24,309 74,705 107,340 0.13 43.69
Pakistan 47,849 35,104 28,744 55,763 42,065 0.05 -24.56
Other countries of South Asia 48,082 58,483 52,571 69,839 44,699 0.05 -36.00
NOT SPECIFIED 328 946 476 477 547 0.00 14.68
Other countries of the World 328 946 476 477 547 0.00 14.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 38,867,517 39,989,184 40,769,577 43,097,433 43,405,265 100.00 0.71

AFRICA 301,284 184,501 186,480 239,480 229,259 0.53 -4.27
SOUTHERN AFRICA 73,916 75,318 71,201 82,029 73,858 0.17 -9.96
South Africa 73,916 75,318 71,201 82,029 73,858 0.17 -9.96
OTHER AFRICA 227,368 109,183 115,279 157,451 155,401 0.36 -1.30
Other countries of Africa 227,368 109,183 115,279 157,451 155,401 0.36 -1.30
AMERICAS 6,034,731 6,166,811 6,282,900 6,436,696 6,254,160 14.41 -2.84
NORTH AMERICA 4,699,061 4,787,414 4,936,566 4,773,041 4,566,739 10.52 -4.32
Canada 593,357 605,987 608,385 624,420 582,904 1.34 -6.65
Mexico 192,534 196,605 201,697 241,196 236,188 0.54 -2.08
United States of America 3,913,170 3,984,822 4,126,484 3,907,425 3,747,647 8.63 -4.09
SOUTH AMERICA 1,335,670 1,379,397 1,346,334 1,663,655 1,687,421 3.89 1.43
Argentina 301,808 339,271 310,733 462,381 533,943 1.23 15.48
Brazil 696,110 670,847 674,357 757,147 647,228 1.49 -14.52
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 66,269 66,410 48,503 41,605 39,597 0.09 -4.83
Other countries of South America 271,483 302,869 312,741 402,522 466,653 1.08 15.93
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,602,744 4,915,535 5,300,309 6,593,029 5,814,956 13.40 -11.80
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,254,060 3,520,669 3,894,547 4,903,768 4,152,778 9.57 -15.31
China 1,516,406 1,760,320 2,180,295 3,152,811 2,506,806 5.78 -20.49
Japan 1,380,879 1,361,430 1,236,817 1,050,553 866,293 2.00 -17.54
Korea, Republic of 356,775 398,919 477,435 700,404 779,679 1.80 11.32
AUSTRALASIA 752,878 790,921 781,936 796,643 764,253 1.76 -4.07
Australia 665,648 702,333 692,006 708,089 679,633 1.57 -4.02
New Zealand 87,230 88,588 89,930 88,554 84,620 0.19 -4.44
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 595,806 603,945 623,826 892,618 897,925 2.07 0.59
Other countries of Asia 595,806 603,945 623,826 892,618 897,925 2.07 0.59
EUROPE 26,839,941 27,519,958 27,777,077 28,369,825 29,556,076 68.09 4.18
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,132,588 3,403,096 3,382,608 2,984,753 3,002,102 6.92 0.58
Czech Republic 373,893 385,291 386,434 418,459 428,335 0.99 2.36
Estonia 36,805 40,547 42,678 48,814 48,307 0.11 -1.04
Hungary 247,323 259,329 285,977 316,197 342,847 0.79 8.43
Latvia 40,874 47,671 48,779 50,993 51,620 0.12 1.23
Lithuania 73,278 88,485 88,452 99,247 97,913 0.23 -1.34
Poland 691,355 730,935 832,041 892,453 943,310 2.17 5.70
Russian Federation 1,578,700 1,753,193 1,592,380 1,032,955 957,998 2.21 -7.26
Slovakia 90,360 97,645 105,867 125,635 131,772 0.30 4.88
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,184,628 4,238,152 4,339,049 4,416,544 4,580,337 10.55 3.71
Denmark 359,677 359,724 344,502 357,123 385,780 0.89 8.02
Finland 219,454 217,899 221,114 195,307 189,220 0.44 -3.12
Iceland 20,586 19,474 22,558 21,874 25,617 0.06 17.11
Ireland 299,447 297,695 302,247 262,931 269,587 0.62 2.53
Norway 331,455 338,409 333,386 299,628 296,343 0.68 -1.10
Sweden 499,838 506,766 502,893 522,778 548,651 1.26 4.95
United Kingdom 2,454,171 2,498,185 2,612,349 2,756,903 2,865,139 6.60 3.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,324,785 2,250,779 2,355,275 2,377,534 2,574,060 5.93 8.27
Croatia 147,138 149,421 158,844 170,112 192,389 0.44 13.10
Greece 266,215 273,558 279,669 232,280 249,424 0.57 7.38
Malta 59,894 70,165 71,197 78,588 84,005 0.19 6.89
Portugal 208,992 203,489 221,002 234,422 254,528 0.59 8.58
Slovenia 149,011 155,819 157,126 172,220 181,893 0.42 5.62
Spain 1,493,535 1,398,327 1,467,437 1,489,912 1,611,821 3.71 8.18
WESTERN EUROPE 15,126,929 15,483,278 15,604,673 16,326,720 16,852,356 38.83 3.22
Austria 1,600,731 1,616,711 1,682,685 1,750,331 1,821,647 4.20 4.07
Belgium 860,163 875,174 855,856 898,195 926,358 2.13 3.14
France 3,007,555 3,120,628 3,104,639 3,371,510 3,301,397 7.61 -2.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 6,990,758 7,094,037 7,132,089 7,223,944 7,640,444 17.60 5.77

Luxembourg 58,763 64,691 64,026 68,315 71,219 0.16 4.25
Netherlands 944,519 931,599 941,618 967,099 1,012,202 2.33 4.66
Switzerland 1,664,440 1,780,438 1,823,760 2,047,326 2,079,089 4.79 1.55
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 553,266 626,868 658,777 802,704 860,811 1.98 7.24
Cyprus 22,040 20,554 21,857 22,611 21,875 0.05 -3.26
Israel 274,036 301,286 317,923 395,549 429,506 0.99 8.58
Turkey 257,190 305,028 318,997 384,544 409,430 0.94 6.47
OTHER EUROPE 1,517,745 1,517,785 1,436,695 1,461,570 1,686,410 3.89 15.38
Other countries of Europe 1,517,745 1,517,785 1,436,695 1,461,570 1,686,410 3.89 15.38
MIDDLE EAST 319,604 348,709 376,797 480,463 523,100 1.21 8.87
Egypt 41,662 44,745 45,054 62,012 66,615 0.15 7.42
Other countries of Middle East 277,942 303,964 331,743 418,451 456,485 1.05 9.09
SOUTH ASIA 258,854 259,173 261,708 388,014 400,680 0.92 3.26
India 258,854 259,173 261,708 388,014 400,680 0.92 3.26
NOT SPECIFIED 510,359 594,497 584,306 589,926 627,034 1.44 6.29
Other countries of the World 510,359 594,497 584,306 589,926 627,034 1.44 6.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 48,738,575 50,263,236 51,635,500 55,039,251 56,764,239 100.00 3.13

AFRICA 342,175 215,283 217,180 277,369 267,191 0.47 -3.67
SOUTHERN AFRICA 89,643 91,646 86,010 100,987 90,827 0.16 -10.06
South Africa 89,643 91,646 86,010 100,987 90,827 0.16 -10.06
OTHER AFRICA 252,532 123,637 131,170 176,382 176,364 0.31 -0.01
Other countries of Africa 252,532 123,637 131,170 176,382 176,364 0.31 -0.01
AMERICAS 6,851,313 7,041,606 7,234,098 7,504,081 7,482,297 13.18 -0.29
NORTH AMERICA 5,364,985 5,489,403 5,695,927 5,577,465 5,472,716 9.64 -1.88
Canada 706,427 724,606 734,805 769,026 740,528 1.30 -3.71
Mexico 216,009 221,861 229,006 277,020 283,264 0.50 2.25
United States of America 4,442,549 4,542,936 4,732,116 4,531,419 4,448,924 7.84 -1.82
SOUTH AMERICA 1,486,328 1,552,203 1,538,171 1,926,616 2,009,581 3.54 4.31
Argentina 341,330 385,379 358,681 537,848 641,238 1.13 19.22
Brazil 765,174 747,065 762,845 872,807 759,967 1.34 -12.93
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 72,990 74,552 54,832 47,009 45,531 0.08 -3.14
Other countries of South America 306,834 345,207 361,813 468,952 562,845 0.99 20.02
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,998,069 5,368,972 5,816,498 7,261,413 6,512,205 11.47 -10.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,422,883 3,721,204 4,142,313 5,233,921 4,475,365 7.88 -14.49
China 1,583,479 1,850,206 2,297,699 3,338,155 2,678,626 4.72 -19.76
Japan 1,449,115 1,432,051 1,309,943 1,109,546 922,089 1.62 -16.89
Korea, Republic of 390,289 438,947 534,671 786,220 874,650 1.54 11.25
AUSTRALASIA 933,340 986,591 985,050 1,027,448 1,030,217 1.81 0.27
Australia 820,562 870,857 866,552 906,338 909,240 1.60 0.32
New Zealand 112,778 115,734 118,498 121,110 120,977 0.21 -0.11
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 641,846 661,177 689,135 1,000,044 1,006,623 1.77 0.66
Other countries of Asia 641,846 661,177 689,135 1,000,044 1,006,623 1.77 0.66
EUROPE 35,377,771 36,347,208 37,040,667 38,416,871 40,790,629 71.86 6.18
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,947,068 4,299,709 4,346,873 4,007,792 4,078,325 7.18 1.76
Czech Republic 639,847 651,197 659,046 715,237 720,193 1.27 0.69
Estonia 43,278 49,520 52,918 64,400 63,417 0.11 -1.53
Hungary 348,665 363,648 399,596 443,977 477,869 0.84 7.63
Latvia 49,650 59,216 61,857 67,221 68,991 0.12 2.63
Lithuania 86,885 108,067 110,836 127,161 127,073 0.22 -0.07
Poland 919,013 981,351 1,104,871 1,203,650 1,282,150 2.26 6.52
Russian Federation 1,707,998 1,926,911 1,785,000 1,194,744 1,132,282 1.99 -5.23
Slovakia 151,732 159,799 172,749 191,402 206,350 0.36 7.81
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,154,472 5,244,767 5,372,059 5,542,945 5,920,449 10.43 6.81
Denmark 626,425 619,236 580,980 598,331 663,958 1.17 10.97
Finland 258,618 257,866 264,678 240,698 237,473 0.42 -1.34
Iceland 23,627 22,672 26,037 26,327 30,597 0.05 16.22
Ireland 361,263 366,346 373,678 343,580 373,252 0.66 8.64
Norway 395,285 407,664 406,191 371,385 376,353 0.66 1.34
Sweden 599,239 615,721 612,212 645,384 691,530 1.22 7.15
United Kingdom 2,890,015 2,955,262 3,108,283 3,317,240 3,547,286 6.25 6.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,679,426 2,610,854 2,756,891 2,841,538 3,129,951 5.51 10.15
Croatia 169,870 172,882 184,606 197,550 223,959 0.39 13.37
Greece 290,038 299,289 307,126 259,306 286,839 0.51 10.62
Malta 69,618 82,394 85,823 95,952 104,170 0.18 8.56
Portugal 232,512 228,853 250,550 269,568 299,048 0.53 10.94
Slovenia 205,581 212,597 216,345 239,750 257,076 0.45 7.23
Spain 1,711,807 1,614,839 1,712,441 1,779,412 1,958,859 3.45 10.08
WESTERN EUROPE 21,289,604 21,773,755 22,156,425 23,404,741 24,686,081 43.49 5.47
Austria 2,110,605 2,113,848 2,212,556 2,320,803 2,416,672 4.26 4.13
Belgium 1,103,629 1,136,286 1,118,179 1,178,215 1,239,774 2.18 5.22
France 3,700,775 3,879,255 3,902,742 4,332,049 4,360,152 7.68 0.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 10,192,697 10,329,271 10,531,441 10,859,244 11,687,313 20.59 7.63

Luxembourg 70,917 75,519 74,838 81,265 86,032 0.15 5.87
Netherlands 1,959,306 1,925,017 1,914,225 1,941,773 2,093,214 3.69 7.80
Switzerland 2,151,675 2,314,559 2,402,444 2,691,392 2,802,924 4.94 4.14
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 616,250 705,354 751,221 929,317 1,013,846 1.79 9.10
Cyprus 24,174 23,343 24,062 25,591 25,458 0.04 -0.52
Israel 315,476 351,559 379,290 474,505 524,979 0.92 10.64
Turkey 276,600 330,452 347,869 429,221 463,409 0.82 7.97
OTHER EUROPE 1,690,951 1,712,769 1,657,198 1,690,538 1,961,977 3.46 16.06
Other countries of Europe 1,690,951 1,712,769 1,657,198 1,690,538 1,961,977 3.46 16.06
MIDDLE EAST 339,554 372,813 405,574 520,861 578,424 1.02 11.05
Egypt 45,124 48,960 49,049 67,939 75,132 0.13 10.59
Other countries of Middle East 294,430 323,853 356,525 452,922 503,292 0.89 11.12
SOUTH ASIA 276,229 279,232 285,259 426,964 447,695 0.79 4.86
India 276,229 279,232 285,259 426,964 447,695 0.79 4.86
NOT SPECIFIED 553,464 638,122 636,224 631,692 685,798 1.21 8.57
Other countries of the World 553,464 638,122 636,224 631,692 685,798 1.21 8.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 122,700,343 126,330,288 127,373,740 129,691,791 131,988,707 100.00 1.77

AFRICA 1,196,970 632,159 726,390 941,303 916,047 0.69 -2.68
SOUTHERN AFRICA 212,829 215,482 215,906 248,658 225,096 0.17 -9.48
South Africa 212,829 215,482 215,906 248,658 225,096 0.17 -9.48
OTHER AFRICA 984,141 416,677 510,484 692,645 690,951 0.52 -0.24
Other countries of Africa 984,141 416,677 510,484 692,645 690,951 0.52 -0.24
AMERICAS 14,693,766 15,119,084 15,312,758 15,634,854 15,172,495 11.50 -2.96
NORTH AMERICA 11,571,920 11,850,708 12,070,022 11,672,528 11,229,031 8.51 -3.80
Canada 1,552,994 1,594,486 1,602,570 1,635,055 1,505,756 1.14 -7.91
Mexico 428,562 440,945 448,941 527,642 510,749 0.39 -3.20
United States of America 9,590,364 9,815,277 10,018,511 9,509,831 9,212,526 6.98 -3.13
SOUTH AMERICA 3,121,846 3,268,376 3,242,736 3,962,326 3,943,464 2.99 -0.48
Argentina 702,862 787,033 745,336 1,104,345 1,253,693 0.95 13.52
Brazil 1,598,437 1,571,282 1,597,544 1,796,447 1,527,518 1.16 -14.97
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 177,622 191,224 160,574 125,144 106,149 0.08 -15.18
Other countries of South America 642,925 718,837 739,282 936,390 1,056,104 0.80 12.78
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,619,225 9,029,703 9,643,579 12,207,837 10,951,154 8.30 -10.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,419,732 5,756,384 6,296,349 8,216,853 7,043,883 5.34 -14.28
China 2,265,575 2,536,935 3,133,825 4,859,805 3,921,942 2.97 -19.30
Japan 2,559,377 2,567,519 2,380,309 2,122,899 1,751,653 1.33 -17.49
Korea, Republic of 594,780 651,930 782,215 1,234,149 1,370,288 1.04 11.03
AUSTRALASIA 1,920,914 1,994,117 1,967,211 2,030,275 1,943,538 1.47 -4.27
Australia 1,687,234 1,758,300 1,736,229 1,813,351 1,739,469 1.32 -4.07
New Zealand 233,680 235,817 230,982 216,924 204,069 0.15 -5.93
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,278,579 1,279,202 1,380,019 1,960,709 1,963,733 1.49 0.15
Other countries of Asia 1,278,579 1,279,202 1,380,019 1,960,709 1,963,733 1.49 0.15
EUROPE 95,504,674 98,533,355 98,578,099 97,227,834 101,045,362 76.56 3.93
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,034,914 12,011,884 12,014,213 10,304,931 10,301,033 7.80 -0.04
Czech Republic 1,577,270 1,593,566 1,587,410 1,695,428 1,746,858 1.32 3.03
Estonia 127,023 124,636 129,764 143,769 138,694 0.11 -3.53
Hungary 763,811 794,124 857,672 932,432 1,014,405 0.77 8.79
Latvia 128,949 141,985 144,537 150,058 157,163 0.12 4.73
Lithuania 198,109 250,823 246,940 274,177 266,277 0.20 -2.88
Poland 2,356,455 2,455,369 2,715,170 2,923,358 3,133,588 2.37 7.19
Russian Federation 5,501,906 6,252,558 5,906,084 3,660,261 3,307,433 2.51 -9.64
Slovakia 381,391 398,823 426,636 525,448 536,615 0.41 2.13
NORTHERN EUROPE 15,217,421 15,630,475 15,935,557 15,556,956 15,987,393 12.11 2.77
Denmark 1,342,876 1,377,381 1,319,671 1,279,815 1,370,778 1.04 7.11
Finland 743,494 752,774 752,270 619,436 630,472 0.48 1.78
Iceland 77,106 81,627 86,470 78,470 86,294 0.07 9.97
Ireland 1,143,677 1,144,569 1,155,101 925,158 953,231 0.72 3.03
Norway 1,111,229 1,178,537 1,149,993 924,780 905,301 0.69 -2.11
Sweden 1,790,342 1,852,668 1,857,745 1,752,754 1,871,013 1.42 6.75
United Kingdom 9,008,697 9,242,919 9,614,307 9,976,543 10,170,304 7.71 1.94
SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,268,166 6,120,874 6,343,088 5,884,805 6,275,926 4.75 6.65
Croatia 413,243 419,708 432,514 432,142 471,721 0.36 9.16
Greece 736,400 746,876 739,017 575,425 601,247 0.46 4.49
Malta 195,912 225,388 223,931 228,672 242,470 0.18 6.03
Portugal 566,741 554,871 594,777 575,815 630,376 0.48 9.48
Slovenia 418,719 428,486 419,719 445,861 478,889 0.36 7.41
Spain 3,937,151 3,745,545 3,933,130 3,626,890 3,851,223 2.92 6.19
WESTERN EUROPE 57,041,534 58,474,272 58,056,986 58,926,857 61,325,277 46.46 4.07
Austria 5,535,023 5,580,473 5,705,518 5,790,565 5,991,833 4.54 3.48
Belgium 3,278,599 3,366,983 3,224,914 3,251,412 3,304,211 2.50 1.62
France 8,588,324 9,028,387 8,948,422 9,487,080 9,709,343 7.36 2.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 30,232,994 30,750,733 30,489,835 30,253,233 31,904,832 24.17 5.46

Luxembourg 269,209 281,035 277,433 285,054 285,598 0.22 0.19
Netherlands 3,249,696 3,228,291 3,147,069 3,085,278 3,172,561 2.40 2.83
Switzerland 5,887,689 6,238,370 6,263,795 6,774,235 6,956,899 5.27 2.70
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,506,884 1,713,836 1,748,548 2,130,799 2,270,193 1.72 6.54
Cyprus 62,828 62,377 62,994 59,773 61,142 0.05 2.29
Israel 823,066 909,597 940,135 1,178,483 1,262,547 0.96 7.13
Turkey 620,990 741,862 745,419 892,543 946,504 0.72 6.05
OTHER EUROPE 4,435,755 4,582,014 4,479,707 4,423,486 4,885,540 3.70 10.45
Other countries of Europe 4,435,755 4,582,014 4,479,707 4,423,486 4,885,540 3.70 10.45
MIDDLE EAST 958,997 1,013,418 1,117,380 1,386,965 1,467,095 1.11 5.78
Egypt 170,050 148,615 153,633 209,473 223,317 0.17 6.61
Other countries of Middle East 788,947 864,803 963,747 1,177,492 1,243,778 0.94 5.63
SOUTH ASIA 512,474 519,179 547,273 873,022 891,156 0.68 2.08
India 512,474 519,179 547,273 873,022 891,156 0.68 2.08
NOT SPECIFIED 1,214,237 1,483,390 1,448,261 1,419,976 1,545,398 1.17 8.83
Other countries of the World 1,214,237 1,483,390 1,448,261 1,419,976 1,545,398 1.17 8.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 180,594,988 184,793,382 186,792,507 192,625,026 199,421,814 100.00 3.53

AFRICA 1,623,414 880,265 996,978 1,255,389 1,289,314 0.65 2.70
SOUTHERN AFRICA 271,223 274,164 266,783 306,451 281,474 0.14 -8.15
South Africa 271,223 274,164 266,783 306,451 281,474 0.14 -8.15
OTHER AFRICA 1,352,191 606,101 730,195 948,938 1,007,840 0.51 6.21
Other countries of Africa 1,352,191 606,101 730,195 948,821 1,007,840 0.51 6.22
AMERICAS 17,569,754 18,125,304 18,444,704 19,264,139 19,081,412 9.57 -0.95
NORTH AMERICA 13,902,922 14,258,723 14,570,364 14,404,120 14,122,421 7.08 -1.96
Canada 1,948,324 2,009,093 2,018,680 2,113,480 1,995,516 1.00 -5.58
Mexico 505,152 523,572 526,773 633,002 655,051 0.33 3.48
United States of America 11,449,446 11,726,058 12,024,911 11,657,638 11,471,854 5.75 -1.59
SOUTH AMERICA 3,666,832 3,866,581 3,874,340 4,860,019 4,958,991 2.49 2.04
Argentina 834,321 929,334 884,243 1,334,376 1,568,773 0.79 17.57
Brazil 1,848,507 1,830,635 1,878,526 2,196,014 1,887,568 0.95 -14.05
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 205,270 223,406 195,170 151,898 136,001 0.07 -10.47
Other countries of South America 778,734 883,206 916,401 1,177,731 1,366,649 0.69 16.04
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,855,149 10,465,753 11,181,608 14,232,173 13,113,636 6.58 -7.86
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,939,640 6,345,316 6,974,316 9,122,337 7,973,892 4.00 -12.59
China 2,496,287 2,829,861 3,481,280 5,378,530 4,472,992 2.24 -16.84
Japan 2,765,414 2,765,168 2,579,169 2,303,929 1,908,981 0.96 -17.14
Korea, Republic of 677,939 750,287 913,867 1,439,878 1,591,919 0.80 10.56
AUSTRALASIA 2,462,893 2,613,408 2,572,650 2,741,721 2,724,135 1.37 -0.64
Australia 2,157,363 2,292,708 2,259,555 2,429,033 2,412,291 1.21 -0.69
New Zealand 305,530 320,700 313,095 312,688 311,844 0.16 -0.27
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,452,616 1,507,029 1,634,642 2,368,115 2,415,609 1.21 2.01
Other countries of Asia 1,452,616 1,507,029 1,634,642 2,368,115 2,415,609 1.21 2.01
EUROPE 148,463,381 151,819,761 152,517,950 153,596,651 161,299,444 80.88 5.01
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 15,889,109 17,197,966 17,397,676 15,913,757 15,916,274 7.98 0.02
Czech Republic 3,248,662 3,246,993 3,239,623 3,461,470 3,414,202 1.71 -1.37
Estonia 150,105 154,869 162,132 190,405 183,854 0.09 -3.44
Hungary 1,348,087 1,395,769 1,474,657 1,631,125 1,717,906 0.86 5.32
Latvia 163,930 185,253 194,597 208,383 216,984 0.11 4.13
Lithuania 249,281 319,103 319,431 369,268 357,413 0.18 -3.21
Poland 3,742,801 3,963,625 4,320,330 4,688,395 5,010,696 2.51 6.87
Russian Federation 6,179,785 7,111,178 6,822,174 4,417,650 4,027,391 2.02 -8.83
Slovakia 806,458 821,176 864,732 947,061 987,828 0.50 4.30
NORTHERN EUROPE 20,755,513 21,293,968 21,468,201 21,355,952 22,546,100 11.31 5.57
Denmark 3,375,537 3,401,183 3,122,841 3,045,669 3,332,655 1.67 9.42
Finland 913,647 921,514 928,246 790,845 814,818 0.41 3.03
Iceland 92,809 96,907 100,830 95,912 105,067 0.05 9.55
Ireland 1,507,394 1,584,550 1,586,249 1,416,766 1,550,078 0.78 9.41
Norway 1,455,664 1,534,189 1,502,191 1,250,836 1,249,717 0.63 -0.09
Sweden 2,278,494 2,373,896 2,364,804 2,272,386 2,443,398 1.23 7.53
United Kingdom 11,131,968 11,381,729 11,863,040 12,483,538 13,050,367 6.54 4.54
SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,640,643 7,428,117 7,734,191 7,498,395 8,171,679 4.10 8.98
Croatia 542,024 540,261 555,458 547,814 598,222 0.30 9.20
Greece 845,787 856,229 843,694 682,989 730,084 0.37 6.90
Malta 230,219 266,882 271,516 299,148 306,174 0.15 2.35
Portugal 660,028 643,759 689,615 691,490 768,834 0.39 11.19
Slovenia 663,959 655,396 645,650 694,476 755,963 0.38 8.85
Spain 4,698,626 4,465,590 4,728,258 4,582,478 5,012,402 2.51 9.38
WESTERN EUROPE 96,742,865 98,059,201 97,957,415 100,481,216 105,562,660 52.93 5.06
Austria 8,505,045 8,367,288 8,617,673 8,807,688 9,003,336 4.51 2.22
Belgium 4,749,059 4,879,723 4,685,279 4,750,351 4,915,498 2.46 3.48
France 11,369,866 11,900,230 11,883,632 13,011,827 13,375,435 6.71 2.79

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 51,752,263 52,224,949 52,569,730 53,297,040 56,568,609 28.37 6.14

Luxembourg 328,186 338,480 335,922 346,988 355,107 0.18 2.34
Netherlands 11,303,681 11,144,216 10,545,405 10,218,978 10,862,942 5.45 6.30
Switzerland 8,734,765 9,204,315 9,319,774 10,048,344 10,481,733 5.26 4.31
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,761,347 2,013,905 2,103,491 2,580,104 2,788,142 1.40 8.06
Cyprus 71,342 72,902 72,689 72,337 74,400 0.04 2.85
Israel 987,903 1,095,855 1,170,164 1,469,815 1,602,051 0.80 9.00
Turkey 702,102 845,148 860,638 1,037,952 1,111,691 0.56 7.10
OTHER EUROPE 5,673,904 5,826,604 5,856,976 5,767,227 6,314,589 3.17 9.49
Other countries of Europe 5,673,904 5,826,604 5,856,976 5,767,227 6,314,589 3.17 9.49
MIDDLE EAST 1,090,134 1,160,748 1,257,954 1,586,921 1,713,699 0.86 7.99
Egypt 202,086 180,033 181,674 242,730 270,787 0.14 11.56
Other countries of Middle East 888,048 980,715 1,076,280 1,344,191 1,442,912 0.72 7.34
SOUTH ASIA 591,731 607,973 647,480 1,014,867 1,061,891 0.53 4.63
India 591,731 607,973 647,480 1,014,867 1,061,891 0.53 4.63
NOT SPECIFIED 1,401,425 1,733,578 1,745,833 1,674,886 1,862,418 0.93 11.20
Other countries of the World 1,401,425 1,733,578 1,745,833 1,674,886 1,862,418 0.93 11.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,986,085 2,008,409 2,080,181 2,123,042 2,181,684 100.00 2.76

AFRICA 1,651 1,370 1,447 1,520 1,536 0.07 1.05
OTHER AFRICA 1,651 1,370 1,447 1,520 1,536 0.07 1.05
All countries of Africa 1,651 1,370 1,447 1,520 1,536 0.07 1.05
AMERICAS 1,750,890 1,759,380 1,804,675 1,827,557 1,871,513 85.78 2.41
CARIBBEAN 62,196 55,877 56,187 60,028 63,148 2.89 5.20
Antigua and Barbuda 2,457 1,845 1,879 2,047 2,445 0.11 19.44
Aruba 496 438 470 476 464 0.02 -2.52
Bahamas 5,481 5,216 5,269 5,581 6,037 0.28 8.17
Barbados 5,315 4,439 4,321 4,350 4,614 0.21 6.07
Bermuda 2,683 2,568 2,202 2,426 2,462 0.11 1.48
British Virgin Islands 1,205 941 1,063 1,171 1,184 0.05 1.11
Cayman Islands 16,536 16,234 15,623 16,825 17,625 0.81 4.75
Cuba 748 1,285 1,541 2,187 2,444 0.11 11.75
Curaçao 886 969 867 738 815 0.04 10.43
Dominica 434 328 342 323 342 0.02 5.88
Dominican Republic 1,298 1,559 1,767 2,155 2,183 0.10 1.30
Grenada 518 448 428 439 539 0.02 22.78
Guadeloupe 448 145 157 97 106 0.00 9.28
Haiti 511 498 470 591 431 0.02 -27.07
Montserrat 181 129 141 164 181 0.01 10.37
Puerto Rico 1,559 1,481 1,354 1,444 1,463 0.07 1.32
Saint Kitts and Nevis 981 907 978 1,166 1,194 0.05 2.40
Saint Lucia 1,157 916 939 840 977 0.04 16.31
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 612 478 469 527 512 0.02 -2.85
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1,352 1,057 1,196 1,305 1,645 0.08 26.05
Trinidad and Tobago 14,947 11,437 10,840 11,282 11,399 0.52 1.04
Turks and Caicos Islands 1,804 1,895 3,224 3,377 3,506 0.16 3.82
Other countries of the Caribbean 587 664 647 517 580 0.03 12.19
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,635 7,106 5,202 5,293 5,886 0.27 11.20
Belize 670 600 681 684 712 0.03 4.09
Costa Rica 1,328 3,018 1,184 1,299 2,319 0.11 78.52
El Salvador 180 214 187 251 262 0.01 4.38
Guatemala 628 684 418 578 465 0.02 -19.55
Honduras 159 354 151 208 200 0.01 -3.85
Nicaragua 60 101 87 132 188 0.01 42.42
Panama 1,610 2,135 2,494 2,141 1,740 0.08 -18.73
NORTH AMERICA 1,663,208 1,673,360 1,719,472 1,739,909 1,782,764 81.72 2.46
Canada 403,200 399,331 419,898 391,409 372,137 17.06 -4.92
Mexico 2,339 2,767 3,117 4,351 4,569 0.21 5.01
United States of America 1,257,669 1,271,262 1,296,457 1,344,149 1,406,058 64.45 4.61
SOUTH AMERICA 20,851 23,037 23,814 22,327 19,715 0.90 -11.70
Argentina 3,739 4,625 4,037 3,431 3,269 0.15 -4.72
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 28 85 129 166 208 0.01 25.30
Brazil 2,071 2,771 2,925 3,249 2,782 0.13 -14.37
Chile 3,654 5,005 4,527 5,348 4,350 0.20 -18.66
Colombia 4,062 3,625 4,111 2,516 2,693 0.12 7.03
Ecuador 2,464 1,864 1,865 1,644 739 0.03 -55.05
Guyana 2,288 1,860 2,472 2,200 1,999 0.09 -9.14
Paraguay 40 83 249 104 197 0.01 89.42
Peru 791 1,045 1,521 1,578 1,837 0.08 16.41
Suriname 500 512 398 384 445 0.02 15.89
Uruguay 381 505 789 772 430 0.02 -44.30
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 750 1,019 734 910 742 0.03 -18.46
Other countries of South America 83 38 57 25 24 0.00 -4.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,220 8,651 9,084 10,721 10,290 0.47 -4.02
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,681 5,025 5,170 6,455 6,154 0.28 -4.66
China 2,102 2,420 2,645 3,744 3,899 0.18 4.14
Japan 2,092 2,177 2,022 2,163 1,841 0.08 -14.89
Korea, Republic of 350 369 425 426 370 0.02 -13.15
Taiwan Province of China 137 59 78 122 44 0.00 -63.93
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 481 444 501 473 594 0.03 25.58
Philippines 364 309 312 294 427 0.02 45.24
Singapore 117 135 189 179 167 0.01 -6.70
AUSTRALASIA 2,597 2,742 2,919 3,338 3,096 0.14 -7.25
Australia 2,254 2,462 2,513 2,999 2,692 0.12 -10.24
New Zealand 343 280 406 339 404 0.02 19.17
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 461 440 494 455 446 0.02 -1.98
Other countries of Asia 461 440 494 455 446 0.02 -1.98
EUROPE 223,268 236,641 262,099 280,511 295,698 13.55 5.41
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,350 15,499 7,429 4,328 4,640 0.21 7.21
Czech Republic 615 1,214 1,279 1,325 505 0.02 -61.89
Hungary 317 316 270 351 313 0.01 -10.83
Poland 1,199 1,183 1,338 1,346 2,507 0.11 86.26
Russian Federation 1,701 12,286 4,064 971 940 0.04 -3.19
Ukraine 518 500 478 335 375 0.02 11.94
NORTHERN EUROPE 151,433 158,713 190,068 215,830 226,500 10.38 4.94
Denmark 615 632 918 1,879 1,916 0.09 1.97
Finland 427 477 970 2,399 1,904 0.09 -20.63
Ireland 2,071 1,913 2,217 2,362 3,633 0.17 53.81
Norway 1,030 1,159 1,125 1,442 1,967 0.09 36.41
Sweden 2,059 3,217 7,622 8,746 10,610 0.49 21.31
United Kingdom 145,231 151,315 177,216 199,002 206,470 9.46 3.75
SOUTHERN EUROPE 18,136 12,134 13,041 13,551 16,990 0.78 25.38
Greece 208 201 218 197 242 0.01 22.84
Italy 9,672 7,808 8,692 9,482 12,893 0.59 35.97
Portugal 3,906 1,556 1,594 876 468 0.02 -46.58
Spain 4,350 2,569 2,537 2,996 3,387 0.16 13.05
WESTERN EUROPE 46,763 47,492 48,136 43,280 44,554 2.04 2.94
Austria 2,377 2,174 2,301 2,212 2,170 0.10 -1.90
Belgium 4,882 4,703 4,930 5,319 5,996 0.27 12.73
France 9,253 12,087 10,100 5,046 5,277 0.24 4.58
Germany 20,236 19,658 21,346 20,528 20,768 0.95 1.17
Luxembourg 202 236 203 230 209 0.01 -9.13
Netherlands 6,714 5,515 6,040 6,589 6,652 0.30 0.96
Switzerland 3,099 3,119 3,216 3,356 3,482 0.16 3.75
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 840 830 1,018 1,179 989 0.05 -16.12
Israel 639 636 757 842 786 0.04 -6.65
Turkey 201 194 261 337 203 0.01 -39.76
OTHER EUROPE 1,746 1,973 2,407 2,343 2,025 0.09 -13.57
Other countries of Europe 1,746 1,973 2,407 2,343 2,025 0.09 -13.57
MIDDLE EAST 608 680 779 808 842 0.04 4.21
Saudi Arabia 31 45 53 55 51 0.00 -7.27
Other countries of Middle East 577 635 726 753 791 0.04 5.05
SOUTH ASIA 1,397 1,596 2,029 1,855 1,755 0.08 -5.39
India 1,375 1,567 1,983 1,833 1,721 0.08 -6.11
Pakistan 22 29 46 22 34 0.00 54.55
NOT SPECIFIED 51 91 68 70 50 0.00 -28.57
Other countries of the World 51 91 68 70 50 0.00 -28.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 16,063,139 16,094,381 16,694,033 17,547,395 17,917,400 100.00 2.11

AMERICAS 12,941,576 12,804,094 13,131,368 13,512,482 13,699,848 76.46 1.39
CARIBBEAN 420,302 380,279 429,734 418,840 420,870 2.35 0.48
All countries of the Caribbean 420,302 380,279 429,734 418,840 420,870 2.35 0.48
NORTH AMERICA 12,331,159 12,194,225 12,469,123 12,858,349 13,056,761 72.87 1.54
Canada, United States 12,331,159 12,194,225 12,469,123 12,858,349 13,056,761 72.87 1.54
OTHER AMERICAS 190,115 229,590 232,511 235,293 222,217 1.24 -5.56
Other countries of the Americas (*) 190,115 229,590 232,511 235,293 222,217 1.24 -5.56
EUROPE 2,952,823 3,060,133 3,346,253 3,775,061 3,959,923 22.10 4.90
OTHER EUROPE 2,952,823 3,060,133 3,346,253 3,775,061 3,959,923 22.10 4.90
All countries of Europe (*) 2,952,823 3,060,133 3,346,253 3,775,061 3,959,923 22.10 4.90
NOT SPECIFIED 168,740 230,154 216,412 259,852 257,629 1.44 -0.86
Other countries of the World 168,740 230,154 216,412 259,852 257,629 1.44 -0.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 8,358,105 10,363,904 13,413,467 19,737,409 24,039,700 100.00 21.80

AFRICA 21,074 22,955 24,222 27,179 28,742 0.12 5.75
SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,708 5,828 6,992 7,493 8,421 0.04 12.38
South Africa 5,708 5,828 6,992 7,493 8,421 0.04 12.38
WEST AFRICA 2,541 2,408 2,818 2,246 2,719 0.01 21.06
Ghana 1,095 1,049 1,013 860 1,292 0.01 50.23
Nigeria 1,446 1,359 1,805 1,386 1,427 0.01 2.96
OTHER AFRICA 12,825 14,719 14,412 17,440 17,602 0.07 0.93
Other countries of Africa 12,825 14,719 14,412 17,440 17,602 0.07 0.93
AMERICAS 927,552 1,031,911 1,169,190 1,384,804 1,648,378 6.86 19.03
CENTRAL AMERICA 346 381 377 530 586 0.00 10.57
El Salvador 346 381 377 530 586 0.00 10.57
NORTH AMERICA 870,566 975,384 1,104,969 1,301,456 1,559,441 6.49 19.82
Canada 135,355 152,766 182,865 231,390 273,213 1.14 18.07
Mexico 18,502 23,338 30,436 36,808 43,509 0.18 18.21
United States of America 716,709 799,280 891,668 1,033,258 1,242,719 5.17 20.27
SOUTH AMERICA 49,870 48,413 55,160 72,141 75,883 0.32 5.19
Argentina 5,239 6,357 7,211 19,399 14,143 0.06 -27.09
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 477 587 598 727 685 0.00 -5.78
Brazil 32,111 27,105 32,310 34,017 36,888 0.15 8.44
Chile 3,538 4,031 4,287 5,728 7,671 0.03 33.92
Colombia 3,308 4,176 4,952 5,576 8,701 0.04 56.04
Ecuador 754 869 1,094 1,572 1,487 0.01 -5.41
Peru 2,306 2,369 2,762 3,201 4,564 0.02 42.58
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,137 2,919 1,946 1,921 1,744 0.01 -9.21
OTHER AMERICAS 6,770 7,733 8,684 10,677 12,468 0.05 16.77
Other countries of the Americas 6,770 7,733 8,684 10,677 12,468 0.05 16.77
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,488,700 8,239,562 10,973,827 16,847,465 20,660,614 85.94 22.63
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,447,709 6,775,139 8,984,509 14,301,302 17,591,404 73.18 23.01
China 1,425,100 1,314,437 2,409,158 4,993,689 6,373,564 26.51 27.63
Hong Kong (China) 481,665 745,881 925,975 1,524,292 1,839,193 7.65 20.66
Korea, Republic of 2,042,775 2,456,165 2,755,313 4,002,095 5,090,302 21.17 27.19
Macao (China) 19,040 32,797 47,315 84,261 99,425 0.41 18.00
Mongolia 13,376 15,038 16,927 19,890 21,408 0.09 7.63
Taiwan Province of China 1,465,753 2,210,821 2,829,821 3,677,075 4,167,512 17.34 13.34
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 789,317 1,168,664 1,629,222 2,103,558 2,549,515 10.61 21.20
Brunei Darussalam 1,378 1,986 2,202 2,534 3,032 0.01 19.65
Cambodia 3,662 4,842 7,454 10,144 12,287 0.05 21.13
Indonesia 101,460 136,797 158,739 205,083 271,014 1.13 32.15
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,676 3,243 3,530 4,285 4,521 0.02 5.51
Malaysia 130,183 176,521 249,521 305,447 394,268 1.64 29.08
Myanmar 6,924 9,533 13,774 16,795 19,437 0.08 15.73
Philippines 85,037 108,351 184,204 268,361 347,861 1.45 29.62
Singapore 142,201 189,280 227,962 308,783 361,807 1.51 17.17
Thailand 260,640 453,642 657,570 796,731 901,525 3.75 13.15
Viet Nam 55,156 84,469 124,266 185,395 233,763 0.97 26.09
AUSTRALASIA 238,257 281,523 344,278 425,477 501,655 2.09 17.90
Australia 206,404 244,569 302,656 376,075 445,332 1.85 18.42
New Zealand 31,853 36,954 41,622 49,402 56,323 0.23 14.01
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,417 14,236 15,818 17,128 18,040 0.08 5.32
Other countries of Asia 10,161 10,873 12,757 13,579 14,057 0.06 3.52
Other countries of Oceania 3,256 3,363 3,061 3,549 3,983 0.02 12.23
EUROPE 796,761 931,074 1,082,305 1,284,902 1,470,416 6.12 14.44
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 84,353 103,223 112,764 116,289 132,609 0.55 14.03
Bulgaria 2,345 2,659 3,168 3,795 5,044 0.02 32.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Czech Republic 5,485 6,869 7,178 9,680 12,288 0.05 26.94

Hungary 4,531 5,170 6,676 7,776 8,864 0.04 13.99
Poland 10,668 15,525 17,883 24,296 31,554 0.13 29.87
Romania 4,797 5,293 6,013 8,099 9,495 0.04 17.24
Russian Federation 50,176 60,502 64,077 54,365 54,839 0.23 0.87
Slovakia 2,161 2,397 2,788 3,266 4,179 0.02 27.95
Ukraine 4,190 4,808 4,981 5,012 6,346 0.03 26.62
NORTHERN EUROPE 256,112 285,702 326,532 383,975 426,546 1.77 11.09
Denmark 13,594 15,065 17,901 21,717 23,830 0.10 9.73
Finland 15,529 16,523 19,661 22,655 23,699 0.10 4.61
Iceland 732 767 959 1,223 1,387 0.01 13.41
Ireland 10,358 11,258 12,596 14,318 16,377 0.07 14.38
Norway 11,447 14,085 15,230 18,597 19,171 0.08 3.09
Sweden 30,458 36,206 40,125 46,977 49,624 0.21 5.63
United Kingdom 173,994 191,798 220,060 258,488 292,458 1.22 13.14
SOUTHERN EUROPE 101,075 130,354 163,632 208,737 243,947 1.01 16.87
Croatia 1,335 1,593 1,837 2,406 2,917 0.01 21.24
Greece 3,074 4,031 4,523 5,339 5,936 0.02 11.18
Italy 51,801 67,228 80,531 103,198 119,251 0.50 15.56
Montenegro 65 63 99 103 135 0.00 31.07
Portugal 8,408 11,604 14,439 18,666 21,424 0.09 14.78
Serbia 1,185 1,374 1,655 1,839 2,435 0.01 32.41
Serbia and Montenegro 6
Spain 35,207 44,461 60,542 77,186 91,849 0.38 19.00
WESTERN EUROPE 320,558 369,238 427,167 511,208 591,911 2.46 15.79
Austria 11,633 13,015 15,398 18,184 20,947 0.09 15.19
Belgium 14,608 16,558 18,934 24,354 30,182 0.13 23.93
France 130,142 154,892 178,570 214,228 253,449 1.05 18.31
Germany 108,898 121,776 140,254 162,580 183,288 0.76 12.74
Luxembourg 682 814 995 1,491 1,564 0.01 4.90
Netherlands 30,266 33,861 39,866 49,973 58,249 0.24 16.56
Switzerland 24,329 28,322 33,150 40,398 44,232 0.18 9.49
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,921 26,942 33,574 39,202 47,591 0.20 21.40
Israel 10,413 14,478 18,808 21,928 29,436 0.12 34.24
Turkey 10,508 12,464 14,766 17,274 18,155 0.08 5.10
OTHER EUROPE 13,742 15,615 18,636 25,491 27,812 0.12 9.11
Other countries of Europe 13,742 15,615 18,636 25,491 27,812 0.12 9.11
MIDDLE EAST 10,706 12,809 15,499 17,826 20,096 0.08 12.73
Egypt 3,651 3,742 4,114 4,739 5,020 0.02 5.93
Lebanon 820 948 1,033 1,236 1,219 0.01 -1.38
Saudi Arabia 4,208 5,227 6,379 6,903 7,587 0.03 9.91
United Arab Emirates 2,027 2,892 3,973 4,948 6,270 0.03 26.72
SOUTH ASIA 112,814 125,104 147,764 174,385 210,332 0.87 20.61
Bangladesh 6,310 6,900 8,340 9,718 11,559 0.05 18.94
India 68,914 75,095 87,967 103,084 122,939 0.51 19.26
Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,187 3,148 4,247 4,955 5,610 0.02 13.22
Nepal 13,082 18,065 24,008 28,881 33,564 0.14 16.21
Pakistan 9,196 9,011 9,151 10,525 11,988 0.05 13.90
Sri Lanka 11,125 12,885 14,051 17,222 24,672 0.10 43.26
NOT SPECIFIED 498 489 660 848 1,122 0.00 32.31
Other countries of the World 498 489 660 848 1,122 0.00 32.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,162,367 3,945,362 3,989,912 3,761,069 3,858,443 100.00 2.59

AFRICA 55,002 55,472 57,807 51,813 50,954 1.32 -1.66
EAST AFRICA 6,913 8,693 8,786 7,963 6,381 0.17 -19.87
Djibouti 42 38 53 56 54 0.00 -3.57
Eritrea 346 625 445 290
Ethiopia 4,581 6,570 6,006 4,013 3,034 0.08 -24.40
Kenya 1,253 706 1,069 2,673 3,107 0.08 16.24
Mauritius 431 570 1,048 734
Somalia 260 184 165 197 186 0.00 -5.58
CENTRAL AFRICA 620 811 611 529
Chad 620 811 611 529
NORTH AFRICA 32,931 32,613 35,249 31,927 30,131 0.78 -5.63
Algeria 9,330 9,626 11,010 10,040 9,450 0.24 -5.88
Morocco 4,024 4,158 5,655 5,157 5,592 0.14 8.44
Sudan 15,589 14,914 14,534 11,906 9,946 0.26 -16.46
Tunisia 3,988 3,915 4,050 4,824 5,143 0.13 6.61
SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,595 9,687 8,869 7,194 8,194 0.21 13.90
South Africa 10,595 9,687 8,869 7,194 8,194 0.21 13.90
WEST AFRICA 695 1,063 1,609 1,194 882 0.02 -26.13
Mauritania 15 10 13 9 10 0.00 11.11
Nigeria 584 987 1,471 1,072 872 0.02 -18.66
Senegal 96 66 125 113
OTHER AFRICA 3,248 2,605 2,683 3,006 5,366 0.14 78.51
Other countries of Africa 3,248 2,605 2,683 3,006 5,366 0.14 78.51
AMERICAS 198,631 188,073 195,516 192,117 198,111 5.13 3.12
NORTH AMERICA 174,639 163,781 173,685 173,756 182,549 4.73 5.06
Canada 28,512 26,144 26,726 25,070 29,194 0.76 16.45
Mexico 4,703 4,641 4,249 4,219 3,620 0.09 -14.20
United States of America 141,424 132,996 142,710 144,467 149,735 3.88 3.65
SOUTH AMERICA 18,681 19,510 17,240 13,251 9,972 0.26 -24.75
Argentina 3,507 3,367 2,544 2,694 2,111 0.05 -21.64
Brazil 9,133 10,870 10,511 6,994 4,898 0.13 -29.97
Chile 1,862 1,785 1,566 1,400 1,319 0.03 -5.79
Colombia 2,810 2,299 1,790 1,549 977 0.03 -36.93
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,369 1,189 829 614 667 0.02 8.63
OTHER AMERICAS 5,311 4,782 4,591 5,110 5,590 0.14 9.39
Other countries of the Americas 5,311 4,782 4,591 5,110 5,590 0.14 9.39
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 174,733 177,130 170,412 136,545 166,445 4.31 21.90
NORTH-EAST ASIA 50,881 55,224 58,352 46,495 63,422 1.64 36.41
China 12,389 15,501 19,657 22,838 36,357 0.94 59.20
Hong Kong (China) 2,151 2,712 2,496 1,899 1,899 0.05
Japan 14,823 14,866 16,750 7,468 9,413 0.24 26.04
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 10 10 13 15
Korea, Republic of 18,101 18,577 15,291 11,437 12,693 0.33 10.98
Taiwan Province of China 3,407 3,558 4,145 2,838 3,060 0.08 7.82
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 95,221 94,075 86,278 66,468 76,898 1.99 15.69
Brunei Darussalam 399 244 315 377
Indonesia 41,149 39,645 33,671 24,150 25,643 0.66 6.18
Malaysia 22,855 25,085 24,042 17,562 20,083 0.52 14.35
Philippines 15,745 15,645 14,881 15,014 18,465 0.48 22.99
Singapore 7,647 8,183 8,344 6,347 8,264 0.21 30.20
Thailand 7,393 5,248 4,920 2,997 4,423 0.11 47.58
Viet Nam 33 25 105 21 20 0.00 -4.76

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AUSTRALASIA 27,114 25,945 23,984 21,568 23,259 0.60 7.84

Australia 23,178 22,391 20,700 18,443 19,930 0.52 8.06
New Zealand 3,936 3,554 3,284 3,125 3,329 0.09 6.53
MELANESIA 261 139 338 163
Fiji 261 139 338 163
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,256 1,747 1,460 1,851 2,866 0.07 54.84
Other countries of Asia 1,256 1,747 1,460 1,851 2,866 0.07 54.84
EUROPE 590,204 536,743 532,545 426,634 452,543 11.73 6.07
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 66,191 58,792 56,660 42,658 72,331 1.87 69.56
Armenia 612 738 705 562 0.01 -20.28
Azerbaijan 393 301 326 346 0.01 6.13
Belarus 1,216 1,286 1,106 878 1,142 0.03 30.07
Bulgaria 1,815 1,650 1,655 1,798 1,935 0.05 7.62
Czech Republic 2,356 2,050 2,369 1,950 1,953 0.05 0.15
Estonia 469 410 362 289 0.01 -20.17
Georgia 382 547 403 511 0.01 26.80
Hungary 4,121 5,378 4,160 2,449 2,120 0.05 -13.43
Kazakhstan 955 1,047 918 943 0.02 2.72
Latvia 507 614 613 561 0.01 -8.48
Lithuania 522 592 559 619 0.02 10.73
Moldova, Republic of 212 194 338 300 0.01 -11.24
Poland 11,904 9,323 8,711 6,533 4,902 0.13 -24.97
Romania 4,195 3,971 5,076 4,682 5,139 0.13 9.76
Russian Federation 25,724 22,181 20,763 11,758 40,751 1.06 246.58
Slovakia 1,126 937 962 870 842 0.02 -3.22
Ukraine 8,647 7,229 6,674 6,844 9,416 0.24 37.58
Other countries Central/East Europe 5,087 735 741 672
NORTHERN EUROPE 110,311 107,674 102,998 80,398 81,357 2.11 1.19
Denmark 8,944 8,396 8,163 5,266 5,099 0.13 -3.17
Finland 3,147 3,145 3,012 1,633 1,444 0.04 -11.57
Iceland 294 232 159 199 140 0.00 -29.65
Ireland 4,262 3,896 4,133 3,237 3,533 0.09 9.14
Norway 8,838 8,802 7,039 4,941 4,058 0.11 -17.87
Sweden 14,981 16,027 16,080 12,355 10,640 0.28 -13.88
United Kingdom 69,845 67,176 64,412 52,767 56,443 1.46 6.97
SOUTHERN EUROPE 76,725 76,140 79,225 44,999 39,969 1.04 -11.18
Bosnia and Herzegovina 639 566 645
Croatia 973 919 1,020 625 596 0.02 -4.64
Greece 3,368 3,440 4,282 3,439 3,960 0.10 15.15
Italy 39,631 39,381 40,625 18,846 16,948 0.44 -10.07
Malta 384 314 319 219
Portugal 2,697 2,883 3,335 2,379 2,247 0.06 -5.55
Serbia 1,370 1,485 1,186 1,019
Slovenia 1,195 1,078 845 595 435 0.01 -26.89
Spain 25,764 25,141 25,793 16,484 15,490 0.40 -6.03
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 416 666 941 1,191 293 0.01 -75.40
Other countries of Southern Europe 288 267 234 202
WESTERN EUROPE 139,488 130,109 134,532 104,904 107,470 2.79 2.45
Austria 6,457 6,468 6,489 4,621 4,849 0.13 4.93
Belgium 14,375 11,655 13,144 8,571 6,193 0.16 -27.74
France 41,812 36,891 39,271 30,742 31,174 0.81 1.41
Germany 47,274 49,595 46,905 40,000 45,891 1.19 14.73
Luxembourg 360 269 390 202 147 0.00 -27.23
Netherlands 22,586 18,767 21,460 14,157 13,060 0.34 -7.75
Switzerland 6,624 6,464 6,873 6,611 6,156 0.16 -6.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 182,133 163,448 156,140 138,560 133,848 3.47 -3.40
Cyprus 1,785 1,256 1,437 1,193 1,306 0.03 9.47
Israel 162,789 147,232 139,231 123,612 113,494 2.94 -8.19
Turkey 17,559 14,960 15,472 13,755 19,048 0.49 38.48
OTHER EUROPE 15,356 580 2,990 15,115 17,568 0.46 16.23
Other countries of Europe 15,356 580 2,990 15,115 17,568 0.46 16.23
MIDDLE EAST 2,007,452 1,827,755 1,755,449 1,607,178 1,522,146 39.45 -5.29
Bahrain 20,072 17,293 19,354 20,313 20,373 0.53 0.30
Egypt 61,251 61,262 69,758 77,500 81,968 2.12 5.77
Iraq 367,476 321,028 221,496 156,153 140,578 3.64 -9.97
Kuwait 49,647 57,034 69,865 73,391 75,314 1.95 2.62
Lebanon 53,638 49,218 53,398 50,645 49,722 1.29 -1.82
Libya 97,906 78,911 83,834 80,817 24,790 0.64 -69.33
Oman 13,729 13,730 15,267 15,901 16,655 0.43 4.74
Qatar 8,721 14,484 18,040 13,187 12,285 0.32 -6.84
Saudi Arabia 582,037 547,087 545,120 470,602 411,954 10.68 -12.46
State of Palestine 367,574 382,759 435,107 475,122 546,266 14.16 14.97
Syrian Arab Republic 316,303 204,248 136,034 83,993 66,378 1.72 -20.97
United Arab Emirates 16,513 19,531 22,256 19,112 19,658 0.51 2.86
Yemen 52,585 61,170 65,920 70,442 56,205 1.46 -20.21
SOUTH ASIA 77,759 75,012 75,361 70,925 81,417 2.11 14.79
Afghanistan 566 782 585 503 447 0.01 -11.13
Bangladesh 2,778 3,898 7,244 10,272 13,081 0.34 27.35
India 54,202 49,646 47,507 44,585 52,782 1.37 18.39
Iran, Islamic Republic of 855 696 785 610 718 0.02 17.70
Nepal 662 528 453 523 428 0.01 -18.16
Pakistan 7,426 7,653 8,111 5,304 5,394 0.14 1.70
Sri Lanka 11,270 11,809 10,676 9,128 8,567 0.22 -6.15
NOT SPECIFIED 1,058,586 1,085,177 1,202,822 1,275,857 1,386,827 35.94 8.70
Nationals Residing Abroad 1,058,586 1,085,177 1,202,822 1,275,857 1,386,827 35.94 8.70

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 6,314,250 5,388,918 5,326,505 4,809,271 4,778,538 100.00 -0.64

AFRICA 59,239 58,747 60,938 54,860 53,641 1.12 -2.22
EAST AFRICA 7,460 9,122 9,174 8,472 6,904 0.14 -18.51
Djibouti 79 72 103 115 111 0.00 -3.48
Eritrea 347 625 445 290
Ethiopia 4,581 6,570 6,006 4,013 3,034 0.06 -24.40
Kenya 1,400 779 1,184 2,980 3,511 0.07 17.82
Mauritius 484 779 1,189 825
Somalia 569 297 247 249 248 0.01 -0.40
CENTRAL AFRICA 620 811 611 529
Chad 620 811 611 529
NORTH AFRICA 35,769 34,898 37,288 33,816 31,626 0.66 -6.48
Algeria 10,250 10,027 11,258 10,220 9,626 0.20 -5.81
Morocco 4,101 4,231 5,736 5,261 5,690 0.12 8.15
Sudan 16,898 16,460 15,978 13,206 10,871 0.23 -17.68
Tunisia 4,520 4,180 4,316 5,129 5,439 0.11 6.04
SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,339 10,312 9,439 7,739 8,641 0.18 11.66
South Africa 11,339 10,312 9,439 7,739 8,641 0.18 11.66
WEST AFRICA 702 1,070 1,668 1,210 892 0.02 -26.28
Mauritania 15 10 14 9 10 0.00 11.11
Nigeria 590 993 1,529 1,087 882 0.02 -18.86
Senegal 97 67 125 114
OTHER AFRICA 3,349 2,534 2,758 3,094 5,578 0.12 80.28
Other countries of Africa 3,349 2,534 2,758 3,094 5,578 0.12 80.28
AMERICAS 226,374 215,071 221,900 216,044 221,592 4.64 2.57
CENTRAL AMERICA 674 658 0.01 -2.37
Costa Rica 674 658 0.01 -2.37
NORTH AMERICA 197,389 185,852 195,683 193,941 203,124 4.25 4.73
Canada 31,940 29,225 29,585 27,609 32,106 0.67 16.29
Mexico 6,060 5,839 5,332 5,319 4,577 0.10 -13.95
United States of America 159,389 150,788 160,766 161,013 166,441 3.48 3.37
SOUTH AMERICA 22,671 23,617 20,794 16,190 12,148 0.25 -24.97
Argentina 4,728 4,767 3,782 3,991 3,089 0.06 -22.60
Brazil 11,064 12,808 12,223 8,159 5,820 0.12 -28.67
Chile 2,129 2,093 1,854 1,618 1,480 0.03 -8.53
Colombia 3,251 2,652 2,010 1,763 1,040 0.02 -41.01
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,499 1,297 925 659 719 0.02 9.10
OTHER AMERICAS 6,314 5,602 5,423 5,239 5,662 0.12 8.07
Other countries of the Americas 6,314 5,602 5,423 5,239 5,662 0.12 8.07
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 186,976 188,473 181,541 147,261 177,377 3.71 20.45
NORTH-EAST ASIA 51,895 56,233 59,398 47,360 64,768 1.36 36.76
China 12,491 15,689 19,968 23,186 37,092 0.78 59.98
Hong Kong (China) 2,186 2,748 2,528 1,933 1,936 0.04 0.16
Japan 15,321 15,279 17,039 7,620 9,601 0.20 26.00
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 10 10 13 15
Korea, Republic of 18,225 18,683 15,366 11,521 12,789 0.27 11.01
Taiwan Province of China 3,662 3,824 4,484 3,085 3,350 0.07 8.59
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 102,889 100,920 93,142 73,090 83,725 1.75 14.55
Indonesia 43,604 41,371 35,194 25,598 26,787 0.56 4.64
Malaysia 23,209 25,263 24,239 17,861 20,592 0.43 15.29
Philippines 20,697 20,407 19,570 19,982 23,232 0.49 16.26
Singapore 7,746 8,281 8,469 6,413 8,333 0.17 29.94
Thailand 7,393 5,248 4,920 2,997 4,423 0.09 47.58
Viet Nam 240 350 750 239 358 0.01 49.79

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AUSTRALASIA 29,972 28,882 26,644 24,139 25,725 0.54 6.57

Australia 25,300 24,661 22,747 20,461 21,857 0.46 6.82
New Zealand 4,672 4,221 3,897 3,678 3,868 0.08 5.17
MELANESIA 371 215 412 225
Fiji 371 215 412 225
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,849 2,223 1,945 2,447 3,159 0.07 29.10
Other countries of Asia 1,849 2,223 1,945 2,447 3,159 0.07 29.10
EUROPE 767,148 671,598 642,011 510,404 530,868 11.11 4.01
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 112,991 92,921 87,349 59,851 86,588 1.81 44.67
Armenia 936 895 700 0.01 -21.79
Azerbaijan 352 378 406 0.01 7.41
Belarus 1,660 2,019 1,752 1,110 1,544 0.03 39.10
Bulgaria 2,169 2,061 2,207 2,162 2,141 0.04 -0.97
Czech Republic 3,292 2,729 3,175 2,442 2,484 0.05 1.72
Estonia 574 455 353 0.01 -22.42
Georgia 548 403 511 0.01 26.80
Hungary 4,614 5,904 4,509 2,829 2,414 0.05 -14.67
Kazakhstan 1,197 1,172 1,027 0.02 -12.37
Latvia 641 639 572 0.01 -10.49
Lithuania 1,224 1,283 1,250 0.03 -2.57
Moldova, Republic of 224 382 324 0.01 -15.18
Poland 15,492 12,488 11,217 7,662 5,399 0.11 -29.54
Romania 6,055 4,847 6,380 5,636 6,088 0.13 8.02
Russian Federation 60,252 46,439 41,212 22,020 49,384 1.03 124.27
Slovakia 1,653 1,257 1,478 1,218 1,163 0.02 -4.52
Ukraine 11,236 9,058 8,683 8,489 10,828 0.23 27.55
Other countries Central/East Europe 6,568 6,119 1,040 676
NORTHERN EUROPE 135,840 130,452 118,261 90,633 91,717 1.92 1.20
Denmark 10,088 9,470 8,937 5,591 5,651 0.12 1.07
Finland 7,888 8,437 6,508 2,333 1,884 0.04 -19.25
Iceland 294 232 159 199 140 0.00 -29.65
Ireland 4,550 4,245 4,404 3,461 3,799 0.08 9.77
Norway 10,381 10,391 7,849 5,450 4,538 0.09 -16.73
Sweden 15,800 16,875 16,702 12,779 10,939 0.23 -14.40
United Kingdom 86,839 80,802 73,702 60,820 64,766 1.36 6.49
SOUTHERN EUROPE 85,178 84,930 84,302 48,688 43,337 0.91 -10.99
Bosnia and Herzegovina 916 687 796
Croatia 1,160 1,035 1,151 812 780 0.02 -3.94
Greece 3,493 3,565 4,402 3,584 4,123 0.09 15.04
Italy 45,180 45,906 43,408 20,329 18,912 0.40 -6.97
Malta 384 314 319 219
Portugal 2,867 3,002 3,465 2,536 2,390 0.05 -5.76
Serbia 1,697 1,792 1,393 1,153
Slovenia 1,233 1,114 853 601 441 0.01 -26.62
Spain 27,101 26,246 26,908 17,379 16,375 0.34 -5.78
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 835 953 1,355 1,866 316 0.01 -83.07
Other countries of Southern Europe 312 316 252 209
WESTERN EUROPE 165,592 156,684 151,738 121,982 125,134 2.62 2.58
Austria 6,773 6,859 6,781 4,803 5,065 0.11 5.45
Belgium 16,053 13,014 14,019 9,954 6,719 0.14 -32.50
France 50,601 42,193 42,818 35,954 34,306 0.72 -4.58
Germany 59,549 66,528 56,323 47,951 57,497 1.20 19.91
Luxembourg 406 305 428 236 178 0.00 -24.58
Netherlands 24,527 20,249 22,940 15,144 13,857 0.29 -8.50
Switzerland 7,683 7,536 8,429 7,940 7,512 0.16 -5.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 251,852 205,981 197,329 173,710 165,955 3.47 -4.46
Cyprus 2,005 1,412 1,615 1,344 1,469 0.03 9.30
Israel 203,740 184,618 176,032 154,316 141,881 2.97 -8.06
Turkey 46,107 19,951 19,682 18,050 22,605 0.47 25.24
OTHER EUROPE 15,695 630 3,032 15,540 18,137 0.38 16.71
Other countries of Europe 15,695 630 3,032 15,540 18,137 0.38 16.71
MIDDLE EAST 3,897,092 3,048,572 2,894,297 2,490,634 2,281,927 47.75 -8.38
Bahrain 35,941 28,359 31,070 31,508 31,554 0.66 0.15
Egypt 353,827 262,950 249,561 258,366 244,418 5.11 -5.40
Iraq 373,107 325,291 224,872 158,364 142,044 2.97 -10.31
Kuwait 66,690 78,415 91,069 92,343 89,994 1.88 -2.54
Lebanon 65,859 58,772 66,740 56,661 53,434 1.12 -5.70
Libya 101,938 79,680 84,550 81,500 25,021 0.52 -69.30
Oman 14,333 14,297 15,991 16,483 17,184 0.36 4.25
Qatar 9,688 15,544 19,073 14,102 13,024 0.27 -7.64
Saudi Arabia 1,144,118 1,079,361 1,057,604 883,884 756,989 15.84 -14.36
State of Palestine 470,241 474,347 542,059 611,601 693,454 14.51 13.38
Syrian Arab Republic 1,190,201 548,663 421,166 193,966 136,973 2.87 -29.38
United Arab Emirates 17,530 20,736 23,471 19,961 20,505 0.43 2.73
Yemen 53,619 62,157 67,071 71,895 57,333 1.20 -20.25
SOUTH ASIA 97,247 99,270 98,305 87,554 97,226 2.03 11.05
Afghanistan 1,069 1,417 1,282 748 674 0.01 -9.89
Bangladesh 3,784 4,898 8,074 11,034 14,305 0.30 29.64
India 60,913 57,784 54,129 49,755 57,720 1.21 16.01
Iran, Islamic Republic of 897 707 789 612 720 0.02 17.65
Nepal 2,732 2,100 1,918 2,100 1,758 0.04 -16.29
Pakistan 14,774 18,539 19,723 12,607 11,957 0.25 -5.16
Sri Lanka 13,078 13,825 12,390 10,698 10,092 0.21 -5.66
NOT SPECIFIED 1,080,174 1,107,187 1,227,513 1,302,514 1,415,907 29.63 8.71
Nationals Residing Abroad 1,080,174 1,107,187 1,227,513 1,302,514 1,415,907 29.63 8.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 6,163,204 6,841,085 6,332,734 6,430,158 6,509,390 100.00 1.23

AFRICA 11,470 2,240 2,303 2,954 2,076 0.03 -29.72
EAST AFRICA 8,572 250 197 495 351 0.01 -29.09
Burundi 4 10 0.00 150.00
Comoros 11 16 0.00 45.45
Djibouti 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Eritrea 13 8 0.00 -38.46
Ethiopia 22 14 9 20 26 0.00 30.00
Kenya 130 100 67 179 67 0.00 -62.57
Madagascar 10 7 7 12 5 0.00 -58.33
Malawi 13 1 0.00 -92.31
Mauritius 20 25 0.00 25.00
Mozambique 13 8 0.00 -38.46
Reunion 62 29 0.00 -53.23
Rwanda 30 14 0.00 -53.33
Seychelles 4 4 0.00
Somalia 8 8 0.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 12 22 11 24 24 0.00
Uganda 8,361 55 54 20 40 0.00 100.00
Zambia 17 34 14 16 14 0.00 -12.50
Zimbabwe 20 18 35 40 49 0.00 22.50
CENTRAL AFRICA 46 51 72 170 149 0.00 -12.35
Angola 11 13 32 15 28 0.00 86.67
Cameroon 48 81 0.00 68.75
Central African Republic 11 3 0.00 -72.73
Chad 6 3 4 1 2 0.00 100.00
Congo 29 35 36 75 25 0.00 -66.67
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 3
Equatorial Guinea 5
Gabon 11 9 0.00 -18.18
Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 699 360 431 512 377 0.01 -26.37
Algeria 165 143 166 158 96 0.00 -39.24
Morocco 404 114 137 143 147 0.00 2.80
Sudan 44 33 21 65 52 0.00 -20.00
Tunisia 86 70 107 146 82 0.00 -43.84
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,497 1,174 1,185 1,305 826 0.01 -36.70
Botswana 13 2 0.00 -84.62
Lesotho 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Namibia 12 7 0.00 -41.67
South Africa 1,497 1,174 1,185 1,267 812 0.01 -35.91
Swaziland 8 1 0.00 -87.50
WEST AFRICA 656 405 418 472 373 0.01 -20.97
Benin 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Burkina Faso 13 16 9 34 9 0.00 -73.53
Cabo Verde 80 25 0.00 -68.75
Côte d'Ivoire 13 8 35 26 33 0.00 26.92
Gambia 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Ghana 42 27 32 47 53 0.00 12.77
Guinea 5 5 0.00
Guinea-Bissau 2 2 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Liberia 11 5 8 2 12 0.00 500.00
Mali 17 6 7 10 12 0.00 20.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 9 7 3 4 3 0.00 -25.00

Niger 27 5 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Nigeria 493 313 303 213 138 0.00 -35.21
Saint Helena 1 1 0.00
Senegal 31 16 16 26 65 0.00 150.00
Sierra Leone 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Togo 2 3 0.00 50.00
AMERICAS 34,241 29,910 32,973 37,343 33,191 0.51 -11.12
CARIBBEAN 349 452 420 523 354 0.01 -32.31
Anguilla 1 5
Antigua and Barbuda 3 4 0.00 33.33
Aruba 6 1 0.00 -83.33
Bahamas 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Barbados 11 7 2 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Bermuda 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Cayman Islands 1
Cuba 288 377 350 350 220 0.00 -37.14
Dominica 12 3 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Dominican Republic 15 19 0.00 26.67
Grenada 1 5 0.00 400.00
Guadeloupe 1 2 0.00 100.00
Haiti 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Jamaica 8 21 28 24 17 0.00 -29.17
Puerto Rico 12 5 0.00 -58.33
Saint Kitts and Nevis 13 30 0.00 130.77
Saint Lucia 14 2 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 3 0.00 200.00
Trinidad and Tobago 28 32 31 63 31 0.00 -50.79
Turks and Caicos Islands 5 1 0.00 -80.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 120 114 99 164 256 0.00 56.10
Belize 17 25 0.00 47.06
Costa Rica 51 38 29 56 137 0.00 144.64
El Salvador 40 43 40 46 42 0.00 -8.70
Guatemala 2 14 10 18 10 0.00 -44.44
Honduras 9 13 8 2 4 0.00 100.00
Nicaragua 8 10 0.00 25.00
Panama 18 6 12 17 28 0.00 64.71
NORTH AMERICA 31,909 27,623 30,684 34,658 30,908 0.47 -10.82
Canada 6,024 4,798 4,628 5,210 4,258 0.07 -18.27
Mexico 279 317 232 324 248 0.00 -23.46
United States of America 25,606 22,508 25,824 29,124 26,402 0.41 -9.35
SOUTH AMERICA 1,863 1,721 1,770 1,998 1,673 0.03 -16.27
Argentina 274 244 217 312 298 0.00 -4.49
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 19 12 0.00 -36.84
Brazil 727 508 617 658 581 0.01 -11.70
Chile 167 118 90 104 84 0.00 -19.23
Colombia 212 140 153 184 135 0.00 -26.63
Ecuador 51 32 90 99 62 0.00 -37.37
Guyana 1 1 0.00
Paraguay 9 17 0.00 88.89
Peru 71 119 133 141 127 0.00 -9.93
Suriname 1 9 0.00 800.00
Uruguay 13 48 16 15 12 0.00 -20.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 348 512 454 455 335 0.01 -26.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 200,012 249,069 278,239 170,498 179,102 2.75 5.05
NORTH-EAST ASIA 187,142 239,111 267,917 158,084 166,150 2.55 5.10
China 154,226 205,066 228,617 111,706 117,465 1.80 5.16
Hong Kong (China) 426 1,009 1,234 1,402 2,330 0.04 66.19
Japan 6,049 5,202 6,379 6,450 5,892 0.09 -8.65
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 49 77 94 34 67 0.00 97.06
Korea, Republic of 16,963 16,620 20,445 22,046 22,276 0.34 1.04
Macao (China) 1 3 12 8 0.00 -33.33
Mongolia 9,077 10,750 10,622 15,941 17,506 0.27 9.82
Taiwan Province of China 352 386 523 493 606 0.01 22.92
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,488 6,207 6,613 8,309 8,538 0.13 2.76
Brunei Darussalam 32 10 0.00 -68.75
Cambodia 19 8 28 19 4 0.00 -78.95
Indonesia 723 747 502 561 565 0.01 0.71
Lao People's Democratic Republic 25 81 63 39 22 0.00 -43.59
Malaysia 2,179 2,300 2,659 3,566 4,354 0.07 22.10
Myanmar 39 48 37 29 17 0.00 -41.38
Philippines 3,035 1,398 1,230 1,426 975 0.01 -31.63
Singapore 736 685 735 812 1,026 0.02 26.35
Thailand 984 685 907 993 1,180 0.02 18.83
Timor-Leste 2
Viet Nam 748 255 452 830 385 0.01 -53.61
AUSTRALASIA 4,347 3,735 3,679 4,091 4,395 0.07 7.43
Australia 3,628 3,166 3,058 3,461 3,909 0.06 12.94
New Zealand 719 569 621 630 486 0.01 -22.86
MELANESIA 27 15 20 12 17 0.00 41.67
Fiji 6 10 0.00 66.67
Norfolk Island 1 1 0.00
Papua New Guinea 27 15 20 5 6 0.00 20.00
POLYNESIA 8 1 10 2 2 0.00
American Samoa 1
Samoa 8 1 10 1 2 0.00 100.00
EUROPE 5,874,175 6,522,838 5,979,639 6,177,563 6,248,355 95.99 1.15
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,585,175 6,262,043 5,704,652 5,884,277 5,978,346 91.84 1.60
Armenia 37,337 54,244 39,934 37,461 26,097 0.40 -30.34
Azerbaijan 83,811 112,617 83,174 89,296 94,846 1.46 6.22
Belarus 20,399 55,090 55,356 62,786 63,520 0.98 1.17
Bulgaria 2,194 3,622 2,521 2,510 2,016 0.03 -19.68
Czech Republic 3,645 4,111 3,725 3,247 2,901 0.04 -10.66
Estonia 1,074 869 880 1,004 980 0.02 -2.39
Georgia 11,686 12,462 14,758 16,459 16,537 0.25 0.47
Hungary 4,452 3,559 3,701 3,780 2,789 0.04 -26.22
Kyrgyzstan 1,454,124 1,382,706 1,308,139 1,359,625 1,348,709 20.72 -0.80
Latvia 2,785 3,479 3,345 3,452 2,693 0.04 -21.99
Lithuania 4,824 8,465 7,793 6,413 4,815 0.07 -24.92
Moldova, Republic of 12,028 16,695 14,432 17,839 11,797 0.18 -33.87
Poland 7,405 8,208 9,229 8,612 7,037 0.11 -18.29
Romania 3,139 2,400 2,014 1,875 1,738 0.03 -7.31
Russian Federation 1,371,306 1,780,574 1,757,721 1,646,568 1,587,409 24.39 -3.59
Slovakia 1,524 1,478 1,440 1,333 1,150 0.02 -13.73
Tajikistan 176,212 186,214 137,443 158,507 207,009 3.18 30.60
Turkmenistan 40,185 47,711 66,938 69,230 63,156 0.97 -8.77
Ukraine 58,428 82,971 84,932 97,100 73,390 1.13 -24.42
Uzbekistan 2,288,617 2,494,568 2,107,177 2,297,180 2,459,757 37.79 7.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 36,176 29,365 29,051 30,829 26,649 0.41 -13.56

Denmark 1,206 959 890 750 682 0.01 -9.07
Finland 1,825 1,545 1,403 1,661 1,560 0.02 -6.08
Iceland 109 134 103 93 43 0.00 -53.76
Ireland 2,125 1,670 1,026 1,237 904 0.01 -26.92
Norway 1,482 915 756 932 1,224 0.02 31.33
Sweden 1,947 1,753 1,837 1,955 2,070 0.03 5.88
United Kingdom 27,482 22,389 23,036 24,201 20,166 0.31 -16.67
SOUTHERN EUROPE 28,310 31,761 28,584 33,256 29,113 0.45 -12.46
Albania 441 371 382 454 343 0.01 -24.45
Andorra 10 18 0.00 80.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 321 339 192 257 175 0.00 -31.91
Croatia 1,506 1,276 1,170 988 818 0.01 -17.21
Greece 1,523 1,835 1,823 1,764 1,739 0.03 -1.42
Italy 18,445 14,961 14,596 18,823 15,609 0.24 -17.07
Malta 87 84 79 62 68 0.00 9.68
Portugal 676 690 748 1,037 717 0.01 -30.86
Serbia 1,424 7,954 5,323 5,376 5,266 0.08 -2.05
Slovenia 694 853 838 792 635 0.01 -19.82
Spain 3,193 3,398 3,433 3,693 3,725 0.06 0.87
WESTERN EUROPE 132,467 102,405 107,044 117,927 119,359 1.83 1.21
Austria 8,447 3,870 3,569 3,445 2,630 0.04 -23.66
Belgium 2,275 2,184 2,267 2,328 2,615 0.04 12.33
France 12,394 10,245 10,935 11,464 11,678 0.18 1.87
Germany 100,911 75,491 79,572 88,346 90,286 1.39 2.20
Liechtenstein 3 73 41 27 7 0.00 -74.07
Luxembourg 103 93 119 128 87 0.00 -32.03
Monaco 21 18 26 8 9 0.00 12.50
Netherlands 5,983 8,198 8,269 10,021 9,367 0.14 -6.53
Switzerland 2,330 2,233 2,246 2,160 2,680 0.04 24.07
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 92,047 97,264 110,308 111,274 94,888 1.46 -14.73
Cyprus 148 116 143 223 165 0.00 -26.01
Israel 6,042 5,078 5,179 4,750 5,112 0.08 7.62
Turkey 85,857 92,070 104,986 106,301 89,611 1.38 -15.70
MIDDLE EAST 5,391 4,220 4,891 5,522 5,633 0.09 2.01
Bahrain 67 97 228 71 57 0.00 -19.72
Egypt 1,038 768 780 985 1,052 0.02 6.80
Iraq 275 221 260 138 183 0.00 32.61
Jordan 785 509 780 863 815 0.01 -5.56
Kuwait 53 161 78 101 124 0.00 22.77
Lebanon 724 519 597 543 544 0.01 0.18
Libya 36 77 72 77 39 0.00 -49.35
Oman 155 130 135 155 106 0.00 -31.61
Qatar 284 201 315 295 360 0.01 22.03
Saudi Arabia 378 294 314 500 439 0.01 -12.20
State of Palestine 185 94 125 159 148 0.00 -6.92
Syrian Arab Republic 569 235 297 269 230 0.00 -14.50
United Arab Emirates 842 914 910 1,320 1,493 0.02 13.11
Yemen 46 43 0.00 -6.52
SOUTH ASIA 24,624 21,720 23,816 25,521 31,313 0.48 22.70
Afghanistan 2,525 2,262 2,505 3,137 4,520 0.07 44.09
Bangladesh 217 221 206 184 187 0.00 1.63
Bhutan 8 16 18 11 14 0.00 27.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

India 14,716 9,929 10,725 11,170 13,975 0.21 25.11

Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,265 7,283 8,511 9,193 10,731 0.16 16.73
Maldives 19 18 0.00 -5.26
Nepal 116 102 126 126 137 0.00 8.73
Pakistan 2,236 1,738 1,583 1,492 1,541 0.02 3.28
Sri Lanka 541 169 142 189 190 0.00 0.53
NOT SPECIFIED 13,291 11,088 10,873 10,757 9,720 0.15 -9.64
Other countries of the World 13,291 11,088 10,873 10,757 9,720 0.15 -9.64

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,710,829 1,519,551 1,350,366 1,180,546 1,339,682 100.00 13.48

AFRICA 309,619 286,202 319,539 316,106 345,780 25.81 9.39
OTHER AFRICA 309,619 286,202 319,539 316,106 345,780 25.81 9.39
All countries of Africa 309,619 286,202 319,539 316,106 345,780 25.81 9.39
AMERICAS 189,800 165,856 182,526 166,924 188,215 14.05 12.75
OTHER AMERICAS 189,800 165,856 182,526 166,924 188,215 14.05 12.75
All countries of the Americas 189,800 165,856 182,526 166,924 188,215 14.05 12.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 206,358 124,590 110,488 106,379 136,785 10.21 28.58
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 206,358 124,590 110,488 106,379 136,785 10.21 28.58
All countries of Asia 206,358 124,590 110,488 106,379 136,785 10.21 28.58
EUROPE 865,359 825,729 608,554 473,072 547,792 40.89 15.79
OTHER EUROPE 865,359 825,729 608,554 473,072 547,792 40.89 15.79
All countries of Europe 865,359 825,729 608,554 473,072 547,792 40.89 15.79
NOT SPECIFIED 139,693 117,174 129,259 118,065 121,110 9.04 2.58
Other countries of the World 139,693 117,174 129,259 118,065 121,110 9.04 2.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,027,000 3,840,100 3,234,167 2,622,200 2,865,800 100.00 9.29

AFRICA 475,600 499,900 448,535 465,300 452,700 15.80 -2.71
EAST AFRICA 151,000 174,700 129,694 131,700 135,700 4.74 3.04
Tanzania, United Republic of 69,200 64,500 62,002 55,700 58,300 2.03 4.67
Uganda 81,800 110,200 67,692 76,000 77,400 2.70 1.84
NORTH AFRICA 23,900 29,000 37,295 24,900 32,000 1.12 28.51
All countries of North Africa 23,900 29,000 37,295 24,900 32,000 1.12 28.51
SOUTHERN AFRICA 88,200 91,100 75,240 88,000 70,600 2.46 -19.77
All countries of Southern Africa 88,200 91,100 75,240 88,000 70,600 2.46 -19.77
WEST AFRICA 55,900 63,300 67,968 60,700 59,300 2.07 -2.31
All countries of West Africa 55,900 63,300 67,968 60,700 59,300 2.07 -2.31
OTHER AFRICA 156,600 141,800 138,338 160,000 155,100 5.41 -3.06
Other countries of Africa 156,600 141,800 138,338 160,000 155,100 5.41 -3.06
AMERICAS 387,500 393,200 389,001 331,900 323,200 11.28 -2.62
NORTH AMERICA 347,400 356,400 353,756 294,900 297,600 10.38 0.92
Canada 55,900 61,800 59,876 46,400 43,300 1.51 -6.68
United States of America 291,500 294,600 293,880 248,500 254,300 8.87 2.33
OTHER AMERICAS 40,100 36,800 35,245 37,000 25,600 0.89 -30.81
Other countries of the Americas 40,100 36,800 35,245 37,000 25,600 0.89 -30.81
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 281,000 270,700 238,780 205,400 263,400 9.19 28.24
NORTH-EAST ASIA 155,900 154,000 131,007 115,900 171,000 5.97 47.54
China 114,000 105,900 92,114 82,600 131,900 4.60 59.69
Japan 41,900 48,100 38,893 33,300 39,100 1.36 17.42
AUSTRALASIA 56,900 62,300 58,368 44,300 46,900 1.64 5.87
Australia, New Zealand 56,900 62,300 58,368 44,300 46,900 1.64 5.87
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 68,200 54,400 49,405 45,200 45,500 1.59 0.66
Other countries of Asia 68,200 54,400 49,405 45,200 45,500 1.59 0.66
EUROPE 2,547,200 2,320,700 1,802,172 1,376,100 1,559,300 54.41 13.31
NORTHERN EUROPE 676,100 641,800 395,032 296,400 288,100 10.05 -2.80
United Kingdom 521,600 498,300 275,011 224,500 211,600 7.38 -5.75
Scandinavia 154,500 143,500 120,021 71,900 76,500 2.67 6.40
SOUTHERN EUROPE 415,500 234,800 156,176 74,100 88,300 3.08 19.16
Italy 415,500 234,800 156,176 74,100 88,300 3.08 19.16
WESTERN EUROPE 1,007,100 961,900 909,480 765,200 838,500 29.26 9.58
France 160,000 113,900 75,646 67,100 89,900 3.14 33.98
Germany 748,900 751,100 751,697 617,900 685,400 23.92 10.92
Switzerland 98,200 96,900 82,137 80,200 63,200 2.21 -21.20
OTHER EUROPE 448,500 482,200 341,484 240,400 344,400 12.02 43.26
Other countries of Europe 448,500 482,200 341,484 240,400 344,400 12.02 43.26
MIDDLE EAST 50,200 50,600 57,419 55,800 49,400 1.72 -11.47
All countries of Middle East 50,200 50,600 57,419 55,800 49,400 1.72 -11.47
SOUTH ASIA 110,300 101,100 110,302 115,100 120,300 4.20 4.52
India 110,300 101,100 110,302 115,100 120,300 4.20 4.52
NOT SPECIFIED 175,200 203,900 187,958 72,600 97,500 3.40 34.30
Other countries of the World 175,200 203,900 187,958 72,600 97,500 3.40 34.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,907 5,868 5,008 3,935 5,736 100.00 45.77

AMERICAS 682 1,387 1,055 1,081 1,300 22.66 20.26
NORTH AMERICA 682 1,387 1,055 1,081 1,300 22.66 20.26
Canada 52 76 78 63 1.10 -19.23
United States of America 682 1,335 979 1,003 1,237 21.57 23.33
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,514 3,501 3,099 2,170 3,910 68.17 80.18
NORTH-EAST ASIA 200 285 257 193 298 5.20 54.40
Japan 200 216 188 143 205 3.57 43.36
Taiwan Province of China 69 69 50 93 1.62 86.00
AUSTRALASIA 1,343 1,658 1,350 898 1,749 30.49 94.77
Australia 857 1,060 891 597 1,089 18.99 82.41
New Zealand 486 598 459 301 660 11.51 119.27
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 971 1,558 1,492 1,079 1,863 32.48 72.66
Other countries of Asia 463 496 320 601 10.48 87.81
Other countries of Oceania 971 1,095 996 759 1,262 22.00 66.27
EUROPE 328 629 653 509 457 7.97 -10.22
NORTHERN EUROPE 109 142 98 107 214 3.73 100.00
United Kingdom 109 142 98 107 214 3.73 100.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5 18 8 14 0.24 75.00
Italy 5 18 8 14 0.24 75.00
WESTERN EUROPE 219 132 93 52 139 2.42 167.31
France 50 45 21 68 1.19 223.81
Germany 219 62 28 19 63 1.10 231.58
Switzerland 20 20 12 8 0.14 -33.33
OTHER EUROPE 350 444 342 90 1.57 -73.68
Other countries of Europe 350 444 342 90 1.57 -73.68
NOT SPECIFIED 1,383 351 201 175 69 1.20 -60.57
Other countries of the World 1,383 351 201 175 69 1.20 -60.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,140,028 12,175,550 14,201,516 13,231,651 17,241,823 100.00 30.31

AFRICA 32,237 33,564 34,735 35,556 47,723 0.28 34.22
EAST AFRICA 7,836 8,217 8,587 9,193 16,399 0.10 78.39
Burundi 49 67 113 92 97 0.00 5.43
Comoros 38 23 55 73 46 0.00 -36.99
Djibouti 10 10 21 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Eritrea 39 25 22 21 25 0.00 19.05
Ethiopia 967 1,424 1,419 1,571 1,893 0.01 20.50
Kenya 1,528 1,638 1,568 2,237 3,913 0.02 74.92
Madagascar 161 230 237 263 3,098 0.02 1,077.95
Malawi 102 132 114 103 145 0.00 40.78
Mauritius 558 1,004 1,062 891 3,191 0.02 258.14
Mozambique 198 310 348 322 341 0.00 5.90
Reunion 3 3
Rwanda 258 246 304 361 336 0.00 -6.93
Seychelles 84 79 78 73 75 0.00 2.74
Somalia 23 17 35 34 28 0.00 -17.65
Tanzania, United Republic of 2,807 1,955 1,988 1,558 1,484 0.01 -4.75
Uganda 475 600 676 866 957 0.01 10.51
Zambia 251 171 222 275 322 0.00 17.09
Zimbabwe 285 283 325 444 440 0.00 -0.90
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,233 1,881 1,740 1,817 1,745 0.01 -3.96
Angola 850 734 431 248 222 0.00 -10.48
Cameroon 564 546 670 790 754 0.00 -4.56
Central African Republic 41 9 14 19 30 0.00 57.89
Chad 28 19 44 31 25 0.00 -19.35
Congo 103 75 146 202 219 0.00 8.42
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 298 348 278 315 328 0.00 4.13
Equatorial Guinea 48 13 21 83 34 0.00 -59.04
Gabon 294 132 129 124 122 0.00 -1.61
Sao Tome and Principe 7 5 7 5 11 0.00 120.00
NORTH AFRICA 4,675 5,029 6,258 6,547 7,721 0.04 17.93
Algeria 1,209 1,017 1,482 1,378 1,454 0.01 5.52
Morocco 1,242 1,670 2,039 2,372 3,010 0.02 26.90
South Sudan 82 66 85 48 79 0.00 64.58
Sudan 1,053 984 1,115 1,080 1,299 0.01 20.28
Tunisia 1,088 1,292 1,537 1,669 1,879 0.01 12.58
Western Sahara 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,674 11,028 11,424 10,743 13,815 0.08 28.60
Botswana 96 114 109 205 147 0.00 -28.29
Lesotho 30 30 50 82 52 0.00 -36.59
Namibia 172 143 168 154 153 0.00 -0.65
South Africa 10,298 10,560 11,020 10,189 13,320 0.08 30.73
Swaziland 78 181 77 113 143 0.00 26.55
WEST AFRICA 6,817 7,409 6,726 7,256 8,043 0.05 10.85
Benin 78 59 82 93 65 0.00 -30.11
Burkina Faso 92 61 93 94 65 0.00 -30.85
Cabo Verde 34 16 15 19 41 0.00 115.79
Côte d'Ivoire 181 191 303 295 380 0.00 28.81
Gambia 71 41 47 93 69 0.00 -25.81
Ghana 2,024 2,320 1,995 2,094 2,626 0.02 25.41
Guinea 109 103 89 89 132 0.00 48.31
Guinea-Bissau 16 13 16 15 6 0.00 -60.00
Liberia 138 163 147 241 394 0.00 63.49
Mali 82 129 92 105 226 0.00 115.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mauritania 84 22 55 36 30 0.00 -16.67

Niger 43 41 71 56 48 0.00 -14.29
Nigeria 3,453 3,781 3,219 3,422 3,335 0.02 -2.54
Saint Helena 6
Senegal 314 343 396 436 466 0.00 6.88
Sierra Leone 33 50 21 47 38 0.00 -19.15
Togo 59 76 85 121 122 0.00 0.83
Other countries of Africa 2
AMERICAS 876,149 915,622 974,021 974,153 1,116,157 6.47 14.58
CARIBBEAN 2,612 6,495 3,755 3,302 5,553 0.03 68.17
Antigua and Barbuda 33 20 22 76 92 0.00 21.05
Bahamas 72 114 72 105 87 0.00 -17.14
Barbados 56 98 188 87 114 0.00 31.03
Bermuda 1
British Virgin Islands 50 4 5 5
Cayman Islands 1 0.00
Cuba 80 190 138 271 251 0.00 -7.38
Dominica 54 273 214 146 161 0.00 10.27
Dominican Republic 517 624 490 751 1,307 0.01 74.03
Grenada 31 37 19 30 101 0.00 236.67
Haiti 133 299 144 179 153 0.00 -14.53
Jamaica 811 2,725 856 734 1,578 0.01 114.99
Netherlands Antilles 42 2
Puerto Rico 22 8 1 1
Saint Kitts and Nevis 88 110 191 181 246 0.00 35.91
Saint Lucia 39 164 284 62 144 0.00 132.26
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 205 1,046 640 195 551 0.00 182.56
Trinidad and Tobago 378 781 491 479 767 0.00 60.13
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,342 5,679 5,389 6,495 9,597 0.06 47.76
Belize 61 73 65 66 84 0.00 27.27
Costa Rica 968 948 1,064 868 1,065 0.01 22.70
El Salvador 574 542 520 589 704 0.00 19.52
Guatemala 753 828 931 1,148 1,567 0.01 36.50
Honduras 903 2,038 1,505 2,439 3,925 0.02 60.93
Nicaragua 314 406 458 387 810 0.00 109.30
Panama 769 844 846 998 1,442 0.01 44.49
NORTH AMERICA 836,323 866,908 929,776 927,209 1,057,230 6.13 14.02
Canada 128,431 133,640 146,429 145,547 175,745 1.02 20.75
Mexico 10,026 10,953 13,042 14,049 15,299 0.09 8.90
United States of America 697,866 722,315 770,305 767,613 866,186 5.02 12.84
SOUTH AMERICA 32,865 36,539 35,101 37,147 43,777 0.25 17.85
Argentina 3,316 3,296 3,388 3,894 4,403 0.03 13.07
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 648 897 746 695 676 0.00 -2.73
Brazil 15,761 15,739 15,651 15,569 17,842 0.10 14.60
Chile 3,245 3,299 3,425 3,782 4,580 0.03 21.10
Colombia 3,233 4,088 4,212 4,564 5,046 0.03 10.56
Ecuador 944 1,110 1,306 1,547 1,632 0.01 5.49
Guyana 214 173 217 197 336 0.00 70.56
Paraguay 510 440 545 543 573 0.00 5.52
Peru 2,687 4,615 3,174 3,868 6,313 0.04 63.21
Suriname 93 65 76 44 79 0.00 79.55
Uruguay 357 418 468 439 409 0.00 -6.83
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,857 2,399 1,893 2,005 1,888 0.01 -5.84

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Other countries of the Americas 7 1
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,913,347 9,825,755 11,682,438 10,754,098 14,388,932 83.45 33.80
NORTH-EAST ASIA 7,346,617 8,109,401 9,711,556 8,975,297 11,979,922 69.48 33.48
China 2,836,892 4,326,869 6,126,865 5,984,170 8,067,722 46.79 34.82
Hong Kong (China) 360,027 400,435 558,377 523,427 650,676 3.77 24.31
Japan 3,518,792 2,747,750 2,280,434 1,837,782 2,297,893 13.33 25.04
Macao (China) 21,557 25,945 41,376 33,810 51,001 0.30 50.85
Mongolia 61,116 63,740 60,821 77,918 79,165 0.46 1.60
Taiwan Province of China 548,233 544,662 643,683 518,190 833,465 4.83 60.84
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,399,359 1,555,117 1,791,497 1,609,397 2,217,070 12.86 37.76
Brunei Darussalam 2,070 2,188 3,214 2,345 2,997 0.02 27.80
Cambodia 18,567 21,172 24,179 25,800 30,002 0.17 16.29
Indonesia 149,247 189,189 208,329 193,590 295,461 1.71 52.62
Lao People's Democratic Republic 3,294 5,526 6,186 6,051 8,062 0.05 33.23
Malaysia 178,082 207,727 244,520 223,350 311,254 1.81 39.36
Myanmar 67,917 63,470 59,797 58,936 68,458 0.40 16.16
Philippines 331,346 400,686 434,951 403,622 556,745 3.23 37.94
Singapore 154,073 174,567 201,105 160,153 221,548 1.28 38.34
Thailand 387,441 372,878 466,783 371,769 470,107 2.73 26.45
Timor-Leste 815 644 929 1,016 1,034 0.01 1.77
Viet Nam 106,507 117,070 141,504 162,765 251,402 1.46 54.46
AUSTRALASIA 158,358 152,665 172,013 161,692 183,602 1.06 13.55
Australia 128,812 123,560 141,208 133,266 151,979 0.88 14.04
New Zealand 29,546 29,105 30,805 28,426 31,623 0.18 11.25
MELANESIA 4,739 4,766 4,110 3,931 3,988 0.02 1.45
Fiji 4,224 4,326 3,377 3,246 3,317 0.02 2.19
New Caledonia 4
Papua New Guinea 256 238 375 299 321 0.00 7.36
Solomon Islands 174 144 141 162 170 0.00 4.94
Vanuatu 85 58 217 220 180 0.00 -18.18
MICRONESIA 2,481 2,104 1,381 1,768 1,539 0.01 -12.95
Kiribati 2,019 1,769 936 1,312 927 0.01 -29.34
Marshall Islands 148 78 124 87 115 0.00 32.18
Micronesia, Federated States of 72 95 99 166 172 0.00 3.61
Nauru 53 29 18 28 39 0.00 39.29
Palau 189 133 204 175 286 0.00 63.43
POLYNESIA 719 508 428 673 1,418 0.01 110.70
American Samoa 3 1 1
French Polynesia 2 1
Samoa 174 126 136 159 925 0.01 481.76
Tonga 193 106 138 167 206 0.00 23.35
Tuvalu 347 275 153 346 287 0.00 -17.05
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,074 1,194 1,453 1,340 1,393 0.01 3.96
Other countries of Asia 1,067 1,190 1,451 1,340 1,393 0.01 3.96
Other countries of Oceania 7 4 2
EUROPE 807,244 863,541 960,580 936,432 1,092,710 6.34 16.69
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 305,854 322,033 380,578 365,926 445,683 2.58 21.80
Armenia 323 311 380 332 264 0.00 -20.48
Azerbaijan 761 800 850 887 803 0.00 -9.47
Belarus 968 1,477 1,471 1,378 1,540 0.01 11.76
Bulgaria 7,186 7,880 8,343 6,905 10,129 0.06 46.69
Czech Republic 8,353 11,903 11,796 9,886 10,510 0.06 6.31
Estonia 944 893 908 1,129 961 0.01 -14.88
Georgia 803 588 709 814 804 0.00 -1.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hungary 2,703 3,182 4,287 3,621 4,630 0.03 27.87

Kazakhstan 11,039 13,158 21,075 29,188 34,068 0.20 16.72
Kyrgyzstan 2,783 3,424 4,365 5,482 6,105 0.04 11.36
Latvia 2,259 1,988 1,571 1,798 2,195 0.01 22.08
Lithuania 1,827 1,622 1,641 2,076 2,204 0.01 6.17
Moldova, Republic of 221 352 320 313 627 0.00 100.32
Poland 13,656 13,300 14,895 13,867 16,633 0.10 19.95
Romania 10,650 12,259 13,812 13,225 17,536 0.10 32.60
Russian Federation 166,721 175,360 214,366 188,106 233,973 1.36 24.38
Slovakia 2,833 2,701 2,613 2,971 2,668 0.02 -10.20
Tajikistan 1,433 1,548 1,776 1,370 1,560 0.01 13.87
Turkmenistan 363 374 398 475 335 0.00 -29.47
Ukraine 27,782 24,299 25,788 25,117 30,824 0.18 22.72
Uzbekistan 42,246 44,614 49,214 56,986 67,314 0.39 18.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 166,003 185,069 198,675 189,479 202,547 1.17 6.90
Denmark 8,952 9,595 11,096 11,803 11,436 0.07 -3.11
Faeroe Islands 1
Finland 9,973 10,728 10,756 11,130 12,536 0.07 12.63
Iceland 418 427 514 527 518 0.00 -1.71
Ireland 7,035 7,416 7,583 7,076 7,747 0.04 9.48
Norway 13,958 18,318 20,591 18,919 17,607 0.10 -6.93
Sweden 15,495 17,711 17,055 16,749 17,564 0.10 4.87
United Kingdom 110,172 120,874 131,080 123,274 135,139 0.78 9.62
SOUTHERN EUROPE 72,490 85,823 101,386 97,481 130,561 0.76 33.93
Albania 164 190 232 276 385 0.00 39.49
Andorra 36 18 14 32 54 0.00 68.75
Bosnia and Herzegovina 69 77 258 189 570 0.00 201.59
Croatia 5,780 6,799 7,465 6,109 8,633 0.05 41.32
Greece 8,600 8,585 8,281 9,629 10,914 0.06 13.35
Holy See 8 6 13 7 10 0.00 42.86
Italy 28,941 38,715 48,350 46,147 63,906 0.37 38.48
Malta 206 237 238 318 277 0.00 -12.89
Montenegro 1,434 1,213 1,085 1,264 2,722 0.02 115.35
Portugal 8,702 8,648 11,344 8,999 11,854 0.07 31.73
San Marino 5 7 13 8 20 0.00 150.00
Serbia 1,498 2,303 3,245 2,889 6,593 0.04 128.21
Serbia and Montenegro 18 3 1 1 1 0.00
Slovenia 1,080 1,290 1,138 1,097 1,191 0.01 8.57
Spain 15,833 17,513 19,247 20,177 23,253 0.13 15.25
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 116 219 462 339 178 0.00 -47.49
WESTERN EUROPE 230,570 238,106 244,343 246,759 272,876 1.58 10.58
Austria 9,750 9,811 9,860 9,756 11,242 0.07 15.23
Belgium 8,894 9,267 9,747 10,609 11,234 0.07 5.89
France 71,140 75,947 80,518 83,832 91,562 0.53 9.22
Germany 102,262 100,803 100,624 100,182 110,302 0.64 10.10
Liechtenstein 41 60 47 66 75 0.00 13.64
Luxembourg 437 555 579 548 599 0.00 9.31
Monaco 60 22 29 14 22 0.00 57.14
Netherlands 25,886 28,916 30,204 28,366 33,328 0.19 17.49
Switzerland 12,100 12,725 12,735 13,386 14,512 0.08 8.41
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 32,065 32,238 35,222 36,493 40,655 0.24 11.40
Cyprus 531 618 542 621 792 0.00 27.54
Israel 12,244 11,922 12,298 12,706 13,322 0.08 4.85
Turkey 19,290 19,698 22,382 23,166 26,541 0.15 14.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER EUROPE 262 272 376 294 388 0.00 31.97

Other countries of Europe 262 272 376 294 388 0.00 31.97
MIDDLE EAST 34,693 39,669 45,975 41,653 44,775 0.26 7.50
Bahrain 367 383 618 504 486 0.00 -3.57
Egypt 5,753 6,585 7,270 7,466 8,406 0.05 12.59
Iraq 2,695 2,788 2,875 2,367 2,111 0.01 -10.82
Jordan 3,521 2,971 3,123 2,953 2,721 0.02 -7.86
Kuwait 1,116 1,587 2,499 1,650 2,054 0.01 24.48
Lebanon 1,172 1,116 1,153 1,112 1,048 0.01 -5.76
Libya 3,246 3,265 2,048 1,503 1,197 0.01 -20.36
Oman 1,001 836 1,241 1,222 1,203 0.01 -1.55
Qatar 676 777 1,322 1,021 1,339 0.01 31.15
Saudi Arabia 7,970 10,219 10,093 9,553 11,121 0.06 16.41
State of Palestine 266 314 341 351 293 0.00 -16.52
Syrian Arab Republic 2,024 1,549 1,533 1,703 1,243 0.01 -27.01
United Arab Emirates 3,866 6,098 10,501 9,490 10,690 0.06 12.64
Yemen 1,020 1,181 1,358 758 863 0.01 13.85
SOUTH ASIA 146,655 187,704 210,573 219,027 274,299 1.59 25.24
Afghanistan 972 1,039 890 689 682 0.00 -1.02
Bangladesh 9,243 10,083 10,700 11,759 13,172 0.08 12.02
Bhutan 311 290 509 332 484 0.00 45.78
India 91,700 123,235 147,736 153,602 195,911 1.14 27.54
Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,568 5,342 6,512 5,706 8,384 0.05 46.93
Maldives 324 209 455 258 207 0.00 -19.77
Nepal 13,698 22,316 17,454 17,199 22,153 0.13 28.80
Pakistan 9,691 9,371 9,992 11,628 12,517 0.07 7.65
Sri Lanka 14,148 15,819 16,325 17,854 20,789 0.12 16.44
NOT SPECIFIED 329,703 309,695 293,194 270,732 277,227 1.61 2.40
Other countries of the World 145 200 605 539 689 0.00 27.83
Nationals Residing Abroad 329,558 309,495 292,589 270,193 276,538 1.60 2.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 5,728,697 6,216,936 6,527,513 6,940,697 7,054,856 100.00 1.64

AFRICA 113,437 131,878 103,026 104,351 97,109 1.38 -6.94
EAST AFRICA 65,704 78,101 43,749 35,445 29,912 0.42 -15.61
Burundi 15 62 43 22 108 0.00 390.91
Comoros 411 460 409 538 512 0.01 -4.83
Djibouti 116 174 194 215 185 0.00 -13.95
Eritrea 976 1,075 1,176 1,104 749 0.01 -32.16
Ethiopia 57,541 65,180 35,602 26,977 18,414 0.26 -31.74
Kenya 1,396 1,481 1,448 1,638 1,502 0.02 -8.30
Madagascar 1,978 3,510 1,476 1,205 3,798 0.05 215.19
Malawi 102 153 86 176 628 0.01 256.82
Mauritius 103 108 111 99 115 0.00 16.16
Mozambique 37 30 27 138 308 0.00 123.19
Rwanda 18 54 23 32 36 0.00 12.50
Seychelles 32 44 26 20 24 0.00 20.00
Somalia 1,948 1,963 1,897 1,972 2,026 0.03 2.74
Tanzania, United Republic of 235 437 249 301 256 0.00 -14.95
Uganda 574 2,936 666 660 661 0.01 0.15
Zambia 23 57 26 38 26 0.00 -31.58
Zimbabwe 199 377 290 310 564 0.01 81.94
CENTRAL AFRICA 745 1,242 1,511 4,145 2,392 0.03 -42.29
Angola 34 46 27 23 23 0.00
Cameroon 60 126 380 2,927 1,271 0.02 -56.58
Central African Republic 37 31 49 30 24 0.00 -20.00
Chad 571 835 996 1,069 864 0.01 -19.18
Congo 5 45 3 10 7 0.00 -30.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 26 72 40 72 132 0.00 83.33
Equatorial Guinea 50 0.00
Gabon 12 87 16 14 21 0.00 50.00
NORTH AFRICA 36,551 40,004 41,576 43,146 45,388 0.64 5.20
Algeria 4,116 4,259 4,321 4,229 4,410 0.06 4.28
Morocco 13,006 13,978 13,091 13,232 13,408 0.19 1.33
South Sudan 30 0.00
Sudan 10,420 13,053 15,489 16,191 16,818 0.24 3.87
Tunisia 9,009 8,714 8,675 9,494 10,722 0.15 12.93
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,494 5,358 4,759 4,899 5,534 0.08 12.96
Botswana 37 42 48 42 40 0.00 -4.76
Lesotho 23 73 44 47 69 0.00 46.81
Namibia 9 30 14 14 14 0.00
South Africa 4,312 5,098 4,553 4,705 5,141 0.07 9.27
Swaziland 113 115 100 91 270 0.00 196.70
WEST AFRICA 5,937 7,141 11,420 16,695 13,882 0.20 -16.85
Benin 260 281 288 343 770 0.01 124.49
Burkina Faso 97 162 145 394 431 0.01 9.39
Cabo Verde 6 3 4 3 8 0.00 166.67
Côte d'Ivoire 71 102 192 515 1,971 0.03 282.72
Gambia 72 123 87 311 175 0.00 -43.73
Ghana 2,331 2,307 5,752 10,359 5,396 0.08 -47.91
Guinea 78 129 104 65 67 0.00 3.08
Guinea-Bissau 13 20 12 4 13 0.00 225.00
Liberia 221 229 159 109 90 0.00 -17.43
Mali 238 676 1,154 502 952 0.01 89.64
Mauritania 387 516 541 495 545 0.01 10.10
Niger 189 223 223 267 320 0.00 19.85
Nigeria 1,170 1,377 1,305 1,637 1,342 0.02 -18.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saint Helena 3 4 7 2 2 0.00

Senegal 443 452 444 554 712 0.01 28.52
Sierra Leone 247 293 528 122 275 0.00 125.41
Togo 111 244 475 1,013 813 0.01 -19.74
OTHER AFRICA 6 32 11 21 1 0.00 -95.24
Other countries of Africa 6 32 11 21 1 0.00 -95.24
AMERICAS 184,619 174,906 162,367 167,323 166,470 2.36 -0.51
CARIBBEAN 671 722 821 950 1,241 0.02 30.63
Aruba 1
Bahamas 11 12 24 7 19 0.00 171.43
Barbados 10 4 13 6 8 0.00 33.33
Bermuda 31 1 4 0.00
Cuba 65 36 68 39 47 0.00 20.51
Curaçao 1 0.00
Dominica 10 0.00
Dominican Republic 248 287 260 286 312 0.00 9.09
Grenada 17 40 57 40 66 0.00 65.00
Guadeloupe 1 0.00
Haiti 84 77 125 122 52 0.00 -57.38
Jamaica 93 91 77 89 171 0.00 92.13
Saint Kitts and Nevis 7 34 93 177 413 0.01 133.33
Saint Lucia 5 6 5 4 6 0.00 50.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Trinidad and Tobago 99 132 96 179 129 0.00 -27.93
CENTRAL AMERICA 290 322 323 266 358 0.01 34.59
Belize 127 113 58 52 115 0.00 121.15
Costa Rica 19 22 26 28 35 0.00 25.00
El Salvador 39 20 34 29 36 0.00 24.14
Guatemala 36 71 50 39 12 0.00 -69.23
Honduras 10 13 49 43 66 0.00 53.49
Nicaragua 4 17 33 27 29 0.00 7.41
Panama 55 66 73 48 65 0.00 35.42
NORTH AMERICA 179,569 169,930 157,329 161,780 159,842 2.27 -1.20
Canada 39,060 39,968 39,877 43,146 44,388 0.63 2.88
Mexico 385 514 648 595 792 0.01 33.11
United States of America 140,124 129,448 116,804 118,039 114,662 1.63 -2.86
SOUTH AMERICA 4,081 3,918 3,867 4,308 5,018 0.07 16.48
Argentina 532 485 450 415 403 0.01 -2.89
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 80 88 90 80 61 0.00 -23.75
Brazil 1,209 1,286 1,322 1,275 1,389 0.02 8.94
Chile 91 75 96 68 88 0.00 29.41
Colombia 469 451 396 515 915 0.01 77.67
Ecuador 197 105 91 220 431 0.01 95.91
French Guiana 2 5 1
Guyana 23 24 24 19 22 0.00 15.79
Paraguay 7 30 21 7 9 0.00 28.57
Peru 149 111 104 110 105 0.00 -4.55
Suriname 26 32 17 154 130 0.00 -15.58
Uruguay 48 59 45 46 52 0.00 13.04
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,248 1,172 1,206 1,398 1,413 0.02 1.07
OTHER AMERICAS 8 14 27 19 11 0.00 -42.11
Other countries of the Americas 8 14 27 19 11 0.00 -42.11
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 230,571 231,957 259,842 295,082 326,415 4.63 10.62
NORTH-EAST ASIA 32,188 35,250 37,050 43,345 49,104 0.70 13.29
China 13,283 15,428 15,411 20,534 25,854 0.37 25.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hong Kong (China) 218 269 258 282 217 0.00 -23.05
Japan 5,291 5,072 5,215 5,238 5,438 0.08 3.82
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 354 273 1,610 1,465 1,818 0.03 24.10
Korea, Republic of 12,731 13,833 14,172 15,310 15,294 0.22 -0.10
Macao (China) 4 4 3 6 14 0.00 133.33
Mongolia 197 187 202 261 205 0.00 -21.46
Taiwan Province of China 110 184 179 249 264 0.00 6.02
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 184,353 183,499 209,726 238,613 264,153 3.74 10.70
Brunei Darussalam 21 7 30 19 8 0.00 -57.89
Cambodia 113 81 161 115 99 0.00 -13.91
Indonesia 17,693 13,800 12,218 10,992 10,047 0.14 -8.60
Lao People's Democratic Republic 34 25 13 43 30 0.00 -30.23
Malaysia 4,294 4,733 4,038 4,121 4,465 0.06 8.35
Myanmar 297 288 294 336 335 0.00 -0.30
Philippines 154,389 156,952 185,503 214,263 239,588 3.40 11.82
Singapore 1,174 1,126 1,096 1,135 1,201 0.02 5.81
Thailand 5,544 6,132 5,801 6,832 7,744 0.11 13.35
Timor-Leste 7 4 7 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Viet Nam 787 351 565 753 633 0.01 -15.94
AUSTRALASIA 13,821 13,025 12,890 12,903 13,018 0.18 0.89
Australia 11,180 10,495 10,538 10,489 10,696 0.15 1.97
New Zealand 2,641 2,530 2,352 2,414 2,322 0.03 -3.81
MELANESIA 92 94 75 55 54 0.00 -1.82
Fiji 92 94 75 55 51 0.00 -7.27
Papua New Guinea 1 0.00
Vanuatu 2 0.00
MICRONESIA 16 9 19 39 13 0.00 -66.67
Kiribati 1 0.00
Marshall Islands 3 1
Palau 13 8 19 39 12 0.00 -69.23
POLYNESIA 13 17 14 8 6 0.00 -25.00
Cook Islands 7 5 1 1
Samoa 1 1 2 0.00
Tonga 5 12 12 7 4 0.00 -42.86
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 88 63 68 119 67 0.00 -43.70
Other countries of Asia 88 63 68 119 67 0.00 -43.70
EUROPE 185,227 200,837 212,116 222,895 226,024 3.20 1.40
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 19,788 21,690 24,733 28,324 29,892 0.42 5.54
Armenia 643 807 1,275 2,190 2,851 0.04 30.18
Azerbaijan 410 519 627 638 607 0.01 -4.86
Belarus 287 388 342 473 537 0.01 13.53
Bulgaria 3,365 3,325 3,546 3,268 2,903 0.04 -11.17
Czech Republic 617 667 953 1,054 1,094 0.02 3.80
Czech Republic/Slovakia 1 2 2 1
Estonia 51 65 66 124 105 0.00 -15.32
Georgia 551 534 564 690 753 0.01 9.13
Hungary 1,497 1,583 1,785 1,714 1,955 0.03 14.06
Kazakhstan 218 320 438 579 701 0.01 21.07
Kyrgyzstan 649 826 1,028 957 1,087 0.02 13.58
Latvia 152 142 143 162 129 0.00 -20.37
Lithuania 209 188 265 395 333 0.00 -15.70
Moldova, Republic of 86 41 44 65 73 0.00 12.31
Poland 1,781 1,960 2,423 2,933 2,796 0.04 -4.67
Romania 3,480 3,947 4,585 5,585 5,022 0.07 -10.08
Russian Federation 3,119 3,263 3,590 3,797 4,810 0.07 26.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovakia 693 772 769 842 678 0.01 -19.48

Tajikistan 208 376 232 289 269 0.00 -6.92
Turkmenistan 33 22 58 162 128 0.00 -20.99
Ukraine 1,141 1,424 1,483 1,818 2,446 0.03 34.54
Uzbekistan 597 519 515 588 615 0.01 4.59
NORTHERN EUROPE 86,222 87,864 88,016 87,519 88,278 1.25 0.87
Denmark 3,279 3,304 3,373 3,770 3,854 0.05 2.23
Finland 930 930 1,043 894 853 0.01 -4.59
Iceland 105 105 85 114 93 0.00 -18.42
Ireland 3,424 3,441 3,954 3,678 3,651 0.05 -0.73
Norway 1,962 1,545 1,392 1,327 1,368 0.02 3.09
Sweden 6,820 5,539 4,630 4,306 4,271 0.06 -0.81
United Kingdom 69,702 73,000 73,539 73,430 74,188 1.05 1.03
SOUTHERN EUROPE 24,349 29,736 31,516 34,657 36,779 0.52 6.12
Albania 224 171 268 262 308 0.00 17.56
Andorra 8 3 3 4 0.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 904 816 737 889 928 0.01 4.39
Croatia 658 899 1,157 1,068 967 0.01 -9.46
Greece 2,510 2,909 3,144 3,724 3,671 0.05 -1.42
Italy 11,002 13,598 13,108 14,121 14,662 0.21 3.83
Malta 223 230 246 227 242 0.00 6.61
Montenegro 48 38 46 102 64 0.00 -37.25
Portugal 1,449 2,019 2,590 3,212 3,622 0.05 12.76
San Marino 8 12 6 2 3 0.00 50.00
Serbia 942 1,150 1,306 1,771 2,141 0.03 20.89
Slovenia 296 386 393 428 320 0.00 -25.23
Spain 5,691 7,046 7,970 8,594 9,119 0.13 6.11
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 386 459 542 257 575 0.01 123.74
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 153 0.00
WESTERN EUROPE 43,486 48,923 49,769 51,077 48,611 0.69 -4.83
Austria 1,690 1,826 1,805 1,866 1,964 0.03 5.25
Belgium 2,035 2,100 2,090 2,331 2,405 0.03 3.17
France 15,844 15,818 16,377 17,111 17,840 0.25 4.26
Germany 14,455 18,082 17,589 16,725 14,086 0.20 -15.78
Liechtenstein 70 13 32 25 16 0.00 -36.00
Luxembourg 104 95 86 96 82 0.00 -14.58
Monaco 3 3 1 1 4 0.00 300.00
Netherlands 7,243 8,919 9,707 10,978 10,323 0.15 -5.97
Switzerland 2,042 2,067 2,082 1,944 1,891 0.03 -2.73
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,868 12,214 17,696 20,656 22,296 0.32 7.94
Cyprus 614 573 556 593 629 0.01 6.07
Turkey 10,254 11,641 17,140 20,063 21,667 0.31 7.99
OTHER EUROPE 514 410 386 662 168 0.00 -74.62
Other countries of Europe 514 410 386 662 168 0.00 -74.62
MIDDLE EAST 3,609,287 3,950,556 4,160,816 4,462,564 4,469,355 63.35 0.15
Bahrain 163,783 230,269 237,507 264,144 237,189 3.36 -10.20
Egypt 646,093 710,415 760,581 828,949 878,127 12.45 5.93
Iraq 76,757 77,213 77,135 76,179 71,145 1.01 -6.61
Jordan 103,020 112,618 121,434 134,986 135,003 1.91 0.01
Lebanon 108,277 111,408 116,997 123,935 127,702 1.81 3.04
Libya 773 914 658 576 653 0.01 13.37
Oman 19,782 20,922 22,862 23,512 24,936 0.35 6.06
Qatar 35,861 39,048 49,739 58,308 67,682 0.96 16.08
Saudi Arabia 2,160,291 2,365,262 2,485,970 2,657,036 2,621,805 37.16 -1.33
State of Palestine 6,775 6,831 7,280 7,832 8,103 0.11 3.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 227,429 199,456 189,377 187,310 182,846 2.59 -2.38
United Arab Emirates 49,458 64,749 79,531 90,465 104,565 1.48 15.59
Yemen 10,988 11,451 11,745 9,332 9,599 0.14 2.86
SOUTH ASIA 1,355,377 1,474,763 1,585,349 1,650,460 1,738,332 24.64 5.32
Afghanistan 12,467 13,120 13,085 13,527 12,527 0.18 -7.39
Bangladesh 105,983 108,788 116,401 127,865 156,274 2.22 22.22
Bhutan 77 125 88 261 490 0.01 87.74
India 826,526 917,539 999,947 1,060,175 1,138,733 16.14 7.41
Iran, Islamic Republic of 72,432 76,384 76,988 75,289 72,652 1.03 -3.50
Maldives 49 90 67 83 32 0.00 -61.45
Nepal 47,546 50,909 51,950 48,433 57,019 0.81 17.73
Pakistan 200,037 215,742 232,191 232,150 220,598 3.13 -4.98
Sri Lanka 90,260 92,066 94,632 92,677 80,007 1.13 -13.67
NOT SPECIFIED 50,179 52,039 43,997 38,022 31,151 0.44 -18.07
Other countries of the World 50,179 52,039 43,997 38,022 31,151 0.44 -18.07

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,405,954 3,075,960 2,849,354 3,050,573 2,930,200 100.00 -3.95

AMERICAS 18,947 22,143 17,479 21,936 12,838 0.44 -41.48
NORTH AMERICA 18,947 22,143 17,479 21,936 12,838 0.44 -41.48
Canada 2,240 1,980 3,171 2,739 2,043 0.07 -25.41
United States of America 16,707 20,163 14,308 19,197 10,795 0.37 -43.77
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 34,263 38,705 45,894 49,446 51,557 1.76 4.27
NORTH-EAST ASIA 32,096 36,455 43,063 46,305 48,224 1.65 4.14
China 24,115 30,056 29,853 35,772 37,263 1.27 4.17
Japan 2,324 2,675 2,735 3,453 604 0.02 -82.51
Korea, Republic of 5,657 3,724 10,475 7,080 10,357 0.35 46.29
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 249 210 261 465 728 0.02 56.56
Malaysia 249 210 261 465 728 0.02 56.56
AUSTRALASIA 1,918 2,040 2,570 2,676 2,605 0.09 -2.65
Australia 1,680 1,737 2,223 2,244 2,260 0.08 0.71
New Zealand 238 303 347 432 345 0.01 -20.14
EUROPE 2,333,206 2,983,093 2,754,744 2,942,495 2,818,059 96.17 -4.23
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,284,717 2,926,901 2,682,110 2,859,090 2,720,590 92.85 -4.84
Armenia 889 1,327 1,502 2,292 1,889 0.06 -17.58
Azerbaijan 3,618 3,470 3,724 5,314 8,163 0.28 53.61
Belarus 1,337 1,911 2,671 3,569 4,149 0.14 16.25
Czech Republic 130 342 1,365 2,083 1,615 0.06 -22.47
Georgia 1,008 1,293 1,786 2,460 4,902 0.17 99.27
Hungary 456 497 694 667 467 0.02 -29.99
Kazakhstan 1,675,644 2,156,041 1,998,480 1,989,193 1,655,135 56.49 -16.79
Lithuania 588 618 868 994 679 0.02 -31.69
Moldova, Republic of 821 1,423 1,456 3,389 3,087 0.11 -8.91
Poland 991 1,003 2,149 2,455 2,516 0.09 2.48
Russian Federation 364,591 448,881 447,732 528,610 430,925 14.71 -18.48
Tajikistan 72,087 114,121 79,343 117,646 242,086 8.26 105.77
Turkmenistan 431 513 8,556 5,939 8,493 0.29 43.00
Ukraine 3,538 4,933 5,836 133,628 7,692 0.26 -94.24
Uzbekistan 158,588 190,528 125,948 60,851 348,792 11.90 473.19
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,387 6,412 6,981 9,714 11,096 0.38 14.23
Denmark 274 387 133 552 0.02
Finland 280 189 381 463 452 0.02 -2.38
Ireland 300 304 360 331 284 0.01 -14.20
Norway 962 877 1,295 1,192 850 0.03 -28.69
Sweden 363 385 421 879 1,016 0.03 15.59
United Kingdom 4,208 4,270 4,391 6,849 7,942 0.27 15.96
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,053 2,479 3,739 4,467 5,755 0.20 28.83
Italy 1,131 1,754 2,554 2,979 3,993 0.14 34.04
Spain 922 725 1,185 1,488 1,762 0.06 18.41
WESTERN EUROPE 20,554 20,756 27,062 30,683 24,396 0.83 -20.49
Austria 868 1,063 1,164 1,174 1,327 0.05 13.03
Belgium 741 1,139 1,156 1,353 1,506 0.05 11.31
France 3,935 5,247 5,121 5,754 6,026 0.21 4.73
Germany 11,734 9,215 15,228 16,690 10,928 0.37 -34.52
Netherlands 1,222 1,366 1,770 2,889 1,927 0.07 -33.30
Switzerland 2,054 2,726 2,623 2,823 2,682 0.09 -4.99
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 19,495 26,545 34,852 38,541 56,222 1.92 45.88
Israel 1,106 1,134 1,846 2,402 2,861 0.10 19.11
Turkey 18,389 25,411 33,006 36,139 53,361 1.82 47.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 271 1,271 675 840 2,804 0.10 233.81

Saudi Arabia 271 1,271 675 840 2,804 0.10 233.81
SOUTH ASIA 7,321 6,620 8,257 11,444 13,570 0.46 18.58
Afghanistan 610 626 940 836 691 0.02 -17.34
India 2,801 3,075 4,223 7,750 10,298 0.35 32.88
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,935 1,265 1,155 1,176 1,279 0.04 8.76
Pakistan 1,975 1,654 1,939 1,682 1,302 0.04 -22.59
NOT SPECIFIED 11,946 24,128 22,305 24,412 31,372 1.07 28.51
Other countries of the World 11,946 24,128 22,305 24,412 31,372 1.07 28.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,330,072 3,779,490 4,158,719 4,684,429 4,239,047 100.00 -9.51

AMERICAS 75,851 85,899 86,027 88,987 86,211 2.03 -3.12
NORTH AMERICA 70,124 78,740 80,556 82,843 77,409 1.83 -6.56
Canada 16,744 17,132 19,096 19,785 19,315 0.46 -2.38
United States of America 53,380 61,608 61,460 63,058 58,094 1.37 -7.87
OTHER AMERICAS 5,727 7,159 5,471 6,144 8,802 0.21 43.26
Other countries of the Americas 5,727 7,159 5,471 6,144 8,802 0.21 43.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,057,840 3,468,560 3,849,894 4,361,988 3,911,416 92.27 -10.33
NORTH-EAST ASIA 299,708 380,247 568,880 726,721 781,949 18.45 7.60
China 199,857 245,033 422,440 511,436 545,493 12.87 6.66
Japan 42,026 48,644 44,877 43,826 49,191 1.16 12.24
Korea, Republic of 53,829 81,799 96,085 165,328 173,260 4.09 4.80
Taiwan Province of China 3,996 4,771 5,478 6,131 14,005 0.33 128.43
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,712,478 3,041,233 3,224,080 3,588,538 3,083,383 72.74 -14.08
Brunei Darussalam 533 582 564 865 484 0.01 -44.05
Cambodia 15,140 12,180 15,342 20,625 16,536 0.39 -19.83
Indonesia 4,256 4,888 4,812 6,019 5,010 0.12 -16.76
Malaysia 22,785 26,035 24,312 24,095 24,391 0.58 1.23
Myanmar 1,730 1,947 2,157 2,661 3,695 0.09 38.86
Philippines 14,281 16,318 15,179 16,709 16,750 0.40 0.25
Singapore 10,545 9,685 9,621 8,258 8,512 0.20 3.08
Thailand 1,937,612 2,059,434 2,043,761 2,321,352 2,009,605 47.41 -13.43
Viet Nam 705,596 910,164 1,108,332 1,187,954 998,400 23.55 -15.96
AUSTRALASIA 39,296 40,901 50,164 39,463 37,864 0.89 -4.05
Australia 33,878 35,450 44,964 34,665 33,077 0.78 -4.58
New Zealand 5,418 5,451 5,200 4,798 4,787 0.11 -0.23
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,358 6,179 6,770 7,266 8,220 0.19 13.13
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 6,358 6,179 6,770 7,266 8,220 0.19 13.13
EUROPE 189,043 215,930 213,399 221,470 225,501 5.32 1.82
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,642 11,649 13,340 12,532 13,033 0.31 4.00
Russian Federation 8,642 11,649 13,340 12,532 13,033 0.31 4.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 53,693 57,787 57,287 57,976 56,680 1.34 -2.24
Denmark 5,054 4,586 5,065 4,491 4,479 0.11 -0.27
Finland 2,962 2,735 3,751 3,013 3,218 0.08 6.80
Norway 3,307 3,531 3,606 3,499 4,018 0.09 14.83
Sweden 6,676 5,194 5,804 5,465 5,795 0.14 6.04
United Kingdom 35,694 41,741 39,061 41,508 39,170 0.92 -5.63
SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,863 14,382 15,427 14,724 16,106 0.38 9.39
Greece 366 433 498 878 593 0.01 -32.46
Italy 6,289 8,822 9,710 8,990 10,052 0.24 11.81
Spain 4,208 5,127 5,219 4,856 5,461 0.13 12.46
WESTERN EUROPE 98,843 112,531 108,871 114,453 117,584 2.77 2.74
Austria 2,860 3,339 3,835 3,910 5,324 0.13 36.16
Belgium 6,284 6,046 5,343 5,289 5,682 0.13 7.43
France 46,903 52,411 52,146 55,151 54,953 1.30 -0.36
Germany 23,417 29,250 29,800 31,897 34,018 0.80 6.65
Netherlands 9,283 10,899 8,683 8,429 7,004 0.17 -16.91
Switzerland 10,096 10,586 9,064 9,777 10,603 0.25 8.45
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,241 3,364 4,068 4,163 3,593 0.08 -13.69
Israel 3,241 3,364 4,068 4,163 3,593 0.08 -13.69
OTHER EUROPE 13,761 16,217 14,406 17,622 18,505 0.44 5.01
Other countries of Europe 13,761 16,217 14,406 17,622 18,505 0.44 5.01
SOUTH ASIA 3,275 4,551 4,547 5,492 8,249 0.19 50.20
India 3,275 4,551 4,547 5,492 8,249 0.19 50.20
NOT SPECIFIED 4,063 4,550 4,852 6,492 7,670 0.18 18.15
Other countries of the World 4,063 4,550 4,852 6,492 7,670 0.18 18.15

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 5,568,941 5,821,779 6,245,878 6,841,685 6,796,999 100.00 -0.65

AMERICAS 41,428 31,537 30,258 28,123 52,708 0.78 87.42
NORTH AMERICA 41,428 31,537 30,258 28,123 52,708 0.78 87.42
United States of America 41,428 31,537 30,258 28,123 52,708 0.78 87.42
EUROPE 5,348,746 5,621,568 6,056,927 6,602,970 6,576,657 96.76 -0.40
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,998,829 4,279,426 4,577,404 5,077,458 5,321,507 78.29 4.81
Belarus 168,505 194,705 201,965 160,638 151,794 2.23 -5.51
Czech Republic 38,951 42,481 40,301 48,284 40,992 0.60 -15.10
Estonia 980,312 1,067,558 1,186,791 1,328,261 1,397,476 20.56 5.21
Georgia 12,140 10,396 0.15
Hungary 12,425 12,223 0.18
Kazakhstan 33,361 17,643 28,888 22,586 11,495 0.17 -49.11
Lithuania 1,982,739 2,051,354 2,221,822 2,638,396 2,747,402 40.42 4.13
Poland 212,811 230,240 204,021 201,112 249,490 3.67 24.06
Russian Federation 476,194 578,605 622,815 568,949 597,915 8.80 5.09
Slovakia 9,524 17,414 0.26 82.84
Ukraine 79,308 78,713 58,661 99,708 76,793 1.13 -22.98
Uzbekistan 14,223 18,127 8,117 0.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 795,946 800,208 869,383 851,490 554,212 8.15 -34.91
Denmark 59,795 59,775 56,828 53,649 32,614 0.48 -39.21
Finland 151,755 138,737 133,660 166,475 156,322 2.30 -6.10
Ireland 25,422 38,333 34,153 23,012 33,255 0.49 44.51
Norway 126,302 127,260 117,565 131,643 64,758 0.95 -50.81
Sweden 345,291 346,005 415,386 338,048 125,232 1.84 -62.95
United Kingdom 87,381 90,098 111,791 138,663 142,031 2.09 2.43
SOUTHERN EUROPE 83,390 71,643 78,269 79,985 61,166 0.90 -23.53
Italy 60,368 55,971 55,432 56,169 39,795 0.59 -29.15
Spain 23,022 15,672 22,837 23,816 21,371 0.31 -10.27
WESTERN EUROPE 440,001 470,291 503,746 552,582 606,722 8.93 9.80
Austria 21,842 22,993 21,846 23,091 26,892 0.40 16.46
Belgium 47,447 51,616 38,448 55,931 37,516 0.55 -32.92
France 42,997 52,009 50,274 43,495 43,164 0.64 -0.76
Germany 261,154 265,290 298,869 332,354 447,231 6.58 34.56
Netherlands 39,790 48,970 53,748 64,586 23,202 0.34 -64.08
Switzerland 26,771 29,413 40,561 33,125 28,717 0.42 -13.31
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,580 28,125 41,455 33,050 0.49 -20.27
Israel 16,533 11,884 15,199 17,306 0.25 13.86
Turkey 14,047 16,241 26,256 15,744 0.23 -40.04
NOT SPECIFIED 178,767 168,674 158,693 210,592 167,634 2.47 -20.40
Other countries of the World 178,767 168,674 158,693 210,592 167,634 2.47 -20.40

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,096,274 1,249,814 1,431,038 1,474,765 1,573,632 100.00 6.70

AFRICA 866 1,206 2,670 2,032 2,423 0.15 19.24
EAST AFRICA 44 102 112 120 165 0.01 37.50
Kenya 18 27 76 56 53 0.00 -5.36
Tanzania, United Republic of 8 45 15 30 17 0.00 -43.33
Uganda 9 18 10 27 22 0.00 -18.52
Zimbabwe 9 12 11 7 73 0.00 942.86
CENTRAL AFRICA 62 70 147 101 613 0.04 506.93
Angola 36 17 26 47 87 0.01 85.11
Cameroon 13 20 19 33 48 0.00 45.45
Central African Republic 5 5 34 1 16 0.00 1,500.00
Congo 3 22 3 17 32 0.00 88.24
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5 6 65 3 430 0.03 14,233.33
NORTH AFRICA 133 251 205 352 302 0.02 -14.20
Algeria 52 67 57 42 77 0.00 83.33
Morocco 50 144 110 240 118 0.01 -50.83
Tunisia 31 40 38 70 107 0.01 52.86
SOUTHERN AFRICA 466 494 1,965 848 801 0.05 -5.54
Namibia 12 18 78 11 19 0.00 72.73
South Africa 241 286 1,480 368 434 0.03 17.93
Swaziland 213 190 407 469 348 0.02 -25.80
WEST AFRICA 161 289 241 611 542 0.03 -11.29
Gambia 3 2 6 0.00
Ghana 16 13 24 54 88 0.01 62.96
Liberia 9 17 6 11 0.00 83.33
Mauritania 30 2 5 79 0.01 1,480.00
Niger 14 135 50 82 131 0.01 59.76
Nigeria 51 32 49 198 92 0.01 -53.54
Senegal 12 6 37 26 18 0.00 -30.77
Sierra Leone 56 56 77 240 117 0.01 -51.25
AMERICAS 28,926 34,356 36,268 41,064 53,048 3.37 29.18
CARIBBEAN 43 143 56 115 367 0.02 219.13
Antigua and Barbuda 3 20 30 281 0.02 836.67
Barbados 13 1 14 29 0.00 107.14
Cuba 25 92 41 51 29 0.00 -43.14
Dominican Republic 3 6 6 11 22 0.00 100.00
Jamaica 12 12 8 9 6 0.00 -33.33
CENTRAL AMERICA 58 79 314 212 206 0.01 -2.83
Belize 14 4 8 3 6 0.00 100.00
Costa Rica 26 45 266 171 120 0.01 -29.82
Guatemala 6 17 8 11 22 0.00 100.00
Panama 12 13 32 27 58 0.00 114.81
NORTH AMERICA 25,993 30,809 31,827 36,806 47,442 3.01 28.90
Canada 3,298 3,772 4,060 5,006 5,136 0.33 2.60
Greenland 57 6 4 7 12 0.00 71.43
Mexico 452 509 468 776 777 0.05 0.13
United States of America 22,186 26,522 27,295 31,017 41,517 2.64 33.85
SOUTH AMERICA 2,832 3,325 4,071 3,931 5,033 0.32 28.03
Argentina 439 583 830 930 1,296 0.08 39.35
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 7 15 19 17 13 0.00 -23.53
Brazil 1,577 2,017 2,262 2,044 2,490 0.16 21.82
Chile 518 233 191 278 420 0.03 51.08
Colombia 81 223 192 231 339 0.02 46.75
Ecuador 25 57 27 71 64 0.00 -9.86
Peru 39 34 60 72 135 0.01 87.50

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Suriname 9 16 52 109 21 0.00 -80.73

Uruguay 102 37 86 109 128 0.01 17.43
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 35 110 352 70 127 0.01 81.43
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,482 31,399 44,954 53,559 62,751 3.99 17.16
NORTH-EAST ASIA 16,501 22,527 33,380 43,774 51,881 3.30 18.52
China 3,666 6,319 12,584 13,022 20,549 1.31 57.80
Hong Kong (China) 653 1,335 748
Japan 7,322 8,988 15,606 21,575 23,191 1.47 7.49
Korea, Republic of 2,385 2,129 2,663 4,814 5,294 0.34 9.97
Mongolia 17 29 100 82 118 0.01 43.90
Taiwan Province of China 2,458 3,727 1,679 4,281 2,729 0.17 -36.25
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,516 2,956 4,396 3,600 3,539 0.22 -1.69
Indonesia 132 263 524 406 344 0.02 -15.27
Lao People's Democratic Republic 10 17 15 40 27 0.00 -32.50
Malaysia 253 380 297 439 697 0.04 58.77
Philippines 336 384 1,353 308 347 0.02 12.66
Singapore 453 420 579 753 786 0.05 4.38
Thailand 1,280 1,397 1,404 1,520 1,214 0.08 -20.13
Viet Nam 52 95 224 134 124 0.01 -7.46
AUSTRALASIA 5,465 5,916 7,178 6,185 7,331 0.47 18.53
Australia 4,679 5,454 6,544 5,670 6,440 0.41 13.58
New Zealand 786 462 634 515 891 0.06 73.01
EUROPE 1,027,617 1,174,264 1,331,382 1,361,455 1,444,314 91.78 6.09
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 508,235 643,905 677,550 633,197 669,137 42.52 5.68
Armenia 833 565 791 1,363 1,481 0.09 8.66
Azerbaijan 1,388 2,301 2,327 2,454 2,416 0.15 -1.55
Belarus 21,545 29,408 37,338 34,684 35,429 2.25 2.15
Bulgaria 1,835 2,142 2,930 3,004 2,490 0.16 -17.11
Czech Republic 6,434 6,852 8,605 9,440 9,138 0.58 -3.20
Estonia 87,026 105,558 121,257 139,420 145,328 9.24 4.24
Georgia 1,481 1,864 2,213 2,961 2,703 0.17 -8.71
Hungary 2,823 3,304 4,106 4,590 6,539 0.42 42.46
Kazakhstan 2,716 3,315 3,259 3,434 3,030 0.19 -11.76
Kyrgyzstan 135 184 221 258 339 0.02 31.40
Lithuania 93,270 109,118 121,049 145,023 158,783 10.09 9.49
Moldova, Republic of 536 619 684 1,103 974 0.06 -11.70
Poland 32,103 39,785 39,738 41,643 45,131 2.87 8.38
Romania 3,006 3,341 4,126 4,574 4,864 0.31 6.34
Russian Federation 232,552 310,266 297,555 203,732 208,810 13.27 2.49
Slovakia 3,125 3,525 3,138 3,250 3,710 0.24 14.15
Tajikistan 125 144 182 344 200 0.01 -41.86
Turkmenistan 224 144 149 212 248 0.02 16.98
Ukraine 13,015 16,155 21,396 24,919 29,479 1.87 18.30
Uzbekistan 4,063 5,315 6,486 6,789 8,045 0.51 18.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 253,113 247,278 294,336 328,994 357,531 22.72 8.67
Denmark 16,871 15,590 19,340 22,579 22,986 1.46 1.80
Finland 74,172 63,515 74,955 82,863 100,698 6.40 21.52
Iceland 910 1,746 1,345 2,489 2,008 0.13 -19.33
Ireland 4,099 4,474 6,029 6,908 7,932 0.50 14.82
Norway 67,643 66,160 71,014 74,201 70,729 4.49 -4.68
Sweden 51,458 55,799 62,794 70,550 68,039 4.32 -3.56
United Kingdom 37,960 39,994 58,859 69,404 85,139 5.41 22.67
SOUTHERN EUROPE 61,474 66,474 71,862 82,783 92,396 5.87 11.61
Albania 246 156 140 299 727 0.05 143.14
Andorra 46 163 173 375 910 0.06 142.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Bosnia and Herzegovina 251 569 238 161 644 0.04 300.00
Croatia 881 785 1,903 2,042 2,310 0.15 13.12
Gibraltar 13 10 28 15 17 0.00 13.33
Greece 2,884 3,956 3,327 4,571 4,097 0.26 -10.37
Italy 33,205 31,826 37,075 39,278 43,320 2.75 10.29
Malta 399 569 607 1,898 710 0.05 -62.59
Montenegro 52 19 23 132 140 0.01 6.06
Portugal 2,393 2,875 3,515 4,724 4,167 0.26 -11.79
San Marino 17 6 28 42 8 0.00 -80.95
Serbia 308 530 511 569 930 0.06 63.44
Slovenia 1,400 1,634 2,134 2,485 2,549 0.16 2.58
Spain 19,239 23,199 22,007 25,922 31,513 2.00 21.57
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 140 177 153 270 354 0.02 31.11
WESTERN EUROPE 188,712 199,745 267,398 295,040 299,544 19.04 1.53
Austria 8,197 11,251 15,747 13,528 14,017 0.89 3.61
Belgium 11,140 10,238 13,794 21,197 15,815 1.00 -25.39
France 20,912 22,568 28,742 31,878 34,151 2.17 7.13
Germany 120,447 122,737 168,707 178,584 187,820 11.94 5.17
Liechtenstein 59 223 80 90 97 0.01 7.78
Luxembourg 948 977 996 1,618 1,718 0.11 6.18
Monaco 49 96 112 126 90 0.01 -28.57
Netherlands 17,682 20,628 25,316 29,732 27,245 1.73 -8.36
Switzerland 9,278 11,027 13,904 18,287 18,591 1.18 1.66
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 16,083 16,862 20,236 21,441 25,706 1.63 19.89
Cyprus 575 751 1,045 1,380 1,488 0.09 7.83
Israel 6,045 7,126 7,957 10,421 13,284 0.84 27.47
Turkey 9,463 8,985 11,234 9,640 10,934 0.69 13.42
MIDDLE EAST 1,210 1,324 2,386 2,164 2,950 0.19 36.32
Bahrain 11 35 24 47 59 0.00 25.53
Egypt 407 326 582 681 602 0.04 -11.60
Iraq 89 88 72 139 344 0.02 147.48
Jordan 36 54 76 111 137 0.01 23.42
Kuwait 88 83 62 65 93 0.01 43.08
Lebanon 89 93 146 195 180 0.01 -7.69
Libya 46 47 79 40 145 0.01 262.50
Qatar 20 22 11 55 31 0.00 -43.64
Saudi Arabia 153 116 739 193 178 0.01 -7.77
Syrian Arab Republic 39 82 136 136 131 0.01 -3.68
United Arab Emirates 231 370 448 501 1,040 0.07 107.58
Yemen 1 8 11 1 10 0.00 900.00
SOUTH ASIA 2,055 2,260 2,953 4,500 5,161 0.33 14.69
Afghanistan 99 111 101 266 591 0.04 122.18
Bangladesh 44 35 50 51 68 0.00 33.33
India 1,422 1,548 2,115 3,303 3,585 0.23 8.54
Iran, Islamic Republic of 187 319 331 480 520 0.03 8.33
Nepal 55 48 34 68 71 0.00 4.41
Pakistan 209 144 164 208 251 0.02 20.67
Sri Lanka 39 55 158 124 75 0.00 -39.52
NOT SPECIFIED 11,118 5,005 10,425 9,991 2,985 0.19 -70.12
Other countries of the World 11,118 5,005 10,425 9,991 2,985 0.19 -70.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,429,093 2,639,434 2,875,934 2,873,885 3,044,532 100.00 5.94

AFRICA 1,846 2,595 5,012 3,591 4,335 0.14 20.72
EAST AFRICA 107 228 304 164 271 0.01 65.24
Kenya 76 81 211 81 86 0.00 6.17
Tanzania, United Republic of 8 50 53 36 27 0.00 -25.00
Uganda 12 33 24 40 48 0.00 20.00
Zimbabwe 11 64 16 7 110 0.00 1,471.43
CENTRAL AFRICA 97 145 248 146 880 0.03 502.74
Angola 44 21 28 67 129 0.00 92.54
Cameroon 31 69 42 45 116 0.00 157.78
Central African Republic 11 12 58 2 40 0.00 1,900.00
Congo 3 35 7 27 73 0.00 170.37
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8 8 113 5 522 0.02 10,340.00
NORTH AFRICA 474 498 388 652 656 0.02 0.61
Algeria 312 146 87 74 145 0.00 95.95
Morocco 113 260 215 410 264 0.01 -35.61
Tunisia 49 92 86 168 247 0.01 47.02
SOUTHERN AFRICA 824 1,138 3,667 1,614 1,457 0.05 -9.73
Namibia 16 27 416 13 39 0.00 200.00
South Africa 499 796 2,585 869 824 0.03 -5.18
Swaziland 309 315 666 732 594 0.02 -18.85
WEST AFRICA 344 586 405 1,015 1,071 0.04 5.52
Gambia 3 3 11 0.00
Ghana 37 15 29 145 138 0.00 -4.83
Liberia 20 37 9 11 0.00 22.22
Mauritania 62 12 12 24 0.00 100.00
Niger 67 309 79 147 213 0.01 44.90
Nigeria 115 46 106 293 455 0.01 55.29
Senegal 22 12 47 28 28 0.00
Sierra Leone 80 105 129 381 191 0.01 -49.87
AMERICAS 64,557 85,644 83,998 87,824 110,552 3.63 25.88
CARIBBEAN 65 212 113 171 474 0.02 177.19
Antigua and Barbuda 3 49 49 335 0.01 583.67
Barbados 26 2 18 36 0.00 100.00
Cuba 34 98 71 75 42 0.00 -44.00
Dominican Republic 3 12 6 16 45 0.00 181.25
Jamaica 25 27 34 13 16 0.00 23.08
CENTRAL AMERICA 107 184 481 319 387 0.01 21.32
Belize 20 6 14 8 10 0.00 25.00
Costa Rica 53 114 408 247 232 0.01 -6.07
Guatemala 20 27 8 22 45 0.00 104.55
Panama 14 37 51 42 100 0.00 138.10
NORTH AMERICA 59,040 77,089 76,038 80,112 100,147 3.29 25.01
Canada 7,517 9,494 9,781 10,488 11,591 0.38 10.52
Greenland 61 18 15 14 17 0.00 21.43
Mexico 921 940 907 1,514 1,390 0.05 -8.19
United States of America 50,541 66,637 65,335 68,096 87,149 2.86 27.98
SOUTH AMERICA 5,345 8,159 7,366 7,222 9,544 0.31 32.15
Argentina 866 1,154 1,366 1,567 2,462 0.08 57.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 7 29 28 43 21 0.00 -51.16
Brazil 3,137 5,456 4,041 3,869 4,678 0.15 20.91
Chile 756 483 345 493 671 0.02 36.11
Colombia 154 418 333 412 663 0.02 60.92
Ecuador 64 97 52 136 133 0.00 -2.21
Peru 85 81 149 119 355 0.01 198.32

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Suriname 25 43 81 136 39 0.00 -71.32

Uruguay 161 84 150 190 289 0.01 52.11
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 90 314 821 257 233 0.01 -9.34
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 47,884 58,639 83,921 81,966 100,269 3.29 22.33
NORTH-EAST ASIA 30,590 39,124 59,324 63,479 78,494 2.58 23.65
China 7,533 12,034 25,505 20,940 34,171 1.12 63.19
Hong Kong (China) 1,281 2,056 1,365
Japan 12,765 15,776 24,798 30,033 32,387 1.06 7.84
Korea, Republic of 4,686 4,221 4,803 7,281 8,142 0.27 11.83
Mongolia 55 65 284 134 229 0.01 70.90
Taiwan Province of China 4,270 4,972 2,569 5,091 3,565 0.12 -29.97
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,039 5,732 9,605 5,654 6,697 0.22 18.45
Indonesia 350 403 1,935 666 562 0.02 -15.62
Lao People's Democratic Republic 10 18 30 61 33 0.00 -45.90
Malaysia 496 670 626 818 1,235 0.04 50.98
Philippines 733 778 2,650 482 574 0.02 19.09
Singapore 1,033 859 1,318 1,213 1,341 0.04 10.55
Thailand 2,310 2,254 2,520 2,185 2,753 0.09 26.00
Viet Nam 107 750 526 229 199 0.01 -13.10
AUSTRALASIA 12,255 13,783 14,992 12,833 15,078 0.50 17.49
Australia 10,525 12,736 13,753 11,748 13,505 0.44 14.96
New Zealand 1,730 1,047 1,239 1,085 1,573 0.05 44.98
EUROPE 2,282,680 2,468,729 2,663,419 2,648,174 2,788,842 91.60 5.31
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,162,662 1,375,581 1,389,208 1,260,881 1,325,928 43.55 5.16
Armenia 1,403 1,130 2,036 2,105 2,800 0.09 33.02
Azerbaijan 5,849 8,569 8,812 7,924 9,115 0.30 15.03
Belarus 91,620 100,672 109,400 112,097 122,446 4.02 9.23
Bulgaria 5,678 6,583 11,987 6,196 5,159 0.17 -16.74
Czech Republic 15,099 15,596 18,165 18,266 16,743 0.55 -8.34
Estonia 136,610 161,585 185,597 206,925 212,357 6.98 2.63
Georgia 8,273 9,162 11,458 13,569 9,412 0.31 -30.64
Hungary 5,572 6,797 8,015 7,914 10,566 0.35 33.51
Kazakhstan 9,238 12,363 9,397 12,603 10,153 0.33 -19.44
Kyrgyzstan 531 545 562 553 794 0.03 43.58
Lithuania 162,918 190,592 209,478 244,243 261,370 8.58 7.01
Moldova, Republic of 1,032 1,425 1,504 3,040 2,256 0.07 -25.79
Poland 58,108 66,462 71,610 70,044 71,376 2.34 1.90
Romania 7,431 7,086 8,332 9,081 9,076 0.30 -0.06
Russian Federation 587,953 702,067 627,807 419,322 440,862 14.48 5.14
Slovakia 9,804 7,713 6,453 6,086 6,955 0.23 14.28
Tajikistan 563 260 650 1,086 591 0.02 -45.58
Turkmenistan 363 502 390 435 528 0.02 21.38
Ukraine 38,613 51,805 57,522 68,474 71,770 2.36 4.81
Uzbekistan 16,004 24,667 40,033 50,918 61,599 2.02 20.98
NORTHERN EUROPE 551,047 518,730 552,841 620,967 675,792 22.20 8.83
Denmark 37,565 33,162 38,520 44,527 44,850 1.47 0.73
Finland 154,407 122,783 138,927 150,589 182,478 5.99 21.18
Iceland 2,055 3,575 2,852 3,964 3,598 0.12 -9.23
Ireland 9,119 9,767 12,343 13,482 15,877 0.52 17.76
Norway 162,957 157,717 138,290 151,949 146,211 4.80 -3.78
Sweden 102,058 104,465 101,940 118,967 114,667 3.77 -3.61
United Kingdom 82,886 87,261 119,969 137,489 168,111 5.52 22.27
SOUTHERN EUROPE 131,532 129,890 143,522 156,006 166,362 5.46 6.64
Albania 322 280 375 505 1,240 0.04 145.54
Andorra 89 286 382 869 1,400 0.05 61.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Bosnia and Herzegovina 532 1,194 502 337 836 0.03 148.07
Croatia 2,411 2,126 7,571 3,804 4,063 0.13 6.81
Gibraltar 33 18 65 38 34 0.00 -10.53
Greece 6,436 8,422 7,071 8,522 7,783 0.26 -8.67
Italy 71,760 64,774 71,204 76,032 79,314 2.61 4.32
Malta 899 1,400 1,265 3,370 1,356 0.04 -59.76
Montenegro 111 103 41 245 260 0.01 6.12
Portugal 6,059 6,611 7,966 9,304 8,689 0.29 -6.61
San Marino 22 15 65 61 27 0.00 -55.74
Serbia 730 1,017 1,108 1,187 1,418 0.05 19.46
Slovenia 3,147 3,249 3,905 5,425 4,307 0.14 -20.61
Spain 38,725 40,045 41,753 45,763 55,039 1.81 20.27
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 256 350 249 544 596 0.02 9.56
WESTERN EUROPE 399,804 402,071 532,435 565,373 562,672 18.48 -0.48
Austria 17,162 22,063 32,148 24,539 24,354 0.80 -0.75
Belgium 23,519 21,425 27,153 40,911 31,425 1.03 -23.19
France 43,736 48,614 58,022 62,192 64,395 2.12 3.54
Germany 252,943 239,359 334,567 338,250 350,002 11.50 3.47
Liechtenstein 110 303 240 252 228 0.01 -9.52
Luxembourg 2,110 1,928 2,210 2,922 3,499 0.11 19.75
Monaco 124 211 235 209 171 0.01 -18.18
Netherlands 40,303 44,269 50,299 59,777 51,602 1.69 -13.68
Switzerland 19,797 23,899 27,561 36,321 36,996 1.22 1.86
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 37,635 42,457 45,413 44,947 58,088 1.91 29.24
Cyprus 1,694 2,142 2,476 3,355 3,174 0.10 -5.39
Israel 14,815 19,380 20,455 23,711 33,879 1.11 42.88
Turkey 21,126 20,935 22,482 17,881 21,035 0.69 17.64
MIDDLE EAST 2,987 3,681 5,702 6,314 7,529 0.25 19.24
Bahrain 12 86 58 75 142 0.00 89.33
Egypt 1,117 1,233 1,930 3,218 3,443 0.11 6.99
Iraq 292 192 125 327 472 0.02 44.34
Jordan 69 129 216 246 303 0.01 23.17
Kuwait 182 189 126 170 286 0.01 68.24
Lebanon 187 288 365 373 298 0.01 -20.11
Libya 128 96 171 93 242 0.01 160.22
Qatar 44 50 29 116 58 0.00 -50.00
Saudi Arabia 392 384 1,332 318 352 0.01 10.69
Syrian Arab Republic 111 182 350 443 242 0.01 -45.37
United Arab Emirates 446 836 977 929 1,677 0.06 80.52
Yemen 7 16 23 6 14 0.00 133.33
SOUTH ASIA 6,161 9,169 10,031 20,312 28,085 0.92 38.27
Afghanistan 177 153 207 541 765 0.03 41.40
Bangladesh 67 62 91 313 320 0.01 2.24
India 3,951 6,644 7,883 17,228 24,436 0.80 41.84
Iran, Islamic Republic of 672 1,170 718 911 902 0.03 -0.99
Nepal 392 281 89 131 138 0.00 5.34
Pakistan 821 386 293 382 689 0.02 80.37
Sri Lanka 81 473 750 806 835 0.03 3.60
NOT SPECIFIED 22,978 10,977 23,851 25,704 4,920 0.16 -80.86
Other countries of the World 22,978 10,977 23,851 25,704 4,920 0.16 -80.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,365,845 1,274,362 1,354,647 1,517,927 1,688,357 100.00 11.23

AFRICA 82,368 85,450 75,637 108,079 127,662 7.56 18.12
EAST AFRICA 43,484 46,968 35,629 64,990 84,147 4.98 29.48
Burundi 20 44 18 31 65 0.00 109.68
Comoros 171 81 81 141 101 0.01 -28.37
Djibouti 68 27 25 33 49 0.00 48.48
Eritrea 305 253 252 227 193 0.01 -14.98
Ethiopia 39,321 41,223 23,292 57,714 79,140 4.69 37.12
Kenya 1,763 2,872 9,048 4,208 1,670 0.10 -60.31
Madagascar 389 728 981 461 418 0.02 -9.33
Malawi 113 122 148 200 215 0.01 7.50
Mauritius 104 80 99 101 125 0.01 23.76
Mozambique 110 139 185 247 236 0.01 -4.45
Rwanda 53 58 42 67 77 0.00 14.93
Seychelles 37 27 24 22 32 0.00 45.45
Somalia 424 512 403 385 382 0.02 -0.78
Tanzania, United Republic of 315 383 301 370 535 0.03 44.59
Uganda 100 206 466 395 424 0.03 7.34
Zambia 96 111 120 171 238 0.01 39.18
Zimbabwe 95 102 144 217 247 0.01 13.82
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,012 2,116 2,659 2,751 1,850 0.11 -32.75
Angola 89 122 107 160 131 0.01 -18.13
Cameroon 882 873 1,585 1,361 584 0.03 -57.09
Central African Republic 55 66 61 34 40 0.00 17.65
Chad 41 52 46 41 66 0.00 60.98
Congo 441 460 373 728 519 0.03 -28.71
Equatorial Guinea 8 27 26 26 88 0.01 238.46
Gabon 488 516 454 401 422 0.02 5.24
Sao Tome and Principe 8 7
NORTH AFRICA 20,087 19,672 19,100 21,975 23,523 1.39 7.04
Algeria 4,005 4,009 3,800 4,356 5,192 0.31 19.19
Morocco 6,219 6,767 6,472 7,192 7,328 0.43 1.89
Sudan 3,720 3,349 3,099 3,392 3,318 0.20 -2.18
Tunisia 6,143 5,547 5,729 7,035 7,685 0.46 9.24
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,162 1,985 1,919 2,244 2,016 0.12 -10.16
Botswana 2 3 1 1 3 0.00 200.00
Lesotho 2 3 4 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Namibia 19 17 22 21 21 0.00
South Africa 2,139 1,958 1,892 2,215 1,968 0.12 -11.15
Swaziland 4 2 21 0.00 950.00
WEST AFRICA 14,623 14,709 16,330 16,119 16,126 0.96 0.04
Benin 422 435 518 578 706 0.04 22.15
Burkina Faso 566 577 723 508 668 0.04 31.50
Cabo Verde 4 10 13 29 18 0.00 -37.93
Côte d'Ivoire 1,847 1,733 1,926 2,317 2,485 0.15 7.25
Gambia 358 421 492 412 442 0.03 7.28
Ghana 3,940 4,002 4,902 4,469 4,375 0.26 -2.10
Guinea 516 427 398 372 351 0.02 -5.65
Guinea-Bissau 43 81 63 50 52 0.00 4.00
Liberia 224 246 214 193 197 0.01 2.07
Mali 291 193 271 291 284 0.02 -2.41
Mauritania 221 194 244 272 322 0.02 18.38
Niger 107 113 105 98 92 0.01 -6.12
Nigeria 2,628 2,623 2,357 2,815 2,436 0.14 -13.46
Senegal 1,502 1,386 1,635 2,024 2,009 0.12 -0.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sierra Leone 1,181 1,157 1,433 907 1,007 0.06 11.03

Togo 773 1,111 1,036 784 682 0.04 -13.01
AMERICAS 221,174 209,580 224,621 264,041 296,831 17.58 12.42
CARIBBEAN 858 953 1,145 1,616 1,976 0.12 22.28
Antigua and Barbuda 27 67 115 264 368 0.02 39.39
Bahamas 5 3 3 8 6 0.00 -25.00
Barbados 12 6 7 14 8 0.00 -42.86
Cuba 138 140 132 144 190 0.01 31.94
Dominican Republic 354 421 333 386 383 0.02 -0.78
Grenada 17 17 19 18 26 0.00 44.44
Haiti 36 28 41 38 49 0.00 28.95
Jamaica 57 24 20 24 31 0.00 29.17
Puerto Rico 1 1 1 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 82 151 359 599 783 0.05 30.72
Saint Lucia 4 2 7 1 2 0.00 100.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 41 15 26 15 26 0.00 73.33
Trinidad and Tobago 84 78 83 105 103 0.01 -1.90
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,064 1,005 1,091 1,241 1,557 0.09 25.46
Belize 217 237 202 253 280 0.02 10.67
Costa Rica 93 76 142 145 206 0.01 42.07
El Salvador 64 36 63 34 81 0.00 138.24
Guatemala 60 133 116 119 126 0.01 5.88
Honduras 36 58 29 121 78 0.00 -35.54
Nicaragua 16 19 32 24 38 0.00 58.33
Panama 578 446 507 545 748 0.04 37.25
NORTH AMERICA 188,365 177,013 194,218 229,282 256,617 15.20 11.92
Canada 75,751 71,841 78,419 91,324 100,076 5.93 9.58
Mexico 2,075 1,689 1,784 2,352 2,446 0.14 4.00
United States of America 110,539 103,483 114,015 135,606 154,095 9.13 13.63
SOUTH AMERICA 30,887 30,609 28,167 31,902 36,681 2.17 14.98
Argentina 1,432 1,258 1,241 1,846 1,923 0.11 4.17
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 103 80 78 77 134 0.01 74.03
Brazil 13,383 13,603 14,034 15,834 17,661 1.05 11.54
Chile 604 515 486 634 629 0.04 -0.79
Colombia 1,203 974 1,102 1,490 1,670 0.10 12.08
Ecuador 296 226 237 252 249 0.01 -1.19
Paraguay 577 534 521 624 675 0.04 8.17
Peru 238 208 262 339 328 0.02 -3.24
Suriname 48 41 57 49 44 0.00 -10.20
Uruguay 136 136 175 184 160 0.01 -13.04
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 12,867 13,034 9,974 10,573 13,208 0.78 24.92
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 101,518 98,001 99,453 109,284 125,870 7.46 15.18
NORTH-EAST ASIA 8,019 8,523 8,636 10,204 10,769 0.64 5.54
China 3,564 3,793 4,161 5,512 6,227 0.37 12.97
Hong Kong (China) 88 85 72 57 74 0.00 29.82
Japan 1,541 1,398 1,399 1,486 1,748 0.10 17.63
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 72 307 391 466 258 0.02 -44.64
Korea, Republic of 2,571 2,827 2,457 2,543 1,836 0.11 -27.80
Mongolia 42 20 23 20 452 0.03 2,160.00
Taiwan Province of China 141 93 133 120 174 0.01 45.00
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 41,623 44,323 39,952 39,410 40,185 2.38 1.97
Brunei Darussalam 56 67 77 115 127 0.01 10.43
Cambodia 251 197 225 68 207 0.01 204.41
Indonesia 9,218 10,816 6,759 5,990 6,167 0.37 2.95
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1 31 2 0.00 -93.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Malaysia 3,598 3,252 3,166 2,996 3,278 0.19 9.41

Myanmar 37 52 33 63 106 0.01 68.25
Philippines 27,620 29,172 28,971 29,373 29,438 1.74 0.22
Singapore 432 296 284 314 365 0.02 16.24
Thailand 307 370 286 326 361 0.02 10.74
Viet Nam 104 100 150 134 134 0.01
AUSTRALASIA 51,734 44,780 49,682 59,216 74,230 4.40 25.35
Australia 50,261 43,560 48,467 57,852 72,743 4.31 25.74
New Zealand 1,473 1,220 1,215 1,364 1,487 0.09 9.02
MELANESIA 142 375 1,183 412 637 0.04 54.61
Fiji 140 375 1,183 411 618 0.04 50.36
Papua New Guinea 1 0.00
Vanuatu 2 1 18 0.00 1,700.00
MICRONESIA 6 15 0.00 150.00
Kiribati 6 15 0.00 150.00
POLYNESIA 36 34 0.00 -5.56
Samoa 36 34 0.00 -5.56
EUROPE 445,758 435,494 449,274 507,344 566,887 33.58 11.74
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 39,565 42,988 47,093 61,554 67,692 4.01 9.97
Armenia 1,617 1,972 3,552 9,875 11,060 0.66 12.00
Azerbaijan 306 268 256 391 400 0.02 2.30
Belarus 2,383 2,217 2,367 2,538 2,733 0.16 7.68
Bulgaria 2,020 2,177 2,385 2,952 2,995 0.18 1.46
Czech Republic 1,820 1,646 1,610 1,852 2,314 0.14 24.95
Estonia 132 110 144 219 300 0.02 36.99
Georgia 422 411 467 1,231 1,231 0.07
Hungary 1,168 1,103 1,136 1,351 1,511 0.09 11.84
Kazakhstan 598 626 572 836 1,033 0.06 23.56
Kyrgyzstan 157 150 204 336 408 0.02 21.43
Latvia 353 367 900 1,038 398 0.02 -61.66
Lithuania 512 536 593 735 802 0.05 9.12
Moldova, Republic of 1,366 1,377 1,324 1,258 1,243 0.07 -1.19
Poland 3,118 3,010 3,365 3,431 4,123 0.24 20.17
Romania 4,272 4,844 5,136 6,078 6,587 0.39 8.37
Russian Federation 9,954 11,942 12,841 13,933 16,205 0.96 16.31
Slovakia 738 705 762 1,659 1,733 0.10 4.46
Tajikistan 91 139 153 217 223 0.01 2.76
Turkmenistan 88 60 87 103 172 0.01 66.99
Ukraine 8,450 8,812 8,667 10,953 11,669 0.69 6.54
Uzbekistan 516 572 568 552 0.03 -2.82
NORTHERN EUROPE 100,284 96,774 100,273 111,941 127,261 7.54 13.69
Denmark 13,937 12,590 13,021 13,624 16,133 0.96 18.42
Finland 2,392 3,095 3,806 4,062 3,960 0.23 -2.51
Iceland 81 80 120 117 111 0.01 -5.13
Ireland 5,232 4,444 4,278 4,799 5,327 0.32 11.00
Norway 4,088 4,050 3,838 4,355 5,114 0.30 17.43
Sweden 24,340 24,011 26,031 28,376 34,622 2.05 22.01
United Kingdom 50,214 48,504 49,179 56,608 61,994 3.67 9.51
SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,020 48,246 52,236 56,569 60,998 3.61 7.83
Albania 99 111 101 189 206 0.01 8.99
Andorra 4 8 10 9 2 0.00 -77.78
Bosnia and Herzegovina 286 253 234 279 324 0.02 16.13
Croatia 729 708 743 906 958 0.06 5.74
Greece 7,532 7,987 8,415 9,578 11,323 0.67 18.22
Holy See 155 93 108 126 147 0.01 16.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Italy 25,539 24,980 27,983 29,143 29,574 1.75 1.48

Malta 216 232 242 315 343 0.02 8.89
Portugal 1,475 1,801 1,476 1,761 1,811 0.11 2.84
San Marino 3 9 7 10 11 0.00 10.00
Serbia 1,055 1,392 1,550 1,670 1,939 0.11 16.11
Serbia and Montenegro 13 13 18
Slovenia 290 340 331 427 510 0.03 19.44
Spain 11,472 10,156 10,853 11,936 13,645 0.81 14.32
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 152 163 165 220 205 0.01 -6.82
WESTERN EUROPE 220,810 216,224 225,910 249,721 278,880 16.52 11.68
Austria 4,665 4,574 4,676 5,045 5,295 0.31 4.96
Belgium 12,873 12,979 12,625 13,343 14,703 0.87 10.19
France 120,134 117,688 120,710 134,181 145,656 8.63 8.55
Germany 62,160 61,123 67,988 74,823 87,567 5.19 17.03
Liechtenstein 20 12 8 8 5 0.00 -37.50
Luxembourg 232 232 185 217 276 0.02 27.19
Monaco 26 27 30 29 15 0.00 -48.28
Netherlands 9,298 8,677 8,721 9,743 10,969 0.65 12.58
Switzerland 11,402 10,912 10,967 12,332 14,394 0.85 16.72
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 36,079 31,262 23,762 27,559 32,056 1.90 16.32
Cyprus 7,229 7,439 7,636 6,532 6,569 0.39 0.57
Turkey 28,850 23,823 16,126 21,027 25,487 1.51 21.21
MIDDLE EAST 436,964 381,422 440,798 457,831 498,453 29.52 8.87
Bahrain 7,365 5,481 7,576 10,222 10,195 0.60 -0.26
Egypt 64,017 63,578 69,179 75,524 83,337 4.94 10.35
Iraq 126,982 141,986 189,156 191,578 236,013 13.98 23.19
Jordan 89,100 78,018 73,822 77,960 86,693 5.13 11.20
Kuwait 40,121 29,598 31,970 31,953 25,653 1.52 -19.72
Libya 5,094 5,837 5,680 4,399 3,512 0.21 -20.16
Oman 3,128 2,189 2,035 2,700 3,182 0.19 17.85
Qatar 5,124 1,800 2,827 3,610 2,865 0.17 -20.64
Saudi Arabia 72,658 40,958 45,788 47,831 40,391 2.39 -15.55
United Arab Emirates 17,742 6,709 7,660 8,235 2,114 0.13 -74.33
Yemen 5,633 5,268 5,105 3,819 4,498 0.27 17.78
SOUTH ASIA 76,157 63,356 63,421 70,726 72,076 4.27 1.91
Afghanistan 432 502 463 540 645 0.04 19.44
Bangladesh 20,557 20,946 22,394 26,198 23,049 1.37 -12.02
Bhutan 13 29 48 50 38 0.00 -24.00
India 13,513 12,889 12,097 14,236 15,610 0.92 9.65
Iran, Islamic Republic of 28,134 16,130 15,490 17,861 20,951 1.24 17.30
Maldives 36 10 3 12 18 0.00 50.00
Nepal 3,803 3,813 3,856 2,908 2,776 0.16 -4.54
Pakistan 2,992 2,878 2,999 3,446 4,111 0.24 19.30
Sri Lanka 6,677 6,159 6,071 5,475 4,878 0.29 -10.90
NOT SPECIFIED 1,906 1,059 1,443 622 578 0.03 -7.07
Other countries of the World 1,906 1,059 1,443 622 578 0.03 -7.07

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 422,597 432,966 1,078,510 1,082,403 1,196,214 100.00 10.51

AFRICA 403,763 408,371 1,017,587 1,019,127 1,131,514 94.59 11.03
EAST AFRICA 5,911 6,325 14,067 31,742 30,842 2.58 -2.84
Kenya 246 273 971 637 510 0.04 -19.94
Malawi 309 372 2,826 3,309 3,592 0.30 8.55
Mauritius 125 126 2,307 1,788 1,185 0.10 -33.72
Mozambique 610 426 1,358 1,815 1,665 0.14 -8.26
Tanzania, United Republic of 204 213 1,384 1,151 919 0.08 -20.16
Uganda 204 275 896 514 400 0.03 -22.18
Zambia 662 855 1,802 1,533 1,736 0.15 13.24
Zimbabwe 3,551 3,785 2,523 20,995 20,835 1.74 -0.76
SOUTHERN AFRICA 397,159 401,228 980,400 981,631 1,095,205 91.56 11.57
Botswana 1,752 2,200 7,942 6,712 8,972 0.75 33.67
South Africa 394,336 397,696 968,742 970,292 1,081,227 90.39 11.43
Swaziland 1,071 1,332 3,716 4,627 5,006 0.42 8.19
WEST AFRICA 132 197 2,252 1,945 1,838 0.15 -5.50
Ghana 42 144 891 456 285 0.02 -37.50
Nigeria 90 53 1,361 1,489 1,553 0.13 4.30
OTHER AFRICA 561 621 20,868 3,809 3,629 0.30 -4.73
Other countries of Africa 561 621 20,868 3,809 3,629 0.30 -4.73
AMERICAS 3,059 3,410 10,911 10,861 11,627 0.97 7.05
NORTH AMERICA 2,940 3,305 9,826 10,662 11,052 0.92 3.66
Canada 718 626 1,028 968 1,026 0.09 5.99
United States of America 2,222 2,679 8,798 9,694 10,026 0.84 3.42
OTHER AMERICAS 119 105 1,085 199 575 0.05 188.94
Other countries of the Americas 119 105 1,085 199 575 0.05 188.94
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,783 4,032 20,994 20,007 17,367 1.45 -13.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,159 1,558 12,982 11,412 8,204 0.69 -28.11
China 998 1,360 9,630 8,095 6,878 0.57 -15.03
Taiwan Province of China 161 198 3,352 3,317 1,326 0.11 -60.02
AUSTRALASIA 609 985 1,164 1,077 859 0.07 -20.24
Australia 609 985 1,164 1,077 859 0.07 -20.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,015 1,489 6,848 7,518 8,304 0.69 10.45
Other countries of Asia 1,015 1,489 6,848 7,518 8,304 0.69 10.45
EUROPE 12,672 16,841 23,452 27,706 30,817 2.58 11.23
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,398 3,217 8,052 7,818 6,154 0.51 -21.28
Denmark 152 222 411 403 426 0.04 5.71
Ireland 230 293 1,183 651 460 0.04 -29.34
Sweden 205 322 330 328 298 0.02 -9.15
United Kingdom 1,811 2,380 6,128 6,436 4,970 0.42 -22.78
SOUTHERN EUROPE 310 342 822 587 555 0.05 -5.45
Italy 310 342 822 587 555 0.05 -5.45
WESTERN EUROPE 7,906 10,717 9,779 13,385 17,602 1.47 31.51
France 566 1,120 1,579 1,211 1,791 0.15 47.89
Germany 3,746 4,727 3,746 5,951 7,955 0.67 33.68
Netherlands 3,594 4,870 4,454 6,223 7,856 0.66 26.24
OTHER EUROPE 2,058 2,565 4,799 5,916 6,506 0.54 9.97
Other countries of Europe 2,058 2,565 4,799 5,916 6,506 0.54 9.97
MIDDLE EAST 13 48 483 553 326 0.03 -41.05
All countries of Middle East 13 48 483 553 326 0.03 -41.05
SOUTH ASIA 212 259 4,619 3,639 4,389 0.37 20.61
India 212 259 4,619 3,639 4,389 0.37 20.61
NOT SPECIFIED 95 5 464 510 174 0.01 -65.88
Other countries of the World 95 5 464 510 174 0.01 -65.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 53,598 52,379 53,679 48,629 60,036 100.00 23.46

AFRICA 382 183 194 226 192 0.32 -15.04
SOUTHERN AFRICA 72 97 73 100 84 0.14 -16.00
South Africa 72 97 73 100 84 0.14 -16.00
OTHER AFRICA 310 86 121 126 108 0.18 -14.29
Other countries of Africa 310 86 121 126 108 0.18 -14.29
AMERICAS 3,293 3,214 3,391 3,573 3,917 6.52 9.63
NORTH AMERICA 2,507 2,566 2,714 2,934 3,239 5.40 10.40
Canada 291 305 312 353 299 0.50 -15.30
Mexico 60 110 87 98 163 0.27 66.33
United States of America 2,156 2,151 2,315 2,483 2,777 4.63 11.84
SOUTH AMERICA 394 392 423 284 397 0.66 39.79
Brazil 394 392 423 284 397 0.66 39.79
OTHER AMERICAS 392 256 254 355 281 0.47 -20.85
Other countries of the Americas 392 256 254 355 281 0.47 -20.85
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,220 2,629 3,325 3,777 4,446 7.41 17.71
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,147 1,297 1,698 1,873 2,415 4.02 28.94
China 498 730 1,042 1,189 1,502 2.50 26.32
Hong Kong (China) 70 90 140 123 256 0.43 108.13
Japan 445 347 371 374 380 0.63 1.60
Korea, Republic of 83 90 81 86 158 0.26 83.72
Taiwan Province of China 51 40 64 101 119 0.20 17.82
AUSTRALASIA 354 383 399 400 400 0.67
Australia 354 383 399 400 400 0.67
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 719 949 1,228 1,504 1,631 2.72 8.44
Other countries of Asia 659 873 1,183 1,431 1,555 2.59 8.67
Other countries of Oceania 60 76 45 73 76 0.13 4.11
EUROPE 46,154 46,123 46,675 40,966 51,312 85.47 25.26
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,131 3,941 3,768 2,997 3,499 5.83 16.75
Bulgaria 69 108 92 103 143 0.24 38.83
Czech Republic 625 669 588 566 610 1.02 7.77
Estonia 46 85 61 66 101 0.17 53.03
Hungary 442 442 417 341 385 0.64 12.90
Latvia 84 65 57 57 88 0.15 54.39
Lithuania 42 34 63 56 117 0.19 108.93
Poland 329 434 565 430 481 0.80 11.86
Romania 199 176 138 114 162 0.27 42.11
Russian Federation 962 1,353 1,322 874 929 1.55 6.29
Slovakia 218 299 179 195 232 0.39 18.97
Ukraine 115 276 286 195 251 0.42 28.72
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,813 3,699 4,009 4,349 5,159 8.59 18.62
Denmark 571 524 553 480 890 1.48 85.42
Finland 349 288 273 270 301 0.50 11.48
Iceland 50 33 40 57 50 0.08 -12.28
Ireland 149 128 145 150 125 0.21 -16.67
Norway 398 440 456 493 593 0.99 20.28
Sweden 443 526 594 780 693 1.15 -11.15
United Kingdom 1,853 1,760 1,948 2,119 2,507 4.18 18.31
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,099 2,893 3,197 2,617 3,571 5.95 36.45
Croatia 55 82 91 91 91 0.15
Greece 150 163 139 97 155 0.26 59.79
Italy 2,151 1,909 2,057 1,656 2,319 3.86 40.04
Malta 58 29 59 51 40 0.07 -21.57
Portugal 146 130 140 192 198 0.33 3.13
Slovenia 126 82 130 77 122 0.20 58.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 413 498 581 453 646 1.08 42.60

WESTERN EUROPE 35,746 35,203 35,207 30,500 38,518 64.16 26.29
Austria 2,294 2,464 2,237 2,250 2,977 4.96 32.31
Belgium 1,029 1,029 1,021 764 865 1.44 13.22
France 1,138 1,362 1,419 1,400 1,415 2.36 1.07
Germany 13,284 13,506 13,273 10,844 14,523 24.19 33.93
Luxembourg 412 358 441 421 468 0.78 11.16
Netherlands 1,156 1,199 1,288 967 1,491 2.48 54.19
Switzerland 16,433 15,285 15,528 13,854 16,779 27.95 21.11
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 152 149 140 144 234 0.39 62.50
Cyprus 19 21 21 33 34 0.06 3.03
Turkey 133 128 119 111 200 0.33 80.18
OTHER EUROPE 213 238 354 359 331 0.55 -7.80
Other countries of Europe 213 238 354 359 331 0.55 -7.80
SOUTH ASIA 65 52 92 87 169 0.28 94.25
India 65 52 92 87 169 0.28 94.25
NOT SPECIFIED 1,484 178 2
Other countries of the World 1,484 178 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 62,382 59,640 61,251 56,666 69,084 100.00 21.91

AFRICA 391 197 207 240 205 0.30 -14.58
SOUTHERN AFRICA 73 105 76 110 91 0.13 -17.27
South Africa 73 105 76 110 91 0.13 -17.27
OTHER AFRICA 318 92 131 130 114 0.17 -12.31
Other countries of Africa 318 92 131 130 114 0.17 -12.31
AMERICAS 3,545 3,364 3,596 3,870 4,310 6.24 11.37
NORTH AMERICA 2,729 2,676 2,869 3,175 3,580 5.18 12.76
Canada 361 335 356 383 357 0.52 -6.79
Mexico 61 111 93 103 171 0.25 66.02
United States of America 2,307 2,230 2,420 2,689 3,052 4.42 13.50
SOUTH AMERICA 401 417 452 321 439 0.64 36.76
Brazil 401 417 452 321 439 0.64 36.76
OTHER AMERICAS 415 271 275 374 291 0.42 -22.19
Other countries of the Americas 415 271 275 374 291 0.42 -22.19
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,452 2,837 3,548 4,081 4,984 7.21 22.13
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,263 1,377 1,804 2,029 2,688 3.89 32.48
China 542 770 1,107 1,286 1,597 2.31 24.18
Hong Kong (China) 75 95 141 136 309 0.45 127.21
Japan 481 358 395 395 430 0.62 8.86
Korea, Republic of 102 100 89 95 207 0.30 117.89
Taiwan Province of China 63 54 72 117 145 0.21 23.93
AUSTRALASIA 407 418 445 475 535 0.77 12.63
Australia 407 418 445 475 535 0.77 12.63
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 782 1,042 1,299 1,577 1,761 2.55 11.67
Other countries of Asia 700 953 1,251 1,501 1,670 2.42 11.26
Other countries of Oceania 82 89 48 76 91 0.13 19.74
EUROPE 54,440 53,012 53,792 48,344 59,383 85.96 22.83
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,416 4,268 4,142 3,303 3,846 5.57 16.44
Bulgaria 73 111 104 118 154 0.22 30.51
Czech Republic 714 791 678 628 656 0.95 4.46
Estonia 55 85 70 76 103 0.15 35.53
Hungary 469 480 447 383 410 0.59 7.05
Latvia 85 79 61 60 90 0.13 50.00
Lithuania 42 45 67 59 122 0.18 106.78
Poland 410 487 669 486 560 0.81 15.23
Romania 211 191 148 123 174 0.25 41.46
Russian Federation 997 1,385 1,402 937 1,004 1.45 7.15
Slovakia 234 332 198 224 290 0.42 29.46
Ukraine 126 282 298 209 283 0.41 35.41
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,345 4,094 4,457 4,920 5,905 8.55 20.02
Denmark 651 607 607 548 986 1.43 79.93
Finland 373 326 300 315 342 0.50 8.57
Iceland 53 39 44 58 54 0.08 -6.90
Ireland 184 146 168 174 147 0.21 -15.52
Norway 456 481 509 525 665 0.96 26.67
Sweden 483 564 643 902 797 1.15 -11.64
United Kingdom 2,145 1,931 2,186 2,398 2,914 4.22 21.52
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,348 3,239 3,420 2,967 4,059 5.88 36.80
Croatia 63 92 98 100 105 0.15 5.00
Greece 153 167 145 98 158 0.23 61.22
Italy 2,307 2,120 2,186 1,842 2,614 3.78 41.91
Malta 58 29 59 57 45 0.07 -21.05
Portugal 154 144 148 209 253 0.37 21.05
Slovenia 137 107 143 99 139 0.20 40.40

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 476 580 641 562 745 1.08 32.56

WESTERN EUROPE 42,954 40,994 41,262 36,629 44,990 65.12 22.83
Austria 2,585 2,663 2,402 2,559 3,216 4.66 25.67
Belgium 1,154 1,102 1,092 838 964 1.40 15.04
France 1,301 1,435 1,545 1,628 1,613 2.33 -0.92
Germany 16,728 16,287 15,843 13,301 17,513 25.35 31.67
Luxembourg 419 385 458 435 495 0.72 13.79
Netherlands 1,529 1,471 1,612 1,270 1,816 2.63 42.99
Switzerland 19,238 17,651 18,310 16,598 19,373 28.04 16.72
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 158 156 143 147 244 0.35 65.99
Cyprus 19 23 23 34 35 0.05 2.94
Turkey 139 133 120 113 209 0.30 84.96
OTHER EUROPE 219 261 368 378 339 0.49 -10.32
Other countries of Europe 219 261 368 378 339 0.49 -10.32
SOUTH ASIA 70 52 106 131 202 0.29 54.20
India 70 52 106 131 202 0.29 54.20
NOT SPECIFIED 1,484 178 2
Other countries of the World 1,484 178 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 111,345 111,533 108,994 90,419 107,631 100.00 19.04

AFRICA 605 292 382 494 359 0.33 -27.33
SOUTHERN AFRICA 178 139 143 216 191 0.18 -11.57
South Africa 178 139 143 216 191 0.18 -11.57
OTHER AFRICA 427 153 239 278 168 0.16 -39.57
Other countries of Africa 427 153 239 278 168 0.16 -39.57
AMERICAS 6,781 6,141 6,466 6,123 6,917 6.43 12.97
NORTH AMERICA 5,086 5,063 5,345 5,057 5,936 5.52 17.38
Canada 450 639 484 497 450 0.42 -9.46
Mexico 206 249 303 241 407 0.38 68.88
United States of America 4,430 4,175 4,558 4,319 5,079 4.72 17.60
SOUTH AMERICA 645 558 605 420 545 0.51 29.76
Brazil 645 558 605 420 545 0.51 29.76
OTHER AMERICAS 1,050 520 516 646 436 0.41 -32.51
Other countries of the Americas 1,050 520 516 646 436 0.41 -32.51
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,793 5,201 6,145 6,171 7,456 6.93 20.82
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,721 2,677 2,900 2,980 4,127 3.83 38.49
China 1,205 1,381 1,530 1,831 2,633 2.45 43.80
Hong Kong (China) 101 153 223 185 383 0.36 107.03
Japan 1,038 794 802 584 656 0.61 12.33
Korea, Republic of 266 196 194 155 281 0.26 81.29
Taiwan Province of China 111 153 151 225 174 0.16 -22.67
AUSTRALASIA 593 587 549 586 625 0.58 6.66
Australia 593 587 549 586 625 0.58 6.66
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,479 1,937 2,696 2,605 2,704 2.51 3.80
Other countries of Asia 1,379 1,784 2,604 2,504 2,589 2.41 3.39
Other countries of Oceania 100 153 92 101 115 0.11 13.86
EUROPE 95,938 98,636 95,704 77,481 92,556 85.99 19.46
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,707 6,770 6,394 5,133 5,472 5.08 6.60
Bulgaria 115 189 187 201 204 0.19 1.49
Czech Republic 914 1,106 872 931 961 0.89 3.22
Estonia 52 99 91 165 119 0.11 -27.88
Hungary 950 751 661 570 794 0.74 39.30
Latvia 129 117 80 71 138 0.13 94.37
Lithuania 77 68 97 77 143 0.13 85.71
Poland 579 880 1,069 677 798 0.74 17.87
Romania 483 408 218 241 280 0.26 16.18
Russian Federation 1,763 2,152 2,113 1,467 1,244 1.16 -15.20
Slovakia 439 589 556 394 413 0.38 4.82
Ukraine 206 411 450 339 378 0.35 11.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,190 6,080 6,437 6,822 7,709 7.16 13.00
Denmark 990 826 874 681 1,225 1.14 79.88
Finland 509 492 443 356 442 0.41 24.16
Iceland 112 67 66 90 89 0.08 -1.11
Ireland 217 252 259 242 180 0.17 -25.62
Norway 498 586 589 659 719 0.67 9.10
Sweden 661 767 917 1,235 921 0.86 -25.43
United Kingdom 3,203 3,090 3,289 3,559 4,133 3.84 16.13
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,879 4,716 5,245 4,034 5,662 5.26 40.36
Croatia 96 161 164 259 136 0.13 -47.49
Greece 303 348 314 240 320 0.30 33.33
Italy 3,242 3,050 3,148 2,277 3,548 3.30 55.82
Malta 148 52 165 113 62 0.06 -45.13
Portugal 219 212 216 299 434 0.40 45.15
Slovenia 196 130 207 134 212 0.20 58.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 675 763 1,031 712 950 0.88 33.43

WESTERN EUROPE 78,440 80,349 76,660 60,147 72,680 67.53 20.84
Austria 3,923 4,358 3,919 3,724 5,033 4.68 35.15
Belgium 3,783 3,442 3,197 1,584 1,796 1.67 13.38
France 1,937 2,635 2,488 2,384 2,343 2.18 -1.72
Germany 28,464 31,644 29,167 22,125 27,762 25.79 25.48
Luxembourg 1,463 1,217 1,322 1,028 1,173 1.09 14.11
Netherlands 2,221 2,320 2,099 1,692 2,278 2.12 34.63
Switzerland 36,649 34,733 34,468 27,610 32,295 30.01 16.97
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 300 297 309 361 408 0.38 13.02
Cyprus 38 49 52 98 66 0.06 -32.65
Turkey 262 248 257 263 342 0.32 30.04
OTHER EUROPE 422 424 659 984 625 0.58 -36.48
Other countries of Europe 422 424 659 984 625 0.58 -36.48
SOUTH ASIA 239 147 277 150 343 0.32 128.67
India 239 147 277 150 343 0.32 128.67
NOT SPECIFIED 2,989 1,116 20
Other countries of the World 2,989 1,116 20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 136,276 132,491 130,202 110,465 127,747 100.00 15.64

AFRICA 619 333 413 533 388 0.30 -27.20
SOUTHERN AFRICA 181 156 150 244 211 0.17 -13.52
South Africa 181 156 150 244 211 0.17 -13.52
OTHER AFRICA 438 177 263 289 177 0.14 -38.75
Other countries of Africa 438 177 263 289 177 0.14 -38.75
AMERICAS 7,705 6,740 7,055 6,895 7,516 5.88 9.01
NORTH AMERICA 5,942 5,526 5,847 5,721 6,446 5.05 12.67
Canada 808 927 779 777 541 0.42 -30.37
Mexico 209 261 317 250 427 0.33 70.80
United States of America 4,925 4,338 4,751 4,694 5,478 4.29 16.70
SOUTH AMERICA 658 642 647 499 609 0.48 22.04
Brazil 658 642 647 499 609 0.48 22.04
OTHER AMERICAS 1,105 572 561 675 461 0.36 -31.70
Other countries of the Americas 1,105 572 561 675 461 0.36 -31.70
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,447 5,833 6,669 6,720 8,283 6.48 23.26
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,048 2,895 3,192 3,253 4,501 3.52 38.36
China 1,345 1,470 1,695 1,988 2,777 2.17 39.69
Hong Kong (China) 113 178 225 213 460 0.36 115.96
Japan 1,119 826 882 625 716 0.56 14.56
Korea, Republic of 340 217 220 168 338 0.26 101.19
Taiwan Province of China 131 204 170 259 210 0.16 -18.92
AUSTRALASIA 722 678 644 729 819 0.64 12.35
Australia 722 678 644 729 819 0.64 12.35
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,677 2,260 2,833 2,738 2,963 2.32 8.22
Other countries of Asia 1,503 2,062 2,738 2,632 2,828 2.21 7.45
Other countries of Oceania 174 198 95 106 135 0.11 27.36
EUROPE 119,267 118,322 115,733 95,970 111,130 86.99 15.80
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,521 7,809 7,592 5,721 6,427 5.03 12.34
Bulgaria 123 205 259 239 215 0.17 -10.04
Czech Republic 1,149 1,517 1,116 1,038 1,046 0.82 0.77
Estonia 61 99 108 178 121 0.09 -32.02
Hungary 1,012 917 730 645 829 0.65 28.53
Latvia 130 190 93 77 142 0.11 84.42
Lithuania 77 85 116 80 160 0.13 100.00
Poland 910 1,073 1,368 847 949 0.74 12.04
Romania 504 431 264 262 296 0.23 12.98
Russian Federation 1,855 2,205 2,443 1,566 1,454 1.14 -7.15
Slovakia 478 654 609 427 763 0.60 78.69
Ukraine 222 433 486 362 452 0.35 24.86
NORTHERN EUROPE 7,274 7,174 7,683 7,874 9,270 7.26 17.73
Denmark 1,162 1,089 1,049 869 1,378 1.08 58.57
Finland 556 609 492 423 651 0.51 53.90
Iceland 140 73 70 93 105 0.08 12.90
Ireland 270 281 308 279 232 0.18 -16.85
Norway 626 705 702 706 943 0.74 33.57
Sweden 763 874 1,083 1,458 1,123 0.88 -22.98
United Kingdom 3,757 3,543 3,979 4,046 4,838 3.79 19.57
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,327 5,661 5,710 5,200 6,989 5.47 34.40
Croatia 125 193 193 285 231 0.18 -18.95
Greece 315 356 328 242 323 0.25 33.47
Italy 3,465 3,619 3,388 2,813 4,518 3.54 60.61
Malta 148 52 165 123 67 0.05 -45.53
Portugal 239 252 229 321 504 0.39 57.01
Slovenia 216 208 252 168 236 0.18 40.48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 819 981 1,155 1,248 1,110 0.87 -11.06

WESTERN EUROPE 99,363 96,856 93,707 75,636 87,390 68.41 15.54
Austria 4,442 4,700 4,286 4,224 5,478 4.29 29.69
Belgium 4,240 3,673 3,386 1,719 1,935 1.51 12.57
France 2,395 2,792 2,819 3,026 2,621 2.05 -13.38
Germany 39,238 39,901 37,402 28,972 34,994 27.39 20.79
Luxembourg 1,490 1,258 1,358 1,056 1,221 0.96 15.63
Netherlands 3,153 3,193 2,914 2,430 3,037 2.38 24.98
Switzerland 44,405 41,339 41,542 34,209 38,104 29.83 11.39
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 345 327 323 368 418 0.33 13.59
Cyprus 38 73 62 101 67 0.05 -33.66
Turkey 307 254 261 267 351 0.27 31.46
OTHER EUROPE 437 495 718 1,171 636 0.50 -45.69
Other countries of Europe 437 495 718 1,171 636 0.50 -45.69
SOUTH ASIA 249 147 312 347 430 0.34 23.92
India 249 147 312 347 430 0.34 23.92
NOT SPECIFIED 2,989 1,116 20
Other countries of the World 2,989 1,116 20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,008,138 1,098,496 1,166,466 1,182,212 1,274,222 100.00 7.78

AFRICA 1,697 1,772 1,815 3,097 1,965 0.15 -36.55
South Africa 247 0.02
OTHER AFRICA 1,697 1,772 1,815 3,097 1,718 0.13 -44.53
Other countries of Africa 1,718 0.13
All countries of Africa 1,697 1,772 1,815 3,097
AMERICAS 33,984 33,933 40,513 38,149 40,416 3.17 5.94
NORTH AMERICA 26,725 28,654 35,904 33,890 35,794 2.81 5.62
Canada 2,714 1,985 3,169 3,068 3,140 0.25 2.35
United States of America 24,011 26,669 32,735 30,822 32,654 2.56 5.94
SOUTH AMERICA 1,030 1,117 1,219 0.10 9.13
Brazil 1,030 1,117 1,219 0.10 9.13
OTHER AMERICAS 7,259 5,279 3,579 3,142 3,403 0.27 8.31
Other countries of the Americas 7,259 5,279 3,579 3,142 3,403 0.27 8.31
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 37,716 38,384 47,694 63,393 65,152 5.11 2.77
NORTH-EAST ASIA 14,926 14,631 20,272 29,287 38,163 3.00 30.31
China 5,877 5,138 6,525 9,033 11,403 0.89 26.24
Japan 9,049 9,493 13,747 20,254 21,201 1.66 4.68
Korea, Republic of 5,559 0.44
AUSTRALASIA 3,258 0.26
Australia 3,258 0.26
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,790 23,753 27,422 34,106 23,731 1.86 -30.42
Other countries of Asia 18,552 19,597 22,400 29,935 23,264 1.83 -22.28
Other countries of Oceania 467 0.04
All countries of Oceania 4,238 4,156 5,022 4,171
EUROPE 934,741 1,024,407 1,076,444 1,077,573 1,166,689 91.56 8.27
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 540,191 620,001 641,177 585,737 648,123 50.86 10.65
Belarus 98,302 138,172 152,500 129,324 136,324 10.70 5.41
Bulgaria 1,525 1,808 1,473 1,652 2,614 0.21 58.23
Czech Republic 7,555 7,068 6,649 7,106 8,750 0.69 23.14
Estonia 36,919 38,144 43,167 46,158 49,661 3.90 7.59
Hungary 3,569 3,970 3,704 4,141 5,348 0.42 29.15
Latvia 67,121 72,200 91,288 100,830 114,196 8.96 13.26
Poland 117,280 117,133 105,880 111,906 131,305 10.30 17.34
Romania 2,923 3,466 3,862 4,372 4,759 0.37 8.85
Russian Federation 183,651 208,004 187,223 123,977 121,834 9.56 -1.73
Slovakia 2,050 2,507 2,652 3,057 3,122 0.25 2.13
Ukraine 17,680 25,969 42,779 53,214 70,210 5.51 31.94
Other countries Central/East Europe 1,616 1,560
NORTHERN EUROPE 144,588 147,870 153,968 180,800 187,740 14.73 3.84
Denmark 19,751 19,220 20,214 23,158 27,547 2.16 18.95
Finland 35,845 30,440 29,183 29,923 31,500 2.47 5.27
Iceland 1,668 1,569 1,406 1,810 1,729 0.14 -4.48
Ireland 5,111 4,070 3,726 4,896 5,102 0.40 4.21
Norway 25,824 27,856 32,351 40,877 37,619 2.95 -7.97
Sweden 21,120 23,308 24,621 30,145 32,461 2.55 7.68
United Kingdom 35,269 41,407 42,467 49,991 51,782 4.06 3.58
SOUTHERN EUROPE 51,394 51,258 58,387 71,606 76,113 5.97 6.29
Croatia 687 932 1,125 0.09 20.71
Greece 2,402 3,201 2,581 2,616 3,385 0.27 29.40
Italy 27,697 26,750 30,541 35,853 34,709 2.72 -3.19
Malta 335 466 691 0.05 48.28
Portugal 2,121 2,739 3,001 5,863 3,726 0.29 -36.45
Slovenia 1,524 1,754 2,074 0.16 18.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Spain 19,174 18,568 19,718 24,122 30,403 2.39 26.04

WESTERN EUROPE 181,886 186,984 200,093 212,500 223,765 17.56 5.30
Austria 7,882 7,781 8,299 9,029 10,526 0.83 16.58
Belgium 8,201 10,774 10,238 10,954 11,609 0.91 5.98
France 23,470 21,803 22,718 24,957 30,156 2.37 20.83
Germany 126,297 128,620 140,674 146,096 147,781 11.60 1.15
Liechtenstein 33 30 61 0.00 103.33
Luxembourg 686 988 670 695 739 0.06 6.33
Netherlands 10,642 11,891 11,282 13,428 15,869 1.25 18.18
Switzerland 4,708 5,127 6,179 7,311 7,024 0.55 -3.93
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 12,326 12,627 19,393 22,160 25,913 2.03 16.94
Cyprus 572 774 777 0.06 0.39
Israel 7,652 6,534 13,135 14,498 17,784 1.40 22.67
Turkey 4,674 6,093 5,686 6,888 7,352 0.58 6.74
OTHER EUROPE 4,356 5,667 3,426 4,770 5,035 0.40 5.56
Other countries of Europe 4,356 5,667 3,426 4,770 5,035 0.40 5.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,125,338 1,234,919 1,329,639 1,360,653 1,488,477 100.00 9.39

AFRICA 1,762 1,836 1,902 3,462 2,673 0.18 -22.79
SOUTHERN AFRICA 264 254 257 0.02 1.18
South Africa 264 254 257 0.02 1.18
OTHER AFRICA 1,762 1,836 1,638 3,208 2,416 0.16 -24.69
Other countries of Africa 1,638 3,208 2,416 0.16 -24.69
All countries of Africa 1,762 1,836
AMERICAS 36,132 36,052 43,354 42,196 45,486 3.06 7.80
NORTH AMERICA 27,955 29,948 38,139 36,518 39,060 2.62 6.96
Canada 2,876 2,143 3,437 3,505 3,761 0.25 7.30
United States of America 25,079 27,805 34,690 33,008 35,299 2.37 6.94
Other countries of North America 12 5
SOUTH AMERICA 1,889 1,506 1,262 1,483 1,517 0.10 2.29
Brazil 1,889 1,506 1,262 1,483 1,517 0.10 2.29
OTHER AMERICAS 6,288 4,598 3,953 4,195 4,909 0.33 17.02
Other countries of the Americas 6,288 4,598 3,953 4,195 4,909 0.33 17.02
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 39,502 41,530 53,086 69,077 72,749 4.89 5.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 18,083 18,647 24,698 36,605 40,823 2.74 11.52
China 6,124 5,591 7,015 9,568 11,987 0.81 25.28
Japan 9,465 10,079 14,526 21,118 22,674 1.52 7.37
Korea, Republic of 2,494 2,977 3,157 5,919 6,162 0.41 4.11
AUSTRALASIA 4,532 4,131 5,357 4,422 4,381 0.29 -0.93
Australia 4,532 4,131 5,357 4,422 4,381 0.29 -0.93
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 16,887 18,752 23,031 28,050 27,545 1.85 -1.80
Other countries of Asia 16,887 18,752 22,403 27,350 26,803 1.80 -2.00
Other countries of Oceania 628 700 742 0.05 6.00
EUROPE 1,047,942 1,155,501 1,231,297 1,245,918 1,367,569 91.88 9.76
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 613,300 707,654 747,273 693,198 776,100 52.14 11.96
Belarus 117,037 162,158 187,950 163,482 171,908 11.55 5.15
Bulgaria 1,657 1,911 1,630 1,923 2,845 0.19 47.95
Czech Republic 8,522 8,368 7,858 9,245 10,763 0.72 16.42
Estonia 39,712 42,086 47,545 52,593 58,314 3.92 10.88
Hungary 3,740 4,158 3,989 4,565 5,701 0.38 24.88
Latvia 76,431 83,223 104,773 116,566 134,455 9.03 15.35
Poland 127,033 127,330 117,496 127,199 148,425 9.97 16.69
Romania 3,211 3,810 4,207 5,168 5,526 0.37 6.93
Russian Federation 214,337 243,599 222,185 149,650 150,646 10.12 0.67
Slovakia 2,254 2,680 2,851 3,354 3,500 0.24 4.35
Ukraine 19,366 28,331 46,789 59,453 84,017 5.64 41.32
NORTHERN EUROPE 150,961 155,705 163,802 193,970 205,687 13.82 6.04
Denmark 20,149 19,795 21,083 24,397 29,597 1.99 21.31
Finland 37,545 33,249 31,928 33,708 35,674 2.40 5.83
Iceland 1,687 1,602 1,454 1,939 1,872 0.13 -3.46
Ireland 5,673 4,680 4,115 5,540 6,163 0.41 11.25
Norway 26,461 29,169 33,379 42,397 39,793 2.67 -6.14
Sweden 21,694 23,043 25,707 31,922 34,410 2.31 7.79
United Kingdom 37,752 44,167 46,136 54,067 58,178 3.91 7.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 58,258 57,678 64,736 81,328 86,824 5.83 6.76
Croatia 774 1,037 1,266 0.09 22.08
Greece 2,474 3,266 2,642 2,722 3,549 0.24 30.38
Italy 30,137 28,912 33,790 40,627 39,944 2.68 -1.68
Malta 471 561 359 478 793 0.05 65.90
Portugal 2,308 2,871 3,254 6,515 4,336 0.29 -33.45
Slovenia 1,713 1,668 1,772 2,006 2,361 0.16 17.70
Spain 21,155 20,400 22,145 27,943 34,575 2.32 23.73

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 207,914 213,982 230,317 247,898 264,590 17.78 6.73

Austria 8,257 8,370 8,833 9,906 11,714 0.79 18.25
Belgium 8,800 11,489 11,186 12,151 13,119 0.88 7.97
France 26,423 24,645 26,276 30,104 36,004 2.42 19.60
Germany 144,975 148,599 162,107 170,086 174,845 11.75 2.80
Liechtenstein 67 0.00
Luxembourg 953 1,008 694 739 830 0.06 12.31
Netherlands 13,322 14,050 14,063 16,833 20,057 1.35 19.15
Switzerland 5,184 5,821 7,158 8,079 7,954 0.53 -1.55
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 13,452 14,356 20,909 23,980 28,475 1.91 18.74
Cyprus 403 762 634 784 796 0.05 1.53
Israel 8,159 7,072 14,156 15,718 19,701 1.32 25.34
Turkey 4,890 6,522 6,119 7,478 7,978 0.54 6.69
OTHER EUROPE 4,057 6,126 4,260 5,544 5,893 0.40 6.30
Other countries of Europe 4,057 6,126 4,260 5,544 5,893 0.40 6.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,001,745 2,169,087 2,251,173 2,246,829 2,429,499 100.00 8.13

AFRICA 4,350 4,024 4,414 7,216 5,200 0.21 -27.94
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,644 811 502 509 625 0.03 22.79
South Africa 1,644 811 502 509 625 0.03 22.79
OTHER AFRICA 2,706 3,213 3,912 6,707 4,575 0.19 -31.79
Other countries of Africa 2,706 3,213 3,912 6,707 4,575 0.19 -31.79
AMERICAS 73,610 78,545 99,146 80,319 98,558 4.06 22.71
NORTH AMERICA 56,683 65,691 89,524 69,856 87,888 3.62 25.81
Canada 5,946 4,790 14,912 5,447 7,038 0.29 29.21
United States of America 50,737 60,901 74,612 64,409 80,850 3.33 25.53
SOUTH AMERICA 3,616 3,076 2,174 2,342 2,785 0.11 18.92
Brazil 3,616 3,076 2,174 2,342 2,785 0.11 18.92
OTHER AMERICAS 13,311 9,778 7,448 8,121 7,885 0.32 -2.91
Other countries of the Americas 13,311 9,778 7,448 8,121 7,885 0.32 -2.91
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 75,291 81,188 93,180 113,085 116,148 4.78 2.71
NORTH-EAST ASIA 29,135 28,408 35,276 55,723 57,770 2.38 3.67
China 11,243 9,567 10,518 17,108 19,124 0.79 11.78
Japan 14,020 15,184 21,247 31,201 32,040 1.32 2.69
Korea, Republic of 3,872 3,657 3,511 7,414 6,606 0.27 -10.90
AUSTRALASIA 8,101 7,971 9,020 7,038 6,453 0.27 -8.31
Australia 8,101 7,971 9,020 7,038 6,453 0.27 -8.31
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 38,055 44,809 48,884 50,324 51,925 2.14 3.18
Other countries of Asia 37,111 43,495 47,904 49,309 50,936 2.10 3.30
Other countries of Oceania 944 1,314 980 1,015 989 0.04 -2.56
EUROPE 1,848,494 2,005,330 2,054,433 2,046,209 2,209,593 90.95 7.98
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,049,535 1,162,349 1,197,470 1,051,719 1,139,345 46.90 8.33
Belarus 163,837 223,628 250,311 208,880 221,737 9.13 6.16
Bulgaria 3,160 3,841 3,527 3,478 6,114 0.25 75.79
Czech Republic 23,299 14,272 11,401 15,555 15,829 0.65 1.76
Estonia 56,726 60,450 70,583 71,802 80,819 3.33 12.56
Hungary 6,887 8,387 7,208 17,467 9,851 0.41 -43.60
Latvia 104,194 110,996 139,385 149,518 170,096 7.00 13.76
Poland 249,640 223,783 212,288 221,142 244,254 10.05 10.45
Romania 5,416 7,564 8,408 8,672 9,136 0.38 5.35
Russian Federation 397,950 454,352 415,826 262,973 261,665 10.77 -0.50
Slovakia 3,820 5,391 6,075 5,365 5,235 0.22 -2.42
Ukraine 34,606 49,685 72,458 86,867 114,609 4.72 31.94
NORTHERN EUROPE 282,594 299,325 302,183 356,523 370,128 15.23 3.82
Denmark 33,219 39,039 36,456 39,659 50,703 2.09 27.85
Finland 68,497 57,564 51,446 53,735 55,874 2.30 3.98
Iceland 3,526 3,479 3,099 3,489 4,230 0.17 21.24
Ireland 10,589 9,028 7,849 9,804 10,664 0.44 8.77
Norway 57,954 63,490 67,779 95,467 81,916 3.37 -14.19
Sweden 39,081 42,083 43,846 58,227 61,507 2.53 5.63
United Kingdom 69,728 84,642 91,708 96,142 105,234 4.33 9.46
SOUTHERN EUROPE 116,826 119,344 132,125 169,592 177,499 7.31 4.66
Croatia 3,500 1,507 2,901 3,037 0.13 4.69
Greece 6,594 7,485 5,874 6,208 7,232 0.30 16.49
Italy 58,525 56,095 64,208 94,514 73,768 3.04 -21.95
Malta 902 1,297 892 1,161 1,537 0.06 32.39
Portugal 4,963 7,270 15,342 14,804 16,012 0.66 8.16
Slovenia 3,516 3,044 3,024 3,708 4,286 0.18 15.59
Spain 42,326 40,653 41,278 46,296 71,627 2.95 54.72
WESTERN EUROPE 355,547 372,899 359,521 393,680 434,152 17.87 10.28
Austria 13,762 15,218 14,521 15,127 17,520 0.72 15.82

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belgium 16,721 24,646 17,111 20,781 22,947 0.94 10.42

France 44,354 53,772 40,719 44,946 64,150 2.64 42.73
Germany 244,118 241,047 251,574 271,702 283,095 11.65 4.19
Liechtenstein 46 59 108 0.00 83.05
Luxembourg 1,156 1,776 1,260 1,346 1,368 0.06 1.63
Netherlands 26,725 26,797 23,108 26,525 31,813 1.31 19.94
Switzerland 8,711 9,643 11,182 13,194 13,151 0.54 -0.33
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 37,223 41,603 55,604 62,114 78,813 3.24 26.88
Cyprus 992 1,754 1,551 1,874 2,324 0.10 24.01
Israel 23,186 22,757 39,957 44,808 60,349 2.48 34.68
Turkey 13,045 17,092 14,096 15,432 16,140 0.66 4.59
OTHER EUROPE 6,769 9,810 7,530 12,581 9,656 0.40 -23.25
Other countries of Europe 6,769 9,810 7,530 12,581 9,656 0.40 -23.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,622,298 2,838,638 2,966,354 2,943,170 3,197,471 100.00 8.64

AFRICA 4,548 4,384 4,896 8,535 7,002 0.22 -17.96
SOUTHERN AFRICA 514 612 647 0.02 5.72
South Africa 514 612 647 0.02 5.72
OTHER AFRICA 4,548 4,384 4,382 7,923 6,355 0.20 -19.79
Other countries of Africa 4,382 7,923 6,355 0.20 -19.79
All countries of Africa 4,548 4,384
AMERICAS 80,172 85,875 107,009 90,873 111,682 3.49 22.90
NORTH AMERICA 61,331 71,032 95,672 77,239 97,254 3.04 25.91
Canada 6,533 5,243 15,812 6,632 8,694 0.27 31.09
United States of America 54,798 65,789 79,860 70,607 88,560 2.77 25.43
SOUTH AMERICA 3,815 3,351 2,712 3,398 3,408 0.11 0.29
Brazil 3,815 3,351 2,712 3,398 3,408 0.11 0.29
OTHER AMERICAS 15,026 11,492 8,625 10,236 11,020 0.34 7.66
Other countries of the Americas 15,026 11,492 8,625 10,236 11,020 0.34 7.66
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 82,555 103,606 117,512 132,559 140,550 4.40 6.03
NORTH-EAST ASIA 29,684 31,019 38,282 59,146 62,543 1.96 5.74
China 10,807 10,400 11,339 18,025 20,256 0.63 12.38
Japan 14,902 16,319 22,649 32,793 34,707 1.09 5.84
Korea, Republic of 3,975 4,300 4,294 8,328 7,580 0.24 -8.98
AUSTRALASIA 9,577 10,317 10,583 8,951 8,938 0.28 -0.15
Australia 9,577 10,317 10,583 8,951 8,938 0.28 -0.15
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 43,294 62,270 68,647 64,462 69,069 2.16 7.15
Other countries of Asia 43,294 62,270 67,296 62,980 67,504 2.11 7.18
Other countries of Oceania 1,351 1,482 1,565 0.05 5.60
EUROPE 2,455,023 2,644,773 2,736,937 2,711,203 2,938,237 91.89 8.37
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,475,705 1,623,678 1,678,073 1,498,080 1,609,958 50.35 7.47
Belarus 353,382 424,704 477,863 432,100 447,375 13.99 3.54
Bulgaria 3,727 4,218 4,109 4,203 6,622 0.21 57.55
Czech Republic 25,140 16,685 13,581 21,089 19,461 0.61 -7.72
Estonia 63,621 69,486 80,740 85,565 97,262 3.04 13.67
Hungary 7,255 8,690 7,641 18,648 10,550 0.33 -43.43
Latvia 127,773 137,595 174,391 192,532 216,822 6.78 12.62
Poland 277,327 249,189 239,959 258,030 282,077 8.82 9.32
Romania 6,087 8,155 9,005 10,199 13,182 0.41 29.25
Russian Federation 568,669 643,869 582,503 363,879 367,638 11.50 1.03
Slovakia 4,588 5,733 6,423 6,343 5,820 0.18 -8.25
Ukraine 38,136 55,354 81,858 105,492 143,149 4.48 35.70
NORTHERN EUROPE 297,733 318,986 323,595 386,920 411,170 12.86 6.27
Denmark 34,531 40,835 38,616 43,508 56,498 1.77 29.86
Finland 72,116 63,509 56,802 60,515 62,992 1.97 4.09
Iceland 3,594 3,602 3,155 3,911 4,521 0.14 15.60
Ireland 12,096 10,250 8,807 11,987 13,275 0.42 10.74
Norway 59,667 66,375 70,318 99,194 87,963 2.75 -11.32
Sweden 40,871 43,861 46,328 62,227 65,790 2.06 5.73
United Kingdom 74,858 90,554 99,569 105,578 120,131 3.76 13.78
SOUTHERN EUROPE 127,869 124,536 145,588 192,395 199,639 6.24 3.77
Croatia 1,831 3,183 3,389 0.11 6.47
Greece 6,721 7,620 5,982 6,472 7,611 0.24 17.60
Italy 63,756 60,457 70,932 104,812 85,019 2.66 -18.88
Malta 936 1,310 941 1,186 1,818 0.06 53.29
Portugal 5,339 7,513 16,272 18,451 17,683 0.55 -4.16
Slovenia 3,703 3,243 3,371 4,090 4,741 0.15 15.92
Spain 47,414 44,393 46,259 54,201 79,378 2.48 46.45

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 502,212 514,796 512,758 545,639 607,161 18.99 11.28

Austria 14,336 16,213 15,475 16,741 19,738 0.62 17.90
Belgium 17,815 26,102 19,235 23,580 26,627 0.83 12.92
France 50,824 59,509 49,506 57,038 78,089 2.44 36.91
Germany 374,229 368,203 385,271 397,960 425,340 13.30 6.88
Liechtenstein 50 60 115 0.00 91.67
Luxembourg 1,795 1,828 1,309 1,436 1,633 0.05 13.72
Netherlands 33,649 31,318 28,673 33,813 40,632 1.27 20.17
Switzerland 9,564 11,623 13,239 15,011 14,987 0.47 -0.16
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 43,535 50,406 68,184 74,382 99,057 3.10 33.17
Cyprus 1,009 1,762 1,658 1,938 2,398 0.07 23.74
Israel 29,028 30,400 50,221 54,081 77,906 2.44 44.05
Turkey 13,498 18,244 16,305 18,363 18,753 0.59 2.12
OTHER EUROPE 7,969 12,371 8,739 13,787 11,252 0.35 -18.39
Other countries of Europe 7,969 12,371 8,739 13,787 11,252 0.35 -18.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 770,274 762,783 834,129 870,390 849,005 100.00 -2.46

AFRICA 13,906 4,416 5,999 5,226 4,380 0.52 -16.19
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,072 695 900 988 786 0.09 -20.45
South Africa 1,072 695 900 988 786 0.09 -20.45
OTHER AFRICA 12,834 3,721 5,099 4,238 3,594 0.42 -15.20
Other countries of Africa 12,834 3,721 5,099 4,238 3,594 0.42 -15.20
AMERICAS 35,730 36,083 41,123 47,397 44,679 5.26 -5.73
NORTH AMERICA 28,068 29,045 31,868 36,710 34,950 4.12 -4.79
Canada 4,200 4,060 4,700 5,195 4,601 0.54 -11.43
United States of America 23,865 24,983 27,159 31,500 30,339 3.57 -3.69
Other countries of North America 3 2 9 15 10 0.00 -33.33
SOUTH AMERICA 3,472 3,050 4,043 4,266 3,821 0.45 -10.43
Brazil 3,472 3,050 4,043 4,266 3,821 0.45 -10.43
OTHER AMERICAS 4,190 3,988 5,212 6,421 5,908 0.70 -7.99
Other countries of the Americas 4,190 3,988 5,212 6,421 5,908 0.70 -7.99
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 71,244 56,591 66,036 72,867 65,233 7.68 -10.48
NORTH-EAST ASIA 49,522 41,135 46,461 49,280 43,813 5.16 -11.09
China 41,624 34,176 37,139 37,353 33,927 4.00 -9.17
Japan 6,879 5,903 7,364 8,992 7,092 0.84 -21.13
Korea, Republic of 1,019 1,056 1,958 2,935 2,794 0.33 -4.80
AUSTRALASIA 2,557 2,513 2,798 3,079 2,874 0.34 -6.66
Australia 2,557 2,513 2,798 3,079 2,874 0.34 -6.66
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,165 12,943 16,777 20,508 18,546 2.18 -9.57
Other countries of Asia 18,509 12,399 15,923 19,468 17,745 2.09 -8.85
Other countries of Oceania 656 544 854 1,040 801 0.09 -22.98
EUROPE 649,394 665,693 720,971 744,900 734,713 86.54 -1.37
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 28,435 32,673 36,910 36,827 32,456 3.82 -11.87
Bulgaria 1,177 1,327 1,874 2,420 2,178 0.26 -10.00
Czech Republic 2,809 2,881 3,379 3,616 3,217 0.38 -11.03
Estonia 555 822 892 1,307 1,061 0.12 -18.82
Hungary 2,218 2,550 2,852 3,199 2,749 0.32 -14.07
Latvia 554 727 933 1,416 1,063 0.13 -24.93
Lithuania 1,048 1,188 1,331 1,672 1,438 0.17 -14.00
Poland 5,091 5,512 6,698 8,496 7,781 0.92 -8.42
Romania 2,865 3,518 3,947 4,203 3,983 0.47 -5.23
Russian Federation 9,918 11,189 11,374 7,380 6,304 0.74 -14.58
Slovakia 981 1,091 1,453 1,956 1,662 0.20 -15.03
Ukraine 1,219 1,868 2,177 1,162 1,020 0.12 -12.22
NORTHERN EUROPE 68,822 80,422 87,312 92,631 89,871 10.59 -2.98
Denmark 4,134 5,232 5,966 6,421 6,155 0.72 -4.14
Finland 6,072 3,297 3,724 3,954 3,491 0.41 -11.71
Iceland 676 720 813 882 742 0.09 -15.87
Ireland 2,641 4,410 4,952 5,915 5,496 0.65 -7.08
Norway 2,072 2,914 3,639 3,590 3,402 0.40 -5.24
Sweden 4,475 5,644 7,012 7,402 7,226 0.85 -2.38
United Kingdom 48,752 58,205 61,206 64,467 63,359 7.46 -1.72
SOUTHERN EUROPE 43,563 49,341 55,174 64,783 60,579 7.14 -6.49
Croatia 1,005 1,127 1,694 1,328 0.16 -21.61
Greece 2,039 2,365 2,986 3,736 3,317 0.39 -11.22
Italy 17,865 21,118 23,913 27,913 27,089 3.19 -2.95
Malta 476 597 792 995 713 0.08 -28.34
Portugal 8,619 7,902 9,034 10,206 9,767 1.15 -4.30
Slovenia 852 852 1,161 1,301 990 0.12 -23.90
Spain 13,712 15,502 16,161 18,938 17,375 2.05 -8.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 493,312 487,044 522,196 527,240 532,638 62.74 1.02

Austria 5,463 5,608 6,701 7,061 6,620 0.78 -6.25
Belgium 169,732 165,718 171,307 175,027 177,961 20.96 1.68
France 122,484 117,513 131,621 131,102 128,814 15.17 -1.75
Germany 106,271 112,092 120,260 121,332 122,459 14.42 0.93
Netherlands 70,887 66,714 69,455 71,257 75,213 8.86 5.55
Switzerland 18,475 19,399 22,852 21,461 21,571 2.54 0.51
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,553 13,333 15,880 20,302 16,523 1.95 -18.61
Cyprus 404 506 594 788 764 0.09 -3.05
Turkey 6,149 12,827 15,286 19,514 15,759 1.86 -19.24
OTHER EUROPE 8,709 2,880 3,499 3,117 2,646 0.31 -15.11
Other countries of Europe 8,709 2,880 3,499 3,117 2,646 0.31 -15.11

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 950,421 944,528 1,038,475 1,089,576 1,053,653 100.00 -3.30

AFRICA 14,356 4,726 6,833 5,851 5,131 0.49 -12.31
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,283 836 973 1,254 1,079 0.10 -13.96
South Africa 1,283 836 973 1,254 1,079 0.10 -13.96
OTHER AFRICA 13,073 3,890 5,860 4,597 4,052 0.38 -11.86
Other countries of Africa 13,073 3,890 5,860 4,597 4,052 0.38 -11.86
AMERICAS 38,751 39,205 45,132 51,784 48,539 4.61 -6.27
NORTH AMERICA 30,162 31,227 34,465 39,478 37,320 3.54 -5.47
Canada 4,652 4,570 5,285 5,925 5,166 0.49 -12.81
United States of America 25,507 26,655 29,171 33,538 32,144 3.05 -4.16
Other countries of North America 3 2 9 15 10 0.00 -33.33
SOUTH AMERICA 3,880 3,482 4,726 5,008 4,351 0.41 -13.12
Brazil 3,880 3,482 4,726 5,008 4,351 0.41 -13.12
OTHER AMERICAS 4,709 4,496 5,941 7,298 6,868 0.65 -5.89
Other countries of the Americas 4,709 4,496 5,941 7,298 6,868 0.65 -5.89
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,997 60,342 71,303 78,729 70,201 6.66 -10.83
NORTH-EAST ASIA 51,611 43,320 49,559 52,648 46,413 4.40 -11.84
China 42,986 35,649 39,240 39,693 35,697 3.39 -10.07
Japan 7,133 6,205 7,679 9,339 7,373 0.70 -21.05
Korea, Republic of 1,492 1,466 2,640 3,616 3,343 0.32 -7.55
AUSTRALASIA 3,235 3,079 3,391 3,788 3,525 0.33 -6.94
Australia 3,235 3,079 3,391 3,788 3,525 0.33 -6.94
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,151 13,943 18,353 22,293 20,263 1.92 -9.11
Other countries of Asia 19,339 13,275 17,323 21,071 19,226 1.82 -8.76
Other countries of Oceania 812 668 1,030 1,222 1,037 0.10 -15.14
EUROPE 822,317 840,255 915,207 953,212 929,782 88.24 -2.46
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 31,533 35,832 40,146 40,289 35,265 3.35 -12.47
Bulgaria 1,282 1,389 1,967 2,690 2,486 0.24 -7.58
Czech Republic 3,437 3,262 3,954 4,143 3,639 0.35 -12.17
Estonia 615 1,261 1,037 1,383 1,133 0.11 -18.08
Hungary 2,467 2,790 3,084 3,485 2,898 0.28 -16.84
Latvia 594 765 982 1,510 1,143 0.11 -24.30
Lithuania 1,237 1,265 1,471 1,870 1,567 0.15 -16.20
Poland 6,084 6,511 7,755 9,532 8,709 0.83 -8.63
Romania 3,143 3,870 4,320 4,512 4,199 0.40 -6.94
Russian Federation 10,266 11,616 11,773 7,735 6,659 0.63 -13.91
Slovakia 1,181 1,215 1,597 2,206 1,762 0.17 -20.13
Ukraine 1,227 1,888 2,206 1,223 1,070 0.10 -12.51
NORTHERN EUROPE 78,673 90,153 96,924 103,445 99,458 9.44 -3.85
Denmark 5,646 6,605 7,434 8,509 7,677 0.73 -9.78
Finland 6,548 4,090 4,153 4,530 3,966 0.38 -12.45
Iceland 705 764 845 935 795 0.08 -14.97
Ireland 3,185 4,709 5,340 6,460 5,994 0.57 -7.21
Norway 2,510 3,303 4,064 4,008 3,812 0.36 -4.89
Sweden 4,996 6,233 7,609 8,090 7,864 0.75 -2.79
United Kingdom 55,083 64,449 67,479 70,913 69,350 6.58 -2.20
SOUTHERN EUROPE 48,493 54,479 60,400 69,612 65,557 6.22 -5.83
Croatia 1,119 1,211 1,791 1,405 0.13 -21.55
Greece 2,234 2,580 3,131 3,963 3,490 0.33 -11.94
Italy 19,683 23,275 26,097 29,901 28,852 2.74 -3.51
Malta 478 600 812 1,017 713 0.07 -29.89
Portugal 9,665 8,670 9,926 10,966 10,778 1.02 -1.71
Slovenia 1,077 1,137 1,440 1,503 1,244 0.12 -17.23
Spain 15,356 17,098 17,783 20,471 19,075 1.81 -6.82

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 647,864 643,179 697,833 715,427 709,499 67.34 -0.83

Austria 6,232 6,125 7,468 7,726 7,185 0.68 -7.00
Belgium 192,585 189,827 202,388 210,186 209,832 19.91 -0.17
France 131,432 126,224 141,369 142,407 139,375 13.23 -2.13
Germany 129,174 137,219 146,927 151,553 151,691 14.40 0.09
Netherlands 168,407 162,650 174,356 179,948 177,981 16.89 -1.09
Switzerland 20,034 21,134 25,325 23,607 23,435 2.22 -0.73
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,708 13,448 16,069 20,797 17,005 1.61 -18.23
Cyprus 425 518 606 792 768 0.07 -3.03
Turkey 6,283 12,930 15,463 20,005 16,237 1.54 -18.84
OTHER EUROPE 9,046 3,164 3,835 3,642 2,998 0.28 -17.68
Other countries of Europe 9,046 3,164 3,835 3,642 2,998 0.28 -17.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,424,273 1,415,010 1,538,265 1,586,274 1,593,649 100.00 0.46

AFRICA 29,136 11,269 14,021 14,126 13,999 0.88 -0.90
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,258 2,249 2,290 3,311 3,199 0.20 -3.38
South Africa 3,258 2,249 2,290 3,311 3,199 0.20 -3.38
OTHER AFRICA 25,878 9,020 11,731 10,815 10,800 0.68 -0.14
Other countries of Africa 25,878 9,020 11,731 10,815 10,800 0.68 -0.14
AMERICAS 80,816 79,557 88,755 103,533 103,130 6.47 -0.39
NORTH AMERICA 65,431 64,230 69,646 83,411 83,018 5.21 -0.47
Canada 10,744 9,983 10,565 11,933 11,028 0.69 -7.58
United States of America 54,680 54,240 59,072 71,456 71,976 4.52 0.73
Other countries of North America 7 7 9 22 14 0.00 -36.36
SOUTH AMERICA 6,668 6,102 8,464 8,530 8,374 0.53 -1.83
Brazil 6,668 6,102 8,464 8,530 8,374 0.53 -1.83
OTHER AMERICAS 8,717 9,225 10,645 11,592 11,738 0.74 1.26
Other countries of the Americas 8,717 9,225 10,645 11,592 11,738 0.74 1.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 115,307 98,995 117,460 128,073 122,135 7.66 -4.64
NORTH-EAST ASIA 60,782 52,328 59,209 62,990 58,061 3.64 -7.83
China 49,238 40,986 45,056 45,032 41,942 2.63 -6.86
Japan 9,716 9,388 11,126 14,175 12,325 0.77 -13.05
Korea, Republic of 1,828 1,954 3,027 3,783 3,794 0.24 0.29
AUSTRALASIA 4,991 5,305 5,497 5,243 6,811 0.43 29.91
Australia 4,991 5,305 5,497 5,243 6,811 0.43 29.91
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,534 41,362 52,754 59,840 57,263 3.59 -4.31
Other countries of Asia 48,108 40,115 50,916 57,780 55,720 3.50 -3.57
Other countries of Oceania 1,426 1,247 1,838 2,060 1,543 0.10 -25.10
EUROPE 1,199,014 1,225,189 1,318,029 1,340,542 1,354,385 84.99 1.03
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 63,283 75,767 85,181 90,389 84,725 5.32 -6.27
Bulgaria 3,013 4,142 6,177 7,488 6,927 0.43 -7.49
Czech Republic 6,992 6,753 7,701 8,423 7,830 0.49 -7.04
Estonia 1,119 2,172 1,607 2,530 2,122 0.13 -16.13
Hungary 5,569 7,481 7,892 7,872 7,431 0.47 -5.60
Latvia 1,267 1,925 1,988 2,998 2,578 0.16 -14.01
Lithuania 2,476 2,664 2,710 3,257 3,382 0.21 3.84
Poland 14,595 16,197 18,400 24,852 23,100 1.45 -7.05
Romania 7,211 9,959 11,447 11,370 11,766 0.74 3.48
Russian Federation 16,728 18,580 19,937 13,990 12,769 0.80 -8.73
Slovakia 2,338 2,586 3,686 5,204 4,461 0.28 -14.28
Ukraine 1,975 3,308 3,636 2,405 2,359 0.15 -1.91
NORTHERN EUROPE 137,949 152,096 166,865 172,536 171,949 10.79 -0.34
Denmark 6,955 9,933 11,200 11,551 11,491 0.72 -0.52
Finland 11,217 6,922 7,898 7,623 7,542 0.47 -1.06
Iceland 2,105 2,249 1,829 1,914 1,842 0.12 -3.76
Ireland 6,829 9,856 11,740 12,815 12,937 0.81 0.95
Norway 4,252 5,589 6,617 7,427 6,708 0.42 -9.68
Sweden 7,969 10,730 13,741 13,184 12,924 0.81 -1.97
United Kingdom 98,622 106,817 113,840 118,022 118,505 7.44 0.41
SOUTHERN EUROPE 93,550 105,197 122,978 137,482 138,161 8.67 0.49
Croatia 3,334 3,107 4,269 5,364 0.34 25.65
Greece 5,061 5,620 6,777 10,131 9,890 0.62 -2.38
Italy 38,421 46,121 59,675 62,931 62,975 3.95 0.07
Malta 2,117 2,713 2,272 3,089 2,847 0.18 -7.83
Portugal 17,426 16,089 17,350 19,499 20,029 1.26 2.72
Slovenia 2,481 1,868 2,420 2,355 2,019 0.13 -14.27
Spain 28,044 29,452 31,377 35,208 35,037 2.20 -0.49

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 876,007 864,792 914,041 906,388 930,530 58.39 2.66

Austria 12,120 10,993 13,223 13,781 14,405 0.90 4.53
Belgium 294,012 284,960 290,903 291,772 294,456 18.48 0.92
France 205,272 201,740 225,892 215,288 214,540 13.46 -0.35
Germany 200,857 211,994 222,434 226,277 235,516 14.78 4.08
Netherlands 129,161 120,283 120,008 121,974 131,455 8.25 7.77
Switzerland 34,585 34,822 41,581 37,296 40,158 2.52 7.67
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,468 18,840 20,055 25,322 21,899 1.37 -13.52
Cyprus 1,859 1,913 1,592 1,843 1,812 0.11 -1.68
Turkey 8,609 16,927 18,463 23,479 20,087 1.26 -14.45
OTHER EUROPE 17,757 8,497 8,909 8,425 7,121 0.45 -15.48
Other countries of Europe 17,757 8,497 8,909 8,425 7,121 0.45 -15.48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,298,068 2,316,787 2,513,585 2,655,733 2,637,701 100.00 -0.68

AFRICA 30,494 12,088 15,780 15,526 15,900 0.60 2.41
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,654 2,511 2,397 3,776 3,827 0.15 1.35
South Africa 3,654 2,511 2,397 3,776 3,827 0.15 1.35
OTHER AFRICA 26,840 9,577 13,383 11,750 12,073 0.46 2.75
Other countries of Africa 26,840 9,577 13,383 11,750 12,073 0.46 2.75
AMERICAS 86,496 85,997 96,762 112,573 111,208 4.22 -1.21
NORTH AMERICA 69,275 68,276 74,925 89,204 88,223 3.34 -1.10
Canada 11,591 11,015 11,849 13,366 12,238 0.46 -8.44
United States of America 57,677 57,254 63,067 75,816 75,971 2.88 0.20
Other countries of North America 7 7 9 22 14 0.00 -36.36
SOUTH AMERICA 7,438 6,896 9,487 9,780 9,314 0.35 -4.76
Brazil 7,438 6,896 9,487 9,780 9,314 0.35 -4.76
OTHER AMERICAS 9,783 10,825 12,350 13,589 13,671 0.52 0.60
Other countries of the Americas 9,783 10,825 12,350 13,589 13,671 0.52 0.60
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 122,246 105,911 124,890 139,254 132,479 5.02 -4.87
NORTH-EAST ASIA 64,574 56,271 63,276 68,191 62,150 2.36 -8.86
China 51,715 43,641 47,801 48,765 44,921 1.70 -7.88
Japan 10,172 9,930 11,578 14,743 12,679 0.48 -14.00
Korea, Republic of 2,687 2,700 3,897 4,683 4,550 0.17 -2.84
AUSTRALASIA 6,161 6,288 6,556 6,595 8,074 0.31 22.43
Australia 6,161 6,288 6,556 6,595 8,074 0.31 22.43
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 51,511 43,352 55,058 64,468 62,255 2.36 -3.43
Other countries of Asia 49,802 41,782 52,950 62,136 59,736 2.26 -3.86
Other countries of Oceania 1,709 1,570 2,108 2,332 2,519 0.10 8.02
EUROPE 2,058,832 2,112,791 2,276,153 2,388,380 2,378,114 90.16 -0.43
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 79,329 84,873 96,923 102,302 93,295 3.54 -8.80
Bulgaria 3,240 4,354 6,323 8,731 8,275 0.31 -5.22
Czech Republic 8,326 7,418 9,037 9,349 8,716 0.33 -6.77
Estonia 1,230 3,061 1,804 2,642 2,222 0.08 -15.90
Hungary 6,151 8,086 8,990 8,386 7,701 0.29 -8.17
Latvia 1,347 1,986 2,056 3,187 2,757 0.10 -13.49
Lithuania 2,879 2,931 3,007 3,735 3,721 0.14 -0.37
Poland 26,239 19,565 22,594 30,745 26,282 1.00 -14.52
Romania 7,887 11,642 14,306 12,497 12,746 0.48 1.99
Russian Federation 17,381 19,382 20,754 14,772 13,504 0.51 -8.58
Slovakia 2,666 3,000 4,223 5,614 4,800 0.18 -14.50
Ukraine 1,983 3,448 3,829 2,644 2,571 0.10 -2.76
NORTHERN EUROPE 163,820 176,132 189,337 199,752 197,115 7.47 -1.32
Denmark 11,412 14,107 14,988 17,260 15,812 0.60 -8.39
Finland 11,989 8,428 8,653 8,691 8,379 0.32 -3.59
Iceland 2,154 2,361 1,907 2,160 1,933 0.07 -10.51
Ireland 7,925 10,470 12,741 14,760 14,901 0.56 0.96
Norway 5,384 6,242 7,310 8,192 8,329 0.32 1.67
Sweden 8,955 11,804 14,769 14,449 14,158 0.54 -2.01
United Kingdom 116,001 122,720 128,969 134,240 133,603 5.07 -0.47
SOUTHERN EUROPE 105,767 117,024 137,134 151,288 151,723 5.75 0.29
Croatia 3,559 3,393 4,530 5,557 0.21 22.67
Greece 5,435 6,060 7,053 10,680 10,318 0.39 -3.39
Italy 42,079 50,165 65,375 67,874 66,942 2.54 -1.37
Malta 2,119 2,719 2,316 3,111 2,847 0.11 -8.49
Portugal 21,785 19,349 21,328 23,535 24,596 0.93 4.51
Slovenia 2,882 2,357 2,812 2,865 2,783 0.11 -2.86
Spain 31,467 32,815 34,857 38,693 38,680 1.47 -0.03

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 1,680,523 1,706,162 1,822,676 1,898,626 1,904,774 72.21 0.32

Austria 13,877 12,624 15,051 15,141 15,409 0.58 1.77
Belgium 453,336 451,476 471,360 510,032 512,382 19.43 0.46
France 228,808 227,948 255,085 247,916 244,669 9.28 -1.31
Germany 273,230 295,754 314,648 322,404 330,829 12.54 2.61
Netherlands 673,447 679,261 720,003 762,003 757,784 28.73 -0.55
Switzerland 37,825 39,099 46,529 41,130 43,701 1.66 6.25
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,763 19,154 20,338 26,739 23,170 0.88 -13.35
Cyprus 1,901 1,934 1,612 1,847 1,819 0.07 -1.52
Turkey 8,862 17,220 18,726 24,892 21,351 0.81 -14.23
OTHER EUROPE 18,630 9,446 9,745 9,673 8,037 0.30 -16.91
Other countries of Europe 18,630 9,446 9,745 9,673 8,037 0.30 -16.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 28,082,292 29,324,822 31,525,632 30,714,628 30,950,336 100.00 0.77

AFRICA 27,945 31,317 35,841 31,532 27,594 0.09 -12.49
EAST AFRICA 4,509 4,936 6,115 5,920 6,733 0.02 13.73
Burundi 74 187 192 153 123 0.00 -19.61
Ethiopia 180 259 354 338 370 0.00 9.47
Kenya 579 1,027 998 1,208 1,085 0.00 -10.18
Madagascar 343 392 538 269 328 0.00 21.93
Malawi 22 6 35 16 38 0.00 137.50
Mauritius 570 570 702 779 961 0.00 23.36
Mozambique 442 441 594 521 431 0.00 -17.27
Rwanda 114 124 119 100 250 0.00 150.00
Seychelles 169 242 123 141 154 0.00 9.22
Somalia 34 68 106 72 49 0.00 -31.94
Tanzania, United Republic of 504 642 1,295 1,205 1,431 0.00 18.76
Uganda 1,262 799 862 932 1,346 0.00 44.42
Zambia 69 72 86 65 61 0.00 -6.15
Zimbabwe 147 107 111 121 106 0.00 -12.40
CENTRAL AFRICA 5,076 5,347 4,527 2,824 1,776 0.01 -37.11
Angola 1,756 1,957 1,925 1,679 1,007 0.00 -40.02
Cameroon 374 447 500 279 152 0.00 -45.52
Congo 490 636 514 188 148 0.00 -21.28
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,378 2,150 1,451 559 377 0.00 -32.56
Equatorial Guinea 23 22 21 23 6 0.00 -73.91
Gabon 31 88 75 50 39 0.00 -22.00
Sao Tome and Principe 24 47 41 46 47 0.00 2.17
NORTH AFRICA 1,639 1,863 1,732 1,855 2,025 0.01 9.16
Algeria 396 303 319 197 189 0.00 -4.06
Morocco 530 740 720 721 893 0.00 23.86
Sudan 377 397 404 511 540 0.00 5.68
Tunisia 336 423 289 426 403 0.00 -5.40
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,743 5,215 5,933 5,709 5,424 0.02 -4.99
Botswana 21 179 150 97 115 0.00 18.56
Lesotho 10 17 35 19 14 0.00 -26.32
Namibia 41 35 51 48 62 0.00 29.17
South Africa 4,663 4,976 5,672 5,529 5,219 0.02 -5.61
Swaziland 8 8 25 16 14 0.00 -12.50
WEST AFRICA 8,103 10,139 14,224 11,888 9,552 0.03 -19.65
Benin 184 641 855 585 388 0.00 -33.68
Burkina Faso 47 90 169 128 91 0.00 -28.91
Cabo Verde 250 299 280 267 273 0.00 2.25
Côte d'Ivoire 218 287 398 442 450 0.00 1.81
Gambia 171 146 255 321 299 0.00 -6.85
Ghana 399 412 435 385 247 0.00 -35.84
Guinea 1,100 1,197 1,163 651 273 0.00 -58.06
Guinea-Bissau 160 223 167 146 125 0.00 -14.38
Liberia 136 105 156 42 157 0.00 273.81
Mali 3,427 3,636 5,370 5,413 3,657 0.01 -32.44
Mauritania 49 75 87 56 47 0.00 -16.07
Niger 603 1,262 2,261 1,448 1,401 0.00 -3.25
Nigeria 224 236 216 243 251 0.00 3.29
Senegal 511 754 1,051 699 1,026 0.00 46.78
Sierra Leone 203 199 532 224 189 0.00 -15.63
Togo 421 577 829 838 678 0.00 -19.09
OTHER AFRICA 3,875 3,817 3,310 3,336 2,084 0.01 -37.53
Other countries of Africa 3,875 3,817 3,310 3,336 2,084 0.01 -37.53

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 306,528 289,944 286,336 286,978 300,418 0.97 4.68

CARIBBEAN 1,114 1,497 1,700 1,618 1,794 0.01 10.88
Antigua and Barbuda 5 8 49 66 71 0.00 7.58
Bahamas 43 29 24 61 47 0.00 -22.95
Barbados 22 29 25 27 18 0.00 -33.33
British Virgin Islands 1 1
Cuba 60 266 284 256 318 0.00 24.22
Dominica 63 47 70 63 100 0.00 58.73
Dominican Republic 373 376 396 320 313 0.00 -2.19
Grenada 10 90 153 124 162 0.00 30.65
Haiti 15 73 58 63 48 0.00 -23.81
Jamaica 194 163 210 211 231 0.00 9.48
Puerto Rico 4 2 1 3
Saint Kitts and Nevis 160 228 233 235 287 0.00 22.13
Saint Lucia 4 2 3 15 5 0.00 -66.67
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 2 10 5 6 0.00 20.00
Trinidad and Tobago 159 181 183 169 188 0.00 11.24
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,719 3,268 3,176 2,997 3,164 0.01 5.57
Belize 542 750 722 620 586 0.00 -5.48
Costa Rica 737 966 885 867 946 0.00 9.11
El Salvador 49 104 111 100 121 0.00 21.00
Guatemala 247 296 261 228 338 0.00 48.25
Honduras 226 297 297 289 292 0.00 1.04
Nicaragua 39 30 55 36 21 0.00 -41.67
Panama 879 825 845 857 860 0.00 0.35
NORTH AMERICA 277,284 259,307 257,541 259,398 271,516 0.88 4.67
Canada 83,442 74,159 70,569 70,928 75,130 0.24 5.92
Mexico 5,182 5,749 5,612 6,041 5,568 0.02 -7.83
United States of America 188,660 179,399 181,360 182,429 190,818 0.62 4.60
SOUTH AMERICA 25,411 25,872 23,919 22,965 23,944 0.08 4.26
Argentina 1,718 2,189 1,401 1,719 2,041 0.01 18.73
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 177 272 255 243 215 0.00 -11.52
Brazil 10,288 9,782 9,671 9,470 9,968 0.03 5.26
Chile 1,371 1,493 1,361 1,348 1,434 0.00 6.38
Colombia 3,854 3,850 3,881 3,195 2,623 0.01 -17.90
Ecuador 819 746 722 765 795 0.00 3.92
Guyana 87 103 83 77 96 0.00 24.68
Paraguay 56 76 94 71 84 0.00 18.31
Peru 1,471 1,599 1,408 1,445 1,300 0.00 -10.03
Suriname 186 167 199 183 176 0.00 -3.83
Uruguay 152 208 210 146 209 0.00 43.15
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 5,232 5,387 4,634 4,303 5,003 0.02 16.27
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 27,293,574 28,528,455 30,723,916 29,928,345 30,146,799 97.40 0.73
NORTH-EAST ASIA 25,903,793 27,169,635 29,495,079 28,777,336 28,920,698 93.44 0.50
China 16,900,964 18,631,640 21,252,070 20,411,350 20,455,590 66.09 0.22
Hong Kong (China) 7,081,137 6,764,211 6,426,425 6,533,147 6,417,859 20.74 -1.76
Japan 396,010 290,462 299,741 282,138 300,536 0.97 6.52
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,318 1,793 1,347 1,088 1,045 0.00 -3.95
Korea, Republic of 444,786 473,965 554,290 553,991 662,114 2.14 19.52
Mongolia 7,157 7,023 7,838 7,938 9,374 0.03 18.09
Taiwan Province of China 1,072,421 1,000,541 953,368 987,684 1,074,180 3.47 8.76
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,257,800 1,230,787 1,102,913 1,041,184 1,115,163 3.60 7.11
Brunei Darussalam 1,772 1,559 1,472 1,389 1,457 0.00 4.90
Cambodia 4,367 4,416 5,650 6,378 8,330 0.03 30.61
Indonesia 209,110 208,378 189,108 163,311 182,416 0.59 11.70

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,292 1,245 1,082 1,190 1,437 0.00 20.76
Malaysia 301,788 290,941 249,940 229,032 222,745 0.72 -2.75
Myanmar 4,573 4,931 6,318 7,359 8,649 0.03 17.53
Philippines 283,862 273,924 262,749 276,719 287,016 0.93 3.72
Singapore 205,688 189,617 196,407 158,753 155,732 0.50 -1.90
Thailand 231,293 238,497 175,811 180,764 236,081 0.76 30.60
Timor-Leste 151 162 155 167 192 0.00 14.97
Viet Nam 13,904 17,117 14,221 16,122 11,108 0.04 -31.10
AUSTRALASIA 127,678 123,937 120,447 105,964 107,005 0.35 0.98
Australia 113,287 109,541 105,889 92,397 93,278 0.30 0.95
New Zealand 14,391 14,396 14,558 13,567 13,727 0.04 1.18
MELANESIA 908 937 1,003 959 1,027 0.00 7.09
Fiji 379 494 492 448 429 0.00 -4.24
Papua New Guinea 125 133 150 113 137 0.00 21.24
Solomon Islands 272 265 249 240 244 0.00 1.67
Vanuatu 132 45 112 158 217 0.00 37.34
MICRONESIA 334 247 292 267 259 0.00 -3.00
Kiribati 24 25 21 22 17 0.00 -22.73
Marshall Islands 240 190 199 122 157 0.00 28.69
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 1 2 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Nauru 62 30 48 65 29 0.00 -55.38
Palau 4 1 22 53 52 0.00 -1.89
POLYNESIA 238 203 135 148 115 0.00 -22.30
Samoa 24 4 27 31 34 0.00 9.68
Tonga 211 194 103 116 80 0.00 -31.03
Tuvalu 3 5 5 1 1 0.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,823 2,709 4,047 2,487 2,532 0.01 1.81
Other countries of Asia 2,823 2,709 4,047 2,487 2,532 0.01 1.81
EUROPE 280,551 290,405 287,395 272,930 288,028 0.93 5.53
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 43,997 48,749 51,744 42,210 46,856 0.15 11.01
Belarus 628 829 1,127 1,078 1,263 0.00 17.16
Bulgaria 1,136 1,136 1,176 1,252 1,202 0.00 -3.99
Czech Republic/Slovakia 1,738 1,762 1,724 1,518 1,793 0.01 18.12
Estonia 645 549 495 488 646 0.00 32.38
Hungary 1,732 1,711 1,914 1,600 1,879 0.01 17.44
Latvia 412 697 375 504 495 0.00 -1.79
Lithuania 516 465 480 551 631 0.00 14.52
Moldova, Republic of 147 163 357 300 309 0.00 3.00
Poland 4,255 4,744 5,245 4,883 5,189 0.02 6.27
Romania 2,313 2,285 2,332 2,176 2,671 0.01 22.75
Russian Federation 26,855 30,533 31,901 22,839 25,143 0.08 10.09
Slovakia 1,210 983 1,008 935 976 0.00 4.39
Ukraine 2,410 2,892 3,610 4,086 4,659 0.02 14.02
NORTHERN EUROPE 79,245 80,976 79,034 78,439 81,847 0.26 4.34
Denmark 3,260 3,340 2,791 2,751 3,084 0.01 12.10
Faeroe Islands 2 5 1 5 0.00 400.00
Finland 3,411 3,439 3,120 3,251 3,330 0.01 2.43
Iceland 156 156 102 148 110 0.00 -25.68
Ireland 3,524 3,747 3,816 3,654 3,805 0.01 4.13
Norway 2,491 2,435 2,142 2,308 2,620 0.01 13.52
Sweden 6,915 6,525 6,284 6,331 7,581 0.02 19.74
United Kingdom 59,488 61,332 60,774 59,995 61,312 0.20 2.20
SOUTHERN EUROPE 38,696 41,263 42,079 41,284 42,752 0.14 3.56
Albania 80 100 114 127 185 0.00 45.67
Andorra 22 38 30 36 35 0.00 -2.78

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Bosnia and Herzegovina 44 61 101 75 55 0.00 -26.67

Croatia 527 570 545 460 498 0.00 8.26
Greece 1,094 1,079 1,107 1,218 1,295 0.00 6.32
Holy See 2 4 7 17 0.00 142.86
Italy 13,003 13,479 13,751 13,683 13,793 0.04 0.80
Malta 127 89 113 115 103 0.00 -10.43
Montenegro 35 40 43 35 44 0.00 25.71
Portugal 14,496 16,033 15,869 15,158 15,620 0.05 3.05
San Marino 16 3 5 4 5 0.00 25.00
Serbia 495 585 663 781 897 0.00 14.85
Slovenia 453 307 355 425 383 0.00 -9.88
Spain 8,198 8,788 9,251 9,022 9,682 0.03 7.32
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 104 91 128 138 140 0.00 1.45
WESTERN EUROPE 100,777 101,916 97,051 95,790 101,065 0.33 5.51
Austria 4,378 4,237 4,370 3,965 4,169 0.01 5.15
Belgium 4,261 4,779 4,733 4,510 4,757 0.02 5.48
France 42,480 43,467 40,032 40,994 42,701 0.14 4.16
Germany 29,310 29,696 28,170 27,590 29,963 0.10 8.60
Liechtenstein 39 53 51 56 65 0.00 16.07
Luxembourg 239 276 267 307 281 0.00 -8.47
Monaco 32 46 19 27 23 0.00 -14.81
Netherlands 12,519 11,709 12,181 10,964 11,411 0.04 4.08
Switzerland 7,519 7,653 7,228 7,377 7,695 0.02 4.31
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 17,836 17,499 17,484 15,206 15,506 0.05 1.97
Cyprus 204 281 316 271 346 0.00 27.68
Israel 13,551 12,808 12,878 11,277 11,615 0.04 3.00
Turkey 4,081 4,410 4,290 3,658 3,545 0.01 -3.09
OTHER EUROPE 2 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Other countries of Europe 2 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
MIDDLE EAST 14,144 14,939 13,734 15,469 11,124 0.04 -28.09
Bahrain 200 202 218 254 179 0.00 -29.53
Egypt 1,875 1,991 2,061 2,256 1,665 0.01 -26.20
Iraq 301 236 235 151 106 0.00 -29.80
Jordan 884 873 734 730 688 0.00 -5.75
Kuwait 1,623 1,905 1,697 1,362 1,110 0.00 -18.50
Lebanon 2,634 2,493 1,946 1,593 1,297 0.00 -18.58
Libya 666 993 960 792 259 0.00 -67.30
Oman 81 126 156 144 178 0.00 23.61
Qatar 284 471 308 356 364 0.00 2.25
Saudi Arabia 2,772 3,250 2,575 2,770 2,905 0.01 4.87
State of Palestine 209 163 150 182 133 0.00 -26.92
Syrian Arab Republic 1,135 254 160 154 92 0.00 -40.26
United Arab Emirates 914 1,362 1,286 1,276 1,072 0.00 -15.99
Yemen 566 620 1,248 3,449 1,076 0.00 -68.80
SOUTH ASIA 159,550 169,762 178,410 179,374 176,373 0.57 -1.67
Afghanistan 237 260 267 173 125 0.00 -27.75
Bangladesh 294 1,190 679 750 566 0.00 -24.53
Bhutan 198 196 395 414 406 0.00 -1.93
India 150,838 159,907 167,136 167,542 165,265 0.53 -1.36
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,761 3,696 5,198 4,304 4,200 0.01 -2.42
Maldives 111 173 133 492 568 0.00 15.45
Nepal 2,439 2,405 2,684 3,993 3,449 0.01 -13.62
Pakistan 1,052 1,218 1,253 943 978 0.00 3.71
Sri Lanka 620 717 665 763 816 0.00 6.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 28,082,292 29,324,822 31,525,632 30,714,628 30,950,336 100.00 0.77

AFRICA 26,990 29,429 34,987 30,897 27,098 0.09 -12.30
EAST AFRICA 4,512 4,801 6,023 5,850 6,669 0.02 14.00
Burundi 76 103 134 118 92 0.00 -22.03
Ethiopia 177 257 353 337 370 0.00 9.79
Kenya 578 1,024 998 1,208 1,085 0.00 -10.18
Madagascar 344 392 538 269 328 0.00 21.93
Malawi 22 6 35 16 38 0.00 137.50
Mauritius 569 569 701 780 959 0.00 22.95
Mozambique 442 440 590 519 425 0.00 -18.11
Reunion 1 1
Rwanda 114 124 119 100 251 0.00 151.00
Seychelles 169 240 120 139 149 0.00 7.19
Somalia 36 68 106 72 49 0.00 -31.94
Tanzania, United Republic of 505 644 1,294 1,205 1,431 0.00 18.76
Uganda 1,264 785 860 929 1,348 0.00 45.10
Zambia 69 42 65 36 38 0.00 5.56
Zimbabwe 146 107 110 121 106 0.00 -12.40
CENTRAL AFRICA 5,077 5,052 4,361 2,722 1,721 0.01 -36.77
Angola 1,755 1,945 1,923 1,677 1,009 0.00 -39.83
Cameroon 372 387 463 259 138 0.00 -46.72
Congo 489 508 455 150 127 0.00 -15.33
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,376 2,120 1,439 549 371 0.00 -32.42
Equatorial Guinea 23 18 19 23 5 0.00 -78.26
Gabon 38 27 21 18 24 0.00 33.33
Sao Tome and Principe 24 47 41 46 47 0.00 2.17
NORTH AFRICA 1,927 1,857 1,726 1,859 2,030 0.01 9.20
Algeria 397 301 318 196 188 0.00 -4.08
Morocco 531 741 720 721 893 0.00 23.86
Sudan 375 395 403 510 541 0.00 6.08
Tunisia 624 420 285 432 408 0.00 -5.56
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,749 5,053 5,802 5,638 5,341 0.02 -5.27
Botswana 22 23 20 32 39 0.00 21.88
Lesotho 10 12 33 14 13 0.00 -7.14
Namibia 41 30 46 48 57 0.00 18.75
South Africa 4,667 4,981 5,678 5,528 5,218 0.02 -5.61
Swaziland 9 7 25 16 14 0.00 -12.50
WEST AFRICA 8,092 9,590 13,893 11,616 9,320 0.03 -19.77
Benin 187 279 641 430 238 0.00 -44.65
Burkina Faso 47 86 160 118 86 0.00 -27.12
Cabo Verde 242 226 216 199 213 0.00 7.04
Côte d'Ivoire 216 286 398 442 450 0.00 1.81
Gambia 171 145 255 321 299 0.00 -6.85
Ghana 399 349 393 366 233 0.00 -36.34
Guinea 1,099 1,189 1,164 648 273 0.00 -57.87
Guinea-Bissau 159 206 166 136 125 0.00 -8.09
Liberia 137 107 159 42 157 0.00 273.81
Mali 3,429 3,637 5,367 5,414 3,657 0.01 -32.45
Mauritania 47 74 86 52 47 0.00 -9.62
Niger 603 1,249 2,258 1,447 1,397 0.00 -3.46
Nigeria 220 237 218 239 251 0.00 5.02
Saint Helena 2 1 3 2 2 0.00
Senegal 511 750 1,048 698 1,025 0.00 46.85
Sierra Leone 203 198 532 224 189 0.00 -15.63

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Togo 420 571 829 838 678 0.00 -19.09

OTHER AFRICA 2,633 3,076 3,182 3,212 2,017 0.01 -37.20
Other countries of Africa 2,633 3,076 3,182 3,212 2,017 0.01 -37.20
AMERICAS 306,521 288,691 285,661 286,327 299,849 0.97 4.72
CARIBBEAN 1,152 1,239 1,444 1,368 1,561 0.01 14.11
Antigua and Barbuda 5 8 49 66 71 0.00 7.58
Aruba 1
Bahamas 49 35 23 59 45 0.00 -23.73
Barbados 21 28 23 26 17 0.00 -34.62
Bermuda 12 4 3 1 9 0.00 800.00
Cayman Islands 11 2 5 1
Cuba 60 135 179 148 191 0.00 29.05
Curaçao 1
Dominica 72 48 69 63 102 0.00 61.90
Dominican Republic 373 373 396 317 313 0.00 -1.26
Grenada 10 10 45 30 81 0.00 170.00
Guadeloupe 1
Haiti 15 17 14 26 14 0.00 -46.15
Jamaica 194 163 210 211 231 0.00 9.48
Martinique 1
Puerto Rico 2 1 1 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 164 226 235 234 291 0.00 24.36
Saint Lucia 4 3 3 16 5 0.00 -68.75
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 2 9 4 4 0.00
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2
Trinidad and Tobago 159 178 179 163 186 0.00 14.11
Turks and Caicos Islands 3 1
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,717 2,851 2,818 2,700 2,870 0.01 6.30
Belize 542 746 721 620 585 0.00 -5.65
Costa Rica 738 731 676 669 791 0.00 18.24
El Salvador 48 48 75 73 72 0.00 -1.37
Guatemala 247 241 205 201 294 0.00 46.27
Honduras 226 232 243 244 246 0.00 0.82
Nicaragua 39 30 54 36 21 0.00 -41.67
Panama 877 823 844 857 861 0.00 0.47
NORTH AMERICA 277,372 259,418 257,600 259,498 271,582 0.88 4.66
Canada 83,459 74,213 70,601 70,973 75,173 0.24 5.92
Mexico 5,183 5,678 5,542 5,993 5,524 0.02 -7.83
United States of America 188,730 179,527 181,457 182,532 190,885 0.62 4.58
SOUTH AMERICA 25,280 25,183 23,799 22,761 23,836 0.08 4.72
Argentina 1,590 1,659 1,368 1,593 1,991 0.01 24.98
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 175 268 252 242 211 0.00 -12.81
Brazil 10,283 9,785 9,674 9,471 9,974 0.03 5.31
Chile 1,371 1,488 1,358 1,343 1,428 0.00 6.33
Colombia 3,854 3,848 3,880 3,193 2,623 0.01 -17.85
Ecuador 819 672 675 721 750 0.00 4.02
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 1
French Guiana 1 2
Guyana 87 97 81 77 96 0.00 24.68
Paraguay 55 75 93 71 83 0.00 16.90
Peru 1,473 1,543 1,375 1,417 1,276 0.00 -9.95
Suriname 185 165 196 179 175 0.00 -2.23
Uruguay 158 219 217 151 227 0.00 50.33
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 5,228 5,362 4,629 4,303 5,002 0.02 16.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 27,294,670 28,532,561 30,725,613 29,929,936 30,148,130 97.41 0.73
NORTH-EAST ASIA 25,904,934 27,173,120 29,496,322 28,778,643 28,921,822 93.45 0.50
China 16,902,499 18,632,207 21,252,410 20,410,615 20,454,104 66.09 0.21
Hong Kong (China) 7,081,153 6,766,044 6,426,608 6,534,543 6,419,839 20.74 -1.76
Japan 395,989 290,622 299,849 282,217 300,613 0.97 6.52
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,318 1,781 1,346 1,087 1,044 0.00 -3.96
Korea, Republic of 444,773 474,269 554,521 554,177 662,321 2.14 19.51
Mongolia 7,150 7,008 7,835 7,945 9,376 0.03 18.01
Taiwan Province of China 1,072,052 1,001,189 953,753 988,059 1,074,525 3.47 8.75
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,257,757 1,231,428 1,103,376 1,041,495 1,115,386 3.60 7.09
Brunei Darussalam 1,786 1,566 1,469 1,385 1,453 0.00 4.91
Cambodia 4,357 4,332 5,646 6,358 8,316 0.03 30.80
Indonesia 209,084 208,481 189,189 163,353 182,467 0.59 11.70
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,286 1,244 1,083 1,190 1,437 0.00 20.76
Malaysia 301,802 291,136 250,046 229,102 222,809 0.72 -2.75
Myanmar 4,552 4,913 6,315 7,364 8,652 0.03 17.49
Philippines 283,881 274,103 262,853 276,806 287,025 0.93 3.69
Singapore 205,692 189,751 196,491 158,814 155,763 0.50 -1.92
Thailand 231,295 238,635 175,906 180,836 236,169 0.76 30.60
Timor-Leste 154 162 155 167 192 0.00 14.97
Viet Nam 13,868 17,105 14,223 16,120 11,103 0.04 -31.12
AUSTRALASIA 127,694 123,967 120,479 105,976 107,017 0.35 0.98
Australia 113,295 109,566 105,914 92,404 93,286 0.30 0.95
New Zealand 14,399 14,401 14,565 13,572 13,731 0.04 1.17
MELANESIA 908 930 984 948 1,014 0.00 6.96
Fiji 379 493 492 449 429 0.00 -4.45
New Caledonia 2 1 0.00
Papua New Guinea 126 128 142 110 127 0.00 15.45
Solomon Islands 272 265 248 240 245 0.00 2.08
Vanuatu 131 44 100 149 212 0.00 42.28
MICRONESIA 323 217 272 242 245 0.00 1.24
Kiribati 21 15 17 16 11 0.00 -31.25
Marshall Islands 232 174 188 115 154 0.00 33.91
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 1 2 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Nauru 62 26 42 53 24 0.00 -54.72
Palau 4 1 23 53 52 0.00 -1.89
POLYNESIA 240 199 130 147 113 0.00 -23.13
Samoa 24 4 26 31 33 0.00 6.45
Tonga 213 192 101 116 80 0.00 -31.03
Tuvalu 3 3 3
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,814 2,700 4,050 2,485 2,533 0.01 1.93
Other countries of Asia 2,814 2,700 4,050 2,485 2,533 0.01 1.93
EUROPE 280,524 290,344 287,311 272,894 287,949 0.93 5.52
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 43,997 48,753 51,753 42,222 46,854 0.15 10.97
Belarus 628 827 1,126 1,078 1,263 0.00 17.16
Bulgaria 1,136 1,136 1,173 1,252 1,199 0.00 -4.23
Czech Republic 1,740 1,764 1,725 1,528 1,793 0.01 17.34
Estonia 646 549 496 488 645 0.00 32.17
Hungary 1,734 1,712 1,914 1,600 1,879 0.01 17.44
Latvia 412 698 375 504 495 0.00 -1.79
Lithuania 516 466 480 552 631 0.00 14.31
Moldova, Republic of 147 163 356 298 308 0.00 3.36
Poland 4,258 4,750 5,250 4,882 5,190 0.02 6.31
Romania 2,313 2,288 2,332 2,175 2,671 0.01 22.80
Russian Federation 26,844 30,528 31,908 22,844 25,147 0.08 10.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Slovakia 1,210 982 1,008 935 976 0.00 4.39

Ukraine 2,413 2,890 3,610 4,086 4,657 0.02 13.97
NORTHERN EUROPE 79,230 81,031 79,084 78,466 81,829 0.26 4.29
Denmark 3,264 3,345 2,794 2,753 3,085 0.01 12.06
Faeroe Islands 2
Finland 3,412 3,441 3,118 3,250 3,327 0.01 2.37
Iceland 149 188 102 147 108 0.00 -26.53
Ireland 3,527 3,749 3,822 3,655 3,807 0.01 4.16
Norway 2,492 2,445 2,203 2,309 2,619 0.01 13.43
Sweden 6,918 6,531 6,289 6,367 7,582 0.02 19.08
United Kingdom 59,468 61,330 60,756 59,985 61,301 0.20 2.19
SOUTHERN EUROPE 38,685 41,158 41,981 41,238 42,716 0.14 3.58
Albania 78 99 111 124 184 0.00 48.39
Andorra 18 26 12 19 28 0.00 47.37
Bosnia and Herzegovina 45 61 101 75 55 0.00 -26.67
Croatia 529 571 545 461 499 0.00 8.24
Gibraltar 2
Greece 1,095 1,037 1,067 1,200 1,276 0.00 6.33
Holy See 2 5 7 16 0.00 128.57
Italy 13,004 13,487 13,758 13,686 13,802 0.04 0.85
Malta 127 89 114 114 103 0.00 -9.65
Montenegro 32 39 43 35 44 0.00 25.71
Portugal 14,497 16,034 15,868 15,166 15,624 0.05 3.02
San Marino 18 3 5 4 5 0.00 25.00
Serbia 493 585 662 781 897 0.00 14.85
Slovenia 455 308 355 425 383 0.00 -9.88
Spain 8,190 8,723 9,208 9,002 9,659 0.03 7.30
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 102 92 127 138 140 0.00 1.45
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2 1 1 0.00
WESTERN EUROPE 100,780 101,893 97,001 95,758 101,034 0.33 5.51
Austria 4,375 4,238 4,372 3,964 4,166 0.01 5.10
Belgium 4,261 4,782 4,735 4,511 4,757 0.02 5.45
France 42,486 43,440 39,976 40,955 42,650 0.14 4.14
Germany 29,320 29,717 28,191 27,601 29,977 0.10 8.61
Liechtenstein 39 54 51 56 65 0.00 16.07
Luxembourg 239 261 269 313 282 0.00 -9.90
Monaco 33 46 20 27 23 0.00 -14.81
Netherlands 12,506 11,697 12,157 10,954 11,395 0.04 4.03
Switzerland 7,521 7,658 7,230 7,377 7,719 0.02 4.64
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 17,832 17,509 17,492 15,210 15,516 0.05 2.01
Cyprus 203 281 317 271 347 0.00 28.04
Israel 13,551 12,816 12,887 11,283 11,624 0.04 3.02
Turkey 4,078 4,412 4,288 3,656 3,545 0.01 -3.04
MIDDLE EAST 14,131 14,901 13,725 15,453 11,102 0.04 -28.16
Bahrain 198 202 219 251 175 0.00 -30.28
Egypt 1,878 1,992 2,058 2,257 1,663 0.01 -26.32
Iraq 299 223 232 145 99 0.00 -31.72
Jordan 886 872 733 730 687 0.00 -5.89
Kuwait 1,623 1,904 1,698 1,362 1,110 0.00 -18.50
Lebanon 2,641 2,490 1,945 1,589 1,294 0.00 -18.57
Libya 666 991 958 792 256 0.00 -67.68
Oman 76 119 154 141 178 0.00 26.24
Qatar 284 471 308 356 364 0.00 2.25
Saudi Arabia 2,755 3,243 2,578 2,769 2,905 0.01 4.91
State of Palestine 209 164 150 182 133 0.00 -26.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 1,136 250 158 151 89 0.00 -41.06

United Arab Emirates 914 1,365 1,286 1,277 1,073 0.00 -15.97
Yemen 566 615 1,248 3,451 1,076 0.00 -68.82
SOUTH ASIA 159,456 168,896 178,335 179,121 176,208 0.57 -1.63
Afghanistan 238 209 233 130 82 0.00 -36.92
Bangladesh 210 294 578 517 435 0.00 -15.86
Bhutan 200 190 386 412 406 0.00 -1.46
India 150,825 160,019 167,216 167,578 165,278 0.53 -1.37
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,754 3,672 5,200 4,305 4,202 0.01 -2.39
Maldives 112 173 136 492 567 0.00 15.24
Nepal 2,444 2,405 2,678 3,985 3,449 0.01 -13.45
Pakistan 1,052 1,218 1,246 939 972 0.00 3.51
Sri Lanka 621 716 662 763 817 0.00 7.08

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 8,885,266 10,016,020 10,018,317 9,924,327 11,299,923 100.00 13.86

AMERICAS 107,911 113,388 108,695 108,978 119,102 1.05 9.29
NORTH AMERICA 98,425 101,202 94,692 93,240 103,235 0.91 10.72
Canada 31,510 29,219 25,366 23,821 28,136 0.25 18.11
United States of America 66,915 71,983 69,326 69,419 75,099 0.66 8.18
OTHER AMERICAS 9,486 12,186 14,003 15,738 15,867 0.14 0.82
Other countries of the Americas 9,486 12,186 14,003 15,738 15,867 0.14 0.82
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,455,145 9,454,063 9,503,869 9,481,485 10,834,278 95.88 14.27
NORTH-EAST ASIA 7,867,123 8,843,414 8,987,675 9,029,008 10,353,589 91.63 14.67
China 5,372,718 6,319,488 6,938,468 6,744,981 7,607,697 67.33 12.79
Hong Kong (China) 1,701,857 1,743,107 1,301,992 1,512,887 1,779,869 15.75 17.65
Japan 243,533 181,664 171,660 161,897 184,778 1.64 14.13
Korea, Republic of 186,240 213,328 216,782 226,583 304,325 2.69 34.31
Taiwan Province of China 362,775 385,827 358,773 382,660 476,920 4.22 24.63
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 479,988 494,554 407,662 360,015 383,949 3.40 6.65
Indonesia 81,535 92,353 78,326 60,510 71,390 0.63 17.98
Malaysia 117,632 123,959 106,503 97,365 107,522 0.95 10.43
Philippines 70,161 65,074 58,208 54,031 52,783 0.47 -2.31
Singapore 99,617 99,725 90,598 75,494 80,475 0.71 6.60
Thailand 111,043 113,443 74,027 72,615 71,779 0.64 -1.15
AUSTRALASIA 57,517 59,926 56,089 47,925 52,465 0.46 9.47
Australia 50,268 51,987 48,924 41,726 45,737 0.40 9.61
New Zealand 7,249 7,939 7,165 6,199 6,728 0.06 8.53
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 50,517 56,169 52,443 44,537 44,275 0.39 -0.59
Other countries of Asia 43,476 52,758 47,463 41,132 41,606 0.37 1.15
Other countries of Oceania 7,041 3,411 4,980 3,405 2,669 0.02 -21.62
EUROPE 100,596 107,246 115,593 104,626 116,587 1.03 11.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 21,504 23,510 22,989 25,321 27,110 0.24 7.07
United Kingdom 21,504 23,510 22,989 25,321 27,110 0.24 7.07
SOUTHERN EUROPE 20,214 18,144 18,944 17,442 18,497 0.16 6.05
Italy 6,829 6,647 8,663 8,308 7,401 0.07 -10.92
Portugal 13,385 11,497 10,281 9,134 11,096 0.10 21.48
WESTERN EUROPE 23,882 26,048 22,738 23,670 29,655 0.26 25.29
France 14,399 15,987 13,419 13,756 16,940 0.15 23.15
Germany 9,483 10,061 9,319 9,914 12,715 0.11 28.25
OTHER EUROPE 34,996 39,544 50,922 38,193 41,325 0.37 8.20
Other countries of Europe 34,996 39,544 50,922 38,193 41,325 0.37 8.20
SOUTH ASIA 106,028 137,457 126,678 141,271 132,349 1.17 -6.32
India 106,028 137,457 126,678 141,271 132,349 1.17 -6.32
NOT SPECIFIED 115,586 203,866 163,482 87,967 97,607 0.86 10.96
Other countries of the World 115,586 203,866 163,482 87,967 97,607 0.86 10.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,613,908 13,079,951 13,427,224 13,496,238 14,882,704 100.00 10.27

AMERICAS 283,727 270,326 281,138 263,001 239,882 1.61 -8.79
NORTH AMERICA 261,459 239,956 245,034 225,274 206,030 1.38 -8.54
Canada 62,353 60,146 58,675 51,102 56,513 0.38 10.59
United States of America 199,106 179,810 186,359 174,172 149,517 1.00 -14.16
OTHER AMERICAS 22,268 30,370 36,104 37,727 33,852 0.23 -10.27
Other countries of the Americas 22,268 30,370 36,104 37,727 33,852 0.23 -10.27
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,383,847 11,657,755 12,056,735 12,301,427 13,836,130 92.97 12.48
NORTH-EAST ASIA 9,251,701 10,485,305 11,057,005 11,424,576 12,836,177 86.25 12.36
China 5,944,896 6,927,007 8,004,944 8,162,059 9,029,243 60.67 10.62
Hong Kong (China) 1,992,862 2,242,051 1,728,449 1,954,930 2,247,423 15.10 14.96
Japan 427,857 327,879 308,996 295,009 361,544 2.43 22.55
Korea, Republic of 274,254 351,022 366,370 365,272 431,928 2.90 18.25
Taiwan Province of China 611,832 637,346 648,246 647,306 766,039 5.15 18.34
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 847,906 865,897 748,637 688,096 769,800 5.17 11.87
Indonesia 161,147 149,813 125,999 100,936 141,350 0.95 40.04
Malaysia 184,560 209,393 201,644 194,595 233,069 1.57 19.77
Philippines 130,208 112,400 105,479 104,244 97,409 0.65 -6.56
Singapore 188,801 192,665 177,975 149,780 159,458 1.07 6.46
Thailand 183,190 201,626 137,540 138,541 138,514 0.93 -0.02
AUSTRALASIA 145,137 134,866 125,094 106,070 124,032 0.83 16.93
Australia 119,315 110,648 103,466 90,203 107,522 0.72 19.20
New Zealand 25,822 24,218 21,628 15,867 16,510 0.11 4.05
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 139,103 171,687 125,999 82,685 106,121 0.71 28.34
Other countries of Asia 124,910 162,785 113,309 70,887 98,961 0.66 39.60
Other countries of Oceania 14,193 8,902 12,690 11,798 7,160 0.05 -39.31
EUROPE 263,355 275,668 296,726 254,671 263,018 1.77 3.28
NORTHERN EUROPE 56,589 63,756 62,680 62,127 60,341 0.41 -2.87
United Kingdom 56,589 63,756 62,680 62,127 60,341 0.41 -2.87
SOUTHERN EUROPE 51,622 56,663 48,733 47,084 37,640 0.25 -20.06
Italy 23,174 27,119 26,041 27,364 16,247 0.11 -40.63
Portugal 28,448 29,544 22,692 19,720 21,393 0.14 8.48
WESTERN EUROPE 64,302 62,304 61,104 55,192 61,383 0.41 11.22
France 37,057 37,956 35,211 31,761 33,595 0.23 5.77
Germany 27,245 24,348 25,893 23,431 27,788 0.19 18.60
OTHER EUROPE 90,842 92,945 124,209 90,268 103,654 0.70 14.83
Other countries of Europe 90,842 92,945 124,209 90,268 103,654 0.70 14.83
SOUTH ASIA 257,577 306,637 278,989 256,425 279,147 1.88 8.86
India 257,577 306,637 278,989 256,425 279,147 1.88 8.86
NOT SPECIFIED 425,402 569,565 513,636 420,714 264,527 1.78 -37.12
Other countries of the World 425,402 569,565 513,636 420,714 264,527 1.78 -37.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 255,942 196,375 222,374 244,321

AFRICA 45,179 34,874 36,937 12,079
EAST AFRICA 34,196 27,936 28,619 7,790
Burundi 48
Comoros 5,969 4,069 3,758 2,397
Djibouti 10
Eritrea 1
Ethiopia 24
Kenya 571 397 422 368
Malawi 32
Mauritius 8,418 5,498 5,915 3,921
Mozambique 47
Reunion 18,760 17,752 18,235
Rwanda 47
Seychelles 478 220 289 464
Somalia 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 263
Uganda 41
Zambia 44
Zimbabwe 82
Angola 13
Cameroon 167
Central African Republic 4
Chad 12
Congo 186
Gabon 58
Algeria 92
Morocco 95
Sudan 16
Tunisia 70
SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,967 3,743 5,026 2,613
Botswana 24
Lesotho 2
Namibia 10
South Africa 5,967 3,743 5,026 2,550
Swaziland 27
Benin 73
Burkina Faso 59
Côte d'Ivoire 159
Gambia 11
Ghana 55
Guinea 83
Mali 74
Mauritania 4
Niger 16
Nigeria 164
Senegal 210
Sierra Leone 12
Togo 43
OTHER AFRICA 5,016 3,195 3,292
Other countries of Africa 5,016 3,195 3,292

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 10,071 6,328 8,718 5,693

Barbados 1
Cuba 4
Dominican Republic 1
Haiti 12
Jamaica 21
El Salvador 1
Guatemala 1
Honduras 1
Nicaragua 3
NORTH AMERICA 9,291 5,762 8,229 5,396
Canada 1,209
Mexico 22
United States of America 4,165
Canada, United States 9,291 5,762 8,229
Argentina 56
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 4
Brazil 142
Chile 16
Colombia 14
Ecuador 2
Paraguay 1
Peru 10
Uruguay 1
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6
OTHER AMERICAS 780 566 489
Other countries of the Americas 780 566 489
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,414 11,877 12,676 7,392
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,434 369 312 5,438
China 3,774
Japan 2,434 369 312 1,074
Korea, Republic of 453
Taiwan Province of China 137
Cambodia 3
Indonesia 40
Malaysia 65
Myanmar 1
Philippines 252
Singapore 38
Thailand 318
Viet Nam 22
Australia 1,098
New Zealand 117
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,980 11,508 12,364
Other countries of Asia 20,980 11,508 12,364
EUROPE 177,278 142,102 162,131 99,572
Armenia 3
Belarus 6

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Bulgaria 32
Czech Republic 104
Estonia 45
Georgia 1
Hungary 16
Kazakhstan 1
Latvia 22
Lithuania 52
Moldova, Republic of 3
Poland 417
Romania 127
Russian Federation 264
Slovakia 32
Ukraine 668
NORTHERN EUROPE 11,146 4,008 4,247 4,311
Denmark 217
Finland 62
Ireland 141
Norway 484
Sweden 240
United Kingdom 9,029 4,008 4,247 3,167
Scandinavia 2,117
SOUTHERN EUROPE 11,302 31,180 45,520 23,633
Albania 10
Andorra 5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
Croatia 15
Greece 100
Italy 8,932 29,841 43,719 21,593
Malta 2
Montenegro 1
Portugal 499 202 289 191
San Marino 19
Serbia 4
Slovenia 168
Spain 1,871 1,137 1,512 1,522
WESTERN EUROPE 151,914 103,752 108,406 69,480
Austria 64
Belgium 2,142
France 137,578 93,180 98,111 61,059
Germany 6,028 3,992 5,003 3,496
Luxembourg 28
Monaco 2
Netherlands 548
Switzerland 3,650 3,193 3,135 2,141
Benelux 4,658 3,387 2,157
Israel 208
Turkey 147
OTHER EUROPE 2,916 3,162 3,958
Other countries of Europe 2,916 3,162 3,958
Bahrain 1
Egypt 69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Iraq 1
Jordan 6
Kuwait 3
Lebanon 30
Libya 4
Saudi Arabia 22
State of Palestine 5
Syrian Arab Republic 17
Yemen 19
Afghanistan 17
Bangladesh 56
India 2,234
Iran, Islamic Republic of 54
Maldives 4
Nepal 35
Pakistan 302
Sri Lanka 904
NOT SPECIFIED 1,194 1,912 115,802
Other countries of the World 1,194 1,912 115,802

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 769,722 794,990 819,166 804,912 849,156 100.00 5.50

AFRICA 631,107 642,151 637,311 635,880 644,955 75.95 1.43
EAST AFRICA 482,076 435,538 485,538 505,114 516,321 60.80 2.22
Mozambique 249,341 223,983 264,968 274,122 279,200 32.88 1.85
Zambia 42,638 89,785 80,914 68,792 66,739 7.86 -2.98
Zimbabwe 89,802 86,003 88,099 96,957 100,007 11.78 3.15
Other countries of East Africa 100,295 35,767 51,557 65,243 70,375 8.29 7.87
SOUTHERN AFRICA 142,540 141,182 132,401 64,260 64,400 7.58 0.22
All countries of Southern Africa 142,540 141,182 132,401 64,260 64,400 7.58 0.22
OTHER AFRICA 6,491 65,431 19,372 66,506 64,234 7.56 -3.42
Other countries of Africa 6,491 65,431 19,372 66,506 64,234 7.56 -3.42
AMERICAS 28,390 49,924 47,512 48,295 56,882 6.70 17.78
NORTH AMERICA 27,061 49,924 44,856 43,251 49,876 5.87 15.32
Canada, United States 27,061 49,924 44,856 43,251 49,876 5.87 15.32
OTHER AMERICAS 1,329 2,656 5,044 7,006 0.83 38.90
Other countries of the Americas 1,329 2,656 5,044 7,006 0.83 38.90
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,710 18,519 8,433 9,098 12,387 1.46 36.15
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,710 18,519 8,433 9,098 12,387 1.46 36.15
All countries of Asia 6,710 18,519 8,433 9,098 12,387 1.46 36.15
EUROPE 91,786 71,723 106,491 96,590 115,644 13.62 19.73
NORTHERN EUROPE 52,128 50,928 55,017 48,070 56,057 6.60 16.62
United Kingdom/Ireland 52,128 50,928 55,017 48,070 56,057 6.60 16.62
OTHER EUROPE 39,658 20,795 51,474 48,520 59,587 7.02 22.81
Other countries of Europe 39,658 20,795 51,474 48,520 59,587 7.02 22.81
MIDDLE EAST 2,351 1,133 920 1,223 0.14 32.93
All countries of Middle East 2,351 1,133 920 1,223 0.14 32.93
SOUTH ASIA 4,160 10,022 6,080 8,789 1.04 44.56
All countries of South Asia 4,160 10,022 6,080 8,789 1.04 44.56
NOT SPECIFIED 5,218 12,673 8,264 8,049 9,276 1.09 15.24
Other countries of the World 5,218 12,673 8,264 8,049 9,276 1.09 15.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 25,032,722 25,713,448 27,437,315 25,721,251 26,757,392 100.00 4.03

AFRICA 98,765 100,873 108,302 96,076 74,936 0.28 -22.00
EAST AFRICA 25,275 29,376 30,736 29,073 28,577 0.11 -1.71
British Indian Ocean Territory 1 2
Burundi 22 28 31 29 12 0.00 -58.62
Comoros 268 364 445 380 122 0.00 -67.89
Djibouti 564 178 180 171 81 0.00 -52.63
Ethiopia 184 652 664 496 370 0.00 -25.40
Kenya 3,702 3,755 4,689 4,198 4,607 0.02 9.74
Madagascar 309 421 429 374 229 0.00 -38.77
Malawi 289 281 213 185 139 0.00 -24.86
Mauritius 12,342 14,038 13,641 14,535 16,722 0.06 15.05
Mozambique 226 280 298 266 180 0.00 -32.33
Reunion 1 3 0.00
Rwanda 130 123 136 96 87 0.00 -9.38
Seychelles 614 534 508 534 668 0.00 25.09
Somalia 2,262 3,079 2,483 966 0.00 -61.10
Tanzania, United Republic of 2,782 2,736 2,606 2,085 1,447 0.01 -30.60
Uganda 1,740 1,754 1,816 1,668 1,498 0.01 -10.19
Zambia 807 827 807 619 558 0.00 -9.85
Zimbabwe 1,295 1,141 1,193 954 888 0.00 -6.92
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,165 1,366 1,923 1,042 585 0.00 -43.86
Angola 144 135 108 123 61 0.00 -50.41
Cameroon 549 573 1,207 398 185 0.00 -53.52
Central African Republic 1 3 10 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Chad 186 219 293 228 149 0.00 -34.65
Congo 144 142 77 71 32 0.00 -54.93
Equatorial Guinea 55 132 106 57 68 0.00 19.30
Gabon 85 162 120 156 77 0.00 -50.64
Sao Tome and Principe 1 2 4 10 0.00 150.00
NORTH AFRICA 24,562 23,894 30,838 30,534 15,883 0.06 -47.98
Algeria 3,401 4,723 7,273 6,761 2,950 0.01 -56.37
Morocco 3,533 4,161 6,135 6,344 2,931 0.01 -53.80
Sudan 14,343 10,831 12,976 13,147 6,150 0.02 -53.22
Tunisia 3,285 4,179 4,454 4,282 3,852 0.01 -10.04
SOUTHERN AFRICA 25,285 23,677 24,984 22,761 20,516 0.08 -9.86
Botswana 1,080 596 425 360 98 0.00 -72.78
Lesotho 113 120 72 188 42 0.00 -77.66
Namibia 334 352 293 322 246 0.00 -23.60
South Africa 23,635 22,473 22,667 20,625 20,053 0.07 -2.77
Swaziland 123 136 303 133 76 0.00 -42.86
Other countries of Southern Africa 1,224 1,133 1 0.00 -99.91
WEST AFRICA 22,478 22,560 19,821 12,666 9,375 0.04 -25.98
Benin 83 165 221 124 109 0.00 -12.10
Burkina Faso 67 60 93 52 13 0.00 -75.00
Cabo Verde 14 25 31 32 30 0.00 -6.25
Côte d'Ivoire 160 293 205 138 53 0.00 -61.59
Gambia 168 141 165 325 195 0.00 -40.00
Ghana 1,157 1,240 1,398 1,253 793 0.00 -36.71
Guinea 881 747 722 430 298 0.00 -30.70
Guinea-Bissau 28 37 47 17 14 0.00 -17.65
Liberia 138 154 123 0.00
Mali 107 101 107 120 114 0.00 -5.00
Mauritania 163 238 255 72 0.00 -71.76
Niger 19 38 43 60 15 0.00 -75.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 18,792 18,359 16,448 9,815 6,948 0.03 -29.21

Senegal 479 461 194 0.00
Sierra Leone 321 464 375 0.00
Togo 64 112 103 45 29 0.00 -35.56
AMERICAS 362,250 377,283 399,642 360,130 322,334 1.20 -10.50
CARIBBEAN 2,629 2,262 2,432 1,826 1,631 0.01 -10.68
Anguilla 1 4 2 1 1 0.00
Antigua and Barbuda 4 9 11 12 37 0.00 208.33
Aruba 14 13 9 14 10 0.00 -28.57
Bahamas 39 54 62 54 44 0.00 -18.52
Barbados 84 85 75 55 46 0.00 -16.36
British Virgin Islands 2 4
Cayman Islands 1 3 0.00 200.00
Cuba 217 332 302 241 383 0.00 58.92
Curaçao 69
Dominica 69 219 104 78 0.00 -25.00
Dominican Republic 129 195 275 202 150 0.00 -25.74
Grenada 7 15 14 24 43 0.00 79.17
Haiti 30 59 54 67 32 0.00 -52.24
Jamaica 1,160 224 345 253 238 0.00 -5.93
Martinique 1
Montserrat 1
Netherlands Antilles 4 2 3 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 143 170 261 207 111 0.00 -46.38
Saint Lucia 14 14 19 31 17 0.00 -45.16
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 9 17 8 7 0.00 -12.50
Trinidad and Tobago 771 934 761 551 428 0.00 -22.32
Turks and Caicos Islands 14 1 1
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,814 1,829 2,015 1,693 1,582 0.01 -6.56
Belize 78 116 93 74 40 0.00 -45.95
Costa Rica 728 662 723 606 775 0.00 27.89
El Salvador 180 204 195 176 93 0.00 -47.16
Guatemala 349 297 292 221 234 0.00 5.88
Honduras 169 139 258 198 157 0.00 -20.71
Nicaragua 40 71 99 70 64 0.00 -8.57
Panama 270 340 355 348 219 0.00 -37.07
NORTH AMERICA 333,049 343,078 362,019 323,985 294,329 1.10 -9.15
Canada 86,931 88,904 92,761 79,557 72,337 0.27 -9.08
Greenland 1 1
Mexico 5,984 7,238 7,151 6,659 4,917 0.02 -26.16
United States of America 240,134 246,936 262,106 237,768 217,075 0.81 -8.70
SOUTH AMERICA 24,758 30,114 33,176 32,626 24,792 0.09 -24.01
Argentina 5,430 5,776 5,970 7,420 8,996 0.03 21.24
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 199 288 355 312 317 0.00 1.60
Brazil 9,540 12,897 14,441 13,114 6,298 0.02 -51.97
Chile 3,379 3,965 4,290 4,521 4,369 0.02 -3.36
Colombia 1,861 1,952 2,557 2,064 1,380 0.01 -33.14
Ecuador 610 777 977 925 865 0.00 -6.49
Guyana 44 67 65 46 46 0.00
Paraguay 98 147 122 132 68 0.00 -48.48
Peru 1,261 1,453 1,549 1,561 1,181 0.00 -24.34
Suriname 140 148 123 112 59 0.00 -47.32
Uruguay 430 516 460 552 612 0.00 10.87
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,766 2,128 2,267 1,867 601 0.00 -67.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,945,509 22,567,904 23,846,391 22,566,651 23,992,524 89.67 6.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,559,216 2,868,924 2,830,672 2,868,434 3,286,147 12.28 14.56
China 1,557,960 1,790,079 1,612,523 1,676,518 2,124,942 7.94 26.75
Hong Kong (China) 794 1,284 778 615
Japan 470,008 513,076 553,106 483,569 413,768 1.55 -14.43
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 772 932 1,232 1,140 736 0.00 -35.44
Korea, Republic of 283,977 274,622 385,769 421,161 444,439 1.66 5.53
Macao (China) 31 60 54 30
Mongolia 3,155 2,605 2,545 2,177 1,401 0.01 -35.65
Taiwan Province of China 242,519 286,266 274,665 283,224 300,861 1.12 6.23
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 18,809,736 19,105,915 20,372,841 19,146,514 20,271,144 75.76 5.87
Brunei Darussalam 1,258,070 1,238,871 1,213,110 1,133,555 1,391,016 5.20 22.71
Cambodia 50,179 64,534 73,700 75,059 61,844 0.23 -17.61
Indonesia 2,382,606 2,548,021 2,827,533 2,788,033 3,049,964 11.40 9.39
Lao People's Democratic Republic 38,364 35,676 26,627 24,448 31,061 0.12 27.05
Myanmar 83,473 90,740 95,352 66,553 49,175 0.18 -26.11
Philippines 508,744 557,147 618,538 554,917 417,446 1.56 -24.77
Singapore 13,014,268 13,178,774 13,932,967 12,930,754 13,272,961 49.60 2.65
Thailand 1,263,024 1,156,452 1,299,298 1,343,569 1,780,800 6.66 32.54
Viet Nam 211,008 235,700 285,716 229,626 216,877 0.81 -5.55
AUSTRALASIA 573,674 589,517 638,776 547,794 431,079 1.61 -21.31
Australia 507,948 526,342 571,328 486,948 377,727 1.41 -22.43
New Zealand 65,726 63,175 67,448 60,846 53,352 0.20 -12.32
MELANESIA 2,743 3,271 3,002 2,954 3,045 0.01 3.08
Fiji 1,237 1,519 1,414 1,469 1,813 0.01 23.42
Papua New Guinea 1,303 1,477 1,329 1,182 1,052 0.00 -11.00
Solomon Islands 194 209 170 216 130 0.00 -39.81
Vanuatu 9 66 89 87 50 0.00 -42.53
MICRONESIA 64 108 140 131 85 0.00 -35.11
Kiribati 30 19 35 26 21 0.00 -19.23
Marshall Islands 2 17 29 58 23 0.00 -60.34
Micronesia, Federated States of 9 21 21 21 28 0.00 33.33
Nauru 12 28 44 14 4 0.00 -71.43
Palau 11 23 11 12 9 0.00 -25.00
POLYNESIA 76 169 178 182 118 0.00 -35.16
American Samoa 1 45 18
French Polynesia 1
Samoa 42 43 71 33 0.00 -53.52
Tonga 74 61 104 86 54 0.00 -37.21
Tuvalu 1 20 13 25 31 0.00 24.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 782 642 906 0.00 41.12
Other countries of Oceania 782 642 906 0.00 41.12
EUROPE 1,161,319 1,224,643 1,372,157 1,242,267 1,130,425 4.22 -9.00
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 124,730 145,062 164,561 157,424 144,679 0.54 -8.10
Armenia 273 347 568 403 261 0.00 -35.24
Azerbaijan 1,024 1,228 1,585 1,174 923 0.00 -21.38
Belarus 1,311 1,840 2,247 2,152 2,774 0.01 28.90
Bulgaria 2,694 3,386 3,946 3,507 2,645 0.01 -24.58
Czech Republic 7,219 7,602 9,139 10,409 11,353 0.04 9.07
Hungary 4,584 5,661 7,409 9,051 9,898 0.04 9.36
Kazakhstan 20,188 19,840 18,072 15,410 10,717 0.04 -30.45
Kyrgyzstan 1,795 2,136 1,757 1,643 1,771 0.01 7.79
Lithuania 1,788 2,051 2,562 2,543 2,324 0.01 -8.61
Poland 13,432 16,397 19,896 19,920 19,768 0.07 -0.76
Romania 3,709 6,009 6,773 7,331 5,770 0.02 -21.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Russian Federation 44,765 53,203 61,845 55,263 50,893 0.19 -7.91

Slovakia 3,451 3,723 4,423 4,884 4,978 0.02 1.92
Tajikistan 489 517 694 569 329 0.00 -42.18
Turkmenistan 799 940 911 1,048 263 0.00 -74.90
Ukraine 6,312 8,591 9,635 10,672 12,971 0.05 21.54
Uzbekistan 10,897 11,591 13,099 11,445 4,909 0.02 -57.11
Other countries Central/East Europe 2,132 0.01
NORTHERN EUROPE 526,748 548,729 582,013 517,906 495,543 1.85 -4.32
Denmark 24,408 25,312 27,703 24,113 21,612 0.08 -10.37
Finland 19,342 18,952 19,718 14,995 7,282 0.03 -51.44
Iceland 737 749 1,015 825 602 0.00 -27.03
Ireland 21,639 24,459 27,322 22,746 18,208 0.07 -19.95
Norway 19,996 22,325 22,339 18,622 14,709 0.05 -21.01
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1
Sweden 38,418 43,460 38,127 35,586 32,861 0.12 -7.66
United Kingdom 402,207 413,472 445,789 401,019 400,269 1.50 -0.19
SOUTHERN EUROPE 84,588 89,536 111,219 107,461 86,676 0.32 -19.34
Albania 316 290 394 354 256 0.00 -27.68
Andorra 16 36 34 42 23 0.00 -45.24
Bosnia and Herzegovina 528 539 652 597 440 0.00 -26.30
Croatia 1,948 2,147 2,566 2,497 1,704 0.01 -31.76
Greece 3,199 3,676 3,853 3,102 2,294 0.01 -26.05
Holy See 5 9 18 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Italy 44,330 45,253 55,210 51,946 42,747 0.16 -17.71
Malta 640 764 702 583 584 0.00 0.17
Portugal 9,198 10,109 11,627 10,916 8,101 0.03 -25.79
San Marino 10 21 27 34 12 0.00 -64.71
Serbia and Montenegro 691 526 742 690 975 0.00 41.30
Slovenia 1,518 0.01
Spain 23,594 26,162 35,389 36,692 28,018 0.10 -23.64
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 113 4 5 2
WESTERN EUROPE 414,798 427,995 497,343 443,573 389,961 1.46 -12.09
Austria 13,679 14,722 18,188 14,929 11,753 0.04 -21.27
Belgium 17,151 18,502 21,309 18,789 14,283 0.05 -23.98
France 136,172 145,108 169,973 151,474 134,257 0.50 -11.37
Germany 131,277 136,749 158,453 144,910 130,276 0.49 -10.10
Liechtenstein 84 110 95 85 65 0.00 -23.53
Luxembourg 629 615 740 637 495 0.00 -22.29
Monaco 42 43 41 24 4 0.00 -83.33
Netherlands 88,404 83,955 97,988 84,584 72,200 0.27 -14.64
Switzerland 27,360 28,191 30,556 28,141 26,628 0.10 -5.38
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,455 13,321 17,021 15,903 13,566 0.05 -14.70
Cyprus 528 528 505 484 515 0.00 6.40
Israel 18 18 23 24 22 0.00 -8.33
Turkey 9,909 12,775 16,493 15,395 13,029 0.05 -15.37
MIDDLE EAST 265,603 274,393 313,021 278,534 274,766 1.03 -1.35
Bahrain 5,624 5,737 6,793 6,120 5,302 0.02 -13.37
Egypt 16,804 21,053 26,222 25,637 30,231 0.11 17.92
Iraq 21,939 27,869 27,124 20,098 22,533 0.08 12.12
Jordan 8,529 9,468 11,484 11,184 4,470 0.02 -60.03
Kuwait 22,759 22,195 20,853 15,871 13,562 0.05 -14.55
Lebanon 4,503 5,016 4,905 4,394 3,519 0.01 -19.91
Libya 6,214 7,707 8,437 6,269 4,776 0.02 -23.82
Oman 24,977 26,601 34,534 31,934 23,770 0.09 -25.57
Qatar 7,742 7,264 7,007 5,242 4,439 0.02 -15.32

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saudi Arabia 102,365 94,986 113,921 99,754 123,878 0.46 24.18

Syrian Arab Republic 9,413 9,850 11,380 11,044 5,418 0.02 -50.94
United Arab Emirates 18,233 19,830 19,772 15,769 14,150 0.05 -10.27
Yemen 16,501 16,817 20,589 25,218 15,104 0.06 -40.11
Other countries of Middle East 3,614 0.01
SOUTH ASIA 1,185,201 1,156,003 1,382,620 1,163,407 958,598 3.58 -17.60
Afghanistan 1,710 1,815 2,902 612 300 0.00 -50.98
Bangladesh 86,465 134,663 204,418 147,152 114,607 0.43 -22.12
Bhutan 535 357 573 511 556 0.00 8.81
India 691,271 650,989 770,108 722,141 638,578 2.39 -11.57
Iran, Islamic Republic of 127,404 78,316 72,264 65,066 47,102 0.18 -27.61
Maldives 11,833 12,267 14,397 14,317 5,251 0.02 -63.32
Nepal 123,173 132,148 159,144 93,159 60,476 0.23 -35.08
Pakistan 79,989 81,397 97,144 69,112 58,388 0.22 -15.52
Sri Lanka 62,821 64,051 61,670 51,337 33,340 0.12 -35.06
NOT SPECIFIED 14,075 12,349 15,182 14,186 3,809 0.01 -73.15
Other countries of the World 14,075 12,349 15,182 14,186 3,809 0.01 -73.15

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 958,027 1,125,202 1,204,857 1,234,248 1,286,135 100.00 4.20

AFRICA 7,095 8,271 8,149 9,248 10,752 0.84 16.26
EAST AFRICA 815 930 1,089 1,215 1,393 0.11 14.65
Comoros 16 28 35 56 52 0.00 -7.14
Djibouti 3 4 3 3 7 0.00 133.33
Eritrea 20 31 27 40 48 0.00 20.00
Ethiopia 69 67 107 95 113 0.01 18.95
Kenya 224 198 246 278 367 0.03 32.01
Madagascar 15 17 18 11 12 0.00 9.09
Malawi 7 10 25 18 17 0.00 -5.56
Mauritius 211 242 242 308 323 0.03 4.87
Mozambique 32 41 56 57 41 0.00 -28.07
Rwanda 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Seychelles 38 22 93 50 75 0.01 50.00
Somalia 7 10 9 27 39 0.00 44.44
Tanzania, United Republic of 63 95 98 96 91 0.01 -5.21
Uganda 14 20 29 30 44 0.00 46.67
Zambia 39 44 41 53 84 0.01 58.49
Zimbabwe 57 69 60 86 75 0.01 -12.79
Other countries of East Africa 32
CENTRAL AFRICA 85 148 144 197 103 0.01 -47.72
Angola 46 80 106 130 57 0.00 -56.15
Cameroon 27 37 20 21 13 0.00 -38.10
Chad 1 3 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Congo 11 31 15
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 26 16 0.00 -38.46
Equatorial Guinea 1 1 0.00
Gabon 12 12 0.00
Sao Tome and Principe 2
NORTH AFRICA 1,805 2,058 2,481 2,994 3,922 0.30 31.00
Algeria 364 407 555 671 1,055 0.08 57.23
Morocco 621 637 888 992 1,247 0.10 25.71
South Sudan 7 2 0.00 -71.43
Sudan 171 222 324 493 699 0.05 41.78
Tunisia 649 792 714 830 919 0.07 10.72
Western Sahara 1
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,020 4,571 3,768 4,255 4,780 0.37 12.34
Botswana 17 22 21 0.00 -4.55
Lesotho 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Namibia 33 53 43 43 51 0.00 18.60
South Africa 3,967 4,503 3,699 4,170 4,656 0.36 11.65
Swaziland 19 15 9 17 51 0.00 200.00
WEST AFRICA 301 293 616 587 553 0.04 -5.79
Benin 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Burkina Faso 2 2 3 2 12 0.00 500.00
Cabo Verde 8 5 7 2 0.00 -71.43
Côte d'Ivoire 15 18 21 0.00 16.67
Gambia 11 2 1 5 16 0.00 220.00
Ghana 31 25 54 39 50 0.00 28.21
Guinea 5 9 7 8 3 0.00 -62.50
Liberia 1 10 13 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Mali 2 11 2 10 7 0.00 -30.00
Mauritania 1 2 7 10 19 0.00 90.00
Niger 10 14 0.00 40.00
Nigeria 202 197 463 421 364 0.03 -13.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Senegal 29 18 38 38 37 0.00 -2.63

Sierra Leone 8 6 2 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Togo 1 11 6 5 1 0.00 -80.00
OTHER AFRICA 69 271 51 1 0.00
Other countries of Africa 69 271 51 1 0.00
AMERICAS 26,774 32,970 41,044 46,623 50,456 3.92 8.22
CARIBBEAN 186 220 119 258 329 0.03 27.52
Antigua and Barbuda 48 1 1 3 9 0.00 200.00
Bahamas 2 6 5 4 11 0.00 175.00
Barbados 5 4 5 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Cuba 28 16 24 36 34 0.00 -5.56
Dominica 25 27 5 8 24 0.00 200.00
Dominican Republic 32 29 0.00 -9.38
Grenada 3 2 1 3 0.00 200.00
Haiti 6 1 3 3 8 0.00 166.67
Jamaica 11 99 18 21 47 0.00 123.81
Saint Kitts and Nevis 82 85 0.01 3.66
Saint Lucia 1 1 3 3 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 57 65 56 56 66 0.01 17.86
Other countries of the Caribbean 2 4 0.00 100.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 131 145 156 201 224 0.02 11.44
Belize 5 5 9 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Costa Rica 42 49 33 53 52 0.00 -1.89
El Salvador 16 5 21 25 35 0.00 40.00
Guatemala 4 11 24 20 37 0.00 85.00
Honduras 9 8 10 20 14 0.00 -30.00
Nicaragua 3 4 6 7 9 0.00 28.57
Panama 52 63 53 67 70 0.01 4.48
NORTH AMERICA 21,959 27,118 34,243 38,299 41,786 3.25 9.10
Canada 5,070 6,098 7,435 7,537 7,628 0.59 1.21
Mexico 840 986 1,167 1,454 1,569 0.12 7.91
United States of America 16,049 20,034 25,641 29,308 32,589 2.53 11.19
SOUTH AMERICA 4,454 5,362 6,452 7,865 8,117 0.63 3.20
Argentina 621 745 926 1,225 1,447 0.11 18.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 18 27 39 31 38 0.00 22.58
Brazil 3,061 3,675 4,321 5,082 5,015 0.39 -1.32
Chile 101 175 194 258 311 0.02 20.54
Colombia 210 251 318 477 506 0.04 6.08
Ecuador 35 48 98 109 0.01 11.22
French Guiana 1 22 0.00 2,100.00
Guyana 6 15 0.00 150.00
Paraguay 42 37 50 72 51 0.00 -29.17
Peru 92 123 182 216 217 0.02 0.46
Suriname 4
Uruguay 55 42 58 81 122 0.01 50.62
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 219 287 316 314 264 0.02 -15.92
Other countries of the Americas 44 125 74
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 339,183 467,718 521,646 522,155 496,900 38.64 -4.84
NORTH-EAST ASIA 294,397 408,113 444,743 441,017 403,491 31.37 -8.51
China 229,551 331,719 363,626 359,514 324,326 25.22 -9.79
Hong Kong (China) 24 85 0.01 254.17
Japan 36,438 39,463 38,817 39,244 39,894 3.10 1.66
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 9 24 0.00 166.67
Korea, Republic of 23,933 30,306 34,896 33,001 29,580 2.30 -10.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Macao (China) 2 7 0.00 250.00

Mongolia 69 51 46 70 0.01 52.17
Taiwan Province of China 4,430 6,522 7,341 9,177 9,505 0.74 3.57
Other countries of North-East Asia 45 34 12
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 27,960 40,844 56,089 59,354 67,699 5.26 14.06
Brunei Darussalam 83 106 117 75 0.01 -35.90
Cambodia 111 123 210 279 0.02 32.86
Indonesia 1,772 2,511 3,333 3,452 4,886 0.38 41.54
Lao People's Democratic Republic 111 267 235 307 0.02 30.64
Malaysia 6,766 10,875 13,457 12,575 16,185 1.26 28.71
Myanmar 430 1,056 1,248 1,196 0.09 -4.17
Philippines 2,265 3,040 5,406 6,907 9,551 0.74 38.28
Singapore 9,625 11,143 18,638 15,881 14,782 1.15 -6.92
Thailand 6,896 11,705 12,281 15,910 16,451 1.28 3.40
Timor-Leste 7 10 0.00 42.86
Viet Nam 831 1,419 2,812 3,977 0.31 41.43
Other countries of South-East Asia 636 4 3
AUSTRALASIA 16,787 18,706 20,788 21,711 25,671 2.00 18.24
Australia 15,208 16,915 18,872 19,733 23,584 1.83 19.52
New Zealand 1,579 1,791 1,916 1,978 2,087 0.16 5.51
MELANESIA 19 26 14 44 33 0.00 -25.00
Fiji 19 24 14 21 22 0.00 4.76
Papua New Guinea 12 9 0.00 -25.00
Solomon Islands 4
Vanuatu 2 7 2 0.00 -71.43
MICRONESIA 2 3 2 13 2 0.00 -84.62
Kiribati 2 1 3
Marshall Islands 2 2 2
Micronesia, Federated States of 1
Nauru 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Palau 5 1 0.00 -80.00
POLYNESIA 2 1 16 3 0.00 -81.25
French Polynesia 1
Samoa 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Tonga 2 1 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Tuvalu 1
Other countries of Oceania 18 24 9 1 0.00
EUROPE 517,809 527,274 529,291 535,962 575,176 44.72 7.32
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 100,097 119,568 109,638 92,742 104,554 8.13 12.74
Armenia 185 354 374 465 402 0.03 -13.55
Azerbaijan 486 775 789 829 495 0.04 -40.29
Belarus 1,509 2,030 1,885 1,508 1,570 0.12 4.11
Bulgaria 1,479 1,882 2,263 2,904 3,758 0.29 29.41
Czech Republic 5,588 6,421 6,450 8,105 10,338 0.80 27.55
Estonia 362 498 555 889 988 0.08 11.14
Georgia 114 154 192 272 256 0.02 -5.88
Hungary 2,408 2,796 3,589 4,436 5,539 0.43 24.86
Kazakhstan 2,875 3,131 3,208 3,394 3,398 0.26 0.12
Kyrgyzstan 135 135 275 201 222 0.02 10.45
Latvia 621 822 823 880 1,114 0.09 26.59
Lithuania 777 971 1,201 1,752 1,986 0.15 13.36
Moldova, Republic of 360 439 501 386 403 0.03 4.40
Poland 3,918 6,668 6,182 6,879 8,976 0.70 30.48
Romania 1,879 2,423 3,204 3,918 5,337 0.41 36.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Russian Federation 66,378 76,479 66,308 44,323 46,522 3.62 4.96

Slovakia 2,636 2,758 3,262 4,286 4,957 0.39 15.66
Tajikistan 32 59 63 72 78 0.01 8.33
Turkmenistan 28 65 153 81 83 0.01 2.47
Ukraine 8,044 10,362 8,057 6,747 7,599 0.59 12.63
Uzbekistan 277 346 304 415 533 0.04 28.43
Other countries Central/East Europe 6
NORTHERN EUROPE 107,350 103,104 109,586 119,562 132,626 10.31 10.93
Denmark 3,493 4,055 5,008 8,418 9,747 0.76 15.79
Finland 1,402 1,549 2,002 2,109 2,589 0.20 22.76
Iceland 64 62 65 107 109 0.01 1.87
Ireland 2,483 2,590 2,759 2,856 3,449 0.27 20.76
Isle of Man 1
Norway 2,902 3,281 3,882 4,153 3,971 0.31 -4.38
Sweden 5,230 5,694 7,163 9,138 10,918 0.85 19.48
United Kingdom 91,776 85,869 88,347 92,780 101,843 7.92 9.77
Other countries of Northern Europe 4 360
SOUTHERN EUROPE 81,287 79,364 84,470 95,817 109,326 8.50 14.10
Albania 142 188 276 321 395 0.03 23.05
Andorra 21 40 24 38 45 0.00 18.42
Bosnia and Herzegovina 239 194 271 374 385 0.03 2.94
Croatia 801 709 769 1,096 1,101 0.09 0.46
Greece 2,058 1,841 1,981 1,700 2,077 0.16 22.18
Holy See 1 1 0.00
Italy 62,687 57,854 57,862 65,540 71,110 5.53 8.50
Malta 252 240 312 364 331 0.03 -9.07
Montenegro 39 95 76 67 80 0.01 19.40
Portugal 3,660 4,617 4,916 5,057 6,259 0.49 23.77
San Marino 75 91 0.01 21.33
Serbia 852 884 984 1,265 1,627 0.13 28.62
Slovenia 1,295 1,243 1,319 1,470 1,548 0.12 5.31
Spain 8,824 11,040 15,230 17,816 23,393 1.82 31.30
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 203 278 272 375 503 0.04 34.13
Other countries of Southern Europe 214 141 178 258 380 0.03 47.29
WESTERN EUROPE 220,817 212,651 213,289 213,723 213,006 16.56 -0.34
Austria 18,164 18,140 18,726 18,981 17,654 1.37 -6.99
Belgium 5,141 5,130 5,195 5,250 5,571 0.43 6.11
France 56,775 54,328 50,656 42,024 40,487 3.15 -3.66
Germany 98,351 93,598 98,328 105,132 106,381 8.27 1.19
Liechtenstein 140 171 161 168 172 0.01 2.38
Luxembourg 659 670 713 555 654 0.05 17.84
Monaco 53 59 69 50 36 0.00 -28.00
Netherlands 6,077 6,453 7,936 9,640 10,372 0.81 7.59
Switzerland 35,457 34,102 31,497 31,923 31,678 2.46 -0.77
Other countries of Western Europe 8 1 0.00
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,256 12,583 12,308 14,112 15,664 1.22 11.00
Cyprus 271 213 341 345 501 0.04 45.22
Israel 2,569 3,253 3,299 3,567 5,072 0.39 42.19
Turkey 5,416 9,117 8,668 10,200 10,091 0.78 -1.07
Other countries of Europe 2 4 6
MIDDLE EAST 21,843 32,050 37,201 41,976 51,330 3.99 22.28
Bahrain 679 780 891 1,025 920 0.07 -10.24
Egypt 1,168 1,671 2,125 2,776 3,767 0.29 35.70
Iraq 132 348 376 485 795 0.06 63.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Jordan 744 1,179 1,224 1,362 1,755 0.14 28.85

Kuwait 2,987 4,622 5,248 4,491 4,215 0.33 -6.15
Lebanon 1,666 1,817 1,949 2,185 2,258 0.18 3.34
Libya 130 230 241 372 184 0.01 -50.54
Oman 727 915 1,168 1,430 1,205 0.09 -15.73
Qatar 1,521 2,827 3,260 3,033 3,716 0.29 22.52
Saudi Arabia 7,263 10,477 12,405 15,749 21,964 1.71 39.46
State of Palestine 164 319 287 352 407 0.03 15.63
Syrian Arab Republic 447 656 744 963 1,414 0.11 46.83
United Arab Emirates 4,047 5,936 7,008 7,322 8,045 0.63 9.87
Yemen 168 273 275 431 685 0.05 58.93
SOUTH ASIA 45,323 56,796 67,199 77,951 101,146 7.86 29.76
Afghanistan 57 91 151 179 205 0.02 14.53
Bangladesh 1,221 1,906 2,231 4,431 6,018 0.47 35.82
Bhutan 54 53 55 64 112 0.01 75.00
India 31,721 38,014 45,587 52,368 66,955 5.21 27.85
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,295 1,350 1,944 2,373 2,861 0.22 20.56
Nepal 258 289 373 396 817 0.06 106.31
Pakistan 1,857 2,693 3,105 3,987 6,251 0.49 56.78
Sri Lanka 8,860 12,400 13,753 14,153 17,927 1.39 26.67
NOT SPECIFIED 123 327 333 375 0.03 12.61
Other countries of the World 123 327 333 375 0.03 12.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 101,335 120,901 152,295 159,298 173,246 100.00 8.76

AFRICA 34,126 40,954 47,389 72,382 74,760 43.15 3.29
EAST AFRICA 1,423 2,140 2,739 1,154 3,307 1.91 186.57
Burundi 95 311 280 188 456 0.26 142.55
Comoros 19 16 12 18 0.01
Djibouti 12 10 24 31 34 0.02 9.68
Eritrea 2 8 5 0.00
Ethiopia 107 170 260 299 145 0.08 -51.51
Kenya 268 301 406 143 647 0.37 352.45
Madagascar 72 85 89 41 113 0.07 175.61
Malawi 5 19 13 10 0.01 -23.08
Mauritius 150 405 165 10 153 0.09 1,430.00
Mozambique 66 56 77 100 166 0.10 66.00
Reunion 7 3 154 1 42 0.02 4,100.00
Rwanda 124 270 487 97 539 0.31 455.67
Seychelles 4 0.00
Somalia 9 10 1 2 0.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 220 189 498 132 383 0.22 190.15
Uganda 70 64 118 0.07
Zambia 120 114 135 81 227 0.13 180.25
Zimbabwe 84 129 124 18 245 0.14 1,261.11
CENTRAL AFRICA 3,039 3,912 5,089 19,130 7,076 4.08 -63.01
Angola 88 197 94 78 213 0.12 173.08
Cameroon 940 1,061 1,274 6,805 1,565 0.90 -77.00
Central African Republic 88 123 207 2,200 212 0.12 -90.36
Chad 282 444 433 2,301 373 0.22 -83.79
Congo 1,217 1,582 2,036 6,501 3,290 1.90 -49.39
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 25
Equatorial Guinea 2 20 2 32 57 0.03 78.13
Gabon 408 452 944 1,208 1,298 0.75 7.45
Sao Tome and Principe 14 8 99 5 68 0.04 1,260.00
NORTH AFRICA 1,976 2,783 3,875 12,138 5,292 3.05 -56.40
Algeria 520 654 807 1,510 1,018 0.59 -32.58
Morocco 865 1,468 1,962 10,300 2,721 1.57 -73.58
Sudan 131 78 123 80 92 0.05 15.00
Tunisia 460 583 983 248 1,461 0.84 489.11
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,679 1,647 1,933 1,164 2,165 1.25 86.00
Botswana 33 13 29 98 23 0.01 -76.53
Lesotho 3 5 7 9 13 0.01 44.44
Namibia 13 9 33 203 161 0.09 -20.69
South Africa 1,613 1,595 1,831 841 1,844 1.06 119.26
Swaziland 17 25 33 13 124 0.07 853.85
WEST AFRICA 26,009 30,472 33,753 38,796 56,920 32.86 46.72
Benin 1,214 1,394 1,956 4,050 1,112 0.64 -72.54
Burkina Faso 2,751 3,402 3,793 7,932 4,173 2.41 -47.39
Cabo Verde 29 22 51 105 25 0.01 -76.19
Côte d'Ivoire 4,873 6,432 7,632 8,396 6,603 3.81 -21.36
Gambia 269 285 264 90 340 0.20 277.78
Ghana 1,812 1,707 2,003 601 1,909 1.10 217.64
Guinea 3,670 3,816 3,508 6,030 7,055 4.07 17.00
Guinea-Bissau 13 340 12 38 0.02
Liberia 74 93 137 40 171 0.10 327.50
Mauritania 1,448 1,322 1,849 2,593 1,471 0.85 -43.27
Niger 1,351 1,255 1,300 5,200 23,491 13.56 351.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 712 1,425 1,403 950 1,222 0.71 28.63

Senegal 6,510 7,464 8,308 1,860 7,515 4.34 304.03
Sierra Leone 140 174 154 55 191 0.11 247.27
Togo 1,143 1,341 1,383 894 1,604 0.93 79.42
AMERICAS 6,166 5,942 6,849 9,913 7,957 4.59 -19.73
CARIBBEAN 101 184 152 371 185 0.11 -50.13
Cuba 28 14 21 326 17 0.01 -94.79
Dominican Republic 2 2 1 4 0.00
Haiti 30 158 120 35 105 0.06 200.00
Jamaica 5 4 7 7 0.00
Puerto Rico 35 6 2 10 50 0.03 400.00
Other countries of the Caribbean 1 1 2 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 86 74 76 27 110 0.06 307.41
Costa Rica 2 3 3 4 0.00
Guatemala 11 11 17 18 18 0.01
Honduras 2 6 19 0.01
Nicaragua 6 4 16 15 0.01
Panama 65 56 34 9 54 0.03 500.00
NORTH AMERICA 5,746 5,456 6,366 9,127 7,349 4.24 -19.48
Canada 1,828 1,483 1,866 7,500 1,844 1.06 -75.41
Mexico 21 27 21 18 51 0.03 183.33
United States of America 3,897 3,946 4,479 1,609 5,454 3.15 238.97
SOUTH AMERICA 233 228 255 388 313 0.18 -19.33
Argentina 27 15 21 88 22 0.01 -75.00
Brazil 107 116 83 171 126 0.07 -26.32
Chile 23 29 42 55 45 0.03 -18.18
Colombia 39 41 44 55 48 0.03 -12.73
Ecuador 3 13 2 6 0.00 200.00
Guyana 2 1 2 3 0.00
Peru 13 4 5 3 22 0.01 633.33
Uruguay 7 9 22 2
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 15 10 23 12 41 0.02 241.67
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,852 4,637 4,965 4,516 3,005 1.73 -33.46
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,148 2,992 3,497 3,645 1,549 0.89 -57.50
China 2,640 2,687 3,201 3,422 1,388 0.80 -59.44
Japan 295 119 143 106
Korea, Republic of 213 184 153 117 161 0.09 37.61
Taiwan Province of China 2
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 489 461 584 497 586 0.34 17.91
Cambodia 2 9 273 35 76 0.04 117.14
Indonesia 36 60 25 72 60 0.03 -16.67
Malaysia 118 140 67 19 169 0.10 789.47
Philippines 251 190 159 60 226 0.13 276.67
Singapore 8 2 6 2 8 0.00 300.00
Thailand 18 28 12 3
Viet Nam 56 32 42 306 47 0.03 -84.64
AUSTRALASIA 1,212 1,179 860 356 842 0.49 136.52
Australia 1,159 1,087 860 356 784 0.45 120.22
New Zealand 53 92 58 0.03
MELANESIA 3 5 24 18 28 0.02 55.56
New Caledonia 3 5 24 18 28 0.02 55.56
EUROPE 27,756 31,000 46,248 69,824 19,897 11.48 -71.50
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 824 1,056 1,128 631 1,564 0.90 147.86
Bulgaria 76 69 39 70 46 0.03 -34.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Czech Republic 10 38 38 10 36 0.02 260.00

Estonia 10 14 1 11 0.01 1,000.00
Hungary 15 25 22 88 14 0.01 -84.09
Latvia 1 5 2 15 0.01
Lithuania 3 3 4 11 0.01
Poland 85 53 55 93 70 0.04 -24.73
Romania 49 87 126 35 214 0.12 511.43
Russian Federation 372 422 444 215 624 0.36 190.23
Slovakia 18 27 21 2 38 0.02 1,800.00
Ukraine 191 316 363 117 485 0.28 314.53
Uzbekistan 4 1
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,367 1,716 3,466 1,826 3,897 2.25 113.42
Denmark 196 244 457 210 510 0.29 142.86
Finland 48 49 1,278 76 464 0.27 510.53
Iceland 7 13 9 10
Ireland 36 64 58 30 62 0.04 106.67
Norway 130 143 193 317 559 0.32 76.34
Sweden 181 333 463 335 1,340 0.77 300.00
United Kingdom 769 870 1,008 848 962 0.56 13.44
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,398 1,793 3,355 979 3,541 2.04 261.70
Croatia 10 18 19 9 22 0.01 144.44
Greece 37 45 55 67 27 0.02 -59.70
Italy 1,135 1,246 1,332 477 1,419 0.82 197.48
Malta 3 4 13 63 0.04
Portugal 214 256 424 86 387 0.22 350.00
Serbia 13 33 52 28 58 0.03 107.14
Slovenia 15 1 3 1 5 0.00 400.00
Spain 971 190 1,456 301 1,560 0.90 418.27
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 10
WESTERN EUROPE 22,774 25,586 37,652 65,805 9,760 5.63 -85.17
Austria 72 43 72 335 70 0.04 -79.10
Belgium 1,137 1,069 1,337 920 1,395 0.81 51.63
France 19,483 21,717 31,580 62,503 3,224 1.86 -94.84
Germany 1,076 1,390 1,721 1,355 2,211 1.28 63.17
Luxembourg 10 34 42 63 49 0.03 -22.22
Netherlands 607 637 2,299 507 2,119 1.22 317.95
Switzerland 389 696 601 122 692 0.40 467.21
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 393 849 647 583 1,135 0.66 94.68
Cyprus 5 8 1 0.00
Israel 60 49 52 20 24 0.01 20.00
Turkey 328 792 595 563 1,110 0.64 97.16
MIDDLE EAST 909 1,011 1,160 1,199 1,828 1.06 52.46
Egypt 185 158 206 295 477 0.28 61.69
Jordan 8 5 18 17 28 0.02 64.71
Kuwait 14 9 21 26 25 0.01 -3.85
Lebanon 372 480 548 532 600 0.35 12.78
Libya 174 175 208 119 246 0.14 106.72
Oman 2 1
Qatar 3 9 16 1
Saudi Arabia 73 68 74 109 185 0.11 69.72
State of Palestine 2
Syrian Arab Republic 65 72 42 81 220 0.13 171.60
United Arab Emirates 5 21 11 10 0.01
Yemen 6 13 16 19 37 0.02 94.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 1,815 1,771 3,678 1,327 3,296 1.90 148.38

Afghanistan 13 29 18 37 0.02 105.56
Bangladesh 21 62 1,878 425 844 0.49 98.59
India 1,501 1,500 1,500 555 2,014 1.16 262.88
Iran, Islamic Republic of 55 61 45 290 143 0.08 -50.69
Nepal 10 10 64 12 70 0.04 483.33
Pakistan 86 108 126 24 186 0.11 675.00
Sri Lanka 142 17 36 3 2 0.00 -33.33
NOT SPECIFIED 25,711 35,586 42,006 137 62,503 36.08 45,522.63
Other countries of the World 4 240 137 157 0.09 14.60
Nationals Residing Abroad 25,707 35,586 41,766 62,346 35.99

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 101,335 120,901 152,295 159,298 173,246 100.00 8.76

AFRICA 40,959 52,657 62,188 73,912 94,761 54.70 28.21
EAST AFRICA 1,797 2,522 3,540 5,088 4,079 2.35 -19.83
Burundi 104 211 253 535 255 0.15 -52.34
Comoros 6 17
Djibouti 17 20 40 109 31 0.02 -71.56
Eritrea 6
Ethiopia 339 612 678 1,371 1,095 0.63 -20.13
Kenya 519 559 853 756 654 0.38 -13.49
Madagascar 74 79 89 157 74 0.04 -52.87
Malawi 4 90 144 74 191 0.11 158.11
Mauritius 4 8 33 51 6 0.00 -88.24
Mozambique 90 109 176 227 304 0.18 33.92
Reunion 4 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Rwanda 130 264 471 698 352 0.20 -49.57
Somalia 8 2 4 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Tanzania, United Republic of 229 206 420 477 209 0.12 -56.18
Uganda 87 115 137 141 97 0.06 -31.21
Zambia 117 112 131 230 180 0.10 -21.74
Zimbabwe 69 118 101 248 627 0.36 152.82
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,741 5,954 8,522 15,207 24,693 14.25 62.38
Angola 174 197 326 244 530 0.31 117.21
Cameroon 846 974 1,155 1,203 6,158 3.55 411.89
Central African Republic 85 110 174 328 1,124 0.65 242.68
Chad 284 352 438 811 2,995 1.73 269.30
Congo 151 2,363 2,763 5,855 6,006 3.47 2.58
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 318 431 991 4,101 1,972 1.14 -51.91
Equatorial Guinea 59 19 19 100 803 0.46 703.00
Gabon 813 1,497 2,656 2,565 5,105 2.95 99.03
Sao Tome and Principe 11 11
NORTH AFRICA 4,926 6,927 9,787 13,752 11,186 6.46 -18.66
Algeria 1,225 1,529 1,884 816 4,402 2.54 439.46
Morocco 2,132 3,544 5,108 10,305 4,498 2.60 -56.35
Sudan 133 105 159 130 56 0.03 -56.92
Tunisia 1,436 1,749 2,636 2,501 2,230 1.29 -10.84
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,648 1,753 1,888 7,280 3,911 2.26 -46.28
Botswana 36 14 38 109 14 0.01 -87.16
Lesotho 10 5 2 18 14 0.01 -22.22
Namibia 18 16 37 59 70 0.04 18.64
South Africa 1,584 1,693 1,778 7,024 3,702 2.14 -47.29
Swaziland 25 33 70 111 0.06 58.57
WEST AFRICA 29,847 35,501 38,451 32,585 50,892 29.38 56.18
Benin 1,362 1,464 1,981 1,495 1,422 0.82 -4.88
Burkina Faso 3,346 3,359 4,193 4,562 8,273 4.78 81.35
Cabo Verde 30 21 54 15 9 0.01 -40.00
Côte d'Ivoire 5,464 8,020 9,443 7,522 11,102 6.41 47.59
Gambia 221 223 190 541 119 0.07 -78.00
Ghana 2,164 2,041 2,355 1,124 4,181 2.41 271.98
Guinea 3,400 2,841 1,494 3,412 6,026 3.48 76.61
Guinea-Bissau 2 911 1,221 448 846 0.49 88.84
Liberia 98 119 134 238 86 0.05 -63.87
Mauritania 1,557 1,714 1,968 1,420 1,463 0.84 3.03
Niger 1,503 1,377 1,413 1,218 3,460 2.00 184.07
Nigeria 747 1,556 1,354 1,011 5,955 3.44 489.02
Senegal 8,411 10,202 10,801 8,426 6,435 3.71 -23.63

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sierra Leone 94 131 125 208 84 0.05 -59.62

Togo 1,448 1,522 1,725 945 1,431 0.83 51.43
AMERICAS 6,449 6,296 7,916 8,454 6,562 3.79 -22.38
CARIBBEAN 74 84 153 175 1,076 0.62 514.86
Cuba 31 23 26 54 1,020 0.59 1,788.89
Dominican Republic 2 1
Haiti 35 54 105 93 41 0.02 -55.91
Jamaica 6 6 7 6 4 0.00 -33.33
Other countries of the Caribbean 15 22 11 0.01 -50.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 85 63 42 95 75 0.04 -21.05
Costa Rica 3 4 4 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Guatemala 4 1 3 18 3 0.00 -83.33
Honduras 2 2 10 14 14 0.01
Nicaragua 6 2 5 11 0.01
Panama 70 54 20 58 43 0.02 -25.86
NORTH AMERICA 6,096 5,971 7,509 7,915 5,210 3.01 -34.18
Canada 1,828 1,515 2,030 4,505 1,186 0.68 -73.67
Mexico 22 23 23 10 21 0.01 110.00
United States of America 4,246 4,433 5,456 3,400 4,003 2.31 17.74
SOUTH AMERICA 194 178 212 269 201 0.12 -25.28
Argentina 24 14 18 22 11 0.01 -50.00
Brazil 100 85 83 76 0.04
Chile 2 10 10 47 21 0.01 -55.32
Colombia 33 36 45 87 26 0.02 -70.11
Ecuador 2 3 8 21 0.01 162.50
Guyana 3 2 2
Peru 13 3 7 7 8 0.00 14.29
Uruguay 10 9 13 51 19 0.01 -62.75
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 9 17 31 47 19 0.01 -59.57
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,615 4,191 4,991 4,567 6,021 3.48 31.84
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,136 2,881 3,545 2,666 5,274 3.04 97.82
China 2,659 2,612 3,281 2,080 5,064 2.92 143.46
Japan 285 105 135 304 128 0.07 -57.89
Korea, Republic of 192 161 129 282 82 0.05 -70.92
Taiwan Province of China 3
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 383 329 574 834 355 0.20 -57.43
Cambodia 12 12 310 84 79 0.05 -5.95
Indonesia 29 46 14 119 40 0.02 -66.39
Malaysia 18 22 35 163 27 0.02 -83.44
Philippines 223 172 149 299 127 0.07 -57.53
Singapore 15 4 11 17 9 0.01 -47.06
Thailand 35 40 17 49 37 0.02 -24.49
Viet Nam 51 33 38 103 36 0.02 -65.05
AUSTRALASIA 1,085 961 863 1,031 377 0.22 -63.43
Australia 1,050 908 767 869 355 0.20 -59.15
New Zealand 35 53 96 162 22 0.01 -86.42
MELANESIA 11 20 9 36 15 0.01 -58.33
New Caledonia 11 20 9 36 15 0.01 -58.33
EUROPE 45,076 54,815 71,429 67,052 60,496 34.92 -9.78
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 840 1,072 1,065 1,978 869 0.50 -56.07
Bulgaria 73 67 33 66 36 0.02 -45.45
Czech Republic 11 13 13 30 10 0.01 -66.67
Estonia 7 15 20 7 0.00 -65.00
Hungary 16 27 23 28 7 0.00 -75.00
Latvia 1 6 2 6 1 0.00 -83.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Lithuania 3 3 4 12 7 0.00 -41.67

Poland 75 43 53 83 27 0.02 -67.47
Romania 43 71 110 244 102 0.06 -58.20
Russian Federation 352 427 450 860 343 0.20 -60.12
Slovakia 11 24 15 31 16 0.01 -48.39
Ukraine 252 381 335 598 312 0.18 -47.83
Uzbekistan 3 1 12 1 0.00
Other countries Central/East Europe 2
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,159 1,389 2,356 4,070 2,130 1.23 -47.67
Denmark 183 212 470 882 343 0.20 -61.11
Finland 37 47 269 398 140 0.08 -64.82
Iceland 5 39 17 18 8 0.00 -55.56
Ireland 35 42 47 171 25 0.01 -85.38
Norway 108 117 172 332 275 0.16 -17.17
Sweden 161 211 514 950 791 0.46 -16.74
United Kingdom 630 721 867 1,319 548 0.32 -58.45
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,597 5,076 6,720 3,284 4,913 2.84 49.60
Croatia 10 19 14 43 11 0.01 -74.42
Greece 37 40 60 69 17 0.01 -75.36
Italy 1,286 1,453 1,659 472 1,256 0.72 166.10
Malta 6 7 13 4 5 0.00 25.00
Portugal 446 508 775 870 333 0.19 -61.72
Serbia 8 17 65 124 28 0.02 -77.42
Slovenia 14 1 4 4 0.00
Spain 2,790 3,031 4,129 1,702 2,758 1.59 62.04
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 501 0.29
WESTERN EUROPE 38,075 46,483 60,583 56,642 51,553 29.76 -8.98
Austria 73 50 81 58 33 0.02 -43.10
Belgium 1,263 1,135 1,361 1,007 841 0.49 -16.48
France 34,580 42,711 54,368 50,283 47,710 27.54 -5.12
Germany 1,023 1,246 1,588 4,083 1,291 0.75 -68.38
Luxembourg 26 43 80 122 37 0.02 -69.67
Netherlands 631 676 2,331 850 1,151 0.66 35.41
Switzerland 479 622 774 239 490 0.28 105.02
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 405 795 705 1,078 1,031 0.60 -4.36
Cyprus 5 7 1 2 0.00
Israel 64 43 46 18 12 0.01 -33.33
Turkey 336 745 658 1,060 1,017 0.59 -4.06
MIDDLE EAST 1,850 1,316 2,213 2,770 1,973 1.14 -28.77
Egypt 208 196 299 652 332 0.19 -49.08
Iraq 1 12
Jordan 11 7 17 15 7 0.00 -53.33
Kuwait 11 16 57 57 56 0.03 -1.75
Lebanon 386 389 496 623 351 0.20 -43.66
Libya 200 249 447 317 224 0.13 -29.34
Oman 1 1
Qatar 26 13 5 0.00
Saudi Arabia 331 240 521 786 666 0.38 -15.27
State of Palestine 10 8 23 13 14 0.01 7.69
Syrian Arab Republic 55 58 27 71 88 0.05 23.94
United Arab Emirates 630 114 294 184 208 0.12 13.04
Yemen 7 12 18 40 22 0.01 -45.00
SOUTH ASIA 1,649 1,577 3,455 2,334 3,433 1.98 47.09
Afghanistan 3 16 39 48 32 0.02 -33.33
Bangladesh 18 37 1,811 788 3,178 1.83 303.30

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

India 1,360 1,344 1,383 1,210 71 0.04 -94.13

Iran, Islamic Republic of 48 52 44 53 31 0.02 -41.51
Nepal 7 5 52 20 21 0.01 5.00
Pakistan 77 106 88 215 100 0.06 -53.49
Sri Lanka 136 17 38
NOT SPECIFIED 737 49 103 209
Other countries of the World 737 49 103 209

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 31,620 57,223 52,690 14,836 41,470 100.00 179.52

AFRICA 13,302 15,635 14,558 6,257 27,463 66.22 338.92
WEST AFRICA 9,243 10,122 10,586 4,928 25,980 62.65 427.19
All countries of West Africa 9,243 10,122 10,586 4,928 25,980 62.65 427.19
OTHER AFRICA 4,059 5,513 3,972 1,329 1,483 3.58 11.59
Other countries of Africa 4,059 5,513 3,972 1,329 1,483 3.58 11.59
AMERICAS 5,581 10,211 8,765 1,385 1,236 2.98 -10.76
NORTH AMERICA 5,581 10,211 8,765 1,385 1,236 2.98 -10.76
Canada 894 584 903 617 974 2.35 57.86
United States of America 4,687 9,627 7,862 768 262 0.63 -65.89
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 457 411 341 232 451 1.09 94.40
NORTH-EAST ASIA 457 411 341 232 451 1.09 94.40
Japan 457 411 341 232 451 1.09 94.40
EUROPE 9,159 14,137 21,461 5,897 11,597 27.96 96.66
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 526 2,974 1,717 424 1,502 3.62 254.25
Russian Federation 105 298 1,202 159 665 1.60 318.24
Other countries Central/East Europe 421 2,676 515 265 837 2.02 215.85
NORTHERN EUROPE 896 3,867 2,423 534 1,248 3.01 133.71
United Kingdom 485 3,576 616 407 388 0.94 -4.67
Scandinavia 411 291 1,807 127 860 2.07 577.17
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,705 1,033 1,357 766 1,330 3.21 73.63
Italy 819 571 790 355 811 1.96 128.45
Spain 886 462 567 411 519 1.25 26.28
WESTERN EUROPE 6,032 6,263 15,964 4,173 7,517 18.13 80.13
Austria 184 341 259 164 1,411 3.40 760.37
France 4,006 3,115 11,326 2,601 1,331 3.21 -48.83
Germany 709 655 3,451 518 287 0.69 -44.59
Switzerland 348 465 360 245 3,729 8.99 1,422.04
Benelux 785 1,687 568 645 759 1.83 17.67
MIDDLE EAST 184 538 590 287 458 1.10 59.58
All countries of Middle East 184 538 590 287 458 1.10 59.58
NOT SPECIFIED 2,937 16,291 6,975 778 265 0.64 -65.94
Other countries of the World 2,937 16,291 6,975 778 265 0.64 -65.94

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 61,187 102,640 71,830 33,367 70,377 100.00 110.92

AFRICA 26,928 30,662 20,063 12,028 44,487 63.21 269.86
WEST AFRICA 17,593 17,152 14,637 9,290 42,865 60.91 361.41
All countries of West Africa 17,593 17,152 14,637 9,290 42,865 60.91 361.41
OTHER AFRICA 9,335 13,510 5,426 2,738 1,622 2.30 -40.76
Other countries of Africa 9,335 13,510 5,426 2,738 1,622 2.30 -40.76
AMERICAS 9,608 12,827 10,419 4,094 2,379 3.38 -41.89
NORTH AMERICA 9,608 12,827 10,419 4,094 2,379 3.38 -41.89
Canada 1,683 1,490 1,518 1,302 1,874 2.66 43.93
United States of America 7,925 11,337 8,901 2,792 505 0.72 -81.91
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,071 1,153 639 456 631 0.90 38.38
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,071 1,153 639 456 631 0.90 38.38
Japan 1,071 1,153 639 456 631 0.90 38.38
EUROPE 17,253 34,870 32,502 14,958 21,657 30.77 44.79
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 903 5,727 2,775 862 2,336 3.32 171.00
Russian Federation 218 970 1,782 272 1,153 1.64 323.90
Other countries Central/East Europe 685 4,757 993 590 1,183 1.68 100.51
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,421 6,780 3,262 1,117 1,807 2.57 61.77
United Kingdom 710 5,889 1,111 908 532 0.76 -41.41
Scandinavia 711 891 2,151 209 1,275 1.81 510.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,947 2,658 2,221 2,656 1,771 2.52 -33.32
Italy 1,330 1,439 1,304 877 1,084 1.54 23.60
Spain 1,617 1,219 917 1,779 687 0.98 -61.38
WESTERN EUROPE 11,982 19,705 24,244 10,323 15,743 22.37 52.50
Austria 503 907 507 325 1,895 2.69 483.08
France 7,333 13,552 14,750 6,464 2,460 3.50 -61.94
Germany 2,178 1,674 7,429 942 964 1.37 2.34
Switzerland 503 1,128 427 442 9,531 13.54 2,056.33
Benelux 1,465 2,444 1,131 2,150 893 1.27 -58.47
MIDDLE EAST 435 1,180 864 578 547 0.78 -5.36
All countries of Middle East 435 1,180 864 578 547 0.78 -5.36
NOT SPECIFIED 5,892 21,948 7,343 1,253 676 0.96 -46.05
Other countries of the World 5,892 21,948 7,343 1,253 676 0.96 -46.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,443,414 1,582,153 1,689,809 1,783,366 1,965,928 100.00 10.24

AMERICAS 18,027 19,502 22,402 25,887 26,454 1.35 2.19
NORTH AMERICA 18,027 19,502 22,402 25,887 26,454 1.35 2.19
United States of America 18,027 19,502 22,402 25,887 26,454 1.35 2.19
EUROPE 1,325,465 1,431,600 1,526,849 1,622,454 1,779,564 90.52 9.68
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 93,367 118,033 142,481 147,677 175,351 8.92 18.74
Bulgaria 4,449 6,896 9,601 10,680 10,709 0.54 0.27
Czech Republic 8,810 7,698 8,652 12,103 11,511 0.59 -4.89
Estonia 1,598 1,944 2,369 4,268 4,608 0.23 7.97
Hungary 7,092 12,992 17,143 17,719 20,988 1.07 18.45
Latvia 1,516 2,907 5,248 4,487 4,384 0.22 -2.30
Lithuania 6,735 10,020 8,761 8,181 9,146 0.47 11.80
Poland 20,085 23,889 34,722 46,231 70,563 3.59 52.63
Romania 6,346 7,014 14,540 16,475 20,171 1.03 22.43
Russian Federation 31,563 40,048 34,220 21,583 16,369 0.83 -24.16
Slovakia 5,173 4,625 7,225 5,950 6,902 0.35 16.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 566,368 589,952 627,084 678,765 717,127 36.48 5.65
Denmark 34,065 33,839 35,017 38,527 43,262 2.20 12.29
Finland 7,589 6,878 8,341 15,612 20,656 1.05 32.31
Ireland 27,731 30,224 30,722 35,382 33,175 1.69 -6.24
Norway 14,152 18,752 18,977 14,988 12,941 0.66 -13.66
Sweden 41,556 45,600 46,313 48,260 47,105 2.40 -2.39
United Kingdom 441,275 454,659 487,714 525,996 559,988 28.48 6.46
SOUTHERN EUROPE 274,441 301,422 322,741 350,381 400,437 20.37 14.29
Croatia 952 2,272 2,098 2,466 3,578 0.18 45.09
Greece 2,862 4,580 5,860 6,623 13,731 0.70 107.32
Italy 202,200 233,777 262,631 282,816 315,223 16.03 11.46
Portugal 4,260 3,591 4,785 5,487 7,697 0.39 40.28
Slovenia 3,944 3,924 5,082 5,753 5,185 0.26 -9.87
Spain 60,223 53,278 42,285 47,236 55,023 2.80 16.49
WESTERN EUROPE 360,287 391,157 406,542 418,456 463,787 23.59 10.83
Austria 19,826 25,739 27,567 30,247 24,321 1.24 -19.59
Belgium 27,280 28,948 31,399 35,937 41,760 2.12 16.20
France 107,893 116,533 125,511 127,951 144,805 7.37 13.17
Germany 137,500 147,110 143,053 141,856 156,786 7.98 10.52
Luxembourg 2,839 2,639 2,518 2,211 2,966 0.15 34.15
Netherlands 39,191 41,486 44,697 44,961 52,643 2.68 17.09
Switzerland 25,758 28,702 31,797 35,293 40,506 2.06 14.77
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 31,002 31,036 28,001 27,175 22,862 1.16 -15.87
Cyprus 4,590 4,321 3,384 3,496 4,176 0.21 19.45
Israel 26,412 26,715 24,617 23,679 18,686 0.95 -21.09
MIDDLE EAST 17,217 34,621 30,770 6,651 3,415 0.17 -48.65
Libya 17,217 34,621 30,770 6,651 3,415 0.17 -48.65
NOT SPECIFIED 82,705 96,430 109,788 128,374 156,495 7.96 21.91
Other countries of the World 82,705 96,430 109,788 128,374 156,495 7.96 21.91

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,859,521 12,890,268 13,522,112 14,151,599 14,961,366 100.00 5.72

AMERICAS 137,719 158,889 178,434 206,929 200,703 1.34 -3.01
NORTH AMERICA 137,719 158,889 178,434 206,929 200,703 1.34 -3.01
United States of America 137,719 158,889 178,434 206,929 200,703 1.34 -3.01
EUROPE 10,646,275 11,469,919 11,904,321 12,535,192 13,182,082 88.11 5.16
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 965,865 1,153,194 1,298,476 1,217,043 1,385,119 9.26 13.81
Bulgaria 33,029 66,317 73,799 66,693 85,405 0.57 28.06
Czech Republic 98,596 71,008 81,707 122,039 101,016 0.68 -17.23
Estonia 10,271 15,872 17,742 30,875 35,641 0.24 15.44
Hungary 55,742 102,804 126,599 123,805 155,629 1.04 25.70
Latvia 11,796 26,268 44,013 36,279 31,064 0.21 -14.37
Lithuania 52,300 76,674 76,933 63,876 72,370 0.48 13.30
Poland 155,094 195,786 271,873 353,821 515,367 3.44 45.66
Romania 48,365 59,575 117,523 114,686 139,505 0.93 21.64
Russian Federation 445,322 490,754 427,504 256,381 181,916 1.22 -29.04
Slovakia 55,350 48,136 60,783 48,588 67,206 0.45 38.32
NORTHERN EUROPE 4,867,776 5,103,495 5,188,706 5,501,564 5,651,346 37.77 2.72
Denmark 288,812 275,435 270,629 291,151 324,138 2.17 11.33
Finland 59,865 57,237 69,774 131,286 156,890 1.05 19.50
Ireland 217,901 241,849 248,036 274,810 252,560 1.69 -8.10
Norway 118,517 148,302 150,463 111,579 96,548 0.65 -13.47
Sweden 291,041 337,033 326,828 326,075 321,451 2.15 -1.42
United Kingdom 3,891,640 4,043,639 4,122,976 4,366,663 4,499,759 30.08 3.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,743,835 1,884,628 2,035,984 2,326,153 2,500,167 16.71 7.48
Croatia 9,342 16,171 13,902 13,296 18,998 0.13 42.89
Greece 11,607 27,845 31,872 36,060 72,583 0.49 101.28
Italy 1,200,524 1,375,812 1,596,151 1,840,243 1,921,436 12.84 4.41
Portugal 33,037 22,417 32,180 37,011 52,123 0.35 40.83
Slovenia 24,587 33,223 40,415 39,273 35,307 0.24 -10.10
Spain 464,738 409,160 321,464 360,270 399,720 2.67 10.95
WESTERN EUROPE 2,931,684 3,191,286 3,251,996 3,369,297 3,540,725 23.67 5.09
Austria 147,309 200,767 200,997 225,233 167,677 1.12 -25.55
Belgium 196,293 224,399 230,309 270,191 277,757 1.86 2.80
France 813,241 890,573 982,020 1,030,838 1,123,592 7.51 9.00
Germany 1,200,873 1,255,420 1,210,790 1,212,572 1,246,556 8.33 2.80
Luxembourg 21,412 21,589 17,321 16,442 18,706 0.13 13.77
Netherlands 321,426 339,891 348,194 348,136 392,863 2.63 12.85
Switzerland 231,130 258,647 262,365 265,885 313,574 2.10 17.94
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 137,115 137,316 129,159 121,135 104,725 0.70 -13.55
Cyprus 18,102 19,178 18,084 17,002 21,155 0.14 24.43
Israel 119,013 118,138 111,075 104,133 83,570 0.56 -19.75
MIDDLE EAST 114,715 204,958 215,905 58,272 25,808 0.17 -55.71
Libya 114,715 204,958 215,905 58,272 25,808 0.17 -55.71
NOT SPECIFIED 960,812 1,056,502 1,223,452 1,351,206 1,552,773 10.38 14.92
Other countries of the World 960,812 1,056,502 1,223,452 1,351,206 1,552,773 10.38 14.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,578 4,876 6,311

AMERICAS 1,140 1,116 1,806
NORTH AMERICA 1,126 1,116 1,806
Canada 24 63 164
United States of America 1,102 1,053 1,642
Other countries of the Americas 14
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,145 3,392 3,983
NORTH-EAST ASIA 960 459 535
China 87 87 134
Japan 448 372 401
Korea, Republic of 62
Taiwan Province of China 363
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 187 175 160
Philippines 187 175 160
AUSTRALASIA 309 270 418
Australia 192 171 253
New Zealand 117 99 165
Fiji 194
Guam 232
Kiribati 90
Micronesia, Federated States of 363
Nauru 511
Palau 47
Tuvalu 17
Other countries of Asia 52 644 495
Other countries of Oceania 183 1,844 2,375
EUROPE 115 175 264
United Kingdom 31 27 92
Germany 15
OTHER EUROPE 69 148 172
Other countries of Europe 69 148 172
NOT SPECIFIED 178 193 258
Other countries of the World 178 193 258

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 487,769 489,705 489,562

AMERICAS 77,648 68,157 74,779
CARIBBEAN 52,464 45,354 53,611
Barbados 1,226 1,054 1,430
Dominica 1,598 1,380 1,496
Guadeloupe 45,556 39,386 42,349
Saint Lucia 1,856 1,607 3,429
Other countries of the Caribbean 2,228 1,927 4,907
NORTH AMERICA 11,558 10,993 11,795
Canada 9,154 8,010 8,354
United States of America 2,404 2,983 3,441
SOUTH AMERICA 13,626 11,810 9,373
French Guiana 13,626 11,810 9,373
EUROPE 407,783 419,053 412,683
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,708 4,265 4,968
United Kingdom/Ireland 1,549 3,061 3,594
Scandinavia 1,159 1,204 1,374
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,057 2,066 2,530
Italy 3,057 2,066 2,530
WESTERN EUROPE 397,883 405,905 404,856
France 384,526 391,708 385,287
Germany 3,946 4,174 4,801
Switzerland 3,182 3,485 4,325
Benelux 6,229 6,538 10,443
OTHER EUROPE 4,135 6,817 329
Other countries of Europe 4,135 6,817 329
NOT SPECIFIED 2,338 2,495 2,100
Other countries of the World 2,338 2,495 2,100

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 176,625 158,663 142,779

AMERICAS 20,870 18,010 25,631
CARIBBEAN 15,158 13,828 19,942
All countries of the Caribbean 15,158 13,828 19,942
NORTH AMERICA 5,712 4,182 5,689
Canada 4,504 2,272 3,301
United States of America 1,208 1,910 2,388
EUROPE 155,083 138,190 116,167
WESTERN EUROPE 143,705 122,003 106,267
France 143,705 122,003 106,267
OTHER EUROPE 11,378 16,187 9,900
Other countries of Europe 11,378 16,187 9,900
NOT SPECIFIED 672 2,463 981
Other countries of the World 672 2,463 981

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 487,768 489,706 489,562

AMERICAS 77,648 68,158 74,779
CARIBBEAN 66,090 57,165 62,984
All countries of the Caribbean 66,090 57,165 62,984
NORTH AMERICA 11,558 10,993 11,795
Canada 9,154 8,010 8,354
United States of America 2,404 2,983 3,441
EUROPE 407,782 419,053 412,683
WESTERN EUROPE 384,526 391,708 385,287
France 384,526 391,708 385,287
OTHER EUROPE 23,256 27,345 27,396
Other countries of Europe 23,256 27,345 27,396
NOT SPECIFIED 2,338 2,495 2,100
Other countries of the World 2,338 2,495 2,100

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,379,000 1,362,000 1,258,995

AMERICAS 101,492 89,971 151,781
CARIBBEAN 83,839 45,981 106,426
All countries of the Caribbean 83,839 45,981 106,426
NORTH AMERICA 17,653 43,990 45,355
Canada 13,577 33,248 28,754
United States of America 4,076 10,742 16,601
EUROPE 1,271,315 1,250,052 1,099,774
WESTERN EUROPE 1,179,920 1,111,123 1,014,195
France 1,179,920 1,111,123 1,014,195
OTHER EUROPE 91,395 138,929 85,579
Other countries of Europe 91,395 138,929 85,579
NOT SPECIFIED 6,193 21,977 7,440
Other countries of the World 6,193 21,977 7,440

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 6,900,859 7,300,698 6,796,901

AMERICAS 733,498 598,909 896,639
CARIBBEAN 667,264 491,733 801,975
All countries of the Caribbean 667,264 491,733 801,975
NORTH AMERICA 66,234 107,176 94,664
Canada 51,167 81,472 67,818
United States of America 15,067 25,704 26,846
EUROPE 6,126,217 6,614,415 5,874,807
WESTERN EUROPE 5,781,703 6,253,551 5,554,684
France 5,781,703 6,253,551 5,554,684
OTHER EUROPE 344,514 360,864 320,123
Other countries of Europe 344,514 360,864 320,123
NOT SPECIFIED 41,144 87,374 25,455
Other countries of the World 41,144 87,374 25,455

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 965,441 992,503 1,038,334 1,151,252 1,275,227 100.00 10.77

AFRICA 269,957 277,252 273,706 284,126 291,256 22.84 2.51
EAST AFRICA 172,958 173,449 171,079 171,634 174,617 13.69 1.74
Burundi 69 80 100 115 93 0.01 -19.13
Comoros 1,076 1,147 938 758 800 0.06 5.54
Djibouti 52 38 54 49 47 0.00 -4.08
Eritrea 14 15 18 33 8 0.00 -75.76
Ethiopia 160 334 231 308 272 0.02 -11.69
Kenya 2,705 2,865 3,266 3,376 3,185 0.25 -5.66
Madagascar 13,563 13,941 13,038 12,215 11,740 0.92 -3.89
Malawi 279 233 260 338 402 0.03 18.93
Mozambique 637 698 806 927 1,144 0.09 23.41
Reunion 144,340 143,174 141,659 143,845 146,203 11.46 1.64
Rwanda 98 151 137 117 183 0.01 56.41
Seychelles 6,779 7,183 6,926 5,652 6,393 0.50 13.11
Somalia 12 7 9 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Tanzania, United Republic of 551 625 529 604 625 0.05 3.48
Uganda 429 533 482 529 469 0.04 -11.34
Zambia 626 899 891 867 999 0.08 15.22
Zimbabwe 1,568 1,526 1,735 1,892 2,047 0.16 8.19
CENTRAL AFRICA 818 1,368 1,410 1,581 1,845 0.14 16.70
Angola 330 505 570 434 505 0.04 16.36
Cameroon 163 159 205 215 321 0.03 49.30
Central African Republic 9 7 2 12 11 0.00 -8.33
Chad 9 12 27 25 43 0.00 72.00
Congo 203 411 396 697 724 0.06 3.87
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 3
Equatorial Guinea 7 3 11 8 3 0.00 -62.50
Gabon 92 265 191 178 215 0.02 20.79
Sao Tome and Principe 5 5 5 12 23 0.00 91.67
NORTH AFRICA 1,029 1,150 1,561 1,517 1,445 0.11 -4.75
Algeria 139 216 574 430 310 0.02 -27.91
Morocco 372 445 458 597 674 0.05 12.90
Sudan 101 90 105 107 79 0.01 -26.17
Tunisia 417 399 424 383 382 0.03 -0.26
SOUTHERN AFRICA 91,076 96,468 95,781 104,714 108,230 8.49 3.36
Botswana 550 666 758 817 1,088 0.09 33.17
Lesotho 168 145 177 177 223 0.02 25.99
Namibia 1,047 1,237 1,393 1,474 1,715 0.13 16.35
South Africa 89,058 94,137 93,075 101,943 104,834 8.22 2.84
Swaziland 253 283 378 303 370 0.03 22.11
WEST AFRICA 1,808 2,279 2,153 3,084 3,459 0.27 12.16
Benin 66 68 48 79 66 0.01 -16.46
Burkina Faso 53 50 57 53 72 0.01 35.85
Cabo Verde 33 28 42 71 75 0.01 5.63
Côte d'Ivoire 200 208 256 360 350 0.03 -2.78
Gambia 64 57 40 40 34 0.00 -15.00
Ghana 382 435 434 680 889 0.07 30.74
Guinea 30 45 19 10 26 0.00 160.00
Guinea-Bissau 14 4 1 4 10 0.00 150.00
Liberia 15 22 8 7 11 0.00 57.14
Mali 28 33 23 43 47 0.00 9.30
Mauritania 70 72 80 52 46 0.00 -11.54
Niger 55 98 105 147 164 0.01 11.56
Nigeria 574 907 792 1,217 1,372 0.11 12.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saint Helena 4 4 3
Senegal 141 179 164 210 201 0.02 -4.29
Sierra Leone 27 28 29 5 18 0.00 260.00
Togo 56 41 51 103 78 0.01 -24.27
OTHER AFRICA 2,268 2,538 1,722 1,596 1,660 0.13 4.01
Other countries of Africa 2,268 2,538 1,722 1,596 1,660 0.13 4.01
AMERICAS 16,079 15,228 16,330 17,891 19,766 1.55 10.48
CARIBBEAN 331 232 243 276 298 0.02 7.97
Anguilla 1 1 0.00
Antigua and Barbuda 8 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Aruba 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Bahamas 18 15 15 18 16 0.00 -11.11
Barbados 12 9 4 8 12 0.00 50.00
Bermuda 4 17 14 15 8 0.00 -46.67
Cayman Islands 6 6 8 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Cuba 11 9 7 12 14 0.00 16.67
Dominica 9 4 7 12 0.00 71.43
Dominican Republic 4 13 5 5 13 0.00 160.00
Grenada 1 5 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Guadeloupe 19 38 31 25 18 0.00 -28.00
Haiti 16 15 27 20 20 0.00
Jamaica 27 17 17 28 22 0.00 -21.43
Martinique 65 20 42 31 47 0.00 51.61
Montserrat 2 1 0.00
Netherlands Antilles 59 16 26 30 48 0.00 60.00
Puerto Rico 2
Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 8 7 17 20 0.00 17.65
Saint Lucia 7 5 5 1 1 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 2
Trinidad and Tobago 53 28 34 42 38 0.00 -9.52
CENTRAL AMERICA 50 88 66 94 104 0.01 10.64
Belize 4 7 3 4 7 0.00 75.00
Costa Rica 9 15 9 10 22 0.00 120.00
El Salvador 7 8 7 2 5 0.00 150.00
Guatemala 7 14 6 20 20 0.00
Honduras 19 20 13 31 27 0.00 -12.90
Nicaragua 6 8 11 4 0.00 -63.64
Panama 4 18 20 16 19 0.00 18.75
NORTH AMERICA 11,227 10,302 11,953 14,319 14,787 1.16 3.27
Canada 4,736 4,426 4,669 5,608 6,060 0.48 8.06
Greenland  5 2 2 0.00
Mexico 117 129 143 162 201 0.02 24.07
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 2 1
United States of America 6,374 5,741 7,139 8,546 8,524 0.67 -0.26
SOUTH AMERICA 4,465 4,604 4,064 3,201 4,574 0.36 42.89
Argentina 742 889 837 500 905 0.07 81.00
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 7 15 7 3 9 0.00 200.00
Brazil 3,217 2,894 2,455 1,947 2,912 0.23 49.56
Chile 137 253 220 263 309 0.02 17.49
Colombia 52 67 78 68 81 0.01 19.12
Ecuador 16 15 23 29 23 0.00 -20.69
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 11 8 6 0.00 -25.00
French Guiana 132 301 254 165 89 0.01 -46.06
Guyana 22 18 12 15 16 0.00 6.67
Paraguay 12 18 36 34 29 0.00 -14.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Peru 48 32 44 75 84 0.01 12.00

Suriname 4 16 19 23 11 0.00 -52.17
Uruguay 40 45 38 39 72 0.01 84.62
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 34 30 41 32 28 0.00 -12.50
OTHER AMERICAS 6 2 4 1 3 0.00 200.00
Other countries of the Americas 6 2 4 1 3 0.00 200.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 54,734 79,086 99,078 125,823 124,737 9.78 -0.86
NORTH-EAST ASIA 27,870 49,531 71,087 97,141 90,968 7.13 -6.35
China 20,885 41,909 63,363 89,584 79,374 6.22 -11.40
Hong Kong (China) 1,269 1,449 1,454 1,327 1,342 0.11 1.13
Japan 1,641 1,754 1,653 1,415 2,655 0.21 87.63
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 18 11 4 17 63 0.00 270.59
Korea, Republic of 2,651 2,776 3,182 3,494 6,025 0.47 72.44
Macao (China) 11 34 46 28 40 0.00 42.86
Mongolia 9 6 10 19 12 0.00 -36.84
Taiwan Province of China 1,386 1,592 1,375 1,257 1,457 0.11 15.91
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,464 9,916 9,317 9,586 13,695 1.07 42.86
Brunei Darussalam 34 29 15 8 16 0.00 100.00
Cambodia 33 34 30 27 27 0.00
Indonesia 1,626 1,835 1,936 2,270 2,375 0.19 4.63
Lao People's Democratic Republic 13 5 2 5 7 0.00 40.00
Malaysia 1,967 3,172 2,969 2,557 4,628 0.36 80.99
Myanmar 50 63 57 89 119 0.01 33.71
Philippines 1,801 1,797 1,680 2,017 2,488 0.20 23.35
Singapore 2,078 2,110 1,849 1,779 2,840 0.22 59.64
Thailand 286 330 299 377 466 0.04 23.61
Viet Nam 576 541 480 457 729 0.06 59.52
AUSTRALASIA 17,737 19,008 18,148 18,531 19,498 1.53 5.22
Australia 17,009 18,340 17,434 17,835 18,559 1.46 4.06
New Zealand 728 668 714 696 939 0.07 34.91
MELANESIA 108 224 223 296 270 0.02 -8.78
Fiji 33 24 22 52 25 0.00 -51.92
New Caledonia 50 50 64 50 92 0.01 84.00
Norfolk Island 121 125 179 144 0.01 -19.55
Papua New Guinea 10 6 3 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Solomon Islands 7 5 8 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Vanuatu 8 18 1 4 3 0.00 -25.00
MICRONESIA 10 7 7 16 2 0.00 -87.50
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 1
Guam 3 1 0.00
Kiribati 3 4 1 6
Marshall Islands 2 1 0.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 2 1 5
Nauru 1 1 4  5
POLYNESIA 539 380 283 235 297 0.02 26.38
American Samoa 508 324 255 210 268 0.02 27.62
Cook Islands 1 1 3 3
French Polynesia 12 7 10 4 5 0.00 25.00
Samoa 6 42 4 11 18 0.00 63.64
Tokelau 2 2
Tonga 6 3 4 2 4 0.00 100.00
Tuvalu 6 4
Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 5 1 2 0.00 100.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6 20 13 18 7 0.00 -61.11

Other countries of Asia 5 13 11 12 3 0.00 -75.00
Other countries of Oceania 1 7 2 6 4 0.00 -33.33
EUROPE 556,041 547,562 571,272 632,347 735,629 57.69 16.33
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 35,413 31,447 32,433 34,389 44,045 3.45 28.08
Armenia 60 78 27 59 41 0.00 -30.51
Azerbaijan 86 77 61 88 75 0.01 -14.77
Belarus 441 427 483 463 422 0.03 -8.86
Bulgaria 613 597 700 901 1,707 0.13 89.46
Czech Republic 5,247 5,545 6,852 7,265 8,503 0.67 17.04
Estonia 303 256 282 332 489 0.04 47.29
Georgia 31 29 28 54 31 0.00 -42.59
Hungary 1,013 820 1,022 1,509 2,432 0.19 61.17
Kazakhstan 210 207 241 320 355 0.03 10.94
Kyrgyzstan 13 22 37 18 27 0.00 50.00
Latvia 297 328 276 344 589 0.05 71.22
Lithuania 367 361 352 429 792 0.06 84.62
Moldova, Republic of 70 49 46 56 96 0.01 71.43
Poland 2,862 2,998 3,548 5,330 10,126 0.79 89.98
Romania 962 1,219 1,074 1,645 2,813 0.22 71.00
Russian Federation 19,429 14,903 13,287 11,406 9,295 0.73 -18.51
Slovakia 1,488 1,580 2,065 2,090 2,934 0.23 40.38
Tajikistan 2 7 1 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Turkmenistan 14 10 7 4 15 0.00 275.00
Ukraine 1,754 1,876 1,975 2,024 3,230 0.25 59.58
USSR (former) 19 13 12 1 5 0.00 400.00
Uzbekistan 77 45 57 46 64 0.01 39.13
Other countries Central/East Europe 55
NORTHERN EUROPE 102,320 112,633 133,175 156,590 175,860 13.79 12.31
Denmark 2,453 3,280 3,446 4,600 6,817 0.53 48.20
Faeroe Islands 16 6 36 20 59 0.00 195.00
Finland 2,330 1,864 2,618 3,895 4,415 0.35 13.35
Iceland 48 45 51 57 61 0.00 7.02
Ireland 2,009 1,806 2,284 2,479 3,441 0.27 38.81
Isle of Man 10 29 16 23 0.00 43.75
Norway 3,521 3,083 3,020 4,135 4,589 0.36 10.98
Sweden 4,295 4,576 6,452 11,634 14,551 1.14 25.07
United Kingdom 87,648 97,963 115,239 129,754 141,904 11.13 9.36
SOUTHERN EUROPE 53,916 43,724 42,869 44,506 54,472 4.27 22.39
Albania 43 26 45 56 64 0.01 14.29
Andorra 35 59 46 50 65 0.01 30.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 44 21 30 34 32 0.00 -5.88
Croatia 341 291 320 446 449 0.04 0.67
Gibraltar 2 6 7 8 15 0.00 87.50
Greece 998 831 755 954 1,122 0.09 17.61
Italy 40,009 31,145 29,553 29,185 31,337 2.46 7.37
Malta 221 211 353 337 337 0.03
Montenegro 19 18 10 28 0.00 180.00
Portugal 1,799 1,619 2,095 2,212 4,222 0.33 90.87
San Marino 41 31 25 24 28 0.00 16.67
Serbia 297 246 301 455 0.04 51.16
Serbia and Montenegro 4
Slovenia 885 688 698 807 916 0.07 13.51
Spain 9,473 8,428 8,632 10,013 15,304 1.20 52.84
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 21 52 46 69 98 0.01 42.03

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 362,968 358,309 361,281 394,859 456,338 35.78 15.57

Austria 8,151 7,932 8,303 11,425 16,643 1.31 45.67
Belgium 10,967 11,562 11,465 14,223 15,675 1.23 10.21
France 256,929 244,737 243,655 254,323 271,963 21.33 6.94
Germany 55,186 60,433 62,212 75,237 103,761 8.14 37.91
Liechtenstein 80 79 79 80 92 0.01 15.00
Luxembourg 943 1,007 1,227 1,612 1,534 0.12 -4.84
Monaco 276 310 272 353 318 0.02 -9.92
Netherlands 4,434 4,498 4,795 6,926 10,080 0.79 45.54
Switzerland 26,002 27,751 29,273 30,680 36,272 2.84 18.23
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,420 1,417 1,497 1,978 4,911 0.39 148.28
Cyprus 241 160 182 212 264 0.02 24.53
Israel 541 552 617 762 1,161 0.09 52.36
Turkey 638 705 698 1,004 3,486 0.27 247.21
OTHER EUROPE 4 32 17 25 3 0.00 -88.00
Other countries of Europe 4 32 17 25 3 0.00 -88.00
MIDDLE EAST 8,902 12,657 12,696 14,403 15,263 1.20 5.97
Bahrain 139 181 116 145 165 0.01 13.79
Egypt 401 514 412 517 607 0.05 17.41
Iraq 17 17 18 16 12 0.00 -25.00
Jordan 109 184 168 166 154 0.01 -7.23
Kuwait 234 279 517 527 461 0.04 -12.52
Lebanon 313 441 358 403 380 0.03 -5.71
Libya 25 62 46 39 27 0.00 -30.77
Oman 173 235 222 228 245 0.02 7.46
Qatar 243 362 399 416 385 0.03 -7.45
Saudi Arabia 1,782 2,136 2,390 2,854 3,164 0.25 10.86
State of Palestine 6 10 4 7 8 0.00 14.29
Syrian Arab Republic 39 56 19 15 31 0.00 106.67
United Arab Emirates 5,403 8,159 8,000 9,049 9,614 0.75 6.24
Yemen 18 21 27 21 10 0.00 -52.38
SOUTH ASIA 59,043 60,381 65,060 76,387 87,777 6.88 14.91
Afghanistan 437 662 687 739 787 0.06 6.50
Bangladesh 1,264 525 563 828 844 0.07 1.93
Bhutan 3 6 1 3 9 0.00 200.00
India 55,197 57,253 61,162 72,135 82,670 6.48 14.60
Iran, Islamic Republic of 235 221 545 800 837 0.07 4.62
Maldives 64 48 47 82 54 0.00 -34.15
Nepal 211 180 376 385 587 0.05 52.47
Pakistan 946 994 1,291 1,093 1,610 0.13 47.30
Sri Lanka 686 492 388 322 379 0.03 17.70
NOT SPECIFIED 685 337 192 275 799 0.06 190.55
Other countries of the World 685 337 192 275 799 0.06 190.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 10,043,683 10,675,598 11,266,751 12,049,901 13,117,907 100.00 8.86

AFRICA 2,152,230 2,214,610 2,225,641 2,290,499 2,360,904 18.00 3.07
EAST AFRICA 1,304,874 1,328,749 1,335,092 1,341,202 1,362,976 10.39 1.62
Burundi 797 633 899 961 0.01 6.90
Comoros 21,958           22,663 21,731 16,038 18,190 0.14 13.42
Djibouti 359 327 280 791 0.01 182.50
Eritrea 120 155 309 47 0.00 -84.79
Ethiopia 4,660 1,870 2,803 2,657 0.02 -5.21
Kenya 18,296           22,109 25,045 26,038 25,010 0.19 -3.95
Madagascar 138,998        151,390 181,578 189,158 198,344 1.51 4.86
Malawi 2,306 2,565 2,518 2,803 0.02 11.32
Mozambique 5,729 6,500 6,790 7,203 0.05 6.08
Reunion 1,042,124     1,016,159 996,852 998,274 995,309 7.59 -0.30
Rwanda 1,015 1,246 1,464 1,970 0.02 34.56
Seychelles 66,202           66,468 62,395 58,787 65,135 0.50 10.80
Somalia 63 47 51 52 0.00 1.96
Tanzania, United Republic of 5,701 4,726 4,788 5,554 0.04 16.00
Uganda 5,390 4,135 5,854 4,151 0.03 -29.09
Zambia 7,349 6,970 6,497 8,440 0.06 29.91
Zimbabwe 17,296           16,471 18,317 20,654 26,359 0.20 27.62
CENTRAL AFRICA 12,611 13,685 16,308 21,360 0.16 30.98
Angola 2,999 3,423 3,848 3,599 0.03 -6.47
Cameroon 3,434 4,408 3,484 6,980 0.05 100.34
Central African Republic 51 9 105 109 0.00 3.81
Chad 72 167 238 237 0.00 -0.42
Congo 3,658 3,667 6,633 7,030 0.05 5.99
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 4 16
Equatorial Guinea 13 8 67 30 0.00 -55.22
Gabon 2,350 1,973 1,867 3,276 0.02 75.47
Sao Tome and Principe 30 14 66 99 0.00 50.00
NORTH AFRICA 16,113 23,266 18,995 23,171 0.18 21.98
Algeria 2,593 5,323 4,626 3,598 0.03 -22.22
Morocco 8,190 13,428 9,527 13,473 0.10 41.42
Sudan 825 670 788 597 0.00 -24.24
Tunisia 4,505 3,845 4,054 5,503 0.04 35.74
SOUTHERN AFRICA 734,287 805,169 806,941 861,325 889,778 6.78 3.30
Botswana 6,300 6,624 9,582 8,493 0.06 -11.37
Lesotho 1,094 1,256 1,477 1,990 0.02 34.73
Namibia 8,992 11,102 11,842 13,715 0.10 15.82
South Africa 734,287        786,433 784,424 835,862 862,513 6.58 3.19
Swaziland 2,350 3,535 2,562 3,067 0.02 19.71
WEST AFRICA 25,881 26,382 36,802 48,044 0.37 30.55
Benin 777 694 1,798 1,330 0.01 -26.03
Burkina Faso 386 784 475 1,015 0.01 113.68
Cabo Verde 133 496 786 479 0.00 -39.06
Côte d'Ivoire 3,227 2,738 4,514 4,801 0.04 6.36
Gambia 419 477 371 507 0.00 36.66
Ghana 3,960 4,650 6,995 14,456 0.11 106.66
Guinea 534 175 331 321 0.00 -3.02
Guinea-Bissau 16 6 50 64 0.00 28.00
Liberia 217 81 69 38 0.00 -44.93
Mali 307 114 375 327 0.00 -12.80
Mauritania 3,402 2,977 1,278 2,684 0.02 110.02
Niger 1,100 1,044 1,395 2,108 0.02 51.11

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 7,874 7,332 13,196 15,961 0.12 20.95

Saint Helena 20 29 25
Senegal 1,892 3,190 3,007 2,343 0.02 -22.08
Sierra Leone 521 188 809 112 0.00 -86.16
Togo 1,096 1,407 1,328 1,498 0.01 12.80
OTHER AFRICA 113,069 26,087 20,275 15,867 15,575 0.12 -1.84
Other countries of Africa 113,069 26,087 20,275 15,867 15,575 0.12 -1.84
AMERICAS 179,399 195,003 209,834 218,769 222,561 1.70 1.73
CARIBBEAN 2,375 2,133 3,941 2,914 0.02 -26.06
Anguilla 45 0.00
Antigua and Barbuda 10 17 10 0.00 -41.18
Aruba 28 1 0.00 -96.43
Bahamas 174 125 574 102 0.00 -82.23
Barbados 66 5 46 75 0.00 63.04
Bermuda 140 75 257 45 0.00 -82.49
Cayman Islands 46 27 34 10 0.00 -70.59
Cuba 215 53 100 677 0.01 577.00
Dominica 15 77 35 0.00 -54.55
Dominican Republic 110 76 379 152 0.00 -59.89
Grenada 12 13 6 0.00 -53.85
Guadeloupe 272 245 730 138 0.00 -81.10
Haiti 409 289 257 148 0.00 -42.41
Jamaica 94 73 231 178 0.00 -22.94
Martinique 241 492 306 386 0.00 26.14
Montserrat 2 3 0.00
Netherlands Antilles 287 175 284 306 0.00 7.75
Puerto Rico 6
Saint Kitts and Nevis 24 39 86 237 0.00 175.58
Saint Lucia 21 68 6 6 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 13
Trinidad and Tobago 234 391 497 354 0.00 -28.77
CENTRAL AMERICA 586 539 1,986 1,029 0.01 -48.19
Belize 77 27 19 68 0.00 257.89
Costa Rica 48 32 308 302 0.00 -1.95
El Salvador 30 44 32 33 0.00 3.13
Guatemala 225 121 168 114 0.00 -32.14
Honduras 91 78 131 139 0.00 6.11
Nicaragua 25 78 1,097 105 0.00 -90.43
Panama 90 159 231 268 0.00 16.02
NORTH AMERICA 141,398 158,853 173,995 187,056 188,649 1.44 0.85
Canada 86,707        100,371 105,901 104,587 108,033 0.82 3.29
Greenland 50 18 17 0.00 -5.56
Mexico 1,360 1,621 3,150 1,761 0.01 -44.10
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 8 11 7
United States of America 54,691           57,064 66,462 79,294 78,838 0.60 -0.58
SOUTH AMERICA 33,179 33,151 25,767 29,949 0.23 16.23
Argentina 5,861 6,016 3,537 5,952 0.05 68.28
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 108 798 30 56 0.00 86.67
Brazil 18,130 16,460 13,154 17,600 0.13 33.80
Chile 2,219 1,617 2,338 2,404 0.02 2.82
Colombia 866 1,363 1,329 856 0.01 -35.59
Ecuador 100 193 353 173 0.00 -50.99
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 91 46 78 0.00 69.57
French Guiana 4,559 4,327 2,524 675 0.01 -73.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Guyana 141 104 566 201 0.00 -64.49

Paraguay 187 722 251 188 0.00 -25.10
Peru 209 344 858 629 0.00 -26.69
Suriname 163 175 192 209 0.00 8.85
Uruguay 288 331 269 715 0.01 165.80
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 257 701 320 213 0.00 -33.44
OTHER AMERICAS 38,001 10 16 19 20 0.00 5.26
Other countries of the Americas 38,001 10 16 19 20 0.00 5.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 713,903 770,416 906,388 1,142,513 1,119,365 8.53 -2.03
NORTH-EAST ASIA 247,885 435,374 529,246 721,155 649,507 4.95 -9.94
China 226,741        376,235 469,163 650,925 559,972 4.27 -13.97
Hong Kong (China) 10,003             9,932 12,646 10,941 10,931 0.08 -0.09
Japan 11,141           10,116 8,671 9,047 14,311 0.11 58.19
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 98 7 176 1,485 0.01 743.75
Korea, Republic of 15,578 18,388 24,520 35,365 0.27 44.23
Macao (China) 222 276 338 309 0.00 -8.58
Mongolia 19 279 462 315 0.00 -31.82
Taiwan Province of China 23,174 19,816 24,746 26,819 0.20 8.38
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 27,808 91,749 129,162 167,593 211,053 1.61 25.93
Brunei Darussalam 165 51 76 69 0.00 -9.21
Cambodia 358 252 398 506 0.00 27.14
Indonesia 17,245 38,287 74,475 94,875 0.72 27.39
Lao People's Democratic Republic 19 15 47 48 0.00 2.13
Malaysia 12,565           19,312 19,268 15,448 22,723 0.17 47.09
Myanmar 793 560 1,881 1,480 0.01 -21.32
Philippines 20,351 30,667 32,312 46,736 0.36 44.64
Singapore 15,243           20,004 16,888 15,875 22,161 0.17 39.60
Thailand 4,654 4,083 4,371 5,503 0.04 25.90
Viet Nam 8,848 19,091 22,710 16,952 0.13 -25.35
AUSTRALASIA 219,385 233,236 242,904 247,934 250,937 1.91 1.21
Australia 219,385        223,008 233,759 239,455 241,605 1.84 0.90
New Zealand 10,228 9,145 8,479 9,332 0.07 10.06
MELANESIA 3,161 2,386 3,787 3,545 0.03 -6.39
Fiji 511 326 586 570 0.00 -2.73
New Caledonia 710 666 395 972 0.01 146.08
Norfolk Island 1,850 1,332 2,608 1,843 0.01 -29.33
Papua New Guinea 22 16 37 34 0.00 -8.11
Solomon Islands 19 35 102 111 0.00 8.82
Vanuatu 49 11 59 15 0.00 -74.58
MICRONESIA 163 73 111 11 0.00 -90.09
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 19
Guam 6 0.00
Kiribati 101 6 20
Marshall Islands 24 5 0.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 32 39
Nauru 11 43 52
POLYNESIA 6,415 2,489 1,718 4,276 0.03 148.89
American Samoa 4,385 2,314 1,431 2,868 0.02 100.42
Cook Islands 39 58
French Polynesia 42 40 123 24 0.00 -80.49
Samoa 1,946 15 50 1,353 0.01 2,606.00
Tokelau 4 18
Tonga 31 15 19 21 0.00 10.53
Tuvalu 16

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Wallis and Futuna Islands 7 48 21 10 0.00 -52.38

OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 218,825 318 128 215 36 0.00 -83.26
Other countries of Asia 209,213 257 111 176 18 0.00 -89.77
Other countries of Oceania 9,612 61 17 39 18 0.00 -53.85
EUROPE 6,474,801 6,775,607 7,163,474 7,526,775 8,462,060 64.51 12.43
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 364,028 391,895 384,436 477,093 3.64 24.10
Armenia 583 638 768 543 0.00 -29.30
Azerbaijan 496 447 644 483 0.00 -25.00
Belarus 4,938 6,463 6,396 5,953 0.05 -6.93
Bulgaria 5,184 6,246 8,040 14,779 0.11 83.82
Czech Republic 57,800 71,756 74,363 88,844 0.68 19.47
Estonia 2,939 3,062 3,130 5,989 0.05 91.34
Georgia 356 293 557 671 0.01 20.47
Hungary 9,593 10,960 14,774 23,770 0.18 60.89
Kazakhstan 2,596 2,451 3,020 3,349 0.03 10.89
Kyrgyzstan 130 309 282 198 0.00 -29.79
Latvia 4,110 3,216 3,574 4,593 0.04 28.51
Lithuania 4,252 4,364 5,019 8,119 0.06 61.77
Moldova, Republic of 369 847 476 1,294 0.01 171.85
Poland 32,478 36,659 49,962 100,845 0.77 101.84
Romania 11,313 23,822 13,701 27,261 0.21 98.97
Russian Federation 184,407 172,525 154,305 122,691 0.94 -20.49
Slovakia 15,971 20,579 20,151 29,734 0.23 47.56
Tajikistan 137 15 28 20 0.00 -28.57
Turkmenistan 67 50 7 356 0.00 4,985.71
Ukraine 25,449 26,338 24,063 36,839 0.28 53.09
USSR (former) 157 23 156 23 0.00 -85.26
Uzbekistan 703 832 1,020 739 0.01 -27.55
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,187,685 1,546,952 1,729,045 1,911,573 2,111,453 16.10 10.46
Denmark 35,533 40,056 49,596 75,322 0.57 51.87
Faeroe Islands 40 340 176 496 0.00 181.82
Finland 20,824 26,551 52,012 56,035 0.43 7.73
Iceland 481 575 1,034 844 0.01 -18.38
Ireland 25,180 31,357 30,533 38,977 0.30 27.66
Isle of Man 99 311 773 265 0.00 -65.72
Norway 39,124 36,617 45,879 53,221 0.41 16.00
Sweden 47,556           55,499 64,452 131,795 168,500 1.28 27.85
United Kingdom 1,140,129     1,370,172 1,528,786 1,599,775 1,717,793 13.10 7.38
SOUTHERN EUROPE 459,656 441,064 425,774 433,960 503,986 3.84 16.14
Albania 186 267 438 1,152 0.01 163.01
Andorra 551 446 338 617 0.00 82.54
Bosnia and Herzegovina 279 576 307 238 0.00 -22.48
Croatia 3,219 3,105 3,259 4,095 0.03 25.65
Gibraltar 89 129 66 157 0.00 137.88
Greece 6,116 5,438 8,608 10,252 0.08 19.10
Italy 387,725        331,093 308,522 296,473 310,194 2.36 4.63
Malta 1,801 3,458 3,351 2,874 0.02 -14.23
Montenegro 368 113 82 178 0.00 117.07
Portugal 15,127 19,329 19,662 33,603 0.26 70.90
San Marino 210 211 225 261 0.00 16.00
Serbia 3,623 2,772 3,242 5,449 0.04 68.08
Slovenia 9,229 8,457 9,133 10,417 0.08 14.06
Spain 71,931           68,742 72,554 87,418 123,552 0.94 41.33
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 431 397 1,358 947 0.01 -30.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 4,253,474 4,410,707 4,600,953 4,777,481 5,333,783 40.66 11.64

Austria 97,043           93,864 101,266 127,358 177,805 1.36 39.61
Belgium 148,383        159,824 163,758 183,529 199,467 1.52 8.68
France 2,978,517     3,023,973 3,115,424 3,111,266 3,239,309 24.69 4.12
Germany 663,498        718,706 776,324 887,733 1,174,417 8.95 32.29
Liechtenstein 1,033 991 957 1,086 0.01 13.48
Luxembourg 11,279 13,377 15,500 16,696 0.13 7.72
Monaco 3,212 3,422 4,607 4,740 0.04 2.89
Netherlands 48,432           50,889 53,280 76,752 105,979 0.81 38.08
Switzerland 317,601        347,927 373,111 369,779 414,284 3.16 12.04
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 12,625 15,701 19,111 35,700 0.27 86.80
Cyprus 1,530 2,358 1,966 2,082 0.02 5.90
Israel 6,415 8,025 8,959 12,011 0.09 34.07
Turkey 4,680 5,318 8,186 21,607 0.16 163.95
OTHER EUROPE 573,986 231 106 214 45 0.00 -78.97
Other countries of Europe 573,986 231 106 214 45 0.00 -78.97
MIDDLE EAST 83,444 91,320 109,253 118,071 0.90 8.07
Bahrain 1,203 948 1,189 1,868 0.01 57.11
Egypt 7,228 5,909 6,808 8,944 0.07 31.37
Iraq 134 162 81 173 0.00 113.58
Jordan 1,243 1,954 1,605 1,621 0.01 1.00
Kuwait 1,961 3,697 3,640 3,842 0.03 5.55
Lebanon 3,564 3,572 5,325 2,569 0.02 -51.76
Libya 708 656 503 313 0.00 -37.77
Oman 1,533 1,533 1,895 2,108 0.02 11.24
Qatar 2,848 2,922 3,322 2,974 0.02 -10.48
Saudi Arabia 16,046 18,570 22,856 25,973 0.20 13.64
State of Palestine 37 69 107 101 0.00 -5.61
Syrian Arab Republic 997 270 114 512 0.00 349.12
United Arab Emirates 45,811 50,912 61,349 66,518 0.51 8.43
Yemen 131 146 459 555 0.00 20.92
SOUTH ASIA 515,778 632,673 667,955 759,939 825,889 6.30 8.68
Afghanistan 9,004 6,847 8,705 8,786 0.07 0.93
Bangladesh 11,533 6,190 12,802 16,299 0.12 27.32
Bhutan 21 3 8 58 0.00 625.00
India 515,778 578,976 611,798 688,149 750,365 5.72 9.04
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,189 3,943 6,701 6,851 0.05 2.24
Maldives 358 341 1,024 673 0.01 -34.28
Nepal 4,725 2,863 5,826 10,648 0.08 82.77
Pakistan 19,540 27,590 25,623 24,566 0.19 -4.13
Sri Lanka 6,327 8,380 11,101 7,643 0.06 -31.15
NOT SPECIFIED 7,572 3,845 2,139 2,153 9,057 0.07 320.67
Other countries of the World 7,572 3,845 2,139 2,153 9,057 0.07 320.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 23,403,000 24,151,000 29,346,000 32,093,000 35,079,000 100.00 9.30

AFRICA 15,578 17,721 19,748 22,543 24,190 0.07 7.31
EAST AFRICA 2,270 2,337 2,970 3,454 3,617 0.01 4.72
British Indian Ocean Territory 2 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Burundi 29 31 39 39 27 0.00 -30.77
Comoros 1 2 12 4 6 0.00 50.00
Djibouti 14 7 11 8 21 0.00 162.50
Eritrea 70 83 101 123 86 0.00 -30.08
Ethiopia 411 362 500 465 505 0.00 8.60
Kenya 730 807 1,038 1,193 1,304 0.00 9.30
Madagascar 19 17 35 74 66 0.00 -10.81
Malawi 36 33 42 64 77 0.00 20.31
Mauritius 125 146 162 180 203 0.00 12.78
Mozambique 46 50 96 97 108 0.00 11.34
Reunion 2 2 4 2 3 0.00 50.00
Rwanda 93 99 76 76 88 0.00 15.79
Seychelles 13 8 14 10 27 0.00 170.00
Somalia 11 8 24 12 14 0.00 16.67
Tanzania, United Republic of 206 150 236 286 194 0.00 -32.17
Uganda 149 102 132 195 218 0.00 11.79
Zambia 85 109 191 185 194 0.00 4.86
Zimbabwe 228 319 257 439 475 0.00 8.20
CENTRAL AFRICA 749 1,162 1,179 1,330 1,430 0.00 7.52
Angola 200 286 342 393 290 0.00 -26.21
Cameroon 293 566 455 516 696 0.00 34.88
Central African Republic 3 10 9 7 10 0.00 42.86
Chad 7 15 18 13 9 0.00 -30.77
Congo 113 76 85 84 128 0.00 52.38
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 76 133 155 163 165 0.00 1.23
Equatorial Guinea 19 18 34 46 58 0.00 26.09
Gabon 31 45 68 92 58 0.00 -36.96
Sao Tome and Principe 7 13 13 16 16 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 2,063 2,719 3,100 3,283 4,173 0.01 27.11
Algeria 434 653 656 604 733 0.00 21.36
Morocco 1,182 1,506 1,630 1,804 2,257 0.01 25.11
South Sudan 2 4 1 1 0.00

Sudan 61 48 80 66 94 0.00 42.42

Tunisia 382 512 730 808 1,078 0.00 33.42
Western Sahara 2 10 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,021 5,906 6,129 6,729 7,071 0.02 5.08
Botswana 29 22 36 57 87 0.00 52.63
Lesotho 7 8 20 11 18 0.00 63.64
Namibia 88 45 77 113 85 0.00 -24.78
South Africa 5,884 5,789 5,972 6,536 6,851 0.02 4.82
Swaziland 13 42 24 12 30 0.00 150.00
WEST AFRICA 2,588 3,452 3,838 4,899 4,857 0.01 -0.86
Benin 79 73 135 119 166 0.00 39.50
Burkina Faso 34 39 50 78 80 0.00 2.56
Cabo Verde 66 81 71 107 138 0.00 28.97
Côte d'Ivoire 161 198 212 299 301 0.00 0.67
Gambia 24 12 34 29 53 0.00 82.76
Ghana 259 421 355 499 548 0.00 9.82
Guinea 464 427 495 645 567 0.00 -12.09
Guinea-Bissau 12 20 69 67 49 0.00 -26.87

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Liberia 50 43 74 131 118 0.00 -9.92

Mali 35 38 56 52 93 0.00 78.85
Mauritania 9 12 27 16 38 0.00 137.50
Niger 10 13 25 28 25 0.00 -10.71
Nigeria 1,147 1,751 1,899 2,425 2,347 0.01 -3.22
Saint Helena 1 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Senegal 124 184 198 212 209 0.00 -1.42
Sierra Leone 53 54 54 75 53 0.00 -29.33
Togo 60 86 83 116 70 0.00 -39.66
AMERICAS 20,866,689 21,556,580 26,458,071 28,989,969 31,639,831 90.20 9.14
CARIBBEAN 63,014 69,120 81,733 90,023 132,635 0.38 47.33
Anguilla 1 1 2 1 1 0.00
Antigua and Barbuda 106 120 148 156 181 0.00 16.03
Aruba 2 1 1
Bahamas 444 583 742 657 817 0.00 24.35
Barbados 412 372 698 551 482 0.00 -12.52
Bermuda 224 266 359 338 377 0.00 11.54
British Virgin Islands 4 6 6 7 8 0.00 14.29
Cayman Islands 33 28 61 52 42 0.00 -19.23
Cuba 44,881 48,887 56,253 63,270 100,251 0.29 58.45
Dominica 99 133 126 176 161 0.00 -8.52
Dominican Republic 10,189 10,976 13,214 13,913 16,419 0.05 18.01
Grenada 115 119 198 173 163 0.00 -5.78
Guadeloupe 2 2
Haiti 2,386 2,401 2,422 2,507 2,817 0.01 12.37
Jamaica 1,637 1,920 2,923 3,173 4,130 0.01 30.16
Martinique 1
Montserrat 1 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Netherlands Antilles 6 1 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 56 114 142 171 166 0.00 -2.92
Saint Lucia 156 168 251 245 250 0.00 2.04
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 108 121 241 201 213 0.00 5.97
Trinidad and Tobago 2,124 2,820 3,855 4,337 6,019 0.02 38.78
Turks and Caicos Islands 29 82 87 87 133 0.00 52.87
United States Virgin Islands 1 1 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 205,171 223,513 243,361 315,233 391,016 1.11 24.04
Belize 4,422 4,172 5,080 5,398 4,538 0.01 -15.93
Costa Rica 59,361 62,507 66,356 86,280 111,747 0.32 29.52
El Salvador 28,283 27,838 37,347 45,385 52,538 0.15 15.76
Guatemala 59,091 66,894 67,136 95,141 129,025 0.37 35.61
Honduras 15,748 19,112 20,190 22,220 26,907 0.08 21.09
Nicaragua 7,919 8,155 9,123 12,683 15,630 0.04 23.24
Panama 30,347 34,835 38,129 48,126 50,631 0.14 5.21
NORTH AMERICA 19,555,519 20,007,725 24,723,778 26,985,854 29,400,398 83.81 8.95
Canada 1,571,543 1,599,425 1,676,681 1,748,531 1,781,469 5.08 1.88
Greenland 2 1
United States of America (*) 17,983,974 18,408,299 23,047,097 25,237,323 27,618,929 78.73 9.44
SOUTH AMERICA 1,042,985 1,256,222 1,409,199 1,598,859 1,715,782 4.89 7.31
Argentina 251,221 257,820 246,404 341,106 405,959 1.16 19.01
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 9,775 11,137 11,746 14,436 18,006 0.05 24.73
Brazil 248,899 267,507 309,696 304,230 307,439 0.88 1.05
Chile 88,148 94,647 107,455 129,679 151,189 0.43 16.59
Colombia 163,725 262,653 328,213 407,395 439,689 1.25 7.93
Ecuador 33,531 36,641 52,586 61,681 64,175 0.18 4.04
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

French Guiana 1 3 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00

Guyana 339 435 544 567 840 0.00 48.15
Paraguay 10,219 13,047 15,900 19,470 18,505 0.05 -4.96
Peru 90,892 126,327 136,361 159,705 182,042 0.52 13.99
Suriname 139 114 221 131 181 0.00 38.17
Uruguay 16,765 20,922 23,537 32,890 34,262 0.10 4.17
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 129,331 164,968 176,535 127,567 93,494 0.27 -26.71
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 270,371 320,937 373,432 443,075 496,839 1.42 12.13
NORTH-EAST ASIA 189,490 226,477 268,812 324,018 363,143 1.04 12.07
China 47,810 60,538 75,665 97,889 123,736 0.35 26.40
Hong Kong (China) 1,435 1,842 2,109 2,965 3,272 0.01 10.35
Japan 85,687 97,226 107,366 118,739 132,976 0.38 11.99
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 192 218 250 214 210 0.00 -1.87
Korea, Republic of 47,615 59,249 75,090 95,454 92,193 0.26 -3.42
Macao (China) 19 13 17 37 55 0.00 48.65
Mongolia 159 109 231 233 362 0.00 55.36
Taiwan Province of China 6,573 7,282 8,084 8,487 10,339 0.03 21.82
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 18,714 20,666 24,760 27,810 32,020 0.09 15.14
Brunei Darussalam 22 16 27 25 24 0.00 -4.00
Cambodia 106 64 115 99 118 0.00 19.19
Indonesia 2,346 2,252 2,496 3,002 3,317 0.01 10.49
Lao People's Democratic Republic 46 26 58 46 87 0.00 89.13
Malaysia 2,388 2,702 3,540 3,628 3,724 0.01 2.65
Myanmar 111 159 234 201 254 0.00 26.37
Philippines 8,010 9,122 10,877 12,366 14,239 0.04 15.15
Singapore 2,602 2,815 3,255 3,543 3,561 0.01 0.51
Thailand 1,860 2,186 2,489 2,479 2,901 0.01 17.02
Timor-Leste 1 1 7 11 0.00
Viet Nam 1,222 1,323 1,662 2,421 3,784 0.01 56.30
AUSTRALASIA 61,933 73,534 79,475 90,804 101,184 0.29 11.43
Australia 53,698 63,398 67,918 76,746 84,550 0.24 10.17
New Zealand 8,235 10,136 11,557 14,058 16,634 0.05 18.32
MELANESIA 120 157 194 278 268 0.00 -3.60
Fiji 102 147 161 256 227 0.00 -11.33
New Caledonia 1 1
Papua New Guinea 10 3 22 17 29 0.00 70.59
Solomon Islands 4 2 9 3 7 0.00 133.33
Vanuatu 3 4 2 2 5 0.00 150.00
MICRONESIA 87 71 127 113 155 0.00 37.17
Christmas Island, Australia 3 6 4 3 4 0.00 33.33
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 11 12 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Guam 2 2 3 2
Kiribati 35 8 30 18 35 0.00 94.44
Marshall Islands 8 9 22 17 18 0.00 5.88
Micronesia, Federated States of 19 10 17 48 47 0.00 -2.08
Nauru 3 0.00
Northern Mariana Islands 2
Palau 19 25 39 20 46 0.00 130.00
POLYNESIA 27 32 64 52 69 0.00 32.69
American Samoa 2 2 1 2 0.00 100.00
Cook Islands 4 10 3 0.00
French Polynesia 1 2
Niue 1 1 0.00
Pitcairn 2

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Samoa 8 7 24 14 28 0.00 100.00

Tokelau 1 1 0.00
Tonga 11 14 15 33 32 0.00 -3.03
Tuvalu 3 13 2 2 0.00
Wallis and Futuna Islands 2 2 1
EUROPE 1,614,622 1,727,762 1,858,478 1,929,131 2,076,124 5.92 7.62
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 158,228 197,248 185,236 142,294 150,215 0.43 5.57
Armenia 706 762 933 1,354 1,439 0.00 6.28
Azerbaijan 292 373 416 460 369 0.00 -19.78
Belarus 1,751 2,182 2,325 2,110 2,155 0.01 2.13
Bulgaria 3,640 4,064 4,560 4,952 5,510 0.02 11.27
Czech Republic 9,954 10,402 10,545 10,928 11,947 0.03 9.32
Estonia 1,697 1,499 2,041 2,278 2,389 0.01 4.87
Georgia 324 405 463 441 441 0.00
Hungary 5,749 6,368 7,364 7,902 8,919 0.03 12.87
Kazakhstan 983 1,164 1,279 1,454 1,296 0.00 -10.87
Kyrgyzstan 140 206 185 181 216 0.00 19.34
Latvia 1,623 2,069 2,134 2,256 2,613 0.01 15.82
Lithuania 3,058 3,372 3,799 4,101 4,642 0.01 13.19
Moldova, Republic of 783 926 941 1,080 1,023 0.00 -5.28
Poland 23,776 26,450 31,546 37,384 39,658 0.11 6.08
Romania 10,100 10,499 11,849 12,676 14,816 0.04 16.88
Russian Federation 77,034 107,770 85,006 32,337 30,687 0.09 -5.10
Slovakia 4,432 4,694 5,518 5,631 6,453 0.02 14.60
Tajikistan 59 102 103 110 99 0.00 -10.00
Turkmenistan 36 50 36 54 63 0.00 16.67
Ukraine 11,618 13,402 13,645 14,067 14,882 0.04 5.79
Uzbekistan 473 489 548 538 598 0.00 11.15
NORTHERN EUROPE 460,147 522,465 572,127 622,278 661,450 1.89 6.29
Denmark 15,530 16,505 15,725 17,005 18,976 0.05 11.59
Faeroe Islands 1 1 1
Finland 11,688 12,648 13,857 13,132 13,030 0.04 -0.78
Iceland 820 825 913 1,049 1,177 0.00 12.20
Ireland 15,677 18,985 21,891 24,228 26,112 0.07 7.78
Norway 16,422 16,307 16,240 15,282 12,582 0.04 -17.67
Sweden 36,867 43,156 44,568 45,627 44,518 0.13 -2.43
United Kingdom 363,142 414,039 458,932 505,954 545,055 1.55 7.73
SOUTHERN EUROPE 446,292 448,416 494,839 523,216 556,892 1.59 6.44
Albania 608 681 864 1,026 972 0.00 -5.26
Andorra 312 348 365 418 460 0.00 10.05
Bosnia and Herzegovina 526 591 632 707 745 0.00 5.37
Croatia 2,010 2,025 2,387 3,074 3,124 0.01 1.63
Gibraltar 3 1 1
Greece 3,408 3,766 4,166 4,347 5,010 0.01 15.25
Italy 156,532 154,325 170,990 174,128 178,109 0.51 2.29
Malta 293 365 457 444 544 0.00 22.52
Montenegro 188 204 224 306 292 0.00 -4.58
San Marino 97 93 112 104 137 0.00 31.73
Serbia 1,614 1,757 2,077 2,547 2,779 0.01 9.11
Slovenia 1,516 1,536 1,890 2,163 2,547 0.01 17.75
Spain 278,812 282,255 310,123 333,306 361,498 1.03 8.46
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 373 469 551 646 675 0.00 4.49
WESTERN EUROPE 518,080 525,677 565,269 592,221 652,959 1.86 10.26
Austria 16,787 18,030 20,410 21,285 23,878 0.07 12.18
Belgium 29,924 29,783 30,605 31,038 35,727 0.10 15.11

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 202,855 199,866 213,863 221,957 233,901 0.67 5.38

Germany 172,841 187,141 207,031 221,526 255,940 0.73 15.53
Liechtenstein 167 169 204 190 234 0.00 23.16
Luxembourg 927 1,044 1,245 1,425 1,476 0.00 3.58
Monaco 92 65 123 111 127 0.00 14.41
Netherlands 63,159 57,700 58,499 60,611 63,479 0.18 4.73
Switzerland 31,328 31,879 33,289 34,078 38,197 0.11 12.09
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 31,875 33,956 41,007 49,122 54,608 0.16 11.17
Cyprus 497 440 555 520 679 0.00 30.58
Israel 26,471 28,234 34,241 40,592 43,921 0.13 8.20
Turkey 4,907 5,282 6,211 8,010 10,008 0.03 24.94
MIDDLE EAST 8,533 10,173 12,688 15,405 15,138 0.04 -1.73
Bahrain 97 115 141 168 211 0.00 25.60
Democratic Yemen (former) 25 58 68 86 98 0.00 13.95
Egypt 1,818 2,051 2,414 2,741 2,959 0.01 7.95
Iraq 296 387 372 453 427 0.00 -5.74
Jordan 452 584 757 832 963 0.00 15.75
Kuwait 761 1,087 1,394 1,586 1,689 0.00 6.49
Lebanon 1,642 1,643 1,784 2,055 2,164 0.01 5.30
Libya 66 94 118 107 83 0.00 -22.43
Oman 48 43 93 97 213 0.00 119.59
Qatar 111 147 203 296 255 0.00 -13.85
Saudi Arabia 2,384 3,017 4,257 5,739 4,657 0.01 -18.85
State of Palestine 92 113 127 205 227 0.00 10.73
Syrian Arab Republic 485 519 429 468 485 0.00 3.63
United Arab Emirates 231 257 463 486 609 0.00 25.31
Yemen 25 58 68 86 98 0.00 13.95
SOUTH ASIA 33,932 39,384 49,326 60,062 68,136 0.19 13.44
Afghanistan 87 112 125 119 160 0.00 34.45
Bangladesh 426 465 706 745 803 0.00 7.79
Bhutan 18 29 42 32 69 0.00 115.63
India 28,534 33,860 42,683 52,339 59,020 0.17 12.76
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,738 2,648 2,989 3,519 3,949 0.01 12.22
Maldives 6 7 7 6 16 0.00 166.67
Nepal 406 463 579 703 931 0.00 32.43
Pakistan 1,261 1,358 1,748 2,048 2,402 0.01 17.29
Sri Lanka 456 442 447 551 786 0.00 42.65
NOT SPECIFIED 593,275 478,443 574,257 632,815 758,742 2.16 19.90
Other countries of the World 548,394 429,556 518,004 569,545 658,491 1.88 15.62
Nationals Residing Abroad 44,881 48,887 56,253 63,270 100,251 0.29 58.45

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 23,403,000 24,151,000 29,346,000 32,093,000 35,079,000 100.00 9.30

AFRICA 11,582 13,325 18,428 23,731 25,594 0.07 7.85
EAST AFRICA 2,799 2,697 4,504 4,285 6,369 0.02 48.63
British Indian Ocean Territory 73 60 134 90 204 0.00 126.67
Burundi 20 16 25 36 30 0.00 -16.67
Comoros 5 8 3 12 0.00 300.00
Djibouti 28 31 39 52 56 0.00 7.69
Eritrea 159 138 229 275 341 0.00 24.00
Ethiopia 185 153 241 171 208 0.00 21.64
Kenya 433 464 720 901 1,833 0.01 103.44
Madagascar 14 13 26 46 59 0.00 28.26
Malawi 26 13 29 43 44 0.00 2.33
Mauritius 76 76 106 106 133 0.00 25.47
Mozambique 58 61 98 118 112 0.00 -5.08
Reunion 497 519 878 1,289 2,020 0.01 56.71
Rwanda 69 79 57 47 54 0.00 14.89
Seychelles 15 25 30 32 45 0.00 40.63
Somalia 4 9 4 8 64 0.00 700.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 171 95 190 230 104 0.00 -54.78
Uganda 798 708 1,484 545 757 0.00 38.90
Zambia 51 57 100 90 84 0.00 -6.67
Zimbabwe 117 180 106 203 209 0.00 2.96
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,431 1,839 3,181 5,142 4,889 0.01 -4.92
Angola 121 206 280 309 264 0.00 -14.56
Cameroon 203 471 347 426 559 0.00 31.22
Central African Republic 275 318 518 710 839 0.00 18.17
Chad 2 9 18 16 21 0.00 31.25
Congo 74 77 89 102 111 0.00 8.82
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 148 161 156 314 512 0.00 63.06
Equatorial Guinea 11 8 18 22 27 0.00 22.73
Gabon 590 579 1,740 3,224 2,523 0.01 -21.74
Sao Tome and Principe 7 10 15 19 33 0.00 73.68
NORTH AFRICA 978 1,369 1,716 2,029 2,590 0.01 27.65
Algeria 187 275 251 310 352 0.00 13.55
Morocco 511 737 870 970 1,326 0.00 36.70
South Sudan 18 18 49 34 39 0.00 14.71

Sudan 96 84 179 284 211 0.00 -25.70

Tunisia 166 255 367 431 662 0.00 53.60
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,307 4,538 4,951 5,327 6,173 0.02 15.88
Botswana 44 44 58 67 79 0.00 17.91
Lesotho 6 8 17 8 174 0.00 2,075.00
Namibia 322 400 600 594 838 0.00 41.08
South Africa 3,853 3,895 4,089 4,451 4,703 0.01 5.66
Swaziland 82 191 187 207 379 0.00 83.09
WEST AFRICA 2,067 2,882 4,076 6,948 5,573 0.02 -19.79
Benin 50 47 75 58 83 0.00 43.10
Burkina Faso 30 30 53 114 99 0.00 -13.16
Cabo Verde 714 867 1,401 3,465 2,406 0.01 -30.56
Côte d'Ivoire 159 313 441 561 406 0.00 -27.63
Gambia 14 4 12 12 14 0.00 16.67
Ghana 178 281 425 751 765 0.00 1.86
Guinea 107 58 101 140 190 0.00 35.71
Guinea-Bissau 3 5 30 30 28 0.00 -6.67
Liberia 10 21 23 44 39 0.00 -11.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Mali 26 33 67 80 94 0.00 17.50

Mauritania 7 14 26 19 28 0.00 47.37
Niger 7 15 35 35 45 0.00 28.57
Nigeria 546 926 962 1,140 919 0.00 -19.39
Saint Helena 2 4 14 26 13 0.00 -50.00
Senegal 57 98 96 109 104 0.00 -4.59
Sierra Leone 54 38 82 115 129 0.00 12.17
Togo 103 128 233 249 211 0.00 -15.26
AMERICAS 21,135,810 21,755,556 26,768,323 29,437,367 31,375,874 89.44 6.59
CARIBBEAN 22,909 28,476 40,081 47,448 81,286 0.23 71.32
Anguilla 1 13 13 41 53 0.00 29.27
Antigua and Barbuda 79 82 113 111 138 0.00 24.32
Aruba 65 136 207 190 464 0.00 144.21
Bahamas 367 549 692 553 719 0.00 30.02
Barbados 359 402 775 535 439 0.00 -17.94
Bermuda 222 343 549 749 514 0.00 -31.38
British Virgin Islands 5 14 20 37 38 0.00 2.70
Cayman Islands 52 83 141 124 132 0.00 6.45
Cuba 9,767 13,095 19,495 25,933 56,316 0.16 117.16
Dominica 77 90 85 111 100 0.00 -9.91
Dominican Republic 6,822 7,422 9,610 9,613 11,020 0.03 14.64
Grenada 64 60 105 97 85 0.00 -12.37
Guadeloupe 11 15 33 20 32 0.00 60.00
Haiti 1,411 1,329 1,334 1,176 1,247 0.00 6.04
Jamaica 1,451 1,695 2,215 2,324 3,109 0.01 33.78
Martinique 5 22 22 24 20 0.00 -16.67
Montserrat 5 6 4 11 14 0.00 27.27
Netherlands Antilles 19 26 42 47 47 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 31 78 88 116 82 0.00 -29.31
Saint Lucia 85 104 193 157 158 0.00 0.64
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 223 184 722 1,466 739 0.00 -49.59
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2 7 3 5 10 0.00 100.00
Trinidad and Tobago 1,469 2,127 3,115 3,417 4,977 0.01 45.65
Turks and Caicos Islands 310 590 499 583 821 0.00 40.82
United States Virgin Islands 7 4 6 8 12 0.00 50.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 126,653 136,402 151,606 203,277 261,671 0.75 28.73
Belize 3,993 4,035 4,960 5,402 4,706 0.01 -12.88
Costa Rica 55,873 59,393 63,187 82,556 107,595 0.31 30.33
El Salvador 18,685 18,695 27,374 33,113 37,098 0.11 12.03
Guatemala 48,102 54,279 56,085 82,206 112,272 0.32 36.57
NORTH AMERICA 20,082,136 20,463,722 25,309,041 27,755,395 29,503,122 84.10 6.30

Canada (*) 1,547,641 1,574,340 1,646,158 1,707,799 1,734,590 4.94 1.57

Greenland 5 4 3 5 6 0.00 20.00

Saint Pierre and Miquelon 5 7 2 2 3 0.00 50.00
United States of America (*) 18,534,485 18,889,371 23,662,878 26,047,589 27,768,523 79.16 6.61
SOUTH AMERICA 904,112 1,126,956 1,267,595 1,431,247 1,529,795 4.36 6.89
Argentina 227,892 233,415 218,378 309,625 375,246 1.07 21.19
Brazil 233,931 260,220 300,919 286,807 283,327 0.81 -1.21
Chile 81,092 88,179 101,591 123,884 145,009 0.41 17.05
Colombia 128,691 230,122 292,441 363,155 390,244 1.11 7.46
Ecuador 27,846 30,814 45,012 54,138 58,102 0.17 7.32
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 5 4 11 8 9 0.00 12.50
French Guiana 82 70 48 160 324 0.00 102.50

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Guyana 141 172 314 268 390 0.00 45.52

Paraguay 9,688 12,519 15,355 18,882 17,453 0.05 -7.57
Peru 74,326 111,193 120,690 142,069 162,286 0.46 14.23
Suriname 162 151 315 292 362 0.00 23.97
Uruguay 16,853 22,388 25,705 38,818 40,614 0.12 4.63
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 103,403 137,709 146,816 93,141 56,429 0.16 -39.42
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 193,630 235,444 273,647 322,135 370,053 1.05 14.88
NORTH-EAST ASIA 128,756 157,734 186,276 219,284 248,279 0.71 13.22
China 25,972 35,181 43,854 55,659 74,327 0.21 33.54
Hong Kong (China) 1,838 2,619 2,979 3,970 5,071 0.01 27.73
Japan 65,009 74,063 80,859 85,886 97,850 0.28 13.93
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 127 213 368 268 254 0.00 -5.22
Korea, Republic of 31,710 40,843 52,810 67,855 63,661 0.18 -6.18
Macao (China) 25 37 47 79 97 0.00 22.78
Mongolia 72 78 165 182 209 0.00 14.84
Taiwan Province of China 4,003 4,700 5,194 5,385 6,810 0.02 26.46
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 12,940 12,246 16,186 20,510 28,104 0.08 37.03
Brunei Darussalam 72 92 175 221 153 0.00 -30.77
Cambodia 70 19 74 37 60 0.00 62.16
Indonesia 4,373 1,816 2,152 5,480 10,523 0.03 92.03
Lao People's Democratic Republic 161 100 180 230 429 0.00 86.52
Malaysia 1,321 1,755 2,562 2,530 2,482 0.01 -1.90
Myanmar 61 95 166 134 180 0.00 34.33
Philippines 3,200 3,930 5,371 5,738 6,970 0.02 21.47
Singapore 2,110 2,421 3,139 3,418 3,473 0.01 1.61
Thailand 929 1,375 1,656 1,631 1,908 0.01 16.98
Timor-Leste 6 4 10 8 24 0.00 200.00
Viet Nam 637 639 701 1,083 1,902 0.01 75.62
AUSTRALASIA 50,937 64,388 69,794 79,594 90,243 0.26 13.38
Australia 44,908 56,833 61,056 68,976 77,281 0.22 12.04
New Zealand 6,029 7,555 8,738 10,618 12,962 0.04 22.08
MELANESIA 93 118 139 227 223 0.00 -1.76
Fiji 42 58 64 100 78 0.00 -22.00
New Caledonia 10 13 20 37 44 0.00 18.92
Norfolk Island 1 2 1 1 5 0.00 400.00
Papua New Guinea 17 18 21 33 42 0.00 27.27
Solomon Islands 19 19 25 41 36 0.00 -12.20
Vanuatu 4 8 8 15 18 0.00 20.00
MICRONESIA 688 635 778 1,872 2,490 0.01 33.01
Christmas Island, Australia 265 245 264 1,165 1,638 0.00 40.60
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 293 260 296 336 452 0.00 34.52
Guam 14 23 54 219 68 0.00 -68.95
Kiribati 43 9 35 30 142 0.00 373.33
Marshall Islands 1 5 15 9 4 0.00 -55.56
Micronesia, Federated States of 20 9 24 18 24 0.00 33.33
Nauru 13 29 37 43 73 0.00 69.77
Northern Mariana Islands 2 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Palau 39 55 51 47 85 0.00 80.85
POLYNESIA 216 323 474 648 714 0.00 10.19
American Samoa 84 0.00
Cook Islands 70 54 87 102 98 0.00 -3.92
French Polynesia 15 153 200 266 272 0.00 2.26
Niue 3 7 10 15 24 0.00 60.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Pitcairn 2 5 2 1 2 0.00 100.00

Samoa 20 21 42 48
Tokelau 4 9 11 23 32 0.00 39.13
Tonga 16 7 15 43 32 0.00 -25.58
Tuvalu 25 5 25 23 57 0.00 147.83
Wallis and Futuna Islands 61 62 82 127 113 0.00 -11.02
EUROPE 1,462,239 1,550,510 1,647,559 1,697,386 1,828,311 5.21 7.71
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 139,878 165,634 150,304 103,134 109,689 0.31 6.36
Armenia 173 184 294 551 576 0.00 4.54
Azerbaijan 184 221 271 312 279 0.00 -10.58
Belarus 763 1,008 1,095 856 883 0.00 3.15
Bulgaria 2,329 2,936 2,958 3,292 3,663 0.01 11.27
Czech Republic 8,613 8,950 8,973 9,159 10,132 0.03 10.62
Estonia 1,341 1,211 1,659 1,849 1,960 0.01 6.00
Georgia 144 224 275 251 290 0.00 15.54
Hungary 4,681 5,071 5,769 5,965 6,517 0.02 9.25
Kazakhstan 399 544 717 810 726 0.00 -10.37
Kyrgyzstan 47 70 62 57 108 0.00 89.47
Latvia 1,190 1,490 1,451 1,532 1,745 0.00 13.90
Lithuania 1,962 2,159 2,288 2,375 2,711 0.01 14.15
Moldova, Republic of 207 211 231 208 233 0.00 12.02
Poland 18,152 19,960 23,921 28,394 29,898 0.09 5.30
Romania 6,917 7,251 8,545 8,754 10,305 0.03 17.72
Russian Federation 70,051 100,635 77,524 24,074 22,190 0.06 -7.83
Slovakia 3,473 3,683 4,228 4,270 4,993 0.01 16.93
Tajikistan 17 37 30 42 44 0.00 4.76
Turkmenistan 9 17 23 27 33 0.00 22.22
Ukraine 18,577 9,336 9,607 9,815 11,652 0.03 18.72
Uzbekistan 649 436 383 541 751 0.00 38.82
NORTHERN EUROPE 424,833 488,547 532,611 580,456 618,942 1.76 6.63
Denmark 13,054 13,962 12,703 13,786 15,525 0.04 12.61
Faeroe Islands 2 6 10 12 34 0.00 183.33
Finland 11,245 11,960 13,407 12,992 12,712 0.04 -2.16
Iceland 2,147 2,551 3,411 5,404 8,395 0.02 55.35
Ireland 11,816 14,017 15,664 16,676 18,070 0.05 8.36
Norway 14,362 14,642 14,539 13,431 10,835 0.03 -19.33
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 4 55 12 17 11 0.00 -35.29
Sweden 33,132 39,517 40,560 40,854 39,566 0.11 -3.15
United Kingdom 339,071 391,837 432,305 477,284 513,794 1.46 7.65
SOUTHERN EUROPE 414,548 403,934 432,615 456,702 483,356 1.38 5.84
Albania 173 143 219 216 275 0.00 27.31
Andorra 1,283 1,532 1,588 15,825 22,090 0.06 39.59
Bosnia and Herzegovina 624 510 1,151 2,009 3,040 0.01 51.32
Croatia 1,414 1,378 1,611 2,081 2,091 0.01 0.48
Gibraltar 7 11 35 34 47 0.00 38.24
Greece 2,603 2,837 2,947 2,993 3,324 0.01 11.06
Italy 133,605 129,563 141,237 138,310 139,266 0.40 0.69
Malta 244 266 361 352 494 0.00 40.34
Montenegro 85 85 120 150 135 0.00 -10.00
Portugal 33,300 26,917 25,159 27,681 32,779 0.09 18.42
San Marino 76 84 100 93 124 0.00 33.33
Slovenia 1,234 1,207 1,521 1,690 2,062 0.01 22.01
Spain 239,742 239,191 256,350 265,031 277,371 0.79 4.66
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 158 210 216 237 258 0.00 8.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 458,115 465,677 499,197 517,218 571,719 1.63 10.54

Austria 14,049 14,903 16,709 17,465 19,807 0.06 13.41
Belgium 26,962 26,931 27,478 27,626 31,861 0.09 15.33
France 179,268 175,730 186,048 188,941 196,716 0.56 4.12
Germany 151,982 166,071 185,305 197,172 230,358 0.66 16.83
Liechtenstein 168 180 196 207 224 0.00 8.21
Luxembourg 956 1,149 1,376 1,634 1,824 0.01 11.63
Monaco 112 111 192 177 235 0.00 32.77
Netherlands 56,320 50,734 50,357 51,501 53,874 0.15 4.61
Switzerland 28,298 29,868 31,536 32,495 36,820 0.10 13.31
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 24,865 26,718 32,832 39,876 44,605 0.13 11.86
Cyprus 390 342 438 489 606 0.00 23.93
Israel 21,240 22,927 28,364 33,967 36,981 0.11 8.87
Turkey 3,235 3,449 4,030 5,420 7,018 0.02 29.48
MIDDLE EAST 12,260 13,236 15,396 32,165 45,821 0.13 42.46
Bahrain 78 109 167 215 259 0.00 20.47
Democratic Yemen (former) 1,074 1,259 1,192 3,873 5,838 0.02 50.74
Egypt 1,002 1,111 1,320 1,302 1,403 0.00 7.76
Iraq 65 74 91 97 88 0.00 -9.28
Jordan 291 339 464 503 565 0.00 12.33
Kuwait 457 777 1,065 1,200 1,293 0.00 7.75
Lebanon 791 738 822 1,003 1,173 0.00 16.95
Libya 43 62 81 44 44 0.00
Oman 1,832 839 602 997 4,370 0.01 338.31
Qatar 278 391 550 1,113 1,633 0.00 46.72
Saudi Arabia 4,377 5,240 6,494 15,923 20,626 0.06 29.54
State of Palestine 160 123 173 217 362 0.00 66.82
Syrian Arab Republic 214 238 123 120 135 0.00 12.50
United Arab Emirates 524 677 1,060 1,685 2,194 0.01 30.21
Yemen 1,074 1,259 1,192 3,873 5,838 0.02 50.74
SOUTH ASIA 13,471 14,516 17,037 19,466 23,933 0.07 22.95
Afghanistan 110 63 68 133 138 0.00 3.76
Bangladesh 156 156 393 350 420 0.00 20.00
Bhutan 130 125 155 170 191 0.00 12.35
India 11,559 12,898 14,697 16,659 20,488 0.06 22.98
Iran, Islamic Republic of 795 555 791 1,031 1,059 0.00 2.72
Maldives 11 6 7 8 16 0.00 100.00
Nepal 153 145 203 236 376 0.00 59.32
Pakistan 376 395 544 644 772 0.00 19.88
Sri Lanka 181 173 179 235 473 0.00 101.28
NOT SPECIFIED 574,008 568,413 605,610 560,750 1,409,414 4.02 151.34
Other countries of the World 574,008 568,413 605,610 560,750 1,409,414 4.02 151.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 38,263 42,109 35,440 31,190 29,625 100.00 -5.02

AMERICAS 7,569 8,358 8,244 7,206 7,070 23.86 -1.89
NORTH AMERICA 7,569 8,358 8,244 7,206 7,070 23.86 -1.89
Canada 252 391 291 236 209 0.71 -11.44
United States of America 7,317 7,967 7,953 6,970 6,861 23.16 -1.56
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 27,866 30,382 24,291 21,419 20,292 68.50 -5.26
NORTH-EAST ASIA 9,591 9,101 6,858 6,120 5,528 18.66 -9.67
China 4,652 4,531 2,732 2,516 2,731 9.22 8.55
Japan 4,939 4,570 4,126 3,604 2,797 9.44 -22.39
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,356 6,486 5,787 5,180 4,320 14.58 -16.60
Philippines 5,356 6,486 5,787 5,180 4,320 14.58 -16.60
AUSTRALASIA 1,595 1,739 1,589 1,429 1,259 4.25 -11.90
Australia 1,355 1,429 1,288 1,136 947 3.20 -16.64
New Zealand 240 310 301 293 312 1.05 6.48
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,324 13,056 10,057 8,690 9,185 31.00 5.70
Other countries of Asia 8,953 10,472 7,310 5,834 6,369 21.50 9.17
Other countries of Oceania 2,371 2,584 2,747 2,856 2,816 9.51 -1.40
EUROPE 2,489 2,981 2,531 2,259 1,920 6.48 -15.01
OTHER EUROPE 2,489 2,981 2,531 2,259 1,920 6.48 -15.01
All countries of Europe 2,489 2,981 2,531 2,259 1,920 6.48 -15.01
NOT SPECIFIED 339 388 374 306 343 1.16 12.09
Other countries of the World 339 388 374 306 343 1.16 12.09

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 88,956 95,640 93,897 94,381 121,340 100.00 28.56

AFRICA 340 524 485 269 333 0.27 23.79
OTHER AFRICA 340 524 485 269 333 0.27 23.79
All countries of Africa 340 524 485 269 333 0.27 23.79
AMERICAS 7,146 6,353 6,877 4,457 9,339 7.70 109.54
NORTH AMERICA 6,855 5,683 6,591 4,293 8,534 7.03 98.79
Canada 444 424 446 393 539 0.44 37.15
United States of America 6,338 4,666 6,064 3,877 7,995 6.59 106.22
Other countries of North America 73 593 81 23
SOUTH AMERICA 235 370 236 121 241 0.20 99.17
All countries of South America 235 370 236 121 241 0.20 99.17
OTHER AMERICAS 56 300 50 43 564 0.46 1,211.63
Other countries of the Americas 56 300 50 43 564 0.46 1,211.63
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,068 2,180 2,155 2,143 3,343 2.76 56.00
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,122 1,062 937 840 1,400 1.15 66.67
China 555 315 398 337 612 0.50 81.60
Japan 567 747 539 503 788 0.65 56.66
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 946 1,118 1,218 1,303 1,943 1.60 49.12
Other countries of Asia 727 861 925 953 1,387 1.14 45.54
All countries of Oceania 219 257 293 350 556 0.46 58.86
EUROPE 79,402 86,583 84,380 87,512 108,325 89.27 23.78
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 45,698 53,471 53,900 57,479 69,494 57.27 20.90
Armenia 313 322 396 268 519 0.43 93.66
Azerbaijan 611 810 796 525 615 0.51 17.14
Belarus 1,194 1,446 996 1,043 1,081 0.89 3.64
Bulgaria 1,373 1,657 1,837 1,646 1,848 1.52 12.27
Czech Republic 771 826 785 825 1,033 0.85 25.21
Estonia 373 547 589 573 447 0.37 -21.99
Georgia 717 793 981 682 909 0.75 33.28
Hungary 552 656 534 642 684 0.56 6.54
Kazakhstan 453 324 376 419 409 0.34 -2.39
Kyrgyzstan 147 84 267 222 181 0.15 -18.47
Latvia 249 503 484 472 546 0.45 15.68
Lithuania 600 665 690 700 751 0.62 7.29
Poland 2,295 2,677 2,453 2,154 3,511 2.89 63.00
Romania 17,549 21,030 22,624 23,884 29,902 24.64 25.20
Russian Federation 9,244 11,003 8,368 9,054 9,705 8.00 7.19
Slovakia 263 341 372 516 427 0.35 -17.25
Tajikistan 377 164 164 129 163 0.13 26.36
Turkmenistan 82 109 39 49 58 0.05 18.37
Ukraine 8,216 9,287 10,951 13,503 16,422 13.53 21.62
Uzbekistan 319 227 198 173 283 0.23 63.58
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,956 5,444 5,716 5,417 8,164 6.73 50.71
Denmark 383 395 406 424 479 0.39 12.97
Finland 386 504 498 359 920 0.76 156.27
Ireland 328 267 279 371 938 0.77 152.83
Norway 461 597 584 613 715 0.59 16.64
Sweden 1,144 1,056 1,122 1,338 1,228 1.01 -8.22
United Kingdom 3,254 2,625 2,827 2,312 3,884 3.20 67.99
SOUTHERN EUROPE 8,197 8,170 8,161 7,794 8,715 7.18 11.82
Albania 144 118 123 113 129 0.11 14.16
Bosnia and Herzegovina 93 140 65 78 155 0.13 98.72
Croatia 191 183 247 164 238 0.20 45.12
Greece 762 652 850 629 810 0.67 28.78
Italy 5,001 5,084 5,143 4,677 5,086 4.19 8.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 60 235 39 80 58 0.05 -27.50

Portugal 147 263 175 251 198 0.16 -21.12
Serbia 237 198 260 543 573 0.47 5.52
Slovenia 632 369 338 408 427 0.35 4.66
Spain 930 928 921 851 1,041 0.86 22.33
WESTERN EUROPE 11,003 12,369 10,667 9,397 13,423 11.06 42.84
Austria 1,124 1,554 1,425 986 1,741 1.43 76.57
Belgium 678 708 600 557 942 0.78 69.12
France 2,103 2,256 2,140 1,882 2,492 2.05 32.41
Germany 5,520 5,934 4,672 3,964 5,602 4.62 41.32
Luxembourg 34 86 58 29 79 0.07 172.41
Netherlands 977 1,224 1,260 1,474 1,842 1.52 24.97
Switzerland 567 607 512 505 725 0.60 43.56
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,701 6,603 5,128 5,823 7,371 6.07 26.58
Cyprus 249 201 181 282 487 0.40 72.70
Israel 1,654 1,802 1,424 1,423 2,417 1.99 69.85
Turkey 5,798 4,600 3,523 4,118 4,467 3.68 8.47
OTHER EUROPE 847 526 808 1,602 1,158 0.95 -27.72
Other countries of Europe 847 526 808 1,602 1,158 0.95 -27.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 190,766 216,115 217,930 252,936 246,470 100.00 -2.56

AFRICA 598 863 750 700 761 0.31 8.71
OTHER AFRICA 598 863 750 700 761 0.31 8.71
All countries of Africa 598 863 750 700 761 0.31 8.71
AMERICAS 13,854 12,942 13,456 13,661 16,059 6.52 17.55
NORTH AMERICA 13,382 12,069 12,930 13,270 14,919 6.05 12.43
Canada 1,016 896 1,012 1,178 1,223 0.50 3.82
United States of America 12,195 10,479 11,798 12,016 13,696 5.56 13.98
Other countries of North America 171 694 120 76
SOUTH AMERICA 395 530 375 315 427 0.17 35.56
All countries of South America 395 530 375 315 427 0.17 35.56
OTHER AMERICAS 77 343 151 76 713 0.29 838.16
Other countries of the Americas 77 343 151 76 713 0.29 838.16
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,378 4,687 5,229 5,446 6,455 2.62 18.53
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,648 2,415 2,291 2,529 3,080 1.25 21.79
China 1,245 916 1,048 1,123 1,518 0.62 35.17
Japan 1,403 1,499 1,243 1,406 1,562 0.63 11.10
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,730 2,272 2,938 2,917 3,375 1.37 15.70
Other countries of Asia 1,353 1,782 2,410 2,181 2,374 0.96 8.85
All countries of Oceania 377 490 528 736 1,001 0.41 36.01
EUROPE 171,936 197,623 198,495 233,129 223,195 90.56 -4.26
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 100,362 120,979 127,257 141,268 139,655 56.66 -1.14
Armenia 695 884 1,004 771 1,041 0.42 35.02
Azerbaijan 1,347 2,029 2,312 1,469 1,230 0.50 -16.27
Belarus 3,759 4,077 2,549 3,309 2,985 1.21 -9.79
Bulgaria 3,512 3,120 3,320 3,104 5,663 2.30 82.44
Czech Republic 2,464 1,896 1,828 2,301 2,284 0.93 -0.74
Estonia 924 1,532 1,346 1,665 1,097 0.45 -34.11
Georgia 1,442 1,684 1,997 1,897 1,662 0.67 -12.39
Hungary 1,113 1,314 1,146 1,350 1,711 0.69 26.74
Kazakhstan 963 875 898 1,102 945 0.38 -14.25
Kyrgyzstan 441 362 731 408 539 0.22 32.11
Latvia 554 1,383 1,101 1,096 1,198 0.49 9.31
Lithuania 1,227 1,404 1,505 1,897 1,752 0.71 -7.64
Poland 4,235 5,507 5,173 4,622 6,846 2.78 48.12
Romania 37,969 45,516 56,582 63,510 57,804 23.45 -8.98
Russian Federation 21,615 28,862 20,777 24,197 21,847 8.86 -9.71
Slovakia 570 753 707 944 1,201 0.49 27.22
Tajikistan 1,159 412 498 351 321 0.13 -8.55
Turkmenistan 183 182 166 104 99 0.04 -4.81
Ukraine 15,551 18,672 23,060 26,721 28,759 11.67 7.63
Uzbekistan 639 515 557 450 671 0.27 49.11
NORTHERN EUROPE 12,569 12,154 13,941 16,193 17,794 7.22 9.89
Denmark 917 1,047 1,057 1,293 964 0.39 -25.44
Finland 719 1,112 1,165 1,079 1,947 0.79 80.44
Ireland 713 612 879 1,038 2,241 0.91 115.90
Norway 1,105 1,318 1,458 1,707 1,521 0.62 -10.90
Sweden 2,742 2,511 2,714 4,185 3,122 1.27 -25.40
United Kingdom 6,373 5,554 6,668 6,891 7,999 3.25 16.08
SOUTHERN EUROPE 19,743 18,577 18,805 22,884 20,216 8.20 -11.66
Albania 365 273 235 253 216 0.09 -14.62
Bosnia and Herzegovina 232 476 130 181 295 0.12 62.98
Croatia 444 367 462 488 512 0.21 4.92
Greece 1,568 1,558 1,521 2,047 1,630 0.66 -20.37
Italy 12,809 11,638 12,404 12,017 11,777 4.78 -2.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 174 378 71 202 103 0.04 -49.01

Portugal 427 556 428 672 480 0.19 -28.57
Serbia 674 560 916 3,718 1,414 0.57 -61.97
Slovenia 1,310 811 899 970 1,359 0.55 40.10
Spain 1,740 1,960 1,739 2,336 2,430 0.99 4.02
WESTERN EUROPE 22,437 27,012 24,418 23,784 28,021 11.37 17.81
Austria 2,184 3,808 3,859 3,229 3,359 1.36 4.03
Belgium 1,319 1,388 1,112 1,266 1,791 0.73 41.47
France 4,404 4,774 4,202 4,401 5,139 2.09 16.77
Germany 10,728 12,616 11,019 10,011 12,007 4.87 19.94
Luxembourg 70 181 114 51 166 0.07 225.49
Netherlands 2,553 2,891 2,854 3,504 3,733 1.51 6.54
Switzerland 1,179 1,354 1,258 1,322 1,826 0.74 38.12
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,583 18,076 12,687 26,727 16,335 6.63 -38.88
Cyprus 507 395 436 556 825 0.33 48.38
Israel 4,686 6,135 4,769 5,173 6,659 2.70 28.73
Turkey 10,390 11,546 7,482 20,998 8,851 3.59 -57.85
OTHER EUROPE 1,242 825 1,387 2,273 1,174 0.48 -48.35
Other countries of Europe 1,242 825 1,387 2,273 1,174 0.48 -48.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 292,027 327,942 328,861 331,317 335,791 100.00 1.35

AFRICA 3,765 3,738 3,832 3,410 3,917 1.17 14.87
OTHER AFRICA 3,765 3,738 3,832 3,410 3,917 1.17 14.87
All countries of Africa 3,765 3,738 3,832 3,410 3,917 1.17 14.87
AMERICAS 38,241 46,374 45,645 39,628 37,986 11.31 -4.14
NORTH AMERICA 32,661 42,058 40,560 35,080 33,019 9.83 -5.88
Canada 4,944 4,774 6,255 4,757 4,599 1.37 -3.32
Mexico 1,001 741 1,103 1,086 1,326 0.39 22.10
United States of America 26,716 36,543 33,202 29,237 27,094 8.07 -7.33
SOUTH AMERICA 3,963 3,055 3,593 3,118 3,566 1.06 14.37
Argentina 883 586 808 891 981 0.29 10.10
Brazil 3,080 2,469 2,785 2,227 2,585 0.77 16.08
OTHER AMERICAS 1,617 1,261 1,492 1,430 1,401 0.42 -2.03
Other countries of the Americas 1,617 1,261 1,492 1,430 1,401 0.42 -2.03
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,893 16,931 16,436 16,025 13,238 3.94 -17.39
NORTH-EAST ASIA 9,346 9,135 8,393 8,936 6,975 2.08 -21.94
China 3,770 3,661 4,128 5,368 3,841 1.14 -28.45
Japan 5,576 5,474 4,265 3,568 3,134 0.93 -12.16
AUSTRALASIA 6,547 7,796 8,043 7,089 6,263 1.87 -11.65
Australia 6,547 7,796 8,043 7,089 6,263 1.87 -11.65
EUROPE 221,937 226,172 230,145 236,961 242,814 72.31 2.47
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 14,360 18,770 17,335 12,482 12,119 3.61 -2.91
Russian Federation 14,360 18,770 17,335 12,482 12,119 3.61 -2.91
NORTHERN EUROPE 37,330 35,969 41,434 47,251 46,465 13.84 -1.66
Denmark 1,360 1,188 1,649 1,515 1,616 0.48 6.67
Norway 1,702 1,719 1,720 1,693 2,040 0.61 20.50
Sweden 2,445 2,801 2,708 3,050 3,066 0.91 0.52
United Kingdom 31,823 30,261 35,357 40,993 39,743 11.84 -3.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,385 49,536 49,304 48,345 50,325 14.99 4.10
Italy 43,614 44,130 43,448 42,370 43,843 13.06 3.48
Portugal 1,055 1,053 1,629 1,142 1,500 0.45 31.35
Spain 4,716 4,353 4,227 4,833 4,982 1.48 3.08
WESTERN EUROPE 97,949 102,017 101,995 109,496 117,016 34.85 6.87
Austria 2,354 2,484 2,568 2,576 2,780 0.83 7.92
Belgium 5,154 5,508 5,571 5,817 6,826 2.03 17.35
France 64,561 63,934 65,595 70,807 75,403 22.46 6.49
Germany 12,015 14,234 12,299 12,571 13,114 3.91 4.32
Netherlands 4,292 4,066 4,059 4,360 4,801 1.43 10.11
Switzerland 9,573 11,791 11,903 13,365 14,092 4.20 5.44
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,480 2,076 1,855 2,458 1,926 0.57 -21.64
Israel 1,480 2,076 1,855 2,458 1,926 0.57 -21.64
OTHER EUROPE 21,433 17,804 18,222 16,929 14,963 4.46 -11.61
Other countries of Europe 21,433 17,804 18,222 16,929 14,963 4.46 -11.61
MIDDLE EAST 5,446 8,501 6,513 6,104 6,374 1.90 4.42
All countries of Middle East 5,446 8,501 6,513 6,104 6,374 1.90 4.42
NOT SPECIFIED 6,745 26,226 26,290 29,189 31,462 9.37 7.79
Other countries of the World 6,745 26,226 26,290 29,189 31,462 9.37 7.79

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 802,434 892,795 901,915 860,893 877,446 100.00 1.92

AFRICA 10,536 13,037 13,781 15,642 12,724 1.45 -18.65
OTHER AFRICA 10,536 13,037 13,781 15,642 12,724 1.45 -18.65
All countries of Africa 10,536 13,037 13,781 15,642 12,724 1.45 -18.65
AMERICAS 113,560 115,207 120,415 111,800 108,534 12.37 -2.92
NORTH AMERICA 98,492 102,162 104,954 98,237 92,067 10.49 -6.28
Canada 14,711 12,238 18,475 13,253 13,155 1.50 -0.74
Mexico 2,484 2,167 3,085 3,046 3,065 0.35 0.62
United States of America 81,297 87,757 83,394 81,938 75,847 8.64 -7.43
SOUTH AMERICA 10,139 9,457 10,622 8,917 11,056 1.26 23.99
Argentina 2,308 2,219 2,310 2,472 2,745 0.31 11.04
Brazil 7,831 7,238 8,312 6,445 8,311 0.95 28.95
OTHER AMERICAS 4,929 3,588 4,839 4,646 5,411 0.62 16.47
Other countries of the Americas 4,929 3,588 4,839 4,646 5,411 0.62 16.47
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 36,726 38,746 37,823 38,300 31,115 3.55 -18.76
NORTH-EAST ASIA 21,574 19,899 18,972 21,185 15,756 1.80 -25.63
China 7,611 7,037 8,064 12,686 7,688 0.88 -39.40
Japan 13,963 12,862 10,908 8,499 8,068 0.92 -5.07
AUSTRALASIA 15,152 18,847 18,851 17,115 15,359 1.75 -10.26
Australia 15,152 18,847 18,851 17,115 15,359 1.75 -10.26
EUROPE 600,244 618,157 625,887 607,105 634,432 72.30 4.50
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 61,707 66,328 63,712 50,955 46,409 5.29 -8.92
Russian Federation 61,707 66,328 63,712 50,955 46,409 5.29 -8.92
NORTHERN EUROPE 102,779 114,604 126,668 133,579 129,670 14.78 -2.93
Denmark 3,742 3,390 4,073 3,856 4,162 0.47 7.94
Norway 4,359 4,840 4,787 3,774 4,991 0.57 32.25
Sweden 6,805 7,742 7,732 7,584 7,903 0.90 4.21
United Kingdom 87,873 98,632 110,076 118,365 112,614 12.83 -4.86
SOUTHERN EUROPE 121,199 118,320 115,970 110,847 123,794 14.11 11.68
Italy 103,804 103,911 100,826 95,717 107,383 12.24 12.19
Portugal 2,610 2,754 3,910 3,009 4,332 0.49 43.97
Spain 14,785 11,655 11,234 12,121 12,079 1.38 -0.35
WESTERN EUROPE 241,444 256,101 257,112 250,312 267,803 30.52 6.99
Austria 7,109 8,400 9,010 7,884 8,492 0.97 7.71
Belgium 15,188 18,329 19,540 19,135 20,262 2.31 5.89
France 144,933 141,608 145,645 139,839 151,157 17.23 8.09
Germany 36,281 43,324 37,115 34,998 37,439 4.27 6.97
Netherlands 11,026 11,278 11,355 10,525 11,640 1.33 10.59
Switzerland 26,907 33,162 34,447 37,931 38,813 4.42 2.33
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,707 5,991 5,704 7,213 6,790 0.77 -5.86
Israel 4,707 5,991 5,704 7,213 6,790 0.77 -5.86
OTHER EUROPE 68,408 56,813 56,721 54,199 59,966 6.83 10.64
Other countries of Europe 68,408 56,813 56,721 54,199 59,966 6.83 10.64
MIDDLE EAST 21,593 31,352 26,532 32,398 25,720 2.93 -20.61
All countries of Middle East 21,593 31,352 26,532 32,398 25,720 2.93 -20.61
NOT SPECIFIED 19,775 76,296 77,477 55,648 64,921 7.40 16.66
Other countries of the World 19,775 76,296 77,477 55,648 64,921 7.40 16.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 475,892 417,815 392,844 386,204 404,163 100.00 4.65

AMERICAS 18,415 17,304 16,206 16,986 18,911 4.68 11.33
NORTH AMERICA 18,415 17,304 16,206 16,986 18,911 4.68 11.33
Canada 2,828 2,603 2,219 2,566 3,052 0.76 18.94
United States of America 15,587 14,701 13,987 14,420 15,859 3.92 9.98
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 306,257 257,206 235,378 225,973 225,321 55.75 -0.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 295,214 246,041 226,247 216,744 214,841 53.16 -0.88
China 228,547 178,326 157,561 145,029 131,312 32.49 -9.46
Hong Kong (China) 1,888 1,729 1,927 1,848 1,583 0.39 -14.34
Japan 17,119 18,178 18,282 19,277 19,985 4.94 3.67
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,012 625 597 567 642 0.16 13.23
Korea, Republic of 44,360 45,178 45,476 47,213 57,587 14.25 21.97
Taiwan Province of China 2,288 2,005 2,404 2,810 3,732 0.92 32.81
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,589 3,472 3,218 3,660 3,962 0.98 8.25
Indonesia 607 404 376 399 526 0.13 31.83
Malaysia 1,296 1,249 1,506 1,372 0.34 -8.90
Singapore 1,982 1,772 1,593 1,755 2,064 0.51 17.61
AUSTRALASIA 8,454 7,693 5,913 5,569 6,518 1.61 17.04
Australia 7,480 6,765 5,118 4,804 5,631 1.39 17.21
New Zealand 974 928 795 765 887 0.22 15.95
EUROPE 132,166 124,453 123,449 123,031 137,576 34.04 11.82
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 96,602 88,565 89,211 87,948 100,268 24.81 14.01
Kazakhstan 10,523 11,422 13,562 14,434 13,370 3.31 -7.37
Poland 1,292 1,489 1,315 1,351 1,363 0.34 0.89
Russian Federation 83,707 74,468 73,055 70,668 84,065 20.80 18.96
Ukraine 1,080 1,186 1,279 1,495 1,470 0.36 -1.67
NORTHERN EUROPE 8,928 8,338 7,347 7,955 7,865 1.95 -1.13
Denmark 717 555 549 505 570 0.14 12.87
Sweden 1,407 1,392 1,040 1,302 1,134 0.28 -12.90
United Kingdom 6,804 6,391 5,758 6,148 6,161 1.52 0.21
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,769 2,682 2,491 2,853 3,000 0.74 5.15
Italy 2,769 2,682 2,491 2,853 3,000 0.74 5.15
WESTERN EUROPE 22,191 22,148 22,094 21,854 24,234 6.00 10.89
France 7,553 7,407 7,733 7,989 9,026 2.23 12.98
Germany 8,909 9,499 9,551 8,992 9,709 2.40 7.97
Netherlands 2,999 2,594 2,360 2,495 2,872 0.71 15.11
Switzerland 2,730 2,648 2,450 2,378 2,627 0.65 10.47
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,676 2,720 2,306 2,421 2,209 0.55 -8.76
Turkey 1,676 2,720 2,306 2,421 2,209 0.55 -8.76
SOUTH ASIA 1,340 1,519 1,307 1,478 1,713 0.42 15.90
India 1,340 1,519 1,307 1,478 1,713 0.42 15.90
NOT SPECIFIED 17,714 17,333 16,504 18,736 20,642 5.11 10.17
Other countries of the World 17,714 17,333 16,504 18,736 20,642 5.11 10.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 623,839 515,205 505,686 467,231 471,242 100.00 0.86

AMERICAS 21,077 19,376 17,511 17,958 20,322 4.31 13.16
NORTH AMERICA 21,077 19,376 17,511 17,958 20,322 4.31 13.16
Canada 3,714 3,342 2,538 2,771 3,564 0.76 28.62
United States of America 17,363 16,034 14,973 15,187 16,758 3.56 10.34
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 443,954 345,195 340,817 300,173 283,903 60.25 -5.42
NORTH-EAST ASIA 430,410 332,263 330,335 290,092 272,456 57.82 -6.08
China 361,506 261,468 258,414 215,500 185,824 39.43 -13.77
Hong Kong (China) 1,924 1,776 1,955 1,880 1,599 0.34 -14.95
Japan 17,642 18,751 18,893 19,837 20,568 4.36 3.69
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,516 1,720 1,547 1,067 1,192 0.25 11.72
Korea, Republic of 45,489 46,498 47,084 48,979 59,514 12.63 21.51
Taiwan Province of China 2,333 2,050 2,442 2,829 3,759 0.80 32.87
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,984 3,230 3,007 3,401 3,559 0.76 4.65
Indonesia 919
Malaysia 1,406 1,376 1,618 1,459 0.31 -9.83
Singapore 2,065 1,824 1,631 1,783 2,100 0.45 17.78
AUSTRALASIA 10,560 9,702 7,475 6,680 7,888 1.67 18.08
Australia 9,348 8,528 6,485 5,795 6,885 1.46 18.81
New Zealand 1,212 1,174 990 885 1,003 0.21 13.33
EUROPE 136,698 126,329 125,703 125,310 140,751 29.87 12.32
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 99,798 91,149 91,996 91,252 104,249 22.12 14.24
Kazakhstan 10,697 11,574 13,728 14,747 13,606 2.89 -7.74
Poland 1,313 1,507 1,344 1,382 1,403 0.30 1.52
Russian Federation 86,584 76,748 75,489 73,489 87,655 18.60 19.28
Ukraine 1,204 1,320 1,435 1,634 1,585 0.34 -3.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 9,560 6,939 6,167 6,467 6,567 1.39 1.55
Denmark 733
Sweden 1,458
United Kingdom 7,369 6,939 6,167 6,467 6,567 1.39 1.55
SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,811 2,733 2,548 2,915 3,073 0.65 5.42
Italy 2,811 2,733 2,548 2,915 3,073 0.65 5.42
WESTERN EUROPE 22,649 22,578 22,462 22,145 24,567 5.21 10.94
France 7,716 7,586 7,887 8,126 9,137 1.94 12.44
Germany 9,150 9,703 9,720 9,114 9,879 2.10 8.39
Netherlands 3,038 2,613 2,382 2,514 2,897 0.61 15.23
Switzerland 2,745 2,676 2,473 2,391 2,654 0.56 11.00
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,880 2,930 2,530 2,531 2,295 0.49 -9.32
Turkey 1,880 2,930 2,530 2,531 2,295 0.49 -9.32
SOUTH ASIA 1,546 1,758 1,526 1,633 1,844 0.39 12.92
India 1,546 1,758 1,526 1,633 1,844 0.39 12.92
NOT SPECIFIED 20,564 22,547 20,129 22,157 24,422 5.18 10.22
Other countries of the World 20,564 22,547 20,129 22,157 24,422 5.18 10.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 557,401 603,973 586,718 628,887 698,775 100.00 11.11

AMERICAS 9,494 11,035 14,115 17,073 18,631 2.67 9.13
NORTH AMERICA 9,494 11,035 14,115 17,073 18,631 2.67 9.13
United States of America 7,387 8,753 10,559 13,112 14,541 2.08 10.90
Other countries of North America 2,107 2,282 3,556 3,961 4,090 0.59 3.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,582 5,406 7,076 7,933 9,454 1.35 19.17
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,464 2,082 2,617 2,203 2,700 0.39 22.56
Japan 1,464 2,082 2,617 2,203 2,700 0.39 22.56
AUSTRALASIA 2,584 2,676 3,132 3,756 4,428 0.63 17.89
Australia 2,584 2,676 3,132 3,756 4,428 0.63 17.89
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 534 648 1,327 1,974 2,326 0.33 17.83
Other countries of Oceania 534 648 1,327 1,974 2,326 0.33 17.83
EUROPE 529,154 570,852 543,213 573,506 638,918 91.43 11.41
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 180,058 209,734 183,476 174,904 183,718 26.29 5.04
Belarus 2,153 3,285 4,017 5,044 4,623 0.66 -8.35
Bulgaria 5,241 5,485 5,328 5,844 7,378 1.06 26.25
Czech Republic 16,390 16,753 14,447 14,301 14,187 2.03 -0.80
Estonia 526 446 457 386 512 0.07 32.64
Hungary 8,506 9,092 7,734 9,469 9,670 1.38 2.12
Latvia 448 1,016 390 441 401 0.06 -9.07
Lithuania 1,266 1,004 1,372 1,053 879 0.13 -16.52
Poland 23,230 27,570 29,189 26,047 28,541 4.08 9.57
Romania 10,495 9,010 7,171 10,138 10,966 1.57 8.17
Russian Federation 90,656 114,284 95,632 85,584 88,134 12.61 2.98
Slovakia 5,793 4,735 3,544 3,391 5,309 0.76 56.56
Ukraine 15,354 17,054 14,195 13,206 13,118 1.88 -0.67
NORTHERN EUROPE 27,325 32,931 36,934 37,469 45,716 6.54 22.01
Denmark 1,312 1,603 2,681 2,530 3,094 0.44 22.29
Finland 1,399 1,671 3,137 4,059 4,025 0.58 -0.84
Iceland 256 380 462 299 456 0.07 52.51
Ireland 1,528 1,885 1,647 1,924 2,086 0.30 8.42
Norway 3,133 4,761 5,447 3,942 3,795 0.54 -3.73
Sweden 6,003 6,502 6,619 6,443 6,405 0.92 -0.59
United Kingdom 13,694 16,129 16,941 18,272 25,855 3.70 41.50
SOUTHERN EUROPE 224,952 217,779 211,221 232,811 253,143 36.23 8.73
Albania 17,427 19,044 22,436 31,606 30,178 4.32 -4.52
Bosnia and Herzegovina 21,495 23,039 21,523 23,883 27,092 3.88 13.44
Croatia 12,851 13,517 14,512 15,670 17,679 2.53 12.82
Greece 3,340 4,413 5,222 4,202 5,692 0.81 35.46
Italy 23,180 21,093 21,334 23,691 25,607 3.66 8.09
Portugal 763 2,540 903 1,391 1,786 0.26 28.40
Serbia (*) 123,197 111,713 105,241 109,482 120,558 17.25 10.12
Slovenia 14,456 12,855 13,344 13,998 13,514 1.93 -3.46
Spain 2,039 2,784 2,474 3,595 4,410 0.63 22.67
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 6,204 6,781 4,232 5,293 6,627 0.95 25.20
WESTERN EUROPE 68,675 77,296 78,326 92,288 98,990 14.17 7.26
Austria 9,225 11,548 8,936 9,641 10,076 1.44 4.51
Belgium 5,165 6,781 7,916 8,563 8,818 1.26 2.98
France 27,266 30,454 33,788 36,545 40,321 5.77 10.33
Germany 19,263 19,921 19,069 25,332 24,387 3.49 -3.73
Luxembourg 523 467 389 513 524 0.07 2.14
Netherlands 2,671 3,073 3,157 4,320 7,768 1.11 79.81
Switzerland 4,562 5,052 5,071 7,374 7,096 1.02 -3.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 23,506 26,528 26,978 34,286 52,847 7.56 54.14
Israel 11,419 9,118 7,171 9,112 17,368 2.49 90.61
Turkey 12,087 17,410 19,807 25,174 35,479 5.08 40.94
OTHER EUROPE 4,638 6,584 6,278 1,748 4,504 0.64 157.67
Other countries of Europe 4,638 6,584 6,278 1,748 4,504 0.64 157.67
NOT SPECIFIED 14,171 16,680 22,314 30,375 31,772 4.55 4.60
Other countries of the World 14,171 16,680 22,314 30,375 31,772 4.55 4.60

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,264,163 1,324,403 1,350,297 1,559,924 1,662,121 100.00 6.55

AFRICA 1,359 1,881 2,338 0.14 24.30
SOUTHERN AFRICA 577 466 664 0.04 42.49
South Africa 577 466 664 0.04 42.49

OTHER AFRICA 782 1,415 1,674 0.10 18.30

Other countries of Africa 782 1,415 1,674 0.10 18.30
AMERICAS 13,136 13,434 20,374 26,284 30,150 1.81 14.71
NORTH AMERICA 13,136 13,434 17,073 22,523 25,579 1.54 13.57
Canada 2,912 3,020 3,920 5,507 6,254 0.38 13.56
United States of America 10,224 10,414 12,420 16,560 18,874 1.14 13.97
Other countries of North America 733 456 451 0.03 -1.10
SOUTH AMERICA 1,397 1,754 2,138 0.13 21.89
Argentina 181 358 471 0.03 31.56
Brazil 1,151 1,224 1,443 0.09 17.89
Chile 65 172 224 0.01 30.23
OTHER AMERICAS 1,904 2,007 2,433 0.15 21.23
Other countries of the Americas 1,904 2,007 2,433 0.15 21.23
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,392 6,870 24,614 26,292 35,304 2.12 34.28
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,748 2,231 13,251 18,763 16,874 1.02 -10.07
China 7,932 13,362 11,894 0.72 -10.99
Japan 1,748 2,231 3,166 2,495 2,853 0.17 14.35
Korea, Republic of 2,153 2,906 2,127 0.13 -26.81
AUSTRALASIA 4,644 4,639 4,729 6,236 7,363 0.44 18.07
Australia 4,032 3,921 4,078 5,287 6,103 0.37 15.43
New Zealand 612 718 651 949 1,260 0.08 32.77
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,634 1,293 11,067 0.67 755.92
Other countries of Asia 6,634 1,293 11,067 0.67 755.92
EUROPE 1,226,970 1,281,691 1,301,526 1,496,320 1,591,731 95.77 6.38
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 442,111 517,718 547,444 517,327 546,385 32.87 5.62
Azerbaijan 4,146 2,492 1,370 0.08 -45.02
Belarus 20,504 20,734 30,918 31,940 35,949 2.16 12.55
Bulgaria 7,181 7,117 6,050 6,879 9,208 0.55 33.86
Czech Republic 26,847 27,286 25,810 19,864 18,138 1.09 -8.69
Estonia 1,246 1,046 825 874 1,213 0.07 38.79
Hungary 15,857 17,677 17,444 20,327 19,908 1.20 -2.06
Latvia 1,031 1,377 1,573 907 1,047 0.06 15.44
Lithuania 5,390 4,911 4,622 1,781 1,934 0.12 8.59
Poland 39,131 44,764 50,356 50,535 52,931 3.18 4.74
Romania 23,108 18,867 16,112 19,244 21,824 1.31 13.41
Russian Federation 243,647 300,177 318,375 298,385 316,826 19.06 6.18
Slovakia 9,427 8,113 6,028 5,822 8,016 0.48 37.68
Ukraine 48,742 65,649 65,185 58,277 58,021 3.49 -0.44
NORTHERN EUROPE 43,142 50,390 54,167 63,971 70,230 4.23 9.78
Denmark 2,580 2,820 4,002 4,136 4,448 0.27 7.54
Finland 1,916 2,107 3,880 5,098 5,240 0.32 2.79
Iceland 423 580 517 397 493 0.03 24.18
Ireland 3,479 3,363 3,396 3,088 2,810 0.17 -9.00
Norway 6,267 8,069 8,573 7,986 8,487 0.51 6.27
Sweden 9,108 9,566 9,486 13,316 11,288 0.68 -15.23
United Kingdom 19,369 23,885 24,313 29,950 37,464 2.25 25.09
SOUTHERN EUROPE 570,445 525,076 547,789 724,822 751,758 45.23 3.72
Albania 27,428 25,971 30,129 37,547 38,796 2.33 3.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina 95,271 91,453 91,711 154,017 178,104 10.72 15.64
Croatia 24,015 23,358 22,414 24,007 26,114 1.57 8.78

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Greece 3,886 4,881 5,834 4,539 6,273 0.38 38.20

Italy 36,113 31,066 34,204 38,247 39,626 2.38 3.61
Malta 177 257 258 0.02 0.39
Portugal 959 2,715 1,330 1,578 2,286 0.14 44.87
Serbia (*) 337,245 303,135 325,681 417,816 411,993 24.79 -1.39
Slovenia 18,463 16,651 16,794 19,533 18,418 1.11 -5.71
Spain 2,501 3,349 3,023 4,127 5,126 0.31 24.21
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 24,564 22,497 16,492 23,154 24,764 1.49 6.95
WESTERN EUROPE 103,458 112,145 112,504 146,235 154,848 9.32 5.89
Austria 15,865 16,889 13,780 17,189 17,023 1.02 -0.97
Belgium 5,983 8,169 8,853 11,213 11,735 0.71 4.66
France 33,122 36,602 41,813 45,701 49,219 2.96 7.70
Germany 32,648 34,722 33,014 49,284 50,577 3.04 2.62
Luxembourg 728 1,335 855 1,156 1,296 0.08 12.11
Netherlands 5,669 5,501 5,440 7,548 11,754 0.71 55.72
Switzerland 9,443 8,927 8,749 14,144 13,244 0.80 -6.36
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 25,590 28,505 29,337 37,509 58,661 3.53 56.39
Cyprus 667 747 433 0.03 -42.03
Israel 12,393 10,077 7,624 9,802 19,309 1.16 96.99
Turkey 13,197 18,428 21,046 26,960 38,919 2.34 44.36
OTHER EUROPE 42,224 47,857 10,285 6,456 9,849 0.59 52.56
Other countries of Europe 42,224 47,857 10,285 6,456 9,849 0.59 52.56
SOUTH ASIA 1,131 1,046 1,137 0.07 8.70
India 1,131 1,046 1,137 0.07 8.70
NOT SPECIFIED 17,665 22,408 1,293 8,101 1,461 0.09 -81.97
Other countries of the World 17,665 22,408 1,293 8,101 1,461 0.09 -81.97

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,702,819 2,920,695 2,627,460 2,764,480 3,029,310 100.00 9.58

AMERICAS 25,796 27,337 33,467 41,288 44,076 1.45 6.75
NORTH AMERICA 25,796 27,337 33,467 41,288 44,076 1.45 6.75
United States of America 19,986 21,499 25,022 31,479 34,589 1.14 9.88
Other countries of North America 5,810 5,838 8,445 9,809 9,487 0.31 -3.28
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,371 10,629 14,363 15,812 19,895 0.66 25.82
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,586 2,818 3,723 3,351 4,121 0.14 22.98
Japan 2,586 2,818 3,723 3,351 4,121 0.14 22.98
AUSTRALASIA 6,645 6,624 7,734 8,698 10,143 0.33 16.61
Australia 6,645 6,624 7,734 8,698 10,143 0.33 16.61
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,140 1,187 2,906 3,763 5,631 0.19 49.64
Other countries of Oceania 1,140 1,187 2,906 3,763 5,631 0.19 49.64
EUROPE 2,638,548 2,843,694 2,531,380 2,645,944 2,899,258 95.71 9.57
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,153,493 1,366,010 1,141,351 1,114,563 1,158,086 38.23 3.90
Belarus 16,032 23,397 29,286 38,073 34,420 1.14 -9.59
Bulgaria 13,792 14,712 17,525 15,934 23,914 0.79 50.08
Czech Republic 108,887 113,776 97,166 104,971 99,033 3.27 -5.66
Estonia 1,325 1,415 1,653 1,264 1,506 0.05 19.15
Hungary 34,549 37,786 30,025 42,383 44,941 1.48 6.04
Latvia 1,586 2,183 1,022 1,300 1,533 0.05 17.92
Lithuania 3,710 2,299 3,531 2,981 2,677 0.09 -10.20
Poland 94,093 120,399 112,681 111,489 135,901 4.49 21.90
Romania 43,191 35,970 26,759 40,365 45,107 1.49 11.75
Russian Federation 691,089 866,102 704,506 639,409 647,926 21.39 1.33
Slovakia 41,589 30,473 19,700 19,060 32,124 1.06 68.54
Ukraine 103,650 117,498 97,497 97,334 89,004 2.94 -8.56
NORTHERN EUROPE 122,557 144,408 152,609 155,911 200,904 6.63 28.86
Denmark 4,210 4,853 11,543 9,980 11,609 0.38 16.32
Finland 5,091 4,812 11,843 14,998 16,323 0.54 8.83
Iceland 672 848 1,432 1,024 1,220 0.04 19.14
Ireland 4,947 6,462 5,399 7,500 7,507 0.25 0.09
Norway 13,109 21,065 20,828 15,272 17,202 0.57 12.64
Sweden 28,598 32,166 28,687 28,069 29,477 0.97 5.02
United Kingdom 65,930 74,202 72,877 79,068 117,566 3.88 48.69
SOUTHERN EUROPE 997,660 921,791 833,139 884,486 975,256 32.19 10.26
Albania 44,324 40,963 43,048 63,275 57,246 1.89 -9.53
Bosnia and Herzegovina 96,225 101,151 84,401 98,002 117,374 3.87 19.77
Croatia 28,831 31,378 33,579 37,062 42,966 1.42 15.93
Greece 6,914 8,002 9,933 6,582 9,851 0.33 49.67
Italy 69,962 59,216 60,716 71,647 85,905 2.84 19.90
Portugal 2,466 11,151 2,530 4,726 7,818 0.26 65.43
Serbia (*) 668,541 603,777 542,840 535,840 577,952 19.08 7.86
Slovenia 57,588 38,880 39,856 42,512 45,035 1.49 5.93
Spain 4,835 5,724 5,217 10,718 15,007 0.50 40.02
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 17,974 21,549 11,019 14,122 16,102 0.53 14.02
WESTERN EUROPE 314,012 349,257 338,252 410,776 443,814 14.65 8.04
Austria 31,152 41,778 26,613 29,086 34,746 1.15 19.46
Belgium 27,627 31,683 36,085 38,739 37,563 1.24 -3.04
France 133,768 150,680 164,379 179,584 198,786 6.56 10.69
Germany 95,736 96,377 84,606 121,983 115,253 3.80 -5.52
Luxembourg 1,577 1,577 1,348 2,072 2,062 0.07 -0.48
Netherlands 8,367 7,667 8,074 11,687 29,640 0.98 153.62
Switzerland 15,785 19,495 17,147 27,625 25,764 0.85 -6.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 36,671 41,775 47,837 61,179 103,796 3.43 69.66
Israel 19,733 15,317 13,530 18,314 45,153 1.49 146.55
Turkey 16,938 26,458 34,307 42,865 58,643 1.94 36.81
OTHER EUROPE 14,155 20,453 18,192 19,029 17,402 0.57 -8.55
Other countries of Europe 14,155 20,453 18,192 19,029 17,402 0.57 -8.55
NOT SPECIFIED 28,104 39,035 48,250 61,436 66,081 2.18 7.56
Other countries of the World 28,104 39,035 48,250 61,436 66,081 2.18 7.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 8,143,007 8,414,215 8,596,656 10,307,371 10,528,475 100.00 2.15

AFRICA 3,688 5,168 7,753 0.07 50.02
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,401 1,425 1,816 0.02 27.44
South Africa 1,401 1,425 1,816 0.02 27.44

OTHER AFRICA 2,287 3,743 5,937 0.06 58.62

Other countries of Africa 2,287 3,743 5,937 0.06 58.62
AMERICAS 52,414 45,515 68,456 89,252 100,836 0.96 12.98
NORTH AMERICA 52,414 45,515 56,921 80,018 88,628 0.84 10.76
Canada 11,079 11,251 13,267 24,303 25,608 0.24 5.37
United States of America 41,335 34,264 41,986 54,196 61,394 0.58 13.28
Other countries of North America 1,668 1,519 1,626 0.02 7.04
SOUTH AMERICA 2,955 4,184 5,364 0.05 28.20
Argentina 422 832 1,101 0.01 32.33
Brazil 2,413 3,006 3,765 0.04 25.25
Chile 120 346 498 0.00 43.93
OTHER AMERICAS 8,580 5,050 6,844 0.07 35.52
Other countries of the Americas 8,580 5,050 6,844 0.07 35.52
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,841 21,968 62,956 52,204 84,891 0.81 62.61
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,829 3,546 23,536 27,240 24,581 0.23 -9.76
China 14,432 18,170 16,901 0.16 -6.98
Japan 3,829 3,546 6,486 4,773 4,561 0.04 -4.44
Korea, Republic of 2,618 4,297 3,119 0.03 -27.41
AUSTRALASIA 20,012 18,422 19,043 22,044 23,800 0.23 7.97
Australia 18,395 16,761 17,486 19,739 20,189 0.19 2.28
New Zealand 1,617 1,661 1,557 2,305 3,611 0.03 56.66
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,377 2,920 36,510 0.35 1,150.34
Other countries of Asia 20,377 2,920 36,510 0.35 1,150.34
EUROPE 8,016,866 8,268,953 8,455,378 10,111,552 10,328,139 98.10 2.14
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,182,304 3,684,014 3,990,697 4,177,758 4,338,254 41.20 3.84
Azerbaijan 21,226 15,036 7,892 0.07 -47.51
Belarus 134,914 135,989 228,050 249,209 270,986 2.57 8.74
Bulgaria 25,002 24,090 21,569 21,694 32,805 0.31 51.22
Czech Republic 174,634 177,406 163,789 131,518 122,863 1.17 -6.58
Estonia 5,956 5,366 4,438 5,038 5,868 0.06 16.47
Hungary 79,743 91,746 89,573 107,990 103,687 0.98 -3.98
Latvia 4,684 5,025 10,383 5,797 6,830 0.06 17.82
Lithuania 34,139 32,097 29,942 8,938 9,871 0.09 10.44
Poland 196,888 227,413 227,784 261,940 280,308 2.66 7.01
Romania 118,313 98,391 81,033 94,907 107,169 1.02 12.92
Russian Federation 1,988,533 2,367,000 2,581,349 2,745,004 2,874,696 27.30 4.72
Slovakia 65,716 51,709 33,740 34,389 49,180 0.47 43.01
Ukraine 353,782 467,782 497,821 496,298 466,099 4.43 -6.08
NORTHERN EUROPE 241,045 275,759 277,059 358,348 382,503 3.63 6.74
Denmark 11,635 12,606 19,736 21,027 20,459 0.19 -2.70
Finland 8,382 7,021 16,529 20,768 23,084 0.22 11.15
Iceland 1,514 1,883 1,720 1,546 1,492 0.01 -3.49
Ireland 18,397 17,202 17,637 12,665 11,700 0.11 -7.62
Norway 47,487 59,172 56,679 62,487 61,556 0.58 -1.49
Sweden 51,401 55,541 50,275 81,293 71,404 0.68 -12.16
United Kingdom 102,229 122,334 114,483 158,562 192,808 1.83 21.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,714,245 3,357,203 3,528,145 4,719,024 4,659,073 44.25 -1.27
Albania 159,811 104,310 111,230 103,644 114,763 1.09 10.73
Bosnia and Herzegovina 679,317 631,588 641,472 966,363 1,044,165 9.92 8.05
Croatia 107,786 102,040 89,810 100,167 101,578 0.96 1.41

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Greece 10,753 11,062 13,220 8,737 11,480 0.11 31.40

Italy 151,366 124,663 146,437 167,398 172,724 1.64 3.18
Malta 519 746 634 0.01 -15.01
Portugal 3,712 12,456 5,642 5,837 9,247 0.09 58.42
Serbia (*) 2,353,370 2,115,867 2,314,334 3,105,861 2,955,508 28.07 -4.84
Slovenia 82,380 63,495 60,126 86,290 75,953 0.72 -11.98
Spain 7,281 12,195 8,064 13,033 17,816 0.17 36.70
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 158,469 179,527 137,291 160,948 155,205 1.47 -3.57
WESTERN EUROPE 532,595 565,416 553,743 770,440 787,181 7.48 2.17
Austria 71,006 75,394 55,068 76,815 77,978 0.74 1.51
Belgium 31,745 39,252 40,552 50,928 52,143 0.50 2.39
France 167,215 186,653 209,093 233,541 248,466 2.36 6.39
Germany 184,984 190,827 176,553 293,882 282,371 2.68 -3.92
Luxembourg 2,716 5,688 4,690 7,586 6,713 0.06 -11.51
Netherlands 33,371 27,880 27,148 37,454 58,464 0.56 56.10
Switzerland 41,558 39,722 40,639 70,234 61,046 0.58 -13.08
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 48,230 53,089 59,037 74,338 126,259 1.20 69.84
Cyprus 1,745 1,733 1,231 0.01 -28.97
Israel 24,209 19,784 17,286 21,634 51,867 0.49 139.75
Turkey 24,021 33,305 40,006 50,971 73,161 0.69 43.53
OTHER EUROPE 298,447 333,472 46,697 11,644 34,869 0.33 199.46
Other countries of Europe 298,447 333,472 46,697 11,644 34,869 0.33 199.46
SOUTH ASIA 2,866 2,956 2,761 0.03 -6.60
India 2,866 2,956 2,761 0.03 -6.60
NOT SPECIFIED 49,886 77,779 3,312 46,239 4,095 0.04 -91.14
Other countries of the World 49,886 77,779 3,312 46,239 4,095 0.04 -91.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,308 7,201 8,804 8,944 8,734 100.00 -2.35

AMERICAS 4,883 4,915 6,285 6,244 2,933 33.58 -53.03
CARIBBEAN 2,390 2,591 3,528 3,321
All countries of the Caribbean 2,390 2,591 3,528 3,321
NORTH AMERICA 2,454 2,291 2,719 2,866 2,933 33.58 2.34
Canada 503 516 678 540 497 5.69 -7.96
United States of America 1,951 1,775 2,041 2,326 2,436 27.89 4.73
OTHER AMERICAS 39 33 38 57
Other countries of the Americas 39 33 38 57
Japan 5 3 1 3
EUROPE 2,342 2,220 2,433 2,611 2,655 30.40 1.69
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,143 1,828 2,172 2,346
Sweden 5 7 8 7
United Kingdom 2,138 1,821 2,164 2,339
Italy 13 7 6 6
Spain 11 8 8 12
WESTERN EUROPE 117 174 151 156
Belgium 3 12 15 14
France 44 83 65 48
Germany 54 27 38 69
Netherlands 3 5 3 8
Switzerland 13 47 30 17
OTHER EUROPE 58 203 96 91 2,655 30.40 2,817.58
Other countries of Europe 58 203 96 91
All countries of Europe 2,655 30.40
NOT SPECIFIED 78 63 85 86 3,146 36.02 3,558.14
Other countries of the World 78 63 85 86 3,146 36.02 3,558.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 9,916 8,721 10,553 10,684

AMERICAS 6,703 5,965 7,563 7,476
CARIBBEAN 3,619 3,207 4,355 4,078
All countries of the Caribbean 3,619 3,207 4,355 4,078
NORTH AMERICA 3,026 2,719 3,164 3,331
Canada 631 640 824 618
United States of America 2,395 2,079 2,340 2,713
OTHER AMERICAS 58 39 44 67
Other countries of the Americas 58 39 44 67
EUROPE 3,085 2,672 2,864 3,068
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,794 2,175 2,494 2,705
United Kingdom 2,794 2,175 2,494 2,705
OTHER EUROPE 291 497 370 363
Other countries of Europe 291 497 370 363
NOT SPECIFIED 128 84 126 140
Other countries of the World 128 84 126 140

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 9,375,156 10,046,264 10,282,944 10,176,762 10,331,731 100.00 1.52

AFRICA 316,715 330,579 344,405 354,659 385,765 3.73 8.77
EAST AFRICA 6,779 6,625 6,422 6,771 9,130 0.09 34.84
Burundi 314 217 222 221 279 0.00 26.24
Comoros 401 557 483 584 699 0.01 19.69
Djibouti 452 401 389 564 511 0.00 -9.40
Eritrea 121 125 133 132 240 0.00 81.82
Ethiopia 532 767 880 656 834 0.01 27.13
Kenya 1,067 1,107 1,395 1,383 1,780 0.02 28.71
Madagascar 396 485 336 353 569 0.01 61.19
Malawi 77 331 56 129 783 0.01 506.98
Mauritius 1,253 1,088 1,043 964 1,039 0.01 7.78
Mozambique 155 121 86 85 194 0.00 128.24
Reunion 314 45 27 77 14 0.00 -81.82
Rwanda 722 165 213 422 395 0.00 -6.40
Seychelles 73 112 113 78 91 0.00 16.67
Somalia 149 150 106 110 231 0.00 110.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 200 227 285 331 399 0.00 20.54
Uganda 191 397 264 298 418 0.00 40.27
Zambia 178 120 140 145 200 0.00 37.93
Zimbabwe 184 210 251 239 454 0.00 89.96
CENTRAL AFRICA 26,406 24,673 27,659 26,697 27,124 0.26 1.60
Angola 2,378 1,015 1,435 1,055 1,136 0.01 7.68
Cameroon 3,175 3,307 2,811 3,269 3,427 0.03 4.83
Central African Republic 776 826 993 922 912 0.01 -1.08
Chad 513 481 822 1,405 1,801 0.02 28.19
Congo 12,210 11,718 13,469 12,119 11,532 0.11 -4.84
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 446 1,352 10
Equatorial Guinea 2,939 1,497 1,166 709 608 0.01 -14.25
Gabon 3,820 4,385 6,790 7,119 7,461 0.07 4.80
Sao Tome and Principe 149 92 173 89 247 0.00 177.53
NORTH AFRICA 137,198 149,076 144,066 152,329 164,630 1.59 8.08
Algeria 93,195 103,215 95,081 98,551 103,255 1.00 4.77
Sudan 2,353 2,350 2,183 2,453 3,230 0.03 31.68
Tunisia 41,650 43,511 46,802 51,325 58,145 0.56 13.29
SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,362 4,302 4,725 5,068 5,661 0.05 11.70
Botswana 111 126 112 116 142 0.00 22.41
Lesotho 37 32 26 82 51 0.00 -37.80
Namibia 88 60 55 60 64 0.00 6.67
South Africa 5,089 4,036 4,483 4,716 5,338 0.05 13.19
Swaziland 37 48 49 94 66 0.00 -29.79
WEST AFRICA 140,970 145,903 161,533 163,794 179,220 1.73 9.42
Benin 1,265 1,549 1,238 1,584 1,706 0.02 7.70
Burkina Faso 2,870 3,388 3,312 3,669 4,264 0.04 16.22
Cabo Verde 255 625 284 641 367 0.00 -42.75
Côte d'Ivoire 14,024 15,530 20,201 22,378 27,218 0.26 21.63
Gambia 821 781 792 801 835 0.01 4.24
Ghana 1,061 1,110 1,111 1,216 1,271 0.01 4.52
Guinea 12,042 11,506 15,610 13,723 18,890 0.18 37.65
Guinea-Bissau 517 2,849 917 3,683 1,429 0.01 -61.20
Liberia 664 549 350 520 451 0.00 -13.27
Mali 16,436 18,193 20,808 20,068 22,214 0.22 10.69
Mauritania 39,035 39,399 45,930 42,006 45,283 0.44 7.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 6,465 6,032 6,820 8,456 8,271 0.08 -2.19

Nigeria 1,596 1,991 1,695 2,328 2,210 0.02 -5.07
Senegal 42,785 41,203 41,267 41,271 43,054 0.42 4.32
Sierra Leone 295 326 283 505 469 0.00 -7.13
Togo 839 872 915 945 1,288 0.01 36.30
AMERICAS 257,890 294,609 303,547 333,008 379,403 3.67 13.93
CARIBBEAN 3,648 2,214 2,883 2,626 3,076 0.03 17.14
Anguilla 4
Bahamas 89 115 50 527 27 0.00 -94.88
Barbados 1,854 508 602 465 66 0.00 -85.81
Bermuda 17 8 10 14 18 0.00 28.57
Cuba 187 190 223 236 140 0.00 -40.68
Dominica 277 214 224 338 432 0.00 27.81
Dominican Republic 62 35 23 10 4 0.00 -60.00
Grenada 20 38 62 20 53 0.00 165.00
Guadeloupe 12 7 7 11 0.00
Haiti 191 271 540 124 214 0.00 72.58
Jamaica 574 325 707 203 223 0.00 9.85
Martinique 2 10 125
Puerto Rico 177 261 195 300 1,675 0.02 458.33
Trinidad and Tobago 186 242 230 260 213 0.00 -18.08
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,515 1,399 1,321 1,577 2,287 0.02 45.02
Belize 307 115 6 10 48 0.00 380.00
Costa Rica 346 442 514 682 891 0.01 30.65
El Salvador 170 168 126 140 196 0.00 40.00
Guatemala 200 239 259 281 444 0.00 58.01
Honduras 280 152 229 195 302 0.00 54.87
Nicaragua 83 45 60 89 129 0.00 44.94
Panama 129 238 127 180 277 0.00 53.89
NORTH AMERICA 215,683 240,792 250,054 276,529 308,372 2.98 11.52
Canada 69,206 70,923 73,251 82,837 96,436 0.93 16.42
Greenland 3 16
Mexico 6,432 9,833 9,536 12,208 14,078 0.14 15.32
United States of America 140,045 160,033 167,267 181,468 197,858 1.92 9.03
SOUTH AMERICA 37,044 50,204 49,289 52,276 65,668 0.64 25.62
Argentina 10,062 10,006 13,052 11,284 15,095 0.15 33.77
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 317 311 255 250 285 0.00 14.00
Brazil 15,142 25,639 22,157 25,684 32,447 0.31 26.33
Chile 3,543 4,145 4,174 4,867 6,166 0.06 26.69
Colombia 2,138 2,505 3,112 3,465 4,213 0.04 21.59
Ecuador 515 627 680 756 1,089 0.01 44.05
French Guiana 1
Guyana 5 18 12 24 29 0.00 20.83
Paraguay 191 201 208 225 244 0.00 8.44
Peru 1,672 3,497 2,015 2,280 2,808 0.03 23.16
Suriname 50 20 90 19 42 0.00 121.05
Uruguay 1,095 1,282 1,610 1,477 1,200 0.01 -18.75
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,313 1,953 1,924 1,945 2,050 0.02 5.40
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 113,236 124,528 127,365 118,012 171,630 1.66 45.43
NORTH-EAST ASIA 61,121 63,919 66,577 55,150 104,137 1.01 88.83
China 6,899 7,871 9,403 10,515 42,844 0.41 307.46
Hong Kong (China) 1,968 2,619 2,330 1,739 2,387 0.02 37.26
Japan 30,306 32,184 32,475 18,072 23,459 0.23 29.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 27 0.00

Korea, Republic of 21,092 19,927 20,219 22,199 32,598 0.32 46.84
Taiwan Province of China 856 1,318 2,150 2,625 2,822 0.03 7.50
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 23,530 29,240 28,244 30,595 34,712 0.34 13.46
Brunei Darussalam 100 214 127 165 323 0.00 95.76
Cambodia 92 179 264 241 186 0.00 -22.82
Indonesia 4,618 5,055 5,251 5,194 6,410 0.06 23.41
Lao People's Democratic Republic 71 173 210 124 82 0.00 -33.87
Malaysia 2,877 4,518 3,618 4,329 5,253 0.05 21.34
Myanmar 106 150 289 189 344 0.00 82.01
Philippines 11,486 13,938 13,393 14,718 14,326 0.14 -2.66
Singapore 2,096 2,701 2,420 2,778 3,396 0.03 22.25
Thailand 1,708 1,783 1,853 2,401 3,550 0.03 47.86
Viet Nam 376 529 819 456 842 0.01 84.65
AUSTRALASIA 27,935 31,120 32,471 31,777 32,628 0.32 2.68
Australia 22,812 26,117 27,092 26,179 26,576 0.26 1.52
New Zealand 5,123 5,003 5,379 5,598 6,052 0.06 8.11
MELANESIA 486 183 50 451 105 0.00 -76.72
Fiji 413 19 47 42 83 0.00 97.62
Vanuatu 73 164 3 409 22 0.00 -94.62
MICRONESIA 56 66 17 33 48 0.00 45.45
Kiribati 56 66 17 28 48 0.00 71.43
Nauru 5
American Samoa 108 4 1
Samoa 2 5
EUROPE 4,106,843 4,308,088 4,440,682 4,124,024 3,930,601 38.04 -4.69
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 122,414 162,473 163,689 137,407 150,039 1.45 9.19
Armenia 541 226 153 175 133 0.00 -24.00
Azerbaijan 209 224 392 325 402 0.00 23.69
Belarus 477 778 748 861 729 0.01 -15.33
Bulgaria 4,283 4,587 4,822 4,897 5,917 0.06 20.83
Czech Republic 11,729 20,511 18,286 14,353 12,568 0.12 -12.44
Estonia 2,423 3,441 3,409 3,149 1,720 0.02 -45.38
Georgia 201 216 288 250 256 0.00 2.40
Hungary 3,950 4,471 4,204 4,823 4,942 0.05 2.47
Kazakhstan 300 345 289 477 294 0.00 -38.36
Kyrgyzstan 61 74 202 125 134 0.00 7.20
Latvia 1,035 1,909 2,741 3,413 3,735 0.04 9.43
Lithuania 2,871 3,963 3,810 5,180 5,800 0.06 11.97
Moldova, Republic of 167 501 227 204 273 0.00 33.82
Poland 41,768 47,994 64,650 50,042 37,001 0.36 -26.06
Romania 12,386 14,335 13,401 14,272 15,200 0.15 6.50
Russian Federation 29,644 47,138 34,507 23,353 47,274 0.46 102.43
Slovakia 5,834 5,226 5,229 5,603 6,179 0.06 10.28
Tajikistan 15 26 28
Turkmenistan 11 198 366 0.00 84.85
Ukraine 4,353 6,345 6,168 5,517 6,996 0.07 26.81
Uzbekistan 167 152 135 190 120 0.00 -36.84
NORTHERN EUROPE 439,724 505,214 594,440 613,495 571,371 5.53 -6.87
Denmark 18,253 22,444 24,852 22,526 28,919 0.28 28.38
Finland 5,658 8,043 10,035 9,009 6,966 0.07 -22.68
Iceland 970 1,299 1,628 2,036 1,520 0.01 -25.34

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ireland 14,242 16,591 21,069 23,430 18,281 0.18 -21.98

Norway 17,469 19,107 19,986 17,697 18,636 0.18 5.31
Sweden 25,785 34,405 40,320 34,322 38,488 0.37 12.14
United Kingdom 357,347 403,325 476,550 504,475 458,561 4.44 -9.10
SOUTHERN EUROPE 997,067 994,951 1,016,184 932,458 921,101 8.92 -1.22
Albania 504 797 308 641 570 0.01 -11.08
Andorra 2,008 786 1,027 853 1,111 0.01 30.25
Bosnia and Herzegovina 406 376 437 560 507 0.00 -9.46
Croatia 1,422 2,195 2,513 2,494 2,129 0.02 -14.64
Gibraltar 2 11 34 1 1 0.00
Greece 5,266 5,856 6,236 5,874 6,273 0.06 6.79
Italy 196,186 234,912 254,209 227,961 219,334 2.12 -3.78
Malta 897 1,212 1,092 949 955 0.01 0.63
Montenegro 66 39 44 51 51 0.00
Portugal 54,194 60,143 60,486 60,736 69,014 0.67 13.63
San Marino 38 63 93 49 56 0.00 14.29
Serbia 1,323 1,573 1,576 1,643 1,818 0.02 10.65
Slovenia 3,614 3,796 4,040 3,346 3,115 0.03 -6.90
Spain 730,882 682,834 683,761 626,896 615,720 5.96 -1.78
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 194 328 294 388 438 0.00 12.89
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 65 30 34 16 9 0.00 -43.75
WESTERN EUROPE 2,510,551 2,599,321 2,620,456 2,390,950 2,234,749 21.63 -6.53
Austria 14,758 17,439 21,203 29,646 25,643 0.25 -13.50
Belgium 255,290 272,593 267,308 243,815 238,984 2.31 -1.98
France 1,769,710 1,782,056 1,798,190 1,563,568 1,449,757 14.03 -7.28
Germany 199,349 237,852 255,124 286,328 260,255 2.52 -9.11
Liechtenstein 258 389 196 194 135 0.00 -30.41
Luxembourg 4,188 4,874 4,895 3,934 3,298 0.03 -16.17
Monaco 297 283 500 316 343 0.00 8.54
Netherlands 204,767 210,859 191,158 183,349 182,379 1.77 -0.53
Switzerland 61,934 72,976 81,882 79,800 73,955 0.72 -7.32
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 37,087 46,129 45,913 49,714 53,341 0.52 7.30
Cyprus 504 690 851 858 869 0.01 1.28
Israel 10,819 18,199 17,611 18,277 20,151 0.20 10.25
Turkey 25,764 27,240 27,451 30,579 32,321 0.31 5.70
MIDDLE EAST 198,387 248,636 203,095 201,561 211,795 2.05 5.08
Bahrain 3,188 3,228 3,606 3,723 4,140 0.04 11.20
Egypt 18,417 22,450 22,603 24,729 26,991 0.26 9.15
Iraq 2,571 2,666 2,739 1,787 1,528 0.01 -14.49
Jordan 5,338 6,133 5,820 6,418 6,608 0.06 2.96
Kuwait 15,669 18,649 18,146 18,632 17,886 0.17 -4.00
Lebanon 6,665 6,721 6,695 6,989 6,607 0.06 -5.47
Libya 45,400 84,102 25,862 3,332 3,140 0.03 -5.76
Oman 5,718 5,460 6,105 6,621 7,058 0.07 6.60
Qatar 4,190 4,384 5,002 5,758 5,791 0.06 0.57
Saudi Arabia 70,666 75,265 85,954 101,689 108,487 1.05 6.69
State of Palestine 1,549 1,583 1,541 1,326 1,541 0.01 16.21
Syrian Arab Republic 4,587 2,833 811 532 353 0.00 -33.65
United Arab Emirates 12,576 13,183 15,775 18,271 20,266 0.20 10.92
Yemen 1,853 1,979 2,436 1,754 1,399 0.01 -20.24
SOUTH ASIA 14,425 14,145 15,618 18,027 22,230 0.22 23.32
Afghanistan 697 200 182 399 262 0.00 -34.34
Bangladesh 744 475 624 872 1,400 0.01 60.55
Bhutan 8
India 9,343 9,784 10,609 11,910 13,441 0.13 12.85

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Iran, Islamic Republic of 515 425 595 728 2,329 0.02 219.92
Maldives 78 157 95 85 61 0.00 -28.24
Nepal 353 288 323 356 478 0.00 34.27
Pakistan 2,080 2,262 2,490 2,856 3,416 0.03 19.61
Sri Lanka 607 554 700 821 843 0.01 2.68
NOT SPECIFIED 4,367,660 4,725,679 4,848,232 5,027,471 5,230,307 50.62 4.03
Other countries of the World 4,233 2,748 2,741 2,413 1,780 0.02 -26.23
Nationals Residing Abroad 4,363,427 4,722,931 4,845,491 5,025,058 5,228,527 50.61 4.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,569,668 4,010,339 4,203,586 3,668,426 3,685,006 100.00 0.45

AFRICA 140,390 150,734 154,619 151,159 181,781 4.93 20.26
NORTH AFRICA 84,231 93,878 87,965 91,905 110,676 3.00 20.42
Algeria 61,055 68,574 61,090 63,424 73,786 2.00 16.34
Tunisia 23,176 25,304 26,875 28,481 36,890 1.00 29.52
WEST AFRICA 7,766 8,951 11,016 9,286 8,800 0.24 -5.23
Mauritania 7,766 8,951 11,016 9,286 8,800 0.24 -5.23
OTHER AFRICA 48,393 47,905 55,638 49,968 62,305 1.69 24.69
Other countries of Africa 48,393 47,905 55,638 49,968 62,305 1.69 24.69
AMERICAS 143,707 169,269 191,389 186,078 196,694 5.34 5.71
NORTH AMERICA 143,707 169,269 191,389 186,078 196,694 5.34 5.71
Canada 31,584 33,034 33,644 31,396 38,261 1.04 21.87
United States of America 112,123 136,235 157,745 154,682 158,433 4.30 2.42
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 77,385 86,488 91,004 40,758 51,017 1.38 25.17
NORTH-EAST ASIA 77,385 86,488 91,004 40,758 51,017 1.38 25.17
Japan 77,385 86,488 91,004 40,758 51,017 1.38 25.17
EUROPE 2,615,679 2,804,944 2,923,487 2,496,688 2,352,132 63.83 -5.79
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 93,730 111,817 126,201 94,047 100,219 2.72 6.56
Hungary 3,276 3,805 3,551 3,728 4,298 0.12 15.29
Poland 60,291 65,623 91,339 71,462 52,621 1.43 -26.37
Russian Federation 25,174 39,605 30,519 18,205 42,702 1.16 134.56
Commonwealth Independent States 4,989 2,784 792 652 598 0.02 -8.28
NORTHERN EUROPE 307,883 348,879 389,861 369,288 371,173 10.07 0.51
Denmark 7,810 11,767 11,608 10,252 13,528 0.37 31.95
Finland 2,363 4,601 6,618 4,895 3,667 0.10 -25.09
Norway 7,437 7,311 8,702 7,631 8,321 0.23 9.04
Sweden 11,336 15,869 19,955 15,294 18,268 0.50 19.45
United Kingdom 278,937 309,331 342,978 331,216 327,389 8.88 -1.16
SOUTHERN EUROPE 492,314 533,540 566,975 434,160 413,146 11.21 -4.84
Italy 157,405 171,533 183,293 105,537 85,931 2.33 -18.58
Portugal 40,401 41,550 41,676 46,483 60,657 1.65 30.49
Spain 294,508 320,457 342,006 282,140 266,558 7.23 -5.52
WESTERN EUROPE 1,721,752 1,810,708 1,840,450 1,599,193 1,467,594 39.83 -8.23
Austria 10,940 13,859 14,995 15,493 13,019 0.35 -15.97
Belgium 110,766 119,085 117,293 96,519 91,062 2.47 -5.65
France 1,205,663 1,238,120 1,182,637 911,778 901,870 24.47 -1.09
Germany 243,697 279,870 366,367 441,960 335,580 9.11 -24.07
Netherlands 113,328 118,244 108,682 90,975 83,663 2.27 -8.04
Switzerland 37,358 41,530 50,476 42,468 42,400 1.15 -0.16
MIDDLE EAST 187,636 241,751 203,149 209,693 226,371 6.14 7.95
Egypt 11,952 14,392 13,668 14,541 17,364 0.47 19.41
Libya 29,912 61,248 18,880 3,588 3,443 0.09 -4.04
Saudi Arabia 70,328 79,426 85,467 108,520 116,362 3.16 7.23
Syrian Arab Republic 2,366 2,240 2,358 2,150 2,002 0.05 -6.88
United Arab Emirates 13,646 15,555 18,014 27,086 28,560 0.78 5.44
Other countries of Middle East 59,432 68,890 64,762 53,808 58,640 1.59 8.98
NOT SPECIFIED 404,871 557,153 639,938 584,050 677,011 18.37 15.92
Other countries of the World 389,815 540,177 623,374 568,959 660,043 17.91 16.01
Nationals Residing Abroad 15,056 16,976 16,564 15,091 16,968 0.46 12.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 12,549,244 13,931,125 14,326,312 12,525,014 12,703,471 100.00 1.42

AFRICA 409,514 438,169 464,302 494,577 576,527 4.54 16.57
NORTH AFRICA 251,413 281,051 258,326 288,349 343,930 2.71 19.28
Algeria 182,962 205,877 176,928 196,102 224,365 1.77 14.41
Tunisia 68,451 75,174 81,398 92,247 119,565 0.94 29.61
WEST AFRICA 17,788 20,692 27,638 23,651 22,142 0.17 -6.38
Mauritania 17,788 20,692 27,638 23,651 22,142 0.17 -6.38
OTHER AFRICA 140,313 136,426 178,338 182,577 210,455 1.66 15.27
Other countries of Africa 140,313 136,426 178,338 182,577 210,455 1.66 15.27
AMERICAS 346,191 396,862 458,546 439,584 468,714 3.69 6.63
NORTH AMERICA 346,191 396,862 458,546 439,584 468,714 3.69 6.63
Canada 76,484 82,145 84,828 77,589 96,050 0.76 23.79
United States of America 269,707 314,717 373,718 361,995 372,664 2.93 2.95
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 116,482 129,545 134,427 67,925 80,832 0.64 19.00
NORTH-EAST ASIA 116,482 129,545 134,427 67,925 80,832 0.64 19.00
Japan 116,482 129,545 134,427 67,925 80,832 0.64 19.00
EUROPE 9,929,971 10,653,591 10,866,047 9,341,450 9,239,047 72.73 -1.10
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 393,332 510,955 528,446 343,205 460,527 3.63 34.18
Hungary 8,510 8,529 8,005 12,194 15,831 0.12 29.83
Poland 219,058 246,422 349,377 245,442 157,505 1.24 -35.83
Russian Federation 151,866 250,563 168,616 83,339 285,821 2.25 242.96
Commonwealth Independent States 13,898 5,441 2,448 2,230 1,370 0.01 -38.57
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,466,114 1,667,741 1,916,277 1,881,518 1,920,994 15.12 2.10
Denmark 27,031 37,863 42,218 37,777 47,955 0.38 26.94
Finland 7,641 20,239 34,243 27,132 12,701 0.10 -53.19
Norway 26,459 26,145 33,434 29,319 31,666 0.25 8.01
Sweden 44,381 65,175 86,438 60,882 65,892 0.52 8.23
United Kingdom 1,360,602 1,518,319 1,719,944 1,726,408 1,762,780 13.88 2.11
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,175,541 1,267,230 1,321,647 1,047,587 1,022,986 8.05 -2.35
Italy 368,660 401,112 430,607 271,701 217,935 1.72 -19.79
Portugal 122,386 151,832 133,258 144,729 198,701 1.56 37.29
Spain 684,495 714,286 757,782 631,157 606,350 4.77 -3.93
WESTERN EUROPE 6,894,984 7,207,665 7,099,677 6,069,140 5,834,540 45.93 -3.87
Austria 28,932 33,740 38,089 45,320 41,472 0.33 -8.49
Belgium 590,669 659,138 639,845 535,764 502,913 3.96 -6.13
France 4,931,430 5,052,091 4,749,129 3,741,482 3,622,303 28.51 -3.19
Germany 909,077 991,489 1,190,061 1,345,079 1,270,357 10.00 -5.56
Netherlands 306,490 333,399 308,401 265,059 252,072 1.98 -4.90
Switzerland 128,386 137,808 174,152 136,436 145,423 1.14 6.59
MIDDLE EAST 652,130 790,419 684,031 710,608 722,592 5.69 1.69
Egypt 39,416 47,959 46,651 48,996 54,820 0.43 11.89
Libya 79,620 169,217 54,314 9,727 10,075 0.08 3.58
Saudi Arabia 270,861 287,878 301,567 383,848 387,097 3.05 0.85
Syrian Arab Republic 6,817 5,360 6,820 5,299 5,060 0.04 -4.51
United Arab Emirates 30,543 34,187 39,452 55,761 60,557 0.48 8.60
Other countries of Middle East 224,873 245,818 235,227 206,977 204,983 1.61 -0.96
NOT SPECIFIED 1,094,956 1,522,539 1,718,959 1,470,870 1,615,759 12.72 9.85
Other countries of the World 1,061,780 1,490,179 1,691,279 1,444,794 1,582,892 12.46 9.56
Nationals Residing Abroad 33,176 32,360 27,680 26,076 32,867 0.26 26.04

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,205,853 1,969,716 1,750,562 1,633,935 1,715,359 100.00 4.98

AFRICA 1,580,523 1,411,327 1,255,301 1,274,842 1,352,973 78.87 6.13
EAST AFRICA 468,476 419,328 367,233 123,034 110,504 6.44 -10.18
Malawi 264,723 236,385 210,084 3,694 3,953 0.23 7.01
Zambia 5,732 6,120 16,800
Zimbabwe 198,021 176,823 157,149 102,540 106,551 6.21 3.91
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,035,964 939,024 834,547 1,068,074 1,139,118 66.41 6.65
South Africa 971,868 872,017 774,995 1,045,322 1,118,410 65.20 6.99
Swaziland 64,096 67,007 59,552 22,752 20,708 1.21 -8.98
OTHER AFRICA 76,083 52,975 53,521 83,734 103,351 6.03 23.43
Other countries of Africa 76,083 52,975 53,521 83,734 103,351 6.03 23.43
AMERICAS 135,488 120,984 107,523 76,037 68,524 3.99 -9.88
NORTH AMERICA 76,603 68,403 60,792 44,918 39,345 2.29 -12.41
United States of America 76,603 68,403 60,792 44,918 39,345 2.29 -12.41
OTHER AMERICAS 58,885 52,581 46,731 31,119 29,179 1.70 -6.23
Other countries of the Americas 58,885 52,581 46,731 31,119 29,179 1.70 -6.23
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,661 25,593 22,745 42,407 41,980 2.45 -1.01
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,661 25,593 22,745 42,407 41,980 2.45 -1.01
All countries of Asia 28,661 25,593 22,745 42,407 41,980 2.45 -1.01
EUROPE 444,506 396,922 352,760 212,969 221,009 12.88 3.78
NORTHERN EUROPE 57,322 51,186 43,932 33,944 35,956 2.10 5.93
United Kingdom 57,322 51,186 43,932 33,944 35,956 2.10 5.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 86,504 77,244 156,124 36,114 34,074 1.99 -5.65
Portugal 86,504 77,244 156,124 36,114 34,074 1.99 -5.65
OTHER EUROPE 300,680 268,492 152,704 142,911 150,979 8.80 5.65
Other countries of Europe 300,680 268,492 152,704 142,911 150,979 8.80 5.65
NOT SPECIFIED 16,675 14,890 12,233 27,680 30,873 1.80 11.54
Other countries of the World 16,675 14,890 12,233 27,680 30,873 1.80 11.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,058,995 2,044,307 3,081,412 4,681,020 2,907,207 100.00 -37.89

AFRICA 1,598 2,688 3,321 3,829 3,765 0.13 -1.67
OTHER AFRICA 1,598 2,688 3,321 3,829 3,765 0.13 -1.67
All countries of Africa 1,598 2,688 3,321 3,829 3,765 0.13 -1.67
AMERICAS 47,609 67,253 81,942 93,441 102,534 3.53 9.73
NORTH AMERICA 44,074 62,628 74,899 83,866 91,512 3.15 9.12
Canada 6,485 8,975 12,268 14,051 15,024 0.52 6.92
United States of America 37,589 53,653 62,631 69,815 76,488 2.63 9.56
OTHER AMERICAS 3,535 4,625 7,043 9,575 11,022 0.38 15.11
Other countries of the Americas 3,535 4,625 7,043 9,575 11,022 0.38 15.11
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 848,063 1,747,299 2,719,059 4,283,022 2,459,004 84.58 -42.59
NORTH-EAST ASIA 238,185 350,038 994,009 2,291,858 702,037 24.15 -69.37
China 128,804 187,770 809,399 2,102,677 498,656 17.15 -76.28
Hong Kong (China) 4,826 7,874 8,522 2,913 1,260 0.04 -56.75
Japan 47,690 68,761 83,434 90,312 100,784 3.47 11.60
Korea, Republic of 34,805 54,934 58,472 63,715 64,397 2.22 1.07
Taiwan Province of China 22,060 30,699 32,664 31,735 36,118 1.24 13.81
Other countries of North-East Asia 1,518 506 822 0.03 62.45
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 583,397 1,273,859 1,598,299 1,765,885 1,716,129 59.03 -2.82
Indonesia 5,637 10,274 16,345 14,683 11,022 0.38 -24.93
Malaysia 30,499 39,758 46,534 40,852 43,931 1.51 7.54
Philippines 4,753 7,578 16,709 19,075 16,421 0.56 -13.91
Singapore 26,296 39,140 47,692 45,125 50,198 1.73 11.24
Thailand 501,957 1,155,454 1,434,416 1,604,212 1,537,957 52.90 -4.13
Viet Nam 11,472 17,453 28,495 31,150 48,869 1.68 56.88
Other countries of South-East Asia 2,783 4,202 8,108 10,788 7,731 0.27 -28.34
AUSTRALASIA 20,603 28,036 33,265 35,367 39,036 1.34 10.37
Australia 18,261 24,718 29,175 30,820 34,010 1.17 10.35
New Zealand 2,342 3,318 4,090 4,547 5,026 0.17 10.53
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,878 95,366 93,486 189,912 1,802 0.06 -99.05
Other countries of Asia 5,831 95,323 93,330 189,713 1,668 0.06 -99.12
Other countries of Oceania 47 43 156 199 134 0.00 -32.66
EUROPE 139,373 168,346 200,420 224,733 254,500 8.75 13.25
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 9,077 10,183 13,592 15,433 17,555 0.60 13.75
Russian Federation 3,749 4,117 4,835 4,138 5,487 0.19 32.60
Other countries Central/East Europe 5,328 6,066 8,757 11,295 12,068 0.42 6.84
NORTHERN EUROPE 24,296 40,891 49,724 54,363 60,334 2.08 10.98
Denmark 3,628 4,347 4,998 4,909 0.17 -1.78
Sweden 4,060 4,456 4,245 4,618 0.16 8.79
United Kingdom 24,296 33,203 40,921 45,120 50,807 1.75 12.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 17,518 17,316 20,568 23,999 30,734 1.06 28.06
Italy 10,830 11,728 12,613 14,841 17,969 0.62 21.08
Spain 6,688 5,588 7,955 9,158 12,765 0.44 39.39
WESTERN EUROPE 69,277 91,404 106,029 118,693 131,835 4.53 11.07
Austria 3,489 3,959 4,022 4,398 4,857 0.17 10.44
Belgium 4,627 5,946 6,252 6,666 7,783 0.27 16.76
France 30,064 35,462 41,453 47,435 52,304 1.80 10.26
Germany 23,063 27,712 32,265 35,727 39,044 1.34 9.28
Netherlands 8,778 10,770 12,174 13,950 0.48 14.59
Switzerland 8,034 9,547 11,267 12,293 13,897 0.48 13.05
OTHER EUROPE 19,205 8,552 10,507 12,245 14,042 0.48 14.68
Other countries of Europe 19,205 8,552 10,507 12,245 14,042 0.48 14.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 3,747 3,396 4,714 5,527 7,153 0.25 29.42

All countries of Middle East 3,747 3,396 4,714 5,527 7,153 0.25 29.42
SOUTH ASIA 18,605 55,325 71,956 70,468 80,251 2.76 13.88
Bangladesh 1,737 1,981 3,654 4,237 7,880 0.27 85.98
India 16,868 52,284 62,117 59,692 63,864 2.20 6.99
Pakistan 1,060 1,427 1,647 2,613 0.09 58.65
Other countries of South Asia 4,758 4,892 5,894 0.20 20.48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,013,667 6,301,127 27,732,711 42,129,180 31,979,277 100.00 -24.09

AFRICA 11,186 18,816 29,889 34,461 41,415 0.13 20.18
OTHER AFRICA 11,186 18,816 29,889 34,461 41,415 0.13 20.18
All countries of Africa 11,186 18,816 29,889 34,461 41,415 0.13 20.18
AMERICAS 333,263 470,771 737,478 840,969 1,127,874 3.53 34.12
NORTH AMERICA 308,518 438,396 674,091 754,794 1,006,632 3.15 33.37
Canada 45,395 62,825 110,412 126,459 165,264 0.52 30.69
United States of America 263,123 375,571 563,679 628,335 841,368 2.63 33.90
OTHER AMERICAS 24,745 32,375 63,387 86,175 121,242 0.38 40.69
Other countries of the Americas 24,745 32,375 63,387 86,175 121,242 0.38 40.69
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,537,143 4,440,765 24,471,534 38,547,153 27,049,044 84.58 -29.83
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,121,302 1,769,726 8,946,081 9,736,137 7,722,407 24.15 -20.68
China 495,635 633,850 7,284,591 8,033,508 5,485,216 17.15 -31.72
Hong Kong (China) 33,782 55,118 76,698 26,217 13,860 0.04 -47.13
Japan 333,830 481,327 750,906 812,808 1,108,624 3.47 36.39
Korea, Republic of 243,635 384,538 526,248 573,435 708,367 2.22 23.53
Taiwan Province of China 214,893 293,976 285,615 397,298 1.24 39.10
Other countries of North-East Asia 14,420 13,662 4,554 9,042 0.03 98.55
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,057,959 1,777,811 14,384,694 26,783,505 18,877,419 59.03 -29.52
Indonesia 71,918 147,105 132,147 121,242 0.38 -8.25
Malaysia 213,493 278,306 418,806 367,668 483,241 1.51 31.43
Philippines 53,046 150,381 171,675 180,631 0.56 5.22
Singapore 184,072 273,980 429,228 406,125 552,178 1.73 35.96
Thailand 660,394 978,390 12,909,744 25,328,448 16,917,527 52.90 -33.21
Viet Nam 122,171 256,455 280,350 537,559 1.68 91.75
Other countries of South-East Asia 72,975 97,092 85,041 0.27 -12.41
AUSTRALASIA 144,221 196,252 299,385 318,303 429,396 1.34 34.90
Australia 127,827 173,026 262,575 277,380 374,110 1.17 34.87
New Zealand 16,394 23,226 36,810 40,923 55,286 0.17 35.10
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 213,661 696,976 841,374 1,709,208 19,822 0.06 -98.84
Other countries of Asia 213,332 696,675 839,970 1,707,417 18,348 0.06 -98.93
Other countries of Oceania 329 301 1,404 1,791 1,474 0.00 -17.70
EUROPE 975,611 1,178,422 1,803,780 2,022,597 2,799,500 8.75 38.41
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 63,539 71,281 122,328 138,897 193,105 0.60 39.03
Russian Federation 26,243 28,819 43,515 37,242 60,357 0.19 62.07
Other countries Central/East Europe 37,296 42,462 78,813 101,655 132,748 0.42 30.59
NORTHERN EUROPE 170,072 286,237 447,516 489,267 663,674 2.08 35.65
Denmark 25,396 39,123 44,982 53,999 0.17 20.05
Sweden 28,420 40,104 38,205 50,798 0.16 32.96
United Kingdom 170,072 232,421 368,289 406,080 558,877 1.75 37.63
SOUTHERN EUROPE 122,626 121,212 185,112 215,991 338,074 1.06 56.52
Italy 75,810 82,096 113,517 133,569 197,659 0.62 47.98
Spain 46,816 39,116 71,595 82,422 140,415 0.44 70.36
WESTERN EUROPE 484,939 639,828 954,261 1,068,237 1,450,185 4.53 35.75
Austria 24,423 27,713 36,198 39,582 53,427 0.17 34.98
Belgium 32,389 41,622 56,268 59,994 85,613 0.27 42.70
France 210,448 248,234 373,077 426,915 575,344 1.80 34.77
Germany 161,441 193,984 290,385 321,543 429,484 1.34 33.57
Netherlands 61,446 96,930 109,566 153,450 0.48 40.05
Switzerland 56,238 66,829 101,403 110,637 152,867 0.48 38.17
OTHER EUROPE 134,435 59,864 94,563 110,205 154,462 0.48 40.16
Other countries of Europe 134,435 59,864 94,563 110,205 154,462 0.48 40.16

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 26,229 23,772 42,426 49,743 78,683 0.25 58.18

All countries of Middle East 26,229 23,772 42,426 49,743 78,683 0.25 58.18
SOUTH ASIA 130,235 168,581 647,604 634,257 882,761 2.76 39.18
Bangladesh 12,159 13,867 32,886 38,133 86,680 0.27 127.31
India 118,076 147,294 559,053 537,273 702,504 2.20 30.75
Pakistan 7,420 12,843 14,823 28,743 0.09 93.91
Other countries of South Asia 42,822 44,028 64,834 0.20 47.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,078,935 1,176,041 1,320,062 1,387,771 1,469,258 100.00 5.87

AFRICA 826,688 912,861 1,029,474 1,083,284 1,093,859 74.45 0.98
EAST AFRICA 134,535 155,358 187,076 218,694 273,744 18.63 25.17
Zambia 80,515 98,792 125,889 147,754 190,457 12.96 28.90
Zimbabwe 54,020 56,566 61,187 70,940 83,287 5.67 17.40
CENTRAL AFRICA 379,842 426,025 470,747 447,038 398,939 27.15 -10.76
Angola 379,842 426,025 470,747 447,038 398,939 27.15 -10.76
SOUTHERN AFRICA 294,666 309,011 348,427 396,913 392,709 26.73 -1.06
Botswana 25,273 31,829 36,274 45,049 50,665 3.45 12.47
South Africa 269,393 277,182 312,153 351,864 342,044 23.28 -2.79
OTHER AFRICA 17,645 22,467 23,224 20,639 28,467 1.94 37.93
Other countries of Africa 17,645 22,467 23,224 20,639 28,467 1.94 37.93
AMERICAS 26,635 29,097 31,213 34,294 37,436 2.55 9.16
NORTH AMERICA 24,243 26,116 28,786 32,345 35,624 2.42 10.14
Canada 5,539 6,959 7,361 7,915 8,360 0.57 5.62
United States of America 18,704 19,157 21,425 24,430 27,264 1.86 11.60
SOUTH AMERICA 2,392 2,981 2,427 1,949 1,812 0.12 -7.03
Brazil 2,392 2,981 2,427 1,949 1,812 0.12 -7.03
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,803 16,891 20,133 19,009 21,312 1.45 12.12
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,830 9,910 11,583 11,500 12,512 0.85 8.80
China 5,830 9,910 11,583 11,500 12,512 0.85 8.80
AUSTRALASIA 7,973 6,981 8,550 7,509 8,800 0.60 17.19
Australia 7,973 6,981 8,550 7,509 8,800 0.60 17.19
EUROPE 198,219 199,655 221,810 233,717 297,539 20.25 27.31
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,293 2,168 2,216 2,490 2,650 0.18 6.43
Russian Federation 2,293 2,168 2,216 2,490 2,650 0.18 6.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 31,522 31,603 35,904 33,942 42,332 2.88 24.72
United Kingdom 21,035 23,185 25,653 25,412 31,558 2.15 24.19
Scandinavia 10,487 8,418 10,251 8,530 10,774 0.73 26.31
SOUTHERN EUROPE 26,810 28,585 28,916 32,589 32,455 2.21 -0.41
Italy 9,335 8,780 8,922 10,460 13,228 0.90 26.46
Portugal 12,679 14,048 13,720 15,583 10,988 0.75 -29.49
Spain 4,796 5,757 6,274 6,546 8,239 0.56 25.86
WESTERN EUROPE 130,304 130,790 145,453 155,383 202,096 13.75 30.06
Austria 6,288 5,875 7,042 5,943 7,618 0.52 28.18
Belgium 5,739 7,329 7,309 9,032 11,498 0.78 27.30
France 15,937 15,911 19,577 20,189 23,484 1.60 16.32
Germany 80,127 79,551 86,121 90,729 122,142 8.31 34.62
Netherlands 11,890 10,276 11,137 13,967 20,169 1.37 44.40
Switzerland 10,323 11,848 14,267 15,523 17,185 1.17 10.71
OTHER EUROPE 7,290 6,509 9,321 9,313 18,006 1.23 93.34
Other countries of Europe 7,290 6,509 9,321 9,313 18,006 1.23 93.34
NOT SPECIFIED 13,590 17,537 17,432 17,467 19,112 1.30 9.42
Other countries of the World 13,590 17,537 17,432 17,467 19,112 1.30 9.42

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,245,240 1,327,142 1,429,307 1,487,651

AFRICA 976,217 1,049,827 1,121,303 1,170,466
EAST AFRICA 226,330 221,683 219,553 238,677
Zambia 170,721 162,086 155,168 163,406
Zimbabwe 55,609 59,597 64,385 75,271
CENTRAL AFRICA 411,000 465,675 503,451 488,320
Angola 411,000 465,675 503,451 488,320
SOUTHERN AFRICA 320,075 338,560 373,608 422,040
Botswana 28,217 35,325 39,334 50,234
South Africa 291,858 303,235 334,274 371,806
OTHER AFRICA 18,812 23,909 24,691 21,429
Other countries of Africa 18,812 23,909 24,691 21,429
AMERICAS 28,625 31,643 34,695 36,057
NORTH AMERICA 26,192 28,642 32,112 34,012
Canada 5,938 7,532 7,994 8,413
United States of America 20,254 21,110 24,118 25,599
SOUTH AMERICA 2,433 3,001 2,583 2,045
Brazil 2,433 3,001 2,583 2,045
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,595 17,799 21,311 19,588
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,109 10,358 12,179 11,874
China 6,109 10,358 12,179 11,874
AUSTRALASIA 8,486 7,441 9,132 7,714
Australia 8,486 7,441 9,132 7,714
EUROPE 209,905 208,428 232,664 242,435
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,821 2,290 2,401 2,741
Russian Federation 2,821 2,290 2,401 2,741
NORTHERN EUROPE 34,828 33,586 38,661 35,780
United Kingdom 23,150 24,678 27,677 26,857
Scandinavia 11,678 8,908 10,984 8,923
SOUTHERN EUROPE 29,118 30,532 31,313 35,418
Italy 9,591 9,033 9,171 10,647
Portugal 14,134 15,412 15,720 17,823
Spain 5,393 6,087 6,422 6,948
WESTERN EUROPE 134,716 134,871 147,720 158,456
Austria 6,480 5,991 7,224 6,103
Belgium 5,809 7,774 7,599 9,371
France 16,784 16,516 20,028 20,449
Germany 82,695 81,813 86,473 92,338
Netherlands 12,351 10,580 11,633 14,400
Switzerland 10,597 12,197 14,763 15,795
OTHER EUROPE 8,422 7,149 12,569 10,040
Other countries of Europe 8,422 7,149 12,569 10,040
NOT SPECIFIED 15,898 19,445 19,334 19,105
Other countries of the World 15,898 19,445 19,334 19,105

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 803,092 797,616 790,118 538,970 753,002 100.00 39.71

AFRICA 1,324 2,800 2,975 0.40 6.25
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,324 2,800 2,975 0.40 6.25
South Africa 1,324 2,800 2,975 0.40 6.25
AMERICAS 67,203 59,487 61,440 54,224 72,888 9.68 34.42
NORTH AMERICA 63,956 59,487 61,440 52,216 67,769 9.00 29.79
Canada 13,507 12,132 11,610 8,398 12,491 1.66 48.74
Mexico 1,464 1,131 1,633 0.22 44.39
United States of America 48,985 47,355 49,830 42,687 53,645 7.12 25.67
SOUTH AMERICA 3,247 2,008 5,119 0.68 154.93
Argentina 1,617 1,264 2,088 0.28 65.19
Brazil 1,630 2,047 0.27
Chile 744 984 0.13 32.26
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 230,911 260,502 268,506 203,484 267,176 35.48 31.30
NORTH-EAST ASIA 135,335 169,243 182,028 108,010 158,580 21.06 46.82
China 71,861 113,173 123,805 66,984 104,005 13.81 55.27
Japan 28,642 26,694 25,829 17,613 22,979 3.05 30.47
Korea, Republic of 26,004 19,714 23,205 18,112 25,171 3.34 38.97
Taiwan Province of China 8,828 9,662 9,189 5,301 6,425 0.85 21.20
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 69,789 65,982 58,745 74,245 79,783 10.60 7.46
Cambodia 862
Indonesia 1,500 2,295 2,901 0.39 26.41
Malaysia 11,780 18,842 18,915 9,855 13,669 1.82 38.70
Myanmar 9,470 21,631 25,769 3.42 19.13
Philippines 1,757 2,212 2,487 0.33 12.43
Singapore 5,626 6,171 6,408 3,905 4,849 0.64 24.17
Thailand 36,618 40,969 33,422 30,953 26,722 3.55 -13.67
Viet Nam 2,176 3,394 3,386 0.45 -0.24
AUSTRALASIA 25,787 25,277 27,733 21,229 28,813 3.83 35.72
Australia 22,030 22,469 24,516 18,619 25,507 3.39 36.99
New Zealand 3,757 2,808 3,217 2,610 3,306 0.44 26.67
EUROPE 216,964 141,299 147,436 118,838 167,997 22.31 41.37
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 24,672 12,215 12,577 1.67 2.96
Bulgaria 1,229
Czech Republic 3,592 3,259 3,081 0.41 -5.46
Poland 5,689 2,374 2,701 0.36 13.77
Romania 1,336
Russian Federation 9,673 4,895 4,998 0.66 2.10
Slovakia 1,267
Ukraine 1,886 1,687 1,797 0.24 6.52
NORTHERN EUROPE 60,626 47,393 48,103 42,093 60,538 8.04 43.82
Denmark 7,118 5,320 5,150 3,159 4,082 0.54 29.22
Finland 2,464 1,844 1,938 0.26 5.10
Ireland 2,018 1,989 2,666 0.35 34.04
Norway 3,280 2,551 2,470 2,557 2,899 0.38 13.38
Sweden 4,452 3,854 3,724 2,814 2,658 0.35 -5.54
United Kingdom 41,294 35,668 36,759 29,730 46,295 6.15 55.72
SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,039 20,386 23,457 12,350 22,166 2.94 79.48
Greece (*) 691
Italy 14,614 9,974 10,347 5,609 9,911 1.32 76.70
Portugal 1,185
Spain 14,549 10,412 13,110 6,741 12,255 1.63 81.80
WESTERN EUROPE 91,788 67,983 69,649 47,019 64,348 8.55 36.86
Austria 3,797 3,131 3,320 2,676 2,741 0.36 2.43
Belgium 6,286 5,328 5,437 4,018 5,479 0.73 36.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 28,805 21,842 24,097 16,405 20,863 2.77 27.17

Germany 30,409 22,263 18,028 16,405 23,812 3.16 45.15
Netherlands 15,445 10,516 12,320 7,515 11,453 1.52 52.40
Switzerland 7,046 4,903 6,447
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,839 5,537 6,227 5,161 8,368 1.11 62.14
Israel 7,151 5,537 6,227 3,347 5,512 0.73 64.68
Turkey 1,688 1,814 2,856 0.38 57.44
Saudi Arabia 1,209
SOUTH ASIA 261,813 240,496 198,704 142,507 209,356 27.80 46.91
Afghanistan 503
Bangladesh 16,764 22,410 21,851 14,831 23,440 3.11 58.05
Bhutan 4,183 5,428 6,595 0.88 21.50
India 165,815 180,974 135,343 75,124 118,249 15.70 57.41
Pakistan 5,072 4,376 3,964 2,757 3,551 0.47 28.80
Sri Lanka 69,476 32,736 37,546 44,367 57,521 7.64 29.65
NOT SPECIFIED 23,668 95,832 114,032 17,117 32,610 4.33 90.51
Other countries of the World 23,668 95,832 114,032 17,117 32,610 4.33 90.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,356,700 10,019,000 10,981,000 11,768,000 12,410,000 100.00 5.46

AFRICA 110,100 119,000 132,000 127,000 135,000 1.09 6.30
OTHER AFRICA 110,100 119,000 132,000 127,000 135,000 1.09 6.30
All countries of Africa 110,100 119,000 132,000 127,000 135,000 1.09 6.30
AMERICAS 1,313,800 1,327,000 1,421,000 1,496,000 1,636,000 13.18 9.36
NORTH AMERICA 1,062,900 1,058,000 1,126,000 1,180,000 1,328,000 10.70 12.54
Canada 131,400 139,000 142,000 154,000 154,000 1.24
United States of America 931,500 919,000 984,000 1,026,000 1,174,000 9.46 14.42
OTHER AMERICAS 250,900 269,000 295,000 316,000 308,000 2.48 -2.53
Other countries of the Americas 250,900 269,000 295,000 316,000 308,000 2.48 -2.53
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 775,500 848,000 948,000 1,060,000 1,000,000 8.06 -5.66
NORTH-EAST ASIA 363,600 407,000 431,000 506,000 448,000 3.61 -11.46
China 172,800 192,000 209,000 279,000 248,000 2.00 -11.11
Japan 136,300 150,000 145,000 136,000 106,000 0.85 -22.06
Korea, Republic of 27,800 39,000 44,000 48,000 52,000 0.42 8.33
Taiwan Province of China 26,700 26,000 33,000 43,000 42,000 0.34 -2.33
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 32,100 38,000 41,000 46,000 54,000 0.44 17.39
Indonesia 32,100 38,000 41,000 46,000 54,000 0.44 17.39
AUSTRALASIA 150,400 149,000 167,000 169,000 177,000 1.43 4.73
Australia 134,200 132,000 146,000 146,000 152,000 1.22 4.11
New Zealand 16,200 17,000 21,000 23,000 25,000 0.20 8.70
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 229,400 254,000 309,000 339,000 321,000 2.59 -5.31
Other countries of Asia 220,200 242,000 291,000 322,000 302,000 2.43 -6.21
Other countries of Oceania 9,200 12,000 18,000 17,000 19,000 0.15 11.76
EUROPE 7,080,300 7,646,000 8,394,000 8,986,000 9,516,000 76.68 5.90
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 329,800 381,000 393,000 384,000 382,000 3.08 -0.52
Czech Republic 37,800 39,000 43,000 49,000 48,000 0.39 -2.04
Hungary 30,500 34,000 36,000 41,000 45,000 0.36 9.76
Poland 94,000 104,000 115,000 136,000 149,000 1.20 9.56
Russian Federation 153,800 190,000 186,000 143,000 123,000 0.99 -13.99
Slovakia 13,700 14,000 13,000 15,000 17,000 0.14 13.33
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,055,800 2,142,000 2,308,000 2,456,000 2,566,000 20.68 4.48
Denmark 121,600 130,000 127,000 136,000 128,000 1.03 -5.88
Finland 62,200 63,000 60,000 63,000 64,000 0.52 1.59
Iceland 8,300 9,000 12,000 13,000 15,000 0.12 15.38
Ireland 93,300 92,000 102,000 118,000 177,000 1.43 50.00
Norway 114,800 119,000 119,000 124,000 109,000 0.88 -12.10
Sweden 132,200 134,000 135,000 147,000 149,000 1.20 1.36
United Kingdom 1,523,400 1,595,000 1,753,000 1,855,000 1,924,000 15.50 3.72
SOUTHERN EUROPE 892,000 925,000 981,000 1,066,000 1,072,000 8.64 0.56
Greece 36,200 36,000 40,000 44,000 52,000 0.42 18.18
Italy 405,200 437,000 482,000 523,000 510,000 4.11 -2.49
Portugal 54,700 67,000 74,000 79,000 77,000 0.62 -2.53
Spain 395,900 385,000 385,000 420,000 433,000 3.49 3.10
WESTERN EUROPE 3,360,300 3,695,000 4,160,000 4,471,000 4,848,000 39.07 8.43
Austria 75,300 84,000 92,000 101,000 108,000 0.87 6.93
Belgium 884,600 972,000 1,093,000 1,193,000 1,317,000 10.61 10.39
France 558,700 603,000 652,000 670,000 706,000 5.69 5.37
Germany 1,600,300 1,782,000 2,036,000 2,211,000 2,425,000 19.54 9.68
Luxembourg 43,900 44,000 55,000 51,000 54,000 0.44 5.88
Switzerland 197,500 210,000 232,000 245,000 238,000 1.92 -2.86

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 157,600 182,000 209,000 244,000 265,000 2.14 8.61
Israel 85,700 99,000 117,000 137,000 144,000 1.16 5.11
Turkey 71,900 83,000 92,000 107,000 121,000 0.98 13.08
OTHER EUROPE 284,800 321,000 343,000 365,000 383,000 3.09 4.93
Other countries of Europe 284,800 321,000 343,000 365,000 383,000 3.09 4.93
SOUTH ASIA 77,000 79,000 86,000 99,000 123,000 0.99 24.24
India 77,000 79,000 86,000 99,000 123,000 0.99 24.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,679,600 12,785,000 13,925,000 15,007,000 15,828,000 100.00 5.47

AFRICA 112,000 121,000 135,000 130,000 137,000 0.87 5.38
OTHER AFRICA 112,000 121,000 135,000 130,000 137,000 0.87 5.38
All countries of Africa 112,000 121,000 135,000 130,000 137,000 0.87 5.38
AMERICAS 1,322,800 1,337,000 1,431,000 1,508,000 1,646,000 10.40 9.15
OTHER AMERICAS 1,322,800 1,337,000 1,431,000 1,508,000 1,646,000 10.40 9.15
All countries of the Americas 1,322,800 1,337,000 1,431,000 1,508,000 1,646,000 10.40 9.15
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 949,300 1,040,000 1,164,000 1,319,000 1,303,000 8.23 -1.21
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 949,300 1,040,000 1,164,000 1,319,000 1,303,000 8.23 -1.21
All countries of Asia 786,000 875,000 976,000 1,130,000 1,103,000 6.97 -2.39
All countries of Oceania 163,300 165,000 188,000 189,000 200,000 1.26 5.82
EUROPE 9,295,500 10,287,000 11,195,000 12,050,000 12,742,000 80.50 5.74
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,887,200 1,966,000 2,140,000 2,276,000 2,345,000 14.82 3.03
Denmark 135,500 144,000 141,000 155,000 144,000 0.91 -7.10
Sweden 138,100 142,000 142,000 154,000 156,000 0.99 1.30
United Kingdom 1,613,600 1,680,000 1,857,000 1,967,000 2,045,000 12.92 3.97
SOUTHERN EUROPE 840,600 856,000 899,000 975,000 972,000 6.14 -0.31
Italy 434,500 461,000 503,000 543,000 528,000 3.34 -2.76
Spain 406,100 395,000 396,000 432,000 444,000 2.81 2.78
WESTERN EUROPE 5,330,600 6,081,000 6,703,000 7,269,000 7,799,000 49.27 7.29
Belgium 1,461,800 1,673,000 1,828,000 1,965,000 2,132,000 13.47 8.50
France 641,700 680,000 725,000 750,000 788,000 4.98 5.07
Germany 3,009,600 3,495,000 3,894,000 4,283,000 4,615,000 29.16 7.75
Switzerland 217,500 233,000 256,000 271,000 264,000 1.67 -2.58
OTHER EUROPE 1,237,100 1,384,000 1,453,000 1,530,000 1,626,000 10.27 6.27
Other countries of Europe 1,237,100 1,384,000 1,453,000 1,530,000 1,626,000 10.27 6.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 17,065,600 18,349,000 20,182,000 21,706,000 23,168,000 100.00 6.74

AFRICA 210,500 218,000 241,000 236,000 254,000 1.10 7.63
OTHER AFRICA 210,500 218,000 241,000 236,000 254,000 1.10 7.63
All countries of Africa 210,500 218,000 241,000 236,000 254,000 1.10 7.63
AMERICAS 2,299,100 2,373,000 2,551,000 2,705,000 2,951,000 12.74 9.09
NORTH AMERICA 1,814,000 1,843,000 1,977,000 2,080,000 2,344,000 10.12 12.69
Canada 246,900 266,000 265,000 287,000 291,000 1.26 1.39
United States of America 1,567,100 1,577,000 1,712,000 1,793,000 2,053,000 8.86 14.50
OTHER AMERICAS 485,100 530,000 574,000 625,000 607,000 2.62 -2.88
Other countries of the Americas 485,100 530,000 574,000 625,000 607,000 2.62 -2.88
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,376,000 1,467,000 1,644,000 1,838,000 1,773,000 7.65 -3.54
NORTH-EAST ASIA 590,600 647,000 698,000 820,000 731,000 3.16 -10.85
China 266,500 297,000 328,000 436,000 393,000 1.70 -9.86
Japan 228,800 247,000 243,000 231,000 179,000 0.77 -22.51
Korea, Republic of 48,200 60,000 70,000 78,000 88,000 0.38 12.82
Taiwan Province of China 47,100 43,000 57,000 75,000 71,000 0.31 -5.33
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 61,300 69,000 74,000 84,000 99,000 0.43 17.86
Indonesia 61,300 69,000 74,000 84,000 99,000 0.43 17.86
AUSTRALASIA 295,500 294,000 323,000 327,000 354,000 1.53 8.26
Australia 264,000 261,000 284,000 284,000 306,000 1.32 7.75
New Zealand 31,500 33,000 39,000 43,000 48,000 0.21 11.63
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 428,600 457,000 549,000 607,000 589,000 2.54 -2.97
Other countries of Asia 411,600 436,000 518,000 577,000 557,000 2.40 -3.47
Other countries of Oceania 17,000 21,000 31,000 30,000 32,000 0.14 6.67
EUROPE 13,037,900 14,150,000 15,587,000 16,738,000 17,943,000 77.45 7.20
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 632,200 728,000 751,000 723,000 716,000 3.09 -0.97
Czech Republic 72,900 76,000 80,000 91,000 88,000 0.38 -3.30
Hungary 54,900 63,000 67,000 76,000 85,000 0.37 11.84
Poland 174,700 185,000 211,000 250,000 273,000 1.18 9.20
Russian Federation 303,900 379,000 369,000 277,000 238,000 1.03 -14.08
Slovakia 25,800 25,000 24,000 29,000 32,000 0.14 10.34
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,697,400 3,853,000 4,198,000 4,519,000 4,814,000 20.78 6.53
Denmark 223,200 238,000 236,000 248,000 229,000 0.99 -7.66
Finland 117,200 115,000 112,000 118,000 119,000 0.51 0.85
Iceland 15,300 17,000 22,000 24,000 28,000 0.12 16.67
Ireland 164,900 166,000 191,000 222,000 345,000 1.49 55.41
Norway 211,500 223,000 221,000 230,000 206,000 0.89 -10.43
Sweden 233,300 242,000 239,000 257,000 270,000 1.17 5.06
United Kingdom 2,732,000 2,852,000 3,177,000 3,420,000 3,617,000 15.61 5.76
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,738,700 1,817,000 1,940,000 2,099,000 2,162,000 9.33 3.00
Greece 71,400 70,000 81,000 86,000 101,000 0.44 17.44
Italy 808,900 886,000 982,000 1,063,000 1,057,000 4.56 -0.56
Portugal 105,200 130,000 139,000 149,000 158,000 0.68 6.04
Spain 753,200 731,000 738,000 801,000 846,000 3.65 5.62
WESTERN EUROPE 6,131,900 6,793,000 7,635,000 8,221,000 8,964,000 38.69 9.04
Austria 144,700 164,000 183,000 202,000 219,000 0.95 8.42
Belgium 1,437,900 1,592,000 1,773,000 1,908,000 2,112,000 9.12 10.69
France 974,100 1,072,000 1,166,000 1,198,000 1,273,000 5.49 6.26
Germany 3,125,200 3,490,000 3,967,000 4,348,000 4,803,000 20.73 10.46
Luxembourg 81,000 85,000 106,000 93,000 97,000 0.42 4.30
Switzerland 369,000 390,000 440,000 472,000 460,000 1.99 -2.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 311,500 372,000 434,000 507,000 570,000 2.46 12.43
Israel 178,200 216,000 263,000 302,000 334,000 1.44 10.60
Turkey 133,300 156,000 171,000 205,000 236,000 1.02 15.12
OTHER EUROPE 526,200 587,000 629,000 669,000 717,000 3.09 7.17
Other countries of Europe 526,200 587,000 629,000 669,000 717,000 3.09 7.17
SOUTH ASIA 142,100 141,000 159,000 189,000 247,000 1.07 30.69
India 142,100 141,000 159,000 189,000 247,000 1.07 30.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 27,898,500 31,771,000 34,423,000 37,298,000 39,622,000 100.00 6.23

AFRICA 219,400 229,000 257,000 251,000 274,000 0.69 9.16
OTHER AFRICA 219,400 229,000 257,000 251,000 274,000 0.69 9.16
All countries of Africa 219,400 229,000 257,000 251,000 274,000 0.69 9.16
AMERICAS 2,339,800 2,424,000 2,596,000 2,765,000 3,000,000 7.57 8.50
OTHER AMERICAS 2,339,800 2,424,000 2,596,000 2,765,000 3,000,000 7.57 8.50
All countries of the Americas 2,339,800 2,424,000 2,596,000 2,765,000 3,000,000 7.57 8.50
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,746,100 1,903,000 2,150,000 2,460,000 2,557,000 6.45 3.94
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,746,100 1,903,000 2,150,000 2,460,000 2,557,000 6.45 3.94
All countries of Asia 1,420,300 1,574,000 1,782,000 2,088,000 2,155,000 5.44 3.21
All countries of Oceania 325,800 329,000 368,000 372,000 402,000 1.01 8.06
EUROPE 23,593,200 27,215,000 29,420,000 31,822,000 33,791,000 85.28 6.19
NORTHERN EUROPE 3,653,000 3,828,000 4,231,000 4,568,000 4,795,000 12.10 4.97
Denmark 279,500 298,000 297,000 331,000 301,000 0.76 -9.06
Sweden 251,100 272,000 259,000 279,000 292,000 0.74 4.66
United Kingdom 3,122,400 3,258,000 3,675,000 3,958,000 4,202,000 10.61 6.16
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,672,200 1,724,000 1,814,000 1,961,000 2,001,000 5.05 2.04
Italy 885,700 955,000 1,033,000 1,118,000 1,111,000 2.80 -0.63
Spain 786,500 769,000 781,000 843,000 890,000 2.25 5.58
WESTERN EUROPE 15,778,600 18,822,000 20,431,000 22,194,000 23,627,000 59.63 6.46
Belgium 3,710,100 4,393,000 4,713,000 5,005,000 5,372,000 13.56 7.33
France 1,269,000 1,357,000 1,426,000 1,483,000 1,564,000 3.95 5.46
Germany 10,354,700 12,579,000 13,749,000 15,116,000 16,118,000 40.68 6.63
Switzerland 444,800 493,000 543,000 590,000 573,000 1.45 -2.88
OTHER EUROPE 2,489,400 2,841,000 2,944,000 3,099,000 3,368,000 8.50 8.68
Other countries of Europe 2,489,400 2,841,000 2,944,000 3,099,000 3,368,000 8.50 8.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 112,204 107,753 107,187 113,951 115,676 100.00 1.51

AFRICA 1,468 729 778 677 1,216 1.05 79.62
EAST AFRICA 1,109 348 417 378 896 0.77 137.04
Reunion 1,109 348 417 378 896 0.77 137.04
OTHER AFRICA 359 381 361 299 320 0.28 7.02
Other countries of Africa 359 381 361 299 320 0.28 7.02
AMERICAS 2,956 3,106 2,980 2,934 2,128 1.84 -27.47
CARIBBEAN 210 196 173 202 185 0.16 -8.42
All countries of the Caribbean (*) 210 196 173 202 185 0.16 -8.42
NORTH AMERICA 2,466 2,527 2,412 2,324 1,544 1.33 -33.56
Canada 1,383 1,511 1,305 1,201 796 0.69 -33.72
United States of America 1,083 1,016 1,107 1,123 748 0.65 -33.39
SOUTH AMERICA 26 39 28 28 82 0.07 192.86
Argentina 26 39 28 28 82 0.07 192.86
OTHER AMERICAS 254 344 367 380 317 0.27 -16.58
Other countries of the Americas 254 344 367 380 317 0.27 -16.58
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 64,548 59,898 62,008 67,049 70,066 60.57 4.50
NORTH-EAST ASIA 20,976 19,027 20,748 21,149 22,199 19.19 4.96
China 774 401 279 278 308 0.27 10.79
Hong Kong (China) 120 164 130 158 177 0.15 12.03
Japan 17,430 15,674 19,087 20,056 21,151 18.28 5.46
Korea, Republic of 2,652 2,788 1,252 657 563 0.49 -14.31
AUSTRALASIA 23,971 22,056 24,845 29,455 31,952 27.62 8.48
Australia 17,729 15,722 18,065 20,926 22,809 19.72 9.00
New Zealand 6,242 6,334 6,780 8,529 9,143 7.90 7.20
MELANESIA 3,891 3,950 3,616 3,520 3,648 3.15 3.64
Vanuatu 3,891 3,950 3,616 3,520 3,648 3.15 3.64
POLYNESIA 11,354 10,709 9,499 9,881 9,581 8.28 -3.04
French Polynesia 4,258 3,946 3,371 3,552 3,453 2.99 -2.79
Wallis and Futuna Islands 7,096 6,763 6,128 6,329 6,128 5.30 -3.18
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,356 4,156 3,300 3,044 2,686 2.32 -11.76
Other countries of Asia 3,021 2,723 2,030 1,996 1,752 1.51 -12.22
Other countries of Oceania 1,335 1,433 1,270 1,048 934 0.81 -10.88
EUROPE 43,231 44,020 41,421 42,835 42,266 36.54 -1.33
NORTHERN EUROPE 567 576 583 659 646 0.56 -1.97
United Kingdom 567 576 583 659 646 0.56 -1.97
SOUTHERN EUROPE 717 718 832 1,104 1,045 0.90 -5.34
Italy 717 718 832 1,104 1,045 0.90 -5.34
WESTERN EUROPE 39,999 40,563 37,769 38,750 38,347 33.15 -1.04
France 38,746 39,183 36,545 37,245 36,725 31.75 -1.40
Germany 704 755 638 736 866 0.75 17.66
Switzerland 549 625 586 769 756 0.65 -1.69
OTHER EUROPE 1,948 2,163 2,237 2,322 2,228 1.93 -4.05
Other countries of Europe 1,948 2,163 2,237 2,322 2,228 1.93 -4.05
Other countries of the World 1 456

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,554,784 2,710,416 2,853,520 3,129,312 3,494,336 100.00 11.66

AFRICA 18,720 18,304 19,216 20,992 24,112 0.69 14.86
EAST AFRICA 1,856 1,968 2,400 2,560 2,528 0.07 -1.25
British Indian Ocean Territory 16 0.00
Burundi 16 16
Comoros 16 16
Djibouti 32
Eritrea 32 16
Ethiopia 80 64 112 32 144 0.00 350.00
Kenya 384 400 544 464 464 0.01
Madagascar 48 32 32 0.00
Malawi 80 144 96 48 80 0.00 66.67
Mauritius 192 288 272 272 320 0.01 17.65
Mozambique 112 64 64 80 80 0.00
Reunion 224 160 240 400 368 0.01 -8.00
Rwanda 32 48 48 32 16 0.00 -50.00
Seychelles 80 32 48 96 16 0.00 -83.33
Somalia 32 48 80 16 0.00 -80.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 96 144 160 176 128 0.00 -27.27
Uganda 64 64 128 160 144 0.00 -10.00
Zambia 128 128 176 176 208 0.01 18.18
Zimbabwe 320 400 400 448 496 0.01 10.71
CENTRAL AFRICA 224 208 48 192 208 0.01 8.33
Angola 48 64 32 96 96 0.00
Cameroon 48 16 16 0.00
Chad 16 16 0.00
Congo 48 48 32 0.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16 16 16 32 0.00 100.00
Equatorial Guinea 32
Gabon 64 32 16 64 16 0.00 -75.00
NORTH AFRICA 144 192 208 240 272 0.01 13.33
Algeria 32 16 16 16 0.00
Morocco 48 32 80 80 128 0.00 60.00
South Sudan 32 32 32 48 0.00 50.00
Sudan 64 96 64 64 48 0.00 -25.00
Tunisia 32 16 48 16 0.00 -66.67
Western Sahara 16 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 15,984 15,440 16,176 17,280 20,560 0.59 18.98
Botswana 96 128 128 160 128 0.00 -20.00
Lesotho 32 16 16 0.00
Namibia 176 96 112 80 128 0.00 60.00
South Africa 15,712 15,184 15,856 17,008 20,240 0.58 19.00
Swaziland 32 48 16 48 0.00 200.00
WEST AFRICA 512 496 384 720 544 0.02 -24.44
Benin 32 16 16 0.00
Burkina Faso 32 32 16 48 0.00 200.00
Cabo Verde 32 16
Côte d'Ivoire 32 0.00
Gambia 16
Ghana 192 128 64 192 128 0.00 -33.33
Guinea 32 16 16 16 0.00
Liberia 32 16 32
Mali 48 16 48 16 0.00 -66.67
Niger 32
Nigeria 176 192 128 240 224 0.01 -6.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saint Helena 32 16 32 16
Senegal 64 16 16 80 64 0.00 -20.00
Sierra Leone 16
Togo 16 16
AMERICAS 253,136 279,216 299,776 330,256 398,544 11.41 20.68
CARIBBEAN 1,280 1,376 1,312 1,360 1,360 0.04
Anguilla 16 16
Antigua and Barbuda 16 16 16 32 48 0.00 50.00
Aruba 16 0.00
Bahamas 64 112 128 64 112 0.00 75.00
Barbados 32 64 96 112 64 0.00 -42.86
Bermuda 224 176 224 224 288 0.01 28.57
British Virgin Islands 64 48 48 96 32 0.00 -66.67
Cayman Islands 272 224 256 256 208 0.01 -18.75
Cuba 16 48 16 48 64 0.00 33.33
Curaçao 32 16 32 48 0.00 50.00
Dominica 16
Dominican Republic 112 64 96 80 80 0.00
Grenada 16 16
Guadeloupe 16 16 16 16 48 0.00 200.00
Haiti 32 0.00
Jamaica 80 128 176 112 112 0.00
Martinique 32 16 16
Montserrat 32
Puerto Rico 64 112 80 96 112 0.00 16.67
Saint Kitts and Nevis 16
Saint Lucia 16 16 16
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 32
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 48 32
Trinidad and Tobago 112 176 48 80 80 0.00
Turks and Caicos Islands 64 64 64
United States Virgin Islands 16 16 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 528 528 416 608 736 0.02 21.05
Belize 16 16
Costa Rica 192 224 128 192 304 0.01 58.33
El Salvador 16 16 16 64 0.00 300.00
Guatemala 128 96 48 96 128 0.00 33.33
Honduras 16 16 32 16 0.00 -50.00
Nicaragua 32 32 32 16 16 0.00
Panama 176 128 160 256 208 0.01 -18.75
NORTH AMERICA 227,344 253,184 272,752 299,456 355,200 10.17 18.62
Canada 46,448 48,192 48,800 52,352 59,760 1.71 14.15
Greenland 64 16 16
Mexico 3,152 3,552 3,440 3,984 4,048 0.12 1.61
United States of America 177,680 201,424 220,512 243,104 291,392 8.34 19.86
SOUTH AMERICA 23,984 24,128 25,296 28,832 41,248 1.18 43.06
Argentina 6,048 4,640 4,416 5,392 15,344 0.44 184.57
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 80 32 48 16 128 0.00 700.00
Brazil 10,272 10,624 12,240 13,152 13,248 0.38 0.73
Chile 4,848 5,728 5,680 6,160 8,048 0.23 30.65
Colombia 848 1,184 1,168 1,520 1,712 0.05 12.63
Ecuador 128 176 208 288 240 0.01 -16.67
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 16 64 32 48 0.00 50.00
French Guiana 16 48 64 0.00 33.33
Guyana 16 16 16 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Paraguay 64 32 32 112 128 0.00 14.29

Peru 432 416 480 576 736 0.02 27.78
Suriname 16 16 16
Uruguay 976 928 864 1,344 1,392 0.04 3.57
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 256 288 128 160 144 0.00 -10.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,741,744 1,857,184 1,956,320 2,173,424 2,409,184 68.95 10.85
NORTH-EAST ASIA 367,728 405,184 458,720 577,792 676,576 19.36 17.10
China 197,024 228,928 264,864 355,904 409,008 11.70 14.92
Hong Kong (China) 26,272 28,080 31,456 36,288 44,768 1.28 23.37
Japan 72,080 74,560 81,136 87,328 100,736 2.88 15.35
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 16 16
Korea, Republic of 52,896 50,992 55,488 64,992 82,384 2.36 26.76
Macao (China) 624 640 976 1,856 2,400 0.07 29.31
Mongolia 192 208 208 208 224 0.01 7.69
Taiwan Province of China 18,640 21,776 24,576 31,200 37,056 1.06 18.77
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 110,096 121,808 133,424 142,752 186,384 5.33 30.56
Brunei Darussalam 1,072 1,008 992 1,024 1,424 0.04 39.06
Cambodia 640 784 864 1,056 1,680 0.05 59.09
Indonesia 12,256 13,712 15,296 16,176 19,632 0.56 21.36
Lao People's Democratic Republic 240 272 272 352 432 0.01 22.73
Malaysia 29,424 28,976 31,536 34,240 51,792 1.48 51.26
Myanmar 192 288 560 560 544 0.02 -2.86
Philippines 9,568 10,432 11,888 14,016 20,384 0.58 45.43
Singapore 36,400 42,256 46,848 49,584 57,344 1.64 15.65
Thailand 16,944 20,704 21,696 21,696 27,104 0.78 24.93
Timor-Leste 144 240 224 192 160 0.00 -16.67
Viet Nam 3,216 3,136 3,248 3,856 5,888 0.17 52.70
AUSTRALASIA 1,155,792 1,218,016 1,247,760 1,326,800 1,409,200 40.33 6.21
Australia 1,155,792 1,218,016 1,247,760 1,326,800 1,409,200 40.33 6.21
MELANESIA 48,624 51,072 50,864 54,368 57,232 1.64 5.27
Fiji 22,432 24,112 23,824 26,352 28,256 0.81 7.23
New Caledonia 16,752 17,280 17,200 17,728 18,656 0.53 5.23
Norfolk Island 848 688 688 768 576 0.02 -25.00
Papua New Guinea 2,368 2,656 2,480 2,576 2,512 0.07 -2.48
Solomon Islands 1,360 1,232 1,200 1,296 1,344 0.04 3.70
Vanuatu 4,864 5,104 5,472 5,648 5,888 0.17 4.25
MICRONESIA 880 1,168 1,312 1,424 1,520 0.04 6.74
Christmas Island, Australia 16 0.00
Guam 160 208 336 352 368 0.01 4.55
Kiribati 512 528 608 640 688 0.02 7.50
Marshall Islands 64 80 64 112 144 0.00 28.57
Micronesia, Federated States of 64 80 112 48 80 0.00 66.67
Nauru 32 128 112 96 160 0.00 66.67
Northern Mariana Islands 48 16 48 32 0.00 -33.33
Palau 48 96 64 128 32 0.00 -75.00
POLYNESIA 58,624 59,888 64,240 70,288 78,272 2.24 11.36
American Samoa 1,008 1,008 1,024 1,168 1,312 0.04 12.33
Cook Islands 9,856 9,632 10,096 10,560 10,784 0.31 2.12
French Polynesia 15,552 15,376 16,320 16,912 19,488 0.56 15.23
Niue 2,032 2,048 2,064 2,144 2,256 0.06 5.22
Pitcairn 16 16 16 16 16 0.00
Samoa 16,192 16,544 18,784 21,184 23,168 0.66 9.37
Tokelau 224 256 224 160 320 0.01 100.00
Tonga 13,200 14,432 15,312 17,600 20,480 0.59 16.36
Tuvalu 320 384 400 544 448 0.01 -17.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Wallis and Futuna Islands 224 192

Other countries of Oceania 48
EUROPE 411,376 424,352 447,008 469,856 526,608 15.07 12.08
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 17,808 19,184 19,984 19,168 22,352 0.64 16.61
Armenia 16 32 16 32 0.00 100.00
Azerbaijan 96 64 80 80 80 0.00
Belarus 80 96 80 160 80 0.00 -50.00
Bulgaria 528 448 592 512 560 0.02 9.38
Czech Republic 3,712 3,744 3,888 3,920 4,320 0.12 10.20
Estonia 288 352 368 480 560 0.02 16.67
Georgia 16 16 16 48 0.00 200.00
Hungary 1,072 1,216 1,296 1,312 1,616 0.05 23.17
Kazakhstan 208 176 272 224 272 0.01 21.43
Kyrgyzstan 16 32 80 64 64 0.00
Latvia 208 304 272 480 352 0.01 -26.67
Lithuania 336 336 320 224 400 0.01 78.57
Moldova, Republic of 48 16 32 64 96 0.00 50.00
Poland 2,752 3,200 3,520 3,760 5,152 0.15 37.02
Romania 800 880 880 896 1,248 0.04 39.29
Russian Federation 5,024 5,488 5,408 4,464 4,816 0.14 7.89
Slovakia 800 832 992 912 1,040 0.03 14.04
Tajikistan 48 16 16 0.00
Ukraine 1,712 1,904 1,824 1,520 1,552 0.04 2.11
Uzbekistan 64 32 64 64 48 0.00 -25.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 228,800 231,392 236,000 247,264 268,656 7.69 8.65
Denmark 8,256 8,864 9,536 10,288 11,840 0.34 15.09
Faeroe Islands 32 80 48 32 64 0.00 100.00
Finland 3,632 4,112 4,192 4,368 4,688 0.13 7.33
Iceland 656 496 288 368 400 0.01 8.70
Ireland 11,120 10,208 10,368 10,000 10,992 0.31 9.92
Norway 3,968 4,352 4,192 4,336 4,800 0.14 10.70
Sweden 11,488 11,648 12,960 13,920 14,896 0.43 7.01
United Kingdom 189,648 191,632 194,416 203,952 220,976 6.32 8.35
SOUTHERN EUROPE 20,704 20,240 21,840 23,584 28,064 0.80 19.00
Albania 16 32 0.00
Andorra 32 64 48 80 80 0.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 32
Croatia 240 320 544 480 672 0.02 40.00
Gibraltar 96 48 96 96 80 0.00 -16.67
Greece 656 592 656 752 768 0.02 2.13
Italy 8,576 8,704 8,864 9,280 11,056 0.32 19.14
Malta 320 288 400 432 464 0.01 7.41
Montenegro 32 32 16 32 32 0.00
Portugal 848 928 1,168 1,440 1,600 0.05 11.11
San Marino 16 16 0.00
Serbia 112 176 224 208 208 0.01
Slovenia 640 672 544 512 688 0.02 34.38
Spain 9,024 8,304 9,136 10,144 12,320 0.35 21.45
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 96 48 112 112 48 0.00 -57.14
Other countries of Southern Europe 16 48
WESTERN EUROPE 138,352 147,456 163,120 173,216 200,400 5.73 15.69
Austria 7,184 7,328 7,680 7,392 8,256 0.24 11.69
Belgium 4,736 5,040 5,632 5,728 6,752 0.19 17.88
France 24,944 26,976 30,608 33,376 39,728 1.14 19.03

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 63,776 69,808 78,912 84,544 96,848 2.77 14.55

Liechtenstein 80 80 64 80 80 0.00
Luxembourg 368 528 448 560 736 0.02 31.43
Monaco 144 128 160 144 160 0.00 11.11
Netherlands 21,424 21,248 21,600 22,256 26,000 0.74 16.82
Switzerland 15,696 16,320 18,016 19,136 21,840 0.63 14.13
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,712 6,080 6,064 6,624 7,136 0.20 7.73
Cyprus 352 448 272 336 400 0.01 19.05
Israel 4,528 4,832 4,848 5,136 5,536 0.16 7.79
Turkey 832 800 944 1,152 1,200 0.03 4.17
MIDDLE EAST 13,264 13,920 13,888 15,168 17,168 0.49 13.19
Bahrain 496 480 416 448 464 0.01 3.57
Egypt 336 288 272 272 288 0.01 5.88
Iraq 176 160 192 192 192 0.01
Jordan 96 192 128 128 304 0.01 137.50
Kuwait 464 464 512 528 576 0.02 9.09
Lebanon 80 80 96 64 96 0.00 50.00
Libya 64 16 32
Oman 656 608 704 688 608 0.02 -11.63
Qatar 1,136 1,360 1,312 1,472 1,584 0.05 7.61
Saudi Arabia 3,088 2,912 2,928 2,784 3,184 0.09 14.37
State of Palestine 48 48 16 32 0.00 100.00
Syrian Arab Republic 32 32 16 16 32 0.00 100.00
United Arab Emirates 6,672 7,232 7,232 8,528 9,792 0.28 14.82
Yemen 32 16 16 0.00
SOUTH ASIA 33,104 34,640 41,472 51,792 57,728 1.65 11.46
Afghanistan 272 256 208 96 96 0.00
Bangladesh 384 416 576 1,008 592 0.02 -41.27
Bhutan 32 48 16 32 0.00 100.00
India 29,856 30,976 37,392 46,000 52,016 1.49 13.08
Iran, Islamic Republic of 352 336 368 480 464 0.01 -3.33
Maldives 112 96 144 208 160 0.00 -23.08
Nepal 240 256 480 496 592 0.02 19.35
Pakistan 528 656 560 896 928 0.03 3.57
Sri Lanka 1,328 1,648 1,696 2,592 2,848 0.08 9.88
NOT SPECIFIED 83,440 82,800 75,840 67,824 60,992 1.75 -10.07
Other countries of the World 50,896 55,584 52,144 47,376 38,304 1.10 -19.15
Nationals Residing Abroad 32,544 27,216 23,696 20,448 22,688 0.65 10.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,179,581 1,229,410 1,329,663 1,386,481 1,504,414 100.00 8.51

AFRICA 622 864 1,096 1,130 782 0.05 -30.80
EAST AFRICA 91 122 190 283 161 0.01 -43.11
Burundi 4 6 0.00 50.00
Comoros 1 1 0.00
Djibouti 3 3 7 2
Eritrea 4 6 0.00 50.00
Ethiopia 9 14 22 68 22 0.00 -67.65
Kenya 12 26 32 22 27 0.00 22.73
Madagascar 1 7 6 8 2 0.00 -75.00
Malawi 3 4 3 3 0.00
Mauritius 3 3 20 2 7 0.00 250.00
Mozambique 6 9 5 2 8 0.00 300.00
Rwanda 3 3 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Seychelles 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Somalia 8 11 38 125 43 0.00 -65.60
Tanzania, United Republic of 18 18 13 9 8 0.00 -11.11
Uganda 13 17 9 9 12 0.00 33.33
Zambia 5 3 6 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Zimbabwe 13 5 24 14 10 0.00 -28.57
CENTRAL AFRICA 18 23 22 21 26 0.00 23.81
Angola 6 8 9 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Cameroon 4 5 3 6 11 0.00 83.33
Central African Republic 2 4 1 1 0.00
Chad 2
Congo 4 3 3 2 5 0.00 150.00
Equatorial Guinea 2 3 1
Gabon 2 1 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Sao Tome and Principe 1 1
NORTH AFRICA 54 68 49 78 88 0.01 12.82
Algeria 14 18 7 14 12 0.00 -14.29
Morocco 31 45 31 47 55 0.00 17.02
Sudan 2 1 0.00
Tunisia 9 5 8 10 17 0.00 70.00
Western Sahara 1 7 3 0.00 -57.14
SOUTHERN AFRICA 276 358 589 481 352 0.02 -26.82
Botswana 4 3 27 25
Lesotho 1
Namibia 4 15 3 17 4 0.00 -76.47
South Africa 259 337 553 437 339 0.02 -22.43
Swaziland 8 3 6 2 9 0.00 350.00
WEST AFRICA 86 110 227 250 154 0.01 -38.40
Benin 5 1 4 0.00 300.00
Burkina Faso 15 5 3 1 1 0.00
Cabo Verde 1 7 43 16 0.00 -62.79
Côte d'Ivoire 35 22 3 0.00 -86.36
Gambia 3 2 3 2 3 0.00 50.00
Ghana 17 41 46 79 67 0.00 -15.19
Guinea 2 7 23 19 3 0.00 -84.21
Guinea-Bissau 3 1
Liberia 11 4
Mali 1 1 1 6
Mauritania 1 2 3 0.00 50.00
Niger 3 8 21 17 7 0.00 -58.82
Nigeria 32 33 57 41 41 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Senegal 7 7 13 8 3 0.00 -62.50

Sierra Leone 2 2
Togo 3 1 5 3 0.00 -40.00
OTHER AFRICA 97 183 19 17 1 0.00 -94.12
Other countries of Africa 97 183 19 17 1 0.00 -94.12
AMERICAS 999,987 1,031,698 1,023,975 1,091,596 1,135,270 75.46 4.00
CARIBBEAN 5,707 6,485 7,612 8,210 4,221 0.28 -48.59
Anguilla 6
Antigua and Barbuda 16 9 7 7 13 0.00 85.71
Aruba 2 2
Bahamas 66 52 54 52 54 0.00 3.85
Barbados 30 39 33 44 65 0.00 47.73
Bermuda 14 16 16 3 8 0.00 166.67
Cayman Islands 109 107 172 45 21 0.00 -53.33
Cuba 2,251 2,572 3,028 3,921 1,101 0.07 -71.92
Dominica 10 21 26 27 15 0.00 -44.44
Dominican Republic 2,658 3,021 3,692 3,440 2,201 0.15 -36.02
Grenada 15 15 14 4 17 0.00 325.00
Guadeloupe 2 18 19 2 0.00 -89.47
Haiti 91 128 140 188 334 0.02 77.66
Jamaica 141 199 188 248 160 0.01 -35.48
Martinique 1
Puerto Rico 9 6 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Saint Kitts and Nevis 6 9 30 0.00 233.33
Saint Lucia 15 8 16 22 22 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 119 59 54 44 22 0.00 -50.00
Trinidad and Tobago 142 208 139 127 153 0.01 20.47
Turks and Caicos Islands 1 2 0.00 100.00
United States Virgin Islands 20 21
CENTRAL AMERICA 682,672 707,976 663,955 713,188 753,234 50.07 5.62
Belize 625 607 818 753 689 0.05 -8.50
Costa Rica 160,108 163,758 146,071 167,448 176,032 11.70 5.13
El Salvador 152,741 150,963 143,303 155,701 163,892 10.89 5.26
Guatemala 92,877 94,957 85,283 90,296 88,650 5.89 -1.82
Honduras 251,804 273,015 263,927 276,767 299,985 19.94 8.39
Panama 24,517 24,676 24,553 22,223 23,986 1.59 7.93
NORTH AMERICA 287,523 291,818 322,356 329,696 346,186 23.01 5.00
Canada 30,710 33,832 39,370 35,260 40,764 2.71 15.61
Mexico 15,967 14,947 15,666 19,030 16,884 1.12 -11.28
United States of America 240,846 243,039 267,320 275,406 288,538 19.18 4.77
SOUTH AMERICA 24,085 25,419 30,052 40,502 31,629 2.10 -21.91
Argentina 4,339 4,523 4,313 4,244 4,908 0.33 15.65
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 761 821 838 848 635 0.04 -25.12
Brazil 3,665 3,898 4,192 4,450 3,912 0.26 -12.09
Chile 1,823 1,872 1,805 1,782 2,107 0.14 18.24
Colombia 4,779 5,051 5,893 7,100 7,030 0.47 -0.99
Ecuador 1,694 1,632 2,129 6,266 4,976 0.33 -20.59
Guyana 48 29 39 41 31 0.00 -24.39
Paraguay 210 196 242 270 209 0.01 -22.59
Peru 2,309 2,103 2,326 2,450 2,398 0.16 -2.12
Suriname 61 40 19 43 18 0.00 -58.14
Uruguay 660 737 806 895 729 0.05 -18.55
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,736 4,517 7,450 12,113 4,676 0.31 -61.40

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,785 12,302 22,038 25,007 18,152 1.21 -27.41
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,533 5,805 7,848 7,849 5,433 0.36 -30.78
China 354 481 1,001 1,227 535 0.04 -56.40
Hong Kong (China) 15 42 204 102 20 0.00 -80.39
Japan 1,984 1,756 2,706 2,220 1,708 0.11 -23.06
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 32 69
Korea, Republic of 2,209 2,257 2,360 2,774 2,274 0.15 -18.02
Macao (China) 20 5 0.00 -75.00
Mongolia 1 6 5 0.00
Taiwan Province of China 970 1,269 1,539 1,437 886 0.06 -38.34
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 885 1,148 5,321 8,056 4,299 0.29 -46.64
Brunei Darussalam 2
Cambodia 1 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Indonesia 61 63 793 1,847 809 0.05 -56.20
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1 2
Malaysia 49 59 128 126 112 0.01 -11.11
Myanmar 20 37 320 169 148 0.01 -12.43
Philippines 558 802 3,802 5,619 2,975 0.20 -47.05
Singapore 55 72 81 98 104 0.01 6.12
Thailand 120 76 143 149 123 0.01 -17.45
Viet Nam 22 38 50 39 22 0.00 -43.59
AUSTRALASIA 4,353 5,337 8,833 9,058 8,390 0.56 -7.37
Australia 3,665 4,402 7,457 7,445 6,878 0.46 -7.62
New Zealand 688 935 1,376 1,613 1,512 0.10 -6.26
MELANESIA 5 3 12 15 12 0.00 -20.00
Fiji 4 1 7 4 6 0.00 50.00
New Caledonia 4 4 5 0.00 25.00
Papua New Guinea 1 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Vanuatu 1 4
MICRONESIA 8 8 18 26 18 0.00 -30.77
Guam 9 4
Kiribati 1
Micronesia, Federated States of 8 8 7 11 5 0.00 -54.55
Nauru 1 10 13 0.00 30.00
Palau 1
French Polynesia 1
Samoa 1
Tonga 1 1 1
Tuvalu 4 2
EUROPE 79,435 82,916 97,522 102,154 103,965 6.91 1.77
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,319 4,607 6,472 7,161 5,532 0.37 -22.75
Armenia 4 5 4 5 14 0.00 180.00
Azerbaijan 3 2 7 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Belarus 44 39 60 47 49 0.00 4.26
Bulgaria 95 93 258 336 232 0.02 -30.95
Czech Republic 566 690 718 596 636 0.04 6.71
Czech Republic/Slovakia 162 184
Estonia 29 62 86 74 71 0.00 -4.05
Georgia 38 9 6 34 18 0.00 -47.06
Hungary 187 208 299 271 225 0.01 -16.97
Kazakhstan 13 21 11 11 10 0.00 -9.09
Kyrgyzstan 3 1 7 3 0.00 -57.14
Latvia 40 42 83 180 89 0.01 -50.56
Lithuania 85 77 179 150 234 0.02 56.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Moldova, Republic of 6 7 25 12 11 0.00 -8.33

Poland 595 835 1,154 1,297 1,077 0.07 -16.96
Romania 189 519 824 917 616 0.04 -32.82
Russian Federation 1,044 1,499 1,915 2,004 1,464 0.10 -26.95
Slovakia 297 328 318 0.02 -3.05
Tajikistan 4 1 7 7 0.00
Turkmenistan 1 1
Ukraine 216 308 539 869 453 0.03 -47.87
Uzbekistan 2 5 10 4 0.00 -60.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 17,975 19,060 24,043 23,636 26,461 1.76 11.95
Denmark 2,099 1,951 1,895 2,057 2,050 0.14 -0.34
Finland 718 758 685 708 879 0.06 24.15
Iceland 93 75 76 143 166 0.01 16.08
Ireland 1,051 1,252 1,526 1,795 1,814 0.12 1.06
Norway 1,704 1,742 1,594 1,510 1,555 0.10 2.98
Sweden 2,658 2,678 2,671 2,686 3,074 0.20 14.45
United Kingdom 9,652 10,604 15,596 14,737 16,923 1.12 14.83
SOUTHERN EUROPE 18,808 19,476 21,668 23,015 21,958 1.46 -4.59
Albania 8 8 8 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Andorra 8 6 6 6 8 0.00 33.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 5 11 8 10 0.00 25.00
Croatia 86 60 129 105 154 0.01 46.67
Gibraltar 1
Greece 175 191 214 308 181 0.01 -41.23
Holy See 2 2 5 14 2 0.00 -85.71
Italy 5,781 5,959 6,416 6,965 7,036 0.47 1.02
Malta 20 19 20 26 22 0.00 -15.38
Portugal 426 474 663 891 765 0.05 -14.14
San Marino 2 1 1 3 3 0.00
Serbia 33 43 72 66 91 0.01 37.88
Slovenia 198 191 221 214 255 0.02 19.16
Spain 12,052 12,506 13,809 14,364 13,405 0.89 -6.68
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8 5 6 14 20 0.00 42.86
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 6 86 25 1 0.00 -96.00
WESTERN EUROPE 36,874 37,215 42,015 45,355 47,164 3.14 3.99
Austria 1,653 1,916 2,097 2,208 2,160 0.14 -2.17
Belgium 2,822 2,528 2,783 3,107 2,764 0.18 -11.04
France 7,648 7,824 9,226 10,508 11,618 0.77 10.56
Germany 13,255 13,936 16,155 17,392 17,807 1.18 2.39
Liechtenstein 5 12 9 5 19 0.00 280.00
Luxembourg 95 86 128 104 128 0.01 23.08
Monaco 3 10 6 2 3 0.00 50.00
Netherlands 7,370 6,764 7,261 7,482 7,837 0.52 4.74
Switzerland 4,023 4,139 4,350 4,547 4,828 0.32 6.18
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,459 2,558 3,324 2,987 2,850 0.19 -4.59
Cyprus 11 14 17 15 8 0.00 -46.67
Israel 2,187 2,273 2,981 2,658 2,526 0.17 -4.97
Turkey 261 271 326 314 316 0.02 0.64
MIDDLE EAST 193 216 282 349 253 0.02 -27.51
Bahrain 3 2 3 0.00
Egypt 26 22 46 72 42 0.00 -41.67
Iraq 3 2 4 5 3 0.00 -40.00
Jordan 35 41 62 77 60 0.00 -22.08
Kuwait 4 12 12 15 11 0.00 -26.67
Lebanon 14 16 31 58 35 0.00 -39.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Libya 38 45 38 29 19 0.00 -34.48

Oman 2 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Qatar 1 2 5 0.00 150.00
Saudi Arabia 20 19 26 36 34 0.00 -5.56
State of Palestine 43 42 26 24 30 0.00 25.00
Syrian Arab Republic 4 6 6 5 3 0.00 -40.00
United Arab Emirates 6 6 26 21 6 0.00 -71.43
Yemen 2 1
SOUTH ASIA 818 3,714 2,262 2,176 1,495 0.10 -31.30
Afghanistan 88 261 126 54 0.00 -57.14
Bangladesh 13 14 18 26 24 0.00 -7.69
India 562 3,446 1,719 1,764 1,206 0.08 -31.63
Iran, Islamic Republic of 195 102 83 89 146 0.01 64.04
Maldives 1 10 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Nepal 7 22 22 38 19 0.00 -50.00
Pakistan 20 24 78 80 33 0.00 -58.75
Sri Lanka 20 18 71 50 12 0.00 -76.00
NOT SPECIFIED 87,741 97,700 182,488 164,069 244,497 16.25 49.02
Other countries of the World 36 68 88 3 5 0.00 66.67
Nationals Residing Abroad 87,705 97,632 182,400 164,066 244,492 16.25 49.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 94,149 123,289 134,676 134,505 152,310 100.00 13.24

AFRICA 56,798 69,514 75,935 75,838 85,877 56.38 13.24
OTHER AFRICA 56,798 69,514 75,935 75,838 85,877 56.38 13.24
All countries of Africa 56,798 69,514 75,935 75,838 85,877 56.38 13.24
AMERICAS 7,156 11,092 12,115 12,101 13,703 9.00 13.24
NORTH AMERICA 6,888 10,816 11,814 11,800 13,362 8.77 13.24
Canada 2,266 4,518 4,935 4,929 5,581 3.66 13.23
United States of America 4,622 6,298 6,879 6,871 7,781 5.11 13.24
OTHER AMERICAS 268 276 301 301 341 0.22 13.29
Other countries of the Americas 268 276 301 301 341 0.22 13.29
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,231 9,840 10,749 10,735 12,156 7.98 13.24
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,007 6,187 6,759 6,750 7,644 5.02 13.24
Japan 4,007 6,187 6,759 6,750 7,644 5.02 13.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,224 3,653 3,990 3,985 4,512 2.96 13.22
Other countries of Asia 2,224 3,653 3,990 3,985 4,512 2.96 13.22
EUROPE 23,964 32,843 35,877 35,831 40,574 26.64 13.24
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,353 2,871 3,116 3,132 3,547 2.33 13.25
Italy 1,353 2,871 3,116 3,132 3,547 2.33 13.25
WESTERN EUROPE 21,759 28,492 31,141 31,084 35,198 23.11 13.24
France 18,097 23,517 25,702 25,657 29,053 19.07 13.24
Germany 1,720 2,465 2,693 2,689 3,045 2.00 13.24
Benelux 1,942 2,510 2,746 2,738 3,100 2.04 13.22
OTHER EUROPE 852 1,480 1,620 1,615 1,829 1.20 13.25
Other countries of Europe 852 1,480 1,620 1,615 1,829 1.20 13.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,673,136 4,037,808 4,803,213 6,017,338 5,265,453 100.00 -12.50

AFRICA 1,091,802 1,280,787 1,266,942 1,584,411 1,744,829 33.14 10.12
EAST AFRICA 114,790 63,762 52,908 64,237 115,730 2.20 80.16
Burundi 2,922 611 2,613 6,554 0.12 150.82
Djibouti 1,152 814 4,755 0.09 484.15
Eritrea 780 149 4,090 0.08 2,644.97
Ethiopia 15,434 8,383 12,536 14,762 18,703 0.36 26.70
Kenya 39,362 8,704 6,109 8,356 12,930 0.25 54.74
Madagascar 4,140 1,400 3,941 0.07 181.50
Malawi 1,776 2,049 2,305 2,208 6,149 0.12 178.49
Mozambique 1,674 82 1,350 5,331 0.10 294.89
Rwanda 4,080 3,288 1,841 3,781 3,729 0.07 -1.38
Somalia 5,460 910 122 2,062 0.04 1,590.16
Tanzania, United Republic of 13,074 15,183 11,464 9,671 13,612 0.26 40.75
Uganda 9,410 5,383 6,997 3,109 8,050 0.15 158.93
Zambia 6,622 2,340 2,496 4,827 8,808 0.17 82.47
Zimbabwe 8,904 18,432 7,557 11,075 17,016 0.32 53.64
CENTRAL AFRICA 283,496 272,860 276,512 339,559 392,035 7.45 15.45
Angola 24,324 372 3,600 7,550 0.14 109.72
Cameroon 174,544 158,647 161,819 196,628 211,609 4.02 7.62
Central African Republic 8,472 519 4,092 7,092 0.13 73.31
Chad 12,790 34,231 31,141 38,762 49,705 0.94 28.23
Congo 34,158 42,295 43,884 46,168 50,109 0.95 8.54
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8,530 52 1,041 4,877 0.09 368.49
Equatorial Guinea 796 830 2,990 6,932 0.13 131.84
Gabon 18,730 37,687 37,775 43,991 46,931 0.89 6.68
Sao Tome and Principe 1,152 120 2,287 7,230 0.14 216.13
NORTH AFRICA 37,316 11,148 20,067 16,134 26,857 0.51 66.46
Algeria 8,178 3,078 4,364 1,500 5,443 0.10 262.87
Morocco 6,468 8,070 8,094 8,632 7,630 0.14 -11.61
South Sudan 5,082 24 38 1,979 0.04 5,107.89
Sudan 11,230 152 1,374 5,274 0.10 283.84
Tunisia 6,358 7,433 4,590 6,531 0.12 42.29
SOUTHERN AFRICA 95,474 66,487 72,265 76,616 84,298 1.60 10.03
Botswana 10,278 1,408 2,398 0.05 70.31
Lesotho 2,964 1,200 302 0.01
Namibia 7,140 6,912 6,690 6,855 8,733 0.17 27.40
South Africa 74,384 59,575 64,375 68,353 72,334 1.37 5.82
Swaziland 708 531 0.01
WEST AFRICA 560,726 866,530 845,190 1,087,865 1,125,909 21.38 3.50
Benin 58,110 83,767 88,847 157,847 164,828 3.13 4.42
Burkina Faso 11,934 33,000 21,152 24,395 28,356 0.54 16.24
Cabo Verde 3,914 168 0.00
Côte d'Ivoire 17,348 41,143 48,288 60,243 63,734 1.21 5.79
Gambia 15,558 33,158 33,855 36,683 37,815 0.72 3.09
Ghana 169,720 95,287 104,344 144,289 149,974 2.85 3.94
Guinea 22,272 43,447 12,110 4,000 4,792 0.09 19.80
Guinea-Bissau 20,616 6,500
Liberia 14,428 38,839 26,564 34,023 37,516 0.71 10.27
Mali 29,918 64,183 66,185 71,171 74,183 1.41 4.23
Mauritania 7,740 3,000 3,000 0.06
Niger 93,370 297,607 304,554 383,674 393,670 7.48 2.61
Senegal 35,754 49,207 51,219 61,084 64,725 1.23 5.96
Sierra Leone 14,536 32,079 18,372 22,164 20,375 0.39 -8.07
Togo 45,508 54,813 69,700 78,792 82,773 1.57 5.05

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
AMERICAS 478,144 240,661 258,173 404,935 309,458 5.88 -23.58
CARIBBEAN 28,182 4,231 10,411 24,288 12,605 0.24 -48.10
Antigua and Barbuda 588 121 164 0.00 35.54
Bahamas 2,496 2,721 1,277 0.02 -53.07
Barbados 1,386 3,316 1,000 0.02 -69.84
Cuba 2,854 2,297 1,151 0.02 -49.89
Dominican Republic 624 1,107 309 0.01 -72.09
Grenada 3,054 1,300 97 0.00 -92.54
Jamaica 6,482 4,231 6,791 6,936 2,176 0.04 -68.63
Trinidad and Tobago 10,698 3,620 6,490 6,431 0.12 -0.91
Honduras 240
Panama 2,508 980
NORTH AMERICA 393,886 236,430 233,915 343,948 279,693 5.31 -18.68
Canada 51,084 36,535 29,218 34,199 25,875 0.49 -24.34
Mexico 5,892 1,174 7,124 7,256 0.14 1.85
United States of America 336,910 199,895 203,523 302,625 246,562 4.68 -18.53
SOUTH AMERICA 53,328 13,847 35,719 17,160 0.33 -51.96
Argentina 10,110 4,490 1,241 0.02 -72.36
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 642
Brazil 19,920 13,581 14,500 12,991 0.25 -10.41
Chile 11,358 5,126 1,000 0.02 -80.49
Colombia 6,078 3,000 420 0.01 -86.00
Guyana 630 2,000 78 0.00 -96.10
Paraguay 1,740 1,521 308 0.01 -79.75
Peru 1,032 642 32 0.00 -95.02
Uruguay 246 250 26 0.00 -89.60
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,572 266 4,190 1,064 0.02 -74.61
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 415,138 180,934 167,881 276,587 246,299 4.68 -10.95
NORTH-EAST ASIA 290,608 154,545 139,849 229,464 229,333 4.36 -0.06
China 227,694 113,779 117,424 200,436 207,927 3.95 3.74
Hong Kong (China) 5,028 2,600 1,000 0.02 -61.54
Japan 41,988 24,231 11,564 14,405 11,662 0.22 -19.04
Korea, Republic of 13,750 16,535 861 9,192 8,280 0.16 -9.92
Taiwan Province of China 2,124 2,350 464 0.01 -80.26
Other countries of North-East Asia 24 10,000 481
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 58,830 26,389 24,161 36,465 13,706 0.26 -62.41
Brunei Darussalam 822 159
Indonesia 7,924 2,383 1,020 5,346 1,144 0.02 -78.60
Malaysia 15,072 10,079 10,261 12,587 5,412 0.10 -57.00
Philippines 18,568 13,927 10,488 11,047 4,560 0.09 -58.72
Singapore 12,718 2,174 4,326 1,140 0.02 -73.65
Thailand 3,726 218 3,000 1,450 0.03 -51.67
AUSTRALASIA 65,460 3,871 10,658 3,260 0.06 -69.41
Australia 32,996 3,871 6,553 2,068 0.04 -68.44
New Zealand 32,464 4,105 1,192 0.02 -70.96
Fiji 240
EUROPE 699,122 319,246 356,994 594,398 367,425 6.98 -38.19
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 81,552 23,506 26,367 45,879 17,405 0.33 -62.06
Azerbaijan 1,584 1,504 77 0.00 -94.88
Belarus 168 56 1,857 612 0.01 -67.04
Bulgaria 12,952 5,480 4,500 3,149 0.06 -30.02
Czech Republic 8,014 14,737 920 2,602 3,113 0.06 19.64
Czech Republic/Slovakia 1,984

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
Estonia 3,186 991 203 0.00 -79.52
Georgia 4,338 2,804 700 0.01 -75.04
Hungary 3,312 1,182 1,002 3,000 801 0.02 -73.30
Poland 15,164 6,535 6,561 8,514 1,078 0.02 -87.34
Romania 11,498 6,026 6,336 1,000 0.02 -84.22
Russian Federation 14,846 4,222 7,190 3,384 0.06 -52.93
Slovakia 1,008 1,000
Ukraine 5,482 1,052 2,100 3,597 3,288 0.06 -8.59
NORTHERN EUROPE 234,072 147,223 158,462 334,029 223,665 4.25 -33.04
Denmark 14,702 6,538 2,704 0.05 -58.64
Finland 15,238 4,900 952 0.02 -80.57
Iceland 7,710 18 3,000 1,408 0.03 -53.07
Ireland 5,970 1,152 2,148 5,642 2,418 0.05 -57.14
Norway 10,922 4,926 1,072 0.02 -78.24
Sweden 8,466 5,760 4,000 5,269 1,727 0.03 -67.22
United Kingdom 171,064 140,311 152,296 303,754 213,384 4.05 -29.75
SOUTHERN EUROPE 109,006 25,322 32,221 58,250 27,619 0.52 -52.59
Bosnia and Herzegovina 354
Croatia 3,628 2,421 1,822 0.03 -24.74
Greece 12,848 5,532 2,368 0.04 -57.19
Italy 45,754 11,201 13,111 18,105 7,712 0.15 -57.40
Malta 1,590 299 67 0.00 -77.59
Montenegro 4,686
Portugal 12,958 2,032 7,418 3,904 0.07 -47.37
Serbia 4,142 19 2,600 136 0.00 -94.77
Spain 23,022 14,121 17,002 21,665 11,610 0.22 -46.41
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 24 57 210
WESTERN EUROPE 225,452 92,277 106,022 129,403 74,016 1.41 -42.80
Austria 16,596 1,220 3,200 1,664 0.03 -48.00
Belgium 17,588 6,127 3,472 0.07 -43.33
France 58,934 32,295 36,842 45,878 26,624 0.51 -41.97
Germany 90,950 43,447 50,742 55,197 34,816 0.66 -36.92
Netherlands 34,164 16,535 14,096 14,693 4,776 0.09 -67.49
Switzerland 7,220 3,122 4,308 2,664 0.05 -38.16
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 49,040 30,918 33,922 26,837 24,720 0.47 -7.89
Israel 18,482 7,687 7,772 6,000 3,168 0.06 -47.20
Turkey 30,558 23,231 26,150 20,837 21,552 0.41 3.43
MIDDLE EAST 113,260 62,350 65,957 99,170 81,028 1.54 -18.29
Bahrain 558 2,700 97 0.00 -96.41
Egypt 21,880 12,295 16,397 19,510 18,414 0.35 -5.62
Iraq 1,938 3,298 208 0.00 -93.69
Jordan 660 2,304 4,400 1,868 0.04 -57.55
Kuwait 6,144 3,927 716 0.01 -81.77
Lebanon 60,544 37,687 42,000 47,201 43,745 0.83 -7.32
Libya 1,440 1,000 64 0.00 -93.60
Oman 980 2,916 13 0.00 -99.55
Saudi Arabia 5,148 2,000 1,450 6,544 5,916 0.11 -9.60
State of Palestine 4,746 306 24 0.00 -92.16
Syrian Arab Republic 3,426 3,456 900 592 0.01
United Arab Emirates 5,562 4,608 5,210 7,368 9,371 0.18 27.19
Yemen 234
SOUTH ASIA 220,544 97,763 105,264 170,649 169,933 3.23 -0.42
Bangladesh 14,262 40 0.00
India 181,144 89,159 101,296 163,391 166,810 3.17 2.09
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,680 74 3,300 151 0.00 -95.42

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share
Pakistan 20,944 8,604 3,604 2,711 2,880 0.05 6.23
Sri Lanka 2,514 290 1,247 52 0.00 -95.83
NOT SPECIFIED 1,655,126 1,856,067 2,582,002 2,887,188 2,346,481 44.56 -18.73
Other countries of the World 2,248 1,527
Nationals Residing Abroad 1,652,878 1,856,067 2,582,002 2,885,661 2,346,481 44.56 -18.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 5,047 7,047 7,408 7,707

AMERICAS 139 179 170 107
NORTH AMERICA 139 179 170 107
Canada 40 63 51 14
United States of America 99 116 119 93
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,550 6,417 6,872 7,248
NORTH-EAST ASIA 12 38 51 68
China 1 8 2 32
Japan 11 30 49 36
AUSTRALASIA 4,387 6,137 6,586 6,882
Australia 551 648 662 620
New Zealand 3,836 5,489 5,924 6,262
Other countries of Asia 17 31 26 12
Other countries of Oceania 134 211 209 286
EUROPE 331 393 336 304
NORTHERN EUROPE 75 105 73 87
United Kingdom 75 105 73 87
France 46 66
Germany 48 52
OTHER EUROPE 162 170 263 217
Other countries of Europe 162 170 263 217
NOT SPECIFIED 27 58 30 48
Other countries of the World 27 58 30 48

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 401,022 438,908 459,681 478,592 530,671 100.00 10.88

AMERICAS 22,161 21,475 20,690 20,196 22,623 4.26 12.02
NORTH AMERICA 22,161 21,475 20,690 20,196 22,623 4.26 12.02
Canada 167 240 287 231
United States of America (*) 21,994 21,235 20,403 19,965 22,623 4.26 13.31
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 371,300 402,133 425,768 454,127 501,801 94.56 10.50
NORTH-EAST ASIA 369,421 399,748 423,955 451,964 500,759 94.36 10.80
China 85,966 116,967 170,121 186,509 230,137 43.37 23.39
Hong Kong (China) 547 746 1,098 1,374
Japan 153,259 141,747 110,234 80,832 61,026 11.50 -24.50
Korea, Republic of 129,394 139,958 142,081 182,622 208,794 39.35 14.33
Taiwan Province of China 255 330 421 627 802 0.15 27.91
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 548 709 761 777 1,042 0.20 34.11
Philippines 528 649 692 743 1,042 0.20 40.24
Thailand 20 60 69 34
AUSTRALASIA 225 287 209 282
Australia 225 287 209 282
MICRONESIA 1,106 1,389 843 1,104
Micronesia, Federated States of 717 1,013 573 755
Palau 389 376 270 349
EUROPE 6,613 12,960 11,575 3,199 1,920 0.36 -39.98
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,282 12,493 11,198 2,398 1,920 0.36 -19.93
Russian Federation 6,282 12,493 11,198 2,398 1,920 0.36 -19.93
OTHER EUROPE 331 467 377 801
Other countries of Europe 331 467 377 801
NOT SPECIFIED 948 2,340 1,648 1,070 4,327 0.82 304.39
Other countries of the World 948 2,340 1,648 1,070 4,327 0.82 304.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,927,652 3,172,833 3,251,752 3,633,818 4,071,710 100.00 12.05

AFRICA 20,391 20,586 22,130 20,194 15,758 0.39 -21.97
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,193 6,707 6,035 6,599 5,913 0.15 -10.40
South Africa 4,193 6,707 6,035 6,599 5,913 0.15 -10.40
OTHER AFRICA 16,198 13,879 16,095 13,595 9,845 0.24 -27.58
Other countries of Africa 16,198 13,879 16,095 13,595 9,845 0.24 -27.58
AMERICAS 229,604 242,224 301,660 303,692 377,182 9.26 24.20
NORTH AMERICA 192,139 201,184 263,750 261,478 301,356 7.40 15.25
Canada 14,484 20,334 24,267 20,163 21,237 0.52 5.33
United States of America 173,578 173,922 231,572 234,139 274,687 6.75 17.32
Other countries of North America 4,077 6,928 7,911 7,176 5,432 0.13 -24.30
SOUTH AMERICA 23,463 23,257 20,896 22,055 20,076 0.49 -8.97
Brazil 23,463 23,257 20,896 22,055 20,076 0.49 -8.97
OTHER AMERICAS 14,002 17,783 17,014 20,159 55,750 1.37 176.55
Other countries of the Americas 14,002 17,783 17,014 20,159 55,750 1.37 176.55
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 353,369 443,946 437,584 649,855 725,432 17.82 11.63
NORTH-EAST ASIA 186,720 229,293 218,834 332,646 437,438 10.74 31.50
China 61,593 119,553 118,335 214,441 297,069 7.30 38.53
Japan 81,170 68,374 59,318 65,945 75,622 1.86 14.67
Korea, Republic of 43,957 41,366 41,181 52,260 64,747 1.59 23.89
AUSTRALASIA 27,718 33,039 36,374 43,889 47,045 1.16 7.19
Australia 27,718 33,039 36,374 43,889 47,045 1.16 7.19
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 138,931 181,614 182,376 273,320 240,949 5.92 -11.84
Other countries of Asia 128,107 166,396 168,998 211,695 223,907 5.50 5.77
Other countries of Oceania 10,824 15,218 13,378 61,625 17,042 0.42 -72.35
EUROPE 2,324,288 2,466,077 2,490,378 2,660,077 2,953,338 72.53 11.02
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 247,332 299,189 330,498 265,430 212,839 5.23 -19.81
Bulgaria 14,720 47,180 37,798 45,527 8,565 0.21 -81.19
Czech Republic 10,636 11,708 11,990 13,976 16,267 0.40 16.39
Estonia 6,625 7,136 7,565 10,397 11,872 0.29 14.19
Hungary 6,965 6,511 7,156 9,631 11,491 0.28 19.31
Latvia 6,537 7,503 8,326 10,285 10,050 0.25 -2.28
Lithuania 8,620 10,188 9,177 12,710 17,330 0.43 36.35
Poland 51,534 59,624 59,002 62,089 64,776 1.59 4.33
Romania 33,586 25,771 92,309 43,440 14,137 0.35 -67.46
Russian Federation 94,187 106,867 84,308 46,270 43,920 1.08 -5.08
Slovakia 4,464 5,563 5,078 5,433 6,049 0.15 11.34
Ukraine 9,458 11,138 7,789 5,672 8,382 0.21 47.78
NORTHERN EUROPE 988,201 1,047,448 1,036,696 1,083,667 1,169,128 28.71 7.89
Denmark 232,412 226,206 209,336 214,137 233,878 5.74 9.22
Finland 47,019 70,850 74,273 73,391 77,366 1.90 5.42
Iceland 13,560 16,054 12,416 13,640 15,679 0.39 14.95
Ireland 13,152 12,274 11,434 12,612 12,308 0.30 -2.41
Sweden 393,014 429,329 426,392 421,975 457,880 11.25 8.51
United Kingdom 289,044 292,735 302,845 347,912 372,017 9.14 6.93
SOUTHERN EUROPE 192,652 194,196 222,198 269,535 317,257 7.79 17.71
Croatia 4,551 14,608 8,323 5,970 0.15 -28.27
Greece 5,701 6,680 8,584 8,985 9,527 0.23 6.03
Italy 75,088 78,769 87,386 93,524 115,551 2.84 23.55
Malta 1,063 876 1,175 1,333 1,691 0.04 26.86
Portugal 8,637 7,762 9,002 18,034 12,942 0.32 -28.24
Slovenia 2,233 2,295 3,010 2,993 4,859 0.12 62.35
Spain 99,930 93,263 98,433 136,343 166,717 4.09 22.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 786,860 783,472 783,965 905,013 996,995 24.49 10.16

Austria 26,581 26,136 28,975 29,696 40,867 1.00 37.62
Belgium 34,782 33,524 36,523 45,527 49,751 1.22 9.28
France 133,884 145,888 143,276 154,901 178,964 4.40 15.53
Germany 406,272 375,552 383,041 457,345 472,117 11.60 3.23
Luxembourg 2,861 1,954 1,930 2,584 2,775 0.07 7.39
Netherlands 131,466 142,143 126,578 139,243 171,324 4.21 23.04
Switzerland 51,014 58,275 63,642 75,717 81,197 1.99 7.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,466 8,098 9,347 14,634 17,443 0.43 19.20
Cyprus 1,074 1,173 1,424 1,582 1,472 0.04 -6.95
Turkey 6,392 6,925 7,923 13,052 15,971 0.39 22.36
OTHER EUROPE 101,777 133,674 107,674 121,798 239,676 5.89 96.78
Other countries of Europe 101,777 133,674 107,674 121,798 239,676 5.89 96.78

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,538,228 4,777,926 4,854,601 5,361,248 5,959,689 100.00 11.16

AFRICA 21,812 24,691 26,001 29,024 18,267 0.31 -37.06
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,592 8,716 7,797 7,149 6,981 0.12 -2.35
South Africa 4,592 8,716 7,797 7,149 6,981 0.12 -2.35
OTHER AFRICA 17,220 15,975 18,204 21,875 11,286 0.19 -48.41
Other countries of Africa 17,220 15,975 18,204 21,875 11,286 0.19 -48.41
AMERICAS 244,604 261,828 326,450 331,662 369,123 6.19 11.29
NORTH AMERICA 204,650 217,504 284,135 285,106 327,574 5.50 14.90
Canada 16,892 23,679 27,826 24,956 25,994 0.44 4.16
United States of America 183,498 186,547 247,856 252,628 295,694 4.96 17.05
Other countries of North America 4,260 7,278 8,453 7,522 5,886 0.10 -21.75
SOUTH AMERICA 25,065 25,128 23,662 24,212 21,700 0.36 -10.38
Brazil 25,065 25,128 23,662 24,212 21,700 0.36 -10.38
OTHER AMERICAS 14,889 19,196 18,653 22,344 19,849 0.33 -11.17
Other countries of the Americas 14,889 19,196 18,653 22,344 19,849 0.33 -11.17
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 378,115 491,697 489,046 654,159 785,647 13.18 20.10
NORTH-EAST ASIA 197,095 254,417 244,924 354,980 462,562 7.76 30.31
China 66,982 136,375 136,724 228,046 313,066 5.25 37.28
Japan 83,374 71,201 61,924 68,071 78,046 1.31 14.65
Korea, Republic of 46,739 46,841 46,276 58,863 71,450 1.20 21.38
AUSTRALASIA 32,842 37,914 42,420 48,332 54,497 0.91 12.76
Australia 32,842 37,914 42,420 48,332 54,497 0.91 12.76
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 148,178 199,366 201,702 250,847 268,588 4.51 7.07
Other countries of Asia 136,507 183,017 187,344 231,690 249,512 4.19 7.69
Other countries of Oceania 11,671 16,349 14,358 19,157 19,076 0.32 -0.42
EUROPE 3,893,697 3,999,710 4,013,104 4,346,403 4,786,652 80.32 10.13
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 426,789 485,524 517,580 457,890 473,986 7.95 3.52
Bulgaria 17,422 50,712 42,169 63,596 44,353 0.74 -30.26
Czech Republic 40,762 38,165 38,193 39,242 47,077 0.79 19.97
Estonia 14,875 19,370 17,903 23,394 23,164 0.39 -0.98
Hungary 9,896 9,237 10,854 14,737 15,147 0.25 2.78
Latvia 17,971 16,883 17,244 20,302 21,295 0.36 4.89
Lithuania 35,141 37,551 31,081 35,014 42,897 0.72 22.51
Poland 105,055 114,800 114,123 116,302 122,184 2.05 5.06
Romania 39,805 31,818 105,602 61,134 71,001 1.19 16.14
Russian Federation 122,617 139,913 114,395 64,780 61,891 1.04 -4.46
Slovakia 11,649 13,444 15,525 11,900 13,159 0.22 10.58
Ukraine 11,596 13,631 10,491 7,489 11,818 0.20 57.80
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,398,384 1,505,112 1,468,245 1,518,979 1,644,530 27.59 8.27
Denmark 389,711 417,585 374,477 376,894 401,771 6.74 6.60
Finland 83,345 104,750 107,410 106,065 112,937 1.90 6.48
Iceland 18,135 21,035 15,198 15,648 17,662 0.30 12.87
Ireland 15,659 14,754 12,877 14,120 14,015 0.24 -0.74
Sweden 567,859 611,760 610,699 614,937 679,036 11.39 10.42
United Kingdom 323,675 335,228 347,584 391,315 419,109 7.03 7.10
SOUTHERN EUROPE 244,852 248,629 279,869 327,148 402,213 6.75 22.95
Croatia 4,930 16,195 9,453 22,548 0.38 138.53
Greece 6,414 7,371 9,070 9,596 10,683 0.18 11.33
Italy 100,484 103,074 111,562 117,642 147,096 2.47 25.04
Malta 1,172 1,047 1,244 1,597 1,805 0.03 13.02
Portugal 10,874 10,893 12,636 21,310 14,831 0.25 -30.40
Slovenia 3,846 5,601 5,649 5,343 8,148 0.14 52.50
Spain 122,062 115,713 123,513 162,207 197,102 3.31 21.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 1,694,792 1,606,600 1,614,564 1,717,135 2,031,409 34.09 18.30

Austria 48,166 44,633 50,179 48,332 64,273 1.08 32.98
Belgium 60,637 53,769 61,235 70,653 81,524 1.37 15.39
France 194,997 204,604 202,223 217,667 251,110 4.21 15.36
Germany 942,526 869,603 877,664 921,512 1,094,917 18.37 18.82
Luxembourg 4,070 3,627 2,967 3,736 4,053 0.07 8.49
Netherlands 350,834 337,312 319,702 338,435 404,837 6.79 19.62
Switzerland 93,562 93,052 100,594 116,800 130,695 2.19 11.90
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,309 8,983 10,363 15,997 18,918 0.32 18.26
Cyprus 1,285 1,281 1,498 1,764 1,628 0.03 -7.71
Turkey 7,024 7,702 8,865 14,233 17,290 0.29 21.48
OTHER EUROPE 120,571 144,862 122,483 309,254 215,596 3.62 -30.29
Other countries of Europe 120,571 144,862 122,483 309,254 215,596 3.62 -30.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 5,050,573 5,068,883 5,428,037 6,031,747 6,626,968 100.00 9.87

AFRICA 38,472 37,375 38,623 36,975 27,956 0.42 -24.39
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,649 10,492 11,446 10,688 9,951 0.15 -6.90
South Africa 6,649 10,492 11,446 10,688 9,951 0.15 -6.90
OTHER AFRICA 31,823 26,883 27,177 26,287 18,005 0.27 -31.51
Other countries of Africa 31,823 26,883 27,177 26,287 18,005 0.27 -31.51
AMERICAS 378,381 390,397 485,535 510,345 569,148 8.59 11.52
NORTH AMERICA 318,391 327,814 424,415 441,571 507,115 7.65 14.84
Canada 24,743 33,257 39,625 34,261 35,193 0.53 2.72
Mexico 6,765 11,816 13,123 13,141 10,231 0.15 -22.14
United States of America 286,883 282,741 371,667 394,169 461,691 6.97 17.13
SOUTH AMERICA 36,966 36,181 33,452 36,371 32,932 0.50 -9.46
Brazil 36,966 36,181 33,452 36,371 32,932 0.50 -9.46
OTHER AMERICAS 23,024 26,402 27,668 32,403 29,101 0.44 -10.19
Other countries of the Americas 23,024 26,402 27,668 32,403 29,101 0.44 -10.19
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 522,880 602,267 633,664 862,678 1,008,118 15.21 16.86
NORTH-EAST ASIA 260,871 292,086 290,819 428,531 560,578 8.46 30.81
China 86,007 141,923 152,993 270,022 372,556 5.62 37.97
Japan 116,397 99,786 87,257 95,135 108,124 1.63 13.65
Korea, Republic of 58,467 50,377 50,569 63,374 79,898 1.21 26.07
AUSTRALASIA 45,460 53,458 59,946 70,015 75,704 1.14 8.13
Australia 45,460 53,458 59,946 70,015 75,704 1.14 8.13
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 216,549 256,723 282,899 364,132 371,836 5.61 2.12
Other countries of Asia 198,878 234,271 259,024 336,949 346,507 5.23 2.84
Other countries of Oceania 17,671 22,452 23,875 27,183 25,329 0.38 -6.82
EUROPE 4,110,840 4,038,844 4,270,215 4,621,749 5,021,746 75.78 8.65
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 463,434 517,003 609,507 490,213 379,245 5.72 -22.64
Bulgaria 23,961 76,758 58,296 83,121 12,276 0.19 -85.23
Czech Republic 21,299 22,319 24,789 27,281 28,714 0.43 5.25
Estonia 12,021 12,097 12,892 16,586 19,825 0.30 19.53
Hungary 13,801 11,837 12,384 17,266 18,582 0.28 7.62
Latvia 13,446 15,079 16,470 20,022 18,141 0.27 -9.39
Lithuania 23,758 22,678 20,120 27,246 31,058 0.47 13.99
Poland 125,272 125,792 129,520 124,562 128,748 1.94 3.36
Romania 54,683 42,449 179,479 76,820 22,091 0.33 -71.24
Russian Federation 152,246 161,822 133,539 77,203 74,964 1.13 -2.90
Slovakia 8,445 9,104 9,771 9,981 10,580 0.16 6.00
Ukraine 14,502 17,068 12,247 10,125 14,266 0.22 40.90
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,858,270 1,819,511 1,837,097 1,973,802 2,126,369 32.09 7.73
Denmark 516,216 452,441 414,360 425,847 483,750 7.30 13.60
Finland 78,871 110,277 117,458 122,047 136,693 2.06 12.00
Iceland 22,048 26,183 21,690 23,544 26,345 0.40 11.90
Ireland 24,101 21,064 21,607 23,067 21,859 0.33 -5.24
Sweden 707,737 701,432 726,249 752,929 804,784 12.14 6.89
United Kingdom 509,297 508,114 535,733 626,368 652,938 9.85 4.24
SOUTHERN EUROPE 314,386 304,771 379,366 433,263 507,646 7.66 17.17
Croatia 7,298 29,258 14,221 13,555 0.20 -4.68
Greece 9,987 12,017 16,914 15,272 16,573 0.25 8.52
Italy 124,238 125,558 149,915 156,442 185,255 2.80 18.42
Malta 1,714 1,500 1,982 2,131 2,717 0.04 27.50
Portugal 15,040 13,194 15,615 26,798 22,201 0.34 -17.15
Slovenia 4,526 4,234 5,942 5,244 9,696 0.15 84.90
Spain 158,881 140,970 159,740 213,155 257,649 3.89 20.87

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 1,296,919 1,171,331 1,248,735 1,353,456 1,554,209 23.45 14.83

Austria 42,118 39,688 46,218 45,561 62,979 0.95 38.23
Belgium 54,754 50,929 57,616 73,566 79,774 1.20 8.44
France 206,800 203,635 213,890 232,611 266,130 4.02 14.41
Germany 651,739 565,648 606,116 645,293 731,498 11.04 13.36
Liechtenstein 2,216 2,094 3,630 3,445 1,673 0.03 -51.44
Luxembourg 5,466 3,182 3,398 4,225 4,696 0.07 11.15
Netherlands 254,000 219,143 213,694 233,423 280,026 4.23 19.97
Switzerland 79,826 87,012 104,173 115,332 127,433 1.92 10.49
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 12,109 13,365 15,347 23,993 27,600 0.42 15.03
Cyprus 1,743 2,043 2,352 2,475 2,387 0.04 -3.56
Turkey 10,366 11,322 12,995 21,518 25,213 0.38 17.17
OTHER EUROPE 165,722 212,863 180,163 347,022 426,677 6.44 22.95
Other countries of Europe 165,722 212,863 180,163 347,022 426,677 6.44 22.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,940,468 7,693,241 8,154,400 8,828,771 9,726,884 100.00 10.17

AFRICA 41,114 44,577 45,524 40,417 32,354 0.33 -19.95
SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,283 13,635 14,787 11,579 11,733 0.12 1.33
South Africa 7,283 13,635 14,787 11,579 11,733 0.12 1.33
OTHER AFRICA 33,831 30,942 30,737 28,838 20,621 0.21 -28.49
Other countries of Africa 33,831 30,942 30,737 28,838 20,621 0.21 -28.49
AMERICAS 403,177 421,997 525,473 557,256 618,669 6.36 11.02
NORTH AMERICA 339,205 354,405 457,260 481,474 550,730 5.66 14.38
Canada 28,857 38,727 45,436 42,405 43,022 0.44 1.46
United States of America 303,279 303,265 397,801 425,295 496,626 5.11 16.77
Other countries of North America 7,069 12,413 14,023 13,774 11,082 0.11 -19.54
SOUTH AMERICA 39,491 39,092 37,879 39,929 35,582 0.37 -10.89
Brazil 39,491 39,092 37,879 39,929 35,582 0.37 -10.89
OTHER AMERICAS 24,481 28,500 30,334 35,853 32,357 0.33 -9.75
Other countries of the Americas 24,481 28,500 30,334 35,853 32,357 0.33 -9.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 560,092 665,987 707,361 935,117 1,093,992 11.25 16.99
NORTH-EAST ASIA 275,257 322,849 324,683 456,737 592,265 6.09 29.67
China 93,532 161,893 176,767 287,153 392,529 4.04 36.70
Japan 119,558 103,911 91,091 98,203 111,579 1.15 13.62
Korea, Republic of 62,167 57,045 56,825 71,381 88,157 0.91 23.50
AUSTRALASIA 53,863 61,346 69,911 80,245 87,498 0.90 9.04
Australia 53,863 61,346 69,911 80,245 87,498 0.90 9.04
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 230,972 281,792 312,767 398,135 414,229 4.26 4.04
Other countries of Asia 211,918 257,672 287,143 368,774 385,907 3.97 4.65
Other countries of Oceania 19,054 24,120 25,624 29,361 28,322 0.29 -3.54
EUROPE 6,936,085 6,560,680 6,876,042 7,295,981 7,981,869 82.06 9.40
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 848,611 871,761 1,018,608 848,410 689,558 7.09 -18.72
Bulgaria 28,360 82,505 72,952 108,734 12,465 0.13 -88.54
Czech Republic 81,629 72,755 78,963 76,602 82,181 0.84 7.28
Estonia 26,990 32,835 30,509 37,320 38,554 0.40 3.31
Hungary 19,607 16,794 18,784 26,420 24,457 0.25 -7.43
Latvia 36,966 33,929 34,110 39,522 38,369 0.39 -2.92
Lithuania 96,856 83,585 68,145 75,061 76,816 0.79 2.34
Poland 255,374 242,199 250,519 233,324 241,413 2.48 3.47
Romania 64,809 52,409 237,059 108,110 27,061 0.28 -74.97
Russian Federation 198,201 211,861 181,196 108,086 105,285 1.08 -2.59
Slovakia 22,038 22,002 29,875 21,862 22,895 0.24 4.73
Ukraine 17,781 20,887 16,496 13,369 20,062 0.21 50.06
NORTHERN EUROPE 2,656,497 2,639,245 2,617,032 2,780,473 3,006,967 30.91 8.15
Denmark 865,597 835,222 741,241 749,517 828,916 8.52 10.59
Finland 139,806 163,041 169,862 176,383 198,773 2.04 12.69
Iceland 29,487 34,307 26,550 27,010 29,641 0.30 9.74
Ireland 28,694 25,319 24,335 25,824 24,873 0.26 -3.68
Sweden 1,022,597 999,484 1,040,168 1,097,231 1,189,888 12.23 8.44
United Kingdom 570,316 581,872 614,876 704,508 734,876 7.56 4.31
SOUTHERN EUROPE 400,182 391,012 485,340 526,418 618,109 6.35 17.42
Croatia 7,906 40,466 16,152 15,417 0.16 -4.55
Greece 11,236 13,260 17,873 16,311 18,574 0.19 13.87
Italy 166,257 164,301 191,390 196,785 235,288 2.42 19.57
Malta 1,889 1,793 2,099 2,553 2,898 0.03 13.51
Portugal 18,936 18,516 21,918 31,666 25,431 0.26 -19.69
Slovenia 7,795 10,333 11,153 9,361 16,198 0.17 73.04
Spain 194,069 174,903 200,441 253,590 304,303 3.13 20.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 2,820,996 2,415,052 2,576,637 2,737,544 3,160,467 32.49 15.45

Austria 76,320 67,776 80,040 76,738 98,760 1.02 28.70
Belgium 95,455 81,684 96,600 114,166 130,164 1.34 14.01
France 301,197 285,592 301,889 326,866 372,107 3.83 13.84
Germany 1,511,995 1,309,776 1,388,796 1,459,808 1,687,582 17.35 15.60
Liechtenstein 2,811 2,069 4,671 3,833 2,111 0.02 -44.93
Luxembourg 7,775 5,907 5,225 6,108 6,809 0.07 11.48
Netherlands 677,831 520,037 539,733 567,343 658,478 6.77 16.06
Switzerland 147,612 142,211 159,683 182,682 204,456 2.10 11.92
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 13,476 14,824 17,013 26,225 29,914 0.31 14.07
Cyprus 2,085 2,232 2,473 2,760 2,640 0.03 -4.35
Turkey 11,391 12,592 14,540 23,465 27,274 0.28 16.23
OTHER EUROPE 196,323 228,786 161,412 376,911 476,854 4.90 26.52
Other countries of Europe 196,323 228,786 161,412 376,911 476,854 4.90 26.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,713,521 1,922,720 2,225,000 2,633,595 3,150,599 100.00 19.63

AFRICA 31,373 41,658 1.32 32.78
EAST AFRICA 7,907 8,230 0.26 4.08
Tanzania, United Republic of 7,907 8,230 0.26 4.08
NORTH AFRICA 2,895 2,978 0.09 2.87
Tunisia 2,895 2,978 0.09 2.87
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,301 8,433 0.27 1.59
South Africa 8,301 8,433 0.27 1.59
OTHER AFRICA 12,270 22,017 0.70 79.44
Other countries of Africa 12,270 22,017 0.70 79.44
AMERICAS 117,090 107,544 3.41 -8.15
NORTH AMERICA 94,442 97,289 3.09 3.01
Canada 30,311 30,567 0.97 0.84
United States of America 64,131 66,722 2.12 4.04
OTHER AMERICAS 22,648 10,255 0.33 -54.72
Other countries of the Americas 22,648 10,255 0.33 -54.72
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 171,348 235,293 7.47 37.32
NORTH-EAST ASIA 13,901 18,026 0.57 29.67
China 13,901 18,026 0.57 29.67
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 71,179 132,327 4.20 85.91
Indonesia 16,183 18,613 0.59 15.02
Philippines 54,996 113,714 3.61 106.77
AUSTRALASIA 21,081 21,546 0.68 2.21
Australia 21,081 21,546 0.68 2.21
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 65,187 63,394 2.01 -2.75
Other countries of Asia 63,211 62,552 1.99 -1.04
Other countries of Oceania 1,976 842 0.03 -57.39
EUROPE 321,388 371,741 508,000 514,958 563,751 17.89 9.48
NORTHERN EUROPE 150,902 173,684 5.51 15.10
United Kingdom 150,902 173,684 5.51 15.10
SOUTHERN EUROPE 63,679 75,624 2.40 18.76
Italy 47,764 58,242 1.85 21.94
Spain 15,915 17,382 0.55 9.22
WESTERN EUROPE 188,353 204,450 6.49 8.55
France 47,289 48,090 1.53 1.69
Germany 106,269 136,950 4.35 28.87
Netherlands 17,170
Switzerland 17,625 19,410 0.62 10.13
OTHER EUROPE 321,388 371,741 508,000 112,024 109,993 3.49 -1.81
Other countries of Europe 112,024 109,993 3.49 -1.81
All countries of Europe 321,388 371,741 508,000
MIDDLE EAST 799,293 994,716 1,091,000 1,237,416 1,621,706 51.47 31.06
Egypt 33,666 36,811 1.17 9.34
Jordan 23,488 22,148 0.70 -5.71
Lebanon 22,876 24,317 0.77 6.30
Syrian Arab Republic 19,785 22,877 0.73 15.63
Yemen 29,993 43,054 1.37 43.55
Other countries of Middle East 1,107,608 1,472,499 46.74 32.94
All countries of Middle East 799,293 994,716 1,091,000
SOUTH ASIA 388,508 435,067 478,000 429,447 438,029 13.90 2.00
Bangladesh 29,300 29,275 0.93 -0.09
India 299,661 299,568 9.51 -0.03
Iran, Islamic Republic of 15,541 19,928 0.63 28.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Pakistan 84,945 89,258 2.83 5.08

All countries of South Asia 388,508 435,067 478,000
NOT SPECIFIED 204,332 121,196 148,000 131,963 142,618 4.53 8.07
Other countries of the World 204,332 121,196 148,000 1,618 632 0.02 -60.94
Nationals Residing Abroad 130,345 141,986 4.51 8.93

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 120,359 108,248 140,449 162,192 138,430 100.00 -14.65

AFRICA 66 110 87 64 66 0.05 3.13
OTHER AFRICA 66 110 87 64 66 0.05 3.13
All countries of Africa 66 110 87 64 66 0.05 3.13
AMERICAS 8,252 8,980 9,085 8,935 8,630 6.23 -3.41
CARIBBEAN 11 20 16 14 11 0.01 -21.43
All countries of the Caribbean 11 20 16 14 11 0.01 -21.43
CENTRAL AMERICA 32 58 58 72 56 0.04 -22.22
All countries of Central America 32 58 58 72 56 0.04 -22.22
NORTH AMERICA 8,094 8,663 8,829 8,751 8,418 6.08 -3.81
Canada 487 481 674 611 524 0.38 -14.24
United States of America 7,605 8,182 8,154 8,140 7,894 5.70 -3.02
Other countries of North America 2 1
SOUTH AMERICA 115 239 182 98 145 0.10 47.96
Argentina 35 26 9 15 30 0.02 100.00
Brazil 61 176 138 55 78 0.06 41.82
Chile 1 5 4 9 11 0.01 22.22
Ecuador 1 4 5
Other countries of South America 17 32 27 14 26 0.02 85.71
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 106,638 93,273 125,823 148,627 124,476 89.92 -16.25
NORTH-EAST ASIA 103,009 89,277 121,631 144,804 120,601 87.12 -16.71
China 4,985 9,209 39,348 87,424 64,995 46.95 -25.66
Hong Kong (China) 6 41 14 4
Japan 39,699 35,921 37,427 31,026 29,237 21.12 -5.77
Korea, Republic of 19,657 17,481 14,667 12,226 12,435 8.98 1.71
Macao (China) 5 5 6
Taiwan Province of China 38,662 26,620 30,170 14,118 13,934 10.07 -1.30
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,440 1,681 1,878 1,864 1,858 1.34 -0.32
Indonesia 160 201 211 177 168 0.12 -5.08
Malaysia 170 199 272 198 178 0.13 -10.10
Philippines 815 877 943 1,167 1,080 0.78 -7.46
Singapore 136 231 303 182 236 0.17 29.67
Thailand 159 173 149 140 196 0.14 40.00
AUSTRALASIA 1,222 1,357 1,271 1,048 976 0.71 -6.87
Australia 1,078 1,184 1,052 879 791 0.57 -10.01
New Zealand 144 173 219 169 185 0.13 9.47
MELANESIA 112 119 132 76 93 0.07 22.37
Fiji 104 101 102 73 80 0.06 9.59
Solomon Islands 8 18 30 3 13 0.01 333.33
MICRONESIA 727 633 607 580 602 0.43 3.79
Marshall Islands 109 104 78 72 68 0.05 -5.56
Micronesia, Federated States of 618 529 529 508 534 0.39 5.12
POLYNESIA 7 11 13 4 12 0.01 200.00
Tuvalu 7 11 13 4 12 0.01 200.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 121 195 291 251 334 0.24 33.07
Other countries of Asia 54 105 150 213 250 0.18 17.37
Other countries of Oceania 67 90 141 38 84 0.06 121.05
EUROPE 5,231 5,714 5,250 4,288 4,958 3.58 15.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,007 1,235 1,002 662 911 0.66 37.61
Czech Republic 202 227 130 148 271 0.20 83.11
Poland 142 164 219 117 307 0.22 162.39
Russian Federation 663 844 653 397 333 0.24 -16.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 833 984 957 879 932 0.67 6.03
Denmark 71 125 55 62 87 0.06 40.32
Finland 50 58 60 43 60 0.04 39.53

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Norway 65 88 73 55 34 0.02 -38.18

Sweden 111 117 104 93 62 0.04 -33.33
United Kingdom 536 596 665 626 689 0.50 10.06
SOUTHERN EUROPE 685 542 603 578 657 0.47 13.67
Greece 16 14 21 5 14 0.01 180.00
Italy 436 303 366 390 371 0.27 -4.87
Portugal 23 28 59 48 44 0.03 -8.33
Spain 210 197 157 135 228 0.16 68.89
WESTERN EUROPE 2,259 2,436 2,145 1,705 1,836 1.33 7.68
Austria 203 253 177 181 121 0.09 -33.15
Belgium 108 109 74 82 64 0.05 -21.95
France 397 360 361 262 347 0.25 32.44
Germany 1,276 1,361 1,232 887 1,002 0.72 12.97
Switzerland 275 353 301 293 302 0.22 3.07
OTHER EUROPE 447 517 543 464 622 0.45 34.05
Other countries of Europe 447 517 543 464 622 0.45 34.05
MIDDLE EAST 133 137 147 204 205 0.15 0.49
All countries of Middle East 133 137 147 204 205 0.15 0.49
SOUTH ASIA 39 34 57 74 95 0.07 28.38
Bangladesh 1 6 10 10 19 0.01 90.00
India 38 28 47 64 76 0.05 18.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 554,745 519,602 662,583 749,217 654,830 100.00 -12.60

AMERICAS 53,212 58,274 58,638 56,757 55,309 8.45 -2.55
NORTH AMERICA 52,622 56,769 57,743 56,194 54,523 8.33 -2.97
Canada 3,923 3,585 4,624 3,723 3,083 0.47 -17.19
United States of America 48,699 53,184 53,117 52,471 51,440 7.86 -1.96
Other countries of North America 2
SOUTH AMERICA 590 1,505 895 563 786 0.12 39.61
Argentina 212 95 66 116 217 0.03 87.07
Brazil 367 1,351 779 384 472 0.07 22.92
Chile 4 59 18 29 97 0.01 234.48
Ecuador 7 32 34
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 442,049 389,388 534,664 607,226 531,779 81.21 -12.42
NORTH-EAST ASIA 420,841 365,929 512,199 589,502 514,535 78.58 -12.72
China 22,722 36,939 167,441 361,469 289,969 44.28 -19.78
Hong Kong (China) 4 68 26 5
Japan 179,186 163,539 166,261 128,431 121,056 18.49 -5.74
Korea, Republic of 70,266 62,990 51,979 45,381 47,254 7.22 4.13
Macao (China) 8
Taiwan Province of China 148,663 102,385 126,492 54,216 56,256 8.59 3.76
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,527 8,383 8,887 7,530 7,336 1.12 -2.58
Indonesia 625 1,057 918 761 369 0.06 -51.51
Malaysia 933 1,146 1,545 952 1,013 0.15 6.41
Philippines 4,228 3,786 3,731 4,049 3,540 0.54 -12.57
Singapore 789 1,351 1,769 999 1,239 0.19 24.02
Thailand 952 1,043 924 769 1,175 0.18 52.80
AUSTRALASIA 9,114 10,859 9,248 7,214 6,282 0.96 -12.92
Australia 8,089 9,635 7,972 6,349 5,213 0.80 -17.89
New Zealand 1,025 1,224 1,276 865 1,069 0.16 23.58
MELANESIA 797 864 795 490 632 0.10 28.98
Fiji 723 701 619 480 529 0.08 10.21
Solomon Islands 74 163 176 10 103 0.02 930.00
MICRONESIA 3,722 3,277 3,443 2,483 2,937 0.45 18.28
Marshall Islands 768 594 515 345 365 0.06 5.80
Micronesia, Federated States of 2,954 2,683 2,928 2,138 2,572 0.39 20.30
POLYNESIA 48 76 92 7 57 0.01 714.29
Tuvalu 48 76 92 7 57 0.01 714.29
EUROPE 36,706 39,073 33,414 26,983 38,333 5.85 42.06
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,466 10,471 7,031 5,182 8,388 1.28 61.87
Czech Republic 1,513 2,034 1,145 1,332 2,685 0.41 101.58
Poland 1,206 1,432 141 739 2,867 0.44 287.96
Russian Federation 5,747 7,005 5,745 3,111 2,836 0.43 -8.84
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,269 7,838 6,556 6,111 7,741 1.18 26.67
Denmark 569 1,235 371 693 968 0.15 39.68
Finland 382 389 443 306 519 0.08 69.61
Norway 602 802 561 335 229 0.03 -31.64
Sweden 864 852 819 907 500 0.08 -44.87
United Kingdom 3,852 4,560 4,362 3,870 5,525 0.84 42.76
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,139 4,075 4,086 4,181 5,180 0.79 23.89
Greece 95 113 135 24 82 0.01 241.67
Italy 3,590 2,441 2,616 3,015 2,920 0.45 -3.15
Portugal 137 153 390 255 265 0.04 3.92
Spain 1,317 1,368 945 887 1,913 0.29 115.67
WESTERN EUROPE 16,832 16,689 15,741 11,509 17,024 2.60 47.92
Austria 1,973 2,006 1,921 1,370 1,203 0.18 -12.19
Belgium 1,127 951 634 637 521 0.08 -18.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 3,329 3,189 3,254 2,228 3,023 0.46 35.68

Germany 10,403 10,543 9,932 7,274 9,271 1.42 27.45
Switzerland 3,006 0.46
SOUTH ASIA 2 32 41 25 24 0.00 -4.00
Bangladesh 2 32 41 25 24 0.00 -4.00
NOT SPECIFIED 22,776 32,835 35,826 58,226 29,385 4.49 -49.53
Other countries of the World 22,776 32,835 35,826 58,226 29,385 4.49 -49.53

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,478,282 1,527,228 1,609,937 1,941,106 1,857,268 100.00 -4.32

AFRICA 1,919 2,990 3,359 3,551 4,037 0.22 13.69
EAST AFRICA 240 422 374 413 430 0.02 4.12
Burundi 6 9 3 1 11 0.00 1,000.00
Comoros 3 13 22 16 5 0.00 -68.75
Djibouti 2 1 2 1
Eritrea 3 7 6 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Ethiopia 20 45 56 51 41 0.00 -19.61
Kenya 71 139 113 176 155 0.01 -11.93
Madagascar 8 16 24 20 23 0.00 15.00
Malawi 4 7 5 14 3 0.00 -78.57
Mauritius 28 47 30 29 47 0.00 62.07
Mozambique 14 15 5 13 20 0.00 53.85
Reunion 3 5 1
Rwanda 3 18 13 7 13 0.00 85.71
Seychelles 9
Somalia 1 9 6 4 10 0.00 150.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 25 19 11 7 15 0.00 114.29
Uganda 24 29 15 20 30 0.00 50.00
Zambia 8 14 18 28 27 0.00 -3.57
Zimbabwe 11 31 40 23 29 0.00 26.09
CENTRAL AFRICA 389 592 721 530 510 0.03 -3.77
Angola 304 518 624 432 417 0.02 -3.47
Cameroon 31 20 26 43 33 0.00 -23.26
Central African Republic 1 6 4 3 3 0.00
Chad 4 6 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Congo 15 8 21 7 17 0.00 142.86
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 23 10 10 11 7 0.00 -36.36
Gabon 8 22 22 20 11 0.00 -45.00
Sao Tome and Principe 3 8 8 8 17 0.00 112.50
NORTH AFRICA 214 709 909 1,183 1,184 0.06 0.08
Algeria 34 63 55 22 41 0.00 86.36
Morocco 52 87 82 117 165 0.01 41.03
Sudan 4 7 13 8 18 0.00 125.00
Tunisia 23 50 50 78 95 0.01 21.79
Western Sahara 101 502 709 958 865 0.05 -9.71
SOUTHERN AFRICA 719 791 947 1,053 1,273 0.07 20.89
Botswana 9 18 17 17 14 0.00 -17.65
Lesotho 4 7 3 0.00
Namibia 20 25 11 11 21 0.00 90.91
South Africa 680 733 917 1,022 1,225 0.07 19.86
Swaziland 6 8 2 3 10 0.00 233.33
WEST AFRICA 357 441 358 312 464 0.02 48.72
Benin 8 15 24 13 19 0.00 46.15
Burkina Faso 6 11 5 5 27 0.00 440.00
Cabo Verde 18 13 20 23 16 0.00 -30.43
Côte d'Ivoire 9 20 21 0.00
Gambia 6 2 4 1 9 0.00 800.00
Ghana 87 119 71 86 72 0.00 -16.28
Guinea 46 42 19 22 27 0.00 22.73
Guinea-Bissau 13 14 18 12 32 0.00 166.67
Liberia 10 8 5 6 16 0.00 166.67
Mali 10 16 11 9 10 0.00 11.11
Mauritania 5 21 9 5 10 0.00 100.00
Niger 16 16 7 9 22 0.00 144.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 80 105 123 83 114 0.01 37.35

Senegal 23 28 29 28 26 0.00 -7.14
Sierra Leone 15 6 11 4 26 0.00 550.00
Togo 5 5 2 6 17 0.00 183.33
OTHER AFRICA 35 50 60 176 0.01 193.33
Other countries of Africa 35 50 60 176 0.01 193.33
AMERICAS 1,284,902 1,311,442 1,354,626 1,608,052 1,522,053 81.95 -5.35
CARIBBEAN 36,837 41,780 39,593 46,105 52,162 2.81 13.14
Anguilla 13 8 31 13 2 0.00 -84.62
Antigua and Barbuda 136 187 190 204 168 0.01 -17.65
Aruba 78 179 197 221 157 0.01 -28.96
Bahamas 1,178 1,302 1,105 1,216 835 0.04 -31.33
Barbados 629 549 681 690 782 0.04 13.33
Bermuda 283 207 197 197 135 0.01 -31.47
British Virgin Islands 14 22 11 9 0.00 -18.18
Cayman Islands 627 445 711 223 120 0.01 -46.19
Cuba 5,960 8,245 8,869 13,659 22,019 1.19 61.21
Curaçao 73 196 250 253 91 0.00 -64.03
Dominica 141 137 134 187 205 0.01 9.63
Dominican Republic 15,935 16,281 13,945 15,241 15,142 0.82 -0.65
Grenada 142 148 182 204 202 0.01 -0.98
Haiti 2,658 2,549 2,397 1,798 1,925 0.10 7.06
Jamaica 3,294 3,847 3,777 3,531 3,184 0.17 -9.83
Martinique 6 2 10 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Montserrat 3 5 30 26 0.00 -13.33
Puerto Rico 798 1,447 1,223 1,827 829 0.04 -54.63
Saint Kitts and Nevis 151 160 146 182 175 0.01 -3.85
Saint Lucia 165 212 176 267 223 0.01 -16.48
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 140 185 217 207 140 0.01 -32.37
Trinidad and Tobago 4,376 5,433 5,086 5,894 5,778 0.31 -1.97
Turks and Caicos Islands 36 29 31 30 11 0.00 -63.33
United States Virgin Islands 10 3 2 6
Other countries of the Caribbean 5 15 9 8 2 0.00 -75.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 123,702 137,937 149,839 200,568 188,394 10.14 -6.07
Belize 1,051 941 851 1,194 1,623 0.09 35.93
Costa Rica 42,978 48,945 56,775 75,196 63,548 3.42 -15.49
El Salvador 20,820 21,510 22,051 31,435 30,863 1.66 -1.82
Guatemala 27,913 30,641 31,131 38,185 36,052 1.94 -5.59
Honduras 16,400 17,441 18,413 22,121 21,971 1.18 -0.68
Nicaragua 14,540 18,459 20,618 32,437 34,337 1.85 5.86
NORTH AMERICA 424,441 372,760 391,104 466,989 412,385 22.20 -11.69
Canada 62,792 52,341 52,799 47,762 34,381 1.85 -28.02
Mexico 57,803 60,296 68,340 80,637 68,646 3.70 -14.87
United States of America 303,843 260,122 269,965 338,590 309,358 16.66 -8.63
Other countries of North America 3 1
SOUTH AMERICA 699,922 758,965 774,090 894,390 869,112 46.80 -2.83
Argentina 66,623 72,730 60,040 70,089 68,088 3.67 -2.85
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 12,327 12,115 12,198 13,695 12,621 0.68 -7.84
Brazil 59,687 67,518 81,950 88,348 79,758 4.29 -9.72
Chile 21,095 25,189 25,409 25,887 22,541 1.21 -12.93
Colombia 244,890 264,715 281,775 288,569 267,188 14.39 -7.41
Ecuador 59,782 70,571 71,919 74,043 70,712 3.81 -4.50
French Guiana 17 24 41 7
Guyana 1,192 1,066 1,433 1,340 1,396 0.08 4.18
Paraguay 3,955 3,838 4,329 4,401 4,307 0.23 -2.14

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Peru 30,824 33,273 34,844 50,275 46,076 2.48 -8.35

Suriname 281 255 290 266 157 0.01 -40.98
Uruguay 11,898 11,286 12,086 17,325 14,728 0.79 -14.99
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 187,351 196,385 187,776 260,145 281,540 15.16 8.22
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,503 28,823 32,328 45,106 49,334 2.66 9.37
NORTH-EAST ASIA 18,940 16,763 19,219 30,360 33,947 1.83 11.81
China 7,714 6,905 9,325 17,293 21,089 1.14 21.95
Hong Kong (China) 28 71 71 38 27 0.00 -28.95
Japan 5,043 4,515 4,353 5,422 5,491 0.30 1.27
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 10 4 6 15 7 0.00 -53.33
Korea, Republic of 4,511 3,780 3,880 5,100 5,130 0.28 0.59
Macao (China) 9 3 2 2 0.00
Mongolia 98 10 12 27 30 0.00 11.11
Taiwan Province of China 1,527 1,475 1,570 2,465 2,171 0.12 -11.93
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,694 7,456 7,975 9,203 9,550 0.51 3.77
Brunei Darussalam 2 9 4 13 7 0.00 -46.15
Cambodia 12 12 10 19 17 0.00 -10.53
Indonesia 390 619 573 843 1,065 0.06 26.33
Lao People's Democratic Republic 8 7 3 1 1 0.00
Malaysia 214 251 244 367 403 0.02 9.81
Myanmar 209 326 563 595 463 0.02 -22.18
Philippines 5,141 5,379 5,523 6,174 6,102 0.33 -1.17
Singapore 407 430 420 500 501 0.03 0.20
Thailand 191 234 315 331 361 0.02 9.06
Timor-Leste 9 1 0.00
Viet Nam 120 180 320 360 629 0.03 74.72
AUSTRALASIA 4,709 4,480 5,047 5,408 5,696 0.31 5.33
Australia 3,990 3,740 4,167 4,349 4,667 0.25 7.31
New Zealand 719 740 880 1,059 1,029 0.06 -2.83
MELANESIA 10 15 20 54 55 0.00 1.85
Fiji 4 7 15 22 19 0.00 -13.64
Papua New Guinea 6 8 5 32 36 0.00 12.50
MICRONESIA 10 59 45 49 41 0.00 -16.33
Guam 1 21 11 3 3 0.00
Kiribati 5 33 22 27 16 0.00 -40.74
Micronesia, Federated States of 4 5 12 19 22 0.00 15.79
POLYNESIA 32 22 21 15 8 0.00 -46.67
Cook Islands 7 3 3
Samoa 13 16 15 14 5 0.00 -64.29
Tuvalu 12 3 3 1 3 0.00 200.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 108 28 1 17 37 0.00 117.65
Other countries of Asia 20 28 2 6 0.00 200.00
Other countries of Oceania 88 1 15 31 0.00 106.67
EUROPE 155,213 178,575 214,042 276,167 273,944 14.75 -0.80
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,857 11,928 13,690 17,112 17,981 0.97 5.08
Armenia 12 30 73 37 29 0.00 -21.62
Azerbaijan 5 20 23 18 22 0.00 22.22
Belarus 93 110 143 92
Bulgaria 494 523 589 761 880 0.05 15.64
Czech Republic 806 737 911 1,287 1,670 0.09 29.76
Estonia 132 183 193 233 208 0.01 -10.73
Georgia 91 107 99 184 165 0.01 -10.33
Hungary 407 506 662 779 905 0.05 16.17
Kazakhstan 53 43 43 71 61 0.00 -14.08
Kyrgyzstan 5 10 6 19 7 0.00 -63.16

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Latvia 359 325 342 441 376 0.02 -14.74

Lithuania 205 249 285 375 502 0.03 33.87
Moldova, Republic of 59 37 44 63 105 0.01 66.67
Poland 1,714 2,024 2,601 3,020 3,540 0.19 17.22
Romania 1,006 1,110 1,362 1,690 1,614 0.09 -4.50
Russian Federation 3,156 3,337 3,659 4,525 4,161 0.22 -8.04
Slovakia 251 290 326 501 555 0.03 10.78
Tajikistan 1 2 1 3
Turkmenistan 6 2 2 1 12 0.00 1,100.00
Ukraine 1,994 2,272 2,319 3,004 3,160 0.17 5.19
Uzbekistan 8 11 7 8 9 0.00 12.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 21,301 21,205 23,855 28,238 25,282 1.36 -10.47
Denmark 1,892 1,985 2,213 2,778 2,412 0.13 -13.17
Finland 1,061 1,018 1,133 1,550 1,185 0.06 -23.55
Iceland 154 124 134 166 193 0.01 16.27
Ireland 1,253 1,228 1,207 1,536 1,504 0.08 -2.08
Norway 1,670 1,674 1,972 2,178 1,709 0.09 -21.53
Sweden 2,858 2,886 3,400 3,692 3,086 0.17 -16.41
United Kingdom 12,413 12,290 13,796 16,338 15,193 0.82 -7.01
SOUTHERN EUROPE 62,129 77,683 90,259 123,149 119,232 6.42 -3.18
Albania 102 62 50 51 39 0.00 -23.53
Andorra 200 191 131 185 186 0.01 0.54
Bosnia and Herzegovina 17 38 66 56 58 0.00 3.57
Croatia 478 473 528 754 832 0.04 10.34
Greece 982 1,201 1,189 1,442 1,482 0.08 2.77
Holy See 9 7 6 20 10 0.00 -50.00
Italy 17,039 17,503 21,098 30,888 30,383 1.64 -1.63
Malta 28 38 49 53 59 0.00 11.32
Portugal 3,106 3,105 4,964 9,606 7,326 0.39 -23.74
San Marino 8 9 14 7 13 0.00 85.71
Serbia and Montenegro 15 160 269 323 295 0.02 -8.67
Slovenia 198 234 269 283 263 0.01 -7.07
Spain 39,928 54,633 61,596 79,461 78,246 4.21 -1.53
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 19 29 30 20 40 0.00 100.00
WESTERN EUROPE 51,416 58,814 76,728 95,481 98,516 5.30 3.18
Austria 1,973 1,939 2,309 2,725 2,849 0.15 4.55
Belgium 3,292 2,803 2,975 4,179 4,468 0.24 6.92
France 13,731 14,977 26,243 36,403 34,333 1.85 -5.69
Germany 14,396 15,855 19,563 22,032 27,882 1.50 26.55
Liechtenstein 51 49 36 45 44 0.00 -2.22
Luxembourg 94 105 103 127 191 0.01 50.39
Monaco 4 8 10 19 18 0.00 -5.26
Netherlands 12,181 17,323 19,220 21,747 20,973 1.13 -3.56
Switzerland 5,694 5,755 6,269 8,204 7,758 0.42 -5.44
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 9,478 8,815 9,422 11,959 11,354 0.61 -5.06
Cyprus 65 62 59 76 68 0.00 -10.53
Israel 8,625 7,425 8,204 10,481 9,496 0.51 -9.40
Turkey 788 1,328 1,159 1,402 1,790 0.10 27.67
OTHER EUROPE 32 130 88 228 1,579 0.09 592.54
Other countries of Europe 32 130 88 228 1,579 0.09 592.54
MIDDLE EAST 955 770 806 956 945 0.05 -1.15
Bahrain 7 13 4 2 9 0.00 350.00
Egypt 104 121 160 153 154 0.01 0.65
Iraq 17 16 17 7 15 0.00 114.29
Jordan 83 43 81 98 69 0.00 -29.59

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Kuwait 19 56 51 34 39 0.00 14.71

Lebanon 458 194 203 275 245 0.01 -10.91
Libya 34 30 22 26 15 0.00 -42.31
Oman 10 24 10 11 16 0.00 45.45
Qatar 22 59 40 58 48 0.00 -17.24
Saudi Arabia 58 63 119 150 113 0.01 -24.67
State of Palestine 77 54 44 77 87 0.00 12.99
Syrian Arab Republic 36 36 21 29 48 0.00 65.52
United Arab Emirates 21 48 28 33 80 0.00 142.42
Yemen 9 13 6 3 7 0.00 133.33
SOUTH ASIA 4,790 4,628 4,776 7,274 6,955 0.37 -4.39
Afghanistan 2 8 10 5 17 0.00 240.00
Bangladesh 65 108 81 113 85 0.00 -24.78
India 4,393 4,176 4,347 6,748 6,417 0.35 -4.91
Iran, Islamic Republic of 53 56 66 57 64 0.00 12.28
Maldives 3 11 18 46 35 0.00 -23.91
Nepal 12 15 10 28 21 0.00 -25.00
Pakistan 147 154 139 221 220 0.01 -0.45
Sri Lanka 115 100 105 56 96 0.01 71.43

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 175,203 182,188 191,442 198,685 197,632 100.00 -0.53

AFRICA 1,481 1,149 1,138 1,199 1,175 0.59 -2.00
OTHER AFRICA 1,481 1,149 1,138 1,199 1,175 0.59 -2.00
All countries of Africa 1,481 1,149 1,138 1,199 1,175 0.59 -2.00
AMERICAS 11,985 13,214 14,529 15,861 15,129 7.66 -4.62
NORTH AMERICA 11,235 12,449 13,765 15,165 14,351 7.26 -5.37
Canada 1,899 1,886 2,097 2,403 2,170 1.10 -9.70
United States of America 9,336 10,563 11,668 12,762 12,181 6.16 -4.55
SOUTH AMERICA 11 47 54 70 50 0.03 -28.57
Chile 11 47 54 70 50 0.03 -28.57
OTHER AMERICAS 739 718 710 626 728 0.37 16.29
Other countries of the Americas 739 718 710 626 728 0.37 16.29
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 142,789 149,428 155,565 160,201 159,604 80.76 -0.37
NORTH-EAST ASIA 13,104 12,842 13,736 15,043 17,824 9.02 18.49
China 7,736 7,866 8,970 10,255 12,937 6.55 26.15
Japan 3,492 3,167 3,117 3,038 3,001 1.52 -1.22
Korea, Republic of 1,876 1,809 1,649 1,750 1,886 0.95 7.77
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 30,561 34,902 26,260 27,804 29,665 15.01 6.69
Indonesia 3,253 7,313 5,896 6,763 7,827 3.96 15.73
Malaysia 6,009 4,793 4,759 5,306 5,558 2.81 4.75
Philippines 19,314 21,048 13,745 13,569 14,090 7.13 3.84
Singapore 1,985 1,748 1,860 2,166 2,190 1.11 1.11
AUSTRALASIA 89,523 91,904 104,131 101,517 98,357 49.77 -3.11
Australia 80,276 83,616 93,433 91,368 88,092 44.57 -3.59
New Zealand 9,247 8,288 10,698 10,149 10,265 5.19 1.14
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,601 9,780 11,438 15,837 13,758 6.96 -13.13
Other countries of Asia 4,732 4,416 5,620 6,256 6,338 3.21 1.31
Other countries of Oceania 4,869 5,364 5,818 9,581 7,420 3.75 -22.56
EUROPE 13,468 13,238 16,734 17,412 17,431 8.82 0.11
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 452 380 415 426 414 0.21 -2.82
Russian Federation 452 380 415 426 414 0.21 -2.82
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,431 5,636 7,637 8,007 7,625 3.86 -4.77
United Kingdom 4,893 4,962 6,994 7,399 6,974 3.53 -5.74
Scandinavia 538 674 643 608 651 0.33 7.07
SOUTHERN EUROPE 550 339 418 439 484 0.24 10.25
Italy 550 339 418 439 484 0.24 10.25
WESTERN EUROPE 4,162 4,361 5,429 5,709 5,633 2.85 -1.33
France 1,059 1,278 1,435 1,473 1,516 0.77 2.92
Germany 2,407 2,487 3,300 3,557 3,276 1.66 -7.90
Netherlands 696 596 694 679 841 0.43 23.86
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 134 194 247 288 248 0.13 -13.89
Israel 134 194 247 288 248 0.13 -13.89
OTHER EUROPE 2,739 2,328 2,588 2,543 3,027 1.53 19.03
Other countries of Europe 2,739 2,328 2,588 2,543 3,027 1.53 19.03
SOUTH ASIA 5,480 5,159 3,476 4,012 4,293 2.17 7.00
India 5,480 5,159 3,476 4,012 4,293 2.17 7.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 579,305 609,901 648,962 1,214,613 1,308,198 100.00 7.70

AFRICA 593 746 965 1,474 936 0.07 -36.50
EAST AFRICA 63 47 96 74 46 0.00 -37.84
Burundi 2 1 1 3
Comoros 1 1 0.00
Djibouti 1 1
Ethiopia 4 3 3 10 3 0.00 -70.00
Kenya 14 8 23 7 7 0.00
Madagascar 5 1 11 2 0.00 -81.82
Malawi 2 1 12 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Mauritius 2 2 14 8 0.00 -42.86
Mozambique 13 5 16 5 6 0.00 20.00
Rwanda 2 1 4 1 2 0.00 100.00
Seychelles 1 5
Tanzania, United Republic of 10 10 4 1 3 0.00 200.00
Uganda 5 11 18 1 2 0.00 100.00
Zambia 6 2 5 1 5 0.00 400.00
Zimbabwe 2 5 11 6 0.00 -45.45
CENTRAL AFRICA 142 348 532 1,012 379 0.03 -62.55
Angola 115 335 499 1,003 364 0.03 -63.71
Cameroon 5 5 8 2 7 0.00 250.00
Central African Republic 4 1 2
Congo 9 2 9 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Equatorial Guinea 9 5 9 2 4 0.00 100.00
Sao Tome and Principe 5
NORTH AFRICA 41 36 37 27 103 0.01 281.48
Algeria 2 2 2 4 11 0.00 175.00
Morocco 33 27 24 13 85 0.01 553.85
Sudan 1 4 1 2 0.00 100.00
Tunisia 5 7 3 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Western Sahara 4 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 286 255 242 302 333 0.03 10.26
Botswana 1 3 0.00
Lesotho 1 2 2 0.00
Namibia 4 1 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
South Africa 281 254 240 299 326 0.02 9.03
WEST AFRICA 54 55 58 59 75 0.01 27.12
Benin 2 3 3
Burkina Faso 3 4
Cabo Verde 5 3 5 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Côte d'Ivoire 3 5 4 1 3 0.00 200.00
Gambia 1 1
Ghana 7 8 5 10 12 0.00 20.00
Guinea 3 5
Guinea-Bissau 2 1 2 6 0.00
Liberia 1 1 0.00
Mali 1
Mauritania 2 1
Nigeria 22 21 25 10 10 0.00
Senegal 7 14 6 7 41 0.00 485.71
Togo 1 16
Other countries of Africa 7 5

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 519,208 552,806 587,382 1,148,678 1,242,229 94.96 8.14

CARIBBEAN 916 1,143 1,441 1,325 1,122 0.09 -15.32
Anguilla 2 43 20 27 1 0.00 -96.30
Antigua and Barbuda 1 3 7 6 7 0.00 16.67
Aruba 11 6 67 0.01 1,016.67
Bahamas 5 11 89 2 20 0.00 900.00
Barbados 3 3 9 2 7 0.00 250.00
Cuba 553 755 748 782 515 0.04 -34.14
Dominica 5 24 17 0.00 -29.17
Dominican Republic 274 251 340 182 339 0.03 86.26
Grenada 5 7 0.00
Haiti 34 38 73 104 71 0.01 -31.73
Jamaica 18 26 26 17 27 0.00 58.82
Martinique 1
Puerto Rico 2 1 6 132 2 0.00 -98.48
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Saint Lucia 1 2 6 2 2 0.00
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 7 1 8 0.00 700.00
Trinidad and Tobago 13 5 79 35 21 0.00 -40.00
Other countries of the Caribbean 6 5 9 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 3,022 2,923 3,812 4,160 4,625 0.35 11.18
Belize 10 19 20 33 13 0.00 -60.61
Costa Rica 816 660 910 1,003 1,076 0.08 7.28
El Salvador 361 375 496 631 587 0.04 -6.97
Guatemala 593 575 979 969 1,350 0.10 39.32
Honduras 231 273 252 340 287 0.02 -15.59
Nicaragua 254 239 231 287 283 0.02 -1.39
Panama 757 782 924 897 1,029 0.08 14.72
NORTH AMERICA 23,522 24,886 26,365 26,917 23,812 1.82 -11.54
Canada 2,292 2,223 2,530 2,430 1,946 0.15 -19.92
Mexico 3,950 3,986 4,631 5,008 5,026 0.38 0.36
United States of America 17,280 18,677 19,204 19,479 16,840 1.29 -13.55
SOUTH AMERICA 491,748 523,854 555,764 1,116,276 1,212,670 92.70 8.64
Argentina 254,328 271,897 308,367 848,387 932,373 71.27 9.90
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 18,202 18,674 14,322 15,911 11,011 0.84 -30.80
Brazil 171,925 191,451 183,127 190,003 202,946 15.51 6.81
Chile 11,780 11,042 14,403 17,946 18,010 1.38 0.36
Colombia 7,129 7,279 9,986 10,419 12,035 0.92 15.51
Ecuador 2,369 2,184 2,186 2,817 3,268 0.25 16.01
Guyana 21 7 20 18 20 0.00 11.11
Peru 7,909 6,394 6,447 9,003 9,565 0.73 6.24
Suriname 26 6 9 123 6 0.00 -95.12
Uruguay 15,448 12,801 14,606 18,896 20,747 1.59 9.80
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,611 2,119 2,291 2,753 2,689 0.21 -2.32
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,971 12,039 13,224 12,465 11,910 0.91 -4.45
NORTH-EAST ASIA 10,888 11,234 12,360 11,718 11,076 0.85 -5.48
China 741 813 922 1,052 820 0.06 -22.05
Hong Kong (China) 2
Japan 3,947 4,435 4,798 4,324 4,657 0.36 7.70
Korea, Republic of 5,571 5,252 5,820 5,588 4,847 0.37 -13.26
Mongolia 2 3 5 0.00
Taiwan Province of China 627 734 815 754 747 0.06 -0.93
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 241 265 270 230 185 0.01 -19.57
Brunei Darussalam 1 4
Cambodia 2 2 2 5 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Indonesia 24 39 34 23 18 0.00 -21.74

Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 1 2 0.00
Malaysia 23 30 48 24 30 0.00 25.00
Myanmar 2
Philippines 105 133 133 118 79 0.01 -33.05
Singapore 12 10 14 14 20 0.00 42.86
Thailand 22 18 16 24 15 0.00 -37.50
Viet Nam 49 32 22 23 16 0.00 -30.43
AUSTRALASIA 825 526 593 507 637 0.05 25.64
Australia 694 435 490 384 511 0.04 33.07
New Zealand 131 91 103 123 126 0.01 2.44
MELANESIA 3 1 1 3 0.00
Fiji 1 2 0.00
Papua New Guinea 3 1 1 0.00
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14 13 10 9 0.00 -10.00
Other countries of Asia 3 2 5 9 0.00 80.00
Other countries of Oceania 11 11 5
EUROPE 46,279 43,068 45,644 50,413 52,063 3.98 3.27
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,552 1,394 3,741 2,313 3,275 0.25 41.59
Armenia 12 5 9 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Azerbaijan 3 1 80 11
Belarus 7
Bulgaria 69 80 77 89 83 0.01 -6.74
Czech Republic 280 162 151 322 514 0.04 59.63
Estonia 53 24 46 33 54 0.00 63.64
Georgia 5 4 15 3 22 0.00 633.33
Hungary 122 93 119 122 159 0.01 30.33
Kazakhstan 6 5 28 3 19 0.00 533.33
Kyrgyzstan 1 3 0.00
Latvia 31 44 26 49 49 0.00
Lithuania 19 32 37 54 83 0.01 53.70
Moldova, Republic of 19 13 4 5 8 0.00 60.00
Poland 448 389 458 627 851 0.07 35.73
Romania 4 14 356 226 256 0.02 13.27
Russian Federation 263 362 144 526 851 0.07 61.79
Slovakia 74 75 2,059 59 122 0.01 106.78
Turkmenistan 1
Ukraine 133 90 116 168 196 0.01 16.67
Uzbekistan 11 1 7 8 1 0.00 -87.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 5,086 4,180 4,050 4,720 4,761 0.36 0.87
Denmark 646 412 351 498 538 0.04 8.03
Finland 205 160 162 179 220 0.02 22.91
Iceland 28 24 50 78 38 0.00 -51.28
Ireland 261 240 261 254 370 0.03 45.67
Norway 463 371 343 397 358 0.03 -9.82
Sweden 1,017 623 528 803 668 0.05 -16.81
United Kingdom 2,466 2,350 2,355 2,511 2,569 0.20 2.31
SOUTHERN EUROPE 16,974 17,203 17,290 22,061 24,144 1.85 9.44
Albania 8 2 3 3 6 0.00 100.00
Andorra 11 4 9 8 24 0.00 200.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 2 2
Croatia 38 37 46 63 68 0.01 7.94
Greece 150 83 72 136 121 0.01 -11.03
Holy See 8 7 5 21 4 0.00 -80.95
Italy 4,185 4,148 4,531 5,232 5,449 0.42 4.15

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Malta 12 9 2 10 7 0.00 -30.00

Montenegro 15 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Portugal 720 763 830 912 1,043 0.08 14.36
San Marino 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Serbia 10 22 19 0.00 -13.64
Serbia and Montenegro 38
Slovenia 34 39 18 61 94 0.01 54.10
Spain 11,801 12,070 11,740 15,582 17,292 1.32 10.97
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2 1 8 14 0.00
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
WESTERN EUROPE 21,339 19,062 18,800 20,038 18,533 1.42 -7.51
Austria 930 821 789 822 962 0.07 17.03
Belgium 949 804 774 976 1,100 0.08 12.70
France 4,512 4,272 4,269 5,158 6,110 0.47 18.46
Germany 11,486 10,105 9,862 9,636 6,591 0.50 -31.60
Liechtenstein 6 3 5 6 5 0.00 -16.67
Luxembourg 38 37 32 43 24 0.00 -44.19
Monaco 30 1 1 1 1 0.00
Netherlands 1,223 1,132 1,230 1,412 1,616 0.12 14.45
Switzerland 2,165 1,887 1,838 1,984 2,124 0.16 7.06
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,322 1,216 1,763 1,261 1,274 0.10 1.03
Cyprus 22 17 12 19 24 0.00 26.32
Israel 1,030 998 1,474 923 951 0.07 3.03
Turkey 270 201 277 319 299 0.02 -6.27
OTHER EUROPE 6 13 20 76 0.01 280.00
Other countries of Europe 6 13 20 76 0.01 280.00
MIDDLE EAST 718 684 718 406 281 0.02 -30.79
Egypt 32 24 46 27 48 0.00 77.78
Iraq 6 7 6 12 5 0.00 -58.33
Jordan 29 5 24 13 18 0.00 38.46
Kuwait 2 2 8 5 7 0.00 40.00
Lebanon 593 561 507 268 148 0.01 -44.78
Libya 2 2 2 1 2 0.00 100.00
Oman 4 1 0.00
Qatar 3 19 39 25 15 0.00 -40.00
Saudi Arabia 1 11 12 2 0.00 -83.33
State of Palestine 14 4 12 9 5 0.00 -44.44
Syrian Arab Republic 13 26 36 22 19 0.00 -13.64
United Arab Emirates 23 23 34 12 11 0.00 -8.33
SOUTH ASIA 536 558 540 562 386 0.03 -31.32
Afghanistan 6 2 20 21 0.00 5.00
Bangladesh 92 104 89 175 11 0.00 -93.71
India 398 390 356 316 301 0.02 -4.75
Iran, Islamic Republic of 8 7 11 14 31 0.00 121.43
Nepal 8 27 52 8 1 0.00 -87.50
Pakistan 25 21 30 24 18 0.00 -25.00
Sri Lanka 5 3 5 3 0.00 -40.00
NOT SPECIFIED 489 615 393 0.03 -36.10
Other countries of the World 489 615 393 0.03 -36.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 2,845,623 3,163,639 3,214,934 3,455,709 3,744,461 100.00 8.36

AFRICA 4,406 4,257 5,264 5,314 4,728 0.13 -11.03
NORTH AFRICA 225 241 264 287 366 0.01 27.53
Morocco 225 241 264 287 366 0.01 27.53
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,943 2,672 2,604 2,999 2,468 0.07 -17.71
South Africa 2,943 2,672 2,604 2,999 2,468 0.07 -17.71
OTHER AFRICA 1,238 1,344 2,396 2,028 1,894 0.05 -6.61
Other countries of Africa 1,238 1,344 2,396 2,028 1,894 0.05 -6.61
AMERICAS 2,190,815 2,473,451 2,478,703 2,679,869 2,934,478 78.37 9.50
CARIBBEAN 7,952 8,145 8,497 9,785 10,047 0.27 2.68
Aruba 307 355 186 217 242 0.01 11.52
Cuba 3,755 3,562 4,248 4,604 4,984 0.13 8.25
Dominican Republic 2,800 2,962 2,768 3,394 3,341 0.09 -1.56
Puerto Rico 591 664 691 905 879 0.02 -2.87
Trinidad and Tobago 499 602 604 665 601 0.02 -9.62
CENTRAL AMERICA 34,840 37,479 40,550 57,522 66,926 1.79 16.35
Costa Rica 9,319 9,489 11,452 24,874 29,836 0.80 19.95
El Salvador 5,746 5,404 5,100 6,644 5,962 0.16 -10.26
Guatemala 3,486 3,829 3,900 4,489 6,249 0.17 39.21
Honduras 1,988 2,349 2,310 2,496 3,172 0.08 27.08
Nicaragua 1,393 1,287 1,421 1,480 1,873 0.05 26.55
Panama 12,908 15,121 16,367 17,539 19,834 0.53 13.09
NORTH AMERICA 559,809 610,418 649,438 692,140 745,755 19.92 7.75
Canada 61,362 62,820 68,194 70,560 71,833 1.92 1.80
Mexico 51,229 60,270 67,016 76,368 87,443 2.34 14.50
United States of America 447,218 487,328 514,228 545,212 586,479 15.66 7.57
SOUTH AMERICA 1,586,366 1,816,415 1,779,149 1,919,239 2,110,452 56.36 9.96
Argentina 158,950 155,145 155,931 170,960 175,488 4.69 2.65
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 101,546 111,983 126,689 128,943 136,805 3.65 6.10
Brazil 126,085 143,538 147,875 148,312 148,296 3.96 -0.01
Chile 806,929 886,485 903,793 984,584 1,055,880 28.20 7.24
Colombia 133,975 134,725 151,876 165,384 189,754 5.07 14.74
Ecuador 176,071 208,358 223,995 256,127 318,172 8.50 24.22
Paraguay 4,756 5,104 6,452 8,185 8,232 0.22 0.57
Uruguay 11,846 12,509 13,821 14,391 18,329 0.49 27.36
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 65,930 158,215 48,411 42,111 59,192 1.58 40.56
Other countries of South America 278 353 306 242 304 0.01 25.62
OTHER AMERICAS 1,848 994 1,069 1,183 1,298 0.03 9.72
Other countries of the Americas 1,848 994 1,069 1,183 1,298 0.03 9.72
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 138,821 153,562 162,941 168,046 169,871 4.54 1.09
NORTH-EAST ASIA 86,042 99,201 99,337 105,507 102,949 2.75 -2.42
China 12,180 12,864 16,607 19,243 25,648 0.68 33.28
Hong Kong (China) 1,027 1,455 1,977 2,538 2,912 0.08 14.74
Japan 56,526 67,639 59,853 55,311 47,090 1.26 -14.86
Korea, Republic of 13,318 14,000 17,265 23,094 21,347 0.57 -7.56
Taiwan Province of China 2,991 3,243 3,635 5,321 5,952 0.16 11.86
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,537 9,826 11,299 10,675 11,994 0.32 12.36
Indonesia 1,584 1,891 2,103 1,490 2,028 0.05 36.11
Malaysia 1,155 1,556 1,898 2,052 1,721 0.05 -16.13
Philippines 2,701 2,597 3,214 2,906 3,417 0.09 17.58
Singapore 1,252 1,523 1,868 1,936 2,070 0.06 6.92
Thailand 1,023 1,316 1,348 1,527 1,681 0.04 10.09
Viet Nam 822 943 868 764 1,077 0.03 40.97
AUSTRALASIA 41,361 41,779 48,420 48,046 50,973 1.36 6.09
Australia 35,745 36,373 41,842 41,568 42,870 1.14 3.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

New Zealand 5,616 5,406 6,578 6,478 8,103 0.22 25.08

OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,881 2,756 3,885 3,818 3,955 0.11 3.59
Other countries of Asia 2,786 2,659 3,741 3,681 3,706 0.10 0.68
Other countries of Oceania 95 97 144 137 249 0.01 81.75
EUROPE 506,136 526,770 561,590 595,502 627,989 16.77 5.46
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 34,712 39,821 43,833 46,267 33,999 0.91 -26.52
Belarus 8,867 9,735 14,237 15,676 756 0.02 -95.18
Bulgaria 1,064 965 1,248 1,276 1,490 0.04 16.77
Czech Republic 3,568 4,336 3,659 4,346 4,799 0.13 10.42
Hungary 1,369 1,877 1,800 2,002 1,936 0.05 -3.30
Lithuania 600 844 868 814 1,043 0.03 28.13
Poland 6,076 7,960 7,224 8,140 7,894 0.21 -3.02
Romania 1,794 1,975 1,966 2,192 2,647 0.07 20.76
Russian Federation 8,469 8,966 9,405 8,145 9,395 0.25 15.35
Slovakia 1,139 1,280 1,282 1,450 1,717 0.05 18.41
Ukraine 1,766 1,883 2,144 2,226 2,322 0.06 4.31
NORTHERN EUROPE 87,140 88,240 94,010 96,359 101,747 2.72 5.59
Denmark 5,884 5,761 6,221 6,737 6,501 0.17 -3.50
Finland 2,628 2,865 3,033 2,765 2,798 0.07 1.19
Ireland 5,655 5,904 5,915 6,220 6,453 0.17 3.75
Norway 5,923 5,913 6,127 5,894 5,523 0.15 -6.29
Sweden 10,664 11,014 11,480 11,530 11,170 0.30 -3.12
United Kingdom 56,386 56,783 61,234 63,213 69,302 1.85 9.63
SOUTHERN EUROPE 165,400 178,491 195,563 208,813 222,433 5.94 6.52
Croatia 884 848 981 842 984 0.03 16.86
Greece 1,233 1,288 1,572 1,455 1,758 0.05 20.82
Italy 46,845 47,624 55,109 60,385 66,697 1.78 10.45
Portugal 4,600 5,249 5,808 6,299 7,154 0.19 13.57
Slovenia 797 915 919 930 913 0.02 -1.83
Spain 111,041 122,567 131,174 138,902 144,927 3.87 4.34
WESTERN EUROPE 201,669 203,868 209,798 224,533 248,955 6.65 10.88
Austria 7,498 7,813 7,964 8,154 8,187 0.22 0.40
Belgium 5,128 4,670 1,591 573 16,697 0.45 2,813.96
France 81,851 81,904 82,260 88,921 92,316 2.47 3.82
Germany 62,051 62,570 68,703 74,489 74,208 1.98 -0.38
Netherlands 24,831 25,299 26,765 28,606 33,582 0.90 17.39
Switzerland 20,310 21,612 22,515 23,790 23,965 0.64 0.74
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 14,662 13,780 15,565 16,439 17,618 0.47 7.17
Israel 13,082 11,809 13,615 13,764 14,219 0.38 3.31
Turkey 1,580 1,971 1,950 2,675 3,399 0.09 27.07
OTHER EUROPE 2,553 2,570 2,821 3,091 3,237 0.09 4.72
Other countries of Europe 2,553 2,570 2,821 3,091 3,237 0.09 4.72
MIDDLE EAST 225 209 326 413 347 0.01 -15.98
Egypt 225 209 326 413 347 0.01 -15.98
SOUTH ASIA 4,165 4,454 5,265 5,684 5,900 0.16 3.80
India 4,165 4,454 5,265 5,684 5,900 0.16 3.80
NOT SPECIFIED 1,055 936 845 881 1,148 0.03 30.31
Other countries of the World 1,055 936 845 881 1,148 0.03 30.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,135,289 8,032,846 7,182,413 7,546,273 7,891,667 100.00 4.58

AMERICAS 3,824,961 4,524,124 3,923,271 4,074,538 4,395,852 55.70 7.89
NORTH AMERICA 1,808,094 2,009,585 1,938,427 2,092,747 2,279,623 28.89 8.93
Canada 272,409 276,132 273,538 285,618 280,226 3.55 -1.89
Mexico 186,641 222,549 218,464 239,267 289,252 3.67 20.89
United States of America 1,349,044 1,510,904 1,446,425 1,567,862 1,710,145 21.67 9.07
SOUTH AMERICA 2,016,867 2,514,539 1,984,844 1,981,791 2,116,229 26.82 6.78
Argentina 412,379 439,932 322,533 355,162 364,774 4.62 2.71
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 69,973 84,257 90,409 89,553 111,116 1.41 24.08
Brazil 400,121 476,952 433,349 397,008 369,010 4.68 -7.05
Chile 514,119 633,462 528,416 540,262 615,507 7.80 13.93
Colombia 330,261 394,255 334,224 317,652 342,123 4.34 7.70
Ecuador 153,572 200,248 193,505 216,501 251,776 3.19 16.29
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 136,442 285,433 82,408 65,653 61,923 0.78 -5.68
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 283,436 296,274 265,876 243,259 124,674 1.58 -48.75
NORTH-EAST ASIA 283,436 296,274 265,876 243,259 124,674 1.58 -48.75
Japan 283,436 296,274 265,876 243,259 124,674 1.58 -48.75
EUROPE 1,279,332 1,275,025 1,240,223 1,290,235 1,267,253 16.06 -1.78
SOUTHERN EUROPE 499,347 547,332 480,190 493,414 539,983 6.84 9.44
Italy 162,141 164,376 160,329 170,914 180,105 2.28 5.38
Spain 337,206 382,956 319,861 322,500 359,878 4.56 11.59
WESTERN EUROPE 779,985 727,693 760,033 796,821 727,270 9.22 -8.73
France 469,861 409,394 446,864 456,616 423,243 5.36 -7.31
Germany 310,124 318,299 313,169 340,205 304,027 3.85 -10.63
NOT SPECIFIED 1,747,560 1,937,423 1,753,043 1,938,241 2,103,888 26.66 8.55
Other countries of the World 1,747,560 1,937,423 1,753,043 1,938,241 2,103,888 26.66 8.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 13,256,193 15,158,588 13,452,528 13,587,466 14,370,236 100.00 5.76

AMERICAS 7,552,630 8,999,160 7,771,244 7,658,590 8,220,127 57.20 7.33
NORTH AMERICA 3,267,954 3,664,343 3,530,009 3,667,003 4,021,042 27.98 9.65
Canada 484,250 483,017 472,266 492,523 474,934 3.30 -3.57
Mexico 404,813 519,246 458,272 463,992 585,666 4.08 26.22
United States of America 2,378,891 2,662,080 2,599,471 2,710,488 2,960,442 20.60 9.22
SOUTH AMERICA 4,284,676 5,334,817 4,241,235 3,991,587 4,199,085 29.22 5.20
Argentina 833,457 877,833 691,763 697,308 693,106 4.82 -0.60
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 131,696 159,934 154,931 157,294 168,940 1.18 7.40
Brazil 836,438 982,763 879,278 789,807 729,897 5.08 -7.59
Chile 1,119,914 1,320,418 1,174,672 1,091,495 1,238,587 8.62 13.48
Colombia 714,800 812,460 730,171 666,685 732,185 5.10 9.82
Ecuador 316,864 429,972 423,634 436,815 486,132 3.38 11.29
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 331,507 751,437 186,786 152,183 150,238 1.05 -1.28
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 425,980 436,495 396,467 370,019 194,605 1.35 -47.41
NORTH-EAST ASIA 425,980 436,495 396,467 370,019 194,605 1.35 -47.41
Japan 425,980 436,495 396,467 370,019 194,605 1.35 -47.41
EUROPE 2,229,805 2,299,719 2,138,625 2,189,058 2,104,212 14.64 -3.88
SOUTHERN EUROPE 966,288 1,090,144 918,198 928,262 951,755 6.62 2.53
Italy 291,429 299,173 285,626 296,999 299,962 2.09 1.00
Spain 674,859 790,971 632,572 631,263 651,793 4.54 3.25
WESTERN EUROPE 1,263,517 1,209,575 1,220,427 1,260,796 1,152,457 8.02 -8.59
France 724,511 653,473 673,165 691,930 650,395 4.53 -6.00
Germany 539,006 556,102 547,262 568,866 502,062 3.49 -11.74
NOT SPECIFIED 3,047,778 3,423,214 3,146,192 3,369,799 3,851,292 26.80 14.29
Other countries of the World 3,047,778 3,423,214 3,146,192 3,369,799 3,851,292 26.80 14.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,272,811 4,681,307 4,833,368 5,360,682 5,967,005 100.00 11.31

AFRICA 5,163 5,515 5,319 6,000 6,606 0.11 10.10
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,691 3,979 3,606 4,570 5,117 0.09 11.97
South Africa 3,691 3,979 3,606 4,570 5,117 0.09 11.97
WEST AFRICA 1,472 1,536 1,713 1,430 1,489 0.02 4.13
Nigeria 1,472 1,536 1,713 1,430 1,489 0.02 4.13
AMERICAS 783,295 814,589 875,200 945,975 1,057,190 17.72 11.76
NORTH AMERICA 778,162 808,531 869,365 938,725 1,048,018 17.56 11.64
Canada 123,699 131,381 143,899 156,363 175,631 2.94 12.32
Mexico 1,837 2,586 2,716 3,145 2,924 0.05 -7.03
United States of America 652,626 674,564 722,750 779,217 869,463 14.57 11.58
SOUTH AMERICA 5,133 6,058 5,835 7,250 9,172 0.15 26.51
Argentina 1,112 1,259 1,252 1,745 2,369 0.04 35.76
Brazil 2,559 3,043 2,926 3,495 4,520 0.08 29.33
Colombia 754 989 1,023 1,228 1,431 0.02 16.53
Peru 433 478 406 561 581 0.01 3.57
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 275 289 228 221 271 0.00 22.62
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,666,888 2,997,380 3,047,849 3,420,716 3,823,619 64.08 11.78
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,038,987 2,298,597 2,299,350 2,636,191 3,040,860 50.96 15.35
China 250,883 426,352 394,951 490,841 675,663 11.32 37.65
Hong Kong (China) 118,666 126,008 114,100 122,180 116,328 1.95 -4.79
Japan 412,474 433,705 463,744 495,662 535,238 8.97 7.98
Korea, Republic of 1,031,155 1,165,789 1,175,472 1,339,678 1,475,081 24.72 10.11
Macao (China) 9,298 7,644 8,110 10,160 9,247 0.15 -8.99
Taiwan Province of China 216,511 139,099 142,973 177,670 229,303 3.84 29.06
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 375,190 422,061 461,486 481,567 461,698 7.74 -4.13
Brunei Darussalam 5,992 8,297 9,677 9,015 8,211 0.14 -8.92
Cambodia 2,661 3,228 3,276 3,503 3,526 0.06 0.66
Indonesia 36,627 45,582 46,757 48,178 44,348 0.74 -7.95
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,088 1,062 1,056 1,231 1,173 0.02 -4.71
Malaysia 114,513 109,437 139,245 155,814 139,133 2.33 -10.71
Myanmar 4,290 4,948 6,633 7,033 7,442 0.12 5.82
Singapore 148,215 175,034 179,099 181,176 176,057 2.95 -2.83
Thailand 40,987 47,874 45,943 44,038 47,913 0.80 8.80
Viet Nam 20,817 26,599 29,800 31,579 33,895 0.57 7.33
AUSTRALASIA 205,250 228,806 242,488 261,766 274,529 4.60 4.88
Australia 191,150 213,023 224,784 241,187 251,098 4.21 4.11
New Zealand 14,100 15,783 17,704 20,579 23,431 0.39 13.86
MELANESIA 4,726 5,668 6,481 5,910 7,738 0.13 30.93
Papua New Guinea 4,726 5,668 6,481 5,910 7,738 0.13 30.93
MICRONESIA 42,735 42,248 38,044 35,282 38,794 0.65 9.95
Guam 42,695 42,204 38,016 35,262 38,777 0.65 9.97
Nauru 40 44 28 20 17 0.00 -15.00
EUROPE 442,686 479,472 498,923 548,969 629,273 10.55 14.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 37,916 46,907 44,887 43,408 47,445 0.80 9.30
Poland 4,187 5,653 5,911 8,030 8,893 0.15 10.75
Russian Federation 28,270 35,404 32,087 25,278 28,210 0.47 11.60
Other countries Central/East Europe 5,459 5,850 6,889 10,100 10,342 0.17 2.40
NORTHERN EUROPE 181,978 196,441 208,691 234,630 261,891 4.39 11.62
Denmark 13,556 13,618 14,298 15,269 18,049 0.30 18.21
Finland 5,399 5,906 5,667 6,548 6,318 0.11 -3.51
Ireland 8,362 10,576 12,354 14,050 16,557 0.28 17.84
Norway 19,572 20,625 20,846 20,968 21,606 0.36 3.04
Sweden 21,807 22,957 21,861 23,206 26,062 0.44 12.31
United Kingdom 113,282 122,759 133,665 154,589 173,299 2.90 12.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTHERN EUROPE 43,268 43,079 44,451 50,685 63,888 1.07 26.05

Andorra 7,333 4,840 1,371 329 364 0.01 10.64
Greece 1,834 1,879 2,063 2,386 2,483 0.04 4.07
Italy 16,740 17,668 19,865 21,620 25,945 0.43 20.00
Portugal 1,466 1,566 1,799 2,206 2,999 0.05 35.95
Spain 15,895 17,126 19,353 24,144 32,097 0.54 32.94
WESTERN EUROPE 170,498 181,639 187,817 202,464 231,440 3.88 14.31
Austria 11,718 12,106 12,410 12,267 13,087 0.22 6.68
Belgium 11,649 11,454 12,236 12,825 14,477 0.24 12.88
France 33,709 39,042 38,946 45,505 55,384 0.93 21.71
Germany 67,023 70,949 72,801 75,348 86,363 1.45 14.62
Luxembourg 647 586 640 687 833 0.01 21.25
Netherlands 22,195 22,595 25,236 28,632 31,876 0.53 11.33
Switzerland 23,557 24,907 25,548 27,200 29,420 0.49 8.16
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 9,026 11,406 13,077 17,782 24,609 0.41 38.39
Israel 5,895 7,675 8,776 11,756 16,725 0.28 42.27
Turkey 3,131 3,731 4,301 6,026 7,884 0.13 30.83
MIDDLE EAST 57,275 68,916 76,163 83,546 91,501 1.53 9.52
Bahrain 3,528 3,424 4,003 3,562 3,689 0.06 3.57
Egypt 1,619 1,763 1,640 1,630 1,985 0.03 21.78
Jordan 756 833 757 677 718 0.01 6.06
Kuwait 4,877 5,048 5,290 5,440 6,649 0.11 22.22
Qatar 3,771 3,724 3,990 4,472 4,745 0.08 6.10
Saudi Arabia 30,040 38,969 43,483 50,884 56,081 0.94 10.21
United Arab Emirates 12,684 15,155 17,000 16,881 17,634 0.30 4.46
SOUTH ASIA 63,860 69,333 78,618 94,539 111,167 1.86 17.59
Bangladesh 3,188 3,244 3,805 4,664 4,516 0.08 -3.17
India 46,395 52,206 61,152 74,824 90,816 1.52 21.37
Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,017 3,652 2,899 2,505 2,720 0.05 8.58
Nepal 2,107 2,403 2,875 2,908 3,449 0.06 18.60
Pakistan 3,541 3,765 3,819 4,346 4,256 0.07 -2.07
Sri Lanka 3,612 4,063 4,068 5,292 5,410 0.09 2.23
NOT SPECIFIED 253,644 246,102 251,296 260,937 247,649 4.15 -5.09
Other countries of the World 37,701 42,490 43,392 49,074 57,226 0.96 16.61

Nationals Residing Abroad (*) 215,943 203,612 207,904 211,863 190,423 3.19 -10.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,237,935 4,637,026 4,773,185 5,290,880 5,894,634 100.00 11.41

AFRICA 5,118 5,426 5,228 5,765 6,331 0.11 9.82
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,646 3,891 3,517 4,337 4,842 0.08 11.64
South Africa 3,646 3,891 3,517 4,337 4,842 0.08 11.64
WEST AFRICA 1,472 1,535 1,711 1,428 1,489 0.03 4.27
Nigeria 1,472 1,535 1,711 1,428 1,489 0.03 4.27
AMERICAS 782,046 811,835 873,343 940,795 1,052,776 17.86 11.90
NORTH AMERICA 776,948 805,850 867,575 933,746 1,043,786 17.71 11.78
Canada 123,412 130,841 143,544 155,322 174,732 2.96 12.50
Mexico 1,814 2,571 2,699 3,041 2,814 0.05 -7.46
United States of America 651,722 672,438 721,332 775,383 866,240 14.70 11.72
SOUTH AMERICA 5,098 5,985 5,768 7,049 8,990 0.15 27.54
Argentina 1,107 1,245 1,239 1,725 2,333 0.04 35.25
Brazil 2,547 3,015 2,898 3,409 4,451 0.08 30.57
Colombia 750 979 1,015 1,176 1,403 0.02 19.30
Peru 424 461 388 531 543 0.01 2.26
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 270 285 228 208 260 0.00 25.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,637,300 2,963,308 3,002,786 3,376,602 3,776,706 64.07 11.85
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,020,515 2,278,755 2,271,887 2,612,771 3,013,735 51.13 15.35
China 245,153 417,408 380,171 481,379 661,483 11.22 37.41
Hong Kong (China) 118,579 125,571 113,768 122,132 116,239 1.97 -4.83
Japan 410,976 433,309 462,595 494,265 534,585 9.07 8.16
Korea, Republic of 1,029,617 1,164,152 1,173,563 1,338,019 1,473,254 24.99 10.11
Taiwan Province of China 216,190 138,315 141,790 176,976 228,174 3.87 28.93
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 365,207 409,483 445,088 465,630 447,555 7.59 -3.88
Brunei Darussalam 5,985 8,294 9,639 9,010 8,188 0.14 -9.12
Cambodia 2,660 3,228 3,275 3,501 3,523 0.06 0.63
Indonesia 34,231 42,307 42,521 43,191 39,815 0.68 -7.82
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,088 1,062 1,056 1,231 1,172 0.02 -4.79
Malaysia 112,923 107,816 135,119 153,525 138,201 2.34 -9.98
Myanmar 1,995 2,578 3,228 3,429 3,982 0.07 16.13
Singapore 147,963 173,462 178,943 180,903 175,951 2.98 -2.74
Thailand 40,337 47,503 45,381 43,305 47,064 0.80 8.68
Viet Nam 18,025 23,233 25,926 27,535 29,659 0.50 7.71
AUSTRALASIA 204,119 227,165 241,308 257,012 268,891 4.56 4.62
Australia 190,080 211,462 223,678 236,857 245,786 4.17 3.77
New Zealand 14,039 15,703 17,630 20,155 23,105 0.39 14.64
MELANESIA 4,724 5,658 6,459 5,907 7,731 0.13 30.88
Papua New Guinea 4,724 5,658 6,459 5,907 7,731 0.13 30.88
MICRONESIA 42,735 42,247 38,044 35,282 38,794 0.66 9.95
Guam 42,695 42,204 38,016 35,262 38,777 0.66 9.97
Nauru 40 43 28 20 17 0.00 -15.00
EUROPE 427,235 465,674 484,907 529,844 610,266 10.35 15.18
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 35,237 43,446 40,570 36,239 41,329 0.70 14.05
Poland 3,847 4,988 5,259 7,083 8,141 0.14 14.94
Russian Federation 27,526 34,327 30,866 23,290 26,401 0.45 13.36
Commonwealth Independent States 3,864 4,131 4,445 5,866 6,787 0.12 15.70
NORTHERN EUROPE 179,309 194,822 205,382 229,395 255,041 4.33 11.18
Denmark 13,536 13,585 14,240 15,146 17,687 0.30 16.78
Finland 5,396 5,892 5,661 6,477 6,252 0.11 -3.47
Ireland 8,330 10,555 12,321 13,956 16,470 0.28 18.01
Norway 19,527 20,584 20,752 20,774 21,382 0.36 2.93
Sweden 21,725 22,861 21,665 22,990 25,821 0.44 12.31
United Kingdom 110,795 121,345 130,743 150,052 167,429 2.84 11.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTHERN EUROPE 35,665 37,998 42,337 49,236 62,782 1.07 27.51

Greece 1,760 1,769 1,907 2,118 2,282 0.04 7.74
Italy 16,660 17,600 19,350 21,153 25,678 0.44 21.39
Portugal 1,387 1,545 1,775 2,115 2,875 0.05 35.93
Spain 15,858 17,084 19,305 23,850 31,947 0.54 33.95
WESTERN EUROPE 168,159 178,115 183,713 197,650 226,784 3.85 14.74
Austria 11,622 11,929 12,054 11,941 12,803 0.22 7.22
Belgium 11,595 11,406 12,192 12,634 14,340 0.24 13.50
France 33,268 38,970 38,723 45,124 54,937 0.93 21.75
Germany 65,551 68,168 69,995 72,461 83,597 1.42 15.37
Luxembourg 644 573 632 679 792 0.01 16.64
Netherlands 22,060 22,427 24,949 28,277 31,538 0.54 11.53
Switzerland 23,419 24,642 25,168 26,534 28,777 0.49 8.45
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,865 11,293 12,905 17,324 24,330 0.41 40.44
Israel 5,895 7,671 8,771 11,728 16,721 0.28 42.57
Turkey 2,970 3,622 4,134 5,596 7,609 0.13 35.97
MIDDLE EAST 57,237 68,897 76,107 83,525 91,394 1.55 9.42
Bahrain 3,528 3,424 4,003 3,562 3,689 0.06 3.57
Egypt 1,581 1,746 1,585 1,616 1,878 0.03 16.21
Jordan 756 832 756 674 718 0.01 6.53
Kuwait 4,877 5,047 5,290 5,437 6,649 0.11 22.29
Qatar 3,771 3,724 3,990 4,472 4,745 0.08 6.10
Saudi Arabia 30,040 38,969 43,483 50,883 56,081 0.95 10.22
United Arab Emirates 12,684 15,155 17,000 16,881 17,634 0.30 4.46
SOUTH ASIA 60,039 65,091 72,270 86,651 103,228 1.75 19.13
Bangladesh 2,978 3,140 3,706 4,318 4,161 0.07 -3.64
India 43,578 49,006 56,552 69,045 84,488 1.43 22.37
Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,016 3,652 2,899 2,498 2,717 0.05 8.77
Nepal 2,092 2,249 2,428 2,606 3,412 0.06 30.93
Pakistan 3,517 3,659 3,682 4,289 4,138 0.07 -3.52
Sri Lanka 2,858 3,385 3,003 3,895 4,312 0.07 10.71
NOT SPECIFIED 268,960 256,795 258,544 267,698 253,933 4.31 -5.14
Other countries of the World 53,017 53,183 50,640 55,835 63,510 1.08 13.75

Nationals Residing Abroad (*) 215,943 203,612 207,904 211,863 190,423 3.23 -10.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 67,390,000 72,310,000 73,750,000 77,744,000 80,476,000 100.00 3.51

AFRICA 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 0.02 50.00
OTHER AFRICA 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 0.02 50.00
All countries of Africa 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 0.02 50.00
AMERICAS 425,000 425,000 648,000 703,000 765,000 0.95 8.82
NORTH AMERICA 390,000 390,000 605,000 659,000 715,000 0.89 8.50
Canada 90,000 80,000 97,000 103,000 116,000 0.14 12.62
United States of America 300,000 310,000 508,000 556,000 599,000 0.74 7.73
SOUTH AMERICA 25,000 25,000 33,000 34,000 40,000 0.05 17.65
Argentina 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.01
Brazil 15,000 15,000 23,000 24,000 30,000 0.04 25.00
OTHER AMERICAS 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.01
Other countries of the Americas 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.01
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 320,000 355,000 344,000 368,000 376,000 0.47 2.17
NORTH-EAST ASIA 135,000 170,000 223,000 243,000 243,000 0.30
China 40,000 45,000 70,000 83,000 96,000 0.12 15.66
Hong Kong (China) 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 10,000 0.01 42.86
Japan 40,000 45,000 67,000 79,000 88,000 0.11 11.39
Korea, Republic of 40,000 65,000 71,000 64,000 39,000 0.05 -39.06
Taiwan Province of China 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.01
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.04
Indonesia 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Malaysia 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Philippines 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Singapore 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.01
Thailand 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
AUSTRALASIA 85,000 85,000 41,000 45,000 53,000 0.07 17.78
Australia 75,000 75,000 36,000 40,000 48,000 0.06 20.00
New Zealand 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 70,000 70,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.06
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 70,000 70,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.06
EUROPE 66,545,000 71,430,000 72,661,000 76,579,000 79,225,000 98.45 3.46
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 36,410,000 38,905,000 36,956,000 39,023,000 40,297,000 50.07 3.26
Armenia 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 14,000 0.02 40.00
Belarus 3,920,000 3,950,000 4,066,000 3,606,000 3,513,000 4.37 -2.58
Bulgaria 100,000 90,000 107,000 104,000 102,000 0.13 -1.92
Czech Republic 12,380,000 13,380,000 11,374,000 11,911,000 12,350,000 15.35 3.69
Estonia 110,000 120,000 163,000 169,000 170,000 0.21 0.59
Georgia 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 0.01 40.00
Hungary 235,000 245,000 257,000 274,000 287,000 0.36 4.74
Kazakhstan 40,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 0.05 33.33
Latvia 385,000 365,000 742,000 743,000 752,000 0.93 1.21
Lithuania 3,010,000 2,890,000 2,605,000 2,789,000 3,020,000 3.75 8.28
Moldova, Republic of 40,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 0.05 33.33
Romania 125,000 135,000 259,000 238,000 246,000 0.31 3.36
Russian Federation 2,670,000 3,570,000 2,807,000 2,339,000 2,051,000 2.55 -12.31
Slovakia 6,630,000 6,725,000 5,769,000 6,242,000 6,552,000 8.14 4.97
Ukraine 6,740,000 7,330,000 8,732,000 10,533,000 11,153,000 13.86 5.89
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,205,000 1,350,000 2,248,000 2,430,000 2,531,000 3.15 4.16
Denmark 110,000 140,000 232,000 238,000 243,000 0.30 2.10
Finland 85,000 95,000 175,000 187,000 196,000 0.24 4.81
Iceland 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Ireland 120,000 95,000 195,000 212,000 224,000 0.28 5.66
Norway 140,000 190,000 482,000 506,000 514,000 0.64 1.58
Sweden 205,000 205,000 297,000 333,000 353,000 0.44 6.01

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

United Kingdom 540,000 620,000 862,000 949,000 996,000 1.24 4.95

SOUTHERN EUROPE 660,000 685,000 946,000 1,015,000 1,162,000 1.44 14.48
Croatia 20,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 0.02
Greece 50,000 30,000 40,000 48,000 50,000 0.06 4.17
Italy 320,000 335,000 444,000 476,000 561,000 0.70 17.86
Portugal 80,000 45,000 44,000 47,000 62,000 0.08 31.91
Serbia 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Slovenia 20,000 20,000 58,000 62,000 63,000 0.08 1.61
Spain 160,000 225,000 340,000 357,000 401,000 0.50 12.32
WESTERN EUROPE 27,960,000 30,165,000 32,210,000 33,736,000 34,875,000 43.34 3.38
Austria 360,000 355,000 432,000 447,000 467,000 0.58 4.47
Belgium 140,000 130,000 267,000 283,000 290,000 0.36 2.47
France 280,000 310,000 572,000 599,000 646,000 0.80 7.85
Germany 26,720,000 28,900,000 30,260,000 31,681,000 32,727,000 40.67 3.30
Luxembourg 10,000 5,000 16,000 16,000 15,000 0.02 -6.25
Netherlands 390,000 400,000 487,000 521,000 542,000 0.67 4.03
Switzerland 60,000 65,000 176,000 189,000 188,000 0.23 -0.53
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 200,000 215,000 221,000 302,000 290,000 0.36 -3.97
Cyprus 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
Israel 90,000 90,000 146,000 179,000 201,000 0.25 12.29
Turkey 105,000 120,000 70,000 118,000 84,000 0.10 -28.81
OTHER EUROPE 110,000 110,000 80,000 73,000 70,000 0.09 -4.11
Other countries of Europe 110,000 110,000 80,000 73,000 70,000 0.09 -4.11
MIDDLE EAST 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.02
All countries of Middle East 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.02
SOUTH ASIA 20,000 20,000 32,000 39,000 40,000 0.05 2.56
India 15,000 15,000 27,000 34,000 35,000 0.04 2.94
Other countries of South Asia 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.01
NOT SPECIFIED 50,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 0.05 33.33
Other countries of the World 50,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 0.05 33.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,369,548 4,686,963 4,886,042 5,073,855 5,680,011 100.00 11.95

AFRICA 9,272 12,832 13,101 12,979 13,677 0.24 5.38
EAST AFRICA 1,198 1,488 1,303 1,683 1,838 0.03 9.21
Burundi 43 35 61 33 61 0.00 84.85
Comoros 3 5 1 7 9 0.00 28.57
Djibouti 1 3 12 7 17 0.00 142.86
Eritrea 2 1 7 0.00 600.00
Ethiopia 331 163 166 269 206 0.00 -23.42
Kenya 266 343 345 327 516 0.01 57.80
Madagascar 15 21 33 79 38 0.00 -51.90
Malawi 58 23 9 14 15 0.00 7.14
Mauritius 47 81 79 105 124 0.00 18.10
Mozambique 41 3 20 45 27 0.00 -40.00
Reunion 3
Rwanda 126 225 172 236 236 0.00
Seychelles 58 33 30 52 31 0.00 -40.38
Somalia 36 23 27 60 72 0.00 20.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 28 173 68 62 79 0.00 27.42
Uganda 87 149 115 217 228 0.00 5.07
Zambia 25 71 67 41 67 0.00 63.41
Zimbabwe 28 137 98 128 105 0.00 -17.97
CENTRAL AFRICA 802 1,855 1,061 1,041 685 0.01 -34.20
Angola 389 1,176 609 521 264 0.00 -49.33
Cameroon 113 109 180 153 200 0.00 30.72
Central African Republic 70 290 104 64 76 0.00 18.75
Chad 62 108 51 114 25 0.00 -78.07
Congo 52 157 99 137 75 0.00 -45.26
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 112 7 14 46 29 0.00 -36.96
Equatorial Guinea 2 8 4 3 13 0.00 333.33
Gabon 2 3 3 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 3,200 4,361 4,066 4,093 4,335 0.08 5.91
Algeria 1,655 2,566 1,948 1,870 1,594 0.03 -14.76
Morocco 683 853 938 1,058 1,505 0.03 42.25
Sudan 171 71 137 185 112 0.00 -39.46
Tunisia 658 854 1,012 940 1,039 0.02 10.53
Western Sahara 33 17 31 40 85 0.00 112.50
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,286 3,003 3,119 3,662 3,687 0.06 0.68
Botswana 24 33 8 57 62 0.00 8.77
Lesotho 4 5 8 9 11 0.00 22.22
Namibia 48 63 124 56 224 0.00 300.00
South Africa 2,210 2,901 2,979 3,540 3,368 0.06 -4.86
Swaziland 1 22 0.00
WEST AFRICA 1,786 2,125 3,552 2,500 3,132 0.06 25.28
Benin 20 59 23 42 24 0.00 -42.86
Burkina Faso 1 17 138 71 26 0.00 -63.38
Cabo Verde 1 13 12 28 0.00 133.33
Côte d'Ivoire 159 43 36 124 90 0.00 -27.42
Gambia 10 29 77 43 72 0.00 67.44
Ghana 59 105 161 118 144 0.00 22.03
Guinea 29 59 17 22 34 0.00 54.55
Guinea-Bissau 16 19 14 3 0.00 -78.57
Liberia 33 7 16 60 11 0.00 -81.67
Mali 36 26 67 53 65 0.00 22.64
Mauritania 15 77 112 53 46 0.00 -13.21
Niger 211 359 529 347 686 0.01 97.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 877 906 1,779 868 930 0.02 7.14

Saint Helena 6 10 42 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Senegal 92 139 198 215 269 0.00 25.12
Sierra Leone 211 258 310 427 669 0.01 56.67
Togo 10 31 15 21 27 0.00 28.57
AMERICAS 237,516 266,804 288,871 308,088 358,176 6.31 16.26
CARIBBEAN 1,399 1,103 1,508 1,854 1,535 0.03 -17.21
Antigua and Barbuda 14
Aruba 36 21 9 25 24 0.00 -4.00
Bahamas 106 41 66 103 180 0.00 74.76
Barbados 24 22 30 76 120 0.00 57.89
Bermuda 252 24 260 70 27 0.00 -61.43
Cayman Islands 218 16 26 37 13 0.00 -64.86
Cuba 110 279 289 391 208 0.00 -46.80
Dominica 15 148 24 79 18 0.00 -77.22
Dominican Republic 199 44 102 75 146 0.00 94.67
Grenada 3 6
Guadeloupe 59 13 8 8 24 0.00 200.00
Haiti 23 10 81 72 52 0.00 -27.78
Jamaica 65 90 86 31 128 0.00 312.90
Martinique 2 6 17 94 0.00 452.94
Netherlands Antilles 7
Puerto Rico 224 317 230 652 409 0.01 -37.27
Trinidad and Tobago 42 72 291 218 92 0.00 -57.80
CENTRAL AMERICA 863 986 1,293 1,759 2,697 0.05 53.33
Belize 155 97 65 83 39 0.00 -53.01
Costa Rica 270 272 416 900 964 0.02 7.11
El Salvador 57 137 183 264 431 0.01 63.26
Guatemala 96 100 140 62 200 0.00 222.58
Honduras 162 222 156 149 361 0.01 142.28
Nicaragua 55 23 39 70 111 0.00 58.57
Panama 68 135 294 231 591 0.01 155.84
NORTH AMERICA 214,478 239,749 262,005 280,601 327,433 5.76 16.69
Canada 29,459 28,338 31,182 29,754 34,002 0.60 14.28
Greenland 1 6 0.00
Mexico 5,049 6,010 5,516 6,735 6,970 0.12 3.49
United States of America 179,970 205,400 225,307 244,112 286,455 5.04 17.35
SOUTH AMERICA 20,776 24,966 24,065 23,874 26,511 0.47 11.05
Argentina 2,913 4,257 3,858 4,782 5,782 0.10 20.91
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,055 1,133 942 337 226 0.00 -32.94
Brazil 12,941 14,802 14,847 12,904 14,153 0.25 9.68
Chile 916 1,112 1,363 2,083 2,148 0.04 3.12
Colombia 1,085 1,025 1,046 1,334 1,509 0.03 13.12
Ecuador 207 299 326 231 450 0.01 94.81
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 9 475 11 19 29 0.00 52.63
French Guiana 6 2 1 15 2 0.00 -86.67
Guyana 68 16 13 93 26 0.00 -72.04
Paraguay 50 64 44 187 491 0.01 162.57
Peru 435 350 357 493 562 0.01 14.00
Suriname 22 0.00
Uruguay 536 393 530 698 597 0.01 -14.47
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 555 1,038 727 698 514 0.01 -26.36
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 151,606 180,153 189,189 200,162 245,341 4.32 22.57
NORTH-EAST ASIA 106,092 130,401 142,209 151,728 189,422 3.33 24.84
China 33,855 36,816 44,312 55,925 79,188 1.39 41.60

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hong Kong (China) 3,824 5,374 4,760 6,485 9,218 0.16 42.14
Japan 38,685 47,200 48,272 50,296 65,194 1.15 29.62
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 12,485 4,396 1,705 215 301 0.01 40.00
Korea, Republic of 14,265 32,976 38,958 32,906 29,152 0.51 -11.41
Macao (China) 37 179 164 269 143 0.00 -46.84
Mongolia 380 433 654 496 482 0.01 -2.82
Taiwan Province of China 2,561 3,027 3,384 5,136 5,744 0.10 11.84
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 20,289 22,533 19,562 20,633 22,353 0.39 8.34
Brunei Darussalam 14 28 24 25 23 0.00 -8.00
Cambodia 11 3 20 26 20 0.00 -23.08
Indonesia 3,092 3,760 3,065 3,322 4,638 0.08 39.61
Lao People's Democratic Republic 161 41 68 114 221 0.00 93.86
Malaysia 3,024 3,028 3,677 3,045 3,154 0.06 3.58
Myanmar 58 97 27 21 24 0.00 14.29
Philippines 1,212 1,838 1,892 2,089 2,816 0.05 34.80
Singapore 7,452 8,164 5,730 6,567 5,302 0.09 -19.26
Thailand 3,176 3,596 3,301 3,681 4,110 0.07 11.65
Timor-Leste 4 72 1 15 48 0.00 220.00
Viet Nam 2,085 1,906 1,757 1,728 1,997 0.04 15.57
AUSTRALASIA 25,031 27,107 27,164 27,543 33,322 0.59 20.98
Australia 22,484 24,686 24,710 24,767 30,422 0.54 22.83
New Zealand 2,547 2,421 2,454 2,776 2,900 0.05 4.47
MELANESIA 153 76 171 175 112 0.00 -36.00
Fiji 66 36 89 95 35 0.00 -63.16
New Caledonia 74 37 68 17 27 0.00 58.82
Papua New Guinea 13 3 14 63 50 0.00 -20.63
MICRONESIA 5 9 19 20 19 0.00 -5.00
Guam 2 5 2 3 15 0.00 400.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 4 17 15 4 0.00 -73.33
Nauru 2
POLYNESIA 36 27 64 63 113 0.00 79.37
American Samoa 5 27 0.00
French Polynesia 31 27 64 60 79 0.00 31.67
Pitcairn 2 0.00
Tonga 3 5 0.00 66.67
EUROPE 3,891,459 4,131,452 4,300,885 4,430,299 4,919,702 86.61 11.05
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,104,337 1,225,672 1,220,877 1,108,831 1,192,986 21.00 7.59
Armenia 3,671 3,960 3,058 1,992 1,458 0.03 -26.81
Azerbaijan 899 1,394 1,275 1,242 1,282 0.02 3.22
Belarus 141,443 182,874 199,631 177,792 157,094 2.77 -11.64
Bulgaria 10,416 10,832 13,160 11,436 12,042 0.21 5.30
Czech Republic 84,857 82,068 87,430 91,415 99,392 1.75 8.73
Estonia 34,970 37,331 40,031 42,523 44,734 0.79 5.20
Georgia 1,790 2,529 3,055 3,252 3,927 0.07 20.76
Hungary 51,620 50,364 56,263 55,382 67,497 1.19 21.88
Kazakhstan 3,251 3,860 3,087 3,042 3,297 0.06 8.38
Kyrgyzstan 354 341 378 285 311 0.01 9.12
Latvia 53,849 59,017 69,975 68,993 64,103 1.13 -7.09
Lithuania 94,756 97,543 108,727 120,095 133,819 2.36 11.43
Moldova, Republic of 2,550 2,494 3,061 2,897 4,378 0.08 51.12
Romania 27,234 32,162 35,160 36,295 39,353 0.69 8.43
Russian Federation 361,642 376,891 316,028 204,374 207,464 3.65 1.51
Slovakia 43,613 47,283 52,368 56,434 67,653 1.19 19.88
Tajikistan 132 139 208 105 266 0.00 153.33
Turkmenistan 117 60 73 105 120 0.00 14.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 185,942 233,473 226,996 230,055 283,979 5.00 23.44

Uzbekistan 1,231 1,057 913 1,117 817 0.01 -26.86
NORTHERN EUROPE 769,810 795,507 824,316 924,864 1,018,073 17.92 10.08
Denmark 83,707 79,503 79,873 84,878 88,364 1.56 4.11
Finland 57,081 52,762 57,875 60,395 63,591 1.12 5.29
Iceland 2,534 2,323 3,878 4,004 6,780 0.12 69.33
Ireland 49,747 37,797 35,645 42,209 48,759 0.86 15.52
Norway 125,957 147,466 171,487 193,064 188,816 3.32 -2.20
Sweden 108,503 119,828 132,199 151,936 176,653 3.11 16.27
United Kingdom 342,281 355,828 343,359 388,378 445,036 7.84 14.59
Other countries of Northern Europe 74 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 408,597 402,009 433,935 464,465 545,796 9.61 17.51
Albania 1,551 2,381 2,032 1,818 1,305 0.02 -28.22
Andorra 282 267 306 407 299 0.01 -26.54
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,273 1,077 1,353 1,999 2,051 0.04 2.60
Croatia 11,971 8,824 10,271 9,743 14,835 0.26 52.26
Gibraltar 135 102 47 103 98 0.00 -4.85
Greece 15,978 11,950 16,832 20,339 27,489 0.48 35.15
Holy See 145 170 118 67 0.00 -43.22
Italy 201,393 203,213 206,115 212,925 248,716 4.38 16.81
Malta 1,260 1,258 2,010 2,517 4,461 0.08 77.23
Montenegro 360 458 1,348 594 900 0.02 51.52
Portugal 22,500 18,146 19,328 23,109 27,913 0.49 20.79
San Marino 27 395 90 276 62 0.00 -77.54
Serbia 3,992 5,357 7,569 9,327 9,852 0.17 5.63
Slovenia 9,306 9,646 11,468 14,095 15,388 0.27 9.17
Spain 137,689 138,003 153,640 165,645 190,330 3.35 14.90
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 880 787 1,251 1,323 1,842 0.03 39.23
Other countries of Southern Europe 105 127 188 0.00 48.03
WESTERN EUROPE 1,435,839 1,536,531 1,633,962 1,744,111 1,939,599 34.15 11.21
Austria 58,663 59,779 61,188 60,042 64,354 1.13 7.18
Belgium 57,447 58,942 63,931 75,813 77,417 1.36 2.12
France 175,231 180,558 187,059 197,508 218,078 3.84 10.41
Germany 1,002,624 1,087,300 1,159,850 1,234,149 1,392,011 24.51 12.79
Liechtenstein 262 388 383 474 567 0.01 19.62
Luxembourg 3,289 3,410 4,200 4,129 4,613 0.08 11.72
Monaco 207 253 370 379 251 0.00 -33.77
Netherlands 99,291 105,018 112,812 121,611 130,913 2.30 7.65
Switzerland 38,825 40,883 44,169 50,006 51,395 0.90 2.78
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 172,876 171,733 187,795 188,028 223,248 3.93 18.73
Cyprus 2,359 2,296 3,031 2,771 2,980 0.05 7.54
Israel 150,034 146,712 162,140 157,254 191,628 3.37 21.86
Turkey 20,483 22,725 22,624 28,003 28,640 0.50 2.27
MIDDLE EAST 13,860 15,306 17,958 21,353 26,286 0.46 23.10
Bahrain 177 196 151 181 199 0.00 9.94
Egypt 2,288 2,456 2,813 2,793 2,957 0.05 5.87
Iraq 846 885 1,068 991 1,849 0.03 86.58
Jordan 389 490 607 808 810 0.01 0.25
Kuwait 573 1,056 1,118 1,603 2,548 0.04 58.95
Lebanon 688 1,154 1,324 1,307 2,034 0.04 55.62
Libya 479 992 654 491 804 0.01 63.75
Oman 160 162 225 339 351 0.01 3.54
Qatar 2,691 628 885 1,195 2,030 0.04 69.87
Saudi Arabia 3,202 3,627 3,341 3,938 4,732 0.08 20.16
State of Palestine 17 323 57 0.00 -82.35

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 395 304 318 558 669 0.01 19.89
United Arab Emirates 1,740 3,315 5,334 6,747 7,154 0.13 6.03
Yemen 232 41 103 79 92 0.00 16.46
SOUTH ASIA 19,228 20,466 26,679 27,920 29,947 0.53 7.26
Afghanistan 1,646 2,047 2,811 2,940 1,664 0.03 -43.40
Bangladesh 1,306 1,698 1,361 713 554 0.01 -22.30
Bhutan 20 66 199 288 70 0.00 -75.69
India 12,963 13,590 17,715 18,405 21,162 0.37 14.98
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,270 1,902 3,099 3,326 4,154 0.07 24.89
Maldives 31 4 25 58 41 0.00 -29.31
Nepal 63 191 87 123 213 0.00 73.17
Pakistan 787 800 1,024 1,842 1,665 0.03 -9.61
Sri Lanka 142 168 358 225 424 0.01 88.44
NOT SPECIFIED 46,607 59,950 49,359 73,054 86,882 1.53 18.93
Other countries of the World 46,607 59,950 49,359 73,054 86,882 1.53 18.93

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 4,940,248 5,204,935 5,427,426 5,689,570 6,378,793 100.00 12.11

AFRICA 11,862 14,205 14,507 14,782 15,220 0.24 2.96
EAST AFRICA 1,346 1,655 1,451 1,889 1,993 0.03 5.51
Burundi 46 36 61 33 64 0.00 93.94
Comoros 3 5 1 7 9 0.00 28.57
Djibouti 1 3 13 10 17 0.00 70.00
Eritrea 2 1 7 0.00 600.00
Ethiopia 342 188 189 347 233 0.00 -32.85
Kenya 313 385 411 384 562 0.01 46.35
Madagascar 16 32 34 87 41 0.00 -52.87
Malawi 60 33 9 14 18 0.00 28.57
Mauritius 51 85 91 115 127 0.00 10.43
Mozambique 41 3 20 46 29 0.00 -36.96
Reunion 3
Rwanda 130 238 175 239 240 0.00 0.42
Seychelles 73 34 30 54 31 0.00 -42.59
Somalia 38 24 27 67 77 0.00 14.93
Tanzania, United Republic of 48 178 71 72 92 0.00 27.78
Uganda 107 176 134 227 251 0.00 10.57
Zambia 29 77 73 41 75 0.00 82.93
Zimbabwe 43 158 112 145 120 0.00 -17.24
CENTRAL AFRICA 860 2,033 1,179 1,152 800 0.01 -30.56
Angola 413 1,281 683 550 315 0.00 -42.73
Cameroon 131 140 214 188 213 0.00 13.30
Central African Republic 70 290 104 65 77 0.00 18.46
Chad 62 113 52 115 34 0.00 -70.43
Congo 66 192 107 161 116 0.00 -27.95
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 114 9 15 67 29 0.00 -56.72
Equatorial Guinea 2 8 4 3 13 0.00 333.33
Gabon 2 3 3 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 3,654 4,841 4,768 4,961 5,192 0.08 4.66
Algeria 1,893 2,828 2,308 2,268 1,921 0.03 -15.30
Morocco 774 960 1,171 1,368 1,896 0.03 38.60
Sudan 177 79 150 193 115 0.00 -40.41
Tunisia 777 957 1,108 1,092 1,173 0.02 7.42
Western Sahara 33 17 31 40 87 0.00 117.50
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,431 3,225 3,295 3,883 3,873 0.06 -0.26
Botswana 37 34 8 59 64 0.00 8.47
Lesotho 4 5 10 9 11 0.00 22.22
Namibia 52 68 125 59 231 0.00 291.53
South Africa 2,338 3,117 3,152 3,756 3,545 0.06 -5.62
Swaziland 1 22 0.00
WEST AFRICA 3,571 2,451 3,814 2,897 3,362 0.05 16.05
Benin 20 63 24 46 28 0.00 -39.13
Burkina Faso 1 23 138 72 27 0.00 -62.50
Cabo Verde 1 13 13 28 0.00 115.38
Côte d'Ivoire 164 46 47 138 102 0.00 -26.09
Gambia 10 29 77 51 86 0.00 68.63
Ghana 80 139 186 129 167 0.00 29.46
Guinea 38 76 32 30 44 0.00 46.67
Guinea-Bissau 16 19 14 3 0.00 -78.57
Liberia 34 9 22 60 12 0.00 -80.00
Mali 1,167 31 68 59 67 0.00 13.56
Mauritania 18 82 113 53 50 0.00 -5.66
Niger 563 376 552 555 695 0.01 25.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 1,097 1,112 1,946 994 1,047 0.02 5.33

Saint Helena 14 13 42 10 14 0.00 40.00
Senegal 122 162 208 224 292 0.00 30.36
Sierra Leone 215 258 312 427 669 0.01 56.67
Togo 11 32 15 22 31 0.00 40.91
AMERICAS 256,431 284,437 307,493 331,378 385,801 6.05 16.42
CARIBBEAN 1,466 1,219 1,566 2,061 1,853 0.03 -10.09
Antigua and Barbuda 14
Aruba 39 29 9 25 27 0.00 8.00
Bahamas 108 41 77 105 189 0.00 80.00
Barbados 25 73 30 79 135 0.00 70.89
Bermuda 252 24 260 74 30 0.00 -59.46
Cayman Islands 218 16 26 39 15 0.00 -61.54
Cuba 129 296 293 430 229 0.00 -46.74
Dominica 19 149 25 106 27 0.00 -74.53
Dominican Republic 205 56 105 88 170 0.00 93.18
Grenada 3 6
Guadeloupe 60 13 17 8 30 0.00 275.00
Haiti 26 13 81 77 57 0.00 -25.97
Jamaica 86 95 105 40 160 0.00 300.00
Martinique 2 6 17 100 0.00 488.24
Netherlands Antilles 7
Puerto Rico 230 333 237 742 559 0.01 -24.66
Trinidad and Tobago 43 75 295 231 125 0.00 -45.89
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,569 1,805 2,159 2,701 3,638 0.06 34.69
Belize 155 99 68 93 44 0.00 -52.69
Costa Rica 299 290 441 939 1,039 0.02 10.65
El Salvador 61 147 195 270 450 0.01 66.67
Guatemala 118 116 151 101 253 0.00 150.50
Honduras 785 973 947 945 1,062 0.02 12.38
Nicaragua 64 31 42 91 127 0.00 39.56
Panama 87 149 315 262 663 0.01 153.05
NORTH AMERICA 229,348 253,084 275,120 297,140 348,301 5.46 17.22
Canada 32,797 31,464 33,932 33,346 38,002 0.60 13.96
Greenland 1 16 0.00
Mexico 5,979 6,883 6,413 7,962 8,397 0.13 5.46
United States of America 190,572 214,736 234,775 255,832 301,886 4.73 18.00
SOUTH AMERICA 24,048 28,329 28,648 29,476 32,009 0.50 8.59
Argentina 3,406 4,684 4,334 5,491 6,626 0.10 20.67
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,075 1,190 977 396 269 0.00 -32.07
Brazil 14,826 16,687 17,982 16,441 17,086 0.27 3.92
Chile 1,170 1,474 1,679 2,542 2,704 0.04 6.37
Colombia 1,226 1,229 1,272 1,623 1,917 0.03 18.11
Ecuador 321 347 373 345 605 0.01 75.36
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 13 475 11 21 30 0.00 42.86
French Guiana 6 2 1 15 3 0.00 -80.00
Guyana 70 16 13 94 26 0.00 -72.34
Paraguay 68 68 67 205 517 0.01 152.20
Peru 534 486 476 656 798 0.01 21.65
Suriname 30 0.00
Uruguay 673 535 677 862 741 0.01 -14.04
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 660 1,136 786 785 657 0.01 -16.31
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 166,143 193,544 202,704 218,100 263,709 4.13 20.91
NORTH-EAST ASIA 112,234 135,860 148,532 161,172 198,861 3.12 23.38
China 35,547 38,490 46,214 60,525 84,085 1.32 38.93

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hong Kong (China) 4,246 5,776 5,161 6,957 9,737 0.15 39.96
Japan 41,080 49,245 50,534 52,622 67,040 1.05 27.40
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 13,205 4,430 1,734 220 309 0.00 40.45
Korea, Republic of 14,716 33,841 40,105 34,455 30,819 0.48 -10.55
Macao (China) 51 184 178 282 150 0.00 -46.81
Mongolia 597 579 853 659 563 0.01 -14.57
Taiwan Province of China 2,792 3,315 3,753 5,452 6,158 0.10 12.95
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 21,461 23,641 20,599 22,385 24,279 0.38 8.46
Brunei Darussalam 19 28 26 25 28 0.00 12.00
Cambodia 13 3 21 48 43 0.00 -10.42
Indonesia 3,200 3,881 3,156 3,447 4,816 0.08 39.72
Lao People's Democratic Republic 161 44 71 115 236 0.00 105.22
Malaysia 3,241 3,239 3,901 3,436 3,494 0.05 1.69
Myanmar 61 99 27 22 35 0.00 59.09
Philippines 1,309 1,928 1,952 2,234 3,116 0.05 39.48
Singapore 7,793 8,548 6,066 6,910 5,647 0.09 -18.28
Thailand 3,320 3,675 3,402 3,938 4,432 0.07 12.54
Timor-Leste 4 72 1 15 48 0.00 220.00
Viet Nam 2,340 2,124 1,976 2,195 2,384 0.04 8.61
AUSTRALASIA 32,252 33,927 33,314 34,279 40,277 0.63 17.50
Australia 29,002 30,759 30,056 30,743 36,596 0.57 19.04
New Zealand 3,250 3,168 3,258 3,536 3,681 0.06 4.10
MELANESIA 155 80 175 181 156 0.00 -13.81
Fiji 67 39 91 101 35 0.00 -65.35
New Caledonia 74 37 68 17 27 0.00 58.82
Papua New Guinea 14 4 16 63 94 0.00 49.21
MICRONESIA 5 9 19 20 19 0.00 -5.00
Guam 2 5 2 3 15 0.00 400.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 4 17 15 4 0.00 -73.33
Nauru 2
POLYNESIA 36 27 65 63 117 0.00 85.71
American Samoa 5 27 0.00
French Polynesia 31 27 65 60 83 0.00 38.33
Pitcairn 2 0.00
Tonga 3 5 0.00 66.67
EUROPE 4,423,222 4,614,444 4,805,059 4,998,766 5,564,071 87.23 11.31
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,247,106 1,365,104 1,367,940 1,266,339 1,372,382 21.51 8.37
Armenia 3,765 4,071 3,226 2,251 1,676 0.03 -25.54
Azerbaijan 1,021 1,605 1,424 1,400 1,458 0.02 4.14
Belarus 163,655 205,606 224,330 200,584 175,016 2.74 -12.75
Bulgaria 11,955 12,248 13,955 12,560 13,063 0.20 4.00
Czech Republic 97,638 93,205 99,081 105,705 117,899 1.85 11.54
Estonia 37,505 39,636 42,868 45,163 47,705 0.75 5.63
Georgia 2,271 3,226 3,748 3,848 4,439 0.07 15.36
Hungary 59,266 59,568 66,525 66,177 77,687 1.22 17.39
Kazakhstan 3,946 4,626 3,886 3,614 4,060 0.06 12.34
Kyrgyzstan 527 455 507 341 379 0.01 11.14
Latvia 58,587 62,461 74,039 72,739 69,100 1.08 -5.00
Lithuania 105,732 108,356 120,451 132,462 147,336 2.31 11.23
Moldova, Republic of 3,152 3,248 3,549 3,740 4,981 0.08 33.18
Romania 30,270 35,261 37,833 39,742 42,370 0.66 6.61
Russian Federation 394,371 405,020 342,355 225,002 227,594 3.57 1.15
Slovakia 52,445 54,471 58,885 64,369 78,445 1.23 21.87
Tajikistan 192 158 250 150 341 0.01 127.33
Turkmenistan 119 65 81 134 148 0.00 10.45

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 219,305 270,666 269,831 285,046 357,578 5.61 25.45

Uzbekistan 1,384 1,152 1,116 1,312 1,107 0.02 -15.63
NORTHERN EUROPE 852,062 846,814 875,861 988,352 1,090,596 17.10 10.34
Denmark 88,926 84,378 84,369 90,650 94,261 1.48 3.98
Finland 61,373 57,041 62,459 65,788 68,597 1.08 4.27
Iceland 2,661 2,505 3,985 4,143 6,975 0.11 68.36
Ireland 81,133 41,632 38,910 46,607 54,234 0.85 16.36
Norway 132,661 153,409 178,346 202,093 199,418 3.13 -1.32
Sweden 117,968 129,780 143,231 164,983 190,207 2.98 15.29
United Kingdom 367,340 378,069 364,561 414,088 476,830 7.48 15.15
Other countries of Northern Europe 74 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 451,844 437,069 471,581 508,582 599,814 9.40 17.94
Albania 1,679 2,606 2,343 2,626 1,583 0.02 -39.72
Andorra 290 276 317 417 310 0.00 -25.66
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,464 1,157 1,418 2,095 2,193 0.03 4.68
Croatia 14,087 9,704 11,313 10,873 16,917 0.27 55.59
Gibraltar 135 102 47 103 104 0.00 0.97
Greece 16,780 12,765 17,698 21,505 28,724 0.45 33.57
Holy See 152 171 123 80 0.00 -34.96
Italy 217,980 217,753 220,911 230,287 271,188 4.25 17.76
Malta 1,450 1,355 2,210 2,849 5,021 0.08 76.24
Montenegro 453 507 1,375 644 950 0.01 47.52
Portugal 25,433 20,182 21,493 25,679 30,670 0.48 19.44
San Marino 28 396 94 278 62 0.00 -77.70
Serbia 5,477 6,959 8,832 10,824 10,831 0.17 0.06
Slovenia 10,372 10,878 12,719 15,543 16,792 0.26 8.04
Spain 155,203 151,328 169,104 183,152 212,155 3.33 15.84
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,013 949 1,409 1,442 2,029 0.03 40.71
Other countries of Southern Europe 127 142 205 0.00 44.37
WESTERN EUROPE 1,694,605 1,788,651 1,896,222 2,042,003 2,271,263 35.61 11.23
Austria 64,365 65,026 65,582 65,706 70,533 1.11 7.35
Belgium 63,853 65,438 70,885 83,303 84,706 1.33 1.68
France 195,938 200,949 207,499 221,640 247,228 3.88 11.54
Germany 1,212,837 1,289,255 1,371,555 1,473,010 1,658,587 26.00 12.60
Liechtenstein 275 394 389 490 593 0.01 21.02
Luxembourg 3,568 3,631 4,412 4,426 4,883 0.08 10.33
Monaco 239 260 373 397 265 0.00 -33.25
Netherlands 112,160 119,817 128,168 139,664 149,017 2.34 6.70
Switzerland 41,370 43,881 47,359 53,367 55,451 0.87 3.91
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 177,605 176,806 193,455 193,490 230,016 3.61 18.88
Cyprus 2,453 2,515 3,127 2,867 3,091 0.05 7.81
Israel 152,064 148,546 164,331 159,272 194,935 3.06 22.39
Turkey 23,088 25,745 25,997 31,351 31,990 0.50 2.04
MIDDLE EAST 14,637 16,197 19,220 22,771 28,315 0.44 24.35
Bahrain 185 204 212 193 236 0.00 22.28
Egypt 2,572 2,767 3,117 3,145 3,383 0.05 7.57
Iraq 890 970 1,164 1,279 2,451 0.04 91.63
Jordan 403 502 662 854 856 0.01 0.23
Kuwait 584 1,073 1,138 1,641 2,622 0.04 59.78
Lebanon 755 1,228 1,572 1,455 2,273 0.04 56.22
Libya 541 1,110 802 586 860 0.01 46.76
Oman 171 168 243 357 377 0.01 5.60
Qatar 2,709 631 894 1,246 2,058 0.03 65.17
Saudi Arabia 3,352 3,727 3,489 4,113 4,968 0.08 20.79
State of Palestine 29 325 66 0.00 -79.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 439 373 370 640 793 0.01 23.91
United Arab Emirates 1,798 3,397 5,419 6,826 7,252 0.11 6.24
Yemen 238 47 109 111 120 0.00 8.11
SOUTH ASIA 20,524 21,435 28,033 29,686 32,065 0.50 8.01
Afghanistan 1,676 2,108 2,839 2,966 1,703 0.03 -42.58
Bangladesh 1,337 1,718 1,385 745 622 0.01 -16.51
Bhutan 20 81 199 295 72 0.00 -75.59
India 13,551 14,198 18,626 19,612 22,681 0.36 15.65
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,489 2,013 3,226 3,479 4,312 0.07 23.94
Maldives 41 6 31 60 49 0.00 -18.33
Nepal 135 248 135 208 305 0.00 46.63
Pakistan 1,125 886 1,202 2,080 1,866 0.03 -10.29
Sri Lanka 150 177 390 241 455 0.01 88.80
NOT SPECIFIED 47,429 60,673 50,410 74,087 89,612 1.40 20.96
Other countries of the World 47,429 60,673 50,410 74,087 89,612 1.40 20.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,424,550 10,129,465 10,667,222 11,302,368 12,918,219 100.00 14.30

AFRICA 21,635 30,603 31,258 32,020 34,001 0.26 6.19
EAST AFRICA 2,065 3,902 3,075 4,270 4,955 0.04 16.04
Burundi 51 61 88 52 112 0.00 115.38
Comoros 7 42 2 17 20 0.00 17.65
Djibouti 2 11 34 21 53 0.00 152.38
Eritrea 4 2 12 0.00 500.00
Ethiopia 467 494 588 765 854 0.01 11.63
Kenya 445 1,249 722 815 1,170 0.01 43.56
Madagascar 23 27 84 120 124 0.00 3.33
Malawi 73 146 31 35 40 0.00 14.29
Mauritius 150 167 162 230 353 0.00 53.48
Mozambique 55 9 30 98 35 0.00 -64.29
Reunion 14
Rwanda 171 338 274 871 569 0.00 -34.67
Seychelles 139 102 47 66 68 0.00 3.03
Somalia 58 64 73 171 164 0.00 -4.09
Tanzania, United Republic of 100 310 173 147 311 0.00 111.56
Uganda 174 324 433 561 638 0.00 13.73
Zambia 55 233 167 78 120 0.00 53.85
Zimbabwe 77 325 167 221 312 0.00 41.18
CENTRAL AFRICA 1,647 3,883 2,275 2,542 1,636 0.01 -35.64
Angola 720 2,467 1,257 1,521 732 0.01 -51.87
Cameroon 287 340 511 337 419 0.00 24.33
Central African Republic 251 407 236 142 175 0.00 23.24
Chad 130 248 63 177 42 0.00 -76.27
Congo 122 378 152 258 137 0.00 -46.90
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 126 22 52 94 84 0.00 -10.64
Equatorial Guinea 7 21 4 4 39 0.00 875.00
Gabon 4 9 8 0.00 -11.11
NORTH AFRICA 8,336 9,733 11,521 11,914 11,718 0.09 -1.65
Algeria 4,290 5,168 4,829 5,886 3,895 0.03 -33.83
Morocco 1,780 2,058 2,798 2,637 3,733 0.03 41.56
Sudan 312 214 241 447 249 0.00 -44.30
Tunisia 1,871 2,231 3,587 2,861 3,673 0.03 28.38
Western Sahara 83 62 66 83 168 0.00 102.41
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,077 8,292 7,217 7,812 8,713 0.07 11.53
Botswana 37 103 10 259 108 0.00 -58.30
Lesotho 11 81 22 16 19 0.00 18.75
Namibia 74 167 259 133 535 0.00 302.26
South Africa 5,955 7,940 6,926 7,404 8,013 0.06 8.23
Swaziland 1 38 0.00
WEST AFRICA 3,510 4,793 7,170 5,482 6,979 0.05 27.31
Benin 41 201 37 98 76 0.00 -22.45
Burkina Faso 2 86 285 88 44 0.00 -50.00
Cabo Verde 3 28 120 39 0.00 -67.50
Côte d'Ivoire 216 106 83 311 209 0.00 -32.80
Gambia 35 153 137 134 121 0.00 -9.70
Ghana 134 313 499 261 454 0.00 73.95
Guinea 44 152 25 49 122 0.00 148.98
Guinea-Bissau 16 19 32 11 0.00 -65.63
Liberia 34 18 27 67 32 0.00 -52.24
Mali 60 119 116 148 134 0.00 -9.46
Mauritania 16 134 253 118 78 0.00 -33.90
Niger 511 746 1,241 924 1,626 0.01 75.97

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 1,822 1,741 3,178 2,002 1,958 0.02 -2.20

Saint Helena 14 12 66 10 11 0.00 10.00
Senegal 177 353 615 396 699 0.01 76.52
Sierra Leone 373 459 519 677 1,329 0.01 96.31
Togo 12 200 42 47 36 0.00 -23.40
AMERICAS 529,995 593,518 630,912 665,938 801,957 6.21 20.43
CARIBBEAN 3,248 2,776 3,380 3,656 3,688 0.03 0.88
Antigua and Barbuda 52
Aruba 124 42 17 50 42 0.00 -16.00
Bahamas 327 69 125 174 418 0.00 140.23
Barbados 74 49 56 131 245 0.00 87.02
Bermuda 546 110 550 145 72 0.00 -50.34
Cayman Islands 325 35 31 134 39 0.00 -70.90
Cuba 252 869 874 923 439 0.00 -52.44
Dominica 56 278 45 136 36 0.00 -73.53
Dominican Republic 540 110 326 195 254 0.00 30.26
Grenada 3 6
Guadeloupe 128 18 10 15 45 0.00 200.00
Haiti 61 64 107 118 106 0.00 -10.17
Jamaica 151 260 178 65 247 0.00 280.00
Martinique 5 36 28 313 0.00 1,017.86
Netherlands Antilles 7
Puerto Rico 423 729 689 1,297 1,242 0.01 -4.24
Trinidad and Tobago 174 137 336 245 190 0.00 -22.45
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,498 2,007 3,004 2,990 5,268 0.04 76.19
Belize 172 272 143 157 74 0.00 -52.87
Costa Rica 525 530 872 1,261 1,705 0.01 35.21
El Salvador 104 230 402 572 783 0.01 36.89
Guatemala 165 172 302 130 603 0.00 363.85
Honduras 314 467 271 326 721 0.01 121.17
Nicaragua 118 61 120 134 188 0.00 40.30
Panama 100 275 894 410 1,194 0.01 191.22
NORTH AMERICA 474,561 532,066 571,424 606,097 731,989 5.67 20.77
Canada 64,034 63,745 65,351 64,575 75,660 0.59 17.17
Greenland 1 28 0.00
Mexico 11,670 14,009 12,356 16,897 16,580 0.13 -1.88
United States of America 398,857 454,311 493,717 524,625 639,721 4.95 21.94
SOUTH AMERICA 50,688 56,669 53,104 53,195 61,012 0.47 14.69
Argentina 6,664 9,089 8,408 10,277 12,756 0.10 24.12
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,255 2,612 1,980 709 449 0.00 -36.67
Brazil 32,285 33,929 33,919 29,730 34,412 0.27 15.75
Chile 2,102 2,683 2,805 4,611 4,207 0.03 -8.76
Colombia 3,023 2,993 2,242 3,007 3,412 0.03 13.47
Ecuador 407 666 549 484 807 0.01 66.74
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 39 647 35 20 52 0.00 160.00
French Guiana 16 2 1 17 8 0.00 -52.94
Guyana 260 75 23 110 42 0.00 -61.82
Paraguay 89 128 77 280 1,014 0.01 262.14
Peru 1,303 839 775 1,073 1,233 0.01 14.91
Suriname 50 0.00
Uruguay 920 780 1,095 1,499 1,434 0.01 -4.34
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,325 2,226 1,195 1,378 1,136 0.01 -17.56
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 279,046 333,469 350,054 368,653 443,784 3.44 20.38
NORTH-EAST ASIA 188,460 235,700 256,216 270,315 328,887 2.55 21.67
China 61,416 67,694 80,364 99,354 133,324 1.03 34.19

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hong Kong (China) 6,887 9,118 8,823 11,407 15,470 0.12 35.62
Japan 71,331 92,350 93,556 97,748 118,932 0.92 21.67
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 19,579 7,375 4,946 266 582 0.00 118.80
Korea, Republic of 24,216 52,384 59,258 51,496 49,857 0.39 -3.18
Macao (China) 90 310 330 467 355 0.00 -23.98
Mongolia 681 866 3,018 1,013 1,002 0.01 -1.09
Taiwan Province of China 4,260 5,603 5,921 8,564 9,365 0.07 9.35
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 36,881 39,054 35,349 38,945 43,539 0.34 11.80
Brunei Darussalam 43 109 63 37 45 0.00 21.62
Cambodia 26 6 36 58 38 0.00 -34.48
Indonesia 5,434 6,136 5,154 4,989 7,707 0.06 54.48
Lao People's Democratic Republic 371 67 88 220 290 0.00 31.82
Malaysia 6,958 6,151 7,398 6,709 6,941 0.05 3.46
Myanmar 369 125 63 67 65 0.00 -2.99
Philippines 3,184 4,250 4,417 5,107 7,096 0.05 38.95
Singapore 11,419 12,190 9,228 11,790 10,046 0.08 -14.79
Thailand 5,694 6,398 5,587 6,968 7,611 0.06 9.23
Timor-Leste 4 142 3 31 97 0.00 212.90
Viet Nam 3,379 3,480 3,312 2,969 3,603 0.03 21.35
AUSTRALASIA 53,312 58,235 58,022 58,942 70,766 0.55 20.06
Australia 48,087 52,970 52,575 53,298 64,019 0.50 20.12
New Zealand 5,225 5,265 5,447 5,644 6,747 0.05 19.54
MELANESIA 328 425 317 299 295 0.00 -1.34
Fiji 149 208 165 155 65 0.00 -58.06
New Caledonia 146 209 129 29 88 0.00 203.45
Papua New Guinea 33 8 23 115 142 0.00 23.48
MICRONESIA 7 18 34 51 44 0.00 -13.73
Guam 4 5 4 9 28 0.00 211.11
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 13 30 36 16 0.00 -55.56
Nauru 6
POLYNESIA 58 37 116 101 253 0.00 150.50
American Samoa 7 52 0.00
French Polynesia 51 37 116 98 188 0.00 91.84
Pitcairn 2 0.00
Tonga 3 11 0.00 266.67
EUROPE 8,427,889 8,980,415 9,463,939 9,991,286 11,357,600 87.92 13.68
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,730,382 1,933,340 1,941,423 1,802,557 2,048,615 15.86 13.65
Armenia 8,689 10,481 7,721 4,382 2,956 0.02 -32.54
Azerbaijan 2,101 3,759 2,735 2,703 2,763 0.02 2.22
Belarus 179,082 232,565 256,122 229,426 210,117 1.63 -8.42
Bulgaria 26,910 23,458 27,724 25,640 27,838 0.22 8.57
Czech Republic 154,324 145,645 158,182 164,923 172,567 1.34 4.63
Estonia 43,990 45,802 51,844 56,088 58,629 0.45 4.53
Georgia 4,359 5,503 6,249 7,280 8,962 0.07 23.10
Hungary 105,085 104,873 119,794 107,471 130,593 1.01 21.51
Kazakhstan 7,319 7,966 7,940 8,027 9,638 0.07 20.07
Kyrgyzstan 978 762 857 608 612 0.00 0.66
Latvia 65,900 74,854 83,513 84,136 80,595 0.62 -4.21
Lithuania 127,015 133,516 146,281 164,304 179,432 1.39 9.21
Moldova, Republic of 5,348 6,316 5,980 6,402 11,022 0.09 72.16
Romania 58,105 66,927 79,773 74,687 85,950 0.67 15.08
Russian Federation 545,314 567,373 481,379 316,481 322,748 2.50 1.98
Slovakia 87,996 101,671 94,697 104,390 130,466 1.01 24.98
Tajikistan 352 399 519 191 520 0.00 172.25
Turkmenistan 267 104 160 203 481 0.00 136.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 303,120 398,075 407,271 442,790 611,180 4.73 38.03

Uzbekistan 4,128 3,291 2,682 2,425 1,546 0.01 -36.25
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,746,135 1,817,737 1,882,380 2,163,992 2,430,250 18.81 12.30
Denmark 185,650 178,456 174,051 196,310 208,499 1.61 6.21
Finland 118,466 112,900 127,830 134,582 142,470 1.10 5.86
Iceland 5,520 5,547 8,093 8,540 17,094 0.13 100.16
Ireland 118,593 86,815 85,056 103,288 121,220 0.94 17.36
Norway 323,810 382,415 426,485 498,542 491,134 3.80 -1.49
Sweden 228,752 259,625 287,178 337,272 402,620 3.12 19.38
United Kingdom 765,344 791,979 773,687 885,458 1,047,035 8.11 18.25
Other countries of Northern Europe 178 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 872,896 854,519 933,842 1,017,207 1,189,296 9.21 16.92
Albania 3,967 5,036 4,685 3,723 2,543 0.02 -31.69
Andorra 610 666 710 862 557 0.00 -35.38
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,461 2,752 3,078 4,386 3,896 0.03 -11.17
Croatia 24,057 19,467 21,839 22,309 32,562 0.25 45.96
Gibraltar 186 187 101 245 217 0.00 -11.43
Greece 33,920 26,854 36,924 47,940 63,451 0.49 32.36
Holy See 336 477 292 166 0.00 -43.15
Italy 441,178 439,816 463,321 487,197 563,471 4.36 15.66
Malta 4,742 3,841 6,030 6,729 13,185 0.10 95.94
Montenegro 900 1,154 2,023 1,609 1,978 0.02 22.93
Portugal 50,841 40,965 43,993 55,197 61,418 0.48 11.27
San Marino 46 590 110 323 145 0.00 -55.11
Serbia 9,616 11,849 16,239 20,719 21,418 0.17 3.37
Slovenia 18,421 19,109 21,158 25,626 30,003 0.23 17.08
Spain 279,252 280,400 310,143 336,742 388,869 3.01 15.48
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,699 1,497 2,817 2,992 4,967 0.04 66.01
Other countries of Southern Europe 194 316 450 0.00 42.41
WESTERN EUROPE 3,740,328 4,035,091 4,325,468 4,608,881 5,214,191 40.36 13.13
Austria 109,842 110,946 114,243 116,126 124,437 0.96 7.16
Belgium 114,189 117,299 128,602 151,942 158,370 1.23 4.23
France 342,627 350,434 372,522 389,927 437,011 3.38 12.08
Germany 2,896,873 3,156,785 3,368,024 3,590,930 4,107,325 31.79 14.38
Liechtenstein 417 687 738 922 1,017 0.01 10.30
Luxembourg 6,481 6,652 8,223 7,788 8,748 0.07 12.33
Monaco 329 354 549 615 422 0.00 -31.38
Netherlands 195,957 212,510 245,858 249,852 271,269 2.10 8.57
Switzerland 73,613 79,424 86,709 100,779 105,592 0.82 4.78
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 338,148 339,728 380,826 398,649 475,248 3.68 19.21
Cyprus 5,410 5,117 7,646 7,577 8,452 0.07 11.55
Israel 287,972 288,183 326,023 329,053 400,563 3.10 21.73
Turkey 44,766 46,428 47,157 62,019 66,233 0.51 6.79
MIDDLE EAST 37,648 34,711 39,467 51,028 58,931 0.46 15.49
Bahrain 794 370 361 370 368 0.00 -0.54
Egypt 6,052 6,651 7,130 8,130 7,621 0.06 -6.26
Iraq 1,633 1,664 2,719 2,455 4,320 0.03 75.97
Jordan 867 1,237 1,493 2,451 2,771 0.02 13.06
Kuwait 1,565 2,173 3,091 3,581 5,154 0.04 43.93
Lebanon 1,508 2,263 2,576 2,599 4,733 0.04 82.11
Libya 1,363 3,133 1,972 1,242 1,907 0.01 53.54
Oman 474 389 485 804 669 0.01 -16.79
Qatar 9,693 1,732 2,167 2,791 3,760 0.03 34.72
Saudi Arabia 8,272 8,536 7,485 9,005 12,013 0.09 33.40
State of Palestine 23 1,324 109 0.00 -91.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 822 659 656 1,125 1,604 0.01 42.58
United Arab Emirates 4,308 5,809 9,085 14,987 13,706 0.11 -8.55
Yemen 297 95 224 164 196 0.00 19.51
SOUTH ASIA 49,213 55,807 69,162 71,299 76,143 0.59 6.79
Afghanistan 7,509 8,050 6,817 6,609 3,608 0.03 -45.41
Bangladesh 2,768 3,667 2,550 1,197 1,334 0.01 11.45
Bhutan 37 128 544 627 121 0.00 -80.70
India 31,599 36,213 48,563 50,875 57,035 0.44 12.11
Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,215 4,383 7,081 7,513 9,313 0.07 23.96
Maldives 67 4 36 146 72 0.00 -50.68
Nepal 121 1,427 596 308 446 0.00 44.81
Pakistan 1,540 1,586 2,274 3,529 3,233 0.03 -8.39
Sri Lanka 357 349 701 495 981 0.01 98.18
NOT SPECIFIED 79,124 100,942 82,430 122,144 145,803 1.13 19.37
Other countries of the World 79,124 100,942 82,430 122,144 145,803 1.13 19.37

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 11,754,585 12,361,678 12,859,969 13,757,657 15,579,225 100.00 13.24

AFRICA 41,919 37,557 36,572 40,346 39,925 0.26 -1.04
EAST AFRICA 2,685 4,711 3,697 5,491 6,253 0.04 13.88
Burundi 69 71 88 52 117 0.00 125.00
Comoros 7 42 2 17 20 0.00 17.65
Djibouti 2 11 41 39 53 0.00 35.90
Eritrea 4 2 12 0.00 500.00
Ethiopia 548 656 748 1,468 984 0.01 -32.97
Kenya 593 1,381 843 954 1,445 0.01 51.47
Madagascar 24 67 87 134 131 0.00 -2.24
Malawi 75 167 31 35 132 0.00 277.14
Mauritius 162 174 210 246 357 0.00 45.12
Mozambique 55 9 30 99 50 0.00 -49.49
Reunion 14
Rwanda 198 561 281 877 624 0.00 -28.85
Seychelles 154 104 47 68 68 0.00
Somalia 60 66 73 180 228 0.00 26.67
Tanzania, United Republic of 221 319 182 213 364 0.00 70.89
Uganda 268 463 587 760 910 0.01 19.74
Zambia 67 258 174 78 137 0.00 75.64
Zimbabwe 164 362 273 269 621 0.00 130.86
CENTRAL AFRICA 2,266 6,261 3,511 3,553 2,540 0.02 -28.51
Angola 1,024 4,196 2,259 2,059 1,124 0.01 -45.41
Cameroon 516 410 725 481 466 0.00 -3.12
Central African Republic 251 407 236 143 182 0.00 27.27
Chad 130 267 67 178 62 0.00 -65.17
Congo 204 936 166 459 575 0.00 25.27
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 130 24 54 220 84 0.00 -61.82
Equatorial Guinea 7 21 4 4 39 0.00 875.00
Gabon 4 9 8 0.00 -11.11
NORTH AFRICA 10,642 11,183 13,434 14,463 14,007 0.09 -3.15
Algeria 5,835 5,693 5,661 7,279 4,941 0.03 -32.12
Morocco 2,018 2,358 3,399 3,427 4,635 0.03 35.25
Sudan 409 261 271 463 253 0.00 -45.36
Tunisia 2,297 2,809 4,037 3,211 4,007 0.03 24.79
Western Sahara 83 62 66 83 171 0.00 106.02
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,583 8,942 7,683 8,304 9,162 0.06 10.33
Botswana 179 104 10 261 116 0.00 -55.56
Lesotho 11 81 28 16 19 0.00 18.75
Namibia 79 180 260 139 564 0.00 305.76
South Africa 6,314 8,576 7,385 7,888 8,425 0.05 6.81
Swaziland 1 38 0.00
WEST AFRICA 19,743 6,460 8,247 8,535 7,963 0.05 -6.70
Benin 41 228 45 108 87 0.00 -19.44
Burkina Faso 2 125 285 91 58 0.00 -36.26
Cabo Verde 3 28 121 39 0.00 -67.77
Côte d'Ivoire 227 112 119 376 231 0.00 -38.56
Gambia 35 153 137 234 190 0.00 -18.80
Ghana 315 438 777 284 559 0.00 96.83
Guinea 57 189 70 61 176 0.00 188.52
Guinea-Bissau 16 19 32 11 0.00 -65.63
Liberia 35 20 40 67 37 0.00 -44.78
Mali 11,865 139 128 187 144 0.00 -22.99
Mauritania 21 190 255 118 147 0.00 24.58
Niger 2,815 847 1,330 3,333 1,669 0.01 -49.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nigeria 2,914 2,662 3,728 2,330 2,443 0.02 4.85

Saint Helena 46 33 66 10 23 0.00 130.00
Senegal 953 661 657 455 774 0.00 70.11
Sierra Leone 379 459 521 677 1,329 0.01 96.31
Togo 19 204 42 51 46 0.00 -9.80
AMERICAS 584,420 644,044 681,199 727,544 880,917 5.65 21.08
CARIBBEAN 3,610 3,149 3,501 4,281 4,732 0.03 10.53
Antigua and Barbuda 52
Aruba 133 58 17 50 46 0.00 -8.00
Bahamas 329 69 136 176 428 0.00 143.18
Barbados 76 184 56 135 326 0.00 141.48
Bermuda 546 110 550 149 83 0.00 -44.30
Cayman Islands 325 35 31 138 46 0.00 -66.67
Cuba 470 1,004 889 1,018 524 0.00 -48.53
Dominica 62 279 50 177 49 0.00 -72.32
Dominican Republic 551 138 333 221 333 0.00 50.68
Grenada 3 6
Guadeloupe 129 18 19 15 52 0.00 246.67
Haiti 69 73 107 127 113 0.00 -11.02
Jamaica 222 266 225 79 324 0.00 310.13
Martinique 5 36 28 319 0.00 1,039.29
Netherlands Antilles 7
Puerto Rico 443 758 710 1,703 1,668 0.01 -2.06
Trinidad and Tobago 188 151 342 265 421 0.00 58.87
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,786 3,122 4,192 4,451 6,666 0.04 49.76
Belize 172 274 146 175 81 0.00 -53.71
Costa Rica 629 587 935 1,325 1,858 0.01 40.23
El Salvador 116 270 419 587 819 0.01 39.52
Guatemala 226 221 325 205 780 0.01 280.49
Honduras 1,276 1,389 1,313 1,504 1,545 0.01 2.73
Nicaragua 187 74 126 180 217 0.00 20.56
Panama 180 307 928 475 1,366 0.01 187.58
NORTH AMERICA 518,771 572,751 610,336 653,552 793,917 5.10 21.48
Canada 74,125 73,159 74,254 75,343 87,323 0.56 15.90
Greenland 1 38 0.00
Mexico 15,161 17,482 15,649 20,116 20,506 0.13 1.94
United States of America 429,485 482,109 520,433 558,093 686,050 4.40 22.93
SOUTH AMERICA 59,253 65,022 63,170 65,260 75,602 0.49 15.85
Argentina 7,829 9,953 9,219 11,829 14,749 0.09 24.69
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,401 2,704 2,051 802 549 0.00 -31.55
Brazil 37,098 38,629 40,869 37,177 41,789 0.27 12.41
Chile 2,683 3,596 3,695 5,575 5,502 0.04 -1.31
Colombia 3,393 3,660 2,756 3,579 4,292 0.03 19.92
Ecuador 890 797 671 791 1,422 0.01 79.77
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 43 647 35 24 55 0.00 129.17
French Guiana 16 2 1 17 18 0.00 5.88
Guyana 263 75 23 141 42 0.00 -70.21
Paraguay 116 141 135 323 1,068 0.01 230.65
Peru 1,620 1,384 1,001 1,402 1,734 0.01 23.68
Suriname 298 0.00
Uruguay 1,244 1,000 1,318 1,857 2,171 0.01 16.91
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,657 2,434 1,396 1,743 1,913 0.01 9.75
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 316,140 371,741 382,936 408,021 484,488 3.11 18.74
NORTH-EAST ASIA 205,016 253,281 272,453 290,514 348,136 2.23 19.83
China 66,094 73,852 85,707 108,427 142,294 0.91 31.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Hong Kong (China) 8,137 10,111 10,071 12,308 16,529 0.11 34.29
Japan 76,459 98,201 98,755 103,377 123,470 0.79 19.44
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 20,892 7,425 4,991 276 593 0.00 114.86
Korea, Republic of 25,312 54,492 61,826 54,739 53,296 0.34 -2.64
Macao (China) 125 317 371 493 367 0.00 -25.56
Mongolia 3,252 2,613 3,552 1,684 1,137 0.01 -32.48
Taiwan Province of China 4,745 6,270 7,180 9,210 10,450 0.07 13.46
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 41,565 44,062 38,143 42,831 48,764 0.31 13.85
Brunei Darussalam 55 109 65 37 58 0.00 56.76
Cambodia 32 6 43 101 110 0.00 8.91
Indonesia 5,727 6,469 5,451 5,199 8,395 0.05 61.47
Lao People's Democratic Republic 371 70 96 231 324 0.00 40.26
Malaysia 7,382 6,621 7,828 7,375 7,639 0.05 3.58
Myanmar 458 130 63 68 103 0.00 51.47
Philippines 3,569 4,789 4,520 5,492 7,923 0.05 44.26
Singapore 12,100 13,035 9,916 12,420 10,932 0.07 -11.98
Thailand 5,977 6,538 5,770 7,667 8,448 0.05 10.19
Timor-Leste 4 142 3 31 97 0.00 212.90
Viet Nam 5,890 6,153 4,388 4,210 4,735 0.03 12.47
AUSTRALASIA 69,158 73,910 71,858 74,204 86,935 0.56 17.16
Australia 62,359 66,921 64,585 66,914 78,447 0.50 17.24
New Zealand 6,799 6,989 7,273 7,290 8,488 0.05 16.43
MELANESIA 336 433 326 320 346 0.00 8.13
Fiji 150 215 167 176 65 0.00 -63.07
New Caledonia 146 209 129 29 88 0.00 203.45
Papua New Guinea 40 9 30 115 193 0.00 67.83
MICRONESIA 7 18 34 51 44 0.00 -13.73
Guam 4 5 4 9 28 0.00 211.11
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 13 30 36 16 0.00 -55.56
Nauru 6
POLYNESIA 58 37 122 101 263 0.00 160.40
American Samoa 7 52 0.00
French Polynesia 51 37 122 98 198 0.00 102.04
Pitcairn 2 0.00
Tonga 3 11 0.00 266.67
EUROPE 10,633,849 11,104,507 11,552,874 12,323,248 13,867,387 89.01 12.53
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,115,244 2,336,037 2,340,094 2,266,065 2,600,093 16.69 14.74
Armenia 9,124 10,915 8,320 5,084 3,429 0.02 -32.55
Azerbaijan 2,694 4,818 3,275 3,395 3,430 0.02 1.03
Belarus 238,604 283,592 305,903 276,126 250,127 1.61 -9.42
Bulgaria 38,530 33,909 30,254 29,998 32,051 0.21 6.84
Czech Republic 189,133 177,932 184,857 200,714 216,982 1.39 8.11
Estonia 47,396 49,667 56,761 62,114 63,354 0.41 2.00
Georgia 6,266 7,753 8,358 9,677 12,180 0.08 25.87
Hungary 123,885 127,793 144,047 132,530 153,955 0.99 16.17
Kazakhstan 10,688 10,842 11,372 9,848 14,122 0.09 43.40
Kyrgyzstan 1,603 973 1,129 765 732 0.00 -4.31
Latvia 73,418 80,439 91,817 90,446 89,236 0.57 -1.34
Lithuania 149,516 156,601 172,801 196,075 203,648 1.31 3.86
Moldova, Republic of 7,772 8,314 7,420 10,993 13,478 0.09 22.61
Romania 75,598 77,561 87,105 86,633 94,228 0.60 8.77
Russian Federation 622,810 649,653 560,238 375,482 370,896 2.38 -1.22
Slovakia 122,817 127,045 111,147 125,357 149,914 0.96 19.59
Tajikistan 587 609 601 332 817 0.01 146.08
Turkmenistan 271 115 173 266 548 0.00 106.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 389,880 524,027 551,200 646,272 924,205 5.93 43.01

Uzbekistan 4,652 3,479 3,316 3,958 2,761 0.02 -30.24
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,926,102 1,962,193 2,022,472 2,335,808 2,633,399 16.90 12.74
Denmark 202,961 194,219 188,123 214,073 226,207 1.45 5.67
Finland 128,060 122,077 136,963 145,914 152,601 0.98 4.58
Iceland 5,911 6,648 8,779 9,142 17,910 0.11 95.91
Ireland 163,073 98,312 93,729 114,281 136,461 0.88 19.41
Norway 342,015 400,101 445,073 524,447 523,157 3.36 -0.25
Sweden 261,647 292,044 323,195 376,514 444,526 2.85 18.06
United Kingdom 822,435 848,792 826,610 951,437 1,132,359 7.27 19.02
Other countries of Northern Europe 178 0.00
SOUTHERN EUROPE 981,454 943,017 1,025,723 1,130,492 1,316,856 8.45 16.49
Albania 4,546 6,835 5,373 5,440 3,238 0.02 -40.48
Andorra 632 687 746 884 576 0.00 -34.84
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,095 3,044 3,406 4,630 4,530 0.03 -2.16
Croatia 29,322 22,191 24,357 29,861 37,078 0.24 24.17
Gibraltar 186 187 101 245 246 0.00 0.41
Greece 36,866 29,900 39,566 50,972 66,668 0.43 30.79
Holy See 353 484 313 183 0.00 -41.53
Italy 484,326 476,444 498,142 529,826 617,295 3.96 16.51
Malta 5,238 4,143 7,255 7,855 14,780 0.09 88.16
Montenegro 1,202 1,305 2,087 1,702 2,214 0.01 30.08
Portugal 57,890 45,927 51,940 61,360 67,623 0.43 10.21
San Marino 48 606 118 325 145 0.00 -55.38
Serbia 13,457 15,860 19,810 24,342 24,197 0.16 -0.60
Slovenia 21,950 22,073 23,864 28,518 34,106 0.22 19.59
Spain 319,562 311,489 344,720 380,440 437,679 2.81 15.05
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2,134 1,973 3,519 3,424 5,816 0.04 69.86
Other countries of Southern Europe 235 355 482 0.00 35.77
WESTERN EUROPE 5,253,697 5,497,885 5,763,597 6,170,644 6,818,539 43.77 10.50
Austria 122,456 124,406 125,534 128,359 138,376 0.89 7.80
Belgium 130,282 134,199 145,550 170,314 176,195 1.13 3.45
France 397,709 403,687 422,794 451,889 509,523 3.27 12.75
Germany 4,287,737 4,485,153 4,681,844 5,006,732 5,552,587 35.64 10.90
Liechtenstein 452 699 770 947 1,081 0.01 14.15
Luxembourg 7,270 7,256 8,828 8,675 9,425 0.06 8.65
Monaco 493 376 576 673 487 0.00 -27.64
Netherlands 227,623 254,496 283,705 294,553 315,537 2.03 7.12
Switzerland 79,675 87,613 93,996 108,502 115,328 0.74 6.29
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 357,352 365,375 400,988 420,239 498,500 3.20 18.62
Cyprus 5,754 5,660 7,976 7,916 9,029 0.06 14.06
Israel 294,459 294,619 332,457 336,099 411,276 2.64 22.37
Turkey 57,139 65,096 60,555 76,224 78,195 0.50 2.59
MIDDLE EAST 42,596 40,659 46,298 56,698 66,204 0.42 16.77
Bahrain 825 381 1,076 384 420 0.00 9.38
Egypt 7,848 9,272 8,700 9,834 10,082 0.06 2.52
Iraq 1,810 1,996 3,295 3,183 5,183 0.03 62.83
Jordan 943 1,258 1,700 2,578 3,039 0.02 17.88
Kuwait 1,602 2,225 3,314 3,733 5,737 0.04 53.68
Lebanon 1,694 2,593 2,996 2,968 5,543 0.04 86.76
Libya 1,602 3,975 2,914 2,111 2,300 0.01 8.95
Oman 532 396 514 857 721 0.00 -15.87
Qatar 9,953 1,762 2,200 2,960 3,845 0.02 29.90
Saudi Arabia 9,277 8,804 8,060 9,441 12,474 0.08 32.13
State of Palestine 158 1,327 195 0.00 -85.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Syrian Arab Republic 1,355 1,269 1,027 1,519 1,916 0.01 26.14
United Arab Emirates 4,852 6,625 10,084 15,400 14,291 0.09 -7.20
Yemen 303 103 260 403 458 0.00 13.65
SOUTH ASIA 54,589 59,172 74,366 77,239 87,332 0.56 13.07
Afghanistan 7,597 8,206 6,874 6,673 3,814 0.02 -42.84
Bangladesh 2,830 3,747 2,628 1,258 1,529 0.01 21.54
Bhutan 37 154 544 634 123 0.00 -80.60
India 34,304 38,067 52,187 54,520 65,818 0.42 20.72
Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,055 4,976 7,657 8,209 9,975 0.06 21.51
Maldives 79 6 44 150 132 0.00 -12.00
Nepal 626 1,789 966 1,029 794 0.01 -22.84
Pakistan 2,671 1,865 2,643 4,163 3,887 0.02 -6.63
Sri Lanka 390 362 823 603 1,260 0.01 108.96
NOT SPECIFIED 81,072 103,998 85,724 124,561 152,972 0.98 22.81
Other countries of the World 81,072 103,998 85724 124561 152972 0.98 22.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 7,043,478 7,630,090 8,575,770 9,389,747 10,525,496 100.00 12.10

AFRICA 95,137 119,321 144,403 138,668 138,993 1.32 0.23
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,276 9,521 10,010 12,865 11,768 0.11 -8.53
South Africa 9,276 9,521 10,010 12,865 11,768 0.11 -8.53
OTHER AFRICA 85,861 109,800 134,393 125,803 127,225 1.21 1.13
Other countries of Africa 85,861 109,800 134,393 125,803 127,225 1.21 1.13
AMERICAS 933,643 1,017,301 1,123,712 1,178,699 1,388,786 13.19 17.82
NORTH AMERICA 384,735 429,515 469,917 553,569 662,630 6.30 19.70
Canada 95,000 105,927 124,840 145,914 176,424 1.68 20.91
United States of America 289,735 323,588 345,077 407,655 486,206 4.62 19.27
SOUTH AMERICA 472,061 498,964 555,393 526,808 600,895 5.71 14.06
Brazil 472,061 498,964 555,393 526,808 600,895 5.71 14.06
OTHER AMERICAS 76,847 88,822 98,402 98,322 125,261 1.19 27.40
Other countries of the Americas 76,847 88,822 98,402 98,322 125,261 1.19 27.40
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 293,323 404,495 512,466 604,317 712,085 6.77 17.83
NORTH-EAST ASIA 150,282 191,599 255,522 318,281 387,563 3.68 21.77
China 51,602 73,036 108,975 149,142 177,711 1.69 19.16
Japan 63,788 78,364 82,842 87,346 106,447 1.01 21.87
Korea, Republic of 34,892 40,199 63,705 81,793 103,405 0.98 26.42
AUSTRALASIA 35,987 42,236 46,107 54,040 63,846 0.61 18.15
Australia 35,987 42,236 46,107 54,040 63,846 0.61 18.15
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 107,054 170,660 210,837 231,996 260,676 2.48 12.36
Other countries of Asia 98,387 133,056 162,768 193,874 227,092 2.16 17.13
Other countries of Oceania 8,667 37,604 48,069 38,122 33,584 0.32 -11.90
EUROPE 5,721,375 6,088,973 6,795,189 7,468,063 8,285,632 78.72 10.95
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 288,133 325,105 325,871 332,313 354,441 3.37 6.66
Bulgaria 8,213 8,819 10,534 12,381 15,986 0.15 29.12
Hungary 19,027 19,056 21,547 26,844 29,033 0.28 8.15
Poland 99,158 112,309 125,262 163,614 185,539 1.76 13.40
Romania 27,020 30,387 31,308 39,476 39,596 0.38 0.30
USSR (former) 134,715 154,534 137,220 89,998 84,287 0.80 -6.35
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,610,067 1,743,234 1,937,435 2,108,922 2,300,007 21.85 9.06
Denmark 78,833 84,522 87,787 88,099 103,362 0.98 17.32
Finland 57,282 61,168 60,174 59,805 60,226 0.57 0.70
Iceland 4,090 2,371 4,180 4,623 4,851 0.05 4.93
Ireland 174,430 189,642 208,242 225,673 251,527 2.39 11.46
Norway 68,913 79,485 73,217 72,302 66,404 0.63 -8.16
Sweden 95,346 105,554 123,689 131,710 135,434 1.29 2.83
United Kingdom 1,131,173 1,220,492 1,380,146 1,526,710 1,678,203 15.94 9.92
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,510,420 1,521,419 1,729,958 1,885,665 2,057,783 19.55 9.13
Greece 17,852 12,796 16,240 15,590 19,352 0.18 24.13
Italy 334,539 307,639 337,915 403,110 451,766 4.29 12.07
Spain 1,158,029 1,200,984 1,375,803 1,466,965 1,586,665 15.07 8.16
WESTERN EUROPE 2,149,338 2,360,088 2,650,193 2,975,105 3,388,037 32.19 13.88
Austria 83,285 71,996 76,437 81,344 97,904 0.93 20.36
Belgium 158,116 160,654 199,465 219,855 240,273 2.28 9.29
France 695,242 784,278 942,943 1,074,771 1,256,351 11.94 16.89
Germany 714,182 802,543 874,226 983,120 1,077,211 10.23 9.57
Luxembourg 14,450 17,553 20,910 23,111 27,173 0.26 17.58
Netherlands 355,166 380,809 378,052 406,313 469,066 4.46 15.44
Switzerland 128,897 142,255 158,160 186,591 220,059 2.09 17.94
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 14,390 18,996 19,866 26,934 32,490 0.31 20.63
Turkey 14,390 18,996 19,866 26,934 32,490 0.31 20.63
OTHER EUROPE 149,027 120,131 131,866 139,124 152,874 1.45 9.88
Other countries of Europe 149,027 120,131 131,866 139,124 152,874 1.45 9.88

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 7,503,252 8,096,941 9,091,917 9,957,456 11,223,366 100.00 12.71

AFRICA 96,330 121,335 146,205 140,527 141,520 1.26 0.71
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,522 9,774 10,192 13,085 12,176 0.11 -6.95
South Africa 9,522 9,774 10,192 13,085 12,176 0.11 -6.95
OTHER AFRICA 86,808 111,561 136,013 127,442 129,344 1.15 1.49
Other countries of Africa 86,808 111,561 136,013 127,442 129,344 1.15 1.49
AMERICAS 946,990 1,029,242 1,137,707 1,191,557 1,404,137 12.51 17.84
NORTH AMERICA 389,313 434,279 476,084 558,938 668,870 5.96 19.67
Canada 97,289 108,410 128,187 148,506 179,572 1.60 20.92
United States of America 292,024 325,869 347,897 410,432 489,298 4.36 19.22
SOUTH AMERICA 479,115 504,473 561,564 532,664 607,599 5.41 14.07
Brazil 479,115 504,473 561,564 532,664 607,599 5.41 14.07
OTHER AMERICAS 78,562 90,490 100,059 99,955 127,668 1.14 27.73
Other countries of the Americas 78,562 90,490 100,059 99,955 127,668 1.14 27.73
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 301,056 412,305 520,940 611,132 720,670 6.42 17.92
NORTH-EAST ASIA 151,600 192,762 256,797 319,350 388,783 3.46 21.74
China 51,932 73,639 109,456 149,624 178,269 1.59 19.14
Japan 64,578 78,797 83,374 87,682 106,830 0.95 21.84
Korea, Republic of 35,090 40,326 63,967 82,044 103,684 0.92 26.38
AUSTRALASIA 39,382 45,740 50,010 56,738 67,043 0.60 18.16
Australia 39,382 45,740 50,010 56,738 67,043 0.60 18.16
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 110,074 173,803 214,133 235,044 264,844 2.36 12.68
Other countries of Asia 100,100 134,717 164,351 195,423 229,620 2.05 17.50
Other countries of Oceania 9,974 39,086 49,782 39,621 35,224 0.31 -11.10
EUROPE 6,158,876 6,534,059 7,287,065 8,014,240 8,957,039 79.81 11.76
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 296,495 333,779 334,300 342,690 365,564 3.26 6.67
Bulgaria 8,473 9,116 10,851 12,677 16,332 0.15 28.83
Hungary 19,655 19,997 22,147 27,626 29,909 0.27 8.26
Poland 104,807 117,773 130,636 171,043 192,979 1.72 12.82
Romania 27,976 31,242 32,115 40,169 40,799 0.36 1.57
USSR (former) 135,584 155,651 138,551 91,175 85,545 0.76 -6.17
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,652,120 1,791,078 1,984,878 2,155,309 2,360,696 21.03 9.53
Denmark 81,984 87,853 90,467 90,778 106,465 0.95 17.28
Finland 58,842 62,875 61,744 61,452 62,024 0.55 0.93
Iceland 4,115 2,375 4,221 4,642 4,922 0.04 6.03
Ireland 176,895 192,669 211,044 228,527 255,582 2.28 11.84
Norway 70,229 80,643 74,281 73,394 67,662 0.60 -7.81
Sweden 97,579 108,484 126,566 134,714 139,382 1.24 3.47
United Kingdom 1,162,476 1,256,179 1,416,555 1,561,802 1,724,659 15.37 10.43
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,623,828 1,635,910 1,850,543 2,012,528 2,215,027 19.74 10.06
Greece 18,027 13,573 16,599 15,938 19,986 0.18 25.40
Italy 350,167 321,835 353,607 419,337 475,088 4.23 13.30
Spain 1,255,634 1,300,502 1,480,337 1,577,253 1,719,953 15.32 9.05
WESTERN EUROPE 2,415,414 2,626,760 2,959,128 3,330,153 3,821,076 34.05 14.74
Austria 87,454 76,509 80,983 86,105 104,206 0.93 21.02
Belgium 175,004 176,137 217,079 238,143 261,958 2.33 10.00
France 826,798 911,957 1,104,695 1,256,928 1,470,253 13.10 16.97
Germany 770,115 863,799 943,446 1,066,436 1,181,367 10.53 10.78
Luxembourg 15,109 18,149 21,622 23,861 28,307 0.25 18.63
Netherlands 402,891 428,233 421,723 458,890 536,533 4.78 16.92
Switzerland 138,043 151,976 169,580 199,790 238,452 2.12 19.35
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 14,583 19,313 20,101 27,145 32,829 0.29 20.94
Turkey 14,583 19,313 20,101 27,145 32,829 0.29 20.94
OTHER EUROPE 156,436 127,219 138,115 146,415 161,847 1.44 10.54
Other countries of Europe 156,436 127,219 138,115 146,415 161,847 1.44 10.54

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 27,256,580 29,359,790 32,095,414 34,367,851 38,276,198 100.00 11.37

AFRICA 338,084 419,500 543,234 495,749 449,546 1.17 -9.32
SOUTHERN AFRICA 25,908 26,681 27,485 35,163 31,960 0.08 -9.11
South Africa 25,908 26,681 27,485 35,163 31,960 0.08 -9.11
OTHER AFRICA 312,176 392,819 515,749 460,586 417,586 1.09 -9.34
Other countries of Africa 312,176 392,819 515,749 460,586 417,586 1.09 -9.34
AMERICAS 2,273,438 2,513,373 2,771,870 2,922,190 3,454,767 9.03 18.23
NORTH AMERICA 948,880 1,085,680 1,178,788 1,388,104 1,684,981 4.40 21.39
Canada 286,008 316,555 363,977 419,827 515,380 1.35 22.76
United States of America 662,872 769,125 814,811 968,277 1,169,601 3.06 20.79
SOUTH AMERICA 1,139,398 1,209,521 1,361,484 1,305,807 1,483,768 3.88 13.63
Brazil 1,139,398 1,209,521 1,361,484 1,305,807 1,483,768 3.88 13.63
OTHER AMERICAS 185,160 218,172 231,598 228,279 286,018 0.75 25.29
Other countries of the Americas 185,160 218,172 231,598 228,279 286,018 0.75 25.29
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 637,694 844,288 1,049,933 1,185,285 1,389,142 3.63 17.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 276,771 348,905 453,344 545,981 649,973 1.70 19.05
China 101,363 142,976 208,789 270,065 307,065 0.80 13.70
Japan 127,254 149,557 158,427 164,781 202,378 0.53 22.82
Korea, Republic of 48,154 56,372 86,128 111,135 140,530 0.37 26.45
AUSTRALASIA 89,244 106,442 114,746 132,446 153,236 0.40 15.70
Australia 89,244 106,442 114,746 132,446 153,236 0.40 15.70
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 271,679 388,941 481,843 506,858 585,933 1.53 15.60
Other countries of Asia 239,642 294,842 367,841 427,435 519,766 1.36 21.60
Other countries of Oceania 32,037 94,099 114,002 79,423 66,167 0.17 -16.69
EUROPE 24,007,364 25,582,629 27,730,377 29,764,627 32,982,743 86.17 10.81
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,098,295 1,267,411 1,248,597 1,187,732 1,299,771 3.40 9.43
Bulgaria 27,648 29,978 37,405 35,282 47,207 0.12 33.80
Hungary 69,333 69,982 75,614 91,647 100,471 0.26 9.63
Poland 392,070 458,778 500,986 613,460 736,086 1.92 19.99
Romania 98,843 116,009 117,844 135,616 136,784 0.36 0.86
USSR (former) 510,401 592,664 516,748 311,727 279,223 0.73 -10.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 8,916,653 9,722,457 10,453,552 11,224,621 12,263,485 32.04 9.26
Denmark 397,075 420,736 427,674 415,699 495,267 1.29 19.14
Finland 310,769 326,107 305,850 313,459 313,296 0.82 -0.05
Iceland 26,173 9,041 15,377 14,306 20,220 0.05 41.34
Ireland 991,997 1,088,906 1,160,573 1,219,893 1,355,281 3.54 11.10
Norway 329,975 395,308 333,520 324,144 298,150 0.78 -8.02
Sweden 439,122 502,640 595,351 597,164 626,882 1.64 4.98
United Kingdom 6,421,542 6,979,719 7,615,207 8,339,956 9,154,389 23.92 9.77
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,993,159 3,936,573 4,462,506 4,747,047 5,179,262 13.53 9.10
Greece 49,496 37,930 46,286 46,893 55,774 0.15 18.94
Italy 867,038 799,607 863,637 1,040,522 1,161,298 3.03 11.61
Spain 3,076,625 3,099,036 3,552,583 3,659,632 3,962,190 10.35 8.27
WESTERN EUROPE 9,455,535 10,191,869 11,082,190 12,072,718 13,652,314 35.67 13.08
Austria 307,531 280,543 293,042 315,990 360,221 0.94 14.00
Belgium 605,980 621,127 742,594 807,683 883,599 2.31 9.40
France 2,224,668 2,569,043 3,002,225 3,328,798 3,928,588 10.26 18.02
Germany 3,684,847 4,078,995 4,360,635 4,791,018 5,257,946 13.74 9.75
Luxembourg 54,617 67,173 78,719 85,032 99,595 0.26 17.13
Netherlands 2,137,313 2,085,943 2,064,993 2,114,314 2,396,713 6.26 13.36
Switzerland 440,579 489,045 539,982 629,883 725,652 1.90 15.20
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 35,903 46,985 48,725 74,861 83,432 0.22 11.45
Turkey 35,903 46,985 48,725 74,861 83,432 0.22 11.45
OTHER EUROPE 507,819 417,334 434,807 457,648 504,479 1.32 10.23
Other countries of Europe 507,819 417,334 434,807 457,648 504,479 1.32 10.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 29,033,970 31,093,919 33,991,756 36,416,536 40,756,577 100.00 11.92

AFRICA 342,420 425,356 552,821 505,848 464,897 1.14 -8.10
SOUTHERN AFRICA 26,371 27,225 27,800 35,597 35,799 0.09 0.57
South Africa 26,371 27,225 27,800 35,597 35,799 0.09 0.57
OTHER AFRICA 316,049 398,131 525,021 470,251 429,098 1.05 -8.75
Other countries of Africa 316,049 398,131 525,021 470,251 429,098 1.05 -8.75
AMERICAS 2,314,958 2,544,713 2,808,353 2,958,841 3,493,548 8.57 18.07
NORTH AMERICA 960,788 1,096,598 1,192,214 1,401,460 1,698,706 4.17 21.21
Canada 291,668 322,531 370,708 426,015 521,630 1.28 22.44
United States of America 669,120 774,067 821,506 975,445 1,177,076 2.89 20.67
SOUTH AMERICA 1,164,721 1,226,067 1,380,785 1,324,441 1,503,331 3.69 13.51
Brazil 1,164,721 1,226,067 1,380,785 1,324,441 1,503,331 3.69 13.51
OTHER AMERICAS 189,449 222,048 235,354 232,940 291,511 0.72 25.14
Other countries of the Americas 189,449 222,048 235,354 232,940 291,511 0.72 25.14
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 661,926 863,221 1,068,537 1,201,595 1,412,392 3.47 17.54
NORTH-EAST ASIA 279,314 351,759 455,423 548,093 652,861 1.60 19.12
China 102,173 144,828 209,593 271,155 308,771 0.76 13.87
Japan 128,635 150,362 159,327 165,335 203,090 0.50 22.84
Korea, Republic of 48,506 56,569 86,503 111,603 141,000 0.35 26.34
AUSTRALASIA 99,660 113,917 123,268 138,397 160,489 0.39 15.96
Australia 99,660 113,917 123,268 138,397 160,489 0.39 15.96
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 282,952 397,545 489,846 515,105 599,042 1.47 16.30
Other countries of Asia 245,691 299,302 372,126 431,990 528,374 1.30 22.31
Other countries of Oceania 37,261 98,243 117,720 83,115 70,668 0.17 -14.98
EUROPE 25,714,666 27,260,629 29,562,045 31,750,252 35,385,740 86.82 11.45
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,123,240 1,293,077 1,269,589 1,215,338 1,329,945 3.26 9.43
Bulgaria 28,737 31,385 38,133 36,206 48,064 0.12 32.75
Hungary 71,085 72,762 77,525 94,124 103,273 0.25 9.72
Poland 408,135 473,878 514,425 633,233 756,084 1.86 19.40
Romania 102,565 119,515 120,038 137,568 140,172 0.34 1.89
USSR (former) 512,718 595,537 519,468 314,207 282,352 0.69 -10.14
NORTHERN EUROPE 9,207,166 10,047,251 10,778,108 11,566,545 12,672,117 31.09 9.56
Denmark 411,428 434,027 438,076 426,388 509,448 1.25 19.48
Finland 319,010 335,611 315,058 323,450 324,319 0.80 0.27
Iceland 26,244 9,050 15,507 14,345 20,348 0.05 41.85
Ireland 1,005,917 1,107,995 1,174,614 1,233,429 1,375,807 3.38 11.54
Norway 340,562 404,187 341,304 332,702 305,440 0.75 -8.19
Sweden 455,496 521,046 614,072 617,549 651,891 1.60 5.56
United Kingdom 6,648,509 7,235,335 7,879,477 8,618,682 9,484,864 23.27 10.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,340,144 4,260,372 4,801,368 5,090,602 5,621,811 13.79 10.44
Greece 50,042 39,981 47,753 47,461 56,882 0.14 19.85
Italy 906,315 834,335 898,425 1,076,580 1,214,668 2.98 12.83
Spain 3,383,787 3,386,056 3,855,190 3,966,561 4,350,261 10.67 9.67
WESTERN EUROPE 10,479,786 11,177,251 12,213,694 13,328,890 15,153,541 37.18 13.69
Austria 319,237 292,472 304,994 328,056 376,409 0.92 14.74
Belgium 673,453 679,226 810,530 877,874 966,970 2.37 10.15
France 2,648,302 2,976,322 3,510,251 3,915,993 4,626,829 11.35 18.15
Germany 3,896,194 4,292,934 4,600,573 5,055,506 5,584,860 13.70 10.47
Luxembourg 57,716 69,356 81,452 88,449 103,497 0.25 17.01
Netherlands 2,415,700 2,348,618 2,333,469 2,393,882 2,717,602 6.67 13.52
Switzerland 469,184 518,323 572,425 669,130 777,374 1.91 16.18
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 36,432 48,649 49,379 75,415 84,144 0.21 11.57
Turkey 36,432 48,649 49,379 75,415 84,144 0.21 11.57
OTHER EUROPE 527,898 434,029 449,907 473,462 524,182 1.29 10.71
Other countries of Europe 527,898 434,029 449,907 473,462 524,182 1.29 10.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 3,069,087 3,171,971 3,246,005 3,541,770 3,735,700 100.00 5.48

AMERICAS 2,587,942 2,710,921 2,783,499 3,068,915 3,247,300 86.93 5.81
CARIBBEAN 6,924 8,244 7,373 4,861 5,500 0.15 13.15
United States Virgin Islands 6,924 8,244 7,373 4,861 5,500 0.15 13.15
NORTH AMERICA 2,581,018 2,702,677 2,776,126 3,064,054 3,241,800 86.78 5.80
United States of America 2,581,018 2,702,677 2,776,126 3,064,054 3,241,800 86.78 5.80
NOT SPECIFIED 481,145 461,050 462,506 472,855 488,400 13.07 3.29
Other countries of the World 481,145 461,050 462,506 472,855 488,400 13.07 3.29

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,504,659 1,587,543 1,634,763 1,744,932 1,791,738 100.00 2.68

AFRICA 1,490 1,707 1,838 876 619 0.03 -29.34
OTHER AFRICA 1,490 1,707 1,838 876 619 0.03 -29.34
All countries of Africa 1,490 1,707 1,838 876 619 0.03 -29.34
AMERICAS 1,442,372 1,530,576 1,577,042 1,681,918 1,685,076 94.05 0.19
CARIBBEAN 32,673 33,260 34,462 34,869 33,441 1.87 -4.10
Anguilla 919 1,050 1,147 1,101 0.06 -4.01
Antigua and Barbuda 1,066 1,154 1,141 1,206 0.07 5.70
Aruba 398 387 387 978 0.05 152.71
Bahamas 156 191 168 188 0.01 11.90
Barbados 1,082 874 1,090 1,173 0.07 7.61
Bermuda 285 231 367 335 0.02 -8.72
Bonaire 21 26 3 48 0.00 1,500.00
British Virgin Islands 1,501 1,171 773 839 0.05 8.54
Cayman Islands 86 139 137 174 0.01 27.01
Cuba 50 39 121 52 61 0.00 17.31
Curaçao 172 214 118 280 0.02 137.29
Dominica 428 390 398 361 0.02 -9.30
Dominican Republic 6,497 6,917 7,321 7,037 7,018 0.39 -0.27
Grenada 76 82 85 71 0.00 -16.47
Guadeloupe 1,042 1,683 1,739 1,667 0.09 -4.14
Haiti 95 73 67 92 0.01 37.31
Jamaica 358 314 254 309 0.02 21.65
Martinique 583 913 1,422 1,183 0.07 -16.81
Montserrat 62 62 66 68 0.00 3.03
Netherlands Antilles 361 302 351 277 0.02 -21.08
Saba 2 1 0.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 545 622 690 794 0.04 15.07
Saint Lucia 122 78 128 85 0.00 -33.59
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 121 79 78 68 0.00 -12.82
Sint Eustatius 20 38 21 24 0.00 14.29
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 457 519 465 611 0.03 31.40
Trinidad and Tobago 368 462 444 432 0.02 -2.70
Turks and Caicos Islands 51 79 133 88 0.00 -33.83
United States Virgin Islands 2,222 2,517 1,991 1,844 1,827 0.10 -0.92
Other countries of the Caribbean (*) 23,904 13,410 13,896 14,264 12,082 0.67 -15.30
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,285 4,838 5,535 6,100 5,594 0.31 -8.30
Belize 52 76 82 104 47 0.00 -54.81
Costa Rica 1,260 1,288 1,369 1,593 1,775 0.10 11.42
El Salvador 161 263 349 258 340 0.02 31.78
Guatemala 532 591 692 1,215 1,314 0.07 8.15
Honduras 166 213 291 236 226 0.01 -4.24
Nicaragua 72 167 251 146 120 0.01 -17.81
Panama 976 1,225 1,676 2,108 1,771 0.10 -15.99
Other countries of Central America 1,066 1,015 825 440 1 0.00 -99.77
NORTH AMERICA 1,390,897 1,476,885 1,518,221 1,620,028 1,627,935 90.86 0.49
Canada 23,379 21,663 23,294 22,203 20,426 1.14 -8.00
Mexico 9,435 9,400 9,473 9,649 12,062 0.67 25.01
United States of America 1,358,083 1,445,822 1,485,454 1,588,176 1,595,447 89.04 0.46
SOUTH AMERICA 14,517 15,593 18,824 20,921 18,106 1.01 -13.46
Argentina 2,563 2,723 2,889 2,937 2,533 0.14 -13.76
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 467 497 501 290 126 0.01 -56.55
Brazil 2,650 2,394 3,332 4,026 2,396 0.13 -40.49
Chile 803 812 932 1,596 1,542 0.09 -3.38
Colombia 2,942 3,278 5,294 7,849 7,301 0.41 -6.98

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ecuador 251 329 437 682 618 0.03 -9.38

French Guiana 11 16 10 64 42 0.00 -34.38
Guyana 24 55 53 38 56 0.00 47.37
Paraguay 83 60 71 131 128 0.01 -2.29
Peru 549 546 862 898 1,165 0.07 29.73
Suriname 42 85 44 17 30 0.00 76.47
Uruguay 416 242 354 358 378 0.02 5.59
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,329 4,193 3,865 1,883 1,562 0.09 -17.05
Other countries of South America 387 363 180 152 229 0.01 50.66
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,808 4,797 5,104 5,008 5,369 0.30 7.21
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,862 1,912 1,838 1,987 2,330 0.13 17.26
China 687 826 897 916 1,431 0.08 56.22
Hong Kong (China) 136 132 96 249 131 0.01 -47.39
Japan 976 912 734 759 610 0.03 -19.63
Taiwan Province of China 63 42 111 63 158 0.01 150.79
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 217 331 326 249 415 0.02 66.67
Philippines 173 269 285 225 320 0.02 42.22
Thailand 44 62 41 24 95 0.01 295.83
AUSTRALASIA 1,410 1,267 1,722 1,716 1,635 0.09 -4.72
Australia 1,309 1,152 1,507 1,457 1,465 0.08 0.55
New Zealand 101 115 215 259 170 0.01 -34.36
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,319 1,287 1,218 1,056 989 0.06 -6.34
Other countries of Asia 1,319 1,287 1,218 1,056 989 0.06 -6.34
EUROPE 32,332 32,928 33,757 39,035 45,392 2.53 16.29
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,644 2,020 1,942 1,676 1,773 0.10 5.79
Bulgaria 11 13 45 73 53 0.00 -27.40
Czech Republic 177 143 149 225 179 0.01 -20.44
Estonia 57 57 47 255 0.01 442.55
Hungary 94 95 169 161 142 0.01 -11.80
Latvia 38 32 16 35 0.00 118.75
Lithuania 34 27 36 45 0.00 25.00
Poland 190 170 220 192 355 0.02 84.90
Romania 81 60 55 87 189 0.01 117.24
Russian Federation 909 1,377 1,156 742 441 0.02 -40.57
Slovakia 53 33 32 97 79 0.00 -18.56
Baltic countries 129
NORTHERN EUROPE 6,684 8,071 7,883 9,793 18,632 1.04 90.26
Denmark 669 757 759 823 1,393 0.08 69.26
Finland 394 534 478 585 1,429 0.08 144.27
Iceland 29 55 46 78 117 0.01 50.00
Ireland 479 785 811 808 912 0.05 12.87
Norway 460 633 385 584 4,750 0.27 713.36
Sweden 891 1,159 953 949 4,330 0.24 356.27
United Kingdom 3,762 4,148 4,451 5,966 5,701 0.32 -4.44
SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,581 7,184 7,204 10,881 11,151 0.62 2.48
Albania 67 64 71 47 39 0.00 -17.02
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 12 16 15 0.00 -6.25
Croatia 28 45 42 61 0.00 45.24
Gibraltar 24 34 24 17 18 0.00 5.88
Greece 470 471 482 157 149 0.01 -5.10
Italy 1,874 1,942 1,809 1,698 1,672 0.09 -1.53
Malta 13 2 6 18 30 0.00 66.67
Montenegro 16 52 39 36 0.00 -7.69
Portugal 241 185 261 272 281 0.02 3.31
San Marino 8 8 2 26 5 0.00 -80.77

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 2 13 43 48 0.00 11.63

Slovenia 15 52 100 44 0.00 -56.00
Spain 4,740 4,398 4,369 8,397 8,727 0.49 3.93
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2 6 5 26 0.00 420.00
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 144 4 4
WESTERN EUROPE 11,216 10,230 11,185 12,150 10,323 0.58 -15.04
Austria 353 367 441 425 394 0.02 -7.29
Belgium 625 561 525 690 597 0.03 -13.48
France 2,463 2,527 2,873 2,870 2,704 0.15 -5.78
Germany 5,459 4,883 4,779 5,016 4,074 0.23 -18.78
Luxembourg 52 47 25 52 38 0.00 -26.92
Netherlands 1,376 1,099 1,326 1,632 1,447 0.08 -11.34
Switzerland 888 746 1,216 1,465 1,069 0.06 -27.03
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 629 606 643 1,039 911 0.05 -12.32
Israel 424 493 503 854 675 0.04 -20.96
Turkey 205 113 140 185 236 0.01 27.57
OTHER EUROPE 4,578 4,817 4,900 3,496 2,602 0.15 -25.57
Other countries of Europe 4,578 4,817 4,900 3,496 2,602 0.15 -25.57
MIDDLE EAST 66 90 157 254 175 0.01 -31.10
Egypt 20 22 61 164 52 0.00 -68.29
Iraq 1 1 0.00
Saudi Arabia 45 68 96 90 122 0.01 35.56
SOUTH ASIA 346 485 612 562 1,158 0.06 106.05
India 346 485 612 562 1,158 0.06 106.05
NOT SPECIFIED 23,245 16,960 16,253 17,279 53,949 3.01 212.22
Other countries of the World (*) 23,245 16,960 16,253 17,279 53,949 3.01 212.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,323,574 2,611,969 2,839,373 2,941,130 2,938,096 100.00 -0.10

AFRICA 92,914 95,522 105,946 103,159 86,958 2.96 -15.70
OTHER AFRICA 92,914 95,522 105,946 103,159 86,958 2.96 -15.70
All countries of Africa 92,914 95,522 105,946 103,159 86,958 2.96 -15.70
AMERICAS 119,041 133,267 145,171 146,098 157,715 5.37 7.95
OTHER AMERICAS 119,041 133,267 145,171 146,098 157,715 5.37 7.95
All countries of the Americas 119,041 133,267 145,171 146,098 157,715 5.37 7.95
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 149,467 164,641 192,148 205,427 212,885 7.25 3.63
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 149,467 164,641 192,148 205,427 212,885 7.25 3.63
All countries East Asia/Pacific 149,467 164,641 192,148 205,427 212,885 7.25 3.63
EUROPE 361,943 413,829 437,842 457,940 455,076 15.49 -0.63
OTHER EUROPE 361,943 413,829 437,842 457,940 455,076 15.49 -0.63
All countries of Europe 361,943 413,829 437,842 457,940 455,076 15.49 -0.63
MIDDLE EAST 1,170,027 1,317,394 1,367,620 1,500,969 1,577,983 53.71 5.13
Bahrain 102,733 113,533 126,053 132,914 135,202 4.60 1.72
Kuwait 58,389 77,321 88,712 91,845 93,115 3.17 1.38
Oman 100,965 102,600 103,685 102,332 98,617 3.36 -3.63
Saudi Arabia 574,112 673,350 703,572 855,555 949,145 32.30 10.94
United Arab Emirates 116,671 123,460 102,311 117,575 134,578 4.58 14.46
Other countries of Middle East 217,157 227,130 243,287 200,748 167,326 5.70 -16.65
SOUTH ASIA 430,182 487,316 590,646 527,537 447,479 15.23 -15.18
All countries of South Asia 430,182 487,316 590,646 527,537 447,479 15.23 -15.18

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 446,500 416,000 405,700 426,400 458,261 100.00 7.47

AFRICA 46,100 45,600 48,200 60,700 43,933 9.59 -27.62
Mauritius 20,100
OTHER AFRICA 46,100 45,600 48,200 40,600 43,933 9.59 8.21
Other countries of Africa 40,600
All countries of Africa (*) 46,100 45,600 48,200 43,933 9.59
EUROPE 379,400 358,900 347,900 355,800 405,772 88.55 14.04
WESTERN EUROPE 355,900 337,200 315,500 319,800 369,309 80.59 15.48
France 355,900 337,200 315,500 319,800 369,309 80.59 15.48
OTHER EUROPE 23,500 21,700 32,400 36,000 36,463 7.96 1.29
Other countries of Europe 23,500 21,700 32,400 36,000 36,463 7.96 1.29
NOT SPECIFIED 21,000 11,500 9,600 9,900 8,556 1.87 -13.58
Other countries of the World 21,000 11,500 9,600 9,900 8,556 1.87 -13.58

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 7,936,694 8,018,576 8,441,603 9,331,056 10,222,889 100.00 9.56

AFRICA 16,325 17,380 19,826 22,581 23,901 0.23 5.85
EAST AFRICA 1,510 1,502 1,612 2,174 1,791 0.02 -17.62
Burundi 17 11 19 15 27 0.00 80.00
Comoros 6 8 11 25 16 0.00 -36.00
Djibouti 2 4 15 11 0.00 -26.67
Eritrea 7 8 13 14 17 0.00 21.43
Ethiopia 65 97 137 151 167 0.00 10.60
Kenya 155 183 259 364 352 0.00 -3.30
Madagascar 73 68 80 478 139 0.00 -70.92
Mauritius 706 692 634 737 654 0.01 -11.26
Mozambique 24 50 30 23 25 0.00 8.70
Rwanda 12 16 19 17 19 0.00 11.76
Somalia 15 10 15 20 24 0.00 20.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 230 216 225 109 114 0.00 4.59
Uganda 50 30 51 60 68 0.00 13.33
Zambia 39 35 33 22 32 0.00 45.45
Zimbabwe 111 76 82 124 126 0.00 1.61
CENTRAL AFRICA 710 706 851 1,015 941 0.01 -7.29
Angola 150 164 183 252 108 0.00 -57.14
Cameroon 313 282 363 436 450 0.00 3.21
Central African Republic 16 18 38 17 22 0.00 29.41
Chad 10 7 5 21 5 0.00 -76.19
Congo 91 86 68 81 113 0.00 39.51
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 80 95 107 127 125 0.00 -1.57
Equatorial Guinea 14 18 21 22 25 0.00 13.64
Gabon 34 35 65 53 90 0.00 69.81
Sao Tome and Principe 2 1 1 6 3 0.00 -50.00
NORTH AFRICA 9,878 10,937 13,043 14,245 15,807 0.15 10.97
Algeria 957 1,216 1,557 1,593 1,676 0.02 5.21
Morocco 3,302 3,798 4,724 5,475 6,217 0.06 13.55
Sudan 231 222 266 268 299 0.00 11.57
Tunisia 5,388 5,701 6,496 6,909 7,615 0.07 10.22
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,104 1,901 1,989 2,577 2,545 0.02 -1.24
Botswana 17 7 17 22 12 0.00 -45.45
Lesotho 4 3 1
Namibia 42 37 28 51 65 0.00 27.45
South Africa 2,041 1,854 1,944 2,503 2,468 0.02 -1.40
WEST AFRICA 2,091 2,309 2,266 2,531 2,759 0.03 9.01
Benin 45 80 43 72 76 0.00 5.56
Burkina Faso 47 47 38 24 35 0.00 45.83
Cabo Verde 66 56 55 84 82 0.00 -2.38
Côte d'Ivoire 173 161 127 123 131 0.00 6.50
Gambia 10 11 13 25 13 0.00 -48.00
Ghana 132 194 220 178 249 0.00 39.89
Guinea 71 62 38 34 40 0.00 17.65
Guinea-Bissau 17 7 8 12 3 0.00 -75.00
Liberia 12 4 14 9 5 0.00 -44.44
Mali 30 39 58 63 47 0.00 -25.40
Mauritania 12 22 21 19 33 0.00 73.68
Niger 12 13 22 11 14 0.00 27.27
Nigeria 1,144 1,309 1,287 1,525 1,656 0.02 8.59
Senegal 237 241 240 251 293 0.00 16.73
Sierra Leone 32 15 14 20 34 0.00 70.00
Togo 51 48 68 81 48 0.00 -40.74

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER AFRICA 32 25 65 39 58 0.00 48.72

Other countries of Africa 32 25 65 39 58 0.00 48.72
AMERICAS 207,627 208,942 293,641 247,446 259,271 2.54 4.78
CARIBBEAN 674 753 635 822 907 0.01 10.34
Cuba 354 432 393 480 521 0.01 8.54
Dominican Republic 233 193 163 246 276 0.00 12.20
Haiti 22 26 32 36 38 0.00 5.56
Jamaica 65 102 47 60 72 0.00 20.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 982 1,222 988 1,576 1,632 0.02 3.55
Belize 9 5 5 2 4 0.00 100.00
Costa Rica 248 320 394 471 582 0.01 23.57
El Salvador 68 106 87 213 232 0.00 8.92
Guatemala 159 185 176 214 246 0.00 14.95
Honduras 338 423 169 445 330 0.00 -25.84
Nicaragua 53 60 45 58 72 0.00 24.14
Panama 107 123 112 173 166 0.00 -4.05
NORTH AMERICA 192,557 192,178 276,231 227,859 238,276 2.33 4.57
Canada 44,964 45,501 49,981 53,254 56,537 0.55 6.16
Mexico 3,853 4,404 4,709 5,774 6,072 0.06 5.16
United States of America 143,740 142,273 221,541 168,831 175,667 1.72 4.05
SOUTH AMERICA 13,236 14,637 15,602 17,014 18,165 0.18 6.77
Argentina 2,317 2,437 2,460 2,750 2,923 0.03 6.29
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 158 201 207 228 248 0.00 8.77
Brazil 5,856 6,435 7,106 7,398 7,674 0.08 3.73
Chile 1,095 1,499 1,192 1,433 1,536 0.02 7.19
Colombia 956 1,196 1,418 1,592 1,935 0.02 21.55
Ecuador 584 532 594 623 740 0.01 18.78
Guyana 9 10 4 6 14 0.00 133.33
Paraguay 132 180 180 193 199 0.00 3.11
Peru 981 958 974 1,236 1,412 0.01 14.24
Suriname 39 27 19 19 18 0.00 -5.26
Uruguay 332 329 318 396 384 0.00 -3.03
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 777 833 1,130 1,140 1,082 0.01 -5.09
OTHER AMERICAS 178 152 185 175 291 0.00 66.29
Other countries of the Americas 178 152 185 175 291 0.00 66.29
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 97,728 103,441 106,642 119,461 118,784 1.16 -0.57
NORTH-EAST ASIA 55,417 57,561 63,271 67,340 66,209 0.65 -1.68
China 19,991 21,502 24,758 26,756 30,700 0.30 14.74
Hong Kong (China) 2,230 2,775 3,045 3,658 3,531 0.03 -3.47
Japan 14,252 13,359 14,505 15,816 14,057 0.14 -11.12
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 120 77 83 53 45 0.00 -15.09
Korea, Republic of 16,370 17,150 17,742 17,006 14,264 0.14 -16.12
Mongolia 180 148 149 163 203 0.00 24.54
Taiwan Province of China 2,274 2,550 2,989 3,888 3,409 0.03 -12.32
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 26,324 28,561 23,956 32,125 31,676 0.31 -1.40
Cambodia 48 16 15 30
Indonesia 3,104 3,342 2,095 3,730 3,853 0.04 3.30
Lao People's Democratic Republic 10 7 10 16 11 0.00 -31.25
Malaysia 1,728 2,109 2,274 3,358 2,820 0.03 -16.02
Myanmar 842 651 723 753 593 0.01 -21.25
Philippines 17,328 18,996 14,724 19,945 18,662 0.18 -6.43
Singapore 1,014 1,106 1,479 1,278 1,530 0.01 19.72
Thailand 805 1,054 1,179 1,757 2,424 0.02 37.96
Viet Nam 1,445 1,280 1,457 1,258 1,783 0.02 41.73

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AUSTRALASIA 15,847 17,128 19,187 19,819 20,575 0.20 3.81

Australia 13,272 14,252 16,008 16,408 16,978 0.17 3.47
New Zealand 2,575 2,876 3,179 3,411 3,597 0.04 5.45
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 140 191 228 177 324 0.00 83.05
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 140 191 228 177 324 0.00 83.05
EUROPE 7,556,131 7,624,865 7,954,916 8,869,020 9,742,003 95.30 9.84
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,157,216 5,234,100 5,377,321 6,345,401 6,685,784 65.40 5.36
Armenia 2,450 2,709 2,732 2,215 2,123 0.02 -4.15
Azerbaijan 5,821 6,450 5,176 3,860 3,375 0.03 -12.56
Belarus 95,496 143,113 57,975 39,363 53,655 0.52 36.31
Bulgaria 943,501 1,135,567 1,209,059 1,523,660 1,527,103 14.94 0.23
Czech Republic 96,437 89,891 83,559 84,467 68,626 0.67 -18.75
Estonia 3,978 5,021 6,698 6,224 5,940 0.06 -4.56
Georgia 21,684 22,088 19,752 12,076 11,304 0.11 -6.39
Hungary 1,547,014 1,442,567 1,495,242 1,661,938 1,561,548 15.28 -6.04
Kazakhstan 2,723 3,026 2,782 2,938 3,112 0.03 5.92
Kyrgyzstan 226 188 263 256 260 0.00 1.56
Latvia 4,239 5,639 6,290 8,272 10,609 0.10 28.25
Lithuania 10,810 10,251 12,524 16,256 18,702 0.18 15.05
Moldova, Republic of 1,120,272 995,118 1,277,062 1,632,776 1,917,707 18.76 17.45
Poland 300,794 299,724 307,932 355,389 301,680 2.95 -15.11
Russian Federation 158,983 176,066 73,097 61,299 66,734 0.65 8.87
Slovakia 100,061 99,807 97,431 108,067 74,870 0.73 -30.72
Tajikistan 61 58 72 84 76 0.00 -9.52
Turkmenistan 314 296 461 494 574 0.01 16.19
Ukraine 739,545 793,612 716,260 823,460 1,055,344 10.32 28.16
Uzbekistan 233 296 385 358 443 0.00 23.74
Other countries Central/East Europe 2,574 2,613 2,569 1,949 1,999 0.02 2.57
NORTHERN EUROPE 183,365 168,011 219,756 197,743 295,670 2.89 49.52
Denmark 14,225 11,756 14,720 11,728 19,776 0.19 68.62
Finland 7,337 6,753 7,082 6,351 9,555 0.09 50.45
Iceland 2,015 1,695 3,386 2,762 1,186 0.01 -57.06
Ireland 12,533 11,422 16,529 14,415 26,028 0.25 80.56
Norway 9,372 9,676 13,111 14,619 18,255 0.18 24.87
Sweden 25,301 22,365 24,989 25,792 41,605 0.41 61.31
United Kingdom 112,582 104,344 139,939 122,076 179,265 1.75 46.85
SOUTHERN EUROPE 898,597 933,267 969,097 935,832 1,184,598 11.59 26.58
Albania 7,142 8,100 9,286 9,470 10,841 0.11 14.48
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,188 8,848 8,122 9,692 11,075 0.11 14.27
Croatia 19,335 20,113 21,550 22,373 28,162 0.28 25.87
Greece 76,786 76,039 72,469 62,597 90,999 0.89 45.37
Holy See 7 11 8 5 23 0.00 360.00
Italy 340,138 332,355 355,229 324,029 425,095 4.16 31.19
Malta 3,142 1,809 3,224 2,324 2,640 0.03 13.60
Montenegro 2,537 2,899 2,544 3,183 3,820 0.04 20.01
Portugal 41,496 52,695 61,944 45,479 38,132 0.37 -16.15
San Marino 236 219 230 251 264 0.00 5.18
Serbia 286,291 318,617 312,277 351,804 426,741 4.17 21.30
Slovenia 19,081 23,339 20,750 19,980 13,995 0.14 -29.95
Spain 74,048 64,328 75,923 57,134 102,610 1.00 79.60
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 21,170 23,895 25,541 27,511 30,201 0.30 9.78
WESTERN EUROPE 961,144 932,914 988,561 895,725 1,007,877 9.86 12.52
Austria 217,629 199,641 202,028 180,221 142,374 1.39 -21.00
Belgium 47,081 48,020 54,654 46,694 64,934 0.64 39.06
France 149,769 135,668 147,462 129,187 201,465 1.97 55.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Germany 439,219 448,344 469,867 437,723 466,481 4.56 6.57

Liechtenstein 388 319 2,419 1,800 257 0.00 -85.72
Luxembourg 1,234 832 2,004 1,584 1,790 0.02 13.01
Monaco 25 36 49 43 89 0.00 106.98
Netherlands 76,134 71,290 78,136 65,068 88,721 0.87 36.35
Switzerland 29,665 28,764 31,942 33,405 41,766 0.41 25.03
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 355,809 356,573 400,181 494,319 568,074 5.56 14.92
Cyprus 8,742 7,168 8,628 6,954 11,983 0.12 72.32
Israel 79,984 94,706 136,254 186,573 229,530 2.25 23.02
Turkey 267,083 254,699 255,299 300,792 326,561 3.19 8.57
MIDDLE EAST 36,608 41,648 42,574 44,762 46,335 0.45 3.51
Bahrain 98 111 128 160 224 0.00 40.00
Egypt 7,036 6,600 7,225 7,736 7,604 0.07 -1.71
Iraq 3,005 3,685 4,286 4,667 4,249 0.04 -8.96
Jordan 2,228 2,474 2,796 3,223 3,575 0.03 10.92
Kuwait 636 901 1,229 1,280 1,430 0.01 11.72
Lebanon 5,045 5,065 5,857 6,633 7,415 0.07 11.79
Libya 555 771 906 554 448 0.00 -19.13
Oman 91 233 220 235 219 0.00 -6.81
Qatar 141 152 274 310 399 0.00 28.71
Saudi Arabia 831 1,137 1,484 1,642 1,606 0.02 -2.19
State of Palestine 528 563 662 732 882 0.01 20.49
Syrian Arab Republic 15,732 19,050 16,382 15,624 14,940 0.15 -4.38
United Arab Emirates 492 676 861 1,761 3,135 0.03 78.02
Yemen 190 230 264 205 209 0.00 1.95
SOUTH ASIA 21,832 21,720 23,384 27,090 31,835 0.31 17.52
Afghanistan 243 194 365 405 394 0.00 -2.72
Bangladesh 227 209 296 267 317 0.00 18.73
India 9,964 9,785 11,350 14,012 16,753 0.16 19.56
Iran, Islamic Republic of 8,602 8,742 8,274 9,077 10,784 0.11 18.81
Maldives 21 23 12 31 18 0.00 -41.94
Nepal 138 146 115 213 227 0.00 6.57
Pakistan 2,020 2,034 2,540 2,626 2,776 0.03 5.71
Sri Lanka 617 587 432 459 566 0.01 23.31
NOT SPECIFIED 443 580 620 696 760 0.01 9.20
Other countries of the World 443 580 620 696 760 0.01 9.20

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,542,663 1,595,612 1,797,787 2,084,728 2,459,485 100.00 17.98

AFRICA 13,810 13,438 18,249 18,086 18,706 0.76 3.43
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,769 2,166 2,379 2,601 4,207 0.17 61.75
South Africa 1,769 2,166 2,379 2,601 4,207 0.17 61.75
OTHER AFRICA 12,041 11,272 15,870 15,485 14,499 0.59 -6.37
Other countries of Africa (*) 12,041 11,272 15,870 15,485 14,499 0.59 -6.37
AMERICAS 112,960 113,694 142,922 161,662 179,043 7.28 10.75
NORTH AMERICA 103,919 104,527 130,964 149,457 165,439 6.73 10.69
Canada 13,313 13,341 17,445 19,603 23,758 0.97 21.20
Mexico 3,289 2,420 3,244 3,659 4,175 0.17 14.10
United States of America 87,317 88,766 110,275 126,195 137,506 5.59 8.96
SOUTH AMERICA 4,027 3,571 4,553 5,142 5,197 0.21 1.07
Brazil 4,027 3,571 4,553 5,142 5,197 0.21 1.07
OTHER AMERICAS 5,014 5,596 7,405 7,063 8,407 0.34 19.03
Other countries of the Americas 5,014 5,596 7,405 7,063 8,407 0.34 19.03
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 70,877 77,886 96,668 109,837 117,966 4.80 7.40
NORTH-EAST ASIA 34,550 37,725 47,607 49,624 50,304 2.05 1.37
China 11,138 13,037 18,511 20,231 25,580 1.04 26.44
Japan 17,311 16,638 17,912 20,676 15,689 0.64 -24.12
Korea, Republic of 6,101 8,050 11,184 8,717 9,035 0.37 3.65
AUSTRALASIA 6,611 7,127 9,482 9,507 12,196 0.50 28.28
Australia 6,611 7,127 9,482 9,507 12,196 0.50 28.28
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 29,716 33,034 39,579 50,706 55,466 2.26 9.39
Other countries of Asia 26,556 30,757 36,778 47,715 52,215 2.12 9.43
Other countries of Oceania 3,160 2,277 2,801 2,991 3,251 0.13 8.69
EUROPE 1,323,019 1,364,739 1,507,769 1,744,040 2,088,420 84.91 19.75
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 261,292 286,953 314,873 362,813 477,550 19.42 31.62
Bulgaria 35,657 41,643 45,339 53,448 65,830 2.68 23.17
Czech Republic 20,701 20,116 20,599 21,875 25,780 1.05 17.85
Estonia 1,834 2,435 2,383 2,411 2,794 0.11 15.89
Hungary 69,868 74,730 78,935 87,537 136,134 5.54 55.52
Latvia 1,687 2,322 2,228 2,092 3,295 0.13 57.50
Lithuania 3,416 3,621 3,235 4,612 5,731 0.23 24.26
Moldova, Republic of 28,635 29,819 37,679 45,842 60,807 2.47 32.64
Poland 47,311 58,710 66,266 83,791 101,672 4.13 21.34
Russian Federation 26,320 27,062 26,673 22,840 25,930 1.05 13.53
Slovakia 10,313 10,766 10,527 15,651 18,339 0.75 17.17
Ukraine 15,550 15,729 21,009 22,714 31,238 1.27 37.53
NORTHERN EUROPE 144,497 138,115 161,591 181,008 209,166 8.50 15.56
Denmark 18,650 10,072 10,918 11,009 13,803 0.56 25.38
Finland 5,294 4,666 5,367 6,200 7,068 0.29 14.00
Ireland 8,004 6,805 10,891 10,821 13,700 0.56 26.61
Norway 10,770 13,767 13,307 14,115 13,691 0.56 -3.00
Sweden 14,164 14,442 15,263 19,042 20,587 0.84 8.11
United Kingdom 87,615 88,363 105,845 119,821 140,317 5.71 17.11
SOUTHERN EUROPE 306,116 305,270 325,220 369,480 439,172 17.86 18.86
Greece 33,887 38,239 39,930 41,128 57,426 2.33 39.63
Italy 172,835 171,759 174,721 199,480 233,402 9.49 17.01
Malta 813 853 1,432 1,394 3,226 0.13 131.42
Montenegro 691 643 862 687 965 0.04 40.47
Portugal 11,868 9,780 10,471 12,327 13,046 0.53 5.83
Serbia 11,887 13,152 14,131 17,417 21,036 0.86 20.78
Slovenia 6,504 7,375 7,449 9,285 12,465 0.51 34.25
Spain 67,631 63,469 76,224 87,762 97,606 3.97 11.22

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 465,616 465,724 488,338 529,727 608,321 24.73 14.84

Austria 59,295 54,882 57,519 51,915 59,961 2.44 15.50
Belgium 26,631 28,349 28,020 32,144 35,878 1.46 11.62
France 111,160 111,290 117,569 125,997 144,564 5.88 14.74
Germany 205,227 205,759 218,298 244,085 279,737 11.37 14.61
Luxembourg 1,301 1,426 1,391 1,414 2,164 0.09 53.04
Netherlands 43,636 44,277 48,067 50,670 59,066 2.40 16.57
Switzerland 18,366 19,741 17,474 23,502 26,951 1.10 14.68
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 118,401 135,602 181,139 268,079 310,405 12.62 15.79
Cyprus 4,392 5,069 4,757 4,643 5,516 0.22 18.80
Israel 81,282 93,971 135,601 213,246 251,677 10.23 18.02
Turkey 32,727 36,562 40,781 50,190 53,212 2.16 6.02
OTHER EUROPE 27,097 33,075 36,608 32,933 43,806 1.78 33.02
Other countries of Europe 27,097 33,075 36,608 32,933 43,806 1.78 33.02
NOT SPECIFIED 21,997 25,855 32,179 51,103 55,350 2.25 8.31
Other countries of the World 21,997 25,855 32,179 51,103 55,350 2.25 8.31

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,653,361 1,715,559 1,911,817 2,234,232 2,471,412 100.00 10.62

AFRICA 14,078 13,751 18,514 18,662 18,749 0.76 0.47
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,814 2,225 2,410 2,661 4,216 0.17 58.44
South Africa 1,814 2,225 2,410 2,661 4,216 0.17 58.44
OTHER AFRICA 12,264 11,526 16,104 16,001 14,533 0.59 -9.17
Other countries of Africa (*) 12,264 11,526 16,104 16,001 14,533 0.59 -9.17
AMERICAS 116,410 117,562 147,149 167,161 179,175 7.25 7.19
NORTH AMERICA 107,016 108,116 134,892 154,632 165,561 6.70 7.07
Canada 13,813 13,967 18,143 20,578 23,787 0.96 15.59
Mexico 3,289 2,524 3,329 3,853 4,188 0.17 8.69
United States of America 89,914 91,625 113,420 130,201 137,586 5.57 5.67
SOUTH AMERICA 4,158 3,707 4,712 5,297 5,204 0.21 -1.76
Brazil 4,158 3,707 4,712 5,297 5,204 0.21 -1.76
OTHER AMERICAS 5,236 5,739 7,545 7,232 8,410 0.34 16.29
Other countries of the Americas 5,236 5,739 7,545 7,232 8,410 0.34 16.29
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 75,235 79,559 98,970 112,933 118,079 4.78 4.56
NORTH-EAST ASIA 35,177 38,414 48,569 50,972 50,319 2.04 -1.28
China 11,390 13,329 19,008 20,889 25,588 1.04 22.50
Japan 17,605 16,974 18,221 21,188 15,689 0.63 -25.95
Korea, Republic of 6,182 8,111 11,340 8,895 9,042 0.37 1.65
AUSTRALASIA 6,970 7,430 10,053 10,166 12,223 0.49 20.23
Australia 6,970 7,430 10,053 10,166 12,223 0.49 20.23
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 33,088 33,715 40,348 51,795 55,537 2.25 7.22
Other countries of Asia 29,843 31,355 37,438 48,674 52,274 2.12 7.40
Other countries of Oceania 3,245 2,360 2,910 3,121 3,263 0.13 4.55
EUROPE 1,425,522 1,478,645 1,614,840 1,884,130 2,100,037 84.97 11.46
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 293,665 330,147 359,588 421,258 482,819 19.54 14.61
Bulgaria 37,287 43,751 47,442 55,954 66,009 2.67 17.97
Czech Republic 22,083 22,246 22,132 24,671 26,160 1.06 6.04
Estonia 2,173 2,589 2,542 2,612 2,852 0.12 9.19
Hungary 89,599 99,261 106,481 120,239 138,103 5.59 14.86
Latvia 2,004 2,477 2,482 2,300 3,316 0.13 44.17
Lithuania 3,636 3,796 3,459 5,025 5,793 0.23 15.28
Moldova, Republic of 28,988 33,668 41,512 51,553 61,168 2.48 18.65
Poland 52,154 64,152 71,479 91,636 102,854 4.16 12.24
Russian Federation 27,893 29,302 27,967 24,384 25,960 1.05 6.46
Slovakia 11,001 11,678 11,577 16,926 18,440 0.75 8.94
Ukraine 16,847 17,227 22,515 25,958 32,164 1.30 23.91
NORTHERN EUROPE 151,714 145,146 168,931 190,324 209,550 8.48 10.10
Denmark 20,285 11,004 11,736 12,185 13,828 0.56 13.48
Finland 5,567 4,934 5,541 6,451 7,088 0.29 9.87
Ireland 8,339 7,161 11,408 11,358 13,712 0.55 20.73
Norway 11,160 14,242 13,686 14,686 13,718 0.56 -6.59
Sweden 14,669 15,049 15,959 20,055 20,610 0.83 2.77
United Kingdom 91,694 92,756 110,601 125,589 140,594 5.69 11.95
SOUTHERN EUROPE 319,739 321,057 340,372 388,912 440,144 17.81 13.17
Greece 34,877 39,360 40,748 42,375 57,452 2.32 35.58
Italy 181,812 181,894 184,514 211,201 233,787 9.46 10.69
Malta 834 870 1,466 1,459 3,226 0.13 121.11
Montenegro 691 659 912 708 965 0.04 36.30
Portugal 12,299 10,145 10,818 12,642 13,087 0.53 3.52
Serbia 11,903 13,959 14,916 18,551 21,331 0.86 14.99
Slovenia 6,771 7,795 7,907 10,025 12,635 0.51 26.03
Spain 70,552 66,375 79,091 91,951 97,661 3.95 6.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 505,862 506,238 519,741 572,761 612,860 24.80 7.00

Austria 63,143 58,765 60,907 56,109 60,272 2.44 7.42
Belgium 26,911 30,299 29,651 34,668 36,298 1.47 4.70
France 117,929 118,649 123,779 134,468 145,584 5.89 8.27
Germany 229,823 228,592 234,451 266,934 281,704 11.40 5.53
Luxembourg 1,343 1,491 1,452 1,485 2,164 0.09 45.72
Netherlands 47,058 47,378 50,924 54,180 59,749 2.42 10.28
Switzerland 19,655 21,064 18,577 24,917 27,089 1.10 8.72
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 119,944 140,113 186,553 275,131 310,697 12.57 12.93
Cyprus 4,499 5,123 4,862 4,728 5,519 0.22 16.73
Israel 81,324 96,615 139,425 219,307 251,908 10.19 14.87
Turkey 34,121 38,375 42,266 51,096 53,270 2.16 4.25
OTHER EUROPE 34,598 35,944 39,655 35,744 43,967 1.78 23.01
Other countries of Europe 34,598 35,944 39,655 35,744 43,967 1.78 23.01
NOT SPECIFIED 22,116 26,042 32,344 51,346 55,372 2.24 7.84
Other countries of the World 22,116 26,042 32,344 51,346 55,372 2.24 7.84

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,001,482 3,167,791 3,515,303 4,115,249 4,781,661 100.00 16.19

AFRICA 42,163 31,779 75,916 109,722 60,834 1.27 -44.56
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,190 4,184 4,591 5,164 7,598 0.16 47.13
South Africa 4,190 4,184 4,591 5,164 7,598 0.16 47.13
OTHER AFRICA 37,973 27,595 71,325 104,558 53,236 1.11 -49.08
Other countries of Africa (*) 37,973 27,595 71,325 104,558 53,236 1.11 -49.08
AMERICAS 209,596 212,093 261,069 312,170 330,945 6.92 6.01
NORTH AMERICA 190,313 192,794 238,404 289,042 305,403 6.39 5.66
Canada 25,520 24,926 34,044 35,042 41,738 0.87 19.11
Mexico 7,492 5,573 7,624 9,428 9,588 0.20 1.70
United States of America 157,301 162,295 196,736 244,572 254,077 5.31 3.89
SOUTH AMERICA 8,608 7,866 9,096 10,041 9,195 0.19 -8.43
Brazil 8,608 7,866 9,096 10,041 9,195 0.19 -8.43
OTHER AMERICAS 10,675 11,433 13,569 13,087 16,347 0.34 24.91
Other countries of the Americas 10,675 11,433 13,569 13,087 16,347 0.34 24.91
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 136,306 154,762 184,825 211,065 220,117 4.60 4.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 67,069 71,243 86,728 92,580 88,406 1.85 -4.51
China 21,344 27,098 36,671 40,301 42,663 0.89 5.86
Japan 33,393 28,522 30,863 34,804 27,677 0.58 -20.48
Korea, Republic of 12,332 15,623 19,194 17,475 18,066 0.38 3.38
AUSTRALASIA 12,090 13,082 17,262 18,287 22,731 0.48 24.30
Australia 12,090 13,082 17,262 18,287 22,731 0.48 24.30
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 57,147 70,437 80,835 100,198 108,980 2.28 8.76
Other countries of Asia 51,280 65,824 75,617 94,313 102,326 2.14 8.50
Other countries of Oceania 5,867 4,613 5,218 5,885 6,654 0.14 13.07
EUROPE 2,577,697 2,723,445 2,937,384 3,395,295 4,075,317 85.23 20.03
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 533,570 611,609 634,130 736,236 939,116 19.64 27.56
Bulgaria 64,774 75,333 79,548 89,724 110,898 2.32 23.60
Czech Republic 36,198 38,901 38,421 43,839 44,554 0.93 1.63
Estonia 3,374 4,119 4,088 4,006 5,408 0.11 35.00
Hungary 139,181 147,823 156,341 169,495 282,461 5.91 66.65
Latvia 3,662 4,715 4,254 4,289 6,637 0.14 54.74
Lithuania 5,960 7,501 6,934 8,454 10,170 0.21 20.30
Moldova, Republic of 79,480 82,258 105,335 123,118 157,047 3.28 27.56
Poland 97,457 146,872 127,040 153,486 171,681 3.59 11.85
Russian Federation 54,284 56,194 52,162 45,924 49,885 1.04 8.63
Slovakia 20,942 20,037 19,202 40,322 44,581 0.93 10.56
Ukraine 28,258 27,856 40,805 53,579 55,794 1.17 4.13
NORTHERN EUROPE 264,952 260,105 299,703 336,108 382,188 7.99 13.71
Denmark 34,373 20,930 21,391 21,023 26,385 0.55 25.51
Finland 10,721 9,169 10,487 11,767 13,822 0.29 17.46
Ireland 16,887 13,979 21,903 20,960 27,003 0.56 28.83
Norway 19,829 27,171 26,705 27,892 26,887 0.56 -3.60
Sweden 26,485 27,506 28,822 35,057 38,507 0.81 9.84
United Kingdom 156,657 161,350 190,395 219,409 249,584 5.22 13.75
SOUTHERN EUROPE 595,229 607,540 629,131 711,365 837,115 17.51 17.68
Greece 70,022 82,170 85,184 85,420 115,094 2.41 34.74
Italy 336,515 350,887 348,474 382,054 450,685 9.43 17.96
Malta 1,740 1,824 3,066 3,083 5,360 0.11 73.86
Montenegro 1,648 1,269 1,698 1,418 1,850 0.04 30.47
Portugal 23,332 20,571 21,453 25,529 27,433 0.57 7.46
Serbia 23,048 24,843 27,443 39,587 46,036 0.96 16.29
Slovenia 13,600 13,320 13,139 20,323 21,124 0.44 3.94
Spain 125,324 112,656 128,674 153,951 169,533 3.55 10.12

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 867,814 867,483 907,113 978,319 1,134,738 23.73 15.99

Austria 103,132 97,005 94,888 87,132 107,701 2.25 23.61
Belgium 44,844 51,289 51,675 58,914 64,799 1.36 9.99
France 205,082 197,731 206,452 224,382 260,799 5.45 16.23
Germany 400,850 399,305 425,055 468,203 540,804 11.31 15.51
Luxembourg 2,717 2,603 2,681 2,797 3,949 0.08 41.19
Netherlands 79,924 86,089 95,141 95,910 108,165 2.26 12.78
Switzerland 31,265 33,461 31,221 40,981 48,521 1.01 18.40
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 257,997 297,068 397,825 571,321 689,325 14.42 20.65
Cyprus 8,543 9,357 9,319 9,145 10,635 0.22 16.29
Israel 186,727 214,394 315,489 463,914 577,770 12.08 24.54
Turkey 62,727 73,317 73,017 98,262 100,920 2.11 2.71
OTHER EUROPE 58,135 79,640 69,482 61,946 92,835 1.94 49.86
Other countries of Europe 58,135 79,640 69,482 61,946 92,835 1.94 49.86
NOT SPECIFIED 35,720 45,712 56,109 86,997 94,448 1.98 8.56
Other countries of the World 35,720 45,712 56,109 86,997 94,448 1.98 8.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,291,504 3,471,152 3,762,465 4,460,017 4,812,053 100.00 7.89

AFRICA 42,679 32,521 76,422 115,840 60,911 1.27 -47.42
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,260 4,351 4,665 5,284 7,625 0.16 44.30
South Africa 4,260 4,351 4,665 5,284 7,625 0.16 44.30
OTHER AFRICA 38,419 28,170 71,757 110,556 53,286 1.11 -51.80
Other countries of Africa (*) 38,419 28,170 71,757 110,556 53,286 1.11 -51.80
AMERICAS 218,254 220,770 269,447 326,294 331,282 6.88 1.53
NORTH AMERICA 198,130 200,671 246,221 302,608 305,722 6.35 1.03
Canada 26,744 26,244 35,415 36,828 41,834 0.87 13.59
Mexico 7,492 5,793 7,778 11,333 9,644 0.20 -14.90
United States of America 163,894 168,634 203,028 254,447 254,244 5.28 -0.08
SOUTH AMERICA 8,859 8,195 9,391 10,325 9,209 0.19 -10.81
Brazil 8,859 8,195 9,391 10,325 9,209 0.19 -10.81
OTHER AMERICAS 11,265 11,904 13,835 13,361 16,351 0.34 22.38
Other countries of the Americas 11,265 11,904 13,835 13,361 16,351 0.34 22.38
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 145,509 158,918 189,993 217,339 220,398 4.58 1.41
NORTH-EAST ASIA 68,550 72,965 88,995 95,091 88,440 1.84 -6.99
China 22,039 28,037 38,198 41,601 42,676 0.89 2.58
Japan 34,033 29,170 31,366 35,756 27,677 0.58 -22.59
Korea, Republic of 12,478 15,758 19,431 17,734 18,087 0.38 1.99
AUSTRALASIA 12,937 13,786 18,305 19,474 22,771 0.47 16.93
Australia 12,937 13,786 18,305 19,474 22,771 0.47 16.93
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 64,022 72,167 82,693 102,774 109,187 2.27 6.24
Other countries of Asia 57,993 67,394 77,287 96,686 102,507 2.13 6.02
Other countries of Oceania 6,029 4,773 5,406 6,088 6,680 0.14 9.72
EUROPE 2,849,023 3,012,926 3,170,228 3,713,170 4,104,946 85.31 10.55
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 605,455 709,418 731,481 874,689 954,213 19.83 9.09
Bulgaria 67,846 79,227 83,073 94,366 111,889 2.33 18.57
Czech Republic 39,605 45,008 41,653 49,527 45,239 0.94 -8.66
Estonia 3,792 4,482 4,600 4,455 5,494 0.11 23.32
Hungary 182,858 203,063 217,270 242,406 286,867 5.96 18.34
Latvia 4,181 5,108 4,647 4,581 6,677 0.14 45.75
Lithuania 6,341 7,831 7,339 9,085 10,261 0.21 12.94
Moldova, Republic of 80,767 91,487 115,111 142,338 158,010 3.28 11.01
Poland 106,646 156,258 136,301 170,061 173,895 3.61 2.25
Russian Federation 59,499 63,089 55,466 48,914 49,972 1.04 2.16
Slovakia 22,763 23,024 22,682 43,828 44,841 0.93 2.31
Ukraine 31,157 30,841 43,339 65,128 61,068 1.27 -6.23
NORTHERN EUROPE 285,534 276,461 315,789 355,836 382,969 7.96 7.63
Denmark 41,260 22,478 23,497 23,442 26,453 0.55 12.84
Finland 11,318 9,651 10,772 12,408 13,885 0.29 11.90
Ireland 18,044 15,218 23,497 22,317 27,040 0.56 21.16
Norway 21,855 29,359 27,786 29,404 26,950 0.56 -8.35
Sweden 27,548 28,863 30,360 37,450 38,548 0.80 2.93
United Kingdom 165,509 170,892 199,877 230,815 250,093 5.20 8.35
SOUTHERN EUROPE 627,659 647,861 663,378 755,871 840,296 17.46 11.17
Greece 72,438 86,459 87,165 88,243 115,179 2.39 30.52
Italy 358,352 376,222 371,156 409,429 451,493 9.38 10.27
Malta 1,769 1,850 3,109 3,181 5,360 0.11 68.50
Montenegro 1,648 1,349 1,803 1,460 1,850 0.04 26.71
Portugal 24,203 21,643 22,471 26,175 27,537 0.57 5.20
Serbia 23,077 26,702 29,110 42,982 47,810 0.99 11.23
Slovenia 14,053 14,104 13,854 21,858 21,439 0.45 -1.92
Spain 132,119 119,532 134,710 162,543 169,628 3.53 4.36

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 996,962 986,452 974,176 1,073,372 1,143,434 23.76 6.53

Austria 113,203 106,576 102,351 96,300 108,437 2.25 12.60
Belgium 48,089 55,044 54,642 64,674 65,630 1.36 1.48
France 218,216 212,548 219,320 241,319 262,890 5.46 8.94
Germany 494,004 480,591 460,722 520,978 544,406 11.31 4.50
Luxembourg 2,776 2,756 2,898 2,927 3,949 0.08 34.92
Netherlands 86,357 92,338 100,640 103,180 109,376 2.27 6.01
Switzerland 34,317 36,599 33,603 43,994 48,746 1.01 10.80
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 260,933 306,008 407,583 584,685 690,580 14.35 18.11
Cyprus 8,728 9,468 9,453 9,284 10,647 0.22 14.68
Israel 186,799 219,614 322,206 475,240 578,751 12.03 21.78
Turkey 65,406 76,926 75,924 100,161 101,182 2.10 1.02
OTHER EUROPE 72,480 86,726 77,821 68,717 93,454 1.94 36.00
Other countries of Europe 72,480 86,726 77,821 68,717 93,454 1.94 36.00
NOT SPECIFIED 36,039 46,017 56,375 87,374 94,516 1.96 8.17
Other countries of the World 36,039 46,017 56,375 87,374 94,516 1.96 8.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 28,176,502 30,792,091 32,421,490 33,729,187 24,570,518 100.00 -27.15

AFRICA 40,149 55,884 53,681 42,069 24,201 0.10 -42.47
EAST AFRICA 5,461 9,343 8,248 3,913 2,053 0.01 -47.53
British Indian Ocean Territory 9 15 925 1
Burundi 146 147 144 113
Comoros 43 60 74 38 30 0.00 -21.05
Djibouti 119 109 85 104 13 0.00 -87.50
Eritrea 107 99 64 42 70 0.00 66.67
Ethiopia 585 844 813 290 235 0.00 -18.97
Kenya 1,304 1,473 1,276 571 260 0.00 -54.47
Madagascar 193 233 265 173
Malawi 46 290 118 58
Mauritius 653 827 1,033 59 849 0.00 1,338.98
Mozambique 201 252 320 313
Rwanda 61 97 100 163 51 0.00 -68.71
Seychelles 228 309 455 85 88 0.00 3.53
Somalia 62 92 100 80
Tanzania, United Republic of 497 1,097 1,129 321 110 0.00 -65.73
Uganda 315 2,332 229 198 54 0.00 -72.73
Zambia 473 625 602 739
Zimbabwe 419 442 516 565 293 0.00 -48.14
CENTRAL AFRICA 4,094 4,531 5,766 6,252 857 0.00 -86.29
Angola 1,673 1,857 2,539 2,996 16 0.00 -99.47
Cameroon 744 1,015 1,152 1,089 621 0.00 -42.98
Central African Republic 31 67 74 68 32 0.00 -52.94
Chad 158 155 214 212
Congo 638 526 748 699
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 505 483 572 730 135 0.00 -81.51
Equatorial Guinea 225 261 310 276
Gabon 83 147 132 174 53 0.00 -69.54
Sao Tome and Principe 37 20 25 8
NORTH AFRICA 13,377 21,031 20,248 15,928 13,168 0.05 -17.33
Algeria 3,636 3,723 4,183 4,098 4,268 0.02 4.15
Morocco 5,208 7,882 7,801 5,981 3,867 0.02 -35.35
Sudan 1,383 1,453 1,781 1,699 1,522 0.01 -10.42
Tunisia 3,149 7,973 6,481 4,150 3,511 0.01 -15.40
Western Sahara 1 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,811 11,897 10,282 9,252 7,282 0.03 -21.29
Botswana 181 302 230 202
Lesotho 8 16 28 20 5 0.00 -75.00
Namibia 511 656 714 740
South Africa 9,039 10,817 9,224 8,183 7,277 0.03 -11.07
Swaziland 72 106 86 107
WEST AFRICA 7,406 9,082 9,137 6,724 841 0.00 -87.49
Benin 211 246 262 283
Burkina Faso 62 119 73 78 73 0.00 -6.41
Cabo Verde 728 764 859 47
Côte d'Ivoire 963 656 607 655
Gambia 66 112 162 183 90 0.00 -50.82
Ghana 1,081 1,326 1,450 1,223
Guinea 370 392 354 342 125 0.00 -63.45
Guinea-Bissau 128 136 123 171
Liberia 89 176 825 18 17 0.00 -5.56
Mali 275 335 301 365 208 0.00 -43.01
Mauritania 91 87 72 59 38 0.00 -35.59

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 28 64 52 97 89 0.00 -8.25

Nigeria 2,864 3,922 3,409 2,746
Senegal 294 555 457 309 185 0.00 -40.13
Sierra Leone 80 119 58 80
Togo 76 73 73 68 16 0.00 -76.47
AMERICAS 443,873 493,673 426,516 406,994 410,817 1.67 0.94
CARIBBEAN 7,472 13,139 14,343 13,864 27,518 0.11 98.49
Anguilla 73 12 10
Antigua and Barbuda 130 52 36 25
Bahamas 92 276 113 50
Barbados 86 97 141 64 50 0.00 -21.88
Bermuda 74 61 44 1 1 0.00
British Virgin Islands 9 41 18 2
Cayman Islands 3 1 10 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Cuba 5,239 9,625 11,609 11,889 26,059 0.11 119.19
Dominica 24 27 47 31 37 0.00 19.35
Dominican Republic 611 1,023 988 663 558 0.00 -15.84
Grenada 21 43 74 102 50 0.00 -50.98
Haiti 79 181 137 81 59 0.00 -27.16
Jamaica 399 817 512 395 250 0.00 -36.71
Netherlands Antilles 8
Puerto Rico 2 3 6 4
Saint Kitts and Nevis 104 90 82 58 86 0.00 48.28
Saint Lucia 56 106 73 103 89 0.00 -13.59
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 67 177 91 96 49 0.00 -48.96
Trinidad and Tobago 395 507 352 295 229 0.00 -22.37
CENTRAL AMERICA 4,260 4,887 5,049 5,524 5,354 0.02 -3.08
Belize 50 63 33 22 26 0.00 18.18
Costa Rica 938 1,101 1,122 1,271 1,465 0.01 15.26
El Salvador 270 320 357 266 273 0.00 2.63
Guatemala 811 925 823 1,229 1,005 0.00 -18.23
Honduras 718 1,055 1,099 1,237 1,083 0.00 -12.45
Nicaragua 686 679 682 810 704 0.00 -13.09
Panama 787 744 933 689 798 0.00 15.82
NORTH AMERICA 357,714 388,716 328,664 301,541 299,231 1.22 -0.77
Canada 54,730 61,234 53,370 42,331 40,410 0.16 -4.54
Greenland 2 1 1
Mexico 16,431 21,527 18,223 22,327 20,188 0.08 -9.58
United States of America 286,551 305,954 257,070 236,883 238,633 0.97 0.74
SOUTH AMERICA 74,427 86,931 78,460 86,065 78,714 0.32 -8.54
Argentina 13,976 15,944 13,614 16,981 19,300 0.08 13.66
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 520 452 483 550 499 0.00 -9.27
Brazil 33,647 37,386 33,301 34,610 27,177 0.11 -21.48
Chile 5,710 6,495 6,209 7,401 7,380 0.03 -0.28
Colombia 8,514 10,760 9,558 10,216 9,692 0.04 -5.13
Ecuador 1,726 3,168 3,409 4,185 3,205 0.01 -23.42
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 1
French Guiana 6 1
Guyana 119 137 115 73 90 0.00 23.29
Paraguay 259 294 277 348 413 0.00 18.68
Peru 3,720 4,629 4,904 4,999 5,215 0.02 4.32
Suriname 13 28 28 23 21 0.00 -8.70
Uruguay 1,479 1,818 1,768 1,992 1,984 0.01 -0.40
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,736 5,820 4,792 4,687 3,738 0.02 -20.25

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,903,926 1,938,415 2,016,959 2,004,542 2,224,757 9.05 10.99
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,585,441 1,568,982 1,640,024 1,846,087 2,079,592 8.46 12.65
China 978,988 1,071,515 1,125,098 1,214,081 1,288,720 5.24 6.15
Hong Kong (China) 20,491 20,099 11,430 12,441 13,050 0.05 4.90
Japan 86,806 102,408 105,220 87,280 84,631 0.34 -3.04
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 22,071 23,604 23,902 17,460
Korea, Republic of 94,922 107,942 135,676 139,376 161,267 0.66 15.71
Macao (China) 358 974 576 837 843 0.00 0.72
Mongolia 365,236 226,673 225,972 360,626 522,026 2.12 44.76
Taiwan Province of China 16,569 15,767 12,150 13,986 9,055 0.04 -35.26
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 267,773 314,237 323,029 113,375 96,056 0.39 -15.28
Brunei Darussalam 263 195 160 168 147 0.00 -12.50
Cambodia 299 294 377 436 524 0.00 20.18
Indonesia 18,572 21,088 20,330 7,290 7,927 0.03 8.74
Lao People's Democratic Republic 221 497 334 480 570 0.00 18.75
Malaysia 15,126 16,127 14,532 11,559 8,222 0.03 -28.87
Myanmar 7,432 8,157 9,065 747 153 0.00 -79.52
Philippines 130,541 149,213 162,990 8,030 7,043 0.03 -12.29
Singapore 12,983 13,674 13,816 5,751 6,934 0.03 20.57
Thailand 19,375 23,919 25,585 26,304 28,245 0.11 7.38
Viet Nam 62,961 81,073 75,840 52,610 36,291 0.15 -31.02
AUSTRALASIA 50,130 54,385 53,280 44,963 48,966 0.20 8.90
Australia 43,105 46,861 46,072 38,488 41,882 0.17 8.82
New Zealand 7,025 7,524 7,208 6,475 7,084 0.03 9.41
MELANESIA 128 240 120 65 101 0.00 55.38
Fiji 53 210 103 49 79 0.00 61.22
New Caledonia 4 1 0.00
Papua New Guinea 51 17 10 9 3 0.00 -66.67
Solomon Islands 4 4 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Vanuatu 16 9 6 4 16 0.00 300.00
MICRONESIA 380 395 391 30 29 0.00 -3.33
Guam 5
Kiribati 133 227 215 1 4 0.00 300.00
Marshall Islands 221 120 166 1
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 13 2 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Nauru 11 22 7 17 22 0.00 29.41
Northern Mariana Islands 2
Palau 10 8 1 6 2 0.00 -66.67
POLYNESIA 74 176 115 22 13 0.00 -40.91
American Samoa 3 2 1
French Polynesia 1 4
Pitcairn 1
Samoa 22 86 84 2 6 0.00 200.00
Tonga 9 22 6 19 5 0.00 -73.68
Tuvalu 38 66 20 1 2 0.00 100.00
EUROPE 24,740,959 27,256,702 28,890,174 27,110,310 20,947,714 85.26 -22.73
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 20,910,996 23,185,490 24,921,278 23,474,117 17,749,342 72.24 -24.39
Armenia 700,332 882,864 794,098 823,210 596,041 2.43 -27.60
Azerbaijan 1,116,238 1,196,759 1,021,204 1,032,895 898,426 3.66 -13.02
Belarus 372,942 418,207 495,999 280,817 133,740 0.54 -52.37
Bulgaria 45,312 47,154 42,230 25,226 26,563 0.11 5.30
Czech Republic 62,980 76,530 68,875 41,858 39,684 0.16 -5.19
Estonia 494,282 430,164 363,942 356,982 414,147 1.69 16.01
Georgia 35,511 48,440 58,264 51,451 65,336 0.27 26.99
Hungary 23,047 27,155 28,421 20,436 20,755 0.08 1.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Kazakhstan 3,630,342 3,848,899 4,215,161 4,784,706 3,564,152 14.51 -25.51

Kyrgyzstan 623,970 763,418 725,664 819,386 397,842 1.62 -51.45
Latvia 461,162 391,304 374,701 281,401 288,682 1.17 2.59
Lithuania 553,896 539,308 487,206 239,313 249,095 1.01 4.09
Moldova, Republic of 1,194,291 1,374,690 923,625 724,238 409,194 1.67 -43.50
Poland 1,190,003 1,644,657 1,823,143 1,726,847 1,017,462 4.14 -41.08
Romania 24,792 30,886 28,391 16,653 14,582 0.06 -12.44
Slovakia 24,161 27,554 24,962 18,185 20,745 0.08 14.08
Tajikistan 1,134,150 1,348,828 1,202,260 1,182,264 410,013 1.67 -65.32
Turkmenistan 43,720 40,238 47,002 50,706 17,099 0.07 -66.28
Ukraine 6,502,543 7,080,991 9,842,990 9,792,556 8,569,264 34.88 -12.49
Uzbekistan 2,677,322 2,967,444 2,353,140 1,204,987 596,520 2.43 -50.50
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,766,457 1,809,125 1,830,061 1,721,496 1,608,583 6.55 -6.56
Denmark 34,908 36,262 33,271 22,948 19,365 0.08 -15.61
Faeroe Islands 4 12 6
Finland 1,375,614 1,388,016 1,446,169 1,416,047 1,319,030 5.37 -6.85
Iceland 1,976 2,695 1,882 2,043 1,526 0.01 -25.31
Ireland 13,270 14,691 13,056 11,753 10,802 0.04 -8.09
Norway 50,115 54,433 57,423 48,448 45,135 0.18 -6.84
Sweden 58,900 53,340 49,908 37,760 35,645 0.15 -5.60
United Kingdom 231,670 259,676 228,346 182,497 177,080 0.72 -2.97
SOUTHERN EUROPE 485,404 562,503 524,648 441,761 427,320 1.74 -3.27
Albania 1,111 1,623 2,118 1,742 1,264 0.01 -27.44
Andorra 196 181 192 123 190 0.00 54.47
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8,311 10,791 10,813 7,886 6,076 0.02 -22.95
Croatia 15,990 18,276 18,040 9,993 9,146 0.04 -8.48
Gibraltar 1 1 1 0.00
Greece 36,474 48,280 46,450 25,737 27,078 0.11 5.21
Holy See 23 17 18 26 19 0.00 -26.92
Italy 212,411 225,933 219,976 194,420 191,828 0.78 -1.33
Malta 2,079 2,158 1,716 1,628 1,660 0.01 1.97
Montenegro 5,403 6,137 6,728 4,825 3,840 0.02 -20.41
Portugal 15,398 14,952 15,181 13,004 14,674 0.06 12.84
San Marino 140 130 135 105 110 0.00 4.76
Serbia 70,371 107,601 87,048 68,574 50,498 0.21 -26.36
Slovenia 12,622 13,296 12,312 9,800 8,942 0.04 -8.76
Spain 101,536 109,089 100,206 103,827 108,776 0.44 4.77
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3,338 4,039 3,714 71 3,218 0.01 4,432.39
WESTERN EUROPE 1,142,411 1,171,450 1,093,230 1,046,663 935,092 3.81 -10.66
Austria 71,367 74,277 67,392 51,609 49,026 0.20 -5.00
Belgium 37,025 40,316 37,441 31,837 34,553 0.14 8.53
France 225,343 225,860 219,210 202,358 176,855 0.72 -12.60
Germany 671,676 686,557 635,153 611,082 566,434 2.31 -7.31
Liechtenstein 258 294 269 121 251 0.00 107.44
Luxembourg 2,503 2,597 2,190 1,842 1,944 0.01 5.54
Monaco 175 249 194 171 136 0.00 -20.47
Netherlands 81,212 86,402 80,543 62,803 57,408 0.23 -8.59
Switzerland 52,852 54,898 50,838 84,840 48,485 0.20 -42.85
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 435,691 528,134 520,957 426,273 227,377 0.93 -46.66
Cyprus 6,288 6,160 6,688 6,027 5,567 0.02 -7.63
Israel 123,974 136,827 152,853 161,814 179,152 0.73 10.71
Turkey 305,429 385,147 361,416 258,432 42,658 0.17 -83.49
MIDDLE EAST 50,774 58,570 58,333 55,821 36,202 0.15 -35.15
Bahrain 508 538 891 913 1,173 0.00 28.48
Egypt 13,344 18,692 15,295 15,416 10,596 0.04 -31.27

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Iraq 3,823 4,693 5,828 8,872 4,007 0.02 -54.84

Jordan 3,383 4,775 5,152 5,046 3,593 0.01 -28.80
Kuwait 556 610 850 1,138 1,047 0.00 -8.00
Lebanon 5,871 6,502 7,402 7,299 5,817 0.02 -20.30
Libya 615 762 825 568 428 0.00 -24.65
Oman 699 844 878 825 797 0.00 -3.39
Qatar 279 289 442 503 465 0.00 -7.55
Saudi Arabia 1,143 1,590 1,613 2,570 1,971 0.01 -23.31
State of Palestine 1,307 1,197 1,406 1,394 401 0.00 -71.23
Syrian Arab Republic 16,826 14,990 14,253 8,614 3,729 0.02 -56.71
United Arab Emirates 1,404 1,675 1,967 1,754 2,178 0.01 24.17
Yemen 1,016 1,413 1,531 909
SOUTH ASIA 122,798 137,489 146,989 124,523 140,293 0.57 12.66
Afghanistan 8,424 8,651 7,863 7,444 4,039 0.02 -45.74
Bangladesh 1,905 2,185 2,244 1,912 1,778 0.01 -7.01
Bhutan 86 69 82 35 40 0.00 14.29
India 80,127 95,542 94,259 63,800 59,311 0.24 -7.04
Iran, Islamic Republic of 23,085 20,657 29,743 42,230 69,916 0.28 65.56
Maldives 94 151 188 89 67 0.00 -24.72
Nepal 1,866 1,944 2,206 2,138 965 0.00 -54.86
Pakistan 4,597 5,074 5,406 4,845 2,672 0.01 -44.85
Sri Lanka 2,614 3,216 4,998 2,030 1,505 0.01 -25.86
NOT SPECIFIED 874,023 851,358 828,838 3,984,928 786,534 3.20 -80.26
Other countries of the World 874,023 851,358 828,838 3,984,928 786,534 3.20 -80.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,061,308 1,122,135 1,219,529 1,298,479 1,306,656 100.00 0.63

AFRICA 935,743 987,882 1,087,574 1,153,797 1,105,721 84.62 -4.17
EAST AFRICA 441,223 479,113 531,526 572,720 539,691 41.30 -5.77
Burundi 77,237 101,735 99,156 158,793 117,970 9.03 -25.71
Comoros 47 40 87 49 89 0.01 81.63
Djibouti 99 78 81 83 207 0.02 149.40
Eritrea 580 555 738 816 1,172 0.09 43.63
Ethiopia 988 947 1,067 1,473 1,738 0.13 17.99
Kenya 58,578 53,758 62,972 63,946 59,987 4.59 -6.19
Madagascar 378 623 482 529 428 0.03 -19.09
Malawi 369 535 377 481 776 0.06 61.33
Mauritius 242 318 333 380 467 0.04 22.89
Mozambique 221 151 183 254 350 0.03 37.80
Reunion 65
Seychelles 51 34 25 45 53 0.00 17.78
Somalia 114 121 244 276 343 0.03 24.28
Tanzania, United Republic of 94,602 85,852 87,855 81,999 82,855 6.34 1.04
Uganda 205,902 232,462 276,244 261,351 270,573 20.71 3.53
Zambia 794 873 724 974 1,178 0.09 20.94
Zimbabwe 1,021 1,031 958 1,206 1,505 0.12 24.79
CENTRAL AFRICA 477,203 491,020 539,293 561,088 541,803 41.46 -3.44
Angola 147 153 194 280 450 0.03 60.71
Cameroon 1,165 1,104 1,315 1,920 2,520 0.19 31.25
Central African Republic 174 176 271 304 373 0.03 22.70
Chad 278 272 374 528 494 0.04 -6.44
Congo 131 433 572 530 3,866 0.30 629.43
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 474,306 488,122 535,513 556,211 533,460 40.83 -4.09
Equatorial Guinea 800 553 621 992 109 0.01 -89.01
Gabon 198 186 415 301 495 0.04 64.45
Sao Tome and Principe 4 21 18 22 36 0.00 63.64
NORTH AFRICA 1,107 895 970 1,128 2,323 0.18 105.94
Algeria 116 207 134 156 222 0.02 42.31
Morocco 90 79 192 286 1,024 0.08 258.04
Sudan 460 351 366 390 658 0.05 68.72
Tunisia 441 258 278 296 419 0.03 41.55
SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,050 8,289 6,752 8,115 7,880 0.60 -2.90
Botswana 140 148 158 233 311 0.02 33.48
Lesotho 52 177 128 104 154 0.01 48.08
Namibia 199 203 79 157 213 0.02 35.67
South Africa 7,501 7,488 6,241 7,485 6,990 0.53 -6.61
Swaziland 158 273 146 136 212 0.02 55.88
WEST AFRICA 8,160 8,565 9,033 10,122 13,226 1.01 30.67
Benin 574 693 627 640 904 0.07 41.25
Burkina Faso 524 418 390 479 702 0.05 46.56
Cabo Verde 15 17 50 31 32 0.00 3.23
Côte d'Ivoire 694 922 902 1,327 1,272 0.10 -4.14
Gambia 123 85 99 137 178 0.01 29.93
Ghana 944 1,582 1,464 1,941 1,936 0.15 -0.26
Guinea 800 548 491 28 599 0.05 2,039.29
Guinea-Bissau 29 53 30 30 0.00
Liberia 191 151 173 196 272 0.02 38.78
Mali 650 546 430 629 787 0.06 25.12
Mauritania 105 147 149 183 125 0.01 -31.69
Niger 246 289 312 392 606 0.05 54.59
Nigeria 1,993 2,075 2,455 2,643 3,823 0.29 44.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Senegal 759 556 911 925 1,082 0.08 16.97

Sierra Leone 310 193 216 200 429 0.03 114.50
Togo 232 314 311 341 449 0.03 31.67
OTHER AFRICA 624 798 0.06 27.88
Other countries of Africa 624 798 0.06 27.88
AMERICAS 32,889 37,736 35,138 39,050 39,298 3.01 0.64
CARIBBEAN 360 422 357 384 347 0.03 -9.64
Antigua and Barbuda 9 2 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Bahamas 5 9 3 0.00
Barbados 11 21 9 17 6 0.00 -64.71
Cuba 1 5 4 8 19 0.00 137.50
Dominican Republic 27 60 63 31 66 0.01 112.90
Grenada 3 4 2 0.00 -50.00
Haiti 229 205 228 255 185 0.01 -27.45
Jamaica 13 49 27 29 22 0.00 -24.14
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 5 1 3 3 0.00
Saint Lucia 15 2 2 3 7 0.00 133.33
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1 2 2 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 48 59 21 29 31 0.00 6.90
CENTRAL AMERICA 230 242 136 198 240 0.02 21.21
Costa Rica 102 48 19 46 25 0.00 -45.65
El Salvador 22 86 27 29 26 0.00 -10.34
Guatemala 47 28 34 69 110 0.01 59.42
Honduras 18 42 52 33 26 0.00 -21.21
Nicaragua 40 29 2 14 11 0.00 -21.43
Panama 1 9 2 7 42 0.00 500.00
NORTH AMERICA 29,082 33,394 30,387 35,688 37,336 2.86 4.62
Canada 6,487 6,468 5,795 7,009 6,824 0.52 -2.64
Mexico 215 231 304 402 434 0.03 7.96
United States of America 22,380 26,695 24,288 28,277 30,078 2.30 6.37
SOUTH AMERICA 3,217 3,678 4,258 2,780 1,375 0.11 -50.54
Argentina 137 163 119 204 223 0.02 9.31
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 71 232 46 196 67 0.01 -65.82
Brazil 270 264 315 393 361 0.03 -8.14
Chile 62 65 97 69 99 0.01 43.48
Colombia 126 142 177 215 184 0.01 -14.42
Ecuador 13 21 39 33 28 0.00 -15.15
Guyana 5 14 10 12 20 0.00 66.67
Paraguay 59 101 22 27 59 0.00 118.52
Peru 159 140 77 81 73 0.01 -9.88
Suriname 1 2 6 0.00 200.00
Uruguay 2,192 2,286 3,167 1,464 217 0.02 -85.18
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 31 30 30 54 27 0.00 -50.00
Other countries of South America 92 219 159 30 11 0.00 -63.33
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,688 14,902 11,908 14,108 14,836 1.14 5.16
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,409 8,931 7,364 8,694 9,315 0.71 7.14
China 3,794 5,488 4,573 5,354 5,807 0.44 8.46
Hong Kong (China) 61 17 11 14 10 0.00 -28.57
Japan 1,457 1,324 1,204 1,633 1,719 0.13 5.27
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 103 521 127 3 10 0.00 233.33
Korea, Republic of 856 1,441 1,380 1,606 1,607 0.12 0.06
Mongolia 11 10 14 12 20 0.00 66.67
Taiwan Province of China 127 130 55 72 142 0.01 97.22
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,815 1,753 1,183 1,573 1,468 0.11 -6.68
Cambodia 185 14 10 14 33 0.00 135.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Indonesia 293 319 123 177 149 0.01 -15.82

Lao People's Democratic Republic 5 2 3 16 8 0.00 -50.00
Malaysia 198 136 124 151 224 0.02 48.34
Myanmar 3 2 9 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Philippines 528 354 342 532 537 0.04 0.94
Singapore 294 228 183 235 258 0.02 9.79
Thailand 268 623 322 354 191 0.01 -46.05
Timor-Leste 4 13 11 4 0.00 -63.64
Viet Nam 37 62 67 73 56 0.00 -23.29
AUSTRALASIA 3,433 4,187 3,351 3,792 4,030 0.31 6.28
Australia 2,951 3,391 2,880 3,242 3,421 0.26 5.52
New Zealand 482 796 471 550 609 0.05 10.73
MELANESIA 21 24 8 47 19 0.00 -59.57
Fiji 19 20 6 41 18 0.00 -56.10
Papua New Guinea 2 4 2
Solomon Islands 2 4 1 0.00 -75.00
POLYNESIA 10 7 2 2 4 0.00 100.00
Samoa 9 7 2 2 0.00
Tonga 1 2 2 0.00
EUROPE 62,339 60,959 60,813 72,120 68,600 5.25 -4.88
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,487 2,944 2,464 3,541 3,153 0.24 -10.96
Armenia 4 14 14 15 21 0.00 40.00
Azerbaijan 13 86 8 21 25 0.00 19.05
Belarus 32 30 34 24 51 0.00 112.50
Bulgaria 140 70 66 63 84 0.01 33.33
Czech Republic 584 303 202 258 302 0.02 17.05
Estonia 35 39 34 25 29 0.00 16.00
Georgia 24 59 14 35 31 0.00 -11.43
Hungary 95 107 103 117 131 0.01 11.97
Kazakhstan 8 24 9 36 16 0.00 -55.56
Kyrgyzstan 13 8 5 13 20 0.00 53.85
Latvia 1 13 25 36 31 0.00 -13.89
Lithuania 102 44 58 99 115 0.01 16.16
Moldova, Republic of 39 25 28 60 23 0.00 -61.67
Poland 576 516 569 680 579 0.04 -14.85
Romania 181 266 319 430 496 0.04 15.35
Russian Federation 879 845 436 602 619 0.05 2.82
Slovakia 198 176 153 202 266 0.02 31.68
Tajikistan 1 3 8 0.00 166.67
Turkmenistan 1 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Ukraine 560 315 376 797 293 0.02 -63.24
Uzbekistan 2 4 10 19 10 0.00 -47.37
NORTHERN EUROPE 18,728 17,851 17,982 20,219 20,060 1.54 -0.79
Denmark 1,079 935 794 1,088 999 0.08 -8.18
Finland 496 509 329 463 500 0.04 7.99
Iceland 46 103 86 58 39 0.00 -32.76
Ireland 770 571 667 864 1,003 0.08 16.09
Norway 1,120 1,069 1,258 1,466 1,371 0.10 -6.48
Sweden 2,714 2,526 2,528 2,763 2,871 0.22 3.91
United Kingdom 12,503 12,138 12,320 13,517 13,277 1.02 -1.78
SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,307 7,646 7,878 8,464 7,176 0.55 -15.22
Albania 22 29 13 20 23 0.00 15.00
Andorra 2 1 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 53 28 36 48 90 0.01 87.50
Croatia 129 113 188 185 182 0.01 -1.62

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Greece 321 266 291 278 221 0.02 -20.50

Holy See 2 1 2 4 0.00 100.00
Italy 4,288 5,135 5,128 5,000 3,777 0.29 -24.46
Malta 17 6 5 13 19 0.00 46.15
Montenegro 6 12 6 8 2 0.00 -75.00
Portugal 288 204 321 443 518 0.04 16.93
San Marino 5 2 3
Serbia 60 136 123 222 207 0.02 -6.76
Slovenia 112 88 93 87 164 0.01 88.51
Spain 2,004 1,626 1,669 2,153 1,968 0.15 -8.59
WESTERN EUROPE 31,767 31,614 31,453 37,498 35,344 2.70 -5.74
Austria 654 494 517 563 716 0.05 27.18
Belgium 8,554 8,816 8,733 10,612 9,780 0.75 -7.84
France 7,570 7,377 7,210 8,685 7,822 0.60 -9.94
Germany 8,626 7,935 8,228 8,507 8,970 0.69 5.44
Liechtenstein 3 4 8 15 0.00 87.50
Luxembourg 114 110 113 119 166 0.01 39.50
Monaco 2
Netherlands 4,032 4,693 4,582 5,601 5,236 0.40 -6.52
Switzerland 2,217 2,186 2,064 3,403 2,639 0.20 -22.45
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,050 904 1,036 2,324 2,760 0.21 18.76
Cyprus 43 27 20 22 38 0.00 72.73
Israel 478 289 414 678 1,080 0.08 59.29
Turkey 529 588 602 1,624 1,642 0.13 1.11
OTHER EUROPE 74 107 0.01 44.59
Other countries of Europe 74 107 0.01 44.59
MIDDLE EAST 1,844 3,182 2,803 3,390 3,631 0.28 7.11
Bahrain 9 1 5 16 11 0.00 -31.25
Egypt 316 1,320 800 891 1,366 0.10 53.31
Iraq 12 5 18 43 21 0.00 -51.16
Jordan 79 61 134 127 162 0.01 27.56
Kuwait 7 42 29 26 24 0.00 -7.69
Lebanon 602 805 891 1,001 498 0.04 -50.25
Libya 45 149 85 84 114 0.01 35.71
Oman 572 619 599 857 1,173 0.09 36.87
Qatar 42 10 5 13 6 0.00 -53.85
Saudi Arabia 79 88 122 113 60 0.00 -46.90
State of Palestine 2 12 36 27 23 0.00 -14.81
Syrian Arab Republic 47 29 15 49 76 0.01 55.10
United Arab Emirates 6 16 12 81 60 0.00 -25.93
Yemen 26 25 52 62 37 0.00 -40.32
SOUTH ASIA 15,808 16,020 15,366 14,709 11,541 0.88 -21.54
Afghanistan 40 35 51 64 87 0.01 35.94
Bangladesh 494 856 799 902 738 0.06 -18.18
Bhutan 14 11 5 7 4 0.00 -42.86
India 13,966 13,622 13,008 11,983 9,145 0.70 -23.68
Iran, Islamic Republic of 154 186 75 58 75 0.01 29.31
Maldives 1 8 21 10 4 0.00 -60.00
Nepal 172 163 213 250 226 0.02 -9.60
Pakistan 679 833 864 1,041 911 0.07 -12.49
Sri Lanka 288 306 330 394 351 0.03 -10.91
NOT SPECIFIED 997 1,454 5,927 1,305 63,029 4.82 4,729.81
Other countries of the World 997 1,454 5,927 1,305 2,734 0.21 109.50
Nationals Residing Abroad 60,295 4.61

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 104,259 107,214 113,013 122,122

AMERICAS 92,119 94,285 98,394 105,931
CARIBBEAN 18,306 17,809 20,074 24,576
All countries of the Caribbean 18,306 17,809 20,074 24,576
NORTH AMERICA 72,888 75,808 77,369 79,950
Canada 7,307 7,227 8,618 7,093
United States of America 65,581 68,581 68,751 72,857
OTHER AMERICAS 925 668 951 1,405
Other countries of the Americas 925 668 951 1,405
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 532 851 1,104 1,276
All countries East Asia/Pacific 532 851 1,104 1,276
EUROPE 10,131 10,452 11,473 13,100
NORTHERN EUROPE 7,781 8,337 8,930 10,254
United Kingdom 7,781 8,337 8,930 10,254
OTHER EUROPE 2,350 2,115 2,543 2,846
Other countries of Europe 2,350 2,115 2,543 2,846
MIDDLE EAST 418 620 532 485
All countries of Middle East 418 620 532 485
SOUTH ASIA 266 311 433 449
All countries of South Asia 266 311 433 449
NOT SPECIFIED 793 695 1,077 881
Other countries of the World 793 695 1,077 881

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 306,801 318,626 338,158 344,908 347,872 100.00 0.86

AMERICAS 212,189 228,617 241,460 256,005 264,415 76.01 3.29
CARIBBEAN 56,067 60,521 53,781 61,055 65,571 18.85 7.40
Anguilla 176 146 105 129 141 0.04 9.30
Antigua and Barbuda 2,041 1,858 1,789 1,847 1,769 0.51 -4.22
Aruba 45 33 35 26 36 0.01 38.46
Bahamas 222 258 212 245 380 0.11 55.10
Barbados 6,851 6,575 6,035 6,622 6,504 1.87 -1.78
Bermuda 172 171 159 188 170 0.05 -9.57
Bonaire 16 5 8 7 6 0.00 -14.29
British Virgin Islands 429 370 327 319 303 0.09 -5.02
Cuba 149 371 300 271 1,149 0.33 323.99
Curaçao 181 74 111 70 107 0.03 52.86
Dominica 2,208 1,949 2,239 2,629 3,205 0.92 21.91
Dominican Republic 136 110 104 138 335 0.10 142.75
Grenada 1,518 1,434 1,655 1,631 1,397 0.40 -14.35
Guadeloupe 2,020 1,853 1,577 1,790 2,034 0.58 13.63
Haiti 255 231 159 91 52 0.01 -42.86
Jamaica 1,593 1,551 1,558 1,560 1,498 0.43 -3.97
Martinique 19,114 18,924 19,328 24,430 27,654 7.95 13.20
Montserrat 66 95 76 76 54 0.02 -28.95
Netherlands Antilles 1
Puerto Rico 559 259 209 196 162 0.05 -17.35
Saint Kitts and Nevis 602 764 630 567 621 0.18 9.52
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2,253 2,280 2,135 2,283 1,775 0.51 -22.25
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 80 46 2 1 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 12,608 18,050 13,767 14,731 14,945 4.30 1.45
Turks and Caicos Islands 86 140 93 168 140 0.04 -16.67
United States Virgin Islands 541 599 700 753 646 0.19 -14.21
Other countries of the Caribbean 2,146 2,374 468 288 487 0.14 69.10
CENTRAL AMERICA 96 145 114 151 118 0.03 -21.85
Belize 96 145 114 151 118 0.03 -21.85
NORTH AMERICA 152,774 164,316 184,248 191,415 195,348 56.16 2.05
Canada 37,709 35,985 41,502 38,677 37,772 10.86 -2.34
United States of America 115,065 128,331 142,746 152,738 157,576 45.30 3.17
SOUTH AMERICA 1,585 1,795 1,589 1,421 1,537 0.44 8.16
Guyana 1,466 1,679 1,430 1,326 1,336 0.38 0.75
Suriname 119 116 159 95 201 0.06 111.58
OTHER AMERICAS 1,667 1,840 1,728 1,963 1,841 0.53 -6.21
Other countries of the Americas 1,667 1,840 1,728 1,963 1,841 0.53 -6.21
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 170 185 228 273 240 0.07 -12.09
NORTH-EAST ASIA 170 185 228 273 240 0.07 -12.09
Japan 170 185 228 273 240 0.07 -12.09
EUROPE 93,400 88,492 93,653 85,602 80,169 23.05 -6.35
NORTHERN EUROPE 76,449 71,705 74,815 68,885 65,292 18.77 -5.22
Sweden 772 837 855 710 778 0.22 9.58
United Kingdom 75,677 70,868 73,960 68,175 64,514 18.55 -5.37
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,195 1,077 1,191 1,134 1,271 0.37 12.08
Italy 829 746 802 759 668 0.19 -11.99
Spain 366 331 389 375 603 0.17 60.80
WESTERN EUROPE 10,758 10,782 11,982 10,979 8,954 2.57 -18.44
Austria 399 332 441 414 383 0.11 -7.49
Belgium 257 227 179 316 250 0.07 -20.89
France 5,467 5,464 6,032 5,698 4,440 1.28 -22.08
Germany 3,165 3,316 3,622 2,963 2,272 0.65 -23.32

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Netherlands 644 555 711 588 649 0.19 10.37

Switzerland 826 888 997 1,000 960 0.28 -4.00
OTHER EUROPE 4,998 4,928 5,665 4,604 4,652 1.34 1.04
Other countries of Europe 4,998 4,928 5,665 4,604 4,652 1.34 1.04
NOT SPECIFIED 1,042 1,332 2,817 3,028 3,048 0.88 0.66
Other countries of the World 1,042 1,332 2,817 3,028 3,048 0.88 0.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 74,364 71,725 70,713 75,382 78,751 100.00 4.47

AMERICAS 52,724 50,078 48,712 52,488 56,106 71.24 6.89
CARIBBEAN 22,768 21,745 19,886 21,567 24,364 30.94 12.97
Antigua and Barbuda 914 895 722 820 884 1.12 7.80
Barbados 6,665 6,033 5,718 6,115 6,233 7.91 1.93
Grenada 946 977 886 931 1,017 1.29 9.24
Netherlands Antilles 388 329 280 316 313 0.40 -0.95
Saint Lucia 1,862 1,769 1,640 1,713 2,001 2.54 16.81
Trinidad and Tobago 7,290 6,946 6,081 7,306 9,500 12.06 30.03
Other countries of the Caribbean 4,703 4,796 4,559 4,366 4,416 5.61 1.15
NORTH AMERICA 28,878 27,252 27,041 29,578 30,858 39.18 4.33
Canada 7,424 7,146 7,203 7,515 8,010 10.17 6.59
United States of America 21,454 20,106 19,838 22,063 22,848 29.01 3.56
OTHER AMERICAS 1,078 1,081 1,785 1,343 884 1.12 -34.18
Other countries of the Americas 1,078 1,081 1,785 1,343 884 1.12 -34.18
EUROPE 20,410 20,401 20,784 21,580 21,390 27.16 -0.88
NORTHERN EUROPE 15,878 16,021 16,739 17,884 17,502 22.22 -2.14
Ireland 194 193 185 182 154 0.20 -15.38
Norway 163 148 195 167 150 0.19 -10.18
Sweden 498 497 399 490 502 0.64 2.45
United Kingdom 15,023 15,183 15,960 17,045 16,696 21.20 -2.05
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,108 910 768 657 755 0.96 14.92
Italy 965 756 631 516 584 0.74 13.18
Spain 143 154 137 141 171 0.22 21.28
WESTERN EUROPE 2,431 2,445 2,235 2,101 2,152 2.73 2.43
Belgium 104 126 118 118 111 0.14 -5.93
France 1,069 945 802 764 814 1.03 6.54
Germany 742 791 820 730 752 0.95 3.01
Netherlands 98 143 112 99 76 0.10 -23.23
Switzerland 418 440 383 390 399 0.51 2.31
OTHER EUROPE 993 1,025 1,042 938 981 1.25 4.58
Other countries of Europe 993 1,025 1,042 938 981 1.25 4.58
NOT SPECIFIED 1,230 1,246 1,217 1,314 1,255 1.59 -4.49
Other countries of the World 1,230 1,246 1,217 1,314 1,255 1.59 -4.49

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 77,415 74,388 72,865 77,113

AMERICAS 54,199 51,666 50,074 53,500
CARIBBEAN 23,656 22,772 20,776 22,158
Antigua and Barbuda 940 920 758 833
Barbados 7,015 6,445 6,044 6,322
Grenada 969 1,036 940 970
Netherlands Antilles 394 337 285 323
Saint Lucia 1,971 1,882 1,728 1,784
Trinidad and Tobago 7,446 7,153 6,275 7,431
Other countries of the Caribbean 4,921 4,999 4,746 4,495
NORTH AMERICA 29,419 27,762 27,437 29,918
Canada 7,602 7,336 7,365 7,594
United States of America 21,817 20,426 20,072 22,324
OTHER AMERICAS 1,124 1,132 1,861 1,424
Other countries of the Americas 1,124 1,132 1,861 1,424
EUROPE 21,933 21,334 21,556 22,271
NORTHERN EUROPE 17,011 16,671 17,269 18,318
Ireland 226 202 192 185
Norway 164 154 158 176
Sweden 511 509 410 498
United Kingdom 16,110 15,806 16,509 17,459
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,162 964 786 683
Italy 1,017 809 646 537
Spain 145 155 140 146
WESTERN EUROPE 2,589 2,577 2,371 2,308
Belgium 110 129 120 120
France 1,110 1,038 851 846
Germany 816 840 894 826
Netherlands 109 145 114 103
Switzerland 444 425 392 413
OTHER EUROPE 1,171 1,122 1,130 962
Other countries of Europe 1,171 1,122 1,130 962
NOT SPECIFIED 1,283 1,388 1,235 1,342
Other countries of the World 1,283 1,388 1,235 1,342

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 134,694 124,673 131,719 139,043 145,769 100.00 4.84

AMERICAS 7,948 7,540 8,818 11,065 10,973 7.53 -0.83
NORTH AMERICA 7,948 7,540 8,818 11,065 10,973 7.53 -0.83
Canada 351 396 321 474 316 0.22 -33.33
United States of America 7,597 7,144 8,497 10,591 10,657 7.31 0.62
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 122,573 111,607 116,501 119,352 128,050 87.84 7.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,359 2,015 2,765 3,163
China 1,671 1,520 2,009 2,413
Japan 688 452 632 607
Korea, Republic of 43 124 143
AUSTRALASIA 87,968 81,506 86,437 92,038 96,244 66.03 4.57
Australia 28,161 28,261 31,340 30,302 28,999 19.89 -4.30
New Zealand 59,807 53,245 55,097 61,736 67,245 46.13 8.92
MELANESIA 2,876 2,708 2,910 3,321
Fiji 2,876 2,708 2,910 3,321
POLYNESIA 23,392 20,311 18,706 15,539 15,731 10.79 1.24
American Samoa 23,180 20,194 18,508 15,459 15,731 10.79 1.76
Cook Islands 212 117 198 80
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,978 5,067 5,683 5,291 16,075 11.03 203.82
Other countries of Asia 2,301 1,481 1,635 1,352 8,299 5.69 513.83
Other countries of Oceania 3,677 3,586 4,048 3,939 7,776 5.33 97.41
EUROPE 3,487 3,464 3,702 3,835 5,412 3.71 41.12
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,351 1,168 1,016 1,956
United Kingdom 1,031 862 814 1,773
Scandinavia 320 306 202 183
WESTERN EUROPE 1,149 1,052 1,433 1,224
Germany 1,003 955 1,347 1,161
Benelux 146 97 86 63
OTHER EUROPE 987 1,244 1,253 655 5,412 3.71 726.26
Other countries of Europe 987 1,244 1,253 655
All countries of Europe 5,412 3.71
NOT SPECIFIED 686 2,062 2,698 4,791 1,334 0.92 -72.16
Other countries of the World 686 2,062 2,698 4,791 1,334 0.92 -72.16

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,869,393 1,905,021 2,003,739 1,888,032 2,000,030 100.00 5.93

AFRICA 357 450 713 373 317 0.02 -15.01
Ethiopia 4 0.00
Kenya 13 0.00
Madagascar 2 0.00
Somalia 1 0.00
Tanzania, United Republic of 1 0.00
Zimbabwe 1 0.00
CENTRAL AFRICA 100 102 253 214 12 0.00 -94.39
Cameroon 2 0.00
Chad 1 0.00
Congo 100 102 253 214 9 0.00 -95.79
NORTH AFRICA 138 189 114 100 0.00
Algeria 13 0.00
Morocco 51 121 57 0.00
Sudan 1 0.00
Tunisia 87 68 114 29 0.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 52 159 346 136 53 0.00 -61.03
Botswana 2 0.00
Lesotho 1 0.00
Namibia 6 0.00
South Africa 52 159 346 136 44 0.00 -67.65
WEST AFRICA 67 23 130 0.01 465.22
Burkina Faso 1 0.00
Cabo Verde 1 0.00
Côte d'Ivoire 56 0.00
Ghana 8 0.00
Mauritania 1 0.00
Niger 1 0.00
Nigeria 13 0.00
Senegal 67 23 48 0.00 108.70
Sierra Leone 1 0.00
AMERICAS 17,721 17,328 26,022 15,861 21,115 1.06 33.13
CARIBBEAN 120 35 0.00
Barbados 1 0.00
Cuba 50 13 0.00
Dominica 15 0.00
Dominican Republic 5 0.00
Jamaica 1 0.00
Puerto Rico 70
CENTRAL AMERICA 100 28 34 27 0.00 -20.59
Costa Rica 3 0.00
El Salvador 2 0.00
Guatemala 13 0.00
Honduras 2 0.00
Nicaragua 2 0.00
Panama 100 28 34 5 0.00 -85.29
NORTH AMERICA 10,914 10,505 19,753 8,952 13,113 0.66 46.48
Canada 3,056 2,935 2,082 2,450 2,833 0.14 15.63
Mexico 521 345 404 189 400 0.02 111.64
United States of America 7,337 7,225 17,267 6,313 9,880 0.49 56.50
SOUTH AMERICA 6,587 6,795 6,269 6,875 7,940 0.40 15.49
Argentina 1,724 1,782 1,981 2,174 3,225 0.16 48.34
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 113 151 141 288 3 0.00 -98.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Brazil 4,043 3,466 2,968 3,667 3,178 0.16 -13.34

Chile 87 171 83 498 0.02 500.00
Colombia 265 75 424 89 212 0.01 138.20
Ecuador 273 225 77 33 0.00 -57.14
Guyana 3 0.00
Paraguay 71 62 140 0.01
Peru 153 242 211 168 302 0.02 79.76
Uruguay 42 63 80 139 234 0.01 68.35
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 176 594 68 112 0.01
Other countries of South America 190
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,715 22,199 21,849 26,116 37,468 1.87 43.47
NORTH-EAST ASIA 17,807 18,897 17,637 21,858 32,855 1.64 50.31
China 14,363 13,828 11,348 15,385 20,705 1.04 34.58
Hong Kong (China) 136 354 940 225
Japan 2,933 4,096 3,974 4,512 7,796 0.39 72.78
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 52 0.00
Korea, Republic of 358 452 1,356 1,625 4,042 0.20 148.74
Mongolia 24
Taiwan Province of China 17 143 19 111 260 0.01 134.23
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,616 1,590 2,031 2,214 2,554 0.13 15.36
Brunei Darussalam 1 0.00
Indonesia 152 104 110 252 628 0.03 149.21
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 0.00
Malaysia 696 829 229 676 301 0.02 -55.47
Myanmar 22 57 2 0.00 -96.49
Philippines 563 481 1,520 802 1,106 0.06 37.91
Singapore 64 53 87 0.00 64.15
Thailand 205 79 99 205 388 0.02 89.27
Viet Nam 11 73 169 40 0.00 -76.33
AUSTRALASIA 2,292 1,712 2,181 2,044 2,057 0.10 0.64
Australia 2,207 1,550 1,925 1,947 1,880 0.09 -3.44
New Zealand 85 162 256 97 177 0.01 82.47
Vanuatu 1 0.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 1 0.00
EUROPE 1,828,558 1,864,530 1,953,615 1,844,824 1,930,512 96.52 4.64
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 268,902 299,503 278,460 177,945 246,716 12.34 38.65
Armenia 19 99 60 217 0.01
Azerbaijan 114 0.01
Belarus 1,869 2,859 3,802 6,594 5,342 0.27 -18.99
Bulgaria 4,157 5,037 4,728 5,997 10,908 0.55 81.89
Czech Republic 11,621 10,365 9,862 11,599 21,258 1.06 83.27
Estonia 3,819 3,115 4,265 4,253 3,795 0.19 -10.77
Georgia 94 45 166 207 21 0.00 -89.86
Hungary 4,516 3,961 4,934 5,491 13,733 0.69 150.10
Kazakhstan 245 195 17 265 38 0.00 -85.66
Kyrgyzstan 3 0.00
Latvia 1,340 1,051 1,835 2,317 2,028 0.10 -12.47
Lithuania 3,971 3,838 4,255 6,691 8,524 0.43 27.40
Moldova, Republic of 241 307 469 657 162 0.01 -75.34
Poland 45,926 44,101 49,878 56,645 67,142 3.36 18.53
Romania 3,626 4,419 5,918 5,719 18,689 0.93 226.79
Russian Federation 176,613 210,635 179,070 65,518 82,013 4.10 25.18
Slovakia 3,992 3,168 3,469 2,829 5,372 0.27 89.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ukraine 6,288 5,836 5,732 3,061 7,355 0.37 140.28

Uzbekistan 102 2 0.00 -98.04
Other countries Central/East Europe 565 472
NORTHERN EUROPE 15,767 15,403 18,067 11,391 32,961 1.65 189.36
Denmark 1,824 1,325 1,290 1,224 5,386 0.27 340.03
Finland 3,824 4,818 6,505 2,144 5,506 0.28 156.81
Iceland 338 170 313 75 122 0.01 62.67
Ireland 360 139 428 496 2,024 0.10 308.06
Norway 2,686 1,411 2,829 631 1,022 0.05 61.97
Sweden 3,207 2,807 3,267 2,469 4,581 0.23 85.54
United Kingdom 3,528 4,733 3,435 4,352 14,320 0.72 229.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,263,728 1,239,703 1,329,700 1,327,852 1,377,618 68.88 3.75
Albania 222 53 245 132 113 0.01 -14.39
Andorra 45 225 102 129 0.01
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,010 1,595 2,102 1,850 4,736 0.24 156.00
Croatia 3,368 3,648 5,135 5,131 7,626 0.38 48.63
Greece 1,426 1,293 2,041 1,577 3,598 0.18 128.15
Italy 1,238,576 1,217,761 1,304,586 1,301,692 1,328,475 66.42 2.06
Malta 455 600 539 741 466 0.02 -37.11
Montenegro 399 0.02
Portugal 481 530 443 52 1,430 0.07 2,650.00
Serbia 10,768 0.54
Serbia and Montenegro 10,043 8,154 6,920 7,622
Slovenia 4,224 2,829 4,672 5,094 11,374 0.57 123.28
Spain 1,652 2,902 2,068 3,628 8,353 0.42 130.24
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 58 82 847 333 126 0.01 -62.16
Other countries of Southern Europe 1,168 31 25 0.00
WESTERN EUROPE 278,389 307,138 325,949 324,314 267,727 13.39 -17.45
Austria 20,714 18,972 24,794 26,604 21,670 1.08 -18.55
Belgium 15,766 17,271 17,967 17,343 21,177 1.06 22.11
France 56,650 59,255 59,197 59,569 39,620 1.98 -33.49
Germany 113,820 136,132 142,440 137,200 137,220 6.86 0.01
Liechtenstein 7 0.00
Luxembourg 2,865 2,390 2,522 2,490 6,321 0.32 153.86
Monaco 30 3 0.00 -90.00
Netherlands 26,496 25,321 25,842 24,823 21,021 1.05 -15.32
Switzerland 42,078 47,797 53,187 56,255 20,688 1.03 -63.22
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,772 2,783 1,439 3,322 5,490 0.27 65.26
Cyprus 162 69 39 0.00 -43.48
Israel 832 824 346 601 426 0.02 -29.12
Turkey 940 1,797 1,093 2,652 5,025 0.25 89.48
MIDDLE EAST 281 158 278 549 391 0.02 -28.78
Egypt 93 83 26 0.00 -68.67
Iraq 50 34 84 0.00 147.06
Jordan 121 27 87 20 0.00
Kuwait 28 0.00
Lebanon 69 191 357 117 0.01 -67.23
Libya 3 0.00
Oman 18 0.00
Qatar 3 0.00
Saudi Arabia 17 62 62 67 0.00 8.06
State of Palestine 5 0.00
Syrian Arab Republic 13 1 0.00 -92.31
United Arab Emirates 17 0.00
Yemen 2 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

SOUTH ASIA 556 356 602 309 1,609 0.08 420.71

Bangladesh 55 177 964 0.05 444.63
Bhutan 1 0.00
India 338 204 349 28 283 0.01 910.71
Iran, Islamic Republic of 183 18 154 27 37 0.00 37.04
Nepal 76 0.00
Pakistan 77 57 0.00 -25.97
Sri Lanka 35 79 99 191 0.01
NOT SPECIFIED 205 660 8,618 0.43
Other countries of the World 205 660 8,229 0.41
Nationals Residing Abroad 389 0.02

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 16,331,556 15,772,298 18,260,365 17,994,229 18,048,737 100.00 0.30

AFRICA 894,953 769,037 847,533 1,139,288 1,555,032 8.62 36.49
EAST AFRICA 85,018 85,843 74,936 88,391 96,103 0.53 8.72
Burundi 11 30 31 145 163 0.00 12.41
Comoros 4,126 5,565 5,154 4,813 4,383 0.02 -8.93
Djibouti 416 339 560 1,471 1,991 0.01 35.35
Eritrea 5,554 5,245 5,926 4,771 6,881 0.04 44.23
Ethiopia 64,634 59,290 47,116 38,974 39,172 0.22 0.51
Kenya 3,276 5,388 5,636 11,927 15,011 0.08 25.86
Madagascar 68 408 749 919 0.01 22.70
Malawi 146 184 226 506 522 0.00 3.16
Mauritius 1,370 3,586 2,371 5,436 5,190 0.03 -4.53
Mozambique 720 838 1,144 1,711 2,632 0.01 53.83
Reunion 245 36 136 19
Rwanda 27 16 28 180 220 0.00 22.22
Seychelles 128 111 137 114 133 0.00 16.67
Somalia 2,123 2,486 3,088 10,680 15,500 0.09 45.13
Tanzania, United Republic of 1,313 1,691 1,655 3,919
Uganda 396 485 715 2,070 2,382 0.01 15.07
Zambia 180 352 276 555 525 0.00 -5.41
Zimbabwe 355 133 329 351 479 0.00 36.47
CENTRAL AFRICA 170,631 3,512 4,736 17,220 23,676 0.13 37.49
Angola 12 11 14 44 23 0.00 -47.73
Cameroon 1,188 1,075 1,208 6,360 8,360 0.05 31.45
Central African Republic 43 52 38 24 25 0.00 4.17
Chad 3,481 2,230 3,307 9,613 14,829 0.08 54.26
Congo 165,786 70 74 903 229 0.00 -74.64
Equatorial Guinea 1 1 5 5 0.00
Gabon 113 71 89 263 205 0.00 -22.05
Other countries of Central Africa 7 2 5 8
NORTH AFRICA 528,210 584,273 650,623 786,802 1,116,065 6.18 41.85
Algeria 226,139 213,141 286,966 313,726 416,343 2.31 32.71
Morocco 108,365 98,258 109,305 175,129 224,467 1.24 28.17
Sudan 139,489 231,707 184,937 236,551 363,118 2.01 53.51
Tunisia 54,217 41,167 69,415 61,396 112,137 0.62 82.65
SOUTHERN AFRICA 32,726 38,088 33,255 34,795 38,399 0.21 10.36
Botswana 40 93 71 83 94 0.00 13.25
Lesotho 56 71 71 71 60 0.00 -15.49
Namibia 40 30 54 44 107 0.00 143.18
South Africa 32,525 37,815 32,982 34,529 38,059 0.21 10.22
Swaziland 31 79 64 68 79 0.00 16.18
Other countries of Southern Africa 34 14
WEST AFRICA 78,367 57,322 83,983 212,080 280,789 1.56 32.40
Benin 427 243 458 4,587 6,113 0.03 33.27
Burkina Faso 766 1,830 1,262 7,700 8,294 0.05 7.71
Côte d'Ivoire 325 278 348 5,340 7,331 0.04 37.28
Gambia 206 143 246 1,717 2,285 0.01 33.08
Ghana 1,439 1,853 1,892 10,018 13,599 0.08 35.75
Guinea 580 491 579 275 602 0.00 118.91
Guinea-Bissau 43 53 53 292 403 0.00 38.01
Liberia 59 55 56 36 27 0.00 -25.00
Mali 1,748 1,269 1,980 11,809 15,156 0.08 28.34
Mauritania 2,570 2,820 3,234 6,888 9,623 0.05 39.71

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 2,520 1,603 2,753 16,652 21,286 0.12 27.83

Nigeria 66,468 45,491 69,556 132,592 177,335 0.98 33.74
Senegal 685 1,050 1,222 12,080 15,927 0.09 31.85
Sierra Leone 411 49 216 93 122 0.00 31.18
Togo 120 92 128 2,001 2,686 0.01 34.23
AMERICAS 157,484 178,934 208,959 284,440 695,335 3.85 144.46
CARIBBEAN 1,134 875 953 909 1,165 0.01 28.16
Aruba 27 23 34 95 38 0.00 -60.00
Bahamas 12 12 11 36
Barbados 32 57 54 45 50 0.00 11.11
British Virgin Islands 16 18
Cuba 15 26 13 31 39 0.00 25.81
Dominica 55 138 105
Dominican Republic 117
Grenada 3 14 12 9
Haiti 5 9 11 4 11 0.00 175.00
Jamaica 42 16 52 58 87 0.00 50.00
Martinique 20 11 15 0.00
Montserrat 2 2 2 165 0.00
Puerto Rico 366 122
Saint Lucia 15 14 1 0.00 -92.86
Trinidad and Tobago 541 566 483 494 759 0.00 53.64
Other countries of the Caribbean 15 13
CENTRAL AMERICA 277 318 328 317 480 0.00 51.42
Belize 32 18 21 18 47 0.00 161.11
Costa Rica 25 45 40 19 50 0.00 163.16
El Salvador 3 1 2 23 60 0.00 160.87
Guatemala 28 33 28 90 132 0.00 46.67
Honduras 138 113 129 55 67 0.00 21.82
Nicaragua 14 7 14 11 8 0.00 -27.27
Panama 37 101 95 101 116 0.00 14.85
NORTH AMERICA 93,016 174,474 178,828 276,064 680,339 3.77 146.44
Canada 16,165 49,438 29,755 59,852 68,305 0.38 14.12
Mexico 109 397 472 1,199 1,394 0.01 16.26
United States of America 76,742 124,639 148,601 215,013 610,640 3.38 184.00
SOUTH AMERICA 63,019 3,237 28,850 7,150 13,351 0.07 86.73
Argentina 472 438 589 2,677 7,903 0.04 195.22
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 37 46 52 25
Brazil 1,237 1,284 1,454 868 2,028 0.01 133.64
Chile 83 110 137 203 186 0.00 -8.37
Colombia 311 453 427 363 1,049 0.01 188.98
Ecuador 89 106 88 2,094 181 0.00 -91.36
Paraguay 7 10 9 33 16 0.00 -51.52
Peru 59 119 111 103 156 0.00 51.46
Suriname 60,155 18 25,159 10
Uruguay 40 55 80 68 63 0.00 -7.35
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 528 600 744 706 1,769 0.01 150.57
Other countries of the Americas 38 31
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 770,617 1,196,583 1,176,622 1,607,604 1,682,075 9.32 4.63
NORTH-EAST ASIA 86,603 74,909 62,565 98,751 119,556 0.66 21.07
China 19,079 32,278 19,450 48,325 64,455 0.36 33.38
Hong Kong (China) 11,790 4,960 6,938 9,011 5,211 0.03 -42.17

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Japan 13,002 11,961 13,655 16,860 17,666 0.10 4.78

Korea, Republic of 42,704 25,678 22,486 24,475 32,162 0.18 31.41
Macao (China) 5 14 17 37 6 0.00 -83.78
Mongolia 23 18 19 43 56 0.00 30.23
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 659,593 1,104,439 1,102,742 1,408,176 1,414,729 7.84 0.47
Brunei Darussalam 3,405 2,765 4,923 4,666
Cambodia 76 40 63 881 1,172 0.01 33.03
Indonesia 475,547 749,312 759,252 936,562 941,138 5.21 0.49
Malaysia 96,472 231,459 224,890 284,910 227,078 1.26 -20.30
Myanmar 729 848 746 3,943 7,690 0.04 95.03
Philippines 61,343 97,390 83,175 133,776 194,675 1.08 45.52
Singapore 17,038 15,373 22,580 19,905 13,075 0.07 -34.31
Thailand 4,847 7,108 6,941 23,042 27,822 0.15 20.74
Viet Nam 137 143 173 491 2,079 0.01 323.42
AUSTRALASIA 24,361 17,201 11,262 99,699 147,760 0.82 48.21
Australia 21,827 14,831 8,518 90,066 143,321 0.79 59.13
New Zealand 2,534 2,370 2,744 9,633 4,439 0.02 -53.92
MELANESIA 17 23 27 131 1 0.00 -99.24
Fiji 11 23 26 131
Papua New Guinea 6 1 1 0.00
MICRONESIA 29 11 17 11 2 0.00 -81.82
Kiribati 18 6 12 11 1 0.00 -90.91
Marshall Islands 10 4 1 0.00
Nauru 1 5
POLYNESIA 14 9 836 27 0.00 -96.77
American Samoa 13 4 827 15 0.00 -98.19
French Polynesia 1
Niue 4 4
Tonga 2 5 12 0.00 140.00
EUROPE 838,795 1,125,880 1,147,632 1,380,520 1,475,634 8.18 6.89
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 23,911 40,355 44,371 91,574 252,698 1.40 175.95
Armenia 34 97 111 273 132 0.00 -51.65
Azerbaijan 1,450 2,029 2,153 6,078 161,940 0.90 2,564.36
Belarus 211 485 330 271 150 0.00 -44.65
Bulgaria 528 4,392 1,382 1,736 1,875 0.01 8.01
Czech Republic 661 1,777 1,280 1,650 1,458 0.01 -11.64
Estonia 56 125 131 213 92 0.00 -56.81
Georgia 158 334 312 379 278 0.00 -26.65
Hungary 685 920 1,180 1,379 834 0.00 -39.52
Kazakhstan 2,335 2,735 3,771 9,152 10,627 0.06 16.12
Kyrgyzstan 378 792 1,299 5,984 7,441 0.04 24.35
Latvia 210 303 267 308 181 0.00 -41.23
Lithuania 138 217 225 465 309 0.00 -33.55
Moldova, Republic of 36 54 106 369
Poland 1,955 2,538 2,387 4,163 5,910 0.03 41.96
Romania 1,549 2,595 2,533 5,278 2,913 0.02 -44.81
Russian Federation 4,993 5,174 5,980 23,181 26,590 0.15 14.71
Slovakia 349 480 499 905 741 0.00 -18.12
Tajikistan 1,431 3,354 4,014 10,813 11,291 0.06 4.42
Turkmenistan 889 1,533 508 3,019 1,554 0.01 -48.53
Ukraine 2,704 3,817 3,263 3,805 1,911 0.01 -49.78
Uzbekistan 2,698 6,605 7,905 10,291 16,471 0.09 60.05
Other countries Central/East Europe 464 1 4,735 1,862

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

NORTHERN EUROPE 225,043 257,355 331,543 289,272 265,409 1.47 -8.25

Denmark 3,905 4,171 4,465 14,897 3,908 0.02 -73.77
Finland 1,692 1,717 1,845 2,730 1,553 0.01 -43.11
Iceland 238 221 530 4,653 1,668 0.01 -64.15
Ireland 7,401 6,763 7,931 6,955 6,538 0.04 -6.00
Norway 2,692 8,650 4,587 3,987 3,048 0.02 -23.55
Sweden 4,440 3,351 4,959 10,712 9,166 0.05 -14.43
United Kingdom 204,675 232,482 307,227 245,338 239,528 1.33 -2.37
SOUTHERN EUROPE 33,867 77,614 50,861 85,892 98,724 0.55 14.94
Albania 251 278 307 14,264 985 0.01 -93.09
Andorra 4 10 5 10 10 0.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 626 1,383 1,167 3,320 3,422 0.02 3.07
Croatia 1,169 10,769 1,516 2,073 1,180 0.01 -43.08
Greece 3,041 4,403 4,152 5,435 4,329 0.02 -20.35
Italy 16,026 38,013 23,903 29,989 69,370 0.38 131.32
Malta 162 252 1,358 285 245 0.00 -14.04
Portugal 1,963 3,611 1,622 6,537 4,030 0.02 -38.35
San Marino 1 0.00
Serbia 332 528
Slovenia 273 318 363 558 351 0.00 -37.10
Spain 8,788 15,862 14,135 21,209 14,801 0.08 -30.21
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 377 167
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 83 112 65 32
Other countries of Southern Europe 1,481 2,226 1,769 1,652
WESTERN EUROPE 102,373 232,506 162,972 240,797 174,576 0.97 -27.50
Austria 4,012 4,928 4,701 8,161 3,965 0.02 -51.42
Belgium 7,290 7,658 7,544 11,879 9,120 0.05 -23.23
France 40,987 120,026 57,543 128,621 74,784 0.41 -41.86
Germany 24,356 40,084 67,830 65,151 83,136 0.46 27.61
Liechtenstein 6 1
Luxembourg 92 110 104 137 62 0.00 -54.74
Netherlands 13,615 44,142 17,842 20,497
Switzerland 12,016 15,558 7,405 6,351 3,509 0.02 -44.75
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 453,601 518,050 557,885 672,985 684,227 3.79 1.67
Cyprus 603 876 904 2,790 829 0.00 -70.29
Turkey 452,998 517,174 556,980 670,195 683,398 3.79 1.97
MIDDLE EAST 10,636,761 9,607,632 11,144,039 9,935,287 8,282,573 45.89 -16.63
Bahrain 1,037,094 905,269 1,222,790 1,702,930 967,185 5.36 -43.20
Egypt 1,251,821 1,736,121 1,659,112 1,768,527 1,958,707 10.85 10.75
Iraq 165,723 306,937 221,910 149,390 257,018 1.42 72.04
Jordan 2,806,349 1,328,923 1,881,276 999,708 1,017,311 5.64 1.76
Kuwait 1,926,896 1,971,099 2,409,935 2,372,263 2,043,077 11.32 -13.88
Lebanon 132,489 146,785 150,455 82,181 75,134 0.42 -8.57
Libya 90,991 147,428 122,298 31,119 42,741 0.24 37.35
Oman 400,368 347,492 313,729 273,764 173,036 0.96 -36.79
Qatar 897,377 1,326,391 1,260,861 1,155,678 633,340 3.51 -45.20
State of Palestine 17,628 71,187 20,949 32,603 12,731 0.07 -60.95
Syrian Arab Republic 114,523 60,365 225,303 32,220 26,397 0.15 -18.07
United Arab Emirates 1,580,479 934,368 1,343,816 1,194,032 966,200 5.35 -19.08
Yemen 215,025 325,267 311,606 140,872 109,696 0.61 -22.13
SOUTH ASIA 3,023,567 2,892,081 3,685,137 3,615,722 4,051,278 22.45 12.05
Afghanistan 16,597 26,899 34,860 53,480 67,018 0.37 25.31
Bangladesh 107,151 102,633 161,098 213,952 336,407 1.86 57.23

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Bhutan 4 228 13 0.00

India 1,075,459 1,006,229 1,193,412 1,365,292 1,619,454 8.97 18.62
Iran, Islamic Republic of 429,352 541,237 764,834 420,660 550 0.00 -99.87
Maldives 1,939 1,017 2,485 4,502 4,492 0.02 -0.22
Nepal 36,476 32,640 40,086 48,036 59,063 0.33 22.96
Pakistan 1,284,186 1,114,314 1,408,138 1,410,548 1,886,583 10.45 33.75
Sri Lanka 72,403 67,112 79,996 99,252 77,698 0.43 -21.72
NOT SPECIFIED 9,378 2,150 50,443 31,368 306,810 1.70 878.10
Other countries of the World 9,378 2,150 50,443 31,368 223,206 1.24 611.57
Nationals Residing Abroad 83,604 0.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 908,429 680,491

AFRICA 270,508 215,263
WEST AFRICA 66,599 37,257
Benin 6,408 2,972
Burkina Faso 7,626 3,828
Côte d'Ivoire 21,163 8,873
Guinea-Bissau 6,518 6,641
Mali 13,559 10,120
Niger 5,813 2,615
Togo 5,512 2,208
OTHER AFRICA 203,909 178,006
Other countries of Africa 203,909 178,006
AMERICAS 46,254 27,842
NORTH AMERICA 40,635 25,168
Canada 9,367 5,429
United States of America 31,268 19,739
OTHER AMERICAS 5,619 2,674
Other countries of the Americas 5,619 2,674
All countries of Asia 19,648 16,770
EUROPE 453,553 322,979
All countries Central/East Europe 4,493 2,610
NORTHERN EUROPE 26,824 11,799
United Kingdom 21,011 8,543
Scandinavia 5,813 3,256
SOUTHERN EUROPE 53,327 36,125
Italy 16,131 10,496
Portugal 6,797 4,597
Spain 30,399 21,032
WESTERN EUROPE 351,648 257,979
France 287,630 218,552
Germany 12,199 7,765
Switzerland 6,314 5,062
Benelux 45,505 26,600
OTHER EUROPE 17,261 14,466
Other countries of Europe 17,261 14,466
MIDDLE EAST 11,845 8,401
All countries of Middle East 11,845 8,401
NOT SPECIFIED 106,621 89,236
Other countries of the World 106,621 89,236

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,812,641 1,532,125

AFRICA 391,801 366,255
WEST AFRICA 86,124 61,306
Benin 7,907 4,992
Burkina Faso 9,906 7,382
Côte d'Ivoire 26,367 13,674
Guinea-Bissau 8,978 10,552
Mali 18,744 15,911
Niger 7,755 4,632
Togo 6,467 4,163
OTHER AFRICA 305,677 304,949
Other countries of Africa 305,677 304,949
AMERICAS 71,387 57,383
NORTH AMERICA 64,142 50,570
Canada 13,760 9,211
United States of America 50,382 41,359
OTHER AMERICAS 7,245 6,813
Other countries of the Americas 7,245 6,813
All countries of Asia 29,066 32,711
EUROPE 1,107,618 847,814
All countries Central/East Europe 6,159 4,410
NORTHERN EUROPE 32,754 17,360
United Kingdom 24,460 11,684
Scandinavia 8,294 5,676
SOUTHERN EUROPE 101,321 81,105
Italy 24,149 22,097
Portugal 8,371 9,967
Spain 68,801 49,041
WESTERN EUROPE 929,869 717,939
France 775,448 610,939
Germany 41,080 18,132
Switzerland 8,294 12,993
Benelux 105,047 75,875
OTHER EUROPE 37,515 27,000
Other countries of Europe 37,515 27,000
MIDDLE EAST 14,176 13,570
All countries of Middle East 14,176 13,570
NOT SPECIFIED 198,593 214,392
Other countries of the World 198,593 214,392

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 707,173 767,058 879,901 1,012,967 1,146,685 100.00 13.20

AFRICA 8,443 10,045 8,014 0.70 -20.22
SOUTHERN AFRICA 537 832 980 0.09 17.79
South Africa 537 832 980 0.09 17.79

OTHER AFRICA 7,906 9,213 7,034 0.61 -23.65

Other countries of Africa 7,906 9,213 7,034 0.61 -23.65
AMERICAS 19,790 21,062 26,125 33,452 37,309 3.25 11.53
NORTH AMERICA 19,790 21,062 22,560 27,992 32,220 2.81 15.10
Canada 4,581 5,110 5,161 6,147 6,711 0.59 9.18
United States of America 15,209 15,952 16,560 21,172 24,877 2.17 17.50
Other countries of North America 839 673 632 0.06 -6.09
SOUTH AMERICA 1,098 1,417 1,647 0.14 16.23
Brazil 1,098 1,417 1,647 0.14 16.23
OTHER AMERICAS 2,467 4,043 3,442 0.30 -14.87
Other countries of the Americas 2,467 4,043 3,442 0.30 -14.87
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12,713 18,033 46,056 66,946 60,938 5.31 -8.97
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,026 9,694 24,100 28,981 30,231 2.64 4.31
China 5,159
Japan 5,026 4,535 4,974 4,921 4,963 0.43 0.85
Korea, Republic of 10,011 10,254 7,455 0.65 -27.30
China and Hong Kong (China) 9,115 13,806 17,813 1.55 29.02
AUSTRALASIA 7,687 8,339 8,891 10,706 10,346 0.90 -3.36
Australia 6,993 7,540 8,042 9,552 9,450 0.82 -1.07
New Zealand 694 799 849 1,154 896 0.08 -22.36
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,065 27,259 20,361 1.78 -25.31
Other countries of Asia 12,266 26,559 19,705 1.72 -25.81
Other countries of Oceania 799 700 656 0.06 -6.29
EUROPE 649,788 696,246 797,663 902,524 1,034,683 90.23 14.64
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 142,357 167,430 205,258 237,683 265,457 23.15 11.69
Bulgaria 31,767 38,031 44,287 63,346 81,478 7.11 28.62
Czech Republic 9,070 10,958 10,368 10,394 11,255 0.98 8.28
Estonia 624 971 957 0.08 -1.44
Hungary 18,281 20,966 21,279 24,986 28,195 2.46 12.84
Latvia 863 839 967 0.08 15.26
Lithuania 6,858 4,862 4,461 0.39 -8.25
Poland 19,504 24,709 31,761 38,081 32,004 2.79 -15.96
Romania 29,337 30,667 32,647 41,416 48,460 4.23 17.01
Russian Federation 28,478 35,389 43,694 37,452 39,880 3.48 6.48
Slovakia 5,920 6,710 7,316 8,708 9,262 0.81 6.36
Ukraine 5,561 6,628 8,538 0.74 28.82
NORTHERN EUROPE 44,420 45,117 50,080 54,319 61,524 5.37 13.26
Denmark 5,007 4,692 5,738 5,456 6,171 0.54 13.10
Finland 1,963 2,189 2,667 3,103 2,964 0.26 -4.48
Iceland 518 398 480 531 707 0.06 33.15
Ireland 1,855 1,755 2,033 1,998 2,902 0.25 45.25
Norway 6,268 6,178 5,501 5,753 5,700 0.50 -0.92
Sweden 11,136 12,065 14,135 15,210 17,440 1.52 14.66
United Kingdom 17,673 17,840 19,526 22,268 25,640 2.24 15.14
SOUTHERN EUROPE 304,853 283,209 339,673 375,673 435,228 37.96 15.85
Bosnia and Herzegovina 53,980 43,837 61,300 72,851 82,925 7.23 13.83
Croatia 43,682 46,816 57,066 60,789 69,068 6.02 13.62
Greece 25,690 33,507 40,099 42,098 59,833 5.22 42.13
Italy 47,551 38,919 40,442 41,528 44,592 3.89 7.38
Malta 457 461 736 0.06 59.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 36,467 31,760 41,903 50,168 55,989 4.88 11.60

Portugal 1,678 1,644 2,429 2,564 2,640 0.23 2.96
Slovenia 60,027 59,210 56,752 60,939 66,872 5.83 9.74
Spain 5,679 5,399 6,944 7,723 9,170 0.80 18.74
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 30,099 22,117 32,281 36,552 43,403 3.79 18.74
WESTERN EUROPE 116,138 115,928 131,290 141,935 155,097 13.53 9.27
Austria 23,476 21,435 22,807 24,343 27,300 2.38 12.15
Belgium 6,248 5,856 6,892 7,234 8,075 0.70 11.63
France 17,896 17,729 19,411 22,998 23,996 2.09 4.34
Germany 46,420 47,945 53,006 55,518 59,035 5.15 6.33
Luxembourg 467 393 393 379 481 0.04 26.91
Netherlands 11,220 11,207 12,524 13,303 14,926 1.30 12.20
Switzerland (*) 10,411 11,363 16,257 18,160 21,284 1.86 17.20
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 21,498 31,230 51,214 71,655 98,412 8.58 37.34
Cyprus 2,690 2,652 4,104 0.36 54.75
Israel 3,781 3,799 7,960 8,356 14,589 1.27 74.59
Turkey 17,717 27,431 40,564 60,647 79,719 6.95 31.45
OTHER EUROPE 20,522 53,332 20,148 21,259 18,965 1.65 -10.79
Other countries of Europe 20,522 53,332 20,148 21,259 18,965 1.65 -10.79
MIDDLE EAST 5,741 0.50
United Arab Emirates 5,741 0.50
NOT SPECIFIED 24,882 31,717 1,614
Other countries of the World 24,882 31,717 1,614

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 809,967 921,768 1,028,732 1,132,221 1,281,426 100.00 13.18

AFRICA 10,776 11,069 9,204 0.72 -16.85
SOUTHERN AFRICA 579 915 1,070 0.08 16.94
South Africa 579 915 1,070 0.08 16.94

OTHER AFRICA 10,197 10,154 8,134 0.63 -19.89

Other countries of Africa 10,197 10,154 8,134 0.63 -19.89
AMERICAS 21,641 24,277 30,598 36,897 41,393 3.23 12.19
NORTH AMERICA 21,641 24,277 25,929 30,857 35,583 2.78 15.32
Canada 5,140 6,073 6,183 7,045 7,687 0.60 9.11
United States of America 16,501 18,204 18,878 23,111 27,170 2.12 17.56
Other countries of North America 868 701 726 0.06 3.57
SOUTH AMERICA 1,529 1,652 1,915 0.15 15.92
Brazil 1,529 1,652 1,915 0.15 15.92
OTHER AMERICAS 3,140 4,388 3,895 0.30 -11.24
Other countries of the Americas 3,140 4,388 3,895 0.30 -11.24
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,997 22,898 53,250 73,388 66,568 5.19 -9.29
NORTH-EAST ASIA 5,251 10,913 25,920 29,804 31,316 2.44 5.07
China 5,783
Japan 5,251 5,130 5,327 5,196 5,245 0.41 0.94
Korea, Republic of 11,001 10,370 7,662 0.60 -26.11
China and Hong Kong (China) 9,592 14,238 18,409 1.44 29.29
AUSTRALASIA 9,746 11,985 11,823 13,389 13,239 1.03 -1.12
Australia 8,772 10,713 10,668 11,830 11,902 0.93 0.61
New Zealand 974 1,272 1,155 1,559 1,337 0.10 -14.24
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,507 30,195 22,013 1.72 -27.10
Other countries of Asia 14,519 29,418 21,332 1.66 -27.49
Other countries of Oceania 988 777 681 0.05 -12.36
EUROPE 745,959 836,803 932,237 1,010,867 1,158,391 90.40 14.59
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 159,172 197,722 238,314 261,215 289,495 22.59 10.83
Bulgaria 35,243 43,430 51,424 70,891 88,089 6.87 24.26
Czech Republic 10,042 12,924 11,828 11,500 12,190 0.95 6.00
Estonia 674 1,024 1,017 0.08 -0.68
Hungary 20,315 24,528 24,399 27,421 30,978 2.42 12.97
Latvia 1,005 917 1,076 0.08 17.34
Lithuania 7,315 5,016 4,592 0.36 -8.45
Poland 23,323 30,003 39,004 41,214 34,631 2.70 -15.97
Romania 32,042 35,495 36,959 44,225 53,053 4.14 19.96
Russian Federation 31,628 43,070 50,571 41,623 43,916 3.43 5.51
Slovakia 6,579 8,272 9,148 10,164 10,812 0.84 6.38
Ukraine 5,987 7,220 9,141 0.71 26.61
NORTHERN EUROPE 49,524 53,932 57,317 60,415 67,164 5.24 11.17
Denmark 5,471 5,714 6,369 6,050 6,780 0.53 12.07
Finland 2,223 2,672 3,066 3,393 3,301 0.26 -2.71
Iceland 539 466 495 593 717 0.06 20.91
Ireland 2,049 2,128 2,447 2,364 3,232 0.25 36.72
Norway 6,765 7,152 6,006 6,193 6,244 0.49 0.82
Sweden 12,186 13,945 15,487 16,512 18,798 1.47 13.84
United Kingdom 20,291 21,855 23,447 25,310 28,092 2.19 10.99
SOUTHERN EUROPE 361,045 381,406 404,899 433,346 506,273 39.51 16.83
Bosnia and Herzegovina 62,276 68,117 74,785 87,397 100,579 7.85 15.08
Croatia 47,229 53,394 63,779 65,886 75,732 5.91 14.94
Greece 26,900 37,025 43,417 43,869 61,749 4.82 40.76
Italy 50,580 43,376 45,883 44,314 47,430 3.70 7.03
Malta 514 477 894 0.07 87.42

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 64,703 67,658 61,684 70,861 77,396 6.04 9.22

Portugal 1,967 2,005 2,775 2,799 2,922 0.23 4.39
Slovenia 65,723 67,498 64,389 65,754 74,096 5.78 12.69
Spain 6,584 6,758 8,052 8,585 10,212 0.80 18.95
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 35,083 35,575 39,621 43,404 55,263 4.31 27.32
WESTERN EUROPE 129,206 137,393 151,534 157,452 170,104 13.27 8.04
Austria 25,216 24,740 25,408 26,268 29,726 2.32 13.16
Belgium 7,090 6,984 7,799 7,886 8,775 0.68 11.27
France 20,219 21,747 24,281 25,654 26,364 2.06 2.77
Germany 50,896 55,468 59,797 60,886 63,935 4.99 5.01
Luxembourg 485 416 437 403 521 0.04 29.28
Netherlands 14,027 14,846 15,693 16,206 17,716 1.38 9.32
Switzerland (*) 11,273 13,192 18,119 20,149 23,067 1.80 14.48
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 24,822 36,654 57,290 75,950 104,648 8.17 37.79
Cyprus 2,922 2,862 5,843 0.46 104.16
Israel 3,957 4,217 8,878 8,897 15,129 1.18 70.05
Turkey 20,865 32,437 45,490 64,191 83,676 6.53 30.35
OTHER EUROPE 22,190 29,696 22,883 22,489 20,707 1.62 -7.92
Other countries of Europe 22,190 29,696 22,883 22,489 20,707 1.62 -7.92
MIDDLE EAST 5,870 0.46
United Arab Emirates 5,870 0.46
NOT SPECIFIED 27,370 37,790 1,871
Other countries of the World 27,370 37,790 1,871

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,518,577 1,616,648 1,784,540 2,066,142 2,352,920 100.00 13.88

AFRICA 31,017 33,096 24,153 1.03 -27.02
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,807 2,553 2,606 0.11 2.08
South Africa 1,807 2,553 2,606 0.11 2.08

OTHER AFRICA 29,210 30,543 21,547 0.92 -29.45

Other countries of Africa 29,210 30,543 21,547 0.92 -29.45
AMERICAS 52,065 57,357 67,086 91,024 93,371 3.97 2.58
NORTH AMERICA 52,065 57,357 58,370 75,941 80,070 3.40 5.44
Canada 10,677 12,505 12,493 16,643 15,755 0.67 -5.34
United States of America 41,388 44,852 43,527 57,317 62,744 2.67 9.47
Other countries of North America 2,350 1,981 1,571 0.07 -20.70
SOUTH AMERICA 2,933 4,217 4,727 0.20 12.09
Brazil 2,933 4,217 4,727 0.20 12.09
OTHER AMERICAS 5,783 10,866 8,574 0.36 -21.09
Other countries of the Americas 5,783 10,866 8,574 0.36 -21.09
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,700 40,678 105,335 144,359 137,807 5.86 -4.54
NORTH-EAST ASIA 13,241 21,112 49,938 52,796 57,061 2.43 8.08
China 10,239
Japan 13,241 10,873 11,184 10,530 10,684 0.45 1.46
Korea, Republic of 11,399 13,574 8,717 0.37 -35.78
China and Hong Kong (China) 27,355 28,692 37,660 1.60 31.26
AUSTRALASIA 17,459 19,566 20,458 24,728 25,958 1.10 4.97
Australia 15,943 17,901 18,726 22,526 23,348 0.99 3.65
New Zealand 1,516 1,665 1,732 2,202 2,610 0.11 18.53
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 34,939 66,835 54,788 2.33 -18.02
Other countries of Asia 33,492 64,719 53,265 2.26 -17.70
Other countries of Oceania 1,447 2,116 1,523 0.06 -28.02
EUROPE 1,369,692 1,411,991 1,577,158 1,797,663 2,082,010 88.49 15.82
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 297,214 341,215 404,857 459,618 525,201 22.32 14.27
Bulgaria 69,132 63,886 72,584 102,963 132,447 5.63 28.64
Czech Republic 18,704 29,389 21,258 19,822 22,681 0.96 14.42
Estonia 1,584 2,813 2,536 0.11 -9.85
Hungary 34,495 45,060 35,803 42,561 57,937 2.46 36.13
Latvia 1,425 1,803 2,898 0.12 60.73
Lithuania 8,194 6,704 6,418 0.27 -4.27
Poland 32,308 37,131 48,742 59,740 52,773 2.24 -11.66
Romania 54,673 58,679 68,004 86,356 102,456 4.35 18.64
Russian Federation 75,717 93,704 123,456 106,332 110,295 4.69 3.73
Slovakia 12,185 13,366 13,074 17,286 18,395 0.78 6.42
Ukraine 10,733 13,238 16,365 0.70 23.62
NORTHERN EUROPE 118,183 114,026 124,736 134,297 150,559 6.40 12.11
Denmark 14,361 13,027 15,125 12,847 15,895 0.68 23.73
Finland 4,442 5,077 7,918 8,476 7,635 0.32 -9.92
Iceland 1,742 1,225 1,580 1,407 1,928 0.08 37.03
Ireland 4,961 4,578 5,733 5,035 7,598 0.32 50.90
Norway 20,862 18,374 15,636 15,986 15,653 0.67 -2.08
Sweden 26,670 27,819 31,910 37,712 42,124 1.79 11.70
United Kingdom 45,145 43,926 46,834 52,834 59,726 2.54 13.04
SOUTHERN EUROPE 634,472 564,889 650,735 734,924 869,195 36.94 18.27
Bosnia and Herzegovina 110,186 87,964 115,396 138,039 157,343 6.69 13.98
Croatia 81,838 84,950 101,941 108,522 125,281 5.32 15.44
Greece 48,737 60,175 69,187 75,456 116,773 4.96 54.76
Italy 138,308 95,627 90,931 95,912 102,447 4.35 6.81
Malta 1,020 1,276 2,291 0.10 79.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 80,002 70,279 97,107 119,880 141,704 6.02 18.20

Portugal 4,314 4,278 5,859 6,283 7,082 0.30 12.72
Slovenia 102,682 105,308 96,093 105,089 115,702 4.92 10.10
Spain 14,082 13,803 16,572 19,058 22,140 0.94 16.17
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 54,323 42,505 56,629 65,409 78,432 3.33 19.91
WESTERN EUROPE 239,176 232,220 259,011 290,068 316,053 13.43 8.96
Austria 42,882 38,117 40,776 46,191 52,357 2.23 13.35
Belgium 13,367 12,196 13,701 13,812 16,408 0.70 18.80
France 40,827 38,976 40,920 50,405 51,469 2.19 2.11
Germany 93,342 93,217 101,612 111,228 117,210 4.98 5.38
Luxembourg 1,046 909 896 753 1,167 0.05 54.98
Netherlands 24,923 23,697 25,871 26,858 29,720 1.26 10.66
Switzerland (*) 22,789 25,108 35,235 40,821 47,722 2.03 16.91
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 39,397 55,614 96,630 133,898 182,133 7.74 36.02
Cyprus 6,627 7,244 10,331 0.44 42.61
Israel 8,613 9,231 17,596 20,141 39,900 1.70 98.10
Turkey 30,784 46,383 72,407 106,513 131,902 5.61 23.84
OTHER EUROPE 41,250 104,027 41,189 44,858 38,869 1.65 -13.35
Other countries of Europe 41,250 104,027 41,189 44,858 38,869 1.65 -13.35
MIDDLE EAST 15,579 0.66
United Arab Emirates 15,579 0.66
NOT SPECIFIED 66,120 106,622 3,944
Other countries of the World 66,120 106,622 3,944

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,796,217 1,988,393 2,161,054 2,409,680 2,738,998 100.00 13.67

AFRICA 42,283 42,412 31,560 1.15 -25.59
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,904 2,973 2,963 0.11 -0.34
South Africa 1,904 2,973 2,963 0.11 -0.34

OTHER AFRICA 40,379 39,439 28,597 1.04 -27.49

Other countries of Africa 40,379 39,439 28,597 1.04 -27.49
AMERICAS 57,733 64,966 78,476 100,968 104,855 3.83 3.85
NORTH AMERICA 57,733 64,966 67,071 84,377 89,419 3.26 5.98
Canada 12,387 15,023 15,509 19,756 18,386 0.67 -6.93
United States of America 45,346 49,943 49,144 62,114 69,002 2.52 11.09
Other countries of North America 2,418 2,507 2,031 0.07 -18.99
SOUTH AMERICA 3,711 4,821 5,684 0.21 17.90
Brazil 3,711 4,821 5,684 0.21 17.90
OTHER AMERICAS 7,694 11,770 9,752 0.36 -17.15
Other countries of the Americas 7,694 11,770 9,752 0.36 -17.15
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 36,330 53,377 127,009 167,134 159,318 5.82 -4.68
NORTH-EAST ASIA 14,754 27,193 56,427 59,013 64,615 2.36 9.49
China 14,047
Japan 14,754 13,146 13,201 12,344 12,586 0.46 1.96
Korea, Republic of 12,477 13,890 9,043 0.33 -34.90
China and Hong Kong (China) 30,749 32,779 42,986 1.57 31.14
AUSTRALASIA 21,576 26,184 26,704 30,553 31,753 1.16 3.93
Australia 19,717 23,792 24,475 27,730 28,569 1.04 3.03
New Zealand 1,859 2,392 2,229 2,823 3,184 0.12 12.79
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 43,878 77,568 62,950 2.30 -18.85
Other countries of Asia 41,988 75,286 61,357 2.24 -18.50
Other countries of Oceania 1,890 2,282 1,593 0.06 -30.19
EUROPE 1,623,215 1,732,896 1,908,839 2,099,166 2,427,258 88.62 15.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 349,377 413,037 490,063 526,326 592,484 21.63 12.57
Bulgaria 76,622 74,232 88,953 119,937 146,196 5.34 21.89
Czech Republic 21,598 33,562 24,365 22,437 25,374 0.93 13.09
Estonia 1,676 2,898 2,668 0.10 -7.94
Hungary 42,259 52,822 41,533 47,436 63,271 2.31 33.38
Latvia 1,879 1,982 3,181 0.12 60.49
Lithuania 8,887 6,911 6,755 0.25 -2.26
Poland 40,350 46,346 63,506 65,338 58,670 2.14 -10.21
Romania 62,916 67,983 76,982 94,571 114,921 4.20 21.52
Russian Federation 91,517 120,899 153,811 129,110 131,323 4.79 1.71
Slovakia 14,115 17,193 16,511 20,957 21,989 0.80 4.92
Ukraine 11,960 14,749 18,136 0.66 22.96
NORTHERN EUROPE 131,641 133,909 141,950 148,657 164,786 6.02 10.85
Denmark 15,286 15,213 16,365 14,155 17,448 0.64 23.26
Finland 5,262 6,115 8,719 9,117 8,414 0.31 -7.71
Iceland 1,782 1,420 1,621 1,503 1,965 0.07 30.74
Ireland 5,362 5,292 6,678 5,805 8,322 0.30 43.36
Norway 22,515 20,499 16,741 17,166 17,048 0.62 -0.69
Sweden 29,443 32,209 35,588 41,251 46,373 1.69 12.42
United Kingdom 51,991 53,161 56,238 59,660 65,216 2.38 9.31
SOUTHERN EUROPE 779,817 783,277 814,496 899,564 1,068,368 39.01 18.77
Bosnia and Herzegovina 148,784 155,868 163,695 192,176 222,888 8.14 15.98
Croatia 91,645 100,483 116,921 121,381 141,783 5.18 16.81
Greece 52,509 67,262 76,600 80,370 122,062 4.46 51.88
Italy 148,147 105,985 103,573 103,509 109,965 4.01 6.24
Malta 1,215 1,312 2,779 0.10 111.81

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Montenegro 132,083 137,520 137,084 171,234 195,970 7.15 14.45

Portugal 5,509 5,284 6,869 7,193 8,139 0.30 13.15
Slovenia 115,718 121,997 112,237 115,449 131,827 4.81 14.19
Spain 17,335 17,799 18,974 21,887 25,584 0.93 16.89
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 68,087 71,079 77,328 85,053 107,371 3.92 26.24
WESTERN EUROPE 270,834 275,498 304,827 327,699 354,069 12.93 8.05
Austria 47,900 45,038 47,004 52,141 59,100 2.16 13.35
Belgium 15,146 14,245 15,797 15,397 18,096 0.66 17.53
France 45,698 47,166 53,053 56,570 57,158 2.09 1.04
Germany 103,325 107,840 114,997 122,590 128,897 4.71 5.14
Luxembourg 1,096 942 971 808 1,259 0.05 55.82
Netherlands 32,315 31,107 32,865 33,549 36,608 1.34 9.12
Switzerland (*) 25,354 29,160 40,140 46,644 52,951 1.93 13.52
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 44,909 65,186 108,660 145,172 202,153 7.38 39.25
Cyprus 7,448 8,311 18,160 0.66 118.51
Israel 9,070 10,169 19,502 21,823 42,385 1.55 94.22
Turkey 35,839 55,017 81,710 115,038 141,608 5.17 23.10
OTHER EUROPE 46,637 61,989 48,843 51,748 45,398 1.66 -12.27
Other countries of Europe 46,637 61,989 48,843 51,748 45,398 1.66 -12.27
MIDDLE EAST 16,007 0.58
United Arab Emirates 16,007 0.58
NOT SPECIFIED 78,939 137,154 4,447
Other countries of the World 78,939 137,154 4,447

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 208,034 230,272 232,667 276,233 303,177 100.00 9.75

AFRICA 25,435 27,060 27,987 35,598 32,789 10.82 -7.89
EAST AFRICA 10,927 11,142 13,204 18,562 17,457 5.76 -5.95
Burundi 31 52 33 69 56 0.02 -18.84
Comoros 58 54 73 87 78 0.03 -10.34
Djibouti 52 83 88 74 79 0.03 6.76
Eritrea 6 5 4 9 0.00 125.00
Ethiopia 683 936 712 1,932 1,803 0.59 -6.68
Kenya 1,645 1,955 2,083 2,355 2,295 0.76 -2.55
Madagascar 289 321 500 1,087 1,287 0.42 18.40
Malawi 65 80 61 109 198 0.07 81.65
Mauritius 2,868 3,322 3,464 4,001 3,711 1.22 -7.25
Mozambique 141 143 189 254 125 0.04 -50.79
Reunion 4,115 2,869 4,417 5,887 5,980 1.97 1.58
Rwanda 74 121 129 128 163 0.05 27.34
Somalia 26 22 30 19 51 0.02 168.42
Tanzania, United Republic of 227 338 547 1,203 599 0.20 -50.21
Uganda 261 414 363 669 486 0.16 -27.35
Zambia 180 238 244 266 257 0.08 -3.38
Zimbabwe 212 188 266 418 280 0.09 -33.01
CENTRAL AFRICA 305 437 478 531 481 0.16 -9.42
Angola 86 199 308 267 234 0.08 -12.36
Cameroon 71 65 49 55 53 0.02 -3.64
Central African Republic 4 2 6 0.00 200.00
Chad 8 10 14 16 0.01 14.29
Congo 53 22 53 59 0.02 11.32
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 113 89 56 109 84 0.03 -22.94
Equatorial Guinea 11 6 5 7 0.00 40.00
Gabon 35 7 27 23 19 0.01 -17.39
Sao Tome and Principe 1 3 3 0.00
NORTH AFRICA 564 643 664 1,004 787 0.26 -21.61
Algeria 47 48 83 106 198 0.07 86.79
Morocco 182 196 265 572 245 0.08 -57.17
South Sudan 37 59 40 46 28 0.01 -39.13
Sudan 108 130 132 115 196 0.06 70.43
Tunisia 190 210 144 163 120 0.04 -26.38
Western Sahara 2
SOUTHERN AFRICA 12,710 13,677 12,866 13,973 12,890 4.25 -7.75
Botswana 143 172 194 247 265 0.09 7.29
Lesotho 14 22 26 56 55 0.02 -1.79
Namibia 170 164 117 175 159 0.05 -9.14
South Africa 12,351 13,294 12,480 13,375 12,354 4.07 -7.63
Swaziland 32 25 49 120 57 0.02 -52.50
WEST AFRICA 661 1,023 544 1,376 982 0.32 -28.63
Benin 5 7 9 14 0.00 55.56
Burkina Faso 5 1 2 6 0.00 200.00
Cabo Verde 3 49 6 12 0.00 100.00
Côte d'Ivoire 50 27 45 119 98 0.03 -17.65
Gambia 2 4 16 5 0.00 -68.75
Ghana 87 132 49 377 128 0.04 -66.05
Guinea 10 2 1 3 0.00 200.00
Guinea-Bissau 1 1 4 0.00 300.00
Liberia 7 5 9 7 0.00 -22.22
Mali 8 6 12 8 0.00 -33.33
Mauritania 2 3 4 6 0.00 50.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 3 1 13 9 0.00 -30.77

Nigeria 497 776 335 712 616 0.20 -13.48
Saint Helena 3 9 0.00
Senegal 27 17 32 85 40 0.01 -52.94
Sierra Leone 5 3 1 11 0.00 1,000.00
Togo 17 2 9 6 0.00 -33.33
OTHER AFRICA 268 138 231 152 192 0.06 26.32
Other countries of Africa 268 138 231 152 192 0.06 26.32
AMERICAS 5,590 6,145 6,677 8,497 9,497 3.13 11.77
CARIBBEAN 88 78 92 157 0.05 70.65
Antigua and Barbuda 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
Aruba 1
Bahamas 1 3 4 7 0.00 75.00
Barbados 3 1 4 0.00 300.00
Bermuda 4 5 11 24 0.01 118.18
Cayman Islands 4 2 1 12 0.00 1,100.00
Cuba 21 28 38 37 0.01 -2.63
Curaçao 3 4 0.00
Dominica 5 3 1 3 0.00 200.00
Dominican Republic 6 3 1 4 0.00 300.00
Grenada 2 2 0.00
Guadeloupe 1 5 5 5 0.00
Haiti 1 1 0.00
Jamaica 22 2 1 29 0.01 2,800.00
Martinique 3 5 7 11 0.00 57.14
Puerto Rico 9 5 2 3 0.00 50.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 5 2 4 0.00 100.00
Saint Lucia 1 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 2
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2
Trinidad and Tobago 7 1 11 4 0.00 -63.64
United States Virgin Islands 1 0.00
CENTRAL AMERICA 14 35 35 51 0.02 45.71
Belize 1 6 1 0.00
Costa Rica 2 10 5 21 0.01 320.00
El Salvador 3 7 6 0.00 -14.29
Guatemala 2 5 8 4 0.00 -50.00
Honduras 3 4 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Nicaragua 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Panama 3 10 8 17 0.01 112.50
NORTH AMERICA 4,710 5,031 5,488 7,283 7,799 2.57 7.08
Canada 720 859 831 1,095 1,073 0.35 -2.01
Greenland 1 13 1 2 0.00 100.00
Mexico 67 87 111 149 185 0.06 24.16
United States of America 3,923 4,084 4,533 6,038 6,539 2.16 8.30
SOUTH AMERICA 613 1,012 1,076 1,087 1,490 0.49 37.07
Argentina 252 296 205 222 365 0.12 64.41
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 9 3 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Brazil 361 550 671 653 855 0.28 30.93
Chile 41 58 72 101 0.03 40.28
Colombia 25 27 53 51 0.02 -3.77
Ecuador 4 2 8 0.00 300.00
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 5 1 1 0.00
French Guiana 2 0.00
Guyana 1 2 0.00 100.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Paraguay 2 12 23 12 0.00 -47.83

Peru 30 32 20 44 0.01 120.00
Suriname 4 1 0.00
Uruguay 26 27 15 24 0.01 60.00
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 24 37 19 22 0.01 15.79
Other countries of the Americas 267
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,969 13,023 18,663 20,019 21,260 7.01 6.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 6,515 10,266 15,855 16,767 17,911 5.91 6.82
China 4,484 7,745 13,349 13,941 14,549 4.80 4.36
Hong Kong (China) 198 558 532 484 459 0.15 -5.17
Japan 962 823 705 785 990 0.33 26.11
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 54 12 10 13 0.00 30.00
Korea, Republic of 748 916 1,074 1,371 1,658 0.55 20.93
Macao (China) 5 6 12 13 0.00 8.33
Mongolia 29 20 17 6 0.00 -64.71
Taiwan Province of China 123 136 157 147 223 0.07 51.70
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,093 1,024 1,036 1,349 1,426 0.47 5.71
Brunei Darussalam 12 1 8 3 0.00 -62.50
Cambodia 2 7 28 12 0.00 -57.14
Indonesia 169 119 154 171 109 0.04 -36.26
Lao People's Democratic Republic 5 1 5 0.00 400.00
Malaysia 163 128 137 171 202 0.07 18.13
Myanmar 3 2 10 12 0.00 20.00
Philippines 298 266 183 379 289 0.10 -23.75
Singapore 321 315 336 328 416 0.14 26.83
Thailand 142 151 191 220 306 0.10 39.09
Timor-Leste 4
Viet Nam 28 20 29 72 0.02 148.28
AUSTRALASIA 1,219 1,688 1,751 1,873 1,879 0.62 0.32
Australia 1,083 1,494 1,353 1,661 1,633 0.54 -1.69
New Zealand 136 194 398 212 246 0.08 16.04
MELANESIA 13 10 17 20 0.01 17.65
Fiji 5 3 9
New Caledonia 6 4 5 12 0.00 140.00
Papua New Guinea 2 1 3 3 0.00
Solomon Islands 5 0.00
Vanuatu 2
MICRONESIA 4 6 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Guam 2
Kiribati 1
Marshall Islands 2
Micronesia, Federated States of 1
Nauru 3
Palau 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67
POLYNESIA 28 5 10 23 0.01 130.00
French Polynesia 9 2 2 0.00
Samoa 19 4 5 18 0.01 260.00
Tonga 3 3 0.00
Tuvalu 1
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 121
Other countries of Oceania 21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 146,492 160,926 155,857 175,165 195,674 64.54 11.71

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 22,693 26,158 24,898 25,307 26,807 8.84 5.93
Armenia 35 70 48 86 47 0.02 -45.35
Azerbaijan 98 164 134 101 101 0.03
Belarus 203 243 359 453 422 0.14 -6.84
Bulgaria 569 400 374 464 669 0.22 44.18
Czech Republic 2,058 2,342 2,147 2,558 2,779 0.92 8.64
Estonia 188 255 239 236 311 0.10 31.78
Georgia 39 9 33 41 0.01 24.24
Hungary 894 910 1,107 1,410 1,854 0.61 31.49
Kazakhstan 402 521 503 644 449 0.15 -30.28
Kyrgyzstan 9 19 14 27 18 0.01 -33.33
Latvia 169 164 167 180 218 0.07 21.11
Lithuania 148 294 224 261 255 0.08 -2.30
Moldova, Republic of 40 59 95 95 0.03
Poland 1,289 2,995 1,696 2,867 3,191 1.05 11.30
Romania 567 674 674 942 1,412 0.47 49.89
Russian Federation 13,494 14,367 14,793 12,222 11,465 3.78 -6.19
Slovakia 654 725 747 1,095 1,397 0.46 27.58
Tajikistan 2 8 3 1 6 0.00 500.00
Turkmenistan 8 3 3 4 23 0.01 475.00
Ukraine 1,821 1,884 1,551 1,596 2,015 0.66 26.25
Uzbekistan 16 41 47 32 39 0.01 21.88
Other countries Central/East Europe 69
NORTHERN EUROPE 15,606 18,404 18,025 23,153 26,299 8.67 13.59
Channel Islands 11 3 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Denmark 1,185 1,071 1,003 1,235 1,444 0.48 16.92
Faeroe Islands 1 2
Finland 542 701 608 688 666 0.22 -3.20
Iceland 9 19 7 10 24 0.01 140.00
Ireland 365 562 644 721 991 0.33 37.45
Isle of Man 9 25 19 19 0.01
Norway 741 929 771 1,183 1,072 0.35 -9.38
Sweden 1,511 2,505 2,323 2,592 3,004 0.99 15.90
United Kingdom 11,253 12,564 12,585 16,637 19,011 6.27 14.27
Other countries of Northern Europe 33 55 63 66 0.02 4.76
SOUTHERN EUROPE 27,471 26,156 24,149 27,003 29,161 9.62 7.99
Albania 9 28 40 43 0.01 7.50
Andorra 16 15 28 17 0.01 -39.29
Bosnia and Herzegovina 18 29 13 57 40 0.01 -29.82
Croatia 190 170 192 211 315 0.10 49.29
Gibraltar 5 8 22 11 0.00 -50.00
Greece 394 417 266 360 382 0.13 6.11
Holy See 1 0.00
Italy 23,401 21,767 19,876 21,704 22,845 7.54 5.26
Malta 81 87 83 87 0.03 4.82
Montenegro 27 9 29 22 0.01 -24.14
Portugal 333 441 464 582 984 0.32 69.07
San Marino 40 15 8 30 0.01 275.00
Serbia 173 246 314 332 435 0.14 31.02
Slovenia 351 379 263 427 595 0.20 39.34
Spain 2,580 2,503 2,562 3,080 3,298 1.09 7.08
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 26 33 34 54 0.02 58.82
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 31
Other countries of Southern Europe 4 6 2 0.00 -66.67

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

WESTERN EUROPE 78,604 88,395 87,258 96,084 107,992 35.62 12.39

Austria 4,771 4,667 4,570 5,880 6,483 2.14 10.26
Belgium 2,372 2,369 2,209 2,597 3,056 1.01 17.67
France 32,248 35,765 32,400 37,356 43,066 14.20 15.29
Germany 28,163 33,489 35,917 35,895 39,488 13.02 10.01
Liechtenstein 28 45 29 30 0.01 3.45
Luxembourg 424 417 390 523 574 0.19 9.75
Monaco 194 148 167 160 153 0.05 -4.38
Netherlands 1,850 1,854 1,748 2,145 2,809 0.93 30.96
Switzerland 8,582 9,658 9,812 11,499 12,333 4.07 7.25
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,862 1,813 1,527 3,618 5,415 1.79 49.67
Cyprus 126 109 125 155 187 0.06 20.65
Israel 1,145 1,162 999 2,881 4,068 1.34 41.20
Turkey 591 542 403 582 1,160 0.38 99.31
Other countries of Europe 256
MIDDLE EAST 18,183 19,501 18,686 27,116 30,550 10.08 12.66
Bahrain 364 413 524 553 523 0.17 -5.42
Egypt 234 207 191 344 341 0.11 -0.87
Iraq 22 36 45 147 28 0.01 -80.95
Jordan 99 73 70 134 127 0.04 -5.22
Kuwait 357 400 468 532 560 0.18 5.26
Lebanon 355 339 270 425 397 0.13 -6.59
Libya 19 53 32 23 45 0.01 95.65
Oman 108 164 209 213 312 0.10 46.48
Qatar 2,124 2,054 1,837 1,160 1,833 0.60 58.02
Saudi Arabia 1,585 1,796 1,154 2,354 2,231 0.74 -5.23
State of Palestine 10 4 3 19 0.01 533.33
Syrian Arab Republic 15 43 22 27 24 0.01 -11.11
United Arab Emirates 12,880 13,895 13,845 21,178 24,091 7.95 13.75
Yemen 18 18 15 23 19 0.01 -17.39
Other countries of Middle East 3
SOUTH ASIA 3,365 3,617 4,797 9,838 13,407 4.42 36.28
Afghanistan 26 10 21 33 0.01 57.14
Bangladesh 41 110 173 193 167 0.06 -13.47
Bhutan 5 1
India 2,546 2,381 2,731 7,718 10,916 3.60 41.44
Iran, Islamic Republic of 162 161 203 343 489 0.16 42.57
Maldives 56 99 88 109 119 0.04 9.17
Nepal 37 57 51 134 0.04 162.75
Pakistan 218 277 320 386 480 0.16 24.35
Sri Lanka 253 526 1,210 1,016 1,069 0.35 5.22
Other countries of South Asia 89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 59,730 81,250 43,729 23,798 55,028 100.00 131.23

AFRICA 16,349 21,632 11,960 6,742 23,826 43.30 253.40
EAST AFRICA 1,632 3,342 3,290 1,822 6,107 11.10 235.18
Burundi 7 9 5 6 23 0.04 283.33
Comoros 1 1 0.00
Djibouti 7 2 1 1 0.00
Eritrea 5 2 37 17 0.03 -54.05
Ethiopia 41 107 124 161 202 0.37 25.47
Kenya 504 1,847 2,315 864 4,661 8.47 439.47
Madagascar 10 13 4 15 0.03 275.00
Malawi 133 110 35 39 117 0.21 200.00
Mozambique 22 62 31 47 107 0.19 127.66
Rwanda 52 44 19 23 97 0.18 321.74
Seychelles 6 2 4 14 5 0.01 -64.29
Somalia 3 5 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Tanzania, United Republic of 168 212 121 197
Uganda 169 226 44 69 410 0.75 494.20
Zambia 257 136 73 88 105 0.19 19.32
Zimbabwe 253 562 517 268 345 0.63 28.73
CENTRAL AFRICA 311 265 99 191 514 0.93 169.11
Angola 74 19 5 3 15 0.03 400.00
Cameroon 96 115 64 73 200 0.36 173.97
Central African Republic 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Chad 6 1 7 8 0.01 14.29
Congo 104 105 29 38 57 0.10 50.00
Equatorial Guinea 12 5 7 0.01 40.00
Gabon 3 8 62 226 0.41 264.52
Sao Tome and Principe 34
NORTH AFRICA 104 191 33 428 3,078 5.59 619.16
Algeria 21 4 2 5 20 0.04 300.00
Morocco 32 70 15 315 2,919 5.30 826.67
Sudan 43 31 8 26 53 0.10 103.85
Tunisia 8 86 8 82 86 0.16 4.88
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,857 3,116 1,835 576 1,766 3.21 206.60
Botswana 13 15 7 13 28 0.05 115.38
Lesotho 16 21 0.04 31.25
Namibia 34 30
South Africa 1,797 3,061 1,825 491 1,690 3.07 244.20
Swaziland 13 10 3 56 27 0.05 -51.79
WEST AFRICA 12,445 14,718 6,703 3,725 12,361 22.46 231.84
Benin 59 143 34 79 95 0.17 20.25
Burkina Faso 96 65 32 49 91 0.17 85.71
Cabo Verde 54 12 1 13 15 0.03 15.38
Côte d'Ivoire 508 337 155 18
Gambia 946 591 162 208 375 0.68 80.29
Ghana 3,171 5,695 3,019 1,066 5,107 9.28 379.08
Guinea 1,304 419 152 394 657 1.19 66.75
Guinea-Bissau 82 18 2 55 51 0.09 -7.27
Liberia 819 418 178 479 520 0.94 8.56
Mali 203 99 32 48 67 0.12 39.58
Mauritania 34 93 28 21 19 0.03 -9.52
Niger 29 66 50 113 0.21 126.00
Nigeria 4,348 5,999 2,730 991 4,816 8.75 385.97
Senegal 711 670 147 217 344 0.63 58.53
Togo 81 93 31 37 91 0.17 145.95

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

AMERICAS 10,574 19,939 9,271 5,529 6,904 12.55 24.87

CARIBBEAN 59 167 35 59 270 0.49 357.63
Bahamas 4 66 0.12
Barbados 51 90 0.16
Cuba 10 18 0.03
Haiti 3 7 15 10 12 0.02 20.00
Jamaica 40 71 9 39 61 0.11 56.41
Saint Lucia 3 13 0.02
Trinidad and Tobago 16 21 11 10 10 0.02
CENTRAL AMERICA 34 11 4 9 42 0.08 366.67
Costa Rica 32 7 4 9 40 0.07 344.44
El Salvador 2 4 2 0.00
NORTH AMERICA 10,211 19,533 9,177 5,144 6,480 11.78 25.97
Canada 2,240 4,364 2,924 898 716 1.30 -20.27
Mexico 152 103 19 35 34 0.06 -2.86
United States of America 7,819 15,066 6,234 4,211 5,730 10.41 36.07
SOUTH AMERICA 234 228 55 317 112 0.20 -64.67
Argentina 99 54 12 32 38 0.07 18.75
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 4 2 0.00
Brazil 96 66 25 93 35 0.06 -62.37
Chile 25 30 4 20 8 0.01 -60.00
Colombia 6
Ecuador 10 3 0.01
Paraguay 3 166
Peru 11 8 0.01
Suriname 2
Uruguay 1 5 4 0.01
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 10 40 14 6 14 0.03 133.33
Other countries of the Americas 36
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,817 7,093 3,811 2,161 3,720 6.76 72.14
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,177 3,546 2,051 1,039 2,094 3.81 101.54
China 2,257 3,090 1,832 939 1,626 2.95 73.16
Japan 423 243 134 63 215 0.39 241.27
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 192 97 46 16 3 0.01 -81.25
Korea, Republic of 302 115 39 12 226 0.41 1,783.33
Mongolia 3 1 9 24 0.04 166.67
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 350 1,084 787 138 387 0.70 180.43
Cambodia 1 3 1 30 0.05 2,900.00
Indonesia 57 106 80 39 28 0.05 -28.21
Malaysia 63 51 24 6 36 0.07 500.00
Philippines 175 881 651 72 259 0.47 259.72
Singapore 13 18 6 5 19 0.03 280.00
Thailand 32 6 13 7 9 0.02 28.57
Viet Nam 9 22 10 8 6 0.01 -25.00
AUSTRALASIA 4,272 2,431 963 978 1,166 2.12 19.22
Australia 4,162 2,313 920 913 1,018 1.85 11.50
New Zealand 110 118 43 65 148 0.27 127.69
MELANESIA 18 31 10 6 73 0.13 1,116.67
Papua New Guinea 18 31 10 6 73 0.13 1,116.67
Tonga 1
EUROPE 15,956 25,739 15,309 7,446 19,492 35.42 161.78
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 793 1,008 466 470 1,493 2.71 217.66
Azerbaijan 13 23 11 9 32 0.06 255.56

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Belarus 21 18 4 50 328 0.60 556.00

Bulgaria 34 27 29 15 14 0.03 -6.67
Czech Republic 28 31 6 7 24 0.04 242.86
Estonia 3 4 12 27 0.05 125.00
Georgia 14 1 4 6 62 0.11 933.33
Hungary 42 46 30 29 56 0.10 93.10
Kazakhstan 11 17 5 20 85 0.15 325.00
Kyrgyzstan 10 8
Latvia 41 44 21 14 25 0.05 78.57
Lithuania 25 26 4 25 120 0.22 380.00
Moldova, Republic of 4 6 62 10 24 0.04 140.00
Poland 76 88 1 43 162 0.29 276.74
Romania 197 281 141 103 215 0.39 108.74
Russian Federation 187 227 77 67 167 0.30 149.25
Slovakia 30 58
Tajikistan 1 5 0.01
Ukraine 56 103 71 60 147 0.27 145.00
NORTHERN EUROPE 11,173 19,169 10,902 3,356 6,719 12.21 100.21
Denmark 288 405 216 128 235 0.43 83.59
Finland 106 102 679 90 256 0.47 184.44
Iceland 10 24 6 44 54 0.10 22.73
Ireland 638 830 1,491 172 283 0.51 64.53
Norway 461 353 170 145 241 0.44 66.21
Sweden 215 364 275 136 246 0.45 80.88
United Kingdom 9,455 17,091 8,065 2,641 5,404 9.82 104.62
SOUTHERN EUROPE 955 1,597 1,100 753 1,565 2.84 107.84
Albania 15 1 2 7
Andorra 2 3 2 2 2 0.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 5 2 1 6 0.01 500.00
Croatia 44 72 42 22 82 0.15 272.73
Greece 33 65 24 26 39 0.07 50.00
Holy See 8 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Italy 498 843 423 329 703 1.28 113.68
Malta 4 9 3 5 0.01 66.67
Montenegro 2 1 2 34 90 0.16 164.71
Portugal 97 151 148 67 159 0.29 137.31
Serbia 12 26 16 22 32 0.06 45.45
Slovenia 13
Spain 221 391 424 234 443 0.81 89.32
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 16 17 15 3 3 0.01
WESTERN EUROPE 2,699 3,715 2,732 2,769 9,328 16.95 236.87
Austria 57 81 53 29 1,603 2.91 5,427.59
Belgium 383 657 354 707 2,032 3.69 187.41
France 680 991 1,184 1,126 2,756 5.01 144.76
Germany 629 942 537 550 1,397 2.54 154.00
Luxembourg 8 2 5 6 6 0.01
Monaco 3 7 224 0.41 3,100.00
Netherlands 727 967 391 265 1,186 2.16 347.55
Switzerland 212 75 208 79 124 0.23 56.96
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 336 250 109 98 387 0.70 294.90
Cyprus 47 2 7 8 0.01 14.29
Israel 269 111 49 54 143 0.26 164.81
Turkey 67 92 58 37 236 0.43 537.84
MIDDLE EAST 5,711 3,727 2,318 978 456 0.83 -53.37
Egypt 1,842 150 127 141 92 0.17 -34.75

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Iraq (*) 429 4 13 4 0.01 -69.23

Jordan 8 5 4 18 22 0.04 22.22
Kuwait 34 4 3 73 6 0.01 -91.78
Lebanon 1,740 3,508 2,135 621 241 0.44 -61.19
Libya 506 7 18 53 7 0.01 -86.79
Oman 23 10 10 0.02
Qatar 41 6 0.01
Saudi Arabia 118 18 24 0.04
State of Palestine 3 6 4 4 3 0.01 -25.00
Syrian Arab Republic 871 20 19 28 30 0.05 7.14
United Arab Emirates 66 4 8 17 11 0.02 -35.29
Yemen 30 1
SOUTH ASIA 3,323 2,638 1,060 942 630 1.14 -33.12
Afghanistan 5 2 21 28 0.05 33.33
Bangladesh 112 96 38 53 92 0.17 73.58
India 2,182 2,208 854 772 281 0.51 -63.60
Iran, Islamic Republic of 483 14 18 18 36 0.07 100.00
Nepal 32 39 21 12 35 0.06 191.67
Pakistan 486 231 111 59 130 0.24 120.34
Sri Lanka 28 45 16 7 28 0.05 300.00
Other countries of the World 482

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 418,110 568,750 306,117 166,592 375,991 100.00 125.70

AFRICA 130,879 152,523 83,720 47,194 166,782 44.36 253.40
OTHER AFRICA 130,879 152,523 83,720 47,194 166,782 44.36 253.40
All countries of Africa 130,879 152,523 83,720 47,194 166,782 44.36 253.40
AMERICAS 74,004 139,538 64,911 38,709 48,328 12.85 24.85
OTHER AMERICAS 74,004 139,538 64,911 38,709 48,328 12.85 24.85
All countries of the Americas 74,004 139,538 64,911 38,709 48,328 12.85 24.85
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,753 68,194 34,097 21,721 26,040 6.93 19.88
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,753 68,194 34,097 21,721 26,040 6.93 19.88
All countries of Asia 44,723 50,960 27,286 14,833 17,367 4.62 17.08
All countries of Oceania 30,030 17,234 6,811 6,888 8,673 2.31 25.91
EUROPE 109,669 179,249 107,163 52,122 108,850 28.95 108.84
OTHER EUROPE 109,669 179,249 107,163 52,122 108,850 28.95 108.84
All countries of Europe 109,669 179,249 107,163 52,122 108,850 28.95 108.84
MIDDLE EAST 28,805 29,246 16,226 6,846 25,991 6.91 279.65
All countries of Middle East 28,805 29,246 16,226 6,846 25,991 6.91 279.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 14,496,092 15,567,923 15,095,152 15,231,469

AFRICA 69,407 69,027 67,694 67,790
EAST AFRICA 9,489 9,012 8,448 9,139
Mauritius 9,489 9,012 8,448 9,139
SOUTHERN AFRICA 36,972 36,372 33,015 34,838
South Africa 36,972 36,372 33,015 34,838
OTHER AFRICA 22,946 23,643 26,231 23,813
Other countries of Africa 22,946 23,643 26,231 23,813
AMERICAS 713,767 744,827 743,226 759,809
CARIBBEAN 3,491 3,158 3,413 3,439
All countries of the Caribbean 3,491 3,158 3,413 3,439
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,937 2,997 2,947 3,342
All countries of Central America 2,937 2,997 2,947 3,342
NORTH AMERICA 662,829 689,650 684,817 700,205
Canada 129,418 135,434 135,103 135,928
Mexico 11,566 13,286 13,705 15,242
United States of America 521,845 540,930 536,009 549,035
SOUTH AMERICA 44,510 49,022 52,049 52,823
Argentina 7,163 7,760 7,536 7,988
Brazil 21,005 22,461 25,660 24,946
Chile 4,271 5,089 5,153 5,396
Colombia 5,509 6,106 6,424 6,577
Uruguay 668 964 950 1,048
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,641 3,151 2,537 2,336
Other countries of South America 3,253 3,491 3,789 4,532
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,590,765 11,506,119 10,988,805 11,040,710
NORTH-EAST ASIA 3,927,354 4,408,086 4,001,834 4,413,259
China 2,198,157 2,645,728 2,191,830 2,566,184
Hong Kong (China) (*) 138,849
Japan 816,448 895,051 890,393 849,162
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 690 1,240 1,108 1,163
Korea, Republic of 469,212 499,136 565,767 605,919
Macao (China) (*) 4,258
Mongolia 10,225 9,075 8,506 7,540
Taiwan Province of China 289,515 357,856 344,230 383,291
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,555,836 5,921,369 5,844,784 5,496,867
Brunei Darussalam 56,918 64,129 60,910 57,636
Cambodia 35,310 40,306 45,261 45,582
Indonesia 2,872,426 3,112,414 3,030,030 2,719,027
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7,334 6,845 6,783 8,063
Malaysia 989,931 1,030,824 988,418 966,012
Myanmar 96,354 101,319 113,480 104,694
Philippines 698,878 733,041 720,734 715,170
Thailand 443,116 459,995 463,880 474,263
Viet Nam 355,569 372,496 415,288 406,420
AUSTRALASIA 1,098,442 1,166,764 1,132,942 1,120,822
Australia 961,774 1,029,156 996,576 977,547
New Zealand 136,668 137,608 136,366 143,275
MELANESIA 7,831 8,848 8,106 8,393
Fiji 2,208 2,394 2,355 2,399
New Caledonia 79
Papua New Guinea 5,544 6,454 5,751 5,994
MICRONESIA 91 27 51 60
Guam 12 1 1
Nauru 79 27 50 59

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,211 1,025 1,088 1,309
Other countries of Oceania 1,211 1,025 1,088 1,309
EUROPE 1,812,580 1,879,764 1,912,961 1,917,912
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 133,667 153,532 166,320 138,921
Czech Republic 7,705 8,502 9,837 9,863
Hungary 6,296 7,237 8,148 8,930
Poland 23,654 25,951 25,414 25,260
Commonwealth Independent States 96,012 111,842 122,921 94,868
NORTHERN EUROPE 763,152 781,493 766,546 772,827
Denmark 37,760 37,991 37,921 36,884
Finland 36,977 32,382 33,650 30,643
Ireland 31,264 30,269 28,811 29,755
Norway 38,142 37,314 34,653 31,962
Sweden 48,848 51,472 49,947 47,854
United Kingdom 570,161 592,065 581,564 595,729
SOUTHERN EUROPE 143,201 149,297 160,392 168,660
Greece 9,280 8,503 9,748 10,425
Italy 77,427 80,341 82,401 85,063
Portugal 14,762 16,285 18,026 18,793
Serbia and Montenegro 2,072 2,248 2,605 2,812
Spain 39,660 41,920 47,612 51,567
WESTERN EUROPE 699,216 713,911 735,540 747,310
Austria 26,473 27,854 29,486 27,707
Belgium 25,723 26,733 28,173 26,914
France 198,009 199,980 199,422 200,661
Germany 276,262 278,219 289,526 309,767
Luxembourg 1,610 1,753 1,939 1,948
Netherlands 100,161 101,801 101,332 97,007
Switzerland 70,978 77,571 85,662 83,306
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 33,609 36,509 36,428 38,974
Israel 14,062 14,783 15,590 16,056
Turkey 19,547 21,726 20,838 22,918
OTHER EUROPE 39,735 45,022 47,735 51,220
Other countries of Europe 39,735 45,022 47,735 51,220
MIDDLE EAST 51,920 65,277 75,011 67,991
Bahrain 1,884 2,468 2,703 3,553
Egypt 4,272 5,113 5,688 5,869
Jordan 1,489 1,554 1,813 1,667
Kuwait 5,554 8,482 9,022 8,844
Lebanon 1,563 1,570 1,563 1,544
Libya 329 409 351 250
Saudi Arabia 13,184 14,790 20,071 11,297
United Arab Emirates 13,592 17,761 19,036 18,813
Other countries of Middle East 10,053 13,130 14,764 16,154
SOUTH ASIA 1,255,834 1,299,988 1,305,937 1,376,731
Afghanistan 319 424 335 375
Bangladesh 110,648 119,337 125,212 121,978
India 980,479 1,013,049 1,018,388 1,084,638
Iran, Islamic Republic of 21,832 13,532 14,642 13,788
Nepal 17,490 16,913 18,891 21,539
Pakistan 26,011 24,984 23,075 23,473
Sri Lanka 90,513 103,147 95,140 98,902
Other countries of South Asia 8,542 8,602 10,254 12,038
NOT SPECIFIED 1,819 2,921 1,518 526
Other countries of the World 1,819 2,921 1,518 526

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 14,496,092 15,567,923 15,095,152 15,231,469 16,403,603 100.00 7.70

AFRICA 64,183 62,580 61,503 62,754 68,013 0.41 8.38
EAST AFRICA 9,857 8,546 8,025 8,739 12,832 0.08 46.84
Mauritius 9,857 8,546 8,025 8,739 12,832 0.08 46.84
SOUTHERN AFRICA 32,739 31,990 29,758 32,470 32,834 0.20 1.12
South Africa 32,739 31,990 29,758 32,470 32,834 0.20 1.12
OTHER AFRICA 21,587 22,044 23,720 21,545 22,347 0.14 3.72
Other countries of Africa 21,587 22,044 23,720 21,545 22,347 0.14 3.72
AMERICAS 616,400 641,465 635,283 657,296 680,655 4.15 3.55
CARIBBEAN 3,048 3,141 2,459 2,889 3,083 0.02 6.72
All countries of the Caribbean 3,048 3,141 2,459 2,889 3,083 0.02 6.72
CENTRAL AMERICA 2,060 2,316 2,294 2,676 3,304 0.02 23.47
All countries of Central America 2,060 2,316 2,294 2,676 3,304 0.02 23.47
NORTH AMERICA 574,353 595,949 589,256 608,897 629,007 3.83 3.30
Canada 87,795 92,685 92,827 96,247 98,474 0.60 2.31
Mexico 9,345 11,318 11,517 13,141 14,075 0.09 7.11
United States of America 477,213 491,946 484,912 499,509 516,458 3.15 3.39
SOUTH AMERICA 36,287 39,564 40,634 42,024 44,464 0.27 5.81
Argentina 5,926 6,616 6,398 7,155 10,139 0.06 41.71
Brazil 18,860 19,717 21,254 20,400 19,067 0.12 -6.53
Chile 3,400 4,202 4,426 5,028 5,423 0.03 7.86
Colombia 3,544 3,798 3,991 4,217 4,297 0.03 1.90
Uruguay 697 1,023 1,003 1,157 1,424 0.01 23.08
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,731 2,010 1,170 1,000 1,070 0.01 7.00
Other countries of South America 2,129 2,198 2,392 3,067 3,044 0.02 -0.75
OTHER AMERICAS 652 495 640 810 797 0.00 -1.60
Other countries of the Americas 652 495 640 810 797 0.00 -1.60
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,987,491 11,920,226 11,405,986 11,427,170 12,347,766 75.27 8.06
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,018,736 4,492,703 4,085,014 4,492,745 5,172,173 31.53 15.12
China 2,034,177 2,269,870 1,722,380 2,106,164 2,863,669 17.46 35.97
Hong Kong (China) 472,167 539,810 631,029 609,888 537,970 3.28 -11.79
Japan 757,116 832,845 824,741 789,179 783,863 4.78 -0.67
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,521 1,190 732 852 507 0.00 -40.49
Korea, Republic of 445,184 471,768 536,975 577,082 566,510 3.45 -1.83
Macao (China) 16,274 17,826 23,319 24,137 19,334 0.12 -19.90
Mongolia 10,094 9,086 8,407 7,417 6,104 0.04 -17.70
Taiwan Province of China 282,203 350,308 337,431 378,026 394,216 2.40 4.28
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,779,608 6,166,395 6,113,076 5,748,155 6,007,528 36.62 4.51
Brunei Darussalam 71,755 79,866 77,656 73,594 69,891 0.43 -5.03
Cambodia 37,382 44,361 49,776 49,687 60,512 0.37 21.79
Indonesia 2,837,537 3,088,859 3,025,178 2,731,690 2,893,646 17.64 5.93
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7,509 7,302 7,269 8,606 10,648 0.06 23.73
Malaysia 1,231,687 1,280,942 1,233,035 1,171,077 1,151,587 7.02 -1.66
Myanmar 93,046 99,367 112,764 105,452 113,616 0.69 7.74
Philippines 656,804 687,794 676,481 673,374 691,643 4.22 2.71
Thailand 477,654 497,409 506,509 516,409 546,556 3.33 5.84
Viet Nam 366,234 380,495 424,408 418,266 469,429 2.86 12.23
AUSTRALASIA 1,174,074 1,245,626 1,193,566 1,171,186 1,148,414 7.00 -1.94
Australia 1,050,373 1,125,179 1,074,878 1,043,568 1,027,314 6.26 -1.56
New Zealand 123,701 120,447 118,688 127,618 121,100 0.74 -5.11
MELANESIA 11,239 11,695 10,996 11,216 15,210 0.09 35.61
Fiji 1,528 1,677 1,651 1,792 7,157 0.04 299.39
New Caledonia 1,274 1,022 1,159 1,176 1,299 0.01 10.46
Papua New Guinea 8,437 8,996 8,186 8,248 6,754 0.04 -18.11

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MICRONESIA 1,553 1,591 1,678 1,764 2,051 0.01 16.27

Guam 1,487 1,558 1,632 1,723 2,003 0.01 16.25
Nauru 66 33 46 41 48 0.00 17.07
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,281 2,216 1,656 2,104 2,390 0.01 13.59
Other countries of Oceania 2,281 2,216 1,656 2,104 2,390 0.01 13.59
EUROPE 1,550,934 1,605,773 1,632,511 1,651,468 1,761,585 10.74 6.67
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 123,559 142,354 153,591 126,823 138,049 0.84 8.85
Czech Republic 7,178 8,073 9,229 9,507 10,413 0.06 9.53
Hungary 6,889 6,366 6,675 7,500 8,598 0.05 14.64
Poland 18,905 21,854 21,011 20,847 22,070 0.13 5.87
Russian Federation 68,957 82,134 90,653 63,842 70,404 0.43 10.28
Other countries Central/East Europe 21,630 23,927 26,023 25,127 26,564 0.16 5.72
NORTHERN EUROPE 610,325 621,383 608,503 624,662 641,070 3.91 2.63
Denmark 31,479 31,920 31,892 31,389 31,246 0.19 -0.46
Finland 33,333 29,375 30,707 27,904 28,642 0.17 2.64
Ireland 18,965 17,446 16,409 17,347 18,943 0.12 9.20
Norway 36,803 35,927 33,508 31,650 29,250 0.18 -7.58
Sweden 43,248 45,256 44,056 42,562 43,765 0.27 2.83
United Kingdom 446,497 461,459 451,931 473,810 489,224 2.98 3.25
SOUTHERN EUROPE 121,450 124,871 132,176 139,894 148,418 0.90 6.09
Greece 8,137 7,200 8,295 8,867 8,744 0.05 -1.39
Italy 65,557 66,650 67,052 69,350 74,629 0.45 7.61
Portugal 8,429 9,791 10,576 11,456 13,043 0.08 13.85
Serbia and Montenegro 1,549 1,723 2,038 2,147 2,511 0.02 16.95
Spain 37,778 39,507 44,215 48,074 49,491 0.30 2.95
WESTERN EUROPE 626,904 640,962 660,854 676,803 739,558 4.51 9.27
Austria 23,264 24,731 26,509 25,108 26,822 0.16 6.83
Belgium 23,831 24,047 25,094 23,878 25,267 0.15 5.82
France 158,923 160,013 156,882 157,483 170,913 1.04 8.53
Germany 252,433 251,560 263,513 286,732 328,765 2.00 14.66
Luxembourg 2,993 3,305 3,601 3,701 4,091 0.02 10.54
Netherlands 81,603 82,926 81,811 79,052 82,245 0.50 4.04
Switzerland 83,857 94,380 103,444 100,849 101,455 0.62 0.60
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 31,629 34,424 33,966 36,032 41,784 0.25 15.96
Israel 13,600 14,579 15,270 15,743 18,635 0.11 18.37
Turkey 18,029 19,845 18,696 20,289 23,149 0.14 14.10
OTHER EUROPE 37,067 41,779 43,421 47,254 52,706 0.32 11.54
Other countries of Europe 37,067 41,779 43,421 47,254 52,706 0.32 11.54
MIDDLE EAST 117,950 134,919 146,758 142,245 143,491 0.87 0.88
Bahrain 3,379 3,824 4,113 4,736 4,627 0.03 -2.30
Egypt 3,630 3,782 4,361 4,538 4,426 0.03 -2.47
Jordan 954 1,086 1,202 1,071 1,379 0.01 28.76
Kuwait 7,621 10,613 11,036 10,767 11,123 0.07 3.31
Lebanon 1,047 1,155 1,059 1,130 1,146 0.01 1.42
Libya 181 272 206 161 96 0.00 -40.37
Saudi Arabia 17,969 19,896 25,778 16,091 14,520 0.09 -9.76
United Arab Emirates 65,552 72,553 75,742 78,693 80,234 0.49 1.96
Other countries of Middle East 17,617 21,738 23,261 25,058 25,940 0.16 3.52
SOUTH ASIA 1,151,365 1,201,527 1,212,821 1,290,512 1,401,977 8.55 8.64
Afghanistan 347 396 323 325 326 0.00 0.31
Bangladesh 110,673 119,324 124,926 122,587 123,343 0.75 0.62
India 894,993 933,553 943,636 1,013,986 1,097,200 6.69 8.21
Iran, Islamic Republic of 18,553 10,956 12,370 12,267 22,641 0.14 84.57

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Nepal 13,425 12,738 14,571 17,218 20,881 0.13 21.27

Pakistan 21,206 20,248 17,675 18,948 22,213 0.14 17.23
Sri Lanka 83,359 95,606 88,806 93,052 101,905 0.62 9.51
Other countries of South Asia 8,809 8,706 10,514 12,129 13,468 0.08 11.04
NOT SPECIFIED 7,769 1,433 290 24 116 0.00 383.33
Other countries of the World 7,769 1,433 290 24 116 0.00 383.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition


1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 456,720 466,955 499,921 505,370 528,150 100.00 4.51

AMERICAS 318,833 333,275 360,852 354,813 366,717 69.43 3.36
CARIBBEAN 24,236 24,967 26,390 27,401 20,727 3.92 -24.36
Antigua and Barbuda 2,128 1,869 1,826
Dominican Republic 3,518 3,815 3,713
Haiti 3,167 2,944 2,847
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,497 2,704 2,829
Trinidad and Tobago 3,031 4,269 4,908
Other countries of the Caribbean 9,895 9,366 10,267
All countries of the Caribbean 27,401 20,727 3.92 -24.36
NORTH AMERICA 278,964 292,488 317,757 310,103 332,323 62.92 7.17
Canada 40,426 46,300 51,146 44,329 57,001 10.79 28.59
United States of America 238,538 246,188 266,611 265,774 275,322 52.13 3.59
SOUTH AMERICA 10,964 10,868 11,458 3,370 2,306 0.44 -31.57
Argentina 2,362 2,398 2,621
Brazil 4,849 4,725 5,668
Chile 338 469 418
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,415 3,276 2,751 3,370 2,306 0.44 -31.57
OTHER AMERICAS 4,669 4,952 5,247 13,939 11,361 2.15 -18.49
Other countries of the Americas 4,669 4,952 5,247 13,939 11,361 2.15 -18.49
EUROPE 105,196 103,643 106,848 114,826 139,092 26.34 21.13
Russian Federation 822 935 1,253
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,054 3,870 4,240
Italy 4,054 3,870 4,240
WESTERN EUROPE 83,877 82,735 82,632 18,331 43,713 8.28 138.46
France (*) 67,463 66,716 65,767
Netherlands 16,414 16,019 16,865 18,331 43,713 8.28 138.46
OTHER EUROPE 16,443 16,103 18,723 96,495 95,379 18.06 -1.16
Other countries of Europe 16,443 16,103 18,723 96,495 95,379 18.06 -1.16
NOT SPECIFIED 32,691 30,037 32,221 35,731 22,341 4.23 -37.47
Other countries of the World 32,691 30,037 32,221 35,731 22,341 4.23 -37.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,527,500 1,669,948 1,475,017 1,721,193 2,027,009 100.00 17.77

AFRICA 5,183 5,365 4,050 5,329 5,117 0.25 -3.98
EAST AFRICA 139 302 198 123 190 0.01 54.47
Kenya 139 302 198 123 190 0.01 54.47
NORTH AFRICA 261 168 238 531 425 0.02 -19.96
Tunisia 261 168 238 531 425 0.02 -19.96
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,202 1,696 1,072 947 1,020 0.05 7.71
South Africa 1,202 1,696 1,072 947 1,020 0.05 7.71
OTHER AFRICA 3,581 3,199 2,542 3,728 3,482 0.17 -6.60
Other countries of Africa 3,581 3,199 2,542 3,728 3,482 0.17 -6.60
AMERICAS 46,250 52,149 45,192 61,406 68,829 3.40 12.09
CARIBBEAN 38 20 13 14 46 0.00 228.57
Dominican Republic 38 20 13 14 46 0.00 228.57
NORTH AMERICA 38,388 43,740 37,970 50,783 58,073 2.86 14.36
Canada 6,571 6,220 6,363 7,914 8,901 0.44 12.47
Mexico 1,689 1,705 1,407 2,316 3,502 0.17 51.21
United States of America 30,128 35,815 30,200 40,553 45,670 2.25 12.62
SOUTH AMERICA 4,446 5,815 5,018 7,450 7,150 0.35 -4.03
Argentina 998 1,096 789 1,784 1,876 0.09 5.16
Brazil 3,448 4,719 4,229 5,666 5,274 0.26 -6.92
OTHER AMERICAS 3,378 2,574 2,191 3,159 3,560 0.18 12.69
Other countries of the Americas 3,378 2,574 2,191 3,159 3,560 0.18 12.69
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 80,037 84,732 61,505 89,184 109,574 5.41 22.86
NORTH-EAST ASIA 53,892 52,505 37,215 52,302 67,997 3.35 30.01
China 16,317 15,882 14,390 28,154 41,332 2.04 46.81
Japan 10,117 9,444 5,079 6,411 7,271 0.36 13.41
Korea, Republic of 27,458 27,179 17,746 17,737 19,394 0.96 9.34
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,388 2,896 1,342 2,315 2,666 0.13 15.16
Thailand 1,388 2,896 1,342 2,315 2,666 0.13 15.16
AUSTRALASIA 6,272 6,688 5,808 8,282 9,097 0.45 9.84
Australia 5,413 5,739 4,975 7,158 7,888 0.39 10.20
New Zealand 859 949 833 1,124 1,209 0.06 7.56
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,485 22,643 17,140 26,285 29,814 1.47 13.43
Other countries of Asia 18,485 22,643 17,045 26,089 29,484 1.45 13.01
Other countries of Oceania 95 196 330 0.02 68.37
EUROPE 1,389,146 1,521,290 1,358,118 1,557,556 1,831,790 90.37 17.61
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 855,721 932,051 829,357 906,908 1,074,533 53.01 18.48
Belarus 5,841 9,369 20,035 10,454 9,749 0.48 -6.74
Bulgaria 8,037 8,578 8,130 8,878 11,304 0.56 27.33
Czech Republic 491,136 492,713 436,699 509,700 621,475 30.66 21.93
Estonia 3,918 4,234 3,878 4,204 5,496 0.27 30.73
Hungary 59,885 68,832 58,050 69,563 91,175 4.50 31.07
Latvia 5,843 6,442 7,454 7,941 8,594 0.42 8.22
Lithuania 15,062 15,872 16,977 17,733 16,678 0.82 -5.95
Moldova, Republic of 485 654 806 918 1,533 0.08 66.99
Poland 163,754 167,751 158,250 168,358 188,284 9.29 11.84
Romania 21,485 23,147 22,756 27,904 31,476 1.55 12.80
Russian Federation 40,817 54,471 41,137 29,664 35,919 1.77 21.09
Ukraine 39,458 79,988 55,185 51,591 52,850 2.61 2.44
NORTHERN EUROPE 90,579 97,583 83,265 113,306 133,465 6.58 17.79
Denmark 9,343 9,700 8,329 8,561 9,444 0.47 10.31
Finland 8,362 7,762 7,394 8,413 10,453 0.52 24.25
Iceland 433 626 827 866 1,124 0.06 29.79
Ireland 6,814 7,224 6,489 10,839 12,488 0.62 15.21
Norway 7,823 9,741 6,182 6,697 7,465 0.37 11.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sweden 11,163 12,275 9,937 13,039 14,654 0.72 12.39

United Kingdom 46,641 50,255 44,107 64,891 77,837 3.84 19.95
SOUTHERN EUROPE 117,423 130,421 123,910 149,679 184,238 9.09 23.09
Albania 410 443 3,624 1,562 2,000 0.10 28.04
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,606 3,891 1,809 1,743 2,025 0.10 16.18
Croatia 12,518 14,933 15,578 15,500 20,068 0.99 29.47
Greece 4,617 4,586 5,614 7,971 11,109 0.55 39.37
Italy 50,377 53,969 48,994 59,294 65,050 3.21 9.71
Malta 418 563 562 730 1,714 0.08 134.79
Montenegro 511 583 435 612 466 0.02 -23.86
Portugal 3,189 3,672 3,573 3,815 5,311 0.26 39.21
Serbia 9,738 10,880 11,156 13,261 20,371 1.00 53.62
Slovenia 14,145 15,075 13,872 15,155 18,727 0.92 23.57
Spain 17,969 19,355 15,965 27,258 33,946 1.67 24.54
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1,925 2,471 2,728 2,778 3,451 0.17 24.23
WESTERN EUROPE 288,024 317,025 282,351 332,325 376,800 18.59 13.38
Austria 65,621 73,862 66,582 81,589 88,123 4.35 8.01
Belgium 16,292 16,879 14,047 16,221 22,238 1.10 37.09
France 35,347 35,831 31,130 37,401 42,337 2.09 13.20
Germany 135,897 153,814 138,444 158,857 178,047 8.78 12.08
Liechtenstein 234 318 270 290 416 0.02 43.45
Luxembourg 623 663 681 798 1,323 0.07 65.79
Netherlands 20,759 20,743 17,213 21,073 25,051 1.24 18.88
Switzerland 13,251 14,915 13,984 16,096 19,265 0.95 19.69
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,666 24,675 23,653 32,653 40,385 1.99 23.68
Cyprus 1,884 1,128 1,302 1,502 1,494 0.07 -0.53
Israel 13,016 15,307 15,810 22,395 29,517 1.46 31.80
Turkey 5,766 8,240 6,541 8,756 9,374 0.46 7.06
OTHER EUROPE 16,733 19,535 15,582 22,685 22,369 1.10 -1.39
Other countries of Europe 16,733 19,535 15,582 22,685 22,369 1.10 -1.39
MIDDLE EAST 1,182 1,142 1,185 1,760 1,590 0.08 -9.66
Egypt 1,182 1,142 1,185 1,760 1,590 0.08 -9.66
SOUTH ASIA 2,892 4,128 3,535 5,125 6,805 0.34 32.78
India 2,892 4,128 3,535 5,125 6,805 0.34 32.78
NOT SPECIFIED 2,810 1,142 1,432 833 3,304 0.16 296.64
Other countries of the World 2,810 1,142 1,432 833 3,304 0.16 296.64

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,101,201 4,340,009 3,904,468 4,456,408 5,145,333 100.00 15.46

AFRICA 20,333 12,339 12,732 16,730 14,100 0.27 -15.72
EAST AFRICA 395 687 897 648 772 0.02 19.14
Kenya 395 687 897 648 772 0.02 19.14
NORTH AFRICA 925 446 542 1,517 1,077 0.02 -29.00
Tunisia 925 446 542 1,517 1,077 0.02 -29.00
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,252 2,988 2,232 2,046 2,094 0.04 2.35
South Africa 3,252 2,988 2,232 2,046 2,094 0.04 2.35
OTHER AFRICA 15,761 8,218 9,061 12,519 10,157 0.20 -18.87
Other countries of Africa 15,761 8,218 9,061 12,519 10,157 0.20 -18.87
AMERICAS 102,521 105,385 96,069 130,629 147,626 2.87 13.01
CARIBBEAN 190 78 17 25 90 0.00 260.00
Dominican Republic 190 78 17 25 90 0.00 260.00
NORTH AMERICA 86,145 88,952 82,018 108,858 124,352 2.42 14.23
Canada 15,348 13,846 14,400 17,870 20,336 0.40 13.80
Mexico 4,409 3,915 2,951 4,730 8,229 0.16 73.97
United States of America 66,388 71,191 64,667 86,258 95,787 1.86 11.05
SOUTH AMERICA 9,440 11,079 9,449 14,611 15,753 0.31 7.82
Argentina 1,978 2,046 1,520 3,046 3,335 0.06 9.49
Brazil 7,462 9,033 7,929 11,565 12,418 0.24 7.38
OTHER AMERICAS 6,746 5,276 4,585 7,135 7,431 0.14 4.15
Other countries of the Americas 6,746 5,276 4,585 7,135 7,431 0.14 4.15
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 205,150 196,127 160,878 233,672 236,637 4.60 1.27
NORTH-EAST ASIA 104,367 88,521 62,701 96,474 104,885 2.04 8.72
China 23,643 24,526 23,073 41,468 56,493 1.10 36.23
Japan 16,404 16,519 9,171 13,102 15,623 0.30 19.24
Korea, Republic of 64,320 47,476 30,457 41,904 32,769 0.64 -21.80
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,581 4,396 2,775 4,231 5,595 0.11 32.24
Thailand 2,581 4,396 2,775 4,231 5,595 0.11 32.24
AUSTRALASIA 16,887 15,856 13,636 18,629 19,556 0.38 4.98
Australia 15,057 14,216 11,904 16,439 17,402 0.34 5.86
New Zealand 1,830 1,640 1,732 2,190 2,154 0.04 -1.64
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 81,315 87,354 81,766 114,338 106,601 2.07 -6.77
Other countries of Asia 81,315 87,354 81,599 113,942 106,013 2.06 -6.96
Other countries of Oceania 167 396 588 0.01 48.48
EUROPE 3,758,567 4,011,507 3,620,009 4,057,861 4,719,913 91.73 16.32
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,396,826 2,568,215 2,310,555 2,489,156 2,919,786 56.75 17.30
Belarus 17,053 26,407 51,933 43,515 37,821 0.74 -13.09
Bulgaria 16,967 16,711 15,548 24,525 39,490 0.77 61.02
Czech Republic 1,412,870 1,387,482 1,224,872 1,401,670 1,719,807 33.42 22.70
Estonia 9,623 10,709 9,621 11,189 14,533 0.28 29.89
Hungary 131,570 141,872 125,099 153,325 195,413 3.80 27.45
Latvia 13,099 15,648 17,734 20,879 23,173 0.45 10.99
Lithuania 32,295 35,748 36,311 37,007 36,510 0.71 -1.34
Moldova, Republic of 1,325 1,826 1,984 3,408 4,066 0.08 19.31
Poland 441,447 442,755 411,805 430,259 473,010 9.19 9.94
Romania 53,860 56,241 58,042 96,355 100,048 1.94 3.83
Russian Federation 151,838 198,522 166,562 107,265 102,687 2.00 -4.27
Ukraine 114,879 234,294 191,044 159,759 173,228 3.37 8.43
NORTHERN EUROPE 203,464 212,348 179,008 246,192 287,011 5.58 16.58
Denmark 25,018 26,224 22,780 22,494 25,604 0.50 13.83
Finland 18,042 16,138 17,380 19,150 22,742 0.44 18.76
Iceland 1,154 1,459 1,495 2,212 2,472 0.05 11.75
Ireland 15,042 15,825 14,145 23,106 26,253 0.51 13.62
Norway 20,424 22,668 13,731 14,877 16,731 0.33 12.46

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Sweden 23,717 25,616 20,031 25,314 27,765 0.54 9.68

United Kingdom 100,067 104,418 89,446 139,039 165,444 3.22 18.99
SOUTHERN EUROPE 254,649 270,113 265,924 342,067 436,919 8.49 27.73
Albania 824 976 8,344 6,097 3,495 0.07 -42.68
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,549 7,189 3,702 5,234 6,958 0.14 32.94
Croatia 25,870 27,799 32,400 38,303 37,906 0.74 -1.04
Greece 9,998 9,510 10,488 18,564 23,123 0.45 24.56
Italy 107,401 111,080 100,291 121,641 130,488 2.54 7.27
Malta 1,143 1,281 1,172 2,049 3,346 0.07 63.30
Montenegro 2,049 1,397 1,241 1,520 1,461 0.03 -3.88
Portugal 7,648 8,375 15,248 7,870 11,526 0.22 46.45
Serbia 23,774 24,993 29,876 55,818 106,679 2.07 91.12
Slovenia 30,648 34,966 27,151 29,452 36,986 0.72 25.58
Spain 36,995 38,511 31,580 50,577 66,211 1.29 30.91
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 4,750 4,036 4,431 4,942 8,740 0.17 76.85
WESTERN EUROPE 766,711 806,146 719,536 801,615 866,839 16.85 8.14
Austria 135,907 150,125 134,000 156,767 168,208 3.27 7.30
Belgium 36,404 36,539 29,590 34,281 46,861 0.91 36.70
France 74,902 73,441 64,105 76,222 85,746 1.67 12.50
Germany 443,663 466,577 422,579 451,439 470,072 9.14 4.13
Liechtenstein 383 477 607 564 680 0.01 20.57
Luxembourg 1,209 1,366 1,650 1,543 2,431 0.05 57.55
Netherlands 47,626 48,483 38,530 48,347 55,324 1.08 14.43
Switzerland 26,617 29,138 28,475 32,452 37,517 0.73 15.61
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 106,567 121,497 117,790 142,582 171,743 3.34 20.45
Cyprus 6,405 4,240 4,918 5,209 4,788 0.09 -8.08
Israel 86,818 102,280 99,417 120,285 147,682 2.87 22.78
Turkey 13,344 14,977 13,455 17,088 19,273 0.37 12.79
OTHER EUROPE 30,350 33,188 27,196 36,249 37,615 0.73 3.77
Other countries of Europe 30,350 33,188 27,196 36,249 37,615 0.73 3.77
MIDDLE EAST 4,138 4,885 4,143 4,896 5,110 0.10 4.37
Egypt 4,138 4,885 4,143 4,896 5,110 0.10 4.37
SOUTH ASIA 6,348 7,834 7,630 11,036 13,684 0.27 23.99
India 6,348 7,834 7,630 11,036 13,684 0.27 23.99
NOT SPECIFIED 4,144 1,932 3,007 1,584 8,263 0.16 421.65
Other countries of the World 4,144 1,932 3,007 1,584 8,263 0.16 421.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,592,858 1,639,871 1,761,729 1,930,683 2,132,262 100.00 10.44

AFRICA 3,982 4,544 4,446 5,082 5,558 0.26 9.37
SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,868 1,874 1,447 1,789 1,578 0.07 -11.79
South Africa 1,868 1,874 1,447 1,789 1,578 0.07 -11.79
OTHER AFRICA 2,114 2,670 2,999 3,293 3,980 0.19 20.86
Other countries of Africa 2,114 2,670 2,999 3,293 3,980 0.19 20.86
AMERICAS 62,145 70,409 74,653 85,430 89,083 4.18 4.28
NORTH AMERICA 51,635 56,610 61,394 67,881 71,462 3.35 5.28
Canada 8,634 8,857 9,192 10,362 10,959 0.51 5.76
United States of America 42,986 47,717 52,193 57,494 60,500 2.84 5.23
Other countries of North America 15 36 9 25 3 0.00 -88.00
SOUTH AMERICA 5,185 7,992 7,406 7,931 6,701 0.31 -15.51
Brazil 5,185 7,992 7,406 7,931 6,701 0.31 -15.51
OTHER AMERICAS 5,325 5,807 5,853 9,618 10,920 0.51 13.54
Other countries of the Americas 5,325 5,807 5,853 9,618 10,920 0.51 13.54
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119,400 131,022 195,399 242,126 262,404 12.31 8.37
NORTH-EAST ASIA 68,952 74,754 118,998 157,989 175,412 8.23 11.03
China 13,860 17,998 21,444 34,367 40,836 1.92 18.82
Japan 39,764 34,786 39,052 35,057 27,161 1.27 -22.52
Korea, Republic of 15,328 21,970 58,502 88,565 107,415 5.04 21.28
AUSTRALASIA 14,923 16,624 16,784 20,570 20,528 0.96 -0.20
Australia 13,095 14,440 14,722 17,822 17,662 0.83 -0.90
New Zealand 1,828 2,184 2,062 2,748 2,866 0.13 4.29
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,525 39,644 59,617 63,567 66,464 3.12 4.56
Other countries of Asia 34,727 38,162 59,297 63,405 66,202 3.10 4.41
Other countries of Oceania 798 1,482 320 162 262 0.01 61.73
EUROPE 1,407,331 1,433,896 1,487,231 1,598,045 1,775,217 83.26 11.09
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 228,112 229,943 244,274 251,968 289,822 13.59 15.02
Bulgaria 17,087 19,231 23,121 24,299 27,775 1.30 14.31
Czech Republic 28,336 30,051 32,461 35,208 40,670 1.91 15.51
Estonia 1,775 1,564 1,798 2,141 2,377 0.11 11.02
Hungary 42,320 41,052 47,378 52,067 63,302 2.97 21.58
Latvia 2,346 2,211 2,588 2,758 3,884 0.18 40.83
Lithuania 2,104 2,796 2,003 3,032 3,246 0.15 7.06
Poland 26,813 26,724 33,261 36,937 42,622 2.00 15.39
Romania 18,056 17,494 20,369 24,099 28,391 1.33 17.81
Russian Federation 47,054 50,213 47,701 35,750 34,201 1.60 -4.33
Slovakia 14,114 13,953 15,678 17,601 21,841 1.02 24.09
Ukraine 28,107 24,654 17,916 18,076 21,513 1.01 19.01
NORTHERN EUROPE 91,268 93,831 90,285 102,531 116,023 5.44 13.16
Denmark 9,103 8,425 8,106 7,869 8,795 0.41 11.77
Finland 11,387 11,529 10,435 11,085 12,119 0.57 9.33
Iceland 1,469 1,366 1,493 1,826 2,002 0.09 9.64
Ireland 4,190 4,121 4,505 5,508 6,935 0.33 25.91
Norway 5,561 6,915 5,412 7,466 7,599 0.36 1.78
Sweden 12,771 13,056 12,063 13,552 14,672 0.69 8.26
United Kingdom 46,787 48,419 48,271 55,225 63,901 3.00 15.71
SOUTHERN EUROPE 572,097 578,528 608,134 660,520 722,565 33.89 9.39
Bosnia and Herzegovina 24,855 26,221 27,210 29,978 33,867 1.59 12.97
Croatia 88,298 91,689 93,501 106,864 119,150 5.59 11.50
Greece 6,419 7,214 7,910 6,576 9,162 0.43 39.32
Italy 340,350 339,930 367,128 394,030 418,049 19.61 6.10
Malta 2,348 3,503 2,623 3,845 4,156 0.19 8.09
Montenegro 6,278 7,080 7,184 8,241 8,500 0.40 3.14
Portugal 4,786 4,260 4,647 5,774 5,823 0.27 0.85

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 67,054 68,073 67,778 71,122 83,630 3.92 17.59

Spain 20,989 18,636 19,418 22,385 26,184 1.23 16.97
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 10,720 11,922 10,735 11,705 14,044 0.66 19.98
WESTERN EUROPE 460,389 464,544 489,362 516,384 564,009 26.45 9.22
Austria 198,388 198,847 218,222 229,615 248,621 11.66 8.28
Belgium 29,122 30,033 27,017 28,029 32,375 1.52 15.51
France 38,208 41,150 42,387 43,843 47,095 2.21 7.42
Germany 142,568 141,387 147,559 156,746 171,188 8.03 9.21
Luxembourg 1,297 1,022 1,209 1,314 1,461 0.07 11.19
Netherlands 26,297 26,364 25,503 26,055 30,464 1.43 16.92
Switzerland 24,509 25,741 27,465 30,782 32,805 1.54 6.57
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 42,414 48,148 41,003 51,572 67,173 3.15 30.25
Cyprus 852 1,084 997 731 1,016 0.05 38.99
Israel 28,989 33,923 27,233 36,928 46,264 2.17 25.28
Turkey 12,573 13,141 12,773 13,913 19,893 0.93 42.98
OTHER EUROPE 13,051 18,902 14,173 15,070 15,625 0.73 3.68
Other countries of Europe 13,051 18,902 14,173 15,070 15,625 0.73 3.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 2,155,612 2,258,570 2,410,824 2,706,781 3,032,256 100.00 12.02

AFRICA 4,919 5,682 5,489 6,552 7,789 0.26 18.88
SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,258 2,298 1,794 2,305 2,252 0.07 -2.30
South Africa 2,258 2,298 1,794 2,305 2,252 0.07 -2.30
OTHER AFRICA 2,661 3,384 3,695 4,247 5,537 0.18 30.37
Other countries of Africa 2,661 3,384 3,695 4,247 5,537 0.18 30.37
AMERICAS 75,923 88,344 95,990 113,174 123,132 4.06 8.80
NORTH AMERICA 63,037 71,327 78,441 89,823 98,274 3.24 9.41
Canada 11,251 12,081 13,260 15,453 17,100 0.56 10.66
United States of America 51,754 59,202 65,158 74,334 81,167 2.68 9.19
Other countries of North America 32 44 23 36 7 0.00 -80.56
SOUTH AMERICA 6,075 9,475 9,514 10,711 9,602 0.32 -10.35
Brazil 6,075 9,475 9,514 10,711 9,602 0.32 -10.35
OTHER AMERICAS 6,811 7,542 8,035 12,640 15,256 0.50 20.70
Other countries of the Americas 6,811 7,542 8,035 12,640 15,256 0.50 20.70
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 133,006 147,845 218,119 270,541 300,842 9.92 11.20
NORTH-EAST ASIA 73,089 79,594 126,943 167,435 188,413 6.21 12.53
China 15,294 19,801 24,113 37,796 45,324 1.49 19.92
Japan 41,398 36,437 40,852 37,218 29,474 0.97 -20.81
Korea, Republic of 16,397 23,356 61,978 92,421 113,615 3.75 22.93
AUSTRALASIA 21,407 24,939 27,098 32,248 35,440 1.17 9.90
Australia 18,216 21,229 23,441 27,322 29,766 0.98 8.95
New Zealand 3,191 3,710 3,657 4,926 5,674 0.19 15.18
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 38,510 43,312 64,078 70,858 76,989 2.54 8.65
Other countries of Asia 37,361 41,433 63,596 70,585 76,540 2.52 8.44
Other countries of Oceania 1,149 1,879 482 273 449 0.01 64.47
EUROPE 1,941,764 2,016,699 2,091,226 2,316,514 2,600,493 85.76 12.26
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 326,586 340,416 367,906 396,353 459,158 15.14 15.85
Bulgaria 20,937 23,618 28,367 30,064 34,722 1.15 15.49
Czech Republic 63,077 65,464 70,325 78,461 91,596 3.02 16.74
Estonia 2,593 2,612 2,761 3,454 3,790 0.12 9.73
Hungary 62,856 63,953 74,291 84,543 101,180 3.34 19.68
Latvia 3,385 3,563 3,782 4,454 6,029 0.20 35.36
Lithuania 3,356 4,792 3,384 4,938 5,443 0.18 10.23
Poland 43,583 46,478 55,675 63,009 73,462 2.42 16.59
Romania 22,298 22,380 25,730 31,026 36,280 1.20 16.93
Russian Federation 52,476 57,576 56,156 44,449 43,609 1.44 -1.89
Slovakia 21,258 21,936 25,297 29,116 36,019 1.19 23.71
Ukraine 30,767 28,044 22,138 22,839 27,028 0.89 18.34
NORTHERN EUROPE 132,008 142,308 138,625 167,055 192,804 6.36 15.41
Denmark 16,120 16,025 14,708 14,898 17,502 0.58 17.48
Finland 14,412 15,824 14,277 15,668 17,332 0.57 10.62
Iceland 1,817 1,603 1,799 2,209 2,497 0.08 13.04
Ireland 6,667 7,403 8,073 11,209 13,794 0.45 23.06
Norway 7,314 8,729 7,366 9,568 10,240 0.34 7.02
Sweden 16,614 18,057 16,857 19,566 22,019 0.73 12.54
United Kingdom 69,064 74,667 75,545 93,937 109,420 3.61 16.48
SOUTHERN EUROPE 705,766 717,469 749,869 827,984 919,497 30.32 11.05
Bosnia and Herzegovina 30,372 31,948 33,565 37,799 43,197 1.42 14.28
Croatia 113,647 118,772 120,260 136,488 152,981 5.05 12.08
Greece 7,580 8,187 8,838 7,570 10,564 0.35 39.55
Italy 414,041 414,192 443,239 484,394 523,779 17.27 8.13
Malta 2,637 3,938 3,277 4,836 4,947 0.16 2.30
Montenegro 7,126 7,985 8,177 9,513 9,879 0.33 3.85
Portugal 6,586 6,629 6,585 8,279 8,680 0.29 4.84

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 78,207 80,622 81,595 86,911 102,850 3.39 18.34

Spain 32,563 30,575 31,072 37,535 45,222 1.49 20.48
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 13,007 14,621 13,261 14,659 17,398 0.57 18.68
WESTERN EUROPE 707,735 731,504 760,230 834,332 918,091 30.28 10.04
Austria 240,113 242,892 265,803 282,674 311,183 10.26 10.09
Belgium 48,817 54,213 50,752 55,924 63,724 2.10 13.95
France 67,619 72,027 75,112 83,454 91,202 3.01 9.28
Germany 238,352 242,951 250,673 282,250 307,410 10.14 8.91
Luxembourg 1,713 1,440 1,785 1,807 2,051 0.07 13.50
Netherlands 78,049 82,698 78,147 84,923 95,490 3.15 12.44
Switzerland 33,072 35,283 37,958 43,300 47,031 1.55 8.62
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 54,427 63,116 56,558 71,704 90,583 2.99 26.33
Cyprus 1,069 1,301 1,083 846 1,108 0.04 30.97
Israel 39,595 46,862 41,080 54,702 67,055 2.21 22.58
Turkey 13,763 14,953 14,395 16,156 22,420 0.74 38.77
OTHER EUROPE 15,242 21,886 18,038 19,086 20,360 0.67 6.68
Other countries of Europe 15,242 21,886 18,038 19,086 20,360 0.67 6.68

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 4,150,042 4,202,067 4,294,013 4,540,345 4,984,687 100.00 9.79

AFRICA 13,143 12,899 13,849 14,148 17,795 0.36 25.78
SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,124 4,233 3,015 3,353 3,829 0.08 14.20
South Africa 5,124 4,233 3,015 3,353 3,829 0.08 14.20
OTHER AFRICA 8,019 8,666 10,834 10,795 13,966 0.28 29.37
Other countries of Africa 8,019 8,666 10,834 10,795 13,966 0.28 29.37
AMERICAS 143,875 153,327 163,031 183,749 193,629 3.88 5.38
NORTH AMERICA 121,353 124,616 135,016 148,827 159,306 3.20 7.04
Canada 19,196 19,120 19,580 21,645 22,421 0.45 3.59
United States of America 102,127 105,429 115,422 127,143 136,877 2.75 7.66
Other countries of North America 30 67 14 39 8 0.00 -79.49
SOUTH AMERICA 10,763 16,026 14,899 15,316 13,748 0.28 -10.24
Brazil 10,763 16,026 14,899 15,316 13,748 0.28 -10.24
OTHER AMERICAS 11,759 12,685 13,116 19,606 20,575 0.41 4.94
Other countries of the Americas 11,759 12,685 13,116 19,606 20,575 0.41 4.94
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 188,119 204,328 293,017 353,628 381,751 7.66 7.95
NORTH-EAST ASIA 95,921 100,987 149,765 192,722 213,378 4.28 10.72
China 20,377 25,881 30,652 47,770 56,630 1.14 18.55
Japan 56,741 49,880 56,522 51,510 41,647 0.84 -19.15
Korea, Republic of 18,803 25,226 62,591 93,442 115,101 2.31 23.18
AUSTRALASIA 30,266 32,242 31,964 38,462 37,799 0.76 -1.72
Australia 26,759 28,058 27,720 32,551 31,538 0.63 -3.11
New Zealand 3,507 4,184 4,244 5,911 6,261 0.13 5.92
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 61,932 71,099 111,288 122,444 130,574 2.62 6.64
Other countries of Asia 60,264 68,216 110,452 122,159 130,134 2.61 6.53
Other countries of Oceania 1,668 2,883 836 285 440 0.01 54.39
EUROPE 3,804,905 3,831,513 3,824,116 3,988,820 4,391,512 88.10 10.10
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 743,398 732,436 730,901 687,044 757,824 15.20 10.30
Bulgaria 26,532 29,108 32,604 34,886 39,117 0.78 12.13
Czech Republic 73,604 80,780 83,780 92,962 103,984 2.09 11.86
Estonia 4,690 3,967 4,207 6,985 5,688 0.11 -18.57
Hungary 105,551 102,561 117,696 129,993 163,467 3.28 25.75
Latvia 5,299 5,374 6,078 5,382 8,664 0.17 60.98
Lithuania 4,970 9,380 4,782 8,147 7,196 0.14 -11.67
Poland 60,238 50,001 60,055 69,906 79,998 1.60 14.44
Romania 36,902 35,212 40,263 47,611 57,550 1.15 20.88
Russian Federation 327,339 315,252 284,552 193,393 178,052 3.57 -7.93
Slovakia 33,925 35,639 40,750 44,378 53,824 1.08 21.29
Ukraine 64,348 65,162 56,134 53,401 60,284 1.21 12.89
NORTHERN EUROPE 277,083 292,789 272,311 302,451 336,904 6.76 11.39
Denmark 20,694 19,370 19,220 18,797 21,644 0.43 15.15
Finland 29,691 32,382 27,764 29,966 32,451 0.65 8.29
Iceland 4,511 4,408 4,782 6,018 6,813 0.14 13.21
Ireland 12,474 11,385 13,419 16,721 18,106 0.36 8.28
Norway 13,423 17,981 13,504 19,141 20,912 0.42 9.25
Sweden 32,974 34,504 29,581 32,461 34,056 0.68 4.91
United Kingdom 163,316 172,759 164,041 179,347 202,922 4.07 13.14
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,339,865 1,326,645 1,342,357 1,457,342 1,597,532 32.05 9.62
Bosnia and Herzegovina 55,459 58,010 59,323 62,447 70,700 1.42 13.22
Croatia 220,376 219,725 214,373 244,959 268,780 5.39 9.72
Greece 11,814 14,682 14,263 12,985 18,128 0.36 39.61
Italy 777,204 752,881 786,877 844,210 901,699 18.09 6.81
Malta 11,774 16,794 12,513 18,428 19,368 0.39 5.10
Montenegro 14,705 16,343 15,014 17,614 19,090 0.38 8.38
Portugal 10,264 8,709 9,632 11,076 12,432 0.25 12.24

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 172,199 172,722 166,962 175,493 201,630 4.04 14.89

Spain 45,061 42,889 42,223 47,442 58,079 1.17 22.42
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 21,009 23,890 21,177 22,688 27,626 0.55 21.76
WESTERN EUROPE 1,282,037 1,279,389 1,311,332 1,342,281 1,449,262 29.07 7.97
Austria 568,879 566,875 611,894 621,402 659,636 13.23 6.15
Belgium 102,642 107,165 92,266 87,861 98,402 1.97 12.00
France 77,458 85,964 86,628 88,648 95,973 1.93 8.26
Germany 407,787 393,520 396,227 413,936 445,190 8.93 7.55
Luxembourg 3,061 2,339 2,908 2,826 3,497 0.07 23.74
Netherlands 69,393 67,767 64,209 63,636 75,934 1.52 19.33
Switzerland 52,817 55,759 57,200 63,972 70,630 1.42 10.41
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 119,742 148,207 127,277 159,358 211,705 4.25 32.85
Cyprus 2,047 2,434 2,687 1,905 3,629 0.07 90.50
Israel 93,654 119,292 99,253 131,409 174,256 3.50 32.61
Turkey 24,041 26,481 25,337 26,044 33,820 0.68 29.86
OTHER EUROPE 42,780 52,047 39,938 40,344 38,285 0.77 -5.10
Other countries of Europe 42,780 52,047 39,938 40,344 38,285 0.77 -5.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 5,777,204 5,962,251 6,090,409 6,614,443 7,342,118 100.00 11.00

AFRICA 16,912 16,092 16,572 18,265 24,683 0.34 35.14
SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,663 5,296 3,645 4,551 5,319 0.07 16.88
South Africa 6,663 5,296 3,645 4,551 5,319 0.07 16.88
OTHER AFRICA 10,249 10,796 12,927 13,714 19,364 0.26 41.20
Other countries of Africa 10,249 10,796 12,927 13,714 19,364 0.26 41.20
AMERICAS 176,654 193,667 213,387 246,139 270,086 3.68 9.73
NORTH AMERICA 147,823 157,266 174,098 198,104 219,315 2.99 10.71
Canada 25,175 26,310 28,432 32,850 36,598 0.50 11.41
United States of America 122,580 130,877 145,625 165,198 182,700 2.49 10.59
Other countries of North America 68 79 41 56 17 0.00 -69.64
SOUTH AMERICA 12,728 18,821 19,326 20,927 19,327 0.26 -7.65
Brazil 12,728 18,821 19,326 20,927 19,327 0.26 -7.65
OTHER AMERICAS 16,103 17,580 19,963 27,108 31,444 0.43 16.00
Other countries of the Americas 16,103 17,580 19,963 27,108 31,444 0.43 16.00
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 221,794 241,315 339,564 411,274 462,285 6.30 12.40
NORTH-EAST ASIA 104,552 110,161 164,903 210,281 236,474 3.22 12.46
China 23,530 29,321 36,502 54,640 65,038 0.89 19.03
Japan 60,278 53,200 60,342 55,785 46,347 0.63 -16.92
Korea, Republic of 20,744 27,640 68,059 99,856 125,089 1.70 25.27
AUSTRALASIA 44,093 48,658 51,166 62,060 69,589 0.95 12.13
Australia 37,793 41,532 43,739 51,713 57,836 0.79 11.84
New Zealand 6,300 7,126 7,427 10,347 11,753 0.16 13.59
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 73,149 82,496 123,495 138,933 156,222 2.13 12.44
Other countries of Asia 70,597 78,684 122,240 138,436 155,415 2.12 12.26
Other countries of Oceania 2,552 3,812 1,255 497 807 0.01 62.37
EUROPE 5,361,844 5,511,177 5,520,886 5,938,765 6,585,064 89.69 10.88
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,004,619 1,028,666 1,055,307 1,053,087 1,187,388 16.17 12.75
Bulgaria 33,521 37,361 42,462 45,350 52,502 0.72 15.77
Czech Republic 157,175 166,532 174,105 196,316 230,356 3.14 17.34
Estonia 6,451 6,549 6,815 10,089 8,952 0.12 -11.27
Hungary 161,233 164,059 191,052 213,551 261,348 3.56 22.38
Latvia 8,095 8,812 9,142 9,915 13,216 0.18 33.29
Lithuania 7,717 15,008 7,676 12,544 11,440 0.16 -8.80
Poland 108,312 105,825 122,843 140,146 162,212 2.21 15.75
Romania 48,736 45,993 51,831 63,000 73,807 1.01 17.15
Russian Federation 350,319 348,098 318,592 224,986 210,305 2.86 -6.53
Slovakia 49,830 55,039 61,984 70,772 88,685 1.21 25.31
Ukraine 73,230 75,390 68,805 66,418 74,565 1.02 12.27
NORTHERN EUROPE 394,226 427,947 403,561 473,172 540,247 7.36 14.18
Denmark 46,625 48,026 44,258 45,223 55,268 0.75 22.21
Finland 37,625 43,218 37,595 41,228 45,778 0.62 11.04
Iceland 5,314 4,993 5,413 7,068 8,076 0.11 14.26
Ireland 18,716 18,937 21,709 30,478 35,188 0.48 15.45
Norway 17,735 22,250 17,946 24,248 27,334 0.37 12.73
Sweden 42,096 45,898 40,801 45,172 49,947 0.68 10.57
United Kingdom 226,115 244,625 235,839 279,755 318,656 4.34 13.91
SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,687,064 1,676,870 1,687,325 1,862,687 2,059,492 28.05 10.57
Bosnia and Herzegovina 72,080 76,621 77,670 85,349 95,360 1.30 11.73
Croatia 297,647 296,966 284,087 319,585 352,042 4.79 10.16
Greece 14,717 16,857 16,290 14,993 21,652 0.29 44.41
Italy 957,027 929,327 962,835 1,053,626 1,144,556 15.59 8.63
Malta 12,551 18,236 14,208 22,078 21,822 0.30 -1.16
Montenegro 17,497 18,762 17,741 20,916 22,442 0.31 7.30
Portugal 14,262 14,777 15,447 16,248 18,937 0.26 16.55

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Serbia 203,807 206,322 205,635 220,614 249,105 3.39 12.91

Spain 69,396 67,346 65,577 78,611 97,729 1.33 24.32
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 28,080 31,656 27,835 30,667 35,847 0.49 16.89
WESTERN EUROPE 2,074,958 2,126,541 2,154,506 2,281,573 2,466,967 33.60 8.13
Austria 695,555 699,850 754,018 774,562 834,307 11.36 7.71
Belgium 168,219 184,816 167,896 170,796 189,700 2.58 11.07
France 145,968 154,148 160,074 175,776 195,171 2.66 11.03
Germany 692,648 690,687 695,935 762,135 820,628 11.18 7.67
Luxembourg 4,087 3,280 4,046 4,038 4,866 0.07 20.51
Netherlands 295,679 314,860 290,829 302,952 320,219 4.36 5.70
Switzerland 72,802 78,900 81,708 91,314 102,076 1.39 11.79
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 152,195 190,530 170,893 218,485 280,580 3.82 28.42
Cyprus 2,486 3,152 2,983 2,204 3,834 0.05 73.96
Israel 122,174 155,816 138,683 184,359 236,466 3.22 28.26
Turkey 27,535 31,562 29,227 31,922 40,280 0.55 26.18
OTHER EUROPE 48,782 60,623 49,294 49,761 50,390 0.69 1.26
Other countries of Europe 48,782 60,623 49,294 49,761 50,390 0.69 1.26

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 23,925 24,431 20,070 21,623 23,194 100.00 7.27

AMERICAS 1,445 1,309 1,286 1,566 1,650 7.11 5.36
NORTH AMERICA 1,445 1,309 1,286 1,566 1,650 7.11 5.36
Canada 111 148 149 153 166 0.72 8.50
United States of America 1,334 1,161 1,137 1,413 1,484 6.40 5.02
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,166 21,776 17,587 18,723 20,052 86.45 7.10
NORTH-EAST ASIA 694 682 1,025 1,416 1,478 6.37 4.38
China 425 742 827 3.57 11.46
Hong Kong (China) 80 81 95 93 99 0.43 6.45
Japan 614 601 505 581 552 2.38 -4.99
AUSTRALASIA 12,826 13,086 10,540 10,960 11,083 47.78 1.12
Australia 11,079 11,181 9,134 9,509 9,539 41.13 0.32
New Zealand 1,747 1,905 1,406 1,451 1,544 6.66 6.41
MELANESIA 4,123 4,623 3,027 3,341 3,809 16.42 14.01
Fiji 1,555 1,800 1,255 1,391 1,562 6.73 12.29
Papua New Guinea 1,973 2,019 1,243 1,341 1,379 5.95 2.83
Vanuatu 595 804 529 609 868 3.74 42.53
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,523 3,385 2,995 3,006 3,682 15.87 22.49
Other countries of Asia 2,105 2,625 2,424 2,426 3,017 13.01 24.36
Other countries of Oceania 1,418 760 571 580 665 2.87 14.66
EUROPE 1,061 1,122 1,077 1,231 1,299 5.60 5.52
NORTHERN EUROPE 385 460 337 387 347 1.50 -10.34
United Kingdom 385 460 337 387 347 1.50 -10.34
SOUTHERN EUROPE 93 83 75 61 95 0.41 55.74
Italy 93 83 75 61 95 0.41 55.74
WESTERN EUROPE 262 292 237 341 358 1.54 4.99
France 88 93 86 177 117 0.50 -33.90
Germany 117 136 102 109 161 0.69 47.71
Netherlands 57 63 49 55 80 0.34 45.45
OTHER EUROPE 321 287 428 442 499 2.15 12.90
Other countries of Europe 321 287 428 442 499 2.15 12.90
NOT SPECIFIED 253 224 120 103 193 0.83 87.38
Other countries of the World 253 224 120 103 193 0.83 87.38

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 9,188,368 9,536,568 9,549,236 8,903,773 10,044,163 100.00 12.81

AFRICA 6,648,201 6,846,702 7,271,947 6,738,202 7,492,013 74.59 11.19
EAST AFRICA 3,389,016 3,539,373 3,877,400 3,508,385 3,750,006 37.34 6.89
Burundi 1,472 1,772 1,118 1,021 983 0.01 -3.72
Comoros 276 369 179 184 219 0.00 19.02
Djibouti 92 91 89 120 104 0.00 -13.33
Eritrea 904 720 637 619 646 0.01 4.36
Ethiopia 7,862 9,049 7,070 7,210 8,417 0.08 16.74
Kenya 32,992 35,582 29,586 27,077 29,319 0.29 8.28
Madagascar 4,813 6,424 2,741 2,643 2,420 0.02 -8.44
Malawi 142,063 170,345 166,964 135,260 154,017 1.53 13.87
Mauritius 18,233 19,341 16,772 17,020 19,237 0.19 13.03
Mozambique 1,104,404 1,116,735 1,283,016 1,200,335 1,268,258 12.63 5.66
Reunion 1 28 41 71 0.00 73.17
Rwanda 3,429 3,647 1,538 933 956 0.01 2.47
Seychelles 3,292 4,849 5,294 6,253 9,710 0.10 55.29
Somalia 206 115 173 241 329 0.00 36.51
Tanzania, United Republic of 35,928 38,099 28,221 35,817 38,032 0.38 6.18
Uganda 15,522 17,161 13,286 11,561 13,640 0.14 17.98
Zambia 169,555 179,914 176,972 161,259 174,767 1.74 8.38
Zimbabwe 1,847,973 1,935,159 2,143,716 1,900,791 2,028,881 20.20 6.74
CENTRAL AFRICA 99,185 111,120 101,511 94,752 92,573 0.92 -2.30
Angola 47,714 57,041 53,592 48,416 43,608 0.43 -9.93
Cameroon 6,234 6,203 4,545 5,122 5,366 0.05 4.76
Central African Republic 191 197 119 139 153 0.00 10.07
Chad 414 486 487 402 332 0.00 -17.41
Congo 3,868 4,551 3,944 3,722 3,591 0.04 -3.52
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 32,956 34,066 29,800 28,503 29,586 0.29 3.80
Equatorial Guinea 406 497 479 606 507 0.01 -16.34
Gabon 7,168 7,864 8,402 7,730 9,340 0.09 20.83
Sao Tome and Principe 234 215 143 112 90 0.00 -19.64
NORTH AFRICA 6,018 6,658 5,129 6,869 7,231 0.07 5.27
Algeria 1,539 2,082 1,160 1,286 1,491 0.01 15.94
Morocco 1,611 1,601 1,439 1,575 1,693 0.02 7.49
South Sudan 1,088 740 0.01 -31.99
Sudan 1,665 1,511 1,399 1,725 2,182 0.02 26.49
Tunisia 1,182 1,440 1,105 1,164 1,107 0.01 -4.90
Western Sahara 21 24 26 31 18 0.00 -41.94
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,039,950 3,056,893 3,187,175 3,038,947 3,545,168 35.30 16.66
Botswana 452,159 537,131 555,590 593,514 679,828 6.77 14.54
Lesotho 1,618,222 1,461,267 1,501,642 1,394,913 1,757,058 17.49 25.96
Namibia 200,841 222,028 211,453 212,514 214,664 2.14 1.01
Swaziland 768,728 836,467 918,490 838,006 893,618 8.90 6.64
WEST AFRICA 114,027 131,758 99,792 89,249 97,035 0.97 8.72
Benin 1,553 1,930 1,887 2,047 2,073 0.02 1.27
Burkina Faso 816 1,052 855 816 621 0.01 -23.90
Cabo Verde 635 785 690 640 558 0.01 -12.81
Côte d'Ivoire 2,415 2,988 2,260 2,354 2,566 0.03 9.01
Gambia 1,142 1,051 560 563 470 0.00 -16.52
Ghana 22,953 27,361 19,789 16,184 17,152 0.17 5.98
Guinea 2,990 2,866 1,952 1,565 1,508 0.02 -3.64
Guinea-Bissau 212 193 131 109 127 0.00 16.51
Liberia 708 716 364 477 709 0.01 48.64
Mali 1,268 1,516 1,036 1,221 1,289 0.01 5.57
Mauritania 241 445 411 208 190 0.00 -8.65

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 369 533 302 394 300 0.00 -23.86

Nigeria 73,282 84,552 65,973 59,002 65,599 0.65 11.18
Saint Helena 52 59 121 189 195 0.00 3.17
Senegal 3,600 3,926 2,363 2,417 2,463 0.02 1.90
Sierra Leone 991 995 583 453 754 0.01 66.45
Togo 800 790 515 610 461 0.00 -24.43
OTHER AFRICA 5 900 940
Other countries of Africa 5 900 940
AMERICAS 513,610 545,492 434,917 403,776 473,738 4.72 17.33
CARIBBEAN 4,169 4,711 2,673 2,579 3,381 0.03 31.10
Antigua and Barbuda 51 66 37 37 66 0.00 78.38
Bahamas 153 165 102 156 212 0.00 35.90
Barbados 168 126 208 126 212 0.00 68.25
Bermuda 45 63 42 10 9 0.00 -10.00
British Virgin Islands 3 2 1
Cuba 1,801 2,008 751 785 939 0.01 19.62
Dominica 29 26 0.00 -10.34
Dominican Republic 79 151 0.00 91.14
Grenada 31 35 32 25 30 0.00 20.00
Haiti 98 141 91 68 91 0.00 33.82
Jamaica 743 688 550 658 691 0.01 5.02
Puerto Rico 3 3 3 1 0.00
Saint Lucia 36 41 23 16 21 0.00 31.25
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 21 33 25 15 19 0.00 26.67
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1
Trinidad and Tobago 839 1,182 647 518 866 0.01 67.18
Turks and Caicos Islands 4 4 1
Other countries of the Caribbean 173 154 162 54 47 0.00 -12.96
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,498 1,681 1,053 1,094 1,447 0.01 32.27
Belize 78 61 45 32 73 0.00 128.13
Costa Rica 372 510 342 307 427 0.00 39.09
El Salvador 146 124 74 96 120 0.00 25.00
Guatemala 278 273 178 229 229 0.00
Honduras 284 270 128 144 143 0.00 -0.69
Nicaragua 80 119 80 49 58 0.00 18.37
Panama 260 324 206 237 397 0.00 67.51
NORTH AMERICA 396,923 420,042 373,316 356,853 410,052 4.08 14.91
Canada 66,802 68,587 60,544 56,224 61,179 0.61 8.81
Mexico 3,477 4,077 3,517 3,402 3,860 0.04 13.46
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1
United States of America 326,644 347,378 309,255 297,226 345,013 3.43 16.08
SOUTH AMERICA 110,920 118,968 57,830 43,249 58,858 0.59 36.09
Argentina 17,514 19,423 9,009 5,480 9,517 0.09 73.67
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,371 1,561 343 331 338 0.00 2.11
Brazil 78,376 82,730 39,082 29,339 38,814 0.39 32.29
Chile 3,507 4,036 2,799 2,277 3,460 0.03 51.95
Colombia 2,627 2,833 2,066 1,617 1,804 0.02 11.56
Ecuador 750 810 555 512 557 0.01 8.79
French Guiana 4
Guyana 254 211 197 117 192 0.00 64.10
Paraguay 692 760 311 195 285 0.00 46.15
Peru 2,944 3,246 1,670 1,576 1,735 0.02 10.09
Suriname 69 73 38 59 28 0.00 -52.54
Uruguay 1,370 1,575 875 663 1,065 0.01 60.63
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,442 1,710 885 1,083 1,063 0.01 -1.85

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER AMERICAS 100 90 45 1

Other countries of the Americas 100 90 45 1
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 401,353 436,852 292,984 270,332 337,900 3.36 24.99
NORTH-EAST ASIA 197,840 226,373 129,479 124,350 169,121 1.68 36.00
China 132,327 151,053 82,905 84,691 116,946 1.16 38.09
Hong Kong (China) 7 3 119 187 198 0.00 5.88
Japan 34,415 41,099 27,504 20,202 25,802 0.26 27.72
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 402 617 192 114 123 0.00 7.89
Korea, Republic of 19,817 21,756 12,846 13,561 18,840 0.19 38.93
Macao (China) 6 1 4 173 167 0.00 -3.47
Mongolia 180 144 140 61 102 0.00 67.21
Taiwan Province of China 10,686 11,700 5,769 5,361 6,943 0.07 29.51
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 60,563 62,131 31,424 27,059 36,869 0.37 36.25
Brunei Darussalam 37 51 12 15 34 0.00 126.67
Cambodia 93 133 68 60 95 0.00 58.33
Indonesia 6,113 6,254 3,102 2,040 2,839 0.03 39.17
Lao People's Democratic Republic 107 48 75 39 47 0.00 20.51
Malaysia 10,044 10,544 7,109 6,597 8,713 0.09 32.08
Myanmar 459 471 245 224 212 0.00 -5.36
Philippines 16,238 17,011 5,889 5,269 7,111 0.07 34.96
Singapore 8,896 10,603 7,511 6,234 8,367 0.08 34.22
Thailand 8,693 9,103 6,039 5,149 7,158 0.07 39.02
Timor-Leste 1 42 20 13 27 0.00 107.69
Viet Nam 9,882 7,871 1,354 1,419 2,266 0.02 59.69
AUSTRALASIA 142,524 147,840 131,835 118,639 131,589 1.31 10.92
Australia 120,315 124,898 111,213 99,204 109,146 1.09 10.02
New Zealand 22,209 22,942 20,622 19,435 22,443 0.22 15.48
MELANESIA 270 345 190 178 186 0.00 4.49
Fiji 182 171 114 132 155 0.00 17.42
Norfolk Island 1
Papua New Guinea 62 127 69 41 24 0.00 -41.46
Solomon Islands 13 12 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Vanuatu 13 35 2 1 4 0.00 300.00
MICRONESIA 40 42 5 25 58 0.00 132.00
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 3 1
Kiribati 14 16 2 5 1 0.00 -80.00
Marshall Islands 7 4 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 6
Nauru 6 7 1 1 0.00
Northern Mariana Islands 6 7 1 15 54 0.00 260.00
Palau 1 2 1 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 105 85 43 81 77 0.00 -4.94
American Samoa 16 2 0.00 -87.50
Cook Islands 1
French Polynesia 3 2 4 12 10 0.00 -16.67
Samoa 53 54 23 32 33 0.00 3.13
Tokelau 3 1
Tonga 27 17 15 20 30 0.00 50.00
Tuvalu 18 12 1 2 0.00
Other countries of Asia 1 32 1
Other countries of Oceania 10 4 7
EUROPE 1,434,177 1,517,015 1,399,839 1,350,620 1,569,930 15.63 16.24
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 52,766 54,848 47,473 42,074 48,647 0.48 15.62
Armenia 163 186 109 93 80 0.00 -13.98

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Azerbaijan 237 304 223 149 160 0.00 7.38

Belarus 665 650 632 487 448 0.00 -8.01
Bulgaria 2,838 2,963 2,006 1,958 2,249 0.02 14.86
Czech Republic 6,922 6,894 6,454 6,198 7,978 0.08 28.72
Estonia 776 976 947 838 736 0.01 -12.17
Georgia 171 233 177 202 194 0.00 -3.96
Hungary 3,253 3,321 3,299 3,164 3,825 0.04 20.89
Kazakhstan 590 649 613 438 498 0.00 13.70
Kyrgyzstan 78 111 97 130 0.00 34.02
Latvia 704 674 553 426 536 0.01 25.82
Lithuania 1,057 1,082 875 751 966 0.01 28.63
Moldova, Republic of 205 167 154 127 158 0.00 24.41
Poland 11,722 12,856 12,897 12,515 13,552 0.13 8.29
Romania 2,937 2,852 2,456 2,616 3,201 0.03 22.36
Russian Federation 13,350 13,546 10,410 7,244 8,307 0.08 14.67
Slovakia 2,619 2,831 2,594 2,180 2,799 0.03 28.39
Tajikistan 49 39 38 48 53 0.00 10.42
Turkmenistan 48 28 32 14 16 0.00 14.29
Ukraine 4,276 4,307 2,723 2,416 2,605 0.03 7.82
Uzbekistan 184 212 170 113 156 0.00 38.05
NORTHERN EUROPE 566,984 569,416 522,479 522,374 579,494 5.77 10.93
Channel Islands 2 1
Denmark 25,149 25,968 24,883 25,320 27,554 0.27 8.82
Finland 10,203 10,605 9,538 8,484 9,371 0.09 10.45
Iceland 733 807 656 736 921 0.01 25.14
Ireland 28,862 27,593 26,192 25,823 30,545 0.30 18.29
Isle of Man 3 8
Norway 23,156 24,343 19,599 17,809 19,220 0.19 7.92
Sweden 40,856 43,498 39,696 37,623 44,043 0.44 17.06
United Kingdom 438,023 436,599 401,914 406,571 447,840 4.46 10.15
SOUTHERN EUROPE 149,220 164,027 140,928 130,396 151,080 1.50 15.86
Albania 110 156 115 93 100 0.00 7.53
Andorra 52 73 38 30 49 0.00 63.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina 254 219 163 145 173 0.00 19.31
Croatia 1,672 1,655 1,410 1,472 2,058 0.02 39.81
Gibraltar 1 2 1 3 0.00 200.00
Greece 6,157 6,380 5,695 5,607 6,381 0.06 13.80
Holy See 27 8 4 14 0.00 250.00
Italy 61,318 67,259 58,605 52,377 60,774 0.61 16.03
Malta 567 664 648 610 686 0.01 12.46
Montenegro 55 124 0.00 125.45
Portugal 48,213 52,580 44,058 39,885 41,216 0.41 3.34
San Marino 38 24 24 24 48 0.00 100.00
Serbia 1,210 1,771 0.02 46.36
Serbia and Montenegro 235 1,915 1,396
Slovenia 1,178 1,063 1,102 956 1,172 0.01 22.59
Spain 29,398 32,037 27,666 27,737 36,278 0.36 30.79
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 190 233 0.00 22.63
WESTERN EUROPE 629,451 691,362 655,899 622,676 747,902 7.45 20.11
Austria 25,179 28,787 24,290 23,002 27,556 0.27 19.80
Belgium 44,125 46,262 43,205 42,425 48,991 0.49 15.48
France 122,244 133,787 131,502 128,432 154,226 1.54 20.08
Germany 266,333 300,739 274,571 256,646 311,832 3.10 21.50
Liechtenstein 271 280 254 233 320 0.00 37.34
Luxembourg 1,488 1,707 1,835 1,480 1,761 0.02 18.99

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Monaco 68 104 75 76 83 0.00 9.21

Netherlands 117,936 120,763 131,287 121,872 147,973 1.47 21.42
Switzerland 51,807 58,933 48,880 48,510 55,160 0.55 13.71
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 35,756 37,362 33,060 33,100 42,807 0.43 29.33
Cyprus 1,659 1,634 1,493 1,458 1,822 0.02 24.97
Israel 20,640 22,116 19,388 19,244 24,811 0.25 28.93
Turkey 13,457 13,612 12,179 12,398 16,174 0.16 30.46
MIDDLE EAST 22,869 25,837 24,255 25,242 33,308 0.33 31.95
Bahrain 194 203 270 245 325 0.00 32.65
Egypt 7,308 7,908 6,514 7,210 8,688 0.09 20.50
Iraq 296 303 251 233 209 0.00 -10.30
Jordan 1,818 2,169 1,918 2,121 2,401 0.02 13.20
Kuwait 650 956 817 921 1,288 0.01 39.85
Lebanon 3,252 3,333 2,763 2,437 2,876 0.03 18.01
Libya 951 1,441 1,353 702 811 0.01 15.53
Oman 426 411 528 504 540 0.01 7.14
Qatar 303 237 404 482 534 0.01 10.79
Saudi Arabia 5,305 6,303 6,545 6,933 11,048 0.11 59.35
State of Palestine 241 208 200 254 454 0.00 78.74
Syrian Arab Republic 573 602 631 603 673 0.01 11.61
United Arab Emirates 1,180 1,296 1,614 1,979 2,603 0.03 31.53
Yemen 372 467 447 618 858 0.01 38.83
SOUTH ASIA 142,010 144,545 110,413 102,027 125,669 1.25 23.17
Afghanistan 184 296 235 215 263 0.00 22.33
Bangladesh 5,480 4,896 4,495 4,549 5,747 0.06 26.34
Bhutan 36 45 16 14 38 0.00 171.43
India 106,774 112,100 85,639 78,385 95,377 0.95 21.68
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,806 2,720 3,156 2,908 4,916 0.05 69.05
Maldives 35 46 53 38 68 0.00 78.95
Nepal 456 626 457 565 544 0.01 -3.72
Pakistan 20,799 19,474 13,822 13,248 15,690 0.16 18.43
Sri Lanka 4,440 4,342 2,540 2,105 3,026 0.03 43.75
NOT SPECIFIED 26,148 20,125 14,881 13,574 11,605 0.12 -14.51
Other countries of the World 26,148 20,125 14,881 13,574 11,605 0.12 -14.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 13,069,034 14,317,908 14,529,542 13,951,901 15,121,328 100.00 8.38

AFRICA 10,305,075 11,402,212 12,036,338 11,578,882 12,355,299 81.71 6.71
EAST AFRICA 4,725,255 5,487,975 5,920,903 5,429,734 5,437,872 35.96 0.15
Burundi 1,535 1,850 1,160 1,052 1,035 0.01 -1.62
Comoros 286 418 186 206 223 0.00 8.25
Djibouti 94 91 95 121 104 0.00 -14.05
Eritrea 950 734 662 641 689 0.00 7.49
Ethiopia 8,459 9,590 7,464 7,655 8,933 0.06 16.69
Kenya 36,354 38,626 31,743 28,589 30,821 0.20 7.81
Madagascar 4,978 6,695 2,908 2,819 2,510 0.02 -10.96
Malawi 151,553 180,519 177,912 146,638 162,950 1.08 11.12
Mauritius 20,525 21,825 18,981 19,194 20,969 0.14 9.25
Mozambique 1,502,618 1,754,003 2,051,528 1,917,603 1,869,274 12.36 -2.52
Reunion 1 28 42 74 0.00 76.19
Rwanda 3,604 3,826 1,637 1,025 1,079 0.01 5.27
Seychelles 3,571 5,132 5,450 6,457 9,958 0.07 54.22
Somalia 223 121 189 258 334 0.00 29.46
Tanzania, United Republic of 39,645 42,016 31,468 39,907 41,417 0.27 3.78
Uganda 17,625 19,163 14,771 12,714 14,790 0.10 16.33
Zambia 181,206 191,703 188,419 172,613 185,272 1.23 7.33
Zimbabwe 2,752,029 3,211,662 3,386,302 3,072,200 3,087,440 20.42 0.50
CENTRAL AFRICA 102,181 114,301 104,310 97,257 94,563 0.63 -2.77
Angola 48,608 58,065 54,454 49,210 44,273 0.29 -10.03
Cameroon 6,585 6,479 4,838 5,357 5,573 0.04 4.03
Central African Republic 200 202 124 145 156 0.00 7.59
Chad 432 501 497 406 337 0.00 -17.00
Congo 3,945 4,623 4,053 3,771 3,652 0.02 -3.16
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 34,348 35,571 31,028 29,705 30,458 0.20 2.53
Equatorial Guinea 441 526 496 620 515 0.00 -16.94
Gabon 7,379 8,115 8,663 7,919 9,496 0.06 19.91
Sao Tome and Principe 243 219 157 124 103 0.00 -16.94
NORTH AFRICA 6,245 6,944 5,364 7,157 7,444 0.05 4.01
Algeria 1,623 2,143 1,195 1,368 1,514 0.01 10.67
Morocco 1,686 1,693 1,534 1,655 1,754 0.01 5.98
South Sudan 1,116 768 0.01 -31.18
Sudan 1,709 1,624 1,439 1,780 2,264 0.01 27.19
Tunisia 1,206 1,456 1,170 1,204 1,126 0.01 -6.48
Western Sahara 21 28 26 34 18 0.00 -47.06
SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,351,099 5,653,832 5,900,276 5,951,619 6,714,533 44.40 12.82
Botswana 717,813 886,947 976,792 1,100,217 1,323,681 8.75 20.31
Lesotho 3,122,796 3,056,859 3,081,975 3,047,400 3,476,441 22.99 14.08
Namibia 234,205 263,290 256,334 262,293 264,034 1.75 0.66
Swaziland 1,276,285 1,446,736 1,585,175 1,541,709 1,650,377 10.91 7.05
WEST AFRICA 120,289 138,219 104,508 93,115 100,887 0.67 8.35
Benin 1,628 2,014 1,960 2,128 2,179 0.01 2.40
Burkina Faso 834 1,111 918 957 667 0.00 -30.30
Cabo Verde 713 876 756 698 622 0.00 -10.89
Côte d'Ivoire 2,498 3,069 2,356 2,404 2,620 0.02 8.99
Gambia 1,187 1,078 579 598 508 0.00 -15.05
Ghana 24,857 29,383 21,342 17,027 17,845 0.12 4.80
Guinea 3,131 3,046 2,116 1,735 1,671 0.01 -3.69
Guinea-Bissau 230 207 157 110 141 0.00 28.18
Liberia 737 760 384 508 729 0.00 43.50
Mali 1,298 1,569 1,087 1,284 1,382 0.01 7.63
Mauritania 245 456 416 212 193 0.00 -8.96

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Niger 380 547 306 399 308 0.00 -22.81

Nigeria 76,787 88,096 68,378 61,217 68,021 0.45 11.11
Saint Helena 53 62 122 190 197 0.00 3.68
Senegal 3,713 4,008 2,476 2,539 2,539 0.02
Sierra Leone 1,165 1,123 630 482 795 0.01 64.94
Togo 833 814 525 627 470 0.00 -25.04
OTHER AFRICA 6 941 977
Other countries of Africa 6 941 977
AMERICAS 566,842 602,739 491,776 458,090 530,823 3.51 15.88
CARIBBEAN 4,733 5,189 3,122 2,970 3,877 0.03 30.54
Antigua and Barbuda 67 83 50 49 98 0.00 100.00
Bahamas 186 176 119 186 232 0.00 24.73
Barbados 192 136 221 156 261 0.00 67.31
Bermuda 47 65 45 11 9 0.00 -18.18
British Virgin Islands 3 2 1
Cuba 2,001 2,160 898 925 1,138 0.01 23.03
Dominica 29 0.00
Dominican Republic 165 0.00
Grenada 31 36 33 28 34 0.00 21.43
Haiti 109 163 100 74 94 0.00 27.03
Jamaica 875 810 665 730 766 0.01 4.93
Puerto Rico 3 4 3 1 0.00
Saint Lucia 41 43 24 18 23 0.00 27.78
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 23 38 25 19 19 0.00
Trinidad and Tobago 932 1,287 728 585 960 0.01 64.10
Turks and Caicos Islands 5 4 1
Other countries of the Caribbean 218 182 211 187 48 0.00 -74.33
CENTRAL AMERICA 1,676 1,813 1,166 1,191 1,572 0.01 31.99
Belize 84 67 56 38 79 0.00 107.89
Costa Rica 489 577 374 346 454 0.00 31.21
El Salvador 151 128 78 98 125 0.00 27.55
Guatemala 292 293 206 245 253 0.00 3.27
Honduras 306 284 137 156 152 0.00 -2.56
Nicaragua 83 126 82 58 71 0.00 22.41
Panama 271 338 233 250 438 0.00 75.20
NORTH AMERICA 440,472 468,674 422,076 403,753 459,251 3.04 13.75
Canada 73,620 76,027 67,048 62,194 67,132 0.44 7.94
Mexico 3,895 4,502 3,829 3,854 4,232 0.03 9.81
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2
United States of America 362,957 388,145 351,199 337,703 387,887 2.57 14.86
SOUTH AMERICA 119,852 126,967 65,361 50,175 66,123 0.44 31.78
Argentina 18,204 20,142 9,417 5,900 10,213 0.07 73.10
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,516 1,719 466 390 385 0.00 -1.28
Brazil 85,454 88,839 45,171 34,906 44,302 0.29 26.92
Chile 3,733 4,279 3,042 2,474 3,879 0.03 56.79
Colombia 2,729 2,949 2,200 1,686 1,891 0.01 12.16
Ecuador 793 890 612 561 588 0.00 4.81
French Guiana 4
Guyana 325 255 239 169 241 0.00 42.60
Paraguay 748 804 335 215 327 0.00 52.09
Peru 3,281 3,546 1,946 1,846 1,956 0.01 5.96
Suriname 71 77 38 60 28 0.00 -53.33
Uruguay 1,436 1,654 939 718 1,142 0.01 59.05
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,558 1,813 956 1,250 1,171 0.01 -6.32

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

OTHER AMERICAS 109 96 51 1

Other countries of the Americas 109 96 51 1
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 432,223 469,989 319,978 293,154 363,680 2.41 24.06
NORTH-EAST ASIA 211,263 241,613 140,827 133,204 179,442 1.19 34.71
China 140,607 160,324 88,598 88,584 120,608 0.80 36.15
Hong Kong (China) 8 3 120 191 205 0.00 7.33
Japan 37,097 43,296 30,173 22,213 29,286 0.19 31.84
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 437 670 238 130 146 0.00 12.31
Korea, Republic of 21,126 23,378 14,324 15,486 21,217 0.14 37.01
Macao (China) 6 1 4 188 179 0.00 -4.79
Mongolia 190 153 141 62 105 0.00 69.35
Taiwan Province of China 11,792 13,788 7,229 6,350 7,696 0.05 21.20
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 65,455 66,933 34,810 30,038 40,186 0.27 33.78
Brunei Darussalam 37 52 14 21 41 0.00 95.24
Cambodia 93 137 72 62 98 0.00 58.06
Indonesia 6,468 6,595 3,355 2,176 2,985 0.02 37.18
Lao People's Democratic Republic 128 53 100 47 56 0.00 19.15
Malaysia 10,743 11,322 7,751 7,125 9,241 0.06 29.70
Myanmar 510 561 294 253 248 0.00 -1.98
Philippines 19,134 19,701 7,388 6,698 8,668 0.06 29.41
Singapore 9,480 11,203 8,099 6,856 9,075 0.06 32.37
Thailand 8,897 9,296 6,298 5,290 7,398 0.05 39.85
Timor-Leste 1 54 25 17 33 0.00 94.12
Viet Nam 9,964 7,959 1,414 1,493 2,343 0.02 56.93
AUSTRALASIA 155,053 160,907 144,084 129,611 143,721 0.95 10.89
Australia 131,209 136,309 121,889 108,680 119,493 0.79 9.95
New Zealand 23,844 24,598 22,195 20,931 24,228 0.16 15.75
MELANESIA 279 365 197 187 187 0.00
Fiji 187 177 117 133 156 0.00 17.29
Norfolk Island 1
Papua New Guinea 62 133 70 49 24 0.00 -51.02
Solomon Islands 13 12 6 4 3 0.00 -25.00
Vanuatu 17 43 3 1 4 0.00 300.00
MICRONESIA 50 46 7 25 63 0.00 152.00
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 3 1
Guam 1
Kiribati 20 16 3 5 2 0.00 -60.00
Marshall Islands 7 4 1 0.00
Micronesia, Federated States of 3 6 1
Nauru 6 8 1 1 0.00
Northern Mariana Islands 10 10 1 18 58 0.00 222.22
Palau 1 2 1 1 0.00
POLYNESIA 110 87 45 84 81 0.00 -3.57
American Samoa 3 0.00
Cook Islands 1
French Polynesia 3 2 4 14 12 0.00 -14.29
Samoa 55 55 25 48 34 0.00 -29.17
Tokelau 3 1
Tonga 30 18 15 21 30 0.00 42.86
Tuvalu 18 12 1 2 0.00
Other countries of Asia 1 34 1
Other countries of Oceania 12 4 7 5

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 1,552,241 1,629,641 1,516,068 1,466,211 1,685,247 11.14 14.94

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 57,627 59,774 51,599 45,236 51,910 0.34 14.75
Armenia 172 189 112 97 81 0.00 -16.49
Azerbaijan 241 331 228 152 161 0.00 5.92
Belarus 687 688 664 506 451 0.00 -10.87
Bulgaria 3,219 3,417 2,288 2,133 2,440 0.02 14.39
Czech Republic 7,388 7,274 6,880 6,569 8,501 0.06 29.41
Estonia 849 1,025 982 887 770 0.01 -13.19
Georgia 198 254 187 219 239 0.00 9.13
Hungary 3,479 3,575 3,633 3,546 4,141 0.03 16.78
Kazakhstan 636 663 634 449 508 0.00 13.14
Kyrgyzstan 1 79 116 115 148 0.00 28.70
Latvia 766 709 585 453 559 0.00 23.40
Lithuania 1,104 1,142 910 777 1,011 0.01 30.12
Moldova, Republic of 209 176 160 130 161 0.00 23.85
Poland 12,883 14,159 14,150 13,522 14,619 0.10 8.11
Romania 3,237 3,093 2,590 2,747 3,344 0.02 21.73
Russian Federation 14,835 14,952 11,500 7,801 8,749 0.06 12.15
Slovakia 2,819 3,045 2,791 2,357 2,970 0.02 26.01
Tajikistan 49 39 38 48 53 0.00 10.42
Turkmenistan 50 28 34 18 16 0.00 -11.11
Ukraine 4,620 4,720 2,946 2,597 2,832 0.02 9.05
Uzbekistan 185 216 171 113 156 0.00 38.05
NORTHERN EUROPE 609,428 610,638 565,977 565,675 622,812 4.12 10.10
Channel Islands 2 1
Denmark 26,897 27,509 26,359 26,799 29,146 0.19 8.76
Finland 11,105 11,517 10,955 9,362 10,046 0.07 7.31
Iceland 780 944 711 820 1,037 0.01 26.46
Ireland 31,358 30,393 28,830 27,945 32,632 0.22 16.77
Isle of Man 1 3 8
Norway 24,686 25,722 20,984 19,433 20,874 0.14 7.42
Sweden 43,118 45,482 41,536 39,343 45,858 0.30 16.56
United Kingdom 471,481 469,068 436,601 441,965 483,219 3.20 9.33
SOUTHERN EUROPE 179,267 189,197 164,150 159,123 175,840 1.16 10.51
Albania 113 161 123 107 107 0.00
Andorra 54 75 46 31 54 0.00 74.19
Bosnia and Herzegovina 265 227 167 148 179 0.00 20.95
Croatia 1,799 1,739 1,479 1,529 2,127 0.01 39.11
Gibraltar 1 2 1 3 0.00 200.00
Greece 6,805 7,075 6,391 6,233 7,017 0.05 12.58
Holy See 5 14 0.00 180.00
Italy 69,018 74,951 66,553 59,591 68,640 0.45 15.19
Malta 630 710 682 649 737 0.00 13.56
Montenegro 157 0.00
Portugal 65,583 66,448 55,590 52,651 52,043 0.34 -1.15
San Marino 42 26 28 27 56 0.00 107.41
Serbia and Montenegro 1,370 1,842 0.01 34.45
Slovenia 1,272 2,168 1,176 995 1,205 0.01 21.11
Spain 33,685 35,615 31,915 35,586 41,416 0.27 16.38
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 200 243 0.00 21.50
WESTERN EUROPE 667,128 729,259 695,987 659,578 787,127 5.21 19.34
Austria 26,622 30,186 25,766 24,175 28,748 0.19 18.92
Belgium 47,622 49,505 46,426 45,447 52,001 0.34 14.42
France 133,526 144,868 143,835 139,733 166,860 1.10 19.41
Germany 278,539 313,787 287,980 268,692 324,089 2.14 20.62

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Liechtenstein 290 292 271 239 327 0.00 36.82

Luxembourg 1,544 1,779 1,913 1,574 1,865 0.01 18.49
Monaco 71 121 87 81 100 0.00 23.46
Netherlands 123,888 126,801 137,578 127,777 154,426 1.02 20.86
Switzerland 55,026 61,920 52,131 51,860 58,711 0.39 13.21
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 38,510 40,773 36,582 36,599 47,558 0.31 29.94
Cyprus 1,770 1,747 1,585 1,589 1,940 0.01 22.09
Israel 22,332 24,192 21,579 21,155 27,299 0.18 29.04
Turkey 14,408 14,834 13,418 13,855 18,319 0.12 32.22
OTHER EUROPE 281 1,773
Other countries of Europe 281 1,773
MIDDLE EAST 23,867 26,937 25,316 26,171 34,259 0.23 30.90
Bahrain 198 203 279 254 330 0.00 29.92
Egypt 7,674 8,347 6,862 7,505 9,107 0.06 21.35
Iraq 305 309 259 238 215 0.00 -9.66
Jordan 2,108 2,509 2,214 2,339 2,539 0.02 8.55
Kuwait 675 973 835 943 1,323 0.01 40.30
Lebanon 3,396 3,431 2,903 2,584 3,030 0.02 17.26
Libya 1,024 1,555 1,486 835 872 0.01 4.43
Oman 433 418 530 507 554 0.00 9.27
Qatar 303 248 421 507 554 0.00 9.27
Saudi Arabia 5,327 6,329 6,573 6,953 11,085 0.07 59.43
State of Palestine 255 210 220 260 463 0.00 78.08
Syrian Arab Republic 578 618 644 629 683 0.00 8.59
United Arab Emirates 1,214 1,315 1,636 1,995 2,644 0.02 32.53
Yemen 377 472 454 622 860 0.01 38.26
SOUTH ASIA 159,023 162,003 123,561 113,537 138,771 0.92 22.23
Afghanistan 203 322 279 242 309 0.00 27.69
Bangladesh 6,970 6,590 5,953 6,031 7,054 0.05 16.96
Bhutan 39 45 16 15 42 0.00 180.00
India 117,904 122,936 93,097 84,714 102,545 0.68 21.05
Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,865 2,785 3,214 2,946 4,957 0.03 68.26
Maldives 41 56 56 48 74 0.00 54.17
Nepal 464 635 473 570 555 0.00 -2.63
Pakistan 24,147 23,389 17,326 16,441 19,561 0.13 18.98
Sri Lanka 5,390 5,245 3,147 2,530 3,674 0.02 45.22
NOT SPECIFIED 29,763 24,387 16,505 15,856 13,249 0.09 -16.44
Other countries of the World 29,763 24,387 16,505 15,856 13,249 0.09 -16.44

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 57,464,496 60,675,489 64,938,945 68,174,650 75,315,009 100.00 10.47

AFRICA 491,930 487,158 551,584 725,583 1,326,200 1.76 82.78
OTHER AFRICA 491,930 487,158 551,584 725,583 1,326,200 1.76 82.78
All countries of Africa 491,930 487,158 551,584 725,583 1,326,200 1.76 82.78
AMERICAS 3,123,095 3,065,057 3,132,266 3,638,045 4,573,872 6.07 25.72
NORTH AMERICA 1,769,402 1,701,627 1,756,544 2,147,904 2,762,622 3.67 28.62
Canada 260,898 245,218 216,375 301,819 390,765 0.52 29.47
Mexico 269,305 262,104 323,247 344,149 370,044 0.49 7.52
United States of America 1,239,199 1,194,305 1,216,922 1,501,936 2,001,813 2.66 33.28
SOUTH AMERICA 972,023 962,362 1,004,434 1,027,336 1,104,653 1.47 7.53
Argentina 348,102 362,985 343,849 402,828 562,680 0.75 39.68
Brazil 410,182 392,231 440,781 455,868 372,759 0.49 -18.23
Chile 40,618 57,641 61,237 94,087 91,177 0.12 -3.09
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 173,121 149,505 158,567 74,553 78,037 0.10 4.67
OTHER AMERICAS 381,670 401,068 371,288 462,805 706,597 0.94 52.68
Other countries of the Americas 381,670 401,068 371,288 462,805 706,597 0.94 52.68
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,344,930 1,531,220 1,849,668 1,805,016 2,521,679 3.35 39.70
NORTH-EAST ASIA 357,671 385,005 475,054 607,099 463,420 0.62 -23.67
Japan 357,671 385,005 475,054 607,099 463,420 0.62 -23.67
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 987,259 1,146,215 1,374,614 1,197,917 2,058,259 2.73 71.82
Other countries East Asia/Pacific 987,259 1,146,215 1,374,614 1,197,917 2,058,259 2.73 71.82
EUROPE 52,242,810 55,273,453 59,035,377 61,666,932 66,437,221 88.21 7.74
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,202,073 1,583,609 1,420,467 959,981 1,004,577 1.33 4.65
Russian Federation 1,202,073 1,583,609 1,420,467 959,981 1,004,577 1.33 4.65
NORTHERN EUROPE 18,981,669 20,478,841 21,335,729 22,153,759 24,612,860 32.68 11.10
Denmark 929,258 984,844 1,053,936 1,113,291 1,163,038 1.54 4.47
Finland 581,777 657,057 682,876 638,046 722,937 0.96 13.30
Ireland 1,189,278 1,270,197 1,291,395 1,378,952 1,808,469 2.40 31.15
Norway 1,250,357 1,517,706 1,532,907 1,427,585 1,280,017 1.70 -10.34
Sweden 1,406,949 1,715,264 1,773,947 1,831,851 1,963,032 2.61 7.16
United Kingdom 13,624,050 14,333,773 15,000,668 15,764,034 17,675,367 23.47 12.12
SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,452,138 4,971,353 5,643,562 5,888,499 6,141,019 8.15 4.29
Greece 89,328 66,179 86,251 88,395 175,533 0.23 98.58
Italy 3,537,932 3,225,360 3,680,944 3,907,288 3,969,322 5.27 1.59
Portugal 1,824,878 1,679,814 1,876,367 1,892,816 1,996,164 2.65 5.46
WESTERN EUROPE 24,621,651 26,067,960 28,324,452 29,465,419 30,980,276 41.13 5.14
Austria 564,068 568,403 591,458 563,659 968,432 1.29 71.81
Belgium 1,701,782 1,873,388 2,177,818 2,271,735 2,301,628 3.06 1.32
France 8,913,399 9,539,035 10,598,974 11,503,609 11,258,540 14.95 -2.13
Germany 9,318,737 9,856,687 10,420,411 10,260,300 11,208,656 14.88 9.24
Luxembourg 120,066 126,242 139,360 142,427 184,508 0.24 29.55
Netherlands 2,559,989 2,616,778 2,764,634 2,943,254 3,355,031 4.45 13.99
Switzerland 1,443,610 1,487,427 1,631,797 1,780,435 1,703,481 2.26 -4.32
OTHER EUROPE 1,985,279 2,171,690 2,311,167 3,199,274 3,698,489 4.91 15.60
Other countries of Europe 1,985,279 2,171,690 2,311,167 3,199,274 3,698,489 4.91 15.60
MIDDLE EAST 170,435 216,878 250,625 218,411 304,414 0.40 39.38
All countries of Middle East 170,435 216,878 250,625 218,411 304,414 0.40 39.38
SOUTH ASIA 91,296 101,723 119,425 120,663 151,623 0.20 25.66
All countries of South Asia 91,296 101,723 119,425 120,663 151,623 0.20 25.66

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 39,936,727 41,251,542 43,131,780 45,693,368 50,296,788 100.00 10.07

AFRICA 456,897 501,349 527,409 589,499 688,470 1.37 16.79
SOUTHERN AFRICA 64,979 56,705 53,645 55,895 59,701 0.12 6.81
South Africa 64,979 56,705 53,645 55,895 59,701 0.12 6.81
OTHER AFRICA 391,918 444,644 473,764 533,604 628,769 1.25 17.83
Other countries of Africa 391,918 444,644 473,764 533,604 628,769 1.25 17.83
AMERICAS 4,195,711 4,150,260 4,292,067 4,714,441 5,217,360 10.37 10.67
NORTH AMERICA 2,718,880 2,614,834 2,751,673 3,085,262 3,250,654 6.46 5.36
Canada 470,431 376,993 364,851 409,976 426,314 0.85 3.99
United States of America 1,958,383 1,942,857 2,069,346 2,303,035 2,435,146 4.84 5.74
Other countries of North America 290,066 294,984 317,476 372,251 389,194 0.77 4.55
SOUTH AMERICA 445,046 443,889 464,593 448,559 456,022 0.91 1.66
Brazil 445,046 443,889 464,593 448,559 456,022 0.91 1.66
OTHER AMERICAS 1,031,785 1,091,537 1,075,801 1,180,620 1,510,684 3.00 27.96
Other countries of the Americas 1,031,785 1,091,537 1,075,801 1,180,620 1,510,684 3.00 27.96
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,023,202 2,313,317 2,764,351 3,246,040 3,621,442 7.20 11.56
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,163,941 1,354,258 1,649,364 1,908,681 2,157,503 4.29 13.04
China 343,168 441,055 574,835 777,883 957,315 1.90 23.07
Japan 626,086 683,383 649,743 592,636 578,197 1.15 -2.44
Korea, Republic of 194,687 229,820 424,786 538,162 621,991 1.24 15.58
AUSTRALASIA 252,789 281,822 278,065 296,141 322,049 0.64 8.75
Australia 252,789 281,822 278,065 296,141 322,049 0.64 8.75
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 606,472 677,237 836,922 1,041,218 1,141,890 2.27 9.67
Other countries of Asia 572,714 639,779 798,959 997,959 1,102,168 2.19 10.44
Other countries of Oceania 33,758 37,458 37,963 43,259 39,722 0.08 -8.18
EUROPE 32,527,822 33,473,161 34,723,532 36,203,952 39,906,907 79.34 10.23
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,607,080 2,822,450 2,754,522 2,414,003 2,764,386 5.50 14.51
Bulgaria 69,501 62,781 64,906 81,656 105,970 0.21 29.78
Czech Republic 196,883 169,153 185,814 205,240 234,094 0.47 14.06
Estonia 34,821 43,191 51,051 47,418 55,776 0.11 17.63
Hungary 107,748 104,206 128,066 127,610 142,005 0.28 11.28
Latvia 35,594 36,826 33,901 44,366 47,501 0.09 7.07
Lithuania 51,441 57,189 59,716 71,022 88,313 0.18 24.35
Poland 484,494 494,162 557,934 667,053 785,146 1.56 17.70
Romania 203,600 200,647 228,380 259,066 314,299 0.62 21.32
Russian Federation 1,273,622 1,484,739 1,283,778 753,830 803,503 1.60 6.59
Slovakia 54,259 52,537 56,476 67,077 72,266 0.14 7.74
Ukraine 95,117 117,019 104,500 89,665 115,513 0.23 28.83
NORTHERN EUROPE 10,515,445 11,061,086 11,465,915 12,088,373 13,561,797 26.96 12.19
Denmark 466,046 475,730 500,599 512,905 605,733 1.20 18.10
Finland 287,816 327,868 393,817 366,027 357,970 0.71 -2.20
Iceland 39,502 39,223 44,684 53,909 67,511 0.13 25.23
Ireland 564,870 585,472 631,547 696,065 794,803 1.58 14.19
Norway 523,915 614,088 614,605 562,751 589,194 1.17 4.70
Sweden 823,935 919,171 911,029 903,642 1,053,996 2.10 16.64
United Kingdom 7,809,361 8,099,534 8,369,634 8,993,074 10,092,590 20.07 12.23
SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,657,274 3,356,802 3,648,077 3,968,564 4,370,512 8.69 10.13
Greece 102,738 99,551 102,260 103,311 111,152 0.22 7.59
Italy 2,420,081 2,195,871 2,329,343 2,588,733 2,836,854 5.64 9.58
Malta 26,228 19,597 39,415 30,736 31,991 0.06 4.08
Portugal 1,070,205 1,009,310 1,138,568 1,205,309 1,347,136 2.68 11.77
Slovenia 38,022 32,473 38,491 40,475 43,379 0.09 7.17
WESTERN EUROPE 15,043,814 15,454,875 16,128,600 16,939,635 18,352,979 36.49 8.34
Austria 394,850 375,363 411,885 446,689 474,167 0.94 6.15
Belgium 1,075,231 1,121,392 1,177,339 1,276,536 1,346,973 2.68 5.52

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 4,259,794 4,546,021 4,811,600 5,309,416 5,646,970 11.23 6.36

Germany 7,019,583 7,035,130 7,274,553 7,261,343 7,933,484 15.77 9.26
Luxembourg 67,925 75,865 81,359 76,395 88,948 0.18 16.43
Netherlands 1,494,511 1,497,341 1,524,507 1,670,956 1,892,615 3.76 13.27
Switzerland 731,920 803,763 847,357 898,300 969,822 1.93 7.96
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 171,639 192,408 193,917 230,781 231,578 0.46 0.35
Cyprus 22,813 14,893 14,272 16,812 16,026 0.03 -4.68
Turkey 148,826 177,515 179,645 213,969 215,552 0.43 0.74
OTHER EUROPE 532,570 585,540 532,501 562,596 625,655 1.24 11.21
Other countries of Europe 532,570 585,540 532,501 562,596 625,655 1.24 11.21
NOT SPECIFIED 733,095 813,455 824,421 939,436 862,609 1.72 -8.18
Other countries of the World 733,095 813,455 824,421 939,436 862,609 1.72 -8.18

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 48,100,648 49,798,882 52,359,129 55,426,613 61,341,841 100.00 10.67

AFRICA 491,493 548,957 586,768 659,124 768,269 1.25 16.56
SOUTHERN AFRICA 69,900 62,089 59,684 62,471 66,616 0.11 6.64
South Africa 69,900 62,089 59,684 62,471 66,616 0.11 6.64
OTHER AFRICA 421,593 486,868 527,084 596,653 701,653 1.14 17.60
Other countries of Africa 421,593 486,868 527,084 596,653 701,653 1.14 17.60
AMERICAS 4,387,499 4,343,597 4,564,171 5,031,534 5,607,289 9.14 11.44
NORTH AMERICA 2,840,456 2,736,381 2,930,296 3,290,708 3,485,969 5.68 5.93
Canada 484,791 391,795 384,113 434,052 457,186 0.75 5.33
United States of America 2,050,747 2,034,487 2,208,873 2,460,190 2,606,934 4.25 5.96
Other countries of North America 304,918 310,099 337,310 396,466 421,849 0.69 6.40
SOUTH AMERICA 454,602 454,532 480,563 466,907 480,134 0.78 2.83
Brazil 454,602 454,532 480,563 466,907 480,134 0.78 2.83
OTHER AMERICAS 1,092,441 1,152,684 1,153,312 1,273,919 1,641,186 2.68 28.83
Other countries of the Americas 1,092,441 1,152,684 1,153,312 1,273,919 1,641,186 2.68 28.83
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,161,202 2,432,077 2,937,037 3,465,218 3,898,967 6.36 12.52
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,241,938 1,423,192 1,750,142 2,033,906 2,319,595 3.78 14.05
China 365,318 462,845 609,413 828,748 1,028,990 1.68 24.16
Japan 669,354 719,172 690,386 631,949 622,036 1.01 -1.57
Korea, Republic of 207,266 241,175 450,343 573,209 668,569 1.09 16.64
AUSTRALASIA 269,101 295,729 294,758 315,589 346,006 0.56 9.64
Australia 269,101 295,729 294,758 315,589 346,006 0.56 9.64
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 650,163 713,156 892,137 1,115,723 1,233,366 2.01 10.54
Other countries of Asia 609,682 671,380 847,007 1,063,902 1,184,604 1.93 11.35
Other countries of Oceania 40,481 41,776 45,130 51,821 48,762 0.08 -5.90
EUROPE 40,284,522 41,623,064 43,402,008 45,275,970 50,146,121 81.75 10.76
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,917,027 3,475,163 3,121,819 2,742,395 3,166,677 5.16 15.47
Bulgaria 79,975 71,190 74,345 91,767 120,337 0.20 31.13
Czech Republic 227,613 509,560 216,382 238,286 269,622 0.44 13.15
Estonia 40,067 48,985 58,487 53,342 63,344 0.10 18.75
Hungary 123,983 118,182 146,722 143,523 161,289 0.26 12.38
Latvia 40,956 41,765 38,836 49,954 53,954 0.09 8.01
Lithuania 59,191 64,856 68,412 80,004 100,300 0.16 25.37
Poland 547,845 561,187 635,433 756,591 907,788 1.48 19.98
Romania 234,254 227,504 261,576 291,051 356,827 0.58 22.60
Russian Federation 1,396,309 1,644,910 1,441,340 862,642 921,284 1.50 6.80
Slovakia 62,436 59,584 64,699 75,501 82,087 0.13 8.72
Ukraine 104,398 127,440 115,587 99,734 129,845 0.21 30.19
NORTHERN EUROPE 14,181,960 14,608,123 15,420,755 16,091,553 18,156,098 29.60 12.83
Denmark 652,255 665,752 696,987 704,099 831,061 1.35 18.03
Finland 446,778 481,004 561,785 527,144 529,452 0.86 0.44
Iceland 43,358 42,717 49,426 60,316 75,911 0.12 25.86
Ireland 850,728 907,915 942,785 1,051,237 1,207,162 1.97 14.83
Norway 779,100 875,528 877,676 817,227 862,609 1.41 5.55
Sweden 1,160,643 954,239 1,244,682 1,227,330 1,399,915 2.28 14.06
United Kingdom 10,249,098 10,680,968 11,047,414 11,704,200 13,249,988 21.60 13.21
SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,089,018 3,778,277 4,155,200 4,518,962 5,017,918 8.18 11.04
Greece 109,110 106,476 109,000 110,961 120,456 0.20 8.56
Italy 2,725,480 2,496,065 2,693,289 2,997,492 3,305,476 5.39 10.27
Malta 30,181 22,226 45,158 34,512 36,345 0.06 5.31
Portugal 1,180,495 1,116,682 1,263,658 1,330,196 1,506,371 2.46 13.24
Slovenia 43,752 36,828 44,095 45,801 49,270 0.08 7.57
WESTERN EUROPE 18,322,356 18,911,398 19,898,422 21,040,828 22,840,745 37.24 8.55
Austria 434,467 420,080 461,692 499,417 535,025 0.87 7.13
Belgium 1,265,693 1,319,491 1,404,700 1,526,020 1,625,420 2.65 6.51

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country
of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 5,239,738 5,572,154 6,045,383 6,654,719 7,085,688 11.55 6.48

Germany 8,177,033 8,315,494 8,607,587 8,672,275 9,461,874 15.42 9.10
Luxembourg 81,060 89,155 94,331 89,401 104,037 0.17 16.37
Netherlands 2,285,060 2,270,903 2,298,825 2,544,626 2,874,809 4.69 12.98
Switzerland 839,305 924,121 985,904 1,054,370 1,153,892 1.88 9.44
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 189,597 210,218 215,060 256,659 260,532 0.42 1.51
Cyprus 26,250 16,891 16,352 18,867 18,204 0.03 -3.51
Turkey 163,347 193,327 198,708 237,792 242,328 0.40 1.91
OTHER EUROPE 584,564 639,885 590,752 625,573 704,151 1.15 12.56
Other countries of Europe 584,564 639,885 590,752 625,573 704,151 1.15 12.56
NOT SPECIFIED 775,932 851,187 869,145 994,767 921,195 1.50 -7.40
Other countries of the World 775,932 851,187 869,145 994,767 921,195 1.50 -7.40

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 178,558,302 185,396,231 190,530,742 197,980,824 216,929,812 100.00 9.57

AFRICA 1,009,190 1,151,992 1,264,512 1,431,657 1,690,593 0.78 18.09
SOUTHERN AFRICA 139,306 130,270 124,627 127,071 137,191 0.06 7.96
South Africa 139,306 130,270 124,627 127,071 137,191 0.06 7.96
OTHER AFRICA 869,884 1,021,722 1,139,885 1,304,586 1,553,402 0.72 19.07
Other countries of Africa 869,884 1,021,722 1,139,885 1,304,586 1,553,402 0.72 19.07
AMERICAS 9,503,513 9,550,986 10,004,361 11,017,947 12,305,014 5.67 11.68
NORTH AMERICA 6,170,493 6,051,431 6,421,099 7,226,468 7,705,298 3.55 6.63
Canada 1,154,293 942,019 926,817 1,038,610 1,088,886 0.50 4.84
United States of America 4,344,385 4,422,745 4,753,798 5,322,941 5,707,108 2.63 7.22
Other countries of North America 671,815 686,667 740,484 864,917 909,304 0.42 5.13
SOUTH AMERICA 1,069,431 1,086,789 1,176,185 1,120,085 1,129,202 0.52 0.81
Brazil 1,069,431 1,086,789 1,176,185 1,120,085 1,129,202 0.52 0.81
OTHER AMERICAS 2,263,589 2,412,766 2,407,077 2,671,394 3,470,514 1.60 29.91
Other countries of the Americas 2,263,589 2,412,766 2,407,077 2,671,394 3,470,514 1.60 29.91
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,960,859 4,571,008 5,335,152 6,318,073 7,083,061 3.27 12.11
NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,932,045 2,252,916 2,640,933 3,093,406 3,515,776 1.62 13.65
China 602,425 754,994 956,043 1,283,148 1,569,363 0.72 22.31
Japan 1,050,969 1,158,516 1,110,462 1,053,771 1,055,502 0.49 0.16
Korea, Republic of 278,651 339,406 574,428 756,487 890,911 0.41 17.77
AUSTRALASIA 600,989 664,170 665,781 714,423 770,247 0.36 7.81
Australia 600,989 664,170 665,781 714,423 770,247 0.36 7.81
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,427,825 1,653,922 2,028,438 2,510,244 2,797,038 1.29 11.42
Other countries of Asia 1,355,978 1,571,410 1,947,868 2,415,733 2,712,661 1.25 12.29
Other countries of Oceania 71,847 82,512 80,570 94,511 84,377 0.04 -10.72
EUROPE 162,108,857 167,853,068 171,710,939 176,613,973 193,530,660 89.21 9.58
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 13,237,285 14,738,398 14,074,285 10,781,702 12,777,039 5.89 18.51
Bulgaria 200,735 185,295 192,902 275,997 323,171 0.15 17.09
Czech Republic 967,335 848,511 924,572 992,109 1,217,038 0.56 22.67
Estonia 128,215 173,895 216,496 194,783 220,094 0.10 12.99
Hungary 361,400 358,931 452,336 485,243 533,383 0.25 9.92
Latvia 135,509 139,487 145,095 183,005 193,103 0.09 5.52
Lithuania 193,822 225,119 247,513 302,684 371,695 0.17 22.80
Poland 2,358,614 2,415,076 2,727,222 3,116,116 4,074,129 1.88 30.74
Romania 636,270 630,715 743,175 829,249 972,186 0.45 17.24
Russian Federation 7,605,640 9,013,764 7,745,231 3,806,840 4,098,346 1.89 7.66
Slovakia 261,702 241,858 232,727 250,481 311,519 0.14 24.37
Ukraine 388,043 505,747 447,016 345,195 462,375 0.21 33.95
NORTHERN EUROPE 59,394,591 62,606,635 63,568,077 67,688,605 75,078,933 34.61 10.92
Denmark 2,458,862 2,403,696 2,548,618 2,470,236 2,954,681 1.36 19.61
Finland 1,408,843 1,627,218 1,917,663 1,756,033 1,703,091 0.79 -3.01
Iceland 222,089 236,636 292,999 345,335 448,168 0.21 29.78
Ireland 2,599,832 2,771,254 2,918,306 3,239,649 3,686,007 1.70 13.78
Norway 2,939,936 3,290,381 3,385,260 2,989,148 3,107,071 1.43 3.95
Sweden 4,492,215 4,965,404 4,846,298 4,796,972 5,624,015 2.59 17.24
United Kingdom 45,272,814 47,312,046 47,658,933 52,091,232 57,555,900 26.53 10.49
SOUTHERN EUROPE 11,206,385 10,132,882 11,264,067 12,304,625 13,445,554 6.20 9.27
Greece 291,313 253,936 285,831 276,410 305,845 0.14 10.65
Italy 8,005,524 7,264,804 7,693,270 8,522,505 9,229,087 4.25 8.29
Malta 75,728 62,543 131,172 113,580 88,385 0.04 -22.18
Portugal 2,694,631 2,443,335 3,020,372 3,260,419 3,666,555 1.69 12.46
Slovenia 139,189 108,264 133,422 131,711 155,682 0.07 18.20
WESTERN EUROPE 76,204,852 77,996,194 80,604,237 83,376,475 89,646,962 41.33 7.52
Austria 1,843,562 1,706,015 1,825,386 1,974,887 2,088,434 0.96 5.75
Belgium 5,543,961 5,818,996 6,003,604 6,495,488 6,632,141 3.06 2.10

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 12,229,112 13,499,961 14,711,998 16,667,326 17,889,080 8.25 7.33

Germany 45,838,457 45,816,924 46,828,303 46,181,636 49,558,394 22.85 7.31
Luxembourg 375,713 450,095 431,431 434,617 474,712 0.22 9.23
Netherlands 7,124,152 7,095,819 7,052,737 7,689,364 8,781,137 4.05 14.20
Switzerland 3,249,895 3,608,384 3,750,778 3,933,157 4,223,064 1.95 7.37
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 421,251 461,484 455,246 516,559 524,224 0.24 1.48
Cyprus 66,610 48,293 43,261 46,315 46,933 0.02 1.33
Turkey 354,641 413,191 411,985 470,244 477,291 0.22 1.50
OTHER EUROPE 1,644,493 1,917,475 1,745,027 1,946,007 2,057,948 0.95 5.75
Other countries of Europe 1,644,493 1,917,475 1,745,027 1,946,007 2,057,948 0.95 5.75
NOT SPECIFIED 1,975,883 2,269,177 2,215,778 2,599,174 2,320,484 1.07 -10.72
Other countries of the World 1,975,883 2,269,177 2,215,778 2,599,174 2,320,484 1.07 -10.72

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 243,389,007 252,447,761 259,635,796 269,418,101 294,556,432 100.00 9.33

AFRICA 1,236,992 1,445,179 1,617,136 1,793,012 2,107,070 0.72 17.52
SOUTHERN AFRICA 170,751 163,425 159,392 159,046 170,962 0.06 7.49
South Africa 170,751 163,425 159,392 159,046 170,962 0.06 7.49
OTHER AFRICA 1,066,241 1,281,754 1,457,744 1,633,966 1,936,108 0.66 18.49
Other countries of Africa 1,066,241 1,281,754 1,457,744 1,633,966 1,936,108 0.66 18.49
AMERICAS 10,488,130 10,488,890 11,233,706 12,381,982 13,903,043 4.72 12.28
NORTH AMERICA 6,704,684 6,577,034 7,151,517 8,030,568 8,575,721 2.91 6.79
Canada 1,253,006 1,033,318 1,037,761 1,166,978 1,248,992 0.42 7.03
United States of America 4,711,065 4,793,553 5,294,244 5,908,653 6,302,170 2.14 6.66
Other countries of North America 740,613 750,163 819,512 954,937 1,024,559 0.35 7.29
SOUTH AMERICA 1,129,705 1,144,502 1,252,524 1,203,919 1,235,908 0.42 2.66
Brazil 1,129,705 1,144,502 1,252,524 1,203,919 1,235,908 0.42 2.66
OTHER AMERICAS 2,653,741 2,767,354 2,829,665 3,147,495 4,091,414 1.39 29.99
Other countries of the Americas 2,653,741 2,767,354 2,829,665 3,147,495 4,091,414 1.39 29.99
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,562,148 5,056,795 5,978,553 7,089,445 8,001,854 2.72 12.87
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,219,576 2,489,114 2,950,305 3,456,694 3,958,764 1.34 14.52
China 690,309 833,027 1,067,331 1,434,026 1,767,418 0.60 23.25
Japan 1,209,915 1,281,587 1,241,648 1,177,274 1,187,989 0.40 0.91
Korea, Republic of 319,352 374,500 641,326 845,394 1,003,357 0.34 18.69
AUSTRALASIA 688,679 732,760 743,161 798,569 866,825 0.29 8.55
Australia 688,679 732,760 743,161 798,569 866,825 0.29 8.55
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,653,893 1,834,921 2,285,087 2,834,182 3,176,265 1.08 12.07
Other countries of Asia 1,553,878 1,733,846 2,174,619 2,704,742 3,054,815 1.04 12.94
Other countries of Oceania 100,015 101,075 110,468 129,440 121,450 0.04 -6.17
EUROPE 224,854,775 232,963,069 238,353,055 245,274,686 267,957,234 90.97 9.25
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 15,394,925 19,981,977 16,617,180 12,917,727 15,295,949 5.19 18.41
Bulgaria 255,474 233,549 240,527 331,554 390,707 0.13 17.84
Czech Republic 1,164,490 3,763,191 1,123,489 1,185,121 1,435,995 0.49 21.17
Estonia 163,173 219,241 270,006 234,311 266,096 0.09 13.57
Hungary 459,934 452,522 564,153 583,419 644,881 0.22 10.53
Latvia 172,445 175,863 180,952 220,276 233,486 0.08 6.00
Lithuania 246,669 283,818 308,698 364,432 449,320 0.15 23.29
Poland 2,779,394 2,835,666 3,188,512 3,655,322 4,806,941 1.63 31.51
Romania 809,676 794,898 926,541 995,194 1,174,726 0.40 18.04
Russian Federation 8,546,313 10,322,985 8,997,917 4,636,245 4,960,133 1.68 6.99
Slovakia 333,077 304,934 290,254 301,868 376,690 0.13 24.79
Ukraine 464,280 595,310 526,131 409,985 556,974 0.19 35.85
NORTHERN EUROPE 90,430,234 92,020,415 96,159,310 100,699,909 111,493,118 37.85 10.72
Denmark 4,071,655 4,043,708 4,196,504 3,965,818 4,695,714 1.59 18.40
Finland 2,771,719 2,929,949 3,297,399 3,098,766 3,164,667 1.07 2.13
Iceland 265,731 278,556 344,860 414,306 540,054 0.18 30.35
Ireland 4,921,387 5,270,029 5,224,532 5,988,635 6,843,983 2.32 14.28
Norway 5,591,788 5,881,784 6,072,375 5,495,700 5,700,377 1.94 3.72
Sweden 7,413,587 5,170,345 7,718,775 7,549,672 8,498,452 2.89 12.57
United Kingdom 65,394,367 68,446,044 69,304,865 74,187,012 82,049,871 27.86 10.60
SOUTHERN EUROPE 13,410,809 12,219,108 13,670,944 14,877,702 16,321,360 5.54 9.70
Greece 323,535 288,256 316,604 310,817 349,208 0.12 12.35
Italy 9,656,938 8,862,250 9,528,318 10,556,215 11,459,976 3.89 8.56
Malta 96,380 78,854 163,600 136,189 106,894 0.04 -21.51
Portugal 3,156,812 2,853,251 3,496,023 3,713,916 4,217,041 1.43 13.55
Slovenia 177,144 136,497 166,399 160,565 188,241 0.06 17.24
WESTERN EUROPE 103,142,076 105,924,063 109,303,054 113,858,729 121,734,363 41.33 6.92
Austria 2,154,338 2,014,622 2,172,229 2,307,153 2,472,407 0.84 7.16
Belgium 7,143,548 7,451,420 7,807,165 8,401,749 8,696,119 2.95 3.50

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

France 18,113,925 19,713,529 21,757,484 24,404,814 25,842,430 8.77 5.89

Germany 56,834,642 57,519,527 58,527,664 58,017,513 61,894,477 21.01 6.68
Luxembourg 482,364 554,273 528,059 535,019 585,393 0.20 9.42
Netherlands 14,433,571 14,255,782 13,870,611 15,289,049 16,943,021 5.75 10.82
Switzerland 3,979,688 4,414,910 4,639,842 4,903,432 5,300,516 1.80 8.10
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 509,072 547,260 538,846 613,028 631,745 0.21 3.05
Cyprus 84,767 60,889 53,957 55,484 56,755 0.02 2.29
Turkey 424,305 486,371 484,889 557,544 574,990 0.20 3.13
OTHER EUROPE 1,967,659 2,270,246 2,063,721 2,307,591 2,480,699 0.84 7.50
Other countries of Europe 1,967,659 2,270,246 2,063,721 2,307,591 2,480,699 0.84 7.50
NOT SPECIFIED 2,246,962 2,493,828 2,453,346 2,878,976 2,587,231 0.88 -10.13
Other countries of the World 2,246,962 2,493,828 2,453,346 2,878,976 2,587,231 0.88 -10.13

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,005,605 1,274,593 1,527,153 1,798,380 2,050,832 100.00 14.04

AFRICA 6,912 7,717 10,674 14,473 15,181 0.74 4.89
OTHER AFRICA 6,912 7,717 10,674 14,473 15,181 0.74 4.89
All countries of Africa 6,912 7,717 10,674 14,473 15,181 0.74 4.89
AMERICAS 57,695 73,112 75,855 97,654 120,686 5.88 23.59
NORTH AMERICA 56,694 70,003 72,653 91,956 113,153 5.52 23.05
Canada 28,786 30,382 32,156 38,897 50,087 2.44 28.77
United States of America 27,908 39,621 40,497 53,059 63,066 3.08 18.86
OTHER AMERICAS 1,001 3,109 3,202 5,698 7,533 0.37 32.20
Other countries of the Americas 1,001 3,109 3,202 5,698 7,533 0.37 32.20
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 175,910 255,401 352,384 450,969 521,887 25.45 15.73
NORTH-EAST ASIA 62,005 107,646 176,110 291,211 348,939 17.01 19.82
China (*) 20,323 51,704 112,867 224,210 280,687 13.69 25.19
Hong Kong (China) 897
Japan 23,421 33,506 42,136 45,418 44,649 2.18 -1.69
Korea, Republic of 6,133 11,700 13,543 15,727 16,427 0.80 4.45
Taiwan Province of China 11,231 10,736 7,564 5,856 7,176 0.35 22.54
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 60,111 68,163 90,524 75,128 71,717 3.50 -4.54
Indonesia 2,812 11,161 26,786 19,182 10,964 0.53 -42.84
Malaysia 29,181 20,914 22,120 21,771 23,747 1.16 9.08
Philippines 4,761 11,745 15,210 7,156 9,187 0.45 28.38
Singapore 15,453 15,020 17,643 16,647 18,712 0.91 12.40
Thailand 7,904 9,323 8,765 10,372 9,107 0.44 -12.20
AUSTRALASIA 48,147 69,265 68,640 72,100 92,765 4.52 28.66
Australia 42,310 62,242 59,786 64,097 83,195 4.06 29.80
New Zealand 5,837 7,023 8,854 8,003 9,570 0.47 19.58
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,647 10,327 17,110 12,530 8,466 0.41 -32.43
Other countries of Asia 3,755 7,296 14,567 12,235 8,223 0.40 -32.79
Other countries of Oceania 1,892 3,031 2,543 295 243 0.01 -17.63
EUROPE 448,310 531,132 640,742 724,699 856,287 41.75 18.16
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 70,437 112,737 141,984 125,284 181,148 8.83 44.59
Russian Federation 30,156 47,265 49,876 63,648 64,894 3.16 1.96
Ukraine 20,530 34,067 35,674 22,961 35,403 1.73 54.19
Other countries Central/East Europe 19,751 31,405 56,434 38,675 80,851 3.94 109.05
NORTHERN EUROPE 152,069 169,328 192,642 224,908 269,547 13.14 19.85
Denmark 9,753 6,746 10,745 15,339 22,486 1.10 46.59
Finland 6,230 2,763 8,859 3,765 6,499 0.32 72.62
Norway 9,093 8,971 5,876 12,630 14,331 0.70 13.47
Sweden 15,165 15,423 13,287 17,615 27,868 1.36 58.21
United Kingdom 111,828 135,425 153,875 175,559 198,363 9.67 12.99
SOUTHERN EUROPE 27,370 26,712 32,384 41,477 46,218 2.25 11.43
Italy 17,661 17,860 22,520 25,162 32,701 1.59 29.96
Spain 9,709 8,852 9,864 16,315 13,517 0.66 -17.15
WESTERN EUROPE 191,947 213,065 253,169 307,603 340,678 16.61 10.75
Austria 6,601 9,394 11,201 14,968 20,271 0.99 35.43
Belgium 13,013 10,432 11,532 14,239 13,551 0.66 -4.83
France 55,473 62,771 82,874 96,505 107,703 5.25 11.60
Germany 69,652 91,150 105,432 125,376 139,997 6.83 11.66
Netherlands 25,564 21,989 23,165 33,087 33,511 1.63 1.28
Switzerland 21,644 17,329 18,965 23,428 25,645 1.25 9.46
OTHER EUROPE 6,487 9,290 20,563 25,427 18,696 0.91 -26.47
Other countries of Europe 6,487 9,290 20,563 25,427 18,696 0.91 -26.47

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 58,901 62,680 88,654 101,676 82,604 4.03 -18.76

All countries of Middle East 58,901 62,680 88,654 101,676 82,604 4.03 -18.76
SOUTH ASIA 257,877 344,551 358,844 408,909 454,187 22.15 11.07
Bangladesh 5,748 10,037 9,598 10,860 11,162 0.54 2.78
India 191,281 229,674 238,951 278,017 317,419 15.48 14.17
Maldives 45,321 78,726 82,342 95,248 91,998 4.49 -3.41
Nepal 984 2,019 3,296 5,809 12,682 0.62 118.32
Pakistan 14,543 24,095 24,657 18,975 20,926 1.02 10.28

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,005,605 1,274,599 1,527,153 1,798,380 2,050,832 100.00 14.04

AFRICA 5,045 8,081 12,163 12,899 12,144 0.59 -5.85
EAST AFRICA 1,016 1,514 3,998 3,709 1,919 0.09 -48.26
Comoros 350 274 334 287 0.01 -14.07
Kenya 645 507 665 601 706 0.03 17.47
Mauritius 284 288 347 430 550 0.03 27.91
Seychelles 327 2,709 2,344 376 0.02 -83.96
Zambia 87 42 3
NORTH AFRICA 114 934 1,361 1,770 1,833 0.09 3.56
Algeria 114 129 36 278
Morocco 396 607 827 931 0.05 12.58
Sudan 409 718 665 902 0.04 35.64
SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,048 3,366 4,155 4,717 5,208 0.25 10.41
South Africa 3,048 3,366 4,155 4,717 5,208 0.25 10.41
WEST AFRICA 684 550 487 390 343 0.02 -12.05
Nigeria 684 550 487 390 343 0.02 -12.05
OTHER AFRICA 183 1,717 2,162 2,313 2,841 0.14 22.83
Other countries of Africa 183 1,717 2,162 2,313 2,841 0.14 22.83
AMERICAS 60,862 68,788 76,777 89,571 104,001 5.07 16.11
NORTH AMERICA 59,236 66,047 72,653 84,943 98,376 4.80 15.81
Canada 29,329 30,926 33,282 37,732 44,122 2.15 16.94
Mexico 431
United States of America 29,907 34,690 39,371 47,211 54,254 2.65 14.92
SOUTH AMERICA 1,125 1,749 2,312 2,790 3,247 0.16 16.38
Argentina 387 400 509 550 771 0.04 40.18
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 229 23 26
Brazil 476 803 1,071 1,341 1,385 0.07 3.28
Chile 255 366 433 524 0.03 21.02
Colombia 268 340 466 567 0.03 21.67
French Guiana 33
OTHER AMERICAS 501 992 1,812 1,838 2,378 0.12 29.38
Other countries of the Americas 501 992 1,812 1,838 2,378 0.12 29.38
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 190,506 243,933 345,763 434,529 509,012 24.82 17.14
NORTH-EAST ASIA 74,253 101,931 185,907 273,844 335,786 16.37 22.62
China (*) 25,781 54,288 128,166 214,783 271,577 13.24 26.44
Hong Kong (China) 1,535
Japan 26,085 31,505 39,136 39,358 43,110 2.10 9.53
Korea, Republic of 7,838 12,207 13,412 14,373 14,520 0.71 1.02
Macao (China) 311
Taiwan Province of China 12,703 3,931 5,193 5,330 6,579 0.32 23.43
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 57,537 80,837 93,549 88,539 88,947 4.34 0.46
Cambodia 580 555 607 1,172 0.06 93.08
Indonesia 2,890 17,295 29,558 23,305 16,047 0.78 -31.14
Malaysia 21,776 19,181 23,178 22,772 24,727 1.21 8.59
Myanmar 1,108 2,848 2,644 2,794 3,645 0.18 30.46
Philippines 5,687 14,616 11,160 11,305 12,747 0.62 12.76
Singapore 17,273 15,546 15,762 15,846 19,033 0.93 20.11
Thailand 7,897 9,608 9,260 10,112 9,462 0.46 -6.43
Viet Nam 906 1,163 1,432 1,798 2,114 0.10 17.58
AUSTRALASIA 57,255 60,426 64,820 71,316 83,541 4.07 17.14
Australia 51,614 54,252 57,940 63,554 74,496 3.63 17.22
New Zealand 5,641 6,174 6,880 7,762 9,045 0.44 16.53
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,461 739 1,487 830 738 0.04 -11.08
Other countries of Asia 940 329 1,055 474 428 0.02 -9.70
Other countries of Oceania 521 410 432 356 310 0.02 -12.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

EUROPE 452,676 556,351 641,551 710,543 815,347 39.76 14.75

CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 70,941 124,361 151,846 146,861 157,367 7.67 7.15
Azerbaijan 247
Belarus 3,809 3,936 3,319 3,399 0.17 2.41
Bulgaria 789 754 193 1,511
Czech Republic 5,877 8,881 11,736 15,278 17,858 0.87 16.89
Estonia 1,753 1,385 1,961 2,183 0.11 11.32
Georgia 280
Hungary 1,418 1,653 2,697 2,955 3,942 0.19 33.40
Kazakhstan 996 2,362 3,750 6,371 5,285 0.26 -17.05
Lithuania 1,078 1,405 1,858 1,764 2,372 0.12 34.47
Poland 5,806 9,688 13,370 13,245 14,432 0.70 8.96
Romania 1,029 1,687 2,331 3,107 3,466 0.17 11.55
Russian Federation 28,402 51,235 69,718 61,846 58,176 2.84 -5.93
Slovakia 2,040 1,731 2,411 4,214 5,696 0.28 35.17
Ukraine 22,348 38,607 29,882 23,853 31,302 1.53 31.23
Uzbekistan 269
Other countries Central/East Europe 1,158 8,579 7,437 9,256 0.45 24.46
NORTHERN EUROPE 150,810 175,414 186,969 217,278 253,660 12.37 16.74
Denmark 8,323 9,845 11,239 15,203 18,097 0.88 19.04
Finland 4,840 2,471 2,903 3,830 5,057 0.25 32.04
Ireland 1,951 4,512 5,163 5,970 7,968 0.39 33.47
Norway 7,703 8,573 9,237 12,007 12,790 0.62 6.52
Sweden 13,775 12,597 14,259 18,423 21,589 1.05 17.19
United Kingdom 114,218 137,416 144,168 161,845 188,159 9.17 16.26
SOUTHERN EUROPE 26,889 33,168 41,727 49,392 59,559 2.90 20.58
Croatia 679 1,075 1,372 1,675 0.08 22.08
Greece 1,415 4,010 5,002 5,144 4,573 0.22 -11.10
Italy 15,871 17,982 21,116 24,293 29,791 1.45 22.63
Malta 217
Portugal 1,284 2,097 2,620 3,001 4,095 0.20 36.45
Spain 8,319 8,183 11,914 15,582 19,425 0.95 24.66
WESTERN EUROPE 194,627 211,718 248,732 284,461 328,752 16.03 15.57
Austria 7,991 11,300 12,664 14,253 16,995 0.83 19.24
Belgium 11,323 9,138 9,915 13,054 14,387 0.70 10.21
France 56,863 64,388 78,883 86,126 96,440 4.70 11.98
Germany 71,642 85,470 102,977 115,868 133,275 6.50 15.02
Netherlands 26,754 22,281 24,196 32,742 41,373 2.02 26.36
Switzerland 20,054 19,141 20,097 22,418 26,282 1.28 17.24
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,672 11,222 10,891 11,240 14,647 0.71 30.31
Cyprus 278 333 342 452 0.02 32.16
Israel 7,212 8,545 8,058 7,790 10,391 0.51 33.39
Turkey 1,460 2,399 2,500 3,108 3,804 0.19 22.39
OTHER EUROPE 737 468 1,386 1,311 1,362 0.07 3.89
Other countries of Europe 737 468 1,386 1,311 1,362 0.07 3.89
MIDDLE EAST 47,142 68,832 77,791 87,937 90,930 4.43 3.40
Bahrain 2,016 2,743 2,699 2,697 2,887 0.14 7.04
Egypt 800 1,806 2,179 2,734 3,240 0.16 18.51
Iraq 565 663 907 892 0.04 -1.65
Jordan 1,852 2,976 2,998 3,370 4,488 0.22 33.18
Kuwait 3,245 7,427 8,170 6,522 5,726 0.28 -12.20
Lebanon 2,116 3,371 3,714 4,829 6,000 0.29 24.25
Oman 2,602 7,634 12,756 14,216 13,268 0.65 -6.67
Qatar 2,271 1,073 1,400 1,547 1,709 0.08 10.47
Saudi Arabia 19,423 23,753 30,875 36,617 38,836 1.89 6.06

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

State of Palestine 625 782 973 1,204 0.06 23.74

United Arab Emirates 11,083 8,471 9,895 10,576 8,475 0.41 -19.87
Yemen 618 1,021 1,693 1,503 0.07 -11.22
Other countries of Middle East 1,734 7,770 639 1,256 2,702 0.13 115.13
SOUTH ASIA 249,374 328,614 373,108 462,901 519,398 25.33 12.20
Afghanistan 649 559 699 587 869 0.04 48.04
Bangladesh 4,646 10,037 10,754 13,358 17,098 0.83 28.00
Bhutan 831 266 425 397 462 0.02 16.37
India 176,340 208,795 242,734 316,247 356,729 17.39 12.80
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,815 2,058 2,809 3,486 5,862 0.29 68.16
Maldives 47,572 79,474 86,359 90,617 95,167 4.64 5.02
Nepal 1,038 2,019 3,319 5,801 13,153 0.64 126.74
Pakistan 16,056 25,336 25,424 32,300 29,965 1.46 -7.23
Other countries of South Asia 427 70 585 108 93 0.00 -13.89

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 10,056,053 10,909,050 15,118,815 18,163,632 20,918,486 100.00 15.17

AFRICA 65,940 87,955 104,602 89,004 115,798 0.55 30.10
OTHER AFRICA 65,940 87,955 104,602 89,004 115,798 0.55 30.10
All countries of Africa 65,940 87,955 104,602 89,004 115,798 0.55 30.10
AMERICAS 598,547 665,723 912,870 1,113,709 1,432,796 6.85 28.65
NORTH AMERICA 588,677 636,006 876,991 1,071,740 1,387,540 6.63 29.47
Canada 305,132 324,250 392,728 471,940 778,708 3.72 65.00
United States of America 283,545 311,756 484,263 599,800 608,832 2.91 1.51
OTHER AMERICAS 9,870 29,717 35,879 41,969 45,256 0.22 7.83
Other countries of the Americas 9,870 29,717 35,879 41,969 45,256 0.22 7.83
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,827,563 1,805,213 3,104,954 3,903,340 4,763,878 22.77 22.05
NORTH-EAST ASIA 562,966 628,747 1,702,706 2,467,881 3,094,161 14.79 25.38
China 198,352 363,200 1,256,027 2,033,425 2,553,455 12.21 25.57
Hong Kong (China) 8,190
Japan 224,842 188,755 379,619 339,738 389,744 1.86 14.72
Korea, Republic of 56,178 76,792 67,060 94,718 150,962 0.72 59.38
Taiwan Province of China 75,404
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 599,645 338,187 514,805 560,326 488,627 2.34 -12.80
Indonesia 25,870 63,899 88,674 116,808 50,777 0.24 -56.53
Malaysia 284,223 82,358 162,246 179,659 158,720 0.76 -11.65
Philippines 43,135 46,703 66,960 56,662 97,955 0.47 72.88
Singapore 138,150 83,826 118,215 126,480 118,729 0.57 -6.13
Thailand 108,267 61,401 78,710 80,717 62,446 0.30 -22.64
AUSTRALASIA 537,028 763,604 800,544 775,647 906,551 4.33 16.88
Australia 475,564 671,745 695,280 677,967 809,651 3.87 19.42
New Zealand 61,464 91,859 105,264 97,680 96,900 0.46 -0.80
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 127,924 74,675 86,899 99,486 274,539 1.31 175.96
Other countries of Asia 108,436 55,215 84,307 98,002 273,264 1.31 178.84
Other countries of Oceania 19,488 19,460 2,592 1,484 1,275 0.01 -14.08
EUROPE 4,700,719 6,288,261 8,046,319 9,139,860 9,380,443 44.84 2.63
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 715,140 1,114,983 1,340,971 1,243,869 1,456,788 6.96 17.12
Russian Federation 304,274 486,024 697,180 648,842 559,328 2.67 -13.80
Ukraine 335,392 251,009 172,189 279,233 1.33 62.17
Other countries Central/East Europe 410,866 293,567 392,782 422,838 618,227 2.96 46.21
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,615,543 2,011,741 2,403,105 3,080,863 3,440,089 16.45 11.66
Denmark 99,676 119,934 200,054 244,192 264,853 1.27 8.46
Finland 62,612 35,284 46,448 53,557 58,221 0.28 8.71
Norway 95,113 103,582 78,515 119,118 163,474 0.78 37.24
Sweden 157,109 188,680 203,904 278,506 254,874 1.22 -8.49
United Kingdom 1,201,033 1,564,261 1,874,184 2,385,490 2,698,667 12.90 13.13
SOUTHERN EUROPE 272,931 288,708 463,660 512,602 552,091 2.64 7.70
Italy 173,608 193,923 323,075 337,406 328,451 1.57 -2.65
Spain 99,323 94,785 140,585 175,196 223,640 1.07 27.65
WESTERN EUROPE 2,032,624 2,717,456 3,654,859 4,094,613 3,779,837 18.07 -7.69
Austria 63,634 168,125 202,624 211,427 316,710 1.51 49.80
Belgium 132,342 108,584 109,065 144,306 160,023 0.76 10.89
France 604,656 720,096 986,038 1,122,967 950,354 4.54 -15.37
Germany 741,794 1,160,700 1,627,037 1,751,610 1,560,404 7.46 -10.92
Netherlands 262,287 311,480 418,591 544,467 407,704 1.95 -25.12
Switzerland 227,911 248,471 311,504 319,836 384,642 1.84 20.26
OTHER EUROPE 64,481 155,373 183,724 207,913 151,638 0.72 -27.07
Other countries of Europe 64,481 155,373 183,724 207,913 151,638 0.72 -27.07

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by
country of residence
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 591,366 578,821 845,415 1,046,035 876,669 4.19 -16.19

All countries of Middle East 591,366 578,821 845,415 1,046,035 876,669 4.19 -16.19
SOUTH ASIA 2,271,918 1,483,077 2,064,558 2,871,684 4,348,902 20.79 51.44
Bangladesh 38,085 59,147 64,472 142,212 0.68 120.58
India 1,671,796 896,512 1,286,490 1,819,894 2,967,072 14.18 63.04
Maldives 469,526 452,343 604,513 807,438 1,006,640 4.81 24.67
Pakistan 130,596 96,137 114,408 179,880 232,978 1.11 29.52
Other countries of the World 40,097

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 490,110 545,464 555,910 431,988 400,132 100.00 -7.37

AFRICA 24,331 32,853 26,900 18,214 11,375 2.84 -37.55

OTHER AFRICA 24,331 32,853 26,900 18,214 11,375 2.84 -37.55
All countries of Africa 24,331 32,853 26,900 18,214 11,375 2.84 -37.55
AMERICAS 53,766 68,036 73,943 53,944 47,400 11.85 -12.13
NORTH AMERICA 40,626 53,838 59,568 41,168 37,897 9.47 -7.95
Canada, United States 40,626 53,838 59,568 41,168 37,897 9.47 -7.95
OTHER AMERICAS 13,140 14,198 14,375 12,776 9,503 2.37 -25.62
Other countries of the Americas 13,140 14,198 14,375 12,776 9,503 2.37 -25.62
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 51,911 64,141 63,605 71,390 84,417 21.10 18.25
AUSTRALASIA 3,761 3,494 5,224 2,738 3,330 0.83 21.62
Australia, New Zealand 3,761 3,494 5,224 2,738 3,330 0.83 21.62
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 48,150 60,647 58,381 68,652 81,087 20.27 18.11
All countries of Asia 48,150 60,647 58,381 68,652 81,087 20.27 18.11
EUROPE 353,349 372,841 385,124 278,852 246,202 61.53 -11.71
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 66,518 76,441 67,646 75,115 87,440 21.85 16.41
Israel 66,518 76,441 67,646 75,115 87,440 21.85 16.41
OTHER EUROPE 286,831 296,400 317,478 203,737 158,762 39.68 -22.08
Other countries of Europe 286,831 296,400 317,478 203,737 158,762 39.68 -22.08
MIDDLE EAST 6,753 7,593 6,338 9,588 10,738 2.68 11.99
All countries of Middle East 6,753 7,593 6,338 9,588 10,738 2.68 11.99

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 1,162,530 1,326,193 1,389,452 1,254,709 1,143,707 100.00 -8.85

AFRICA 43,988 100,256 70,588 52,096 34,329 3.00 -34.10

OTHER AFRICA 43,988 100,256 70,588 52,096 34,329 3.00 -34.10
All countries of Africa 43,988 100,256 70,588 52,096 34,329 3.00 -34.10
AMERICAS 140,999 161,095 207,418 184,165 161,744 14.14 -12.17
NORTH AMERICA 106,283 125,626 165,244 145,185 132,983 11.63 -8.40
Canada, United States 106,283 125,626 165,244 145,185 132,983 11.63 -8.40
OTHER AMERICAS 34,716 35,469 42,174 38,980 28,761 2.51 -26.22
Other countries of the Americas 34,716 35,469 42,174 38,980 28,761 2.51 -26.22
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 129,663 150,720 160,965 206,954 224,824 19.66 8.63
AUSTRALASIA 9,076 7,238 14,557 10,263 9,775 0.85 -4.75
Australia, New Zealand 9,076 7,238 14,557 10,263 9,775 0.85 -4.75
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 120,587 143,482 146,408 196,691 215,049 18.80 9.33
All countries of Asia 120,587 143,482 146,408 196,691 215,049 18.80 9.33
EUROPE 819,420 885,306 922,018 770,614 675,012 59.02 -12.41
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 112,443 140,183 136,383 138,872 150,363 13.15 8.27
Israel 112,443 140,183 136,383 138,872 150,363 13.15 8.27
OTHER EUROPE 706,977 745,123 785,635 631,742 524,649 45.87 -16.95
Other countries of Europe 706,977 745,123 785,635 631,742 524,649 45.87 -16.95
MIDDLE EAST 28,460 28,816 28,463 40,880 47,798 4.18 16.92
All countries of Middle East 28,460 28,816 28,463 40,880 47,798 4.18 16.92

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL (*) 574,624 591,348 683,618 741,000

AFRICA 103,818 108,167 119,723 142,231
OTHER AFRICA 103,818 108,167 119,723 142,231
All countries of Africa 103,818 108,167 119,723 142,231
AMERICAS 24,179 26,443 38,361 42,589
OTHER AMERICAS 24,179 26,443 38,361 42,589
All countries of the Americas 24,179 26,443 38,361 42,589
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,557 38,760 45,177 48,218
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,557 38,760 45,177 48,218
All countries of Asia 35,557 38,760 45,177 48,218
EUROPE 50,849 51,174 79,659 81,752
OTHER EUROPE 50,849 51,174 79,659 81,752
All countries of Europe 50,849 51,174 79,659 81,752
MIDDLE EAST 297,432 302,220 326,447 346,594
All countries of Middle East 297,432 302,220 326,447 346,594
SOUTH ASIA 47,134 48,729 54,464 58,687
All countries of South Asia 47,134 48,729 54,464 58,687
NOT SPECIFIED 15,655 15,855 19,787 20,929
Other countries of the World 15,655 15,855 19,787 20,929

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 240,041 249,102 251,611 227,699 256,951 100.00 12.85

AFRICA 525 280 279 602 560 0.22 -6.98
EAST AFRICA 91 65 66 57 76 0.03 33.33
British Indian Ocean Territory 2 6 4 2 2 0.00
Burundi 2
Djibouti 1 1 1
Eritrea 4 4 1
Ethiopia 16 4 2 1 0.00
Kenya 6 2 7 9 4 0.00 -55.56
Madagascar 4 1 4 14 0.01 250.00
Malawi 5 6 4 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Mauritius 6 10 11 7 5 0.00 -28.57
Mozambique 11 7 7 6
Reunion 1 1 2 1
Rwanda 3 3 2 4 0.00 100.00
Seychelles 3 1 1 0.00
Somalia 1 1
Tanzania, United Republic of 8 8 9 7 22 0.01 214.29
Uganda 7 4 6 13 0.01 116.67
Zambia 6 8 12 4 5 0.00 25.00
Zimbabwe 6 2 3 3 4 0.00 33.33
CENTRAL AFRICA 68 19 16 63 38 0.01 -39.68
Angola 7 4 1 2 2 0.00
Cameroon 8 4 4 2 22 0.01 1,000.00
Central African Republic 2 4 0.00
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 9 2 3 9 0.00 200.00
Equatorial Guinea 36 9 11 56
Gabon 5 1 0.00
Sao Tome and Principe 1
NORTH AFRICA 21 22 42 32 75 0.03 134.38
Algeria 9 6 27 0.01
Morocco 6 7 11 11 35 0.01 218.18
Sudan 5 7 3
Tunisia 1 1 1 8 13 0.01 62.50
Western Sahara 9 5 17 10
SOUTHERN AFRICA 178 99 108 143 157 0.06 9.79
Botswana 4 2 2 1 0.00
Lesotho 2 1 2
Namibia 23 8 2 3 0.00 50.00
South Africa 139 87 102 139 153 0.06 10.07
Swaziland 10 2 3
WEST AFRICA 167 75 47 307 214 0.08 -30.29
Benin 2 2 16 44 0.02 175.00
Burkina Faso 3 3 9 5 9 0.00 80.00
Cabo Verde 6 1 6 11 0.00 83.33
Côte d'Ivoire 74 5 5 12 8 0.00 -33.33
Gambia 3 3 1 6 0.00 500.00
Ghana 25 20 13 225 22 0.01 -90.22
Guinea 1 3 1 2 0.00 100.00
Liberia 1 1 4 1 0.00 -75.00
Mali 1 1 4 0.00 300.00
Mauritania 6 5 1 0.00
Niger 4 3 2 2
Nigeria 41 26 8 15 56 0.02 273.33

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Saint Helena 1
Senegal 2 2 10 19 0.01 90.00
Sierra Leone 3 2 4 0.00 100.00
Togo 3 3 6 27 0.01 350.00
AMERICAS 123,731 136,142 129,703 116,742 132,542 51.58 13.53
CARIBBEAN 14,329 15,840 15,787 15,946 22,786 8.87 42.89
Anguilla 17 26 12 1 10 0.00 900.00
Antigua and Barbuda 114 173 86 74 91 0.04 22.97
Aruba 1,450 1,769 1,805 1,802
Bahamas 84 33 62 66 94 0.04 42.42
Barbados 494 581 702 594 620 0.24 4.38
Bermuda 30 23 22 16 6 0.00 -62.50
Bonaire 330 504 400 399
British Virgin Islands 1 12 6 10 17 0.01 70.00
Cayman Islands 24 8 5 6 3 0.00 -50.00
Cuba 128 287 230 442 1,671 0.65 278.05
Curaçao 4,232 4,219 3,892 3,597
Dominica 200 281 387 335 62 0.02 -81.49
Dominican Republic 76 62 55 63 2,477 0.96 3,831.75
Grenada 75 185 72 54 92 0.04 70.37
Guadeloupe 150 97 157 140 1 0.00 -99.29
Haiti 272 435 471 506 11,838 4.61 2,239.53
Jamaica 813 863 1,032 762 965 0.38 26.64
Martinique 132 130 223 195
Montserrat 14 3 2 2 7 0.00 250.00
Netherlands Antilles 254 5 9 22 12 0.00 -45.45
Puerto Rico 76 62 68 34
Saba 10 7 3 9
Saint Kitts and Nevis 45 43 50 30 62 0.02 106.67
Saint Lucia 124 182 184 168 246 0.10 46.43
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 142 80 73 54 151 0.06 179.63
Sint Eustatius 43 40 38 29
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 622 662 658 678
Trinidad and Tobago 4,370 5,060 5,081 5,849 4,356 1.70 -25.53
Turks and Caicos Islands 3 6 1 3 5 0.00 66.67
United States Virgin Islands 4 2 1 6
CENTRAL AMERICA 472 513 540 422 406 0.16 -3.79
Belize 75 76 37 38 56 0.02 47.37
Costa Rica 51 63 60 59 80 0.03 35.59
El Salvador 42 58 85 22 32 0.01 45.45
Guatemala 68 97 115 60 49 0.02 -18.33
Honduras 15 15 16 6 28 0.01 366.67
Nicaragua 23 7 4 25 38 0.01 52.00
Panama 198 197 223 212 123 0.05 -41.98
NORTH AMERICA 10,380 9,230 9,782 10,280 10,909 4.25 6.12
Canada 2,206 1,763 1,826 2,613 2,976 1.16 13.89
Mexico 189 179 158 124 195 0.08 57.26
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1
United States of America 7,985 7,287 7,797 7,543 7,738 3.01 2.59
SOUTH AMERICA 98,550 110,559 103,594 90,094 98,441 38.31 9.26
Argentina 121 202 177 158 205 0.08 29.75
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 26 31 28 16 30 0.01 87.50
Brazil 19,452 23,084 14,269 10,756 16,337 6.36 51.89
Chile 66 99 78 63 169 0.07 168.25
Colombia 290 523 602 464 792 0.31 70.69

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Ecuador 68 289 129 162 63 0.02 -61.11

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 2 2
French Guiana 33,956 34,118 33,974 29,821 34,976 13.61 17.29
Guyana 43,846 50,069 46,288 42,684 43,573 16.96 2.08
Paraguay 11 20 18 22 23 0.01 4.55
Peru 269 262 233 451 497 0.19 10.20
Uruguay 9 19 21 22 18 0.01 -18.18
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 435 1,841 7,777 5,473 1,758 0.68 -67.88
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,559 5,039 5,532 4,737 6,175 2.40 30.36
NORTH-EAST ASIA 2,926 2,806 3,446 2,720 3,945 1.54 45.04
China 2,491 2,356 3,050 2,319 3,534 1.38 52.39
Hong Kong (China) 90 68 50 42 4 0.00 -90.48
Japan 154 184 195 221 181 0.07 -18.10
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 68 48 50 27 71 0.03 162.96
Korea, Republic of 36 66 48 22 64 0.02 190.91
Macao (China) 1 1
Mongolia 1 3 3 5 0.00
Taiwan Province of China 85 81 49 89 86 0.03 -3.37
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,059 1,787 1,612 1,704 1,617 0.63 -5.11
Cambodia 6 1 5 0.00
Indonesia 262 278 309 291 533 0.21 83.16
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 2 16 0.01 700.00
Malaysia 285 362 396 341 452 0.18 32.55
Myanmar 7 7 4 6 2 0.00 -66.67
Philippines 354 998 734 864 551 0.21 -36.23
Singapore 29 25 26 26 16 0.01 -38.46
Thailand 28 29 14 24 22 0.01 -8.33
Timor-Leste 2 1
Viet Nam 88 85 127 149 20 0.01 -86.58
AUSTRALASIA 333 232 293 213 601 0.23 182.16
Australia 282 204 256 188 535 0.21 184.57
New Zealand 51 28 37 25 66 0.03 164.00
MELANESIA 19 26 20 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Fiji 6 1 1 2 0.00 100.00
New Caledonia 1 1 7 5
Norfolk Island 3 1 2 1
Papua New Guinea 6 6 0.00
Solomon Islands 9 17 7 3
Vanuatu 1 3
MICRONESIA 94 51 28 15
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 2
Marshall Islands 3 5 4
Micronesia, Federated States of 1 1
Nauru 91 45 21 9
Northern Mariana Islands 1 1
Palau 1
Wake Island 1 1
POLYNESIA 128 137 133 75 4 0.00 -94.67
American Samoa 91 72 105 58
Cook Islands 2 1
French Polynesia 28 62 14 7
Pitcairn 1
Samoa 2 1 1
Tonga 3 2 4 4 0.00

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Wallis and Futuna Islands 2 1 11 5

EUROPE 107,655 104,589 113,261 100,250 115,963 45.13 15.67
CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 446 532 572 659 599 0.23 -9.10
Armenia 2 2 3 1 1 0.00
Azerbaijan 4 1 2 2 0.00
Belarus 17 10 2 1 3 0.00 200.00
Bulgaria 36 44 29 46 18 0.01 -60.87
Czech Republic 27 26 29 32 51 0.02 59.38
Czech Republic/Slovakia 10 14 24 70 20 0.01 -71.43
Estonia 5 10 15 14
Georgia 3 2 6 19 0.01 216.67
Hungary 18 8 21 17 46 0.02 170.59
Kazakhstan 1 1 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Kyrgyzstan 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Latvia 5 13 9
Lithuania 6 9 12 29
Moldova, Republic of 1 6 6 0.00
Poland 95 106 46 109 178 0.07 63.30
Romania 58 93 179 116 62 0.02 -46.55
Russian Federation 101 139 89 74 97 0.04 31.08
Slovakia 14 13 30 21
Tajikistan 7 3 4 3
Ukraine 38 41 53 87 85 0.03 -2.30
Uzbekistan 3 6 19 11 9 0.00 -18.18
NORTHERN EUROPE 1,487 1,371 1,783 1,963 1,782 0.69 -9.22
Denmark 72 97 69 120 147 0.06 22.50
Faeroe Islands 1 1 0.00
Finland 60 87 89 79 102 0.04 29.11
Iceland 2 2 3 4 8 0.00 100.00
Ireland 69 42 72 71 118 0.05 66.20
Isle of Man 1
Norway 91 56 130 66 103 0.04 56.06
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 2 1 1 2
Sweden 72 130 128 147 118 0.05 -19.73
United Kingdom 1,119 955 1,290 1,474 1,185 0.46 -19.61
SOUTHERN EUROPE 653 1,042 1,442 976 947 0.37 -2.97
Albania 2
Andorra 30 45 31 16 1 0.00 -93.75
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 2 5 3 5 0.00 66.67
Croatia 18 29 19 34 34 0.01
Greece 47 62 62 39 33 0.01 -15.38
Italy 311 527 923 524 374 0.15 -28.63
Malta 18 14 16 13 2 0.00 -84.62
Portugal 39 106 162 97 119 0.05 22.68
San Marino 1
Slovenia 10 7 4 5 21 0.01 320.00
Spain 175 235 211 241 357 0.14 48.13
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 4 15 6 3 1 0.00 -66.67
Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1
WESTERN EUROPE 104,814 101,456 109,228 96,478 112,394 43.74 16.50
Austria 19 34 40 40 93 0.04 132.50
Belgium 2,009 2,057 2,195 2,015 1,929 0.75 -4.27
France 6,983 10,464 14,048 11,237 6,410 2.49 -42.96
Germany 556 732 659 711 1,126 0.44 58.37
Liechtenstein 1

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

Luxembourg 10 4 4 3 0.00 -25.00

Monaco 1
Netherlands 95,051 88,002 92,104 82,225 102,614 39.94 24.80
Switzerland 186 167 176 246 219 0.09 -10.98
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 255 188 236 174 241 0.09 38.51
Cyprus 11 3 7 5 4 0.00 -20.00
Israel 54 42 72 40 85 0.03 112.50
Turkey 190 143 157 129 152 0.06 17.83
MIDDLE EAST 56 44 56 59 34 0.01 -42.37
Bahrain 1 1
Egypt 23 10 4 3 6 0.00 100.00
Iraq 1 1 2
Jordan 2 3 6 11 5 0.00 -54.55
Kuwait 3
Lebanon 14 6 8 10 8 0.00 -20.00
Libya 1 1 5 3 2 0.00 -33.33
Oman 2 4 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Qatar 2 2 3
Saudi Arabia 6 5 8 15 6 0.00 -60.00
State of Palestine 1 3 2 3 0.00 50.00
Syrian Arab Republic 1 2 8 3 2 0.00 -33.33
United Arab Emirates 5 8 9 5 1 0.00 -80.00
SOUTH ASIA 659 795 1,028 669 1,324 0.52 97.91
Afghanistan 114 147 109 31 3 0.00 -90.32
Bangladesh 18 17 18 21 208 0.08 890.48
India 504 581 853 552 1,031 0.40 86.78
Iran, Islamic Republic of 8 11 3 3 6 0.00 100.00
Maldives 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00
Nepal 4 8 16 37 41 0.02 10.81
Pakistan 6 24 22 18 28 0.01 55.56
Sri Lanka 5 4 7 5 6 0.00 20.00
NOT SPECIFIED 2,856 2,213 1,752 4,640 353 0.14 -92.39
Other countries of the World 2,856 2,213 1,752 4,640 353 0.14 -92.39

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 1,278,528 1,298,744 1,324,624 1,255,899 1,278,585 100.00 1.81

AFRICA 1,165,225 1,169,763 1,177,815 1,104,525 1,110,907 86.89 0.58
EAST AFRICA 272,268 271,742 295,846 269,512 269,577 21.08 0.02
Kenya 2,072 1,945 1,731 1,590 1,926 0.15 21.13
Malawi 3,313 3,689 4,760 5,493 5,055 0.40 -7.97
Mozambique 222,989 213,827 219,555 181,271 202,042 15.80 11.46
Tanzania, United Republic of 6,242 6,493 5,718 6,311 5,659 0.44 -10.33
Zambia 7,004 6,535 5,458 5,380 5,600 0.44 4.09
Zimbabwe 30,648 39,253 58,624 69,467 49,295 3.86 -29.04
SOUTHERN AFRICA 880,095 883,557 867,959 821,174 825,871 64.59 0.57
Botswana 4,328 4,293 5,913 5,833 5,969 0.47 2.33
Lesotho 4,308 3,632 5,554 5,092 5,682 0.44 11.59
South Africa 871,459 875,632 856,492 810,249 814,220 63.68 0.49
WEST AFRICA 2,785 3,567 3,537 3,668 3,734 0.29 1.80
Nigeria 2,785 3,567 3,537 3,668 3,734 0.29 1.80
OTHER AFRICA 10,077 10,897 10,473 10,171 11,725 0.92 15.28
Other countries of Africa 10,077 10,897 10,473 10,171 11,725 0.92 15.28
AMERICAS 20,259 20,784 22,686 23,416 24,211 1.89 3.40
NORTH AMERICA 18,161 19,041 20,829 21,556 22,151 1.73 2.76
Canada 3,489 3,225 3,470 3,568 4,137 0.32 15.95
United States of America 14,672 15,816 17,359 17,988 18,014 1.41 0.14
SOUTH AMERICA 1,076 1,048 974 996 1,132 0.09 13.65
Brazil 1,076 1,048 974 996 1,132 0.09 13.65
OTHER AMERICAS 1,022 695 883 864 928 0.07 7.41
Other countries of the Americas 1,022 695 883 864 928 0.07 7.41
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,263 12,321 13,415 12,786 14,659 1.15 14.65
NORTH-EAST ASIA 4,670 4,893 5,472 5,641 6,272 0.49 11.19
China 2,531 2,184 2,046 2,221 2,732 0.21 23.01
Korea, Republic of 988 1,616 2,158 2,315 2,300 0.18 -0.65
Taiwan Province of China 1,151 1,093 1,268 1,105 1,240 0.10 12.22
SOUTH-EAST ASIA 455 563 484 477 574 0.04 20.34
Philippines 455 563 484 477 574 0.04 20.34
AUSTRALASIA 2,777 3,529 3,779 2,763 3,132 0.24 13.36
Australia 2,777 3,529 3,779 2,763 3,132 0.24 13.36
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,361 3,336 3,680 3,905 4,681 0.37 19.87
Other countries of Asia 3,361 3,336 3,680 3,905 4,681 0.37 19.87
EUROPE 73,807 86,875 101,141 104,472 114,138 8.93 9.25
NORTHERN EUROPE 17,390 19,136 18,874 17,742 18,502 1.45 4.28
Norway 774 941 946 929 766 0.06 -17.55
Sweden 1,334 1,767 2,115 2,167 2,233 0.17 3.05
United Kingdom 15,282 16,428 15,813 14,646 15,503 1.21 5.85
SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,157 9,695 10,325 9,324 10,065 0.79 7.95
Italy 2,858 3,054 3,605 3,277 3,455 0.27 5.43
Portugal 7,299 6,641 6,720 6,047 6,610 0.52 9.31
WESTERN EUROPE 38,903 49,019 61,526 66,871 73,938 5.78 10.57
Belgium 3,158 3,637 4,524 4,909 5,588 0.44 13.83
France 9,776 10,445 14,152 19,360 21,253 1.66 9.78
Germany 14,911 18,933 21,669 21,510 22,895 1.79 6.44
Netherlands 9,011 13,032 17,874 17,414 20,750 1.62 19.16
Switzerland 2,047 2,972 3,307 3,678 3,452 0.27 -6.14
EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 682 970 833 913 1,164 0.09 27.49
Israel 682 970 833 913 1,164 0.09 27.49
OTHER EUROPE 6,675 8,055 9,583 9,622 10,469 0.82 8.80
Other countries of Europe 6,675 8,055 9,583 9,622 10,469 0.82 8.80

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence

% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

MIDDLE EAST 143 206 207 286 285 0.02 -0.35

Kuwait 32 31 42 69 67 0.01 -2.90
Saudi Arabia 2 10 4 20 4 0.00 -80.00
United Arab Emirates 3 3 24 8 6 0.00 -25.00
Other countries of Middle East 106 162 137 189 208 0.02 10.05
SOUTH ASIA 7,831 8,795 9,360 10,414 14,385 1.13 38.13
India 3,972 4,613 5,031 5,145 6,867 0.54 33.47
Iran, Islamic Republic of 84 57 87 53 68 0.01 28.30
Pakistan 3,775 4,125 4,242 5,216 7,450 0.58 42.83

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 304,594 302,897 307,117 296,538 308,046 100.00 3.88

AFRICA 232,231 187,484 204,826 212,817 208,108 67.56 -2.21
EAST AFRICA 13,835 13,017 20,862 19,005 15,712 5.10 -17.33
Mozambique 13,835 13,017 20,862 19,005 15,712 5.10 -17.33
SOUTHERN AFRICA 216,298 168,490 177,002 183,309 184,763 59.98 0.79
South Africa 205,059 158,442 159,968 171,825 174,267 56.57 1.42
Other countries of Southern Africa 11,239 10,048 17,034 11,484 10,496 3.41 -8.60
OTHER AFRICA 2,098 5,977 6,962 10,503 7,633 2.48 -27.33
Other countries of Africa 2,098 5,977 6,962 10,503 7,633 2.48 -27.33
AMERICAS 16,974 21,600 19,506 16,920 19,405 6.30 14.69
OTHER AMERICAS 16,974 21,600 19,506 16,920 19,405 6.30 14.69
All countries of the Americas 16,974 21,600 19,506 16,920 19,405 6.30 14.69
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,800 33,233 10,528 7,083 8,107 2.63 14.46
AUSTRALASIA 1,560 2,270 637 1,288 1,195 0.39 -7.22
Australia 1,560 2,270 637 1,288 1,195 0.39 -7.22
OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,240 30,963 9,891 5,795 6,912 2.24 19.28
Other countries of Asia 4,240 30,963 9,891 5,795 6,912 2.24 19.28
EUROPE 49,589 60,580 72,257 59,718 72,426 23.51 21.28
NORTHERN EUROPE 10,794 5,377 10,787 7,004 6,951 2.26 -0.76
United Kingdom 10,794 5,377 10,787 7,004 6,951 2.26 -0.76
OTHER EUROPE 38,795 55,203 61,470 52,714 65,475 21.25 24.21
Other countries of Europe 38,795 55,203 61,470 52,714 65,475 21.25 24.21

Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2012 – 2016, 2018 Edition

3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of
% Change
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 share

TOTAL 3,357,562 3,469,062 3,767,942 4,240,482 4,489,285 100.00 5.87

AFRICA 17,930 19,847 22,812 27,167 23,904 0.53 -12.01
SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,202 3,818 4,076 4,884 4,750 0.11 -2.74
South Africa 4,202 3,818 4,076 4,884 4,750 0.11 -2.74

OTHER AFRICA 13,728 16,029 18,736 22,283 19,154 0.43 -14.04

Other countries of Africa 13,728 16,029 18,736 22,283 19,154 0.43 -14.04
AMERICAS 267,831 271,357 293,876 311,786 326,050 7.26 4.57
NORTH AMERICA 239,617 241,405 264,485 276,799 289,256 6.44 4.50
Canada 21,128 25,586 25,605 24,163 25,644 0.57 6.13
United States of America 214,325 212,449 234,673 248,400 258,060 5.75 3.89
Other countries of North America 4,164 3,370 4,207 4,236 5,552 0.12 31.07
SOUTH AMERICA 17,581 18,996 17,558 18,496 18,015 0.40 -2.60
Brazil 17,581 18,996 17,558 18,496 18,015 0.40 -2.60
OTHER AMERICAS 10,633 10,956 11,833 16,491 18,779 0.42 13.87
Other countries of the Americas 10,633 10,956 11,833 16,491 18,779 0.42 13.87
EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 221,323 230,886 257,267 306,353 362,059 8.06 18.18

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