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“ 10000 个科学难题” 征集活动领导⼩小组名单

组 ⻓长 赵沁平 刘燕华 李李静海海 朱道本

副组⻓长 倪维⽃斗
成 员(以姓⽒氏拼⾳音为序)
冯记春 韩 宇 何鸣鸿 ⻢马 扬 王伟中 谢焕忠
杨⽟玉良 叶⽟玉江

“ 10000 个科学难题” 征集活动领导⼩小组办公室名单

主 任 陈盈晖
成 员(以姓⽒氏拼⾳音为序)
⻢马晋并 吴晓东 鄢德平 朱蔚彤 朱⼩小萍

“ 10000 个科学难题” 征集活动专家指导委员会名单

主 任 倪维⽃斗
副主任 李李家洋 赵忠贤 孙鸿烈烈
委 员 (以姓⽒氏拼⾳音为序)
⽩白以⻰龙 陈洪渊 陈佳洱 程国栋 崔尔杰 冯守华 冯宗炜
符淙斌 葛墨墨林林 郝吉明 贺福初 贺贤⼟土 ⻩黄荣辉 ⾦金金鉴明
李李 灿 李李培根 林林国强 林林其谁 刘嘉麒 ⻢马宗晋 欧阳⾃自远
强伯勤勤 ⽥田中群 汪品先 王 浩 王静康 王占国 王众托
吴常信 吴良镛 夏建⽩白 项海海帆 徐建中 杨 乐 张继平
张亚平 张 泽 郑南宁 郑树森 钟 掘 周炳琨 周秀骥
朱作⾔言 左铁镛
“ 10000 个科学难题” 数学编委会名单

主 任 李李⼤大潜
副主任 张继平
编 委 (以姓⽒氏拼⾳音为序)
曹道⺠民 陈 化 陈恕⾏行行 陈志华 陈志明 段海海豹
范更更华 冯克勤勤 冯 琦 ⾼高⼩小⼭山 耿 直 巩馥洲
郭本瑜 侯振挺 侯⾃自新 ⻩黄云清 蒋春澜 李李安⺠民
李李⼤大潜 李李克正 李李尚志 李李⽂文林林 刘建亚 刘彦佩
柳柳 彬 ⻰龙以明 史宁中 谭永基 王国俊 王建磐
王启华 王仁宏 王世坤 王跃⻜飞 ⽂文 兰 吴宗敏敏
徐宗本 杨⼤大春 叶向东 尹景学 余德浩 袁亚湘
张继平 张伟平 章 璞 周向宇 朱熹平

10000 个科学难题
10000 Selected Problems in Sciences


“10000 个科学难题”数学编委会

北 京
内 容 简 介

集活动的重要成果,书中的题目均由国内国际知名的数学专家撰写. 书
考,也可供对数学感兴趣的其他读者阅读. 有兴趣的读者可以在此基础

10000 个科学难题·数学卷/“10000 个科学难题”数学编委会. —北京:
ISBN 978-7-03-024267-9
Ⅰ. 1 … Ⅱ. 1… Ⅲ. ①自然科学-普及读物 ② 数学-普及读物
Ⅳ. N49 O1-49
中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2009) 第 038323 号

责任编辑: 范庆奎/责任校对: 赵桂芬

责任印制: 钱玉芬/封面设计: 黄华斌

北京东黄城根北街 16 号
邮政编码: 100717

科学出版社发行 各地新华书店经销
2009 年 5 月第 一 版 开本: B5(720×1000)
2009 年 5 月第一次印刷 印张: 35 3/4
印数: 1—3 000 字数: 695 000
定价: 118.00 元
(如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换〈双青〉)

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2008 12
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23 20 ,
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· iv · 10000

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2008 10

(Vaught) .................................. (1)

............................................ (3)
........... (5)
(Borel) ..................... (7)
........................................................... (9)
r = r! ? s = s! ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
................................................... (11)
........................................................ (13)
(Sacks) (Post)
(Martin) .................................................... (15)
(Turing) .............................................. (17)
(Turing) ....................................... (19)

.................................................................. (21)
Cherlin-Zilber ................................................... (23)
.............................. (24)
Shelah ................................................... (26)
....................................... (27)
3-Calabi-Yau ............................................. (28)
(Artin) Gröbner-Shirshov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Bokut (30)
(Broué) ........................................ (35)
(Brown) .......................................... (37)
(Cayley) ....................................... (39)
(Foulkes) ................................................ (41)
(Gorenstein) ............................ (43)
(Kaplansky) ................................... (45)
(Nakayama) (Nakayama) ................. (47)
(Ramras) .................................... (49)
Smashing .............................. (51)
· vi · 10000

– (Bass-Quillen) ....................................... (53)

Brauer ...................................... (55)
.......................................... (57)
..................................... (59)
............. (61)
..................... (64)
....................................... (66)
................................... (68)
................................................... (70)
Fitting ...... (72)
smash ............................................ (74)
Pieri ........................................ (76)
........................................................ (78)
Gröbner–Shirshov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Bokut (81)
..................................... (85)
........................................................ (87)
ABC ............................................................ (89)
(Bass) (Soule) ................................. (91)
Lichtenbaum .................................................... (93)
– (Reed-Solomon) .......................... (95)
(Schanuel) ............................................... (98)
(Goldbach) ........................................... (101)
(Erdös) .......................... (104)
– (Erdös-Turán) ... (107)
(Abel) Snevily ......................... (109)
Drinfeld-Vladt ..................... (112)
(Langlands) .................................... (114)
1 .......................................... (122)
(Riemann)zeta ................ (124)
(Riemann) ................................................. (126)
................................................... (129)
BSD ................................................ (131)
....................... (133)
.................. (136)
(Iwasawa) ........................................ (138)
· vii ·

(Abel) Davenport ............................. (141)

Cheeger-Goresky-MacPherson ................................... (143)
Chern-Moser ............................................. (144)
CR Bonnet Siu ... (146)
(Gri±ths) ............................................. (148)
(Hartshorne) .......................................... (149)
(Iitaka) Cn,m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (152)
(Nagata) ................................................... (154)
Tate-Oort ....................................................... (156)
Tate ............................................................. (158)
...................................................... (160)
(Grothendieck) ................................. (162)
............................................ (164)
....................................... (165)
............................ (166)
Calabi-Yau ..................................... (168)
........................................................... (170)
............................................................. (172)
................................................. (174)
....................................... (177)
........................................................... (179)
(Hopf) .................................................. (181)
(Hopf) .................................................. (184)
(Dirac) .......................... (185)
...................................................... (187)
K ........................... (189)
..................................... (191)
............................ (192)
3 tight .................................... (193)
4 (Poincaré) ...................................... (195)
(Borel) :
................................................... (196)
11 .............................................................. (198)
Kashaev-Murakami-Murakami .............................. (200)
· viii · 10000

(Thurston) ...................... ( ) (202)

Virtual Haken ................................................... (203)
............................................... (205)
(Sullivan) ............................... (207)
(Smale) ................................. ( ) (209)
................................................... (211)
................................................. (213)
..................................... (215)
....................................... (217)
............................................................. (219)
................................................... (220)
osp ........................................ (222)
(Witt) .................................... (224)
– (Kac-Moody) ......... (226)
....................... (228)
.......................................... (230)
................................................... (232)
–Weisfeiler (Kac-Weisfeiler) ......... (235)
(Einstein) ............................... (238)
............................................ (241)
(Dirac) ............................. (243)
2D ......................................................... (245)
3n + 1 ............................................ (249)
(Bloch) .................................................. (251)
– (Bochner-Riesz) .............................. (252)
(Brennan) ............................................... (255)
(Fourier) .................................. (257)
(Julia) ......................................... (260)
(Kakeya) .................................................. (262)
Koebe ........................................................... (265)
(Poincaré) (Schoen) ... (266)
Sierpiński ....................................... (268)
Sierpiński .................................... (270)
(Smale) ............................................. (272)
................................................... (274)
· ix ·

(Hilbert) Lp ......................... (276)

................................................. (278)
(Borel) ............... (280)
............................................... (283)
(Arnold) ................................................ (284)
Dry Ten Martini ................................................ (287)
(Fürstenberg) ........................... (289)
(Hénon) .................... (291)
(Hilbert) 16 ........................................ (293)
Palis ............................................................ (295)
(Rohlin) .......................................... (297)
Veech .................................................. (299)
(Weinstein) ......................................... (301)
........................................................ (304)
(Seifert) ........................... (307)
(Hamilton) ...................... (310)
............................................ (312)
Pinsker ............................................. (315)
................................... (317)
(Pólya) .................................................. (320)
(Boltzmann) Boltzmann-Grad .................. (322)
(Boltzmann) ....................... (324)
– (Navier-Stokes) ...................... (327)
............................................................. (330)
..................................... (332)
(Riemann) ............. (334)
De Giorgi (Gibbons) ............. (336)
· (Von Neumann) ..................................... (339)
................ (341)
......................... (344)
L 1 ................................ (347)
....................... (349)
......................... (352)
– (Weyl-Berry) ................. (356)
................ (359)
·x· 10000

(Schrödinger) ........................... (362)

(Green) ....... (366)
AdS/CFT ........................................... (369)
Donaldson Seiberg-Witten ................... (371)
(Einstein) ............................... (373)
Gromov-Witten Virasoro .............................. (375)
KZB ............................................................ (377)
....................... (379)
– (Yang-Mills) ...................... (381)
................................................... (384)
(Penrose) ...................................... (386)
................................ (388)
............................................... (390)
– (Yang-Baxter) ..................................... (393)
............................................... (395)
(Hunt) Getoor ..................................... (397)
................................ (399)
............................................ (402)
“ ” ........................ (404)
.............................. (406)
? .......................... (408)
........................................................... (410)
(Hadamard) ................... (413)
Hadwiger ........................................................ (415)
(Seymour) ..................................... (417)
(Weiss) ................................... (419)
........................................................... (421)
Chvátal ............................................... (422)
....................................... (424)
(Ramsey) .................................... (425)
..................................... (428)
................................................... (430)
........................................................ (432)
...................................................... (434)
g- ................................ Richard P. Stanley (436)
· xi ·

........................................................ (438)
-Szekeres(Erdös-Szekeres) ................. (440)
Pfa±an .................................................... (442)
........................................................ (444)
........................................................... (446)
........................................................ (448)
.......................... Richard P. Stanley (450)
P=NP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (453)
................................................... (456)
................................... (457)
?......................................... (460)
................................................... (463)
MQ ?..................... (466)
?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (469)
– .................................................. (471)
............................................ (473)
.............................. (475)
.................. (478)
................................... (480)
(Poincaré) .................. (482)
............................................ (485)
................................... (487)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander Levin (489)
– (Rota-Baxter) .................... (492)
(Atiyah) ................................................. (494)
........................................................ (495)
......................... (497)
............................ (499)
................................ (501)
.................... (503)
..................................... (505)
......................... (508)
hp ................ (511)
.................... (513)
.............................. (516)
· xii · 10000

..................................... (518)
d- ................................................ (521)
................................ (523)
Lax ................ (525)
DFP .............................................. (527)
................................................... (529)
? ............ (532)
....................................... (535)
1.5 ..................... (537)
k- ........................................................ (539)
.............................. (541)
..................................... (543)
..................................... (544)
................................. (546)
............................................ (549)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (553)
(Vaught) ·1·

Vaught’s Conjecture and The Topological Vaught Conjecture

. [1] .
T ,T
(Burgess) [2]
T , ,
, . ,
, .
. ,
(Becker) (Kechris) 20 90
X . G X
. , G X
, X Y.
T S1 ,
. S1 L!1 !
. , Shelah, Lascar, Harrington, Makkai, Buechler,
Steel, Becker, Kechris Hjorth , .
, !- , Shelah, Harrington Makkai [4]
; ,
. [3].
·2· 10000

[1] Vaught R L. Denumerable models of complete theories // Infinitistic Methods: Proceed-

ings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics, PWN, Warsaw, 1961, 303-321
[2] Burgess J P. Equivalence generated by families of Borel sets // Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 1978, 69: 323-326
[3] Becker H, Kechris A S. The Descriptive Set Theory of Polish Group Actions. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996
[4] Shelah S, Harrington L A, Makkai M. A proof of Vaught’s conjecture for !-stable the-
ories. Isreal Journal of Mathematics, 1984, 49: 259-280
[5] Becker H. Polish group actions dichotomies and generalized elementary embeddings.
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 1998, 11(2): 397-449

The Problem of Canonical Inner Models of

Supercompact Cardinals

, ZF æ M æM ,
ZF .
, (Gödel) 1938
ZF L, .
L ,
ZF .
. , L , .
(Scott) 1961 [8]
L . (Solovay) [9]

U L[U ]. ,
U = U \ L[U ],
L[U ] = L[U ].
L[U ] L
( [9]), ( ),
, .
, [10]

∑ ∏,
j:V !M :
(1) M ; (2) ∑ ∏ < j(x) ; (3)
f ∏ M , f 2 M.

Mitchell 35 (
[2]). , 30 , Mitchell [6,7]
, Dodd
Jensen [1]
Martin [5]
Steel [5,7,11]
Neeman Woodin ,
·4· 10000

. , ,

[1] Dodd A J, Jensen R B. The core model. Ann Math Logic, 1981, 20: 43-75
[2] Foreman, Matthew, Menachem Magidor and Saharon Shelah. Martin’s Maximum,
saturated ideals and non-regular unltrafilters. Part I, Annals of Mathematics, 1988,
127: 1-47
[3] Gödel Kurt F. The consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized
Continuum-Hypothesis // Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1938,
24: 556-557
[4] Gödel Kurt F. Consistency-proof of the Generalized Continuum-Hypothesis // Pro-
ceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1939, 25: 220-224
[5] Martin D A, Steel J R. Iteration trees. Journal of American Math Soc, 1994, 7: 1-73
[6] Mitchell W J. Hypermeasurable cardinals. Logic Colloquium’78(BoÆa M et al, eds)
Stud. Logic Foundations Math. 97 North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam-New
York, 1979, 303-316
[7] Mitchell W J, Steel J R. Fine Structure and Iteration Trees. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,
[8] Scott D S. Measurable cardinals and constructible sets. Bull Acad Polon Sci Sér Sci
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[9] Silver J H. The consistency of the GCH with the existence of a measurable cardinal.
Axiomatic Set Theory, Proc Sympos Pure Math Vol XIII, Amer Math Soc, Providence,
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[10] Solovay R M. Strongly compact cardinals and the GCH. Proceedings of the Tarski
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Providence, R I, 1974, 365-372
[11] Steel J R. The Core Model Iterability Problem. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996

Lattice Embedding Problem and The Decidability Problem of

H2 -Theory in Recursively Enumerable Degrees

20 60 , ,
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. ,
, [1] [2]. 1966 Lachlan Yates
, . . , Lerman
Thomason , Lachlan 1970 M3
N5 , 1980 , Lachlan Soare S8 . 80
, ,
. Lempp Lerman 1997 L20

, ,
, ,
. 1982 Harring-
ton Shelah . ,
. 1998 Lempp, Nies Slaman
. 50 ,

, .
·6· 10000

[1] Lempp S, Lerman M and Solomon R. Embedding finite lattices into the computably
enumerable degrees-a status survey // Chatzidakis Z, Keopke P and Pohlers W. Logic
Colloquium’02, Lecture Notes in Logic, 27, ASL, Wellesley, MA, 2006
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CO, 1999), Contemp Math, 257: 191-205. AMS, Providence, RI, 2000
(Borel) ·7·

Two Problems Related to Hyperfinite Borel Equivalence Relations

, Hjorth [1]
E . E
, ,
X hEn |1 6 n < 1i
(1) En X ;
(2) E1 µ E2 µ · · · µ En µ En+1 µ · · · ;
(3) E = [16n<1 En .
Dougherty, Jackson Kechris [2]
? , X
, hEn |1 6 n < 1i X ,
En Ω En+1 , E X ,E= En ,
, E ?
. ,
Weiss ( [2]),
, , .
. ,
·8· 10000

[1] Hjorth G. Classfication and Orbit Equivalence Relations. American Mathematical So-
ciety, RI, 2000
[2] Dougherty R, Jackson S and Kechris A S. The structure of hyperfinite Borel equivalence
relations. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1994, 341: 193-225
[3] Gao S, Jackson S. Countable Abelian group actions and hyperfinite equivalence relations.
Preprint, 2007

The Minimal Tower Problem

( ) .
Rothberger 20 40 , [3].
p t ZFC , p ,t

p = min{|A| : A µ P (!), A ,
! a, 8x 2 A(|a ° x| < !)},
t = min{ |T | : T = {xÆ : Æ < ∏} Æ<Ø |xØ ° xÆ | < !
! a, 8Æ < ∏(|Æ ° xÆ | < !)}.

. , ,

[1] Blass A. Combinatorial cardinal characteristics of the continuum // Foreman M, Kana-

mori A and Magidor M. Handbook of set Theory, to appear
[2] van Douwen E K. The integers and topology // Kunen K and Vaughan J, Handbook of
set Theoretic Topology. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984, 111-167
[3] Rothberger F. On some problems of HausdoÆ and of sierpinski. Fund Math, 1948, 35:
· 10 · 10000

r = r! ? s = s! ?
r = r! ? and s = s! ?

ZFC r = r! ?

r = min{|R| : R µ [!]! , 8x µ !, 9y 2 R(|y ° x| < ! |y \ x| < !)},

r! = min{|R| : R µ [!]! , 8xn (xn µ ! : n 2 !), 9y 2 R,

8n(|y ° xn | < ! |y \ xn | < !)}.

r! R µ [!]!
(xn )n2! , A2R (xn )n2A . (xn )n2! 2 2! ,
r. . Vojtas
[3] . [1] r < r! .
s = s! ? ,

s = min{|A| : A µ [!]! , 8x 2 [!]! , 9a 2 A(|x ° a| = |x \ a| = !)},

s! = min{|A| : A µ [!]! , 8B 2 [[!]! ]! , 9a 2 A, 8b 2 B(|b ° a| = |b \ a| = !)}.

Malyhin , [4] [5].

[1] Brendle J, Just W, Laflamme C. On the refinement and countable refinement number.
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[2] Vaughan J. Small uncountable cardinals and topology // Van Mill J, Reed G M. Open
problems in Topology. North-Holland, 1990, 196-218
[3] Vojtas P. More on set-theoretic characteristics of summability of regular (Toeplitz).
Comment Math Univ Carolinae, 1998, 39: 269-279
[4] Kamburelis A, Weglorz B. Splitting. Archive for mathematical Logic, 1996, 35: 265-277
[5] Brendle J. Around Splitting and reaping. Comment Math Univ Carolinas, 1998, 39:
· 11 ·

The Problem of The Cardinality of The Continuum

? ,
( ) ,
. ,
. ,
. ,
@Æ ( ). @0 ,
. @0 @1 ,
@2 , @3 , . , @Æ @Æ+1 ;
@Æ @Ø ( Æ Ø) .
n @0 . , @ 0 < @1 < @2 < @3 < · · · ,
Cantor 1873 12 ( )
@1 . @Æ ? @1 ? @2 ,
@3 , @Æ ? Cantor
@1 . Cantor . (Hilbert)1900 23
(Gödel)1938 [3,4]
( )
; Cohen 1963 [1,2]
( )
. ,
. , ,
, [5]

@2 . Woodin , ≠- ,
. ≠- Woodin ≠- ,
. [6].
· 12 · 10000

[1] Cohen Paul J. The independence of the Continuum Hypothesis I. Proceedings of National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 1963, 50: 1143-1148
[2] Cohen Paul J. The independence of the Continuum Hypothesis II. Proceedings of National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 1964, 51: 105-110
[3] Gödel Kurt F. The consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Continuum
Hypothesis. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1938, 24: 556-557
[4] Gödel Kurt F. Consistency-proof of the Generalized Continuum-Hypothesis. Proceedings
of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 1939, 25: 220-224
[5] Foreman, Matthew, Menachem Magidor and Saharon Shelah. Martin’s Maximum, sat-
urated ideals and non-regular unltrafilters. Part I, Annals of Mathematics, 1988, 127:
[6] Woodin Hugh W. The Axiom of Determinacy, Forcing Axioms, and the Nonstationary
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Gröbner-Shirshov Bases for The Artin Groups

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> , 8u8v (u > v )
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f¯ = as̄b;
(iii) Irr(S) = {u 2 X § |u 6= as̄b, s 2 S, a, b 2 X § } A = khX|Si
khXi S Gröbner-Shirshov ,
S , khXi S Gröbner-
Shirshov S . c
Shirshov .
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khXi Gröbner-Shirshov S c
Irr(S ) c
. S c
A Gröbner-Shirshov .
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i,j (1 6 i < j 6
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Kind of Congruences on Semigroups

Rees .
. H.Prodinger 1980 “
” .
S , T µ S. S P(T )(R(T )) S (
), S T ( ) x, y 2 S,

xP(T )y $ FT (x, y) = S 1 £ S 1 (xR(T )y $ GT (x, y) = S 1 ),

FT (x, y) = {(u, v) 2 S 1 £ S 1 |uxv 2 T $ uyv 2 T }
(GT (x, y) = {u 2 S 1 |xu 2 T $ yu 2 T }).

T , R(T ) S . S1 L S1
( ), ( )

(i), S 1 2 L, (i0 ), S 1 2 L,
(ii), A, B 2 L ! A \ B 2 L, (ii0 ), A, B 2 L ! A § B 2 L,
(iii), A 2 L, A µ B ! B 2 L, (iii0 ), A 2 L, z 2 S 1 ! Dz A 2 L.
(iv), A 2 L, z 2 S 1 ! Dz A 2 L.

, Dz A = {x 2 S 1 |zx 2 A}, A § B A B ,

A § B = [(A \ B c ) [ (Ac \ B)]c .

, .
1 [1]
S , T µ S, L S1 . R(T, L)
S x, y 2 S,

xR(T, L)y $ GT (x, y) 2 L.

· 62 · 10000

(1) R(T, L) S
(2) {S } 1
, R(T ) = R(T, {S 1 }). ,
L, R(T, L) R(T )
(3) CS 1 = {A µ S 1 |Ac } S1 , “ ” .
, CS 1 = {A 2 S |A 1 c
} . , S 0
, A = S \{0} 1
“ ” , D0 A = {x 2 S |0x 2 A} 1
“ ”.
1 S . S1 ( ) LDFS 1
(LDSFS 1 ), L 2 LDSFS 1 , RL = {T µ S |R(T, L) 1
1 [1]
X ,X §
X ( X §

X ), CX § 2 LDFX § . R{X § } = RCX § ? ( ).

1 1, ( [2])
Schreier .
1 [3]
R{X § } = RCX § .
1 “ ” CX §
. .
2 L 2 LDFX § (LDSFX § ), R{X § } = RL .
3 L1 , L2 2 LDFX § (LDSFX § ). RL1 = RL2
4 S 1, 2, 3 .
, . S1 £ S1 (
), i, ii, iii, iv1 , iv2 [i , ii , iv1 , iv2 ]
0 0
S £S1 1

(iv1 ) A 2 L, z 2 S 1 ! Dz A 2 L, (iv2 ) A 2 L, z 2 S 1 !z DA 2 L,

, z DA = {(x, v) 2 S 1 £ S 1 |(xz, v) 2 A}, Dz A = {(u, x) 2 S 1 £ S 1 |(u, zx) 2 A}.

2 DF[DSF] S1 £ S1 ( ) .
L 2 DF(DSF), RL = {T µ S | P(T, L) 1
}, ,
x, y 2 S ,

xP(T, L)y $ FT (x, y) 2 L.

5 ( )
1, 2, 3 .
· 63 ·

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The Decision Problem for A Finite Code Having

A Finite Completion

M.P.Schutzenberger 1955 “ ” [1]

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” “ ” ( [2] [3],
), “
”. , “ ”
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X , X §
X . X §
( )
X ( ) ( ); X §
1 X ; X
C X ( ) ,

8x1 , x2 , · · · , xm , y1 , y2 , · · · , yn 2 C,
x1 x2 · · · xm = y1 y2 · · · yn ! m = n, xi = yi , i = 1, 2, · · · m;

X X + = X § \{1} P X ,

8x, y 2 P, 8z 2 X § , y = xz ! z = 1.

, , . X x
X a, x/a a x . X x, y
, x º y,
8a 2 X, x/a = y/a.
X A, B , A º B, æ:A!B

8x 2 A, x º æ(x).

X C ,

8w 2 X § , X § wX § \ C § 6= ©.

X C , . X§
L , X §
ªL x, y 2 X § ,

x ªL y , 8u, v 2 X § , uxv 2 L $ uyv 2 L.

· 65 ·

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, , .
( , ) .

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“ ” {a, b}

C = b{1, a, a7 , a13 , a14 } [ {a3 , a8 }b{1, a2 , a4 , a6 } [ a11 b{1, a, a2 }.

1[3] C ( 1, ) ?
“ ” ,
1 , “ ”
2[3] ?

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Two Embedding Problems for Regular Semigroups

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(V (a) ). S E(S) . E(S) ,
E(S) S ; S , E(S) ; E(S)
( ) ,

8e, f 2 E(S), ef = f e;
8e, f, g 2 E(S), ef ege = ef ge;
8e, f, g 2 E(S), ef ge = egf e;
8e 2 E(S), eE(S)e .

, E(S) , ; S
f , e, ef = f e = e ! e = f.
, , ;
S , e, eSe ; S E-
8e 2 E(S), 8a 2 S, e 6 a ! a 2 E(S).

, “6” S , a, b 2 S,

a 6 b $ 9e, f 2 E(S), a = eb = bf.

S r- , e 2 E(S), eSe E(eSe)

( ) . S T ¡ ,

8e, f 2 E(S), ¡(e) = ¡(f ) ! e = f.

· 67 ·

1[1,2] E- “ ”
1[2] E- r- “

2[2ª5] “ ”
2[2] 2 .

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Two Conjectures in Generalized Tilting Modules

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(i) proj.dimA T = r, r < 1; (ii) ExtiA (T, T ) = 0, 8i > 0; (iii)
0 !AA ! T0 ! T1 ! · · · ! Tm ! 0, Ti 2 add(T ), add(T )
T . . M
(i) (ii), M (partial tilting module).
r = m = 1, T M .
±(M ) A- M . n=
±(A), n A- . , T ±(T ) = n;
M ±(M ) 6 n. ±(M ) = n ° 1 M
(almost complete tilting module). M,
add(X) \ add(M ) = 0 A- X, M ©X , X M
. .
1 M ±(M ) = n, M .
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Gröbner–Shirshov · 81 ·

Gröbner–Shirshov Bases for Some Algebras

Drinfeld 1985
. Jimbo 1985 . Hopf ,
Hopf ,
. .
g k , g Cartan A = (aÆØ )
, , aÆØ = 2(Æ, Ø)/(Æ, Æ), Æ, Ø 2 ¶, (°, °) g Killing ,¶ g
Cartan . g g = Lie(xÆ , yÆ , hÆ , Æ 2 ¶|R),
R = {[hÆ , hØ ] = 0, [xÆ , yØ ] = ±ÆØ hÆ , [hÆ , xØ ] = aÆØ xØ , [hÆ , yØ ] = °aÆØ yØ (Æ, Ø 2
¶); (adxÆ )1°aÆØ xØ = 0, (adyÆ )1°aÆØ yØ = 0 (Æ 6= Ø, Æ, Ø 2 ¶)}, R Serre
( [3]).
g Uq (g)( ) k ,
(Æ, Æ)
g Serre , q2k qÆ := q dÆ 6= 1, dÆ = 2 {1, 2, 3}.
Drinfeld–Jimbo Uq (g) : Uq (g) = khEÆ , FÆ , KÆ , KÆ°1 , Æ 2 ¶| R1 i,
R1 = {KÆ KÆ°1 = KÆ°1 KÆ = 1, KÆ KØ = KØ KÆ , KÆ EØ KÆ°1 = q aÆØ EØ , KÆ FØ KÆ°1 =
√ !
°1 1°a
XÆØ 1 ° a
K Æ ° K ÆØ 1°a °∫
q °aÆØ FØ , EÆ FØ ° FØ EÆ = ±ÆØ Æ
, (°1)∫ EÆ ÆØ
q ° q °1 ∫=0 ∫

1°aÆØ √ !
X 1 ° aÆØ 1°a °∫
EØ EÆ∫ = 0, (°1)∫ FÆ ÆØ FØ FÆ∫ = 0, Æ, Ø 2 ¶}, , ±ÆØ
∫=0 ∫

√ !
Kronecker , m>n>0 q, 2 Z[q, q °1 ]
8 n m°i+1
√ ! > Yq ° q °m+i°1
m < , m > n > 0,
= i=1
q i ° q °i
n >
q 0, n=0 m = n.

M. Rosso I. Yamane 1989 Uq (An ) PBW , An

· 82 · 10000

Cartan An ( [3]). L ,X
, L U (L ) Poincaré-BirkhoÆ-Witt( PBW)
xi1 xi2 · · · xin , xij 2 X, i1 6 i2 6 · · · 6 in .
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Shirshov , , , , (
1 Uq (g) Gröbner–Shirshov , g Cartan
Bn , Dn , G2 , F4 , E6 , E7 , E8 ( [3]) .
Yang-Baxter , Sklyanin[10]
( [8]). C F =
Chx0 , x1 , x2 | R2 i, R2 = {x0 x1 ° qx1 x0 = px22 , x1 x2 ° qx2 x1 = px20 , x2 x0 °
qx0 x2 = px21 }, p, q 2 C. F- , F
xn0 xm l
1 x2 , n, m, l . ,
Gröbner–Shirshov .
C Qn,m (E, ¥), n>3
,m n , 1 6 m < n. X = {xi ; i 2 Zn }, Qn,m (E, ¥) =
X µj°i+r(m°1) (0)
ChX | xj°r xi+r = 0, i, j 2 Zn i, E , ¥ 2
µmr (¥)µj°i°r (°¥)

E, µ(x) µ- ( [6]), Zn n . Qn,m (E, ¥)

C[X] , .
2 F Qn,m (E, ¥) Gröbner–Shirshov .
k , ∏ 2 k. Rota–Baxter R k
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, ≠- ≠ . Drensky–Holtkamp
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( . Rota–Baxter ≠-
Gröbner–Shirshov , Rota–Baxter
Dendriform dialgebra ¡ ¬ k- D,
: x, y, z 2 D, (x ¡ y) ¡ z = x ¡ (y ¡ z + y ¬ z), (x ¬ y) ¡ z = x ¬
(y ¡ z), (x ¡ y + x ¬ y) ¬ z = x ¬ (y ¬ z).
Dendriform trialgebra ¡, ¬ · k- T,
: x, y, z 2 T , (x ¡ y) ¡ z = x ¡ (y ? z), (x ¬ y) ¡ z = x ¬ (y ¡
z), (x ? y) ¬ z = x ¬ (y ¬ z), (x ¬ y) · z = x ¬ (y · z), (x ¡ y) · z = x · (y ¬ z), (x · y) ¡
z = x · (y ¡ z), (x · y) · z = x · (y · z), x ? y = x ¡ y + x ¬ y + x · y.
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" #
X 1 ° cij 1°cij °t
(°1)t Fit Fj Fi = 0.
t=0 t

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Snevily’s Conjecture on Abelian Groups of Odd Orde

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A = {a1 , · · · , ak } B = {b1 , · · · , bk }, {1, · · · , k} æ
a1 bæ(1) , · · · , ak bæ(k) .
Abel , Abel
. Snevily ,
1952 M. Hall G. Cramer Zn = Z/nZ ,
Abel G = {a1 , · · · , an } n Abel , b1 , · · · , b n
( ) , {1, · · · , n} æ a1 bæ(1) , · · · , an bæ(n)
( G = {a1 bæ(1) , · · · , an bæ(n) }) b 1 · · · bn G e. Snevily
Abel .
Abel G , Abel
, (
). , G g, A=B={e,g} .
n G = {a1 , · · · , an }, Cayley n M, i
j ai aj , M n ( ,
). n n ,
n . Snevily Abel
k .
2000 Noga Alon Snevily
. , Alon p , A = {a1 , · · · , ak }
Zp k , b1 , · · · , bk 2 Zp , k < p, {1, · · · , k} æ
a1 + bæ(1) , · · · , ak + bæ(k) . 2001 Dasgupta, Karolyi, Serra Szegedy
Snevily Alon
Abel , DKSS :G Abel
|G| > 1 , G k A = {a1 , · · · , ak }( k |G|
p(G)) G ( ) b1 , · · · , bk , {1, · · · , k} æ a1 bæ(1) , · · · ,
· 110 · 10000

ak bæ(k) . 2003 Abel G k

A={a1 , · · · , ak } B={b1 , · · · , bk }, B ( G
) {1, · · · , k} æ a1 bæ(1) , · · · , ak bæ(k) . 2004
Abel p- G DKSS k < 2p
Abel G Snevily 2
k < p(G) . 2008
Abel Abel G DKSS
G p- , |G| k!, A {a, a2 , · · · , ak }(
a 6= e).
2006 Snevily G
Abel ( G ), A={a1 , · · · , ak }, B={b1 , · · · , bk }, C=
{c1 , · · · , ck } G k , {1, · · · , k} æ ø a1 bæ(1) cø (1) , · · · ,
ak bæ(k) cø (k) . ,n k
. Abel , Klein
C2 £C2 .
Snevily .
, Snevily .
, Snevily a1 , · · · , ak
k < n, {1, · · · , k} æ a1 + æ(1), · · · , ak + æ(k) n .
2002 Kezdy Snevily k 6 (n + 1)/2 ,

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The Drinfeld-Vladt Bound on Numbers of Points of
Algebraic Curves over Finite Fields

Fq q , q . Fq [x, y]
f (x, y), ( ) C : f (x, y) = 0. Nq (C)
C Fq ( C Fq ). 1941 , A.
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. , A.Weil , Weil
P.Deligne 1973 , 1978 .
. 1970 , Goppa Riemann-Roch ,
, . 1982 , Tsfasman,Vladut Zink
, 1952 Gilbert-Varshamov
, . Garcia, Stichtenoth
Artin-Schreier ,
C, , Nq (C)
. g > 0,
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A(q) = lim A(q, g). A(q) =?
. Ihara 1981
, Weil A(q) 6 2 q. 1983 , Drinfeld(
) Vladut Ihara , A(q) 6 q ° 1. Tsfasman,Vladut
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( ) .
Drinfeld-Vladt · 113 ·

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) .

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· 114 · 10000

Langlands Program

Riemann(1859) Riemann ≥
≥(s) = s
, Res > 1

, 1/2[39] . [45]
n Riemann ,
Riemann . Deligne [6]
Weil Riemann
Weil Deligne , ≥ Riemann
, ≥ . Weil Langlands Riemann
≥ Artin L- Hecke L- , L
( [31]ª[33]). L , Langlands Harish-
Chandra(1923-1983) , Borel(1923-2003) Harish-Chandra
, [17] Whittaker [32]
. Langlands
L , Eisenstein (1965).
L . Langlands L
, . ,
, L .
, .
Langlands GL2
Artin , Artin
Galois GL2 .
Artin [2]
Galois Artin L . Langlands
Artin L L . , [10]
L , Artin L .
(Langlands) · 115 ·

E Q , E Hasse-Weil L
L(s, E). Birch Swinnerton-Dyer E(Q) Mordell-Weil L(s, E)
s=1 . Shimura-Taniyama-Weil L(s, E) L
(1950s). Taylor-Wiles [43]
. Taylor-Weil[43] Wiles[46] Fermat
Langlands L , L
GLn L , L
L . , L Q GLm
L . .
, X
, º1 (X) étale . Langlands º1 (X) n
` GLn . Langlands
GL2 Drinfeld[7] , LaÆorgue[28] .
Langlands º1 (X) n ` Hecke

F ,v F Archimedes Archimedes , Fv F
.F FA = ¶0v Fv . G
, G(FA ) G(F). G Z.
80 19
< z =
G = GLn , Z= @ .. A . F F§A
: . ;
, F §
, w Z(F)\Z(FA ) .
L (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w),
f (∞g) =
f (g), ∞ 2 G(F), g 2 G(FA ) w f (zg) = w(z)f (g), z 2 Z(FA ), g 2
G(FA )
|f (g)|2 dg < 1.
Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA )

L2 (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w) N
f (ng)dn = 0, g 2 G(FA )
N (F)\N (FA )

f L20 (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w). G = GLn ,

· 116 · 10000

80 19 80 19
> > > >
P = B
* C=
C ,
N= B
* >
C .
>@ . A> >@ . A>
: 0 GLnr
: 0 Inr

G(FA ) L2 (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w)

Ω : G(FA ) ! End(L2 (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w)), (Ω(g)f )(h) = f (hg).

Ω L20 (Z(FA )G(F)\G(FA ), w) ,Ω L20

º . Ω L20 Eisenstein
º º = ≠v ºv , ºv G(Fv )
, . ºv Weil Weil-Deligne
. F̄v Fv , Fur Fv , Gal(Fur /Fv )
¶p Zp = Ẑ. Gal(F̄v /Fv ) °
! Gal(Fur /Fv ) F̄v Fv . Z
Ẑ = Gal(Fur /Fv ) Frobenius Fr , Weil W Fv Z
æ , Weil-Deligne WF0 v WF C . G
, G L L
G . L
[4] L
G 0
G = (G/F) = G o °F ,
L L 0
°F = Gal(F̄/F). L
(GLn /F) = GLn (C) o °F .
Langlands G(Fv )
L , L W Fv WF0 v L
. GL2 Langlands Kutzko [27]
. GLn Langlands
Harris-Taylor [13]
Henniart [14]
. ,
Langlands Langlands L L(s, ºv ),
L(s, º) = ¶v L(s, ºv ), §(s, º) = ¶ v L(s, ºv ).

Langlands[33] º, L(s, º) §(s, º)

Res .
Godement-Jacquet[10] L LGJ §GJ ,
Langlands . LGJ §GJ .
Langlands GLn , L(s, º) §(s, º) .
Langlands Artin Langlands æ
Gal(F̄/F) Weil L
G . æ G
(Langlands) · 117 ·

º , L L(s, æ) = LGJ (s, º)[4] . G = GLn ,

Langlands n=1 . n=2 , Galois
, Langlands[30] Tunnell[44] .
, G GL1 , GL2 , Langlands
L , Langlands . G H F
, G . √ : L
H ! L
G L .
√: H ! G L L
L , √| HL 0

H ! G .0 L 0
F v, √v √ L
(H(Fv )) ! L (G(Fv ))
. Langlands , (√v )§ H(Fv ) G(Fv )
. º = ≠v ºv H(FA ) . Langlands
¶v 2 (√v )§ (ºv ) G(FA ) ¶ = ≠v ¶v . º
, ¶
, H = {1}, G = GLn , L
H = {1} o °F , L G = GLn (C) o °F . æ
°F n , æ : °F ! GLn (C). L √(1, ∞) = (æ(∞), ∞), ∞ 2 °F .
L , Langlands .
, E F m Galois , H F . G = RE/F H,
G H E F , G(F) = H(E). L
H = H o °F ,L 0

G = (L H 0 £ · · · £ L H 0 ) o °F .
| {z }

L √ : L H ! L G, √(x, ∞) = (x, · · · , x, ∞), x 2 L H 0 , ∞ 2 °F , L

. √ .
E F Galois , H = GL2 Saitō[40] Langlands[30]
, H = GLn Arthur-Clozel[1] . E F , GLn
L s = 1 ,
. , Jacquet et.
al(1986-2005) . E/F , H GLn ,
, H = GL2 , G = GLm+1 , L
H = GL2 (C) o °F , L G = GLm+1 (C) o °F .
Symm : GL2 (C) ! GLm+1 (C) GL2 (C) m , m
. L √ : H ! G, √(x, ∞) = (Sym x, ∞)
L L m
º GLm+1 Sym º m
, º , Symm º
, L(s, Symm º) .
Sym º, Shimura
2 [42]
L(s, Sym º) 2
. Gelbart-Jacquet[9]
· 118 · 10000

Sym2 º Sym2 º º .
Sym3 º, Kim-Shahidi[25] . Sym4 º
Kim[22] , Kim-Shahidi[24] .
Sym º 4
, Kim-Sarnak [23]
GL2 (QA ) º,
ºp , |ƺ (j, p)| 6 p 7/64
º1 , |Reµº (j)| 6 7/64.
ƺ (j, p), µº (j), j = 1, 2, º L
§(s, º) = L(s, º1 )L(s, º), L(s, º1 ) = °R (s + µº (j)),
°R (s) = º °s/2 °(s/2), L(s, º) = L(s, ºp ),
L(s, ºp ) = (1 ° ƺ (j, p)p°s )°1 .

° Ω SL2 (Z), H ° Laplace

∏1 > 1/4 ° (7/64) . 2

GLn Ramanujan |ƺ (j, p)| = 1, Reµº (j) = 0, j = 1, · · · , n,

ºp º1 . m, Symm º , GL2
Ramanujan . Selberg ∏1 > 1/4,
∏1 > 1/4 ° (7/64)2 .
m, Sym º m
GLn º Lindelöf
L(1/2 + it, º) ø" c(º, t)" ,
n Y
c(º, t) = Nº (1 + |µº (j, v) + it|d(v) )
j=1 v=1
L(s, º) , Nº L(s, º) §(1 ° s, º̃) = "¯º Nº §(s, º)
, º̃ º , |"º | = 1, d(v) = 1 Fv = R, d(v) = 2 Fv = C.
L(1/2 + it, º) Phragmén-Lindelöf ,

L(1/2 + it, º) ø" c(º, t)1/4+" .

. GL2 , L(1/2 + it, º)
t Good [11]
Meuramn [36]
, µº (j) Ivić[15]
Peng[38] , t µº (j) Jutila-Motohashi[19] , Nº
Duke-Friedlander-Iwaniec [8]
. 1/3 + ".
GL4 L Rankin-Selberg L L(s, f £ g), f
g ,g . µf (j) Sarnak [41]
Lau [34]
(Langlands) · 119 ·

, t µf (j) Jutila-Motohashi[20] , Nf , Kowalski-

Michel-VanderKam[26] , Michel[37] , Harcos-Michel[12] . µf (j)
1/3 + ". Nf Q Shimura
Heegner [47]
GL8 L L L(s, f £ g £ h), f, g, h
. f , L(1/2 + it, f £ f £ h)
Sarnak [41]
Lau [34]
. |f (z)|2 dxdy/y 2 °\H
, . g h , L(1/2 + it, f £ g £ h)
µf (j) Bernstein-Reznikov [3]
L , .

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1 2

1 The University of Iowa

· 122 · 10000

Gauss Conjecture on Real Quadratic Number Fields
with Class Number One

1801 (Disquisitions Arithmeticae)

, a, b, c,
ax + bxy + cy = n
2 2
n (x, y).
(Fermat) 17 4 1 p
, x +y = p
2 2
. p = (x+iy)(x°iy)(i =
°1), a + ib , a b (
). Z[i] ( ) ,
( Z ). Z
Z[i] , Æ = a + ib , Æ
0, ±1 ±i, Æ |Æ| = a2 + b2 .
, 4 1 p
( p ). Z[i] ,
Æ(|Æ| > 2) ,
. Z[i] , ,
n, x +y = n
2 2
, (x, y)
Z[i] Q[i] = Q[ °1], Q ,
. ax2 +bxy +cy 2 = n ,
K = Q[ d], d , d 6= 1 d p " .
p #
1+ d
K OK = Z[d]( d ¥ 2, 3(mod4) ), Z
( d ¥ 1(mod4) ). K = Q[ d], OK

d>0 , K = Q[ d] ( K ), d<0
, K . d = °1, °2, °3, °7, °11, °19, °43, °67 °163 ,
OK , .
K, OK .
(I) 9 K, OK ;
1 · 123 ·

(II) K, OK .
( , ) ( ) OK .
K I(K) P (K), , C(K) =
I(K)/P (K) K ( ), . C(K)
h(K) = |C(K)| K ( ). h(K) = 1
OK , OK .
(I0 ) 1 9 ;
(II ) 00
1 .
(I )
1967 Baker Stark
. , .
(II )
. 1983 , H.Cohen
H.W.Lenstra ,
G, D(K) 6 x , G
x ! +1 Æ, Æ .
. K = Q[ d] , D(K) = 4d(
d ¥ 2, 3(mod4) ), D(K) = d( d ¥ 1(mod4) ). D(K)
,K , h(K) > 2. Cohen-Lenstra , D(K)
, D(K) 6 x 1 ( x ! +1
) 76%. H.Cohen H.W.Lenstra ,
. ,
, .

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Transcendence of Values of Riemann Zeta Function
at Odd Positive Integers

, .
, Liouville 1844
. Hermite 1873 e
Lindemman 1882 ⇡ ,
, Hilbert 23 7 .
, ,
, zeta .
s > 1,
X 1
≥(s) = .

zeta . Euler 18
. Riemann 1859
. ,
n > 1, ≥(2n) = bn º , 2n
bn . ≥(2n)
n > 1, ≥(2n + 1) .
Apéry 1978 ≥(3) , 2000 , Rivoal
≥(2n + 1) . ≥(5), ≥(7), · · · , ≥(21) 9
, Zudilin .
, ,
, .
(Riemann)zeta · 125 ·

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Riemann Conjecture

zeta ,
, ,
. , ,
. , .
, , . ,
⇡ (x), x . x , ⇡(x)
⇡(x) , Legendre .
, x!1 , ⇡(x) ª x/ ln x, “ª” 1, ln x
x . , .
, x!1 , ⇡(x) ! 1.
, , , ,
. , .
x>1 ,
1 Yµ 1
= 1 ° ,
nx p

p .
, .
1850 , Chebyshev ⇡(x)
. c1 (< 1) c2 (> 1), c1 x/ ln x 6 ⇡(x) 6
c2 x/ ln x. Chebyshev ,
c1 c2 , 1, Chebyshev .
(Riemann) · 127 ·

1859 ,
, ⇡(x) ,
, . ,
, ⇡(x) .
, x s. Re(s)
s , Im(s) s . Re(s) > 1 ,
X 1
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zeta . , Re(s) > 1 ,

s , .
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, Re(s) = 1/2 , . ,
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. , s = æ + it,
æ > 1° 2/3
ln (|t| + 2) ln ln1/3 (|t| + 10)
, ≥(s) . , , ≥(s)
, , .
, ,
X X xΩ
ln p = x ° + ,
p6 x | Im(Ω) |6 T

p ,Ω ≥(s) , 26 T 6 x. ,
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, Re(Ω) , . , ≥(s)
, 1896 , Hadamard Vallée Poussin
Re(Ω) < 1, . ⇡(x),
Z µ ∂
dt x
⇡(x) = +O ,
2 ln t lnA x

A , , O(x1°" ).
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⇡(x) = + O x1/2+" .
2 ln t

, , ,
≥(s) . ,
, ,
. ,
, . ,
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. , ≥(s) ,
, . ,
21 , .

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Transcendence of The Euler’s Constant

, .
Liouville 1844 , Hilbert 23
7 .
, ,
Hermite 1873 e ,
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. ,
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X 1
n > 1, un = ° log n.
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. ∞ º 0.577215664 · · · . ∞ ( )
. , Mertens

Yµ 1

µ µ
1° = 1+O (x > 2),
p log x log x

p>2 . ,
, .
, ∞ . ,
. Hilbert
. ,
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The BSD Conjecture on Alliptic Curves

a b , 4a3 + 27b2 6= 0, E : y 2 = x3 + ax + b
Q . E(Q)
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). Mordell 1922 E(Q) ,
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, E(Q)f E , r(E). r(E)
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2 3
, (Taniyama) (Shimura) A.Weil
20 50 70 . A.Wiles
1994 , 20 .
Birch Swinnerton-Dyer 1963-1965 ,
E(Q) ( E L ) .
, 21 .
p, 4a3 +27b2 p , y 2 = x3 +ax+b
Fp , Np Fp ( ),
E L L(E, s) = Lp (E, s), p 4a + 27b2

, Lp (E, s) = (1 ° (1 + p ° Np )p°s + p1°2s )°1 p 4a3 + 27b2
, Lp (E, s) = (1 ° ap p°s )°1 , ap = 0, 1 °1( ap E
). – –Weil L(E, s)
s , . R(E) L(E, s)
s=1 , BSD
(BSD1) r(E) = R(E);
(BSD2) R(E) = 0( L(E, 1) 6= 0),
L(E, 1) M |SH(E)|
= 2 , (§)
R(E) |E(Q)t |

R(E) E ( ) , SH(E) E Tate-Shafarevich ,M

E (Tamagawa) ( ,
20 70 , BSD . (BSD1), J. Coates
· 132 · 10000

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D. Zagier 1986 R(E) = 1, r(E) > 1. (BSD2), K.
Rubin 1987 , R(E) = 0, (§)
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a b
a, b 2 Z).
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n ,
n . (
). 11 .
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2 3 2
> 1,
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N ,
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2 2 2
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Hilbert Ninth Problem: How to Generalize The Gauss Quadratic

Reciprocity Law

p , a a p . a
p , b, a ¥ b2 (modp).
, a p . Legendre
a p (a/p) = 1,
(a/p) = °1. 1801
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, . ,
. , .
p k (k > 3). , 1844 Eisenstein
, Kummer 1850-1859 k .
. ( Lemmermeyer [8]

), “ ” ,
Q .

K Q(Æ), Æ Z[x] 1
g(x) = xn + an°1 xn°1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 (ai 2 Z), g(x) n
K/Q ( K Q ). g(x) Æ Q
. OK K , Dedekind OK
( ) , , OK
, , . ,
p OK pOK pOK = P1e1 · · · Pses , P1 , · · · , Ps
OK , ei > 1. , OK /Pi Fp = Z/pZ ,
OK /Pi p fi
, fi Pi . [e1 , · · · , es ; f1 , · · · , fs ]
· 134 · 10000

p OK .
K, K p OK
p OK Æ
g(x) Fp . g(x) Z[x] , g(x)
p Fp = Z/pZ , Fp [x] g(x) =
g1 (x) · · · gs (x) (modp),
e1 es
g1 (x), · · · , gs (x) Fp [x] 1 .
gi (x) fi (1 6 i 6 s), e1 f1 + · · · + es fs = n, [e1 , · · · , es ; f1 , · · · , fs ]
g(x)(modp) . , p OK
g(x) Fp [x] .
p p
K = Q( q), q , Æ = q
g(x) = x2 ° q. g(x) ¥ x2 (modq), q OK qOK = Q2
, q K . p p 6= q,
(q/p) = 1 , q p , q ¥ a (modp), 2
x ° q ¥ (x ° a)(x +

a)(modp), pOK = P1 P2 , P1 P2 , p K
. (q/p) = °1 ,q p , x °q( mod p)
pOK OK , p K . , p(6= q) OK
p°1 q°1
(q/p) . (q/p) (°1) 2 · 2 = (p/q),
p q( q ¥ 1( mod 4) ) p 4q( q ¥ 3( mod 4) )
. , p(6= q) K = Q( q)
p D , D=q 4q K . ,
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) p D(K) , D(K) K ,
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Hilbert Twelfth Problem: Constructing the Maximal Ablelian

Extension of Number Fields
1900 , ( )
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K Q , K
Q . L K ,
K µ L. L ' K° , '
K . L K
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) K . , K
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K .
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, K ab

19 , 19 . 1893 ,
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Æ. Kronecker , K, Æ 2 K, Æ
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, , K
K . ,
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The Main Conjecture of Iwasawa Theory

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n, Zp x= ai p i
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Q ) Zp , Zp Zp
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§, ,§ Zp Zp [[T ]],
(Iwasawa) · 139 ·

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Davenport’s Constants for Finite Abelian Groups

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R ),
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ª A (“
(ii) (" ≠R idA ) ± ∫ = (idA ≠R ") ± ∫ = idA : A ! R ≠R A = ”);
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H 2(n°j) (X ≠k k, Q` )(n ° j) ! Q` .


Hom(H 2(n°j) (X ≠k k, Q` )(n ° j), Q` ) ª

= H 2j (X ≠k k, Q` )(j),

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. Gal(k/k) H (X ≠k k, Q` )(j)
. Gal(k/k)
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A (X)
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Kac-Weisfeiler’s Conjectures in The Representation
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( g G ) ,
( g§
G , ( ) ).
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Bochner-Riesz Multiplier Problem

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µØ Ø
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Restriction Problem of The Fourier Transform

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¬R R , p, q
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a > max Ø ° Ø ° , 0
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Fractal Dimensions of Julia Sets

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X n Rn , Uj Rn ,XΩ
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s s
X HausdorÆ .
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Kakeya Problem

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KN f (x) ¥ sup |f (y)| dy,
x2R2RN |R| R
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L (R )
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1 n
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N Kakeya HausdorÆ Minkowski ;
Bochner-Riesz Fourier
. p=n , Æp = Æn , KN
L (R )
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. ∏ . v(µ) = cos µ , H∏ cos,Æ,µ Mathieu .
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1 0

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(Weinstein) · 301 ·

Weinstein Conjecture

Weinstein Hamilton
, A. Weinstein 1979 [1]
. Hamilton
@H(x, y) @H(x, y)
°ẋ = , ẏ = , (1)
@y @x

, Hamilton (x(t), y(t)) H(x(t), y(t)) = .

(1) , , ,
(1) . c, H(x, y) = c
rH 6= 0, ß = {(x, y) 2 R2n , H(x, y) = c} R2n , Hamilton
(1) ß Hamilton H ,
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Hamilton (1) ß Hamilton

@H1 (x, y) @H1 (x, y)

°ẋ = , ẏ = (2)
@y @x

ß . Weinstein , Hamilton
(1) ß . Hamilton (1)
(M 2n , !) , (M 2n , !) .
(M 2n
, !) , (i) M 2n
2n , (ii) ! 2 ,
, d! = 0, ! 6= 0. n
H:M 2n
! R, °dH(ª) = !(XH , ª)
8ª M 2n
XH , M 2n

ẋ = XH (x) (3)
. (M, !) = (R2n , !0 ), !0 = dxi ^ dyi , (3) (1) .
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Hamilton (1) , R 2n
(X, Y ) !
X n
(x(X, Y ), y(X, Y )) dXi ^ dYi = dxi ^ dyi , Hamilton (1)
1 1
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@K(X, Y ) @K(X, Y )
°Ẋ = , Ẏ = , (4)
@Y @X
K(X, Y ) = H(x(X, Y ), y(X, Y )). .
, A. Weinstein 1979
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ß Ω (M 2n , !) , H 1 (ß , R) = 0,
H : M 2n ! R , H(x) = c, rH 6= 0 8x 2 ß , Hamilton (3)
ß .
ß Ω (M 2n , !) , ß
ª (i) ª ß , (ii) Lª ! = !, Lª ! ! ª Lie .
: (ß 2n°1
, Æ) , (i) ß 2n°1
2n ° 1
, (ii) Æ 1 Æ ^ (dÆ) n°1
6= 0. Æ(X) = 1, dÆ(X, ª) = 0
8ª ß 2n°1
Reeb X.
Weinstein (ß 2n°1
, Æ) Reeb X .
( H (ß , R) = 0.)

1. (M, !) = (R , !0 ) 2n
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, H. Hofer-C. Viterbo[10] ß ,
. , N = T , N = S £ N1 ,
n 1

N1 , , C. Viterbo N ,
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, .
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6. , , H.
(Weinstein) · 303 ·

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· 304 · 10000

Multiple Ergodic Theorems

, ,
, . (X, B, µ)
,T :X !X , µ(A) = µ(T °1
A) A2B , T
, T °1
A=A A2B µ(A) = 0 µ(A) = 1. 20
40 BirkhoÆ [1]
(X, B, µ) ,T :X!X ,
f 2 L1 (X, µ), f § 2 L1 (X, µ) x2X
lim f T i (x) = f § (x).
n!1 n
, T , f § = f dµ. , T ,
. BirkhoÆ . von Neumann
, (X, B, µ, T ) , 1 6 p < 1, f 2
L (X, µ),
f 2 L (X, µ)
§ p
f ±T =f
§ §

f T i (x) ° f § (x) ! 0
n i=0

Lp .
S Banach
|S \ I|
BD§ (S) = lim sup ,
|I|!+1 |I|

I . Szemerédi S
Banach , S . Furstenberg[2]
Szemerédi . ,
, T1 , T 2 , · · · , T k (X, B, µ)
,A2B µ(A) > 0,
N °1
1 X
lim inf µ(T1°n A \ T2°n A \ · · · \ Tk°n A) > 0.
N !1 N n=0
· 305 ·

T1 , T 2 , · · · , T k (X, B, µ)
, f1 , f2 , · · · , fk ,
N °1
1 X
f1 (T1n x)f2 (T2n x) · · · fk (Tkn x)
N n=0

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N °1
1 X
f1 (T n x)f2 (T 2n x) · · · fk (T kn x)
N n=0

L2 (µ) . Ziegler[4] . Tao[5]

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N °1
1 X
f1 (T1n x)f2 (T2n x) · · · fk (Tkn x)
N n=0

L2 (µ) , ( L2 (µ) ). Tao

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n i=0

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(Seifert) · 307 ·

Seifert’s Conjecture on The Multiple Existence
of Brake Orbits

Hamilton H 2 C 2 (R2n , R) ¥ {R2n },

H(p, q) = aij (q)pi pj + V (q),

V 2 C 2 (Rn , R), aij = aji 2 C 2 (Rn , R), q 2 Rn (aij (q)ni,j=1 ) n

. Hamilton
> @H
< ṗ = ° @q ,
> @H
: q̇ = .

(1) (p(t), q(t)), H(p(t), q(t)) ¥ H(p(0), q(0)),

(p(t), q(t)) ß = H (H(p(0), q(0)) ,
t 2 R. aij (q) ¥ ,
q , p = q̇ ,V , H(p, q)
, . (1) .
1948 , Seifert [9]
(1) (p(t), q(t)),
p(0) = p(T ) = 0. Hamilton H p , (p, q) 2T
, p t = 0 t = T ( t 2 R p(°t) =
°p(t), p(T ° t) = °p(T + t)), q t=0 t=T ( t2R
q(°t) = q(t), q(T ° t) = q(T + t)). . (p, q)
E = H(p(t), q(t)), V (q(0)) = V (q(T )) = E. ,
R , (p, q) (p̃, q̃) {(p(t), q(t))|t 2 R} 6= {(p̃(t), q̃(t))|t 2 R}
, .
Seifert[9] ≠ = {q 2 Rn | V (q) < E} .
@≠ , aij V ¯
≠ Rn ,
· 308 · 10000

ds2 = (E ° V (q)) a°1
ij (q)pi pj

Seifert (1) E . Maupertuis-

Jacobi Jacobi
(1) E . Seifert[9]
, (1) n E .
. 1978ª1987 ,
[9] , Bolotin, Hayashi, Gluck Ziller, Benci
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, . 1989 Szulkin[10] H2
C (R , R), H
2 2n
p ,ß ¥H °1
(1) R 2n
2 , ß n (1) .
1985 van Groesen , 1993 [5]
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n .
n .
, [7]
2005 Hamilton
Maslov . n>2 , H
p q , H(±p, q) = H(p, q) = H(p, ±q), H 2 C 2 (R2n , R)
, h > min{H(p, q)|(p, q) 2 Rn £ Rn } = H(0, 0), H °1 (h)
(1) . aij (q) ¥ , V 2 C 2 (Rn , R),
V , ≠ E .
, Seifert . aij (q) ¥
,≠ ,n>2
( [7] ≠ , V ). ¯

Rn , . Seifert

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· 310 · 10000

Invariant Tori in The Neighborhood of An Elliptic
Equilibrium of Hamiltonian Systems

ẋ = J(Ax + rP (x)), x 2 R2n , (1)

A , P (x) 2 O3 (x), Liapunov .

(Liapunov ) JA ±∏1 ,

k∏1 6= ∏i , i = 2, · · · , n; k 2 Z,

±∏i (i = 2, 3, · · · , n) JA , (1)
( ) , .
JA l ±∏1 , · · · , ±∏l , l 6 n, (
P = 0) 2l , l . Liapunov

KAM . ∏ = (∏1 , · · · , ∏n ) Dio-

phantine , ø >0 hk, ∏i > k 6= 0 ,
. .
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Lebesgue .
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, n>3 .
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. Liapunov
l>2 . .
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Closed Geodesic Conjectures on Compact Manifolds

, ( ) .
. Finsler Riemann
. M , F : T M ! [0, +1)

(1) F : T M \ {0} ! [0, +1) , {0} M TM

(2) F (x, ∏y) = ∏F (x, y) y 2 Tx M , x 2 M ∏>0 ,
(3) x2M u, v 2 Tx M ,
1 @2 2
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a dt
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1 1

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kxi ° xj k
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n+2 |≠|

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( / ) . ,
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6N .
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gadro 6 £ 10 23
), ,
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ft + ª · rx f = Q(f, f ), (t, x, ª) 2 R+ £ R3 £ R3 .

f (x, ª, t) > 0 ,∑ Knudsen ,
, Q(f, f ) ,
Maxwell Boltzmann.
. ,
. , Hilbert
∑ , Hilbert . Chapman Enskog
, Chapman-Enskog .
Hilbert Chapman-Enskog Euler ,
Navier-Stokes Burnett Burnett .
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Leray . , .
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°¢u = f (x, u), x 2 ≠; u = 0, x 2 @≠ (1)

, ,≠ RN , @≠. Ambrosetti
Rabinowitz (1)
¯ £ R, R),
(A1 ) f 2 C(≠
N +2
(A2 ) c>0 1<p< ( N = 1, 2 p > 1),
N °2
|f (x, t) 6 c(1 + |t|p ), 8x 2 ≠, t 2 R,

(A3 ) µ>2 M >0

Z t
0 < F (x, t) := f (x, s)ds 6 tf (x, t), 8x 2 ≠, |t| > M,
0 µ

(A4 ) f (x, °t) = °f (x, t).

, .
(A4 ) , , Borsuk
. (A1 )-(A3 ), .
N =1 , ; ≠ R N

, f (x, u) |x| u,
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(B1 ) ±>0 ¯ £ (°±, ±), R),
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Singurality Caused by Eigenvectors for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems


@u @u
+ A(u) = 0, (1)
@t @x
t = 0 : u = '(x), (2)

u = (u1 , · · · , un )T (t, x) , A(u) aij (u)

(i, j = 1, · · · , n) n£n , '(x) = ('1 (x), · · · , 'n (x)) T
C 1

C 1
, A(u) n

∏1 (u) < ∏2 (u) < · · · < ∏n (u). (3)

i = 1, · · · , n, li (u) = (li1 (u), · · · , lin (u))T ( , ri (u) = (r1i (u), · · · , r1n (u))T )
∏i (u) ( , )

li (u)A(u) = ∏i (u)li (u) ( , A(u)ri (u) = ∏i (u)ri (u)). (4)

µ ∂
@u @u
li (u) + ∏i (u) = 0, i = 1, · · · , n. (5)
@t @x

C1 , ± > 0, Cauchy (1)ª(2)

06t6± C 1
u = u(t, x), , Cauchy (1)ª(2)
C 1
u = u(t, x) t , t§ > 0,
t " t§ ,
ku(t, ·)k1 = ku(t, ·)k0 + kux (t, ·)k0 , (6)

kk0 C0 . (6) , C1 u = u(t, x) ,

, ∏i (i = 1, · · · , n) li (i = 1, · · · , n) u
, (1) (5) , Cauchy C1
· 345 ·

u = u(t, x) t2R , . , C1
∏i (u)(i = 1, · · · , n)
u. li (u)(i = 1, · · · , n) u. Cauchy
(1)ª(2) C 1
u = u(t, x) ,
u , u ,
, .
li (i = 1, · · · , n) u , (1)

@ui @ui
+ ∏i (u) = 0, i = 1, · · · , n. (7)
@t @x
Cauchy (7) (2) C1 u = u(t, x) u
. ( [1])
(a) , u = u(t, x) , ux
(b) , t
(c) , i = 1, · · · , n

@∏i (u)
¥0 (8)

, .
(d) i ∏i (u) , i
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u .
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C 1
( [3]). ,

(1) , u ;
(2) , , C 1

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t2R C 1
, u

(1) u
Cauchy C1 , Cauchy

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) . , ( )
( ). 1970 , E.F. Keller L.A.Segel[2] ,
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= Q ° r · (D1 ars) + r · (D2 ra), (1)
Q D1 D2 a, s . Q ¥ 0,
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µ ∂
@a @2a @ @ ln(s)
=µ 2 °± a (2)
@t @x @x @x
( (acrasinase) ),

a ,s (acrasin) .
, ,
, ( [3]ª[5]).
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, a(x, t) (1) a0 (x) ,
(1) lim inf t!1 ka(·, t)kL1 > ka0 (·)kL1 , ka(·, t)kL1 ,
(2) t!T , ka(·, t)kL1 , (blow-up), T
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µ µ µ ∂∂∂
@a @ @ a @s
= a ln , = R(a, s), (3)
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©0 (s)
Q ¥ 0, D1 = ,D2 = 1, (1) (3).
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. ,
. ,
. ,
1 Q D1 D2 ,

2 , ,

, . ,
, ,
. , ,
, ,

, - , - - ;
, .
1 ,
, , ,

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Uniqueness in Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic

Scattering Problems

. , ,
. ,
. ,
u ( , ,
), PDE ,
, . , ,
. .
, u = exp{ikx · d}
k>0 ,d2S n°1
. u s
D , c
PDE (Helmholtz)
µ ∂
(¢ + k 2 )u = 0 Dc , u = us + ui , lim |x|(n°1)/2 ° ikus = 0.
|x|!1 @|x|

, @D .
(sound-soft), u|@D = 0; (sound-hard), |@D =
≥ @u
0. (impedance boundary condition),
¥ @∫
+ ∏u |@D = 0, ∏ 2 C, Im ∏ > 0, .
Ω µ ∂æ
eik|x| 1
us (x) = u1 (x̂) + O , |x| ! 1.
|x|(n°1)/2 |x|

u1 (x̂) , x̂ , . u1 (x̂)
@D. u1 (x)
@D? @D? ,
· 353 ·

F : @D 7! u1 (x̂) 1-1 ?

, , F 1-1
R n
, u1 (x̂) n°1 ( ), @D
n°1 , @D u1 (x) .
, , ( n ) u1 ,
@D, F 1-1 . 50 ,
. SchiÆer, Lax Phillips Laplace
. Kirsch
Kress Isakov —— ,
. Liu Zou
—— (path) , n
, . ,

1 , ( )

, ,
, , .
, ,
. , PDE

r £ E s ° ikH s = 0, r £ H s + ikE s = 0 Dc .

, Es Hs . ,
, ( @D ) .E s
E1 H1 , E1 H1 .
, .
. ,
, .
. ,
, . ,
, , Hadamard , ,
· 354 · 10000

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—— .
, ,
. , PDE
µ ∂
(¢ + k q(x))u = 0
R n
, u=u +u , s i
lim |x| (n°1)/2
° ikus = 0,
|x|!1 @|x|

q(x) 2 L1 (Rn ), supp(q ° 1) b Rn ,

. , u1 (x̂, d) ,
. q(x) Rn
, ( R3 ). ,
DtN(Dirichlet-to-Neumann) . Uhlmann-
Sylvester ,
. ,
, PDE Maxwell

r £ E ° ikµH = 0, r £ H + ik"E = 0,

, µ, " . ,
µ(x) "(x) , µ ° 1, " ° 1 .
, .
, supp(q ° 1)( supp(µ ° 1) supp(" ° 1)),
2 ( )
supp(1 ° q) ( , supp(µ ° 1) supp(" ° 1))

3 , ( )

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Spectral Asymptotics of Elliptic Operators
and The Weyl-Berry Conjecture

≠ Ω Rn , Dirichlet-Laplace
°4u = ∏u, x 2 ≠,
(P )
u|@≠ = 0,

(P ) {∏i }i2N ,

0 < ∏ 1 6 ∏2 6 · · · 6 ∏k 6 · · · ,

limk!+1 ∏k = +1.
≠ ( {∏i }i2N
). k ! +1 , ∏k .
∏ > 0,
N (∏) = N (∏, °4, ≠) = ]{j | ∏j 6 ∏}

Dirichlet counting . N (∏k ) = k, ∏k

counting ∏ ! +1 .
H. Weyl [1]

N (∏) = (2º)°n !n |≠|n ∏n/2 + o(∏n/2 ), ∏ ! +1, (1)

!n n , |≠|n ≠ n Lebesgue (≠ ). Weyl

N (∏) , ≠ |≠|n . Weyl

N (∏) = (2º)°n !n |≠|n ∏n/2 ° Cn |@≠|n°1 ∏(n°1)/2 + o(∏(n°1)/2 ), ∏ ! +1, (2)

∑ µ ∂∏°1
n°1 n°1
Cn = 4(4º) 2 ° 1 + . N (∏) ,
≠ |≠|n , |@≠|n°1 (n ° 1 Lebesgue )
- (Weyl-Berry) · 357 ·

1980 , R. Melrose V. Ja. Ivrii

( Ivrii , [3]),
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1 , Weyl
Kac [2] ≠, N (∏)
≠ , ,
2 ≠, |≠|n |@≠|n°1 , ≠

1 1910 H. A. Lorentz ,
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+ .
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N (∏) = (2º)°n !n |≠|n ∏n/2 ° Cn,± µ(±, @≠)∏±/2 + o(∏±/2 ), ∏ ! +1, (3)

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3 , @≠ ,
3 Berry ≠ ,
≠ , Dirichlet
Laplace , . ≠
. 3 ,
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· 359 ·

Is There No Shock Formation for Quasilinear Linearly

Degenerate Hyperbolic Systems


@u @f (u)
+ = g(u), (1)
@t @x
t = 0 : u = '(x), (2)

u = (u1 , · · · , un )T (t, x) , f (u) = (f1 (u), · · · , fn (u))T

g(u) = (g1 (u), · · · , gn (u))T , '(x) = ('1 (x), · · · ,
'n (x)) T
C 1
C 1
, f (u) Jacobi A(u) = rf (u)
∏1 (u) < ∏2 (u) < · · · < ∏n (u). (3)

i = 1, · · · , n, ri (u) = (r1i (u), · · · , rni (u))T ∏i (u)

A(u)ri (u) = ∏i (u)ri (u). (4)

C1 , ± > 0, Cauchy (1)ª(2)

06t6± C 1
u = u(t, x), (1), ±
' C
± = ±(k'k1 ). (5)

, Cauchy (1)ª(2) C1 u = u(t, x) t

, t > 0,
t"t §

ku(t, ·)k1 = ku(t, ·)k0 + kux (t, ·)k0 , (6)

kk0 C0 . , C1 u = u(t, x) , ,
(6) ,
· 360 · 10000

(i) t " t§ , ku(t, ·)k0 , kux (t, ·)k0 . Burgers

Cauchy 8
< @u + u @u = 0,
@t @x (7)
: t = 0 : u = '(x)

. , , , ux ,
(7) . , .
(ii) t"t §
, ku(t, ·)k0 , kut (t, ·)k0 kux (t, ·)k0
. Riccati Cauchy
< @u = u2 ,
@t (8)
: t = 0 : u = '(x)

. ODE .
(1) ,

r∏i (u)ri (u) ¥ 0 (i = 1, · · · , n) (9)

, Cauchy (1)ª(2) C1 u = u(t, x)

, ODE , ( [1] [2])
, T0 > 0,
Cauchy (1)ª(2) C 1
u = u(t, x) 0 6 t 6 T (0 <
T < T0 ) ,
ku(t, ·)k0 6 C1 (T0 ), 80 6 t 6 T, (10)

C1 (T0 ) T T0 ,

kux (t, ·)k0 6 C2 (T0 ), 80 6 t 6 T, (11)

C2 (T0 ) T T0 .
@ui @ui
+ ∏i (u) = µi (u) (i = 1, · · · , n) (12)
@t @x
, (9)
@∏i (u)
¥0 (i = 1, · · · , n) , (13)
, ( [3]).
· 361 ·

(12) , ,
( [4]). (1), '(x) C1
, ( [5] [6]),
C 1
'(x) , , ,

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The Solution Resolution Conjection in Schrödinger Equations

Schrödinger ,
, Schrödinger
. , , ,
. .
Erwin Schrödinger 1926 Schrödinger

iut + ¢u = 0, (1)

, u(t, x) , R £ Rd , |u(t, x)|2

t , x .
|u(t, x)| dx = 2
|u(0, x)|2 dx. (2)

Schrödinger . ,
( ) , , ,
. ,
, .
Schrödinger Gauss
1 |x°y|2
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, ,
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t!1 K

,K Rd .
, 0.
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, Q

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> 2
< n
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> 2
> n
: |x|2° mn
, m> .
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= V (Xt (x)), X0 (x) = x. (1)
V Lipschitz

|V (x) ° V (y)| 6 C|x ° y|, x, y 2 Rd ,

(1) Picard . Xt (x) = x
Z t
(n+1) ° ¢
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(Xt )t2R . Xt+s = Xt ± Xs , Xt : R ! R d d
V Osgood

|V (x) ° V (y)| 6 C|x ° y|r(|x ° y|), |x ° y| 6 ±,

Z ±
s ! r(s) = +1, (1) Euler
0 sr(s)

(n) (n) (n) ° (n) ¢

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Xt+s = Xt ± Xs , Xt : R ! R d d
V Sobolev W 1,p (Rd ). V ,
(1) . Xt : R ! R
d d
(1), (i) R d

Lebesgue ∏d (Xt ) (Xt )§ ∏d = kt ∏d ; (ii)

Z t
x 2 Rd , Xt (x) = x + V (Xs (x))ds, t > 0. ,V Jacobi
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un· (·) 2 L1 ([0, T ], Lp ) u 2 L1 ([0, T ], Lp ),

° V · rut = 0, u0 = `. (2)
(iii) V Sobolev (2) , un u ,
Xt (x) = (u1 (t, x), · · · , ud (t, x)) , ui
`i : (x1 , · · · , xd ) 7! xi .
V = °r', ' Rd ∏ :
∏t(1 ° t)
'((1 ° t)x + ty) 6 (1 ° t)'(x) + t'(y) ° |x ° y|2 .
, De Giorgi (i) h > 0,
Ω æ
1 (1) (1)
inf x h'(x) + |x ° x0 |2 , Xh . x0 Xh ,
(2) © (n) ™ (n)
Xh . , Xh : n > 1 . (ii) Xh (t) = Xh , t 2
[nh, (n + 1)h). , h#0 , Xh (t) t 2 [0, T ]

dXt = °(r')(Xt ) dt, X0 = x0 (3)

. , r' , (3)
. , (Xt ) r' ,
|Xt (x0 ) ° Xt (y0 )| 6 e °∏t
|x0 ° y0 |.
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d∫t d
= ¢ L ∫t F d∫t = ¢L F d∫t .
dt dt
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(HS1) µ2 '2 (x)

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y2@D y2@D

(HS2) µ2 '2 (x)

inf '2 (y) 6 '2 (x) 6 sup '2 (y), 8x 2 D.

y2@D y2@D

§ NSF Grant DMS-0600206 .

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(HS3) µ2 '2 (x)

inf '2 (y) 6 '2 (x) 6 sup '2 (y), 8x 2 D.

y2@D y2@D

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The g-Conjecture for Spheres

g- (d ° 1)- i-
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, ( ) S d°1
fi ¢ i- , 0 6 i 6 d ° 1, f°1 = 1. ¢ h-
h(¢) = (h0 , h1 , · · · , hd )
X d
hi xd°i = fi°1 (x ° 1)d°i .
i=0 i=0

Sd°1 , Dehn-Sommerville hi = hd°i .

° ¢
¢ g- g(¢) = g0 , g1 , · · · , gbd/2c

g0 = 1, gi = hi ° hi°1 , 1 6 i 6 bd/2c.

(multicomplex) (a1 , a2 , · · · , an ) (
n) °, (a1 , · · · , an ) 2 ° 0 6 bi 6 ai , (b1 , · · · , bn ) 2 °.
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° ¢
g- g0 , g1 , · · · , gbd/2c Sd°1
g- °, ° gi i ,
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Convex Polygons and Erdös-Szekeres Problem

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( 3 ), 4 .
1 .

1 5 , 4

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G H , Gª
= H, V (G) V (H)
( , )f , G
u v G H f (u) f (v) H
, G H H
( G ), . ,
, .
G v v G
, G ° v. , G n , G n .
, n ( ) ( )
G “ ”, “ ”. “ ”
“ ” , .
1 G H , V (G) V (H)
f, G v, G°v ª
= H ° f (v).
, .
, .
2 G (reconstructible), G
G .
. .
( ) , (
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k, k- . Tutte 5.
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5- , . 4- , Peterson
. , 4 , ,
Peterson 4- . Tutte : , Peterson
4- (4-flow conjecture) G .
G Peterson , G 4- .
4- , , 4-
. , .
· 447 ·

k- , k°1 . 4-
4- . 4- 3- 3- (3-flow conjecture)
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Subgraph Covering

G V (G) E(G).
. , . G
F= {H1 , H2 , · · · , Hm } G , i=1 E(Hi ) = E(G),
G F . “ ”
F= {H1 , H2 } H1
H2 . .
, (path) (circuit) (matching) .
Gallai G n , G F
= {H1 , H2 , · · · , Hm } Hi , 1 6 i 6 m; m6 ;
i 6= j, E(Hi ) \ E(Hj ) = ?.
Lovasz[2] Gallai .
Hi , .
n F= {H1 , H2 , · · · , Hm }
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, m .
Hajos G n , G F=
{H1 , H2 , · · · , Hm } Hi , 1 6 i 6 m; m6 ;
i 6= j, E(Hi ) \ E(Hj ) = ?.
Gallai Hajos , Pyber
[4]. , Pyber Hajos .
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H G , V (H) = V (G) H 1- . “
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· 449 ·

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Self-Avoiding Walks

(lattice random walk)( , Pólya walk)

(George Pólya) . (
) . (self-avoiding walk)
, .
d- Zd n- ! ! = (!(0),
· · · , !(n)), !(i) 2 Z , |!(i + 1) ° !(i)| = 1 (
), i 6= j,
!(i) 6= !(j). !(0) = (0, 0, · · · , 0).
d- Z d
, n- (2d)n . cd (n) Zd
n- , , c0 = 1.
cn ,
Madras Slade [4]
. n, cd (n)
. (square lattice), Conway Guttmann[1]
51- . , Jensen cn ,
52 6 n 6 71 , n- . Hara
Slade[2] , d>4 cd (n) (asymptotic behavior).
lim [cd (n)] 1/n
(self-avoiding walk connective constant), µd .
µd ,

µ2 2 [2.62002, 2.679192495],
µ3 2 [4.572140, 4.7476],
µ4 2 [6.742945, 6.8179],
µ5 2 [8.828529, 8.8602],
µ6 2 [10.874038, 10.8886].

d=2 3, ∞
· 451 ·

cd (n)
n!1 µnd n∞°1

. d>4 d > 4, ,
(critical exponent) ∞ = 1. d = 4,

cd (n)
n!1 µnd n∞°1 (ln n)1/4

. d64 , ∞
< 43/32
> d = 2,
∞= 1.162 · · · d = 3,
: 1 d = 4.

(scaling limit),
, ∑ 8/3 Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE).
n- (mean square displace-
1 X
sd (n) ¥ |!(n)|2 ,
cd (n) !

n- ! .
cd (n) , sd (n) :
> sd (n)
> lim
< n!1 d 6= 4,
> sd (n)
: lim 2∫ d = 4,
n!1 n (ln n)1/4

d>4 , ∫ = 1/2. ,d64 , ∫ [4]

< 3/4
> d = 2,
∫= 0.59 · · · d = 3,
: 1/2 d = 4.

∞ ∫ (lattice-independent),
(dimension-dependent). (universality).
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1. Di±e-Hellman

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, . C
, K. ,C xA xB ,
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G b 2 G, x, 0 6 x 6 N ° 1, a = b.

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Is There Any More E±cient Algorithm for MQ Problem
in Multivariate Public Key Cryptography?

Fq q := |Fq |. q . n2
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Fq ,P n m 2 ,
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X d
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X n
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16j6k6n j=1

d 2 N, q = pk , k 2 Z+ , p .
n2N m 2 N.
d=1 , ,
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“ 10000 个科学难题” 丛书数、理理、化编委会

2008 年年 12 ⽉月

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