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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest's
wife had a prophetic dream and she gave her husband an urgent warning from God, and the
warning was this: If you do not pray correctly people will die. He got a revelation of how
praying correctly is. Anyone interested in finding out? Me, too.

Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Is God ready to
bring a tsunami wave of healing onto Planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years
researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural.

SID: Robert Henderson, I don't know about you, but if my wife had come to me with a dream
like that, that would have put the fear of God within me. How would you react?

ROBERT: Well yes, that's exactly what it did. I mean, whatever she said to me that the Lord
had said, "Tell Robert that if he does not pray for them correctly they will die." It actually, it did
put the fear of God in me, but it also kind of frustrated me because I was like, well what do I do
with that? I mean, I'm doing the best I know how. I'm praying for these people, we're seeing
people healed, but we were seeing some others that were not healed, and I knew God was
addressing that.

SID: Okay. So you were really seeking God and he gave you a revelation of God in three
dimensions of prayer.


SID: Explain that.

ROBERT: Yes. In the Book of Luke, Jesus, whenever his disciples asked him, in Luke 11, to
teach them to pray, he actually in the Book of Luke, Luke 11, he gave them two dimensions and
then in Luke 18, added the third dimension. He first said, "When you approach God, approach
him as Father." He said that they should say, "Our Father which art in Heaven." And then he
said, in Luke 11, Verse 5-8, "In which you are having a friend." So the second realm is approach
God as friend, but then the third realm is in Luke 18, where he said that there was a judge, an
unjust judge that a widow came before. And the Bible is not saying that God is an unjust judge
we have to convince. The whole issue is if this widow could get a verdict from an unjust judge,
how much more can we get a verdict from God our righteous judge. And so that's the third
dimension of prayer, stepping into the courts of Heaven, where we begin to deal with every legal
issue that's stopping us from getting the full benefit of what Jesus paid for.

SID: You explain that one of the biggest hindrances is the devil has legal rights against us.
Explain that.

ROBERT: Yes. That is the biggest thing, is that the enemy uses legal things in our own personal
life, but also in our bloodlines, that he uses issues that become legal things that are used to resist
God's purposes in our life. Peter addresses, in First Peter 5:8, when he said, "Be sober, be
vigilant for your adversary..." That's the Greek word "antidikos" and it means one who brings a

lawsuit. So the enemy is occupying a legal position building a case so he can bring a lawsuit, so
the Bible says he can devour. You see, he can only devour when he's discovered a legal right.
And in the realm of healing when the enemy is devouring us with sickness and disease, it's
because he has discovered quite often something legal that's giving him the right to do that.

SID: Tell me about your friend that had the tumor.

ROBERT: Yes. My friend was suffering from a pituitary gland tumor and I think he had been in
the condition for at least six weeks. And every ten minutes this intense pain would wash over
him. The doctors could not get the pain relieved. They had him on medicine, all sorts of things.
We had prayed a couple of times, but nothing had changed. And all of a sudden he called me and
he said, "Would you please pray for me again." And I, at this point, and he's African-American, I
said, "Okay, we need to deal with issues in your bloodline." And I said, "Because in Africa, at
every city gate there is an altar that dedicates that city to demon powers and dedicates the
inhabitants of that city, and your ancestors would have lived in one of the cities. So we need to
come before the courts and we need to ask that from the courts there would be annulling of those
covenants that were made in your bloodline that dedicated you and your bloodline to the devil.
And so I led him through this prayer and through this process." He got up that night and went to
the couch area in the living room and he prayed one more time. He said, "Lord, please heal me."
He found himself awake the next morning with no pain, completely healed, all the issue gone
because we had dealt with the legal right the enemy had used to afflict him with that sickness.

SID: And you find people with stage 4 cancer that when you find the legal right and get rid of it
then it's a given.

ROBERT: Absolutely. I was just in a conference and a lady walked up to me and said to me,
she said, "I just need to tell you." She hadn't even read my new book. She just said, "I just took
the principles that you have spoken of and I went before the courts in behalf of my mother and
over a process of time dealt with legal issues that the enemy was using." And then she said, "My
mother is now completely healed of stage 4 cancer, completely free from it."

SID: You know, another one of the holds the devil has over people is words you have spoken or
words that have been spoken about you. Did you know you can get rid of those, I mean, right
now? We'll be right back

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.

We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID: Robert Henderson, you talk about going to the courts of Heaven for healing. Explain what
you mean by that. When you say "go," am I closing my eyes and I'm there? How do I do this?

ROBERT: That's a really good question because some people have a mystical view. I'm not that
mystical, even though I do believe in a very spiritual dimension. But when I go into the courts

it's a realm of faith. You see, I see in the Word of God that there is a real court in Heaven, and so
I by faith begin just to move and posture myself there.

SID: So you might say you're using your sanctified biblical imagination.

ROBERT: Absolutely. Absolutely. And see in Hebrews 5:14, it says that "Strong meat belongs
to those who by reason of use have exercised their senses," those prophetic senses, "to discern
both good and evil." And so as I step into that dimension I'm trying to be sensitive. I'm trying to
feel. I'm trying to hear. I'm trying to see. I'm just trying to let the Holy Spirit give me direction,
but everything I'm doing, I'm doing by faith. And so I meet a lot of people that have some very
significant seeing abilities, which I don't necessarily have, even though I see on some level. But I
find that me moving into the courts by faith, I get just as much breakthrough if not more than
those who have these encounters so often. I mean, I appreciate all the ones that have these
wonderful encounters. But I have found it's not necessarily essential to be able to function there.
We can actually by faith move our selves into these realms that Jesus said are available to us and
see breakthrough come.

SID: Now the devil builds a case against us. What would you say is the greatest legal transaction
in history?

ROBERT: I say the cross is. The cross is the greatest legal transaction. See, because when Jesus
said, in John 19:30, "It is finished," he was saying every legal mandate is now met.

SID: So then why do we have to get rid of these things that are being used against us?

ROBERT: Because a verdict, which is what the cross is, the cross allowed the verdict to come
into the earth. It is the greatest legal verdict. It's the greatest legal transaction. That verdict has to
be executed into place because a verdict not executed in place has no power. It has no power to
have an effect. So we in the courts of Heaven, what we're actually doing is we are executing into
place the finished works of the cross so that we get the full benefits of everything Jesus died for,
and we move any legal resistance that the enemy would be using out of the way, through his
blood. We take the blood and we overcome the accuser by the blood. We move it out of the way
so that we can have the fullness of what belongs to us.

SID: Explain to me how dangerous word curses are, either people that have spoken against us or
that we have spoken against.

ROBERT: Yes, absolutely. I believe that anybody's negative words against us can have an
effect. But I really believe that people that, in two areas, people that we are under their authority
are people that carry a realm of spiritual authority. If they speak against us then we need to undo
those words. We need to know how they're going to undo them. Because Isaiah 54:17 said, "No
weapon formed against us shall prosper. Every tongue that rises in judgment," it said, "we shall
condemn for this is our heritage as the servants of the Lord and our righteousness." My right to
stand before him in the courts is from him.

SID: All right, but what if we don't know that they've done it, have been doing it in secret?

ROBERT: Yes. What I did, I can tell you a little story here. My wife was sick. She, we couldn't
get her well. She was struggling through some things. She was on medication, everything.
Nothing would change. I had a seer give, actually just staying at my house, just visiting, staying
at the house, and she looked at me, and she said, the seer looked at me and she said, "Well have
you taken Mary into the courts?" Of course, I'm the court guy. And I said, "Well no, I really
haven't." And she said, "Well let's do that." So we began to pray together. Suddenly, this seer
begins to see, if I was to call the prophet's name, they would be known, they see this prophet
standing before the court of Heaven speaking against my wife. Now I'm not under this person's
authority or anything, but they're speaking against my wife. And as we dealt with that word curse
that was being spoken by this person who carries spiritual authority, my wife got well. My wife
was completely healed.

SID: Now what if you don't have a seer type of vision? Can you lead us in a prayer to get rid of
these word curses if we don't know [about] them?

ROBERT: Absolutely.

SID: Do that right now.

ROBERT: In this realm of faith we can do this. Let me just pray for us. Father, even as we
would come by faith into the courts of Heaven, Lord, any curse, word curse that we have spoken
or that has been spoken against us, I'm asking, Lord, for the blood to speak in our behalf. And I
want you to say this. Say, Lord, as I stand before you.

SID: Lord as I stand before you.

ROBERT: I am asking.

SID: I am asking.

ROBERT: That any curse of words.

SID: That any curse of words.

ROBERT: Working against me.

SID: Working against me.

ROBERT: From people in authority.

SID: From people in authority.

ROBERT: Or that carry authority

SID: Or that carry authority.


ROBERT: Or even from my own mouth.

SID: Or even from my own mouth.

ROBERT: Lord, I am so sorry.

SID: Lord, I am sorry.

ROBERT: I repent.

SID: I repent.

ROBERT: I ask for the blood to speak for me.

SID: I ask for the blood to speak for me.

ROBERT: And for these words to be annulled.

SID: And for these words to be annulled.

ROBERT: And for everything that has been recorded in Heaven.

SID: And for everything that's been recorded in Heaven.

ROBERT: That these words are now stricken and removed.

SID: That these words are now stricken and removed.

ROBERT: And their legal right is revoked.

SID: And their legal right is revoked.

ROBERT: And I am now free from them.

SID: And I am now free from them.

ROBERT: And able to be healed right now in Jesus's name.

SID: And able to be healed right now in Jesus's name.


SID: Amen. I have heard people, when they get hold of this understanding, it's like a whole new
paradigm for getting the manifestation of healing has developed. And I understand why your

wife had that dream that if you don't pray right many will die. How would you like Robert to
pray right for you, when we come back?

We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.

We now return to It's Supernatural.

SID: You know, we're told in the Bible that the records, the books in Heaven about us, one of
the biggies that is recorded in those books is our unforgiveness. Comment on that.

ROBERT: Yes. I believe that anything, I believe that there's a record in Heaven about
everything. And like for instance, I was having to pray and ask the Lord would any words that
were being spoken against me, would those words be removed because I was sensing like there
was delay in my life and I felt like it was dealing with words hanging in the atmosphere that had
been critical and judgmental toward me. And so as I did that, I suddenly was aware that a book
was brought into the courts and examined concerning my behavior and what I had done. And it
was revealed in the books that I was innocent of that which I was being accused of, so that those
accusations could be silenced and removed so that they would not work against me. So I believe
that there's everything in Heaven is recorded.

SID: But if there is a little bit of truth to the words, you want to repent of it.

ROBERT: We always repent. We always repent and ask for the blood to speak, because the
truth is I don't have to justify myself. In fact, I can't justify myself. The only thing that justifies
me is the blood of Jesus and what he has done for me.

SID: Give me a quick example about unforgiveness.

ROBERT: I was praying for a lady and we were doing a healing service. We had three days of
service. The first night she comes she tells me she's completely deaf in her right ear. And so I
pray. I mean, I prayed the best prayer I could pray and nothing happens. The woman is still deaf
after several minutes and efforts of praying. And so I finally look at her and just say, "Okay, it's
the first night. Just keep believing. I mean, what do you do during those times? So she goes back.
The second night, I don't see her. The third night, she comes up to me and she says to me, she
says, "God spoke to me and said that if I will forgive my parents that he would open my ear."
And I said, "Well have you done that?" And she said, "No, would you help me?" So I led her in a
very simple prayer of forgiving her parents. I stuck my finger in her ears, prayed the same prayer
I prayed the two nights before and when I did she began to cry out, "Hot oil! Hot oil! There's hot
oil going into my ear!" And her ear that had been closed for years, even decades, was instantly
opened because she dealt with the unforgiveness that was in her heart, toward her parents.

SID: Okay, a biggie. What about a husband that has unforgiveness for his wife or a wife that has
unforgiveness for her husband, give me an example.

ROBERT: Yes. I mean, those things, any relevant forgiveness, but the Bible says that our
prayers are hindered, in First Peter, Chapter 3. It says that if we're not living in harmony with
each other as husband and wife, the scripture says that our prayers are hindered. In other words,
they're not going to be effective. It gives the enemy a legal right to resist those prayers. See,
people think will God is mad at me. No, it has nothing to do with God being mad. God is not
angry with us. God hasn't been angry with us since before the cross. See, God is not angry. It is
that the enemy has something legal that he's resisting us with. So if I've got bitterness against my
wife or she's got bitterness against me, we have to repent of those things, move them out of the
way so that the legal right of the enemy to resist the breakthrough and the healing is stopped.

SID: Give me an example. You were talking earlier about a lady in a wheelchair.

ROBERT: Yes. The lady in the wheelchair that came in on a Wednesday night service when I
was leading the Word, that she was rolled down front, and as she was rolled down front I knew
she was there to be healed. The Lord said to me, "I'm going to do for her what I did for the man
let down through the roof," whenever they tore the roof off and let the man down. Well I didn't
want to have to go through the process. I thought this could take forever. This could take forever.
We can get into all sorts of things. And so I just thought, well I'll just pray for her. So I prayed
for her and I said, "Come on and stand up out of the wheelchair." And I began to try to help her
out of the wheelchair. And she got up that high up out of it, and began to scream in pain. And I
realized nothing has happened here. So I let her back down. And I looked at her and I said,
"Ma'am," I said, "Is there anything in your life that you would think God would be displeased
with?" That's all I said. And she said, "Yes there is." She said, "My husband left me 25 years ago
with five children to raise by myself and I'm still mad about it today." And when she said that, I
looked at her, and I said, "What he did was wrong, absolutely. But it is your anger and your
bitterness, and your unforgiveness toward him that has you in this wheelchair. And if you will
forgive him the healing power of God will touch you." I led her in a prayer. She forgave her
husband with tears streaming down her cheeks. The last time I saw her she was pushing the
wheelchair out the back of the church because God had completely healed her, because the legal
right connected to unforgiveness was removed.

SID: Robert, you are so strong. You command people not to tolerate sickness. Would you do
that now.

ROBERT: Okay. Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit that would cause us
to tolerate sickness and disease. When you died to set us free and actually your death on the
cross declared sickness and disease illegal. It no longer has a legal right to operate against us and
I say that we no longer tolerate it or let it operate. We with aggression receive the fullness of
everything Jesus died for, in Jesus's name. Amen.

SID: Take this to Heaven and say a quick prayer.


SID: So Father, even as we just come before you, again into the courts of Heaven, thank you that
that is open and accessible. Lord, I thank you right now in regards to unforgiveness or any other

legal issue. We ask for the blood to speak for us. Just ask him right now. Just say, Lord, let your
blood speak for me. Let your blood speak according to your Word that every right against me,
every legal issue against me is now removed and revoked. Lord, I thank you for that. Lord, even
as the blood is speaking, I'm reminded of Leviticus 14, that the blood was applied and then the
anointing oil was put on top of the blood. I say that the anointing oil now comes and touches that
which the blood has cleansed and I say that even as that happens right now, healing flows out of
the anointing of God. Sickness and disease is broken because Jesus legally removed it. And any
legal right the enemy is seeking to use is now revoked and removed. Thank you for that, Lord,
right now, in Jesus's name. Amen.

SID: And aren't you glad he said, "It is finished."


Next week on It's Supernatural.

Julie Meyer: Hello. I'm Julie Meyer. Are you using one of the most powerful weapons in your
supernatural arsenal? Join me on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth as I teach how you can daily
use this powerful weapon of breakthrough.


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