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AglaSem Admission

AglaSem Admission
PART A . PHYSICS A - (fl[U F{at r
ALL 7-I1E CRAPIIS/ D(AGRAMS GIYEN l{-RE (rm r{aiqllirii riidzL d "a.t it y]u'it irqti.u
1 'lte JensitY of a material in the shape of a 1. r{-t r,r6t?.1 \6rei-[t !r-t(r aqt.lry-t u.i
cube is determincd by measuring three sq rrMi .u61 s?qr{ o,tA 6. oa ir<r sur qi
sides of the cube and its mass. [f the c.iqtd rr{ u\tt lftoit r4$d 1.5%
relative erors in measuring the mass and qA 1% d{, a q-t qr\.{r:ri rrol aUttrt
length are respectively 1.5% and 1%, the
rEximum error in determining the density u:.?
(1) 2.51" (1) 2.s%
(2) 3.s% (2) 3.s%
(3) 4.s% (3) 4.s%
(4) 6./" (4\ 6%
2 All the graphs below are intended to 2. .{l qqr nv q<lu {s mr< .LRi ro1 sl 6
lepresent the same motion. One of them A*il nd
"L ili ,,1121 i1i r"X sl 8. t rittl.
does it incorreetly. Pick it up.
velocity {.t

(1) position 0) ll-tl-t


(2) (2)

position }rrt.t

(3) (3)

velocity {"1

(4) (4)

A/Page 2 SPACE FOR ROUGH woRK / rt srli{ rr,l'H

AglaSem Admission
o masscs mr = 5 kt] and m" = 10 kg, l mr =5 kg r,t'i m,:10 t<g "t rrir.i rr.ii*G,r
.oruected by an incxt('nsible stuinll over a rrirdl €\i d?il -r lErt{ Aq1 r'iilqit qitil. ,-rBG,{i
frictionless puller', arc noving as shoh'n EericaL :t
r-tuti, ,rR riE. rt.r[iiR.z lt.rkil 12
in the figure. Thc coefiicient of friction of q\qttq 1q U.l5 D. r4t rit.l-t rtt'1t 1tZ m?
horizontal surface is 0.15. The minimum €.t L11
,rs( a' Eq m lir
iveight m that should be put on top of nt
to stop the motion is :

1 T

r T

m13 mrg

0) 18.3 kg (1) 1E.3 kg

(2) 27.3 kg (2) 27.3 kg

rll 43.3 kg (3) 43.3 kg

(4) 10.3 kg (4) 10.3 kg

4 A particle is moving in a circular pafh of 4. Qt sSL, a Ror,rt<r "trjour1re.t .q .tu{I

radius a under the action of an athactive
[&RqLr U --I= o,r<tur,Lfrr li 6. i.r1
potential U= --. lts total energy is :
2t' Sa 6i6rt q{'1.

k k
(l) 0) L
4a2 4a2

k k
(2\ ,7 (2)

(3) Zero (3) rl.{

3k 3k
(1) (4)
2u2 2a2


AglaSem Admission
5 In a collinear collision, a particle with an .;is d310G uie{sPrgi (r i)llinear collision) rti,
initial sncr.d , o strikes a stati()narv particle ,., .iecit ur[q: ,r\ qrl.lir rvr ctto,r
nz.i 6/
of the sa:ne rnass. If the final total kinetic Eq qrt.&t [+q? sr?r iui ore,|sr{ d. .,i[iia 1n
energy is 50% greater than thc oliginal aln Gt",i, xti[ru ,r[.r Gt''.i riai s0". q[i.E s.
kinetic encrS\,, tht magnitudt'of the rt:I .,r{rsprqr ar6, ,li :eii q"i fift ai.$ ,rlirLqr

relative velocity bet\^,een the two particlcs, tiL

after collision, is :

Ir !{ (r)

Jz u.
&rM X
i,o oo
(3) (3)
2 2
.i, t,o
tt Seven identical circular planar disks, each 6 r{qla{i €r[.r{ rtut?, *j M 6rrr qrrcrdl r,ti
of mass M and radius R are welded n Qoar{l uc au< <{ot:R ttrr<tdlq (Gr ll
symmetrically as shown- The moment of iil\[i,,{i {(-(,r (q]ztcr) ri(.r t}. +t', ciq
inertia of the arrangemenl ahout the aris u:i Ag R rriril uur rrdl.,rs[.,rlqqi[i 6/sc{-{l
normal to the plane and passing through r{B1tat
the point P is :

19 l9 2
(r) N{R2 (1) NlR
2 2

MR2 (2) ::l\lR"
2 2

(3) 4vn' (3) 4rrrnt


(4) 1!lrrrn, (4) MR2
2 2

A/Page 4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / rt 3r.{i i{r-I

AglaSem Admission
Irrom a uniform circul;rr tlisc of radius R qqla{i €rr[.,1r rr-r+ut R A6111 4-i 9 M Esr
Lr,qit x{1.1 f.iru r rlr-rr.iol ', [r.eril
-,nLl rrrtr>! tr \1.., -rn.rll ,1i.. ,,i r.rJius - r. "rit
r,.rroverl rs shoh'n in th. figure. The aftr f !,.'{tti .,rtict o. .r(-,,.r-rr hq((1 1iq
'l-,Ilr,.nl ' l rn.rrin,'f lhc rpmarning Ji\L .t:i oRtt ]-c.ri{l \r i E41 4q1-i ,-r-r(q{
irbout an axis perpendicular to the plane qx1 ii:e n6.t-il o/sl.,{il ql:.{L'u
oI thL, disc and passing through centre of
Llisc is :


(1) 4 MR2 (1) 4 MR2

l\4R' t,\ 19
(3) 10 MR, (3) 10 MR2

(r) !Z un' (4)

\IR l
9 9

It A particle is moving with a urdform speed 8 o)s rgrurt< ur{ n Aoi{u <{ruLr roi
in a circular orbit of radius R in a central G.{r r€,rq.[ qq ] i R il ns tur-u "ln r
force inversely proportional to the nth xqreHiqa B, -{1.{ur trq,G:l t}. ol rcr-il
power of R. lf the period of rotation of the qtrrLR- .tsrdlq T d-i{ a __ .

particle is T, then :

(1) Tc R3/2 for any n. (1) r-ld,rqr n rD T* Rs/:

(2) T: R' (2) TdRr'

(3) Tr R(n+1)/2 (3) T d R(n+ 1)/2

(4) T t Rn/2 (4) T e Rn/2

A/Page 5 SPACE FOI{ ROUGH WORK / ?t r tr{t t

AglaSem Admission
9 A sotid sphere of radius r made oi a soft q K iz{r q..3 1iis,&ii .,r.t . la' ,,6
materialof bull modulus K is surrounLled .iiqr O.,t-i q.icii r-L-l )irJi,r. .r,4t5rilq ,{r11{i 4:
by a liquid in a .ylindrical container. A j..{tdi (tir tr?t,1c ir. ., iro-Su e,rii[t.r
massless piston of area a fk)ats on the [iv-t r.rt{t-it n rLl[ G.ri ni J. &+z:-t-j ei,it,-r
surface of the liquid, covering entirc cross -rcrELit{ \r1-li}j$.i r,1.:r}e qiL"ti 8. oaii m
section of cylindrical container. \ rhen a ,izr1 eui 6tz+it+ttz1G\a utx{dti Eqlqai.
mass m is placed on the surface of the )r'iqrr{'l Ao,{rr{[ ard r{iGt3 qz rs]
piston to compress the liquid, the fractional
I _ld.l !{i
decrement in the radius of the sphere,
.f )
(r) Ilmg (t)

Ka Ka
(2) (2)
3^g 3-g

mg _r"c
(3) (3)
iKa 3IG

Irrg mg
(1) (4)
K.r Ka

10. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas ro. Q {e .,L ,{r{tG"tJ qr[e[ qr).t 2zC qri V
occupies a volume V at 27'C. The gas ,iz( * i& r). 11 ta1".il Q+.nsL .,t1or{ 6
expands adiabatically to a volume 2 V. .ri i1 re z v uBr 6. ai (a) iuti ,iR1 ${r-r
Calculate (a) the final temperature of the q.i (b) d.r1 .riclir Gt.,rai uni ii3i
gas and (b) change in its intemal energt.

(1) (a) r8e K (b) 2.7 kJ (1) (a) 18e K (b) 2.7 kI

(2) (a) 1e5 K @) -2.7 kl (z) (a) t95 K (b) 2.7 kJ

(3) (a) 18e K (b) -2.7 kl (3) (") l8e K (b) -2.7 kI

(a) (a) 1es K @) 2.7 kl (a) (a) 1es K (b) 2.7 kJ

A/PaEe 6 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / 1i $.ij +ltt't

AglaSem Admission
The mass Llf a hvdrogen molecule is 11. trdlt6/-t .,r8.! 6ur 3.32 x 10 27 kg 6. 6i ton
1.32x10 2; k8. If 1023 hydrogen xR it'1, ? cm2 itriq
Ut4iLv< "rL.'10'irile,
molecules strike, per second, a fixed wall q,rqil vllt le,ltr 6'ri n-u riur-r l>" rr irqr,
of area 2 cm? at an angle of 45'to the r{\t( ettl{ d {:t {&R+!u\, it<t rO3 m/s it
normal, and rebound elastically with a cs\ at{ \tut !i (rebound) d, rii [t'-ucr 6vi1
speed of 103 m/s, then the pressure on the Eqrl9t arrafr qr1.

wall is nearly :
(1) 2.35 x 103 N/m2 (1) 2.35 x 103 N/m2
(2) 4.70x103 N/m2 (2) 4.70 x 103 N/m2
(3) 2.3s x 102 N/m2 (3) 2.35 x 102 N/m2
(4) 4.70 x 102 N/m2 (4t 4.70x 102 N/m2

12 A silver atom in a solid oscillates in simple 12. qi61 q-rqi qitl{i \rqrqj i,rts [ltrrql
harmonic motion in some direction with a to12lsec. .{l e,tt"1(i {nrq .{ted rrQ (Elq.t)
frequency of 1012/sec. What is the force d t). {: .tugi u{lnt .tatq1 tu{ oisru ,,iq
constant of the bonds connecting one atom ("t1-s) aD<r rur uarol+i \e{ }z{ crl ? (qifl
with the other ? (Mole wt of silver = 16 and qrZ-r.i qgarn = 108 u.i "tr
Avagadro number = 6.02 x 10ts gm mole - l) = 6.02 x 108 gm mole - r)
(1) 6.a N/m (1) 6.4 N/m
(2) 7.1 N/m (2) 7.1 N/m
(3) 2.2 N/m (3) 2.2 N/m
(4) s.s N/m (a) s.s N/m

13. A granite rod of 60 cm length is ctamped l3 6o cm eiqd ltna {3 ,hdz. +{O{ A{i
at its middle point and is set into qr{lqq r{irrsrql nyRrr tr1 <[i i"rn
Iongitudinal vibrations. The density of (longitudinal) e' }+qrNo srqrqi r{A 8.
granite is 2.7x 103 kg/m3 and its Young s ,)tdz-il q-rtL 2.7\103 kglmr.ri )i{.i,r
modulus is 9.27 xT)to Pa. Wlat will be iislcra 9.27xt0r0 pa r). r,u ii.rct rti,
the fundamental frequencv of the 1,tE t .,tt1R )zc{l tt1 ?

longitudinal vibrations ?
(1) 5 kHz (1) 5 kHz
(2\ 2.5 kHz (2) 2.s kHz
(3) 10 kHz (3) 10 krL
(4) 7.5 kHz (4) 7.5 kHz
A/Page 7 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ?i Ed{ iru,r
AglaSem Admission
14. Three concentric metal shells A, B and C 1,1 :{qt rBc;tir 5''r?ii A, ts 1,1-i C il 4$i
oI respective ratlii a, b and c {a < b < c) Eo/u,'t't a, b 4'1 c (a < t
1u QqrrorLr< c; il
have surface charge densitjes + o, -tr and 1-l.1t1-{t'.l-it{ - o. - L, -"n I'd tJ. B-!'.lrr I
+ o respectivelv. The potential of shell B [+tr{iqL.r ,


o a2 -b2 +c a_- h_
(1) (l)

o a b2
(2) +c (2) I
^2 +c
t b l t b
d I
,-2 -2 I I b2-c2
(3) +a (3)
t b l t b

lt2-.2 *" l
I. b2 l
(4) (4) +a
L l

15. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 15. 90 pF .)e1j iiuu: q?r.{(1r qs urri(r laz
90 pF is connected to a battery of emf iqnti zo v ernf qtrqdl 4arl u{ qlsqrqi
20 V. If a dielecnic material oI dielectric qra D. }. l
;. A urjdafizr utqftl q qlr

constant K: I is inserted between the sddcltlt urai.i tirurs.fl di vla'Hll qzii srrt<.t
plates, the magnitude of the induced jrqrr{i :i{A r}. il&rr r<
charge will be r qh.

(1) 1.2 nC (1) 1.2 nC

(2) 0.3 nC (2) 0.3 n c

(3) 2.4 nC (3) 2.4 nC

(4) 0.9 n C (a) 0.e n C

A/Page a SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ?t sr{j +qrn
AglaSem Admission

16 In an a.c. circuit, thc instantaneous e.m.f 16 + a.c. ,{l\qqi. (.H[Qlr e.m.f. ,.r-r x.ud il{
and current are given bl' 1olq .{r.i[ e6t{ 8.

e=100sin30t e:100 si 30 t

I30t i=20sinl30r nl
i=20sin , I
4) i)
In one cycle of a.c., the average Power a.c. -u qs {td;e ( r{rqd{) 1A .1(?\P{ (Rr

consumed by the circuit and the wattless €.rq1rrqi .jlQe ,{rqr (rrrir,QL) at wattless
curent are, resPechvelv : X'1t{, r,t1ri rriL.

(1) s0, 10 (1) 50, 10

1000 1000
(2t -'E .10 (2)
J' , 10

50 50
(3) t; ,0 (3)
7' 0

(4) 50, 0 (1) 50, 0

17. Two batteries with e.m.f. 12 V and 13 V 't7 12 V r,ri 13 V emf qitqal ,;i aizr'l.,rii 10 O
are connected in parallel across a load oui .{qilq u{ +r{d?lli d. "i:i fur1., <r
resistor of 10 O. The intemal resislances of r{i,:t{13 }rci'rq r,qit 1 o o,ti 2 o r}. our
the two batteries ale 1() and 2 O 4.R'rq:t {qi(i q'lao/ -il qu,il
resgectively. The voltage across the load (at.
lies between :

(1) 11.6 V and 11.7 V (1) 11.6 v .,t;t 11.7 v

(2) 11.5 V and 11.6 V (2) t t.s v .lj{ tt.o v
(3) 11.4 V and 11.5 V (3) 1 L.l V 1,ri 11.5 V
(4\ 77.7 v and 11.8 V (4) r t.Z V r,ti rr.s v

18. An electron, a proton and an alpha I l.i .is diivJ-t, Jtr xlA< ,,ti {r qqt rvdl
particle having the same kinetic energy are 6tqi tt u-r 6. ital tt rL-t i"uh lia a li,ug{
moving in circular orbits of radii r", rn, r.. r. r, ui ro R"*u trrttdl t{urr:e ttttai ,G
respectively in a udform magnetic field B. sr r). .. .,ti.
- t-e,-p --_o qc{- riuiq
The relation between re tp, t0 is :
(1) r">ro = t" (1) r"
(2) r" < r, = r,, (2) r"
(3) re<rp<rq (3) ."
(4) re<ro <rp (4) r"
A/Page 9 sPAcE FoR RoucH woRK / ri rr,{1i rau
AglaSem Admission
19. Thr dipolc mrrmcnt of i .jr.ular loop l9 i xaLc arL"r.[rl
.r.jcrLl? ]uqr-r:l ktciL qt:rtat
carrying a curont I, is m arrJ thc magnetic m d ,q-i ,Lrqr-t i-d .,rprul i"rih ii1 Br 6)29
field at the centre of tho lo()p is Bi- l4'hen rj. oar, l-.te .r.ror ttr,i|.1 [rti il qE]uar q\git
the dipole moment is doubk d by keeping 5iqr{i .,1..i D, dtri rrrul-1 i< .,rptur iqJ'l{
the curent constant, thc mnFlotic field at
ql1 82 qr{ u
u, -
thc centre ol the loof is 8,. fhc rdtio -31

0) 2 (1) 2

(2\ .6 (2) 15

(3) .15 (3) J'

1 1
(1) (4)
7i .E

20. For an RLC circuit driven with voltage of 20. i\ Aku {<2v a", ul {11{i ."=
amplifude r,- and freq.,er,.y ,.,= I qrtq Gqrrr{e.{l qr<rol (uiilel) RLC \tl\qi
the curent exibits rcsonance- The quality ){qr{ r,r1iL€ e ttiq ti. ,lgrqnL i* e
factor, Q is given b\' : ql r,t\tr'I.

(1) (r)
It R

o,, R
q u

R li
(j) (,.c) (3)
(r.c) >&
(4) (r)

A/ Page 70 SPACE t'OR ROUGH WORK ,/ rt jPq +,_u.r

AglaSem Admission

2L An FNf wav., from air pnters a medium. 21. rL EM rrirr {1prisil {rttr+ri rr\,.1 lrrq B.
The electric fields are ilur Ogrtel{ q1rd (.{rrri
Itr=l0l rco\llnvl
f- tz tlirl i,= rr, 1.",
L 'c
[2., (r
E2= Eo2 .r.os [k (22-ct)] in medium, E2= E62 icos [[. {2,
0l qs ".t'raui ''tt'.,

where the wave number k and 6. oai .ti.r ri,..u t .,rlt uL1[i , d erLi
frequencv l refer to their values in air. The .,r6+fli r) {t.1r1 r{.jq{q 6. .,r .,ri ..,,
medium is non-magnetic. If €r1 and €r2 r,t1sd {"tt ,,,ri ,.lr€trr-il rrtn ,ri:il/l.ilet.,tl
refer to relative permittivities of air and o'i,{ A -0{ qrq<r qr1 s,rl fuc,{ r.ud 6 ?

medium respectively, which of the

following options is correct ?

(1) .,2 (1) ,12

t.1 t.t
(2) ,r2 (2) a12

t.1 1 t.l 1
trz 4 (3)

t.l 1 t'r 1
(4) ,r2 2 (4)

22. Unpolarized light of intensity I passes 22. I qerqa r,q.llw *rst tu lutal tardrr
through an ideal poladzer A. Another A .{i{l \ur qL,r 8. u{lo} r:1< ,lardri s d
identical polarizer B is placed behind A. A -0 \ttrq .ltqt{ {q
8. s -il .{prq/.{t 1
The intensity of liglt beyond B is found to
t.^ at<3 .r1 0. t.), 4l"i
]trnt fl .{
; "}a<{l
be, Now another identical polarizer C rirr-r \'i&Ldr? c I A .,tl B il "r"il $q{

is placed between A and B. The intensity .{A o. g ail r4prr4 .ilq(r

T.,},:r{l lrd
beyond B is now found to be
. The angle A .,rl C tdlot r-r (r,rH) qc,H ilqt _
between polarizer A and C is : q{r'I.

0) 0' (1) 0"

(2) 30" (2) 30'
(3) 45' (3) 4s"
(4) 60' (4) 60.
AglaSem Admission
23. The angular width of the ccrtral 23. + +-Rrz Qqd-rau$ri lt{+q .t€(:{il 318{l{
maximum in a single slit diffraction .,tsrj (\€'i./tld) 60" r{rql *
d. Rreii .re\qd
pattern is 60'. The h idth of the slit is I r"m d. 6itz qri"il u.t tct .rit .rs lr:Otn
1Fm. The slit is illuminated b) srqui r,rA r]. c{..i oilg rqta .{c-luutJ quq.[l
monochromatic plane waves. If another {irz i-il -tss Xau [i{z?il so cm Rt *<tr
slit of same width is made near it, Young's \sEr 6,{? .irFil rrarrri, 6i"u rtd B. .I r{qel5{d
fringes can be observed on a s.reen placed cilk rrc.rg-il '{c'lqd I cm cl.r .t1 Rrz "r-1.j
at a distance 50 cm ftom the slits. If the
)z( cr) ?
obrrved fringe width is 1 cm, what is slit
seParation distance ?

(i.e. distance between dre cenhes of each ("12d] si: Ru-tL ]<er1 i l r"{-j "i.u)

(1) 25 pm 0) 25 pm

(2) 50 pm (2) 50 pm

(3) 75 pm (3) 75 pm

(4) 100 pm (4) 100 pm

24. An electron from various excited states of 24. dd{'i./-r \elttq!-0 Edl-Ed[ 6is.t ssu.,t]t,{iq1
hydrogen atom emit radiation to come to dArql-t ttrRrR { ./ A&tqr €.ttej( ,l t .
the Sround state. Let tr., )., be the trn) ) r. .,ti r, { tJ -4]<-il .a1rl .dl ui
de Broglie wavelength of the elechon in ql[&[a{i s'l-q],dl 4i"rciqtd o. nr1 R iritil
the nth state and the ground state qrLl&r[aqi qdl risili sr',.1r-r qn]t 6.udd
respectively. Let ,^n be the wavelength of tlzl<il ni"rciqrd ,r. 0. r,1e {ar n aD 1e, a
the emitted photon in the hansition from qqqli 6)
the n& state to the ground state. For large
n, (A, B are constants)

(r) Ai=A + B, (l) ,,\n=A+ --t

(2) An-A +B \ (2) An=A +B\

(3) = e+nxi (3) ai = a+hl
(4) (4) =r
A/Page 12 SPACE IOR ROUGH WORK / Q 5r.q rrtt.r
AglaSem Admission

25. If the serieslimit frequency of the Lyman 2s. ii Aeiiil {sfl-{ii.ita {r1ft (series
seiies is vL, then the series limit frequency limit frequency) ni ,I- tir, ,ii is (Ptun.l)
of the Pfund series is : A,:[ qL Aqil-Rdil "u{i 41r

(1) 2s1 (1) 25 vt

(2) 16 v, (2) 16 vr_

(3) vr/1.6 (3) vy/76

g) tL/25 (t) vy/25

25. It is found that if a neutron suffers an ze. di "itn

.rd B ) [&r r]<rL s.1)&u tt0 +ui
elastic collinear collision with deuterium 191't-r RrRuu irl0u qqs.{Llr .a1or{ d
at rest, fractional loss of its energy is pd ; rqrl iil€tc,i{ qdl ttiRu "r,r po d. vq"r .ari
while for its siddlar collision with carbon i rru{l RrRri trt tPrRai rtet sr,,i< 1&.tqn
nucleus at rest fractional loss of energy utrsn,"r .,t1ot{ E .,ui 6i",iqi qd1 .{iQrl
is pc. The values of pd and pc are c{{ p. d. Pa
qi p. <,1 .a$.,i ulro
resPectively i
(1) (.8e, .28) (1) (.89,.28)
(21 (.28,.8e) (2) ( 28, .89)
(3) (0,0) (3) (0. 0)
(4) (0, 1) (4) (0, 1)

27. The reading of the ammeter for a silicon 27. mq(1 \[t\or.{i l{ i{gl< sr{s .tD aldlz?1
diode in the given circuit is : a{q(t5.t

200 0 200 (l

3V 3V

(1) 0 0) 0
(2) 15 mA .E) 15 mA
(3) 11.5 mA (3) 11.5 mA
(4) 13.5 mA (4) 13.5 mA
AglaSem Admission
2IJ .4, tclephonic communication service is 2ri n: 2..{tl-fl: (p iaLr) {lru"rr.rcLr trGlu
\.rorking at carrier frequency of 10 GHz. 10 GHz -it ii1,ri r{r1fr u sr,i si r}. A{il
OrJ)' l0'-{ of it is utilized for transmission- :,fi 10it 6/ ){ii?q( {iZ .{\?rq r}. tl "it eis
LIow many telephonic channels can be i.rei s tH, -il .i-s-dlq or:r'l elr rt't,li:ur{
transmitted sinultaneously if each channel .,u"ii ]znl2ri&'r<t iH<rt nu&n til lr:rq ?
requires a bandwidth of 5 kLfz ?
(1) 2 x 103 0) 2x103
(2) 2x 104 (2) 2x10{
(3) 2 x 10s (3) 2x105
(4) 2 x 106 (4) 2x1A6

29. zg. .;E q}.ri[q],{[ei{r xtrpd, qt I}

In a potentiometer experiment, it is found
"}"tt rd
that no current passes through the onti Aga:h.u 0st i .ll)<0,i.{lz?.u 52 cm
galvaflometer when the terminals of the dR r{ 6isdr "-ie1.I.[zrritli run eto]l rqw
cell are connected across 52 cm of the 15< ei r). r'iri s o qqr'lt{s{l riz ri(i,
potentiometer wire. lf the cell is shunted rur-il ao cm <iqLd rD ttrriie{ RrGi .td r}.
lry a resistance of 5 O, a ba-lance is found s\<1 .aidis .,t"riltr r q't.
when the cell is cormected acoss 40 cm of <1 tt-
the wire. Find the internal resistance of L//
the cell. -/
F a-lz.t
(1) 1o 0) 1()
(2) 1.5 O (2) 1.5 {)
(3) 2o (3)

$) 2.5 A (4) 2.5 A

30. On interchanging the resistances, the 30. qler &6y1i r,t"rilql-0 r{€el.qg(fr 5?dr, nlt(lad
balance point of a meter bridge shifts to Ag st"il 'tLg 10 cm o)a( .,r{ t). i'r.r it\tlt
the left by 10 cm. The resistaace of their o-tqr-lq 1 kO r). dl sru{l"ug.{l
"istr"r-rll "ur'l
series combination is 1 kO. How much was (slot) 1ti xr.t1t Lt\q[[ ".t'{a }zcr] orqr'itl Cr'i ?
the resistance on the left slot before the
interchange ?
(1) eeo o 0) 990 o
(2) sos o (2) 505 fl
(3) sso o (3) 550 0
(4) e10 o (1) 910 ()

A/PaBe 14 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ri 5dt r.qr.r

AglaSem Admission

PAITT B q 1 ll ltt}1
- CHEMISTITY - ?i{ttrLlt

31. fhe rati,r Lrf mass percent of C and H of an 31. j* tt.iR: ii iwr (cxH\oz) r{i-r c .n r I I
organic compound (CxHyOz) is 6 : 1 If -u €or zjr.{u'l-ii rJgt{i 6 : 1 r}. oi i ri'/-t
one nolecule of the aborc comPound (CxHyOz) .t! .lt ,',tr,1ai rtcu .,iGtt.r-tit
(CxHyOz) contains half as much oxygen .iral {,riora gnu" { + orR!.i irur"Lr.fli
as required to burn onc molecule of rilui i1i co, .,ri Hro ai iuin&rr :irL tD-it
compound CxHy completel)' to CO2 and c/ie'[ qr{ qil r,tstil o . {.Io/+ L\H\O/ i
HrO. The empirical formula oI compound Hngr}l\qJilir lil.!rl.
C1H,O, is :
(1) C3H5O3 (1) c3H6o3 )'x-
(2) C2H4O (2) c2H4o
(3) C1H4O2 (3) c3H4o2
(4) C2H{Or (4) c2H4o3

32. Which type of'defec( has the presence of 32. ri{t r3t?-il ttRlti (ut{hi) r{ld (h te&}ri
cations in the intefftitial sites ? q-tB{4 (tzR-t) -ll at6rr'l cl,{ 6 ?

(1) Schottky defect (1) riidHR

(2) Vacancy defect (2) r{'{3pt HR
(3) Frenkel defect L3) ]-r(r Hla
(4) Metal deficiency defect (4) qrt €ltsR $R

33 According to molecular orbital theory, 33. r4rec{l{ 5qu Ru{i(-u qrqt}. -fl{.{Acrr{eit
which of the following will not be a viable strli 1,tq rt91 Gr-rir n{l ?

molecute ?

(1) H.i o) ntr.


(2) n"i (2) n"i

(3) H; (3) H;
(4) Hz- (4) Htr-
AglaSem Admission
34. Which of the following lines correctly shora, :q. it.i ,-lrier"ilrrieil :,it G']{t v: uL{ {D
the tempcrature rlepentlcnce ol (iw{ri rrqr[i( rPir ril(r ,-rquris K x€&[(
equilibrium constant K, for an exothermic 5iD?
reaction ?

1nK In K

IJ I 1
(), T(K) (lr T(K)

l) D

(1) A ard B (1) A r{:i B

(2) B and C (2) B .ri C

(3) C and D (3) C tri D
(4) A and D (4) A r,ri D

35. The combustion of benzene (l) gives CO2(g) 3s. q-rjl-r:i €€.1 5rntco2(8) r{:t H2o0) r,tr{
and HrO(l). Given that heat of combustion r]. ZS. C.{r, ,i,r..{ur 3} q-$l.r.fl 6d-r-6"r{r

of benzenc at constant volumc i\ 3263.9 kJ mol -1 r,(rlq ti. i{q(,t €qtgl

-3263.9 kJ mol I at 25' C; heat of Q-,rk-fl rc-t-6o{ (kI mot 1 {0 aj {r'i ?
combustion (in kJ mot.- l) of benzene at
constant pressure will be : (R:8.314 JK- I mol 1)

(R:8.314 JK I mol I)

(1) (1) i)


452.46 (2)

- 4s2.46
'P t
(3) 3260 (3) 3260

(4) - 3267.6 (4) - 3267.6

A/PaEe 16 SPACE FoR RoUGH WoRK / rt 3{i rrlt't
AglaSem Admission

For 1 molal aqueous solution of the 36 -ih .-u!<rr riq'i.r-t-'tat t :rlcr(r

arrih ar.r,t.{i,-i[
following compounds, which one will ,,i d5 H1!{t qqii 6ri[qt x€[iin 5i r]i, I
show the highest freezing point ?

(1) [co(H.O).]Cl, 0) ICo(Hro)u]Cl,

(2) [Co(H2O)sCl]Cl2.H2o (2) [Co(HrO)rCl]Cl. . HrO
(3) [Co(H2O)rCl2]Cl.2H2o (3) lCo(H2O)aCl2lCl.2H2O
(a) [Co(HrO)rCl3].3HrO (4) [Co(H2O)3C13].3H2O
t' r' )1
37 An aqueous solution contains 0.10 M H2S 37. + ,',dl{iLqeL 0.10 M H2S n:i 0.20 M HCI
and 0.20 M HCl. If the equilibrium t{iA r}. 6ii H2s '{is{l Hs 6r-r.{r-r'r iir$-r
constants for the forrnation of HS from ,4?.rqi,5 1.0x 10-7 r,t;{ HS- r4r{. ir{l 52

HrS is 1.0x10-7 and that of 52 ftom q{qH1 iiqa.i itnqis 1.2 x 10- r3 {\ (l 6/d1,1

HS- ions is 1.2x10 13 then the irqqrqi s2- r4R-rl-{l ifadr ritq:I
concentration of 52 ions in aqueous
solution is :

(1) 5 x 10-8 0) 5x10 I

(2) 3x10 20 (2) 3x10 20

(3) 6x10-2r (3) 6x10-21

Iq (4) 5x 10-re (4) 5x10 19

38. An aqueous solution contains an unknown 38. i,lJ
"/(iU iRgrr{i Ba2+ nii(r
-ll o,rqildl -t!il.
concentration of Ba2+. When 50 mL of a .,,{rl t {i 50 mL 1 M NarsOn ,j cnsr 6drd,
1 M solution of NaaSO, is added, BaSO, Basoa -u .{qA\ {q.{t'j rq qr{ d. }iR1t sE
iust begins to precipitate. The final volume 500 mL t). BaSO4 A ircrfir 1gu5ti t x 10 r0

is 500 mL. The solubility product of BaSO4 r]. ar Ba2+ -{l ri0e {ifl
}zdt E ?
is 1x10-lo. What is the original
concenkation of Ba2+ ?

(1) 5x10 e M (1) 5x10-e M

(2) 2 x 10-e M (2) 2x10 e M
(3) 1.1x10-e M (3) 1.1x 10-e M
(4) 1.0x10-10 M (4) t.0 x 10- 10 M
AglaSem Admission

39, At 518'C, the rate of decomposition of a 39 518" C w, i1q6/ tq-."r.l(i tqrqt 363 Torr (,ii)
sample of gaseous acetaldehvde, initiallv vi, + .+t,1q.{ o,jfurcsltLds
{tlr{r Q'tz{-iL
at a pressure of 363 Torr, was [i 'Ari x[r{r iirii c'R.qti 1.00Torrs-1
1.00 Tolr s 1 when 596 had reacted and t.ii .,ti o,,rri 339i, ).r&.(r 5iii cl,{ .{ri
0.5 Tort s-lwhen 33-"6 had reacted. The 0.5 Torr s_r tgdi. a x&{r ,r. sir_q:I.
orde! of the rcaction is :

(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 3 (2) 3
(3) 1 (3) 1
(4) 0 (4) 0

40. How long (app.oximate) should water b€ 40. \l![.j Qt$Aouc/-r 100 amp. )rqN lz({t +tlt{
electrolysed by passing through (untl) ltII \{t? 5tdi 1:or qni q'i(Ror< o}
100 amperes current so that the oxygen 27.66 g srqo lr-j {Nl sc-r :t ?

released can completely bum 27.56 g of -r \1

diborane ?
r (d t.-E
(Atomic weight of B = 10.8 u) (\i{!q1,1 dri B = 10.8 u)

(1) 6.4 hours (1) 6.4 3(t5

(2) 0.8 hours (2) 0.8 lRE

(3) 3.2 hours (3) 3.2 r(tu

(4) 1.6 hours (4) 1.6 5(.tE

41. The recommended concentration of lr . fu lulur<r Rhr-t 1nre, ,{.rt.u vLqilai 5<ittr&
fluoride ion in drinking water is up to .u,r<il {lru r ppm. tltit c'r.r 6 gia-rL 4irc.t
(aurgt) i nr,trt q<tqqt ltD !(ii?LdJ ,4t{-til
# 1 ppm as fluoride ion is requted to make
teeth enamel harder by converting .{qrq:ru dlq 6 6) [3car(I,O4)2.Ca(OH)2]

ef,--e -: [3Ca3(POa)2'Ca(OH)21 to : i il{<rai i\in si 6 .} ritql.

.ffit' (r)


[3(CaFr) Ca(OH)2]

lB ,,' (3) [3Ca:](Poa)2.CaF2l (3) [3Ca3(PO4),.CaF2]

ia (4) [3{Ca(oH)2}.CaF2] (a) [3{Ca(oH)2}.caF2]
AglaSem Admission

42. Which oI the following compounds lz. -[t{.deu {,{'ro/-r1{ 3{r.ti {€,i,i"/, ,,iq ("i{r)
contain(s) no covalent bond(s) ? .rdl ?

KCl, PHr, O., Bzlle H2s01 KCL PH3, O" B2H{' H2SO1
(1) KCl, B?H6/ PH3 (1) KCt, B2H' PH3

(2) KCl. H2Sl (2) KC1, H2SO4

(3) KCI (3) KCI

(4) KCl, B2H6 (4) KCL BrH6

43 Which of the following are Lewis acids ? ls. .[t{ oat\c&i{l 3{ Sdri .1G61 E ?

(1) PH3 and BCl3 (1) PH3 qi BCl3

(2) AlCl, and SiCl, (2) AICL r{i SiCl4
(3) PH. and SiCla (3) PH3 r{i sicL
(4) BCl. and AlCl, (4) BcL l'ti AlCl3

44. Total number of lone Pair of electlons in 44. It r{r.{.i1{i udtr:ns dc\il.t Tltil g( ilu{t
It ion is I ril.r'r.

(1) 3 0) 3

(2) 6 (2) 6

(3) e (3) e

(4) 12 (4) 12

{5. l{hich of the fdlowing salts is the most ns. il{.,u\er fln'rri sql} ordk irqqr.{i l {l qqR
basic in aqueous solution ? "1,1J
t] ?

(1) A1(CN)3 (1) A(cN)3


(3) FeCl? (3) FeCl3

(4) Pb(CH3COO)2 (4) Pb(CH3COO)2

AglaSem Admission

4t Hvdrogcn peroxicle oxidises [fe(CN)u]l 46 dRls: .{r'-,{qqi,,it4ii.z.t iri*r:lr.

to IFe(CN),,]r in acidic medium but [Fe(CN)o]a 1 [FelCN),,1r 1i .lrGitjr 1
redtr, er I etC\r,, j1 to IFert NroJr rn ri o vgr --rr t't.i-r \...q.{ii lF, r( \, I
alkalinc medium. The other produ.ts [Fe(CN),,]r ri lisa-r :i r]. qit
tt,-r q-t iL

f ormed are, respectivel)'. {er il r",i ,,r-Eit .rlai(L{eit rirlii.

(l) (H.O+O,) and ll.o (1) (H2o +O2) !r-i H,o
(2) (H,O + Or) and (H2O +OH ) (2) (H2O + 02) r,i-r (H2O + oH )

(3) H,O and (H2O + 02) (3) HzO ,.ri (H2O + 02)

(4) H2O and (H2O+OH ) (4) H2O r,ti (H2O r OH )

The oxidation states of r,r.i

47 lc. (H?o)6lcJ3. tgJ,crHdrt,
Cr in [Cr(H20)6]CI3, [Cr(C5H5)2], and
- lK.rtSJ(gN)r(o.
)r(o2)(N&:)l {r cr it
K2lCrlCN)2(O)2(02)(NHr)l respectively r,lltlttJt 11 r,tc{+qr }t+q trlqi.

(1) +3, +4, and +6 (1) +3, +4,,4:i +6

(2) +3, +2,and +{ (2) +3, +2, q.l +4

(3) +3,0, and +6 (3) +3,0, r4i +6

(4) +3, 0, and +4 I +3. 0, rd1 +4

48. The compound that does not produce 4s. ri l"y-r] .i 6"d[,{ Ruz< ,r} -udqiv< .tq €.r--r
nitrogen gas by the thermal decornposition 3rAI {aii .} airq'I.


(1) Ba(N3)2 (1) Ba(Nr2

(2) (NH,,)rcrro, (2) (NHr)rCrro,

(3) NH4NO2 (3) NH4NO2

(4) (NHr2so4 (4) (NH4)2Sr

AglaSem Admission

49 When metal 'M' is trcatcd with NaOtI, a 49. 6,{ri 'M'.r1 NaOH iusr xfu,1r 5?(i, ttE
white gelatinous prccipitate 'X' is obtained, 9'Ut-ttt( .{aft\ 'X' xfl '1t{ , I .) '{'-( \3
which is solublt, in excess of NaOH. Naol I 1ti ,r?1 qd .aq a. <itor-r t -t -rqn
Compound'X' when heated shongly gives rt?1i 5r(i oris rdi.r,i t] t i *'riiL,rqhi
an oxide which is used in chromatograPhy .{[q{i\\5 (r1} 6q.ipt qtt t!. i !.(r.l \,t
as an adsorbent. The metal 'M'is:

(1) 7n (1) /,n

(2) Ca (2) Ca

(3) AI (3) AI

(4) Fe (4) Ft'

50. Consider the following reaction and so. ili ottq<.t *qA qi Aqr+li ,a<ri <rl.

lCo(NH3)aBr2l+ + Br +[Co(NH3)38r3] + NH3 lCo(NH3)4Br2l+ + Br- rlco(NHj)3Bril + NH3

(l) Two isomers are produced if the (D 6;i x&q3 {r'[s[ .,uq.t fl?a itqqe3 ('t{
reactant complex ion is a cis-isomer. d, q 1q23l 6g11^r er.{ d.

(II) Two isomers are produced if the 0D 6irx0{r5 rirlql .rq-t (r-tr nl{irzr c'lir
reactant complex ion is a h4rs- A, q itltEtzs't 6.\-i ,uq d.

([I) Only one isomer is produced if the oID 6I x&t{3 iig'[g[ o{,{-r 7-d ${1126 ('l{
reactant complex ion is a f/ais- a, li( + 6/ +t.r.r.rz., G\-{ ert.,L 0.

l.\-1 (IV) Only one isomer is produced iJ the (IV) 6i rl&.rs rislel o{tq-r a?il rr{qa c'l{
reactant complex ion is a cirisomei. d 5&t qi n/ +t {'125 Gc\..t er{ d.

The correct statements are : ui Qtrn r a1 :

(r) [) ana flr) (1) 0) .,ri(D

(2) (I) and 0lI) (2) (I) r{i (IID
(3) (lII) and (rV) (3) orD qi (rv)
(l) (Il) ard (Iv) (4) (lD l,titrv]
AglaSem Admission
51. Glucosc on prolonged heating $-ith HI 51. ,.1:jri ..riuu rir{ l1,ji Ht tr"l rrir :ini q,
gi'es: il.r.i rir4i.

(1) t-Hexane 9) ,-i:it

(2) I Hexcne
(3) Hexanoic acid (:1 &i-r1ds ;iRs
(-1) 6-iodohexanal (a) 6-,,rrts'Lld-uel

52, The frals-alkenes are formeri by the sz. .ili<Lqis{ :'til u4 ,qLqsd-th [istt-reil 4r-a-
reduction oI alkynes ra,ith : ar(+l-i'r q-udL rBt{ r} ?

(1) Hr - Pd,rC, BaSO, (1) H2, PdlC, BaSOI

(2) NaBHa (2) NaBH,

(3) Na/liq. NHu (3) Na/liq. NH.
(4) Sn - HCI (4) Sn - HCI

53. Which of the following compounds will 53. {d4'16/-t .{RrL,{-r qD-fl u}rsr{e ,{eq{A lrD
be suitable for Kjeldahl's method (or .r1 r ,4rqcrL riqlt"y{qiqil 3q1 t{3rd tral ?
nitrogen estimation ?

(1) (r)
o 2

(21 12)


(3) (3)

+ +
N2Cl 2c1-

(1) (1)

A/PaEe 22 SPACE FOR ROUGH woRK / rt 3t{.i r.qt t

AglaSem Admission
54. in the
Phenol on treatment with CO2 5a. S-tl(il Co, rA, rl-aoH -(l ,ir'r;lhi r[r3r
presen.( of NaOH followed by stl ii .\R&rer :rrri iiq'tort x 1,,'{ il'{'1
acidifi(ation produces compound X as the -u'& xu qLq 0. x-{lr( jco}-.1-r,ir H)5('r
maior product- X on treatment with -{l 64,61.{.(ar-{l €ro/r'l'(i x{*.{r ri{,i r(.r
(CH3CO)2O in the presence of catalytic q{?
amount of HrSO4 produces :

o ()

(1) (1)



(2) (2)

co2lI co2H

() o ..o
(3) (3)

(4) (4)
c02H co2H
CH:r CH:

o o
I A/Page 23 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ?1 t{t t
AglaSem Admission
55 An alkali is titated against an acid $,ith ss. qrz-j.d1l.j rtqr.11 ARs +u{ {ii,-tLr!tr ,"rjt-or
methvl orange as indicak)r, 1'hich of the {$ xO xL{ i?(i ilii-u{ril i{ {.iin +rF
following is a correct combination ? d?
Base End point .jda ,jti{s ',ifrr E6
(1) Weak Strong Colourless to (1) Q4,ri ]rqq tLQdl-t .{ieil
pink Tnoil
(2) Strong Strong Pinkish red (2) xqq rqq ({teRr \s
to vellow :dqi[
(3) Weak Strong Yellow to (3) R.iur ]rorsr .[qr.{qil
pinkish red (ttqttt \sa

(4) Strong Shong Pink to (4) ]rovr xorq t{iq1l

coloutless i.G{t<

56 The predominant form of histamine so. {t<q <r'Ldl,{i 6vRra d[+ztud.t<i rilvt ues
present in human blood is (pK", tilql. (pK,, dltzlsl-r = e.o;
Histidine = 6.0)

n H
(1) (, (l) (,

N @ N @

(*.N NH:

(3) (s (3)
N @ N @
(1) ( (4) (*
A/Page 24 sPACE FoR RoucH woRK / ?i l.{i +{'r
AglaSem Admission
57. Phenol reacts with methyl chloroformate sz. Q<je-fl hqrde rtt'ir)ti.iz att NuoH <'[
in the presence of NaOH to form Product owrl{ r&,{r r?d fi6/ A qi r}. e il ar,
A- A reacts with Br2 to form Product B. tuil x&,{L srdi -0v"r B mu qq d. a qi r
A arld B are respectively : .r$i littrl.

(1) (Hr (r:



(4) ocHr

58. The increasing order of basicity of the se. .{l{ o qqL ri {lo/- -{l AB:.u-t't o{ao'l *.t ltrql.
following compourds is :
(a) (r)
(b) (b)

(c) (.)
-( Nri N}I
(d) (d) NHCH3

(1) (a)<(b)<(c)<(d) (1) (a) < (b) < (c) < (d)

(2) (b)<(a) < (c)<(d) (2) (b) < (a) < (c) < (d)

(3) (b)<(a)<(d)<(c) (3) (b) < (a) < (d) < (c)

(4) (d)<(b) < (a)<(c) (l) (d) < (b) < (a) < (c)

A/Page E SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ?I 5 dj +ttL,t

AglaSem Admission
59. Ihe m;,ior productformed in the fo)lo$'ing ss. il{ r{rlq }t&{qi qqd {,,{ -il$/ rilq).

Heirt Heat

0) 0)

(2) (2)


(3) (3)


(4) (1)


A/PaEe 26 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / Ti tltt t

AglaSem Admission

60. The major Product of the follo$'ing 60 ,r1{.4icr 11t;,u.ri r{srrfL r1utt -iir6/ lil.ii.

l\t Ilr
NaONle NaOMe
(, \4eOIl MeOH


(1) 0)

(2) (2)

(3) (3)

OMe ON4e

(4) (1)


AglaSem Admission
tAl{T ( - MAfl .tMATtCS ott)t C
- )tDtrt

61. Two sets A and B aro as under: er. di ,ret a .{.i A -ip x.{r'91 0 :

A={(a, b) €RxR: la-51 <1and A={(a, b) e RxR : la-51 < 1 u'l

lb- 5l < 1); lb-51 < 1);

B= {(a, b) e RxR:4(a-6)2+9(b-5)? B=((a, b) e RxR:4(a 6)2 +9(b -512

< 36). Then : <36). t :
(1) BcA (1) BcA
(2) AcB (2) AcB
(3) An B = 0 (an empty set) (3) AnB=0(iLsurc{1"9
(4) neitherAcBnorBcA (4) AcB\er{dl r{i BcAq$.r{t

Ur. 1"15=[reR:r > 0and 62. lrtr'l} $={reR :r > 0,4i

2lJx -3 + r!(r! -6)+6=0). Then S : 2 Ji -31+ J;(Jt -6)+6=0) dl s:

(1) is an empty set. (1) t u(il rtgt t).

(2) contains exactly one element. (2) t&r q3 6/ ru3 inA s).
(3) contains exactly two elements. (3) {s( q 6/ q*1qrA r}.
(4) contains exactly four elements. (4) t5( {r r/ q25'l qrr{ t}.

63. If d, 13 € C are the distinct roots, of the 63. "i",p.C{ {rrct12-r+l=0.(t G(--r
equation ,2-r+1= 0, then cror + p1o7 is u{loy C'l { al, alo1 + p1o7 = _.
equal to :

(1) -1 (1) -1 l

(2) 0 (2) 0 i
(3) 1 (3) 1
(4) 2 (4) 2
A/PaEe 28 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ei srdi i'{r
AglaSem Admission

I4 2x Ir -{ 2t 2r
64. lt 2:i )r = (A + B-rXx - A)2 , 64. a 2ii t-4 2\ = (A + Br)(r - A)2,
2r 2rx ,] 2x 2r
then the ordered pa (A, B) is equal to r A rr$fl "i.s (A, B)=_
(l) (-4, -s) (1) ( 4. -s)
(2) (-4, 3) (2) ( -4. 3)
(3) ( -.1, s) (3) ( 1, 5)
(4) (4, s) (4) (4, s)

65. If the system of linear equahons 6s. ") tl\,r rdlsr$ {cR
r+ky+32=0 r+ ky+32=0
3x +ky - 2z= 0 3, +k! -22=O
2t+4y-32=0 2t+4y-32=O
has a non-zero solution (, y, z), then i tpiiar 61<r (r, y, z) al* nl
y2 v'
is equal to
(1) - 10 (1) 10

(2) 10 (2) 10

(3) - 30 (3) 30
(4) 30 (4) 30

66. From 6 different novels and 3 different 56. 6 [d(--r -rc{(!qr r4.i I Gt--t tr"esitr.riql
dictionaries, 4 novels and 1 dictionary are 4 -rc{Gqr ,uri 1 {rc€5\r \ri6 st.u.r d r{i
to be selected and aranged in a row on a sr"/dl \r {sl rlR{ q{l {a "ii6"rqr{i } I
shelf so that the dictionar) is always rn oisit rr,.sstL ddar -,{Llt1i r!. 4 rii6qeft }zdl
the middle. The number of such rli a{r, r t
arangements is :

(1) at teast 1000 (1)

., st r00O {it
(2) less than 500 (2) soo tll q]o1 ili
(3) at least 500 but less than 750 (3) .,t:ior.,{i .,itsl soo \ig 7so {l o o1 ilil
(4) at least 750 but less than 1000 (4) ralsrqi \ls'l 750 \iE looo all qlol
AglaSem Admission

67 The sun, of the co-efficients of all odLl 6/-

)' J-l) ,(r>1)
deSree terms in the expansion of 'iL A+(?grri ir'L qr(l..uqr ({r uil-ri {(rNlJri't
] ]
,+"(L1) (,-./tt-1) ,(rr1) itl .itur-'t t).

0) -1 1t) 1

(2) 0 (2) 0

(3) 1 (3) 1

(4) 2 (4) 2

68. Let a1, al a, ....., au, be in A.P. such that 6u QR1) ar, ar, ar, ....., are lrti(i Aq[ (A.P.) 1i

I aa1,.1 = 416 and ae + aa1= 66. If t) at I anp*, = 416 r,ti ar+a*=66. ai

k:0 k=0

. al - ..... + af, = 146. . then m i\

"l +ul+ ... + al, = 14s
tll m=-.
equal to :

(1\ 66 o) 66

(2) 68 (2) 68

(3) 34 (3) 34

(4) 33 (4) 33

69. Let A be the surIl of the first 20 terms and 6e. AA

B be the sum of the first 40 tcrms oI the 't2
- 2-22 +32
-2-42 -52 + 2-o2 + .....
series {L xel,{ 20 \Ati urqru !{r'l } A E .{i xqq
12 t 2.22 +12 12.42 -52 + 2-b2. . .. 40 \E]{ rrqu qR'i ] B t).

If B - 2A = 100tr, then tr is equal to : oi B - 2A = 1oor, dl r:

(1.) 232 (1) 232

(2) 248 248
(3) 464 (3) 464

(4) 4e6 (4) 4e6

AglaSem Admission

70. For each t € & let[t] be the greatest integer zo. x.{: t e R qD, trnl } 1tf iii +tat't .,tt-{ t
.r) lcss than or equal to t. Then rit -u-ti nu.r
1s[s1.ti {{l . i letL ztG r:.
idt ir u-,[i.L]-131i' .lP x.,llll*[?lr
;,* \-.u' , , l.5
\_o+ 1l \i Lrl,
Lrl ] llr J

(1) is equal to 0. (1) qirorr 0d.

(2) is equal to 15. (2) attotr 15 .).

(3) is equal to 120. (3) opta'tr 120 0.

(4) does not exist (in R) 111 .aR..r qitq{ .tell (Rl{0.

:'i 71. I4tS=[t€ R:/(r)= r-trl (er-1) sinlrl 71. qril ] S={t€R:/(r)=lr-nl.(ei -1)sinri
is not differentiable at t]. Then the set S is
,ji t.,tpr.4 fucr-tl.{ <t11..ti "L\t s
5. 6) equal to :

(1) 0 (an empty set) (1) O ({r \,ttdt rrsq

(2) {0} (2) {0}

(3) {"r} (e) {"'}

(a) {O (a) {0, tr}


72, ll the curves y2:6r, gt2+by2=16 72. o,:i a3l y2:6t, gx2+by2=10 "it "ftoai
trtersect each other at riSht an8les, then 5r\ciri dt dl b -[t &qd E,
the value o( b is :

(1) 6 (1) 6

7 7
i (2)
i (2)
(3) 4 (3) 4

9 9
(4) (4)
2 ,
AglaSem Admission

Let /(r) r''

.I I qpr ] /tr) ,2r 1.,t-r n,,t.,
73. , an(l B(r)=r-. x
73 -l-,

r€R-{-1,0. l}. If h(r) - l!!.tr.ntlr.

, € R- I 1.0, l). oi h(x) . I j'j 11 hlrr 1
local minimum value of h(r) is : +trrilq -tr(q te{ _ d.

0) 3 o) 3

(2) -3 (2) -3
(3) -2nO (3) 2A
(4) z"D Al ).1;

74. The inteSral 74. +{5(1

I sin2 r cos2t sin2 r cos2t

J@ elr

is equal to :

+c 1_
0) --l-
3(1 r tanJr) 0) 3(1 + tan'.r)

-.............-_ +C (21 -------i- +C
3(1 + tanr.r) 3(1 + tanrr)

1 1
(3) +C (3) +C
1+ cot'r I +.ot l 1
1 -1 I
(4) +C (4) +C I
1 + cot3r 1--tq I

(where C is a constant of integration) (.ai c { {:e-r- .{qqi! B) i

AglaSem Admission

i E

75. The value of j sin2

r 75.
J;#*.{t cr<r
-.- ,.--u.
t (i)
(2) (2)
2 ,

(3) 4rr (3) 4n

i (4)

76. Let g(t)=cos x2, 11x1=,[, and 75. qtrl ] g(r) = cos 12, /(r) = ,[ , "t'i
dr p (d < 0) be the roots of the quadratic d, p (ct < p) &tttd d{Ir?g 1812 - 9n r + rr = 0
equation 1812 - 9rr, *Tr2 = 0. Then the .
<i "il"r u. rr y = t3,/1(r) alu lqr.,ir :r . o.
area (in sq. units) bounded by the curve r=p qiy = o (Rr 1,r.r1( xi 1r1 +t15,4

y = @"1\@ and the lines 1= q, I = P and (rii. a

Y=o' is:

(1) lrJa - r) 11l 1tJ: - r)

(2\ * r1 (2) it,E * r)


ot ltra -,ar
it.'a -
(3) (3)

ltJz - t\ ,l
2" (4)
A/Page 33 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ?i tqt t
AglaSem Admission
77. Let y=y(x) be the solutiofl of the 77 t{ } y=y(r) d Osc-L {.ilsrct
dilferential equation sinrf +Vcosr =4r,r ( (0,T) . Glq
E +y.orr =4t, r e (0,rr). If D. v(r) =
o. ar -\6J
"l1l =
^l "1,2)
,(;) = ,, v(|) r e""r . ,
2 4 2
0) 1t (1)
16 9J3

-8 1I
-8 2
9J3 eJ3

8, 8z
(3) -nI

4. 42
9 9

78. A straight line through a fixed point (2, 3) 7E. RA( Gq 12, :1 ,ltieil \i1R q{dl lqr lt|lrtt|]i
intersects the coordinate axes at distinct R--r Grgul r ui q ai tlt d. o .l 6l"tat{g
points P and Q. If O is the odgin and the Ci{ .,ri dq?iiin OpRe :i x1 strai ,,t4, .tl
rectangle OPRQ is completed, then the R -r:l [q5\s{ 6.
locus of R is :

(1) 3x+2y=6 (1) 3x -

+2y = 6

(2) 2r +3y - ry (2) 2x +3y = ty

(3) 3r+2y=xy (3) 3t +2y = ty

(4) 3t +2y =6xy (4\ 3x +2y=67y

A/PaBe 34 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORI< / ?t sr{t rqFr

AglaSem Admission

79. Let the orthocentre and centroid of a 79 qr?t ilr, fu'lcr.j d,.d-a qi -rr*-, .,t-Eq
triangle be A(-3, 5) and B(3, 3) e( -:, s) ..t t s(:, a) ti. ; 4 t)5'11;( .{i}<
G] tr
respe.tively. If C is the ciJcumcenhe of C cU, at l..4rris AC ,i.i ",m cl,i it rL e{t<1
this triangle, then the radius of the ctucle Roar 8.
having line segment AC as diameter, is :

(1) fio (1) J1o

(2) 2J1o (2) 2J1o

(3) ,'E (:r)

I 3J5
(4) (4)
2 2

E0. lf the tangent at (1, 7) to thecurve 80. w r2=y-6 A H5 1r,4 ,u.tuL<) ttir
,z=y-6 touches the circle q4,\ i+f +76x+72y+c=o i
t\ri cl c
f +f +16x+12y+c=0 then the value of -il t}ea L
(1) les 0) 195
(2) 18s (2) '185

(3) 8s (3) 85

(4) es (4) 95

nqo{ 81. Tangent and normal are drawn at 81 \?q(lt 16r \l'{ [tE P(16, 16) ,,ttilul E'\iQ
y2 =

tA,.tl P(16, 15) on the parabola tf

=161, v71'ti.1't 91k ,q:i .,t[d<iq, au \tqqqr ursri .{$l
inte$ect the axis of the parabola at A and a.,ti a.{i Bt r}. "} c d ft.r1 gl.,tf,n
B, respectively. ff C is the centre of the .rie{l qrR qcu r<jo.j }+ el,r (er ZCPB = 0
A and B and d ju
cicle through the points P, a),+, tan e 'j ild te{ - .nq.
ZCPB = 0, then a value of tan 0 is :

7 1 -
0) (1)
2 2

(2) 2 (2)

(3) (3) 3
4 4
(4) (4) b
3 3
AglaSem Admission

82. 'Iangents are drawn to the hyperbola 82. .,tRqq,1 4?-f 46;i &g R or:i q.,rL,ro
.l-tz -y2 = 36 u11r",oints P and Q. If these r\ri5l i?'{r.ti r1A 6. .ii "u +,nii &g r1o,:y
tangents intersect at the point T(0, 3) then ,,tptuL 6l .t'r Apre.j Aryr (qlt. dsrri)
the area (in sq. uJrihs) of AIT Q is : r).
0) 4sJ5 (1) 45J5
(2) 54J5 (2) s4J'
(3) 6ov6 (3) 60v5
(4) 36\E (4) 36J5

83. lt' L1 is the line of intersection of the planes 83. 6,i Lr d aq.t(i 2t-2y+32-2=0,
2x - 2y +32 - 2= 0,, - y+z+1 =O and x.-y+z+1:o il 6elur clrt .t'l t, nl
I-2 is theline of intelsection of the planes ltlt((. r+2y-z-3= O, 3x -y + 22 -1= O

x + 2y - z -3 =O, 3, - y +22 -7= 0, the -{l Btl"u alq, .t1 iurd r, oai t, i rLu+.u
the distance of the origin from the plane, r.6nell 6t"rrt&51 .,i<p 0
.ontaining the lines I-1 and 12, is :

(1) 1
qTz (1)

I 1
(2) ,J1 (2)
(3) il:z (3)

1 1
(4) T (4)

84. The length of the proiection of the line s4. [\5ot'l 1s, -1, a1 :,1.1 (4, - 1, 3) A 6]s(t
segment joining the points (5, -1,4) and l ',tt'isd +rr{(e r +y + z=7 qt<i nqi,{
(4, -1, 3) on the plane, x+v+z=7 is I ciquJ<1 r).
2 2
(1) 6 (1)
2 2
(2\ t (2)
1 1
(3) (3)
5 5
l- E
(1) (4)
1l \1,
sPACE FoR RoucH woRK ?t l{ii rau
AglaSem Admission

85. Let u be a vector coplanar r^'ith the 85 trRi ! +dE u { xttlrl a -2r +]i-l
.{qi) vectors a -2i +3j k r,tt b- / + I {tetit{n(tt{tl 6.t u e,t a
b k If u is perpendicular to a n (1or €rq i,t.r u .b = 2a, 1i- lul-)2

_2 js ,t . .'!,4)
.tnd b = 24, then u equal to
., '. '11
(1) 336 (i) 336
(2) (2) )
315 31s
r-,( (,'\,u\ lorl'\
-2 'l (3) 2s6 (3) 2s6
1=0 2
{qdt \*'L
(4) 84 (4) 84

86. A bag contains 4 red and 6 black balls. A 85. + iidlqi 4 ere ,i,ri d. qr &{l{{l
5 sruu €sr.,rl
ball is drawn at random from the ba& its r€ers ?'[a ,i-r ss'i vri.r sr1 i<'t i.L - qqr{
colour is observed and this ball along with i
.{A B ori .,{RqE or i.L.u qqRtu Q rsroal
two additional balls of the same colour are A rr Esl {dl,.{i \n r T,q{ rtQ E. u{
retumed to the bag. lf now a ball is drawn r,u A(il{i?.il .{rr[fu5 r1A tr
es'i .{{s n.u.ti
at random from the bag, then the rara, r-i \rit 5l(r €s'l (r(r c),r iil iqrq<L
probabfity that this drawn ball is rcd, is : t)'
Ci 1{
(1) 3


l9 '\| rrrx i "n'
(2) ; (2)
5 (\t
( lol
1 1
(3) 5

3 1
(4) t (4)
A / Page 37 SPACE FoR RoucH woRK / ri l{ u<
AglaSem Admission

99 99
87. rt iO, - 5) = e ancl t (., - s)'? = 4s, 87. "l1 I(ri . 5):9 r4:t l{*, -s12 =ts,
i=\ r:l ,= I ,:I

then the stalldard dc,viation of the 9 items n'L 9 ,,t'rtt\s-t't rr, rr, ....., tr.j :tetQta A.rc.t-t
x7, tV ....., ,gis I rr.

(1) e (1)

(2\ 1 (,2) l

(3) 2 (3) l

(4) 3 (4) 3

88. If sum of all the solutions of the equation EE. #lJtqr

(-"( 1):
r 8cosn (-"( 1l:,
)-"( 6 ) 6 6

in [0, n] is krr, then k is equal to i -{ "i(rra [0, ,'] qi a.tR 6]a1-ir {iqruii
krr C'trr, ol k =

(1) (1)
5 5

13 l3
12) 9
u q
i (3)

20 20
(4) (4) g

A/PaEe 38 spACE FoR RoucH wonx / e rr.i{ rru-r

AglaSem Admission
E9. PQR is a triangular Park u'ith ll9 PaRti Gr'iqfl{\d d.ait'tQ= p11 = 2611-.
t rr

I'tQ = PR m. A T.V. tower stands at

=200 aR -u .tt4Qgt}' ti6 A{l etqi 6oil si(l t}. art
the mid-point oI QR. If the angles oF zrcr?-u z'lq-t1 B Q qi R ..rPrsr-r't Grillrrlqi
1-t elevation of the top of the tower at P, Q 41ti 4s', 3tr ,uri 30" cl{, (i .{t zr.{i- 6[qtd
and R are respectively 45', 30' and 30", (dlz? {) ir
then the height of the tower (in m) i5 :

(1) r00 (1) 100

).. q
(2) s0 (2) 50
(3) looJ3 (3) 100.,/5
(4) 50.1, (1) 50J'
90. The Boolean expression 90. tel{-t AlrsL -1p v q) v (- p a q) ri
"(p v q),v (' p d is equivalent to
i +t r:n r]

(1) -P (D -P
(2) P (2) P

(3) q (3) ,l

(1) -q (1) -q

-o0o- -o0o-

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / it 3r{.j rr{t.r

(i .( r)" ( qr.i -')"- .'

AglaSem Admission
R.dd the foltolril:4 i snllttio s .^rchtlhl h< 4<*"li *aydt <i<1 ii<I

1- The candidat.s shoutd {ill in the requted parti(uldrs .{rltut{l.ii re {iui .,ti 6u \1 ("rLE-1) .ri Q.rA
on the B.otlct and Ansiler Shet (5ide-1) \',th "/ir1
alotk Bdll Poitt P.'L
o&,at \i ! M1 ,Aa ,1)&2 ia a'r 6.rq'r,r *.ii
X For FritinS/marling parti.ulars on Si.r.-' .. rh" i
Answer Shet, use ah.t Adll Poittt P.n otly-
Gnr\i (utt3-2) ${.{r/A€ 4rt,il. 1ta a<l <ict
viriu 'i+<1 G.tqt,r :rqi.
3. Ihe candidates should not write their Roll Numbers
an!flhen' els. (except in the spsilied space) on the \rllq{r?il.;{.{ldHi .a$.{i, ){* :Qr5r/
Test Booklet/Answer Shet.
3. 6{i \1 rri ilF{( }.u-r
Q.4,r rr-.r tld rqt< ,{r $a.i {d[.
4. Out of the four optioff given for each question, onl!
one option is the correct atuwer.
4. ri! Ir{ .,uie r{rl fua.r]ltM i6(
rrD fuelr rld d.
5. For each it.onect response, * b@-fourtb mark' ot "U "y
th€ toLal marks allotted to the question (i.e. t hark) 5. x..t! \rjzr ./c{rq rri, )re rrD haittr 3<r ,19tai{
will be deducted from the total score. No dedu.tion
from the total score, however, will be made y' rd % i .1, qCqIfl) +A (1 ler) i g1 u1r{{l !r.r<ai .rur'I"
rrsr'ars, ts indicated for an i[em in the Aiswer Sheet. Grr ,ra"ri'il s)tl 6rri n* I {vdl, {qqqL g(t lgrriir]l
5. Handle the Test Bookl€t and Aiswer Sheet with care, . r1d 1!et rtv<r,r1.ic4.lA
as unrl na citumstan.?s krftpt lot dtstftpa q n
Test Boovet Cod? and An$oet Sh?rt Code), anothtt sct o rr \f}.lfl \lt'l 5lqr qqll. lRql ), ,lthqr
zjill bc ptof idtd. ,{ftf*ra{i.{hhyt ir .a.{.{..ri<$ .rA {6trr,rI .rlu
7. The candidates a.e not allowed to do any rough worl
or writing worl on the A8wer Sheet AI calculations/
.{(}ur iL .{.1 G.Q ,{'( tI lq't d.ll
writing work are bo be done in the space prcvided for
this purpos€ in the Test Booldet itsef, ,narked 'Space 7. Gdi \i
\1 \r'lq$llii iU r1 rL.i ) cr"uet <rwj <dt. rrll
,or RouSh work'. This spac€ is given at the bottom of ,LgLnrl/ n ugL rd !g na Viupd Rrrihd 'q i${.j ra{L{'
each p.8e and in lour pag€6 (Pag€ 4G43) at dE md of lti !t.i .aL 8rr{ ei5 $rur iliiiou,Lri B. rr.l tRst.ti
the booller "/
6. On completion of dle test, lhe candidates must han4
rifli rr! \.ii (v.i 4G€) 4\1r{ r{.,( d.
over tlrc Arlswer Sheet to drc Invigilator on duty in the
Room/H.ll. Howe€r, th€ (ddidrl€r are allowed to a. .ritu 1ei tm vtr1, 3crlck Ai1tLri 6rtr .ri r]t
trlc en ay thi6 T€64 Bookl€twith then ii. rtltu{l r)'u+lm{ ra lCirr <rr! vtl rtr r}.
9. E chc did.te m6t show m demand his/her Adrnit
o. sls ,r{lqur{l.l A,1qu-fl ,,i,r \t
Crrd to the Invigilaror. xaicr 5rl {ar.{i.
10. No candidate, without special permission of the ,i{l+u{l.l.lior{l
10. t0Q-s-a.{r"{ Qi'icrr.0 AiIc r",r..{,Lr itrt
Superintendenl or,nvigilalor, should leave his/her
s€al dle ols{t <d[.
IL The candidaDes 6hould nol ieave the Elamimtion Hall
11. s.Ja \i Ai1qu.l 6(? .{1 nl.,rt .r"n .{rlqiL..[.i ,{rlq{l .is
without handing over their Answer Sheet to the
InviSilator on duty and siSn the Attend.nce Sheet o-I(;i ry.i <{l .,r:i G.rRrR rtlz.ri tl{l it{t *.{1. nr.! ii.r1. t
again. Cas€s whe.e a candidate has not siSned the
Attendake Shet sond time B,ill be d<med not to
4c qLr 6{U(a rnzrindl qd d,{.iI6(r.{i Arla{rtri
have handed overlhe Atrwer Shet and dealt with as ril"j <tII ia at I iictai .,tnr1 ,i u{{< uaa<1 r,.r1"t
an un airltleans case. The c.ndidrt€s de ilso required qr-r*{ rilz{ ,c{lqn'll.i .itar<
-rqjr- 6,rlEr['t sr"rL tpr<i
to put their left h.nd THUMB impression ir the spa.e riprj Aut< AISn rru.t.t r*r n{
provided in th€ Att€ndance She€t.
lZ Use of Electronic/Manual Calculato. and any 12. rrd*11fu .1ct(k,.lui.,rr.n.,er ikl riir{R: €uret
Elertronic device like mobile phone, pager etc. is
i.r 1 e1t6<r fu \"n t!. <t 6.rt r{ r<td 6.
13.The .andidates are governed by all Rules and 13. \rlRr \,iJ.ri \llqutllqht .rci< ouq< .Q'lql risqr fuit
Regulations of $e Examination body with regard to qi
th€ir conduct in the Eramiiation Hall. AI cases of
rrLitqlt$ A.t. \t
<.u1.rsrl taL nqAr .,rtnlai
unfair me.ns will be dealt with as per Rules and .{r1 .i!,ri.u fi,rt (rlr&her \i
1..,q 5r,i"udt sr"{d 4.{r\
Regul.tionr of the Eramination body.
1d No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet shall be ra. iirtrer Rrdt{ \r1q{ :tir$ or*q .reti id.rq qpti qi
deta.hed und€r anv grt '
15. Candidateb are not allowed to (arry any textual
material, printed writteir 1s. \{lUi\/,t{rUrE Rqr,r r{qu{R rl$'tr"t usr lrl'dl,

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