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Appendix 1: Scoring Guides for Welfare Parameters
1. Walking Ability
Score Definition Jumlah
0 The bird displays smooth, fluid locomotion. 47
The bird has a slight defect in its gait that is difficult to define
1 0
The bird has a definite and identifiable gait abnormality, but this does
2 0
not affect its ability to move.
3 The bird has an obvious gait defect that affect its ability to move 1
4 The bird has a severe gait defect 0
5 The bird is incapable of sustained walking on its feet 2
Total 50

2. Feather Cover
Score Definition Jumlah
0 Feather cover is full and even over body and wings 41
Feather cover is slightly patchy on the sides OR back of the body OR
0.5 9
on the wings
1.0 Feather cover is patchy to bare on sides OR back of body 0
1.5 Feather cover is bare on sides of body with a light covering on back 0
2.0 Body is bare of feathers and wings are patchy of feathers 0
Total 50

3. Breast Plumage Dirtiness

Score Definition Jumlah
0 Plumage is clean 50
1 Slightly dirty plumage 0
Large patches of dirty plumage on breast / breast is completely
2 0
covered in dirty plumage
Total 50

4. Leg Straightness (angular leg deviations)

Measure Absent (No) Present (Yes)
Inward bow at inter-tarsal 0
Angle – in Legs straight joint so that the two legs
meet >22°
Outward twist at inter-tarsal 0
Angle – out Legs straight joint with =30° between the
Twist Legs straight Twisted metatarsus 0
Legs straight, pads Rotation of tibia shaft so that 3
Rotation facing away from pads face each other >15°
5. Pododermatitis
Score Definition Jumlah
0 No lesions present on the pads 50
No lesions present on the pads, but the pad is pink (P) and/or
swollen (S) and/or scarred (i.e pads have a new, smooth skin 0
covering – healed (H))
0.5 <25% of the pad is covered with a lesion 0
1.0 Between 25 and 50% of the pad is covered with a lesion 0
1.5 Between 50 and 75% of the pad is covered with a lesion 0
2 More than 75% of the pad is covered with a lesion 0
Total 50
6. Hock Burn
Score Definition Jumlah
0 No discoloration or lesions present on hocks 48
0 (P/S) No discoloration or lesions present on hocks, but hock is pink and/or
swollen 2
0.5 <25% of the hocks is covered with a hocks 0
1.0 Between 25 and 50% of the hock is covered with a lesion 0
1.5 Between 50 and 75% of the hock is covered with a lesion 0
2 More than 75% of the hock is covered with a lesion 0
Total 50
Appendix 2: Welfare Assessment Results
Total number of trials : 50 birds
Start and finish dates for each trial : 28 July 2017
Name of breed under trial : Cobb
Name of breeding company for breed under trial : PT. Tri Satya Mandiri (Jasinga)

Parameter Trial breed result Guide threshold Notes

Age at assessment 17 Hari -
Weight at -
assessment (g)
Daily growth rate Indoor 60 To be calculated
(g per day) Free range 52 using birds’ age
when 2.2 kg
FCR - For information
Male : Female ratio 1:1 Provides ages for
each trial
Leg culls (%) 0 -
Heart attack (%) 0 -
Ascites (%) 0.02 -
Other dead (%) 0.04 -
Runts (%) 0.02 -
Other culls (%) 0.03 -
Total mortality for
all parameters 0.06 -
except runts and
other culls (%)
Leg culls (%) 0 0 1.0
Heart attack (%) 0 0 1.0
Ascites (%) 0.14 1.0
Other dead (%) 0.04 1.5
Runts (%) 0.04 For informaton
Other culls (%) 0.02 For information
Total mortality for
all parameters 0.16 3.00
except runts and
other culls (%)
akumulasi dari hari pertama (selama seminggu)
Walking ability
Average score For information
Scores 0, 1 & 2 94 Min. 95
combined (%)
Score 0 (%) 94 100.0
Score 1 (%) 0 100.0
Score 2 (%) 0 60.0
Score 3 (%) 2 5.0
Score 4 (%) 0 0.0
Score 5 (%) 4 0.0
Hock burn
Average score For information
Scores 0 & 0.52 100 Min. 80
combined (%)
Score 0 (%) 100 100.0
Score 0 but 0 25.0
pink/swollen (%)
Score 0.5 (%) 0 10.0
Score 1.0 (%) 0 0.0
Score 1.5 (%) 0 0.0
Score 2.0 (%) 0 0.0
Not including pink/swollen figures
Average score For information
Scores 0 & 0.52 100 Min. 90
combined (%)
Score 0 (%) 100 100.0
Score 0 but 0
pink/healed/swollen 8.0
Score 0.5 (%) 0 1.0
Score 1.0 (%) 0 0.0
Score 1.5 (%) 0 0.0
Score 2.0 (%) 0 0.0
Not including pink/swollen figures
Breast plumage
Average score For information
Scores 0 (%) 100 100.0
Scores 1 (%) 0 70.0
Scores 2 (%) 0 50.0
Leg straightness
Total leg deviations 3 For information

Feather cover
Average score For information
Scores 0 & 0.5 100 Min. 70
combined (%)
Score 0 (%) 82 100.0
Score 0.5 (%) 18 50.0
Score 1.0 (%) 0 30.0
Score 1.5 (%) 0 0.0
Score 2.0 (%) 0 0.0
Amoint of additional For information
litter used (kg)

Purpose: To assess the welfare of animals within a housing facility or while in use of a procedure/teaching
Method: animals are assessed directly during a visit/observation. Assessment of animals in housing facility should be done with assessment of
THE HOUSING AND MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT. Animals-based measurement should be consideration at all levels, and
resource-based assessment taken when animal-based measures are inadequate.
Experience/knowledge of specific-species requirement may be needed for thorough assessment.

Audit Information:
Institution name: PT. Tri Satya Mandiri (Jasinga) Auditor: Ashwini Devagaran
Corresponding person: Date: 29 July 2017
Previous audit date:


1. Good Feeding i. Absence of prolonged hunger Pemberian pakan dan air minum di berikan secara ad libitum.

ii. Absence of prolonged thirst

2. Good Housing i. Comfort around resting Penggantian litter yang basah dilakukan 2 hari sekali. Disediakan tungku
batu-bara sebagai alat pemanas untuk menghindari cuaca dingin.
ii. Thermal comfort Ventilasi baik. Perluasan area brooding dilakukan untuk menghindari
kepadatan ayam.
iii. Ease movement

3. Good Health i. Absence of injuries Kandang dialas dengan terpal dan sekam untuk menghindari luka pada
kaki ayam. Selain itu, vaksinasi juga diberikan pada ayam saat DOC
ii. Absence of disease
iii. Absence of pain induced by management untuk mencegah penyakit

4. Appropriate i. Expression of social behaviours Social behavior belum jelas keliatan. Ayam tersebar merata di dalam
Behaviour kandang. Ayam terlihat bebas mengekspresi perilaku alamiahnya dengan
ii. Expression of other behaviours (natural
behaviours) menggaruk sekam.

iii. Good human-animal relationship

iv. Positive emotional state (qualitative behavioural

Penilaian kesejahteraan hewan dilakukan terhadap ayam broiler pada
peternakan Hanafi 1, kandang 3 di PT Tri Satya Mandiri cabang Jasinga.
Penilaian dilakukan pada 50 ekor ayam dari jumlah total 8000 ekor yang berumur
17 hari dengan rata-rata bobot badan 501 gram. Penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan
RSPCA(2013), yang terdiri dari beberapa aspek yaitu walking ability, feather
cover, breast plumage dirtiness ,leg straightness, pododdermatitis dan
Hockburn.Penilaian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan ayam-ayam berada dalam
kondisi yang baik.
Tipe kandang di peternakan ini adalah open dan memiliki sirkulasi udara
yang baik sehingga kondisi ayam nyaman di dalam kandang. Tungku batu-bara
dinyalakan tiap sore untuk memberikan kondisi hangat pada ayam. Pemberian air
dan pakan diberikan secara ad libitum atau selalu tersedia, sehingga kebutuhan
air dan pakan selalu terjaga. Ketersediaan jumlah tempat minum dan tempat
pakan sesuai dengan populasi ayam. Pemberian cahaya yang mencukupi juga
diberikan di kandang

Gambar 1 Tipe kandang open

Gambar 2 Kondisi dalam kandang dilengkapi lampu, kipas, gallon air serta
tempat pakan manual

Pada saat penilaian walking disability ditemukan ayam yang tidak mampu
berjalan dengan baik, salah satu kaki tidak dapat menekuk, lurus dengan sudut
180 derajat.
Gambar 3 Ayam dengan walking disability

Feather cover merupakan penilaian kesejahteraan hewan ayam broiler

berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya bulu pada tubuh ayam. Ditemukan 9 ekor ayam
yang memiliki kondisi bulu yang tidak terlalu lebat dan tidak menutupi tubuh
serta sayap secara keseluruhan namun masih dikategorikan baik.

Gambar 4 Contoh ayam yang mengalami feather cover yang kurang baik

Tidak ditemukan sebarang kelainan pada pada telapak kaki

(pododermatitis) serta kotoran pada dada ayam-ayam broiler yang dinilai. Akan
tetapi, terdapat hock burn atau kemerahan pada bagian hock dua ekor ayam.

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