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Discipline Log

Date Grade Level Description of Infraction

9/18/2017 3rd Student out of line
9/18/2017 4th Student disrupting class
9/28/2017 1st Student refused to walk to class
9/29/2017 2nd Student hit another kid
9/29/2017 3rd likeStudent
all kids mad
do andandnassir
calledwasteacher a big head
bothering him. He
9/29/2017 3rd pushed and hit nassir
taken out unil aw calmed down and he was brought to
9/29/2017 1st things down. Pushed tables the office
and chairs into students.
10/2/2017 2nd one got hurt.
be quiet and sit down. Student and I talked and i sent
10/5/2017 4th him back to class.
10/5/2017 3rd Student
Student kicked paper after
went accross he didn't and
the classroom do the
a kid.
10/6/2017 2nd Then hit another kid as well
A student called him a name so Harlow hit him with
10/6/2017 1st his elbow
10/6/2017 1st Hit student and scratched student in class
10/9/2017 2nd Student threw crayons and hiding under desk
10/9/2017 1st Growling at students and hiding under desk
10/12/2017 3rd Disrepectful to teacher.Yelling at teacher
Went to pass for the rest of the
10/12/2017 3rd day and we talked about filters
and hitting teacher to let him into andclass.
how to respond
Had to be
10/19/2017 4th removed to the
Had an argument with student and yelled a office
10/23/17 3rd unacceptable commenttoout
Disrepectful language loud student. Got pulled
10/25/17 3rd and talked to again.
10/26 3rd Yelling at teacher and not doing work
10/27 3rd Yelling at teacher
Not working . Hadand mad about
discussion aboutstations
staying focused
10/27 2nd and using words when you get frustrated
Half day school. Needed to be ISS. AW and i talked
11/8 2nd about
Student schol work
yelling at and
otheri taught
studentshim, Hitting
social studies
kids while
11/7/17 2nd eating breakfast
11/9/17 2nd Student got into a small fight with another studnt
11/9/17 2rd Student
Struggling gotwith
a small fight with another
to teacher. came tostudnt
me to
11/14/17 3rd talk it out and went back to class
12/8/17 4th Yelling at teacher and refused to leave
12/11/17 3rd Refused to do math work
12/11/17 2nd Refusing to do work and yelling at sub
12/13/17 5th Walking out of classroom without permission
12/14/17 3rd Writing explicit words on another students folder
1/22/18 2nd Students trowing snowballs at each other
1/22/18 2nd Student throwing snowballs
2/19/18 2nd Student
Threatened running outaof
to hurt the building
student. Had a long discussion
2/19/18 2nd about what they say.
2/19/18 2nd Student
Student did not getwhen
struggles better. Yellingadult
another and running
comes inaround.
2/21 2nd room. needed to be removed
2/22/18 3rd Student arguing with teachers throwing stones at cars
2/22/18 5th Student
Student refusing
refusing to
to work
work/walks out
Yelling atof class and kids
2/23/18 2nd (twice)
2/23/18 5th Bus Issue yelled insults at students and refused to
2/26/18 2nd leave the classroom
3/2/18 2nd student headbutt a student
3/2/18 4th Student yelled obsentities on the bus
3/2/18 5th Student threw fireworks
3/2/18 5th Student threw fireworks
3/2/18 2nd Yelling out at teacher
3/5/18 2nd Student headbutted another student
3/5/18 2nd Student
Student jumped
brought and hit aarmy
a swiss pianoknife to show off to
3/15/18 3rd another student
3/15/18 4th Student refused to listen to sub and administrator
3/15/18 2nd Students playing the slapping game
3/13/18 4th Students writing gang related words on hands
3/16 1st Student ran from palyground into the street
3/16 4th student yelled out and knocked over chair
3/16/18 1st Student lost a watch and someone took it
Log H (Home/Out of
School) Duration of Suspension
I (In-School)
I-In School 1/2 Class period
I-In School 1/2 Class period
Talk 10 min
I-In School 1/2 day
talk 30 min
Talk 1/2 Class period
H-Out of School 2 class periods
I-In School 2 class periods
none 1/2 Class period
talked to kid and teacher none
H-Out of School 1 day
I-In School 1 class period

I-In School lunch

none Talking to
I-In School 2 class periods
I-In School 1 day
I-In School 3 class periods
I-In School 2 class periods
i-In School 2 class periods
i-In School 2 class periods
long walk 30 min
long walk 30 min
in-school 1/2 day
office discussion 30 min
Called mom and ISS 2 class periods
30 minmom and ISS
discussion with 2 class periods
me 1 class period
30 min discussion 1 class period
Call home
walked andtotalked
mom and 30 min
walked back
class back 30 min
to class and called
Conversation parent
an time out 30 min
of class
brought to counselor to 30 min
discuss issue
talk to counselor and 30 min
sent him back to class
about issues. reffering to 30 min
Discussed point
and brought 1hr
back to class
Brought to counselor. 15 min
Calling mom
Brought to office 30 min then back to class
Brought to office and
back to class taken home for rest of the day
mom contactedon anger 30
with counselor 30 min
min break
Language was off. had a happened twice
took student to buddy 30 min brought back
class teacher will send back when ready
taken out of class stayed in office
Off of bus 1 week
Designated area 1 week
Designated area 1 week
office discussion 30 min
ISS 1/2 day
Time outand parent
time out 1/2 day
Sent home with parent 1/2 day
and meeting
discussion and had 1/2 day
teacher call the parent
Long discussion and 30 min
parent phone
Cox called callsand kid Back to class after meeting
was out for
Student came30outminof class Back to class after 30 min
and calmed
student wasdown
talked to and 15 min
watch was found none

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