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Array statistics

I/O and throughput statistics can be returned for all devices on a specific array
by specifying the Symmetrix ID in the command-line, specifying the interval and the
number of samples (counts) for the statistical run. The following example returns
performance statistics for Symmetrix array 150:

symstat -type REQUEST -sid 150 -i 10 -c 100

The following statistics are returned:

1. Host timestamp of the sample.

2. Active Symmetrix device name and host physical device name (if the device is

3. Read cache request rate (requests per second).

4. Write cache request rate (requests per second).

5. Read throughput rate (kilobytes per second).

6. Write throughput rate (kilobytes per second).

7. Read/write cache hit ratio (percentage of write hits).

8. Sequential read/write ratio (percentage of sequential reads).

9. Write-pending track count.


symstat -sid 1234 -dev AAAB -i 5

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