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Running head: MANAGEMENT PLAN 1

Management Plan:

TEL 311 Signature Assignment

Tyler Deffner

Arizona State University


Table of Contents

Self-Introduction/Philosophy of Education…………………………. Pgs. 3,4

Classroom Management Resources……………………………….....Pgs. 4-8

Classroom Layout ……………………………………………….......Pgs. 4,5

Classroom Procedures ……………………………………………….Pgs. 5,6,7

Discipline Strategies/Rules & Consequences …………………..…..Pgs. 7,8


Self Introduction

Philosophy of teaching

Teaching has never been about the teacher but has always been about the students. I grew

up never changing schools and spending entire school years in the same classroom. This made

teachers almost as if they were extended family. I enjoyed some classes and loathed some others.

I would say that I had lack of respect when it came to education while growing up. This would

change when I went into high school, my German teacher was an amazing woman. She told me

stories of how she spent years learning in Europe pursuing her dreams, how she would start in

classes full of students and be left the only one enrolled at the end. She showed me that teachers

are people, people with goals, desires, and dreams outside of school. I found myself after class

motivated and I believe if students see that teachers are not there to babysit, but to only make

their knowledge available to students, they will respond to the content and respect education in a

larger scope.

The knowledge passed between a teacher and student in today’s classrooms may no

longer be the focus of a student's attention, social media, politics, and other intrusive medias, are

leaking into classrooms through portable devices which many students carry on their pocket.

Those distractions will never leave a student, however they will leave the classroom. The

purpose of education to the student is to be able to better understand the media around them. Or

to better understand the area of expertise they are pursuing. This understanding is what education

is truly about. The ability to take what you learned and using that knowledge applying it


When it comes to a Teacher being there for the students it does not mean just in the

classroom if teachers truly want students to respect them and understand they are not just

government hired babysitters, teachers need to be active members of the community. From

attending the school’s choir concert, to fighting for curriculum changes. If the communities see

that Teachers care about what the students learn about, as well as the students and their families,

not only would perceptions of teachers change, but perhaps students will be more willing to


When students enter the classroom they are entering a neutral area, where they are all

equal. The reason they are equal is because the class is a unit the students should work together,

using their strengths to assist the students around them whom have differential abilities. These

cooperative learning experiences are what help make my class the “melting pot”. Students don't

choose their groups they choose their topics. That way they share their interests with those they

don't normally communicate with. The diverse students will blend into the pot and make the

soup a bit more flavorful

Classroom Management Resources

Classroom Layout

This classroom layout is designed to maximise the use of a small room. The lessons this

classroom is designed to foster are instructionally driven and allows groups of students to work

together closely. The desks themselves are trapezoidal in shape which allows a seemingly

endless arrangement and configurations. The board and projector screen define the front of class,

this is where many project based lessons the students complete in groups will be presented. This

area is also where the majority of instructional input will be given. The desks are arranged in a

way in which student engagement is invited and prompted during instructional lessons. Desks

throughout the room are angled towards each other. All seating spaces have are set in places

where another student will in one way or another have a line of sight with them. This is because I

desire to bring many discussions into the classroom. The back of the room houses a shelving

unit. On this unit students will find worksheets or other materials to be used that day, this could

include bell work, warm ups and other items. Also included in this shelving unit will be extra

supplies, pens, paper, pencil sharpener, etc. This will allow students to collect needed materials

upon entry and not need to get up and retrieve them during class.

Towards the front of the room there is a rectangular table along the wall, on this table

there is a organiser for students to find work they may have missed due to absence. This

organiser will be sorted by days of the week and will only hold two weeks of work at a time.

This will allow students to more accurately find work they have missed. Also on this table will

be a drop slot for due work that I can easily collect and grade, since I sort student work

alphabetically I will not require student work be sorted by class hour.

Classroom procedures

Upon entering the classroom


Students will:

● Check for bell work by the entrance to the classroom

● Check the board for instruction

● Take their seat and work on their instructions or wait for them to be given

Teacher will:

● Greet students as they enter

● Oversee the completion of provided instruction while taking attendance when the bell


● Give further instruction on the day’s lesson

Turning in work

Students will:

● Have their papers named and dated

● Placed in an orderly stack in a labeled drop box in the front of the classroom

Teacher will:

● Gather and File the papers for further grading and processing.

● Maintain accurate and organised records of student work.

Missing work due to Absence

● Work assigned on a day students are absent will be available in a folder in the classroom.

● It is the Student's responsibility to collect the work they missed and seek assistance.

● Work will be given 1 extra day for completion for each day absent.

Late Work

● Late work will be accepted with the following parameters


○ For each day an assignment is late its grade will be docked 10 percent I.E.

(86 to 76)

○ Late work will not be accepted after 5 school days

○ This policy may not apply to specific assignments (will be disclosed upon


Grading and returning work

● Graded work will be sorted by student name and kept at my desk

● Students may request their work at various times and will be given all their graded work


● Grades will reviewable on the online portal for review outside the classroom


● Students are expected to come to class prepared with the following items:

○ Writing Utensil

○ Loose Paper

○ A folder for storing their work

Rules & Discipline

Cell Phones and Electronics

● All electronics will be either muted or powered off and stashed in a student's


● If a student is seen with electronics out during a lesson a talley will be placed on the

board s. At the end of each unit there will be extra question on the unit test for each tally

on the board

● If students require electronic devices for personal education assistance this will obviously

be looked over

Volume of the classroom

● Talking outside of turn (debates, discussions, etc.) that is disruptive will be remedied in

the following steps

○ Step 1: a verbal warning, students will be asked to limit or stop their talking

○ Step 2: students will be asked to move their seat to another place in the room

○ Step 3: students will be moved somewhere in the room apart from other students

and be asked to stay after class for a discussion about possible solutions or

disciplinary steps to follow including but not limited to ( referrals, calls or emails

home, permanent repositioning in the classroom)

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