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United Nations General Assembly

The Federal Republic of Germany (Payton Vaughn)

Resolution #17


The General Assembly,

Acknowledges ​that climate change affects millions of people worldwide, making

hundreds of thousands go without homes. “Millions of people are affected when they
are displaced by the impacts of weather and climate hazards [due to climate change],” -
Michelle, Yonetani,

Observes ​there is the International Renewable Energy Agency or IRENA that is working
on getting all countries to switch to some kind of renewable energy and their fund is
down by 23% so far this year,

Fully aware​ that the Cap and Trade has been working excellently for Germany in the
past years and they are on their way to minimizing their greenhouse gas emissions by
20% by 2020, “Germany remains a relatively strong performer on emissions cuts.
Without further action, it is projected to achieve a 20% reduction by 2020,” - Megan,

Aware that​ the United States is planning on leaving the Paris agreement, even though
they contribute 15.99% of Emissions worldwide,

Keeping in mind​ that extreme weather, due to climate change, is killing animals and
slowly endangering many people worldwide. “[There will be] more frequent winter
floods, endangered ecosystems, and increasing ground instability from thawing
permafrost.” - EPA To combat this mass extinction there is the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration working on helping the animals,

1. Every Country must donate at least .0008% of their annual GDP to the NOAA or National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
2. ​ alls upon​ The United States to stay in the Paris agreement and join the Cap and Trade
Act because of these reasons;
a. The United States contributes 15.99% of the emissions into our atmosphere;
b. The United States is one of the richest countries based on GDP and they can
contribute more money to our funds.

3. Draws attention to​ The International Displacement Monitoring Centre and that all
countries should Give them resources so they can help those who have been affected by
climate change in any way;
a. All countries will donate at least .0010% of their GDP to the IDMC so that the
IDMC can help the people displaced.
b. All countries will either Donate, give shelter, or resources to the IDMC.

4. Requests that all countries have at least 15% of their energy be renewable by 2040 and
30% by 2060 and then donate at least .0010% of their annual GDP to IRENA Renewable
energy fund,

5. Considers​ that all countries to put a cap on their gas emissions depending on their
current emissions and the Countries that have not actually signed in with this
agreement to do so;
a. Larger countries such as China, U.S, India, and Russia should cut their emissions
by 20% in 2030 and 35% in 2050;
b. Smaller countries contributing less than 1.7% cut down by 15% in 2030 and 30%
in 2050;
c. all large countries cut down at least 30% by 2050;
d. all small countries cut down at least 20% by 2050;
e. Any country agreeing to this cap and not following through will give .013% of
their per capita GDP to the Green climate fund or IDMC.

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