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Amber Portwood

Affective Assessment Lab

Affective domain rubric

Descriptor Unacceptable Passing Target Exemplary

Fair Play -Consistently -Follows rules -Encourages others -Demonstrates
argues -Does not argue to follow rules leadership that
-Doesn’t accept or complain -Accepts rulings cultivates a
rulings about rulings with positive positive, rule
-Complains when attitude following
losing -Compliments or environment
-Doesn’t follow congratulates -Positively accepts
rules (cheats) opponents all rulings despite
impact on their
Respect -No Manners -Takes care of -Uses equipment in -Helps with
-Does not play by equipment a safe manner cleaning up and
the rules -Listens to -Know/plays by setting up
-Is reckless teacher and the rules equipment
towards equipment others when -Focus on teacher -Makes eye contact
-Talks while others talking when he/she is with the teacher
are talking -Plays by the talking and pays attention
rules -Positive attitude
-Encourages towards classmates
others -Volunteers to help

Teamwork -Refuses to work -Demonstrates -Demonstrates -Goes out of way

alongside the ability to working with to assist teammates
teammates and/or work alongside teammate at all -Helps create an
classmates teammates times accepting
-Not sharing -Students is -Utilizes other environment with
equipment reluctant to share teammates skills teammates.
-Not accepting of equipment -Makes effort to
different ideas. -Argues with communicate with
teammates on no teammates
more than one

I like this rubric because each of the descriptors have clear indicators for each level
which makes it easy to use. Since effort was removed as a descriptor and respect added, there is
less gray area in what would otherwise be a hard to define characteristic. Though I did not
personally use this rubric for assessing students, based on the game play that I observed from my
classmates, this rubric would not need any changes. These three descriptors would be easily
assessed through game play for multiple activities. Affective domain assessments help students
see that there are clear expectations set for them. Rubrics offer students a range of behavior
categories to fall under including unacceptable, passing, and exemplary. This shows students that
there is a minimum behavior expectation that needs to be met but that they can go above and
beyond that minimum. Activities like journals and logs allow students to think deeper about the
things that they do and say, and to reflect on changes that can be made to better these things.
Having students participate in in-class reflective activities such as the responsibility cube allows
others to hear what students have to say which may give them ideas on how to better themselves
and their behavior.

Affective Assessment
This assessment would be used during a tournament or game play to gain insight on
student awareness of treating others with respect. Because game play can become so
competitive, this activity requires students to reflect on the things that they say when competing
and the affect that these words may have on others. This type of reflection could also give insight
on whether students are cooperating and communicating with their teammates and agreeing with
the rule callings.

Journal Entry

Name:_____________________ Date:____________________

Please respond to the following prompt. There are no right or wrong answers so answer honestly
and to the best of your ability.

What affect(s) did my words have on others today? Were there any moments that I questioned
what I said after saying it?
How did I
demonstrate fair

How did I How did I What can I do next

demonstrate respect demonstrate proper time to better help
for the equipment? safety? my classmates?

How did I
teamwork during
game play?

How did I
demonstrate respect
to my teacher?

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