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13ITD003 R13
B.Tech. II Year I Semester Regular Examinations, December, 2014
(Common to CSE and IT)
Time: 3Hours Max. Marks: 70M
Answer ALL questions

1. Answer in ONE sentence 5X1=5M

a) Define Exception?
b) What is Generic programming?
c) Define Heap.
d) What is a Dictionary?
e) What is a Binary tree?

2. Answer the following very briefly. 5X2=10M

a) What is an “inline” function?

b) What are the benefits of operator overloading?
c) Write the constructor for skip List.
d) Define the Abstract data type for Queue.
e) Write the postfix expression of A/B^C+D*E.

3. Answer the following briefly. 5X3=15M

a) What is the importance of dynamic memory allocation?

b) What are virtual functions?
c) Explain the applications of stack.
d) Give the applications of dictionary.
e) What are the differences between graph and tree?

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Answer any FOUR questions 4X10=40M

4. a) Explain static class members with the help of an example.

b) Discuss friend functions in C++.
5. What is inheritance? Explain the different types of inheritance with the help of an example.
6. Write a C ++ program to implement Queue ADT using arrays.
7. a) What is Collision in Hash Tables? Explain Linear Probing.
b) Write a C++ program for Brute force pattern matching algorithm.
8. a) What is an AVL search tree? How do we define the height of it? Explain about the balance
factor associated with a node of an AVL tree.
b) Discuss about DFS.
9. a) Write a C++ program to overload binary operator + to concatenate 2 strings.
b) Explain with a routine to insert a node into a binary search tree.


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