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Running Machine
In 1817, German aristocrat Karl von Drais invented the draisine,
a two-wheeler with a steering, but no pedals. The world now
knows the modernised version as the much-loved bicycle.
(Encyclopaedia Britannica)

All Clogged Up
There were more than 1 billion cars on the road in 2015, and this
figure is expected to double by 2040!
(World Economic Forum)

Suspended in Time
Germany’s Schwebebahn in Wuppertal is the world’s oldest
suspension railway with hanging cars. It was built in 1901 and still
works just fine!

Take Off!
In 2030, India is likely to have 855 million air passengers! That’s a
three-fold increase in the number of air travellers, which was 265
million in 2016­–2017.
(The Economic Times)

A Hot Affair
The highest man has ever flown in a hot-air balloon is at 68,986 feet.
This feat was achieved by Dr Vijaypat Singhania, who flew over
Mumbai on 26th November 2005.
(Guinness World Records)

Goes like a Bullet!

The Royal Enfield is the oldest motorcycle brand in the world. Its
Bullet model holds the record for the longest motorcycle production
run of all time.
(New Atlas)

Chugging Along
Regarded as the father of the railway, English engineer George
Stephenson invented a steam train in 1829 that could travel at
a mere 46 km/h. Ironically, it was called Rocket!

Simply Electrifying!
There are more than 3 million fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars on
the world’s roads today.
(The Guardian)

Ship Away!
The busiest ocean trade route in the world is between Asia and
North America.
(Guinness World Records)

Young & Mobile

Currently, there are around 140 car-sharing services in Germany,
which allow users to find a car near them and simply drive off.
No wonder nearly 46% of Berliners don’t own a vehicle and don’t
miss one!
(Young Germany & SPIEGEL ONLINE)

“You can’t understand a city without using its public transportation system.”
— Erol Ozan, writer & scientist

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