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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb 2018, 253-262
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Department of Informatics, Kharkiv National University of RadioElectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics, Kharkiv National
University of RadioElectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Department of Media Systems and Technology, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukrain
Department of Physics, MotilalVighyanMahavidhyalaya, Bhopal, India

Plastic is an important material that is used in civil engineering. Communication pipes - one of the directions of
use of plastic. The external environment affects the quality of the use of plastic pipes. Therefore it is important to know

Original Article
the defects of plastic products. It is also necessary to make assessment of the quality of the use of plastic pipes. It depends
on many factors. Therefore the task of detection and preventing of the communication pipes defects - the complex task.
We did a survey of the major defects of the communication pipe. We have examined the factors that influence the
formation of defects in the communication pipe. A classification of variable factors that affect the quality of
communication pipes is proposed. A generalized algorithm for evaluating the quality of communication pipes has also
been developed.

KEYWORDS: Defects, Plastic, Communication Pipes, Quality & Assessment

Received: Nov 01, 2017; Accepted: Nov 21, 2017; Published: Jan 05, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201829


No modern building (as intended for housing, performance of administrative functions or commercial
structures) can practically be presented without the systems of communication therefore pipes for the sewerage,
water supply, heating are so demanded.

The leading place in the modern market of building materials by production of communication pipes is
taken by plastic. Plastic, plastics – materials on the basis of polymers, capable to get the set form when heating
under pressure and to keep it after cooling. May contain fillers, softeners, stabilizers, pigments, lubricants, etc.
components. Depending on the nature of the transformations happening to polymer at his processing in a product
are subdivided into thermolayers (the most important of them – plastic on the basis of polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene, polyvinylchloride, polyamides, polycarbonates, a politetraftoretilen) and reaktoplasta (the most large-
capacity look – phenoplasts, are widely used also plastic on the basis of epoxy resins, polyester pitches, the
kremniyorganicheskikh of polymers, etc.) [1-3].
254 Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad,
Svitlana Sotnik,Zhanna Deineko & Alveera Khan

In modern civil engineering exclusively corrosion-proof materials are applied to laying of new communication
systems: plastic pipes, polyvinylchloride pipes (PVC), products from polypropylene, corrugated analogs, etc. [4].

Imply plastic pipes: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (software), PVC of system of pipelines. Plastic pipes
possess a row of advantages before the metal analogs. First, they are long-lasting, secondly, are simple in mounting and
maintenance, thirdly, have available cost. In most cases PVC replaces traditional construction materials, such as wood,
metal, concrete and clay. When mounting a water supply system use polyethylene pipes, however they are applicable only
for cold water. If the system provides existence of high temperatures, then it is better to select metalpolymeric models.
Such pipes do not need additional insulation and perfectly transfer the most different temperatures, their single
shortcoming – high cost. That is, products shall correspond completely to conditions, and laying down of the high-quality
pipeline requires strict observance of all rules and nuances of mounting. In case of a pipes material choice their assignment
is significant.

The task of detection and preventing of the communication pipes (CP) defects – the complex task as the quality
depends on many factors, beginning from a choice of material and process of their manufacture and finishing with pressure
testing of ready connections. Criteria for making decision on prevention of defects are results of the set factors statistical
analysis, the conditions influencing quality.

The most important requirements to production such can be considered compliance to the highest quality
standards and operational characteristics, that is, pipes shouldn't be exposed to corrosion, collapse under the influence of
aggressive factors.


Traditional Approaches to Determination of Communication Pipes Defects
Today the problem of plastic products defects and ways of their elimination is solved in many works devoted to
identification of such incidents it can be very useful to monitoring, safety, maintenance, modernization and management of
life cycle of pipelines.

Works [1-3] are devoted to a communication research between processing parameters both technological and
operational properties of the received polymeric materials and also solutions of the tasks connected with application and
fastenings of polymeric pipes are considered. Authors describe ways of plastic products connection and key parameters for
calculation of building constructions from plastic.

In [4] contains information including numerous tabular and graphics of numerous examples of the refusal actual
cases in pipelines, photos of pipes defects, the compressed description and diagnostics of an event of refusal. Development
of plastic pipes processes production, studying of technological process influence on quality of these products it is
presented in [5]. The questions connected with properties of plastic pipes at different types of impact on them are
considered. The problem of plastic pipes deformation and ways is also in details opened. In [6, 7] main attention it is paid
to development and assessment of the researches directed to improvement of quality.

Review of the Main Defects Communication Pipes

Defects of plastic products can be a consequence of their manufacture process or arise in process mounting and
maintenance. Anyway it is necessary to begin with external examination and diagnostics of the damaged section.

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Defects of Communication Pipes from Plastic in Modern Civil Engineering 255

The quality, speed and cost of carrying out future repair will depend on type of defect directly. There are several main
types of damage of the plastic pipes given in Table 1 [1, 3-5].

Table 1: Main Defects of Communication Pipes

No Defect Images Possible causes

Emergence of gaps is
Complete or partial usually accompanied by
1 separation of a careless work near an
pipe arrangement of the route

The leak in knots and

places of connections isn't
damage, and is caused by
violation technology of the
Leak in connection
2 device of welded
connection. Also can be a
consequence of improper
use materials at their

Arises at installation of
3 Suppression
plastic pipes

The Factors Influencing Formation of Communication Pipes Defects

The reasons of emergence pipes defects from plastic have very various prerequisites.

At design of pipelines it is necessary to consider a number of plastic pipes characteristics in comparison with
traditionally applied metal, namely[4, 6, 7]:

high corrosion resistance to the vast majority of the transported and soil environments in the absence need of their
additional anticorrosive protection;

considerably the smaller weight facilitating and simplifying hoisting-and-transport and construction;

the big flexibility of pipes allowing to reduce number of bent inserts;

- smoothness their internal surfaces, reducing the hydraulic resistance to a stream.

It is defined what influences quality of pipes:

• The incorrect choice of material for pipes production.

• Use of low-quality raw materials.
256 Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad,
Svitlana Sotnik,Zhanna Deineko & Alveera Khan

• Incorrect choice of manufacturing techniques.

• Violation of pipes manufacturing techniques, it is possible to allocate two major factors influencing process
of pipes production:production temperature, speed of a pipe extension.

If for some reason plastic fusion temperature too high, then material begins to boil begin, as a result the pipe turns
out porous that is especially visible at a facing.

The surface of such pipe is covered with ruts, and the pipe can't sustain the stated pressure.

Significantly the speed of plastic fusion influences quality extension of pressure head pipes [8]. If the producer wants
to accelerate process of a pipe production, he increases the speed of extension, pipes is made for shorter time, than usually,
but the quality of this pipe leaves much to be desired.

Such pipe has a rough surface, and wall thickness in such pipe fluctuates, as a rule, the wall in such pipes becomes
thinner. It happens because of uneven raw materials supply.

Also pipes cannot maintain necessary pressure and also be torn at their use.

• Incorrectly set parameters of the industrial equipment (IE) participating in process of pipes production.

At the same time it is necessary to consider number restrictions for application of the plastic pipes determined by
properties of plastic [4, 5]:

• Temperature of the environment coming to the pipeline has to allow her transportation in viscosity parameter.
Temperature of the pipeline has to meet the requirements to durability, stability, deformability and reliability. The
chemical firmness of a pipe material under operating conditions of the pipeline has to be provided.

• The transported environments and a design of the pipeline have to exclude a possibility of the pipeline obstruction
in the form of pollution or crystallization.

• Corrosive attack of the transported product or the external environment to metal elements of the pipeline has to be
prevented by active or passive methods of protection.

• Pipelines should be laid mainly underground (underground laying). Other types of pipelines laying – on the
Earth's surface in an embankment (land laying) or on support (elevated laying) – are allowed at technical need and
the corresponding justifications. It is necessary to provide the actions providing their reliable and safe operation.

• Laying of pipelines has to be carried out, as a rule, by the principle of corridor laying, parallel to other operating
or designed pipelines transporting the same product.

Thus, violation of the production technology, use of low-quality raw materials – the main reasons of
shortcomings. As a rule, these shortcomings are inherent in parts of pipes which haven't undergone quality control because
serious producers turn out products according to standards, and don't allow even the smallest errors.


Assessment of Quality of Communication Pipes
Optimization of plastic details quality isn't always adequate to quality of the delivered materials, semi-finished
products, preparations and simple performance by personnel in a workplace of all provided operations in full accordance

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Defects of Communication Pipes from Plastic in Modern Civil Engineering 257

with requirements of control documentation. Quite often the greatest effect can be reached as a result:

changes of a design of processing equipment;

the correct definition of technological process operations and parameters of the details subjected to control.

In view of a CР designing process it is possible to develop an algorithm of СP quality assessment indicators on

the basis of the integrated approach providing quality of production (Figure 1).

In case of production of СP under pressure the assessment generalized algorithm of their quality has the following
semantic stages:

• Process of the technical solution (TS) acceptance on improvement of quality begins with operation of finding
solutions in the massif of the accumulated experience of information databank. If solutions are found, then we
enter information if isn't present, there is a repeated loading of data.

• Wording of requirements to СP. It is important to correctly formulate requirements to СP. Requirements imposed
to operational qualities of products are offered to be divided into three main groups: appointment, reliability and
esthetics, but the general and the main will be the validity of СP.

• Choice of quality indicators (personal computer). It was carried out on the basis: definitions of appointment and
use conditions of СP; analysis of consumers requirements; structure and structure of the characterized devices;
main requirements to the personal computer. From here, the list of СP quality indicators is defined: roughness,
density, durability, hardness.

• Choice of the basic indicators nomenclature quality of СP.

• Choice of values determination method quality indicators of СP. This method will allow carrying out objective
assessment and also expression of results in the standard measure units that is convenient for comparability and
reproducibility of results.

Figure 1: The Generalized Algorithm of СP Quality Assessment
258 Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad,
Svitlana Sotnik,Zhanna Deineko & Alveera Khan

• The determination of the quality СP values.

• The evaluation of the quality level СP.

• For a start it is proposed to evaluate from the point of view defect, for this we evaluate the number of detected
defects (checking for performance of the basic requirements for CP).

• Building the tree all the properties of quality metrics [7].

• Formation of scale quality evaluation. Central to the estimation procedure is the construction of qualitative scales.

• Definition of weighting coefficients of quality evaluation. To determine the importance rating used a scale from 0
to 1; 1 – high importance.

• Calculation of an error of determination quality CP.

• Check of conditions (criterion of quality) Qri – the i-th value of an quality indicator of the estimated CP has to be

in the range. If the condition is satisfied, then point 7.5 – assessment of an quality level error is implemented. If
the condition isn't satisfied, then transition to point 9:

• The sizes of plastic СP have to be in the range where – the СP sizes where i=1 … 4, 4 – the number of the
parameters determining the СP size (1 – width (B); 2 – length (L); 3 – volume of casting (V); 4 – thickness of a
wall of H(S)).

• 7-8 classes.

• Determination of durability, density and hardness.

• Determination of CP dependence degree on the technological modes and constructional parameters of molding
forms Determination of the СP sizes accuracy (kvalitt). It is recommended to appoint the accuracy of the plastic
СP sizes within 5 – the 7 th classes. The same way accuracy for СP is defined.

• Definition of the molding form dimensions.

• Determination of non-failure operation and durability.

• Determination of surfaces roughness. The roughness of the plastic details surface made by casting under pressure
and pressing corresponds to

• Optimization of the casting technological modes and constructional parameters of a compression mold.

• Definition of the generalized quality indicator.

• Compatibility analysis to the specifications. The highest quality of СP – by simultaneous optimization of the
technological modes and the MF constructional parameters[7].

Classification of the Variable Factors Influencing Quality of Communication Pipes

In this article we will consider the reason of existence / appearance defects from the view point of СP manufacture
process (formation process by a injection method under pressure) and as a result of mounting.

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Defects of Communication Pipes from Plastic in Modern Civil Engineering 259

We will consider the task of receiving qualitative production which decision is determination of the most
significant parameters / factors of СP formation process and its dependence on them.

Let the changing characteristics of raw materials (plastic material), technological process and features of the
injection molding machines (IMM) (hydraulic and electrical IMM drives, a node of plastication and injection, a node of
interlocking molding form) will be these factors.

We will separate all parameters / factors on input, the intermediate, output and target. We will allow input
variables consist of the adjustable and nonadjustable (perturbing) variables. Input adjustable variables are factors which are
set by the operator on the appropriate devices regulating process that is, it is possible to influence them directly.

The nonadjustable (perturbing) variables are parameters of casting process which it is impossible to influence
during a casting cycle (a machine operation mode, the characteristic of raw materials, location temperature, air humidity,
oscillations of tension in the power supply network).

Impact on the process of unregulated variables leads to incomplete "reproducibility" of quality indicators СP.
Intermediate variables output parameters that are defined at the end separate (or multiple) stages of the casting process
(performance plasticizing pressure in the form of the injection and holding pressure; cycle time, power consumption).
Output variables describe the stabilization level (accuracy, time) of the input and intermediate variables of the processes.
They depend on the stability of the entire process.

Note that intermediate variables of the casting process, almost all interconnected. Thus, the change in the melt
temperature in the nozzle leads area to a change in pressure and injection rate, the latter effect at the time of the holding
pressure and cooling. This significantly complicates the process control.

Target variables allow you to assess the quality of the casting process and its efficiency (energy, time, material
and quality of the СP).

Many of the variable factors can be calculated. But such variables as the viscosity or the geometrical
characteristics of the casting (mold) cannot be considered or calculated in advance. This greatly complicates the analysis
process and introduces uncertainty in the optimal values selection of variables injection process. The independence of
variables allows you to set the IMM the relevant parameters independently from each other. However, this does not mean
that they are not connected. On the contrary, a change in one variable can cause a change in another, and neglecting the
relationship of variables can lead to violation of the real process. For example, injection pressure, feeding pressure,
injection speed, cycle time of a casting depends on the temperature of the melt in the cylinder and the whole process of
plasticizing, so they can be considered intermediate variables, although they can be set arbitrarily. All this is reflected in
the proposed variables classification of the injection process shown in Figure 2.

In Figure 2 parameter: p kp – pressure in a plastication node before injection; S kр – value of a relocation

plastication node; vkр – speed value of a relocation plastication node; Tz – temperature of the IMM cylinder zones; pсp –

counter-pressure in case of plastication; n – rotating speed of the screw; S d – relocation of the screw in case of a dosage;

Tw – water temperature, cooling liquid; Qw – a consumption of the water cooling a molding form; p f – pressure of a

locking molding form; S f – movement of a molding form when closing; vcf – speed of mobile (semi-form) movement
260 Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad,
Svitlana Sotnik,Zhanna Deineko & Alveera Khan

when it closing; OD – other entrance data; pin – injection pressure of the melt; p re – pressure feeding; vin – fusion

injection speed; tin – injection time; t h – hold time under pressure; t co – casting cooling time; t ps – time to pause during

the process of forming; Fcn – pressing force of a nozzle to a molding form; t kp – movements of plastication knot; Tn –

temperature of the melt in the nozzle; ∆Tn – change (distribution) of the melt temperature; η – viscosity of the melt; t pl

– plastication time of one-time injection volume; E pl – energy of the plastication; Tcw – temperature of a forming cavity

wall; Е cw – the energy consumption for temperature control; ∆p m. f – pressure change in the injection form in time;

∆Tm. f – temperature change of the melt in the injection molding form in time; ∆p n – the pressure change in the nozzle of

injection molding machines; sbl – thickness of the retaining layer; ∆p hs – change in hydraulic pressure in time.

Figure 2: Classifications of Injection Process Variable Factors

As the variables of the process are regulated and managed, then the emphasis should be on those factors that
characterize the state of the polymeric material at various stages of the injection process or characterize the impact of
components on the polymeric material. Inputvariables: n, T z , S d , p in , Q w , T w , v in , p re , t h , t co

Treatintermediate: T n , ∆ T n , ι m , t pl , T cw , ∆ p m . f , ∆ T m . f , ∆ p hs , s bl .

For determination of the output variables considerably influencing stability of injection process and quality of
products it is necessary to show correlation of the input and intermediate variable factors given above.

As now requirements to improvement of quality and increase in accuracy of products from plastic constantly
increase, the solution of this task is regulation and management – impact on a condition of material, realization of state
interrelation characteristics with products indicators of quality (for example, the dimensional accuracy, shrinkage, etc.).

A generalized algorithm for evaluating the quality of СP, which can be the basis for developing a method for
assessing the quality of plastic products. The developed algorithm contains a sequence of stages to determine the quality of
the plastic components and identification of technological parameters forming process the plastic elements of СP and

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Defects of Communication Pipes from Plastic in Modern Civil Engineering 261

moulds, which directly affect the quality of the СP scan. A classification of the injection molding factors process differs
from the existing ones that it split factors is from the perspective of regulated / unregulated. In general allows to determine
all the important factors that directly affect the appearance of the defect for the purpose of control and by preventing.


As a result of the communication pipes defects review is determined that the surface defects due to irregularities
during assembly. Defects tolerances and poor mechanical properties of products due to violation of pipes manufacturing
techniques, the main factors are temperature and production speed of the traction pipe. Based on the analysis of the factors
influencing defects of СP presented a generalized algorithm for evaluating the quality of СP and the classification of the
variables injection process to ensure stable quality СP. Thus, the main cause of communication defects may be defects,
"received" when they are forming, unnoticed during inspection. The quality of the products plays a key role, as the repair is
often linked to the implementation of costly works.


The authorswouldlike to acknowledge the keen support for thiswork of the Department of Physics, Faculty of
Science, University of Tabuk, SaudiArabia and also the Department of Informatics, Kharkiv National University of Radio-
Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine [9-15].


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Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

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