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CEE384: Numerical Methods for Engineers

Application Report Guidelines

Application Reports
There will be several application projects during the course. Each project will culminate in a report
document that includes a description of the background and theory used to solve the problem, the
process and any codes used, and results of solving the application problem. The required content of the
report is described below. Each report should be 2-5 pages (not including Works Cited and Appendix)
and should be thorough in its content. Consider explaining the problem to someone who has little
knowledge of the techniques or theory used. You will want to give a full explanation of applicable
theories and equations, explain any code used and provide a full analysis of your results.
You are encouraged to discuss the problems with others currently enrolled in the course. However, all
code and submitted content must be your own, original work, created by you. If you work with others
on these assignments, you must acknowledge their help and describe how they helped you. Directly
copying code or content from another student is strictly prohibited. Do not share your MATLAB m-files
directly with other students and protect your intellectual property from being copied by others.

Required Content
Each report should include three sections. Your written report does not need to include the entire body
of any code used but you should include an explanation of codes used and you may wish to reference
particular critical segments of code.
I. Theory and Background
a. A description of the problem
b. A description/derivation of any applicable theory or background
II. Description of Problem Solving Process
a. Demonstration of methods used
b. Description of applied iterative procedures
c. Description of applied MATLAB code
III. Results
a. Any numerical results that came from the code with a description of their
importance and meaning
b. Any plots that were created and an analysis of these plots
c. Conclusions
IV. Works Cited
a. Include page with properly detailed and formatted works cited. Any external
reference must be included.
V. Appendix
a. Include a complete text copy of your MATLAB codes and any other
supplemental information
Your conclusions (section III.c) should contain more than just a summary of your work. They should
include a thoughtful discussion of the importance of the problem, numerical methods utilized, and
possible extensions of the problem.

Application Projects are to be submitted on Blackboard before the specified due date/time. There will
be no consideration given to late submittals.
You must submit two files: a report file and an executable program code. We will read your report file
and we will run your code file through MATLAB to analyze the results. Most of the project grade is
based on the content and quality of your report. However, if your code does not run, then your
report will not be graded and you will receive no credit for the project.
Convert your report file into a .pdf file format and give it a descriptive filename, such as
CEE384_AP1_Your_Name.pdf that includes your name. Give your code file a descriptive filename like
CEE384_AP1_Your_Name.m that includes your name. Be sure to run your code with the new filename
to ensure that it is a legal filename accepted by MATLAB. Submit your report .pdf and your executable
MATLAB script file (.m) through the submittal link under the Application Projects menu on Blackboard
prior to the deadline.

Reports will be graded out of 35 points. The Works Cited and Appendix is worth 5 points and each of
the first three sections are worth 10 points with a scale as follows:
Score Description
Professional report with excellent content. No grammatical or spelling errors, excellent
10 graphical and typesetting presentation. Thoughtful, correct, and complete technical
content. Organized and interesting to read.
Excellent technical report. Thoughtful, correct, and complete technical content.
Somewhat lacking in either presentation or quality of writing.
Professional appearance, well presented, and interesting to read. Complete, but lacks
thoroughness or thoughtfulness in some area.
Quality report with good content and presentation, but lacking excellence in both
6 Full attempt made, but lacking important content.
5 Incomplete and poorly organized and presented.
2-4 Some effort but not much content or quality.
1 Minimal attempt.
0 No (or late) submittal

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