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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society


Launching of a new product on the market

and marketing management at
SC Electrecord S.A.

~ Ph. D. Candidate Cristina Andreescu (Manolache) (Academy of Economic Studies,


Abstract: A product is deemed to be new when it is new for the host country but not for the interna-
tional market.Among the reasons for launching a new product, the following could be mentioned: serving
an ignored market share, meeting an unsatisfied need, adapting a domestic product for a better supervision
of the product / market ratio, adapting to the short product lifecycle and challenging the competition. This
paper presents the sources used for launching new products on the market, the stages of development of new
products and the policy of promotion specific to SC ELECTRECORD S.A.,
Key words: product, market share, development of new products, policy of promotion of
new products.

1. Sources used for launching new • leader markets – they are a pattern for
products on the market the product evolution in other coun-
tries, being a major source of ideas for
The main sources used for launching
new products.
new products on the market are as follows:
• external subsidiaries – they can play
• organisation of research-development
an active role in the research-develop-
compartments on the territory of the
ment field only if they do have pro-
origin country – the new products are
duction-related responsibilities.
firstly launched on the domestic mar-
• research acquisition – the necessary
ket. The centralised research reduces
information may be acquired from
the company efforts, aiming to maxi-
mise the results. other independent sources (leader

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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
markets). Licences may be acquired and exhibitions;
and technological assistance agree- it resorts to: inquiries, designing tests,
ments may be concluded with a for- market researches, encouragement of its
eign company. own employees to bring ideas for improving
• import of new technologies – the im- products.
port of end products directly from the
Stage 2. Selecting ideas
foreign companies, product trading
under its own name and quick access the selection is made depending on
to new products without research-de- certain criteria in order to preserve only the
velopment expenses but with the loss attractive, feasible and internationally re-
of its own innovation capacity. quired ideas;
• company acquisition – for getting ac-
the selection criteria are as follows:
cess to new products and technologies
₋ the product compatibility with the in-
substantial amounts of money should
ternational range of products;
be paid, these amounts exceeding the
₋ the possibility to meet the profit-relat-
related market value.
ed goal;
• joint venture – joining a company
₋ the possibility to recover the
holding advanced technology can
contribute to the development of new
₋ the existing competitive environment;
products with lower costs. The compa-
₋ the technical requirements necessary
nies put together their resources in or-
for manufacturing the product;
der to obtain competitive advantages.
₋ the possibility to improve the compa-
• consortia – collaboration relationships
ny image;
are developed without involving the
₋ the size and the potential of the prod-
establishment of new entities. The aim
uct market;
is to share the huge costs involved by
₋ the product compatibility with the
the development of new products.
company goal and resources;
Once the new products created, the
₋ the product standardisation may be
companies may enter other alliances.
total or partial.
Stage 3. Assessing ideas
2. Stages of development of new
products the main objective is to search infor-
mation relating to:
Stage 1. Generating ideas
₋ the product marketing viability;
₋ the no. of countries where it might
the consumers’ needs and require-
have success;
ments impose the generation of ideas for the
₋ the possible level of standardisation
creation of new products;
of the product;
sources of ideas: current and poten- ₋ the image and market acceptability;
tial customers, distributors, competitors, ₋ the market protection and demand
suppliers, consultants, government pro- analysis assessment;
grammes, publications, international fairs
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
₋ the data quantified in profits and loss- regarding the response of the market to the
es, all implications being assessed; tested product;
₋ the markets being grouped by reve- the test should be comprehensive
nues, costs and profits; enough in order to obtain representative
During this stage, the previous deci- results.
sions may be reconsidered depending on the Test advantages:
data rendered by the analysis. it is an instrument used to obtain ac-
Stage 4. Product developing curate information;
accurate forecasts of sales;
it involves the designing and effective
creation of the product (size, weight, packag- possibility to discover in due time any
product shortcoming.
ing, design, selection of the internationally
The test is not recommended if:
accepted brands);
the competitors have obtained prod-
all characteristics should meet the in-
uct-related information;
ternational requirements.
the test results have been distorted;
Stage 5. Product testing (pilot
the test has delayed the product
launching on the market;
the market reaction is tested to see the company has not enough resourc-
whether the potential demand is satisfactory es so as to finance such a project.
enough so as to allow the product launching Stage 6. Product marketing
on the market;
It depends on the marketing test results
it is carried out in a controlled envi-
and encompasses the following variants:
ronment, representative for the target coun-
try, during a period without circumstantial the test results fully meet the trader’s
influences; requirements:
₋ the product is created as it has been
the test is an instrument used to dis-
designed before the test performance
sipate any doubts regarding the new product
and the order according to which it
launching and its characteristic features:
will be marketed on different markets,
₋ adequate packaging and labelling; identified as target markets (market
₋ colour, design; potential; company renown; distri-
₋ promotion, communication; bution cost; competition; promotion
₋ consumers’ preferences; cost), is established;
₋ justification of the production-related ₋ the selected strategy is that of simulta-
expenses. neously marketing the product on all
the market selected for being test- markets.
ed should be representative for the mar- the results of the test are partly
kets where the product is supposed to be satisfactory
launched; There are four options:
the selected country should have ₋ acceptance of results and product
institutions specialised in collecting data marketing;
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
₋ performance of additional tests; the company to profitably take advantage of
₋ identification of any shortcoming and them.
bringing the related changes to the The market opportunities of the compa-
product or to its mix; ny ELECTRECORD are especially based on
₋ product full removal. the customers’ share to which it addresses,
the results of the test are not mainly private companies and institutions
satisfactory: representing the demand greatest part. The
₋ product or marketing mix changing; company succeeds in satisfying the require-
₋ planning of a new test in another ments of this market share by practising ad-
country; vantageous prices, by providing a series of
₋ product concept removal. ancillary facilities (discounts for high quanti-
3. Policy of promotion specific to SC ties, promotional prices and offers), but also
Electrecord S.A. by promoting the products through adver-
tising on the sale place. Another equally im-
In order to establish the strategy specif- portant issue is related to the promotion of
ic to the marketing functional area, the “four its own product range by trademarks, repre-
P” represent a primordial element based on senting products already existing on the mar-
which the strategies existing at the level of ket, but under a different name. This type of
the strategic unit are detailed and concretised product use and of labelling under its own
at the level of the functional area of the activi- trademark allows the company to practice
ties, forming the strategy mix. Representing lower prices for products with a quality simi-
the essence of the marketing activity of a lar to that of the products registered as trade-
strongly market oriented strategic unit, the marks of different manufacturing companies.
marketing mix comprises the key elements This type of products and own trademarks
of the “four P” namely the supplied prod- represents the point towards which the com-
uct / service, the price or the price range, the pany is going to direct in the near future.
sale promotion and the distribution, respec-
ELECTRECORD has a special cre-
tively the assembly containing wholesales,
ation-marketing department making mar-
retailers and the transportation and storage
ket researches, taking part in fairs, studying
system1. The strategic marketing planning
specialty journals and making polls so as to
comprises, according to J.H.Myers, succes-
set the premises for efficiently promoting the
sive sequences of opportunity identification,
company products.
company relevant market selection, product
Also, it permanently promotes its prod-
positioning, quantitative target setting and
ucts and services by brochures, advertising
marketing mix development.
in newspapers and magazines (Financial
Identifying the market opportunities
Newspaper, Money and BIZ Magazines) and
means performing a thorough analysis of
by means of its own web site www.electre-
the marketing opportunities as well as of the
technological and financial capabilities of
a) Advertising
Myers, J.H- “Marketing ”, McGraw-Hill Book Com- Advertising represents a series of tech-
pany, New York, 1986, page 6 niques and means by which a message is sent
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
to the public via mass-media (written press, to the necessity of centralising or decentral-
radio, television, cinematograph, advertising ising the process of adoption and applica-
board). The advertising role is to make the tion of the decisions regarding this activity.
offer known, to render its basic features, to Its solution is directly related to the solu-
build an image of its own and to incite to pur- tion of the previous issue – the advertising
chase and consumption. standardisation or differentiation – which,
Two issues are to be settled during two at its turn, is influenced by the similarities
separate stages: the creation of the advertis- and differences ascertained as concerns the
ing message (spot) and the selection of the circumstances of the national markets. The
advertising support (media-planning).
centralisation or decentralisation of the re-
The message creation starts with the
sponsibility for adopting and applying the
selection of an advertising axle meaning a
decisions regarding the international adver-
central idea the message should transmit to
tising is determined by the action of 5 main
its recipients. The advertising axle should be
distinctive, product tailored, based on moti-
• General and marketing goals of the com-
vation or inhibition, centred on a spectrum
of positive or negative connotations and it pany. It is probable for a company placing
should reach a large public. the accomplishment of the marketing global
The message is built on this axle under goals before the accomplishment of the in-
the form of texts, images, sounds or combina- ternal goals to centralise its advertising and
tions of the above-mentioned. communication decisional process. The de-
b) Advertising sizes and structure centralisation of the decisional process is
The spot is selected based on certain cri- preferred only by a company aiming particu-
teria such as: cost, covering level, efficiency, larly to get profitable on the short run and to
need for iteration and multiple insertions etc. reach its goals locally.
The main media proper for consider- • Product uniformity. More alike the
ation are as follows: products and services traded in different
• written press (local newspaper, na- countries, greater possibilities for a uniform
tional newspaper, weekly newspaper, maga- approach allowing for the centralisation of
zine, specialty journal, professional bulletin); the advertising activity management.
• radio (local, national, specialty radio); • Product attractiveness. The mainte-
• local and national television; nance of the product attractiveness elements
• poster or advertising board; represents the reason why it is used. The
• cinema. consumption motivation can vary from one
A delimitation of the miscellaneous ad- country to another, depending on each one
vertising media depending on several criteria culture, irrespective of the consumers’ de-
(out of the above-mentioned ones) is present- mographic or psychological features. French
ed in table 1.
women drink mineral water to maintain their
c) Advertising: Centralised or silhouette while German women drink min-
decentralised? eral water to preserve their health. The regis-
The second issue faced by those re- tration with a golf club in Singapore is closely
sorting to the international advertising refers related to that person social status while in
No. 10 ~ 2009
Table 1. Characterisation of the main advertising media

Criteria Newspaper Poster Radio Specialty Mail, Television Cinema

purpose journal phone, fax
Cost Modest High Acceptable Modest Low Very high High
Efficiency High Low High High Very high Low; Low
(cost/ef- Acceptable;
fect ratio) High;
Very high
Impact on Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Low Very low Very high Acceptable
save for the clubs established based on certain
dinary activity for spending the spare time,
Great Britain this is deemed to be just an or-

Uses Regular Exhibitions Sensitisation Presentation Target Mass con- Sensitisation
campaign; Fairs; of shares; of some tech- point, sumption;

No. 10 ~ 2009
Product Public General use nical details Hit point; Large
descriptions; locations assets Precise public;
Price shares General use

Effects Long run Creates Sensitises if Modest but Precise Image;

campaigns image the station is deep impact target; Sales
have good adequately Deepness;
results selected Certitude
Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society

the decisional process is recommended.


nificantly different, the decentralisation of

criteria. If the attractiveness elements are sig-
Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
• Cultural sensitivity. If the use and the considering the business goals of the compa-
attractiveness elements of the product are re- ny and having in view to gain a temporary
lated to culture under the form of the local competitive advantage.
inhabitants’ consumption attitudes, customs 1. Discounts
and preferences, as for beverages and food, S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A. gives up on
much decentralisation is necessary. getting benefits, partly or in full, usually
• Legislative constraints. The rules and only for a few products of its catalogue or for
regulations specific to each country influ- limited periods of time, for several reasons,
ence the adoption and application of the namely:
advertising-related decisions. The decentrali- ₋ - for penetrating certain markets -
sation of responsibilities for valuating the lo- penetration prices;
cal inhabitants’ experience and knowledge ₋ - for keeping away or for discourag-
is necessary wherever there are highly strict ing the competition - keep-out prices;
regulations imposed to the advertising field.
₋ - for promoting sales - promotional
Until getting to the point of a genuine “har-
monisation” at the European Union level, the
₋ - and more others.
Also, the commercial practice of S.C.
companies should continue to pay a special
ELECTRECORD S.A. is based on the pur-
attention to the subtle differences existing
chasers’ psychological stimuli, on their dif-
between the rules and practice codes imple-
ferent sensitiveness to the product prices and
mented by different countries, in order to
on the rational and irrational components of
avoid making expensive mistakes.
their purchasing behaviour. They are called
The international organisations have
“psychological” prices and encompass a
tended to centralise their marketing activi-
large variety of prices such as: “prestige pric-
ties, including the advertising-related ones. es”, “leader prices”, “bait prices”, “magic
This case was particularly obvious in Europe. prices” (ending by figure 9), and others.
For many categories of products such as: S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A. also uses the
motor vehicles, durable goods, electronic so-called discrimination prices, depending
appliances, cosmetics and beverages, the in- on the quantities of purchased goods, pur-
ternational companies in Europe have creat- chase place and time. These are: fixed prices,
ed, at continental level, advertising networks negotiable prices, single prices, (for a large
by only one specialised agency. Yet, the re- variety of products) prices with bonuses or
tailers, mass-media companies and food in- incentives and so on.
dustry producers enjoy less the centralisation Sometimes S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A.
idea, as they have to adapt their activity to handles prices in a specific manner aiming
the culture and legislation of each country. not to render profitable any product or ser-
vice but to gain long run global optimisation
d) Sales promotion of its activity, enlargement of its stable cus-
The sales promotion comprises a set of tomers and market strengthening.
techniques aiming to enrich the offer by add- 2. Other types of promotion
ing additional value to the product, price Beyond the traditional techniques used
and distribution, for a limited period of time, to promote sales, S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A.

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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
also uses the so-called non-conventional The interest for sponsorship has been
promoting techniques, among which those driven by the successful experiences regis-
favoured by certain special occasions of the tered by S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A. which
company or by sponsorships granted on spe- succeeded in this way to produce large au-
cific events or public manifestations. dience events, occasions on which it has
a) Techniques relating to the evocation launched a significant range of products and
of special events – they are designed services.
to foster and promote human con- The last decade, in most developed
tacts at multiple levels. Such events countries, the number of large sponsoring
are as follows: companies has considerably increased, con-
“Natural” events – anniversary of the comitantly with the enlargement of the spon-
establishment of S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A. sored activities.
or inauguration of a commercial or economic In many countries, the sponsoring ac-
objective (work point, store). tivities benefit from legislative regulations
Events specially created by the com- facilitating such promotional approach of the
pany – public signing of an agreement of in- market agents.
ternational cooperation, different economic, 3. Personal promotion
scientific, cultural or even sport events. If in the past, in the service provision
The most representative event is the field, the active role was held by the custom-
Golden disk award, a prize granted to sing- er, nowadays, the personnel charged with
ers, either for a high volume of sales (10000 the service rendering has become a key con-
albums sold), or for their entire carrier. dition in the process encompassing the provi-
b) Sponsorship – it represents the fi-
sion, contacting, transmission of information
nancial support offered by S.C.
and settling of the customer’s issues.
ELECTRECORD S.A. for certain
The direct approach of sales is very im-
public events in order to make
portant for the commercial and after-sale
known to the new public the brands
service provision sector, as the service being
under which it provides its products
sold is intangible; therefore, the advantages
to the market share.
of its acquisition from S.C. ELECTRECORD
The sponsoring activities have begun in
the seventies; they have developed initially S.A. have sometimes to be explained to the
in the sport field, then, in the eighties, they customers. Each employee interacts either
have extended to the culture field and finally, with domestic customers or with foreign cus-
in the nineties, they have entered the social tomers. The quality of the service received by
and political area. the domestic customers strongly influence
The interaction between the sponsor the quality of the service extended to the for-
companies and the sponsored agents (natural eign customers. The employees’ attitude and
persons, groups or organisations) has as ba- behaviour can erode or improve the compa-
sic premise the existence of common commu- ny renown.
nication goals relating to the market activity, But in order to become efficient, a seller
similar to those specific to the other promo- needs, besides some specific innate features,
tional instruments. to develop its selling aptitudes by specialty
No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
courses and training. Such courses should directly proportional ratio between the qual-
cover the following topics: ity of the services provided to the company
₋ interpersonal communication ability; colleagues and the quality of the services pro-
₋ familiarisation with specific services vided to customers. The manner of settling a
and products; claim, answering the phone and other similar
₋ familiarisation with competition and actions affect the perceptions of the custom-
selling methods. ers about the quality of the services provided
It hereby results that the recruitment, by the company and will influence their deci-
promotion and training of the personnel as sions relating to the possibility of purchasing
well as the issues relating to the professional other products from the competition.
activity are very important. An efficient training in sales always
The implementation of the marketing starts with an adequate knowledge of the
concept as key factor in rendering a busi- product.
ness successful implies a certain degree of The company can also use programmes
involvement of the employees. The whole for stimulating its employees to improve
personnel of the company should be in- their knowledge about the company prod-
volved in the marketing strategy in order to ucts and services. They should know:
make it succeed. • exactly what the service is about and
The professional selling methods gener- how it should be provided;
ate new business and help the company em- • details about the advantages and ben-
ployees to preserve the customers by meeting efits provided by the service;
all their needs. • the market shares to which the service
The high quality personal sales also is addressed;
maximise the benefits brought by advertis- • the cost of the product or service;
ing. An efficient publicity campaign may • the contact person able to offer them
lead to the increase of the number of de- further information.
mands, but the personal sale is the key ele- The rewarding of sales performances
ment cementing the business. and other methods of moral motivation are
We cannot say that only the personnel being used nowadays by most of the compa-
coming into direct contact with the public is nies in order to stimulate their employees.
engaged in sales, but each and every employ- Therefore, in conceiving its promo-
ee. The latter serve the ‘first line’ employees tional mix, S.C. ELECTRECORD S.A. should
charged with the responsibility of selling pay a very special attention to the personal
the company products. Therefore, there is a promotion.

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