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September 2010

Following meetings last week with staff from Falkirk Council
and also with our Parent Partnership I am able to inform you
that we will begin our recruitment at Moray with the
Headteacher post. This will enable the new HT to appoint his
or her own Depute Headteacher.
In the interim, Mrs Stewart will assume the role of Acting
Depute Headteacher with effect from Friday 10th when Miss
Reid leaves us.
My revised date for leaving has now been postponed to
January 2011.

Within nursery we need to appoint an Acting Senior Early

Years Officer since Mrs Akgul has had to take medical leave
prior to her maternity leave. I will do this as quickly as
possible but meantime the nursery will be staffed
I’m sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Akgul better health
before the birth of her baby. This has been a difficult time
for her and she tried so hard to remain at work following the
summer break.

School clothing
Sweatshirts have now arrived and those which were paid for
in advance have been sent home. New stock is in school
though for anyone who still needs to buy.

P7 Residential Trip
What a fabulous response to my letter about the trip to
Castle Toward - I am delighted.
We have planned a meeting for all interested families to be
held in Bowhouse Primary School at 6.30 p.m. on
Wednesday October 20th.
A leader from the centre will be there to talk about the
activities on offer and will be able to answer any questions
you may have. At that time we may have a better idea of the
actual cost and following the meeting I will be looking for
you to make an absolute commitment to your child going on
the trip and a deposit will be required.

Staff development days

An additional day has been added to the November closures
and I thought I’d give you early notice of this. School will
now be closed on Friday 12th, Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th

I’d like to remind you that school is closed next Monday –

September 13th - for the annual holiday weekend.
School closes at normal times on Friday and re-opens at
9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 14th.
Time keeping
I have noticed that some children are coming in to school
late and, while I accept that this can be a “one off” for
some, it is becoming a habit for others. Please try to ensure
that your child comes to school on time. If you can imagine
the feeling for some children of going into a room where
everyone is settled and busy then you will know how
upsetting this can be for those children. Quite apart from
anything, the work missed is difficult to catch up with and
lateness can have a detrimental effect on pupil progress. I
do write to specific families each month if I have concerns
about absence or habitual lateness and, if appropriate, will
refer to the Attendance Panel.

Our Harvest service is planned for Friday October 8th and

letters are being sent home about parcel nominations.
Please look out for this. P7 parents/carers will also have a
letter seeking permission for children to deliver the parcels
which is now a well established custom at Moray and one
which I feel we should continue. The service will be in
Zetland Parish Church in Ronaldshay Crescent at 10.00 a.m.
and our Primary 4 pupils will lead the service. Everyone is
welcome to come along and we do urge this.
If the weather is not suitable for children walking to church
the service will be held in school for pupils only along with 2
family members from each P4 pupil. There will be a
collection for charity at this service.

The Annual General Meeting has been called and will take
place in the staffroom on Wednesday September 15th at 7.00
We would encourage as many new people to come along to
support our PTA. Even if you cannot come to every meeting,
there may still be things you can do to support fundraising
which in turn supports the children in school. Why not come
along and find out more about the PTA.?

Mobile telephones
Some children have been bringing a mobile phone to school
which in itself is not an issue. However, we do not allow
them in class and ask that any phone brought here is
labelled and handed into the main office at the start of the
day. It can then be collected at the end of the day.

Wet day arrangements

We have a system in place for wet break supervision at
morning interval and lunch time. Wet weather before school
starts does cause a problem here with supervision and I
would ask that you do not bring your child to school until
almost bell time on wet days. While we will try to allow the
children into the building, this cannot be guaranteed unless
we have staff to cover.

I will be in touch with you periodically with more information

about school.

Take care,

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