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Coxa valga and coxa vara are deformities of the hip.

These deformities occur when the angle formed by

the head of the femur and the shaft of the femur is abnormal.

If the angle is less than 125 degrees, this is considered to be coxa vara. If the angle is greater than 125,
this is referred to as coxa valga. Coxa valga is more common in women.

(This answer provided for NATA by the University of Tampa Athletic Training Education Program)

coxa vara yang merupakan kelainan berupa berkurangnya sudut normal yang terbentuk pada hubungan
antara leher femur dengan badan tulangnya (sudutnya kurang dari 130 derajat, di mana normalnya
adalah 130 derajat).

Coxa vara is as a varus deformity of the femoral neck. It is defined as the angle between the neck and
shaft of the femur being less than 110 – 120 ° (which is normally between 135 ° - 145 °) in children. [2]

Coxa vara is classified into several subtypes:

Congenital coxa vara, which is present at birth and is caused by an embryonic limb bud abnormality.

Developmental coxa vara occurs as an isolated deformity of the proximal femur. It tends to go unnoticed
until walking age is reached, when the deformity results in a leg length difference or abnormal gait

Acquired coxa vara is caused by an underlying condition such as fibrous dysplasia, rickets, or traumatic
proximal femoral epiphyseal plate closure. [3]

Coxa valga: bertambahnya sudut antara leher femur dengan badan tulangnya (lebih dari 130 derajat).

Coxa valga is defined as the femoral neck shaft angle being greater than 139 °

Peran lengkungan kaki atau “kaki normal” adalah untuk menciptakan keselarasan yang optimal bagi
anggota tubuh bagian bawah, panggul, dan punggung bawah. Memiliki “lengkungan normal”
memungkinkan distribusi tekanandan berat badan ke seluruh permukaan kaki dan merata ke atas
melalui tungkai. Ketidakmampuan tubuh kita untuk menjaga lengkungan kaki akan mengarah pada
postur tubuh yang kurang baik, tidak hanya kaki, tapi seluruh tubuh. Biasanya, semakin datar telapaopk
kaki seseorang, maka yang semakin serius terkena dampaknya adalah postur tubuh seseorang.
Kebanyakan orang memiliki lekukan pada bagian tengah telapak kaki yang tidak menyentuh permukaan
lantai, sehingga tubuh dapat berdiri seimbang dengan bagian sisi luar kaki sebagai tumpuan berat

Bentuk lengkungan telapak kaki akan berpengaruh pada kestabilan posisi saat kita berdiri, terutama
pergelangan kaki dan lutut. Memiliki lengkungan telapak kaki yang tidak normal (lengkungan kaki datar
maupun lengkungan kaki tinggi), akan membebani otot-otot di daerah lutut dan kaki dan memaksa otot-
otot dan struktur jaringan di sekitarnya bekerja lebih keras untuk mempertahankan posisi tubuh agar
dapat berdiri stabil. Dalam jangka panjang, kondisi ini dapat memicu timbulnya masalah di pergelangan
kaki dan lutut, umumnya timbul keluhan nyeri.

No. Perbedaan Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton

1. Jumlah Tulang 80 126
2. Sendi Sendi Diam Sendi Bebas
3. Bagian Rangka rangka tubuh/badan rangka anggota gerak
(tengkorak, tulang (lengan dan tungkai)
belakang, dada, rusuk,

Narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass


Opening through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass


Shallow depression

Furrow along a bone surface that accommodates a blood vessel, nerve or tendon

Tubelike Opening


Large, round protuberance with a smooth articular surface at the end of a bone

Smooth, flat, slightly concave or convex articular surface


Usually rounded articular projection supported on the neck of a bone


Prominent ridge or elongated projection


Typically roughened projection above a condyle

Foramen: suatu lubang tempat pembuluh darah, saraf, dan ligamentum (misalnya pada tulang kepala
belakang yang disebut foramen oksipital).

Fosa: suatu lekukan didalam atau pada permukaan tulang (misalnya pada skapula yang disebut fosa

Prosesus: suatu tonjolan atau taju (misalnya terdapat pada ruas tulang belakang yang disebut prosesus

Kondilus taju yang bentuknya bundar merupakan benjolan.

Tuberkulum: tonjolan kecil.

Tuberositas: tonjolan besar.

Trokanter: tonjolan besar, pada umumnya tonjolan ini pada tulang paha (femur).

Krista: pinggir atau tepi tulang (misalnya pada tulang ilium yang disebut krista iliaka.

Spina: tonjolan tulang yang bentuknya agak runcing (misalnya pada tulang ilium yang disebut spina
Kaput (kepala tulang): bagian ujung yang bentuknya bundar (misalnya pada tulang paha yang disebut
kaput femoris)

KNUCKLE: large, round protuberance at the end of a bone (lateral condyle of femur)


smooth flat articular surface (superior articular facet of a vertebra)


rounded articular projection supported on the neck (constricted portion) of a bone (head of the femur)


prominent ridge or elongated projection (iliac crest of the hip bone)


ABOVE: projection above a condyle (medial epicondyle of the femur)


long, narrow ridge or border (less prominent than a crest) (linea aspera of the femur)

spinous process

sharp, slender projection (spinous process of vertebra)


very large projection (GT)


KNOB: small, rounded projection (greater tubercle of the humerus)


large, rounded, usually roughened projection (ischial tuberosity of hip bone)

Depressions and Openings

formation of joints or allow the passage of soft tissue


narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass (superior
orbital fissure of sphenoid bone)


opening through which blood vessels, nerves or ligaments pass (optic foramen of sphenoid bone)

(Depressions & Openings)


shallow depression (coronoid fossa of humerus)

(Depressions & Openings)


groove/furrow along bone surface that accommodates blood vessel, nerve or tendon (intertubercular
sulcus of humerus)

(Depressions & Openings)


tubelike passageway or canal (external auditory meatus of the temporal bone)

(Depressions & Openings)


are projections or outgrowths that either help form joints or serve as attachment points for connective
tissue, such as ligaments and tendons


large, round protuberance with a smooth articular surface at end of bone (lateral condyle of femur)
(Processes that form joints)


smooth,flat, slightly concave or convex articular surface (superior articular facet of vertebra)

(Processes that form joints)


usually rounded articular projection supported on neck (constricted portion) of bone (head of femur)

(Processes that form joints)


prominent ridge or elongated projection (iliac crest of hip bone)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)


very large projection (greater trochanter of femur)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)


variably sized rounded projection (greater tubercle of humerus)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)


variably sized projection that has a rough, bumby surface (ischial tuberosity of hip bone)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)


typically roughened projection above condyle (medial epicondyle of femur)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)

line (linea)

long, narrow ridge or border (less prominent than crest) (linea aspera of femur)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)

Spinous process

sharp, slender projection (spinous process of vertebra)

(Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue)

Bone Surface Markings, Appendicular Skeleton

Marking Description Function Notes

Crest Prominent ridge Attachment for muscles

Condyle Smooth, Articulation

rounded articular process

Epicondyle Project superior to condyle Attachment for muscles

Foramen Opening, hole Passageway for blood

vessels and nerves

Fossa Shallow depression, basin Attachment for muscles

or articulations

Head Rounded articularprojection, Articulation

supported by a “neck”

Line Long, narrow ridge Attachment for muscles

Trochanter Very large projection (only Attachment for muscles

on femur)

Tubercle Small, rounded projection Attachment for muscles

Tuberosity Large, roughened projection Attachment for muscles

Bone Markings, Axial Skeleton

Marking Description Function Notes

Fissure Narrow slit or cleft Passageway for blood

vessels and nerves

Foramen Opening, hole Passageway for blood

vessels and nerves

Fossa Shallow depression, Attachment for muscles

basin or articulations

Meatus Tubelike opening Passageway for blood

vessels and nerves

Ramus Smooth, Articulation

rounded articular process

Condyle Smooth, Articulation

rounded articular process

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