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Kindergarten Word Family Mini-Lesson, 3/28/18

Standards​: K.3 The student will orally identify, segment, and blend various
phonemes to develop phonological and phonemic awareness.

Objectives​: Students will recognize and spell words in the -og family

Materials​: personal whiteboards and markers, whiteboard paper, list of -og words
(including words with consonant blends to prompt students towards if they get

Anticipatory Set​: TTW explain that we will be learning a new word family today,
which will teach us how to spell new words, which we can use in our daily writing.
TTW call quiet tables to come get whiteboards.

Procedure​: (II) TTW introduce the new word family using dog as an example,
saying “dog is a part of the -og word family because it ends in the sound -og and
with the letters o-g. What other words do you know that end the same way?” (GP)
TSW raise their hands to suggest other words in the same word family. If the
students are having a hard time finding words or if they are not guessing specific
words that the teacher wants them to try, TTW give clues to the students for words
on her pre-made word list, such as “I’m thinking of a word that is kind of like a
cloud on the ground (fog).” TSW try to guess the word the teacher is thinking of.
When a student has suggested a word in the -og word family, TTW repeat the word
and TSW write the word on their whiteboards.

Assessment:​ After students write each word, TTW signal students to hold up their
whiteboards, quickly check what the students wrote, briefly suggest broad
corrections and allow students to correct their words. TSW spell the word
choraly,while the teacher writes the word on whiteboard paper, then erase their
whiteboards. This process will repeat until the class has listed 6-9 words.
Close​: TSW read the list of words choraly, with teacher guidance. TTW suggest
ways students might use the new words, including writing in their journal and
during Daily 5, then call quiet tables to return their whiteboards.

Differentiation​: TTW give extra prompts to students to help them say or spell a
word until they are successful, especially students at the front table, which have
been placed there to receive extra support.

Classroom Management​: TSW get up to get and put away their whiteboard to
move around, TTW give directions clearly including expectations for treatment of
whiteboards and markers, TTW give or take pennies as a reward / consequence as
appropriate, and quiet tables will be called on first throughout the lesson. TTW
also use a “teacher look” to redirect students who are misbehaving or off task, and
use verbal praise for students that are displaying desired behavior.

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