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United Nations General Assembly

People's Republic of Bangladesh (Jade Robbins)

Resolution #34


The General Assembly

Recognises that climate change is the global warming of our earth caused by carbon
emissions and disregard for the natural environment,

Gravely aware that the poorest countries are being affected the most, near the
equator, and upon these countries, hurricanes are hitting harder than ever before,

Fully alarmed that, according to the documentary Before the Flood, “By 2100, 1 out 6
species could go extinct if we don't act now.”,

Emphasizing that as of now, 175 of the 195 parties are signed to the Paris
Agreement, and are committed to reduce carbon emissions worldwide,

Deeply concerned that according to the Center For Global Development, the
European union has caused 40 percent of climate change, and other first world
countries like the U.S. are close behind, but the countries who are contributing far
less damage are feeling the changes catastrophically,

Bearing in mind that face masks, and the act of avoiding going outside are common
in China, and India, and other highly populated areas, because the amount of
pollution in these areas is unbearable,

Emphasising that as paraphrased from the The Guardian, Guardian News and Media,
in less than ten years the amount of starvation and poverty will increase by millions,
and as climate change accelerates the effects become more and more collosal and

Recommending the U.S. to rethink their decision to withdraw from The Paris Accord,

1. Encourages the UN to set forth an agreement that 1% of the annual countries GDP
should be dedicated towards the movement of renewable energy,

a. With the intention to lower global rise in temperature to less than 1.5
degrees celsius, reducing the serious impacts of climate change,
United Nations General Assembly
People's Republic of Bangladesh (Jade Robbins)
Resolution #34

b. With the hope to, in the long term, focus on renewable energy and save
taxpayers trillions of dollars,

c. With concerned rapidness to act, because if the global temperature rises

above 4 degrees celsius, it could result in suffocation as rapidly changing
ecosystems can result in ⅔ of earth's oxygen producing species going extinct,

d. With the hope to raise renewable energy usage by 15% by 2022,

2. Endorses that national forests and parks cannot be excavated for oil, gas, or other
fossil fuels,

a. With the hope we will protect biodiversity, and the future of our world,

b. With the goal to continue producing tourism, which aids developing

countries with economic growth, according to The New York Times, “If we let
our parks become fenced, static, ecologically impoverished oases in a sea of
unsustainable development, they will cease being the living wonders
envisioned by their founders.”,

c. With the intention to protect our climate because it will be heavily damaged
by the absence of these natural ecosystems,

3. Further Requests that considering the principle of sovereignty, developing countries

will be aided financially in the issues that come with climate change,

a. With the note that rising oceans are causing migration, displacement, and
hunger in developing countries,

b. With urgency that rising heat globally impacts those less economically
advantaged much more than first world countries, and need fiscal assistance,

4. Urges that public education teaches students to be environmentally conscious,

a. With understanding that decreasing an individual's carbon footprint will not

be enough, but will not harm the future of our environment,

5. Supports research for new affordable renewable energy sources, and asks for
elected leaders to take note of the importance of renewable energy.

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