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eAngelica Lambardia

English 121 003

Mrs. Litle

13 February 2018

What Mexican Can't Be

Stereotypes were made to categorize people, these are general views on an entire race or

ethnicity. A stereotype can include a certain facial feature that people is common to one race or a Comment [LE1]: Grammar error: comma splice.
Comment [LE2]: Awkward wording.
certain type of food that a majority of a race might like, for example a popular stereotype is

assuming all black love fried chicken and watermelon. The fact is that stereotypes or certain Comment [LE3]: Black what?

images of people are no longer viable, a certain race in no longer one image, and an individual's Comment [LE4]: Need to edit your paper for sentence level
issues. An easy fix, but without doing so, readers get
annoyed and distracted from what you’re trying to say.
ethnicity no longer represents what type of life that person will lead. We are in the modern age of

2018 and we live in the world’s melting pot of cultures, America. The image I have chosen to Deleted: worlds

break down focuses on the Mexican/ Mexican American culture and its challenges to change the

stereotypes we encounter every day. Comment [LE5]: The audience doesn’t need to know your
method for choosing a topic. The need to know your stance
on the topic, why it matters, etc. This images challenges
The image under inspection is of two young teenage girls celebrating their heritage in stereotype by….

traditional Mexican skirts that are worn for parties and specific dances that belong to the

Mexican culture. The two young women are attending a parade that celebrates the joys and

traditions of being a Mexican woman. The main aspect of this image is the friendship and respect

that you feel when looking at these two young women. In the image, two different shades are Comment [LE6]: Do not address the reader individually with
“you.” Use more general words like “people” to include
more than one person.
shown to represent a part of the variation that can happen within a single ethnicity. I myself am

Mexican-American and have a fairer skin tone. The image of a traditional Mexican woman is a

curvy woman who has beautiful, long, brown hair that has luscious curls and brown skin to
match her brown eyes. While that is a great image and certainly accurate, it isn't the full picture.

The way our society has grown, we invite all people into our life's meaning that we don’t just

have families of one race therefore the generations to come will no longer look like our ancestors

might have. This is such an important point that needs to be shared to the world and is why I

chose this picture to analyze, the image displays two women of color who are friends and could Comment [LE7]: Delete this part. Audience doesn’t need to
in fact be family but most importantly they have excepted that Mexican does not have just one

skin color assigned to the ethnicity anymore. Comment [LE8]: What element of rhetoric is this paragraph

The importance of change is to grow and in the Mexican culture, the change is most

needed in traditional views and modern values we need to share with our elders. The picture

shows love between two differently colored girls, one who looks like the traditional Mexican

woman and one who would be seen almost as an Afro-Latina who is from Mexican and African

descent. The traditional look of a Mexican woman is beautiful, don’t get me wrong but it's the

fact that the Mexican culture is so suck on one image of what we should look like and what our

parents should raise us like, that is the issue. Just to spread the knowledge, Mexicans and

Mexican Americans are totally different in terms of what they believe and what they celebrate,

for example a Mexican teenager is almost guaranteed their quinceañera, where in American, a

Mexican American might choose to celebrate her sweet sixteenth birthday rather than her

quinceañera. The main point to grasp here is that Mexican Americans mix holidays from both

America and Mexico to create a whole new culture, this idea is already looked down upon

Mexicans and to add that not all of us are brown means that we have that much more to prove.

Looking at this picture gives a light at the end of the tunnel for those Mexicans who are white,

black, or even asian, I believe that this picture signifies the future. Comment [LE9]: What rhetorical device is this? Pathos?
Logos? Connect better with assignment.
An image can mean something different to each eye that is laid on it and that makes an Comment [LE10]: You missed certain critical areas of the
assignment. First, where are ethos, pathos, and logos
apparent? What audience is attracted to this image most?
image valuable to our culture. An image as simple as two young Mexican teenagers can Do other audiences recognize the purpose of this image?

symbolize a change that needs to be made in cultures, a change in our ancestor's expectations,

and the way we categorize all races. Stereotypes can no longer be spread because you cannot

assume anything simply because of one's skin color, one's ethnicity, or race.


Morel, Chantel. “Traditional Outfits From Every Latin American Country.” LATINA,

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