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Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank

under dehumidifying process: A case study of inline
Atipoang Nuntaphan1 and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat2

Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.
Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank under
dehumidifying process: A case study of inline arrangement
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2004, 26(4) : 509-519

Cross flow heat exchangers having crimped spiral fin and inline arrangement configurations under
dehumidification are studied. The effect of tube diameter, fin spacing, fin height, transverse tube pitch are
examined. From the experiment, it is found that the heat transfer and the frictional characteristics of the
heat exchanger under dehumidification is close to that of the non-dehumidifying process. However, the air
stream pressure drop and the heat transfer coefficient of the wet surface heat exchanger are higher and lower
than those of the dry surface respectively. Moreover, equations are developed for predicting the f and the j
factors of a tested heat exchanger. Results from the developed equations agree well with the experimental

Key words : air-side performance, dehumidification, crimped spiral fins

Ph.D.(Thermal Technology), Engineer Level 6, Mae Moh Training Center, Electricity Generating Authority
of Thailand, Mae Moh, Lampang 52220 2D.Eng.(Energy Technology), Prof., Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50202, Thailand.
Corresponding e-mail:
Received, 8 January 2004 Accepted, 27 February 2004
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 510 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

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The cross flow heat exchanger plays an When using a set of crimped spiral finned
important role in waste heat recovery process, tubes in a cross flow heat exchanger, the designer
especially, in economizers where flue gas ex- should be concerned about the heat transfer co-
changes heat with water. Normally, water flows efficient and the gas or air stream pressure drop of
inside the tube while hot gas flows outside. the tube bank. Many research works have been
Because the heat transfer resistance at gas-side performed to find out these values, such as Briggs
dominates the heat transfer of heat exchanger, and Young (1963), Robinson and Briggs (1966),
many attempts have been carried out to improve Rabas et al. (1981) and Schmidt (1963) in the case
the gas-side heat transfer. Circular fins or spiral of circular finned tube bank and Nuntaphan and
fins are normally used for recovering heat from Kiatsiriroat (2003) in the case of crimped spiral
flue gas. In this study, the crimped spiral fin was fins. However, these studies dealt with the dry coil
taken and the detail of crimped spiral finned tube conditions. Actually, in the case of waste heat
is shown in Figure 1. It should be noticed that the recovery system, the heat exchanger is faced with
inner crimped edge gives a good attachment condensation of moisture in the hot gas or air
between the fins and the tube. stream at the heat exchanger surface. Although the
designer tries to avoid this condition because the
finned tube might be corroded, in case of small
boilers, condensation of moisture always occurs.
There are very few reports about the performance
of the tube bank particularly the cross flow heat
exchanger using crimped spiral finned especially
in case of inline arrangement. Despite of its com-
paratively low heat transfer performance, its lower
Figure 1. The crimped spiral fin. pressure drop and high reliability (easy to main-
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 511 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

tain and clean) are very attractive in very severe ture of the air stream is kept constant at 65ºC by a
environment. Therefore, the aim of this work was set of heaters and a temperature controller. The
to study the heat transfer and friction character- inlet and the outlet dry bulb and wet bulb tempera-
istic of cross flow heat exchanger using crimped tures of the air stream are also measured by a
spiral fin in case of inline arrangement. This heat number of K-type thermocouples which are
exchanger is faced with vapor condensation. More- positioned at various locations along the flow
over, the heat transfer and friction correlations are cross-sections. Note that all of the thermocouples
also developed in this work. have been calibrated to ±0.1ºC accuracy. The in-
clined manometer also measures the pressure drop
Eeperimental Set-up across the heat exchanger with ±0.5 Pa accuracy.
Figure 2 presents the schematic of the A total of 10 crimped spiral fin heat ex-
experimental set-up. The hot air stream flows changers having various geometric parameters are
through the tube bank and the water at room tested in this study. Table 1 lists the details of the
temperature circulates inside the tubes. In this tested samples. Relevant definitions of the geo-
experiment, the water flow rate is kept constant at metrical parameters and also shown in Figure 3.
8 L/min. An accurate water flow meter is used for The effects of tube diameter, fin height, fin spac-
the measurement with a precision of ±0.1 L/min. ing, fin thickness, and tube arrangements on the
The inlet temperature of water is approximately airside performance are examined accordingly.
30ºC. Both the inlet and outlet temperatures of
water are measured by a set of calibrated K-type Data Reduction
thermocouples and a temperature data logger The heat transfer rate of cross flow heat
records these signals. exchanger under dehumidifying condition can be
A 1.5 kW centrifugal air blower with a calculated as follows:
frequency inverter and a controllable range of
0.1-0.5 kg/s keeps air flowing across the heat Qa = ṁa (ia,in − ia,out ), (1)
exchanger. A standard nozzle and an inclined
manometer measure the mass flow rate of the air
Qw = ṁwCpw (Tw,out − Tw,in ). (2)
stream with ±0.5 Pa accuracy. The inlet tempera-

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up.

Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 512 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

Table 1. Geometric dimensions of cross flow heat exchanger

No do di fs fh ft St Sl nr nt arrangement
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1 17.3 13.3 3.85 10.0 0.4 50.0 50.0 4 10 inline

2 27.2 21.6 3.85 10.0 0.4 50.0 50.0 4 10 inline
3 21.7 16.5 6.10 10.0 0.4 50.0 50.0 4 10 inline
4 21.7 16.5 3.85 10.0 0.4 50.0 50.0 4 10 inline
5 21.7 16.5 2.85 10.0 0.4 50.0 50.0 4 10 inline
6 21.7 16.5 3.85 10.0 0.4 71.4 50.0 4 7 inline
7 21.7 16.5 3.85 15.0 0.4 71.4 50.0 4 7 inline

Figure 3. Relevant definitions of the geometrical parameters of crimped spiral fins.

Note that the heat transfer rates in Equation

(1) and Equation (2) are the air-side and the tube-
∆im =
(i a,in ) (
− ir,out − ia,out − ir,in ).
side, respectively. In this study, the average heat i −i 
transfers rate can be evaluated as ln  a,in r,out  (5)
 ia,out − ir,in 
Qavg = 0.5(Qa + Qw ). (3)
Mayer (1967) showed the relation of the
The average heat transfer rate can be de- overall heat transfer coefficient (Uo,w) and other
fined as a function of the overall heat transfer heat transfer resistance as
coefficient based on the mean enthalpy difference ′ ′
bp x p Ao
1 br Ao 1
as = + + ,
Uo,w hi Ap,i k p Ap,m  A Aη 
ho,w  ′ p,o + f′ f ,wet 
Qavg = Uo,w Ao F∆im . (4)  bw, p Ao bw,m Ao 
F is the correction factor in the case of cross where
flow unmixed/unmixed configuration.
Threlkeld (1970) defines the mean enthalpy 1
ho,w = .
difference for counter flow tube bank as Cp,a yw
′ + (7)
bw,m hc,o kw
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 513 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

Note that the ratio of water film thickness 1. Assume a value of Tw,m and calculate the
and thermal conductivity of water (yw/kw) is very quantity bw,m

small compared to other terms (1997) and they are

2. Calculate ho,w from Equation 6
neglected in this study.
3. Calculate the quantity is,w,m by this
The tube side heat transfer coefficient can
following relation
be calculated from Gnielinski correlation (1976)
Cp,a ho,w η f ,wet   b′ x b 

hi =
 ki 
( f i / 2)(Re Di − 1000)Pr
is,w,m = i − ′
bw,m hc,o
×  1 − Uo,w Ao  r + p p  i − ir,m .
 (
 hi Ap,i k p Ap,m 
1.07 + 12.7 f i / 2 Pr − 1  di  ) (8) 

where 4. Determine the new Tw,m at is,w,m and repeat

the procedure again until the error is in limit.
1 The wet fin efficiency can be evaluated by
fi = . (9) the method of Wang et al. (1997) as:
(1.58ln Re Di − 3.28)

The four quantities in Equation 7 can be 2ri  K (M r )I (M r ) − K1 (MT ro )I1 (MT ri ) 

η f ,wet = × 1 T i 1 T o ,
estimated following the method of Wang et al. (
MT ro − ri
2 2
)  K1 (MT ro )Io (MT ri ) + Ko (MT ri )I1 (MT ro ) 
(1997) based on the enthalpy-temperature ratios. (13)
′ ′ where
In case of br and bp , they can be calculated as

is, p,i,m − ir,m 2ho,w 2hc,o bw

br = , MT = = . (14)
T p,i,m − Tr,m (10) kf f t kf f t Cp,a

In this work, the sensible heat transfer

is, p,o,m − is, p,i,m
bp = . (11)
coefficient (hc,o) and pressure drop of air stream
T p,o,m − T p,i,m across tube bank are presented in term of the
Colburn factor (j) and the friction factor (f) factors
′ as
The quantity bw, p is the slope of saturated
enthalpy curve evaluated at the outer mean water j= Pr 2/3 , (15)
film temperature at the base surface and in case of GmaxCp,a
no loss, it can be approximated from the slope of
Amin ρi  2ρi ∆P ρ 
the saturated enthalpy curve evaluated at the base
surface temperature of the tube. However, the
f = 
Ao ρm  Gc
2 − 1 + σ 2  i − 1 .
 ρo  
( )

quantity bw,m , which is defined as the slope of the (16)
saturated enthalpy curve evaluated at the outer
mean water film temperature at the fin surface, Results and Discussion
cannot be calculated directly. Consequently, the
trial and error procedure is selected to find out Sensible Heat Transfer Coefficient
this value. Wang et al. (1997) also gave the steps Figure 4 shows the effect of tube diameter
of this method as follows: on the sensible heat transfer coefficient at various
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 514 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

frontal velocities of air stream. The fin spacing case which concludes that the result comes from
(3.85 mm), fin thickness (0.4 mm), and the fin the airflow bypass effect. The result of airflow
height (10 mm) are taken for this comparison. The bypass effect is also shown in Figure 7. It can be
transverse and the longitudinal tube pitches are 50 seen that the high transverse tube pitch (St = 71.4
mm. As expected, the heat transfer coefficient rises mm) gives lower heat transfer coefficient than that
with the frontal velocity. However, it is interesting of the low value (St = 50 mm).
to note that the heat transfer coefficient increases Comparison of the heat transfer coefficient
with the reduction of tube diameter. This pheno- under dehumidifying process with that of non-
menon is attributed to the ineffective area behind dehumidifying condition from the report of
the tube which increases with the tube diameter Nuntaphan and Kiatsiriroat (2003) is also shown
especially, the inline arrangement. Wang et al. in Figures 4-7. The heat transfer phenomena of the
(2002) performed flow visualizations via dye in- wet surface heat exchanger are close to those of
jection technique for fin-and-tube heat exchangers the dry surface. However, the heat transfer co-
having inline arrangement. Their visual results efficient of the wet surface is lower than that of dry
unveil a very large flow circulation behind the surface. Actually, there are many reports showing
tube row. Consequently this large recirculation the comparison of the heat transfer coefficient
contribute not only to the decrease of heat transfer between wet and dry surface heat exchanger. Some
coefficient but also to the rise of pressure drop. experiments show the heat transfer augmentation
In addition, the large recirculation may also block of wet surface, such as Meyers (1967), Elmahdy
the subsequent tube row and degrades the heat (1975) and Eckels and Rabas (1987) for the con-
transfer performance hereafter. tinuous plate finned tube. However, some reports
Figure 5 shows the effect of fin height on show a decreased heat transfer coefficient of the
the airside performance for inline arrangement. wet surface, such as for the wavy finned tube.
In this comparison, the associated fin heights are Mirth and Ramadhyani (1993) showed 17-50%
10 and 15 mm and the fin spacing and the tube decreasing of heat transfer coefficient of wet
diameter are 3.85 mm and 21.7 mm and the trans- surface. Moreover, Wang et al. (1997) showed a
verse and the longitudinal pitches are 71.4 and decrease in the Colburn j factor of plate finned tube
50 mm, respectively. As seen in the figure, the in- when the Reynolds number was lower than 2,000.
fluence of fin height shows tremendous influence However, at the higher Reynolds number, the j
on the heat transfer performance. The heat transfer factor of wet surface is slightly higher than that of
coefficients drop drastically with the increase of dry surface. The present results are generally in
fin height. This is probably due to the airflow agreement with the trend of Wang et al. (1997).
bypass effect. Actually the airflow is prone to In this research, the correlation for predict-
flowing in the portion where the flow resistance is ing the Colburn j factor including the effect of
small. In case of fh = 15 mm, the airflow resistance various quantities is also developed and the model
around fin tube is larger than that for fh = 10 mm. is
Therefore, part of the directed airflow just bypasses −5.8433 −0.6457 2.9009 8.6111
d   ft   S1   do 
the tube row without effective contribution to the j = 0.0023Re D  o 
f  S  d  ,
heat transfer and lower heat transfer coefficient is  St   s  t  f
obtained. (17)
The effect of the fin spacing on the airside where
performance is shown in Figure 6. It was found
d  f  d 
that the increase of fin spacing gives a rise to the m = 0.4987 + 1.0593 o  + 0.4265 t  − 1.8579 o  .
heat transfer coefficient. An explanation of this  St   fs   df 
phenomenon is the same as that in the previous (18)
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 515 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

Figure 4. Effect of tube diameter on the sensible Figure 5. Effect of fin height on the sensible heat
heat transfer coefficient. transfer coefficient.

Figure 6. Effect of fin spacing on the sensible Figure 7. Effect of transverse pitch on the sensi-
heat transfer coefficient. ble heat transfer coefficient.

It is found that the j model can predict that the air stream pressure drop increases with the
about 85.7% of the experimental data within frontal velocity of air. Moreover, when compare
±15% accuracy. The comparison is also shown in with the result obtained from Nuntaphan and
Figure 8. Kiatsiriroat (2003) in the case of dry surface heat
exchanger, the pressure drop is slightly higher than
Pressure Drop that of dry surface. This is because only small
Figures 9-12 show the air stream pressure amount of water vapor is condensed on the heat
drops in the cross flow heat exchanger. It is found exchanger surface.
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 516 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

Figure 8. The comparison of j factor from ex- Figure 9. Effect of tube diameter on the pressure
periment and correlation. drop.

Figure 10. Effect of fin height on the pressure Figure 11. Effect of fin spacing on the pressure
drop. drop.

Figure 12. Effect of transverse pitch on the Figure 13. The comparison of f factor from ex-
pressure drop. periment and correlation.
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 517 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

Figures 9-11 also show the pressure drop References

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Amin minimum free flow area Gmax maximum mass velocity based on minimum
Ao total surface area flow area
Ap,i inside surface area of tube hc,o sensible heat transfer coefficient for wet coil
hi inside heat transfer coefficient
Ap,m mean surface area of tube
ho,w total heat transfer coefficient for wet external
Ap,o outside surface area of tube

bp slope of straight line between the outside I0 modified Bessel function solution of the first
and inside tube wall temperature kind, order 0

br slope of the air saturation curved at the mean I1 modified Bessel function solution of the first
coolant temperature kind, order 1

bw,m slope of the air saturation curved at the mean i air enthalpy
ia,in inlet air enthalpy
water film temperature of the external surface
′ ia,out outlet air enthalpy
bw, p slope of the air saturation curve at the mean
ir,m saturated air enthalpy at the mean refrigerant
water film temperature of the primary surface
Cp,a moist air specific heat at constant pressure temperature
ir,in saturated air enthalpy at the inlet of refrigerant
Cp,w water specific heat at coolant pressure
df outside diameter of finned tube ir,out saturated air enthalpy at the outlet of re-
di tube inside diameter frigerant temperature
do tube outside diameter is, p,i,m saturated air enthalpy at the mean inside tube
f friction factor wall temperature
fh fin height is, p,o,m saturated air enthalpy at the mean outside
fi in-tube friction factor of water tube wall temperature
is,w,m saturated air enthalpy at the mean water film
fs fin spacing
temperature of the external surface
ft fin thickness ∆im mean enthalpy difference
F correction factor
j the Colburn factor
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Thermal behavior of crimped spiral fin tube bank
Vol. 26 No. 4 Jul.-Aug. 2004 519 Nuntaphan, A. and Kiatsiriroat, T.

K0 modified Bessel function solution of the Re Di Reynolds number based on inside diameter
second kind, order 0 of bare tube
K1 modified Bessel function solution of the Re D Reynolds number based on outside diameter
second kind, order 1 of bare tube
Kf thermal conductivity of fin Sl longitudinal tube pitch
Ki thermal conductivity of tube side fluid St transverse tube pitch
Kp thermal conductivity of tube Tw,m mean temperature of water film
Kw thermal conductivity of water Tw,in water temperature of at the tube inlet
m parameter Tw,out water temperature of at the tube outlet
ṁa air mass flow rate T p,i,m mean temperature of the inner tube wall
ṁw water mass flow rate T p,o,m mean temperature of the outer tube wall
nr number of tube row Tr,m mean temperature of refrigerant coolant
nt number of tube in each row Uo,w overall heat transfer coefficient
∆P pressure drop xp thickness of tube wall
Pr Prandtl number
Qavg mathematical average heat transfer rate yw thickness of condensate water film
Qa air-side heat transfer rate η f ,wet wet fin efficiency
Qw water side heat transfer rate ρi mass density of inlet air
ri distance from the center of the tube to the ρo mass density of outlet air
fin base ρm mean mass density of air
ro distance from the center of the tube to the σ contraction ratio
fin tip

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