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13/3/14, 22:34:18: ​You changed the subject to “Cannons”

13/3/14, 22:34:18: ​You were added

13/3/14, 22:34:18: ​Yoke Mei Lim was added
13/3/14, 22:34:19: ​MISSUS was added
13/3/14, 22:34:19: ​YI-AN NEOH was added
13/3/14, 22:36:11: CH: Yoke MEI and Yi an, I refer to the various discussions. 1. My discussion
with Yi an before he went back Adelaide. 2. Yoke Mei's statements at Yap Ming Hui's reading of
will 3. Today's message from Yoke Mei.
13/3/14, 22:38:09: CH: We wish to clarify these messages and public statements that were
made and understand the thinking, influences and perceptions that seemed to be embedded in
the strong statements veering on accusations.
13/3/14, 22:38:47: CH: Firstly, can we clarify whom you were referring to and what bases were
you making the statements at Yap Ming Hui's reading of will and also today's messages?
13/3/14, 22:42:41: MISSUS: Mei I really want to know what you trying to do?
14/3/14, 00:17:14: CH: Just so everyone knows we r in the process of putting all sisters on as
directors because of mummy s condition. Also as has been said , we need Checks and
Balances which is fair enough. B and Jeremy equals one vote. As that us thought to be fair. Let
us all give due respect to Jeremy for being papa's choice. In actual fact Ge us not equal director
to all if us, Ge was papa s Main choice. If there are any suspicions and doubt , fair enough . We
should all endeavour to be responsinble and transparent.
He is Not the lackey in the group even if he is paid. Let us all treat each other as equals as we
work together even though if you give it a thought He has papa's full backing and we don t . Not
asking for more just not less.
Please take this in the best way possible .
love n respect.
Let us glorify God in this.
Soft voices and friendly demeanor is essential.
I try , everyone try.
If fail please give grace.
And Remington each other again n again
Remind each other
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
Lots of smileys
N thanks Noel
N humility
N humility
14/3/14, 00:18:11: CH: Y MEI, can you clarify what you meant by all these that you said.

1. HOW is Jeremy given due respect or not given due respect? WHAT are the issues/events at
hand on that?

2. what are the suspicions and doubts you refer to? Who is suspecting or doubting what?

3. How is Jeremy treated as a lackey? What are the facts at hand?

4. Please detail whether you have cross referenced your basis or facts. It will be extremely
helpful to understand the bases of your thoughts and statements.
14/3/14, 00:24:19: CH: I am keeping the discussion amongst 4 of us and I think if you are
making veiled references to YP and me, I believe we have a right of defense and clarifications.
We believe your statements had been more damaging to your papa's family than helping keep
peace. We are willing to engage so long as you keep to your own advices of glorifying God and
being respectful. As much as Jeremy in your mind deserves respect just because he is your
papa's choice, YP is your sister by your parents too. Please bear that in mind.
14/3/14, 05:05:14: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok I will definitely need to unpack this but by bit.
14/3/14, 05:10:28: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok, I ll try n unpack this bit by bit.
14/3/14, 05:12:12: Yoke Mei Lim: First of all, yesterday's thing is for all you or Ping specifically .
That is why I put it there but I will talk about that again at the end.
14/3/14, 05:19:09: Yoke Mei Lim: About statements made at yap Ming hui's meeting. I said it
because as I said to Ping , she was on attack mode or seemed to be at Jeremy . Already I was
expecting the most reaction from both of you because 1) you both are most qualified to run the
company. Lawyer and accountant would seem like the best combo an investment company
would want .
papa relied on you in the past to help in the company.
14/3/14, 05:20:36: Yoke Mei Lim: 3) this bit is more difficult but the sum total observation by
papa n mummy that money is big in both your eyes.
14/3/14, 05:23:39: Yoke Mei Lim: 4) yes hi an said about you preferi to split inheritance . I heard
it and did not talk further because I was sleeping and it was not unusual or surprising info to me.
I said to let me go back to sleep. This is my memory of it.
14/3/14, 05:25:49: Yoke Mei Lim: I realized first statement is ill typed. I mean it was Not for you
specifically but a reminder of what the general approach should be.
14/3/14, 05:29:39: Yoke Mei Lim: My observation is once papa put Jeremy up to run the show ,
initially with him but he surely forsaw the possibility that it would be without him. All the more he
had to pick the right guy.
14/3/14, 05:30:31: Yoke Mei Lim: Continuing my half finished sentence from above - ...
14/3/14, 05:31:16: Yoke Mei Lim: I can see he has now become a target,
14/3/14, 05:32:22: Yoke Mei Lim: It is as if suddenly his every statement and action is being
14/3/14, 05:33:17: Yoke Mei Lim: That day , ping said something like- no ! You didn t say that!!
You said sell!!
14/3/14, 05:34:18: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t want to explore that whole bit word by word. But it felt
like he was in court, and the lawyer had sprung into action.
14/3/14, 05:35:10: Yoke Mei Lim: I understand you are worried that he could end up sling
whatever it was at not the best price.
14/3/14, 05:35:30: Yoke Mei Lim: But there was no need to say it that way.
14/3/14, 05:36:09: Yoke Mei Lim: We do know you know a lot n we do know that Jeremy has a
lot to learn.
14/3/14, 05:37:24: Yoke Mei Lim: As I said before , papa weighed up pros and cons and he
decided to entrust his according to a lot of people 'massive' fortune yo him.
14/3/14, 05:37:46: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes we are his Check n Balance.
14/3/14, 05:38:15: Yoke Mei Lim: But do you realize that he is papa s Check n Balance.
14/3/14, 05:39:28: Yoke Mei Lim: In a way if he fritters away or swallows up all the money , it is
papa's choice and own fault that he misread a person and let that happen .
14/3/14, 05:40:29: Yoke Mei Lim: Just like Ecclesiastes - that is the evil under the sun when you
die you don t even have control on your money that was hard earned.
14/3/14, 05:42:54: Yoke Mei Lim: So in that context I said if you want to get rich that make your
own wealth. Papa's massive amount can be put in the whomever s hands he chose if if it goes
all kaput.
14/3/14, 05:45:40: Yoke Mei Lim: You might be appalled at such a careless statement from me.
But that night when Yi an wanted to talk about what you said . I felt a sense of dread that there
would be discord over his 'massive' fortune and I said yi-an , we have to be prepared to walk
away from it all.
14/3/14, 05:46:01: Yoke Mei Lim: A sense that money corrupts so easily.
14/3/14, 05:46:47: Yoke Mei Lim: That is the context in which I made that statement. At yap
Ming Hui's meeting.
14/3/14, 05:47:42: Yoke Mei Lim: Jeremy didn t ask for the job. He didn t try yo get I to papa s
good books in irder to have control
14/3/14, 05:48:09: Yoke Mei Lim: But now he is to object of scrutiny .
14/3/14, 05:48:23: Yoke Mei Lim: But of course he is not perfect
14/3/14, 05:48:56: Yoke Mei Lim: Of course money can corrupt him to n we should help not be
14/3/14, 05:49:14: Yoke Mei Lim: In a brotherly n sisterly fashion
14/3/14, 05:50:23: Yoke Mei Lim: Ping, I have seen you show patience and speak with
diplomacy n kindness so I know you know how to do it .
14/3/14, 05:51:38: Yoke Mei Lim: You can encourage Jeremy that way. He will appreciate your
help especially if it comes in a sisterly manner . And CH you too .
14/3/14, 05:52:14: Yoke Mei Lim: He is not that stranger all of a sudden who has taken whole of
a massive inheritance.
14/3/14, 05:53:55: Yoke Mei Lim: When I talked about humility and friendliness it is for all of us
to do because I can see distrust on everside . Not just yours.ΝΝ
14/3/14, 05:54:11: Yoke Mei Lim: Every side
14/3/14, 05:55:38: Yoke Mei Lim: We take so many things the wrong way.- already
hypersensitive. But is sad that this happened or rather worsened after papa died.
14/3/14, 05:56:17: Yoke Mei Lim: Of course I think the question you might ask is why we're we
not entrusted.?
14/3/14, 05:56:44: Yoke Mei Lim: I can answer it if you want to know papa's thoughts.
14/3/14, 06:37:14: Yoke Mei Lim: The company procedures and reports are good to implement
in due course. Can questions regarding FBSM or if you feel something has been done not to
the standard you are used to , pls be understanding that it will take time and every time you
have a request ease bear in
mind your concerns is not the only things that need to be addressed by Jeremy and also that
Jenny in the office also has to other bosses .
14/3/14, 06:43:35: Yoke Mei Lim: Because by virtue of your profession you see how things
should be done , just be patient with the state of affairs and convey a time frame that is fair for
Gen tech yo change. Don t forget that it was run as a one man show for a while n change can
only happen bit by bit. Think if Yi-wen got the job as Jeremy has now , how would you be
encouraging the change.?
14/3/14, 06:45:09: Yoke Mei Lim: Not only you are demanding things of Jeremy . Noel also has
14/3/14, 06:45:53: Yoke Mei Lim: For instance Riana green had some electrical problem
14/3/14, 06:46:25: Yoke Mei Lim: It is not Jeremy s job per se to sort out.
14/3/14, 06:47:35: Yoke Mei Lim: But expectation is he is paid to do it.
14/3/14, 06:48:02: Yoke Mei Lim: I had to explain that Risna Green not under Gen tech even
14/3/14, 06:48:16: Yoke Mei Lim: Mummy s property
14/3/14, 06:48:34: Yoke Mei Lim: Jeremy doesn't t mind doing it if can
14/3/14, 06:48:50: Yoke Mei Lim: But he was at some 3 day seminar
14/3/14, 06:49:08: Yoke Mei Lim: But Noël understands now
14/3/14, 06:49:25: Yoke Mei Lim: So he is not the family's lackey
14/3/14, 06:49:29: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok?
14/3/14, 06:50:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Eg cars to sell
14/3/14, 06:50:25: Yoke Mei Lim: Not Jeremy s job per se
14/3/14, 06:50:36: Yoke Mei Lim: I asked him
14/3/14, 06:50:44: Yoke Mei Lim: He didn t complain
14/3/14, 06:50:57: Yoke Mei Lim: He thinks no problem
14/3/14, 06:51:09: Yoke Mei Lim: It is how he is asked
14/3/14, 06:51:27: Yoke Mei Lim: What expectations are being conveyed?
14/3/14, 06:51:39: Yoke Mei Lim: Just because he is paid?
14/3/14, 06:52:31: Yoke Mei Lim: Do that s why generally I am saing if we become directors we
come via back door. Don t treat him as the one below us
14/3/14, 06:52:45: Yoke Mei Lim: Just becos we d daughters
14/3/14, 06:52:58: Yoke Mei Lim: Papa did not entrust us
14/3/14, 06:55:39: Yoke Mei Lim: Suspicions n doubts voiced by everyone including u , noël ,
14/3/14, 06:55:51: Yoke Mei Lim: Human nature mah
14/3/14, 06:56:07: Yoke Mei Lim: Everyone one prone to evil n pride
14/3/14, 06:56:26: Yoke Mei Lim: Everyone want to protect turf n rights
14/3/14, 06:59:23: Yoke Mei Lim: I think honesty helps but of course motivations are hard to
interpret . Sometimes we don t want to listen any more then we can find that common ground.
14/3/14, 07:02:29: Yoke Mei Lim: I felt particularly uncomfortable with Lai duke talking about first
get in as directors , deal with gen tech and then the rest of the other subsidiaries. Sounds like
get your foot in first then can slowly make your move
14/3/14, 07:02:37: Yoke Mei Lim: Lai suk.
14/3/14, 07:03:56: Yoke Mei Lim: I balance up with the fact that he honors papa n work with him
for a while n wants to make sure this massive fortune doesn't go in to the wrong hands.
14/3/14, 07:04:44: Yoke Mei Lim: Aiyo , everyone is concerned with this massive fortune!
14/3/14, 07:05:49: Yoke Mei Lim: I am also voicing suspicion n doubt.
14/3/14, 07:07:15: Yoke Mei Lim: But I don't worry about doubting Jeremy because that is not
my concern because the premise is the owner of the fortune passed that responsibility to him.
14/3/14, 07:09:13: Yoke Mei Lim: My concern is what if other people not the owner of the
massive fortune have more say n control than the person whom the owner of this massive
fortune entrusted.
14/3/14, 07:09:31: Yoke Mei Lim: That I don t want to happen.
14/3/14, 07:13:08: Yoke Mei Lim: Talking about humility . We all need to express humility
14/3/14, 07:14:06: Yoke Mei Lim: I can t point fingers at anyone because I see everyone as
guilty of it.
14/3/14, 07:14:24: Yoke Mei Lim: Of the lack of it.
14/3/14, 07:17:00: Yoke Mei Lim: Again I ask u seeing I am so comfortable in texting
14/3/14, 07:18:16: Yoke Mei Lim: Do you want to know papa's thoughts about you both? And
why he didn t ask you to do the job even though you are most qualified.?
14/3/14, 07:18:38: Yoke Mei Lim: I have specific information.
14/3/14, 08:22:12: MISSUS: Mei Thank you for explaining some. What people "believe" or
"think" may not be real accurate or may be misinterpreted. Just like the incident at will reading.
You truly misinterpreted as an attack on Jeremy. You were coloured by your own thinking and
read into the situation. You were ready only to defend Jeremy but did not notice his own
aggressive stance and insistence on selling. I only said need to review first before selling. Later
he made an about turn and sang the same tune. You give Jeremy all the benefit of doubt but
none to me.

So likewise, papa can read into things and made his own conclusion of me. It may not be
correct. I should also have a right to defend myself like a good lawyer.
14/3/14, 08:23:12: MISSUS: Except he is already not here and I will never have the chance to
defend myself.
14/3/14, 08:23:34: MISSUS: But I should with you right now.
14/3/14, 08:26:43: Yoke Mei Lim: What I am saying is please change tone change approach
regardless of motivation n intentions.
14/3/14, 08:26:58: Yoke Mei Lim: And give time .
14/3/14, 08:27:17: Yoke Mei Lim: As if you are helping , supporting n not bossing
14/3/14, 08:27:33: MISSUS: Are you saying I am bossing now?
14/3/14, 08:27:38: Yoke Mei Lim: If you say you are not bossing , and I am
14/3/14, 08:28:09: Yoke Mei Lim: Judging that. Then anyhow please change tone0 anyway
14/3/14, 08:28:25: Yoke Mei Lim: Not your maid
14/3/14, 08:29:22: Yoke Mei Lim: I understand this can be seen as provocative . Not trying to
push your buttons but I think you are arrogant
14/3/14, 08:29:34: Yoke Mei Lim: You can insult me too
14/3/14, 08:29:39: Yoke Mei Lim: I can take it
14/3/14, 08:29:48: Yoke Mei Lim: We r sisters
14/3/14, 08:30:09: Yoke Mei Lim: Just because lawyer
14/3/14, 08:30:20: Yoke Mei Lim: Jargon doesn't t intimidate me
14/3/14, 08:30:34: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t understand all that law stuff
14/3/14, 08:30:49: Yoke Mei Lim: But I can ubderstand attitude
14/3/14, 08:31:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Think if when you deal with your own kids
14/3/14, 08:31:22: Yoke Mei Lim: Isn t it the nuanced that u read
14/3/14, 08:31:28: Yoke Mei Lim: Nuances
14/3/14, 08:32:06: Yoke Mei Lim: I can see personality traits
14/3/14, 08:32:10: CH: 1. I think you already made a lot of presumptions about whether we
accepted or not accepted Jeremy's appointment. What is factual is we have. It should not matter
to you whether we accepted it well or not. Underlying your outbursts is the presumption on your
part is you think we haven't accepted.

We know the reality is your papa passed away. He is as much YP's father as yours. I believe
YP is the most honest professional lawyer I ever known. Please bear that in mind she is your
sister too in all your outburst.

What you are defending hard now is just an appointment by papa. He could easily appoint a
professional 3rd party fund manager to manage. He just never wanted to pay their fee.

Please do not forget papa's wish is enduring blessing for his children and grandchildren. Jeremy
is to facilitate that. The emphasis shld be on his children and grandchildren.

Checks and balances is to protect Jeremy. He should be mature enough to protect himself by
introducing them. I do not need to elaborate how he can be very easily tempted and fall away.
That can be an educational session separately.

2. The checks and balances were the main thrust of what I discussed with Yi-An. And till now.
Admittedly, there were issues of Jeremy lack of experience discussed. But my main thrust was
again checks and balances and the scenario of mummy not being able to perform her
check/balance has in actual fact now materialized.
3. Our premise of checks and balances is that from a business and professional standpoint,
absolute authority power and discretion will corrupt.

There are so many ways friends, relatives and anyone can be taught very simply to be
dishonest or fraudulent or corrupt. It is unfortunate papa passed away immediately after
Jeremy's appt. if you recollect, he taught he could have spent another 4 years to coach Jeremy.
But it is a fact now that poor Jeremy had to handle something bigger than anything he has ever

If anyone of you cared and loved Jeremy and papa's appointment so much, you shld see that
checks and balances will save him and will indeed protect him in his Christian faith and any
major moral issues. Just help him to be good steward of what was entrusted to him. The fact
that our approach is more exacting (because of our knowledge and subject expertise) may be
worth reviewing but that is the reality of the world that Jeremy will be facing. But he has to learn
to separate facts and information and opinions. Bit more on that later.

5. We always view money is important as an engine of what we can do and our abilities to
generate wealth as a channel of blessing. You mentioned Papa and mummy's view of us. I
appreciate it. I don't need to agree with it. Their own approach to investments and businesses
are even more exacting and I would have loved it if I can sit and debate with papa over our
philosophies to money. But it is unfortunate. Back to us. What counts is our heart and there is
no way we can reverse someone's perceptions about us over a matter.
We do not agree with their assessments over many things including this viewpoint. Have you
guys not ever or you guys had been the best daughter and son in law?

Money seems more important to is is just a relative concept because you and Y cheng are more
blasé "don't care less" attitudes towards money. If viewed in that context, I even venture to say
you are not good "stewards" if you are blindly just protecting papa's appointment.

By the way, don't forget papa's wishes are ultimately for the children and his grandchildren.
Jeremy appointment is to facilitate that wish. I see you are digging in your heels more on
fighting your sister and bro in law and protecting Jeremy's appointment even at the cost of
further causing more divisions. Again, no one is disputing Jeremy's appointment from the Teh's
family side anymore and we had moved on since my discussion with Jeremy. The clouded
judgement obviously lingered in your minds about us on just this matter.
14/3/14, 08:32:14: Yoke Mei Lim: They speak a lot
14/3/14, 08:32:41: CH: MEI, I think you interpreted YP wrongly
14/3/14, 08:33:00: CH: Please remember your own advice. No need to be sarcastic
14/3/14, 08:33:55: Yoke Mei Lim: I am not sarcastic I mean it as I said it
14/3/14, 08:34:37: Yoke Mei Lim: ' I am a lawyer' attitude not require even I really feel ping has
a lot to contribute.
14/3/14, 08:34:47: CH: Likewise just because you are a doctor doesn't allow you to plead
ignorance and pass personality judgements. What if some of your opinions are wrong? You
would said and made a lot more outbursts on the wrong assumptions? Wouldn't you
14/3/14, 08:35:22: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes of course I am not saying I can read people because I am
a doctor
14/3/14, 08:35:33: Yoke Mei Lim: Just because I a person.
14/3/14, 08:36:09: CH: I honestly believe YP was just being professional. Her tone was quite ok.
She was quite considered in dispensing her advice even despite the sensitive and blasé
attitudes all round
14/3/14, 08:36:35: Yoke Mei Lim: You were not asked because papa received reports from his
staff who had dealings with you and found that you demeaned them
14/3/14, 08:37:02: MISSUS: Again you are making some assumptions about me throwing my
weight around as lawyer. I could have just said nothing like all of you and say yes
14/3/14, 08:37:13: Yoke Mei Lim: So how can he put allow his staff to work under u
14/3/14, 08:37:33: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes . Reports include u swearing at them
14/3/14, 08:37:36: CH: Yes and like you, I have also stood up against the church and
embarrassed him right?
14/3/14, 08:37:51: CH: We have no issues anymore about Jeremy!: appointment
14/3/14, 08:37:54: CH: Please get that
14/3/14, 08:38:01: Yoke Mei Lim: Papa personally apologised to elders about your behaviour
14/3/14, 08:38:20: CH: I did not want him to do that
14/3/14, 08:38:18: Yoke Mei Lim: They say no need but he say he wanted to go it
14/3/14, 08:38:29: CH: I don't need him to do that
14/3/14, 08:38:32: Yoke Mei Lim: They were embarrassed
14/3/14, 08:38:36: CH: It is his own volition
14/3/14, 08:38:44: CH: I am embarrassed by him doing that
14/3/14, 08:38:50: Yoke Mei Lim: If course but this is the extent
14/3/14, 08:38:57: CH: He has not known enough facts and he wasn't there
14/3/14, 08:39:26: CH: So what. I take my own responsibility like you did standing up in church
and shouting
14/3/14, 08:39:29: Yoke Mei Lim: N ping you both make each other worse
14/3/14, 08:39:43: CH: It's nothing to do with him. He need not apologies
14/3/14, 08:39:47: Yoke Mei Lim: He said regardless it is unnecessary to be like that
14/3/14, 08:40:14: CH: Again the reason u say all these is why he doesn't appoint us
14/3/14, 08:40:21: CH: Yet again I tell you
14/3/14, 08:40:22: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes
14/3/14, 08:40:24: CH: We are passed that
14/3/14, 08:40:27: Yoke Mei Lim: N dishonesty
14/3/14, 08:40:43: CH: Dishonesty ? What?
14/3/14, 08:40:50: Yoke Mei Lim: U sent an email to papa
14/3/14, 08:40:55: Yoke Mei Lim: No cc to us
14/3/14, 08:41:12: CH: The tehs are past the appointment of Jeremy subject
14/3/14, 08:41:17: CH: What email?
14/3/14, 08:41:17: Yoke Mei Lim: About setiawalk
14/3/14, 08:41:27: CH: What is it about please
14/3/14, 08:42:01: CH: Remind us
14/3/14, 08:42:17: CH: Let's leave the Jeremy and tone issue first. Please tell
14/3/14, 08:42:16: Yoke Mei Lim: States I remember vaguely that Cheng n Mei would find hard
to pay the inter rest of the loan
14/3/14, 08:42:31: Yoke Mei Lim: Then papa sent it to me
14/3/14, 08:42:46: Yoke Mei Lim: I read it thinking it was from u to me
14/3/14, 08:43:04: CH: Huh? What's the issue
14/3/14, 08:43:05: Yoke Mei Lim: My reply back was I can do my part
14/3/14, 08:43:19: CH: Ohh yes. So issue is?
14/3/14, 08:43:45: CH: How is it dishonest? I am giving my assessment to the best of my ability
14/3/14, 08:44:34: CH: So tell me what's being dishonest about that. Are you saying I took
money from you or what?
14/3/14, 08:44:46: CH: This is interesting.
14/3/14, 08:45:12: Yoke Mei Lim: Papa sent it becos he knew you were saying it more for the
comfort of your or ping s but made it sound like you guys can but me in Cheng probably would
find it hard
14/3/14, 08:45:34: Yoke Mei Lim: The aim the burden relived for all the sisters
14/3/14, 08:46:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Which u should have said to all not just him . Give us a
14/3/14, 08:46:27: Yoke Mei Lim: Apa unting may but pay up time Tak may
14/3/14, 08:46:34: Yoke Mei Lim: Tak may
14/3/14, 08:46:55: Yoke Mei Lim: Untung mau
14/3/14, 08:47:38: Yoke Mei Lim: And the whole issue with the amanah Sanam
14/3/14, 08:47:48: Yoke Mei Lim: Saha
14/3/14, 08:50:14: MISSUS: I really don't get it. I am not putting a "lawyer attitude" in replying to
FSBM Shares. I was trying to point out some things to consider or help Jeremy. But again, you
feel offended as if I am trying to show off? I feel most disappointed at every turn, I am
misinterpreted. You really don't know me and neither so I you
14/3/14, 08:50:26: Yoke Mei Lim: He deduced that you guys want to get more but even thigh he
set aside Saham to relive burden alre1dy
14/3/14, 08:51:40: CH: Huh? How to get more? Please MEI, tell me.
14/3/14, 08:51:48: Yoke Mei Lim: But your accountant advice was of course it is worth air can
make more money if don t sell which means papa should pull in more from somewhere else for
the daughters .
14/3/14, 08:51:55: CH: Amanah Saham he set aside for all the sister equally
14/3/14, 08:52:02: Yoke Mei Lim: To pay interest .
14/3/14, 08:52:23: CH: Huh..? I don't get this
14/3/14, 08:52:50: Yoke Mei Lim: Ping s outburst about 'what my hard earned money ! Really
pissed him.
14/3/14, 08:53:50: CH: At that point in time the advice was don't need to liquidate first. My
assessment rightly or wrongly was that things will look better for SETIAWALK. I did not ask him
to pay first or I didn't want to pay my part
14/3/14, 08:54:05: Yoke Mei Lim: No acknowledgement that he already gave south to help n
benefit us all to the point of buying the Saham as back up
14/3/14, 08:54:08: CH: In fact you are right, he asked YP to finance for all the sisters first.
14/3/14, 08:54:13: Yoke Mei Lim: Still not enough
14/3/14, 08:54:21: CH: Wait
14/3/14, 08:54:26: CH: What is the dishonesty here
14/3/14, 08:54:36: CH: Please make your points clear
14/3/14, 08:55:06: Yoke Mei Lim: The fact that u spoke for us without asking me or Cheng
14/3/14, 08:55:26: CH: Sigh
14/3/14, 08:55:42: Yoke Mei Lim: How u know I can t pay?
14/3/14, 08:56:10: CH: I told him it wasn't fair that he and I together committed everyone
14/3/14, 08:56:17: Yoke Mei Lim: How u know I may consider it my reponsibilities
14/3/14, 08:56:21: CH: He pay all the sisters and I pay mine
14/3/14, 08:56:25: CH: How is it dishonest
14/3/14, 08:56:38: Yoke Mei Lim: No we could have said no at the beginning
14/3/14, 08:56:46: CH: Yoke MEI, we deal with your being slighted later about your financial
14/3/14, 08:56:53: Yoke Mei Lim: Why he pay everything he may
14/3/14, 08:56:57: CH: One at a time
14/3/14, 08:57:17: Yoke Mei Lim: Because he is rich?
14/3/14, 08:57:31: CH: Let repeat the facts
14/3/14, 08:58:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Not really slighted
14/3/14, 08:58:06: Yoke Mei Lim: To papa
14/3/14, 08:58:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Just think u bit sly
14/3/14, 08:58:31: Yoke Mei Lim: He sees u trying to get asu h as possible
14/3/14, 08:58:46: Yoke Mei Lim: As much as possible.
14/3/14, 08:59:08: Yoke Mei Lim: Ping when u make retrospective claim for Chinese school
14/3/14, 08:59:18: Yoke Mei Lim: He already feel u greedy
14/3/14, 08:59:31: CH: One thing at a time
14/3/14, 08:59:42: Yoke Mei Lim: General attitude is got so much
14/3/14, 08:59:50: CH: The accounts of pure sapphire will reveal
14/3/14, 08:59:56: Yoke Mei Lim: Won't hurt to give your own daughters more
14/3/14, 08:59:59: CH: That I pay equally to everything
14/3/14, 09:00:04: CH: That is one fact
14/3/14, 09:00:12: Yoke Mei Lim: No one said u didn t
14/3/14, 09:00:32: CH: The second is an opinion which I was wrong but the intention wasn't to
get more money from him
14/3/14, 09:00:31: Yoke Mei Lim: Just trying to ease your fillies' financial burden
14/3/14, 09:00:48: CH: That is ur opinion
14/3/14, 09:01:11: CH: I told him the decision to invest was his and mine
14/3/14, 09:01:22: CH: And I honestly think we both shld bear the responsibilities
14/3/14, 09:01:38: CH: It was unfortunate that he thought like that
14/3/14, 09:01:48: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes, maybe but that what saham is for
14/3/14, 09:01:56: CH: As to why I didn't ask u or cheng
14/3/14, 09:02:03: Yoke Mei Lim: Even that not enough
14/3/14, 09:02:13: CH: I honestly felt that it is his and my responsibility
14/3/14, 09:02:14: Yoke Mei Lim: Piss him off to no end
14/3/14, 09:02:31: CH: I don't need to agree with your father
14/3/14, 09:02:46: Yoke Mei Lim: No need just why he trust Jeremy more
14/3/14, 09:02:50: Yoke Mei Lim: His right
14/3/14, 09:02:59: CH: Fine we are passed that
14/3/14, 09:03:00: Yoke Mei Lim: That s what I stick to
14/3/14, 09:03:12: CH: Jeremy has not done anything to disprove himself correct
14/3/14, 09:03:21: Yoke Mei Lim: Even if Jeremy cheat and swindle
14/3/14, 09:03:26: Yoke Mei Lim: Good on him
14/3/14, 09:03:33: CH: Are you serious?
14/3/14, 09:03:36: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes
14/3/14, 09:03:39: CH: U mean that
14/3/14, 09:04:10: Yoke Mei Lim: Because his appointment was based on judgement of
14/3/14, 09:04:17: CH: Wow. I think we can temporarily stop. This is senseless. You are just
hunting for blood. Let's continue this once u reviewed what you said.
14/3/14, 09:04:19: Yoke Mei Lim: Boils down to that
14/3/14, 09:05:01: CH: Like all of you had done before, we all don't necessarily need to agree
with your father
14/3/14, 09:05:49: Yoke Mei Lim: Of course we all have our flaws . Plain n simple of all of us
money is your flaw.
14/3/14, 09:06:19: CH: But in my defense. I presented the proposal to him. Because it's just a
financing thing. When pure sapphire sells all the assets, the monies get repaid back to whoever
puts it in. So what's the dishonesty again
14/3/14, 09:06:36: Yoke Mei Lim: Subtle isn t it?
14/3/14, 09:06:47: Yoke Mei Lim: You can even see it yourself.
14/3/14, 09:06:52: Yoke Mei Lim: Papa saw it
14/3/14, 09:06:58: Yoke Mei Lim: I saw it
14/3/14, 09:07:06: CH: When he put the money aside in Amanah Saham, he was clear he will
take back and not distribute to the sisters anyway
14/3/14, 09:07:28: CH: I have no such intentions yoke MEI
14/3/14, 09:07:39: CH: If you say like that
14/3/14, 09:07:54: Yoke Mei Lim: It was meant to help pay loan interest
14/3/14, 09:08:04: Yoke Mei Lim: Plain n simple
14/3/14, 09:08:20: CH: I can say jeremy put a show and tell everyone he will consult me. But he
went ahead and negotiated and locked in terms. After that he said he will come see me. Is that
also dishonesty?
14/3/14, 09:08:42: CH: It's not plain and simple yoke MEI
14/3/14, 09:08:47: Yoke Mei Lim: He did if you were of right attitude
14/3/14, 09:08:58: Yoke Mei Lim: Sorry u wrong attitude lah
14/3/14, 09:09:14: CH: You heard him but u never asked me
14/3/14, 09:09:18: CH: What happened
14/3/14, 09:09:27: CH: Great
14/3/14, 09:09:28: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok so I judge u mad
14/3/14, 09:09:40: Yoke Mei Lim: No one wants to be near u if u mad
14/3/14, 09:09:49: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t want to be sworn at
14/3/14, 09:09:57: Yoke Mei Lim: Called bodoh
14/3/14, 09:10:01: Yoke Mei Lim: Etc.
14/3/14, 09:10:05: CH: Huh?
14/3/14, 09:10:12: CH: YP your sister was there
14/3/14, 09:10:28: CH: No one had a shouting match or swearing match
14/3/14, 09:10:31: CH: Walao
14/3/14, 09:10:37: CH: Is that what Jeremy told u?
14/3/14, 09:10:46: CH: No one said bodoh
14/3/14, 09:10:45: Yoke Mei Lim: No not at all
14/3/14, 09:10:50: CH: To Jeremy
14/3/14, 09:10:56: CH: So what is t?
14/3/14, 09:11:03: Yoke Mei Lim: To other people lah
14/3/14, 09:11:08: CH: What is this mad and bodoh?
14/3/14, 09:11:21: CH: Are we talking same things here
14/3/14, 09:11:53: Yoke Mei Lim: You are right I didn t hear your side
14/3/14, 09:12:12: CH: Sigh
14/3/14, 09:12:18: Yoke Mei Lim: I feel bit scared to talk to you .
14/3/14, 09:12:48: CH: I am sorry for that
14/3/14, 09:12:47: Yoke Mei Lim: You have left a trail of damage before that s what I mean
14/3/14, 09:13:04: CH: No different from you before and now
14/3/14, 09:13:15: CH: I am not denying it
14/3/14, 09:13:25: CH: But please say things in context
14/3/14, 09:13:34: CH: It will help address issues pointedly
14/3/14, 09:13:47: CH: Let's not do a chemo on every sickness
14/3/14, 09:14:22: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok . Fair comment.
14/3/14, 09:14:39: Yoke Mei Lim: Let me gather my thoughts
14/3/14, 09:15:20: Yoke Mei Lim: He asked you for advice.
14/3/14, 09:15:50: Yoke Mei Lim: And he said you gave him good advice as to what questions
to ask
14/3/14, 09:16:01: Yoke Mei Lim: It was helpful
14/3/14, 09:16:27: Yoke Mei Lim: He asked u to see that guy with him .
14/3/14, 09:16:34: CH: Ya and he didn't address them in his reports
14/3/14, 09:17:05: Yoke Mei Lim: But he hasn t met h yet personally the second time.
14/3/14, 09:17:33: Yoke Mei Lim: That was the invitation in email to everyone .
14/3/14, 09:17:40: CH: I agree in fact to help and go see since I deduced he didn't do the right
approach from beginning. I told him to gather his facts in writing a report because he was
jumbling his facts and personal opinions and I couldn't make out what exactly was the deal
14/3/14, 09:18:35: Yoke Mei Lim: First time was when that guy called mummy n eventually
mummy spoke to him n said deal with Jeremy .
14/3/14, 09:18:45: CH: Again he was intent on selling. I advices him there must be simple
questions he can asked the other shareholders
14/3/14, 09:19:09: Yoke Mei Lim: So Jeremy met up first time to ask what is it about?
14/3/14, 09:19:34: Yoke Mei Lim: Second time, not yet .
14/3/14, 09:19:41: Yoke Mei Lim: You welcome to go
14/3/14, 09:19:51: CH: He told you that.
14/3/14, 09:19:50: Yoke Mei Lim: Input will be valuable
14/3/14, 09:20:17: CH: The first time he went, he already came to me intent on selling. I advices
him to gather more facts.
14/3/14, 09:20:33: CH: The first report says lose 400k by selling
14/3/14, 09:20:47: CH: I already gave him valuable inputs
14/3/14, 09:20:59: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok I guess because seem like if we can get rid as it was
initially worth v little
14/3/14, 09:21:07: Yoke Mei Lim: This is a good chance
14/3/14, 09:21:19: CH: I think the point is not about the investment now right
14/3/14, 09:21:48: Yoke Mei Lim: The point is? He too sell happy?
14/3/14, 09:21:51: CH: You are just judging me as mad and swear at Jeremy and lump
everything in your cloud of opinions
14/3/14, 09:21:59: CH: When I was happy advising
14/3/14, 09:22:08: CH: Which I did
14/3/14, 09:22:08: Yoke Mei Lim: I didn t say u swear at Jeremy
14/3/14, 09:22:20: Yoke Mei Lim: Already say about other people
14/3/14, 09:22:33: CH: It's just that after we talked, he didn't address the key points I raised to
14/3/14, 09:22:47: CH: U want me to share with you?
14/3/14, 09:22:52: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes u did but as I said everyone sensitive
14/3/14, 09:23:13: CH: We deal with that later
14/3/14, 09:23:20: CH: Finish this one please
14/3/14, 09:23:24: CH: I told Jeremy
14/3/14, 09:23:51: CH: 1. Why would the 2 shareholders holding over 50% shares want to buy
12% more?
14/3/14, 09:24:13: CH: 2. What is the deal really about?
14/3/14, 09:24:11: Yoke Mei Lim: So if notice I smart your not attitude
Then if course reluctant to go for further advice.
This is not just one direction
14/3/14, 09:24:36: Yoke Mei Lim: I hear opinions of that kind from all directions
14/3/14, 09:24:59: CH: 3. He mentioned they said they lined up another group of investors to
take a block of shares. This tells me they are flipping your papa's investments for a profit. I
cautioned Jeremy those
14/3/14, 09:25:25: CH: Sorry what are you saying now?
14/3/14, 09:25:26: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok I will encourage him to talk to u further .
14/3/14, 09:25:33: Yoke Mei Lim: A bit jargon to me
14/3/14, 09:25:51: CH: It's simple la. Yi an can understand this
14/3/14, 09:26:12: Yoke Mei Lim: I m saying - every one sensitive lah including Jeremy
14/3/14, 09:26:18: CH: What is this yoke MEI??
So if notice I smart your not attitude
Then if course reluctant to go for further advice.
This is not just one direction
I hear opinions of that kind from all directions
14/3/14, 09:27:02: Yoke Mei Lim: If I ask your advice n you make me feel small
14/3/14, 09:27:45: CH: Let me say this honestly. Jeremy feels small and may think he cannot
handle. I would probably feel that way myself. Which is why the checks and balances and the
report in writing are important to assess correctly issues and facts. Not clouded opinions or
14/3/14, 09:27:42: Yoke Mei Lim: Like if I teach a child n they find it a bit harsh then I reluctant
to ask for more help
14/3/14, 09:28:07: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok I will encourage him to toughen up
14/3/14, 09:28:35: Yoke Mei Lim: So as I said we all have flaws
14/3/14, 09:29:00: CH: You are just giving excuses for him not to do the right thing. Yoke MEI,
please don't kill these relationships any further with your outbursts and mother hen attitude. You
may kill one child at the risk of overprotecting another child
14/3/14, 09:29:14: Yoke Mei Lim: Haha!
14/3/14, 09:29:17: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok,
14/3/14, 09:29:22: CH: Do u realize what you are doing
14/3/14, 09:29:29: CH: Please I implore u
14/3/14, 09:29:27: Yoke Mei Lim: No
14/3/14, 09:29:33: Yoke Mei Lim: What?
14/3/14, 09:30:24: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t like to be in the action
14/3/14, 09:30:36: Yoke Mei Lim: What to do?
14/3/14, 09:30:41: CH: It's already hard for us to hear what papa has mistakenly judged us
about. But we have reasons to disagree. It's already hard enough to be accused dishonest by a
dead person. And we have no right of defense. And the fact that you have been unwise in your
outbursts will break the family further
14/3/14, 09:31:15: CH: Please just refrain until you hear our defenses and our side of story.
14/3/14, 09:31:26: CH: Some are new and some are not.
14/3/14, 09:31:31: Yoke Mei Lim: Rather them mufti gd under one's breath why not bring
everything to light?
14/3/14, 09:31:40: Yoke Mei Lim: Murmurings
14/3/14, 09:31:47: CH: You come and go
14/3/14, 09:31:53: CH: And leave your trail of damage
14/3/14, 09:32:05: CH: Then address it without having to take sides
14/3/14, 09:32:34: CH: Your aftermath on this will be irreparable
14/3/14, 09:32:40: CH: I am sorry to say
14/3/14, 09:32:42: Yoke Mei Lim: I only take the side that is about papa'wi ll as it is his money
14/3/14, 09:32:56: CH: Papa's will is for his family
14/3/14, 09:32:56: Yoke Mei Lim: No problem I can take it
14/3/14, 09:33:03: Yoke Mei Lim: Blame me.
14/3/14, 09:33:13: CH: Not Jeremy
14/3/14, 09:33:14: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes of course
14/3/14, 09:33:19: CH: Jeremy is an appointment
14/3/14, 09:33:28: CH: So don't kill the family with your outburst
14/3/14, 09:33:27: Yoke Mei Lim: But the money should be the issue
14/3/14, 09:33:36: CH: Your sister relationship with YP
14/3/14, 09:33:43: Yoke Mei Lim: If all money gone also neveind
14/3/14, 09:33:47: CH: My friendship with yi an
14/3/14, 09:33:49: Yoke Mei Lim: Never mind
14/3/14, 09:33:55: CH: That's is your right
14/3/14, 09:33:59: CH: It's not our stand
14/3/14, 09:33:56: Yoke Mei Lim: Base on honesty
14/3/14, 09:34:10: CH: You don't need to so self righteous for all of us
14/3/14, 09:34:21: Yoke Mei Lim: Relationship cannot stand unless you know what I really think
14/3/14, 09:34:29: CH: If we are money minded so be it. It's not your right to usurp YP's
14/3/14, 09:34:46: CH: I told Yi an
14/3/14, 09:34:50: CH: Everyone has a right
14/3/14, 09:35:01: Yoke Mei Lim: If I have a good relationship but not base on how we really
think then is false
14/3/14, 09:35:20: CH: We have a right of defense in the line of clear attacks. In the name of
god some more
14/3/14, 09:35:23: Yoke Mei Lim: You can stand on your rights .
14/3/14, 09:35:31: CH: Yes we can
14/3/14, 09:35:46: MISSUS: Mei do you want to break this relationship?
14/3/14, 09:35:50: CH: We are clear in our conscience that checks and balances are the way to
14/3/14, 09:35:52: Yoke Mei Lim: If I have to God give me strength to give up my rights .
14/3/14, 09:36:04: CH: That's is your calling
14/3/14, 09:36:04: Yoke Mei Lim: Course not
14/3/14, 09:36:07: CH: Now YP's
14/3/14, 09:36:22: CH: We are clear in our conscience there shld be account abilities
14/3/14, 09:36:36: CH: We are clear in our conscience I never meant to be dishonest
14/3/14, 09:36:50: Yoke Mei Lim: Of course you are not all bad but we r al sinners
14/3/14, 09:36:57: CH: We are clear in our conscience we shld stand up against grace
assembly and expose it's corrupt practices
14/3/14, 09:37:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes, do that.
14/3/14, 09:37:20: CH: We are now clearer that papa blundered in his attempt to apologize to
the elders
14/3/14, 09:37:30: Yoke Mei Lim: But if the fight is about u can make more money this way or
14/3/14, 09:37:38: Yoke Mei Lim: Not important to me
14/3/14, 09:37:50: CH: Yoke Mei,
14/3/14, 09:37:52: Yoke Mei Lim: No problem that is your view
14/3/14, 09:38:18: CH: We are only suggesting checks and balances
14/3/14, 09:38:16: Yoke Mei Lim: By the way, I did apologize to everyone in my church for my
14/3/14, 09:38:29: CH: That's your right
14/3/14, 09:38:44: CH: I choose not to apologist because there is no outburst
14/3/14, 09:38:55: Yoke Mei Lim: Yi an had me right an apology to everyone for the
inappropriate mess of the outbursts
14/3/14, 09:39:01: CH: I only asked questions
14/3/14, 09:39:05: CH: Tough questions
14/3/14, 09:39:11: CH: That's good for u
14/3/14, 09:39:16: CH: Means u r now clear
14/3/14, 09:39:20: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok . Please do
14/3/14, 09:39:23: CH: I won't judge u
14/3/14, 09:39:32: CH: But please don't judge me
14/3/14, 09:39:32: Yoke Mei Lim: U can n will
14/3/14, 09:39:37: CH: It's not even your issue
14/3/14, 09:39:50: CH: Your father did that. He judged us.
14/3/14, 09:39:50: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes it is
14/3/14, 09:40:09: Yoke Mei Lim: Just play nice.
14/3/14, 09:40:31: CH: Huh..? Who is playing nice
14/3/14, 09:40:43: CH: HEI. What are we talking la
14/3/14, 09:41:15: Yoke Mei Lim: Ya Lo this is private honest talk with you
14/3/14, 09:41:33: CH: More accusations
14/3/14, 09:41:36: CH: Than honest
14/3/14, 09:41:44: CH: More normative than factual
14/3/14, 09:41:46: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok . Try take it well
14/3/14, 09:41:59: CH: Thanks. Slap first talk later
14/3/14, 09:42:03: CH: Thanks..
14/3/14, 09:42:02: Yoke Mei Lim: I know u , u know me
14/3/14, 09:42:21: CH: Mei, what you have done is quite serious
14/3/14, 09:42:29: CH: U are not helping
14/3/14, 09:42:38: CH: U r rallying the wrong cause
14/3/14, 09:42:40: Yoke Mei Lim: I accept responsibility
14/3/14, 09:42:54: CH: Whatever your judgements about our character now which is unfortunate
14/3/14, 09:43:35: CH: Instead of unity u cause divisions
14/3/14, 09:43:53: CH: For poor Jeremy, he will feel he should go do things alone even more
14/3/14, 09:44:15: CH: The rumblings and mumblings could have been addressed
14/3/14, 09:44:32: CH: Just put out the right process and checks and balances
14/3/14, 09:44:39: CH: Help Jeremy be a good steward
14/3/14, 09:44:50: CH: Not agree that he can squander everything off
14/3/14, 09:44:57: CH: Just because papa appointed him
14/3/14, 09:45:09: CH: He will fall as a Christian in that process if you let him
14/3/14, 09:45:19: CH: He will divorce your sister
14/3/14, 09:45:29: CH: Don't let those happen and say you can accept it
14/3/14, 09:45:35: CH: It is totally irresponsible
14/3/14, 09:45:59: CH: What we are doing is just dispense with treatment before it's too late
14/3/14, 09:46:04: CH: Checks and balances
14/3/14, 09:46:19: CH: I am glad the uncle and aunties spoke the same out of their own volition
14/3/14, 09:47:34: CH: I struggled with the realities that papa now has so much prejudgements
which I had no defense against anymore. And I don't agree with his assessment. But I hope you
don't perpetuate it and spread it with all others because you are facilitating for the cancer to
14/3/14, 09:48:47: CH: And in the process of trying to be righteous in defending "the
defenseless", you are actually spreading the cancer
14/3/14, 09:48:51: MISSUS: On legal jargon, as Dr. You do that. Are we to question and be
offended? It is merely to describe something from your medical view not that people can really
understand. Please don't apply different standards Mei
14/3/14, 09:48:53: CH: So I said
14/3/14, 09:49:00: CH: I implore u
14/3/14, 09:49:38: CH: Please reflect before u sledge hammer all
14/3/14, 09:50:35: CH: By doing what you did, you are telling us you attack us on Jeremy's
behalf. Or attack us anyhow on whatever premise.
14/3/14, 09:50:55: CH: I have thought many times to ya let it all out
14/3/14, 09:51:20: Yoke Mei Lim: If you hear about those judgement about you I am not the only
one papa spoke to.
14/3/14, 09:51:37: CH: What judgements
14/3/14, 09:51:51: CH: Any more?
14/3/14, 09:51:56: Yoke Mei Lim: His thoughts over the years
14/3/14, 09:52:27: CH: What thoughts specifically
14/3/14, 09:52:38: Yoke Mei Lim: About the church thing , about amanah Saham
14/3/14, 09:52:51: Yoke Mei Lim: About Chinese school
14/3/14, 09:52:59: CH: Ok
14/3/14, 09:53:05: CH: 1. Church thing
14/3/14, 09:53:06: Yoke Mei Lim: Thing. All sisters know lah
14/3/14, 09:53:23: CH: We have many issues with the church
14/3/14, 09:53:21: Yoke Mei Lim: Other 3
14/3/14, 09:53:28: CH: Not just the financials
14/3/14, 09:53:34: Yoke Mei Lim: Except the bit about email
14/3/14, 09:53:38: CH: We don't think we need to apologies
14/3/14, 09:53:50: Yoke Mei Lim: Between you n God
14/3/14, 09:54:51: CH: 2. Amanah Saham. I already said I had no intentions about taking out
more money from papa. In fact he was sneaky to ask YP pay everyone else's shares to finance
the interest. Would you finance for all 4 sisters?
14/3/14, 09:55:37: Yoke Mei Lim: Of course not unc n aunties- they don t know.
14/3/14, 09:55:53: CH: Whoever puts in any amount, when the properties are sold, they get
back their share plus profit. Papa can decide to take back whatever he put in what. So what
14/3/14, 09:56:11: CH: 3. The Chinese school thing.
14/3/14, 09:56:12: Yoke Mei Lim: Told u u cannot see it
14/3/14, 09:56:30: CH: Well it is not the intention
14/3/14, 09:56:49: Yoke Mei Lim: To have tried to claim money retrospect . That one from ping
14/3/14, 09:57:12: CH: Yes that is factual
14/3/14, 09:57:21: CH: He always talked about Chinese school
14/3/14, 09:57:44: CH: He have so much money and we told him Shen li finished all 6 years.
14/3/14, 09:57:53: CH: As grandfather, it's only 6k a year
14/3/14, 09:58:01: CH: Times 6 is 36 k
14/3/14, 09:58:16: CH: We told him he shld reward Shen li fairly
14/3/14, 09:58:25: CH: We don't need the 36 k yoke MEI
14/3/14, 09:58:32: CH: We are not greedy for the 36 k
14/3/14, 09:58:57: CH: We asked him because it's for Shen li to know she is being fairly treated
by the grandpa
14/3/14, 09:58:58: Yoke Mei Lim: You can judge him but he judged you first Lo.
14/3/14, 09:59:03: MISSUS: Shenli us the only grandchild that finished 6 years.
14/3/14, 09:59:07: CH: That's the only reason why we asked
14/3/14, 09:59:34: CH: Just like Monique is li si's favorite
14/3/14, 10:00:04: Yoke Mei Lim: So u think sh favourite?
14/3/14, 10:00:24: MISSUS: Because he did not for fully, I put my own money into Shen's
account to make up. It was not for me.
14/3/14, 10:00:56: Yoke Mei Lim: He feel you greedy lah I can claim will claim
14/3/14, 10:01:01: CH: No. I meant it's not right to show bias and favoritism. Shen Li will feel her
GPA excluded her. We told him it's not right to tell the whole world he wants to reward Chinese
education but cannot reward Shen li
14/3/14, 10:01:21: CH: Again yoke MEI
14/3/14, 10:01:23: CH: Get this
14/3/14, 10:01:26: MISSUS: How misguided.
14/3/14, 10:01:30: CH: We don't need 36k
14/3/14, 10:01:40: CH: Please understand
14/3/14, 10:01:46: Yoke Mei Lim: His judgment not mine
14/3/14, 10:01:52: CH: You don't even know the amount or context
14/3/14, 10:01:57: CH: But you are judging us
14/3/14, 10:02:05: CH: And money grabbing
14/3/14, 10:02:05: MISSUS: But you are parroting this and judging
14/3/14, 10:02:30: Yoke Mei Lim: Doesn't t bother me one bit
Just telling u so the puzzle pieces can be put in place
14/3/14, 10:03:05: CH: You shld be bothered because you are perpetuating this and hurting us
14/3/14, 10:03:06: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t care you get more or less
I get more or less
14/3/14, 10:03:18: CH: Unless you don't care about us so just tell us that
14/3/14, 10:03:47: CH: We care the grandpa shows no biasness and walk his talk with his
14/3/14, 10:03:51: MISSUS: All these form a view and you are using those rose tinted lenses to
see me. For that it is relevant to our continuing relayionship
14/3/14, 10:03:59: CH: By the way, I have also rallied many times for yoke cheng
14/3/14, 10:04:04: CH: He didn't say that huh
14/3/14, 10:04:03: Yoke Mei Lim: I do care I want u to know where all this is coming from
because you want to know why I say whT I say
14/3/14, 10:04:13: CH: Yes
14/3/14, 10:04:23: CH: So you make all these outbursts to hurt us
14/3/14, 10:04:30: CH: Without talking to us
14/3/14, 10:04:43: CH: Without establishing for yourself whether you are right or wrong
14/3/14, 10:04:43: Yoke Mei Lim: It is not outburst to me but maybe to u
14/3/14, 10:05:05: CH: Whether you shld perpetuate a perception that can be interpreted
14/3/14, 10:05:05: Yoke Mei Lim: I am telling you why I support Jeremy b
14/3/14, 10:05:23: Yoke Mei Lim: I am not perpetuating anything
14/3/14, 10:05:34: CH: And yes, your eagle hen attitude to kill one child for another
14/3/14, 10:05:59: Yoke Mei Lim: No just help Jeremy do his job in the best way possible
14/3/14, 10:06:13: CH: I rather you keep your opinions to unite the family rather than care about
Jeremy doing his job
14/3/14, 10:06:39: CH: We are not stopping him
14/3/14, 10:06:39: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok I keep quiet now
14/3/14, 10:06:41: CH: Can we?
14/3/14, 10:06:53: Yoke Mei Lim: No more talking from me.
14/3/14, 10:06:57: CH: Can we stop Jeremy?
14/3/14, 10:07:36: CH: Please think
14/3/14, 10:08:20: CH: I don't think he wants the accountability
14/3/14, 10:09:57: CH: Lai suk asked me to help. He has his own judgments of Jeremy. It is
unfortunate he conversed a few times with Jeremy and come to that conclusion that you all
need to help him and establish checks and balances. We have no part to play in that. You shld
ask the uncle and aunties. We were impressed they can conclude that themselves being
outsiders and dealing with your favorite bro in law
14/3/14, 10:10:26: CH: If you so wish to fight, you shld have taken them in and insist that they
are wrong too
14/3/14, 10:10:33: CH: I heard all this from YP
14/3/14, 10:11:07: CH: You can tell the family elders they don't know anything or don't
understand the need for checks and balances
14/3/14, 10:11:23: CH: I am relieved they took the responsibility
14/3/14, 10:11:30: CH: For papa's sake
14/3/14, 10:11:43: CH: You all talk about one person do the job
14/3/14, 10:11:57: CH: They all talk about the family which you westerners don't understand
14/3/14, 10:15:11: MISSUS: Did you know on my own violation I paid for mummy's medication
which was a small matter, contributed some money without any one asking since she will have
extra expenses with mummy staying with her, held weekly dinners for 5/6 years to help mummy
recover and included bee and jeremy expecting nothing? If I am so money minded I wouldn't.
14/3/14, 10:15:32: MISSUS: To Cheng
14/3/14, 10:16:30: CH: YP, It's ok. Let's not try to justify our good works. Let us just address the
accusations and say our piece.
14/3/14, 10:18:12: CH: If the perception is perpetuated after all we said, it is what it is. We are
conniving we are desperate for money and we are greedy. And i embarrassed papa.
14/3/14, 15:38:29: MISSUS: Today is one of the saddest days for me to find what my father, my
sisters think of me. All behind my back. Never once trying to clear the issues. That my sister will
rather defend her previous brother in law and see only the bad in me. That there is not one
ounce of benefit to be given to me. My tears could not stop at work and even now. That my
fatal flaw of love for money (in your view) overshadows everything. Not only am I greedy but
arrogant. So I am condemned. But the rest of your sisters and brother in laws are all accepted
even when they have flaws.
Mei you have been most callous in your words and hurtful.
Yi An.. remains silent.
14/3/14, 16:21:00: YI-AN NEOH: Silently praying dear sister.
14/3/14, 16:22:11: YI-AN NEOH: I've just got home from Whyalla after a very early start. I've
already said my piece to
14/3/14, 16:24:16: YI-AN NEOH: YM. You already know how I feel towards all of you. I have
nothing to add which will change any of your views. I'm not there and I personally think that
SMS is the worst form of communication.
14/3/14, 16:28:24: CH: Yi an
14/3/14, 16:28:31: CH: We wanted to chat with yoke MEI
14/3/14, 16:28:42: CH: Face to face
14/3/14, 16:28:54: YI-AN NEOH: I'll address any issues which you think need to be sorted out
between us, when next I see you face to face.
14/3/14, 16:29:00: CH: She has chosen to take the shame and blame route
14/3/14, 16:29:53: YI-AN NEOH: I think some time out will be prudent (at least on her side).
14/3/14, 16:29:56: CH: And has taken the eagle hen approach
14/3/14, 16:30:05: CH: Yes please advise her
14/3/14, 16:31:38: YI-AN NEOH: As I've said before, I prefer to suspend discussions from my
side until I next see you face to face.
14/3/14, 16:36:02: CH: There is enough hurt. Just help to contain it from yoke mei
14/3/14, 18:19:41: Yoke Mei Lim: I have no wifi cos I was out most of the day.
14/3/14, 18:20:56: Yoke Mei Lim: I didn t say it was a fatal flaw .it is just a flaw.
14/3/14, 18:22:33: Yoke Mei Lim: I can accept that flaw , just saying don t beat up Jeremy that s
all. It is not his fault he has been chosen to do a difficult job n you can certainly be of great
14/3/14, 18:24:12: Yoke Mei Lim: I am not seeing only bad in you . I see bad in everyone .
Even papa .
14/3/14, 18:25:49: Yoke Mei Lim: After all I am really bad to be doing this right?
14/3/14, 18:27:16: Yoke Mei Lim: That s my flaw. Callousness.
14/3/14, 18:27:40: Yoke Mei Lim: If I don t say it I m pretentious
14/3/14, 18:27:49: Yoke Mei Lim: If I say I am callous
14/3/14, 18:28:11: Yoke Mei Lim: I am not good at walking that line in the middle
14/3/14, 18:29:30: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes I do accept all my sisters and brother in laws . I am willing
to take the anger directed at me
14/3/14, 18:30:09: Yoke Mei Lim: Because I rather you know what I am thinking than u know
why I make strange statements .
14/3/14, 18:30:45: Yoke Mei Lim: I think I can be most honest with family
14/3/14, 18:31:03: Yoke Mei Lim: If not with all of you than with who?
14/3/14, 18:31:25: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t really want to hurt you .
14/3/14, 18:31:57: Yoke Mei Lim: That is why all these is being said now.
14/3/14, 18:32:13: Yoke Mei Lim: Not a long time ago.
14/3/14, 18:32:43: Yoke Mei Lim: You have done a lot for the family n I am sure papa n mummy
appreciate that.
14/3/14, 18:34:43: Yoke Mei Lim: I don t know if he ever tried to say anything to you . He has
always been more an observer n thinker.
14/3/14, 18:35:50: Yoke Mei Lim: You are not the only one who cries.
14/3/14, 18:37:05: Yoke Mei Lim: I am sorry for hurting you but you are hurting others too.
14/3/14, 18:39:31: Yoke Mei Lim: To me I can love you n Cheng Hock as you are . Even if my
words are harsh . I am letting you know where I stand.
14/3/14, 18:40:42: Yoke Mei Lim: If course you are not evil and money grabbing . You mean
well in so many ways .
14/3/14, 18:47:37: Yoke Mei Lim: You can still see me face to face tomorrow. If ok. If not ready I
won't come .
14/3/14, 19:00:02: Yoke Mei Lim: Maybe I can. Meet up with ping n B.
14/3/14, 19:01:02: Yoke Mei Lim: Because of course I want to have a good relationship with my
sisters. Ν
14/3/14, 19:01:23: Yoke Mei Lim: And brother In laws
15/3/14, 09:59:06: MISSUS: Mei, no need to meet up tonight.
15/3/14, 10:00:08: MISSUS: Mei, sent the message by mistake. I am still thinking.
15/3/14, 10:49:48: CH: We can meet with you if you are willing to hear our version of the issues
papa had with us without making wild accusations and calling of names ie A. the money
grabbing / dishonesty parts A1. the Amanah Saham and why I sent the email A2. Chinese
school B. Attitudes towards Jeremy B1. Acceptance B2. Contributions
15/3/14, 10:50:13: CH: If you agree, we will talk with you and we can patch Yi an in.
15/3/14, 10:54:58: CH: We are only doing this in context of you and YP being sisters. If there is
anything to love, then this is it. Saying that You have no obligation to talk to us but if you wish to,
the only condition is no need for wild accusations and juxtaposition of opinions. Just deal with
facts and hear us on our intentions. That's all we ask of you.
15/3/14, 11:58:50: Yoke Mei Lim: I will come and give you the floor n listen . What time ?
15/3/14, 12:07:52: CH: Will you agree to be constrained with your accusations?
15/3/14, 13:15:44: Yoke Mei Lim: I am going to shut up n listen .
15/3/14, 13:17:32: Yoke Mei Lim: Yes constrained.
15/3/14, 13:29:37: CH: Thanks

I also like you to know we are not interested anymore in changing views or lobbying you for or
against anyone.
We understand you already have your opinions and at least now understand why you went

Please know that we can just walk away from all these too as much as anyone else. But we are

Our conscience is clear and we know that we have nothing insidious or plan to rob or steal
anyone's inheritance, or anyone's money including your father's and didn't try to make life
difficult for Jeremy. We only have disagreements. But it's never part of an overall scheme or
Before this and up to now.

All the opinions expressed are papa's only and it is unfortunate we cannot have a chance to
disagree with him or withstand him on those same matters.

Yet all these are no longer important, what's left are our relationships. And our purpose is to
clear our own conscience and do what is right for now. If we cannot agree, so be it.

We can meet at a public place tonight at 9pm. Tell us where you are comfortable going.
(Decided not to pick you up because if you wanna storm off, you can still)
15/3/14, 13:33:13: Yoke Mei Lim: Is there a cafe in paramount ? We can go to be there
15/3/14, 14:28:46: MISSUS: Suggest Starbucks in SS2 at 9am. It is nearby.
15/3/14, 14:28:52: MISSUS: 9pm
15/3/14, 14:33:15: Yoke Mei Lim: Ok.
17/3/14, 10:59:29: CH: Dear CH ,
Thank you for explaining yourself to me. I think it did help me to see your perspective of things.
The reason you assumed we couldn't pay- I accept your explanation at face value. That you
didn t mean to be dishonest. There is a certain emphasis in the way you view business n
finance and how it relates to papa's estate which is different from mine and as long as your
conscience is clear , we can just leave it at that. As I see it, we are at different wavelengths.
17/3/14, 10:59:29: CH: We really enjoy your company and like having you as part if our family.
Your kids are a testimony to u both n our kids enjoy the friendship of their cousins. Every family
have a different ethos and we can just appreciate the good as well as what seems as not so
good . We wish you well and hope we can move ahead together . all these sparring can be
draining but I hope we can make our relationship stronger not worse because it doesn't t
change our acceptance and love of you all and hopefully not you of us.
17/3/14, 11:07:22: CH: It will be difficult to continue a relationship that is premised on mistrust,
dishonesty, or perceptions of it. Allegations of Arrogance when we sincerely want to help. When
we try to be professional and even use the simplest jargons in our minds. Reviewing your
rampages of message, you even said YP and I made each other worse. Your attempt to shoot
us even when we don't know how Jeremy is aggrieved. The extent of how you went to tear apart
over and over again to what's left of our integrity and pride reflects your attitude towards us.
Your sister who has never ever lied or dishonest or loved money and has to work so many
years and so hard because she knew from many years ago how she will not expect much more
from your father. How she has never lied or being dishonest or money focused is an impressive
trait that I have never come across in my entire corporate life. You tore the very essence of our
characters which we ourselves would thank God for. All on the premise of what one dead
person said to you which we again reiterate is wrong. You have not even given us any benefit of
doubt. You overprotect Jeremy in the fact of presumptions about us. Has he not any balls to
stop his whimperings and a
17/3/14, 11:07:31: CH: Address his own issues with Noel or us?
17/3/14, 11:08:03: CH: Why have you self appointed to be the hatchet person for Jeremy?
17/3/14, 11:09:19: CH: If your father attends your ex church with you, and he knows all your
elders, don't you think he will also be embarrassed by you for shouting and accusing the elders
17/3/14, 11:10:02: Yoke Mei Lim: Actually I was trying only to champion papa s wishes. I really
have nothing more to say.
17/3/14, 11:10:19: CH: All these years of dining and wining every week in my house, he has
chosen not address his issues with us and gets you to address his cowardly issues by dying
17/3/14, 11:10:32: CH: Champion his wish for his children and grandchildren
17/3/14, 11:10:45: CH: His wish for the family.
17/3/14, 11:10:53: CH: YP is your sister for god's sake
17/3/14, 11:11:41: CH: You spew poisons and accusations
17/3/14, 11:11:47: CH: And yet plead grace
17/3/14, 11:11:53: CH: And speak Christian
17/3/14, 11:12:09: CH: You kill and then apologist and expect a resurrection
17/3/14, 11:13:09: CH: You premised your accusation on interpreted evens without the full facts
and make accusations. And expect us to love you and hope for more betrayals of trust and
fairness and objectivity?
17/3/14, 11:13:30: CH: Contrary to belief we are not that strong
17/3/14, 11:13:35: CH: We are weak
17/3/14, 11:13:42: CH: We are vulnerable
17/3/14, 11:13:47: CH: We can shed tears
17/3/14, 11:14:02: CH: You may not be moved
17/3/14, 11:14:28: CH: My TEH family will not be able to stand up and put our faces up
17/3/14, 11:15:08: CH: We have no avenues to address our grievances.
17/3/14, 11:15:24: CH: What little we have is only our conscience
17/3/14, 11:16:10: CH: So go back to AUSTRALIA and just let us keep our clear conscience
before God. Everything else has been taken away by you
17/3/14, 11:18:03: CH: You can reach out to your sister. She is still hopeful to be sisters with
you. I will struggle and hope our marriage do not suffer strains because of this
17/3/14, 11:18:20: CH: Our blood is in your hands
17/3/14, 11:20:30: CH: It's just amazing you can adjudged that we made each other worse
17/3/14, 11:26:16: CH: My mother cried when she heard your father and your accusations of us.
She has nothing but proud of her own son. We were poor and worked hard to build our own
wealth. We have been looked down for our poor background and has never taken a wrongful
cent from anyone. We are grateful and only ask for is ours. She is tearful and hurt that our Teh
name is soiled by your allegations. Her honour is also soiled. And I dishonored her by you and
your father's false accusations.
17/3/14, 11:28:32: CH: Champion your father wishes and fuck the tehs
14/5/14, 13:36:07: ​YI-AN NEOH left
7/6/14, 13:34:06: ​MISSUS left
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