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Journal Review : The Development Of Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Media On

Subjects The Journal Material Economic Adjustment Service Company

Name/ NIM Herna Valentina Sitorus / 8176166007
Date 17 November 2017
Topic The Development Of Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning

Author Sintia Yuliandari dan Eko Wahjudi

Year 2015
Title The Development Of Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning
Media On Subjects The Journal Material Economic Adjustment
Service Company
Journal Journal of Economic Education, State University of Surabaya
Vol. & Page 9 pages

Theoritical Basis The Education is a requirement that must be met by human beings.
With education can improve the quality of human resources are
owned as executor of development. Efforts to improve the quality
of education through teacher even do always prosecuted can foster
a spirit of student learning. Teachers should be able to make
learning more interesting and innovative so as to encourage
students to learn optimally, i.e. with the use of media of instruction
that can be used by the teacher in the learning process – teaching.
Sadirman, dkk (2011) stated that the learning media is a tool that is
used to transmit messages, information, or materials to learners or
recipient of the message.
The goal in this research was for :
1. Knowing the process of developing interactive multimedia-
based learning media on subjects of economic adjustment
journal verse material service company class XI IPS
2. Knowing the student response against media interactive
multimedia-based learning that have been developed
Method This type research is development research with the development
model which consists of three stages, namely the stage of
definition (define), stage design (design), and stage of development
(develop). The type data consists of quantitative data and
qualitative data with the data analysis techniques was done through
quantitative descriptive analysis technique that consists of data
analysis, data validation and test
Subject Subjects in this research is the students of XI IPS SMA Negeri 3
Bojonegoro by doing a test run to 20 students
Manipulation/Technic This research was begun by three phases namely through stage
definitions (define), in which the author tries to find out the
problems occurred by determining what material is most difficult
to understand by students then proceed with the task analysis is to
find out what learning objectives to be achieved (via identify basic
competencies, core competencies, and indicators). Then
terminated the formulation of learning objectives. After that second
stage is then came into (design), the researchers designed the
media that will be tested to the students and finishes with the
development phase (develop) is to do a study by material experts
and media expert
Instruments The use instruments was the open questionnaire and the close
questionnaire . the open questionnaire consists of sheet material
examination by an expert examination sheet material and media by
media expert. And the close questionnaire consists of question
form validation by experts and media material and question form
the opinion of students
Result As for the results in this research indicate that interactive
multimedia-based learning media developed worthy of use in the
learning process. Material from the expert feasibility study earned
media value of 84.85% and media expert of 86.18%, while from
the opinions of the students obtained the value of 90.83 criteria
very worthy.
Strengths and Weakness The strength in this research are:
1. The author was able to decipher the live of interactive
multimedia based learning systems by including some of
the opinions of experts and research previous
2. The problem described clearly and the solution of the
problem seem in this title of the research so that readers can
easily understand the discussion of the research
3. Authors before applying the learning material is
researchable, he would first conduct an observation with
the questionnaire, on what material the students have
difficulty learn. This is an excess which may provide
benefits on teachers and students in learning the material
against the journal adjustment service company

The weakness in this research are:

1. There is still an error in the writing, as in it page of 5 the author
states that the examination sheet material by experts, media
should review sheet material by material and expert on things.
And so in the page of eight, the first paragraph, the
development of a draft media interactive multimedia-based
learning. The Word development it's not supposed to be used as
a noun is the subject/offender that is the developer
2. The phrase research use is by still done repeatedly – reset,
such as repetition, the question form validation by expert
material and question form validation by media experts, We
recommend that you written enough the phrase validation by
experts and media material
3. This research is not written that how many student who were
subjects in this research, whereas it is also necessary so that
readers know that the amount of a particular person, research
development of this deserves to be used

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