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Brain Size and the Human Cranial Base:

A Prenatal Perspective
Nathan Jeffery* and Fred Spoor

Evolutionary Anatomy Unit, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London,
London WC1E 6JJ, UK

KEY WORDS fetal ontogeny; basicranium; relative encephalization; MRI; human evolution

ABSTRACT Pivotally positioned as the interface be- resonance images (hrMRI) of 46 human fetuses ranging
tween the neurocranium and the face, the cranial base has from 10 –29 weeks of gestation. Bivariate comparisons
long been recognized as a key area to our understanding of with age revealed a number of temporal trends during the
the origins of modern human skull form. Compared with period investigated, most notable of which were coronal
other primates, modern humans have more coronally ori- rotation of the petrous bones and basicranial retroflexion
entated petrous bones and a higher degree of basicranial (flattening). Importantly, the results reveal significant in-
flexion, resulting in a deeper and wider posterior cranial creases of relative endocranial sizes across the sample,
fossa. It has been argued that this derived condition re- and the hypotheses therefore predict correlated variations
sults from a phylogenetic increase in the size of the brain of cranial base flexion and petrous orientation in accor-
and its subcomponents (infra- and supratentorial vol- dance with these increases. Statistical analyses did not
umes) relative to corresponding lengths of the cranial base yield results as predicted by the hypotheses. Thus, the
(posterior and anterior, respectively). The purpose of this propositions that base flexion and petrous reorientation
study was to test such evolutionary hypotheses in a pre- are due to increases of relative endocranial sizes were not
natal ontogenetic context. We measured the degree of corroborated by the findings of this study, at least for
basicranial flexion, petrous reorientation, base lengths, the period investigated. Am J Phys Anthropol 118:
and endocranial volumes from high-resolution magnetic 324 –340, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The cranial base of modern humans differs mark- Henneberg, 1995; Spoor, 1997; Strait and Ross,
edly from that of other primates (Fig. 1). The petrous 1999; Lieberman et al., 2000).
pyramids are more coronally oriented, the foramen Phylogeny can be seen as the product of successive
magnum faces more inferiorly, and it shows a higher ontogenies, as the accumulation of developmental
degree of midline basicranial flexion, i.e., the basi- change (Garstang, 1922). Indeed, a number of stud-
occipital has a more vertically inclined orientation ies advanced possible ontogenetic mechanisms un-
relative to the anterior cranial base (e.g., Keith, derlying the phylogenetic origin of the modern hu-
1910; Duckworth, 1915; Zuckerman, 1955; Cam- man cranial base (e.g., Ford, 1956; Moss, 1958;
eron, 1930; Ashton, 1957). Consequently, modern Scott, 1958; Knowles, 1963; Enlow and Hunter,
human crania have a deeper and wider posterior 1968; Enlow, 1976). Such hypotheses generally take
cranial fossa, than other primates, including the a mechanistic approach, in which the cranial base
extant African apes (Dean, 1988; Ross and Ravosa, responds during ontogeny to the differential growth
1993; Spoor, 1997). Analysis of the evolutionary fac- and development of closely related structures, such
tors underlying this uniquely derived morphology is as the brain, or aspects of the face. These mechanis-
complex, owing to the cranial base’s central position
in the head as the interface between the face, the
neurocranium, and the neck. Based on specific struc- Grant sponsor: Medical Research Council; Grant sponsor: Wellcome
tural demands that appear to follow from these re- Trust; Grant sponsor: University of London Intercollegiate NMR Re-
search Service Scheme, Queen Mary and Westfied College.
lations a multitude of hypotheses have been pro-
posed, which phylogenetically link the modern *Correspondence to: Nathan Jeffery, Evolutionary Anatomy Unit,
human morphology with, among others, brain ex- Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University Col-
pansion (i.e., phylogenetic encephalisation), obliga- lege London, Rockefeller Building, University St., London WC1E 6JJ,
tory bipedalism, and facial orthognathism (e.g., UK. E-mail
Biegert, 1963; Du Brul, 1977; Dean, 1988; Ross and
Received 30 April 2001; accepted 11 October 2001.
Ravosa, 1993). Most recently, some of these hypo-
thetical associations have been assessed by analyz- DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10040
ing interspecific trends among extant and fossil pri- Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
mates (e.g., Ross and Ravosa, 1993; Ross and com).


of the modern human basicranium follows from the
combination of a large brain and a short cranial
base. The authors tested the hypothesis and estab-
lished among extant primate species a correlation of
greater cranial base flexion with increases of brain
volume measured relative to midline cranial base
length (i.e., index of relative encephalization 1,
IRE1). Ross and Henneberg (1995) demonstrated
that modern humans deviate from this primate
trend by showing less flexion than expected for their
relative brain sizes. This they interpret as evidence
of a limit to the degree of flexion, perhaps imposed
by structural demands other than relative enceph-
alization (e.g., maintaining airway patency). Spoor
Fig. 1. Sketches of midline and transverse sections through (1997) also found an interspecific association be-
the primate skull. a: Loris. b: Chimpanzee. c: Modern human.
Differences of basicranial flexion (top row) and petrous bone tween cranial base flexion and relative brain size,
orientation (bottom row) are highlighted in grey. Notice that the but in contrast to Ross and Henneberg (1995),
cranial base is flatter and the petrous bones are more sagittally showed that modern humans do not deviate signifi-
orientated in the chimpanzee than in the modern human skull. cantly from the primate trend. This discrepancy be-
Not to scale.
tween the studies of Spoor (1997) and Ross and
Ravosa (1993) and Ross and Henneberg (1995) prob-
tic explanations are often contrasted with evidence ably reflects differences in the landmarks used to
of direct genetic control, emerging from studies of measure cranial base angle and length (see Mc-
mutations and knockout gene experiments (reviews Carthy, 2001). In addition to examining basicranial
in Herring, 1993; Thorogood, 1993). A broader inter- flexion, Spoor (1997) also assessed the orientation of
pretation is that the ontogenetic basis for phyloge- the foramen magnum and the petrous pyramids. He
netic change contains both genetic and mechanical found that increases of relative brain size across
elements (e.g., Baker, 1941; Scott, 1954; Thorogood, extant primate species are concurrent with coronal
1987, 1988). While the genetic contributions to skull reorientation of the petrous pyramids and a more
development and evolution were the focus of numer- inferior-facing foramen magnum. In his study, mod-
ous studies (reviews in Sperber, 1992; Scheuerle, ern humans follow the primate trend for the orien-
1995; Thesleff, 1998), the mechanistic determinants tation of the foramen magnum, but their petrous
remain largely unexplored by comparison. pyramids are less coronally orientated than pre-
This study has two main aims. Firstly, it seeks to dicted. As with base flexion, this could imply that
document major changes in basicranial and brain petrous reorientation is in some way constrained. A
morphology during human fetal development, focus- recent study by Lieberman et al. (2000) adds consid-
ing on those aspects that uniquely characterize mod- erable evidence in support of the hypothesis of Ross
ern humans. Secondly, using this information it and Ravosa (1993). The authors found significant
tests phylogenetic hypotheses describing the inter- correlations between relative brain size and cranial
action between the brain and cranial base, in a first base angle across extant primates while controlling
systematic attempt to evaluate possible ontogenetic for the influence of phylogenetic relationships
mechanisms that may contribute to the derived cra- among species studied (see Harvey and Pagel, 2000),
nial morphology of modern humans. using different measures of cranial base angle and
PHYLOGENETIC PERSPECTIVE relative brain size, as well as at two taxonomic levels
(primates and haplorhines).
Now often referred to as spatial-packing hypoth- Rather than relating the spatial-packing concept
eses, phylogenetic scenarios linking the origin of the to entire brain size, Moss (1958) focused on the pos-
modern human cranial base with encephalization terior cranial fossa. He noted that confinement of
suggest that base flexion and petrous reorientation the modern human cerebellum to an inadequately
are solutions to a “spatial-packing” problem created sized posterior fossa, due to skull deformation, is
by the phylogenetic increase of relative brain size invariably accompanied by increased flexion of the
(e.g., Cameron, 1924; Biegert, 1963; Gould, 1977; cranial base. Later, Dean (1988) proposed that the
Dean, 1988; Ross and Ravosa, 1993; Lieberman et derived modern human basicranium follows from an
al., 2000). This implies that in modern humans, the enlarged cerebellum combined with a short posterior
basioccipital and foramen magnum were driven an- cranial base. That is, enlargement of the posterior
teroinferiorly, the anterior cranial base was de- cranial fossa, through coronal reorientation of the
flected ventrally, and the petrous bones reoriented petrous pyramids and increased basicranial flexion,
coronally to accommodate a relatively larger brain. is a structural solution to the spatial-packing prob-
Inspired by Gould (1977), Ross and Ravosa (1993) lem which followed from disproportionate enlarge-
formulated a specific version of the spatial-packing ment of the cerebellum relative to the posterior fossa
hypothesis, which proposes that the derived nature length. Ross and Ravosa (1993) tested this hypoth-

esis by comparing absolute cerebellar volume gations also demonstrated simultaneous changes in
against cranial base angle for an interspecific sam- fetal base morphology, particularly in base angula-
ple of extant primates. They found no correlation, tion (e.g., Burdi, 1965; Cousin, 1969; Erdoglija,
but this does not refute the hypothesis put forward 1989, 1990; Dimitriadis et al., 1995), but these are
by Dean (1988), as the latter pertains to relative difficult to interpret due to inconsistencies in the
rather than absolute cerebellar size. morphological landmarks and methods of visualiza-
A different perspective on the spatial-packing idea tion these studies used. For example, Erdoglija
is found in hypotheses which link base morphology (1989) and Dimitriadis et al. (1995) employed x-ray-
with size increases in one part of the brain relative based imaging techniques, i.e., plain film radiogra-
to another. Hofer (1969) was among the first to pro- phy and computed tomography, to visualize the fetal
pose such a hypothesis. He suggested that differen- cranial base. These modalities rely on the radioden-
tial enlargement of the cerebrum not only maxi- sity of tissues to highlight morphologies. While
mizes its sphericity, and thereby provides the these techniques are suitable for imaging radio-
potential adaptive advantages of reduced neural dense structures like bone, they are not effective in
wiring lengths and better skull balance (see Jerison, imaging the incompletely ossified structures of the
1982; Ross and Henneberg, 1995), but also necessi- fetal cranial base, where key landmarks are often
tates a flexion between the cerebrum and brain-stem defined by less radiodense tissues like cartilage. In
that is matched by flexion of the midline basicra- contrast to these x-ray-based modalities, the tech-
nium. Similar explanations focusing on brain shape nique used in the present study, known as magnetic
are posited elsewhere, and broadly speaking suggest resonance imaging (MRI), relies on the quantum
that differential enlargement of the supratentorial properties of hydrogen nuclei and allows for the
brain (cerebrum and diencephalon) compared with noninvasive visualization and differentiation of
the infratentorial brain (cerebellum and brain-stem) many more soft tissues, as well giving indirect views
creates a “spatial-packing” problem with various of ossified bone (see Spoor et al., 2000a,b).
predicted consequences for base architecture (e.g., Several developmental studies allude to an onto-
Dean and Wood, 1981; Dean, 1988; Strait, 1999). In genetic process of relative cerebellar enlargement,
particular, Strait (1999) noted that anatomically dif- similar to the process Dean (1988) described as an
ferent parts of the brain exhibit distinct scaling tra- evolutionary mechanism. Ford (1956) suggested
jectories across extant primate species, and he hy- that fetal changes of base morphology are a compen-
pothesized that phylogenetic increases of neocortical satory mechanism for slower growth of the posterior
(cerebral neocortex) relative to noncortical (medulla, cranial base compared with that of the anterior cra-
mesencephalon, and diencephalon) parts of the nial base and brain. Fetal studies confirm that
brain might be responsible for the derived condition growth of the posterior cranial base is slower than
of the modern human basicranium. A recent inter- that of the anterior base (Burdi, 1965, 1969; Levihn,
specific evaluation of the influence of differential 1967; Houpt, 1970). Moreover, following a slow
encephalization revealed a significant correlation start, fetal cerebellar growth accelerates with siz-
between increases of cerebral volume over brain- able increases of surface area, mass, and width at
stem volume and cranial base flexion across extant rates exceeding those of the cerebrum (Noback and
primates (Lieberman et al., 2000). Moss, 1956; Dobbing and Sands, 1973; Rakic and
ONTOGENETIC PERSPECTIVE Sidman, 1970). The likely outcome of this growth
spurt, combined with conservative growth along the
The developmental literature contains several hy- posterior cranial base, is relative infratentorial en-
potheses, ideas, and findings that are congruous largement within the confines of the posterior cra-
with the evolutionary mechanisms described above. nial fossa.
Perhaps most striking are the similarities between Findings from fetal studies are also consistent
the hypothesis of Ross and Ravosa (1993), formu- with processes of ontogenetic differential enceph-
lated to explain flexion during human evolution, and alization. Marked increases in the supratentorial
a model Enlow (1976) detailed to explain flexion portion of the brain occur in relation to the infra-
during human growth. Enlow (1976) proposed that tentorial portion during fetal development (Guihard-
cranial base flexion during human prenatal and Costa and Larroche, 1990, 1992). More importantly,
postnatal ontogeny is due to increased brain growth Moss et al. (1956) linked fetal differential enceph-
relative to slower growth of the midline basicra- alisation with changes of posterior fossa morphol-
nium. This is consistent with human fetal studies ogy. The authors noted that critical developmental
showing that growth along the cranial base is sig- phases in growth of the occipital and temporal bones
nificantly slower than in other parts of the skull correlate with changes in overall proportions of the
(e.g., Houpt, 1970; Mandarim-de-Lacerda and Alves, fetal brain.
1992; Plavcan and German, 1995) and that fetal
brain growth is markedly rapid at the same time
(e.g., Jenkins, 1921; Koop et al., 1986). Taken to- Based on the reviewed models of phylogenetic and
gether, these findings imply that relative brain size ontogenetic interaction between the brain and cra-
increases during human fetal life. Previous investi- nial base, the following hypotheses were tested for
morphological change during the second and part of housed at the Department of Anatomy and Develop-
the third trimester of human fetal development. mental Biology, University College London, and the
Department of Anatomy, Queen Mary and Westfield
General spatial-packing College, London, were imaged with high-resolution
The first hypothesis predicts that increases of fe- magnetic resonance imaging (hrMRI). Although
tal brain volume relative to cranial base length cre- specimens were carefully screened for pathologies
ate a spatial-packing problem that results in base before scanning, four individuals were excluded
flexion and coronal petrous reorientation. Three of from the study because of abnormalities shown in
the possible outcomes are: 1) variations of cranial the images. Estimated gestational age (EGA) was
base angle and petrous orientation correlate with computed to the nearest tenth of a week for each
changes of brain volume relative to base length and fetus from measures of biparietal diameter with ref-
thus, the hypothesis is corroborated; 2) cranial base erence to the regression equation for exocranial
angle and petrous orientation remain essentially measures given in Chitty et al. (1994). Ages were
unchanged if cranial base length scales isometri- calculated to the nearest tenth of a week to maintain
cally with brain volume, i.e., relative brain size re- the distinction between individuals provided by bi-
mains unchanged and the hypothesis is not applica- parietal diameter while presenting the data in a
ble; and 3) there are no correlations or isometric more readily interpreted format, i.e., that of gesta-
scaling, and the hypotheses is uncorroborated. tional time. Other, perhaps more suitable age prox-
The model of spatial-packing following Ross and ies (see Sherwood et al., 2000) were precluded due to
Ravosa (1993) (cube root brain volume/base length) previous invasive work on the material. The age
assumes that the midline cranial base is influenced range of the specimens thus calculated was 10 –29
by expansion of the brain in all directions. However, weeks of gestation (Table 1). The sample distribu-
it could be that relative brain size increases mostly tion in respect of biparietal diameter was neither
due to, for example, lateral expansion of the brain significantly skewed nor kurtotic (skew ⫽ ⫺0.08, ns;
without impinging on the two-dimensional midline kurtosis ⫽ ⫺0.25, ns).
basicranium. Hence, it should be assessed whether The fetuses were imaged using a 4.7T imaging
increases of the midline endocranial area, which is and spectroscopy unit (Sisco-Varian). The following
spatially associated with the midline cranial base, parameters and pulse sequences were used: 10
are equal to or greater than overall increases of Gcm⫺1 (max) gradient coil; an 8.8-cm (internal di-
brain volume. ameter) saddle coil; and a 6.2-cm birdcage coil, ac-
cording to the size of the specimen; matrix size,
Infratentorial spatial-packing 256 ⫻ 256; number of averages (NEX), 24 with typ-
This hypothesis predicts that increases of infra- ical scanning times of 18 –22 hr; and a T2-weighted
tentorial volume measured against the length of the spin-echo multislice sequence (TR and TE were ap-
posterior cranial base create a “spatial-packing” proximately 9,000 msec and 40 msec, respectively).
problem within the posterior cranial fossa that re- Fields of view (FOV) were adjusted according to the
sults in cranial base flexion and coronal petrous size of the specimen, and varied from 30 –115.2 mm,
reorientation. The three possible outcomes are es- giving a pixel size of 0.12– 0.45 mm. The T2 weight-
sentially the same as those described for the general ing was employed in preference to T1 in order to
spatial-packing hypothesis. maximize contrast between the formalin solution
(high water content) surrounding the brain and the
Differential encephalization skull base. Images were acquired contiguously along
the transverse (axial) plane, with a slice thickness of
The third hypothesis predicts that prenatal in-
between 0.23– 0.90mm. Coordinates for anatomical
creases of supratentorial volume relative to infra-
landmarks were taken from the original transverse
tentorial volume impinge on the cerebellum and
images and from resampled sagittal and coronal
brain-stem, creating a spatial-packing problem that
images (AVS5, Advanced Visual Systems). Slice
drives coronal reorientation of the petrous bones and
thickness, field of view, biparietal diameter, and
cranial base flexion. Possible outcomes include: 1)
computed age are given in Table 1 for each speci-
differential encephalization in association with base
men. Pixel sizes for each specimen can be computed
flexion and coronal petrous reorientation; 2) no dif-
by dividing the field of view (FOV) by the acquisition
ferential encephalization, and consequently the hy-
matrix size (i.e., 256).
pothesis is not testable; and 3) differential enceph-
alization but no correlation with either base flexion Measurements
or coronal petrous reorientation, and hence the hy-
The degree of basicranial flexion was measured as
pothesis is uncorroborated.
the cranial base angle (CBA) computed from land-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mark coordinates of the foramen caecum (Fc), sella
Sample (S), and basion (Ba), taken in midsagittal images.
Some developmental studies used nasion rather
Fifty formalin-fixed human fetuses from museum than foramen caecum to measure CBA (e.g., Ford,
collections of therapeutic and natural abortuses 1956; Burdi, 1965). However, the nasion is a facial
TABLE 1. Sample
EGA FOV Slice thickness
Code BPD (mm) (weeks) (mm) (mm)
UMSCL-163 15.0 10.1 40 0.31
UMSCL-39 15.0 10.1 30 0.23
QMWF49 19.0 11.5 40 0.31
UMSCL-61 21.0 12.1 40 0.31
QMWF7 24.0 13.1 40 0.31
UMSCL-2992 24.0 13.2 40 0.31
QMWF34 25.5 13.5 40 0.31
UMSCL-164 27.0 14.0 50 0.39
UMSCL-962 29.0 14.1 50 0.39
011A2 32.0 15.4 50 0.39
UMSCL-165 32.0 15.4 64 0.50
UMSCL-94 33.0 15.7 50 0.39
Z101 35.0 16.3 64 0.50
UMSCL-63 37.0 16.8 64 0.50
UMSCL-92 37.0 16.8 64 0.50
UMSCL-216 38.5 17.2 64 0.50
QMW35 40.0 17.6 64 0.50
QMW28 40.0 17.6 80 0.63
UMSCL-223 40.0 17.6 64 0.50
UMSCL-86 42.0 18.2 64 0.50
UMSCL-91 42.0 18.2 64 0.50
UMSCL-287 42.0 18.2 80 0.63
Z102 43.0 18.4 64 0.50
UMSCL-220 43.0 18.4 80 0.63
UMSCL-2222 44.0 18.7 64 0.50
UMSCL-221 44.0 18.7 80 0.64
UMSCL-210 45.0 19.0 80 0.63
ZN1 45.0 19.0 80 0.63
UMSCL-166 46.0 19.2 80 0.63
UMSCL-215 46.0 19.2 80 0.63
UMSCL-212 47.0 19.5 80 0.63
UMSCL-207 48.0 19.8 80 0.63 Fig. 2. High-resolution magnetic resonance images (hrMRI)
UMSCL-218 49.0 20.1 80 0.63 of fetal head, and schematic representations of measures taken
UMSCL-214 49.0 20.1 80 0.63 thereon. a: Midline hrMR image of fetal head. b: Sketch showing
UMSCL-211 49.0 20.1 80 0.63
measure of cranial base angle computed from coordinates for
UMSCL-297 50.0 20.3 80 0.63
UMSCL-209 52.0 20.9 80 0.63 foramen caecum (Fc), sella (S), and basion (Ba). c: Transverse
UMSCL-292 52.0 20.9 80 0.63 hrMR image at level of anterior semicircular canals and presphe-
UMSCL-286 54.0 21.5 80 0.63 noid. d: Sketch showing measure of interpetrosal angle computed
UMSCL-281 57.0 22.3 80 0.63 from coordinates for medialmost (Md) and lateralmost (Lt) at-
UMSCL-301 57.5 22.5 80 0.63 tachments of tentorium cerebelli to petrous ridges. Scale bars, 10
UMSCL-284 60.5 23.4 80 0.63 mm.
UMSCL-242 62.0 23.8 102.4 0.80
UMSCL-248 64.0 24.5 85 0.66
UMSCL-232 64.0 24.5 89.6 0.70
UMSCL-229 66.0 25.1 102.4 0.80 the foramen caecum, seen as a pit on the cribriform
UMSCL-238 67.0 25.5 102.4 0.80 plate between the fetal crista galli and the endocra-
UMSCL-275 69.5 26.3 102.4 0.80 nial wall of the frontal bone; S, the centerpoint of the
UMSCL-240 70.0 26.5 102.4 0.80
UMSCL-303 77.0 29.2 115.2 0.90 sella turcica; and Ba, the tip or point of greatest
curvature of the basioccipital on the anterior margin
BPD, biparietal diameter; EGA, estimated gestation age; FOV, of the foramen magnum.
imaging field of view. Specimens with codes commencing with
UMSCL are from University College London; codes starting with
A number of studies measured petrous orientation
Z, QMW, or 01 refer to those specimens from Queen Mary and using exocranial landmarks (e.g., Dean and Wood,
Westfield College, London. 1981, 1984) and landmarks on the endocranial
Excluded from study. petrosal surface (Putz, 1974; Spoor, 1997; Spoor and
Zonneveld, 1995, 1998), but these cannot be repli-
cated in the developing fetus. Here, petrous orienta-
rather than a basicranial landmark, and its use is tion was approximated with a measure of interpetro-
inappropriate because it introduces variation from sal angle (IPA). This was defined as the angle
facial growth (Enlow and Moyers, 1971). Ideally, between line segments fitted through the lateral-
measures of CBA would attempt to approximate the most to the medialmost attachments of the tento-
primary points of flexion, i.e., the spheno-ethmoidal, rium cerebelli to the petrous ridges (Fig. 2c,d; Table
midsphenoidal, and spheno-occipital synchondroses 2). In practice, landmarks were taken from coronal
(see Lieberman and McCarthy, 1999). However, not images anterior to the cochleae and just anterior to
all of the synchondroses were sufficiently resolved the sigmoid sulci.
with hrMRI throughout the period investigated. The Total, anterior, and posterior cranial base lengths
landmarks used were defined as follows (Fig. 2a,b; were measured as the distances between Fc, S, and
Table 2): Fc, the center of the endocranial opening of Ba (Fig. 2b; Table 2). Thus, unlike the definition in
TABLE 2. Landmarks, angles, and volume measurements
Measure Abbreviation Definition
Basion Ba Midline point on anterior margin of foramen magnum
Foramen caecum Fc Midline point marking pit between fetal crista galli and endocranial wall of
frontal bone
Sella S Center of sella turcica in midline
Medial petrous Md Points marking medialmost tentorial attachments to left and right petrous
Lateral petrous Lt Points marking lateralmost tentorial attachments to left and right petrous
Linear measures
Total cranial base length TBL Total linear distance from basion (Ba) to sella (S), and sella to foramen caecum
Anterior cranial base length ABL Linear distance from sella (S) to foramen caecum (Fc)
Posterior cranial base length PBL Linear distance from basion (Ba) to sella (S)
Cranial base angle CBA Ventral angle between midline anterior cranial base (Fc-S) and posterior
cranial base (S-Ba)
Interpetrosal angle IPA Posterior angle between left and right line segments fitted through medialmost
(Md) and lateralmost (Mt) tentorial attachments to petrous ridges
Volumes and areas
Endocranial volume EV Sum of voxels within endocranial cavity
Supratentorial volume SV Sum of voxels within endocranial cavity above tentorium cerebelli
Infratentorial volume IV Sum of voxels within endocranial cavity below tentorium cerebelli
Midline area MA Sum of pixels representing midline plane of endocranial cavity
Derived measures
Relative endocranial size IRE 1 Cube root of endocranial volume divided by total cranial base length (EV0.33/
Relative infratentorial size RIE Cube root of infratentorial volume divided by posterior cranial base length
Index of differential encephalisation IDE Sum of endocranial voxels below tentorium cerebelli, divided by sum of voxels
above tentorium (IV/SV)

Ross and Ravosa (1993), the anterior cranial base volume from endocranial volume. All measurements
length Fc–S includes the cribriform plate. This is were taken by the same rater (N.J.) and are avail-
because the ethmoid region is ontogenetically recog- able upon request.
nized as part of the cartilaginous base plate and Statistical analyses
thus of the cranial base (De Beer, 1937; Shapiro and
Robinson, 1980). Moreover, the cribriform plate Measurements for each individual were computed
forms a substantial portion of the endocranial sur- to the nearest pixel size rounded to tenths of a mil-
face available to the developing brain, and omission limeter. For example, measures for individuals im-
in tests of spatial packing hypotheses would not be aged with a 40 ⫻ 40 mm and 50 ⫻ 50 mm FOV were
justified (see discussion in McCarthy, 2001). taken to the nearest two tenths of a millimeter,
The midsagittal endocranial area was measured because their pixel size was 40/256 ⫽ 0.156 and
as the number of pixels in the outlined region of 50/256 ⫽ 0.195, respectively. Angular measure-
interest multiplied by pixel area. Endocranial, in- ments were taken to the nearest degree, area mea-
fratentorial, and supratentorial volumes were mea- surements were taken to the nearest square milli-
sured by manually outlining regions in all sagittal meter, and volume measurements were taken to the
images showing the anatomy of interest (typically nearest 10 cubic millimeters. Volumes and areas
70 –90 images), taking care not to include normal were reduced for linear comparisons using cube and
dural structures such as the confluence of sinuses, square roots, respectively. Relative endocranial size
falx cerebelli, or tentorium cerebelli. Regions of in- (IRE 1) was computed as the cube root of endocra-
terest were outlined using the trace function in nial volume over cranial base length. Relative in-
AVS5 (Advanced Visual Systems). For each slice, fratentorial size (RIE) was calculated as the cube
the number of pixels in the region of interest was root of infratentorial volume over posterior base
multiplied by pixel area (i.e., 0.014 – 0.203 mm2) and length, and the index of differential encephalization
subsequently by slice thickness (i.e., 0.23– 0.90 mm). (IDE) was calculated as the ratio of infratentorial
This gave a volume of interest for each slice, and the volume over supratentorial volume. Measurement
sum for all relevant slices provided a measure of precision was evaluated by comparison of five repe-
volume. Tests of accuracy indicate that this method titions for four randomly selected fetuses over 5
incurs an error of between 1–3% (Jeffery, 1999). consecutive days. One-way analysis of variance
Infratentorial volumes were measured using the (ANOVA) of repeated measurements (see Table 3)
same method by outlining the endocranial region showed that errors incurred among repeated mea-
below the tentorium cerebelli. Supratentorial vol- surements are negligible in comparison with the
umes were calculated by subtracting infratentorial biological variation between individual fetuses. In
TABLE 3. Results for one-way ANOVA test of linear, angular, and volume measurements showing mean
square differences between fetuses and repeated measures1
Measurement MS repeated measures MS between fetuses F P2
Anterior cranial base length 0.125 52.167 417.333 ⬍0.001
Posterior cranial base length 0.022 20.574 924.674 ⬍0.001
Total cranial base length 0.105 160.467 1,531.908 ⬍0.001
Cranial base angle 1.851 49.198 26.579 ⬍0.001
Interpetrosal angle 24.174 150.300 6.217 ⬍0.01
Endocranial volume (⫻10⫺3) 0.608 3,265.894 5,367.342 ⬍0.001
Supratentorial volume (⫻10⫺3) 0.479 2,669.377 5,571.894 ⬍0.001
Infratentorial volume (⫻10⫺3) 0.057 30.148 524.501 ⬍0.001
Midline area (⫻10⫺2) 4.061 14,458.750 35.606 ⬍0.001
MS, mean square.
n ⫽ 20, k ⫽ 5; F0.001(3,16) ⫽ 9.0, F0.01(3,16) ⫽ 5.29, F0.05(3,16) ⫽ 3.24.

other words, the null hypothesis that values for re- 14,686x ⫹ 84,264 (R2 ⫽ 0.966). The enlargement
peated measures from one individual fetus are the was markedly rapid, and described a 136-times in-
same was accepted (P ⬍ 0.01). crease from an initial mean value of 1,625 mm3 at
The relationships between variables were evalu- 10.1 weeks EGA to 220,520 mm3 at 29.2 weeks EGA.
ated by nonparametric methods and without loga- The endocranial volume is compartmentalized by
rithmic transformations. Spearman rank correla- the tentorium cerebelli into infratentorial and su-
tion coefficients (rrank) and model II reduced major- pratentorial components. Temporal variations of
axis (RMA) regression equations were employed to these volumes against EGA were described with a
investigate bivariate trends between variables second-order polynomial of y ⫽ 39.877x2 ⫺
(Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). Complex trends were de- 757.21x ⫹ 4037.9 (R2 ⫽ 0.930) for infratentorial
scribed with second-order polynomial regressions volume, and of y ⫽ 625.91x2 ⫺ 13969x ⫹ 80563
and, in one case, a two-step RMA. Partial product-
(R2 ⫽ 0.966) for supratentorial volume. These rep-
moment correlations were used to evaluate the ef-
resent 48- and 158-fold increases of their initial
fects of colinearities with age, nee biparietal diame-
ter, on rank correlations used to test the hypotheses. mean values at 10.1 weeks EGA, respectively. In
t-tests were used to test the statistical significance of order to clarify these trends, volumes were linear-
correlation and RMA statistics. In all significance ized using cube roots, i.e., volume1/3 and plotted
tests, a level of P ⬍ 0.05 was used to reject null against EGA (Fig. 3c). The slope of cube root supra-
hypotheses. tentorial volume against EGA is over twice that of
cube root infratentorial volume against EGA (Table
RESULTS 5). These plots show that increases of overall en-
Temporal changes docranial volume are mostly due to increases of su-
pratentorial volume as opposed to infratentorial vol-
Mean values of the linear, angular, and volumet-
ric measures, computed at 2-week intervals of EGA, ume. Note that anterior cranial base length is
are listed in Table 4 to illustrate the magnitude of spatially associated with supratentorial volume, as
their variations during the 10 –29-week period rep- is posterior cranial base with infratentorial volume.
resented by the sample. Derived ratios. Temporal changes of relative
Angular measures. Figure 3a plots CBA and IPA brain sizes and IDE were evaluated with compari-
against EGA. This reveals a significant positive cor- sons against EGA. A significant linear increase of
relation for both variables with age (Table 5). Over relative endocranial size was observed with EGA
the period investigated, the cranial base is shown to (Table 5). However, no significant change in relative
retroflex, i.e., flatten out, by some 9°, and the pe- infratentorial size was revealed in relation to EGA
trous bones are shown to reorientate coronally, i.e., (rrank ⫽ 0.084, ns). Bivariate comparisons of IDE
away from one another, by 10 –15°. with EGA produced a negative polynomial curve
fitting of y ⫽ 0.0008x2 ⫺ 0.0388x ⫹ 0.5488 (R2 ⫽
Length measures. Plots of total, posterior, and 0.817). This describes an early period of rapid dif-
anterior cranial base lengths against EGA show no- ferential enlargement in which supratentorial vol-
table increases (Fig. 3b). The slope of anterior base ume increases in relation to infratentorial volume,
length against EGA was almost twice that of the
i.e., the ratio of infratentorial volume/supratentorial
posterior base (Table 5). This demonstrates that in-
volume decreases (Fig. 3d). This trajectory gradually
creases of total cranial base length are mostly due to
elongation of the anterior cranial base. tapers off towards week 20 of EGA, and from weeks
20 –29 it levels almost to plateau. The variation in
Volumetric measures. Comparisons of absolute IDE before week 20 of EGA ranges from 0.07– 0.27,
endocranial volume against age yield a second-order whereas that after week 20 of EGA ranges from
polynomial (i.e., parabola) fit of y ⫽ 664.75x2 ⫺ 0.06 – 0.11.

BPD, biparietal diameter; ABL, anterior base length; PBL, posterior base length; TBL, total base length; CBA, cranial base angle; IPA, interpetrosal angle; EV, endocranial volume;
General spatial-packing

MA (mm2)
In order to test the general model of spatial-pack-
ing (cube root volume/base length), a comparison of

square root midline endocranial area against cube
root of endocranial volume was made. This demon-
strates that increases of the midline area are larger

than the overall increase in brain volume, and that

SV (mm3)

lateral brain expansion is not predominant (Table 5;

slope ⬎1 at P ⬍ 0.001).

Increases of relative endocranial size across the

sample were examined with a comparison of cube
root endocranial volume against total base length

(Table 5). The slope is significantly greater than 1

IV (mm3)

(P ⬍ 0.001). This shows that relative endocranial


size increases significantly across the sample. The


general spatial-packing hypothesis predicts that

this increase of relative endocranial size will corre-
TABLE 4. Descriptive statistics for fetal measurements at 2-week intervals1

spond with a decrease of CBA and an increase of


IV, infratentorial volume; SV, supratentorial volume; MA, midline endocranial area; s.d., one standard deviation; wks, weeks.

IPA. However, the opposite relationship was found

EV (mm3)

for CBA, which shows a small, statistically signifi-


cant correlation with relative endocranial size that


is positive rather than negative (Fig. 4a, Table 5). As

predicted, increases of interpetrosal angle are posi-
tively correlated to increases of relative endocranial

size, though only weakly (Fig. 4b, Table 5). Partial

IPA (°)

correlation coefficients for CBA and IPA against rel-


ative endocranial size are insignificant, while hold-


ing biparietal diameter constant (r ⫽ ⫺0.017, ns; r ⫽

⫺0.064, ns).
CBA (°)

Infratentorial spatial-packing

To evaluate variations of relative infratentorial

size across the sample, the cube root of infratento-
rial volume was compared against posterior base
TBL (mm)

length. This produces a slope that is significantly

greater than 1 (Table 5) and shows that relative

infratentorial size increased across the sample. The


hypothesis predicts a correlated decrease of CBA

and increase of IPA, but neither of these correlations
was significant (rrank ⫽ 0.119, ns, and 0.008, ns,
PBL (mm)

respectively). Thus, increases of infratentorial vol-

ume relative to posterior base length are not accom-

modated in the posterior cranial fossa by base flex-

ion or coronal reorientation of the petrous bone.
ABL (mm)

Differential encephalization
Comparisons of supratentorial and infratentorial

volume against EGA, as well as IDE against EGA,

reveal differential enlargement in which the supra-
tentorial volume increases disproportionately (Fig.
BPD (mm)

3c,d). The differential encephalization hypothesis

therefore predicts a correlated increase of IPA and a

correlated decrease of CBA. Comparisons of CBA
and IPA against IDE revealed small significant neg-

ative correlations (rrank ⫽ ⫺0.297, P ⬍ 0.05, and

⫺0.481, P ⬍ 0.001, respectively). However, as Fig-

ure 5 demonstrates, these trends are clearly bipha-


sic, not linear. In the first phase, there is little vari-

ation of the index of differential encephalization

Fig. 3. Bivariate plots of measured variables against estimated gestational age (EGA). a: Cranial base angle (CBA) and
interpetrosal angle (IPA) against EGA. b: Total base length (TBL), anterior base length (ABL), and posterior base length (PBL) against
EGA. c: Cube root endocranial volume (EV), supratentorial volume (SV), and infratentorial volume (IV) against EGA, with reduced
major axis (mra) line fittings shown. d: Index of differential encephalisation (IDE) against EGA, with the second-order polynomial line
fitting shown.

with either CBA or IPA. This is followed by a second interpetrosal angle was not significantly correlated
phase in which the index of differential encephaliza- to IDE for the second phase (rrank ⫽ 0.393, ns).
tion increases, but there is little change in either However, analysis of IPA against IDE for the first
CBA or IPA. Indeed, the phases are so distinct that phase yields a significant negative correlation (Fig.
neither complete trend was successfully resolved 5; Table 5). These subanalyses show that CBA is
with second-order polynomial fittings (R2 ⬍ 0.2). independent of differential encephalization. It is
Note from Figure 3d that the first phase revealed in also suggested that coronal reorientation of the pe-
Figure 5 corresponds to later fetal life, and that the trous bones is associated with disproportionate su-
second phase corresponds to early fetal life. To ex- pratentorial enlargement, but only as the process of
plore these phases pragmatically, these data were differential encephalization tapers off to a state of
subdivided for each ordinate variable according to equilibrium later in fetal life. However, the partial
mean abscissa value (Fig. 5). Each of the four sub- correlation coefficient for IPA against IDE for the
sets, two for both IPA and CBA, reflected their re- first phase is insignificant when biparietal diameter
spective phases well and were analyzed separately. is held constant (r ⫽ ⫺0.196, ns). In addition, partial
These analyses revealed that CBA is not signifi- correlation coefficients for both IPA and CBA
cantly correlated to IDE for either phase one (IDE against IDE are insignificant for the whole sample
values ⬍ IDEmean; rrank ⫽ 0.055, ns) or two (IDE when biparietal diameter is held constant (r ⫽
values ⬎ IDEmean; rrank ⫽ 0.113, ns). Furthermore, 0.178, ns; r ⫽ 0.154, ns).
TABLE 5. Reduced major axes and rank correlation statistics
Plot rrank P Slope 95% confidence interval of slope Intercept
CBA ⫻ EGA 0.431 ** 0.98 0.72 ⬎ 1.24 117.49
IPA ⫻ EGA 0.504 *** 1.60 1.18 ⬎ 2.02 48.75
TBL ⫻ EGA 0.976 *** 2.10 1.96 ⬎ 2.37 ⫺7.03
ABL ⫻ EGA 0.975 *** 1.33 1.23 ⬎ 1.43 ⫺5.61
PBL ⫻ EGA 0.960 *** 0.78 0.72 ⬎ 0.84 ⫺1.72
EV1/3 ⫻ EGA 0.982 *** 2.65 2.53 ⬎ 2.78 ⫺15.15
SV1/3 ⫻ EGA 0.983 *** 2.62 2.50 ⬎ 2.75 ⫺15.69
IV1/3 ⫻ EGA 0.965 *** 0.98 0.91 ⬎ 1.04 ⫺2.73
IRE ⫻ EGA 0.813 *** 0.02 0.01 ⬎ 0.02 0.75
MA1/2 ⫻ EV1/3 0.987 *** 1.10 1.06 ⬎ 1.14 ⫺0.99
EV1/3 ⫻ TBL 0.987 *** 1.26 1.20 ⬎ 1.33 ⫺6.23
CBA ⫻ IRE 0.425 ** 60.79 43.80 ⬎ 77.78 71.63
IPA ⫻ IRE 0.356 * 99.43 71.57 ⬎ 127.28 ⫺26.26
IV1/3 ⫻ PBL 0.952 *** 1.25 1.16 ⬎ 1.34 ⫺0.60
IPA ⫻ IDE, first phase ⫺0.349 * ⫺557.51 ⫺749.64 ⬎ 365.39 131.97
CBA, cranial base angle; EGA, estimated gestational age; IPA, interpetrosal angle; TBL, total base length; ABL, anterior base length;
PBL, posterior base length; EV, endocranial volume; SV, supratentorial volume; IV, infratentorial volume; IRE, relative endocranial
size; MA, midline endocranial area; IDE, index of differential encephalisation.
* P ⬍ 0.05.
** P ⬍ 0.01.
*** P ⬍ 0.001.

DISCUSSION of soft tissues as well as cartilage and bone. The

findings of the present study are therefore more
Insight into the way morphological differences be-
likely to be correct.
tween closely related species emerge during ontoge-
Lieberman and McCarthy (1999) showed that the
netic development can make a major contribution to
base flexes from 143° at 1 postnatal month to 134° at
our understanding of the phylogenetic origins of the
age 17 years, with the majority of flexion occurring
modern human cranium. The unique morphology
within the first postnatal year. The authors used the
among primates of the human cranial base has long
same measure of cranial base angle as used in the
been seen as the direct evolutionary consequence of
present study. Together with the findings detailed in
encephalization (e.g., Virchow, 1857; Cameron,
1924; Dabelow, 1931; Biegert, 1957; Ross and Ra- this study, the report of postnatal flexion contradicts
vosa, 1993; Ross and Henneberg, 1995; Spoor, 1997; the “fetalization” concept which proposes that the
Lieberman et al., 2000; McCarthy, 2001). This study degree of base flexion is established during early
set out to assess possible ontogenetic mechanisms fetal life and is subsequently retained into adult-
underlying this phylogenetic relationship by testing hood (see Zuckerman, 1955; Schultz, 1955). The ag-
a number of specific hypotheses describing the in- gregate of findings suggests that cranial base angu-
teraction between the brain and cranial base. lation is temporally dynamic, i.e., polyphasic, not
fixed. Studies reveal phases of embryonic flexion
Temporal trends (e.g., Müller and O’Rahilly, 1980; Diewert, 1983,
Cranial base angle. Findings reported here 1985; Sperber, 2001), fetal retroflexion (e.g., Kvinns-
show cranial base retroflexion of about 9° in total land, 1971; Dimitriadis et al., 1995), and postnatal
during the second and early third trimesters. This is flexion (e.g., Lieberman and McCarthy, 1999). Inter-
in agreement with a number of studies documenting estingly, Lieberman and McCarthy (1999) reported
basicranial retroflexion (e.g., Kvinnsland, 1971; an adult mean cranial base angle that is similar to
Dimitriadis et al., 1995), and contrasts with studies the mean values reported here for fetal periods
suggesting stasis (e.g., Burdi, 1965, 1969) or basi- 10 –12 weeks and 13–15 weeks. It has already been
cranial flexion (e.g., Levihn, 1967; Erdoglija, 1989; shown that these similarities are not due to reten-
van den Eynde et al., 1992) during development. tion of the fetal condition. This suggests that tem-
These past studies often used small sample sizes porally isolated, perhaps different, ontogenetic
(e.g., N⫽ 24: Burdi, 1965), inappropriate basicranial mechanisms or controls can independently afford
landmarks (e.g., nasion: van den Eynde et al., 1992), resemblances, or convergence, between fetal and
and/or x-ray-based methods of visualization with adult morphologies.
which radiotranslucent soft tissues are not clearly The pattern of base angulation seen during late
discerned (e.g., film radiography: Erdoglija, 1989). prenatal and early postnatal human development is
In contrast, the present study used a comparatively distinct from that observed for macaques during
large sample (N ⫽ 46), carefully selected landmarks equivalent periods (see Sirianni and Van Ness,
that were both spatially and temporally homologous 1978; Sirianni and Newell-Morris, 1980). Studies
(i.e., can be clearly defined in all individuals of the show that the cranial base angle of Macaca nemes-
sample irrespective of developmental stage), and a trina remains essentially unchanged during most of
method of visualization (MRI) that provided details the fetal period (Sirianni and Newell-Morris, 1980)

Fig. 5. Bivariate plots of interpetrosal angle (IPA) and cranial

base angle (CBA) against index of differential encephalisation
(IDE). Two distinct phases are shown for both variables in rela-
tion to IDE, and are separated by mean abscissa value (vertical
line). Analysis of IPA against IDE for the first phase realized a
significant association, for which the reduced major axes regres-
sion line fitting is given (diagonal line).

1985). The spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS)

only normally fuses in adult macaques (Melsen,
1969; Sirianni, 1985). In modern humans, the MSS
is the first to fuse and does so late in fetal life (Ford,
1958; Hoyte, 1971, 1975; Kodama, 1976a,b; Shapiro
and Robinson, 1980). This is followed by fusion of
the SES, which normally remains patent for up to 6
postnatal years (Scott, 1958). Like macaques, the
modern human SOS fuses during adulthood (Brash,
1953; Scott, 1958). These observations demonstrate
that the temporal sequence of fusion in the macaque
Fig. 4. Bivariate plots of (a) cranial base angle (CBA) against moves posteriorly along the basicranium, starting
relative endocranial size (IRE), and (b) interpetrosal angle (IPA) with the SES and ending with the SOS. By contrast,
against IRE. Reduced major axes regression line fittings are the timing of SES and MSS fusion is reversed during
shown for each plot.
human development. Perhaps it is the earlier fusion
of the MSS that pushes retroflexion into the human
fetal period, allowing for postnatal flexion up and
and subsequently retroflexes by some 10° after birth until SES fusion (Jeffery, 1999). This explanation
(Sirianni and Van Ness, 1978). In contrast, the hu- remains to be evaluated.
man base retroflexes before birth and subsequently
flexes postnatally. It is plausible that the process of Interpetrosal angle. The findings of the present
human fetal retroflexion is a precocious variant of study show that the petrous bones gradually reori-
the retroflexion seen in postnatal nonhuman pri- ent coronally by some 15° over the period investi-
mates. gated. Ford (1956) noted that the angle between the
A possible explanation for such precocity may be long axes of the otic capsules, which surround the
found in comparisons between the order in which fetal inner ear apparatus, is about 90°. This is close
the basicranial synchondroses fuse in modern hu- to the mean interpetrosal angle computed in the
mans and macaques. The synchondroses are major present study for the interval 27–29 weeks. Ford
centers for growth of the midline primate basicra- (1956) also described an increase in distance be-
nium and major determinants of its architecture tween the medial margins of the internal auditory
(see Scott, 1958; Lieberman and McCarthy, 1999). meatuses in accordance with overall fetal skull
In macaques, the spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis growth. However, he added that after ossification of
(MES) fuses at birth (Michejda and Lamey, 1971). the otic capsules, at around 18 weeks of gestation,
The midsphenoidal synchondrosis (MSS) becomes the petrous bones are more sagittally aligned than
inactive during the first few months of postnatal life before. This is consistent with the findings of Lee et
(Melsen, 1971; Giles et al., 1981) and fuses at al. (1996), who recorded that the angle between the
around 2 years (Michejda, 1971, 1972; Sirianni, otic capsules rapidly decreases during the period
22–30 weeks of gestation. The authors showed that Johnston (1974) suggested is more prodigious than
this sagittal reorientation slows, almost to a pla- that of bone.
teau, later in fetal life. This and the latter finding of
Ford (1956) are incongruous with that reported in Brain volumes and differential encephaliza-
the present study, which showed a coronal reorien- tion. The scale of endocranial, supratentorial, and
tation of the petrous bones beyond 18 weeks and infratentorial enlargement reported in the present
during the period 22–29 weeks. It is worth noting, study is consistent with the findings of Jenkins
however, that Lee et al. (1996) measured their angle (1921) and Koop et al. (1986). However, note that
between line-segments that pass through the otic technical differences between these studies and the
capsules and an intercept that is fixed at the center present investigation mean that detailed compari-
of the pituitary fossa in the ventral radiographic sons of absolute volumes are of little value (see Jef-
view. By forcing an intercept at this point, the au- fery, 1999). Notwithstanding this, the findings of
thors assumed that its position remains stable rel- Jenkins (1921) and Koop et al. (1986) also demon-
ative to the axes of the otic capsules. It is plausible strate that the rate of supratentorial expansion
that shifts in the relative position of the pituitary exceeds that of the infratentorial brain. This is com-
fossa (e.g., Latham, 1972) draw the line segments mensurate with the process of differential enceph-
together and reduces the angle defined by Lee et al. alization noted in this study. Further corroboration
(1996) without regard to petrous orientation. This comes from studies showing that regions of the fetal
would appear to be the case. Bossy and Gaillard de brain anterior to the sella have a greater rate of
Collogny (1965) showed that without a fixed inter- enlargement than regions posterior to the sella
cept, the angle between the long axes of the otic (Blechschmidt, 1977; Friede, 1981). More in partic-
capsules, each defined by a line segment passing ular, Guihard-Costa and Larroche (1990) detailed a
through the cochlea and center of the anterior semi- trend of decreasing infratentorial mass relative to
circular canal, increases by some 30°, or 15° relative supratentorial mass with age. This trend has an
to the midline, from 10 weeks until birth. This dem- early period of rapid change followed by a gradual
onstrates coronal as opposed to sagittal reorienta- decrease of change, almost to a plateau, and is thus
tion of the otic capsules, and as such is in agreement similar to the temporal trajectory of differential en-
with the findings of this study. cephalization noted in the present study. Guihard-
Costa and Larroche (1990) also showed that the rate
Cranial base lengths. The results of the present of change begins to increase again later in fetal life,
study confirm a previous observation that increases as the infratentorial mass increases relative to the
in length of the anterior cranial base exceed those of supratentorial mass. Adult modern human values of
the posterior cranial base by as much as twofold IDE, computed with volumes from Stephan et al.
(e.g., Mestre, 1959; Burdi, 1965, 1969; Levihn, 1967; (1981) and Filipek et al. (1989), range from 0.130 –
Houpt, 1970; Johnston, 1974; Anagnostopoulou et 0.137. These values are larger than the values re-
al., 1988; Eriksen et al., 1995). A similar difference ported in this study for late fetal life. This confirms
is also seen in macaque fetuses (Sirianni and New- the suggestion that differential infratentorial, as op-
ell-Morris, 1980). According to Ford (1956, 1958), posed to supratentorial, enlargement occurs at some
the human fetal anterior cranial base has a faster point during the intervening period of the late third
rate of elongation because its direction of midline fetal trimester to adulthood, since infratentorial vol-
extension closely matches the anteroposterior vector ume must increase relative to supratentorial volume
of brain enlargement, whereas the midline posterior for there to be an increase of IDE (infra/supra vol-
cranial base is inclined to the brain vector and has a ume). Indeed, studies show that the cerebellum,
slower, skeletal rate of extension. The extension of which makes up most of the infratentorial volume,
the midline anterior cranial base in macaques is starts to develop later than other parts of the fetal
said to correspond with growth of the face rather brain but finishes its growth earlier, by way of a late
than the brain (Sirianni and Swindler, 1979). Two fetal to early postnatal period of rapid expansion
factors that may also underlie differences in the rate (Noback and Moss, 1956; Rakic and Sidman, 1970;
of extension between the anterior and posterior Dobbing and Sands, 1973). Relative infratentorial
parts of the primate cranial base are the positions of enlargement at this time may be augmented by a
growth loci and ossification. The midline anterior contemporaneous deceleration of supratentorial
cranial base has three major sites for anteroposte- growth (Guihard-Costa and Larroche, 1990), which
rior extension, the fronto-ethmoidal suture, spheno- perhaps evolved in modern humans as a safeguard
ethmoidal synchondrosis, and midsphenoidal syn- against difficult births of large-headed neonates (see
chondrosis. The midline posterior cranial base, on Leutenegger, 1987). Results from the present study
the other hand, only has two, the midsphenoidal and showed temporally related increases of relative en-
spheno-occipital synchondroses (see Lieberman et docranial size, but relative infratentorial size was
al., 2000). Furthermore, the greater part of the pos- not temporally correlated. There are no previous
terior cranial base, the basioccipital, ossifies earlier developmental studies with which to compare these
than parts of the anterior cranial base. This reduces findings. However, it is interesting to note that the
the amount of interstitial cartilage growth, which fetal range of relative endocranial size closely

matches the range of relative brain sizes observed Infratentorial spatial-packing. This hypothe-
across extant primates at the hominoid taxonomic sis predicts that increases of infratentorial volume,
level (Spoor, 1997; McCarthy, 2001). Assuming that i.e., cerebellum and brain-stem volume, relative to
interspecific analyses provide insights into changes the length of the posterior cranial base create a
with phylogenetic time, this would suggest that the spatial-packing problem within the posterior cranial
scale of relative brain enlargement seen during fetal fossa that is alleviated by cranial base flexion and
development is similar to that which occurred dur- coronal reorientation of the petrous bones. This
ing human evolution. As a corollary point, it is also study corroborated that increases in relative infra-
worth noting that McCarthy (2001) detailed an tentorial size are associated with slower growth of
adult modern human value for relative brain size of the posterior cranial base (Moss, 1958; Dean, 1988),
1.22. This closely matches the value of relative en- but these were not correlated to changes in cranial
docranial size observed here in the last few weeks of base angle and petrous orientation. Thus, the infra-
the period investigated. It may be that the fetal
tentorial spatial-packing hypothesis is not corrobo-
value of relative size is retained into adulthood, or
rated for the period studied. This is not to say that
that temporally distinct and possibly different pro-
cesses afford this likeness, as appears the case with the hypothesis will be invalidated for all of ontogeny.
regard to cranial base angle. As previously noted, the human cerebellum under-
goes a relative increase in rate of enlargement dur-
Hypotheses ing a later period of development than that investi-
General spatial-packing. This hypothesis sug- gated here. This latent and more pronounced
gests that increases of brain size (volume) relative to cerebellar expansion may create a spatial-packing
length of the midline cranial base create a spatial- problem that affects a change of basicranial mor-
packing problem that drives cranial base flexion and phology, as per the hypothesis. More work is needed
coronal reorientation of the petrous bones. The find- in this area to evaluate the temporal scope of mech-
ings from this study appear to support one aspect of anisms for change.
the hypothesis while refuting the other. The result
for cranial base angle is the antithesis of the pre- Differential encephalization. Marked changes
dicted outcome. The fetal cranial base retroflexed of proportions of the brain were observed in the
rather than flexed in relation to increases of relative present study. Supratentorial volume was shown to
brain size. This raised the suspicion that the indi- increase in relation to infratentorial volume. The
vidual trends of these variables with age, nee head hypothesis predicts that cranial base angle de-
size, were superimposed in the computation of the creases and interpetrosal angle increases with the
simple rank correlation, which showed an associa- process of differential encephalization. However,
tion between relative encephalization and retroflex- testing this concept proved complex because of the
ion. Indeed, the partial correlation, computed with biphasic trajectories of the plots. This problem was
biparietal diameter held constant, suggested that circumvented by subdividing the analyses according
cranial base angle is not directly associated with to the phases observed. While not objective, this
relative endocranial size. This suggests that relative approach is straightforward, and more importantly
increases of endocranial size were accommodated is effective in describing the individual phases
elsewhere in the fetal skull, perhaps by enlargement shown. Subsequent analysis of individual phases
of the calvaria, to allow for a shallower posterior showed that changes of cranial base angle are not
cranial fossa. associated with differential encephalization during
On first impression, the findings of this study ap- the period investigated. It was also shown that
pear to corroborate the idea that spatial packing is changes of interpetrosal angle are not associated
the driving force behind petrous reorientation. How- with differential encephalization in early fetal life
ever, the correlation between relative endocranial (i.e., 10 –20 weeks). These findings do not corrobo-
size and interpetrosal angle is small. Moreover, both
rate the hypothesis. However, the hypothesis was
these measures also covaried with age. Given the
seemingly corroborated by the small correlation ob-
compounding of variations seen in relation to age in
the case of cranial base angle, it also seemed perti- served between changes of interpetrosal angle and
nent to question the robusticity of the rank correla- differential encephalization later in fetal life (i.e.,
tion here. This misgiving is justified. The partial 20 –29 weeks). Again, such a small correlation and
correlation shows that interpetrosal angle is not the covariation of these measures with age raised
associated with relative endocranial size while con- the suspicion that temporal colinearities were com-
trolling for biparietal diameter. Thus, the partial pounded in the analysis. This was confirmed by the
correlation coefficients indicate that cranial base an- partial correlations while holding for biparietal di-
gulation and petrous reorientation were correlated ameter. Thus, the findings are not consistent with
to increases in vault size rather than directly to the hypothesis that differential encephalization
relative endocranial size. As such, the general drives cranial base flexion or petrous reorientation
spatial-packing hypothesis is not corroborated by during human fetal life, at least during the period
the findings of this study. investigated.
Interpretations gene expression, through signalling, cellular activ-
ity, and tissue morphogenesis, to architectural vari-
The major finding of this study is that changes of ations). For example, it is plausible that base flexion
cranial base angle and interpetrosal angle are inde- and petrous reorientation are directly regulated by
pendent of increases of absolute and relative en- genes that represent a modern human adaptation,
docranial sizes. Even if we disregard the partial selected for over subsequent ancestral ontogenies in
correlations, there is little support for any of the response to a mechanical force like brain enlarge-
hypotheses put forward at the beginning of this ment but which are now exapted for some other
study. Rather, the evidence suggests that the ob- purpose and are largely independent of brain size.
served changes arise from temporally related factors Perhaps more plausible is that there is no direct
that at present remain undetermined. The obvious association, and that genetic control is mediated
question is: what are these factors? through processes like the position and activity of
Before considering answers to this question, we growth loci within the cranial base. That way, sim-
must point out the major limitations of this study. ilar genotypes are gradually overlaid with the struc-
Results from this study, as well as those from other tural demands of growth during ontogeny to produce
prenatal studies, only cover part of the gestational different phenotypes.
period and an even smaller part of the overall period Some insight can be gained by exploring the dis-
of human development. Mechanistic hypotheses re- parity between results from the interspecific studies
main to be tested over time spans such as the late cited and the ontogenetic findings reported here. In
fetal or perinatal periods. This caveat, combined nearly every case, the findings of this study contra-
with the finding that many of the trends shown here dict those obtained from interspecific analyses of
are polyphasic (e.g., cranial base angulation and extant primates (e.g., Ross and Ravosa, 1993; Spoor,
differential encephalization), raises the possibility 1997; McCarthy, 2001). This apparent dichotomy
that the hypotheses may prove valid explanations may be an artifact of the comparative method used
for one period of development but not for another. In in these interspecific studies. Like the compounding
other words, the findings and conclusions of this of variables by their relationship with age seen in
study can only be related with any certainty to hu- this study, interspecific trends can be compounded
man fetal material from the same period. Any ex- with the phylogenetic relationships among the often
trapolation from this is useful in guiding further closely related primate species investigated (see
study and formulating ideas, both developmental Harvey and Pagel, 2000). Indeed, Lieberman et al.
and evolutionary, but such interpretations remain (2000) noted that with degrees of freedom adjusted
tenuous until a study of wider scope can be under- for phylogeny across extant anthropoids, the corre-
taken. In addition, the aims of the present study lation between differential encephalization (telen-
were strictly focused on the effects of brain enlarge- cephalon/brain-stem) and cranial base angle is
ment, in its various forms. Other potential mecha- insignificant. The authors indicated that the unad-
nistic processes were not considered. For example, justed correlation was significant. Their modified
the size of the pharynx has been linked with changes result is consistent with the finding reported here,
of cranial base angle during human development showing that cranial base angle is not significantly
and with the degree of flexion seen in adult modern correlated with differential encephalization (infra/
humans compared with that of other primates (see supratentorial). However, this does not resolve all
Ross and Henneberg, 1995; Lieberman et al., 2001). differences. Many interspecific results remain at
Such mechanisms may work against or in tandem odds with those reported here, even after adjust-
with the effects of brain enlargement, or even in ment. For example, Lieberman et al. (2000) also
opposing phases over ontogenetic time. There is still showed that while the adjusted correlation between
some way to go before all possible mechanistic ex- relative brain size (IRE) and cranial base angle is
planations for changes of the human fetal cranial less significant than that reported by Ross and Ra-
base, and their permutations, are exhausted. vosa (1993), it is still robust enough to support the
The fetal basicranium appears to remain unper- spatial-packing hypothesis. Such seemingly irrecon-
turbed by considerable changes in both brain size cilable differences point to a more fundamental in-
and shape, suggesting that the pattern of variation congruity, whereby ontogenetic and interspecific
taken by the fetal cranial base is partially a conse- studies produce results pertaining to different
quence of variables other than structural demands. processes (e.g., Zuckerman, 1955; Sirianni and
Notwithstanding those mechanisms not yet tested, Swindler, 1979).
the demonstration of independence implies that fe- Ontogeny and phylogeny are clearly intercon-
tal basicranial morphology is regulated at some level nected, but to what extent and is this link constant?
by internal, i.e., intrinsic, factors in preference to Clearly, the interchange occurs at the adult in-
external influences. It is unclear from this study traspecific level, where variations during ontogeny
whether “intrinsic” regulation corresponds to direct provide a suite of variations in the sexually mature
gene control or the knock-on effects of gene control which, if selected for and heritable, can evolve into
separated from the initial expression by intervening new morphologies (see Gould and Lewontin, 1979).
levels of increasing biological complexity (i.e., from This implies that developmental findings differ in

that they pertain to a dynamic process of reversal endocranial size, increases of relative infratentorial
between phylogeny and the changes responsible for size, or differential encephalization. We found that:
intraspecific variation. To put it another way, ontog-
eny is the stochastic accumulation of somatic varia- 1) The cranial base retroflexes during the human
tions against the backdrop of decreasing inherited fetal period investigated. Considering findings
control of morphology. The core of this idea is well- from previous studies, it was determined that the
established in the literature (e.g., Baker, 1941; process of basicranial angulation is polyphasic,
Scott, 1954; Manson, 1968; Dorenbos, 1972; Tuckett and that fetal values of cranial base angle are not
and Morriss-Kay, 1985). According to this concept, retained into adulthood.
the fetal basicranium is subject to more intrinsic 2) It was also revealed that the petrous bones coro-
control and less mechanistic control than the post- nally reorientate, relative brain size increases,
natal basicranium. Thus, the period of ontogeny ex- and supratentorial volume differentially enlarges
amined determines the findings of the study with over the period investigated.
regard to the testing of mechanistic hypotheses. 3) Results show distinct growth rates on either side
This can explain the adult interspecific/human fetal on the tentorium cerebelli for both cranial base
inconsistencies at two levels. First, it can be pro- lengths and endocranial volumes. Those compo-
posed that inconsistency results from generally nents superoanterior to the tentorium cerebelli
tighter regulation of primate fetal development com- increase at rates exceeding those of inferoposte-
pared with the adult primate form. In other words, rior components.
the adult interspecific studies, by comparison, high- 4) Lastly and most importantly, the findings of this
light biomechanistic-driven changes across taxa, study show that cranial base angulation and pe-
while the results presented here indicate that in- trous reorientation are associated with increases
trinsic controls are not yet sufficiently relaxed in the of vault size, which represent age, rather than
early fetus to allow for such marked relationships. increases of relative brain sizes. Given the nota-
This predicts that intraspecific studies of fetal de- ble increases of relative sizes observed, this sug-
velopment particularly at the earliest stages in gests that fetal basicranial morphology is regu-
other primate taxa, will yield similar inconsistencies lated more intrinsically than proposed by the
with the adult interspecific evidence. Second, it can hypotheses tested, though many other mechanis-
also be proposed that within this general scheme of tic explanations remain to be discounted.
primate fetal development, different temporal pat-
terns in the relaxation of control exist between spe- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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We thank B. Berkovitz, W. Birch, M. Bird, P.
later in life, and that modern humans exhibit a
Kinchesh, and P. O’Higgins for permission and help
comparatively extended period of tighter morpholog-
with imaging the material. We also thank four anon-
ical control. This predicts that developmental stud-
ymous referees for their comments and suggestions.
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