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DAY – 1:

1. Write down a program which initialize 3 integers, G1, G2, G3, then calculate average as real
(float). Print your name as string using a simple printf statement, then grades G1, G2, G3 in
different line with nice heading, and finally, print the average in the following format as
A=3.13(after decimal you should have only two digits).
2. Fill up the blank according to the below output
int a,b;
float c,d;
a = 15;
b = a / 2;
c = 15.3;
d = c / 3;
3. Write the scanf () function call that will read into the variable "var":
1. a float
2. an int
3. a double
4. What will be the output
main ()
int i=400,j=300;
Home Work:
1. Calculate Net salary of a person.
2. Calculate sum of 5 subjects and Find percentage.

DAY – 2:
1: The distance between two cities (in km.) is input through the keyboard. Write a program to
convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and centimeters.
2 :Two numbers are input through keyboard into two locations a and b. Write a program to
interchange the contents of a and b.
3: What is the output of the below programming segment:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int c=2,d=2;
return 0;
Home Work:
1: If the total price of 10 items and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard,
write a program to find the original cost of one item.
2: A cashier has currency notes of denominations 10,50and 100.If the amount to be withdrawn is
input through the keyboard in hundreds, find the total number of currency notes of each
denomination the cashier will have to give to the withdrawer.

DAY – 3:
1. Write a program to find the greatest of the three numbers entered through the keyboard
using conditional operators.
2. Write a program using conditional operators to determine whether a year entered through
the keyboard is a leap year or not.
3. To convert an integer in to corresponding float value
Home Work:
1:Using conditional operators determine: Whether the character entered through the keyboard
is a lowercase alphabet or not.
2:Using conditional operators determine:Whether a character entered through the keyboard is a
special symbol or not.
3:To find biggest among 3 nos in conditional operator

DAY – 4:
1 : Find Odd or even using Bitwise Operator
2 : Write a program to check whether a triangle is valid or not, when the three angles of the
triangle are entered through the keyboard. A triangle is valid if the sum of all the three angles is
equal to 180 degrees.
Home Work:
1:program to read a character in lower case and convert it in to uppercase
2:program to find size of everydata types

DAY – 5:
c program to chech the entered leatter is vowel or not
c program to check no is even or odd
Home Work:
1:if the ages of Ram, Shyam and Ajay are input through the keyboard, write a program to
determine the youngest of the three.
2:C program to convert lower case charecter in to upper case charecter
3:C program to determine the charecter entered by the user-defined

DAY – 6:
c program to check tne no is +V -V or 0
c program to find biggest of 3 nos using && operator-C
Home Work:
to find roots of the quadratic euation
c program to take marks of ecach subject of a student and find total avg and grade of a students

DAY – 7:
1 :tocheck the no(1-10) is even or odd in both switch case and else if lader
2 : user enters 1-7 as input and prints the corresponding day in doth switch and elseif lader
Home Work:
1 : Write a menu driven program which has following options:
1.area of triangle 2.area of square 3.odd or even 4.exit
2 : A library charges a fine for every book returned late. For first 5 days the fine is 50 paise, for
6-10 days fine is one rupee and above 10 days fine is 5 rupees. If you return the book after 30 days
your membership will be cancelled. Write a program to accept the number of days the member is
late to return the book and display the fine or the appropriate message.

DAY – 8:
1:to check the no is armstrong or not
2:to check the no palindrome or not
Home Work:
1:c program to find the luckey no if the input is 978 output is 6 (9+7+8=27;2+4=6)
2:to find sum and reverse of a given integers
3:to calculate the total of 0 to n number where n value is supplied by the user

DAY – 9:
1:Write a program to add first seven terms of the following series using a for loop:
1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! + .............
2:print prime no series
3:to print the following series
11111 12345
22222 12345
33333 12345
44444 12345
55555 12345

Home Work:
1:print fiddinocci series
2:to print the armstrong no series
3:to print the following series
1 5
22 54
333 543
4444 5432
55555 54321

DAY – 10:
0 a
12 ab
345 abc
6789 abcd
1 1
12 121
123 12321
1234 1234321
12345 123454321
Home Work:
1: Draw the following patern
1 a
121 bc
12321 def
1234321 ghij

DAY – 11:
1: print the following series
4 7 9 10
2: Write a program to print Floyd’s triangle
3: c program to print series on no's up to 10 except the value 5(output is 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10)
4: user has to take n number of values from user but the output is the sum of +ve numbers only
using goto. If
values= 3 -4 2 1 -8 0 9
Home Work:
1: c proram to print thefollowing series if n=4
2:c proram to print thefollowing series if n=4
* *
* *

DAY – 12:
1:C program to read 10 no's in to array and displaythe array
2: c program to find mean of the array elements
3: Given an array of size N, rotate left the array values by K. example: 1,2,3,4,5 and rotate left by
2 elements will output as 3,4,5,1,2
Home Work:
c program to find whether any duplicate value exists in array or not .
C program to find second max and min element in array
c program to delete a element in arrayusing index value

DAY – 13:
1: c program to merg two unsorted arrays
2: c program to search a key element in array(linear search,binary search)
3: c program to sort an array and insert an element in an array as in its position if
a[]={55,12,88,9,4,7}; n= 44
then a[]={4,7,9,12,44,55,88};
Home Work:
1 : C program to delete a number from array that is already stored in array
2 : c program to merge two arrays in a sorted order asoutput
3:given an array of size N, remove elements in the array from L to R(both inclusive). Elements to
the right side of R shift left. example: input array 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 L=2 and R=4 output array is 1,2,6,7

DAY – 14 &15:
1 : Write a program to pick up the largest number from any 5 row by 5 column matrix.
2 : Write a program that reads an MxN matrix A and prints its elements in spiral order.
You should start from the element in the 0th row and 0th column in the matrix and proceed in a
spiral order as shown below.
1→ 2→3 → 4

5→ 6→ 7 8
↑ ↓ ↓
9 10←11 12
↑ ↓
3 :matrix addition
4 :matrix multiplication
5: Program to find a= a T
Home Work:
1 : matrix transpose
2: Write a program that reads an NxN square matrix M that calculates the sum of the elements in
individual rows, individual columns.
3: WAP to find whether a array is palindrome or not.
4:Write a program that reads an NxN square matrix M that calculates the sum of the elements in
two main diagonals. Among these sums, print the largest.
5 :program to find rank of a 2x2 matrix

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