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Feasibility Studies for Production of Pellet

Grade Concentrate from Sub Grade Iron

Ore Using Multi Gravity Separator

Gottumukkala Venkateswara Rao,

R. Markandeya & Rajan Kumar

Journal of The Institution of

Engineers (India): Series D
Metallurgical & Materials and Mining

ISSN 2250-2122
Volume 99
Number 1

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (2018) 99:63-70

DOI 10.1007/s40033-017-0147-y

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70


Feasibility Studies for Production of Pellet Grade Concentrate

from Sub Grade Iron Ore Using Multi Gravity Separator
Gottumukkala Venkateswara Rao1 . R. Markandeya2 . Rajan Kumar1

Received: 2 March 2017 / Accepted: 27 June 2017 / Published online: 26 July 2017
Ó The Institution of Engineers (India) 2017

Abstract An attempt has been made to utilise Sub Grade Introduction

Iron Ore by producing pellet grade concentrate from
Deposit 5, Bacheli Complex, Bailadila, Chhattisgarh, India. India is bestowed with huge resources of iron ore. Iron ore
The ‘as received’ Run of Mine (ROM) sample assayed occurs in different geological formations. However, major
40.80% Fe, 40.90% SiO2. Mineralogical studies indicated economic deposits are associated with volcano sedimentary
that the main ore mineral is Hematite and lone gangue Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) of Precambrian age. Geo-
mineral is Quartz. Mineral liberation studies indicated that, graphically, the Precambrian BIFs are distributed in five
the ore mineral Hematite and gangue mineral Quartz are broad belt zones, where from hematite—an enriched ore
getting liberated below 100 microns. The stage crushed and for iron making in the country, is mined [1, 2].
ground sample was subjected to concentration by using a All most all the five iron ore belts were explored for
Multi Gravity Separator (MGS). Rougher Multi Gravity high grade ores only. India has large resources of low
Separation (MGS) experimental results were optimised to grade/sub grade iron ore in this belt, although exploration
recover highest possible iron values. A concentrate of efforts were highly inadequate. As per United Nations
55.80% Fe with a yield of 61.73% by weight with a Frame work of Classification (UNFC) of mineral resources,
recovery of 84.42% Iron values was obtained in rougher total resource of iron ore in the country is around 28.52
MGS concentrate. Further experiments were carried out billion tonnes [3]. Hematite and Magnetite are the main
with rougher MGS concentrate to produce a concentrate Iron ores. Hematite reserves are estimated to be about
suitable for commercial grade pellet concentrate. It was 17.88 billion tonnes, which were again classified as reserve
proved that a concentrate assaying 66.67% Fe, 3.12% SiO2 category (8.09 billion tonnes) and remaining resource
with an yield of 45.08% by weight and with a recovery of category (9.79 billion tonnes). Total resources of Magnetite
73.67% iron values in the concentrate. are estimated as 10.64 billion tonnes in which 0.02 billion
tonnes were classified as reserve category and 10.62 billion
Keywords Sub Grade Iron Ore  tonnes under remaining resource category. Majority of
Enhanced gravity separation  Multi Gravity Separation  Hematite iron ores (over 85%) reserves are of medium to
Pellet grade concentrate  Bacheli and Bailadila high grade (?62% Fe) and are directly used in blast fur-
nace and DRI plants in the form of sized lumps or sinters
[3]. The remaining Hematite ores are to be beneficiated for
exploration. These low grade iron ores are in the form of
& Gottumukkala Venkateswara Rao Banded Hematite Quartzite (BHQ), Banded Hematite Jas- per (BHJ), Banded Hematite Chert (BHC) and conglom-
1 erates. These are termed as Sub Grade Iron Ores.
R&D Centre, NMDC Limited, Hyderabad 500007,
Telangana, India With high grade iron ore reserves under the threat of
2 depletion despite revision of thresh hold value of iron to
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, JNTUH College of
Engineering Hyderabad, Kukatpally 500085, Telangana, 45% (total Fe), it is obligatory on the part of mining
India industry to consider exploitation and utilisation of low/lean

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64 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70

grade and sub grade iron ores which hitherto were side (Model JY2000-2 and Make JOBINYVON). The ‘as
lined as waste. The fresh exploration strategy would have received’ sample assayed 40.80% Fe, 40.90% SiO2 and all
to be drawn with cut off grade ores as a target. other constituents are well within the limits. Chemical
MGS was used to concentrate chromite ore and its analysis of the ‘as received’ ROM sample is presented in
tailings to recover chromite values [4–11]. Rao et al. Table 1.
[12–17] carried out extensive studies on beneficiation of Mineralogical studies indicate that the main ore mineral is
low grade and sub grade iron ores to produced pellet grade Hematite and lone gangue mineral is Quartz. The same was
concentrate using spiral concentrator, Floatex Density supported by XRD Studies. The liberation studies indicate
Separator and Multi Gravity Separator. Multi Gravity that the average particle size for liberation is below 100
Separator was also found to be effective to reject graphite microns. Liberation studies are presented in Table 2 which is
from lead concentrate [18–20]. Multi gravity separator was self explanatory. Bond’s Ball Mill Work index for the ‘as
used for recovery of mineral values and recovery of iron received’ ROM sample was found to be 10.45 kW/T.
values from fine iron ore particles [21, 22]. Several A representative sub sample of ‘as received’ sample was
scholars tried to optimise the variable and attempted to drawn by adopting standard sampling methods and sub-
derive equations for concentrate grade and yield [23–26] jected to size analysis by using standard sieves (100, 80,
using enhanced gravity methods. MGS is used in this 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 6, 3 mm up to 37 micron). All the
experimental process to produce a commercial grade iron products were dried and weighed separately. The screen
ore concentrate from SGIO as the ore and gangue particles assay analysis of ‘as received’ sample is presented in
are being liberated below 100 microns. Table 3. These size fractions were ground to \200 mesh
(75 microns) and subjected to chemical analysis. From
Table 3 it could be observed that the highest concentration
Materials and Methods of Iron (49.20%) is in -3 ? 1 mm size fraction where as
the lowest concentration (22.40%) is found in -65 ? 100
The Sample and its Characterisation mesh (-212 ? 152 micron). From Table 3, it can be
observed that Iron distribution (Fe) is in the range of
The ‘as received’ ROM sample of Sub Grade Iron Ore 22.40–49.2%, whereas, SiO2 ranged from 28.52 to 67.60%
(SGIO) from Bacheli complex, Bailadila, Chhattisgarh, in individual size fractions of ‘as received’ sample.
India is an admixture of lump, fines and friable ore; where A representative portion of ‘as received’ ROM sample
the fines contribute in higher proportion (up to 36%). The was stage crushed and ground to\100 mesh (150 microns).
size of the ‘as received’ sample varies from 150 mm to less A portion of the representative ground sample was sub-
than 1 mm. The lump samples show alternate bands of iron jected to wet size analysis. All the size fractions were dried,
and silica. weighed and subjected for chemical analysis individually.
The ‘as-received’ sample was mixed thoroughly and The screen assay analysis of stage crushed and ground to
representative samples were drawn for size analysis, 0.150 mm is presented in the Table 4. The size analysis of
characterisation, Screen Assay Analysis and beneficiation ‘as received’ sample and ground sample are presented in
studies. Chemical analysis was carried out by standard Fig. 1. The P80 size of ‘as received’ sample and ground
procedures (wet) and Induction Coupled Plasma (ICP) sample are 55 mm and 75 microns respectively.

Table 1 Chemical analysis of ‘as received’ ROM sample

Constituent Fe FeO SiO2 Al2O3 LOI P S TiO2 CaO MgO MnO

Assay % 40.80 0.70 40.90 0.24 0.22 0.05 \0.01 0.091 0.119 0.110 0.045

Table 2 Liberation studies of ‘as received’ Sub Grade Iron Ore sample
Ore/Gangue mineral Grain size (Microns) Area (%) Unliberated grains (%) Fully liberated grains (%)

Hematite (H) Large 220–100 10 95 5

Intermediate 100–30 55 65 35
Small \30 35 40 60
Quartz Large 220–100 20 80 20
Intermediate 100–30 35 65 35
Small \30 45 60 40

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70 65

Table 3 Screen Assay Analysis of ‘as received’ sample

Size (mm/mesh) Size (Microns) Wt% %Fe %SiO2 %Al2O3 %LOI

?100 mm ?100,000 1.74 45.80 34.34 0.16 0.02

-100 ? 80 mm ?80,000 8.30 36.40 47.86 0.09 0.26
-80 ? 50 mm ?50,000 13.90 39.40 43.12 0.09 0.28
-50 ? 40 mm ?40,000 5.60 40.40 41.40 0.50 0.04
-40 ? 30 mm ?30,000 5.60 39.40 41.98 0.22 0.08
-30 ? 20 mm ?20,000 6.18 41.60 39.72 0.20 0.06
-20 ? 10 mm ?10,000 9.65 42.80 37.88 0.27 0.11
-10 ? 6 mm ?6000 4.63 45.20 34.26 0.27 0.10
-6 ? 3 mm ?3000 6.18 47.40 31.32 0.22 0.05
-3 ? 1 mm ?1000 4.63 49.20 28.52 0.36 0.10
-1 mm ? 20 mesh ?853 1.48 45.20 33.36 0.34 0.12
-20 ? 28 mesh ?599 1.31 40.00 41.30 0.36 0.12
-28 ? 35 mesh ?422 1.53 31.00 55.36 0.33 0.07
-35 ? 48 mesh ?297 1.26 25.80 62.00 0.25 0.24
-48 ? 65 mesh ?211 1.88 22.60 66.86 0.24 0.17
-65 ? 100 mesh ?152 2.44 22.40 67.60 0.19 0.11
-100 ? 150 mesh ?104 1.73 26.80 60.40 0.17 0.10
-150 ? 200mesh ?75 1.54 33.60 51.14 0.06 0.20
-200 ? 250mesh ?66 4.15 39.00 42.92 0.10 0.13
-250 ? 325mesh ?44 2.03 43.20 37.48 0.08 0.30
-325 ? 400 mesh ?37 5.30 44.20 35.38 0.13 0.21
-400 mesh -37 8.93 45.20 33.84 0.51 0.50
Head (Cal) 100.00 40.59 41.03 0.23 0.18
Head (Act) 40.80 40.90 0.24 0.22

Table 4 Screen assay analysis of stage crushed and ground to 0.150 mm sample
Product size (mesh) Size (Micron) Wt% %Fe %SiO2

?100 mesh ?152 Nil – –

-100 ? 150 mesh -152 ? 104 8.64 36.30 48.20
-150 ? 200 mesh -104 ? 75 11.58 36.00 48.00
-200 ? 250 mesh -75 ? 66 8.88 37.70 45.20
-250 ? 325 mesh -66 ? 44 17.07 40.50 42.20
-325 ? 400 mesh -44 ? 37 4.68 41.50 38.48
-400 mesh -37 49.15 43.00 36.00
Head (Cal) 100.00 40.64 40.44
Head (Act) 40.80 40.90

Distribution of Iron and Silica in various size fractions of Experimental Results and Discussion
stage crushed and ground sample, is presented in Fig. 2,
which is the feed for the experimental work. XRD pattern Experimental Method
(Difractogram) of as received SGIO sample is presented as
Fig. 3. From XRD studies and mineralogical studies it was The Multi Gravity Separator (MGS) of 200 kg/h capacity
confirmed that the main minerals are Hematite and Quartz. (Make: Richard Mozley Ltd, UK Model: C900) was used
From the Table 4 and Fig. 2, it can be observed that iron in this experimental work. Its structure and operating
(Fe) is distributed in the range of 36.00–43.00% and Silica conditions are reported elsewhere [4]. Feed to MGS was
(SiO2) 36.00–48.20% in the stage crushed and ground prepared by mixing 500 grams of dry sample with 1 litre of

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66 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70


Cumulave weight % Passing

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Size in Microns
ROM Ground product

Fig. 1 Size analysis of ‘as received’ sample and stage crushed and ground sample


30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Size in microns
%Fe % SiO2

Fig. 2 Distribution of Iron and silica in size fractions of stage crushed and ground -0.150 mm product

Si O2

4000 iron oxide 1


Fe2 O3

Fe2 O3; Si O2

Fe2 O3
Si O2

Fe2 O3

Si O2
Fe2 O3

Si O2

Fe2 O3

Si O2
Si O2

Si O2

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Position [°2Theta] (Copper (Cu))

Fig. 3 Images illustrating XRD patterns of ‘as received’ SGIO

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70 67

water which gives 33.33% solids concentration (by second cycle of experiments wash water flow rate of 4
weight). The mixture was stirred continuously to maintain LPM and shake frequency of 4 cps were maintained
uniform suspension. The MGS variables were adjusted at constant. The experimental variable were selected based
the required level as per the experimental design. The feed on Box Behnken Model [12] and responses were recor-
slurry was then fed to the MGS feed vessel at a constant ded. The products were collected weighed, dried and
flow rate while MGS was in operation. The machine was subjected for chemical analysis. Concentrate grade, yield
kept running until the material flow is finished, which took and percent recovery of iron values are calculated and
about 2–3 min and cleaned thoroughly for the next presented in Table 5.
experiment. Upper cover of the separator was removed and
remaining material in the drum was thoroughly washed. Optimisation Studies
Tailing (light product) was collected through back launder
and Concentrate (heavy product) through front launder. From the Table 5, it could be observed that it is not pos-
sible to produce pellet grade concentrate in the first cycle
Experimental Results of experiments. Hence, this has to be further processed for
obtaining a concentrate suitable for pellet feed. This can be
Experiments were conducted in two stages by using Multi done after optimising the responses of the rougher MGS
Gravity Separator. The first stage (rougher MGS) was cycle. It is a known fact that the concentrate grade and
aimed to recover maximum possible iron values in the yield are always inversely proportional to each other in any
concentrate and the second stage (cleaner MGS) was aimed mineral processing operation. It can be observed from the
to produce commercial grade pellet concentrate. test results that rougher MGS cannot produce a mar-
The main operating variables of MGS are shake ketable product of 65% Fe in a single unit operation eco-
amplitude, shake frequency, drum rotational speed nomically. It may be possible to produce pellet grade
(RPM), drum angle of inclination, wash water flow rate concentrate of around 65% Fe from rougher MGS Con-
(LPM) and feed percent solids. In the Rougher MGS centrate after subjecting to cleaner MGS cycle. To produce
experiments drum rotational speed (RPM), drum angle of an economically viable Blast Furnace grade or Direct
inclination and wash water are varied and all other Reduction (DR) grade product (pellet feed) and yield
parameters are kept constant. A sinusoidal shake with should be optimised for rougher MGS concentrate. Opti-
amplitude varying between 12 and 25 mm is superim- misation of rougher MGS were done based on percent
posed upon the motion of the drum in an axial direction. recovery of iron values and its grade. Experiment no. 10
The shake frequency ranges between 2 and 6 cps. For the could produce a concentrate of 55.80% Fe, 19.90% SiO2
first cycle of experiments shake amplitude 18 mm and the with a recovery of 84.42% Iron values. The variation of
shake frequency 4 cps are maintained constant and for concentrate grade (%Fe) and concentrate yield (wt%) for

Table 5 First cycle of Experimental results with ground sub grade iron ore
Experiment Process variables (Coded/Actual) Response variables of concentrate % SiO2 in
run no. concentrate
Drum angle of inclination Wash water flow rate Drum speed Yield Grade Recovery of iron
(degrees) (LPM) (RPM) (wt%) (%Fe) values

1 3 2 200 47.70 54.60 63.83 21.20

2 5 2 200 53.60 57.00 74.88 18.04
3 4 4 200 43.44 56.80 60.48 18.20
4 3 6 200 18.34 62.00 58.26 11.00
5 5 6 200 49.60 57.70 70.15 17.20
6 3 4 175 12.00 62.00 18.24 11.00
7 5 4 175 19.00 60.80 28.31 12.46
8 4 6 225 59.00 54.11 78.23 22.10
9 3 4 225 54.34 53.60 71.39 23.00
10 5 4 225 61.73 55.80 84.42 19.90
11 4 2 175 19.50 60.80 29.06 12.70
12 4 6 175 13.70 59.60 20.01 14.50
13 4 2 225 65.37 50.00 80.11 27.80

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68 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70

64.00 the first cycle (rougher MGS) is shown in the Fig. 4. From
62.00 the Fig. 4, it can be observed that as the concentrate yield
increases, the concentrate grade decreased and vice versa.
Concentrate Grade (%Fe)

Relation between MGS concentrate grade (%Fe) and yield
(wt%) is shown in Fig. 4 which resembles theory. Figure 5
56.00 shows the distribution of iron and silica content in the
54.00 rougher MGS concentrate produced.
Second Cycle (MGS Cleaner) Studies

48.00 In the second cycle also the parameters were selected based
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 on Box Behnken Method design table. In the second cycle
Concentrate Yield (Weight percent)
the variables are drum angle of inclination, drum amplitude
Fig. 4 Relation between concentrate yield and concentrate grade and drum speed. All other parameters, except the ones
(%Fe) mentioned, are maintained constant. 13 No’s of experi-
ments were conducted in the second cycle. Products were
collected, dried, weighed and subjected for chemical
Concentrate Silica content (Percent)

28.00 analysis. MGS cleaner concentrate grade yield with respect

26.00 to original and iron values recovery were calculated which
24.00 are presented in Table 6.
22.00 Experiment No 16, 20 and 22 were able to produce a
20.00 concentrate of ?65%Fe with a yield of 45.84, 45.08 and
18.00 47.86% respectively with respect to original (column 8).
16.00 The % SiO2 in the concentrate is 4.41, 3.16 and 5.20% for
experiment 16, 20 and 22 respectively. The iron values
recovery in the concentrate is highest for experiment no. 22
49.00 51.00 53.00 55.00 57.00 59.00 61.00 63.00 (76.55%), and lowest for experiment 26 (70.03%). The best
Concentrate Iron content (Percent) results are for experiment no. 20, which is able to produce a
concentrate of 66.67%Fe, 3.16% SiO2. With 73.67%
Fig. 5 Relation between concentrate iron content and Silica content recovery of iron values in the concentrate, which can be

Table 6 Second cycle of Experimental results with Concentrate produced from first cycle
Experiment Actual values of variables Concentrate Concentrate Concentrate Yield (With Recovery of
Run No. yield (wt%) grade (%Fe) grade (%SiO2) respect to iron values
Drum angle of Stroke Drum original)
inclination (degrees) length speed
(mm) (RPM)

14 2 10 200 77.49 64.31 6.54 47.84 75.39

15 4 10 200 79.66 59.06 14.05 49.17 71.18
16 2 20 200 74.23 65.80 4.41 45.82 73.89
17 4 20 200 82.39 60.34 12.22 50.86 75.21
18 2 15 180 79.83 59.10 13.98 49.28 71.38
19 4 15 180 78.87 62.47 9.17 48.69 74.54
20 2 15 220 73.03 66.67 3.16 45.08 73.67
21 4 15 220 80.15 56.98 17.03 49.47 69.09
22 3 10 180 77.54 65.25 5.20 47.86 76.55
23 3 20 180 79.00 61.57 10.45 48.76 73.59
24 3 10 220 77.57 63.89 7.14 47.88 74.98
25 3 20 220 79.86 61.90 9.98 49.30 74.79
26 3 15 200 81.21 56.99 17.00 50.13 70.03

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70 69


Weight % % Fe
%SiO2 % Iron values

‘As Received’ ROM Sample

100.00 40.80
40.90 100.00

Stage Crushing and Grinding

to -100mesh (0.150mm)

Multi Gravity Separator

61.73 55.80 38.27 16.61
19.90 84.42 74.77 15.58

Rougher MGS Concentrate Rougher MGS Tails

Reject 1

Multi Gravity Separator

16.65 26.36
45.08 66.67 65.22 10.75
3.16 73.67

Cleaner MGS Concentrate Cleaner MGS Tails

Reject 2

Final Concentrate Final Reject

45.08 66.67
3.16 73.67 54.92 19.57
71.88 26.33

Fig. 6 Process flow sheet adopted for producing pellet grade concentrate from SGIO with Metallurgical balance

used for pelletisation. The process adopted for production 2. The main mineral constituents of the ‘as received’
of pellet grade concentrate from SGIO by using MGS is sample are Hematite and Quartz.
shown in Fig. 6. 3. The mineral liberation studies indicated that the
hematite is getting liberated below 150 microns.
4. It was not possible to produce pellet grade concentrate
Conclusion by rougher unit operation using Multi Gravity Separa-
tor. During this operation the highest grade concentrate
1. The ‘as received’ sample is very low grade and termed produced assayed 62.00% Fe, 11.00% SiO2 with a
as Sub Grade Iron Ore which assayed 40.80% Fe, and yield of 18.34% by weight and the lowest grade is
40.90% SiO2 and all other elements are within their 50.00% Fe with an yield of 65.37% by weight.
critical limits.

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70 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (January–June 2018) 99(1):63–70

5. The highest recovery of iron values in the rougher Processing Technology (MPT-2010), NML Jamshedpur,
MGS unit operation is 84.42% and assayed 55.80% Fe, December 2010
13. G.V. Rao et al., Process amenability studies of sub grade iron ore
19.90% SiO2 with an yield of 61.73% by weight. from Bacheli complex, Bailadila sector, India. XXVI IMPC 2012
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank NMDC management eral Processing Congress (IMPC 2014), 2014, Santiago, Chile
for permitting to conduct studies and to publish this paper. The 16. G.V. Rao, R. Markandeya, R. Kumar, Feasibility studies on
authors wish to acknowledge all the individuals for their assistance in beneficiation of Sub Grade iron Ore from Deposit 5, Bacheli
executing the test work, particularly scientists of R&D Centre, Complex, Bailadila, Chattisgarh using Mozley Mineral Separator.
NMDC Limited, Hyderabad for their valuable discussion and in Proceedings of XV International Conference on Mineral
suggestions. Processing Technology, MPT – 2016, TCS- TRDDC Pune during
05-01-2016 to 07-01-2016
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