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Ud ai UST BULL CTT ttre TREASURE! MUSTANG GOSH, THIS SHORE ¢ THE BOSS IS THROWING # THAR’S THE BOSS! I OPINET’LL GO OVER AND TELL HIM WHAT A SWELL SHINDIG THiS 15/1 WANT TUH KEEP ON THE GooD SIDE OF HIM! HowpDy, Boss! YUH SHORE KNOW HOW TUH GIVE A PARTY! THANKS, MUSTANG MACK ! HEH, HEH, LOOK AT THAT HOMBRE, BOSS! MEA. HE'S NUTS! THAT?S MU. BROTHER! waar po yun, iW NUTS 2 3 GULP THE BOSS” BROTHER! DVE GOT TUH THINK OF SOME- THING FAST OR DLL BE OUT OF Editor Art Editor * c. v, woops® Al JETTER SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN ¢ wir trscnso The f vistanding meg ily. identifi on covers by the words A FAWCETT PUBLICATION. CAPT. MARVEL ADVENTURES * LASH LoRUE WESTERN * THE MARVEL FAMILY + FAWCETT’S FUNNY ANIMALS WHIZ COMICS * WESTERN HERO = ROCKY LANE WESTERN. * NYOKA THE JUNGLE GIRL * GABBY HAYES WESTERN CAPT. MARVEL JR. + MASTER COMICS * TOM MIX WESTERN * MONTE HALE WESTERN * HOPALONG CASSIDY ROD CAMERON WESTERN * BILL BOYD WESTERN * SIX.GUN HEROES * SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN Err fle i mode te neta thee coe mogsns Cy. of aaseetefh. Prien contain the highest quality of wholesome entertainment Ge soft,eastem dudes, think that a wolf is merely a man who whistles at: pretty girls ! Smiley Bumette rugged publisher of Bumette's Bugle, could | tell them different ------a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT ! Ourrooucine smiLevs New ASSIGTANT ANO PRINTER'S Pas LAUGAAGLE, Love - BLE LAD. 2... MIGUELITO / SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. July. 1950, Vol_1_ No. 3. 1s published bi-monthly by Fawcett Publicatior lass entry applied for st the post office, Greenwich, Conn. with additional entry applied for at St. Louis, Ma Copyrih bic Teademark of Fawcett Publications. Inc. Editonal and advertising ofhices. 6) West ath St. NY. 1S sees and letters concerning Subscriptions. change ot address. eic.. to Circulation Dept. Fawcett PL. Greenwich. Conn. Subscription rate 12 issues for $ U. S., possessions ‘and Canada, Foreign, $1.70 in international money order, U.S, funds: Printed in U.S. A- SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN, ‘SUMMER IN ROCK HEAD Fenty b shee i> HAS NOTH- MONTHS FLY BY/THEN~ “NOTHING TO DO BUT BLISTER MR. SMILEY BUR NETTE! , (7, PLEASE DO NOT MOVE, WHEW ! NOTTA G /\ MR. SMILEY ¢ YOUR. OAV! TWISH IT SHADOW 15 WAS WINTER {of VERY.COOLING + , \ Zz “Al T MUST GO FORTH! INTO THE STORM, INTO THE Jaws OF DEATH ! TO GET. THE NEWS ! PLEASE MOVE OVER MR.EMILEY! YOU ARE BLOCKING THE HEAT ¢ oo ~ LUGO! INTO THE STORM ¢ MR. SMILEY, YOUARE MY IDOL! “no ted SSIES SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN SMILEY PREPARES FOR Hs PERILOUS = A ks CHANGE YOUR K MIND, MIGUELITO ? ( | ON a Be l iG WoWWES TROT AWAY FROM THE STORE HOU (OUSE | WIDER NERDS 2 FARM CARRYING CHO CUTS I PEAR (TS \ WIA, Henatr!, SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN (aowoy, woow weeoe! } wens? we're STARVING \d WHAT'S NEWS ? SRT TS Aud Ja ‘A FEW MOMENTS LATER---[_ amy HERES Wnow WeRDES BRANCH! WE'LL AGK HER IF We SHE'S HAD ANY NEWS! St WICKED WILLIAM AND HIS FEROCIOUS FIVE JUST BROKE INTO OUR STORE HOUSE AND STOLE ALL OUR MEAT { AND HIS FEROCIOUS FIVE? WHAT'S 4 THAT 7 SHOULD WE GO Back HOME FOR MORE FOOD 2 ; Wo, migueLtTo! WE MUST GOON AND FINO OUT HOW, MIGUELITO! WE CAN'T LET | JERE YOU ARE, HAM THESE POOR FEGPLE. SANDWICHES / t FARTHER ON. SMILEY ANO MIGUELITO ENTER A LONELY CABING«s c+ FY PLENTY! AND, HOWDY, BOYS! ) ALL BAD Caw eee ANY NEWS: FETCH ME. MY SMILEY-O-PHONE / SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN MIGUELITO, THESE BOYS NEED CHEERING UP/ fae WN es es ., took. smuevs music, VA X|\ iq ISTEO THE ee N) \ Mi CRASS Ae WHY DON'T you TRAP HIM 2 Ai A COLLEGE , PROFESSOR / Yweve Taco. HE'S TOO CLEVER? THe WOLE'S y i & a] SS i NO! 75 william ! })|] |THE WOLF f ecw’ \ FOR YOUR LES! | ne ! PET : | iz 11] eens | T AMHIS HELPER ! THERE - LAW HIS FORE 1... SAV. HELPER YT wet HELP Mt SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. SSS pea moe NR get | NO SOUND! HE MUST NEW EDITOR Wikt BE EATEN BY NOW! PooR | BE! SMILEY! r A QI 3 at D an pT = eee oo WAIT, KID! HE'S BEYONO HELP. | [7 wet, Lu Be A BuG-eveD ILL GO PEEP INTHE WINDOW BRAHMA BULL! LOOK ANO SEE IF THERE'S ENOUGH J PY HERE,FELLERS! SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN YEEEE s! THAT TICKLES! HEY, FELLERS.COME ANO Git THIS ceITTEl OFF ME! Vf 2-8-BuT THEY DION'T WANT. THAT O1D IT! iE | THEY WERE CRITTERS rest Bh PRIENDLY PE C-C-CANIT ARE Yanmoosine! k= SAVED YOR! ci ie ( [UNDERSTAND IT? 7 SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN Pir was THE Music ! THE WOINES LIKED THE MUSIC.! MAR, SMILEY IS JUST LIKE THE PIED PIPER ¢ BUT, FELLERS, I MIGHT / 17'S ALL RIGHT. SMILEY YOU'LL CRICH COLD ANO DIE £ ce DYING For A Good cause!) IIIT WHEN You DIE MAY T HAVE RING EYE ? YOU'RE A REAL PARD, MiGU! ELITO, TO RISK DEATH WITH ME! | / Look over THERE, AR. SMILEY J THE SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN THE MAGIC MUSIC OF THE SMILEY-O- PHONE SAVES. THREE LIVES / HANG IT, THE WOLF'S RUNNING AWAY! NOW EVERYBODV'LL THINK IM A BIG FIBBER ¢ = we IELP ! THis WOLF WANTS GRANDMA'S DINNER ! SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. YIPPEE! you ALL, MR, SMILEY T SAVED TWO SANDWICHES / THEY WILL KEEP THE WOLVES, TRIK THIS. HURRY! BUSY TILL WE WORK ARE COMING / THE RIVER WITH YOU MY PLA AND DROWN ! T HEAR THE WOLVES COMING NOW J THEY ARE MAD BECAUSE MR. SMILEY STOPPED THE ( MUSIC! THEY WANT TO JUMP ON HIM.’ SS SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN iG SLEIGH PLUNGES, Wioodsx ON mo-Rver THE SLEIGH OVER- OowNeieu TOO LATE WILY. TURNS, THE ICE CRACKS, WICKED WILLIAM REALIZES HE'S BEEN WILLIAM AND HIS FEROCIOUS FIVE QUTSMARTED AT LAST! y ’ “| | Kee Bene CARRIED DOWN STREAM, a * FAR AWAY FROM THE CATTLE COUNTRY ! COME OUT NOW, MR» SMILEY! He WOLVES ALL FLOATED AWAY! LET'S GO HOME AND WRITE MMIGUELITO, HAVE YOU THE STORY! GOT THAT HEADLINE PROOF READY 2 IS BIG HERO Wi WHEW! SHORE 1S & HOT DAY FOR PRACTISING MUSIC ! TWisH tr WAS WINTER | FOLLOW. THE ADVENTURE! LEY. NETTE IN GIR AND HIS OWN MAGAZINE, SMILEY BURNETTE TER. SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN LEAVE A PLAN THAT iE OF YES, HE HAS BECOME CANNOT FaiL! A DESERTER AND. = | DESERTERS BRING DISHONOR UPON SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. Wy i. > EAGLE SEE THe AGTATORS, LARD oie YES, I KNOW. de My ae WORK AMONG THE TRIBE! ‘RED EAGLE 15 NOT MAN ENOUGH 70 BE CHIEF! FEAR BROKEN TWIGS TCO AFTER THE DESERTER 7D INTENTIONS WHEN I zane HIM BACK? I SAY ONLY AM AWAY! BUT THERE THIS LETEN NOT 10 False COUNSEL 1S NOTHING Z CAN DO! WILE Z AM Fea ein, noe Too fe LABILY! ANY BRAVE COULD | SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. eT Were is RED EAGLE? WE WERE SURE HE WOULD HAVE FOUND AND ‘TAKEN YOU BY NOW! 4 [AY ENEMIES Wit FIND THAT RED EAGLE if NOT OR NO} DUSK, RED EAGLE SIGHTS: THE DESERTER--- THERE HE 16, AND PLAINLY, ITIs MEANT 'E sHouLD CAPTURE HIME BUTT. HAVE OTHER PLANS! TLL W HERE AND WATCH. z ‘ SOD ;_#| THE DESERTER WAS TO DRAW, HiT. | ME HERE TO BE AMBUSHED! 1) \ BUT Z wit DO THE SURPRISING NOW! WE WERE ALL SET TO) CANT UNDERSTAND His NOT FOUNCE UPON HIM AND] HAVING FOUND ME YET! BUT DO. HIM IN ONCE AND | IT's BEST YOU HIDE IN THE FOR Al BUSHES! HE MAY, COME AT ANY TIME! P $0, LIKE AN ARROW, sD EAGLE SPRINGS---! SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN NOW TO TIE YOU THREE YOUR FRIENDS FOREVER TRIBE! AE FINE MORNING, ‘SMILEY BURNETTE FINE SMILEY BURNETTE. WESTERN LOOK AT SMILEY BURNET TE / CHASING AA MOUNTED, ARMED INJUN £ z 77. at other-man in hietory could have pulled Smiley Burnette's ama; ees in rounding up a furious, Fanta ure story for BUGLE, a story sometimes: known a6 THE TALE OF THE TERRIBLE | TOOTH! | EOTTOR FACE TO FACE WITH PAINLESS PIPGRAS, THE OUTLAW 4 é SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN WHATS WRONG, EDITOR? TT | PAINLESS PIPGRAS / THE NOTORIOUS YOU LOOK AS IF YOUVE MINE ROBBER) STAGE ROBBER, TRAIN SEEN A GHOSTS. ROBBER AND PIGGY-BANK ROBBER 2 YES! IM DOING A FEATURE. STORY ABOUT HIM £ LOOK, AT THESE PICTURES! ‘A RIVAL OUTLAW BRANDED HIM BUT HE REFUSEO TO CRY UT! IN THIS ONE WHEN BULLETS: BROKE BOTH HIS ARMS, : HE SHOT WITH HIS. f FEET! NO WONDER THEY CALL HIM PAINLESS PIPGRAS! NOTHING HURTS, HIM ! THEY COULON'T EVEN % HANG HIM ! His nen ‘Bien AY y SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN TZ] BN sa | a ‘WANT A GLASS. CAN I BANDAGE IT? OF WATER, BOSS? I Th f EZ ow) |e P| ai WHY, ITS PAINLESS PIPGRAS. N HEAVENS! PAINLES TS IN PAINE ae: es io ay | Wie, BuiicinG 00L8) NE GOT IM GOING IN 7 ROCK HEAD AND ED A GIT THIS CONGARNED TOOTH PULLED / ATOOTHACHE! T NEI DENTIST! GIT ANY HORSE AND MY INJUN DIBELISE READY ¢ I WAS SO INTERESTED INTHESE PICTURES T PLUMB FORSOT TO AA | ASK WHUT I CAN 00 FOR YOU, STRANGER ! 5 : 58 py Al A 10 LIKE TO PAY FOR IT ) {{ SO. YORE THE NEW DENTIST ? SHORE) LL RUN THE AD! IN TRADE! I'LL PULLYOUR, ; Ve - TEETH ANY TIME! SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN SMILEY AGREES AND THE DENTIST LEAVES / WANTED 7O PAY ME IN TRADE £ WHY T HAVENT. HAD TOOTHACHE Yi SINCE... [57 JUST TALKING ABOUT TEETH Gite Me A ROOTIN' TOOTIN! TOOTHACHE ! ‘I *| wane (7, THere's pes NO, TUSEA LOCAL ‘AN INJUN AHEAD FF 7 ANASTHETIC! PUT YOur OF MES t HEAD GACK, PLEF L (Hy : C. Yt @\| > e> SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN ADMINISTER THE ANESTHETIC, WHITE BEAUTY! THAT'S (T A HURT HIM J e a FF <2 ay Err ‘TTHRUST THE RED HOT HORSESHOE, THE PATIENT JUMPS BACK AND: S(witt ONE GOLD OUT. COMES THE TOOTH ! SMILEY, DID Yo! wi LED 2 NO, SIR! rust ) FILLING BE JANT A TOOTH Pill <2, AND TIE THE OTHER END TO THIS 6AD0LE/ WHEN THAT INJUN COMES OUT AND RIDES AWAY, THE TOOTH'LL GO WITH HIM AY TOOTH STILL HURTS BUT T DON'T WANT HIM YANKING IT! TLL JUST TIE THIS STRING. TO IT... SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN, AH, HERE'S THE INJUN/ INA MINUTE, IS TERRIBLE TOOTH WILL BE OUT HURT... HEYeoe IT'S STOPPED HURTING ! ‘STOP TWAT INJUN | we 1 T( DON'T sHooT) py 3 YOu'LL HIT je ; SIWLEY ge YES! ANO INN HOLDING YOU AS A HOSTAGE INCASE ANY POSSES COME AFTER US! T.! STOP! WHOA. IT ogeSNer HURT ANY MORE Ti HOLDING YOU FOR, RANSOM | HERE'S MY. HIDE-OUT £ SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN. ANOIF THEY WONT BAY THE RANSOMYLL-- OW: MY — ii MULTE You TO ANYTHING TO GET THIS CHAIR 1 RID OF THIS TER— THEN T CAN YANK) RIBLE PAIN { ee oooww | - WHAT A RELIEF: NOW UNTIE ME Z f / , , i Baten, in smicev'e orrice, APTER HE HAS DELIVERED. SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN: THE / ANNIVERSARY (2) SG ns reg AIS Ly IGH on Tulare Ridge, Carl Graham paused with one hand resting on a rough- hewn fence post. Looking down, he could see the frame house, partly hidden by a fringe of willows. Anne was in there, he knew, with the babies. Past the house, he could see the acres that he had put into alfalfa and wheat—and past that he could see his herd of white-faced mavericks grazing on the green hillside. It was a good spread . . . worth all of the six years he and Anne had put into it. But, as he looked down over his land, Carl Graham's face grew troubled. For, within the last few months, a problem had arisen for the little ranchers and farmers of the Tulare Ridge. It had come in the person of Big Jeff Hanson, a heavy-handed, wealthy rancher ‘who had mayed into the vicinity and bought up broad stretches of the lush grazing land, Standing there by the fence post, Carl “Graham suddenly tensed. His eyes narrowed in the early summer dusk. For riding toward him, up across the ridge, were several men. And in the center of them, he could see Big Jeff Hanson, his face expressionless in the shade of his broad-brimmed sombrero, The wealthy cattleman reined his bay horse up sharply in front of Carl Graham. “I thought ‘Td find you here, Mister,” he husked, in an arrogant, challenging voice. “Admiring your spread? I must admit, it looks kind of purty!” __ “I like it, Hanson,” the young rancher re- ‘plied softly. “It's taken me six years to build it up!” ___ Big Jeff Hanson laughed. But there was no _ humor in the sound. “Six years, eh?” he re- eated. Suddenly his voice changed. “Listen, iraham. I’m giving you your last chance, just _ like the rest of the two-bit nesters in this alley. I don’t like your fences, and I don't ike your wheat and alfalfa. I don't like your whining brats, and J want your land. I'm will- to pay five dollars an acre. But pay or no you're getting out, You and the others. remember what happened to Wayne behind him. Some of them he knew by name and others by reputation. They were gun- slicks—all, hard, scarred men who would fight | at the drop of a hat—who would kill for pay. These were the men that Big Jeff Hanson had hired to help him rule the Tulare country! “I remember Wayne Martin,” the rancher said. “I can’t forget what happened to him . ..” “See that you don’t!” taunted Hanson. He wheeled the bay. “I'm giving you a day to make up your mind! Come on, boys!” AS serene worried, Carl Graham watched the cattleman and his hired thugs ride off down the slope. What Hanson had said was no idle threat. For the last months, Wayne Martin had been the most stubborn of the little ranchers in resisting Big Jeff! Two days ago, Martin’s house and barn had burned down in the night. Suddenly Carl Graham's fists clenched. “I ain’t going to have that happen to Anne and me!" he muttered. “There must be a way! reckon the other boys are in town tonight: It’s Saturday. I’m taking a ride in to see them —to see what they're going to do about Hanson!” a Saddling up his roan mare, the rancher was in the town of Tulare within an hour. There, huddled on the main street in whispering groups, he found the other little ranchers and farmers of the vicinity. They were talking about only one thing—Big Jeff Hanson's ule timatum. : “Five dollars an acre!” one of them pro= tested bitterly. “With all-the work we've put in, it’s worth fifteen dollars and more!” © ‘An old-timer struck one fist into the other. “We all got visits from him and his gang to- day, Carl,” he said. “Made us all the same offer, and the same threat. And I reckon, with those hired killers he’s got—every one a mean hombre, half of them wanted by the law—. there isn’t much we can do. Can't fight that’ kind of power!” z ‘There was silence among the clustered men. SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN Then Carl Graham burst out, “Maybe that’s the way you feel. But I don’t like living and being afraid of my own shadow! I'd rather ve the showdown—to finish it once and for all.” HE broke off and stared at a rider coming down the street at a fast lope. It was young Jimmy Martin, Wayne Martin’s oldest $on. The boy flung himself from shis father’s horse. © “What happened, Jimmy?” one of the ran- Chers asked. Lifting tear-stained eyes to them, the youth exclaimed, “Dad went out to round up the herd tonight. We found him, an hour later— all beat up! His arm’s broken and he’s all Knocked around. It was the Hanson bunch,” he said. “They set on him, five at a time. Said they would make an example of him. Burning the house wasn’t enough. They had to nearly kill him! I’ve come for a doctor . . .” © “That settles it!” Carl Graham whirled toward the othet. men. “Do you want the same thing to happen to you?” he asked. “Beat up and burned out, one at a time? Maybe killed? Or will you get off the land like whipped pup- Pies and let this bully and his hired gunmen fuin your lives? Or will you all stick together? There are enough of us. Let’s get moving and settle this right now.” ~ A low-throated rumble from the circle of faces around him was his only answer. As ome man, the ranchers and farmers moved toward their horses. *Big Jeff Hanson was pleased. Mighty Pleased. He and his boys had covered a lot ©f ground today . . . put fear into a lot of Sniveling nesters! And plus that, they had done a job on that ornery Wayne Martin. He'd asked for it, all right. : Now, sitting in the comfortable bunkhouse Of his sprawling ranch, Big Jeff puffed at a Cigar. His boys were all around him, playing ‘ds, drinking, relaxing. He had picked good en—every one a handy hombre in a ruckus. He had nothing to worry about. Soon the Tulare land would be his. _ That was when the fist sounded against the Bunkhouse door, pounding heavily. Big Jeff Hanson put down the cigar. All faces turned’ — toward the door. “Come in,” he called. The door swung’ opeh: There stood Carl Graham, a shotgun in his hand. Behind hit, Hanson could see several of the other ranchers, each holding a rifle or shotgun. Their faces were white and grim. Suddenly there appeared at each of the other windows several more ranchers and farmers. All of them were heavi- ly armed. Slowly, inch by inch, Big Jeff rose. “What goes on here, Graham?” he began. “Shut up,” said Carl Graham. “We've made ‘our minds up, Hanson. We're not getting out. We've worked here, and we've earned the right to live here. You're getting out! You and your gunsels! But pronto!” Hanson's eyes flickered from side to side. His boys were ready, slit-eyed, hands hover- ing over Colts! They were waiting for words. “All right!” he shouted hoarsely. “Blast them! Teach the fools a lesson!” Thunder burst loose in the bunkhouse! A shotgun’s roar smashed the lights and left the room in cordite-reeking blackness! Red flame lanced through the darkness, and two of Big Jeff's men shrieked in pain. The ran-__ chers and farmers stood outside the door and_ windows and poured unrelenting lead into the room! The fight was brief and swiftly — ended. vig “Stop! We—we give up!” 5 When a makeshift torch was lit, three o Hanson's outlaw killers and Hanson himsel! were found lying-on the board floor beyon all pain. Two others were wounded, and the other hired thugs were caught fleeing throug! a rear window. Only one of the farmers was wounded. poe Carl Graham looked at the other men. teckon that's it,” he said. They pulled glass. Dancing around the room, it ruffled t pages of a calendar. Moonlight came throu the*window and lit up the calendar shi brilliantly. For a moment, all eyes cente smile, SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN SMILEY SURNETIE “eTROUBLEGOME — EASURE” Be Cr T CAN'T WAT TLL FIND MY RICH UNGLE'S TREASURE / NO,NO! war TLL HE FINDS THE MINE! y nN paper editor like Smiley ette! But unknown dangers lurk in ~ forthe man who has wealth:as our hero finds. se of THE TROUBLESOME TREA: GIDOAP, BOY / THIS IS A SPECIAL OELIVERY LETTER NO WE'RE ONLY THREE WEEKS LATE! DHE COMMUNITY OF ROCK HEAD DOZES PEACEFULLY UNDER THE WARM RAYS OF THE His! fits Bur THat sucery caLm wilt 600N Be SHATTERED BY THESE THUNDERING HOOF BEATS ACROSS THE PLAIN J SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN HERE AND. neh eres Vi) Ce TORY A | Ge Yon ‘SMILEY, 7 ie y t SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN EVERYONE EXCEPT TWO SHA‘ c 0, CHARACTERS UNDER A SHADY TREE: HEAR THAT, LOOK: SMILEYS )cosu, ITS BIG! REASURE! —-/ MUS" Th A ITS HERE! BILLION DOLLARS! SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN HL OUR HIDING WAS IN VAIN J ‘YUH KNOW, THIS BURRO ISNIT THE TREASURE . SHE'S JUST EQUIPMENT! MY UNCLE SENT HER TO PACK THE ORE OUT SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN BUT MAYBE ITLL KEEP EVERYBODY FROM GNING ME THE HEE-HAWS FOR AWHILE / T WONDER WHY UNCLE WILLEO ME SAY, ..'VE GOT IT! BURROS ARE SMART! MAVBE THIS ONE DOES KNOW THE WAY TO ASECRET MINE / THIS BURRO HER HER HEAD! MAYBE SHE'LL | | BUT, BLoTTO! \ SHHH, PoT TO! [EAD Me TO A iaNe? WHAT DO WE J ILL EXPLAIN! WANT WITH 2 THIS BURRO ? HILLS TOMORROW AND GIVE, : ECR! GO IF WE'RE ALONG / H HIM Se HE WON'T KNOW WE'RE ALONG ¢ HE'LL THINK WE'RE His BURRO! HERE! TRY THIS FOR SIZE / WHY CAN'T E : 7 nmap Na SAUTE )(HEE- HANAWYRR! NOT BAD. ) FRONT END? Wy mS ~ SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN SPHE NEXT MORNING, EMILeY SETS OUT / OLD PROSPECTORS: Y sh THESE Burros ji A ARE PLENTY SMART! (I'VE Gor , To rear! ) f Ce SOME PROSPECTORS PRETTY STEEP, RING EVE J SAV THEY'D RATHER, CAN YOU MAKE IT 2 HAVE HALF A BLRRO THAN A WHOLE HORSE | 5 &S > ge ss WE DIDNT SQUASH YoU, 01D [7 wet t GuESS We've GONE FAR WE, LITTLE BURRO ENOUGH ¢ NOW, BURRO, LEAD ME. Pre: TO THE SECRET MINE ps \ SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN SMILEY BURNETTE WESTERN Oursibe THe sTaeLe- /ye11< “I FELL THROUGH +-"BND LANDED WHACK-SPANS SOME ROTTED aK IN A VALUABLE COPPER MINE ‘BOARDS--- j : SHAFT!” - WELL, CONGRATULATIONS ! BUT. 17S ANOTHER LETTER FROM MY HURRY ANDO READ THIS HERE UNCLE'S LAWYERS ! IT SAYS MY ANO YOU CAN KICK ME Desewe to ah pl fh Ss ene mu Cay AL GIENGLS * A CUT PRICE! WHAT! YO"RE PAYING CHARLEY Al A DOLLAR AND A QUARTER! BUT I’M ONLY PAYING YUH LLAR? i SES 5 2, i ALE o+eBUT IT’S WORTH A SusT TUH BE Boss QUARTER TUH ME 5 FER ONCE! DON’T BE SCARED, RING EYE! DEL PROTEC E. Yur FROM THOSE VARMINTS/ JUST LET ME HIDE BEHIND YUH A LITTLE MORE /

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