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The Wave

Week of September 12, 2010

Galatians 1

Andrew Bacon

Alright guys, it is the first week of the Shores Wave! Before we get started, I
have a few things that I want to share with you about how to lead this time. I
want you to feel the freedom to lead this any way you want, but I have a
general guideline to help those of you who have never done this before. You
can take it or leave it.

The biggest thing to know is that this is a time to get in the Word with friends
and those around you, nothing more. Do not feel the pressure of teaching deep
truths or revealing huge spiritual things. Let God’s spirit do that work! All you
are is a guide, a friend, and a fellow learner along with those in your group!
Release yourself of pressure and do not feel that you need to be all
knowledgeable in these areas.

Please feel free to comment on the Shores Wave Group wall after you have your
meeting to update others on how your time went and drop me an email at to let me know as well! If you need help, just holler!

Lastly, if you can’t meet this week, no problem, just save this study for next

Let’s make some Waves!


Galatians 1

 Read Galatians, Chapter 1
 Read the study guide and familiarize yourself with the lesson. Make sure
you read the “Take Aways” section so you know what the aim of this
study is. However, be open to other truths that may present themselves!
 Print this guide out so you can have it handy if needed.
 Have a map of Asia handy, (a print out or in your bible) and be able to
locate and show where modern day Turkey is.
 Pray it up for your ability to guide and not feel the pressure to lead!

Hang Time
 Catch up/Small talk
 Hang for a little bit. Catch up. If someone is running late, this is a good
time to hang out and wait for them to get there. Ask everyone what the
latest thing in their life is right now. Let them share as much or as little,
but don’t let it go too long. And try to start as soon as you can, even if
someone is running late. No worries!

Read and Ask

 Read Galatians 1. (Have someone read each section, separated by
paragraphs. Go around the group until everyone reads and continue until
the end of the chapter.)

 Ask for some General Observations: If no one gets to these on their own,
here are some great questions to get things rolling…
o Who is writing? Paul
o Who is he writing to? The churches in Galatia.
o Where is Galatia? In modern day Turkey. Grab a map.
o Why is he writing? v. 6 – the people are turning to a different
Gospel, or message… And Paul wants to correct this.

Go Deeper

Chapter 1:1-5 - Introductions and the TRUE Gospel

Paul starts with the correct Gospel! He explains that he is not sent by man, but
sent by God.

What does he say about Jesus in v. 4? That He gave Himself for our sins to
rescue us from the present evil age.

Read again 1:6-9 - So, is there only one true Gospel?

V. 6 - What is Paul astonished at? He is astonished that the people of Galatia

are deserting the one who called them by grace. Who called them by grace?
Paul is astonished that they are turning to a different Gospel.

V. 7 - Who is confusing the people? We don’t know by general reading of this

chapter, but someone or a group is leading the main church astray by false
teachings. Maybe we will understand better in a few weeks.

What should happen to anyone who preaches a false gospel? They should be

What do you think of when you hear the word Condemned? Ouch. Paul is clear
that if anyone is preaching false things, they should watch out!

Chapter 1:10-24 - Paul’s Revelation and Reception of the Gospel

Who is Paul trying to win the approval of? V. 10

“If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of God.” What
does Paul mean when he says this? Discuss this on your own.

Paul says in v. 11 that he did not make this up. How do we know? Turn to Acts

Read Acts 9:1-18. Pretty sweet!

So who meets Paul? Jesus, straight up.

Read Galatians 1:12 again. Paul is speaking from his encounter with God.

Chapter 1:13-24 - Paul’s Credibility

How intense was Paul? How bad was he? Read Acts 7:54 - 8:1.

Who did it say was there, giving approval? Saul, later to be named Paul.

What did Paul do after he encountered Christ?

What was the report that people heard about Paul?

Who gets the glory in Paul’s story? Paul or God? V. 24

Take Aways

 The True Gospel is from God and God alone. Anything other than this is
 Paul has serious credibility to proclaim the true Gospel and he can be
 God can save anyone (Paul) no matter how bad they are and use them for
his own purposes.
 God gets the praise when He does the work.

Questions for Reflection

 Where in my life am I listening to a false gospel?

 Am I trying to win the approval of men or God?
 Do I truly believe v. 11, that the Gospel is not man made?
 Is God getting the praise for the great things in my life?

Wrap Up

 Thank them for coming.

 Remind them of next week and what time.
 Let them know that they can invite someone else to join if they want.
 Pray or take prayer request if you want.

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