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Caption: This is the fertile crescent, the location of the first known civilizations, such as the
Assyrians, the Sumerians, and the Babylonians. For thousands of years, the fertile crescent was
the center of all human activity, and the birthplace of empires, and innovations, such as writing,
soap, and bronze tools.
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Caption: The Greek peninsula was home to the great Greek empire, who are most notable for
their great strides in scientific inquiry. The most famous Greek scientists were Socrates,
Aristotle, and Hippocrates. Peloponnesian war lead to the downfall of this empire, as it was
fragmented into two opposing factions, the Athenian league and the Spartan confederacy.
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Caption: The silk road was the great connector, before modern trading and transportation
techniques were created. Food and goods were traded down the silk roads by merchants,
through a system of trading hubs, in empires. China, India, and the Middle East were huge
trading hubs, as they produced valuable goods such as silk, and textiles. Not only goods were
traded, ideas, innovations, technologies, religions, and diseases were also transferred via the
silk road.
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Caption: This is the map of Alexander the Great’s conquest. During the height of his empire,
Alexander the great had conquered the great Egyptian empire, as well as a large portion of
Western Asia. Alexander the Great ruled over the Macedonian empire from 334-323 B.C.
Caption: Catal Huyuk was the first known civilization. They made their entire city a fortress in
order to keep thieves from stealing their food. This was the first step in human innovation, as
they were able to design their entire civilization into a massive fortress to protect their food from
thieves. The center of the fortress is believed to have been where they kept their food.
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Caption: Confucius was the creator of the Confucian ideology. His ideology was widely
accepted in early Chinese culture, and they used his teachings to guide their actions and to
create structure within their lives. Confucian teachings stressed the importance of social
hierarchies, and especially the relationship between children in their parents.
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Caption: This is Hammurabi’s code, a stone sculpture that has the laws written by Hammurabi
engraved in it. This code was the first written code of laws. Hammurabi’s code was very brutal,
and is known for it’s “eye for an eye” mantra. Hammurabi’s code was the first step, in human
history, towards complex government and law.
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Caption: The construction of the Great Wall of China began during the Han dynasty in attempt
to keep out the invading Huns. At the time the wall was a great engineering feat, as it was
sizeably larger than any other similar structure built at the time.
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Caption: A slab of sandstone with Cuneiform writing engraved in it. Cuneiform was the first
written language in the history of humankind. The development of language allowed the
Sumerian’s to develop trade and records, which increased agricultural output.
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Caption: This was the Hindu caste system which gave structure and organization to a religion
based civilization. The caste system brought structure to the Indian imperial governments, as it
emphasized the importance of servitude and suffering, to attain prosperity.
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Caption: this picture symbolizes the many religions that played a large role in ancient history.
However, many religions were polytheistic, as they sought out ways to explain events in nature.
A good example of this is the Greek god helios, who was believed to bring the sun on his
chariot, which explained the sun rising and falling every day. During the early civilizations,
religion played a large role in the behavior of the people. This was also a time where many new
religions were created, such as Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism.

Caption: ancient egyptian drawing, that depicts men and women working together. Unlike other
civilizations, Egyptians believed that men and women were equals. During ancient history,
almost every society was strictly patriarchal, and the men did all of the intense labor, primarily
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Caption: This image depicts the carving of the mayan calendar. The Mayan civilization is known
for its amazingly accurate calendar system, as well as their advancements in science and
technology. More importantly, they were able to accomplish these tremendous feats with no
known contact with other civilizations.
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Caption: the creation of metal tools used for farming allowed farmers to farm larger areas, which
brought in more food. This led to more specialization, which in turn led to more advancements
and discoveries.
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