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Italian Definite and Indefinite Articles

[Before we begin, please notice that every noun in Italian is either feminine or masculine. It's a
difficult concept if you only speak English because you only use "The" and "A". Examples: The Book,
A book, the chair, a chair etc..

In Italian the book is "Libro" and is masculine. The chair is “sedia” and is feminine. As a general rule
of thumb, the words ending with an O are masculine and the ones ending with an A are feminine.]

Articoli Indeterminativi / Indefinite Articles*:

*The equivalent of “a” or “an” in English. Ex: A chair, A Book etc..

UNO = Masculine Nouns that Begin with:

Z, Example: Uno Zoo (A zoo)

GN, Example: Uno Gnomo (A gnome)
PS, Example: Uno Psicologo (A psychologist - MAN)
Y,Example: Uno Yogurt (A yoghurt)
S + Consonant, Example: Uno Sciroppo (A syrup)

UN = All the other Masculine nouns:

Un Bicchiere (A drinking glass)
Un Risultato (A result)
Un Amico (A MALE Friend)

UN' = Feminine Nouns that begin with a Vowel:

Un'amica (a FEMALE Friend)
Un' ala (A wing)
Un' oca (A goose)

UNA = Feminine Nouns that begin with a consonant:

Una strada (A street)
Una Collana (A necklace)
Una Psicologa (A psychologist- WOMAN)

Articoli Determinativi / Definite Articles*:

*The equivalent of “the” in English. Ex: The chair, The Book etc..


LO = Masculine Noun that Begin with:

Z, Example: Lo Zoo (The Zoo)

GN, Example: Lo Gnomo (The gnome)
PS, Example: Lo Psicologo (The psychologist - MAN)
Y,Example: Lo Yogurt (The Yoghurt)
S + Consonant: Lo Sciroppo (The syrup)

Plural: GLI
Gli Zoo (The zoos)
Gli Gnomi (The gnomes)
Gli Psicologi (The psychologists)
Gli Yogurt (The yoghurts)
Gli Sciroppi (The syrups)

L' = Masculine Nouns That Begin with a Vowel:

L'amico (The friend - Male)

L'uomo (The man)
L'occhio (The eye)

Plural: GLI

Gli Amici (The friends)

Gli uomini (The men)
Gli occhi (The eyes)

IL = All the other Masculine Nouns

Il Gatto (The cat)

Il Cane (The Dog)
Il Marito (The husband)

Plural: I

I Gatti (The cats)

I cani (The dogs)
I mariti (The husbands)

LA = Feminine Nouns That Begin with a Consonant

La Casa (The house)

La Luce (The light)

La Psicologa (The psychologist - Woman)

Plural: LE

Le case (The houses)

Le luci (The lights)
Le psicologhe (The psychologist - Women)

L' = Feminine Nouns that begin with a vowel

L'acqua (The water)

L'amica (The friend - Female)
L'elettricità (The electricity)

Plural: LE

Le acque (The waters)

Le amiche (The friends – Female)
Le elettricità (The electricities)

Luana Lulu ASMR

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