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Objective: Students will explain to a peer where “Cha Chid Yo Chem’Chero” is from.

Students will analyze where call and respond is in “Cha Chid Yo Chem’ Chero” (chug-way Chee-
Students will circle where call and Response is in”Cha Chid Yo Chem’ Chero”

Materials :
1) Created Story Book of the story behind “Cha Chid Yo Chem’Chero”
2) Small African Drum
3) Notation to display on screen
4) Fruit For Class when singing song
5) Backing Track of drumming music from Africa for the story reading

Students will be diving into the story behind a song they are getting ready to learn using
the material pictured below. They will also be learning the song as it would be presented in the
songs culture, by rote which the story brings up through words like “passed down”. Because
they will be learning by rote I will ask as the leader of the class and lead a call and response
with the class until they have the song learned. Although the song isn’t modern part of music is
learning the music of other cultures. To be a student of music you must enter into another
culture and develop an understanding of how to function as a musician in that culture.
This activity in reality is very small and will introduce students to learn how to dance and
drum in West African style for a concert. This music is fluid unlike the music of western Europe.
There are no mistakes and you are able to say and dance whatever is felt when it the correct
time which is something that students playing in band, choir, or orchestra don’t get to do too

Activity #1 Book
Step: 1 T will announce to the class that she was going to read a story and if the students could
get in their circle
Step 2: T will start to read the story of two brothers. “The Hunters and the Axe” a story from
Step 3: T will show students where Zimbabwae is and will explain that this is a story passed
down through generations for each student.
Step 4: T will explain to students About the importance of respecting music from a different
Step 5: T will ask students how learning about other cultures can be beneficial for them
Step 6: S will answer
Step 7: T will ask the students if they want to learn the song of the hunters.
Step 8: S will agree
Activity #2
Step 1: T will sing the first leader line to students on solfege with hand signals
Step 2: S will repeat back to T
Step 3: T will repeat leader line
Step 4: S will repeat *Continue this process until learned
Step 5: T will repeat the response line on solfege
Step 6: S will repeat back to T
Step 7: T will repeat
Step 8: S will repeat *
Step 9: T will sing to the students the final leader line
Step 10: S will repeat
Step 11: T will then say the first line of words to the students
Step 12: S will repeat
Step 13: T will repeat
Step 14: S will repeat *
Step 15: T will speak the response line of words to the students
Step 16: S will repeat
Step 17. T will repeat
Step 18: S will repeat *
Step 19: T will speak the last leader line to the students.
Step 20: S will repeat
Step 21: T will repeat
Step 22: S will repeat *
Teacher will explain the translation of the words to the students
Step 23: T will sing the first line of the song to students will beat the clapping pattern on the
drum to help with time
Step 24 S will repeat
Step 25: T will repeat
Step 26: S will repeat *
Step 27 :T will sing the students response and have students respond
Step 28: S will repeat
Step 29: T will repeat
Step 30: S will repeat*
Step 31: T will sing the final leader line
Step 32: S will repeat
Step 33: T will repeat
Step 34: S will repeat*
Step 35: T will sing through whole song with students
Step 36: T will have students start to clap the clapping pattern with her
Step 37: When students feel ready teacher will invite them to start to sing with her
Activity #3- Call and Response
Step 1: T will sing through entire song with students and clapping 2-3 times
Step 2: T okay students here is the notation on the board, turn to your neighbor and tell them
where you think you heard the call
Step 3: Okay now on your sheet circle in the music where you think the call is
Step 4: Okay now on your sheet circle in the music where you think the response is
Step 39: T will then explain that she will sing the leader section (call)and then the students can
sing the response with claps and words
Step 40: T and S will begin to take. Their parts.
Step 41: T will allow for a student to come be the leader and T will join students in the response
Activity #4- Closure
Step 1: Students this song is so much fun! Why don’t you turn to your classmate and remind
them of the story of this song
Step 2: Students will turn to partner and teacher will walk around and make sure students are
able to tell the story
Step 3: T: “remind me students where is this song from?
Step 4: S Answer
Oh yes you are right! Thank you for joining me in this adventure here is some fruit to eat since
we talked about how the words are about fruit!

Assessment: (evaluation of the students)

Informal check: if students are able to discuss where Cha came from
Formal check: Collect sheets from students and see if they were able to circle the call and

Self Evaluation:
Yes it was effective because it introduced students to a new cultures music which is an
important point to the development of a well rounded musician. Students might think that they
are too old for this kind of activity because most of elementary music is based in Call and
Response activities.

Thinking to the future:

This activity in reality is very small and will introduce students to learn how to dance and drum
in West African style for a concert. This music is fluid unlike the music of western Europe.
There are no mistakes and you are able to say and dance whatever is felt when it the correct
time which is something that students playing in band, choir, or orchestra don’t get to do too

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