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Activity 5: Composition


 Students will create an 8 measure motif using notation software with some chromaticism.

 In groups, students will combine 5 motifs into march form to be performed in front of


 In groups, students will tell us the story of the piece of music they have co-written.


 I want students to develop further understandings of motifs, representing an emotion or a

character and march form is easy enough to just plug little segments in. We have already

talked about the story of Galop, which they helped create, so they should be able to

transfer the concepts of form, motif, and chromaticism to a group project.


 Students will be given 1 week to write an 8 measure motif from the story which they
visually represented with the criteria
o 8 measures
o Some chromaticism
o Can be played on all instruments
 Students will then be split into groups of 5 based on their motifs
o The teacher will listen to each motif and determine which students motifs will fit
together. (same keys, similar phrase lengths, etc.)
 Students will be given the instruction to create a piece in march form using their motifs
with the criteria:
o Must follow form (A, B, A, C, A, D, E, A)
o Must follow the key relations (add a flat in the D and E section then take it away
in the last A.
o Group must be able to express the story of the piece.
 Characters found in it, setting, emotions, anything that shows they put
thought into the project.
 Students will be given 1 or 2 class periods to combine their motifs, create the story, and
practice performing the composition in class.

 Students will be assessed using the rubrics found in the Student Guide on the next page as
well as written feedback on what they turn in.

Composition Student Guide

Due: [They day after the last class period worked on]


Part 1 (Due 1 week after talked about in class)

 Each student will compose an 8 measure motif with the story they visually represented.
 The motif must:
o Be 8 measures long
o Include some chromaticism
o Be able to be played on all instruments. (e.g. no crazy ranges, pick and normal
Part 2 (Due the day after the last class period worked on)

 Students will be split into groups of 5 determined by the teacher

 Students will combine their motifs into march form, following the key relations.
o A, B, A, C, A, D, E, A
 Students will create a story in their groups explaining what each motif represents
o Emotions, Characters, Setting, etc.
 Students will perform their composition together, as well as present on what each motif
0 5

Length Not 8 measures long. Redo 8 measures long

In Notation Software No. Redo Yes

Does not include

Chromaticism Includes chromaticism
chromaticism. Redo
Can not be played on all Can be played on all
instruments. Redo instruments.

0 1 3 5
Piece is in Piece follows Piece in the
Piece does not different keys form but correct form
Follows Form
follow form but the right doesn’t follow and follows the
form. key relations key relations
Piece represents Piece represents
Piece doesn’t
something but something and
Representations represent
isn’t presented is presented
well well
Group presents
1 person does 1 person does
Group doesn’t ideas and comes
all the work all the work but
Group Effort turn something to compromises
and makes all doesn’t make
in. on what do
the decisions. the decisions
right about.

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