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To introduce this unit to the student I will do an activity that outlines the I, IV, and V chord. In
5th grade they will have done a similar activity to learn to identify the IV chord.

Because students haven’t had a form that is always set in 12 bars I want them to begin to hear
that the this new form consists of 3 chords in a specific order. By doing these two activities I
will be able to see how well students know the I, IV, and V chords and can begin to give them
the chords in a different manner than they have received it before.

Students will identify the I, IV, and V chord when the teacher plays them on the piano.
Students will play the I, IV, and V chord on Orff instruments or recorders when the teacher hold
up signs.

 Signs with I, IV, or V chord on them
o Hang them up in different areas of the room.
 Piano
 Orff instruments
 Recorders

Activity 1
 Teacher will gather students in a semi-circle facing piano.
 Teacher will play through each chord telling students the first time which chord they are
 Teacher will then have students guess after a few seconds which chord it is
 Teacher will then instruct students to go underneath the sign which has the chord they
think is being played
o Do many times in the same key, then change the key
 Teacher will then begin to play the 12 bar blues progression having students go around
the room.
Activity 2
 Have student pull out Orff Instruments or recorders depending on which one is their
 Hold up signs that have I, IV and V chord have students play a chord tone or two of the
o Explain the first time by demonstrating
o Then have a small group join
o Then have everyone join
 Begin by holding up random signs
 Slowly morph into the 12 bar blues progression having students the chord tones of the
Activity 1
 Students can identify each chord 9/10 times then move on to the progression
 Students can identify each chord 9/10 times in the blues progression
Activity 2
 Students can play a chord tone 9/10 times then move onto the progression
 Student can play a chord tone 9/10 times in the blues progression

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