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Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 10 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)


NO.: 01-10
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara) 1. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a mother/father who has a son/daughter. Your son/daughter is sick and hospitalized. You are sad.
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to
get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam B: You are A’s friend. You are showing your sympathy to her/him.
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive,
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan 2. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
sehari-hari. A: You are a student who is poor at English. You want to study abroad. You visit an educational agent for an advice.
MATERI B: You are a consultant of the agent. You give her/him an advice.
5 ungkapan: kesenangan/ketidaksenangan, kesetujuan/ketidaksetujuan,
kepuasan/ketidakpuasan, berjanji/membatalkan janji ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INDIKATOR SOAL 3. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara) A: You are a student whose hair is highlighted. You are scolded by your teacher because you are considered breaking the school
Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan, siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna
dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal B: You are a teacher who scolds a student breaking school regulation by highlighting his/her hair.
(bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative, 4. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
recount, news item, report, descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion A: You are an employee in a company .You have a new boss that you like/dislike. You are sharing it with your friend.
dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B: You are an employee in the same company with A . You give response.


5. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are going to give a present that your boy friend/girl friend really like as a surprise

B: You are A’s boy friend/girl friend. You feel surprised when you get the present


6. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a businessman/ businesswoman living in Kalimantan. One day, you have to go to Jakarta to do your business but you’ve
never been there before. You have a best friend living in Jakarta and tell him/ her about your visit to Jakarta.

B: You are A’s best friend living in Jakarta. You feel happy knowing his/her visit to Jakarta. You welcome him/ her and offer him/ her

Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

to stay in your house during his/ her visit.


7. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are planning to buy a new house with mountain view. You need to discuss this plan with your husband/ wife.

B: You are A’s husband/ wife. You disagree with A’s plan because you want to have a house with river view.


8. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a tourist staying in a good hotel. You are satisfied/dissatisfied with the service of the hotel. The manager meets you asking
about your impressions.

B: You are a manager of a hotel. You are doing a survey on customer’s satisfaction. You are meeting a guess to get the data.

9. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You like camping. For next vacation, you plan to go camping your best friend but he/she suddenly cancels the trip just a few days
before the date.

B: You have a best friend. For next vacation, you have agreed to go camping with your best friend. But then for some reason you
have to cancel the trip.


10. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a teacher. You have a student who will have finished senior high school soon. His/her parents want him/ her to study
abroad but He/she wants to continue his/her study in his/her own country. He/she doesn’t know what to do. He/she asks your
opinion about it and you give your suggestions.
B: You are a student. You will have finished your high school soon. You want to continue your study in your own country but your
father/ mom wants you to continue your study abroad. You don’t know what to do so you meet your teacher for a suggestion.

Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak

Ujian Praktik 2016/2017


Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 10 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)


NO.: 11-20
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara)
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to
get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive,
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan 13.
11. 12.
5 ungkapan: kesenangan/ketidaksenangan, kesetujuan/ketidaksetujuan,
kepuasan/ketidakpuasan, berjanji/membatalkan janji
14. 15. 16
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara)
Berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan, siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna
17. 18. 19.
dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk
teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative,
recount, news item, report, descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion
dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak

Ujian Praktik 2016/2017


Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 2.5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 7 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)

NO.: 1-7
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara)
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get Tell your opinion or your experience about one of the topics below:
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam 1. How to maintain a good relationship among friends. (Explanation)
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog 2. The pros and cons of using Feng shui in designing your house. (Discussion)
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive, 3. Your first experience in meeting famous person. (Recount)
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan
4. Describe the public transportation (s) in Jakarta. (Description)
5. Characters are more important than knowledge and skill. (Exposition)
MATERI 6. Explain how to make a simple breakfast.(Procedure)
teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, 7. The numbers of private cars should be reduced in Jakarta. (Exposition)
descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.

- Mendiskripsikan atau menjelaskan sebuah benda atau orang yang telah
disediakan oleh penguji. Siswa diminta untuk mediskripkan atau
menjelaskan suatu benda atau orang minimal dengan 10 kalimat yang

- Menceritakan sebuah cerita pendek dalam bentuk narrative/recount

berdasarkan situasi yang telah disediakan oleh penguji.

- Memberikan tinjauan (review) sebuah buku/film dengan menggunakan

bahasa yang komunikatif berdasarkan teks tertulis/film yang disediakan
oleh penguji.
Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak
Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 10 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)

NO.: 01-10
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to 1. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are an owner of a big company. You get bankrupt and fell frustrated.
get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam B: You are a friend of A. You feel sorry for B.
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan 2. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
sehari-hari. A: The holiday is approaching. You want to go abroad with limited budget. You go to a travel agent for an advice.
B: You are the one in charge of the agent. You give advice to her/him
5 ungkapan: kesenangan/ketidaksenangan, kesetujuan/ketidaksetujuan,
kepuasan/ketidakpuasan, berjanji/membatalkan janji ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara) A: You are a 15-year old boy/ girl who is driving a car without driving license. You are caught by a police.
Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan, siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna
dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal B: You are a policeman who catches a 15-year old boy/ girl who is driving a car without driving license

(bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative,
recount, news item, report, descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion 4. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are talking about a famous singer that you really like. He/she is going to perform in Jakarta next week.
dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. B: You also like the famous singer that A is talking about . You arelooking forward to seeing it.


5. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a teenager seeing an old lady who looks confused in a supermarket.You come to her
and offer some help.

B: You are an old lady who is very surprised knowing nowdays there is still a young person who
cares for others.


Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

6. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a student and have a new seatmate. You don’t feel happy to sit next to him/ her because he/ she has bad behavior. You
share this situation to your best friend.

B: You are A’s best friend. You listen to A’s sharing and try to comfort him/ her.

7. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a father/ mother who has decided to go to Bali for the long holiday this year. You tell your son/ daughter about it.

B: You are A’s son/ daughter who disagree with A’s decision. You want to visit another place for the long holiday. You tell A about

8. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You just bought an electronic. You are not satisfied with the product. You come to the store to make a complaint.

B: You are a public relation of a store. You are having a customer complaining about the product he/she just bought.


9. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are applying for a job. You are going to have an interview but you cannot fulfill the appointment. You are calling the company
to reschedule the interview.

B: You are a secretary. A job applicant calls you about a cancellation of an interview.


10. Read the situation given, and then make a life dialogue with your partner!
A: You are a very fashionable person. You want to have plastic surgery but you don’t know whether or not it is good for you. Besides,
you don’t know how to do it. You come to a beautician for suggestions.


B: You are a beautician. Your client comes to you with a problem about plastic surgery. You give suggestions.

Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak

Ujian Praktik 2016/2017


Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 10 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)


NO.: 11-20
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara) 11. 12. 13.
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to
get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive,
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan
5 ungkapan: kesenangan/ketidaksenangan, kesetujuan/ketidaksetujuan, 14.
kepuasan/ketidakpuasan, berjanji/membatalkan janji
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara)
Berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan, siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna
15. 16
dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal 17. 18. 19.
(bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk
teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative,
recount, news item, report, descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion
dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak
Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 2.5 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 7 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : SPEAKING (Berbicara)
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get Tell your opinion or your experience about one of the topics below:
things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam 1. The process of making paper from wood. (Explanation)
bahasa lisan pendek berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, dan teks monolog 2. The pros and cons of using animal products in clothes. (Discussion)
sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, descriptive, 3. Your experience in joining Retreat/ Character Building/ Study Tour. (Recount)
explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks kehidupan
4. Describe one of the presidents of Indonesia. (Description)
5. Television is the most popular form of entertainment. (Exposition)
MATERI 6. Explain how to make a simple handicraft. (Procedure)
teks monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative, recount, news item, report, 7. Laptop is students’ friend. (Exposition)
descriptive, explanation, exposition, discussion dan review dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.

- Mendiskripsikan atau menjelaskan sebuah benda atau orang yang telah
disediakan oleh penguji. Siswa diminta untuk mediskripkan atau
menjelaskan suatu benda atau orang minimal dengan 10 kalimat yang

- Menceritakan sebuah cerita pendek dalam bentuk narrative/recount

berdasarkan situasi yang telah disediakan oleh penguji.

- Memberikan tinjauan (review) sebuah buku/film dengan menggunakan

bahasa yang komunikatif berdasarkan teks tertulis/film yang disediakan
oleh penguji.
Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak
Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 5 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)

SKL Set A NO.: 01-05 WRITING

mengungkapkan nuansa makna di dalam teks tertulis seperti teks
Essay writing test
fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news Directions:
item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan argumentasi 1. You are allowed to use a dictionary, but not electronic dictionary.
2. Do not give or receive help during the test.
(exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. 3. Persons who violate these rules will be disqualified.
MATERI 4. Choose one of the following topics and write an essay for approximately 200-250 words.
5. Write the essay neatly and free from cross signs.
teks fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, 6. Do not forget to write your name, class and number.
news item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan
argumentasi (exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan 1. NARRATIVE
sehari-hari. - Write a story about “ faithfulness.”
INDIKATOR SOAL - Write a story about “friendship.”
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan nuansa makna di dalam teks tertulis 2. RECOUNT
seperti teks fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, - Write about your adventurous moment.
- Write about your experience when you made/ did/ created something successfully.
recount, news item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan
argumentasi (exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan 3. EXPOSITION
- Write your arguments on “the importance of learning English.”
sehari-hari. - Write your arguments on “using public transportation will reduce heavy traffic.”

- Write about the pros and cons of falling in love with your best friend.
- Write about the positive and negative effects of social media on interpersonal relationship.

- Write a description of your favorite place for your holiday.
- Write a description of your favorite artist/ athlete.

Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak

Ujian Praktik 2016/2017


Jenis Sekolah : SMA Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jumlah soal : 5 soal
Kelas/Semester : XII
Penulis Soal : TIM (Caroline Oktavia, Melina Agustina, T. Christina Siagian)


NO.: 01-05
mengungkapkan nuansa makna di dalam teks tertulis seperti teks
Essay writing test
fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news Directions:
item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan argumentasi 1. You are allowed to use a dictionary, but not electronic dictionary.
2. Do not give or receive help during the test.
(exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. 3. Persons who violate these rules will be disqualified.
MATERI 4. Choose one of the following topic and write an essay for approximately 200-250 words.
5. Write the essay neatly and free from cross signs.
teks fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, 6. Do not forget to write your name, class and number.
news item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan
argumentasi (exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan Topics:
sehari-hari. 1. NARRATIVE
INDIKATOR SOAL - Write a story about "honesty.”
- Write a story about “mother’s love.”
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan nuansa makna di dalam teks tertulis
seperti teks fungsional pendek, teks berbentuk narasi (narrative, 2. RECOUNT
- Write about your embarrassing moment you have ever had.
recount, news item) deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan - Write about your memorable birthday party.
argumentasi (exposition, discussion) dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari. - Write your arguments on “the risk of being fat.”
- Write your arguments on “doing business online is beneficial.”

- Write about the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.
- Write about the advantages and disadvantages of online transportation.

- Write a description of your favorite spot at your house.
- Write a description of your grandmother/ grandfather.

Digunakan Tanggal Jumlah Daya Point Taraf Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Aspek Perilaku Kognitif Keterangan
untuk Ujian Siswa Pembeda Biser Kesukaran A B C D E C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Diterima/
Ujian diperbaiki/
Praktik ditolak
Ujian Praktik 2016/2017
Ujian Praktik 2016/2017

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