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Aspects in the Valued Functions by Dmitry Golihov

Ne as leading function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)

Such person lives in the flow of potentialities of the external world, by the wholeness of
the entire external reality: "everything is great in this world that is best of all worlds."
Violation of this harmony evokes an aggressive response from him, for example, home
maintenance and repairs become a cause of dissatisfaction and frustration. It can be
difficult to debate or negotiate with him because he is, as if, constantly maneuvering
while moving through life: "this can be that way, but also another way." Trying to clarify
with him the exact terms, for example exact time and place for a meeting, can be an
exercise in futility: "First I'll be at so-and-so place, then I will be elsewhere, and likely, if
everything will work out in time, I'll be in the area around such-and-such hour." He does
not perceive time and place as something that is permanent, as something which can
not be moved. All things to him seem very approximate, vague, for the sake of the
meeting he feels no need to specify his timing and whereabouts, since this will destroy
the harmony and wholeness of his external worldview. If he's already running late for
work and you ask him to take the trash since he is already late, this destroys this
"wholeness", since it all was "already taken into account" that sometimes he may run
late for work, but this "wholeness" of the worldview did not encompass a full bag of
trash. These types of people live through original views and ideas on workings of
external world and are conservative in that knowledge. They make an impression of
being unique - no one knows what will originate in their mind in the next moment. And
this love of impermanence they make a standard - it's a typical behavior for them, a
constant point of attention. Those who criticize their random flow of idea, they find
annoying as they can not defend their arguments, so often they surround themselves
with those who agree with them and take a liking to it. They are irritated by people who
initiate conflicts and scandals, even when there was a good reason for it. After all,
external conflict brings the destruction of the outer harmony and "wholeness" and
detracts them from their thoughts. Often like to finish something for others, but do not
like to initiate, since this also upsets their sense of external harmony.
Ne as creative function of LII (INTj; Robespierre) and EII (INFj; Dostoyevsky)

The purpose of life of such a man is to improve and harmonize the external world, to
contribute to and build the "wholeness" of the external situation. So sometimes they are
quite unforgiving to those who destroy it. Skillful maneuvering in a stream of
opportunities is their ace card - they approach this activity very creatively. They see the
possibilities of how anything can be improved, changed or rearranged, anywhere. They
are able to take the situation apart and then re-assemble it into a more harmonious,
upgraded version. They are often the generators of bold ideas on how to make
humanity happier. They look for places where chaos reigns, so that they can mend it.
They know how to help people understand complex external issues in an original way,
how to "take apart" external conflicts between people, how to finish something for
others, they have the talent of the innovator. But sometimes, however, they may
unconsciously not finish things because then they become useless. Therefore, for them
a perfect world - is a very conflicted world that would be in constant need of
improvements. Often they can look towards art as a way of creating this external
harmony and wholeness - they are capable of creating a harmonious atmosphere
anywhere. They are the "storytellers" whose goal is to create an ideal world filled with
ideal people. Only the real people don't always fit into this. The solution to this problem
they often see in taking "drastic measures" with respect to others. They love to teach
and better people, say, if someone tossed a bottle but not into the trash bin, this can
provoke them to reprimand such a person even if it is not safe to do so in such a
situation, since this is their "creative product".

Ne as activating function of ESE (ESFj; Hugo) and LSE (ESTj; Stirlitz)

These people are afraid of missing something in life, of not keeping up with the
possibilities of the external world. They run forward just to stay in place. Their self-
esteem depends on the "wholeness" of the external situation - they become upset if this
wholeness is upset: for example, someone in the family just had a fight so it is
necessary to "extinguish" the conflict, to reconcile all, even if it was for good reasons
and everyone will be better off he will "ruffle and shuffle" within the situation to prevent
the conflict from happening. Cling to the relationships until the last moment, even if they
have been exhausted by them, so as to not to destroy this wholeness. At the same time
they can completely forget about themselves as to not destroy the status quo. If their
neighbor has a garden, they need to start one up immediately; if there was a new
movie, they make sure to watch it - to keep up with the world they keep chasing after
novelties and new fashions. Thus is not just the desire for external wholeness - but a
marathon. He likes to be outdoors, because it is stable and harmonious at the same
time. He does not like external inconsistencies, uncertainty in situations, will be
constantly trying to clarify in such cases. Seeks to preserve the constancy in life
situations, even when it is clearly not possible. In active defense, this function simply
upgrades and modernizes, constantly adapts to changing of the world, so that all may
continue to remain unchanged for some time and question of keep up with external
situations is successfully resolved. In passive defense, the man resigns himself to the
fact that keeping up is not possible and lets things take their course, falls short from the
flow of life and recognizes the impossibility of preserving his ideas about the ideal world
in the environment. Often, these people like holidays and traditions, as they have a
stabilizing function in society. Want to be like everyone else is, have what everyone else
has. Try to give objective form to their ideals: create a perfect, fairy-tale world where
everything will be good and perfect. To recognize the impossibility of this - means to kill
self-esteem, so they often believe in fairy tales, like movies with happy endings, to
experience this state of the external "wholeness". Often pay attention to signs,
horoscopes, tarot cards, are often religious - all that can give at least some measure of
assistance in building an ideal world. Magical worlds can be built only through magical

Ne as suggestive function of SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and SEI (ISFp; Dumas)

The person looks for a place to stay where there is external stability, harmony in the
flow of things, positive atmosphere, and avoids places that are lacking in this. According
to this principle he builds his personal life and work. Becomes inspired by bold
innovative ideas, sometimes can get involved with unexpected, original proposals.
Loves nature because it is constant, not changing, always calm and harmonious.
Suggestible by external harmony and does not like sudden interruptions. If such
interruptions happen, he simply leaves and goes to where it's more harmonious without
trying to change anything. Often harmony for him is where he feels himself to be in the
center of a situation, where everything revolves around him. Likes to attend carnivals,
festivals, holiday, since they bring an external harmony, holiday atmosphere. Usually
these types of people absorb the atmosphere, the settings, and the situations which
prevailed at the time when they were small, and then attempt to reproduce it throughout
their life. In general, they are very fond of remembering their childhood as something
that they would want to come back to. Very fond of talented people: artists, musicians,
poets, and sometimes even ready to support them financially for the opportunity to be in
their company, often dragging them to their home so that the place lights up. Look for
people who believe that everything will be fine, who believe in a positive future. Do not
like the unpredictability, the chaos of the future, when someone has to help them find
the right options, to catch the right opportunity, so he is very trusting and suggestible in
decision-making. Likes predictability, moving "from one milestone to another." If this
sequence is disrupted and an unexpected event happens, he may fall into "stupor", thus
they are trying to take precautions, to provide for in advance, to cover for all
contingencies. A good place for him is where is external wholeness, some orientating
marks for the general movement, some suggested schedule and course of action. For
example: 1) go to college 2) take these courses 3) finish it in 4 years. If he falls into
some schedule, some routine, then to leave it is difficult for him due to difficulty in
seeing options. Instead he may suddenly switch to another, more advanced schedule,
with a guaranteed "bright future".

Te as leading function in LSE (ESTj; Shtirlitz) and LIE (ENTj; Jack London)

This person is very confident in his own knowledge. He lives by external rules or
"charter" that he has thought up himself. He imposes his vision of the correct "order of
things" in external situations and is conservative in this vision (his assessment of who
should be doing what, etc.). Everything must be in its place; moving anything makes
him want to put it back where it belongs. Has a strong notion of "my territory", of
"ownership". Those who create a mess on his territory irritate him - everyone should
know their place. Does not seek to change this status quo. If one asks why something
should be done in this way and not another, he will reply that this is just how things are
done without giving any reasons for it. It is as if he lives by that which he creates in the
environment with his own hands; any changes made to this are seen as attempts to
change his person. Once he has learned a certain rule, he will follow it throughout his
life (2x2=4). Existing order must remain unchanged; if it is replaced by a new one, for
him it is worse by default. Restoring order on his territory is self-affirming for him. He is
well versed in the rules, the order of things: if you wish to get something done, he can
tell you how you should act, which order or sequence of steps you should undertake,
where you should go, what documents you should bring, etc. He knows how to
assemble and disassemble anything and is confident in his ability to do so. Can spend
hours with a soldering iron and parts, taking apart complex mechanisms. “If in my world
there are stable and invariable rules and order, then I can live. If not, then I don't exist.”
On his own territory, he acts as the boss and does not tolerate opposition. If his notion
of territory is more widely delineated, his control may be extended to anyone who is on
it. Their home is their fortress. If you try to explain something to him, sooner or later he
will say "I got it" and interrupt you since he doesn't aim to attain an understanding. They
are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather
memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to
assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to
remember how to do it, which part goes where. If the facts of his objective view of the
world are changed, this irritates him, because he will need time to reevaluate and
rebuild. His main criteria of activity is objective benefit that can be achieved. Living with
such a person on his own territory can be done only in accordance to his rules, and
sometimes he attempts to extend them to nearby territories, as expansion of borders is
viewed as a useful activity from point of view that a person lives by this, meaning that by
this expansion he will "exist" in even greater extent. To go elsewhere, to someone else's
territory, and start dictating who is supposed to do what or how something should be
done is fairly typical for him. Communicating with such person there is a persistent
impression that he is always in the archetype of the boss - he likes to give orders even if
he has not been empowered to it: "take this shovel, you will go dig up potatoes". He
does not like those who spend their time irrationally and unproductively. He likes to
confirm the factual basis of anyone's argument.

Te as creative function in SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and ILI (INTp; Balzac)

This person very skillfully uses knowledge and facts, applies them creatively, an ideal
lecturer, excels at giving instructions (he can, for example, teach skills needed for auto-
maintenance). He can creatively and originally manipulate external objects that require
hands-on work, assembly and disassembly. Many people of this type, as children loved
construction toys. Fixing complicated household items is their favorite hobby, as this,
after all, requires active application of objective logic. If such opportunities are not
present, he may even deliberately break or deconstruct something and then proceed to
fix it. At times, they may use an object not for the purpose that it was intended (e.g.
using a microscope to drive nails). Such people are ideal as specialists for modernizing
or upgrading anything, especially in the physical sense, as such a person has a keen
eye for trends and laws of the objective world and knows how to isolate them and use
them well. Sometimes he will move to a place where objective knowledge is scarce,
somewhere far from civilization, where he will have a chance to demonstrate his
knowledge and skill. He is well versed in the current laws and order, their advantages
and disadvantages, and skillfully maneuvers within them. If he is stuck in traffic, he
might plot a very original route using roadsides and sidewalks, and feels like a duck in
water in this activity. Capable of holding a multitude of facts of the objective world and
putting them to use. A very practical person, able to improve and modernize anything in
surrounding territory, as to make it better and higher quality, "a jack of all trades." Such
people have a set of rules for themselves, but they are very flexible - some of them can
be gleaned over, some of them can be substituted - there is a somewhat manipulative
view of these. He might follow one rule in the morning, but in the evening follow a very
different rule, simply because the situation has changed. Because of this, it is very
difficult to negotiate (do business) with him. If there is a contract, he may at some point
cancel it, simply because it is no longer favorable for him. That is, he views rules as
something that can be changed at any time upon request of the parties involved.
Because of this, it is often difficult to deal with such people in a business capacity, as in
the business sphere a contract is a contract, it is not subject to revision every day or
week. But here, dealing with him, it must be a contract without penalties in the event of
dissolution. It must be established beforehand that it is something impermanent - a
temporary solution adopted for some short period of time.

Te as activating function in SEE (ESFp; Napoleon) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)

For this individual knowledge is paramount, a measure of worth: "If there is something I
don't know - I'm inferior". Therefore, very often they claim they know how something is
done, while in reality not knowing it (often in hopes that they will research it later, and
that no one will suspect that they were bluffing). Sometimes, in self-defense, you can
hear them say "I don't know", shamefully admitting to their weakness. It is also
important for them to have some personal territory, a place where they have the
opportunity to be in charge. They love to learn, because acquired knowledge increases
their self-esteem. Nothing pleases them more as to receive a high mark on some
subject. Such person is very attentive to objective reality: any violation in the order of
things stresses him. He likes to reinforce own claims with links to an authoritative
sources, statistics and facts, but cannot analyze them in terms of understanding. His
vocation: the keeper of factual knowledge. Can't stand any measure of chaos in
information, when nothing is clear. In such situations, tries to simplify the information:
"Do we have any actual, concrete facts and figures? Lets start with these. " "If there is
order in my world - then I am good, if not - then I'm bad." Have a tendency to idealize
their "objective" picture of the world and authoritative figures. That is, they view it as
what actually exists, even if they are in error and many of their facts are specious. Often
become followers of something, of some "order of things" and attempt to implement this
order everywhere. Getting promoted to higher position usually recruit "their" people who
accept their "order of things" and their actions. Very important concept for them: "If I am
the owner, I am the boss in my territory." It does not matter what the size of this territory
is: a room or an entire state, as long as their authority has been accepted by everyone.
Sometimes this takes a comical shape: a guard of some area considers himself to be in
the right to decide whether or not to let you in based on his personal whims. In personal
life, this can lead to elevated demands placed on potential partners: it is necessary to
fully accept all of their outward actions, but this can be done only up to certain extent.
Often they are aware that finding such ideal in principle not possible. Violation of the
order of things by their subordinates is a serious offense - have you arrived too late?
Thus you destroyed his order. If he is not the boss, then it is important for him to know
exactly the extent of his responsibilities, otherwise he may not take up someone else's
"order of things." Love to order people around if opportunity presents itself: relatives,
subordinates, depending on how far their concept of territory extends itself.

Te as suggestive function in ESI (ISFj; Dreiser) and EII (INFj; Dostoyevsky)

This person easily believes in facts and figures, often turn a deaf ear to everything but
these. Keeps to places where he knows what to do in every situation. Suggestible by
the external order of things, which is often the order that was in place during his
upbringing: the political system, social norms, etc. Reacts sensitively to social changes:
"God grant you do not live in an era of change." Always moves in the direction of
highest order and carefully avoids chaos, is inspired by this order and worries that in
future it might change. In this regard, may gravitate towards work in the military, which
has the force of statute. It is important to him that the environment is always organized
in accordance to rules and laws that he is accustomed to, that this order does not
contradict the facts of objective reality. It is also important to know who should be in
what position, what needs to be done, what documents must be collected, for what
purpose, where they should be submitted, what is the correct way to fill them out. Feels
most comfortable in situations where there is only one interpretation of correct action,
without any admixture with elements of subjectivity: "in this such case, this should be
done". Knowledge of the facts of the situation often replaces true understanding of the
underlying problems. Understanding becomes superficial, simply a collection of surface
data and statistics, laws and regulations. He does not like long and detailed
explanations, will immediately interrupt and say: "So what is this in actuality?". He wants
to get a working solution or order right away, not the rationale behind it. For example:
"2x2=4." This is an already established rule. Likes terminology, you can sometimes talk
to him only using some accepted terms and this will be sufficient. Does not like those
who destroy the norms of behavior, for example, those who break the chain of
command. Especially gets influenced by the facts that he sees with his own eyes or can
touch with own hands. Thus he can fall victim to scams that provide specious claims
and facts, especially if the scam is done out in the open ("simple dexterity of hands and
no tricks").

Se as leading function in SLE (ESTp; Zhukov) and SEE (ESFp; Napoleon)

This person is very self-confident in his abilities, believes that he can do everything.
Often makes an impression of a willful person: "what I consider to be right, is right for
everyone" [translator's note: quite possibly this results from Ji-creative and not dominant
Se since this behavior can be observed in IxEs as well]. Makes an impression of a
volitional man - he seems to never have enough space around him, "like a bull in a
china shop." If he is endowed with physical strength and stamina, he detests "wimps"; if
the opposite and he turned out to be weak then considers all stronger men to be
"goons". Often good at handling money, but in this issue can be either too conservative
or too cocky. Life is perceived through the prism of power: "who is over whom". To be
heard by him, you have to make yourself be respected. Any weakness is seen as a
deficiency, so often he can use it to his advantage not seeing anything wrong by it. They
are constantly doing something, developing some skills. Usually, their strength is visible
to the naked eye, but it is lacking in flexibility, rather it is something monumental and
conservative. Always try to be first in any enterprise, and if it doesn't turn out this way
this angers them greatly. If their strength and ability are questioned, it may lead to an
outbreak of aggression. Potentially - great athletes, but the constant over-evaluation of
own abilities is fraught with possible injuries. Preaches the gospel of power and abilities,
confident in own external appearance. Asserts his own uniqueness, originality. Sees no
need to get someone's approval for a particular action; implements his solutions a very
self-confident manner. Does not hesitate to use force anywhere. Grows angry and
irritated if someone has contradicted him and this is usually visible outwardly.
Sometimes, he first falls into irritation, and then only afterwards he understands
something of what has been said to him. Listens out the opinion of someone else only
when he couldn't accomplish something himself or that person is seen as having
authority in his eyes. Loves extreme situations as this is a way to prove to himself that
he is, he exists. In addition, this makes it easier for him to get approval from society for
his actions. First, they'll do something, and only later understand what they had done.
Person of action, agency. Inclined towards philosophy of overcoming or at least coping,
of victory at all costs "could topple a bear - you're a man." Prefers to win over the
opposite sex, to take by siege like a fortress. With this always sure that everything
depends only on himself, his power, his capabilities. Hence becomes extremely irritated
when he realizes that he has not achieved his goal. His weakest point is inability to
understand that in life not everything depends on him alone. Therefore, if such a person
does not achieve success in life, he grows very frustrated because at heart he
considers himself a failure. Very sure that he looks and dresses well. Find it hard to be
in a situation where nothing can be done, nothing can be changed, to be placed in
"limbo", to just wait for the right moment for action, not "blurt out" everything at once.
They are always accompanied by restless activity, by workaholism. Not a minute
without action, which means sometimes the incapacity to stop and think. If there is a
pause, then it has to get filled. If they are talking, immediately come up topics of
problems and action.
Se as creative function in LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and ESI (ISFj; Dreiser)

These people have artistic and creative approach to handling power, money, and
different skills. The ideal trainers who can make others more powerful by teaching them
unique and original techniques or skills. His strength is flexible, sophisticated, it aims to
be relevant to the situation. He can work effectively and quickly, sometimes doing
several things at once. Great financiers, but prone to making risky moves, thus they can
become rich and go broke several times during their life. They love to compete. In
contrast to leading function, for them them the process itself is more important than the
result. First place isn't necessary, the second will suit them, too, as this means there is
room for further work. Often have a liking for the "extreme." If they have no opportunity
to realize their second function, they can sometimes deliberately create a problem - fall
into a very deep a financial or physical "hole", to then be able to work on getting out of
it. Often become good at sports. Able to work towards a victory creatively and
professionally. Actually there are many things that they are capable of. Can turn poverty
into wealth anywhere. They can manipulate external data of other people [translator's
note: one example of this "manipulation of external data of others" that can be observed
as Se-creatives easily picking up on flaws or fine points in someone's appearance,
facial features or mannerisms] . It is often useful to invite him to some business,
because he knows just the right thing to do so that it will yield some real profit. Uses
force creatively, knows when it is necessary to "tighten the screws" for his business and
when it is necessary to loosen them. Works in teams from exactly such a position of
creating the necessary balance of freedom and control over concrete situations. Can
make for good guardians in terms that children grow up not too spoiled and not too
intimidated: sometimes he gives encouragement, other times can apply pressure if
needed. If he undertakes training often achieves great results. Often they are parents of
outstanding athletes who started training at an early age. If he accumulates a lot of
negatives on his evaluative functions, the output is often given via the second function,
so it is very dangerous to anger and to provoke him. Can hide an offense for a long
time, not demonstratively giving it any value, since this function tries to appear adequate
to the outside world, provide a "good product", but at some point the "cup" grows full
and he can lose control: there is sudden outburst of aggression, such that the person
cannot understand himself what he had done, then come the consequences. Therefore,
it is extremely important for him to physically 'discharge': engage in sport or hobbies,
use a boxing pear as the last resort. It is better to let the negative out immediately rather
than to let it accumulate until it becomes too much - this way is best for everyone. They
know how to create for themselves and others a certain image, how to work with the
clothes, very innovative in this, create their own original style rather than following the
current fashion. If necessary, they know how to save money and make a living with very
little. Sometimes they are so clever in financial activities that can make money as if out
of thin air. They love to handle and manipulate forms: collect stamps or badges, cars,
build interiors, draw and paint. As children love to play with soldiers. Usually they do not
like when someone touches their things or belongings, as skillful manipulation of these
is their "product" so when someone does this they may appear to them as if a
competitor. They know how to handle things so that they serve them for many years -
turn this into an entire form of art. Old, used things they do not rush to throw out but
attempt to still use it somehow, thus find work for their second function.

Se as activating function of EIE (ENFj; Hamlet) and LIE (ENTj; Jack London)

For these people the most important thing in life is to be rich, powerful, beautiful,
successful, skillful. Perceives this as a challenge and ties his self-esteem to such things,
so worries a lot about them. If something does not come together, it becomes almost as
if a catastrophe. Often likes to dress to catch an eye, brightly, defiantly, as a way to
challenge others and prove their own beauty and success. Ruin, old age, lack of social
success, ugliness in terms of social standards for such a person can even become a
motive for suicide. In passive self-defense they may, on the contrary, cease to monitor
the appearance and go unkempt. In general, they tend to believe that a profession one
must leave on time, so as not to disgrace themselves. Afraid to look weak and like to
present themselves as bold, strong. For this reason they may, for example, engage in
martial arts, for "the show", to learn some tricks and dangerous maneuvers and show
them off wherever possible, as well as sports. Such a man needs to be constantly
taking to new heights and this, strangely enough, is also his weak point. Sometimes, if
everything is going smoothly in his life, at some point he can drop everything and go to
another town to "start over", thus increasing self-esteem. Very strongly socially
conditioned. If someone needs something - then automatically it becomes necessary for
him, and he will start trying to get it, too, using any method. What is intended for him
and lies within his reach bores him, if he doesn't need to win it over, to conquer it.
Hence there may be similar problems in personal relationships, that become a constant
race for the unattainable. And as soon as it becomes reachable, then all interest is lost -
this is the paradox.To be able to overcome everything and win is the main motive of
their activity. The worst thing for them - to lose, this means disgrace. Because of this, do
not like to get involved in those businesses where it is too difficult to win. On this
function there cannot be any large risks, thus he typically comes up with difficult, even
very complex tasks, but that are solvable and achievable. These tasks are most often
associated with existing skills, rather than requiring the development of new ones. They
need social success, a universal recognition of their victory. Can come up with an
unusual way to improve his self-esteem: suddenly fall ill, then go in for heavy treatment,
recover, and take this as his own achievement and victory.

Se as suggestive function in IEI (INFp; Esenin) and ILI (INTp; Balzac)

These people are always moving in the direction of greatest strength, wealth, success,
reliability, suggestible by the external form, appearance. They try to live a beautiful life,
whatever it costs them. One gets the impression that they always manage to be on the
winning side, on the side of the strongest party. If the balance of forces is switched,
likewise they will change their direction. Often attracted to strong people. They are
easily put into optimistic state of mind if "shaken up" a little - immediately become
charged by the received pulse. They constantly try to be in environment where they has
a sense of omnipotence: money, power, honor, glory, medals, etc. If they are at the the
bottom of social hierarchy, will attempt to climb up by any means necessary. If
something is being imposed on them, they are often not able to resist and oppose it,
easily suggestible by force. Thus they may act cold, distant and aloof, just in case, as to
not fall into such circumstances. A good place for him is where there is some kind of
action, active work, turbulent life. He becomes unconsciously "plugged in", involved in it,
and then later is surprised to discover himself where he did not expect himself to be. For
this reason, they need to be careful not to get involved by chance in some business or
project with which he had no desire to have an association. They are very easy pushed
into something, moved towards some solution, because these people are easily
manipulated by someone's force and suddenly find themselves besides such a person.
Often they do not take offense at the sarcastic jokes made in their own address, as they
also contain an element of force, may even perceive this as a hidden compliment.
Respond to this sarcastically as the situation in principle implies he needs to reply with
something for it. However, being drawn to strength and constantly going in the same
direction, sooner or later he may actually reach it, and not just try to discover and obtain
it. Sometimes they may try to provoke someone to use their force, for example, offer to
arrange a tournament in arm wrestling.

Fe as leading function in EIE (ENFj; Hamlet) and ESE (ESFj; Hugo)

The person lives through manifested relationships between people, their emotions and
feelings, can make a favorable impression, create a positive atmosphere. Conservative
in his estimates of how people relate to one another as well as to himself, as long as
their attitude does not change - this may cause irritation for him. Categorically rejects
those who treat others badly or act from base motives - for him such people are like a
red rag to a bull. Attached to those in whose sympathies he is confident. Knows how to
make people feel valued. Relations are perceived as something permanent and if a
person has changed, he won't believe it - it's an area of conservation for him. The
"good" should be "good" and "bad" - "bad". If they start behaving in a contrary manner,
this irritates him. Therefore, he doesn't want to believe that relations are changing until
he can no longer deny the facts, and even then he can try to blame someone else.
Never deliberately exacerbates relations. Multiple stable relationships and personal
connections form the foundation of his personality. Cannot spend time alone, if there is
nobody to relate to, if nobody needs him, then he doesn't exist. The world around him
should be good, kind, loving and caring. Sometimes he can search for a place among
the religious sects that preach the principle "love each other". If they cannot achiever
favorable disposition of others, this provokes anger and inferiority complex. Can be a
zealot about such things as behavioral norms, that people in certain situations must
demonstrate appropriate sense of the situation deviations from which can be annoying
to him. Needs a public. Any situation is primarily a combination of relations.

Fe as creative function in SEI (ISFp, Dumas) and IEI (INFp; Esenin)

This person perceives and manipulates the feelings of others very finely, a skilled
psychologist. He aims to be liked and sees his own purpose in this. Often likes non-
communicative persons who need to be brought into contact, brings them "light". He is
constantly involved in the process of ethical creation, can promise something just for the
sake of improving relations with someone. Rarely spends time time alone, as wherever
there are people he can make favorable impressions and create "good relations".
Knows how to advertise himself and how to create the right mood in a group or in
conversation with someone. Loves finding negative relations between people and
changing them into positive, bringing people together. When there is no necessity to
change anything on his personal front, may deliberately spoil relations so that he can
mend them later i.e. find work for his creative function. Can impose his wishes onto
others so that they look after them as if they were their own. The wishes and desires of
others often become his focus as they allow him to improve relations towards himself.
Likes risky, spontaneous relations. Knows how to persuade, ideal salesperson of goods
and services if such is his vocation. He is best for elevating moods, for bringing groups
together. But the inclination towards intrigues may cost him his position, as the fact that
he is able to discreetly pass off "white" as "black" and make it out "unscathed" sooner or
later becomes apparent if this happens too often.

Fe as activating function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and SLE (ESTp; Zhukov)

For this person it is important that everyone is positively predisposed towards him. He
does not like ambiguity in this matter and will strive to clarify the situation: "Lets get this
straight - do you respect me or not?" Even small changes can bring about these
clarification attempts: different facial expression, gaze, and so on. Often with age he
becomes a good psychologists as it allows him to keep up his self-esteem. Fixed on the
attitude of certain people and ignores the "public opinion". Very fond of social
recognition: honor, glory, respect, diplomas, regalia, etc. For the sake of good relations
can even work for free. Can offer to help out of sense of camaraderie. If there is
someone in his surrounding who shows negative feelings towards him, it decreases his
self-esteem. In active defense, he will try to win the good attitude of this person at any
cost, in passive defense, on the contrary, may admit to behaving poorly. If positive
relations do not exist, he can try to fix them at any price, or conversely, fall into
avoidance upon realizing the impossibility of changing anything. Fond of flattery, is
ready to support any opinion as well as come to compromise only to keep the positive
predisposition towards himself. If he does not agree with someone, can conduct
conversation very diplomatically. Communicating with people of this type one can feel
internal tension associated with fear of evoking negative response. Often they will think
ten times before saying anything, as if it is an important task. Move up the career ladder
often due to their ability to be considerate of others.

Fe as suggestive function in LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and LII (INTj; Robespierre)

Tries to find a place where he is treated well by everybody. If someone expresses

negative feelings towards him (for example, in a domestic fight his wife says, "I hate
you"), then he takes this literally and tries to get out of there immediately and find
another place where he is treated better. Therefore, they find it extremely difficult to be
in places where they do not know how others are predisposed towards them.
Appearance of someone who readily welcomes them is perceived as "the appearance
of Christ to the people." Very suggestible when someone tells him about what relations
exist between people. He likes positive emotions of other people, becomes as if
charged up by them. Moves in overall direction of prevailing positive tone in emotions
and avoids places with negative emotional charge. He does not like intrigue and gossip,
feels uneasy in such situations since here he can easily fall victim and be put at a
disadvantage. Therefore, he is critical of those who are not direct in communication,
who speak in private and not openly, is suspicious of this. Relations between people
should always be open, honest, and kind. What is said about one's relations should
coincide with one's actions, and if not - then something is wrong. Saying that you love a
person it should be demonstrated in action as well, and if your words are not visible -
then they are not true. Very suspicious about predisposition of others towards him,
suspects some kind of conspiracy. Even if suspicions are due to small detail, he either
immediately tries to break off relations with a person or to exclude his or her from his
inner circle, reducing contact with them to a minimum. Because of this he can
considered a defector - if he finds people who treat him better he may ally with them,
finding this a substantial enough argument to change sides. May fall victim to

Ni as leading function in IEI (INFp; Esenin) and ILI (INTp; Balzac)

This person considers himself to be very ideological, consistent, principled, and is very
conservative in this. Becomes irritated by those who criticize his ideas. He lives by the
"wholeness" of the internal situation. Often able to see "through" things, to the inner
essence of something or someone. Romantic and idealist. Lives by his internal
harmony, tranquility, serenity, is able to draw inspiration within himself, and gets
annoyed by those who try to disturb it. Generally does not like when people try to look
inside of him, gets frustrated and angry when this happens. Strives to be inwardly calm
in all situations and internally consistent. "Fluid like a river": involuntarily adjusts himself
to the interlocutor in conversation by taking form of consciousness that is best fitted for
the situation. By this he isn't playing a role, his consciousness is simply multifaceted
and he is directed by his inner "wholeness". That is, he simply presents a version of
himself. Communicating with you, he always feels your moods as if he is living through
them together with you, adjusts himself to this. Loves to introspect and to meditate. In
case of failure, can make a qualitative self-analysis. Being present in some place he as
if tunes himself out, tries to become invisible like a chameleon, especially if he
perceives it as a threat to his inner tranquility: for example, in the workplace so that no
one bothers him. Can even hide it in some clever way: arrange a barricade of folders so
that behind them he is not visible. Does not like restless, internally discordant
individuals, as their state can get transmitted to him, will try to escape from their
company at any price. This is especially funny in a situation where a male
representative of this type flees from ladies, and they pursue him like prey, because
they feel that he has something that they so desperately need: inner peace. But for him
this inner "wholeness" is not the product but material for inner consumption, so he can
only share this with a small number of people, but sometimes someone might snatch a
piece - this makes him very angry. Often, especially in circle of family, he becomes a
critic, since deviation in behavior away from his principles turns him aggressive. If in
another situation he will somehow restrain himself, at home he may allow himself to
explode with anger.

Ni as creative function of EIE (ENFj; Hamlet) and LIE (ENTj; Jack London)

These types like to find internally contradictory people, "dig" in them and create in them
internal harmony and mood. They make for great artists, because they know how to and
love to "become" one with an image of a man and play a role from his worldview. They
are able to understand the essence of complex internal situations and make for
potentially good analysts. Often it is difficult to find employment for them, as their
"product" is the internal conflicts of man and essence, and to penetrate so far, into "the
soul" of man, you just need to have permission. Often become unstable, vulnerable,
fragile, just so that they can harmonize themselves, and sometimes can start to torment
and tear into themselves and dig into their own issues. They have a difficulty finding
adequate application to their creative function in the world, since it is not in high demand
- not everyone wants someone else to dig into their internal states. Their product - bold
ideas, principles, systems of belief and knowledge that they bring into the world and
promote. But they do this beautifully, creatively, elegantly, not forcibly imposing them
but promoting them in interesting ways. Search for internally contradictory situations,
like to grasp their essence. Often realize themselves in art and writing, as this is also a
good way to use the function. They are able to enter into various internal psychological
states. A good speaker, as he is able to influence positively on the internal state of
others. Their product is the "wholeness" of the internal state, and therefore they can find
success in field of psychology, because it means that they are the healers of souls. In
life they loved to dramatize everything. Everyone around becomes informed about the
slightest change in their mood or internal state. Usually they are very fond of "making
mountains out of molehills", for them this is a way to find work for their second function.
The more they become exposed - the greater the realization of their personality in the

Ni as activating function of LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and ESI (ISFj; Dreiser)

The area of self-esteem of these types is the "wholeness" of the internal situation,
internal harmony, ideological consistency and consistency of principles, internal
tranquility. In order to protect this point, they usually just need a little break away from
the people on this issue to resolve the inner conflicts, so they almost always cope
successfully with this task. From the side, they always seem to be very consistent and
principled people. They always think, do and say the same things, that is, they never
contradict themselves and expect the same out of others. Sometimes, for this reason,
they are considered to be "too right". They are receptive to information only when it
bears no risk of destroying this inner balance, which sometimes makes them very
stubborn. Will never strike a deal with his principles. Usually makes an impression of a
restrained, polite, closed off, hidden, consistent person. Positive self-esteem is ensured
by his ideals that may correlate poorly with the surrounding reality, which may cause
neglect of what which is real. Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this
by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external
opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation: for example, position or
occupation which underlines the legitimacy of such actions and means and grants them
protection from the viewpoint of society. For example: "I am a soldier just doing my duty
for the motherland" is to be understood as: "this grants legitimacy to my actions ". Often
preach idealistic principles, stressing priority of ideas and principles over reality. Knows
how to lead people, as he wants to believe that he's not lying but truly believes in his
ideals. Finds that it's important to preserve internal "wholeness", thus he needs to feel
monolithic correctness of their actions in terms of consistency, devotion to principle.
Where the situation is too ambiguous, he will try to resolve it through simplification. In
principle and consistency - "good", not in principle and consistency - "bad." Do not like
those who sow contradictions and doubts. Even if he does something wrong, it's much
more comfortable for him to never know about it, thus his self-esteem will be protected,
so often will simply ignore it. For example, he may think that such people want to hurt
him so their opinion does not matter. In general, anything that might disturb his inner
ideational "wholeness" is not taken into account. "I may lose, but I will remain true to
myself." Very often it is more important to them.

Ni as suggestive function of SLE (ESTp; Zhukov) and SEE (ESFp; Napoleon)

People of these types prefer environments where they experience no inner discomfort,
contradictions with themselves, where ideas and principles are shared without requiring
an explanation. If this is not achievable, then they simply move somewhere else. They
like people who know how to raise their spirits, to create harmony in their soul, so that at
heart they feel good. Suggestible by elevated moods and optimism of others, do not like
to be in company of those whose spirits are low. May use alcohol or other substances to
quiet down the soul searching meanwhile believing that everyone does the same thing, ,
which can lead to alcoholism. Their main requirement for environment is that it should
not cause conflict with their ideals and principles. If this is not possible then he leaves
saying "this is not my world, I do not find this existence interesting." Cannot live in
conditions when the external situation "hurts the soul," brings up an inner "itch" that
cannot get scratched. If the place is comfortable, then it automatically everyone there is
accepted as their own, since they share his beliefs, and thus such place already has all
the prerequisites to do and create what he sees fit. Therefore, likes to be accepted
"warts and all" creating a microcosm of "own" people who accept each other's
weaknesses and live with it. Treats such world and such people as "his clan", but can
position himself as the "godfather." Existing in such microcosm he will put it in
opposition with the "alien" worlds that do not share his principles. This person is aware
of the need to maintain inner harmony, but rarely succeeds in this task, often swerves
off the course and heads somewhere else. To keep it he needs someone who will
intervene and extinguish these "flashes", who will reason through them and calm him
down, something like: "Why are you so wound up? Everything is fine, it's good. " Poorly
predictable in his behaviors for this reason, you never which mood will hover over him
today and what he will do for this reason.

Ti as leading function in LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and LII (INTj; Robespierre)

Very attached to his understanding of something, his thinking, his logic and concepts,
confident and conservative in these. It is impossible to convince him otherwise, as he
"lives" by this, but does not necessarily share his understanding with others. If his
understanding does not converge with facts, then at times he will judge the facts to be
of lower value. Any attempts at criticizing his understanding make him feel irritated. He
knows how reason logically, but does not like to defend his vision of the situation:
"Those who understood - understood, the rest don't have it in them". Thus he often
surrounds himself with those who accept his logical judgments and who do not make
attempts to dispute them. Changes his thinking with great difficultly and needs a lot of
time to reflect on mistakes. Likes it when everything converges with the way he
understands it. If this cannot be achieved - experiences irritation. Therefore, one can
only persuade him using solid arguments. He is often skeptical of new information, if he
is unsure in something: everything must be carefully weighed before saying "yes." His
thinking is like a foundament - it is solid, something that can be "leaned on" in any
situation, thus in this matter there cannot be any risks. It is difficult to require from them
to immediately approve someone else's views. In general, he tries to understand
everything first, and only then accept it for himself. If it is something he cannot
understand, then mastering new information progresses slowly, since it is difficult to
accept it for himself. Thus he can spend very long time learning something before
utilizing it, even if the question is very simple.
Ti as creative function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and SLE (ESTp; Zhukov)

Likes to deliver long, detailed, creative explanations, excellent teacher or instructor, "I
will explain for as long as they will listen, until I'm 100% sure that everyone understood
everything." Asking him a question sometimes you will be listening to an answer for
hours. Sometimes he simply looks for someone to speak about his understanding of
something (escaping such a situation can be difficult, unless one tells him so directly).
Something similar can be observed with objective logic, Te, as a second function, but
here the emphasis is not on providing facts but rather on others gaining an
understanding. For this reason, at times his explanations are simplified and delivered as
if for little children. Such person is constantly looking for an audience with questions, but
he explains material not in terms of knowledge, but from the standpoint of how he
understands it, that is more lucidly and meticulously. He may gravitate towards a field
where something has not been studied and understood before, may start exploring
unknown for him spheres in which he has no qualifications, since this will allows him to
develop and expand the scope of "understanding", which is very tempting for Ti as
creative function.

Ti as activating function of SEI (ISFp; Dumas) and IEI (INFp; Esenin)

It is very important for such person to understand everything. If you inquire about some
difficult question from him, you may hear that he understands it, but only in a very
peculiar way. If he is unable to understand something, it lowers his self-esteem, thus he
doesn't like to admit that he hasn't understood something. He enjoys being praised for
his logic, likes to boast that he has thought up of something himself. Often likes to refer
to some stories from everyday life, because nobody would think of checking their
validity. In general, likes to make references to somebody else as a way of protecting
his arguments (since then the responsibility for objectivity is passed on to this person).
Realizes himself in areas that do not require factual confirmation. In passive self-
defense he will admit to not understanding something, call himself stupid, or complain
that no one understands him. In active self-defense he will argue that he understands
everything correctly. His logic is the logic of common sense and everyday life, so it is
difficult to argue with it. Everything that comes into his life must be understood and
comprehended. And he, coming into other people's lives, hopes to be understood by
them. Afraid to be mistaken in his understanding of something, but on occasion can
very easily change his explanation, but so that it is not very conspicuous ("sure
crocodiles can fly, but very, very close to the ground"). Worries often and tries to clarify
matters of mutual understanding with others, "you did not understand me, I hoped it
would be better this way". Wants to be appreciated for his sincerity.

Ti as suggestive function EIE (ENFj; Hamlet) ESE (ESFj; Hugo)

Deliberately searches for a place where everything is clear and avoids those places
where something remains unclear, primarily from the point of view of common sense.
Needs people who know how to make complicated things more understandable and
becomes attached to such people. If you tell him that something is going to be difficult to
understand, then he won't even make attempts. If you tell him that it will be easy to
understand, he will become inspired by this. Very suggestible by understanding of other
people and, in general, by any logic, thus can easily believe in the most bizarre and
unrealistic things, very easy to convince. Loves to learn, but to those courses where
everything is explained in meticulous detail. Lectures where instructor simply gives
terms and facts repel him, as each term must be explained to him in detail. Can easily
get tricked because of this suggestibility through logic. Wherever someone gives them
explanations so that everything is simple and clear, they will favor such place. In
situations where he doesn't understand something, may pretend to be stupid,
uninterested, or bored. Becomes angry with those who know but refuse to explain what
it is not clear to him; believes that they are mocking him. The best environment for him
is where everything is 100% understandable.

Si as leading function of SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and SEI (ISFp; Dumas)

These people live with sensory pleasures of life and look for them everywhere: great
food, a comfortable chair, a variety of good, stable physiological sensations. Often
consider themselves to be experts in their physical tastes: "If I love warmth, then
everyone who likes cold is a walrus". Very self-confident in matters of health, can put
their views about health "above" the opinions of the doctors or even to treat their advice
as irrelevant. Almost always have good health, but excessive enthusiasm for sensory
pleasures of life can sabotage them. Smoking, alcohol, gluttony - it is very difficult to just
give it up. At the same time on these issues they have very conservative tastes. If he is
involved in the kitchen, such skills come to him easily if he is predisposed to such
activity. But can be very critical of cooking of others, especially high-risk atypical dishes.
Often carry all that is necessary for comfort with them. Freely talk about intimate
matters, don't consider it necessary to hide any of this from strangers, like to talk about
their illnesses and inner workings of their bodies. Conservative in his sensory
experiences, so in these matters, he is very attentive. Confident in his invulnerability
and reliability. If he senses or feels something, then he won't listen to anyone and will
do everything "in his own way." He likes reliable things that can be used to "bend a
horseshoe", and indeed such an idea may come to his mind easily. Has good control of
his body and its plasticity. Have a need to always feel something physically, to confirm
own presence in the world, and will surround themselves with such things: warm carpet,
woolen socks, soft kitten, baoding balls for spinning in hands. Fuss a lot over issues of
convenience, but does not worry, this fussing is a way to maintain a conversation.

Si as creative function of ESE (ESFj; Hugo) and LSE (ESTj; Stirlitz)

This person is an expert in physical comfort and sensory pleasures, he likes to deliver
this as "products" to other people. Enjoys cooking, approaches this issue very
creatively, though sometimes too creatively and his dishes come out as too specific.
Great experimenter in a variety of sensations, like their maximum diversity. Proposal to
try a rare exotic dish will often be welcomed. These people make for good massage
therapists. Take care of their loved ones in physical sense. They know how to create
coziness and comfort in some not intended for this place. Creative and skillful in matters
of medicine: if it turns out they need to do a surgery "in the field", they will do it gladly,
without any experience. Generally likes to treat other people, to make their bodies
healthier, to conduct experiments on how to improve the state of the body or make it
more beautiful: hardening, changing of appearance, weight loss, etc. Also love to taste
anything and experience unexpected tastes, smells, physical sensations, and share this
with others around them. Run around all day with offers to their close ones: "try eating
these berries", "smell this, smells pleasant like a flower," "do you want me to massage
your shoulders?", "maybe you want some candy with jam?". If someone asks them for
some sensory pleasure often it is very difficult for them to refuse. In connection to this
they may get into some rather strange sensate territory just because somebody
requested something of them.

Si as activating function of EII (INFj; Dostoevsky) and LII (INTj; Robespierre

Many of the concerns of people center around issues of health, usefulness /

harmfulness, reliability, and this is usually evident. They are often like walking medical
guides - know what should be taken and when in the event of sickness. These
questions serve as the foundation of their self-esteem, so in these matters they are not
afraid to go too far: winter swimming, training, jogging in the morning, drinking
specialized products for promotions of health. Often attracted to alternative medicine.
Anything that can improve their health holds their interest. They are very weary of the
slightest dangers to their physical well-being: when it's cold - they are the first to notice
the need to dress warmer. May ask to reduce speed when someone is driving too fast.
Any threats to their well-being are unacceptable - even if one screw comes loose they
see it as a potential threat to their lives and refuse to move in a way. Always check
machinery and equipment for the most trifling reasons. Never confide "packing their
parachute" to someone else. If they have any health problems, for them this is a serious
blow to self-esteem. In active defense of this function will seek to prove their physical
soundness, to be the first to undertake physical hardships (say, the first to carry heavy
furniture during community gatherings). In passive defense will say: "Yes, I am old and
sick." All that can be used to confirm their physical soundness, will be given priority. So
they like to exercise as a way to prove that they are still capable. The most terrible
punishment for them is to lay helplessly ill in bed in the presence of other people. They
like to be confident in the medical plan of the organization for which they are working.
They often become hostages of the word "beneficial" especially if it relates to health.
Usually demonstrate a lot of care about social security, debt to the people by the
government. They fear of getting into a situation where there is no one around to give a
glass of water. To convince themselves that their health is ok, for them it is desirable to
periodically somehow "feel" their body strength: hiking, rock climbing, marathons,
triathlon, etc. If the test is passed, then their physical well-being is considered to be fine.
Si as suggestive function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)

These sociotypes always move in the direction of places where there is physical comfort
and constancy, pleasant sensations, and cannot deny themselves in this. Where they
are physically comfortable, such places are good, even if they are very expensive. Love
fine food, massage, rubbing. Having found one place where they feel comfortable, such
as a restaurant - could go there for dinner across town. Avoid places which lack all of
his needed physical facilities. Food lovers, slaves to their preferences and habits. If they
have a sweet tooth, will consume sweets by kilograms. Often determines the state of
their physical being by the words of others, easily suggestible by this. Sometimes can
try to recreate at home the elements of the place where they felt most comfortable
physically. Quickly become accustomed to the "good" and this becomes their weakness
in the future - without it they cannot endure. Suggestible by authorities on issues of
health - if he is told that he needs to have something treated, he will easily believe it. In
this context, can fall prey to "snake oil physicians". May forget to eat on time or to take
medicine, to sleep, thus are in need of caring parents or spouses.

Fi as leading function of ESI (ISFj; Dreiser) and EII (INFj; Dostoevsky)

This person is very tenacious in his attachments and conservative in his feelings and
attitudes towards another, keeps true to the feelings he develops. If someone does not
agree with his valuation, it irritates him immensely. Someone who has deceived him
once he will consider a liar forever, even if the person changes. Due to this, from aside
he is often seen as a moralist, as these feelings and evaluations are the main part of his
life. The product of leading function is often not shown to the outside world but instead
is kept inside. Thus this happens most often when something annoys him in terms of its
values. The negative is often seen more clearly than the positive. Thus he may hold
onto such false impressions. Attempting to challenge their assessment is useless, for
them something is just "good" and something is just "bad" and they will not be able to
communicate clearly why this is so, except for making some general statements. Tries
to keep himself near those with whom positive relationship was once established. Their
division of people into "good" and "bad" is very clear-cut. The "good" people are liked
and the "bad" people are despised; often this is hidden but if the person evoke a
strongly negative response they may express it openly. If there are not enough people
around him whom he values, this may inspire in him aggression, because this means
that he doesn't exist. He is very sensitive to such concepts as duty, honor, dignity,
morality, that is - to his own perception of these concepts. For him his own feelings,
emotions, attitudes are important, not external, public ones, which may not be given any
importance. He rarely changes his attitude towards anyone, especially from low
evaluation to a higher one. He has a large supply of different emotions and their various
nuances. He is very sensitive to other people deviating from his own moral code - it is
as if he is constantly controlling them in this respect and taking care of them. His
positive feelings are something that should be confirmed by behavior that coincides with
his expectations of what is "good" and "bad". In society, they are sometimes
misunderstood since their ethics are personal, subjective, and therefore may deviate
significantly from what is accepted as a norm. But he is deeply entrenched into this
subjective perception, thus his only resort is to find those who agree with him and
accept him for it.

Fi as creative function in SEE (ESFp; Napoleon) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)

He is frequently conveying to others his attitude towards them. Uses his own attitude
towards someone to manipulate them. Aims to give his evaluation to everything that
surrounds him, judges what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. Sometimes he can change his
sympathies and antipathies several times a day, very amorous and inconstant in this
respect. Looks for a place where others would be interested in his views on any issue.
Thus he may find his vocation as artistic director, since in this sphere his judgement is
often accepted and valued. As a manager or leader his approach remains the same,
however, acceptance of his judgement here will be lower. He himself refers to his
evaluations as "work in progress", something mundane, commonplace to him: first he
praises someone, then scolds them, then praises them again. Not being in a position to
do this, it looks inadequate, so often this serves as incentive for him to achieve such a
position, and thus quietly "sell" his products for which there is small demand in society.
Usually none at all, because those who are critical of everyone often no one likes. He is
frequently perceived as someone who has arrived with "his own charter in a foreign
land". He immediately begins to look and evaluate everything: "this is good, but that is
poor" "I like this, but not that". He is interested in conflict situations, and can even
provoke them since then he will have a job: to assess. These people often win the
sympathies of others by participating in their problems: they are aware and interested in
them, they can adjust to another person to better get in touch. Therefore, they often
make for good politicians. Their advantage is the ability to play on requests of the
voters, to know what they want. Their relations are rarely reliable - "today I like you,
tomorrow you're not in favor, and day after I like you again". Even their hate can easily
one day turn into love. For them feelings is alike an interesting game. They know price
to everything, so can make for good evaluators and tasters. Seldom they leave a
member of opposite sex without their assessment. Their assessments can sometimes
sound like moralizing, but there is no consistency to their judgements. Sometimes the
situation requires that they adapt their valuation to "opinions of others." In such cases
they may put it into more acceptable formulation, for example "it is said that ...". If you
try to specify who is saying that, it turns out that he has merely used the phrase about
public opinion to cunningly hide his own opinion.

Fi as activating function in SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and ILI (INTp; Balzac)

It is important for him to relate to others around him, to feel good about them, to value
and love someone. If they don't like someone, it also lowers their self-esteem. "I'm bad if
I don't love anybody." They have two ways out of the situation, either way of a Buddhist
- to admit that the world is not perfect and love it for what it is, or to imagine a perfect
world and perfect people and love this, but in real life go on without strong feelings. All
other options imply self-esteem problems, as in the case of idealization of people close
to him, sooner or later he will have to deal with their shortcomings. De-idealization
means very negative feelings and a drop of his self-esteem. They need to have
opportunities to express their personal attitudes and judgements, talk about what they
love, what they are doing. Idealization of the surrounding world is their main problem. It
is important for them to have permission to express their attitude frankly. Therefore,
they often choose living environment where they are received well, having contact only
with it, because here with certainty they can disclose their thoughts. He likes to tell the
truth and hopes that it will be perceived adequately, even if it is hurtful. He will say "but I
have been honest". Tries to protect himself from any interference in his internal feelings.
Often you can hear from him, "do look into my soul." Generally like to keep a distance
from objects of adoration, since this way it is much easier to not be disappointed.
Ideally, he should have an opportunity to periodically spend time away to himself. Can
also invest his love into animals or even some kind of mystical entity; this way it is
easier to maintain his self-esteem. In a long-term relationship with someone, sooner or
later he becomes a moralist, since this is a good way to force someone to conform to
his ideals. In passive self-defense will say that all people around him are bastards.

Fi as suggestive function in LSE (ESTj; Stirlitz) and LIE (ENTj; Jack London)

People of these types strive to find themselves in environment where they like
everything and everyone. If they don't like something or someone - this is a reason to
change their environment. Very receptive when he is told how someone else should be
treated. When he does not know how to treat someone, feels uncomfortable - needs
those who can explain this to him. Looks for a place where he would be allowed to
communicate his assessments and attitudes. If this is allowed - the place seems
welcoming to him. In this regard, he is very mistrustful and and often tries to rely on
some objective data. Very suggestible by the valuations of those who are close to him,
and through this he can be taken advantage of. Having found himself in some new
place, if there is such a person there, he will try to listen to his/her evaluations and then
adopt them as his own. The best place for him is where he has a circle of close and
trusted friends. He likes situations where he knows or can accurately assess how
everything should be treated and valuated: "this is white and that is black." If he lacks
such clarity, he may feel uncomfortable. It is very painful for him to part with his groups
of friends or team where he worked - memories will bring him to bouts of nostalgia. It is
very hurtful for him to lose a friend, a comrade, a colleague, whom he has known for a
long while. Same applies to his personal life. Sometimes he might deliberately provoke
a scandal and use it as a way to express his attitude towards someone or something,
since another method of delivery would require the approval of the group or collective,
but this way he can freely give his assessment as is. And then move on to his real
valuations, which now he can safely speak about. If he has feelings for someone, he
can turn a blind eye to everything, as he is very suggestible by love - it makes him blind.
It's a feeling that warms him contrary to all common sense. In general, under such
circumstances, the position of this function results in a very dangerous situation
because such a person can be easily 'programmed' to any feelings for anyone (fall prey
to sycophancy). Then you can just push him to take action and no hypnosis is even
necessary - he will act believing it is out of his best intentions.

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