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*Form 5

*Make a copy for Senior Project Box & turn in

Due March 8​th
Project Self-Evaluation

Name: Date:

Using ​COMPLETE SENTENCES​, answer ​ALL​ the questions regarding your individual project. Don’t forget
to ​BOLD​ your answers!

1. To assist the evaluating committee, please describe (in detail) your completed project in at least ​three
mature sentences.

For my senior project, I volunteered at the animal shelter. I would generally go there on monday
nights, and help take care of the animals that were kept there. I cleaned the cages, took inventory, and
made sure that each animal was healthy.

2. Fill in the blanks:

A. Estimated total hours spent on project: ​16

B. Date project started: ​November 13, 2017
C. Date project completed: ​February 22, 2018
D. What was the most unique material you used or most unique experience you encountered?
I was not required to use any materials to complete my hours.

E. Would you recommend your project area for others? _​Yes​_ Explain your answer:

Before I had this project idea, I was getting very stressed out on what I would do for it.

3. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation? Explain your answer.

No, I think I put enough time and effort into this project to present it to whoever I need to.

4. List two things you have learned (about yourself and product) after completing this entire project:

1. ​I have learned that I procrastinate too much, instead of getting my work done on time.

2. ​I ‘ve found out that I may want to look into a career dealing with animals in my future.

5. List all personal satisfactions or knowledge you gained from this project:

1. I had a great time dealing with all of the cats that were there.

2. I have realized that putting in volunteer hours feels really good, because you are helping animals
that have no home.
6. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or community members?
For example: “​I never knew you knew so much …”—Mrs. Terrell.

“I think it’s important to volunteer and help out lost animals in the community.” -Mr. Davidson

7. Describe what level of growth you experienced in completing this project. Consider not only the physical
growth, but also an emotional or intellectual challenge.
I now appreciate volunteering much more than I had before this project. Volunteering makes you
feel really good about yourself, and you’re giving back to the community at the same time. Also,
since I helped at the animal shelter, I got to pet a bunch of cats.

8. List problems you encountered:

1.​ It was difficult to come up with a topic for my research paper.

2. ​I took too long to start getting my hours in.

9. Describe how you handled/solved these problems:

1. ​I had to think of many ideas for a thesis before i settled on one that had numerous articles about

2. ​I moved around some of my plans to be able to volunteer on days that I normally would not

10. Is your project original or creative in any way? Explain.

No, my project has been done by many students throughout the past years. Before this project, I had
never done any volunteer work.

11. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from experience?

If given the opportunity, I would not change my project, but I would start volunteering much sooner
than I had.

12. What grade would you give yourself for your project? _​B​-__
Explain why you would give yourself this grade in at least two, specific, mature sentences.

I would give myself this grade because I believe that I put in a good amount of effort while
completing it. I would have to take off points because I could have a stronger research paper, as
well as completing more hours earlier.

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