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KB 160098

Delete a list of DIGIPASS from IDENTIKEY

Authentication Server with a TCL script

Creation date: 29/09/2016 Last Review: 29/09/2016 Revision number: 20

Document type: How To Security status: EXTERNAL

IDENTIKEY Authentication Server (IAS) comes with a command line interface that
allows you run bulk processes with a TCL script. The following procedure will
demonstrate how to run a TCL script that takes in a source file which contains a list of
DIGIPASS serial numbers and then delete the DIGIPASS from the system.

1. Copy the following script to a file and save it with .tcl format.

# Delete DIGIPASS from input file

set dp_result [open dp_result.txt w]

#Logon to IAS with ODBC data store

logon {userid admin password Test1234}

#uncomment the next line if you use AD datastore


#read in source file containing serialNumber

set tokens [open "digipass_source.csv" r]

set number 0

#process the file

while { [gets $tokens dp] >= 0 } {

set dpRecord [split $dp ","]

set serialNumber [lindex $dpRecord 0]

Applies to: IDENTIKEY Authentication Server, TCL

KB 160098– 29/09/2016 Page 1 of 3
 2016 VASCO Data Security. All rights reserved.
catch {digipass delete "serial_no $serialNumber"} dpResult

puts "Result: $serialNumber $dpResult"

puts $dp_result "Result: $serialNumber $dpResult"

incr number

close $tokens

#Prints number of lines

puts "Number of lines in source file: $number"

2. Create a source file containing the serial numbers. Please note that the name of
the source file should be reflected in the following line in the script.

set tokens [open "digipass_source.csv" r]

3. Run the script with the following command.

c:\Program Files\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication
Server\bin>dpadmincmd.exe delete_DIGIPASS.tcl

Applies to: IDENTIKEY Authentication Server, TCL

KB 160098– 29/09/2016 Page 2 of 3
 2016 VASCO Data Security. All rights reserved.
4. The Results will be displayed in the Command Prompt as well as written to

Applies to: IDENTIKEY Authentication Server, TCL

KB 160098– 29/09/2016 Page 3 of 3
 2016 VASCO Data Security. All rights reserved.

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