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Focus on strategies and techniques to create and build positive relations.
Procedure and results.
Competence 1. Listening

1. Turn to page 23 of your student's book, Culture Clash, 7.

2. Watch video A2.
3. While listening to the second meeting, answer the questions to 7.
4. Turn to activity 8. Complete the phrases then match each phrase to the correct
positive attitude.
5. Present your answers to the teacher.
Exc 7.
How have Ed and Jack’s attitudes to their own and to each other’s cultures changed since
their first meeting? They start interchanging ideas, they were more open to the
other making a positive communication

What do they decide tu suggest?

They decide to make a proposal about being late to the meetings.

Exc. 8
1-e 5-b
2-d 6-c

Competence 2. Speaking

1. Work in pairs.
2. Turn to page 23 of your student's book, Culture Clash, 9.
3. Read the question. Decide who is A and who is B.
4. Turn to the correct pages and then read the agenda.
5. Discuss the agenda.
6. Evaluate your performance using the checklist on page 123.

Competence 3. Reading

1. Turn to page 23 of your student's book, Culture Clash, 5.

2. Read the slide on cultural sensitivity.
3. Match the beginnings with the endings in the slide.
4. Present your answers in a class feedback.

1-c 5-e
2-a 6-d

Competence 4. Writing

1. Turn to page 23 of your student's book, Culture Clash, 6.

2. Read the question and write a report based on your answers and the checklist in
question 2.
3. Present your report to class.

When I was in High School I went to Canada, I met a lot of persons from
different countries, so I used cultural sensitivity. But it was easy to communicate
with the others culture because we were respecting differences and we were
avoiding making temptation to make converts. We also where talking about our
culture and talking about them. Jack and Ed would have a better
communication if they would have identify and share common values.

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